You have to believe in. Elena Merzon: "You must believe in yourself even when the whole world doubts you"

If we take an excursion into the history of the women's movement, we will immediately see that the scope of application of women's activity was rather limited. The iconic German three "K" - Kinder, Küche, Kirche. - “Children, kitchen, church” in Russia also denoted the social place of women. And female management extended only to the sphere of the family economy.

Men, on the other hand, have always dominated in real life - whether it concerns managerial or production activities, business or family. A man is a leader, which is called “by default,” this is even a certain standard.

But can modern women bear on their shoulders all the hardships of a leader, a manager of the highest educational level, be a good wife and an exemplary mother of a large and friendly family?

Modern women can do everything - after all, they are energetic and purposeful, wise and organic, reliable, competent and super professional!

Director of the Yelabuga Institute of the Kazan Federal University - sounds high-status, authoritative and beautiful. But few people think about the burden of responsibility resting on the fragile shoulders of the incredibly charismatic Elena Efimovna Merzon. And at what cost do you have to overcome the challenges of our time to achieve the goals.

Her professional career includes the creation of the Republican Summer Physics and Mathematics School, the Summer Pedagogical School, the Laboratory of Applied Pedagogy, and the Center for Educational Robotics. Under her leadership, socially significant educational projects are being implemented: the Children's University, the Scientific Universiade for schoolchildren, the Intelleto Intellectual and Health Camp with a day stay for children and students, the University of the Third Age and many other successful educational projects. Elena Merzon is the author of the project of the Yelabuga Institute KFU "International Festival of School Teachers". Every year, within the walls of the university, lectures, round tables, master classes, platforms for the exchange of advanced pedagogical experience of teachers from different countries are organized. Impressive, isn't it? And this is not the whole list of Elena Efimovna's achievements.

“For 17 years of work as a leader, I have become more flexible and resilient. Yes, there are difficulties, problems. But this is my choice. If they believed in me, if they trusted me, I live by it. The level of responsibility is at its maximum. Every day I want to grow in my profession, to be useful to my university, ”Elena Efimovna is convinced.

From characteristics:

“Elena Merzon is distinguished by her integrity, initiative, performance discipline, and high professionalism. Elena Efimovna is the standard of a modern leader, a strong leader, who maintains a positive, optimistic attitude. She is characterized by a creative search, excellent organizational skills. She is benevolent, polite and self-possessed. An excellent strategist who sees the prospects for the development of the institute. Elena Efimovna is an example for colleagues and employees, instills a desire and desire to become better. "

“The origins of my character are from childhood,” Elena Efimovna shares her memories. - My dad said that from birth I showed my character, will, and desire to apply a non-standard approach everywhere. But as a teacher, I am convinced that leadership qualities can be formed in every person. "

- Do you have any idols whom you would like to imitate?

Why look for idols on the side? The real heroes are close by. My father, who worked, created, created. Reliable head of the family, connoisseur of the culture and art of the Tatar people. Many to this day remember him with warmth and gratitude. A mother who had time to do everything: create comfort, raise three daughters, work, and find time for our girls' gatherings, in which there was so much female wisdom. Here they are for me - idols.

- Your wishes for students

Oh, the student body is an unforgettable time! During these years, the foundations of a future career are laid, the most important capital in life is formed - knowledge. During these years, true friends appear, deep feelings are born. These years have left the brightest mark in the life of every person. Therefore, study, dear students, dare, implement your wildest ideas and designs!

You are a teacher, a teacher. What does the symbol of the beginning of school and student life mean for you - the ringing of a bell?

How many warm memories this melodic ringing brings! The first bell was given to me by children for Teacher's Day, when I became the director of gymnasium №4. Now in my collection there are more than 200 bells from different countries of the world. The music of the school stayed with me for the rest of my life. After all, the bell embodies the feminine principle. This is a talisman that can ward off or destroy evil. The form symbolizes the vault of heaven, the passage of time. The swinging of the bell signifies the extremes of good and evil, death and immortality. Bell ringing is the voice of cosmic harmony, preaching the truth, the sound of the teaching of perfect wisdom, a sign of harmony between man and Heaven.

- What is your main achievement in life?

Without hesitation, I will answer - my children. They always treated my work with respect, and tried to fulfill their part of the duties one hundred percent. When difficulties arose, we solved them together. They do not disappoint for a second even now. Very kind, open-minded. They have yet to be realized in life, profession. But the fact that they grew up so real, sympathetic, humane - pleases me immensely.

- What is your formula for success?

Today there are more than 4 thousand students in our team, for whom I am responsible. About 200 teachers are my associates. The more mental strength and energy you put into work, the more you get. This, it seems to me, is the formula for success.

When I was offered to head the institute, I agreed. I understood - this is mine, the most intimate. Education is a powerful and constantly evolving area. Thanks to the experience, I felt that I was aware of educational problems, both school and university. I am convinced that the university is a place that our children should know and love. Therefore, we are implementing various children's projects in Elabuga. Today Tatarstan is home to Intelletovites, Physmatovites, and young ecologists. And all this is our children, our future. This is part of my mission as a leader.

Today the director of the institute is a key figure in education, determining the success of the implementation of changes in the Russian educational field. So what kind of director should be - an experienced teacher, scientist, or an effective manager?

According to experts in the field of pedagogical management, this is, first of all, a creative person, capable of overcoming stereotypes and finding non-traditional ways of solving the tasks set for education, creating and using innovative management technologies.

This is a person who is constantly working on himself, on his professional and personal qualities. I wanted to finish the material about Elena Efimovna with her own motto : "You have to believe in yourself even when the whole world doubts you."

In this article, 5 of the best quotes on how to be successful in a wide variety of areas: business, relationships, health, etc.

"Do what you can with what you have, where you are"

You don't need a huge investment to start your own business. Initially, you will need a creative idea as well as savvy to implement this idea.

To lose weight, you do not have to immediately buy an expensive fitness club membership. You can plunge into the world of sports, starting with evening jogging.

You can always start with something small and then gradually grow and develop in the chosen direction.

"Failure is an opportunity to start over, but wiser"

On the road to success, you will surely suffer a lot of setbacks. This is normal.

Failure is just another stepping stone to your inevitable success. Learn from your mistakes, respect your mistakes. Think of failure as an important experience that will help you succeed in the future.

"If you want to succeed, continue to believe in yourself even when no one believes in you anymore."

When you climb a mountain, few people around you want to give you a helping hand. But when you fall, there will be many more people who will happily push you even harder.

The main thing is not to give up and believe in yourself. Even if so far nothing is working out. Faith is the foundation of all achievement. Believe in yourself, don't give up, keep acting and move forward!

“To get ahead, the key is to start. To start, the main thing is to break down a huge and overwhelming work into small stages and start from the first of them.

Any complex work can be divided into small parts. Solve a common problem by solving smaller problems. This will speed up and facilitate your path to your intended goal.

"You must tirelessly strive forward, not stand still for a single minute, if you want to achieve the fulfillment of your aspirations."

Set a specific goal for yourself, make a plan of action, indicate the end date by which you will reach your goal. Write it all down on paper so that your brain will activate and start working in the direction you want.

Now the most important thing is to gradually move towards your goal. Step by step, every day. Don't waste a minute! Take action!

We wish you good luck and success in achieving your goals.

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20 philosophical phrases of Sri Chinmoy to help make the world a better place.ri Chinmoy is a modern Indian philosopher, humanist writer who, with all his life activities, inspired people to open their hearts and search for inner potential in their lives. Sri Chinmoy's books, written in characteristic simple language, reveal the richness of the centuries-old spiritual search and human striving for self-knowledge.

20 philosophical phrases of Sri Chinmoy:We decided to collect his best quotes that will inspire you to search for universal harmony and unity.

  • You must believe in yourself even when the whole world doubts you.
  • Let every mistake teach you a great lesson: every sunset is the beginning of a very, very bright and big dawn ...
  • You can only give what you have. You can only receive what you have given.

I'm sorry - and you will find happiness
forget it and you will find satisfaction
forgive and forget - and you will find the same
peace inside and out.

The fall is not a failure. Failure to want to stay where you fell.

Always be joyful, for no destruction can penetrate through the invincible wall of joy.

Don't let yourself
Dislike the outer life.
The outer life must become
A complete copy of the inner life -
Lives of light and love.

  • If you ever dare to fight hate, there is only one weapon for that - Love.
  • If you expect approval from your friends in everything you do, then you will not succeed at all in this life, in anything.
  • If you want after you
    The world is better than it was before you
    Then live your heart of compassion
    And a life of care.
  • I am so happy because I have finally become a great person who sympathizes; I am no longer the little person who condemns.

I will love the whole world, but only control myself.

Don't hesitate. If you hesitate, you will not achieve your goal. The one who waits cannot succeed.

We cannot have the same circumstances and opportunities every day. Therefore, we should try to embody everything that inspires us here and now.

Life's challenges awaken a radiant power within us.

That you are tight
keep yours in peace
thoughts, will make you
or a street beggar
or a great king.

Never bow to fate. Not believing in the strength of the spirit means surrendering to death. Fate can be changed if there is an unbending will.

Not believing is easier than believing, because unbelief is an act of falling, while faith is an act of ascending. Falling is easier than climbing.

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