Give the correct definition of the concept of feeding. Feeding


containment system officials (governors, volostels) at the expense of the local population in Russia until the middle of the 16th century. Initially, feedings were sporadic. In accordance with the norms of Russian Truth, pickers of vira, city builders and other categories of service people received natural allowance from the population. In the 12-14 centuries, feeding played a significant role in the formation of the local government system. During this period, feeding was a form of awarding the grand and appanage princes to their proxies... The prince sent boyars to cities and volosts as governors and volostels, and other service people - tiuns. The population was obliged to support them ("feed") during the entire period of service. Representatives of the local princely administration received "food" usually three times a year - on Christmas, Easter and Peter's day. When the feeder took office, the population paid him “entry feed”. The breeders received their feed in kind (food), oats and hay were supplied for the horses. In addition, the breeders collected various duties in their favor: judicial, for branding (“spotting”) and the sale of horses, “polavochnoe”, myt. At the expense of these fees, they lived and supported their servants. The feeding system reached its greatest development in the 14-15th centuries. The feeding gave rise to abuses by local officials interested in enrichment during their tenure. Since the 15th century, the Moscow grand dukes have regulated the income of the breeders by issuing special “fed” and statutory letters. In the late 15th - early 16th centuries, there was a conversion of natural feed into cash. As a result of the Zemstvo reform of 1555-1556, the feeding system was eliminated. In 1555, a decree was issued abolishing feedings, which, however, was not applied immediately and everywhere: sources mention feedings during the second half of the 16th century. Fees for the maintenance of the breeders were converted into a special tax in favor of the treasury ("fed pay"), set at a certain amount for various categories of land (noble, black, palace). The collection of the tax was carried out on the black lands by the zemstvo headmen, and in the areas of local patrimonial land tenure by special collectors or city clerks.

  • - the system of keeping officials at the expense of the local population in Russia until the middle of the 16th century. Initially, the feedings were sporadic ...

    Political science. Dictionary.

  • - the system of keeping officials at the expense of the local population ...

    Russian encyclopedia

  • - a method for studying conditioned reflex secretion of gastric juice in an experiment, in which the animal, in addition to imposing a fistula on the stomach, undergoes esophagotomy with the formation of a fistula of the esophagus ...

    Comprehensive Medical Dictionary

  • - the method of keeping officials at the expense of the local population in Russia until the middle of the 16th century. The prince sent governors and other service people to cities and volosts ...

    Glossary of legal terms

  • - originally meant the way of keeping officials. The judges, together with the executors of their decisions, received from the local population everything they needed to feed themselves and their servants and even horses ...

    encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - the method of keeping officials at the expense of the local population in Russia until the middle of the 16th century. The prince sent governors and other service people to cities and volosts ...
  • - the method proposed by I.P. Pavlov for the study of the role of the central nervous system in the regulation of gastric secretion, as well as other issues of neurophysiology ...

    Big Soviet encyclopedia

  • - @ font-face (font-family: "ChurchArial"; src: url;) span (font-size: 17px; font-weight: normal! important; font-family: "ChurchArial", Arial, Serif;)   board, management ...

    Dictionary church Slavonic

  • - Etc. about...

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - FEED, feed, feed; fed; not sov., whom ...

    Dictionary Ozhegova

  • - FEEDING, feeding, many others. no, cf. 1. Action according to Ch. feed in 1 and 3 values The animals are fed at 6 o'clock. Feeding infants. 2 ...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - feeding I cf. 1. the process of action according to ch. feed 1. 2. The result of such an action; feeding I 1 ....

    Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - feed "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - ...

    Word forms

  • - Cm....

    Synonym dictionary

"Feeding" in the books


the author Baranov Anatoly


From the book Your Dog's Health the author Baranov Anatoly

Feeding If your pet has an appetite, it means that he is on the mend and the disease is receding. But do not forget: a recovering dog needs dietary nutrition, especially in the first seven days after the signs of this serious illness disappear.


The Kid knows better from the book. Secrets of Calm Parents author Solomon Deborah

Feeding Whether you are breastfeeding your baby, bottle milk, or solid food at the table, it is important that your expectations for your baby are met and that a suitable - predictable and safe - environment is created. If this is provided, the baby can


by Cave Simona

Feeding Total amount of milk per day: about 450-600 ml (30-90 ml at a time) Schedule: irregularly, up to 12 times a day the main task - to establish feeding of the baby. This can be tricky because newborns don't really know what to do.


From the book Your baby week by week. From birth to 6 months by Cave Simona

Feeding Total amount of milk per day: 540-690 ml (up to 90 ml at a time) Schedule: irregular, up to 12 times a day Feeding is still not very familiar for your child, so do not be surprised if sometimes he will get confused. Is he drinking from a bottle or


From the book Your baby week by week. From birth to 6 months by Cave Simona

Feeding Total milk per day: 600-750 ml (up to 105 ml at a time) Schedule: 7-10 times per day This week you may notice the first signs that your baby is entering the feeding regimen every three hours. But do not press on him, because he is still very small and his


From the book Your baby week by week. From birth to 6 months by Cave Simona

Feeding Total amount of milk per day: 600-750 ml (up to 120 ml at one time) Schedule: 7-10 times a day Do not worry if your baby is still not close to feeding every three hours: it is still very small, and another thing is more important for him and for you - that he gains weight.


From the book Your baby week by week. From birth to 6 months by Cave Simona

Feeding Total milk per day: 660-840 ml (up to 120 ml at a time) Schedule: 7-10 times a day Your baby can now swallow faster, which means that feeds will most likely last 40 minutes, and not for a whole hour. The plus is that the breaks between feedings


From the book Your baby week by week. From birth to 6 months by Cave Simona

Feeding Total milk per day: 660-900 ml (up to 135 ml at a time) Schedule: 7-10 times a day When your baby was just born, it needed to be fed on demand throughout the day and night, and you probably fed him often, but little by little. Now his stomach is bigger and


From the book Your baby week by week. From birth to 6 months by Cave Simona

Feeding Total amount of milk per day: 660-900 ml (up to 150 ml at a time) Schedule: 6-10 times a day. The growth spurt may require more frequent feedings than normal Your baby will have a growth spurt this week, and it may be even more significant than


From the book Your baby week by week. From birth to 6 months by Cave Simona

Feeding Total milk per day: 720-960 ml (up to 150 ml at a time) Schedule: 6-9 times a day The great advantage of introducing a feeding schedule is that you will have a fairly clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhen your baby is hungry and when he cries from overwork. TO


From the book Your baby week by week. From birth to 6 months by Cave Simona

Feeding Total amount of milk per day: 720-960 ml (up to 180 ml at one time) Schedule: 6-9 times a day Now you understand your baby better and can notice if he does not feel well after feeding. Parents of babies about two months old are very often suspected of


From the book Your baby week by week. From birth to 6 months by Cave Simona

Feeding Total amount of milk per day: 720-960 ml (up to 210 ml at a time) Schedule: 6-9 times a day If you have a demanding baby or he suffers from colic, then you are probably already desperate to find a way to calm him down. You have to go through countless reasons


From the book Your baby week by week. From birth to 6 months by Cave Simona

Feeding The total amount of milk per day: 720-1020 ml (up to 210 ml at a time) Schedule: 5-8 times a day This week, children quite often suddenly cease to be hungry little gluttons and become as if even indifferent to food. Instead of swallowing greedily, baby


From the book Your baby week by week. From birth to 6 months by Cave Simona

Feeding Total amount of milk per day: 720-1080 ml (up to 210 ml at a time) Schedule: 5-8 times a day Whether you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding, you no longer worry about whether you are doing it right and whether the child eats enough. So now is the time

Was obliged to keep them ("feed") during the entire period of service. According to the zemstvo reform of 1555-1556. To. Was eliminated, and the government turned the fees for the maintenance of the breeders into a special tax in favor of the treasury.

A large legal dictionary. - M .: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutskikh, A. Ya. Sukhareva. 2003 .


See what "FEEDING" is in other dictionaries:

    FEEDING, feeding, many others. no, cf. 1. Action according to Ch. feed in 1 and 3 values The animals are fed at 6 o'clock. Feeding infants. 2. In ancient Russia, the system of remuneration of the boyars of administrators by giving them the right to tax in their ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    The system of keeping officials (governors, volostels) at the expense of the local population in Russia until the middle of the 16th century. Initially, feedings were sporadic. In accordance with the norms of Russian Truth, pickers of vira, builders of cities ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    FEEDING, the system of keeping officials (governors and others) at the expense of the local population in Russia. Developed into Ancient Rus... Liquidated by the Zemsky reform of Ivan IV (1555 56) ... Modern encyclopedia

    The system of keeping officials (governors, volostels, etc.) at the expense of the local population in Russia. Liquidated by the Zemstvo reform 1555 56 ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    FEED, feed, feed; fed; not sov., whom (what). Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    FEEDING, the system of keeping officials (governors, volostels, etc.) at the expense of the local population. Liquidated by the Zemsky reform of Ivan IV. Source: Encyclopedia Fatherland a way of keeping officials at the expense of the local population on ... ... Russian history

    Originally it meant a way of keeping officials. The judges, together with the executors of their decisions, received from the local population everything they needed to feed themselves, as well as their servants and even horses. That was the name. feed in kind. First… … Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    Feeding - FEEDING, the system of keeping officials (governors and others) at the expense of the local population in Russia. Developed in Ancient Russia. It was liquidated by the Zemstvo reform of Ivan IV (1555 56). ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Feeding (disambiguation). Feeding is a type of granting grand and appanage princes to their officials, according to which the princely administration was supported at the expense of the local population during the period ... ... Wikipedia


  • Feeding animals with the basics of forage production. Textbook, S.N. Khokhrin. Feeding animals with the basics of forage production. Textbook…
  • Feeding and feeding a child from 0 to 5 years old with love and common sense. Handbook for Give birth, Satter Ellin. This unique publication on nutrition, feeding, development and upbringing of children from birth to 5 years old will undoubtedly be a reference book for all parents and a useful guide for professionals. ...


In the middle of the XVI century. The order system was finally formed. In addition to the orders already in force: the Big Treasury, Palace, Posolsky, a number of others appeared. The discharge order was in charge of the organization of the army, the Robber was engaged in the fight against criminal offenses, the Pomestny was in charge of the distribution of land in the estate. A special petition order appeared, which was in charge of complaints submitted to the king. The order was usually headed by a boyar or okolnichy, clerks and clerks were in charge of office work.

Cancellation of feedings

Under John the Terrible, significant changes took place in local government. In 1555 - 1556 feedings were canceled. Power in the districts passed from the governors-nurses into the hands of the elected representatives of the local nobility - the labial elders, and in those counties where there were no private lands - to the zemstvo elders, elected by the black-nosed peasants and townspeople. All the local government was in the hands of the laborers and zemstvo elders, however, their work was not paid.

Army reforms

A number of reforms were carried out to strengthen the troops. A thousand noblemen received estates in the volosts closest to Moscow and made up the chosen regiment - "Thousand". A special "Code of Service" determined the duties of the nobles and the size of the land plots with which they were endowed. The average allotment of a service man was 300 quarters, with every quarter a man had to come out "on horseback, crowded and armed."

A streltsy army was created from ordinary people. It was armed with firearms - squeaks. Sagittarius carried out constant service under the command of their "heads". In peacetime, they lived with their families in special urban settlements, were engaged in gardening, trade, and crafts.

Ivan the Terrible paid special attention to the creation of artillery. In Moscow, the "Cannon yard" was built, which cast the cannons quite good quality... Each gun had its own name. The famous "Tsar Cannon" has survived to this day, which was cast by the foundry worker Andrei Chokhov.

Maintenance of officials (governors and others) at the expense of the local population in Russia. Developed in Ancient Russia. It was liquidated by the Zemstvo reform of Ivan IV (1555 - 56).

Modern encyclopedia. 2000 .


See what "FEEDING" is in other dictionaries:

    FEEDING, feeding, many others. no, cf. 1. Action according to Ch. feed in 1 and 3 values The animals are fed at 6 o'clock. Feeding infants. 2. In ancient Russia, the system of remuneration of the boyars of administrators by giving them the right to tax in their ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    The system of keeping officials (governors, volostels) at the expense of the local population in Russia until the middle of the 16th century. Initially, feedings were sporadic. In accordance with the norms of Russian Truth, pickers of vira, builders of cities ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    The method of keeping officials at the expense of the local population in Russia until the middle of the 16th century. The prince sent governors and other service people to cities and volosts. The population was obliged to keep them (feed) during the entire period of service. By… … Legal Dictionary

    The system of keeping officials (governors, volostels, etc.) at the expense of the local population in Russia. Liquidated by the Zemstvo reform 1555 56 ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    FEED, feed, feed; fed; not sov., whom (what). Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    FEEDING, the system of keeping officials (governors, volostels, etc.) at the expense of the local population. Liquidated by the Zemsky reform of Ivan IV. Source: Encyclopedia Fatherland a way of keeping officials at the expense of the local population on ... ... Russian history

    Originally it meant a way of keeping officials. The judges, together with the executors of their decisions, received from the local population everything they needed to feed themselves, as well as their servants and even horses. That was the name. feed in kind. First… … Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    Feeding - FEEDING, the system of keeping officials (governors and others) at the expense of the local population in Russia. Developed in Ancient Russia. It was liquidated by the Zemstvo reform of Ivan IV (1555 56). ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Feeding (disambiguation). Feeding is a type of granting grand and appanage princes to their officials, according to which the princely administration was supported at the expense of the local population during the period ... ... Wikipedia


  • Feeding animals with the basics of forage production. Textbook, S.N. Khokhrin. Feeding animals with the basics of forage production. Textbook…
  • Feeding and feeding a child from 0 to 5 years old with love and common sense. Handbook for Give birth, Satter Ellin. This unique publication on nutrition, feeding, development and upbringing of children from birth to 5 years old will undoubtedly be a reference book for all parents and a useful guide for professionals. ...

reason for canceling feedings in 1556 and got a better answer

Answer from Liza Yashina [newbie]
Summer 7064 (1556) was sentenced by the tsar and grand Duke Ivan Vasilievich weighs Russia with brothers and s bolyars about feeding and serving all people, how you serve them ahead. And up to this time, the boyars and princes and boyar children sat feeding in the city and in the volost, for the people and all the organization of the land and for themselves from the service for rest and feeding; where the townships and volostekhs were in which the governors and volostels were in summer, and with that city and volost they made law and order and turned them for good out of every daring, and they themselves were satisfied with their dues and dues, which the emperor laid down for them.
And vivde heard the pious king that many towns and volosts were empty were perpetrated by governors and volostels, for many years they despised the fear of God and the sovereign regulations, and there are many malicious deeds on them uchinish; they were not pastors and teachers, but they pretended to be persecutors and destroyers. Likewise those of those towns and volosts, the peasants have many deceitful acts and their murders by people: and how they go from feeding, and the peasants take out many claims; and there is much bloodshed and desecration to souls, but it is not fitting in Christian law not to hear them; and many governors and volostels and their old acquisition of huts, bellies and estates.<...>
And the sovereign ordered the sovereign in the townships and in the volosts to disentangle the elders, and the sotsky, and the five-tenths, and the tenths, and with a terrible and formidable prohibition, the commandment should be given to them to judge between robberies and tatba and all sorts of deeds, if none of the enmity was unjust. nor deceitful obedience; and those who are so dashing among themselves, they ordered them to be betrayed by execution; and on the towns and volosts, lay dues according to their trade and on the lands, and collect those scraps to the royal treasury as your deacon; the boyars and the velmozas and all the soldiers he arranged with feeding, righteous lessons, he is worthy of his fatherland and maternity, and the policemen in the fourth year, and others in the third year with a monetary salary.
(From the "Code of Service" 1556)

Answer from Nikita Sokolov[newbie]

Answer from Can Raccoons[guru]
There was nothing to feed.

Answer from Ђ C[guru]
FEEDING, the system of keeping officials (governors, volostels) at the expense of the local population in Russia until the middle of the 16th century. Initially, feedings were sporadic. In accordance with the norms of Russian Truth, pickers of vira, city builders and other categories of service people received natural allowance from the population. In the 12-14th centuries, feeding played a significant role in the formation of the local government system. During this period, feeding was a form of granting the grand and appanage princes to their confidants. The prince sent boyars to cities and volosts as governors and volostels, and other service people - tiuns. The population was obliged to support them ("feed") during the entire period of service. Representatives of the local princely administration received "food" usually three times a year - on Christmas, Easter and Peter's day. When the feeder took office, the population paid him “entry feed”. The breeders received their feed in kind (food), oats and hay were supplied for the horses. In addition, the breeders collected various duties in their favor: judicial, for branding (“spotting”) and the sale of horses, “polavochnoe”, myt. At the expense of these fees, they lived and supported their servants. The feeding system reached its greatest development in the 14-15th centuries.
The feeding gave rise to abuses by local officials interested in enrichment during their tenure. Since the 15th century, the Moscow grand dukes have regulated the incomes of the breeders by issuing special “fed” and statutory letters. In the late 15th - early 16th centuries, there was a conversion of natural feed into cash. As a result of the Zemstvo reform of 1555-1556, the feeding system was eliminated. In 1555, a decree was issued abolishing feedings, which, however, was not applied immediately and everywhere: sources mention feedings during the second half of the 16th century. Fees for the maintenance of the breeders were converted into a special tax in favor of the treasury ("fed pay"), set at a certain amount for various categories of land (noble, black, palace). The collection of the tax was carried out on the black lands by the zemstvo headmen, and in the areas of local patrimonial land tenure by special collectors or city clerks.