Pedagogical dictionaries. Preschool Pedagogy Dictionary

Acmeology - a science that studies the laws of the mental development of a personality during its heyday, the highest ("summit") achievements (acme), the psychological mechanisms of an individual's self-improvement and his acquisition of social and personal maturity. Acmeology also explores subjective and objective factorscontributing to the achievement of the heights of professionalism.

Activity - all general characteristics Living creatures; property of the psyche; personality trait. Activity is a condition for the formation, manifestation of a modification of the psyche, personality. Early and preschool childhood is characterized by the development of such basic types of activity as physical, mental, social. The child's activity is inextricably linked with training, the development of self-regulation. Activity and its self-regulation are referred to as significant internal conditions for giftedness (N.S. Leites).

Amplification of child development (from lat. amplificatio-distribution, increase) - enrichment, maximum deployment of those valuable qualities, in relation to which a given age is most favorable, receptive. Amplification presupposes the development of a child mainly in “specifically childish” types of activity (A. V. Zaporozhets).

Affect(from lat. affectus- emotional excitement, passion): 1) in the narrow sense - a strong, rapidly flowing and relatively short-term emotional state, not under the control of consciousness and arising in critical conditions with the inability to find an adequate way out of an unexpected situation; 2) in a broad sense - a general characteristic of the emotional, sensory sphere as opposed to the cognitive one (affect and intellect, affective and cognitive).

Leading activity - the type of activity that determines the most important changes in the psyche, the emergence of neoplasms at the stage of its development; activities in most contributing to the mental development of the child at a given period of his life, leading the development of himself (A. N. Leontiev). Each age is characterized by its leading activity. In infancy, they are direct emotional and personal communication, in the early - subject-tool activity, in preschool - play, in primary school - educational, in adolescence - intimate communication with peers, in senior school, in adolescence - educational and professional activities ( according to D. B. Elkonin).

Age sensitive
- the period most favorable for the effective development of specific mental functions, especially sensitive to a certain type of environmental impact.

Perception - mental cognitive process, which is a reflection in the mind of objects and phenomena of the material world with their direct impact on the sense organs.

Gender differences - such differences relate not only to primary and secondary sexual characteristics, but also neuropsychological characteristics, cognitive, emotional spheres, social roles and behavior models, mental qualities. So, in comparison with girls, boys have better developed gross motor skills, girls have better motor skills. Female representatives have great vocabulary, higher fluency and speed of speech than males. Girls begin to draw earlier than boys and are more willing to do it, they are able to express more subtle judgments about art. They are characterized by greater sensitivity, they are more inclined to turn to authorities, feel more confident and are more active in situations related to communication than boys. It has now been revealed that children of different sexes perceive and process information (positive) in different ways, include different cortical systems, which determines to a large extent their different emotional attitudes to the perceived world and its division. Taking into account gender differences in the upbringing and educational process is an important condition for increasing its effectiveness.

Humanism (from lat. humanus- humane) - a set of worldview views that express respect for the dignity and rights of a person to freedom, happiness, all-round development and manifestation of their abilities.

Humanistic psychology - one of the directions of modern psychological science, which recognizes as its main subject an integral personality in the process of its self-development. According to the concept developed by representatives of humanistic psychology (A. Maslow, K. Rogers, S. Bueller, etc.), the main thing in a person is her aspiration for the future, for personal growth and self-improvement, for the free realization of her capabilities, especially creative ones.

Deprivation - the mental state that occurs in such life situationswhere a person is not given the opportunity to satisfy significant needs for him sufficiently and for a sufficiently long time. D. is characterized by pronounced deviations in emotional and intellectual development, disruption of social contacts.

Dialogue communication - communication based on unconditional internal acceptance of each other as values \u200b\u200bin themselves and focused on the uniqueness of each of the communication partners. Before. effective for mutual understanding, establishing friendly relationships.

Differential psychology - a branch of psychological science that studies psychological differences between individuals and groups of people, as well as the causes, sources and consequences of these differences.

Shyness - a personality trait that characterizes excessive modesty, a person's underestimation of his abilities and merits, which negatively affects emotional well-being and communication with people.

Zone of nearest (potential) development - discrepancy in the difficulty of tasks solved by the child independently (current level of development) and under the guidance of an adult; The zone of proximal development is an area of \u200b\u200bunripe, but maturing processes; is determined by those capabilities of the pupil that he himself cannot yet realize at the present time, but which, thanks to cooperation with adults (or an older peer), will be his own property in the near future. The concept of zone of proximal development was introduced by L. S. Vygotsky; it is widely used in developmental and educational psychology in solving problems of the relationship between learning and development.

A game - a type of unproductive activity, the main motive of which lies not in the result, not in the receipt of utilitarian things, but in the process itself. I. passes through the whole life of a person. In preschool childhood, she acquires the status of a leading activity. There are several types of children's games - role-playing (including director's), games with rules (including didactic, active ones), dramatization games. Particular importance for the development of a preschooler is given to the role-playing game, in which children play the roles of adults in a generalized form, in specially created conditions (using substitute objects), reproduce the activities of adults and the relationship between them (D. B. Elkonin). In Russian psychology, play is viewed as a social activity both in origin and in content. The development of a preschooler's play activity is largely determined by the adults (parents, teachers) interacting with them. What is important is their attitude to play not as an object of control, but as a condition for the development of the child, his creativity.

Game position - personality quality that is significant for gaming activities; special attitude of an adult (parent, teacher) to children, expressed through play techniques; complex education, which includes closely related reflection (the ability to see a real situation from the outside and isolate play opportunities in it), infantilization (the ability to establish trusting relationships with others), empathy (the ability to feel the play states of other people), activity (the ability to find non-standard ways to achieve the goal). The game position is based on the general principles of the game (intrinsic value, non-utilitarianism, voluntariness, game equality, etc.) and presupposes mastering the in-game language expressed in word, gesture, facial expressions, and plasticity. The formed play position (“partner”, “director”, “co-player”, “coordinator”) facilitates the inclusion in children's play, allows an adult through communication to have a positive influence on its development. The teacher's play position is also significant for establishing an atmosphere of trust.

Identification (from lat. identufucare - to identify) - identification of something, someone in the process of matching, comparing one object with another; assimilation, the process of unconscious identification with another person, group or model; as a mechanism of interpersonal cognition, I. presupposes the transfer of oneself into the space and time of another person.

Individual (from lat. - "indivisible") - a person as a single natural being, a representative, a product of phylo- and ontogenetic development, the unity of innate and acquired, a bearer of individually unique, primarily biologically determined, features.

Individuality - the originality of a person as an individual and personality; the uniqueness of the combination of the qualities of a child (adult). Individuality is manifested in the external appearance of a person, the expressiveness of his movements, in the peculiarities of the course of mental processes and states, in character traits, properties of temperament, specific interests, needs, abilities, giftedness. The prerequisite for the formation of human individuality is anatomical and physiological inclinations, which are transformed and fully revealed in the process of education.

Individual approach - a psychological and pedagogical principle, which presupposes taking into account in the educational process the individual and personal characteristics of the educated (student), the success of his activities, her style, living conditions. I. p. To a child (his parents) is an important condition for the humanization of the pedagogical process in a preschool institution (school); it is characteristic of a teacher with a personality-oriented model of behavior.

Individual style of activity - a system of relatively stable, individually unique ways and techniques for solving problems arising in the process different types his activities. The individual style of activity arises as a result of internal and external factors. In the process of education, it is important to contribute to the development of a style of activity that would correspond to his individual characteristics, the specifics of his activities. The pronounced individual style of activity gives the originality of human activity, "colors" it in a special way and often contributes to an increase in its effectiveness.

Intelligence (from lat. intellectus - understanding, cognition) - the totality of all cognitive processes of the individual (sensations, perception, representation, memory, imagination, thinking); general ability to knowledge, problem solving related to success in any activity.

Socio-psychological climate (from gr. klima - inclination) - the qualitative side of interpersonal relations, manifested in the form of a set of psychological conditions that promote or impede productive joint activities and personality development in a group. The socio-psychological climate is manifested in the prevailing mental states typical for group members, the sociometric structure of their relationships, cohesion, harmony of the group, etc.

Competence (from Latin competens - appropriate, capable) individual characteristics of the degree of compliance with the requirements of the profession; a combination of mental qualities, mental state, allowing you to act responsibly and independently. There are several types of professional competence: special (owning professional activities at a sufficiently high level and the ability to design their future professional Development); social (possession of joint professional activities, cooperation, methods of professional communication adopted in this profession, social responsibility for the results of one's professional work); personal (possession of the techniques of personal self-expression and self-development, means of resisting personality deformation); individual (possession of the techniques of self-realization and development of individuality within the framework of the profession, readiness for professional personal growth, the ability for individual self-preservation, the ability to rationally organize their work, to carry it out without fatigue); extreme professional (readiness to work successfully in suddenly complicated conditions) (according to A.K. Markova).

Correction (from lat. correctio - correction) psychological - psychological and pedagogical influence on the psyche of an individual or on the socio-psychological state of a group (children's society) in order to prevent or weaken deficiencies in the development of a personality (group).

Creativity - personality trait, ability for creativity and mental transformation.

Age crisis - a transitional stage from one period of age development to another, characterized by intense qualities, systemic changes in social relations, activities and mental organization of a person.

Leader (from the English. leader- leader) - a member of the group who has direct and indirect psychological influence on the members of the group, recognizing his right to make decisions in significant situations.

Personal microenvironment - components of the social environment with which a person directly interacts and which to the greatest extent cause him emotional experiences. The child's personal microenvironment primarily includes people with whom he communicates “face to face” (father, mother, grandparents, brothers and sisters, teacher, peers), direct interaction with whom is especially important for the development of his personality.

Motive - the inner stimulus of activity, giving it a personal meaning.

Thinking - a mental process characterized by a generalized and indirect reflection of reality. There are several types of thinking. According to the prevailing methods and mental processes included in thinking, they distinguish: visual-active thinking, characterized by the fact that the solution of the problem, the acquisition of new knowledge for the subject is carried out by real action with objects, their transformations in a visually perceived situation; visual-figurative - associated with the representation of situations and changes in them, carried out with the help of images that recreate the variety of various characteristics of objects and phenomena; verbal-logical, characterized by the use of concepts, linguistic means in the process of solving problems. Depending on the nature of the problem being solved, the content of thinking, there are: theoretical and practical thinking, technical, artistic, musical, etc .; according to the degree of development and awareness, thinking is discursive and intuitive; according to the degree of novelty and originality of the solution to the problem and problems - reproductive (reproducing) and creative.

Personality orientation - one of its most important properties; expressed in the system of leading motives of behavior, interests, ideals, beliefs.

Communication - a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities and communication. O. is carried out by means of verbal (speech) and non-verbal (non-speech) means. The latter include facial expressions, gestures, gaze, posture, voice intonation, spatial organization of communication, etc.

Gifted child - a child who has obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one or another type of activity, the intensity of the severity and brightness of which distinguish him from his peers; gifted children - children who discover general or special giftedness (for music, drawing, technique, etc.).

Ontogenesis - the individual development of an organism throughout its life.

Pragmatic position - the orientation of the personality to activities that bring practical benefit to it.

Subject activity - an activity in the process of which a person discovers the socially developed purpose of objects and methods of their application. Subject activity is leading at an early age.

Vocation - the life purpose and orientation of a person, giving expediency, meaningfulness and perspective to his activities.

Professionalism - high preparedness for solving problems of professional activity, for the implementation of its functions. Professionalism is not limited to a high level of skill, it is viewed by an increasing number of researchers as a systemic education, a systemic organization of consciousness (E.A. Klimov, S.V. Kondratyeva, A.K. Markova, etc.). The main differences between a professional and an amateur: the ability to predict processes and phenomena in the area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity; understanding the essence of the subject of performance indicators; breadth of outlook, completeness of coverage of the subject of professional activity; the degree of creativity, originality, novelty; the speed of the operation, the time for preparatory work (according to V.V. Petrusinsky). The heights of professionalism, according to experts in the field of acmeology, a person reaches himself. Self-diagnostics, self-motivation, self-correction, self-confidence are of great importance in mastering professionalism.

Psyche (from the Greek. psychikos- soul) - a property of highly organized matter - the brain, performing orienting, controlling, adaptive, stimulating and meaning-forming functions in behavior and activity.

Psychodiagnostics (from the Greek. Psyche- soul and diagnostkos - capable of recognizing) - the field of psychology, which develops methods for identifying and measuring individual psychological characteristics of personality, interpersonal interaction.

Psychological barrier - an internal obstacle of a psychological nature, expressed in the inadequate passivity of a person and interfering with the performance of certain actions.

Health psychology - modern science about the psychological causes of health, about the methods and means of its preservation, strengthening and development. P. z. also includes the practice of maintaining a person's health from conception to death. Its main object is a "healthy" personality.

Psychotherapy (from the Greek. psych- soul and therapia- care, treatment) - a complex verbal and non-verbal therapeutic effect on a person with many mental, nervous and psychosomatic diseases.

Self-actualization (from lat. actualis - real, real) - the deployment of the potential of the personality from oneself; full and all-round realization by a person of his capabilities, talents, abilities (according to A. Maslow). The concept of S. - one of the basic in humanistic psychology. The psychological health of a person is largely associated with self-actualization.

Self-regulation (from lat. regulare - put in order, establish) - an expedient, relatively adequate to changing conditions, the establishment of a balance between the environment and the body; self-regulation of the educator - the teacher's control of his mental processes, his own behavior and psychophysical state with the aim of optimal action in difficult pedagogical situations and ensuring professional self-preservation. There are several stages of the process of self-regulation at the personal level: self-knowledge of a person, acceptance of personality, choice of the goal and direction of the process of self-regulation, choice of methods of personal self-regulation, receiving feedback. The teacher's readiness for self-regulation contributes to success in his professional self-improvement, personal growth, and health preservation.

Sensory education - a system of psychological and pedagogical influences aimed at. Mastering sensory standards and methods of sensitive cognition, perceptual actions significantly affects the development of sensations and perception in a child. According to A. V. Zaporozhets, sensory education should be carried out primarily within meaningful types of activity (manipulations with objects, work, play, inventive, musical, constructive activity). There are other views on this process (M. Montessori).

Sensory standards - developed by mankind and generally accepted, verbally designated samples of the main varieties of external properties and qualities of objects (color, size, pitch of sounds, etc.).

Socialization - the process and result of assimilation and active reproduction of social experience by an individual, carried out in communication and activity.

Socio-psychological observation - the ability of a person to adequately perceive, understand and evaluate the communication of people around him and his relationship to them.

Social expectations - awareness and experience of the person of his duties, the requirements that are presented to her as a performer of a certain social role. The teacher strives to meet the expectations of children, colleagues, parents, leaders.

Sociometric status - the position of the subject in the system of interpersonal relations of the group, which determines his rights, duties and privileges.

Stereotype - template, copy.

Stereotyping (from the Greek. stereos -solid and typos -imprint) is one of the important characteristics of interpersonal and intergroup perception; the process of attributing similarities to all members of a social group (or community) without sufficient awareness of the possible (existing) differences between them.

Subject - an individual (or social group) who has) his own internal activity, acting (s), cognizing (s), transforming (th) reality, other people and himself.

Temperament (from lat. temperamentum - the proper ratio of parts, proportionality) - the characteristic of the individual from the side of his dynamic characteristics; an individually unique set of dynamic manifestations of the psyche. The physiological basis of temperament is the type of higher nervous activity. IP Pavlov identified three main characteristics of the nervous system (strength, mobility, balance) and four main combinations of these properties: strong, unbalanced, mobile - "unrestrained" type; strong, balanced, mobile - "alive"; strong, balanced, sedentary - "calm"; "Weak" type. The "unrestrained" type underlies the choleric temperament, the "lively" - sanguine, "calm" - phlegmatic, "weak" - melancholic. Further studies of temperament revealed its other psychological properties: sensitivity (sensitivity), reactivity, activity, emotional excitability, plasticity and rigidity, extroversion and introversion, the rate of mental reactions. The entire composition of the properties of temperament does not arise immediately, but in a certain sequence, which is determined both by the general laws of the maturation of higher nervous activity and the psyche as a whole, and by the specific laws of maturation of each type of the nervous system.

Job satisfaction - a positively colored mental state of a person, arising on the basis of the correspondence of his hopes, expectations, needs, attitudes with consequences and results labor activity... Job satisfaction is a prerequisite for labor productivity, an important condition for maintaining and strengthening psychological health. The teacher's satisfaction with the work of a teacher is significantly influenced by the system of relations with pupils and their parents, colleagues and leaders that has developed in the process of his professional interaction; socio-psychological climate in a preschool institution (school); the presence of prospects for professional growth; working conditions, its organization; opportunities for creativity, self-actualization; assessment of performance results by parents, colleagues, administration, encouragement (material, moral), etc.

Empathy (from the Greek. empatheia - empathy) - a person's ability to empathize and sympathy with other people, to understand their internal states.

Halo effect - spreading, in conditions of a shortage of information about a person, a general evaluative impression about him on the perception of his actions and personal qualities.

"I-concept" - relatively stable, sufficiently conscious, experienced as a unique system of man's ideas about himself as a subject of his life and activity, on the basis of which he builds relationships with others, relates to himself, acts and behaves.


KARSHI - 2014




DZHUMAEVA N.E. Sokhibov A.R.


department of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Pedagogy-Psychology of Karshi state university, Minutes No. 1 dated 28.08. 2013;

Scientific and Methodological Council of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Karshi State University, protocol No. 4 of 25.11. 2013 g.

Scientific and Methodological Council of Karshi State University, Protocol No. 3 of 25.01. 2014

By the Academic Council of Karshi State University, protocol № 6 from 25.01. 2014

Responsible editor:

Nishanova S.K. -doctor of Pedagogy, Professor.


Kurasova N.V.- Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature

Eshmuradov E.E.- Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy

Ochilova N.M.- Ph.D., Head of the Department of Pedagogy primary education Karshi Pedagogical College


The terminological dictionary on pedagogy is intended primarily for teachers and students, but will be of interest to psychologists, sociologists, as well as students and applicants.

The Pedagogical Terminological Dictionary was created to streamline vocabulary according to pedagogical topics and is designed to facilitate readers' understanding of modern pedagogical terms in order to more accurately define the subject when analyzing the content of the dictionary.

In this terminological dictionary, interpretations are given not only of pedagogical terms and concepts, but also information about teachers, philosophers and outstanding thinkers of the East, and also given idioms and aphorisms about education and training.

This terminological dictionary will provide an opportunity for independent study of pedagogical terms and concepts by future specialists in all areas of undergraduate studies and is recommended for teachers and students of higher educational institutions, as well as for students and applicants.


The main tasks facing the higher school are to organize the knowledge of future specialists in accordance with the requirements of the present, to equip with the basics of each subject, in order to fulfill the requirements of the "Law on Education", as well as the "National Program for Personnel Training", to develop them mental thinking on the highest level

In Uzbekistan, a course has been chosen and is being implemented to build a socially-oriented democratic legal state and civil society. The main goal and driving force of the reforms carried out in the republic is a person, his all-round development and an increase in his well-being.

Changes are constantly taking place in all spheres of human activity: in scientific and technical, economic, social, cultural. These changes are reflected in the language, in particular, in terminology. The vocabulary of pedagogy, like any science, is in constant flux. In the context of modern modernization and informatization of the education system, there has been a significant transformation of the content of many concepts of pedagogy, some institutions have been renamed, educational institutions of a new type have appeared, tendencies have emerged for the active involvement of foreign language borrowings, the introduction of terms from other (related) sciences into pedagogy, and the saturation of terminology with neologisms (for example, " tutor "). The influx of new terms also occurs due to the growth of terms-metaphors and terms-phrases (for example, "Open education", "Management in education").

Pedagogical terminology has a long history. Pedagogical terminology began to develop about a thousand years ago, and many pedagogical concepts took shape much earlier than they took shape in terms. The first mention of the goals of education is found in proverbs, sayings, fairy tales, epics. With the advent of writing and then printing, with the further growth of culture and education, with the expansion of contacts with other countries, material was accumulated for compiling the first dictionaries on pedagogy. Now there are many conceptual and terminological encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books on pedagogy.

The terminological dictionary on pedagogy was prepared on the basis of modern sources (current literature recent years): encyclopedic dictionaries, reference books on pedagogy, individual works of authorship and articles.

The presented dictionary is an attempt to reflect the current state of pedagogical science in a terminological context.


Abstraction - the process of thinking, as a result of which a person, distracted from the inessential, forms concepts, going up from the concrete to the abstract, filling the abstract with concrete content.

Enrollee -(Novolat. abituriens - about to leave) - a graduate of a secondary educational institution who received a certificate of maturity. It is also used in the sense: applying for admission to another educational institution.

Withdrawal symptoms(from lat. abs - because of, teneo - to hold on) - a condition resulting from the cessation of the action of alcohol or drugs with a sudden interruption in their intake. The characteristic manifestations of A. are headache, dizziness, dry mouth, tachycardia, nausea, depressed mood, insomnia, fear, anxiety, and suicide attempts.

Avesta - a collection of sacred books of Zoroastrianism (fire worshipers) of the peoples of the Near and Middle East. It was written in the 7th - 6th centuries. BC. and consisted of 21 books, 3 books have survived to this day, was an encyclopedia of its era and for centuries served as a teaching aid for students.

The authority of the teacher -the importance of the teacher's merits generally recognized by students and the strength of his educational impact based on this. These advantages include erudition, pedagogical skills, the ability to connect theory and practice, optimism, fairness.

Aggressiveness - purposeful destructive behavior that contradicts the norms and rules of coexistence of people in society, causing physical harm or causing negative experiences, a state of tension, fear, depression. Aggressive actions can act as a means of achieving a goal, as a way of mental discharge, satisfaction of a blocked personality need and switching activities, as a form of self-realization and self-affirmation.

Adaptation - adaptability.

Adaptation - adaptation of organisms to specific conditions of existence.

Adaptation - the ability of the body (personality, function) to adapt to various environmental conditions. Bringing the personality to a state that provides stable behavior in typical problem situations without pathological changes in the structure of the personality.

Social adaptation - the process and result of active adaptation of a person to the conditions and requirements of the social environment. Its content is the convergence of the goals and value orientations of the group and the individual entering into it, the assimilation of group norms, traditions, social attitudes by him, and the adoption of social roles. It is one of the mechanisms of personality socialization.

Adaptation (social) is a process that ensures a painless entry of a person into society, adaptation to it on the basis of voluntary acceptance of social norms and requirements, mastering practice-oriented knowledge and communication skills necessary to harmonize interpersonal relations in a socio-cultural environment.

Adjunct -(lat. Adjunctus - affiliated, assistant) - a person preparing for scientific and pedagogical work in higher military educational institutions. IN Western Europe and pre-revolutionary Russia (at the Academy of Sciences, at universities); 2. assistant professor or academician.

Personality activity (from Latin activus - active) - an active attitude of a person to the world, the ability to make socially significant transformations of the material and spiritual environment on the basis of mastering the historical experience of mankind; manifests itself in creative activity, volitional acts, communication. It is formed under the influence of the environment and upbringing.

Acmeology- a science that studies the patterns and factors of achieving the heights of professionalism, creative longevity of a person.

Acceleration - acceleration of the growth and development of children and adolescents, as well as the onset of puberty at an earlier age.

Axiology- a science that explores the philosophical doctrine of values.

Axiological (value) approach in culture considers culture as the totality of all the wealth and values \u200b\u200bof society, accumulated in the process of its development. These values \u200b\u200bexist in material and spiritual forms.

Accentuation of character (personality) - excessive strengthening of individual character traits and their combinations, representing extreme variants of the norm (excitability, aggressiveness, withdrawal, anxiety, irritability, impressionability, suspicion, resentment, etc. (; they have a tendency towards socially positive and socially negative development in dependence on the influences of the environment and upbringing. The author of the term - German psychologist and psychiatrist K. Leonhard. The teacher's knowledge of AH (l.) is necessary in the study and understanding of pupils and the implementation of an individual approach to them.

Personality activity - the active attitude of a person to the world, his ability to produce socially significant transformations of the material and spiritual environment; manifests itself in creative activity, volitional acts, communication.

Altruism - disinterested concern for the welfare of others and the willingness to sacrifice for others their personal interests.

Ambivalence - duality of experience, when one and the same person simultaneously evokes opposite feelings.

Analysis- literally, the dismemberment (imaginary or real) of an object into elements. In a broad sense, it is synonymous with research in general. Self-analysis is one of the most important conditions for increasing the effectiveness of the pedagogical process, for the growth of teacher's professionalism; mental or real dismemberment of an object into its component parts, each of which is then studied in order to unite through synthesis into a single whole, enriched with new knowledge.

Analysis of the lesson - analysis of the content of the training session on its component parts from different points of view to assess it as a whole; is one of the main ways of studying and generalizing experience, an indispensable condition for improving pedagogical skills.

Application form - a methodological tool for obtaining primary sociological and psychological information on the basis of verbal (verbal) communication, a form of correspondence survey, united by a single research concept; a system of questions aimed at identifying the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of an object or subject of analysis.

Questionnaire- the method of mass collection of material using specially designed questionnaires (questionnaires).

Analytical skills - theoretical analysis of facts and phenomena.

Andragogy - section of didactics, revealing and developing the principles of adult education.

Anthropology - a science that studies the biological nature of man.

Anthropology pedagogical - the philosophical basis of education, which allows you to understand the structure of education, only correlating it with the structure of the integral nature of man; "The study of man in all manifestations of his nature with a special application to the art of education" (KD Ushinsky); education in Anthropology is understood as an attribute of human existence.

Alalia - the absence or underdevelopment of speech due to organic damage to the speech areas of the cerebral cortex in the intrauterine or early period child development.

Alcoholism - alcohol abuse. It is customary to distinguish: domestic drunkenness, chronic alcoholism, alcoholic psychosis.

Abnormal children - children with deviations from normal mental and (or) physical development, overcoming the consequences of which requires the use of special correction techniques.

Anomaly - pathological deviation from the norm in the functions of the body and its parts, deviation from the general laws of development.

Antonyms are different words related to one part of speech, but opposite in meaning (good - evil, powerful - powerless). The opposition of antonyms in speech is a vivid source of speech expression, which enhances the emotionality of speech: He was weak in body, but strong in spirit.

Asphyxiation - suffocation that occurs in children at birth in the event of a cessation of oxygen supply from the mother's body through the placenta.

Autism - a morbid state of mind, characterized by a person's concentration on their experiences, withdrawal from the real external world.

Approbation (lat. approbatio - verification) - approval, approval based on research, experimental verification.

Affective - emotionally colored.

Psychological barrier - a motive that prevents the performance of a certain activity or action, in particular, communication with an individual or a group of people.

Batavia plan (Batavian system) - a system of individual learning that emerged in America at the end of the 19th century.

Bell Lancaster System - a system of mutual learning, in which senior and more successful students (monitors), under the guidance of a teacher, conducted classes with the rest of the students in the elementary school. It arose at the end of the 18th century. in India, and at the beginning of the 19th century. - in England. This system was opposed by supporters of developmental education.

Conversation - 1) a question-and-answer method of involving students in discussion, analysis of actions and the development of moral assessments; 2) a method of obtaining information based on verbal (verbal) communication; 3) teaching method. Types: catechetical, or reproductive, - aimed at consolidating, checking the studied material by repeating it; heuristic, search - based on the existing knowledge of students, the teacher leads them to the assimilation of new concepts; Socratic - the search for the truth through the doubt, which is subjected to each conclusion.

Blonsky Pavel Petrovich (1884-1941) - teacher and psychologist, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor. Pre-revolutionary works had a historical-philosophical and historical-pedagogical

Neglect - lack of supervision of children, observation of their behavior and pastime, care about upbringing on the part of parents or those who replace them.

Charity - the provision by individuals or organizations of gratuitous assistance to people in need or social groups of the population.

Bradilamia (from Greek bradis - slow and Latin lalia - speech) - pathologically slowed down tempo of speech (synonym - bradifrasia). It manifests itself in delayed articulation caused by disorders of the speech centers in the cerebral cortex.

Fraternal schools - educational institutions that existed in the 16th - 17th centuries. with brotherhoods - national-religious associations of Orthodox believers in Ukraine, Belarus, Czech Republic and other countries. The activities of fraternal schools contributed to the rise cultural life and the preservation of the national identity of the peoples of these countries. In fraternal schools, for the first time in the history of school education, a class-lesson system was born, which received a theoretical foundation and development in the works of the Czech teacher Ya.A. Komensky.

Valeolog - (lat. Vale - be healthy) - a specialist who teaches children a healthy lifestyle.

Validity - the degree of correspondence of the measured indicator to what was to be measured in sociological or psychological-pedagogical research.

Validity- the ability of a psychodiagnostic technique to adequately assess and measure the psychological characteristic for the assessment of which it was developed. Distinguish between meaningful, criterial and constructive V. of the test. Prior to content, it means checking the content of a test to determine whether it is consistent with a measurable area of \u200b\u200bbehavior. V. according to the criterion shows how much can be judged by the test results about the aspect of the individual's behavior of interest to us in the present or in the future. To determine it, test performance is related to a criterion, that is, an independent measure of what the test should predict. Constructive V. is determined by proving the correctness of the theoretical concepts underlying the test.

Verbal - oral, verbal.

Interaction - the process of direct or indirect mutual influence people on each other, suggesting their mutual dependence on common tasks, interests, joint activities and mutually oriented reactions. Signs of real V .: simultaneous existence of objects; bilateral ties; mutual transition of subject and object; interdependence of changes in the parties; internal self-activity of students.

Type of training

Type of training - a generalized characteristic of training systems, which establishes the features of training and training activities; the nature of the interaction between the teacher and students in the learning process; functions of the means, methods and forms of teaching used.

Victimization (from Lat. victime - victim) - circumstances, unfavorable conditions of socialization, as a result of which a person becomes a victim.

Extracurricular activities

Internal position - a system of social attitudes of the individual, closely related to his actual needs and determining the main content and focus of activity in a given period of life.

Suggestion - the unconscious impact of one person on another, giving out certain changes in his psychology and behavior.

Extracurricular educational work - organization by the teacher of various types of activities of pupils outside school hours, providing the necessary conditions for the socialization of the child's personality.

Extracurricular activities- organization by the teacher of various types of activities of pupils outside school hours, providing the necessary conditions for the socialization of the child's personality.

Suggestion - a form of psychological influence associated with the weakening of conscious control over perceived information.

Suggestibility- predisposition to suggestion.

Impact pedagogical - the influence of the teacher on the consciousness, will, emotions of the educated, on the organization of their life and activities in the interests of forming the required qualities in them and ensuring the successful achievement of the set goals.

Age - the period of human development, characterized by a set of specific patterns of formation of the organism and personality. V. is a qualitatively special stage, which is characterized by a number of changes that determine the uniqueness of the personality structure at a given stage of development. Hungary's boundaries are changeable and do not coincide in different socio-economic conditions.

Age approach in education - taking into account and using the patterns of personality development (physical, mental, social), as well as socio-psychological characteristics of the groups of children, due to their age composition.

Will- conscious self-regulation by a person of his activities, behavior, ensuring overcoming difficulties in achieving the goal.

Upbringing - 1) the process of systematic and purposeful impact on the spiritual and physical state of the individual.

2) the process and result of the interaction of the educator with the pupil with the aim of his personal development and assimilation social norms and cultural values, preparation for self-realization in the society in which he lives.

Upbringing - purposeful management of the process of human development through its inclusion in various types of social relations in study, communication, play, practical activity.

Upbringing (as a social phenomenon) is a complex and contradictory socio-historical process of transferring socio-historical experience to new generations, carried out by all social institutions: public organizations, mass media and culture, church, family, educational institutions of different levels and directions. Education ensures social progress and the continuity of generations.

Upbringing(as a pedagogical phenomenon) - 1) purposeful professional activity of a teacher, contributing to the maximum development of the child's personality, his entry into the context of modern culture, becoming a subject of his own life, the formation of his motives and values; 2) a holistic, consciously organized pedagogical process of 219 formation and education of a personality in educational institutions by specially trained specialists; 3) a purposeful, controlled and open system of educational interaction between children and adults, in which the pupil is a parity participant and there is an opportunity to make changes to it (the system) that contribute to the optimal development of children (in this definition, the child is both an object and a subject); 4) providing the pupil with alternative ways of behaving in various situations, leaving him the right to choose and find his own path; 5) the process and result of purposeful influence on the development of the personality, her relationships, traits, qualities, views, beliefs, ways of behavior in society (in this position, the child is the object of pedagogical influence); 6) purposeful creation of conditions for the development of culture by a person, translating it into personal experience through an organized long-term impact on the development of an individual from the surrounding educational institutions, social and natural environment, taking into account his potential in order to stimulate his self-development and independence; 7) (in the narrowest, concrete sense) the constituent parts of the integral educational process: mental, directed, etc. education.

Spiritual education - the formation of a value attitude to life, ensuring sustainable and harmonious development of a person. This is the upbringing of a sense of duty, justice, sincerity, responsibility and other qualities that can give a higher meaning to a person's deeds and thoughts.

Moral education - the formation of moral relations, the ability to improve them and the ability to act in accordance with social requirements and norms, a solid system of habitual, everyday moral behavior.

Political education - the formation of students' political consciousness, reflecting relations between states, nations, parties, and the ability to understand them from spiritual, moral and ethical positions. It is carried out on the principles of objectivity, variability, freedom of choice of position and assessments within the boundaries of universal values.

Sexual education - systematic, consciously planned and implemented impact on the formation of sexual consciousness and behavior of children, preparing them for family life.

Legal education - the process of forming a legal culture and legal behavior, which consists in the implementation of legal universal education, overcoming legal nihilism, the formation of law-abiding behavior.

Free upbringing - development of the strengths and abilities of each child, unhindered by any restrictions, full disclosure of his individuality. It is characterized by a categorical denial of the system of education and training, based on the suppression of the child's personality, the regulation of all aspects of his life and behavior. Supporters of this model have attached and still attach exceptional importance to creating conditions for self-expression and free development of children's individuality, minimizing ped. interference and even more excluding any violence and coercion. They believe that a child can only imagine what he has experienced internally, therefore, the leading role in his upbringing and education should be played by childhood experiences and the accumulation of personal experience by children. This direction is directly related to the concept of free education by J.-J. Russo. but

these schools were not widespread in the West. In Russia, the most striking experience of creating schools for free education was the "House of a Free Child", created by K.N. Wentzel in 1906. He supported the ideas of free education of L.N. Tolstoy, organizing the life and education of peasant children in the Yasnaya Polyana school. There were also other attempts: A. Radchenko's “School of Shaluns” in Baku, the Moscow family school of O. Kaidanovskaya-Bervi, educational complexes “Setlement” and “Child Labor and Rest”, which were first headed by A.U. Zelenko, then S.T. Shatsky. At the present time, there is a renewed interest in the ideas of free education. Waldorf schools and M. Montessori centers have been opened in Moscow and a number of other cities, and domestic models of free, non-violent upbringing are being developed.

Social upbringing - the process and result of spontaneous interaction of a person with the immediate living environment and conditions of purposeful education (family, spiritual, moral, civil, legal, religious, etc.); the process of active adaptation of a person to certain roles, normative attitudes and patterns of social manifestation; systematic creation of conditions for the relatively purposeful development of a person in the process of his socialization.

Labor education - joint activities of the educator and pupils, aimed at developing general labor skills and abilities, psychological readiness for work, the formation of a responsible attitude to work and its products, to a conscious choice of profession. The path of labor education is the inclusion of the student in the complete structure of labor: its planning, organization, implementation, control, assessment.

Mental education - the formation of intellectual culture, cognitive motives, mental powers, thinking, worldview and intellectual freedom of the individual.

Physical education - a system for improving a person, aimed at physical development, health promotion, ensuring high performance and developing the need for constant physical self-improvement.

Aesthetic education - purposeful interaction of educators and pupils, contributing to the development and improvement in the growing person of the ability to perceive, correctly understand, appreciate and create beauty in life and art, actively participate in creativity, creation according to the laws of beauty. 221

Ethical education - purposeful interaction of educators and pupils, with the aim of developing the rules of good form for the latter, the formation of a culture of behavior and relationships.

Good breeding - this is the current level of personality development, in contrast to education - the potential level of personality development, the zone of its proximal development.

Good breeding - the level of personality development, manifested in the consistency between knowledge, beliefs, behavior and characterized by the degree of formation of socially significant qualities. Discord, a conflict between what a person knows how he thinks and how he actually acts, can lead to a personality crisis.

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2015-2020 -

Authoritarian style- the style of communication between the teacher and students, when the teacher alone decides all issues related to the life of both the class team and each student. Based on his own attitudes, he determines the goals of interaction, subjectively evaluates the results of activities.

Author's training programs- curricula, which, taking into account the requirements of the state standard, may contain a different logic for constructing an academic subject, their own points of view regarding the phenomena and processes being studied, if there is a review from scientists in this subject area, teachers, psychologists, methodologists, they are approved by the pedagogical council of the school.

Acmeology- a science that explores the laws and facts of achieving the heights of professionalism, creative longevity of a person.

Analysis- a method of scientific research by decomposing an object into its component parts or mentally dismembering an object by logical abstraction.

Basic curriculum of a comprehensive school- the main state regulatory document, which is an integral part of the state standard in this area of \u200b\u200beducation. It serves as the basis for the development of standard and working curricula and the initial document for funding the school. The basic curriculum as part of the education standard for basic schools is approved by the State Duma, and for complete and secondary schools - by the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation.

Conversation- a question-and-answer method of active interaction between a teacher and students, which is used at all stages of the educational process: to communicate new knowledge, to consolidate, repeat, test and evaluate knowledge.

In-school management- purposeful, conscious interaction of the participants in the integral pedagogical process based on the knowledge of its objective laws in order to achieve an optimal result.

Education - specially organized activity of teachers and pupils for the realization of the goals of education in the conditions of the pedagogical process.

Deviant behavior- behavior deviating from the norm.

Deductive methods -logical methods of generalization of empirically obtained data, suggesting the movement of thought from a general judgment to a particular conclusion.

Actions- processes, the motives of which are in the activity in which they are included.

Democratic style - the style of communication between the teacher and students, focused on increasing the subjective role of the student in interaction, and attracting everyone to solving common affairs. For teachers adhering to this style, active positive attitudes towards students, an adequate assessment of their capabilities, successes and failures are characteristic, they are characterized by a deep understanding of the student, the goals and motives of his behavior, the ability to predict the development of his personality.

Activity -internal (mental) and external (physical) activity of a person, regulated by a conscious goal.

Diagnosis in pedagogy -assessment of the general state of the pedagogical process or its individual components at one time or another of its functioning on the basis of a comprehensive, holistic examination.

Didactics - part of pedagogy, setting out the theoretical foundations of education and training.

Didactic tasks -educational and cognitive management tasks

Didactic material -a system of objects, each of which is intended for use in the learning process as a material or materialized model of a particular system, isolated within the framework of social knowledge and experience, and serves as a means of solving some didactic problem.

Dispute- the method of forming judgments, assessments and beliefs in the process of cognitive and value-orientated activity, does not require definite and final decisions. The dispute perfectly matches the age characteristics of a high school student, whose emerging personality is characterized by a passionate search for the meaning of life, a desire not to take anything for granted, a desire to compare facts in order to establish the truth.

Distance learning Is a form of receiving educational services at a distance without visiting educational institutions with the help of modern information and educational technologies and telecommunication systems such as e-mail, television and the Internet.

Dogmatic learning -a type of collective organization of cognitive activity, widespread in the Middle Ages, it is characterized by teaching in Latin, the main types of student activity were listening and rote memorization.

Additional lessons -one of the forms of organizing educational activities, which is carried out with individual students or a group of students in order to fill gaps in knowledge, develop skills and abilities, and satisfy increased interest in the subject. In additional classes, teachers practice various types of assistance: clarifying individual questions, attaching weak students to strong ones, re-explaining the topic.

Identification - establishing the identity of an object.

Inductive methods - logical methods of generalization of empirically obtained data, suggesting the movement of thought from particular judgments to a general conclusion.

Induction - logical reasoning, moving from statements of a less general nature to a statement of a more general nature.

Innovation - a purposeful change that introduces new, relatively stable elements into a certain social unit - an organization, a settlement, a society, a group.

Briefing - one of the methods that provides an explanation and demonstration to students of the purpose, tasks and method of performing certain actions, a sequence of operations that make up a particular skill.

Interview - the most flexible method of collecting information, which involves conducting a conversation (according to a specific plan) based on direct, personal contact.

Research method - a way of organizing the search, creative activity of students to solve new problems for them. The teacher presents this or that problem for independent research, knows its result, the course of the solution and those features of creative activity that are required to be shown in the course of the solution.

Combined control - one of the types of control, the essence of which is that several students are called to the board for an answer at once, of which one answers orally, two or more prepare for an answer at the blackboard, some students perform written assignments on the cards, and the rest participate in poll. The advantages of this method are that it enables a thorough examination of several students in a short period of time; it is used when all the material has been mastered and there is a need to check the knowledge of several students at once.

Consulting - one of the forms of organizing educational activities, which is carried out with individual students or a group of students in order to fill knowledge gaps, develop skills, satisfy increased interest in the subject, but unlike additional classes, they are usually episodic, since they are organized as needed. Distinguish between current, thematic and generalized (for example, when preparing for exams or tests) consultations.

Laboratory works - an independent group of practice methods that combine practical activities with organized student observation. In a school environment, frontal and individual laboratory work is usually carried out. The laboratory experiment ends with the compilation of brief reports containing sketches, diagrams, drawings, tables and theoretical conclusions.

Lecture (at school) - the basic form of the lecture and seminar system adapted to the school conditions. School lectures are successfully used in the study of both humanitarian and natural sciences. As a rule, these are introductory and generalizing lectures. In a school environment, a lecture is in many ways close to a story, but much longer in time, it can take up the entire lesson time.

Machine control - a type of programmed control, when students are asked to choose the correct one from several options of possible answers.

Illustration and demonstration method - one of the methods of organizing the activities of schoolchildren, the essence of which lies in the visual presentation (showing) of natural objects, phenomena, processes or their layouts, models and images to students, depending on specific teaching and educational tasks.

Problem statement method - a method of organizing the activities of schoolchildren, the essence of which is that the teacher poses a problem and solves it himself, thereby showing the students the way of solving it in its genuine, but accessible to students, contradictions, revealing the train of thought when moving along the path of cognition, students mentally follow behind the logic of presentation, mastering the stages of solving the problem.

Methodological techniques - the constituent elements (parts, details) of the method, which in relation to the method are of a private subordinate nature, do not have an independent pedagogical task, but are subordinate to the task pursued by this method.

Control methods - the ways by which the effectiveness of educational and cognitive and other types of activity of pupils and the pedagogical work of the teacher is determined.

Teaching methods - ways of professional interaction of the teacher and students with the goal. Solutions for educational and upbringing tasks.

Methods of pedagogical research - ways of studying pedagogical phenomena, obtaining scientific information about them in order to establish regular connections, relationships and build scientific theories.

Observation - purposeful perception of a pedagogical phenomenon, in the process of which the researcher receives specific factual material.

Punishment- such an impact on the personality of the student, which expresses condemnation of actions and deeds that are contrary to the norms of social behavior, and forces students to unswervingly follow them.

Education - a single process of physical and spiritual formation of the personality, the process of socialization, consciously focused on some ideal images, on historically conditioned, more or less clearly fixed in the public consciousness social standards.

Education as a social phenomenon - a relatively independent system, the functions of which are training and education of members of society, focused on mastering certain knowledge (primarily scientific), ideological and moral values, abilities, skills, norms of behavior, the content of which is ultimately determined by the socio-economic and political structure of a given society and the level of its material and technical development.

Education system - a complex of educational institutions.

Training - a specific way of education aimed at personal development by organizing the assimilation of scientific knowledge and methods of activity by students.

Object of pedagogy - the phenomena of reality that determine the development of the human individual in the process of purposeful activity of society.

Explanatory and illustrative method - a method of organizing the activities of schoolchildren, the essence of which is that the teacher communicates ready-made information by various means, and the students perceive, realize and fix this information in memory. The teacher communicates information with the help of an oral word (story, lecture, explanation), a printed word (textbook, additional manuals), visual aids (pictures, diagrams, films and film strips), practical demonstration of methods of activity (showing experience, working on a machine, examples of declension, method of solving the problem, etc.).

Operations - processes, the goals of which are in the action of which they are.

Pedagogy- a science that studies the essence, patterns, tendencies and prospects for the development of the pedagogical process (education) as a factor and means of a person's development throughout his life.

Pedagogical activity - a special type of social (professional) activity aimed at realizing the goals of education.

Pedagogical task - This is a materialized situation of education and training (pedagogical situation), characterized by the interaction of teachers and pupils with a specific goal.

Pedagogical system - a set of interrelated structural components, united by a single educational goal of personality development and functioning in a holistic pedagogical process.

Pedagogical technology - a consistent, interdependent system of actions of the teacher associated with the use of a particular set of methods of education and training and carried out in the pedagogical process in order to solve various pedagogical problems: structuring and concretizing the goals of the pedagogical process; transformation of educational content into educational material; analysis of intersubject and intrasubject connections; choice of methods, means and organizational forms of the pedagogical process, etc.

Pedagogical process - specially organized (from a systemic point of view) interaction of teachers and pupils (pedagogical interaction) about the content of education using teaching and education tools (pedagogical tools) in order to solve educational problems aimed at meeting the needs of both society and the individual in her development and self-development.

Pedagogical experiment - research activities with the aim of studying cause-and-effect relationships in pedagogical phenomena, which involves the experimental modeling of a pedagogical phenomenon and the conditions for its course; active influence of the researcher on the pedagogical phenomenon; measuring the results of pedagogical influence and interaction.

Pedagogical interaction - deliberate contact (long-term or temporary) between the teacher and the pupils, which results in mutual changes in their behavior, activities and relationships.

Written survey - control method, which is carried out as follows: individual students are offered control tasks on cards.

Promotion -a way of expressing a positive social assessment of the behavior and activities of an individual student or group .

Permissive style -the communication style of a teacher who takes a passive position, who has chosen the tactics of non-interference in the creative pedagogical process, is not interested in the problems of both the school and students, evading responsibility for the final, as a rule, negative results in the teaching and upbringing of schoolchildren.

Workshops - one of the forms of organizing educational activities; are used in the study of the disciplines of the natural science cycle, as well as in the process of labor and vocational training; are carried out in laboratories and workshops, in classrooms and at training and experimental sites, etc.

Practical control - a control method used to identify the formation of certain skills and abilities of practical work or formed motor skills. It is used in drawing lessons (in primary grades), labor, physical education, mathematics, physics, chemistry.

Preliminary control - control aimed at identifying knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the subject or section to be studied.

The subject of pedagogy - education as a real holistic pedagogical process, purposefully organized in special social institutions (family, educational and cultural institutions).

Accustoming - organization of the planned and regular performance of certain actions by children in order to turn them into habitual forms of social behavior.

Working with a book - one of the verbal methods of organizing educational activities. Work with the book is carried out at all stages of training, it is usually combined with the use of other methods, primarily methods of oral presentation of knowledge.

Working curricula - curricula developed taking into account the requirements of the state standard for educational areas, but additionally taking into account the national-regional component, the possibilities of methodological, informational, technical support of the educational process, the level of preparedness of students.

Story - a sequential presentation of predominantly factual material, carried out in a descriptive or narrative form. It is widely used in teaching humanitarian subjects, as well as in presenting bibliographic material, characterizing images, describing objects, natural phenomena, and events in public life.

Reproductive methods - methods of organizing the activities of schoolchildren, which involve the reproduction and repetition of the method of activity on the instructions of the teacher.

Self-education - systematic and conscious human activity aimed at self-development and the formation of the basic culture of the individual. Self-education is designed to strengthen and develop the ability to voluntarily fulfill obligations, both personal and basic, based on the requirements of the collective, to form moral and volitional qualities, the necessary habits of behavior.

Seminars - one of the forms of organizing educational activities, which is used in the senior grades in the study of humanitarian subjects. The essence of the seminars is a collective discussion of the proposed questions, messages, abstracts, reports prepared by students under the guidance of a teacher.

Synthesis - the method of studying the subject in its integrity, in the unity and interconnection of its parts.

Socialization - the process of assimilation by an individual during his life of social norms and cultural values \u200b\u200bof the society to which he belongs. It is a difficult, lifelong learning process.

Socio-psychological climate in the team - a system of emotional and psychological states of the team, reflecting the nature of the relationship between its members in the process of joint activities and communication.

Style of pedagogical communication - a stable unity of methods and means of the teacher's and trainees' activities, their subject-subjective interaction.

Lesson structure - the ratio of the elements of the lesson in their certain sequence and the relationship with each other.

Current control - control, which is carried out in daily work in order to check the assimilation of the previous material and identify gaps in the knowledge of students; is carried out primarily with the help of the teacher's systematic observation of the work of the class as a whole and of each student separately at all stages of learning.

Thematic control - control, which is carried out periodically as the passage of a new topic, section and has the goal of systematizing the knowledge of students.

Technology for constructing educational information - the process of making pedagogical decisions in the context of a system of restrictions and prescriptions that are dictated by the established norms (what and to what extent from the given information students should learn), the initial level of preparedness of students to perceive educational information, the capabilities of the teacher himself, as well as the school in which it works.

Typical curriculum - this curriculum, which is developed on the basis of the state basic curriculum and is approved by the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation and is recommendatory in nature.

Typical training programs - curricula, which are developed on the basis of the requirements of the state educational standard for a particular educational field, are approved by the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation and are recommendatory in nature.

Control - activities aimed at making decisions, organizing, controlling, regulating the control object in accordance with a given goal, analyzing and summing up on the basis of reliable information.

Managerial culture of the head of the school - the measure and method of creative self-realization of the personality of the head of the school in various types of management activities aimed at mastering, transferring and creating values \u200b\u200band technologies in school management.

An exercise - systematically organized activity, involving the repeated repetition of any actions in order to form certain skills and abilities or to improve them.

Oral survey - a method of control, which is carried out in an individual form in order to reveal the knowledge, skills and abilities of individual students by the teacher. The student is asked to answer a general question, which is subsequently broken down into a number of more specific, clarifying ones.

Oral frontal survey - a method of monitoring the level of knowledge, abilities and skills of students, which requires a series of logically related questions on a small amount of material. With a frontal simultaneous questioning of several students, the teacher expects from them short, laconic answers from the spot.

Training conference - a form of organization of the pedagogical process, which aims to summarize the material on any section of the program and requires a lot of preparatory work (conducting observations, summarizing excursion materials, setting up experiments, studying literary sources, etc.). Conferences can be held in all academic subjects and at the same time go far beyond the curriculum.

Training program - a normative document that reveals the content of knowledge, skills and abilities in the academic subject, the logic of studying the main ideological ideas, indicating the sequence of topics, questions and the general dosage of time for their study.

Educational discussions - one of the verbal methods, a prerequisite for which is the presence of at least two opposite opinions on the issue under discussion. Naturally, in educational discussions that allow students to learn with a certain depth and in accordance with the last word should be for the teacher, although this does not mean that his conclusions are the ultimate truth.

Educational material - a system of ideal models, represented by material or materialized models didactic material and intended for use in educational activities.

General secondary school curriculum - the curriculum, which is drawn up in compliance with the standards of the basic curriculum. There are two types of school curricula: the school's own curriculum (developed by it on the basis of the state basic curriculum for a long period and reflecting the characteristics of a particular school) and working curriculum (developed taking into account the current conditions and approved by the school's pedagogical council annually).

Academic subject - a system of scientific knowledge, practical skills and abilities, with their age-related cognitive capabilities, the main starting points of science or aspects of culture, labor, production.

An elective is one of the forms of differentiated education and upbringing, the main task of which is to deepen and expand knowledge, develop the abilities and interests of students. The elective works according to a specific program that does not duplicate the curriculum.

Integrity of the pedagogical process - the synthetic quality of the pedagogical process, which characterizes the highest level of its development, the result of stimulating conscious actions and activities of the subjects functioning in it.

The purpose of modern education - the development of those personality traits that are necessary for her and society for inclusion in socially valuable activities.

Excursion - a specific teaching and educational lesson, transferred in accordance with a specific educational or educational goal to an enterprise, a museum, an exhibition, a field, a farm, etc.

v Abstraction - the process of thinking, as a result of which a person, distracted from the inessential, forms concepts, entering from the concrete to the abstract, filling the abstract with concrete content.

v The authority of the teacher- a special professional position that determines the influence on students, which gives the right to make decisions, express assessment, and give advice. Genuine A. y. relies not on job and age privileges, but on high personal and professional qualities of the educator: a democratic style of cooperation with pupils, empathy, the ability to open communication, a positive self-concept of the teacher, his desire for continuous improvement, erudition, competence, fairness and kindness, common culture. Irradiation of the teacher's authority- the transfer of authority to those spheres of life where the teacher's right to authoritative influence has not yet been tested. Authority specification- recognition of the authority of a person only in one of the spheres, and in others he does not act as an authority.

v Adaptation - adaptation of the individual to the changed environment with the help of various means of influence.

v Acmeology (from the Greek acme - peak, summit, the highest degree of something) is an interdisciplinary science that arose at the junction of natural, social and humanitarian disciplines. Studies the patterns and mechanisms of human development at the stage of his maturity (period from about 30 to 50 years) and when he reaches the most high level in this development - acme.An important task of A. is to find out what should be formed in a person at each age stage in childhood and adolescence, so that he could successfully realize his potential at the stage of maturity.

v Acceleration- accelerated growth and puberty in children and adolescents compared to previous generations.

v Axiology- a philosophical teaching about material, cultural, spiritual, moral and psychology. values \u200b\u200bof the individual, collective, society, their relationship with the world of reality, changes in the value-normative system in the process of historical development. In modern pedagogy it acts as its methodological basis, which determines the pedagogical system. views, which are based on the understanding and approval of the value of human life, education and training, ped. activities and education.

v Artistry - artistic talent, outstanding creative abilities, high creative skill, virtuosity in any business, as well as a special grace of manners, gracefulness of movements (modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by T.F. Efremova).

v Artistry - a special, figurative and emotional language of the creation of the new; the soulful style of co-creation between the teacher and the student, focused on understanding and dialogue with the Other, another dominance; graceful and delicate lace of creation of living feeling, knowledge and meaning, born "here and now"; it is the ability to almost instantly switch to new situations, to be in a new image, the ability to live by the ideas taught to students in the lesson, to live sincerely; it is a wealth of personal manifestations, a figurative way of posing and solving a problem, a play of imagination, grace, spirituality, feeling inner freedom (V.I. Zagvyazinsky).

v Artistry is a manifestation of the rich inner peace personality, is formed in the process of spiritual and practical development by a person of certain types of creative activity in order to satisfy the need for professional self-improvement and self-education (S.D. Yakusheva).

v Artistry -it is a personal quality of a teacher who is inherent in the aesthetic features of a lifestyle and activity, creatively rich and loving his profession (S.D. Yakusheva).

v Artistic culture - an integrated personality quality, realizing the unity of general culture and artistry, axiological and aesthetic-ethical principles in various types of professional activity and communication (S.D. Yakusheva).

v Aspects of educational needs... It is advisable to distinguish between the following aspects of educational needs: state, public and individual - depending on which subject of needs is being discussed. It should be emphasized that all of the listed types of educational needs are considered as social needs. It is not the subject (“the one who wants”) that makes them social, but the subject — their attribution to the sphere of education and the “nature” of need as a social relation. In other words, it is possible to speak of individual, social and state needs only as different aspects of social needs, depending on who exactly presented these requests (FSES).

v Affective- emotionally colored.

v Database - a unified data system organized according to certain rules that provide general principles for describing, storing and processing data.

v Knowledge base- a formalized system of information about a certain subject area, containing data on the properties of objects, patterns of processes and rules for using these data in specified situations for making new decisions.

v Basic curriculum (educational) plan - a normative document that defines the structure of the content of education, the ratio of the compulsory part of the main educational program and the part formed by the participants of the educational process (invariant and variable); determining the maximum allowable load for a 5- and 6-day school week by grade, as well as the number of weekly hours for funding (FSES).

v Basic needs determine the educational activity of a significant part of the population in the current social situation. Basic needs are manifested in dominant or primary orientations (attitudes) (FSES).

v Psychological barrier- a mental state, manifested in the inadequate passivity of the individual, which prevents her from performing certain actions. The reasons for the emergence of B. p. Can be the novelty and danger of the situation, unexpected or negative information, lack of flexibility and quick thinking.

v Validity - the degree of correspondence of the measured indicator to what was to be measured in sociological or psychological-pedagogical research.

v The variable part of the basic curriculum (educational) plan - part of the basic curriculum (educational) plan, mandatory for implementation in educational institutions, is represented by the number of hours allocated to meet the individual needs and requests of students, including ethnocultural, interests of educational institutions, constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Filling this part of the basic (educational) plan with specific content is within the competence of the participants in the educational process (FSES).

v Verbal - oral, verbal.

v Video computer system - a set of equipment that allows the user to present various types of perceived information (text, hand-drawn graphics, video, moving images, sound), providing an interactive dialogue between the user and the system.

v Impact pedagogical- the influence of the teacher on the consciousness, will, emotions of the educated, on the organization of their life and activities in the interests of forming the required qualities in them and ensuring the successful achievement of the set goals.

v Good breeding- the level of personality development, manifested in the consistency between knowledge, beliefs, behavior and characterized by the degree of formation of socially significant qualities. Discord, conflict between what a person knows how he thinks and how he actually acts, can lead to a personality crisis. V. - the current level of personality development, in contrast to educability- the potential level of the personality, the zone of its proximal development.

v Educational work- purposeful activity to organize the life of adults and children, aiming at creating conditions for the full development of the personality. Through V. p. the educational process is being implemented.

v Educational system of the school- a set of interrelated components (educational goals, people who realize them, their activities and communication, relationships, living space), constituting an integral social-pedagogical. the structure of the school and serving as a powerful and constantly acting factor of education. Signs humanistically orientedV. s. w .: the presence of a unified concept for the development of the school educational system, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, a combination of frontal, group and individual forms of influence and interaction, ensuring the protective functions of the collective, diverse and diverse joint activities of groups and associations of different ages. Examples of humanistically oriented V. of page. sh. there may be schools of V. Karakovsky, A. Tubelsky, etc.

v Parenting relationship- a kind of relationship between people, arising in educational interaction, aimed at spiritual, moral, etc. development and improvement.

v Nurturing learning- teaching, in which an organic connection is achieved between the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and skills by students and the formation of an emotionally integral attitude to the world, to each other, to the learning material being learned.

v Gabar (lat. habitus - appearance) culture - personality culture, which includes individuality, which determines the color spectrum, physical and psychophysiological characteristics; style (romantic, sporty, dramatic), setting an individual creative characteristic in accordance with the requirements of the profession; fashion, reflecting development trends and helping the teacher to be modern and recognized among colleagues and students (S.D. Yakusheva).

v Hypothesis - statement about facts, empirical connections or principles of functioning and development of phenomena that do not have substantiation or are recognized as insufficiently substantiated.

v Epistemology- theory of knowledge.

v Humanization of education- spreading the ideas of humanism to the content, forms and methods of teaching; security educational process free and all-round development of the individual, her active participation in the life of society.

v Humanism- the principle of worldview, which is based on the recognition of the infinity of a person's capabilities and his ability to improve, the individual's rights to freely manifest his abilities, beliefs, and the affirmation of the human good as a criterion for assessing the level of social relations. Nowadays it is becoming one of the basic principles of pedagogy.

v Humanitarization of education- Establishing a harmonious balance between natural-mathematical and humanitarian cycles in training with the aim of developing in each student a spiritually rich personality who can resist technocracy and inhumanity.

v Liberal arts education- priority development of general cultural components in the content of education, aimed at the formation of personal maturity of students.

v Humanitarian- relating to human society, to man and his culture.

v Humanity(from Lat. humanus - human) - humanity, philanthropy, respect for people and their experiences. One of the leading moral values \u200b\u200bthat should be formed in a modern person in the process of education and training.

v Data(in the subject area) - presentation of information in a formalized form, convenient for sending, collecting, storing and processing.

v Deviant behavior - behavior that differs from the norm.

v Proactive approach- 1) the principle of studying the psyche, which is based on the category of objective activity (I. Fichte, G. Hegel, M.Ya.Basov, S.L. Rubinstein, A.N. Leontiev, etc.); 2) a theory that considers psychology as the science of the generation, functioning and structure of mental reflection in the processes of individuals' activity (A.N. Leont'ev).

v Activities - a form of mental activity of a person, aimed at cognition and transformation of the world and the person himself. D. consists of smaller units - actions, each of which has its own particular goal or task. D. includes purpose, motive, methods, conditions, result.

v Pedagogical activities- professional activities aimed at creating in ped. the process of optimal conditions for the upbringing, development and self-development of the student's personality and the choice of opportunities for free and creative self-expression. The main problem of teacher education is combining the requirements and goals of the teacher with the capabilities, desires, and goals of students; the successful implementation of pedagogical education is determined by the level of the teacher's professional consciousness and mastery of ped. technology, ped. technique. Three models of P. d.: coercion pedagogy(authoritarian pedagogy), pedagogy of complete freedom, pedagogy of cooperation.

v Diagnostics - analysis of the state of objects and processes, identification of problems of their functioning and development.

v Didactics (from the Greek. didaktikos - receiving, related to training) - the theory of education and training, a branch of pedagogy. The subject of teaching is teaching as a means of education and upbringing of a person, that is, the interaction of teaching and learning in their unity, which ensures the assimilation of the content of education by students, organized by the teacher. D's functions: theoretical(diagnostic and prognostic) and practical(normative, instrumental).

v Distance learning - training at a distance using textbooks, personal computers and computer networks.

v Document - information recorded on a tangible medium, which has details that allow it to be identified.

v Dominance- authority, inclination and ability to occupy a dominant position.

v Protection of information - actions and means to prevent leakage, theft, distortion or falsification of information.

v Knowledge(about the subject area) - the whole set of useful information and procedures that can be applied to it in order to produce new information about the subject area.

v Identity - Conscious unity and continuity of human actions, mental processes.

v Identical - identical, the same.

v Image - a set of meanings and impressions about a person, style and form of behavior, a symbolic image of the subject created in the process of interaction; - a universal psychological process carried out by each person when entering certain social groups (V.G. Gorchakova).

v Image of the teacher - integrative personality quality, synthesis of intellectual, habitual, kinetic, speech, environmental and artistic culture (S.D. Yakusheva).

v Individualism- a personality trait, determined by the predominance of the goals of activity aimed at satisfying only the personal needs of one's “I” while ignoring the social ones.

v Individual image - a purposefully formed integral, holistic, dynamic phenomenon due to the correspondence and interpenetration of the internal and external individual, personal and individual qualities of the subject, designed to ensure the harmonious interaction of the subject with nature, society and himself (V.N. Cherepanova).

v Individuality- a unique, unrepeatable personality trait, a set of individual mental characteristics inherent only to her. I. manifests itself in the specifics of temperament, character, interests, intelligence, needs and abilities. The prerequisite for the formation of human I. is anatomical and physiological inclinations, which are transformed and fully revealed in the process of education.

v Individual style of activity and communication of the teacher- a set of tasks, means and methods of ped. activity and communication, as well as more particular features, such as the rhythm of work, characteristic and stable for a given teacher. Since I. s. is determined by the ratio of tasks and methods of activity, then it can change.

v Innovative culture - knowledge, skills and experience of targeted training, integrated implementation and comprehensive development of innovations in various areas of human life while maintaining the dynamic unity of the old, modern and new in the innovation system; in other words, it is a free creation of something new in compliance with the principle of continuity (A.I. Nikolaev).

v Innovative culture - a stable system of norms, rules and ways of implementing innovations in various spheres of society, typical for a given socio-cultural community (O. Kobyak).

v Innovative creative thinking - the teacher's focus on self-development and self-education, the combination of the logical and the figurative, the integration of the conceptual and the visual, finding new, original solutions to professional problems, the formation of intellectual imagery and sensual modeling (S.D. Yakusheva).

v Intellectual culture - flexibility of thinking, reflection and self-awareness associated with the development of creativity and the growth of professional skill of the teacher's personality (S.D. Yakusheva).

v Intonation - raising and lowering the tone of the voice during pronunciation (interrogative, narrative, domineering, correct, fake); manner of pronunciation, reflecting any feelings of the speaker, tone; the accuracy of the sound of a musical instrument when playing or a voice when singing (S.I. Ozhegov).

v Intuition - the core component of the teacher-master's activity, based on the sensory perception of the pedagogical situation, the integration of the creative-creative and improvisational quality of the personality (S.D. Yakusheva).

v Intuition - knowledge that arises without understanding the ways and conditions of its acquisition, a specific ability (for example, artistic or scientific), "holistic coverage" of the conditions of a problem situation (sensory, intellectual intuition), the mechanism of creative activity (creative intuition) (pedagogical encyclopedic Dictionary ed. B.M. Bim-Bada).

v Intuition - flair, subtle understanding, penetration into the very essence of something without a detailed logical rationale (G.M. Kodzhaspirova).

v Informatics - a scientific discipline that studies the laws and methods of accumulation, processing and transmission of information using computers.

v Information technology - a system of scientific and engineering knowledge, as well as methods and tools, which is used to create, collect, transfer, store and process information in the subject area.

v Informatization of education - the process of providing the education sector with methodology and practice for the development and optimal use of modern information technologies, focused on the implementation of the psychological and pedagogical goals of education and upbringing. This process initiates, firstly, the improvement of educational system management mechanisms based on the use of automated data banks of scientific and pedagogical information, information and methodological materials, as well as communication networks; secondly, the improvement of the methodology and strategy for the selection of the content, methods and organizational forms of training, education, corresponding to the tasks of the student's personality development in modern conditions of informatization of society; thirdly, the creation of methodological training systems focused on the development of the student's intellectual potential, on the formation of skills to independently acquire knowledge, carry out information and educational, experimental research activities, various types of independent information processing;
fourthly, the creation and use of computer testing, diagnosing methods for monitoring and assessing the level of knowledge of trainees.

v Informatization of society is a global social process, the peculiarity of which is that the dominant type of activity in the sphere of social production is the collection, accumulation, production, processing, storage, transmission and use of information, carried out on the basis of modern means of microprocessor and computer technology, as well as various means information exchange.

v Information technology training - pedagogical technology using special methods, software and hardware (cinema, audio and video, computers, telecommunication networks) to work with information.

v Information and Methodological Center organized with the aim of introducing SNIT into the educational process of educational institutions; it must be provided with an educational and material base for informatization of education.

v Information processes - processes of collection, processing, accumulation, storage, search and dissemination of information.

v Information(about the subject area) - any kind of information about subjects, facts, concepts of the subject area.

v The quality of education - a comprehensive characteristic reflecting the range and level of educational services provided to the population (of different ages, sex, physical and mental conditions) by the system of primary, general, professional and additional education in accordance with the interests of the individual, society and the state. High-quality education should enable each individual to continue education in accordance with his interests (FSES).

v Personality traits- the totality of all socially and biologically determined components of the personality that predetermine its sustainable behavior in the social. and the natural environment.

v The quality of education- a certain level of knowledge and skills, mental, moral and physical development, which the trainees achieve at a certain stage in accordance with the planned goals; the degree of satisfaction of the expectations of various participants in the educational process from the educational services provided by the educational institution. K. o. first of all, it is measured by its compliance with the educational standard. K. o. depends on the level of prestige of education in the public consciousness and the system of state priorities, funding and material and technical equipment of educational institutions, modern technology managing them.

v Qualification categories of educators- the level of qualification, professionalism and productivity corresponding to the normative criteria. and (or) managerial work, which provides the employee with the opportunity to solve professional problems.

v Professional qualification- the stages of professional readiness of the employee, allowing him to perform labor functions of a certain level and complexity in a specific type of activity. Indicator K. p. Are qualification categories,which are assigned to an employee in accordance with the normative characteristics of a given profession.

v Keyword(Keyword) - a word or phrase that the user enters into the search form when he searches for information on a topic of interest to him in the system to find information.

v Cognitive - informative.

v Control in educational activities - ensuring the effectiveness of training activities by detecting deviations from the reference sample and making appropriate adjustments to the action. Criteria for assessing the formation of universal educational actions: compliance with age-psychological regulatory requirements; compliance of properties of universal actions with predetermined requirements; the formation of educational activity among students, reflecting the level of development of metasubject actions that perform the function of managing the cognitive activity of students (FSES).

v Communication potential - This is a complex personality characteristic that determines a person's readiness for communication, the need for communicative activity, activity and comfort in it (I.I. Zaretskaya).

v CD - an optical disk used for permanent storage of large amounts of information.

v General cultural competence- the level of education sufficient for self-education and independent solution of the cognitive problems arising in this case and determination of one's position.

v Professional competence of the teacher- the teacher's possession of the necessary amount of knowledge, abilities and skills that determine the formation of his ped. activities, ped. communication and personality of the teacher as the bearer of certain values, ideals and ped. consciousness.

v Communicative culture of the teacher - a certain position of the teacher's personality, a qualitative characteristic of his pedagogical activity, covering the system of communicative knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as determining the effectiveness and success of professional skills (S.D. Yakusheva).

v Communication - informational connection of the subject with this or that object - a person, an animal, a machine (M.S.Kagan).

v Competence - a person has the appropriate competence, including his personal attitude towards her and the subject of activity (L.V. Zanina, N.P. Menshikova).

v Concept- the system of views: the leading idea of \u200b\u200ba work or scientific work.

v Credo- beliefs: views, foundations of the worldview.

v Criterion - a sign on the basis of which an assessment, determination or classification of something is made; measure of judgment, assessments by K.-L. phenomena. The development of criteria for certain phenomena in pedagogy presents certain difficulties due to the fact that the very subject of pedagogy is complex and diverse in its manifestations.

v Culture(from Lat.cultura - cultivation, education, development, veneration) - a historically determined level of development of society, creative forces and abilities of a person, expressed in the types and forms of organization of life and activities of people, in their relationships, as well as in the material and spiritual values. Culture in education acts as its content component, a source of knowledge about nature, society, methods of activity, emotional-volitional and value attitude of a person to people around him, work, communication, etc.

v Intellectual culture- a culture of mental work, which determines the ability to set goals cognitive activities, plan it, perform cognitive operations in various ways, work with sources and office equipment.

v Personality culture- 1) the level of development and implementation of the essential forces of a person, his abilities and talents; 2) a set of competencies: political and social, related to the ability to take responsibility, participate in joint decision-making, regulate conflicts in a non-violent way, participate in joint decision-making regarding the functioning and development of democratic institutions; competencies related to life in a multicultural society (understanding the differences between representatives of different cultures, languages \u200b\u200band religions, respect for other people's traditions, beliefs), etc. K. l. formed in the process of education and training, under the influence of social. environment and personal need for continuous development and improvement.

v Information culture of personality- a set of rules for human behavior in the information society, methods and norms of communication with artificial intelligence systems, dialogue in human-machine systems of "hybrid intelligence", the use of telematics, global and local information-computing networks. It includes the ability of a person to understand and master the informational picture of the world as a system of symbols and signs, direct and reverse informational links, freely navigate in the information society, and adapt to it. Formation K. l. and. is carried out primarily in the process of organized training in computer science and information technology at school and the inclusion of modern electronic means of transmitting information in the educational process (G.M. Kodzhaspirova).

v Culture of thinking- the degree of a person's mastery of the techniques, norms and rules of mental activity, expressed in the ability to accurately formulate tasks (problems), choose the best methods (ways) for their solution, get informed conclusions, and correctly use these conclusions in practice. Increases focus, organization, efficiency of any kind of activity (GM Kodzhaspirova).

v Self-education culture(self-educational culture) - a high level of development and perfection of all components of self-education. The need for self-education is a characteristic quality of a developed personality, a necessary element of her spiritual life. Considered the highest form of satisfaction of the cognitive needs of the individual, self-education is associated with the manifestation of significant volitional efforts, high degree consciousness and organization of a person, taking on internal responsibility for their self-improvement (G.M. Kodzhaspirova).

v Lecture- the method of teaching and upbringing, a consistent monologue presentation of the system of ideas in a certain area (G.M. Kodzhaspirova).

v Personality - there is a higher instance of selfhood, personalized, self-determined among others, for others, and thus for oneself (V.I.Slobodchikov and E.I. Isaev).

v Personality - a relatively late product of the socio-historical and ontogenetic development of man (S.L. Rubinstein).

v Personal culture - quality, realizing the unity of general and basic, intellectual and communicative culture, creativity and skill of the teacher (S.D. Yakusheva).

v Personal approach(in ped.) - an individual approach of the teacher to each pupil, helping him in realizing himself as a person, in identifying opportunities that stimulate self-determination, self-affirmation, and self-realization.

v Pedagogical skill- a high level of mastering ped. activities; a set of special knowledge, abilities and skills, professionally important personality traits, allowing the teacher to effectively manage the educational and cognitive activities of students and carry out targeted ped. impact and interaction (GM Kodzhaspirova).

v Pedagogical management- a set of principles, methods, organizational norms and technological methods of managing the educational process, aimed at increasing its effectiveness.

v Metasubject results of educational activities - methods of activity, applicable both within the educational process and in solving problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects (FSES).

v Method(from the Greek. methodos - the path of research or cognition) - a set of relatively homogeneous methods, operations of practical or theoretical development of reality, subordinate to the solution of a specific problem. In pedagogy, the problem of developing methods of upbringing and teaching and their classification is one of the main ones (G.M. Kodzhaspirova).

v Methodology in education - description of specific techniques, methods, ped techniques. activities in certain educational processes.

v Teaching methodology as private didactics - a set of ordered knowledge about the principles, content, methods, means and forms of organizing the educational process in individual academic disciplines that ensure the solution of the assigned tasks.

v Pedagogical research methodology- a set of techniques, methods of organizing and regulating ped. research, the procedure for their application and interpretation of the results obtained in the achievement of a certain scientific goal.

v Methodology of pedagogy -proceeding from the general methodology of science and the study of trends in social development, the system of knowledge about the starting positions of ped. theory, on the principles of approach to the consideration of ped. phenomena and methods of their research, as well as ways of introducing the acquired knowledge into the practice of upbringing, training and education.

v Control and self-control methods- ways of obtaining information about the effectiveness of educational influences. These include: ped. observation, conversation, ped. consultation, polls, analysis of the results of the pupils' activities, the creation of control situations, psychodiagnostics, trainings.

v Teaching methods - a system of consistent, interrelated actions of the teacher and students, ensuring the assimilation of the content of education, the development of mental powers and abilities of students, their mastery of the means of self-education and self-learning. M. o. designate the goal of learning, the way of assimilation and the nature of the interaction of the subjects of learning.

v The method of studying the products of creativity- diagnostics of human mental characteristics by means of inclusion in standardized creative activity. Examples of M. and. etc. t: test of drawing a human figure (variant of Goodenough and Machover), test of drawing a tree (Koch), test of drawing a house, a fictional hypothetical animal, etc. The method of psychology, but is very widely used in ped. research and in the process of studying the personality of students by a teacher or educator.

v Observation method- purposeful, systematic fixation of the specificity of the course of certain ped. phenomena, manifestations of personality, collective, group of people in them, the results obtained. Observations m. B .: solidand selective; includedand simple; uncontrolledand controlled(when registering observed events according to a previously worked out procedure); field(when observed in vivo) and laboratory(under experimental conditions), etc.

v Method of generalization of independent characteristics- studies based on the generalization of the largest possible amount of information about the studied individual, obtained from the largest possible number of persons observing him in the greatest possible number of types of his activities; drawing up a characterization of a person or an event by various experts independently of each other.

v Sociometric method- study of the structure, nature of human relations based on the measurement of their interpersonal choice. This measurement takes place according to a certain sociometric criterion, and its results take the form of a sociometric matrix, or sociogram. The use of this method by a teacher in the process of forming a children's collective allows him to find more productive ways of influencing both the entire collective or small groups and its individual members.

v Terminological method- operating with basic and peripheral concepts of the problem, pedagogical analysis. phenomena through the analysis of concepts fixed in the language of the theory of pedagogy.

v Test Method- research of personality by means of diagnostics (psycho-prognostics) of her mental states, functions based on the performance of Ph.D. standardized assignment.

v Modeling(in ped.) - building copies, ped models. materials, phenomena and processes. Used for a schematic representation of the investigated ped. systems. In this case, a "model" is understood as a system of objects or signs that reproduces some essential properties of the original, capable of replacing it in such a way that its study gives new information about this object.

v Facial expressions(from the Greek. mimikos - imitative) - expressive movement of the muscles of the face, one of the forms of manifestation of human feelings. Often M. teachers have a much stronger effect on students than words. Children "read" the teacher's face, guessing his mood, attitude, so the teacher should be able to show only what is relevant (GM Kodzhaspirova).

v Motivation- the whole set of persistent motives, impulses that determine the content, direction and nature of the individual's activity, her behavior.

v Multimedia(Multimedia) -computer systems with integrated support for sound and video recordings.

v Scientific and educational management - a methodology for managing the management and marketing space and pattern engineering, based on the principles of science, synergy, multiplicativity, innovation, variability and determinism, based on the convergence and integration of science, education and practice in accordance with the demands and needs of society (S.D. Yakusheva) ...

v Charm of man - sociability, empathy, reflexivity, eloquence, as well as external attractiveness, easy adaptation to new conditions, the ability to maintain confidence in a circle of strangers, tolerance for dissent (N.A. Moreva).

v Communication - individual-typological features of the socio-psychological interaction between a teacher and students (V.A.Kan-Kalik).

v Additional education- educational programs and services implemented in order to fully meet the educational needs of citizens, society and the state in general educational institutions of vocational education outside the main educational programs that determine their status, in educational institutions of O.D .: advanced training institutions, courses, vocational guidance centers, music and art schools, art schools, children's art houses, stations for young technicians, stations for young naturalists, etc. (RF Law "On Education").

v Classical education- a type of general secondary education, providing for the systematic study of ancient languages \u200b\u200band mathematics as the main subjects.

v Continuous education- purposeful acquisition by a person of knowledge, skills and abilities throughout his life in educational institutions and through organized self-education. O.'s goal of n. - maintaining the socially and individually necessary level of culture, general education and professional training. It is organized on the principles of universality, democracy, accessibility, continuity, integrability, continuity, the principle of self-education, flexibility and efficiency.

v Educational environment - a set of factors formed by the way of life of the school: material resources of the school, organization educational process, food, medical care, psychological climate (FSES).

v Object-oriented software systemsare software systems, which are based on a certain model of the object "world of the user".

v The paradigm is pedagogical(from the Greek. paradeigma - example, sample) - a set of theoretical, methodological and other attitudes adopted by the scientific ped. community at every stage of the development of pedagogy, which are guided as a model (model, standard) when solving ped. problems; a certain set of prescriptions (regulations). The concept of "paradigm" was introduced by Amer. historian T. Kuhn, who singled out various stages in the development of a scientific discipline: preparadigmatic (preceding the establishment of P.), the dominance of P. ("normal science"), the stage of the crisis in the scientific revolution, consisting in the change of P., the transition from one P . to others

v Pedagogical artistry - the ability of the teacher's emotional and psychological impact on students, relying on the elements of stage skills that liberate, interact and co-create the participants in the pedagogical process in solving certain educational problems (S.D. Yakusheva).

v Master teacher - a specialist of high culture, a master of his craft, who is fluent in the taught discipline, methods of teaching and upbringing, who has psychological knowledge, as well as knowledge in various branches of science and art (S.D. Yakusheva).

v Pedagogical culture - a special kind of culture, but it is present as an element in each of the types of culture, linking it with the system of social research (V.L. Benin).

v Pedagogical culture - the level of mastery of pedagogical theory and practice, modern pedagogical technologies, methods of creative self-regulation of individual personality capabilities in pedagogical activity (V.A.Mizherikov, T.A. Yuzefavichus).

v Longing pedagogical influence - the result of the phenomenon of synergy of pedagogical influence, focused on: initiation of the development of thinking; development of memory, attention, observation; learning to make the best decision in a difficult situation, the formation of a response to unforeseen situations; removal of psychological barriers, complexes; fostering the qualities of a leader capable of leading and organizational and managerial activities; aesthetic education; education of information culture; training in self-presentation and knowledge extraction; the formation of skills and abilities for the implementation of experimental research activities.

v Pedagogical competence of a teacher - the unity of his theoretical and practical readiness to carry out his professional activities (SD Yakusheva).

v Pedagogical excellence - the professional ability to optimize all types of educational activities aimed at the all-round development and improvement of the personality, the formation of its worldview and abilities (S.D. Yakusheva).

v Teacher-manager - an integrative person, trained in psychological and pedagogical orientation, having a professional and artistic culture, innovative creative thinking, competence and image, organizational and managerial skills, possessing professional skills and knowledge in the field of professional and pedagogical engineering (S.D. Yakusheva).

v Pedagogical communication - a specific form of communication, which has its own characteristics and at the same time obeys the general psychological laws inherent in communication as a form of human interaction with other people (M.V. Bulanova-Toporkova).

v Pedagogical communication - a multifaceted process of organizing, establishing and developing communication, mutual understanding and interaction between teachers and students, generated by the goals and content of their joint activities (V.A. Slastenin).

v Pedagogical synergetics - a complex open and self-organizing, non-equilibrium and nonlinear system that reveals the general principles and patterns of the educational process, defines the stages of bifurcation as unstable phases of existence, suggests a multiplicity of scenarios for its further development S.D. Yakushev).

v Pedagogical directing- management of a harmoniously holistic educational process with scientific and artistic unity and emotional and psychological logic, carrying out the activities of a teacher to develop and implement the concept of pedagogical interaction (S.D. Yakusheva).

v Pedagogical technique - a complex of general pedagogical skills and abilities of a teacher, ensuring his mastery of his own psychophysiological state, mood, emotions, body, speech and the organization of pedagogically expedient communication, that is, the optimal behavior of the teacher and his effective interaction with pupils in various pedagogical situations (G.M. Kojaspirov).

v Perceptual - susceptible.

v Knowledge representation - a way of formal expression, representation of all types of knowledge (representable for machine processing), which is used to process knowledge in artificial intelligence systems.

v Sample curricula for selected academic subjects - programs that are orienting in nature, including an explanatory note, which determines the goals of studying the subject at each stage of education, the features of the content; the content of education, including a list of the studied material; approximate thematic planning with the definition of the main types of activities of schoolchildren; planned results of mastering subject programs; recommendations for the material and technical equipment of the educational process (FSES).

v Management process - a continuous sequence of actions carried out by the subject of management, as a result of which the image of the controlled object is formed and changed, the goals of joint activities are established, the ways to achieve them are determined, the work is divided between its participants and their efforts are integrated. It is the teacher who plans, organizes, directs and controls the process of teaching, upbringing and development of students (M.M. Potashnik).

v Teacher's professiogram- a document that gives a complete qualification characteristic of a teacher from the standpoint of the requirements for his knowledge, skills and abilities; to his personality, abilities, psychophysiological capabilities and level of training.

v Vocational guidance- a scientific and practical system for preparing young people for a free, conscious and independent choice of a profession, taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of the individual and the labor market and implemented through prof. information, prof. diagnostics, prof. consultation, prof. selection, prof. adaptation.

v Finding data - selection of data for a specific combination of features.

v Search engine, search engine(in Internet)- softwarethat automatically collects and classifies information about sites in Internetsissuing it at the request of users. Examples: AltaVista, Google, Excite, Northern Lightetc. In Russia - Rambler, Yandex, Apart.

v Keyword position on the page - a metric that takes into account how close to the top of the page a given keyword is. As a rule, the closer to the top of the page the query word is found, the more relevant, meaningful, this page is considered when performing a search for this word.

v Subject area - a set of objects of the real or assumed world, considered within a given context, which is understood as a separate reasoning, a fragment of a scientific theory or a theory as a whole and is limited by the framework of information technologies of the selected area.

v Software-methodical complex (PMK) - a set of software and methodological tools to support the teaching process of a certain academic subject (course) or its topic.

v Software and methodological support (PMO) - educational process - a complex, which includes: educational software or educational software package; instruction for the user of educational software or educational software package; description of the methodology (guidelines) for the use of educational software or educational software package.

v Software tool (PS) for educational purposes - a software tool that reflects a certain subject area, the technology of its study is implemented to one degree or another, conditions are provided for the implementation of various types of educational activities. The PS for educational purposes is intended for use in the educational process, in the preparation, retraining and advanced training of personnel in the field of education, in order to develop the personality of the student, and intensify the learning process. The use of educational software is focused on: solving a specific educational problem that requires its study and (or) resolution ( problem-oriented PS ); carrying out some activity with the object environment ( object-oriented software systems ); carrying out activities in a certain subject environment ( subject-oriented PS).

v Program for the formation of universal educational actions - a program designed to regulate various aspects of mastering metasubject skills, i.e., methods of activity that are applicable within the framework of both the educational process and when solving problems in real life situations; contains a description of values \u200b\u200bat each level of education; description of the continuity of the program for the formation of universal educational actions at the levels of general education; connection of universal educational actions with the content of academic subjects; characteristics of personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative universal educational actions (FSES).

v Profession there is an activity that has its own goal, which has its own product, norms and means, which, in the final analysis, are determined by the social function and technology of the sphere of social life that this activity serves (EI Rogov).

v Professional competence - a set of individual personality traits, consisting in specific sensitivity to the object, means, conditions of pedagogical work and the creation of productive models for the formation of the desired qualities in the student's personality (L.V. Zanina, N.P. Menshikova).

v Personal professionalism - a set of psychophysiological and personal changes occurring in him in the process of mastering and long-term performance of activities, providing a qualitatively new, more effective level of solving complex professional problems in special conditions (EI Rogov).

v Professional and pedagogical communication - the interaction of the teacher-educator with his colleagues, students and their parents, with representatives of educational authorities and the public, carried out in the field of his professional activity, going beyond the contact “teacher-student” and involves the interaction of the teacher with other subjects of the pedagogical process (A. A. Lobanov).

v Professional pedagogical error - unintentional incorrectness of specific educational procedures, manifested in the inconsistency of these procedures with generally accepted standards of professional pedagogical activity (V.A.Mizherikov, T.A. Yuzefavichus).

v Professional self-development - the process of integrating external vocational training and internal movement, personal development of a person (V.A. Slastenin).

v Professional self-development of a teacher-master - a continuous process of improving one's "I", professional qualities and abilities, creative self-realization, which is a means of self-knowledge and transformation of the inner world (SD Yakusheva).

v Psychodiagnostics- a branch of personality psychology, the subject of which is the assessment of the potential abilities of specific individuals or their types for certain types of activity.

v Disclosure of the objective foundations of the system of K.S. Stanislavsky,creates awareness by the teacher of various aspects of artistic action and creativity (director's intention, acting transformation) as a special professional-pedagogical, cultural and communicative form (S.D. Yakusheva).

v Text editors- programs for the preparation and editing of texts on a computer.

v Respondent(from the English respondent) - a research participant as a respondent. Depending on the nature of the research, R. acts in different qualities: a subject, a client, an informant, a patient, an interlocutor, etc. (GM Kodzhaspirova).

v Speech culture - the possibility of the entire language system, which expresses the specific content in every real situation of speech communication, develops the ability to select and use language means in the process of speech communication, helps to cultivate a conscious attitude towards their use in speech practice (A.N. Ksenofontova).

v Speech culture - personal culture, which develops on the basis of the principle of objectively existing connections between language and cognitive processes, presupposing a sense of style, developed taste and erudition (S.D. Yakusheva).

v Speech etiquette - an element of the teacher's skill, consisting of a set of speech formulas, rules and the quality of pedagogical speech used in his professional activity in solving pedagogical problems in various situations (S.D. Yakusheva).

v Reflection- self-knowledge in the form of reflections on one's own experiences, feelings, thoughts.

v Reflection in pedagogy - the process and result of the participants' fixing the essential features of its development, self-development, as well as determining the motives of their appearance (S.D. Yakusheva).

v Self-education - systematic and conscious human activity aimed at self-development and the formation of the basic culture of the individual (I.P. Podlasy).

v Self-knowledge - the process of knowing oneself, one's potential and actual properties, personal, intellectual characteristics, character traits, one's relations with other people, etc. (V.G. Maralov).

v Self-knowledge as a process - discovering in oneself any qualities, personal and behavioral characteristics, fixing them, comprehensive analysis, assessment and acceptance (V.G. Maralov).

v Self - integral quality of personality, the teacher's ability to professional self-development, self-knowledge, self-determination, self-realization, self-regulation and self-improvement (S.D. Yakusheva).

v Sensorics - the technique of designing and using sensors of physical parameters.

v Synergy of pedagogical impact - the result of the combined action of its constituent factors and (or) influences, in which the summed effect exceeds the action exerted by each of them separately.

v Synergetic reflection in the educational process - the reflection of the impact of the teacher on the student (science teaching) and the student on the teacher (self-determination, co-creation) through the communicative channel, which is formed by the resonance of multidirectional reflection and the achievement of unison through: skill, thinking, self-observation, introspection and self-organization (S.D. Yakushev).

v The system of teaching aids (SSO), which includes teaching aids operating on the basis of BAT (SSO based on BAT), is a set of interrelated and interacting (and within the framework of the methodology for their use) elements and (or) components of the system that form a certain integrity , unity. Component MTR - an integral part of the MTR, filled with subject matter; sSO element - a constituent part of the MTR, invariant with respect to filling. Composition of the SSO system: teaching aids designed to support the teaching process of a subject (course), including software and methodological support; object-oriented software systems designed to form information culture; educational, demonstration equipment, interfaced with a computer, allowing the student to implement the range of capabilities of SNIT (to control real objects, to enter and manipulate text and graphic information, to receive and use information about a controlled physical parameter or process for educational purposes); artificial intelligence systems designed to organize the self-learning process; subject-oriented learning and developmental environments.

v System{!LANG-8635600b9ed2395fa8ce3a7bb42765b3!}

v {!LANG-b0d840579da316fe5676113c5dc9d732!}{!LANG-cd25fa9078300d456f42cdd900f4a1f6!}

v {!LANG-d611e0ba692ce0180ab8ea72c7132f31!}{!LANG-c1615d0a06e5f2abe77ca54a9eb24d72!}

v {!LANG-520c3f35a21459184add276eccb1c4fe!}{!LANG-d398b7cabacfe653d5fea547979815ea!}

v {!LANG-73396f548b599895250bef52e1e38603!}{!LANG-04f9e3ec5cb06daae984e28d97456c6c!}

v {!LANG-ced49fbe120670e6fed9b5a859b6be53!}{!LANG-f76967d85fb4a3c8d7f09523e22973f5!}

v {!LANG-53d6d9032f635c02461e34751ab9d819!}{!LANG-f0ae909aa075c7523703fcd263805547!}

v {!LANG-ece9e36bd320e12bfa797f0c3084cf4e!}{!LANG-fefa9ce34ee32f6eed1777a63d6c7c29!}

v {!LANG-a5adcca6c226e0a685654d3d245e5e8e!}{!LANG-9076e9675df36c5b27fe4a5f303a7ac8!}

v {!LANG-ffc20d88bf24c6c8815baa34f145a3af!}{!LANG-ba4518058e35274fdb277b645823d7fe!}

v {!LANG-30cc9e518079d7bc335e91fa7e5a64ea!}{!LANG-13de8104b0aa698ccc50c64cc2d7b6a2!}

v Lesson structure{!LANG-065510f43a96165d3a377adfeadb0d5d!} {!LANG-019cd8c5e8e56a5cb6060029e91ca5e5!}and {!LANG-d844f43b495ec74fd82120db04e4afeb!}{!LANG-1b1151b5182d8087d4a2ecae09126ecd!}

v {!LANG-6d5eef6027907f88762e92ccab5b9b7d!}{!LANG-5e5a78e4426de93f53a6bef0b67bd04e!}

v {!LANG-d9907765672da52fbc56917b12539f52!}{!LANG-9fd284396b8ca3927424cda4f6783a7e!}

v {!LANG-60fac88ab958a5a8d85f0e4bd245909a!}{!LANG-d49d8d0da28e0c12a8546c3cef5c8b85!}

v {!LANG-4dd09bd68681c8050a084ad0825bd70e!}{!LANG-896cd3a715133bb8e139c7f091be1320!}

v {!LANG-84d09be9f9ca1dad8059709ff638df74!}{!LANG-491a57cf577b8a98c345bc1aa2fce6fa!}

v {!LANG-cdb7aa473121fb0ddffd381474812bb3!}{!LANG-fb33c2f072e0ae7b7c82a0163b5af732!}

v {!LANG-a6e0317f7572297018bf1e54057f4917!}{!LANG-b6f2c635a2b0d28d30f2bdaa6f727aba!}

v {!LANG-3962d87508e432b53fbe2d0419e55c46!}{!LANG-941e858ccf150e5257a5db57f5c5d1d7!}

v {!LANG-2326a6e85d86ce87bd03d44efaba034e!}{!LANG-4c22e36db94d0874baa150af8e17b672!}

v {!LANG-640bd752aa2bc4d39f3a5be96b95a643!}{!LANG-72249f6f919d0a95825efc9625036226!}

v {!LANG-ed4824249b8119456f98189bd74de822!}{!LANG-a9994f648f9f00b2eb0fcd58bd55d89f!}

v {!LANG-c42c3099c95371ca6bd440193e1a045a!}{!LANG-d1088155e1fcf4f6c00a0f7bdd7f5eb7!}

v {!LANG-4055e554020b204f7f9038925be7150b!}{!LANG-4a90d65c15fd487766e623722d8d7985!}

v {!LANG-0fa2c635c51a29effca07dd9e8843fd8!}{!LANG-e957c79d6721d58d070dbb9ab6f76bb1!}

v {!LANG-d4af646320d8c870c3ff6cc3e9ff3465!}{!LANG-16e5333ac16a0b1dd9f268116cc78b08!} {!LANG-32d16e47bcd01e24fdd939817811f33f!}{!LANG-ee63a1e62e0ce1f112168321f1a55e9d!}

v {!LANG-efe4a6f81f58eb09da3c6908f94ef401!}{!LANG-91a15f9750544f02208e0c5b4ac03a51!}

v {!LANG-4bc7a1390b376e32fb5939634739f0c0!}{!LANG-9aa38e84b3c8c6886fdbdc45468cc18a!}

v {!LANG-27686b5887b755eca4489bd9aa5f09e4!}{!LANG-ff9973caa4f3327813e63eea54f4897e!}


{!LANG-54ed2fcfb21028c5532278262711770c!} {!LANG-4a518043a00f3472ae3ccb679c4564a9!}{!LANG-012df35bba6cac50013de21959725943!} {!LANG-5eb33c340f95dc5250d1c34c08622bf4!}{!LANG-db6478f38970f9df49a10125259d050e!} {!LANG-dcad23f13c6e2a69335405c14a64a49f!}{!LANG-0f6d57afd45e2cf57d66bc1f669f2d31!} {!LANG-ac36a6c233cefbc5fc78a70c75e9983b!}{!LANG-c85f1c7c8e1a5390f52390b4eae4ea9b!} {!LANG-ac36a6c233cefbc5fc78a70c75e9983b!}{!LANG-9f741d2dd2e51c60e02d7ace1f1fc014!}



{!LANG-cb2e0a956c440e531094d50befc66213!} {!LANG-2b34d8b6c20bda8b40f5feeba259f5d3!}{!LANG-cc6b0201cecd2798721d193945709971!} {!LANG-16d2e9a9c7ea7b056547dcd37b3a1ef4!}.

{!LANG-9a406ccc9d6bb0951cb96cfab3a9c667!} {!LANG-cadf4615cb80d7b5cead26f6c34895c7!}{!LANG-7c11addba9edca655615b21d16812c11!} {!LANG-e5d6b1b0215ff46e0f74546bab66e5f6!}

{!LANG-df0db3d57f01416482224332e39a384d!} {!LANG-0111982c859d8bcd8000ec6f02975119!}.

{!LANG-e85a69741596edc1123dc0d1f4837ee6!} {!LANG-d921d14b455f1d067429bb7ef0e01d02!}{!LANG-05e38d137b89e96d81debd154663af89!}

{!LANG-fe9f8cbb207f08200a79d250fcbfcaca!} {!LANG-41763dbcbc66ab84ba4b8f02241ba094!}{!LANG-3816ad4839c90d24c70aabb1c18b672e!} {!LANG-e89d085aab96dc1d3b9cd9601aa16fc6!}{!LANG-f6641038ea8926f14f7601363e0f9463!} {!LANG-2e461f8fd67443d96b50f7b7519d38f9!}{!LANG-5c2fdec7518112d04424bc8e2392154c!} {!LANG-35ef004c5c49dec91402e0d3341839d3!}{!LANG-5810274edd32092f87ff2c69de6dd33a!}{!LANG-8ebb430b02d547423595f072eadcfc16!}

{!LANG-12cfcdaf57cf249274925e07f2eb7d2b!} {!LANG-a3071a76447379fb249e12e4d9480029!}{!LANG-1641449f3a775cd7336fabf2c2fb32c3!} {!LANG-0110318384f43f119d1bc12c7d7a3cba!}{!LANG-90a2e3ae8856bda6ab73d8c33a940bb8!}

{!LANG-70c702d61b42aba91216b3b01247bfcc!} {!LANG-f01af5d8f1079802a31b59e921af0185!}


{!LANG-e1af3978a1dd55d40c40d9196b4cf40a!} {!LANG-05b0788f8d519635b3d1f5c443f87295!}

{!LANG-cf1d19ecc04854a4404980651d9554f7!} {!LANG-c781ceeb56efa508f16dd1f1651554ef!}









{!LANG-7b276f96d8fc5b06f89a889f59329f61!} {!LANG-d5b91f49fcd6bdd205c01cf6f70685d0!}.


{!LANG-6fa03b35949c1f7fddd2a1ce95a1e2b4!} {!LANG-f2a430eac59109b29cc0b1639421ac7c!}{!LANG-5c40e31ae8e12d585481b10e4e1ce6e6!} {!LANG-288fc93001537a658589c45018150f30!}.

{!LANG-30e542ff26a9270712808a96fce38185!} {!LANG-35ef004c5c49dec91402e0d3341839d3!}{!LANG-ef62a0361b0967702189bde015d6dc17!}

{!LANG-2b799d15ecebcaeac9c13969e0f341d1!} {!LANG-bf02ad88ac71652365ab3a66fc59ec6a!}{!LANG-dad4fb2848618c69f17f220686b6fd30!} {!LANG-889a94329e0f0ac0ed7ec6b06159ffeb!}{!LANG-0836f327c0bd8c079a301463626aabef!} {!LANG-6e2cd947e36cc1cbc376a0713e5a431c!}{!LANG-9a6371685e695d4c537ffb9aa23a661a!} {!LANG-2142f5b5c62da8788ef7b6412e63a3a6!}:



{!LANG-55abce56af5b3f278c4b045ce98e49bb!} {!LANG-41f2b46131b70392d81c1c9718edf508!}{!LANG-bdf61cffd3fff95fd9d980dd99044b48!}

{!LANG-aa22540f58490e14380954ab72d64e35!} {!LANG-4a1b7b0446cc8a9a7855c9dd66c6d4cf!}{!LANG-34d0c9af8b0702df1828862874015276!}

{!LANG-d01778e7958ae660d3d697fda498e63d!} {!LANG-48d7dd26d55365e083aabb1daf2f24b4!}{!LANG-73365e38bf2b65234d77914e34d9fae0!} {!LANG-cafb6b5d2da342beded2faf7e028b7a3!}{!LANG-f0c8ae14108adcb7f727a11a12a45074!}

{!LANG-dbc91bda74def95a52363e48251d221e!} {!LANG-79a4d115306d6e46e4a6c5dd45782d7d!} .

{!LANG-8648f6ca7e66d612b8cf6e43f9b79093!} {!LANG-b7fd9b167e5898443ad4b4d783127bc0!}:

{!LANG-b9f52dd8e8ae7ab440ec7dec5143c8ce!} {!LANG-c7dcb48a3e91abf06eb86a42e39e4118!};


{!LANG-e1af3978a1dd55d40c40d9196b4cf40a!} {!LANG-05b0788f8d519635b3d1f5c443f87295!}{!LANG-5a6b9f58372176a05364a8ce4e489ce4!}

{!LANG-cf1d19ecc04854a4404980651d9554f7!}{!LANG-96833635dcb95d817d4fdc85fe175fae!} {!LANG-c781ceeb56efa508f16dd1f1651554ef!}{!LANG-717c65eed4f8af545f375734d5acce59!}

{!LANG-15559339953d65eed46102b8845d0eec!} {!LANG-fb322a6a31e4a18f4931f5f448a7de61!}:









{!LANG-02395e0c032b7e41334183d7325144e4!} {!LANG-8772814f86175a538471880a5e2b0bd3!}{!LANG-18aafb6f8f677d6a99f394cb0d457eed!} {!LANG-d600b0d3e0d3bd2d1e09e41e5413710f!}{!LANG-3659d26470792c9cf1ec6da3a7f990fe!}




{!LANG-7fa06f02da2f12c6bb19d2c4d390607c!} {!LANG-ce93c4f6a2348bae9be18000ebb465b4!} {!LANG-c97d68124d94e2588eb02112313c3877!}


{!LANG-cda7994653486de03db6c6d39d646c14!} {!LANG-be3a0d4b44ff103e423da547972083bc!}:

{!LANG-395c96d531d9df78ab5053d53ef23df4!} {!LANG-f01c456469782f163c180951aae6b525!}{!LANG-7c393acfe317e4ca758dc7835998ab32!} {!LANG-1e3d3b0a34b52433adb51d470328ffac!}{!LANG-b97bbb57ce2ef59c0e8603096beb3c54!}







{!LANG-e6340232fe4cee388fd80c4591f9ee90!}< лат. magister начальник; наставник] – в ряде стран – вторая {!LANG-71acc28fd37c35a48898f9c0ba3f8a55!}{!LANG-5accf8a39ac4564542ce0dcc77f8432e!}


{!LANG-16a0f97a97603d6d58edef99ee7aff4a!} {!LANG-2693a4951fc243864ea2b2e4f1534dba!}{!LANG-0b10bb5f8c90abd2781d1073aeeb3d26!}

[< лат. declaratio заявление, объявление] – заявление от имени государства, правительства, партии, организации; торжественное провозглашение основных принципов, а также документ, в котором они изложены {!LANG-f524236ecf4be6081a0cfdcb49c7d311!} .

{!LANG-96ff482f1058d46cd020bd281796d62b!} (< лат. definitio - определение) {!LANG-9d9eb0502c5176debf945a29f77a59d9!} {!LANG-291bad2a4254727b588421a95c659998!}{!LANG-4333089dfb9668a663adac8500622c33!}{!LANG-c53609a5d9eca679dda317842675ae5d!} {!LANG-5a0ea51087b3c97c843cb11c0f7e4552!}{!LANG-9f3ddd3b9e23b61fa0401f07816a30a5!} {!LANG-00109246237bdb4998536d4135f7df17!}({!LANG-67893c7c35ffc3c55bbb03b5632b84c9!}) {!LANG-78fb7154556159f36b5bff72132bedc8!} {!LANG-dcad23f13c6e2a69335405c14a64a49f!}({!LANG-203f9fc75856d48d8545be5d0775d74b!}) {!LANG-f79d77e6158ed6d3476e277caeaa1360!} {!LANG-ed8babd55bd0b5daf8bf5045ee769db4!}{!LANG-d95810be3748ff1363ade3b778205d70!} {!LANG-203f9fc75856d48d8545be5d0775d74b!}{!LANG-ff315fd23b96c23d409c294c1ed26c3b!} {!LANG-8502ed65a38928fb9f6581665262958a!}{!LANG-eda422df0d136b43513506c38fdb8106!} {!LANG-ac36a6c233cefbc5fc78a70c75e9983b!}{!LANG-4a4a695407571a165d45d5aed12ba1bd!} {!LANG-b3f5ce03138ae0a2fdcc8031e38bfaec!}{!LANG-cbe260e00d6e81748052e4bc6d40fe9a!} {!LANG-8493da2caf0e2213379380bf0af1d08e!}{!LANG-1306e181b95a6705ed8d2f1046b21b07!} {!LANG-63c629e49c0973747859066b5ccf2d01!}{!LANG-a08e2d615a9b5feb4d33f977b44f784c!} {!LANG-be7a3010cf959c3c50a0b1f93bad1406!}{!LANG-0d51b498ffecbfae2783650981f44955!} {!LANG-037fa4f4988967a0f677dfdaf14c5e02!}{!LANG-cb972e6e779507bd4856a13e8964e27a!} {!LANG-f6da417565f836a58cf812aa08a37729!}{!LANG-d086c4945ebd8624c3328894ca000919!} {!LANG-bff53de86352a8eff3e557b8ce7fa232!}{!LANG-0f6dce2477904605897208d8989d805c!}

{!LANG-4a95cfd109fe9a7100b91c063d6a5310!} {!LANG-ed9f1cee326b424b52d31f89073c3d82!}{!LANG-1ea10895bafcf163069ee4fb7db1c3f3!} {!LANG-89e664591de97971345f8608e147a6b9!}

{!LANG-f09c96223ea7eb7b71503f378bbab1f3!} {!LANG-89e664591de97971345f8608e147a6b9!}

{!LANG-d49200ba1153078ae9b9d4399124140a!} {!LANG-fd70ef1e3e3971e178b3c06a44b407c8!}. {!LANG-c354697da4fd84789c0f19e3d310baa4!}

{!LANG-450dfeefd6ab004c3c5316d2ec9cb744!} {!LANG-b705ea5930cdd9d471dde7e559ca6edb!}{!LANG-75df48eb3d39bd48600e1bffa618ae59!}

{!LANG-bf439a4bb8526e1617f4281bff5f9b15!} {!LANG-33ddb477ac32b6581ee15aec3ac9f205!}.


{!LANG-5e2c474d8167b0cab56c73d15538a195!} (< греч. - способность распознать) {!LANG-aaa9a3ce39591b4fec8956aba4c2e328!} {!LANG-421386d7aa53abb90d5e6b00c934f5c3!}{!LANG-8ec4adf3dd6a1838cca56a1d4c177c14!}

{!LANG-0353da777981bb74145aa6fe403299f8!}{!LANG-a983079228b676cb751d479d81d457f2!} {!LANG-8502ed65a38928fb9f6581665262958a!}{!LANG-361bc80b370dc7fd2fcfd065d4895dd0!}{!LANG-51611d357518c8335ee594a898dec2a0!}

{!LANG-cd53aeeca319fdd366cd796aad2c3164!} {!LANG-87614c9d4b5c16bb02b8295f600ae701!}.


{!LANG-cd53aeeca319fdd366cd796aad2c3164!} {!LANG-28e27853a9d1e07ab2b8b28ff9560b09!}{!LANG-ef92075dbc7e034c1db887d945deef82!}


{!LANG-d5da1288d5458ed9599ed25faf086932!} {!LANG-5ed0a5b2b24c7d16dbb798197d6e2440!}{!LANG-e7c1bf5fb2559937e80f8df1ac42075b!} {!LANG-1c8c969366a3187a2136658b35c2aded!}{!LANG-19e11927a783feb2b43445220383873b!} {!LANG-163248958138e041e452d233e890e50b!}{!LANG-893a1e57e94d4c131e99529b6c334d15!}

{!LANG-b02e6672b8ec184a5fe60fc0bd6be03a!} {!LANG-0e6d346b0736a50f15efe65ecde397c0!}{!LANG-34f2a07debf708c8d431d40ea61f8633!} {!LANG-2f59b7052f09282d682dd853dc017c94!}{!LANG-dba39daffd0d4e242659acd0676ffc73!} {!LANG-54e1257d10032ba8ad86621296ee2d1f!}{!LANG-7d38d3270430ee255595ff91ff1a7d91!} {!LANG-622bf5ff9f1f7f02fa1a4dc90ba863e5!}{!LANG-26b814fd8765560779408dc7e6fe51b0!}



{!LANG-4d43e3cf2bb592c5fc43122004e30278!} (< франц. - разность, различие) {!LANG-818039a659fd10b5864e47e03db0e2b2!}

{!LANG-d775201d8ffb079e7eabe374add91076!} {!LANG-7368fdf9e040950e9b999b96cc022206!}{!LANG-90fc074839e0ebb224b8f1ffb8d8fa79!}


{!LANG-40e46660d2b5148aeed72de03210aabe!} {!LANG-1f96f739eace99bb02c8cd2d02eafb99!}{!LANG-0d918e0e70b4a77a70699c2a358f66d3!}

{!LANG-8a2971781bf813174e2fa998ffc0f82e!} {!LANG-f1ab6df798dd8d9373ac6c27c3612058!}{!LANG-7980374f5cc2bf188e06154597b73819!} {!LANG-dcdc7462c7a4eedf112de6ca17762922!}

{!LANG-8e11c83b8bf55fb5f3f44bb7038df2f0!} {!LANG-ba1c4affe44ff2c2fc525d03051a3b29!}{!LANG-3b7af7861c503800f8a5a748c89d24ea!} {!LANG-fe9d655dd4619aa78af5e5c8def01acc!}{!LANG-d0ca42b8ccf31c07ecabe39c3fe45831!}

{!LANG-5332f3f58b16998a176403d0ca671b55!} {!LANG-3c5bc952ab1226a22e737e3234432309!}{!LANG-f8c0c2b2e83b824e0b865a0bab92d02a!}

{!LANG-8e84ff734b31df0dd931c96b533384cb!} {!LANG-1e31e15bbabaac0b5af2285b7e4a1d17!}{!LANG-a08305f87f660faee27425d0941fc5e7!}


{!LANG-359c1c1861efd494063fe9faab4cb572!} {!LANG-1f96f739eace99bb02c8cd2d02eafb99!}{!LANG-50bb6b2ba59790620b3b07a7f47a6b32!}

{!LANG-2491fa0ea25671215ed7a244e874b4c3!} {!LANG-3b4e949aadefa64da7462ce33c345562!}{!LANG-e9f5e79ba52e23f4908f93cb766b317d!}

{!LANG-d09a97161ea9dd1516016a875d17b0df!} {!LANG-0d9294bbcd0686ff9798c9e73802aae7!}{!LANG-f63e19fdf9d16cb794963705a94c0b81!} {!LANG-391f9d720ab56efa7af33e0dc463e5b2!}{!LANG-07968a4fa4b3649951b9aeea68fd4e75!} {!LANG-768755117c269b5a2146c0a7caf53d19!}{!LANG-921f0e1ee26e17319d9e7e663056024f!} {!LANG-7f15d736bce9cd1344b36a06bfee529e!}.

{!LANG-b24fb9ed6bd417b77492886630740f9c!} {!LANG-136cee5ba19080dc516e111fd155152a!}{!LANG-83ce2c4b5af7f2dcd0845a8ffd0961ff!}

{!LANG-a6b96e5ea8fb0697bd125c69e8d774c1!} {!LANG-4e70e569fe4127e255b77d7254286f83!}{!LANG-392f9aa08c590da601a36fda93fb3310!}{!LANG-256693f57a62e408075ffde09f0a1d76!} {!LANG-143b6fe17ab97ca9cd4ae127584b733f!} .

[< лат. integration восстановление, восполнение < integer целый] – объединение в целое каких-либо частей, элементов {!LANG-e4ace595b5dd9b7cea6273e52a293829!} .

{!LANG-2dc51b8243495e74935a9e485d64ea64!} {!LANG-94af5e0b9264fc570d7c147f88249a80!}{!LANG-9ca56d1d9f1d43b35a1d7773c27c8736!} {!LANG-417b2997249b322ab78ad34d2ee463cc!}{!LANG-f2ebed5a1b583e490ac8fc55797b202c!} {!LANG-18af1db81381bbb3a377b9d21209a2ba!}{!LANG-59bcac7f697c5902193ca6d056eadc58!}{!LANG-d424edf3f8746ba6ee9f2ca271ff0d21!} {!LANG-49e475faf3f2ab69fa4e74f08e4e0203!}{!LANG-cceb9ecf0fea7a9cc937524705f6abc2!}

{!LANG-4ad1ba85ca9eae0cddcb929cbd78ab38!} {!LANG-59bcac7f697c5902193ca6d056eadc58!}{!LANG-f62a2a4254bae9000913fc6ccde2b526!}

{!LANG-80662e4f771b03a0c337dbbdce6455d9!} {!LANG-397a97c51f15de7d632c9f21c9dd6f88!}{!LANG-10478472342f897eeb5655b296e7c59c!} {!LANG-49b3174172f8fc71f72451c9514541f5!}) {!LANG-95dfba73002c52bec48449e1a815dfc6!} {!LANG-a13e74e8fd22fd13fc88a3dc23480ada!}.

{!LANG-3272dbe1a6eb5a12100867bd21d3c334!} {!LANG-96e2013d7dfff1248d09c4c1dfa5175a!}.

{!LANG-6b5a0e23e8d36e983221666f99c981bd!} {!LANG-4067df01a3e0f60d4f4693fdc298cc22!}

{!LANG-deb33e94ae5f526da1802f9a29f117cf!} {!LANG-00109246237bdb4998536d4135f7df17!}{!LANG-8493da2caf0e2213379380bf0af1d08e!}{!LANG-ad19fb2bea02fde42ff91785fac42633!}



{!LANG-476fbd59e540c9c292bc2b4bfeae8b3c!} .

{!LANG-8e53680a7243b7ed4acae6003c38a1c7!} {!LANG-bc28cf0390fb772bb90b2fec860e3f7c!}{!LANG-102942d75bebcb8eec631f3f24356d6f!} {!LANG-61bfcd5045831ce57ea736adb97262dd!} {!LANG-f20801758f92a962848c9a5219e89c51!}{!LANG-3e45587fffeac3fe0933d9f29a2535f0!}

{!LANG-389aff708ebb3ad7a7b01b4a97892caf!} {!LANG-04ca1307143752fcbb529e62e5047a44!}{!LANG-f93e3da4fa111b7af467686761744b9a!} {!LANG-8aa746c7ffdd4c4a628ab22c21ef8899!}{!LANG-56447136648ce09a1ba8a8cf1427acfd!}


{!LANG-325de5d875fa2de1f4fb5c3e50843d66!} {!LANG-f2e00bc97d1ab692d08b01214cba688f!}{!LANG-55306ac27df20d46c23d8707c069aca8!} {!LANG-3dc8e6c17d4de47f9b6a74a843606b23!}{!LANG-703aa10f69324eb78e5df105a0bd7483!} {!LANG-bc28cf0390fb772bb90b2fec860e3f7c!}{!LANG-05cee173d61edb979c94c0e90fddd13a!} {!LANG-5b556076481987be474db3ff9d434c04!}{!LANG-61bfcd5045831ce57ea736adb97262dd!} {!LANG-9028ef684f89297dcd3e1cfa5ac5e288!}{!LANG-a1a92c41fc8b50ec90a332ef2271a977!}


{!LANG-13b37680b82d97aa76186e10e4b92cdf!} {!LANG-e336cf76b452d8f4f2fb677d267eaa88!}{!LANG-db35cfda53813d8b7b6cd7a4dab4c9ea!}

{!LANG-79afaaa134a43a3ed7e68ab760b01fb2!} {!LANG-17aace64e705f9aee7faf3f1e17d2f02!}{!LANG-b37e88f953d21134d0ce6094c1b41d1b!} {!LANG-916ba55e36325b5fb6f8573ec8b85028!}. {!LANG-33ddb477ac32b6581ee15aec3ac9f205!}.

{!LANG-e0b41f2a3b47d7443b2691de6284b376!} {!LANG-01b9d6b4edfdd9383055343487c01d95!}{!LANG-035402c5c2eededb674edcf5dec8c8e3!} {!LANG-0ace00b0a86a4be11ff3ce1269da3a8b!};


{!LANG-1b7175056f9928e773a01a848fa30186!}< лат. quails какой, какого качества + facere делать – 1) характеристика предмета, явления, отнесение его к какой-либо категории, группе; 2) степень и уровень профессиональной подготовленности к какому-либо виду труда; 3) профессия, специальность .



{!LANG-5afc6a1f70c81d92dcbd012c249606fa!} {!LANG-d6a1b2931c15b9c0714b9f325cdb6ac6!}{!LANG-635ee0ef0c53c17e0dc77b68b47b5f3b!} {!LANG-81e9d41f23015abe5dbbb5592d987840!}{!LANG-3379c14e93744a14079961ecaaafa045!}

{!LANG-f7d202aaca86b201f0ef8202ac19cc07!} {!LANG-36b51d7839b7b43e8be3bd79acd67087!}{!LANG-a3dfee16b0afc5bc5a8ec0daa71ef3a2!} {!LANG-bb42333428c76f4d424751f50137f5cf!}{!LANG-92f30d2ed2de534a32e939ad2df5652a!} {!LANG-b92a24a03be0ed1a7e514094da4520d7!}{!LANG-9a3326bad6622bf35df0ca2847df219c!}



{!LANG-2e38bc46bc07487f9f53f74196d261a6!} {!LANG-4a2d5074829639cbdcbdb16506ebe877!} {!LANG-35e5dc9b3838d843483b989291835faf!}{!LANG-0298ad4923f05dc1df84a35f8708ef43!} {!LANG-6aa6709498d64a7724b18ccd45f1652f!}{!LANG-29505d29c2b156b90cba3683b5e0f2da!} {!LANG-0110318384f43f119d1bc12c7d7a3cba!}{!LANG-8df2a95ad8ef3e73922b90845dde7792!}

{!LANG-68fffafb11dbc6020be3b471373c996d!}< лат. conventio договор, соглашение] – международный договор, соглашение по какому-либо специальному вопросу, напр. железнодорожная, почтовая конвенции, конвенция по охране авторских прав .

{!LANG-6ba66828d4e0a01b9bb66a57760e45b0!} {!LANG-815623de531bed1784ff0b15328856c0!}{!LANG-e059f021bda379cd66912be91b8a54bb!}


{!LANG-45c4d65f346ed63e57dbe07355c99498!} {!LANG-90030a8841c907bbaacdd3d8de856e2e!}{!LANG-796fb1c447f395193a84243414dec9a8!}

{!LANG-3c2a8b27446eb9986618883cad1c31a8!} {!LANG-458f2716f942234ffb0ec80d23d76acf!}{!LANG-a1551d0e97f4d10799150b973f95b106!}

{!LANG-51b3087e0deda988373a88985dd9dae2!} {!LANG-79df314862b51c0272198c096dbfc85d!}{!LANG-4f79f0008b4ecd456d7e7526cc8a4377!}



1) {!LANG-f4eb377d78fe5f8dd37a9703b5880f8d!}{!LANG-99837e7fc1fdbc6762d5d7f5d24a6ee0!} {!LANG-8cde8b5322a0013ed23932ed753cb258!};


2) [ < лат. competere добиваться; соответствовать, подходить] – 1) круг полномочий какого-л. органа или должностного лица; 2) круг вопросов, в которых кто-л. хорошо осведомлен {!LANG-ba3a329cf7a20f2f0a5777eba763f131!}.


{!LANG-bc8b9e4c7019f0c3a0a611b91ee18bcc!} {!LANG-ba3a329cf7a20f2f0a5777eba763f131!}.

{!LANG-1a46a918203e0bb5ca5743a70fde15c2!} {!LANG-25baf114bf354318e3bfc1609dae536c!}{!LANG-7f9798df55e77a3618cbf3332df25023!}

{!LANG-afda0678e689e93d4342710f53e92a23!} {!LANG-4a2d5074829639cbdcbdb16506ebe877!}{!LANG-9ba8c43ab73b29eac9de6478af79182a!} {!LANG-9d911dd53d28f685622f319ce3a93de3!}{!LANG-32817cd5ea9c47938094d96a5153d73f!} {!LANG-5c0c607c63f6415343e36a9f38297f14!}{!LANG-dab5bcba31d79a5efc7bb3b2aa85b62b!} {!LANG-35ef004c5c49dec91402e0d3341839d3!}{!LANG-aa059a6fab766e028503265553e219c4!} {!LANG-8c275a2754a5b22564b1c2251f2b68a7!}{!LANG-c115932e79991a1deef655f4aebd4c15!}

{!LANG-7a502240eafdea2decfbd17615109862!} {!LANG-0110318384f43f119d1bc12c7d7a3cba!}{!LANG-b73cd1ab7f4ba6506f1627c409fb623e!} {!LANG-a928301b8aa7d319ff8bc0478ed5e1c5!}{!LANG-926eeb696b62561e94e07de79c1f3038!} {!LANG-622bf5ff9f1f7f02fa1a4dc90ba863e5!}(182)

{!LANG-a113da5d54edcbcfdd45f198c6f6db42!} {!LANG-0885ca370f04e2e367416581aff01bb4!}{!LANG-907dcddea2042b60539c5279e3cf7298!} {!LANG-622bf5ff9f1f7f02fa1a4dc90ba863e5!}{!LANG-d4a0c8d6ba7572e7325e084032311559!}

{!LANG-41443b6f92ba685983444cd6b642e6a2!} {!LANG-4a2d5074829639cbdcbdb16506ebe877!}{!LANG-6aed9e64b16b09b0ba6b4c7fa8d82672!} {!LANG-1ae05222ddfc8e59b15c7ba427c6a7d6!}:



{!LANG-803aac41e7f4b3196073d643e5bc03c4!} {!LANG-0d22b35b7f1b75ba3e443cefd00ae1f4!}

{!LANG-7c421475f4c3e03410a6d2ed68178c1e!} {!LANG-e021dbab3adec7168665b1472b98272c!}

{!LANG-7c421475f4c3e03410a6d2ed68178c1e!} {!LANG-1b234b5175c41a968d794c7d59c871c0!}{!LANG-0cf57a86bfffa8e9153251375a4de1ad!}

{!LANG-33def0fd1a65ab8fa3ba46eee914ba59!} {!LANG-4a2d5074829639cbdcbdb16506ebe877!}{!LANG-9d0020df90f32254027ebff196ea959f!} {!LANG-622bf5ff9f1f7f02fa1a4dc90ba863e5!}{!LANG-e86608135122c70f9d1d2ee348ec73bb!} {!LANG-7ec2d9ca55190e2c0f236eda7d344e04!}

{!LANG-d5a1a8d74bfb4539db511d94620da653!} {!LANG-35ef004c5c49dec91402e0d3341839d3!}{!LANG-e0f5742ed51d03b358be659fd89dd194!} {!LANG-622bf5ff9f1f7f02fa1a4dc90ba863e5!}{!LANG-a780affc995c58313ae842a40f6c7a9e!} {!LANG-6071029854fdd5f296262e14fe860485!}


{!LANG-cb2d822d04f03356a90442fac2fc736b!} {!LANG-6a1847f53744d1c0c9cb9a713b3a8e76!} {!LANG-92842e39250c557b244244d2b33ee435!}» {!LANG-0743308ade51b635c0b816f28efe0030!} (182) {!LANG-5a13db03769518879b678c0f99d266e8!} {!LANG-35ef004c5c49dec91402e0d3341839d3!}{!LANG-4d4dac5e31fa980851c09ac08e51fc3c!} {!LANG-00109246237bdb4998536d4135f7df17!}{!LANG-7c12eb021f35f12d395e6cf86c8a4bc5!}

{!LANG-ac2e0a34669614a0048b88f0817e6288!} {!LANG-8ce85d07ab1d260d78cef16ace08b80e!}{!LANG-0cbc7f9b8beb9ef52f6174a56a43392d!}{!LANG-d0d8867f66afd6454e3b1427276901e7!}

{!LANG-f782fed79a4fd37477f5545ed51abf12!} {!LANG-e332576faef4e041a988084d4dfb2fea!}{!LANG-c7bacb68af3b8ef6d7468579acac4550!}

{!LANG-71734d70e12a3d8d6a71c549dee2cf5f!} {!LANG-dd57f4d2d6d367967416c3095832c24c!} – [< лат. convergere приближаться, сходиться] – схождение, сближение .

{!LANG-13a163ceab492694d03e0af20a38474f!} {!LANG-f649cbe84e792e6d6ae9668dbe87507a!}{!LANG-52c08344e5bebf63dc8e33f489c96d1f!}

{!LANG-74b7f72e82a3751d9db0a08ba8d937d3!} {!LANG-8db1881876849518acad03fb745b1af2!} {!LANG-9c476d414e93cb16a5e554fe4791835f!}{!LANG-9b70b85c7c22048a28dce4b12e6caaf2!}

{!LANG-5bc5eda1ebc6b7b32924e35a21fa310e!}< лат. communicare сообщать] – официальное правительственное сообщение о международных переговорах и соглашениях, о важных событиях во внутренней жизни страны (напр., конференциях, совещаниях, о ходе военных действий и т. д.




{!LANG-8c9021ca0c9cc7b5c0fed9b1cb018a60!} {!LANG-8d0361f52026911f80f9cccbeb5a768a!}{!LANG-4e4ca7ac1c2ebe390eb7b78c2be43a3c!}

{!LANG-05c7a32023a337e8c4a7068c9b005ae9!} (–) {!LANG-4ac0f5c162408471bee0356db83acf14!} (+) .

{!LANG-dcd40900fa12a3d1b5f7758af187d93e!} {!LANG-14455afeea1ad0fb7884c35e7e4c0ad2!} .

{!LANG-654754428b449be57d31284ec42cdae9!} {!LANG-8dbf0933469e27da18f8e1d4a8a3087d!} .

{!LANG-a96dc0351909c475f2a3f4609de0e4f2!} {!LANG-669df519e5a4a499b95f0897cad657f9!}{!LANG-128941247e8f70beb4b47e4b6a29ab2d!}

{!LANG-58a4d669a421f2e979353641bd432e39!}{!LANG-8402acb3012361998931ba7320ed7dec!} {!LANG-39029f1af4d90da0d0cb3d52e477b8d4!}{!LANG-ee6fe9fac126bb0c8c64bd86e532f0b3!} {!LANG-b968da24ff553181d8f3c97e6b1ef0ef!} .

{!LANG-80e7e75269c2226337452eb9df9c6eb8!} {!LANG-8502ed65a38928fb9f6581665262958a!}{!LANG-dab3eb0ea5c768946bfa017d301a62a4!}{!LANG-fb360e7ca8e36bc6ff414f947dccf373!} {!LANG-dcad23f13c6e2a69335405c14a64a49f!}{!LANG-51534b9484234f05256ca36e5569e961!}{!LANG-c794fe320840f875be456d046bb348d9!} {!LANG-b968da24ff553181d8f3c97e6b1ef0ef!}{!LANG-aeecf28eb0654901cd7782634774b083!} {!LANG-3b66876d3a1164cbb5f875e74d7109bb!}{!LANG-0d4b0b8c2d985616bb02913a45e632b0!}{!LANG-eb9c6bd533c2077ca73ba73fe3c7614a!}

{!LANG-120ddc3c33d40f0e2dee4797643e8921!}< лат. creditum ссуда, долг < credere верить] – 1) предоставление в долг на определенный срок товаров или денежных средств, как правило, с уплатой процента; 2) включенная в смету сумма, в пределах которой разрешен расход на определенные цели; 3) доверие .

{!LANG-dc1731fd7a1f57b781a722af9ef9bca9!} {!LANG-00109246237bdb4998536d4135f7df17!}{!LANG-b968da24ff553181d8f3c97e6b1ef0ef!}{!LANG-fdc3d7ec569ad75888b22081766d11d1!} {!LANG-ccdbcafafde1e94836ec6b227d13e0b9!}{!LANG-50a4fde4f5e008b6f9b652fb34bd230b!} {!LANG-595a28e324021c770bf8367454a1a113!}{!LANG-d3975bb26c74aab9acbf42af20e0b085!} {!LANG-ef4b26e824e7110607a1955f3ac095f3!}{!LANG-cd41615605b88d2f656057dcdb28ced0!}





{!LANG-120ddc3c33d40f0e2dee4797643e8921!}< лат. credit он верит] – правая сторона бухгалтерских счетов; в активе кредит представляет расходную часть, куда заносятся все расходы по данному счету, а в счетах пассива – приходную часть, в которой группируются все поступления по счету .

{!LANG-743abdeb2b524948a03f729986cb8b56!} {!LANG-6107f688f0d5bd68f36b7ece7ab2c7d7!}{!LANG-80cfe475fd6efee45b534e54ba67a977!} {!LANG-00109246237bdb4998536d4135f7df17!}{!LANG-1b2c04a369286e6ff4e86f6a8e55cc42!} {!LANG-1f74b298198de2c89658d37e7422ff4f!}.

{!LANG-bf127e7bb03851ae507ecec21bcdd023!} {!LANG-00109246237bdb4998536d4135f7df17!}{!LANG-4b14fbb4fb0e60a96861f1918676e7bc!} {!LANG-1bf0a7afd13ba946ebaa9878535c44c8!}{!LANG-5447578cbe9e09f96607ea1f214eb25d!} {!LANG-b968da24ff553181d8f3c97e6b1ef0ef!}{!LANG-3272e6d46669094335573d1d6e5aa799!} {!LANG-bfd742da5df8683ca22ba05839cbc64d!}:



{!LANG-faa1013aa750d1a539a5bdfbbfef333d!} {!LANG-98be553034cf3d173069aba8d4f7c041!}{!LANG-4d68b831bbc45b7dc74ba88e5c3a3ecf!}


{!LANG-092ecbe03872c7bf39337e8dceeb8acc!} {!LANG-bd879cdf71122fd09081fd895df1858f!}{!LANG-6a6a3bf03168b872ead50f7cad356495!} {!LANG-494bcffb44186ef92a48bdbcc9558206!}{!LANG-9ac126699b7bbcae5727027d1973d05e!} {!LANG-df6a0997819f32ef46b2737e7f9b3829!}{!LANG-e814d02cf26e9e8a6283ccb3b653c5e3!}





{!LANG-5011501743bd25da3c6cfc1dc3298f93!} {!LANG-5b2a8cc32447aae7252b7a204f84df15!}{!LANG-796f1ab5aaf39e0037dd3e41514040eb!}

{!LANG-bb0f99e8d5927c485152fb5a618afc0a!} {!LANG-d3862bdd041dfe5d2369fdba5cb6328a!}{!LANG-48abc010a3ba04ba8dbd3a2f451defe4!} {!LANG-eb696ca47a0f436b15c7d69349179b22!}{!LANG-86241b7f31be58900e1efbedcf68db35!}

{!LANG-3d269c88f4c9b38496fcf049e15ddf9e!} {!LANG-21f8d0d2a3d448acbff3bef473b5f6d2!}{!LANG-11ba7fc503d2445a0b3cf7b3fe7be190!} {!LANG-a5aebd6700e225a277619b8c80e0e121!}{!LANG-5285ff5e957f2c7722741a7da03605d5!} {!LANG-7ca63047d626b3bc35e900fd4ec28718!}{!LANG-5632c294e0615db0c5206acb1f913fb2!}

{!LANG-a3ee755da66905b9c4a0f4dec890de7d!}< лат. modulus мера] – отделяемая, относительно {!LANG-cb5e7f41cfce043a05e411aab3785832!}{!LANG-59d5cbca6cd336c469d4d9d1b0464687!}

{!LANG-cbeeda52930bf47f155ae26ab6121497!} {!LANG-c837908044864d92f5f5a76c96ee37b6!} {!LANG-7c4abf6a1dbcf835c3f0ebc63e22c284!}{!LANG-f1e4bd85b189be5a245fc9bb46982838!} {!LANG-c6684771348849afec88b39f539c749b!}


1) {!LANG-133d7dad40014d56ef2e48992b50dac5!}{!LANG-878710b4deeb478d46afc1c46c8b4dc5!}


{!LANG-337a7eb898d0e3f38c8bea16d9f64ca0!} {!LANG-92e648ed6dc159675d3e597214fe83bc!}{!LANG-486e381b5438b442dd1f4a5a01a54070!} {!LANG-49f998a9b86b92a8b700713a691b1df2!}{!LANG-9c7cc772ef67a82a878c83551bd48ae1!}

{!LANG-337a7eb898d0e3f38c8bea16d9f64ca0!} {!LANG-96eff5c88d36c565df1be403163e8b68!}{!LANG-4ffacf27bf63857611190a8647e4e38b!}

{!LANG-f5af886b5a74228ca5ff8fc8d1349298!} {!LANG-6ea36ea94ea95f8aae4d698033cbb86c!}{!LANG-28d3c3ac5bd91eaf439cd05e3e0bb032!} {!LANG-84f4c1cf594290b9be11e8c10f796fd2!}{!LANG-95ebc7cd0090b6616f3c51f64ee1ddad!} {!LANG-699f50c01397adedbffc65e47eff47f6!}{!LANG-0c5e9a83fd133f98267cb4a759941135!}

{!LANG-95fbfed83601b2fb9795a9a894a15bb5!} {!LANG-4c549b8f53fe0f84b9bb88db88dd8703!}{!LANG-51864b222907d81506993fae47ef5586!}

{!LANG-208c9abc7a8ef3d55c3e02ffc791b75c!} {!LANG-537419028a75fe910883b4663c804d74!}{!LANG-c22dbb3faf3b6d3159c6f6c4ba6f4939!}


{!LANG-e6340232fe4cee388fd80c4591f9ee90!}< лат. magister начальник; наставник] – в ряде стран – вторая академическая степень, присуждаемая лицам, окончившим университет или приравненное к нему высшее учебное заведение и имеющим степень бакалавра, прошедшим дополнительный курс в течение 1–2 лет, сдавшим специальный экзамен и защитившим диссертацию ;

{!LANG-f14d4cc9a7c3649547e40e49dc99fd73!} {!LANG-ea6d0b1814ab567ae7dc9099d805d6b1!}{!LANG-1572c4eac1c38ca519a3c85b93791efa!}

{!LANG-7fa06f02da2f12c6bb19d2c4d390607c!} {!LANG-ce93c4f6a2348bae9be18000ebb465b4!}{!LANG-f2baa6f4c7b0b39582bc21b8fde99444!} {!LANG-c97d68124d94e2588eb02112313c3877!}{!LANG-06c9096debb45398f72777d88e79c857!}


{!LANG-cda7994653486de03db6c6d39d646c14!} {!LANG-be3a0d4b44ff103e423da547972083bc!}:







{!LANG-bc7ee66099f4803a9ab9b5a685a492c2!} {!LANG-41763dbcbc66ab84ba4b8f02241ba094!}{!LANG-cb50153297275acd5c1e70539cf470bd!}

{!LANG-8b5eaae0f979e46faa26ffa081db0de4!} {!LANG-8c6f3d470699add159d54966d724cf79!}{!LANG-9e2a735f1bc99a9719743ec706166a92!} {!LANG-523d88420a44a5d423b818d42db80fb0!}{!LANG-75489bc78d23c885cfc77f1c3d042dd7!} {!LANG-b8fbe950fbdedf47c986cf3cc77cc2b4!}{!LANG-8ad5b163da2dc053cdf14c828cfb9bf6!} {!LANG-9cb2c0168f3328e21c6d2609f972012c!}{!LANG-8818cf6e1630ae31320e48b9f13bcd2f!}

{!LANG-e32e19fc1b1dc3421521104fca5abf57!} {!LANG-6b10d8669f819e9b6f00e142347f6633!}{!LANG-515c2870f59b328bf3a799b5442502c6!}

{!LANG-ad3f085b1fa5a5196185616dc5ac7f89!} {!LANG-aed3772e1f01568fe5e2ce2e26783e99!}{!LANG-dce04e21000da5a0b045b35f17435125!} {!LANG-71181ae1dc121fea68098c83a814feaa!}{!LANG-67e57aa217554f28f26212a0fceadeea!}

{!LANG-8981a9a2715ef77bc278a279ac9c190f!} {!LANG-b292126781fa1924cf80ffa79eba6640!}{!LANG-ea6c1eacaf565283cd258f912ce2e093!} {!LANG-537419028a75fe910883b4663c804d74!}{!LANG-340a1d90e3af48e41a36eb8cdb4f2c77!} {!LANG-fd826be813a9bc2385acae3cb5a3af57!}.



{!LANG-da21f2f5ed717f596b0cb0063e519211!} {!LANG-35ef004c5c49dec91402e0d3341839d3!}{!LANG-b61512fbf8b3173fb1d471986d56daac!}{!LANG-5f71d8398a916402d534ebccf087b935!} {!LANG-69c9c23490fa747cfec42c8ac6db272a!}{!LANG-a0b766833c09e81ec1dcae55ef300a56!} {!LANG-3484013bfb91d5977556ed7b26d1a179!}{!LANG-ebd388a6167e7ac6242e6fa8d0d6fc3e!} {!LANG-069b213950507e562417ca33f1ef5285!}{!LANG-b59d55124e6c7c7808dc955fc7991008!} {!LANG-2f59b7052f09282d682dd853dc017c94!}.

{!LANG-b16fd6b13dcefca8cf65813d76022145!}< фр. mobile < лат. mobilis] – подвижность .

{!LANG-d1933adb93031ec058c7b00f07be61a6!} {!LANG-03455d6cebf6c89c68618ac4b2f2a94b!} [< фр. mobile < лат. mobilis– подвижный]


{!LANG-34e02f7bdc903a30416d80d35b9fb3d7!} {!LANG-9b1dd1940bf6573d04c0d8c8a1296bbd!}{!LANG-ed474e01332135ab8d350b70898d0008!}

{!LANG-9af1edba28054eeadf62ce6b7736e8cc!} {!LANG-52e60ffec1065281fcd5b0a0f947ed7f!}{!LANG-3c5fd7da7635d5949ea48857c1214a0d!}


{!LANG-cbeeda52930bf47f155ae26ab6121497!} {!LANG-96780d28dfbb2170798f6bddeeda116e!}{!LANG-15ba5059a300de2f659e7ff7c6f94b98!} {!LANG-7589f33c756e90b4225f82bdbbba6912!}{!LANG-b8fd9c3e238fd6070da17116c2e72a00!} {!LANG-85f714e3eff55150e77c88f7740431c2!}{!LANG-ff0e65e34e174e05740c9fe26569f4e8!} {!LANG-8fd87fb6f82d36dae0613c3454ef82ad!}{!LANG-7bfead47cbdff27aea0049847834d9d5!} {!LANG-c6c7ebd5829e3005841b7604787de413!}.

{!LANG-f1322eb0b2b7881be6dc8a86bbf6634b!} {!LANG-46188e7367cc21fde92b60ebc0c67c4d!}{!LANG-fcf983997322d10d7d53a947abb6687a!}.

{!LANG-cadf0108c3677414fcbaf013a4ce92ff!} {!LANG-264a42a5fb6f5172c5b34ca101575552!}{!LANG-93b6c4c1e1a58d6f06957ea12e84877b!} {!LANG-ff89ec9dd8c70d78e264e5c7c414ff40!}.

{!LANG-a3ee755da66905b9c4a0f4dec890de7d!}< лат. modulus мера] – отделяемая, относительно самостоятельная часть какой-либо системы, организации, устройства {!LANG-f758964442c070f872b424486802058d!}{!LANG-b3def66b16f162d5a76e71e36f92603f!}



{!LANG-740947c96f3a0f4fc983bbdc2acd5347!} {!LANG-ec0e3c34468eb8f7dc933ac2a82b3b67!}{!LANG-63398a1691ebb7405f12764a59ab65de!}

{!LANG-6e0514f6f074340ae6d2fd3fd654eb09!} {!LANG-be753488bf382ef97eca30375189ced4!}{!LANG-28aac4a0512cb3d3afbf4349a3e52374!}

{!LANG-cbeeda52930bf47f155ae26ab6121497!} {!LANG-c837908044864d92f5f5a76c96ee37b6!}{!LANG-59a9ba3d2dfd88409886e5d74a30a0ec!} {!LANG-7c4abf6a1dbcf835c3f0ebc63e22c284!}{!LANG-f1e4bd85b189be5a245fc9bb46982838!} {!LANG-c6684771348849afec88b39f539c749b!}{!LANG-9b7dba73d97af964d6c24872486f713d!}




{!LANG-2ce27b4975bb2af06b1533c57ae2d51d!} {!LANG-e537165df72c4e50e1e2071af27e3466!}{!LANG-f97a935135b29fc194901e8e24aa9f87!} {!LANG-36b97cd6523e5f81eaa6c9bef672ed35!}{!LANG-299d8f1c443c5e4850f3c66020eaa9c2!}

{!LANG-2ce27b4975bb2af06b1533c57ae2d51d!} {!LANG-e537165df72c4e50e1e2071af27e3466!}{!LANG-fce9c73b2d2dfe46c5e5ac426521c052!}


{!LANG-d49a4aa7c1d7420636e95b7d26a35504!} {!LANG-3cd65da4bce17cddd2eba4746c9c7560!}{!LANG-98f1e0e2740fe1b9c4dd20b8deecfe97!} {!LANG-056a0725c778b4dc3f081d4adc32435d!}{!LANG-cc5ff77ff5ca6539072c08f96ee53288!} {!LANG-d06bfc0e0563782d4632deedad805d22!}.

{!LANG-d5149e5cece5c38ce4c231c32a3f8eb1!} {!LANG-4373a28b19410f8c7f58a3c1d8829ee6!}{!LANG-252492966564435205f4ade6dc247a4d!} {!LANG-08a584044f7bb0e6aa35b7467a7e0628!}{!LANG-ecc4c3f112d6725951fc7267a88aca0d!} {!LANG-5f59bea6f5234d926b5962acf9c8424f!}{!LANG-d9588c51a24a2f50bcb370856305de0a!}


{!LANG-0527b975db164a1bb3d647a818afa1b2!} {!LANG-9fe7a75297b77ab58850d69b945a0be8!}{!LANG-41092c3c4c050488fd2d0a298eeac51c!} {!LANG-5eb9be154514df9266c2da85f6c47b33!} .

{!LANG-4c21823cb0a4d9f56655fd2ead573f63!} {!LANG-68780e1135681a17c762025cde66ce5f!}{!LANG-4206ac2e1b36ebf6f3475f0daefb0cd2!}