Quotes what you need. Accurate and laconic quotes about time

"And nevertheless, life is an amazing thing, especially when you live regularly." Something is in this statement, especially if you look at the fact that now every third thinks in what the meaning of life, and every second does not understand why he lives at all. Maybe then the best quotes about life will be able to dispel a bit of doubts and unnecessary issues?

Life is…

Japanese writer of a detective genre, said: "A man's life as a box of matches: treat it seriously - ridiculous, and frivolous - dangerous." In something he is really right, because different situations happen in life, and if all that happened to perceive too close to the heart, you can easily fall into the despondency. And while the person will be in this state, life will quickly swell by. But at the same time, it is not necessary to let everything on a sideline, because then life will turn into aimless existence. And in confirmation of the above, you can bring the statement of John Newman: "No need to be afraid that life will once be over, it is worthwing to fear that it will never begin."

About life often insist on the fact that the existence of a person is a game, circus or theater. And who as he wants, so he perceives. But no one can argue with the statement that "the man is the owner of his life, and what kind of owner he has such a life."

What is the sense of life?

Life is a series of events that occur with man. They can be perceived as proper, you can search for a hidden subtext or just enjoy what is happening. Someone once said that when a person begins to understand what the meaning of life is, then life loses any meaning. But it is at this moment that everything just begins. Human existence should be filled with meaning, and the best quotes about the meaning of life say that he has his own:

  • Albert Einstein: "Only that life can be called decent, which was lived for the sake of other people."
  • L. Smith: "The meaning of human life lies in two things: to achieve what I want, and get pleasure from it. True, the second task is only wise. "
  • A. P. Chekhov: "The meaning of life is in the struggle."
  • V. O. Klyuchevsky: "Life is not to live, but in feeling alive."
  • Gesse: "The meaning of our stay in this world is to think, seek and listen to distant sounds, because the homeland is hiding behind them."
  • L. N. Tolstoy: "If you try to briefly express the meaning of life, it can be determined so: the world Located in constant movement and improvement. The main task of a person is to contribute to this movement, submit to changes and cooperate with them. "

It makes sense

Whatever different were the best quotes about life and its sense, they all talk about one thing: the meaning of life is to be happy. But, only by filling your existence, you can know true happiness. In Kinolent, the "Fight Club" once sounded such words: "Exit from your apartment. Get new acquaintances. Stop purchasing things that you do not need. Go from work, provoke a fight. Prove that you live. If you do not declare your rights to humanity, you can turn into the figures of statistical reports. " This statement can be safely recorded in the best quotes about life with meaning. Perhaps it sounds ambiguously, but perfectly shows that in life most importantly - to feel her course, feel its meaning and learn to receive pleasure from it.

Value of life

However, it is impossible to feel the completeness of being, not known the value of the existence. Good quotations about life with meaning always talk about its value:

  • N. Chernyshevsky: "The life of Mila man, because only with her his happiness, hope and joy are connected.
  • T. Driver: "The main thing in life is life itself."
  • Jean de Labruyer: "People do not want to keep anything so much and nothing else calendous as their own life."
  • F. Bacon: "There is no man is terrible than one that does not appreciate his life."

An eternal value that is given only once is the ability to exist in this world. This is a great gift, not a curse, because only a person depends on how he will live his fate: devalue it and will exist or fill it with meaning.

Through barricades

Not everyone is born in equal terms, but everyone has freedom of choice. It is stupid to look for your happiness, you need to become his source, and let him be a little about life, but should show that life is a movement. After all, only one who moves forward, stands after each fall, stubbornly seeks cepete dream, truly lives:

  • Michel Monten: "A man who believed in whom he can become, determines who he will be in the future."
  • Sharon Stone: "It doesn't matter how a person falls, it is important how it rises."
  • Confucius: "Glory is not to never be mistaken, but in recognizing and correcting his mistakes."
  • Omar Khayam: "The one who has lost the martial spirit dies before the deadline."
  • Oliver Goldsmith: "Happy life and glory is not destined for those who never fall, but those who constantly get up."

A person can all! Only he can change his destiny. And only it depends on it, positive it will be changes or negative.

Each night ends in the morning

As said once Arthur Shopenhauer"The young life seems to be an endless future, and the old men are short past." In fact, the time of the person's stay in this world is limited, like a fleeting moment. And what then remains to each of us? Probably, come up with a reason to live. After all, as Paina Ranevskaya said, "the main thing is to live a living life, and not get lost in memory labyrinths." Best quotes About life can not answer all the questions faced by a person. But they give good answers to eternal questions. What is its meaning? How to live?

Analyzing reviews

Quotes are not just a beautiful lace from words, they all have a certain influence on the public. If you analyze user feedback on popular sites with quotes, then from all the most submitted statements of more attention have earned aphorisms about the meaning of life and perseverance when one's own goal is reached. The least "success" by the quotation about the value of life. The reason for such a resonance is simple - every person wants to be happy, therefore subconsciously looking for what he can inspire him to feats and show what the meaning of being is hidden.

And, summing up, you can only say one thing: all ingenious simply. Life is a gift, and its meaning is to be happy. And for everyone there is its own happiness, someone likes to do something for others, someone wants to take an active part in improving the world, and someone is just enough to contemplate beauty ambient. You just need to find what brings joy, and to fill in this joy every last day. Only then will be able to realize that his existence is not a random absurdity, but a real gift of fate.

Human life looks like a box of matches. Hold her seriously - funny. Contact is not serious - dangerous.
Akutagawa Ryunca

Every life creates his own destiny.
A. Ameel

The life of most people looks like a vague, incoherent sleep, on half-sized dreams. We are crushed only when life ends.
author unknown

The life of people seeking some pleasures, in essence, no more than a long suicide; They are exactly trying to justify the exaggeration of the Seinea: we do not get life short, but we make it such.
author unknown

Live - it means to do things, and not acquire them.

Life without a goal is a man without a head.

The whole life will fly, like the wind crazy,
Do not restrain her at any price.
Yu. Balasaguni

Life is an alternation of all combinations, they need to be studied, follow them to stay in a profitable position everywhere.
O. Balzac

Strong life shocks heal from small fears.
O. Balzac

It is surprisingly a man - he is upset when he loses wealth, and indifferent to the fact that the days of his life irrevocably leave.
G. Bar-Ebia

Live - the same thing that love: Mind - against, healthy instinct - for.
S. Batler

To live in a society, wearing a difficult yarm of posts, often insignificant and siety, and want to agree on the benefits of pride with the desire of Glory - there is a requirement of truly fume.
K. Batyushkov

It's not about whether we live, but in that - like.
N. Bailey

Perhaps in the stream of time only what is deprived of a strong grain of life and that, therefore, it is not worth life.
V. Belinsky

Life is a trap, and we are mice; Oh, it is possible to disrupt the bait and get out of the Western, but most of the perishes in it, and the bait will be lingering. Stupid comedy, damn it.
V. Belinsky

To live - it means to feel and think, suffer and bliss, every other life is death.
V. Belinsky

Many people live without living, but only going to live.
V. Belinsky

Find your way to find out your place - this is all for a person, it means to deal with himself.
V. Belinsky

"To live beautifully" - not just the sound is empty.
Only one who in the world beauty multiplied
Labor, struggle - that life has lived beautifully,
Truly crowned with beauty!
I. Becher

It is worth living only to make immense requirements for life.
A. Blok.

The true life of a person begins in fifty years. During these years, a person masters what the true achievements are based on, acquires what can be given to others, know what can be learned, clears what can be built on.
E. Bok.

Not bread is alone. Making money, accumulate material power - it's not all. Life is something more and a person who does not notice this truth is deprived of the greatest joy and pleasure available to a person in this life - serving other people.
E. Bok.

To live is to fight, fight is to live.
P. Boualersche

We cut life with your madness and vices, and then complain about the troubles that followed them, and we say that the misfortune is laid in the very nature of things.
K. Bowvi.

The first thing you find out in life is that you are a fool. The last thing you find out is that you are all the same fool.
R. Bradbury

Anyone who lives for others is for the sake of their country, for the sake of a woman, for the sake of creativity, for the hungry or persecuted, as if for magic, forgets his longing and small lifeless troubles.
A. Morua

Life is a battle, and you have to prepare for it from childhood.
A. Morua

Life is not a holiday, not a chain of pleasure, but the work in which there is a lot of grief and a lot of doubts.
S. Nadson

Changing every moment your image is whimsical
Caprickance, like a child, and is ghostly, like smoke,
Boils everywhere life in alarm fussy,
Great mixing with insignificant and funny.
S. Nadson

Anyone who will attempt to live a full life, live in order to feel life, is doomed to be incomprehensible and tolerate constantly disappointing in their relationships with other people.
R. Olddington

Live and scraping. In this life. Do not think that you can be perfection is impossible. Play yourself, your character, to when the test comes - and it is inevitable, - you could deceive yourself with capital truths and loud phrases ...
R. Olddington

Life is a wonderful adventure, worthy of trying to tolerate and fail.
R. Olddington

The stormy life of the tempting for non-hearth minds, mediocrity does not find in it in it: in all their actions, they are similar to cars.
B. Pascal

So the whole life proceeds: looking for peace, fearing to fight against several obstacles; And when these obstacles are eliminated, peace becomes unbearable.
B. Pascal

Life is a permanent work, and only he understands her quite humanly, who looks at her from this point of view.
D. Pisarev

Long life at a healthy consciousness allows you to look at yourself from the side and lay down the change in yourself.
M. Svtain

Life in itself is short, but when she is unhappy, it seems long.
Publists Sir

Those who all their lives are just going to live well.
Publists Sir

Life is calm only in those who do not know the difference between "My" and "yours."
Publists Sir

Vain gift, the gift is random,
Life, why are you given to me?
A. Pushkin

I want to live to think and suffer.
A. Pushkin

Life is an art in which people often remain amateur. To live, you need to shed a lot of blood to your heart.
Carmen Silva.

Human life is like the gland. If you use it in the case, it is erased; If you do not use, the rust eats it.
Caton senior

Not for that I live, so that it is for living.

The most excellent life is life, lived for other people.
X. Keller

Life is not to live, but in feeling that you live.
V. Klyuchevsky

Life teaches only those who study it.
V. Klyuchevsky

Well-being, misfortune, poverty, wealth, joy, sadness, poverty, please essence various phenomena One historical drama in which people rehearse their roles to edify the world.
Goat rods

The life of our can be convenient to compare with the wayward river, on the surface of which the Chelny swims, sometimes the sick-like wave, often detained in its motion and broken about the underwater stone. Does it be necessary to mention that this duck Chel on the market of prescription is not anyone else, how is the person himself?
Goat rods

On the tasks given to us by life, the answers are not given at the end.
Goat rods

Three ways of a person in order to reasonably act: the first, - the most noble, - thinking, the second, the easiest, is the imitation, the third, the most bitter, is the experience.

In the school life, no no longer leave for a repeated course.
E. Krotsky

Life is a school, but it should not be hurrying with the end.
E. Krotsky

It is necessary to live so that I wish to repeat.
B. Krutier

Who can fill every moment in deep content, that endlessly extends his life.
I. Kuri.

Most people spend a big half of their life to make another half of the unhappy.
J. Labryuer

Life is a tragedy for someone who feels, and comedy for the one who thinks.
J. Labryuer

Life is what people most strive to preserve and the least you caress.
J. Labryuer

A person must consume the first part of his life to talk with the dead (read books); second to talk with alive; Third to talk with himself.
P. Boast.

Only the complicity in the existence of other living beings reveals the meaning and the basis of its own being.
M. Bubeber

... It is easy to live to someone who is cheated, like a crow, muster, obsessive, reckless, is spoiled. But it is difficult to live someone who is modest, who is always looking for a clean, who is impartial, cool, begging, whose life is chista.

Life worthy of his own behalf is the dedication of yourself the good of other people.
B. Washington

It is necessary to log in not a fun walk, like a pleasant grove, but with a reverent thrill, as in the sacred forest, full of secrets.
V. Veresaev

Life is not a burden, and if someone turns it into the burden, then in this he himself is to blame.
V. Veresaev

Life is the most interesting adventure that people are given to experience.
J. Bern.

Live - means not only to satisfy the material needs of the body, but mainly aware of their human dignity.
Well Bern

To live - it means to burn yourself with fire fighting, quest and anxiety.
E. Verjern

Life is what people get, not expressing gratitude, use without meditation, they are transmitted to others in infamousism and losing it, without noticing.

I still love life. This ridiculous weakness may be one of the most fatal flaws: after all, nothing can be more stupid than the desire to continuously carry a burden that you want to lose to the ground, be horrified by its existence and

You will turn back from any road
And only the road of life is irretrievable.
R. Gamzatov

Life is an almost continuous chain of own discoveries.

In life it is impossible to make anything - everyone should learn this truth as early as possible.
X. Goebbel

Life is infinite improvement. Consider yourself perfect - it means to kill yourself.
X. Goebbel

Everything strong people Life love.

Life for nothing passes for people who have awakened at least some strong thought ...
A. Herzzen.

Life that does not leave durable traces, is erased at every step forward.
A. Herzzen.

Life is my natural right: I dispose of the owner in it, moving my "I" into all the surrounding, fighting him, revealing his soul to everything, sucking him, the whole world, remembered him as in the horn, I am aware of the connection with humanity, with infinity .
A. Herzzen.

Private life that does not know anything behind the threshold of his house, no matter how it settled down, is poor.
A. Herzzen.

You live yourself only when you use the location of others.
I. Goette

Only that worthy of life and freedoms,
Who is for them every day go to battle.
I. Goette

Life and activity is just as closely connected between them, like the flame and light. What burns, then, right, shines that it lives, then, of course, acts.
F. Glinka

Life can not be so heavy so that it cannot be facilitated by his attitude towards her.
E. Glezgoou

Who wants to honestly go through his life, should be in mind to keep in mind that someday he will be an old man, and in old age remember that he was once young.
N. Gogol.

Without victims, no effort and deprivation can not live in the world: life is not a garden in which only flowers grow.
I. Goncharov

Life is a struggle, in the fight - happiness.
I. Goncharov

Life "For myself and about myself" is not life, but a passive condition: you need the word and the case, the struggle.
I. Goncharov

Life does not give anything without grave work and excitement.

Who is slow to streamline your life, is similar to that simpleness, which is waiting for the river when she sweels his waters.

There are only two forms of life: rotting and burning. Cowardly and greedy will escape the first, courageous and generous - second.
M. Gorky

Life is coming: who does not sleep behind her, he remains lonely.
M. Gorky

Life is arranged so devilish skillfully, which, without knowing how to hate, it is impossible to sincerely love.
M. Gorky

Life of a person to a funny raft. How to live? Some persistently evade their lives, others are entirely dedicated to her. The first on the slope of the days will be a poor spirit and memories, others are rich in both those and others.
M. Gorky

The life of mankind is creativity, the desire for victory over the resistance of the dead matter, the desire to master all its secrets and make the strength to serve the will of people for happiness.
M. Gorky

It is not true that life is gloomy, it is not true that in it only ulcers da pans, grief and tears! .. It has everything that he wants to find a person, and in it there are the forces to create what is not in it.
M. Gorky

Full than I. interesting life Then, when a person fights that he prevents from living.
M. Gorky

A real life is a little different from a good fantastic fairy tale, if we consider it from the inside, from the desires and motives, which is guided by a person in its activities.
M. Gorky

Man all his life should do anything - all my life.
M. Gorky

A person who does not know what he will do tomorrow is unfortunate.
M. Gorky

To live - you need to be able to do something.
M. Gorky

Life can a little can teach someone who did not learn to endure suffering.
A. Graph

Life is a hard debt of the feat, and not pleasure and the path to personal happiness.
N. Grota

I do not know what our ship is ahead,
But here our fate is visible:
We come out with life one on one,
And she defeats us.
I. Guberman

Life has a melody, motive,
Harmony of plots and tonality
And rainbow random prospects
She is covered in monotonous reality.
I. Guberman

Among the influences that shortening their lives, fear, sadness, despondency, longing, foolishness, envy, hatred are preferential place.
X. Gufelland

Not to go to the bow and do not wait to come to the bow for you - this is a pleasant life, the golden age, natural condition Man!
J. Labryuer

The greatest of the books is the book of life that can neither close, nor reoperse in their arbitrariness.
A. Lamartin

It is impossible to live in society and be free from society.
V. Lenin

Life goes ahead with contradictions, and the living contradictions are many times richer, a versatile, meaningful than the human mind it seems to seem.
V. Lenin

Change, persist, or continue, changing, - this is what truly is normal life man.
P. Lero.

Looks like an ocean life
And we are all - only fishermen:
We dream to wipe whale,
And we produce the tail of the cod.
F. Logau

Every life should have a little rainy weather.

Life reaches its vertices in those minutes when all her forces rushes to the exercise of the goals set before it.
D. London

I have little live. I still want to understand what life is.
A. Losev

The ownership of life is not given to anyone, but only on.

It is necessary to live with straightened wings.
S. McKay

Put one good deed to another is so tight so that there is no gap between them - that's what I call to enjoy life.
Mark Arellium

The first half of life consists of the ability to receive pleasure in the absence of possibilities; The second half consists of possibilities in the absence of ability.
Mark Twain

The events of our life are mainly small events, they only seem large when we stand close to them.
Mark Twain

Good friends, good books And the dormant conscience is the perfect life.
Mark Twain

Than your exement, the less you show your life, the more your property, the more your alienate life ...
K. Marx

Some love life for being given, others for what she gives.

Life is divided into two epochs: the era of desires and the era of disgust.

If you learn to live.

How to live sweetly when you live with whom you want!

Life is a hard lesson, and everything is more difficult for the first one hundred years.
U. Mizner

Life in itself - neither good nor evil: she is a compatibility and good and evil, depending on what we ourselves turned it.
M. Monten.

Everyone lives well or bad depending on what he himself thinks about this. Sottented not the one whom others are happy with satisfied, but the one who changes herself as such.
M. Monten.

Measure of life is not in its duration, but in how you used it.
M. Monten.

We learn to live when life is already lived.
M. Monten.

Life - Mountain: Raise slowly, descend quickly.

Peer - genuine life next to you. She is in flowers on the lawn; In a lizard, which heats up in your sun on the balcony; In children who look at the mother with tenderness; in kissing lovers; In all these houses, where people are trying to work, love, having fun. There is nothing more important than these modest fates.
A. Morua

Life requires a faithful eye and a solid. Life is not tears, do not sigh, but the struggle, and the terrible struggle ...
V. Rozanov

Terrible emptiness of life. Oh, how terrible ...
V. Rozanov

Survival life, but for a person, strong spirit, it is beautiful and interesting, despite all the difficulties.
R. Rolland

It is not at all possible to extract out of your craft to life from your craft, even for the life of "respectable", but you need to at least try to make these benefits and this craft to serve society.
R. Rolland

To live is to fight, and not only for life, but for the completeness and improvement of life.
I. Rubakin

Life lasts only a moment; By itself, she is nothing; Its value depends on the one made ... only good, creatible by man, remains, and thanks to him, the life of something worth it.
J. J. Rousau

We are only more careful about life as it loses its value; Old men regret it more than young.
J. J. Rousau

Not that person lived most of all, which can count more than a hundred years, and the one who felt the most life.
J. J. Rousau

By itself, life does not mean anything; Its price depends on its use.
J. J. Rousau

Twice do not live, but a lot and those who do not know how to live once.
F. Ryuckert

Life is not a spectacle and not a holiday; Life is a difficult occupation.
D. Santyana

Live in an indefinite position - the most miserable existence: this is a spider life.
D. Swift.

Life is happy if it is invariably based on the right, reasonable judgment. Then the spirit of man differs with clarity; It is free from all sorts of bad effects, getting rid of not only from torment, but also from small injections: he is ready to always hold his position and defend him, despite the fierce blows of fate.
Seneca younger

Life, not consecrated by a sense of duty, would not have, in essence, no price.
S. Smilers.

The ship of life is amenable to all winds and storms, if there is no labor ballast.

In life, sometimes falls for moments when the smallest troubles take in our eyes the sizes of the disaster.
E. Suventre

The main rule in life is nothing over measures.

Life is not suffering and not pleasure, but the case that we must do and honestly bring it to the end.
A. Tokville

You can only wave a life due to apathy and laziness.
L. Tolstoy

All life is only the desire and gradual approach to perfection, which is unattainable, because it is perfection.
L. Tolstoy

If life does not seem to be huge joy, then this is just because your mind is falsely directed.
L. Tolstoy

The man spoiled his stomach and complains of lunch. The same with people, dissatisfied with life. We do not have any right to be dissatisfied with this life. If it seems to us that we are unhappy with it, it means only what we have the reason to be dissatisfied with themselves.
L. Tolstoy

A man who knew his life is like a slave person who suddenly finds out that he is the king.
L. Tolstoy

To live honestly, it is necessary to go away, confused, fight, mistaken, start and throwing, and begin again ... And calm - spiritual meanness ...
L. Tolstoy

The life of the Spirit is higher than the life of the flesh and independent of it. Often in the warm body concluded the blurred spirit and in the oily - the spirit is skinny and saint. What do all the riches of the world mean for us when we are poor in spirit?

Life is nothing but a constantly defeated contradiction.
I. Turgenev

Our life includes only two tragedies. The first is that you can not satisfy my desires, the second is when they are already satisfied. The latter is much worse than the first, in it and lies the real tragedy of life.
O. Wilde

By the time we understand what our place in life, what definition we gave themselves, it's too late to get out of the usual gauge.
R. Warren

Excellent needs existence is unnecessary existence.
L. Faierbach

The basis of life is the basis for morality. Where from hunger, from poverty you do not have any material in the body, there is no foundation and material for morality and in your head, in your heart and in your sense.
L. Faierbach

Life in ignorance is not life. Who lives in ignorance, he only breathes. Cognition and life are inseparable.
L. Feichtvanger

Life is a permanent revival process. The tragedy of the majority of us is concluded in the fact that we will die, never have time to be born.
E. Froch

Life - Mirage, Nevertheless, be joyful,
In passion and in intoxion - be joyful.
You lived a moment - and you no longer
But at least a moment - be joyful!
O. Khayam

Life is short, but fame can be eternal.

Live - it means to think.

A short life is given to us by nature, but the memory of a well-held life remains eternal.

After life, it remains only what has acquired with its moral qualities and good affairs.

Live for others - it means to live for yourself.
P. Chayadaev

Life is so wide and the multilateral that a person almost always finds an experience in it, to look for what a strong and true need feels.
N. Chernyshevsky

Easpust and colorless life is only with colorless people who are involved in feelings and needs, in fact not being able to have any special feelings and needs, except for the need to draw.
N. Chernyshevsky

A person can never lose their way to improve his life.
N. Chernyshevsky

Life is always serious, but it is always serious - it is impossible.

Contemplative life is often very bad. You need to act more, think less and not to be a third-party witness of your own life.
N. Shamform

For some life - the battle, for others - prayer.
I. Shevelev

Life never stacked in the scheme, but without the schemes it is impossible to navigate in life.
I. Shevelev

Life is composed of temporary gains and untimely loss.
I. Shevelev

Some burned in life, others live.
I. Shevelev

Sometimes, only living life, a person is aware of what was his life destination.
I. Shevelev

Live only for yourself - there is abuse.
W. Shakespeare

A comprehensive life is only public.
N. Shelgunov

Live - it means to act with energy; Life is a struggle in which you need to fight brave and honestly.
N. Shelgunov

Life, living adequately, should be measured by acts, and not years.
R. Sheridan

There is enough reason to be incredible to treat life. She was so many times deceived us in the most coveted expectations of ours.
L. Shestov

Everything is fine only as long as it will affect us personally. Life is never beautiful: only paintings of it in a purified art mirror are beautiful.
A. Shopenhauer

Every day there is a small life: Any awakening and stacking - a small birth; Every fresh morning is a little youth; Any preparation for sleep and falling asleep - little death.
A. Shopenhauer

Life is, in essence, condition of needs, and often disasters, where everyone has to budge and fight for its existence, and therefore cannot constantly take a friendly expression.
A. Shopenhauer

The first forty years of life gives us the text, and the following thirty represent comments on it.
A. Shopenhauer

From the point of view of youth, life is an infinitely distant future, from the point of view of old age - a very short past.
A. Shopenhauer

To pass your way in the world, it is useful to bring with you a big stock of prudency and condescension: the first will protect us from losses and losses, the second is from disputes and quarrels.
A. Shopenhauer

Life, happy or unhappy, successful or unsuccessful, is still extremely interesting.
B. Show.

A life separate man It makes sense only to the extent that it helps to make the lives of other people are more beautiful and noble.
A. Einstein

Life is short, but honest always prefer to live a long, but shameful.

Human life is nothing but a certain comedy in which people, taping the larva, play every role.
Erasmus Rotterdamsky

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Quotes should be used only when it really can not do without someone else's authority.
Arthur Schopenhauer.

Aphorisms - hardly the best form for presenting philosophical judgments.
Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy.

Always check quotes: your own - before you say, others - after they say.
Winston Churchill.

I dream to write such aphorisms to make each individual book.
Avissal underwater.

Almost every wise promenience corresponds to the opposite in meaning - and at the same time no less wise.
George Santuana.

Aphorism leaves more space for man.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

We will be brief. The world overwhelmed with words.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

Love for flowery phrases and paradoxical ideas will ever destroy humanity ...
Boris Akunin.

In the absence of the argument lead a quote.

False is four species: lie, baking lie, statistics and quoting.

An individual style is plagiarism towards himself.
Alfred Hitchcock.

I noticed that smart thoughts are especially like to collect fools.
Sylvia Chiz.

If the thought does not reach aphorism, it is nothing more; bad if aphorism does not reach the thought.
Avissal underwater.

Rask Classic quotes, whether it will remain a classic?
Victor Konayin.

Of the two words, you should choose the smaller.
Paul Valerie.

Soon golden thoughts will be available to everyone: they will be stamped from plastic.

If you are stealing from contemporaries, you will be wrapped for plagiarism, and if the ancients are praised for erudition.
Charles Caleb Colton.

Essay is a variety of literature, allowing to say almost everything almost nothing.
Oldhos Huxley.

Wrapped by elbows foam tribalism, I swim with the harpoon focus on the sea language in search of fishing aphorism, smoothly carried by the inconspicuous course of the hidden rhythm, but beware of the reefs of the frank rhythm.
Avissal underwater.

Any aphorism that walnut: Outside it is good, and in three quarters is empty.
Fernand Vandran.

Synonym is used instead of the word you wanted to write, but do not know how it is written.
Bert Bacharac.

Aphorism can not be dictated by the typist. It would be too long. Aphorism never contains the truth: it is either a half-way or a half.
Karl Kraus.

Extracting from the classics will bring excellent benefit, and something will always meet, which is tightly in the head, will pass into the flesh and blood.
Jan Amos Komensei.

Those who write clearly have readers, and those who write dark, are commentators.
Albert Cami.

I have a quote for any case - this is the best way to think original.
Dorothy Seyerz.

People think and speak quotes, only they do not notice it.

What is the difference between journalism and literature? Journalism should not be read, but not read literature.
Oscar Wilde.

Aphorism is a wisdom in a portable form, a concentrated extract of thoughts and feelings.
William Oskliller Olger.

Despite his practical abilities, part of his experience petrol in the sayings and quotes.
George Elliot.

I am a lot of quotes on you, and some one can get into the target and find yourself for you saving or just at least useful. You know, with a person who is in the crisis, it is necessary to talk a lot, he doesn't hear anything and does not understand, but some one phrase breaks through and becomes saving straw ...
Alexandra Marinina.

The state is closest to rationality, is the ability to quote the one who is smart.
Mary Pettetibown Pool.

Scientists can only beat them with their weapons - quotes!
Friedrich Engels.

Re-read the written, and if you get a particularly exquisite turnover, strike it.
Samuel Johnson.

Since ancient times, people have wise and excellent sayings; They should go to us.

Excellent words! Curious where you stole them?
Jonathan Swift.

Save time - read aphorisms.
Yuri Basilev.

It is too easy to pour quotes, because in the light of so many great writers and they said so much smartly that it seems like it's not to strain.
Martin Page.

Brevity is the soul of wit.
Anton Chekhov.

If I quote others, then only to better express my own thought.
Michelle de Monten.

Quote - it means to use other people's words to confirm someone else's thought.

Our grandparents have plenty of their letter quotes, and now it is considered coup. However, quotes save us from expressing bad thing that someone has already managed to express well, and, moreover, they indicate the direction, our preferences, helping to understand who uses them.
Julio Cortasar.

Your thought is only a pale copy of the thoughts of the great you quote.
Bernard Verber.

Quote is a risk under someone else's responsibility.
Vladislav Gezhechye.

Boris Yuzfovich Kratyer.

Quotes not only express someone else's thought, but also cover the height of their own.
Don Amonanov.

My way of citation is different from the usual fact that I lower quotes.
George Moore.

In life, people quote all that they want. So we have the right to quote everything we like. So I show people who quote.
Jean-Luke Godar.

Explain something entirely, and I will explain everything to you.

I laid all the systems in one phrase, and all my life - in one aphorism.
Oscar Wilde.

Aphorism should be so packed in order to look at him the mouths spawned.
Juliana Wilson.

What understands bad, often try to explain with the help of words that do not understand.
Gustave Flaubert.

Breasure - sister of talent, but stepmother fee.
A. Freedom.

There are writers who can embody twenty-pages what I sometimes need two lines.
Karl Kraus.

Wise men come up with new thoughts, and fools spread them.
Heinrich Heine.

I do not think at all that it is certainly necessary to look for a valid reason in order to quote your favorite author, but, honestly, it is always nice.
Jerome David Sallinger.

The best way to refresh the quote is to quote for sure.
E. Fock.

There is nothing said that it would be said for the first time.

She always knew how to give a quote, and this is a good replacement with its own wit.
William Somerset Moem.

The future of literature is in aphorism. It can not be shielded.
Gabriel Laub.

For adults it is necessary to write the same as for children, only worse.
EF. Borisov.

From wise mouth - and straight in notebooks.
Oldhos Huxley.

There is no greatest absurdity that would not be told by any of the philosophers.
Mark Tully Cicero.

Quotes tear out of themselves.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

I do not need to necrologa - it is better to print my aphorisms on this place.
Arkady Davidovich.

Many are trying to live the lives of other people. Their thoughts are other people's opinions, their lives - mimicry, their passion - quotes. The ability to quote well hides the absence of its own ideas.
Kurt Cobain.

We adore pronounced wise phrases And quote the great, but few people can give at least one interesting idea of \u200b\u200bour own production.
Oleg Roy.

Do not repeat - your soul is rich - what was said once. But maybe poetry itself - one magnificent quote.
Anna Andreevna Akhmatova.

Phrases are composed for lack of thoughts.
Jean Condorse.

Yes, those who used to express our thoughts before us!
Latin saying.

Reading the ancient wise men, you often find something your own.
Boleslav Voltaire.

People who like to quote, as a rule, love meaningless generalizations.
Green Graham.

"You can quote anything anything, if only a quote was to the place" ... So I imagine my place in which you need to insert a quote!

Everything already said Rebar Akiba. But something from this was confiscated.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

Explanatory expressions explain the dark thoughts.
Goat rods.

The trouble of those who write quickly, that they cannot write briefly.
Walter Scott.

Style is a simple way to speak complex things.
Jean Cockt.

We live in the world of quotes, you can't afford a sense of humor.
Megan Fox.

Aphorisms are short as memory.

Each book quote; every house quote from all forests, mines and quarries; And every person quote from all his ancestors.
Ralph Waldo Emerson.

In old fantastic novels, the main thing was the radio. With it, the happiness of mankind was expected. Here is the radio, but happiness is not.
Ilya Ilf.

The most suitable moment to start an article comes when you successfully finished it. By this time it becomes clear that you want to say.
Mark Twain.

I knew a person so little inquired that he had to compose quotes from classics himself.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

In any real sage, you can always find the saying of mutually exclusive properties.
Boris Akunin.

If you do not want to say too much, talk to aphorisms.
Boris Yuzfovich Kratyer.

I hate quotes. Talk to what you think.
Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Proverbs contradict one other. In this, in fact, folk wisdom is.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

For children, you need to write in the same way as for adults, only better.
Pereprassed Konstantin Stanislavsky.

Executions are the usual words of unusual people.

Faced with uncomfortable, you begin to appreciate illiteracy.
Yicek Weirok.

Plagiat is the basis of each literature, with the exception of the very first, about which, however, nothing is known.
Jules Zhirarden.

In the creations of all great poets, in essence, there are no secondary characters, each acting face is in its place the main character.
Heinrich Heine.

And God spoke by quotes.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

The necessary word B. right place - Here is the most accurate definition of the style.
Jonathan Swift.

Why am I writing aphorisms? In order for the reader, imperceptibly for himself, began to think.
Avissal underwater.

Strange product "Dictionary of Quote": for those there - purgatory, for those who are expelled - hell!
Boris Sadded.

Aphorism is a thought that performs Pirouette.
Zhoris de Prime.

There are many stupid and harmful sayings that have the status of an immutable truth. One of the most stupid - "one in the field is not a warrior." Only loner and can be a real warrior - those who do not perform someone's orders, but leading war himself.
Boris Akunin.

In total, no longer affects who they are going, and those against whom they go.
Grigory Landau.

There are such brief sayings and proverbs that are accepted and used. Such sayings would not go from the century to the century, if all people did not seem true.
Mark Fabiy Quintilian.

Aphoristam has to choose expressions all their lives.
Boris Yuzfovich Kratyer.
Without repetition, there is no depth.
Grigory Landau.

If aphorism needs explanations, it means that it is unsuccessful.
Luke de Zapier de Okungg.

And in the style there are four-pointed leafs of clover - I prefer them to flowers.
Karol Izhikovsky.

Aphorist is an attic salt mine for other people's dishes.
Vellas Brudzignan.

I do not want to quoted me. And do not quote what I said now.
Winston Birddet.

You should write as you say, and not to say how you write.
Charles Saint Bev.

Drag all exclamation marks. To put an exclamation mark - I don't care what to laugh in your own joke.
Francis Scott Fitzgerald.

Solomon created the Book of Wisdom, but the Book of Wisdom did not create Solomon.
"Observation of the Tuezer & Raquo.;

From frequent use, some quotes shine like a railing.
Victor Pelevin.

The most important quote is the one whose source you cannot find.
The source of this quotation will be listed in the most critical review of your work.
Daggana law.

The anthology of stupid thoughts is already wisdom.
Jan Lehitsky.

Historic phrases are the words of the famous people spoke after death.
Andre Preview.

Aphorist is a person who rejoices as a child, inventing a phrase, which, in all likelihood, was an ancient people sending the phythinians.
Vellas Brudzignan.

Who writes, as he says, writes bad, no matter how well he spoke.
Georges Louis Buffon.

When do I put a point in aphorism? As soon as I feel that the reader begins to object.
Avissal underwater.

The art of aphorism is not so much in the expression of a kind of original and deep idea, as in the ability to express an affordable and useful thought in several words.
Samuel Johnson.

The number of errors in any excerpt of the text is directly in proportion to the number of borrowing from secondary sources.
Garold Fieber.

Everything has long been said, but since no one listens, you have to constantly go back and repeat everything first.
Andre J.

You often hear that young people say: I do not want to live a stranger mind, I will think about it. Why do you think a thoughtful one. Take it ready and go on. In this power of mankind.
Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy.

Exposures, sayings and so on like incendiary glands: they collect rays of the mind and knowledge scattered in the works of writers, and by force and liveliness focus these rays in the consciousness of readers.
Jonathan Swift.

Aphorism contains a hard one - an unusually high percentage.
Gabriel Laub.

I warn your biographer in advance: you will have to write aphorism.
Avissal underwater.

Konstantin Leontyev.

The compiler makes books from other people's quotes; Aphorist composes quotes for other books.
Vellas Brudzignan.

The writer's circle - the new habits: everyone quoted each other without using quotes.
Igor Mironovich Guberman.

Wear and always hold a notebook with yourself with quotes that will inspire you and help in a difficult moment.
Donald Trump.

It will be necessary either to strengthen the memory, or never quote, because when you can't remember the quote, she pursues you as a forgotten name, and you cannot get rid of it.
Ernest Hemingway.

Is everything already said? Yes, undoubtedly - if the words did not change meaning, and the meanings did not change the words.
Jean Polang.

Who lives with their mind, do not need this quotes.
Chuck Palanik.

I hate when they quote me!
Raif Fains.

It is probably a stupid lesson - to pass off words from context, to give them the deposit, to which the author did not seek.
Sergey Lukyanenko.

Too smoothly combed style bald.
Martin Garso.

Quotes are better than arguments. Quotes can be won a discussion without convincing the enemy.
Gabriel Laub.

Is it possible to write aphorisms to order? Only if the era orders.
Avissal underwater.

Is it time to introduce the ringing of the winged words.
Boris Brownin.

A decent person if you commit meanness, then silently. But the conviction of a scoundrel without a suitable literary quotation will no longer be.
Don amine Addoin.

The more indisputable saying, the greater the danger that it will become a common place.
Luke de Okungg.

What you do not understand is better to quote in a language that you know worse than everything.

Proper dosage of aphorisms: minimum of words, maximum meaning.
Mark Twain.

In essence, all that non-aphorism is common phrases.
Boris Yuzfovich Kratyer.

The most needed is a quote, the source of which is not found in any way.
Arthur Bloch.

The correctly extended quote in other people's lips sounds better than in the author.
Alexander Genis.

If I had one point of view on the world, I would have written the only aphorism.
Avissal underwater.

Who is clear thinks clearly sets out.
Nikola Bouoye.

Quote - incorrect repetition of other people's words.
Ambroza Birsc.

Only taking quotes never pass.
Hesket Pearson.

In all dubious cases, the quote should be attributed to George Bernardo Show.

The fact that the writer wants to say, he must not speak, but to write.
Ernest Hemingway.

Aphorisms are similar to lawyers, inevitably seen only one side of the case.
Anthony Burgess.

You, young man, incorrectly quoting the classics. Solid. When the author is known to you, you need to say "as such that said." In all other cases, the quote should be attributed to Dostoevsky, of course, if, it is not too witty ...
Konstantin Leontyev.

The plagiarifier is always afraid to be condensed.
Samuel Calridge.

The most brilliant phrases spoken by me for my whole life, I said to myself.
Frederick Begbeder.

Have you noticed that we are paying much more attention to wise thoughts when they quote them than when we meet them from the author himself?
Philip Hamerton.

Otherwise, placed words acquire another meaning, otherwise the attached thoughts produce another impression.
Blaze Pascal.

Aphorism is the thought expressed by a foreign author.
Anton Ligov.

If you are quoted - you already someone. If you are stealing - you are an outstanding person. But real glory begins only when you begin to attribute other people's words.

Who wants to move the world, let him shift himself!

Know yourself.
Cicero Mark Tullya

"I" becomes yourself when meeting with "You".
Martin Buber

The human "I" is the amount of all that a person calls his own - not only his body and his spiritual strength, but also his clothes and his house, his wife and children, his ancestors and friends, his reputation and work, his land and his Horses, and yacht, and bank account.
William James.

The personality of man is a mask in which he believes.
Dr. White

A lot of all, and I'm not enough. But more than everyone.
Arkady Davidovich

From myself always run away with you.
Alexander Kumir.

Only the one who has signed, calmly resides.
Ernst Simon Bloch

We know ourselves and manage themselves only in an unthinkable thing.
Pierre Teyar de Charden

I know well what is like everyone else, I am not better than others and no more valuable than they; I am only a small foam curl on the crest of a wave, leaving in the blink of an eye in the vastity of nature and humanity.
Jacques Marita

Turning to yourself, we turn away from the truth.
Gaston Bashlar

We are taking grabbing what remains impartial words, but we grab only ourselves.
Georges Batay

It is impossible to lose myself.
Georges Batay

There is nothing in me that it would not be mixed with earth and blood.
Emmanuel Munya

Who will begin with the fact that it will arrange in the imaginary evidence of his "I", it will not be released from this.
Claude Levi-Stros

To all the best and worst in me, I owe insomnia.
Emil Michelle Choran

From the fear of becoming someone I eventually became anything.
Emil Michelle Choran

Every minute I obsessed with one - lost paradise.
Emil Michelle Choran

FalseProrkok - That's who I am: even in disappointment suffered collapse.
Emil Michelle Choran

The restlessness of monstrous visions brings me closer to the deserted fathers. Hermit in the center of Paris.
Emil Michelle Choran

I don't have blood flowing in the veins, but darkness.
Emil Michelle Choran

I have no hatred of life, there is no death desire, everything that I would like is not to be born.
Emil Michelle Choran

I have one religion: Bach.
Emil Michelle Choran

Something in me hesitates and always drained me. Black start, dissolved in the blood, ensured with the thought.
Emil Michelle Choran

I live between nostalgia on a catastrophe and delight in front of the routine.
Emil Michelle Choran

You are a mine, Kohl to search Rubin go,
You love, since you live by hope you live.
Vicknie in the essence of these words - and non-hard and wise:
All you are looking for, in yourself will certainly find!
Omar Khayam

There is nothing bravely than the victory over yourself ...
Erasmus Rotterdamsky

No one can love the other if he did not love himself before ...

No one can hate anyone if he did not hate himself before that.
Erasmus Rotterdamsky

Own deficiencies that kitomka by shoulders: you will not see.
Erasmus Rotterdamsky

Selfiece of armor is either wide, either cramped, or too cumbersome.
Piccolo Makiavelli

I live with thousands of shower in the hearts
All loving, and, it means, I'm not as dust,
And mortals will not touch me.
Buonarot Michelangelo

It is strictly followed by its inconsistencies and be in their power - it means being a slave yourself.
Michelle de Monten.

No matter how people are in love, he loves himself even stronger.
Lope de Bega

All people about themselves are highly different - and the more imagined, the less cost.
Baltasar Gracian-I-Morales

Self-knowledge. Know your temper, your mind, your judgments, addiction. While you do not know yourself, it is impossible to rule out. For the face there is a mirror, for the Spirit - no; Let there be a mirror sober thinking about himself.
Baltasar Gracian-I-Morales

Another person is hiding in me, who is constantly angry with me.
Thomas Brown

The disadvantages in which we accuse others laugh in our face.
Thomas Brown

Everyone is quite well known that it does not like to talk about his wife, but it is not known enough that it is even less applied to talk about himself.
Francois de Larochefuky

Everyone love to solve others, but no one likes to be solved.
Francois de Larochefuky

There are people, so absorbed by themselves, that, falling in love, they manage to think more about their own love than about the subject of their passion.
Francois de Larochefuky

Sometimes we are not so painfully to conquer the coercion of others, how to force themselves for something.
Francois de Larochefuky

In me, and not in the Scriptures of Monteneya contains all that I read in them.
Blaise Pascal

We know ourselves: Let we not comprehend the truth, but you will bring order in my own life, and this is the most urgent thing for us.
Blaise Pascal

How many powers do not even suspect about my existence!
Blaise Pascal

He who owns the world.
George Savil Halifax

Whatever ephemeral is my life, no matter how messy is humor, in it laid, I do not know anything more significant, nothing more material than I myself.
Anthony Ashley Cooper Shertsbury

The main thing is to get along with yourself.

The one who overestimates itself underestimates others, and underestimating, oppressing.
Samuel Johnson

The most bad person is the one that the most closes in himself, directs all heart thoughts on himself.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

The ability to courageously overcome yourself - that's what always seemed to me one of the greatest achievements that a reasonable person could be proud of.
Pierre Augusten Boualersche

... what a person will truly be fearful, so it is not an external overwhelming power, but moral forces that is the definition of his own free mind
And at the same time, something eternal and unreasonable, so, turning against her, a person restores her against himself.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

A big mistake to dream more than it should, and appreciate yourself lower than you stand.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

How to know yourself? By no means contemplation, only actions. Try to fulfill your duty, and immediately know.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Only in humans to know the person.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

I would not like to resemble those whose pastime during the day proceeds in the gardeners on headacheAnd at night - in the absorption of wine, which causes this pain.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

The main task of a person is not in the enrichment of his mind with various knowledge, but in the upbringing and improvement of his personality, his "I".
Sieren Kierkegan

We were given a commandment: "Love the near, like yourself," but if you correctly understand this commandment, you can read in it and the opposite statement: "You must love yourself properly."
Sieren Kierkegan

Take care before about yourself, and then about others: it became before the soul itself, and then try others to be cleaner.

My enemies worm a bone will complain, and I pic - I will not die ...
Gabril Romanovich Derzhavin

Who has not studied a person in herself, will never reach the deep knowledge of people.
Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

Whoever does not respect himself, he is unhappy, but the one who is too pleased is stupid.
Gi le Maupassan

My glass is small, but I drink from my glan.
Alfred de Mussse

After yourself what I will leave in the world?
Cherries - spring, summer - cuckoo voice,
Autumn - scarlet maples ...

So much I am writing about myself only because this is the subject of which I am best knowledgeable.
Samuel Batler

To be good - it means to live in harmony with yourself.
Oscar Wilde

Oh, if people had sufficient modesty to believe in themselves!
George Bernard Show

I became another, new man; And those for whom only the old "I" existed, laughed at me. The only reasonable person was my tailor: he took the measure again every time, while everyone else came to me with the old and imagined that she still reflects my actual sizes.
George Bernard Show

... it is necessary to learn to love yourself - love is healthy and saint to stay faithful and not to lose herself.

Therefore, I am shying now from my happiness and betray myself with all unhappiness - to experience and know myself for the last time.
Friedrich Nietzsche

I learned silence in a cleaner, tolerance - in intoleful and kindness - it is not necessary, but, oddly enough, I do not feel the slightest appreciation to these teachers.
Khalil Jebrran Jebrran.

The best I keep in myself, this is a living sense for good people.
Mikhail Mikhailovich Svtain

Never ask yourself early: do I do or trivia?
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Better let I be ashes and dust! Let my flame run up better in the dazzling
Flash than the mold will strangle it!
Jack London

I'm just a robe when I see my human limitance that interferes with me to cover all sides of the problem, especially when it comes to the root problems of life.
Jack London

I was delighted from the need to like.
Mircea Eliade

I feel sorry that I am not a beast.
Alexander Vvedensky

I was convinced of the falsities of the former connections, but I can not say what new things should be.
Alexander Vvedensky

A person writes about himself from the height of his own growth. There are not in stilts or on the stairs, but only bare feet on Earth.
Ludwig Witgenstein

What depends on my life?
Ludwig Witgenstein

I have my world.
Ludwig Witgenstein

I am not a subject.
Ludwig Witgenstein

What you have achieved cannot know more than for you yourself.
Ludwig Witgenstein

In the diary, a person talks to himself.
Elias Koltyti

How easily says: "Find yourself!" What a fright, if it really happens!
Elias Koltyti

To climb the horizon, you need to rise yourself.
Dmitry Sergeevich Meriarykovsky

Feeling I am the strongest, living and influential of all feelings.
Wilhelm Windelband

A person's self-separation means that he goes beyond the borders put on him a moment.
Georg Zimmel

The one who overcomes itself is and overcoming, and overcome.
Georg Zimmel

When I imagine myself to others, I imagine only myself, but not others.
Edmund Gusserl

The fact that for me there is nature, the world of culture, the human world with his social forms and so on, indicate that there are opportunities for me of relevant experience.
Edmund Gusserl

Easy to say, go to yourself. This is more difficult to make it because the entrance here is narrow.
Ernst Simon Bloch

I live like just died.
Emil Michelle Choran

I confused in words like others in affairs.
Emil Michelle Choran

I was looking for an exit in utopia and found the only consolation - in the apocalypse.
Emil Michelle Choran

I am one foot in Paradise, like others in the coffin.
Emil Michelle Choran

I have been created from what has lost.
Emil Michelle Choran

I am a continuous attempt to sing, but the song does not come.
Emil Michelle Choran

I strive to know myself, having mastered the meaning of the words of all people.
Paul Ricker

Everyone is provided to himself. And everyone knows that this "itself" is not enough.
Jean-Francois Lyotar

When we like yourself, we have more chances to please the world.
Robert Valzer

As it is beautiful - to tell yourself that you can still grow, I find a pleasant feeling that I am small.
Robert Valzer

The sincere I sought and tried to stand on solid soil, the more clearly I saw that I was flattered.
Robert Valzer

I tremorly tremble in front of other people's whims and quirks than before his own.
Robert Valzer

I have erected a monument, durable bronze.

I enjoy leisure at home.
Horace (Quint Horace Flycc)

I'm not the one who was before.
Horace (Quint Horace Flycc)

Others forgive much, yourself - nothing.
Publishing Sir

Other farewell often, for yourself - never.
Publishing Sir

The sorry victory is a victory over himself.
Publishing Sir

No person is unallocating judge towards himself.
Seneca Lucii Anne (Jr.)

To command himself - the greatest power.
Seneca Lucii Anne (Jr.)

Before you say something else, say it yourself.
Seneca Lucii Anne (Jr.)

I am a person and nothing human is alien to me.
Terentities public

Who does not compare with anyone, he, naturally, is too much about himself.

The most despicable kind of fabric is pity for yourself.
Mark Arellium

A great deal to be always the same.
Unknown author

Twice wins the one who wins himself.
Unknown author

Say little (talk) with others, a lot with you.
Unknown author

Let not belong to another one who can belong to himself.
Unknown author

The closest thing for me is me I myself.
Unknown author

Were your heart and anger.
Unknown author

Himself of Umah himself, others exalt.
Unknown author

Serve others, Rasting yourself. (Inscription under the candle as a symbol of self-sacrifice.)
Unknown author

I sinned.
Formula of your guilt and repentance

Be first the very well, and then enemies.

Win himself - this is the best tool in order not to be defeated.
Extending Indian Unknown Author

He who knows people, prudeman. Knowing himself - enlightened. Winning people - Silen. Winning himself - powerful.
Lao Tzu (Li Er)

... I have a great misfortune, because I [rushing] yourself. When I won't go to myself, then I will not have misfortune.
Lao Tzu (Li Er)

To overcome yourself and return to the proper in yourself - that's what is true humanity. Be humained or not to be - it depends only on ourselves.
Confucius (Coon Tzu)

Hold on your heart advice, because there is no one or rather for you.
Old Testament. Sirah

In God's temple, do not let me down on the threshold.
I am a bootiness. So God created me.
I am like Bludnice, whose faith is vice.
We are glad to be sinners to paradise - yes do not know the roads.
Omar Khayam

We change rivers, countries, cities.
-Wine doors ... new years ...
And nowhere to us from ourselves,
And if you go - only to nowhere.
Omar Khayam

By the beggar, it will reach heights.
Heart in blood is chemlash - will reach heights.
Away, empty dreams about great accomplishments!
Only coping with me - you will reach heights!
Omar Khayam

Do not ask friends about your shortcomings - friends will be silent about them. It is better to find out what the enemies say about you.

Friends leave three times more than yourself. For myself, keep at least the bit of the original heart purity.
Hong Zychiche

We live in the eyelid - a century ... And yet ... not to all the wisdom comes over the years ... they don't become wise, wisely born ... it's just that it is revealed later ...

Especially for our readers, we picked up the 30 best quotes per week.

1. Do not complain about life - someone dreams of such a lifetime you live.

2. The main rule of life is not to give themselves neither to people nor circumstances.

3. Never show a man how much you need him. You will not see anything good in response.

4. It is impossible to wait from a person what is unusual for him. You do not squeeze the lemon to get tomato juice.

5. After the rain always comes the rainbow, after tears - happiness.

6. Once you will completely accidentally find opening time In the right place, and millions of roads will comply at one point.

7. What you believe, becomes your world.

8. The diamond fell into the dirt, still remains a diamond, and the dust rising to heaven and remains dust.

9. Do not call, do not write, do not interest - then do not need. Everything is simple and there is nothing to come up with.

10. I know people are not saints. Sins are spelled out by fate. For me, so better honestly evil than people with false kindness!

11. Be Like Lotus, which is always clean and blooms even in muddy water.

12. And God forbid everyone to be with whom the heart is not looking for others.

13. There is no better place than the house, especially if there is a mother in it.

14. People constantly come up with their problems. Why not come up with happiness?

15. Painfully - this is when the child wants to her mother with dad, and they are not. The rest can be survived.

16. Happiness is near ... Do not think of yourself the ideals ... appreciate what you have.

17. Never LGI who trusts you. Never trust someone who lied to you.

18. Mom, even if she is barbed, still the best!

19. Distances do not need to be afraid. And in the distance you can firmly love, and you can quickly break up.

20. I always consider the last read book of the best, until I take it for something new.

21. We give life to children, and they give us meaning!

22. A happy person is the one who does not regret the past, is not afraid of the future and does not climb into someone else's life.

23. The pain sometimes leaves, but the thoughts remain.

24. How many wisdom need to never lose kindness!

25. Refusing me once, no longer climb into my life. Never.

26. We value the one who can not without you. And do not hunt for those who are happy without you.

27. Remember: you attract to yourself what you believe!

28. Only one can regret in life - about the fact that you once never risked.

29. The most natural thing in this world is change. Live cannot be frozen.

30. One sage was asked: "What should I do if you were filled?"

"Pick up your soul and leave," he replied.