Ecological expedition as a means of forming ecological culture. Ecological expedition program "Young researcher Ecological expeditions

The expedition "Kusagan Mastaakh" is the first expedition of this scale, carried out by the Chokurdakh secondary school on the basis of the circle "Know your native land". The circle received a grant for research work under the "Forests of Yakutia" program of the Public Environmental Monitoring Network of the Republic of Sakha. However, the Grant funds were not enough for the expedition, so organizations were involved to solve some issues. First of all, the Ulus Nature Conservation Inspectorate, represented by TG Stryukova, responded, which not only helped to resolve many issues of both material and financial nature, but also attracted UIOP employees to participate in the expedition. The Ulus Department of Education got involved in the business, which raised funds for food and pay for the work of the head.

Expedition name: ecological expedition "Kusagan Mastaakh"

Destination: Kusagan Mastaakh river, western slope of At-Khaya, a forest area with the oldest larch trees in the world, discovered on Earth by the Krasnoyarsk forest expedition.

Expedition route: Chokurdakh settlement - Pokhvalny (abandoned) river - Kusagan Mastaakh river - Pokhvalny settlement - Chokurdakh settlement

Movement along the route: from Chokurdakh to Pokhvalny - by m / v Uragan, from Pokhvalny to Chokurdakh - by m / v Kasatka, from Pokhvalny to the destination - on foot.

Expedition objectives:
1. Beginning of monitoring observations of the forest with long-lived larch trees.

2. Research work on the study of the forest, individual trees.

3. Establishment of biodiversity (representatives of flora and fauna) of the forest.

4. Development of ecological culture in children through their involvement in various types of activities for the study and protection of the unique forest biocenosis, their involvement in nature conservation activities.

5. Involvement of the public in the problem of preserving forests growing on permafrost.

6. Collection of material in order to create a Natural Monument in the place of growth of long-lived larch trees.






Kusagan Mastaakh "


Chokurdakhskaya geography teacher

High school

Portnyagin P.A.


Expedition name: ecological expedition "Kusagan Mastaakh"

Destination: Kusagan Mastaakh river, western slope of At-Khaya,

a section of forest with the most ancient larch trees in the world, discovered on the Earth by the Krasnoyarsk forest expedition.

Expedition route: the village of Chokurdakh - the village of Pokhvalny (abandoned) - the river Kusagan Mastaakh - the village of Pokhvalny - the village of Chokurdakh

Following the route: from Chokurdakh settlement to Pokhvalny settlement - by m / v Uragan,

from Pokhvalny village to Chokurdakh - by m / v "Kasatka", from Pokhvalny to the destination - on foot

Expedition goals : 1.Start of forest monitoring from

Larch trees - long-lived

2.Research work on the study of the forest, individual trees

3. Establishment of biodiversity (representatives of flora and fauna) of the forest

4. Development of ecological culture in children through their involvement in various activities for the study and protection of the unique forest biocenosis, their involvement in nature conservation

5. Involvement of the public in the problem of preserving forests growing on permafrost

6.Collection of material in order to create a Natural Monument in the place of growth of long-lived larch trees

The expedition "Kusagan Mastaakh" is the first expedition of this scale, carried out by the Chokurdakh secondary school on the basis of the circle "Know your native land". The circle received a grant for research work under the "Forests of Yakutia" program of the Public Environmental Monitoring Network of the Sakha Republic. However, the Grant funds were not enough for the expedition, so organizations were involved to solve some issues. First of all, the Ulus Nature Conservation Inspectorate, represented by TG Stryukova, responded, which not only helped to resolve many issues of both material and financial nature, but also attracted UIOP employees to participate in the expedition. The Ulus Department of Education got involved in the business, which raised funds for food and pay for the work of the head.

The ecological expedition "Kusagan Mastaakh" was organized by the Chokurdakh secondary school under the EIGE grant with the assistance of the Allaikhovsky educational institution and the Allaikhovsky IEP

Obligations of the parties to organize the expedition

Chokurdakh secondary school



  • enrollment
  • appointment of a manager
  • educational, cognitive and research activities
  • grant funds
  • manager's approval
  • food supply
  • payment for the work of the head
  • transport costs on the Chokurdakh-Pravdalny-Chokurdakh route
  • catering (for its participants)
  • communication (walkie-talkie)
  • provision of a guide, cook
  • provision of tents
  • scientific and methodological literature

Structure and composition of the expedition

  1. Berezkin Ilya Portnyagin P.A. Stryukova T.G. Kazak L.S. 1. Struchkov K.K.-inspector
  2. Gorokhov Alyosha Stryukov I.S. GIMS
  3. Cossack Elvira 2. Cheremkin Afonya-
  4. Fedorov Sasha student of Olenegorskaya
  5. Uvarovsky Vova Secondary School
  6. Syrovatsky Vanya
  7. Amonov Ruslan
  8. Petrov Dima

Short description of work

During the reporting time, the following types of work were carried out:

  1. Preparation period:

a) preparation of the material base, equipment for the expedition;

b) information about the expedition (route, goals, etc.).

c) briefings on TB and PPB, lessons in the provision of first medical aid. help; purchase of products;

  1. Expedition period itself:

a) UIOP (TG Stryukova) provides transport for the transfer of the expedition participants to the Pokhvalny settlement; distance along the Indigirka river 180 km;

b) from Pokhvalny village 4 days of walking to the place of growth of long-lived larches;

c) study of the forest;

d) primary processing of the collected material;

e) installation of information notices.

f) to Pokhvalny village 2 days of walking;

g) UIOP provides transport for the return of the expedition.

  1. Post-expedition period:

a) final processing of the material;

b) preparation of reports by students;

c) registration of the herbarium;

d) participation in a school-wide environmental conference;

Topics of lectures, conversations

  1. Global problems of humanity. Global warming of the Earth's climate, its causes, consequences.
  2. Forest as a natural biogeocenosis. Types of forests.
  3. The origin of life on Earth, hypothesis.
  4. Environmental factors, its actions.
  5. Forest fires, causes, consequences.
  6. Soils of the Allaikhovsky ulus.
  7. Animals of the Allaikhovsky ulus: - mammals



  1. Larch as a member of the pine family (Pinaceae Lindl)
  2. Larch trees of Yakutia.
  3. The history of the discovery of long-lived larch trees in the Allaikhovsky ulus.
  4. From the report of the expedition of the Krasnoyarsk Forest Institute.
  5. Career guidance work: - educational institutions of biological directions

Biological professions

Profession - ecologist


forest area for field work between groups of students

  1. Left wing: Berezkin Ilya

Cheremkin Afonya

2. Center: Fedorov Sasha

Amonov Ruslan

Petrov Dima

3. Right wing: Uvarovsky Vova

Syrovatsky Vanya

Herbarians' route: Cossack Elvira

Gorokhov Alyosha


larch indicators

D1, D2 ... Dn - the ordinal number of the tree

О1 - the circumference of the tree trunk at the base

О2 - trunk circumference at H \u003d 1.5m (chest level)

h1 - height to the first branch

h2 - tree height

h3 - depth of permafrost

C - (beginning of the word "dry") dry top

S - distance to the nearest tree

B - branch length at h \u003d 1.5m

II - the tree is "bifurcated"

III - the tree is "upset"

The data is entered into the table










Stage 2


Final processing of the material

Registration by students of reports;

Speech (publication) through the media;

Participation in the school-wide environmental conference, held annually by the CHSOSH.

We have established that

  1. The area of \u200b\u200bthe forest with long-lived larch is 750 km2 .
  2. The stand is uneven-aged.
  3. The average density of trees is 52 der / 100 m2 .
  4. The density of trees is different in different parts of the forest: a) in the center, on average, 64 der / 100 m2 ; b) along the periphery from 45 (higher along the slope) to 55 der / 100 m2 ;
  5. The approximate number of trees is 480,000. (calculated by extrapolation).
  6. The average tree trunk diameter at the level h \u003d 1.5 m is 26 cm.
  7. The average height of trees is 5.2 m (from 2.1 to 7.4 m).
  8. The average depth of permafrost is 21 cm.
  9. The lower branches (twigs) in the vast majority of cases are dead.
  10. 62% of trees have a dry top.
  11. 17% of trees “bifurcate”, 4% - “wasted”, probably due to the death or damage to the top at an early age.
  12. Trees grow from each other at an average distance of 3.2 m (1.8 to 5.8 m).
  13. Closeness no more than 0.3.
  14. The older generation of trees has deep cracked bark.
  15. The condition of young trees (undergrowth) is good, although many (21%) have forked tops.
  16. Undergrowth is more along the periphery of the forest.
  17. The root system of trees spreads over a relatively large area - on average about 6 m2 .
  18. The anthropogenic impact is insignificant. Tree stumps were found (2 pcs.), Cut down with an ax, probably in winter, because the height of stumps is 0.8 and 1.2 m, which corresponds to the height of the snow cover.


Students are selected to participate in the ecological expedition:

  • on a voluntary basis.
  • have reached 12 years of age (grade 7 and older).
  • have shown a steady interest in biological sciences and research activities.
  • doctors who have no contraindications for the march.
  • with parental consent.


Students have the right to:

  • for free travel along the Chokurdakh-Pravatalny route and back.
  • for free meals for the entire period of the expedition.
  • for the use of the necessary equipment (except for especially valuable and hazardous to health).
  • elect and be elected to the self-governing bodies of the expedition.
  • to take part in the discussion of the issues that have arisen, to hold events, to make suggestions.

Responsibilities of students:

  • strictly observe the safety and health standards.
  • observe the internal regulations in the camp, movement along the route, during field research.
  • take good care of nature and equipment.
  • responsibly follow the orders and instructions of the management.
  • monitor your health, observe personal hygiene.
  • respect the dignity and opinion of other members of the expedition.


The attendants are appointed for 1 day. The senior duty officer is appointed from among the adults, and the duty officers (2 people) - from the students. On the day of duty, the attendants are exempt from classes.

Duties of the senior officer on duty:

  • takes general guidance over those on duty.
  • responsible for his attendants.
  • in the absence of the expedition leader in the camp, he is responsible for order in the camp, for the life and health of students.
  • kindles a fire, observing TB and PPB.
  • on the day of duty monitors the consumption of products.

The attendants are obliged:

  • keep the camp clean.
  • keep an eye on the fire, observing all the rules of safety and health protection, do not go far from the fire.
  • help the cook in cooking.
  • prepare firewood and water for timely cooking.
  • all emergency situations should be immediately reported to the Senior Duty Officer and the head of the expedition.

Duty schedule







Portnyagin P.A.

Uvarovsky Vova

Syrovatsky Vanya

Kazak L.S.

Cossack Elvira

Gorokhov Alyosha

Stryukova T.G.

Amonov Ruslan

Petrov Dima

Struchkov K.K.

Berezkin Ilya

Fedorov Sasha
























Rise on duty, cook.

Raise the Camp.


Morning toilet



Briefing on safety and health protection, clarification of tasks for the day

Activities according to the plan of the day



Afternoon rest

Activities according to the plan of the day

Afternoon snack



Personal time

Analysis and analysis of what was done during the day, processing of material, filling out diaries

Setting tasks for the next day

Evening toilet, preparing for bed

End of Camp


Delivery and acceptance of duty

For health safety reasons, due to the high air temperature (24-280 c) and the complexity of the route, at a meeting of the expedition participants, it was decided to change the time of day. In this regard, a new "Time distribution during the march" has been developed:



Dismantling the camp, packing things and property

Briefing on safety and health protection, clarification of tasks and route of movement

Route advance




Break the camp



Clarification of tasks for the next day

Personal time, toilet, preparation for bed

End of Camp

When driving, rest in 20-30 minutes, depending on the complexity of the route.

Expedition leader: Portnyagin P.A.

Memo "What should be in a backpack"

  • personal hygiene products (towel, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush)
  • mosquito protection equipment (death, mosquito nets)
  • pen, pencil, notepad
  • changeable clothes
  • sneakers (light boots, sneakers)
  • sleeping bag
  • dishes (mug, spoon, bowl)
  • pocket knife (folding)
  • thread, needle, rubber glue
  • flask

Note .: Shoes for the expedition - waders; if any, a camera, small binoculars, a book for rest.

Information boards (notices) that we have installed

Pulling a stick and running 100 meters

  1. The absolute champion of the “Hapsagai” wrestling camp is Vanya Syrovatsky.

Prize - a can of condensed milk

  1. The absolute champion of the tug of war camp is Ilya Berezkin.

Prize - videotape

  1. Running 100 meters:

1st place - Vanya Syrovatsky, prize - black pen

II place - Ilya Berezkin, prize - red pen

III place - Sasha Fedorov, prize - brown pen

  1. Visual sympathy prize, for the will to win - Amonov Ruslan

Problems encountered, errors in the implementation of the expedition program

  1. For the way to the destination, we spent 4 days, instead of two planned. Because of this, there were 2 days left to study the forest, instead of the planned four. Reasons: a) because of the “outdated” map, the route was laid with errors (inaccurate); b) did not calculate the weight of the luggage - the weight significantly reduced the speed of movement, the members of the expedition got tired. Solutions - the route has been corrected with an accuracy of 10m, the weight of the luggage is set within max \u003d 25 kg (on average 20 kg, depending on the weight of the participant).
  2. During the whole expedition mosquitoes and high air temperature interfered strongly. Ways of solution - it is advisable to carry out the expedition immediately after the ice drift, when there are no mosquitoes and it is cool.
  3. The design of the tents (no windows or ventilation openings) did not allow full rest at high air temperatures - it became stuffy in the tents. The solution is to make windows in two opposite walls of the tents.
  4. For the entire period of the expedition there was not enough ointment "death" (the last ointment ended on the way back). It was decided next time to set the norm for each person 3 tubes (bottles). It is advisable to purchase domestically produced "mosquitoes".

Report on the youth geoecological expedition within the Green Wave Environmental Patrol project in the upper reaches of the Kadada River

On July 13 - 15, 2018, an expedition to the Neverkinsky district of the Penza region of the upper reaches of the Kadada river was conducted under the leadership of Candidate of Geography, Associate Professor of the Department of Geography of PSU Artemova S.N. Schoolchildren, students, teachers, members of the Russian Geographical Society took part in the expedition - active participants in the "Green Wave" movement.

The purpose of the expedition - to conduct field studies to assess the ecological state of landscapes in the upper reaches of the Kadada River.

The main task - identification of violations of natural processes in the upper reaches of the Kadada River, the reasons for the decrease in water content and the deterioration of the ecological state of the Sura River and its tributaries. As part of the expedition, social tasks were solved - the formation of an ecological culture and patriotism of youth in the Penza region, drawing public attention to the ecological state of their region, as well as educational tasks - to study the nature of their region, get acquainted with the methods and acquire skills in landscape-ecological research.

The study area included the catchment area of \u200b\u200bthe Ilim-Kadada River, the base camp was located in the floodplain of the river near the village. Bikmurzino, Neverkinsky District.

During the expedition, research was carried out at key points, which included a description of geological outcrops, a description of the relief and relief-forming processes, hydrological studies of the river, a description of soils and vegetation, as well as visual observations and an assessment of the ecological state of the geosystem. To georeference key points, navigation equipment (GPS-navigator Garmin) and Google geoportals in mobile devices were used. Based on the results of the expedition, all participants completed field diaries. In office conditions, the results of field studies were processed. When compiling reports and preparing material for publication, geographic data on the Penza region with a geographic reference were used.

As a result of comprehensive geoecological studies, the features of the natural structure of the axial part of the Volga Upland (the Surskaya Shishka Upland) and geoecological processes have been revealed. Description of the outcrops on the right bank of the Ilim-Kadad, in the Tut-Shei ravine at the source on the slope of an upland, made it possible to conclude that a thick layer of opokas and opoka-like sandstones of the Paleogene in the form of an armor layer keeps the upland from destruction, providing heights of more than 300 m above sea level ... However, the slow uplifts of the axial part of the Volga Upland lead to a disruption in the continuity of the armor layers and, as a consequence, to an increase in deep erosion. The growth of ravines, outcrops of groundwater discharge sites (springs), "stone rivers", deepening of river beds are typical phenomena for this region.

The right bank of the Ilim-Kadada River is steep, more than 50 m high, washed away by the river. The right bank is occupied mainly by deciduous forest on gray forest rubble soils. Here the armor layer has been preserved the most. However, in the depressions, erosion develops, there are rivers, ravines. On the slopes of ravines and gullies, the thickness of Quaternary loams increases and more fertile soils develop, therefore there are plowed lands here. Plowing contributes to increased soil erosion. The study of the ecological state of forest vegetation made it possible to conclude that all forests have been disturbed by repeated felling and have a small species diversity. The greatest preservation of forests is in the Shura-Siran tract (a natural monument), where plants rare for our region grow. In the upper part of the slope, there are swamps and wetlands. This is due to the processes of suffusion, characteristic of the plakors of the entire forest-steppe zone.

The floodplain of the river has an asymmetric structure, has a complex structure as a result of long meandering. The intensity of channel processes is evidenced by channel shafts, near-terrace swamping, and river alluvium. In the riverbed, at a depth of several tens of cm, blue clay was discovered, presumably of ancient Quaternary age. The river flows in a shallow channel, the average flow velocity is 0.083 m / s.

The left bank of the river is gentle, composed of a thick layer of Quaternary deposits (deluvial loams). It is heavily indented by rivers and a dense ravine and ravine network. Meadow steppes under fertile black soil are almost everywhere plowed up. Only in gullies can one find meadow vegetation with a highly depleted species composition. Small areas of upland forests have been preserved on the steep slopes of the watersheds. The peculiarities of the geological structure of the left slope of the river valley contribute to the development of the process of soil salinization. Several salt marshes and even salt marshes were found, where vegetation is almost absent or suppressed. Repeated plowing of such plots led to the disruption of the ecosystem and the destruction of holophytic vegetation, and then to the loss of crop yields.

Thus, the results of field studies have confirmed the need to optimize nature management in the Penza region. The territorial organization of the economy should take into account the peculiarities of the natural structure and the ongoing natural processes.

Elena Trunova

Kamchatka Territory Elizovo MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 12" Smile "

Complex ecological hike for the preparatory group

Prepared by the methodologist: Trunova Elena Borisovna

Explanatory note

Hiking, ecological walks are held in our kindergarten at all seasons, with the exception of January and part of February due to deep snow. We planned our ecological expedition for the second half of autumn.

In our kindergarten there is a developed route along an ecological forest path located in a nearby forest. While preparing the ecological expedition, we solved the issues of physical education and ecological competence of preschoolers. In addition, the task was to acquaint preschoolers with the traditions and customs of the indigenous peoples of Kamchatka.

Like any hike, this activity requires careful preparation.

Preliminary work was carried out with the pupils. In the group, educators talked with children about tourists, the peculiarities of their life, various

types of trips. Visual material: illustrations and photographs helped to interest preschoolers with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe trip. Some children have already taken similar trips with their families.

The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a trip was supported by the parents of the pupils. So, on the appointed day, preschoolers came to the kindergarten equipped with: comfortable sports shoes, hats, backpacks with a tourist's dry rations - and, of course, inspired by the upcoming trip.

A tourist excursion is considered as a group visit to one or more excursion sites for educational and cognitive purposes.

A tourist trip is the passage of a group along a certain route by an active way of movement for the purposes of cognition, physical development, performing socially useful and local history work on the way, certain sports and tourist standards, meaningful rest

The sports content of the hike includes:

Natural obstacles (rope crossings, ascents, descents, length of transitions, total mileage of the hike,

Orientation in unfamiliar terrain by compass and map,

Autonomous life support,

Tourism and local history work.

When filling a tourist trip with a variety of content, the pedagogical value of a tourist trip increases.

Ecological expedition (complex ecological hike)

Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the nature of Kamchatka as a whole

interconnected system, to form ecological and tourism knowledge and skills

nature management, develop prospecting and research activities.

To form children's ideas about the life and traditions of the peoples of Kamchatka.

1. Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about nature as a whole

interconnected system.

2. to form ecological and tourist knowledge and skills of nature management,

to develop search and research activities. To develop search and research activities.

3. To consolidate skills and abilities of working with the plan of the forest microdistrict

teach to work with a compass; to consolidate the skills and abilities of the rules

behavior in the environment.

4. To develop physical qualities in children: strength, agility, endurance.

5. To acquaint with the traditions, customs of the peoples of the north.

6. To cultivate love for the native land. Form a careful,

caring attitude to the nature of their native land.


Plan-map, compass, tourist equipment, letter envelopes, rope with

signal flags.


dictionary: compass, cardinal points, "zig-zag".


dictionary: national terminology (yurt, torbasa, kukhlyanka, chuni, high fur boots).

Preliminary work:

Conversations with children on the topic: "Plants and trees of Kamchatka", "Wildlife of Kamchatka".

Didactic games: "What do we take with us on a hike?"

Acquaintance with the peoples of Kamchatka, their legends, traditions, poems, fairy tales of the peoples of Kamchatka. (T. Lukashkina: “Grandma's Tales

Petrovna "V. Koyanto: Ochmnyn (Staff, G. Porotov" Poems about Kamchatka "

Hiking in the forest.

Expedition progress


Guys, a letter from the girl Echgan came to our kindergarten. She

lives in the north of Kamchatka. Their family always wanders from place to place.

Here is their family staying near our kindergarten.

Echgan invites us to visit him. So that we don't get lost and

found the yurt in which they live, Echgan put a map in the envelope.

It shows the route of our path (shows the children). The path is very

difficult, you need to be careful, careful, because on the way

we will have to move along narrow paths, jump over streams,

climb the mountain. And what are the basic rules of tourists do you know

Every job must be done well.

One for all and all for one

Seven of one are waiting.

Take care of the girls.

Everyone has decided - do it, even if you don't agree.


What do you need to take with you on a hike?

Children list things and necessary items (if children forget

say about the first aid kit, then it is imperative to remind them of it and ask why the first aid kit is needed on the hike).

A bully comes out.

What are you going to hike? (children answer)

Now I will teach you how to behave correctly!

Well, firstly, you need to take matches with you, so that you like everything

set on fire.

Go to the forest with a big slingshot, shoot more birds.

And scatter empty cans in a sunny meadow. And as if everyone

spitefully, even broken glass.

Break all the bushes and cut off the flowers.

Boldly litter the rivers, throw whatever you want into them. Don’t help anyone.


Children should behave like that?

Don't touch the matches - there is fire in the matches

Do not offend the birds of animals, do not ruin their nests

Garbage, friend, do not leave, take everything with you!

Take care of nature - don't pick a flower in vain!

Rivers, friend, do not litter - do not throw garbage in them!

Help everyone on the way, do not offend anyone!


That's right, kids, well done!

Bully: Okay, guys, I will try to learn to conserve nature and not

Nobody and, never!


It's time for us to go.

Children follow the route using a map - a diagram (compass,

guessing riddles. If you follow the route correctly, then on the way there will be

meet, on the branches of trees and bushes envelopes with riddles,

tasks, games. Children find and guess them, complete tasks.

Stop number 1

A magpie sits on a tree (a pre-prepared dummy).

The magpie, with the help of audio recording, tells the children what animals live in our forest and what traces they leave and, as always, confuses everything.

The didactic game "Whose tracks are these?"

Stop number 2

There are announcements on the trees.

1. Please do not disturb, we go to bed.

2. Take on the education of Listopadnichkov

3. Prepare the take-off area.

The teacher reads the announcements, the children guess who left them.

Stop number 3

Complaints book nature. The teacher with children is suitable

a birch tree has a large red sign on it.

Educator: -

This is our birch - it is the main tree of the Kamchatka forest. What

is this a sign?


Berezonka, what happened to you? An audio recording is turned on, where

Birch complains about the behavior of people in the forest. (Audio recording included)

1. Broken branches of trees and bushes

2. Hooligans tore off the entire web

3. The whole forest is littered with garbage.

Then he asks the children

Put all the garbage in a bag and take it with you -

After all, no one can take it away for you.

Don't break bottles under your feet -

Both people and forest people will be hurt.

And if suddenly there is food left from lunch -

Put everything neatly under the bush.

And a resident of the forest, having a hearty lunch,

You will be filled with bright feelings.

Ecological landing:

Children collect household rubbish in bags,

after putting on gloves.

Continue the journey

Stop number 4

An envelope with a riddle about ants weighs on one of the tree branches.


In the forest near the stump Vanity, running around.

Working people

He's busy all day.

Amicably small dots

They are building a house on a hummock.


Who do you think this riddle is about?

About ants!


Let's see where it is marked on our map! And we'll find him

on the ground. Children, together with the teacher, go to the anthill and

it is being considered.

Why are the inhabitants of the anthill not visible? How are ants useful?

You know that even some birds and forest dwellers are cured of their

ailments and microbes in ants. Birds sit on an anthill and ants

begin to splash their formic acid and, all the microbes in the bird

perish. Bears are also treated by sitting on an anthill. Doctors also

use formic acid to prepare a medicine.

(On a birch branch above the anthill, the teacher finds an envelope with a letter from



Hello guys! We know that you will pass our

house. You will see how beautiful he is, skillfully assembled from small

twigs, needles, moss. We live in it as a friendly family. All summer we

we work tirelessly, building our house, catching harmful caterpillars,

With the onset of cold weather, we close our entrances and exits

And when frosts hit and snow falls, we will live “on the lower

floors "of our anthill. We will live warmly in the house all winter

until spring, when it is warm.

We are ants, we ask you never to destroy our houses, do not

throw rubbish into our homes. "


Children, let's help the ants. We will enclose an anthill so that

people passing by knew that there was an anthill

“You cannot touch us, we are very useful, protect us

Having turned from the anthill by the compass, the children go out into the clearing.

Echgan meets the children.

Hello children! How glad I am that you came to visit me.

Was the path difficult? (children's answers) Have a seat near my hearth.

Echgan: - Guys, we live in an amazing land. What is it called?

(children's answers)

Yes, Kamchatka is a land of geysers and volcanoes! And what people

nationalities live in Kamchatka? (Aleuts, Koryaks, Itelmens, Evens).

Guys, what trees (plants) grow in Kamchatka? (elfin wood,

hawthorn, poplar, birch, stone birch, larch,

pussy willow, alder, bush mountain ash, dwarf birch, wild rose)

What kind of berries grow in Kamchatka? (rose hips, honeysuckle, shiksha, lingonberries,

cloudberry, stoneberry, raspberry, princess, blueberry)

What animals live in Kamchatka? (deer, walruses, seals, seals,

seals, bears, foxes, squirrels, owls, sables, hares, mice, evrashki,

hawks, sea otters).

What kind of fish is found in our rivers? (salmon, red salmon, coho salmon, chinook salmon,

flounder, navaga, pollock, halibut, crabs, char, smelt, capelin,

squid). Do you know that there were no sparrows in Kamchatka before,

frogs and snakes? I want to tell you a legend about this.

Children, look at my clothes, I am dressed just like you or

no? (children's answers).

What is the name of my dress? (kukhlyanka).

What's on my feet? (torbosa, chuni, high fur boots)

On the head? (malachai).

Ay, what fellows everyone knows! Now it's time to play folk


Relay "Hit the Target"; game "Polar Owl and Evrashki",

tug of war, reindeer riding

I see how friendly and dexterous you are. Go to the hearth, sit down, before the way back, you need to rest, refresh yourself.

They fix the rules for making a fire, its types, rules for putting out a fire.

Drink tea. Going back.

Say goodbye to Echgan.

"All games and tasks in the project only with real objects: balloons, stones, earth, water, plants ..."

My daughter Alisa, who is now 2.2 years old, and I took part in the Ecological Expedition project. Of course, this project is designed for children from three years old, but we still decided to take part. And they did not regret it! During 5 weeks of the project, we made 5 expeditions and got acquainted with air, earth, water, plants and animals within the framework of the ecology problem. True, Alice and I, due to her age, talked little about ecology, but simply enjoyed the games, experiments and experiments, and also worked within the framework of the project.

The scenario for each expedition included a list of required materials, a description of games, observations, experiments and experiments, practical and creative tasks. The material is very extensive and redundant, it even scares at first, because you have absolutely no idea how to do all this with a child. But this is not required, the mother herself decides what to play with the child in accordance with his interests.

Alice and I really enjoyed participating in the project. My daughter remembered the "dirty" experiments with water and earth, games with balloons, active games, observation during walks. I was glad that my preparation for the games was minimal: I read the script, selected tasks that would be interesting for my daughter in accordance with her age, wrote myself a little cheat sheet and collected a box with the necessary materials.

One of the advantages of scripts is that the necessary encyclopedic information on the topic is provided, so there is no need to additionally climb into the encyclopedia and the Internet. A huge plus in preparation - you do not need to print a lot of printed materials for classes. In principle, a printer may not be needed at all if you can draw something by hand. All games and tasks in the project only with real objects: balloons, stones, earth, water, plants, etc. This was very important for my Alice, since she does not like classes with printed materials.

What else do we remember in the project. First, as part of the project, we made a weather calendar and monitored the weather every day. For Alice, this was the first experience of observing the weather, she joyfully looked out the window and picked up the appropriate cards in our calendar. Secondly, creative tasks for each expedition (they could be completed at will). Here our imagination showed itself. We made a wind chime from pasta, a game of colors and sizes from stones, a forest craft from waste material, ships from walnut shells, a herbarium in verse and a laptop “Red Book of Russia”. As a result of our participation in the project, we have formed a museum of ecology, which includes all our creative works and handicrafts for the project.

Of course, we will return to the Environmental Expedition in a couple of years, when my daughter grows up, and we will focus on environmental issues. Thanks to the authors of the project, Marina Suzdaleva and Yulia Maznina, for an interesting and useful pastime with my daughter.

Dominova Tatiana and daughter Alisa (2.2 g) St. Petersburg





Additional general educational general developmental program

"Young researcher"

natural science orientation

Implementation period - short term

Age - 12-18 years

Compiled by:

Marina Nemtseva

additional teacher


kandalaksha, 2019

Explanatory note

to the additional general educational general developmental program of natural science orientation of the children's association "Young Researcher"

This additional general education program is developed in accordance with the regulatory legal documents:

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012, No. 273 "On education in the Russian Federation";

order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 09.11.2018 No. 196 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional general education programs";

letters of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2015 No. 09-3242 "Methodological recommendations for the design of additional general developmental programs";

orders of the Government of the Russian Federation of 24.04.2015 No. 729-r "Concept for the development of additional education for children";

orders of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2015 No. 996-r "Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025";

resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of July 4, 2014 No. 41 "On the approval of SanPiN" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of educational institutions for additional education of children ";

of the charter of MAUDO "Children's ecological and biological station".

Focus the general educational program is natural science, it is based on knowledge gained in everyday life or in nature.

Program level base

Program type- in terms of the level of assimilation, an additional general educational short-term program aimed at satisfying the cognitive interest of the child, expanding his awareness in the field of natural science.

Environmental education and upbringing are an important link in modern education. Today, the question of the need to change its attitude to nature, restructuring all activities, and organizing it in accordance with environmental laws is especially acute for humanity. These goals cannot be achieved without appropriate upbringing and education of a new generation, without the formation of an ecological culture of the individual and society.

The ecological knowledge of schoolchildren remains formal if the children do not use their knowledge in practical activities

The task of the ecological expedition is to form a certain amount of knowledge on ecology, to contribute to the acquisition of skills in the scientific analysis of natural phenomena, to comprehend the interaction of society with nature, and to realize the importance of one's practical assistance to nature. The formation of such qualities is especially effective in the process of independent search and research activities.

Research activity is one of the methods of problem learning.

The research nature of the activity contributes to fostering initiative in schoolchildren, an active conscientious attitude to scientific experiment, increases interest in studying the ecological state of their area, the ecological problems of the region. Student research in ecology combines: the use of theoretical knowledge and experiment, requires the ability to model, build a research plan, carry out an experiment, have the skills of environmental mapping, building diagrams, diagrams.

The ecological expedition contributes to the formation of students' knowledge on general, regional and local problems, deepens and consolidates knowledge in general theoretical, humanitarian and natural science subjects.

Relevance of the program - realizes the needs of society in solving problems of survival, protection of the natural environment, and also focuses on the creation of key moral and other values \u200b\u200bof civilization.

Pedagogical expediency - the program forms a certain ecological and ethical position, responsibility for one's life, a meaningful attitude to all living things, develops creative activity and creative thinking.

The essence of the program is to conduct environmental workshops with adolescents, during which children get acquainted with real, living objects of nature, learn to independently cognize phenomena and processes occurring in nature, study the relationship of living and inanimate components of nature, as well as the influence of human activity on natural ecosystems.

The purpose and objectives of the program.

Goal:practical training of participants in the basic methods of field research, the formation of an environmentally competent personality of the younger generation and the popularization of environmental knowledge.



to form skills and abilities of educational and research activities;

develop skills for safe and competent behavior in nature;

master the methods of scientific knowledge to explain natural phenomena;

apply the knowledge gained to solve practical problems in everyday life, prevent phenomena that are harmful to human health and the environment;

to form the most important logical operations of thinking (analysis, synthesis, generalization, concretization, comparison, etc.) in the process of understanding the system of living nature;

master key competencies (educational and cognitive, informational, value-semantic, communicative);

study the diversity of plants and animals in their natural habitat;

master the methods of naturalistic work, methods of field research, setting up experiments;

acquaintance with the ecological and faunistic complexes of animals of the region;

the study of the main features of the regional flora, the study of the ecological and phytocenotic confinement of the most important species;

to familiarize students with the population of animals of the main types of biotopes, the biological features of the main species and their role in nature and human economic life;

to study the structure and dynamics of the most important phytocenoses in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Luvenga cordon, their ecological confinement;

to acquaint with the rules of behavior in nature and measures for the protection of plants and animals, in relation to local conditions.


develop attention, memory, logical and spatial imagination.

develop constructive thinking and quick wits;

to develop cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities of students in the process of studying objects of living nature;

Develop communication skills in teamwork in the field.


To foster moral and spiritual health;

To foster an active civic position using active forms of recreation, the attractiveness of ecological tourism and participation in socially useful activities.

The curriculum in the camp is combined with good rest, which allows not only expanding the ecological horizons, acquiring certain skills in conducting scientific research and solving practical environmental problems, but also creates conditions for fostering love and respect for nature.

The leisure program of the camp includes quizzes, conversations, games, master classes, forest and sports relay races, excursions.

Place of the expedition.

Luvenga cordonKandalaksha state natural reserve n

Terms of sale.

The expedition is organized on the basis of an agreement with the Kandalaksha state natural reserve.

Students age:

The program is designed for students of the Children's Ecological and Biological Station. The program is aimed at adolescents from 12 to 18 years old.

Predicted Results


the formation of a sense of pride and respect for the history and achievements of Russian biological science; ideas about a holistic natural-scientific picture of the world;

understanding the relationship and interdependence of the natural sciences, their impact on the environment, economic, technological, social ethical spheres of human activity;

the ability to use knowledge about the modern natural-scientific picture of the world in educational and professional activities; opportunities of the information environment to ensure productive self-education;

possession of the culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information in the field of natural sciences, set a goal and choose ways to achieve it in the professional sphere;

the ability to be guided in their activities by modern principles of tolerance, dialogue and cooperation; willingness to interact, work in a team;

possession of skills for safe work during design and research

experimental activities using laboratory equipment;

the ability to use the acquired knowledge and skills in practice and everyday life to comply with measures to prevent poisoning, viral and other diseases, stress, bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction); rules of behavior in the natural environment;


raising the intellectual level in the process of studying biological phenomena; outstanding achievements of biology that have entered the common human culture; complex and contradictory ways of developing modern scientific views, ideas, theories, concepts in the course of working with various sources of information;

the ability to understand the principles of sustainability and productivity of wildlife, ways of its change under the influence of anthropogenic factors, the ability to systematically analyze global environmental problems, issues of the state of the environment and rational use of natural resources;

the ability to substantiate the place and role of biological knowledge in the practical activities of people, the development of modern technologies; identify living objects in nature; carry out observations of ecosystems in order to describe them and identify natural and anthropogenic changes; find and analyze information about living objects;

the ability to independently conduct research, formulate a natural science experiment, use information technology to solve problems;

the formation of ideas about the role and place of biology in the modern scientific picture of the world; understanding the role of biology in the formation of outlook and functional literacy for solving practical problems;

possession of fundamental concepts and ideas about living nature, its level organization; confident use of biological terminology and symbols;

possession of the main methods of scientific knowledge used in biological research of living objects and ecosystems: description, measurement, observation; identification and assessment of anthropogenic changes in nature;

the formation of skills to explain the results of biological experiments, to solve elementary biological problems;

the formation of one's own position in relation to biological information obtained from various sources, global environmental problems and ways to solve them.

Subject results

Students should know

species diversity of animals and plants in the area of \u200b\u200bthe expedition;

species of animals and plants listed in the Red Book;

russian and Latin names of plant and animal species in the area of \u200b\u200bpractice;

basic methods of field floristic and geobotanical research;

main life forms and ecological groups of animals and plants in the area of \u200b\u200bthe expedition;

the main issues of the rational use and protection of animals and plants

the main characteristics of life, the external structure of animals, their

ontogenetic and seasonal changes, methods of reproduction and settlement, dependence on living conditions.

be able to:

to get skills:

basic methods of field research;

collecting, identifying and describing animals and plants;

possession of the collection technique, methods of fixing zoological objects, manufacturing

possession of methods of morphological description and identification of plants

animals according to keys

Forms for recording results.

Observations of the teacher, oral and written survey, quiz game, testing to identify the level of knowledge, questionnaires, defense of projects, survey in a game form, tracking the skill of speaking at conferences, during excursions, participation in competitions and olympiads, seminars and scientific and practical conferences ...

Form for summarizing the results of the program.

Registration of a field diary;

Making a list of species discovered by the group during the expedition;

Registration of geobotanical descriptions;

Drawing up reports on the work done and their results.

Collected and decorated herbarium material.

Recognition of species in natural phytocenoses.

Oral test on theoretical issues;

Oral presentation on the topic of independent work at the final conference.

Thematic plan.


Number of hours

Forms of control




I.General working methods in nature.

1. Basic methods of field research.

survey, familiarity with the techniques

2. Rules of conduct in nature.

II... Forest is the main component of the environment.

1. The role of green plants in nature and human life.

drawing competition "The forest is our wealth"

2. Ecological relationship of flora and fauna with the environment.

3. Forest types. Elements of the forest.

practical work

4. Determination of forest plant elements.

practical work

5. Excursions to the forest. Acquaintance with the peculiarities of the local forest.


III. Botany.

1. Morphology and definition of plants, the study of flora.

practical work

2. Plant ecology.

3. Excursion drawing up a floristic list of the forest area.

IV. Zoology.

1. Species composition and number of invertebrates.

practical work

2. Species composition, number and ecology of vertebrates.

practical work

V. Environmental monitoring.

1. Monitoring of terrestrial ecosystems.

practical work

2. Methods of bioindication.

practical work

VI... Socially useful work.

Clearing a forest area from anthropogenic debris.

practical work

Summing up the results of the work.

the conference


I.General working methods in nature (2h).

Basic methods of field research. Observation diary registration rules. Safety engineering. Rules of conduct in nature and on the territory of the reserve.

II... Forest is the main component of the environment (12 hours).

The role of green plants in nature and human life. Ecological relationships of flora and fauna with the environment. Forest types. Elements of the forest. Determination of forest plant elements. Excursion to the forest. Acquaintance with the peculiarities of the local forest. Excursion to the burnt forest, acquaintance with pyrophyte plants.

III... Botany.

Morphology and identification of plants, study of flora. Plant ecology. Excursion drawing up a floristic list of the forest area.

Carrying out phenological observations of plants. Study of phytocenoses. Protected plants Poisonous plants. Edible plants. Accounting for the productivity of wild berries. Working with determinants. Collection of herbarium. Reconnaissance survey.

IV... Zoology.

Species composition and number of invertebrates. Animals listed in the "Red Book of the Murmansk Region". Dangerous animals of the Arctic. Identification of animals by traces of vital activity.

Counting birds in artificial nests. Observation of ants and registration of anthills. Work on the instructions of the reserve. Participation in research programs. Birds of the forest.

V... Environmental monitoring.

Monitoring of terrestrial ecosystems. Bioindication methods. Lichens as indicators of the state of the environment. Methods of lichenoindication studies. Participation in research programs

VI... Community service to preserve and improve the natural environment of the camp. Summing up the work.

Clearing a forest area from anthropogenic debris. Registration of reports for the reserve. Holding a conference.

Testing the program.

The program has been implemented since 2006 during a summer ecological expedition to the cordon of the reserve. After the expedition, students submit reports on the work done to the Kandalaksha State Natural Reserve and carry out educational and research work.

Methodological support.

Methodical manuals for field practice. Determinants. Reference literature. Didactic manuals.

Material and technical support.

Herbarium press (1pc);

Herbarium folder (1pc);

Binocular loupe (5pcs);

Twine and pegs for marking trial plots of geobotanical description;

Roulette 15m for (1pc);

Bayonet shovel (1 pc).

Binoculars (4 pcs)

Nets (1 piece).


Calipers rulers,

Thermometer (1 pc).

Packing materials: bags, cardboard boxes, paper, plastic bags

Assessment of students' knowledge.

Conducting a "test Olympiad". Ability to recognize natural objects. Ability to formulate and process the results of observations. Participation in educational and research conferences.


For a teacher

Vysotskaya M.V. Project activities of students // Volgograd: Teacher, 2010.-203 p.

Ermakov D.S., Zverev I.D., Suravegina I.T. Learning to solve environmental problems. Methodological guide for the teacher. - Moscow: Shkolnaya Pressa, 2012, - 112 p.

Mansurova S.E .., Kokueva G.N. We follow the environment of our city: School workshop. - M .: VLADOS, 2010.-112s

Maslova E.V. Creative works of schoolchildren. Algorithm of construction and design: A Practical Guide. M .: ARKTI, 2010.-64p.

Ninburg E.A. Scientific research technology. Guidelines. St. Petersburg: 2012.

Kashleva N.V., Dmitrieva Zh.V., Ignatkina T.V. School design laboratory // Volgograd: Teacher, 2010.-142 p.

Astafiev V.M. Cognitive tasks, tasks and issues of environmental content in the school course of biology // Samara, 1992.

Boeva \u200b\u200bA.I., Pereslavtsev A.A. "The influence of fertilizers on soil microflora." Scientific works. Voronezh Agricultural Institute-2010.

Velichkovsky B.T., Kirpichev V.I., Suravegina I.T. Human health and the environment. Tutorial. M .: New school, 2007. - 240s

Gubareva L.I., Mizireva O.M., Churilova T.M. Human Ecology: Workshop for universities. - M .: Humanities. center VLADOS, 2013. - 112p.

Guminsky A.A., Leontyeva N.N., Marinova K.V. A guide to laboratory exercises in general and developmental physiology. M.: Education, 2010.239 p.

Methodological instructions for the organization of research work of students / Under total. ed. L.V. Egorova - Cheboksary. 2009 .-- 106s.

Guide to laboratory exercises in the hygiene of children and adolescents / Ed. V.N. Kardashenko. M .: Medicine, 2013.264 p.

For students and parents:

Boreiko V.E. Popular Dictionary of Environmental Ethics and Humanitarian Ecology. Series "Environmental propaganda", No. 22, 2010

Children's encyclopedia. I get to know the world. - M .: AST, 2010

Chernova N.M. Fundamentals of Ecology. Textbook for 9-11 grades of OU. - M .: Education, 2012

A.A. Gorlov Live in harmony with nature. - M., 2013

Murmantsev V.S., Yushkin N.V. Human and nature. - M .: 2010



Safety rules and behavior in the forest and at other facilities for students during the ecological expedition.

All students on excursions in the forest and other objects must comply with the requirements for the norms of behavior in the forests.

It is allowed to work in the forest in groups of 3-5 people. You can not lag behind the group in your free time for the purpose of walking or picking mushrooms and berries.

Do not stop or work near dead trees that might fall.

Do not approach or touch the towers of power lines, sagging and broken wires, do not climb on wooden towers and structures.

During a thunderstorm, do not hide under tall trees.

When performing independent tasks, perform only the work indicated by the head.

Do not wade rivers.

Observe fire safety rules in the forest.

It is unacceptable to destroy bird nests and anthills.

Treats plants with care: do not break young plants, do not pick flowers in armfuls, do not collect rare protected plants for herbarium, do not litter the forest and other places of practice with garbage.

All students follow the safety rules when using forestry and excavating tools.


Observation requirements.

During the observation, the following requirements must be observed:

Work strictly according to plan.

Be accurate in the collection of materials and design, keep clear and comprehensive records on field forms and in a diary.

Collect plants only in dry weather.

Do not collect rare and protected plant species for herbarium.

During excursions, observe safety precautions, forest fire protection rules and complete discipline.


List of reporting materials.

At the end of the summer field practice, students submit the following report materials:

Filled diary.

A herbarium, correctly designed and assembled, containing a certain number of species of various forest, meadow, marsh and other plants.

Report of independent work on the assignment.

Excursion plan along the route indicated by the leader.

At the end of the report, the species of plants that are subject to protection in the area of \u200b\u200bobservation, as well as species of medicinal and economic importance should be indicated.