Last lunar eclipse c. Research on the impact of solar eclipses on the human body

Among the astrological events of 2017 are two solar and two lunar eclipses. They carry a powerful impulse that can lead to unexpected changes. Under their influence, events are possible that take us out of the comfort zone, forcing us to look at circumstances with a fresh look, to take on something new, or, in another version, to do away with the old.

However, they should not be feared. If earlier these celestial phenomena were considered as ominous omens, then at present astrologers have moved away from such interpretations. Now the prevailing point of view is that they measure the stages of life, help to set priorities correctly, to define new goals.

In general, the energies of solar and lunar eclipses in 2017 are much more favorable than in the previous year. The stars promise support for plans and undertakings, and our task is to take advantage of our chances.

To find out when the next solar and lunar eclipse is in 2017, see the article below.

Lunar eclipses in 2017

Partial lunar eclipse August 7, 2017

The second lunar eclipse occurs on August 7, 2017 at 18:20 UTC or 21:20 Moscow time. It can be seen in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica. Most of Russia (except Far East) can also be observed.

This lunar eclipse, like the previous one, occurs on the zodiac axis Leo - Aquarius, when the Moon at 15 degrees Aquarius forms opposition with the Sun in Leo. There is a balance of the elements of Fire and Air - the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius form a harmonious relationship with Jupiter in Libra and Saturn in Sagittarius. All this inspires good hopes and allows us to expect a favorable outcome of events. This celestial phenomenon marks an important turning point, offering to forget the disappointments of the past and boldly enter a new phase of life. The creativity of Leo and the creativity of Aquarius are a happy combination, and the optimism of Jupiter and the sanity of Saturn complement it. By expressing yourself creatively, you will feel liberated and shine with your own light.

Solar eclipses in 2017

During a solar eclipse, the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, temporarily blocking the sunlight so that it cannot reach the Earth. In astrology, eclipses of the Sun are considered to open up new perspectives and push us to travel to unknown worlds. Although under their influence in life upheavals can occur, they are excellent for stimulating personal growth.

Annular solar eclipse February 26, 2017

Occurs on February 26, 2017 at 14:58 UTC or 17:58 Moscow time. This celestial event can be seen in South and West Africa, South America, Antarctica. On the territory of Russia, it will not be visible.

In the eclipse chart, the Sun and Moon at 8 degrees Pisces are conjunct Mercury and Neptune, so the energies are quite chaotic and diffuse. The influence of Neptune in Pisces plunges us into an ocean of fantasy, but the presence of Mercury reminds us of the need to remain objective and sensibly assess the facts. However, its impact can be positive in many areas, especially for creative people and people of art. Some can literally change their lives completely.

Total solar eclipse August 21, 2017

Second solar eclipse in 2017 falls on August 21, it will take place at 18:21 UTC or 21:21 Moscow time. It can be observed in the USA and Canada, Central and South America, Western Europe, West Africa. In Russia, partial phases are visible in the northeast of the country (Chukotka).

The August eclipse is significantly different from the February one, its impact will positively affect everyone, regardless of the sign of the Zodiac. The Sun and Moon at 28 degrees Leo form a conjunction with Mars, simultaneously trine with Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Sagittarius. This is a beneficial combination, so it makes sense to plan important things and not doubt your abilities. The results will be impressive, but you should not hope for their quick achievement, because Saturn, the "guardian of time", is involved in the aspect. Most of all, solar energy will affect long-term projects, designed for many months and even years.

On August 7, you must have observed an unusual phenomenon - a lunar eclipse. It was interesting because it was observed throughout Russia, as well as throughout Eurasia, in East Africa, in Australia and New Zealand, on the islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The earth's shadow covered a quarter of the lunar disk. The largest phase of the eclipse was observed between 20:00 and 22:00 Moscow time, the peak of the event was the full moon at 21:20. The shadow of the earth is much larger than the moon, so it does not completely darken, but only scatters the light. The eclipse does not hide part of the lunar disk from view, but darkens it, giving it a reddish tint.

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There are usually 2-3 lunar eclipses per year, each of which is necessarily paired with a solar eclipse. The eclipse, paired with a partial lunar eclipse on August 7, will occur on August 21 from about 20:00 to 23:00 Moscow time. It will be complete and will pass a strip of 200 km across the United States, affecting the UK and Chukotka. We would like to talk more about this upcoming important astronomical event. A week ago we already talked about it, what solar eclipses are and how our ancestors treated them. The upcoming solar eclipse will occur in 2 weeks and it is important to start preparing for it now.

So. A total solar eclipse will occur on August 21. The shadow from the eclipse will practically not affect the territory of Russia. And for the most part, it will only affect the United States, which is why it is also called American. But! This does not mean that this phenomenon will not affect the rest of the world. It has long been believed that a solar eclipse is a bad sign. After all, the flow of our great luminary, albeit for a while, is blocked by the Moon.

During strong natural phenomena - magnetic storms, explosions on the Sun and eclipses - the number of patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases is increasing. Interestingly, astrologers think much more radically. They believe that during the eclipse conflicts are excluded in families, at work. It is necessary to treat close people very carefully if you do not want to lose them, - astrologer Lyubov Shekhmatova is sure.

Research on the impact of solar eclipses on the human body

By the way, the human body reacts to a solar eclipse. And this was proven by Siberian medical scientists from the Research Institute of Space Anthropoecology. During the solar eclipse on March 29, 2006, they observed the condition of 40 volunteers. The study was conducted on two groups: 20 healthy young people and 20 patients of the Scientific Center for Clinical and Experimental Medicine. All volunteers were measured indicators of the work of the heart, brain and bioactive points on the skin. Scientists were surprised when the human body began to react to a natural phenomenon as soon as the solar disk began to be covered by the Moon. An hour after the eclipse, 70% of hypertensive patients from the second group had increased blood pressure, narrowed the vessels, and the heart increased the power of blood ejection, which began to flow unevenly to different hemispheres of the brain. Nervous system volunteers was clearly incapacitated.

Historical statistics also show that during eclipses the level of man-made accidents on Earth is sharply increasing: catastrophes and earthquakes, epidemics and wars, riots and accidents of various kinds. All sorts of fatal events often occur during eclipses. For example, Princess Diana died two days before the eclipse on September 2nd. Another example is the sinking of the Titanic. It was launched into the water during an eclipse, and on April 12, 1912, it sank, also literally before the “celestial event”. If we talk about the states, then the date of the founding of Yugoslavia in 1918 also fell on the eclipse. This state has ceased to exist and the peoples living on its territory are pursuing a streak of failures.

Many coups, riots, military conflicts were adjusted to a solar eclipse. The famous rebellion of General Mushsharaf in Pakistan, according to some sources, a protege of the CIA, which led to a change in power in the country and its political course as a whole, was specifically timed to coincide with the moment of the eclipse, which gave strength to the general himself and weakened his opponents. The general himself was born precisely at the moment of the eclipse and managed to dispose of this in his favor.

According to astrologers, the eclipse begins 2 weeks before its peak.. Already 2 weeks before the eclipse, there is a condensation of energy on planet Earth, including mental images. Therefore, the closer to the eclipse, the more likely they are to be realized in the future. Our ancestors, knowing in advance about the eclipse, devoted this time to prayers and repentance. So let's follow their example and don't waste those 2 weeks before the eclipse. And on the very day of the eclipse on August 21 on our website will be streamed all day dedicated to him. Also, the broadcast will take place during the beginning of the eclipse - at 21.00 Moscow time.

The fact of the existence of such a phenomenon as a solar or lunar eclipse excited the minds of many sages for more than three and a half thousand years, they began to observe this phenomenon from 1136 BC, when this phenomenon was first recorded. At first, it was noticed that there are more lunar eclipses than solar ones. The lunar ones happen only when the Moon enters the full moon phase, and the solar ones happen only at the moments of the complete absence of the Moon (new moon). A couple of thousand years after the first lunar eclipse recorded in the annals, astrologers learned how to compose schedule, and calculate the date of each of them, determined the nature of their phenomenon.

Calendar of solar and lunar eclipses for 2017

As you know, the planets move in an orbit, which for the Earth has a pronounced ellipse shape, somewhat inclined. Due to this angle of inclination of the plane of rotation of our planet relative to the plane of motion of the Moon, eclipses do not occur every month, but only from time to time. For this it is necessary that the Sun, Moon and Earth were on the same straight line.

Solar eclipses in 2017

During , we are lucky to witness two solar eclipses: total and annular. What's happened full eclipse It is not difficult to guess the sun - this is a phenomenon in which the Moon completely covers the solar disk, and people who observe what is happening from the Earth will not see the Sun at all.

The phenomenon of an annular solar eclipse is not much more complicated. During such an event, a certain rim will be visible from the Earth, which will remain from the Sun when it hides behind the lunar surface. An annular solar eclipse will occur February 26, 2017 we can see the total solar eclipse August 21, 2017(see calendar).

Lunar eclipses in 2017

Lunar eclipses occur only during full moons, in 2017 there will be two of them: penumbral and partial. To understand what it is, you should learn about what a shadow and penumbra are. These definitions are especially familiar to artists, who have to work with similar techniques in painting to create the illusion of volume on paper. In life, shade and penumbra are found everywhere. But this phenomenon acquires the largest scale in space. The moon casts its shadow on the Earth, around which there is a large penumbra circle - a shadow into which the sun's rays penetrate, making it transparent and weak.

A penumbral lunar eclipse implies that during this phenomenon the Earth will not fall under the direct lunar shadow, but only in its penumbra, which is why the change in the brightness of the moon's illumination will not be fixed with the naked eye. A penumbral lunar eclipse will happen February 11, 2017. In the case when the Moon falls under the earth's shadow only partially, astrologers talk about a partial lunar eclipse. It will be possible to watch August 7, 2017(see calendar above).

The effect of eclipses on humans

In addition to the psychological impact, lunar and solar eclipses also affect the well-being of a person. During such phenomena, cases of hypertensive abnormalities are not uncommon, which causes headaches, heart palpitations and even bouts of irritability.

Lunar and solar eclipses in 2017

Since ancient times, the Moon and the Sun have been special objects for people to worship, and their eclipses caused real horror and awe. Nowadays, there is no longer a big stir associated with these luminaries, but the influence of solar and lunar eclipses on people still cannot go unnoticed.

A solar eclipse affects events and external world surrounding us. Lunar eclipse - on the subconscious and emotions.

On eclipse days, we often become very suspicious, restless, irritable and insecure. There is a certain disorientation in one's own life and thoughts. Therefore, it is very important to postpone the solution of important tasks for another period.

What can not be done on eclipse days?

Complain about life
- start new business
- hold important events
- make big deals
- to confront
- overwork
- go on a diet, start a cycle of physical exercises
- go to surgery
- make big purchases
- make any fateful decisions

What can you do on the day of the eclipse?

Get rid of bad habits (for example, you can quit smoking)
- spend more time in solitude
- meditate or chant mantras
- read affirmations and affirmations
- (very effective!)

Days of solar and lunar eclipses in 2017

February 11, 2017 at 03:45 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (under the sign of Leo)
You can observe: in Russia (except for the eastern territories), Asia, Africa, Europe and America. An excellent period for creative activity. You may be visited by unprecedented inspiration. The secret can become clear, probably an aggravation of intuition. It is very important to compromise. If you want to end something (especially in a relationship), do it (letting go is much easier).

February 26, 2017 at 17:58 - Annular Solar Eclipse (under the sign of Pisces)
Can be observed: in Antarctica, South America, Western and South Africa. Time of dreams and desires. It is useful to turn it to your advantage, and perform a ritual for the fulfillment of desires or immerse yourself in the visualization of a dream. Otherwise, you should be more careful and take off your rose-colored glasses more often. Rely on reason when solving important problems. By the way, during this period it is quite possible to meet your soul mate!

August 7, 2017 at 21:21 - Partial Lunar Eclipse (under the sign of Aquarius)
It can be observed: in Russia (except for the eastern territories), Australia, Europe, Africa, Asia, Antarctica. It is especially not recommended to borrow and lend money. It is important to control your emotions and think (preferably several times) before you say something. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to avoid resentment, tears and disagreements. If during this period you happen to have some (even unpleasant) turning point in your life, know that this is for the best! Any creative activity is very useful.

August 21, 2017 at 21:20 - Total Solar Eclipse (under the sign of Leo)
You can watch: North America(full eclipse); partial eclipse - Kamchatka and Chukotka (Russia), West Africa, South and Central America, Canada, Great Britain. This period is simply created for planning (there is a very high probability of further implementation of everything planned), reassessment of values, meditation, reflection on the eternal, searching for oneself and the meaning of life. Take care of your health, avoid heavy loads. Those who have problems with the cardiovascular system are especially vulnerable.

*the article indicates Moscow time

Anastasia Volkova for the site

Among the astrological events of 2017 are two solar and two lunar eclipses. They carry a powerful impulse that can lead to unexpected changes. Under their influence, events are possible that take us out of the comfort zone, forcing us to look at circumstances with a fresh look, to take on something new, or, in another version, to do away with the old.

However, they should not be feared. If earlier these celestial phenomena were considered as ominous omens, then at present astrologers have moved away from such interpretations. Now the prevailing point of view is that they measure the stages of life, help to set priorities correctly, to define new goals.

In general, the energies of solar and lunar eclipses in 2017 are much more favorable than in the previous year. The stars promise support for plans and undertakings, and our task is to take advantage of our chances.
Lunar eclipses in 2017

During lunar eclipses, the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon, eclipsing the Moon with its shadow, which is why our satellite turns red, orange or brown. This good time for self-knowledge, when you can see your true essence, and not how we project ourselves into the outside world.

Partial lunar eclipse August 7, 2017

The second lunar eclipse occurs on August 7, 2017 at 18:20 UTC or 21:20 Moscow time. It can be seen in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica. In most of Russia (except the Far East), it can also be observed.

This lunar eclipse, like the previous one, occurs on the zodiac axis Leo-Aquarius, when the Moon at 15 degrees Aquarius forms opposition with the Sun in Leo. There is a balance of the elements of Fire and Air here - the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius form a harmonious relationship with Jupiter in Libra and Saturn in Sagittarius. All this inspires good hopes and allows us to expect a favorable outcome of events. This celestial event marks an important turning point, offering to forget the disappointments of the past and boldly enter a new phase of life. The creativity of Leo and the creativity of Aquarius are a happy combination, and the optimism of Jupiter and the sanity of Saturn complement it. By expressing yourself creatively, you will feel liberated and shine with your own light.

Solar eclipse in 2017

During a solar eclipse, the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, temporarily blocking the sunlight so that it cannot reach the Earth. In astrology, eclipses of the Sun are considered to open up new perspectives and push us to travel to unknown worlds. Although under their influence in life upheavals can occur, they are excellent for stimulating personal growth.

The second solar eclipse in 2017 falls on August 21, it will take place at 18:21 UTC or 21:21 Moscow time. It can be observed in the USA and Canada, Central and South America, Western Europe, West Africa. In Russia, partial phases are visible in the northeast of the country (Chukotka).

The August eclipse is significantly different from the February one, its impact will positively affect everyone, regardless of the sign of the Zodiac. The Sun and Moon at 28 degrees Leo form a conjunction with Mars, simultaneously trine with Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Sagittarius. This is a beneficial combination, so it makes sense to plan important things and not doubt your abilities. The results will be impressive, but you should not hope for their quick achievement, because Saturn, the “guardian of time”, is involved in the aspect. Most of all, solar energy will affect long-term projects, designed for many months and even years.

The solar eclipse of August 21 is the only total eclipse of 2017.. This is a beautiful and unusual sight. It can be observed by residents of North and partly South America, and in some places Western Europe. The rest will have to be content with watching the events caused by the eclipse. The eclipse will occur in the sign of Leo and with the participation of a trine with Uranus. This eclipse will give you a new creative boost. Unexpected and favorable events will occur regarding your creative self-realization, personal life or children. And these events will stand for you in the first place for a long time. For example, people of art will be visited by insight, and they will begin work on their most important work in a new manner for them. And people who are looking for love will fall in love, and this romance will be completely different from what happened in their life before. And keep in mind that during any eclipse, people are prone to unpredictable behavior. Anxiety rises, mentally unhealthy people become more active. Therefore, stay away from unfamiliar people and potentially dangerous situations. Do not drive, and it is better to refrain from traveling as a passenger.