Organization of work with gifted children of younger school age. System of work with gifted younger schoolchildren work with gifted younger students

In gifted children, the need for research and search activity is clearly manifested - this is one of the conditions that allows students to immerse themselves in the creative learning process and raises thirst for knowledge, the desire for discoveries, active mental learning self-knowledge.

In the educational process, the development of a gifted child should be considered as the development of its internal activity potential, the ability to be the author, the Creator an active creator of his life, be able to set a goal, to look for ways to achieve it, be able to freely choose and responsibility for it, to maximize their abilities.


Partially search;



Forms of work:

Cool-grain (work in pairs, in small groups), multi-level tasks, creative tasks;

Counseling on the problem arising;


Very important:

Subject Olympiads;

Intellectual marathons;

Various contests and quizzes;

Verbal games and fun;

Projects on various topics;

Role-playing games;

Individual creative tasks.

As a rule, in gifted children manifest themselves:

High productivity of thinking;

Ease of association;

Ability to predict;

High concentration of attention.

When working with gifted children, you need to be able to:

Enrich training programs, i.e. update and expand the content of education;

Stimulate the cognitive abilities of students;

Work differentiated, exercise an individual approach and consult students;

Take suspended psychological and pedagogical solutions;

Analyze your educational and educational activities and the whole class;

Select and prepare materials for collective creative affairs.

One of the main features of gifted children, which greatly prevents his disciplined school in school, is a stubborn reluctance to do what he is not interested. Such children seek to do themselves, they hurt them and offend, if adults are trying to lead their classes.

One of the opinions of modern teachers is that specialized classes or schools should be existed for learning children with high abilities. It is better to such a child in a medium of similar children and learns programs corresponding to its level of intelligence. In addition, gifted children have the opportunity to graduate from school and enroll in the institute. This gives them an advantage - they can earlier make a career and achieve creative success on the selected field.

Other - gifted children should not be "exception." Of these children (in one or another direction), the younger generation should consist, which means that these children should fill all educational institutions. If, the latter is missing, it means that the problem appeared earlier than we had time to notice.

Lyudmila Surikova
Work with gifted children in elementary school

L. V. Surikova

(Elets, MBOU SS №1 them. M. M. Svavina)

[Email Protected]

Work with gifted children in elementary school.

Annotation. Every child odar. So that he in life could show his talent, it needs to be found and pull out. Teacher's task is to help a small person and send it in the right direction.

Keywords: talent, odar, school, primary School, baby.

Significant advantages will be for

those states that will be able

as soon as possible identify creative

personality and create the most favorable

the conditions for the development of their potentials.

K. Taylor (American psychologist)

Any society needs talented people, and the task of society is to consider and develop the ability of all its representatives. Unfortunately, not every person is able to realize his abilities. A lot depends on the family, and from schools.

The family task is to in time see, view the ability of a child. A task schools - Support a child and develop its abilities, prepare the soil so that these abilities are implemented.

Thirst for discovery, the desire to penetrate the most intimate secrets of being are born on school bench. Already in primary school You can meet such students who do not satisfy work with a school textbook, they are not interested work at the lessonThey read dictionaries and special literature, looking for answers to their questions in various fields of knowledge. Therefore, it is so important in school to identify everyonewho are interested in various areas of science and technology, help to implement their plans and dreams to bring schoolchildren On the search road in science, in life, to help most fully reveal your abilities.

What is understood under the term « odarity» ?

In everyday life odarity - Synonym for talentedness. In psychology, under it, the system quality of the personality, which is expressed in the exceptional success of the development and implementation of one or more activities, combined with interest in them. Will the child grow with signs talented giftedness, a brilliant person depends on many circumstances.

Children with potential opportunities in school is enough. Gifted Children are distinguished by the exclusive success of learning. This feature is associated with high speed. processing and assimilation of information. But at the same time, such children can quickly lose interest in daily painstaking classes. They are important principled things, wide coverage of the material. Work with such children is interesting and difficult; In the classroom, in the lesson, they require an individual approach, a special system of learning.

Often pro gifted children saythat they have "Charisma"But that the flame of talent be broken out of this spark, you need to make considerable efforts. That is why over the years for many years of their pedagogical activity, I am developing and upbringing gifted children.

My system working with gifted children Includes the following components:

Detection gifted children;

Development of creative abilities in the lessons;

Development of abilities in extracurricular activities (Olympiad,

competitions, research job);

Creating conditions for comprehensive development gifted children.

From experience i know work, what gifted children are inquisitive, persistent in the search for answers, often define deep questions, prone to reflections, are characterized by good memory. In addition, diagnostics i am spending giftedUsing various tests.

In my class there are many talented children.

Pavlov Nikita is seriously engaged in sports. He visits children's sports school, participates in competitions, the second is a member social-free Teams to participate in the city military sports game "Patriot" And has many letters. In the class he is responsible for sports work, Conducts morning exercises, forms the team itself, prepares for competitions and is the unchanged captain. I think that in the future it will reach high results if it will be seriously engaged.

Chaplygina Mary has magnificent artistic data. She wonderfully reads poetry, seriously engaged in ballet, visiting school of Arts. In all competitions and in schoolAnd in the city it takes prizes. In addition, the girl also learns well and is engaged in sports. And it has enough time for everything. She became a member of the All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren According to the basics of Orthodox culture, the winner in school "Live classic" and etc.

Mahonin Matvey talented in everything. He learns great, engaged in sports school. Every year, the boy participates in various contests of artistic creativity: "Road through the eyes of children", "Instead of the Christmas tree, New Year's bouquet", "Nature around us" and others and occupy prizes places: Lauryat school Scientific and practical conference "First steps in science", winner of the regional intellectual and cognitive contest dedicated to the 870th anniversary of the city of Yelts "Young experts of the native land" in nomination "The story of my small homeland", winner diploma in 1 online Olympiad in Russian "Russian with Pushkin", 1st place in school stage of the All-Russian competition for reading out loud "Live classic", Lauryat 2 degrees of the Regional Olympics on Informatics, etc. And on March 28 at the XI Open Titsov Competition "And the eternal nature of beauty"devoted to the memory of S. N. Konovalova, S. V. Makarov Matvey took 1 place.

Field Boris is poorly learning, but his hands are gold. He visits the circle "Tale with your own hands", I. work It turns great. In technology lessons, he is an assistant teacher and assists children in work. In the regional action of children's work on road safety "Road through the eyes of children" Boris took 1st place. The boy became the winner of the regional competition "Young experts of the native land" in nomination "Streets of my Zhoda"

Lysochen Polina loves animals very much. In our class in a live corner there was a guinea pig. We called her Frosya. And only Polina conscientiously and selflessly cared for her. After some time, they could no longer live without each other. Now Frosya is a member of the Livochenko family. Currently, she is preparing a research project about life, boards of guinea pigs on the example of their favorite. The girl is convinced that every living creature possesses mind and knows how to love truly. It is necessary only that people who were near, remained by people in the full sense of the word.

In order to support interest in the subject and development of the natural chambers of students, I use creative tasks, entertaining experiences, materials and tasks.

Me designed system of developing minimatime tasks that suggest students as a warm-up in the beginning of the lesson. I assume 5-7 minutes to solve such tasks and requires a detailed explanation. In the case of difficulty I give tips, detail these tasks.

At all stages of the lesson, I try to use an individually differentiated approach. For capable children, I offer more complex tasks, I use cards, advanced tasks, work in pairs and groups. These children are consultants in the lessons and outside the lessons.

It is impossible to plant interest in the discipline by the guys, if the teacher himself is not passionate about his subject. Therefore, I am constantly learning, improving my knowledge through advanced training courses, methodical associations schools and cities, via the Internet, by self-education.

Much attention I give the involvement of talented children into extracurricular work. Often I spend various events in which students can show themselves. Museum of crafts, young technicians, Children's library, where we are frequent guests are provided to me. This year, students visited wonderful holidays. "Autumn gatherings", "Lapth-lapto", the holiday of a piano harmonica, participated in the competitions held by the Children's Library, where they took prizes.

The most important form work with gifted Parties are the Olympics and various contests. They contribute to the identification of the most capable and gifted children, the formation and development of educational needs of the individual, training students for higher education, creative work in different fields, scientific and practical activities. We constantly participate in All-Russian olympiadah: "Russian Bear", "Kangaroo", "Erudite".

Work In preparation for the Olympiads and Competitors, I spend throughout the academic year. With talented children I am doing after lessons: We carry out non-standard tasks, create research workProjects. Now we have in work Several projects in various fields.

Important consider the creation of conditions for the comprehensive development of the personality. I seek the child to do work on oneself, that is, you yourself knew how to put and solve the tasks, as it is possible to stimulate creative activity, it is possible to develop it only thanks to self-education, I urge the children in the fact that "when you go for someone following, the road is not remembered, and the one for which he himself passed, will not be overwhelmed", and that "Talent is 1% abilities, and 99% of labor".

I try to ensure that the child's intelligence develops is not to the detriment of physical, emotional, personal development. I convince the guys to engage in sports, attended sports sections in school and out of school, engaged in addition to physical education and sports at home.

As you know, food and day mode is the main prerequisite for the relationship between the organism and the environment. Obviously, the wrong food, the day of the day makes harm to physical, psychological and social development. The disadvantage of food has an impact on study. Therefore, I'm talking with my parents about the child's day mode, about full-fledged vitaminized nutrition.

I understand that I am responsible to the child for his lucky future and before the state for the education of a full-fledged, mature citizen, ready to independently make decisions and be responsible for the results of its activities.

The child's consciousness is in the formation stage, and that is why I follow the creative potential to be wasted wasted, but only multiplied.

I want to bring the wonderful words V. A. Sukhomlinsky: "In the soul of each child there are invisible strings. If you touch them as a skillful hand - they will sound beautifully. "


1. Use of independent elements work in the process of forming abilities gifted younger schoolchildren // History and the current state of Russian education. Unfalled problems. Collection of theses. Ed. R. S. Bosieva and A. V. Ovchinnikova - M Pedagogy, 1998 -c 77-78

2. Training gifted children in the system of differentiated learning in primary school England and USA // Scientific works of the Moscow Pedagogical State University - M Prometheus, 1999 - from 158-164.

3. Pedagogical basis of training gifted Children // Higher Pedagogical Education Russia: Traditions, problems, perspectives Theses of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Part P. - M, 1997 - from 84-87

4. The problem of differentiated learning gifted children in elementary school // Actual problems of students' formation primary Classes Materials of the All-Russian Scientific - Practical Conference Part I - Saransk MGPI. M. E. Evsevieva, 1998 -c 94-95

5. Development of creative abilities gifted younger schoolchildren // Actual problems of pedagogy creative self-development and pedagogical monitoring. Materials of the sixth All-Russian Scientific - Practical Conference - Yoshkar-Ola MGPI, CH 1998 - from 133 -134

6. Modern overseas learning and education experience gifted Children // Young voices. Collection of Research work graduate students and HSOP applicants. - M, 1998 -c 197-199

7. Characteristic features mental great children's gifts age // Abstracts of the reports of the conference of students, young scientists and teachers "Scientific search in solving the problems of the educational process in modern school". - Release S. M. Prielli, 1998 - from 129-130

Organization of work with gifted children of younger school age.

MBOU SOSH number 3 s. Serafimovsky MR Tuyimazinsky district of RB,

"Man's gifting is a little sprout, barely crushed out of the ground and requiring great attention. It is necessary to fuck and cherish, care for him, to do everything so that he grows and gave a rich fruit "

Today, the problem of identifying, developing and supporting gifted children is extremely relevant for Russia. The disclosure and implementation of their abilities and talents are important not only for a gifted child for a particular person, but also for society as a whole. Gifted, talented children and young people are the potential of any country, allowing it to effectively develop and constructively solve modern economic and social tasks. In this regard, working with gifted and highly motivated children is extremely necessary.

President Vladimir Putin said about the importance of this problem.

Here is one of the points of Message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation: «… It is necessary to complete the creation of a nationwide search and support system for talented children. The ability to develop your abilities from early age should have everything, regardless of the level of income, social status of parents and place of residence of families. I instruct the government to take into account this recommendation in the introduction of new educational standards and develop a standards for per capita financing for pedagogical support of gifted children "

Identifying gifted children, the organization of systemic work is one of the main tasks of modern school and educational practice in the modernization of the Russian education system.

Ø The participation of children in the work of knowing.

Ø Competitions, Olympics, Intellectual Games, Quiz.

Ø Generalization and systematization of materials and results of working with gifted children - "Portfolio".

Not a new, but demanded form of working with gifted children of younger school age is the research activities of students, which contributes to the development and individualization of the individual, as well as the formation of motivation to gain knowledge of knowledge. How it is impossible to suit the lessons of the surrounding world for this. The study lesson allows you to put serious problematic issues, research tasks, and children's thrust "to secrets" turns it into a "researcher". The success of performing such tasks forms "intellectual" joy, positive emotions.

The problem of developing adaratences in our school is relevant, we have conditions for the development of learning and there is a need to identify their abilities. There are different forms and methods of working with gifted children, but the formation of intellectual abilities is put forward to the fore. Regardless of the level of gifting and even the level of intellectual possibilities, it is necessary to develop their creative qualities. An important condition is the ability to find among many pupils of talented children. The process of identifying gifted children is based not only on such objective data as the level of progress, but also on the teacher's experience, its intuition. This task is to identify as many children as possible with signs of gifting and to ensure that they have favorable conditions for improving their activities inherent in them - is one of the most important teachers and a class teacher.

The identification of gifted children in the younger school age begins with the first visit to the psychologist, teachers when admitted in grade 1 (it may be in kindergarten). We must not say that the elementary school actively cooperates with a preschool institution. During the year, the guys come to classes at the preschooler school. This work has been held for more than 10 years. The main content of the work in the preparatory period: work with families, consultations of teachers, speech therapist, work on continuity of kindergarten is a school, parents universal, classes with children. Then detection of gifted goes in the process of learning a child based on observation, study of psychological features, speech, memory, logical thinking. Almost the entire first year of learning a child at school is aimed at identifying abilities. As a rule, such children have higher compared to most intellectual abilities, susceptibility to teaching, creative possibilities and manifestations; dominant active cognitive need; Follow the joy of making knowledge. Already in the first grade, capable mathematicians, readers, artists, simply activists are revealed. The teacher is necessary at the initial stage to attract such guys to help through the game. From experience I can say that such a reception is triggered. To develop the identified abilities of the child, the teacher invites parents to determine the baby either to the school of additional education, or in a circle, section, etc. It is important to cooperate with parents, providing assistance to the child's development. In addition, we solve another task: involving parents to cooperate, to the cohesion of the family. Identifying children to research activities, we propose to perform a small study on any subject, the topic. Usually, children are actively involved in such work: conduct research, looking for material confirming this fact, prepare a computer presentation, and from the first class. In this approach, we solve a number of other educational tasks: We teach children to contact various sources of information, process information, instill interest in reading. It should be noted that I revealing young researchers in your school, we hold a school scientific and practical conference. The youngest participants are first-graders. Of course, adults are still helping them: teachers, parents. But the guys grade 4 with everyone coped on their own. From the third grade, we have an intelligent marathon for primary school, where the most gifted in this direction are going. No need to say, what kind of preparation is held with children before that in the classroom and at school: individual classes in a teacher with a gifted child, a differentiated approach during the lesson, an individual homework, participation in the school Olympiad. If such work will be systemic in nature, the result will be.

As a rule, gifted guys have good results and in all-union games such as "Kangaroo", "Russian Bear", "Chip", "Inf Sharp", "Gagarin Cup" and others. And that wonderful, students themselves are interested in the date of the participation of the competition , involve other children. Isn't that cognitive activity?

The viability of the system of working with gifted children is confirmed by the presence of winners and prize-winners of various levels of subject and developing Olympiads (district, republican, All-Russian), competitions of students, creative and sports contests and competitions. Thanks to the system work, gifted children become successful.

At the end I want to say that in order for working with gifted children to be successful, it is necessary to create certain working conditions:

· Awareness of the importance of this work by each member of the team and strengthening about the problem of forming a positive motivation to teach.

· Creation and continuous improvement of the methodological system with gifted children.

· Recognition by the team of teachers and the leadership of the school that the implementation of the system of working with gifted children is one of the priorities of the WEO.

No magic, no miracle no

Art begins with simple

To the baby's soul the key to pick up

So that he could paint the whole world ...

See blue in the eyes of heaven,

Scarf acrylic to bite the winter forest

Look at rainbow heir rain

And in this rainbow to see suddenly ... yourself!

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Work with gifted children in the younger school age


1. Ways of development of gifting in the younger school age

1.1 Concept of giftedness

1.2 Giftedness in the youngest school age

1.3 Features of the development of giftedness in the younger school age

2. Experimental work on the development of the giftedness of younger students

2.1 Diagnostic work

2.2 Works on the development of creative abilities


Bibliographic list


Currently, many psychologists and teachers are the attention of both in our country and abroad attracts the problem of children's giftedness.

Distinguish different groups of gifted children. The first group includes "overwar" children with extremely accelerated mental development. They are the contingent of special schools and boarding schools. There is another group - children with a very high specialized level of abilities, such as musical or mathematical. Usually, the children of this group are trained in specialized schools, and for the mass school work with them is also not sharply relevant. I want to stay in more detail on the third group to which there are quite numerous children who are enrolled together with others in a mass school, but differing from the rest of the special predisposition to mastering a particular educational area, early psychological maturity, a high level of social culture. It should be noted that important in working with gifted children is not only timely diagnosis and selection, but also ensuring further development.

The main task is to build the entire educational process and its psychological support so that any individual features of children, the grain of advanced development in one field or another, did not pass by our attention, were implemented and were grown in our pedagogical activities with these children.

"Each child is up to a certain degree of genius," Schopenhauer wrote. The teacher must remember that there are no identical children: everyone has something to have anything, something that distinguishes it from the total mass and makes unique. One of this ability to solve mathematical tasks quickly and without errors, the other - the ability to draw pain, in the third - golden hands, at the fourth predisposition to sports success, in the fifth - organizational abilities ... In a word, our attention to gifted children should be organically fit into The image of the world of any child and be completely natural for him. This should occur both in lessons and in extracurricular activities.

In the lessons, such an approach to students can be carried out using various innovative technologies, including problem-dialogical training (one of the most developed technologies in the School 2100 OS).

The main thing in problem-dialogic learning is to create a problem situation that:

· Must have a fairly high level of difficulty, but accessible to the permission of the student;

· Must cause interest in its content and need of a student in solving it;

· Must contribute to the "discovery" by a student of new knowledge, promoting forward in training activities.

We see problem-dialogical training - this is a type of learning, providing a creative learning learning to students through a dialogue with the teacher. This technology is effective and health-saving, since it provides high quality assimilation of knowledge, efficient development of intelligence and creative abilities, education of an active personality.

With pleasure, children take part in various creative intellectual competitions, small educational competitions, brain rings, KVNs, quizzes, etc.

Separately, I want to dwell at the receptions of the development of leader's gifting (organizational abilities) of students. The classroom creates a children's association "buttons", which is significantly for students and meets real, and not imposed by the values \u200b\u200bof children. It has its own symbols, rituals, system of norms and rules of behavior that are not contrary to the school's charter. It actively works the class of self-government body of the class, which is selected for a period of one year.

All class students are divided into groups - "Family". The Council of the class includes leaders of groups and an elder. It is they who create temporary creative teams for the organization and holding of classrooms, holidays, games, etc. Coordinates the work of the class council of the class teacher together with the parent committee.

Students included in the "Family" have various orders: Salves, craftsmen, clatters, athletes, tubes, pills.

The highest body of the class is the general meeting, which is held 1 time per month. The meeting is analyzed by the work of "Semesek", the execution of instructions by students, the work of the class council, etc.

Thanks to the work of the class of self-government, most students take an active part not only in class affairs, but also in school and district events, contests, cooperate with the organizations of the district, provide assistance to the elderly, are involved in the improvement of the village and others.

All of the above is just a brief description of the methods and techniques of working with gifted children. In conclusion, I would like to recall once again that the gifold is diverse, manifests itself at different levels, in all spheres of life, and it is necessary to consider it not only as achievements, but also as the possibility of achievements.

1. Ways of development gifted

1.1 Concept of giftedness

Odar or total giftedness - The level of development of any human abilities related to their development. The concept as such was first formulated in the middle of the XIX century by the English psychologist Francis Galton. When analyzing, "artistic" and "practical" adarbility are divided. Early manifestation of abilities talks about gifting. B. M. Heat determined giftedness as "a qualitative and peculiar combination of abilities on which the possibility of achieving greater or less success in performing a particular activity". In this case, giftedness is understood not as a mechanical set of abilities, but as a new quality that is born in mutual influence and interaction of components that are included in it. Giftedness ensures not success in any activity, but only the ability to achieve this success. In addition to the presence of a complex of abilities, to successfully carry out activities, a person needs to have a certain amount of knowledge, skills and skills. In addition, it should be noted that the giftedness can be special - that is, talent to one type of activity, and general, that is, is a giftedness to different types of activities. Often overall gifts are combined with special. Many composers, for example, have other abilities: painted, wrote poems, etc.

Gifold, talent, genius appear in personality as bright individually unique creative, intellectual, emotional, physical abilities in a particular field of human activity. Differences to the degree, quality and direction of human risening are predetermined by nature, genetic foundation. Each normal child is gifted by all the human essential forces and the ability to develop them in themselves and sufficient social conditions. In children, essential forces develop, as a rule, evenly, cumulatively, harmoniously. Which of the essential forces, whether it is intelligence, feelings, will, hands and legs, vision and rumor, abstract or specifically-shaped thinking, can be most powerful and clearly manifested, depends on the social and pedagogical background, on which the general development of childhood is happening. With favorable circumstances, each child can show itself as a gifted creature. The phenomenal, extraordinary abilities, bright gifts, talent are based on a special organization of the brain, predisposition to theoretical or artistic thinking; special communication of the eye, figurative thinking and motor skills; specific interaction of hearing, imagination, muscles of pharynx, chest and lungs; sensitive with acutely reacting nervous system; The relationship between the constitution of the body and the bodies coordination bodies. Similar rare phenomena of early gifts deserve special attention. However, they should not distract psychologists and teachers from the problem of giving every normal child. The more opportunities are created for creative self-controling to all children, the greater the chances of detection and growing in the total mass of gifted, rare, bright and strong diverse talents. Therefore, the task of pedagogy is to, relying on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe universal genetic gifting of children, to create a work technique not only with brightly declare themselves talents, but also provide a field of activity for the creative manifestation and self-expression. In a healthy social environment, individuals effectively interact in labor, culture, social relations, due to the divergence, complementary, interpret each other. Some are more gifted intellectually, other emotionally, physically, engine, third in the moral-volitional, organizational, artistic, socio-merciful relationship. Creative, brightly gifted individuals, engaged in the circle of their communication going round, awaken g, their creative abilities, de laut the social environment, morally and intellectually cleaner, more favorable for human development.

Giftedness in its essence phenomenon is holistic and multilateral. It has an anatomy-physiological basis, a certain organization and structure of the brain, all of its functional systems. In the occurrence and development of astanding, neuropsychiatric groups play a significant role, which determine the possibilities of a child to a special, original perception of the world, to educate and trainee, to understanding and creativity, self-expression and self-affirmation. In the structure of the gifting, an important place is occupied by the emotional-volitional and effective-practical components. They stimulate the child's activities on the practical application of abilities and creative forces. Talent is due to individual-personal, moral and aesthetic characteristics of a person. Idea, conviction, principle, intellectual and moral discrepancy and freedom, perseverance, stubbornness, the ability to stand in her own, internal self-discipline, civil conscious discipline - all this certainly internal conditions for the development of abilities, talent, talent. The duration of the personality is due to subjective-objective factors, which either contribute to the development of talent, or restrain and depress the manifestation of abilities in children. The development of the child's gifting contributes to both the presence of a healthy genetic basis and the conditions of social pedagogical and psychological nature. The giftedness arises and breaks through the road either as a spontaneous itself manifestation of peculiarly established biological structures of the brain and the body requiring relevant practical activities for its development, or as neuropsychiatric and physical neoplasms that arise in the process of upbringing and learning as an answer of the body on the requirements of the environment, and Also specific physical, public, intellectual, artistic activities involved in children. In fact, and in another case, the development of the child's gifting requires the conditions that ensure the testing and use of spiritual and physical abilities. Of particular importance is the system of productive, creative activity, creating an opportunity for experimentation, which gives the right to his own opinion and an error. It is organized in the forms of children's amateurs, the essence of which is not reduced only to the spontaneity, the elementance of the childhood of manifestation and self-affirmation. Independence is effective when it is an organic alloy of internally due to implies and motivations, needs and incentives with socially substantive activities. Its exercise by children, secured by the consulting assistance of adults, psychologically favorable situation and the necessary social and material conditions, must be independent. At the same time, every giftedness, gradually deducted on the level of creative-professional activities, cannot be successfully formed in isolation from the master, outside the pedagogical leadership. Organized introduction and skill not only does not suppress the creatively developing personality, but, on the contrary, it supports faith in the child to their strength, to achieve success, stimulates 1 healthy pride and ambition. At the same time, a child who wants to succeed in the development of its dating, it is necessary to prepare himself to stubbornly. Life and human nature are such that success and will come to the abilities! Only to those who are ready to overcome external and internal obstacles and difficulties. The deficit of talents is due not to the decisions of human nature, but the absence of strong natures capable of managing courage, perseverance, perseverance, rigid self-discipline in self-education and self-education, in a critical rethinking of generally accepted dogmas, stereotypes, "unshakable truths", in defending a new one.

The self-provision of gifted nature, a creative-minded person, also due to the moral and psychological installation, dictating his support for itself not so much in other people and favorable external circumstances, according to itself, in itself, its inner spiritual world, fulfilled faith in itself and his vocation. The process of creativity, fully absorbing creative, giving him the highest moral and aesthetic satisfaction and enjoyment, compensating for all the costs of harsh attitude towards him, contributes to internal spiritual self-affirmation. As a result, a talented child becomes committed to internal spiritual values, helping to withstand external adversity, lumping the talented man-3 century everywhere.

Along with stimulating there are factors that prevent the development of gifting in children. Among them are not only the lack of a social and material base, the field of manifestation of the diverse talented activity of children, their creativity, but also formalized, automated and mechanized training systems. Working out the skills of execution, imitation, reproductive activities, obedience, external discipline, achieving success in the dresswork, they in the embryo suppress the human "self", spirituality, gifts, talent, which is the light of God in all uniqueness as a result of organic unity of self-organization and creative intellectual freedom . The torn behavior and poor behavior in the lessons of gifted children are also due to the tornness, jurisdiction of teaching and education techniques. In it, the external instinctive manifestation of a protest of dying talent. Studentism, the lack of a child of interest to itself is a natural consequence of enrollment in the mass of "unable", "medal" "hooligans" and "fools", in a group of socially and psychologically rejected. School talent is talent

The development of children's risening is constrained by the hardening of a significant part of children with spiritual beggar, a rayless mass culture that manipulates them with feelings and consciousness that turns them into passive objects of aggressive impact. Negatively affects the lack of psychotherapeutic and psychological assistance to schoolchildren in overcoming complexes of inferiority, aggressiveness, sexuality, in the development of the desire to submily internal energy into useful creative self-refining.

The central in the problem of gifting is the question of its types, strength and completeness of manifestation, as well as about the basic criteria of talentedness. Types of gifted children are very diverse. In order to determine the identification of types of gifts, it is necessary to close a close combination of overall and special exercises. There are several types of intelligent giftedness. The rational-thought type is manifested in the tendency of the child to the conceptual, abstract, abstract thinking, to various kinds of theoretical generalizations. Such an ability is predominantly necessary to scientists, politicians, economists, public figures - to all whose profession requires the ability to generalize the symbols, make a reasonable, weighted choice in the diverse scientific, economic, political situations and make responsible decisions. An abstract rational way to master the real world is opposed to a figurative-artistic thought type. His distinctive feature - thinking by images, the ability to operate with shaped-visual, imaging ideas, create new shape, design, models, combinations from the elements of sound, visual and verbal material in the imagination. The figurative thinking is widely used in artistic and creative, designer, design professions, makes it possible to effectively choose optimal options for new technical and technological and industrial solutions, create original works of art. There is also a mixed, rational-shaped type of gifting, allowing a scientist to use the imagination in scientific discoveries and create artistic works, and the artist, the writer, the composer - to pronounce himself as thinkers: philosophers, historians, politicians, scientists, religious figures. Giftedness is also manifested in the increased emotional sensitivity of one person to the biopol of the other. This basis develops the extrasensitivity of individual individuals of active impact on the physical and spiritual and psychological states of people. Such giftedness is extremely important for a doctor, especially psychotherapist, actor, director, a public figure working with the masses.

The types of giftedness in the physical organization are diverse, often combined with those or other types of intellectual gifts. Among them are such types as motor-physical, neuro-plastic, intellectual-physical. Physical isgefulness is important for each person, but absolutely necessary for the performance of workers, peasant, space, military professions, as well as for dancers, actors, physical cultants and athletes.

The gifts of various directions and types as high-quality neoplasm in person manifests itself as a result of a variety of combinations of all essential forces. The development of it in the child contributes to information on age-related manifestations of talentedness, degree, strength and form of its expression. The focus of certain abilities of the child may appear brightly in early, preschool age. The giftedness in the engine-physical sphere, which gives the body a special ductility, opening the prospect of classes and sports, is subject to development, the initial stage of the formation of the body is barely completed. Early manifestation of talentedness is found in the field of intellectual and artistic creativity. The inclusion in the active activities of the relevant essential forces of preschoolers (hearing, view, touch, mental processes, nervous system, respiration) is a decisive condition for the acquisition of special skills, success in achieving skills in the future.

At the same time, many guys may not be a bright manifestation of abilities at an early age. Their hobbies are changeable and unstable, they reach an average success in both studies and freely selected classes. However, this does not mean that such children are generally alert. Some of them have not yet found themselves in everyday ordinary affairs, they did not fall into the situation most favorable to manifest their individual abilities. The process of maturation of the essential forces of others is somewhat slow, requires significant time costs and greater performance in a selected direction of activity. In such guys, seemingly middle peasants, in later age periods there will be a rapid manifestation of dotol hidden, internally formated gifting, a peculiar alloy of the essential forces, which finally, the scope of the manifestation. The spontaneous explosion of abilities can direct the interests and activities of the child in the unexpected direction: in invention, artistic or scientific creativity, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe organization of public human activity. Finally, the child's giftedness may not be discovered for a very long time, or to remain unexplored at all. Most often it depends on the fact that in the habitat, the schoolboy does not find himself, does not come across the activities that would wake up the dormant creative forces in it, led them to move and formed a talented person. A teenager living on the village, in the outback, fond of technology, does not have the ability to master more advanced cars than a tractor or car. And a schoolboy in the city, experiencing love for animals interested in environmental issues, is limited to communication only with pets, fish in aquarium, birds in a cage. Obviously, the decisive condition for the manifestation of the mass gifting of children is the verticle of universal secondary education and a variety of possibilities of practical creative activity. The law of random spontaneous manifestation of a variety of human abilities is confirmed by the more widespread the possibility of practical applications by children of their creative essential forces. At the same time, in this case, an element of chance in becoming a child with a capable person is reduced.

Observations for the capable children show that there is no tough and unequivocal positive dependence between their gifting and successfulness. Moreover, as convincing everyday practice, a high success in all general education subjects is manifested, as a rule, students of medium, brightly not designated abilities. The need for the same equivalent stress of mental forces for the successful development of all learning items, the dispersal of spiritual and physical forces is muffled, restrains, blends, slows down the process of diving development in any one direction. That is why, including schoolchildren in the process of mastering various general education sciences, crafts, types of work, with everyone it does not necessarily require them to equalize the allocation of forces and the same success but all disciplines. There are current and rigid dependence among determined gifting and children's activity, a manifestation of targeted interest, enthusiasm, hard work.

Internal psychological and physiological criteria of giftedness are characterized by the development, originality of the flow and manifestation of all mental and neuro-physiological processes. Depth, clarity, indifference of theoretical or figurative thinking, freedom of speech expression; wealth of creative imagination, strength and efficiency of logical, visual, auditory, emotional, sensory-motor memory; the speed of the reaction, the flexibility of the nervous and physical organization of the body; Intellectual liberation, ability to question and critical understanding of established views, stereotypes, dogmas. All these features of the psyche are brightly detected in children in the process of everyday training and extracurricular activities, in the conditions of freedom of the creative itself of the manifestation of the necessary and sufficient material base.

As an external psychological criterion of the emerging abilities and creative potential of the child's personality, the inner material and spiritual pulsing force of the individual can be adopted, spontaneously manifested as interest, curiosity, passionateness, desire, persistent desire, spiritual and organic need for creativity "in one or another activity . Such a free attraction, spontaneous manifestation of the complex of abilities can be outside of an organized educational or even club work. A gifted child, passive at school, finds himself a shelter in a domestic workshop, laboratory, is engaged in inventiveness, drinking, drawing, handicraft, embroidery.

The moral and aesthetic measure of giftedness is expressed in the emerging features of the character, personal qualities, spiritual aspirations and ideals. Teens, boys and girls with developed abilities, as a rule, know what they want and whom they suggest becoming. They are peculiar to the devotion of the chosen cause, perseverance, perseverance and will in achieving the goal. They sacrificed small pleasure to a sense of duty and responsibility, show faith in the success of the case, excerpt and discipline. They are able to endure inconvenience, oppression and even suffering for their passion, ready to fight, upholding their own in creativity. Talented children of proud, straight, ambitious, are honest, value gifts in other people are deprived of envy, dignity and feelings, consider their dignity to take part in intrigues. They are endowed with an aesthetic vision of the world, see the beauty of a person about his work, bright and original creative self-expression.

The activity and practical criteria of giftedness are specifically expressed in the results of children's creativity. The higher the quality of the work, products, the more formed are the abilities, obviously the talent of the child. This is the originality of the composition, the logicality of solving problems, the depth of understanding of problems, the practical significance of technical creativity, aesthetics of artistic amateur activities, the quality of the material products, the clarity of organizational activities, the high level of achievements in sports, skill in visual or performance art.

The direction, the strength and depth of the child's risenness is measured most accurately and clearly in the case of the integrated application of all criteria and simultaneous evaluation of all indicators. The highest level of gifting is fixed when the ability to work, finding in concrete activities, is accompanied by enthusiasm, solid will in the desire for the goal, is organically connected to the simple norms of human beauty and morality in behavior, is characterized by the success and high quality of labor results. The manifestation of a capable childlessness, laziness, lack of aesthetic alone is a vivid testimony of a dormant state, insufficient maturity and giftedness. Only the educator can help such a student to take himself in hand, develop qualities in itself and character traits, without which no natural talentedness cannot be implemented. Education of gifting in children is at the same time raising their whole personality.

The criteria for children's best practices are effectively used only in the conditions allowed by the general problems of organizing pedagogical work but the development of the creative abilities of schoolchildren. The creative work of children is pedagogically effective when it is advisable in terms of its use! Values, social significance. The direct goal of creativity capable of inspiring and stimulating the active activity of the child is self-affirming by creating material and spiritual values. Indirect, actually a pedagogical goal is to develop their essential forces in the process of expedient useful activities of children: intelligence, eyesight, hearing, feelings, hands, fingers, nervous system, skills, skills, ability to acquire and use knowledge. These goals are achieved when creative methods are widely used in the organization of children's life and labor. Among them are games using children's improvisation, fiction; own tasks and practical exercises; Business letters, diaries, essays, poems, stories, songs, reviews, critical articles; Analysis of modern socio-political events, historical facts, works of art and data of science; participation in performances; Activity in creative, economic, industrial, organizational activities, in research work. It is also important to promote in the work of children in Independent: defending them by singing the position, the original vision of the world, an extraordinary author of the project, at first glance, an absurd approach to the problem, manifestations of independent thought, mobility. It is also necessary to maintain the atmosphere of honest, open criticism in combination with friendlyness and mutual assistance.

Children's talents are found and reveal in the situation when creativity permeates the whole life of schoolchildren. In organizing life, education and training, the flow of their creative activity should gradually increase and conquer increasing living space and time. Elements of creativity should be present when studying any subject, almost at every lesson. Let albeit quite briefly, but all students fall in a situation of need for independence, their non-standard thinking. At the next stage of creative development, each schoolboy receives the possibility of choosing a subject of interest and carries out its creative development. The individualization is becoming a serious help for the development of creative abilities - a choice for each student of optimal forms and learning tools. The greatest possibilities of creative improvement of all schoolchildren are provided by the widest sector of extracurricular, extracurricular work, participation in diverse public organizations and informal associations, including at the place of residence. These are research technical centers and centers of aesthetic education, houses and palaces of pioneers and schoolchildren, the Society for the protection of nature and lovers of the book, animal friends, the study and preservation of national culture, the detachments of the support of social, cultural, sports public initiatives. General education and differentiated training sessions, a system of out-of-school state and public institutions allow you to involve literally all schoolchildren in the process of self-development of abilities and tissues.

The implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200buniversal development of children's creativity and giftedness does not remove the problems of early, special, reasonable education and training of individual young talents. This is due, due and justified by the manifestation of some of the most young children of interests, inconsistencies, as well as natural mental, psychophysiological and physical data, requiring the development of early specialization and inclusion in specific activities. A number of professions in the field of science, language, art requires a specific training and development of the psyche, thinking, acquiring skills and skills even in preschool age. The emergence and multiplication of schools for especially gifted is also also the acute need of society in personnel of particularly complex, subtle, scarce professions. In response, physico-mathematical, ballet, linguistic, artistic and visual, artistic, artistic, musical, physical education and sports, actors, and now pedagogical special classes and schools arise and develop.

Thus, the problem of children's best practices are realized in theory and is being implemented in practice at the same time as the need for universal development of the creative abilities of all children, creating a talented "human community that ensures the material well-being, wealth and a variety of people's communication, and together with the same requirement of specific education and learning. Of particular gifted children in the unique areas of human creativity.

1.2 Gentaresweet in the younger school age

Junior school age is a period of absorption, accumulation of knowledge, the period of assimilation is advantage. Successful implementation of this important life function is favored by the characteristic abilities of children of this age, gullible submission of authority, increased susceptibility, impressionability, naive-gaming attitude to a lot of what they face. For younger schoolchildren, each of the noted abilities is mainly its positive side and this is the unique peculiarity of this age.

Some of the features of younger students in subsequent years goes to no, others largely change their meaning. It should be considered a different degree of severity among individual children of one or another age line.

But there is no doubt that the features of significant affect the cognitive capabilities of children.

It is extremely difficult to assess the actual meaning of signs of abilities as a child and the more providing their further development. It is often found that the bright manifestations of the abilities of a children's psyche. However, early signs of abilities cannot leave indifferent parents, teachers - after all, they may indicate the prerequisites of genuine talent.

To better understand such children, you must first know and take into account the age characteristics of the children's psyche. The rapid rise of mental forces as we can watch all children can be observed. Childhood - the time of development is unique in its capabilities. With age, there is not only an increase in the possibilities, but also a limitation, and even the loss of some valuable features of the children's psyche.

The age phenomenon is the originality of the development of development affects the rise of intelligence, acts as a factor of giftedness. Only from the part of children who are leading their age, such an obsession with mental classes will become a steady feature. Other such children - with other things being equal, the tireless need to make mental efforts will continue to decline - this will affect developing abilities. These differences in the subsequent course of development can be viewed as a confirmation that the bright manifestations of children's gifts are largely dependent on age at a certain time that arise into some means transient features.

In the question of the perception of gifted children, a big responsibility lies in experts: teachers of kindergartens, teachers, children's psychologists. They must prompt parental education on time.

But the child with an early bloom of intelligence meets difficulties, misunderstanding is far from only at home, in a family circle, but also at school, where everyone is taught in the same way, and the doctrine begins, often since he is no longer interesting.

It is the children who are most inquisitive, often become boring in the class after the first lessons.

Most teachers simply have once to practice gifted children, as the trouble of our schools is that even the best teacher, dealing with a whole class, is deprived of the opportunity to focus on those who go ahead.

The child with an early mental blooming is often difficult and in relationships with peers.

A lot of extra experiences falls into a share of such a child, if for some reason he is not given physical education, labor classes.

For "Wunderkind" previously required a special resolution of the folk education authorities. Now, according to a new provision on a general educational secondary school, the right is officially introduced by externally for any class and for school as a whole.

But it does not remove difficulties in the development of gifted children. After all, the new difficulties arise.

Some abilities manifest early, and time is required for others, but you do not need to hurry to declare a child in non-dear if it does not show itself like a young talent. This means only one thing: "buds" of his abilities have not yet revealed.

How to recognize talent.

If your child is gifted and different from all as a "white crow" to feel his talent, you need to know about most of the "non-standard child" features and understand his problems.

How to behave parents with a gifted child.

· Understand the child and realize its originality.

· Do not ignore all the uniqueness of its data.

· Do not admire them over measures.

· Do not turn the whole life of the child in the "jumps" to meet their parental ambitions.

· Create conditions for "promotion" of talent.

· Do not project your own hobbies and interests on a gifted child.

· Do not cultivate the need to succeed. Do not force it all the time to make you pleasant using your extraordination.

· Do not force overly to get involved in your favorite thing and do not overload it.

· Create a child atmosphere of creativity and not extinguish any interest.

· Teach patience and encourage all efforts.

· Tactically, delicately help him

· Learning to lose and not to perceive any failure as a tragedy.

· Try to reduce the vanity of the baby in all ways.

· Teach a child to be as much as possible vulnerable.

· Quietly belongs to the emotional kid drops.

· Learn to own emotions.

· Try to help negotiate a feeling of dissatisfaction with yourself, a little landing that ideal he imites.

· To do everything that depends on you so that he does not undertake his self-esteem and at the same time so as not to exhibit over the gifts.

· Do not rise it over the rest of the children in the family.

· To establish relationships with peers. Learn to be friendly in the team.

· Take into account his individuality.

· All the time encourage it.

· Do not cut your child wings, but to go with him in the "Flying".

· Follow the level of development of motility and help develop various physical skills.

· You can easily create a benevolent atmosphere towards him, attracting not only close, but also child careors.

If the child is definitely talented. But in what area to assess the correctness of the assumption of congenital abilities of the child can a test - questionnaire, developed by scientists - psychologists, specialties in the field of children's psychology A. De Hoan and Kaf ..

1.3 Features of development Giftedin junior school age

The evolution of gifted depends on the level of development and formation of the individual. Famous in psychology The fact of the loss of bright abilities by the time of cultivation scientists associate with the features of personal development. It is important not to miss the moment when the pedagogical impact on the individual will be most favorable. Many authors emphasize that for the formation of a gifted and talented personality, approving attitude towards it from society is needed.

At each stage of ontogenetic development, a person acquires a number of personal qualities and properties that are later foundation for the emergence of new personal formation. Younger school age plays a special role in personal formation. The beginning of systematic learning causes a series of changes in the development of an individual. These changes are largely related to the fact that the leading activity for children becomes educational. With admission to school for the younger student, the meaning of its surrounding adults is enhanced. The child trusts the eldest, this faith is essentially infinite. A teacher becomes often a central figure for the student. A teacher, as a carrier of knowledge, certain norms and rules, in the eyes of the child is a cumier, a kind of "" cult "face. At first, the teacher is extremely authority for younger students. They unconditionally submit to him and in many respects imitate (copying is manifested in attempts to be like a beloved teacher externally, in borrowing certain manners, etc.). Children at this age are very sensitive to the estimates of adults. An assessment of his own personality is often a reflection of the opinions of adults about the child.

Children of younger school age are beginning to more consciously control their actions and behavior. There is an extensive system of activity motives. The child deliberately formulates for himself the goal of any occupation, motivating it at the same time. Children can intentionally purposefully manage their behavior, guided by not only the momentary desires, but also intentions, long-term perspective. In connection with the inclusion of the child into active social relations, due to the fact that it becomes a subject of activity, the formation of a motive for success is being created. In the younger school age, children begin to clearly realize their capabilities and abilities. Often developed abilities in a child are found in training activities, and are associated with the development of the cognitive sphere (attention, memory, thinking, imagination). In this regard, it is important as much as possible to use the emerging motive of achieving success, because This further leads to the development of various abilities of the individual.

Education at school makes indigenous changes in the life of a child. The formation of verbal-logical thinking, the assimilation of theoretical knowledge leads to the emergence of an internal action plan, reflection. There is a change in the baby.

By the end of younger school age, the authority of adults is gradually lost. Most of the children begin to play peers, a social group. Skills of communication with peers are actively forming and developing, strong friendships are tied.

Junior school age is the age of positive changes. The degree and depth of personal transformations on this age stage depends on how difficult or easily a schoolboy will overcome the difficulties of the adolescence.

Teenage period is a special period in the development of personality. This period is characterized by sharply passable qualitative changes. The age transformation often occurs with jerks, unevenly. Some adolescents are developing faster, others lag behind their peers. Individual development can also pass unevenly: intelligent formation is ahead of personal and vice versa.

The teenager begins to "distingate" from adults. At the same time, it expects an adult understanding of his aspirations and desires, support, confidence. For a teenager, it is important to recognize his equality with their eaves with them. In the opposite case, conflict situations arise.

For teenagers, communication with peers becomes leading. Wishing to take a worthy place in the group of peers, the teenager is made more conformal to the actions and values \u200b\u200bof the group members.

Teenage period - the time of transition to a qualitatively new level of self-consciousness and I-concept. The teenager is actively looking for himself, comparing himself with adults and peers. He begins to understand his own value, uniqueness and uniqueness. There is a change in the formation of self-assessment: from the orientation on the assessment of adults, the teenager proceeds to its own criteria for assessing their actions, behavior, personality as a whole. Psychologists believe that it is in adolescent age that a substituted formation of self-consciousness and I-concept occurs.

Age from 12 to 14 years in domestic psychology, many scientists are considered a critical period of development. L.I. Bogovich binds the emergence of this crisis with the fact that the rapid pace of physical and mental development creates prerequisites for the formation of such needs that cannot be satisfied in the conditions of insufficient social maturity of schoolchildren of this age (3, p. 105). L.I. Bozovic believes that the crisis of adolescence is associated with the emergence of a new level of self-consciousness during this period, a characteristic feature of which is the appearance of the ability and needs to know how the person who has it, in contrast to all other people inherent in qualities.

DI. Feldstein characterizes adolescent age as the age of increased activity, initiative, striving for knowledge, danger, risk, in adolescents develops the volitional sphere of personality. But often showing volitional efforts in one activity, the schoolboy becomes crazy in another. Teens are very impulsive, hot-tempered, easily excit, they are subject to mood oscillations and affective flashes.

Multi-valued, unstable teen presentations about themselves and surrounding lead to character accentuations.

A significant impact on the formation of a teenager's personality is provided by puberty. Passage through the phase of puberty is often very painful. Teenagers are extremely critically configured towards their own appearance; Experiences are associated with deficiency of development or with a rapid pace. At this age, discorrofobia often occur.

The changes in the past decades in Russia entailed the transformation of adolescent personality qualities. There is a sharp decline in spiritual requests. Among adolescents, the manifestation of such qualities as cynicism, egoism, cruelty, aggressiveness increased. Children feel rejected when adults are increasingly concerned about only material well-being, without creating normal conditions for the development of a growing psyche. Hence the heavy personal experiences of adolescents: increased anxiety, fears, sense of inferiority and loneliness. Academician D.I. Feldstein argues that "these new negative acquisitions leading to the deformations of the motivational and consuming personality industry today are of particular concern today, since here we have faced the nature of the conflict of generations, which lies the danger of a kind of destructing the entire inheritance system of cultural and historical experience "" (11, p. 191).

The psychological development of a teenager is uneven, various trends are detected in it, the desire of adolescents to self-affirmation, self-determination and self-realization is manifested. The awareness of its place in the system of social relations creates prerequisites for the implementation of their abilities in the future.

Psychologists studying gifted and talented children note that gifted often stand out among the others. Their dissimilarity is explained not only by the brightness and uniqueness of talent, originality and originality of thinking. Many scientists are united in their opinion: a gifted child often matures faster, his personality is formed, and in the peer environment, it differs due to certain personal qualities and properties.

The role of personality in the formation and development of gifting is great. It is emphasized that the giftedness involves the holistic personality of a person, including the motivational sphere, interests, volitional manifestations, feelings, creativity (J. Galacher, P. Klein, N.S. Leithes, A.M. Matyushkin, V.E. Chimunsky, V. S. Yurkevich).

In the psychology of giftedness, the fact that gifted children and adolescents have features of personal development are recognized. Psychologists pay attention to the fact that the formation of the identity of a gifted child has certain age trends, often passes ambiguous and painful.

A. Tannenbaum, who proposed a "psychosocial" "model of gifting, and the external, and internal identity factors took into account its construction. The scientist notes that it is difficult to determine which personality features are determined by human talents. There are reliable facts that the highest level of abilities is associated with a strongly pronounced desire of self-realization.

It is necessary that gifted children possess positive self-perception. In this case, it is important to adequately evaluate the abilities: Neither Umane, nor ignoring them or, on the contrary, neither overly focusing on them. This state of affairs can lead to personal impairment, the emotional sphere of children suffers. Child needs to feel and understand that he is valuable; Parents and adults love him and see a growing person in it, and not just a set of certain outstanding abilities and achievements.

In some cases, children with a high level of development of abilities are confronted with their society. Parents try not to notice the talent of their child, trying to avoid difficulties. People's peers do not accept schoolboy "too much" "a lot of knowledgeable, aware in all matters. The awareness of the inconsistency of the expectations of others, the perception of themselves "" White Voronene "" leads to the fact that the child begins to hide his abilities, the features of a conformal person appear. In this situation, it should be not just necessary to speak about the adaptation, about the adaptation of the personality, but about the falsification of its own "" I "" (6, p. 39).

For gifted children are characterized by increased vulnerability and sensitivity. Credit and neutral comments often have a rapid emotional reaction. It is necessary to develop in children of this category the patient attitude to someone else's opinion, especially in cases where you have to deal with less capable schoolchildren. The emergence of the sassay, selfishness, manifestations of talents kill the occurrence of talents.

Excessive perseverance in achieving the goal leads to the desire to bring everything to complete perfection. Works performed at a high level of skill, the performer is assessed as unsuccessful. Illuminated personal standards, dissatisfaction, evaluating their own activities on adult standards lead to painful experiences, personal dramas.

For a child of 7-8 years, one of the strongest motives of activity is the desire to make pleasant parents, succeed in their eyes. It is necessary to observe the balance in priorities so that the development of the personality is not violated by one desire to look good in the eyes of adults. Encouraging for various attempts, and not just for success, praise for the effort leads to the fact that the child will try himself in various activities, and not strive to avoid failures.

In case, in the process of training capable children, their potential is not noticed and is not fully used, emotional problems occur. Part of the children can begin to ignore the training, showing nonconformist mood and confidence in their forces. Another part gradually loses interest in learning, the motivation of activities disappears, emotional disadvantages appear, an underestimated self-esteem is possible. According to J. Freeman, such personal qualities, such as motivation, self-discipline, curiosity and desire for autonomy are key to a gifted child.

Capable children are often not recognized by adults, because First of all, the performance and success of school learning is evaluated. "" The complexity of the situation is aggravated by the fact that the children themselves are aware of their dissimilarity. They can accuse themselves, perceiving their features as an anomaly, can begin to deliberately hide their achievements and thereby mask their abilities and move into a rather extensive category gifted, which is denoted as "" unattainable ".

In children with vivid creative abilities, there are features that cause negative emotions from others: no attention to the conditions and authorities; great independence in judgments; Slim sense of humor; lack of attention to order and "due" "organization of work; Bright temperament.

Two conditionally polar groups among gifted children highlights V.I. Panov. The first group is children with the harmonious development of cognitive, emotional, regulatory, psychomotor, personal and other parties to mental development. The second is children whose mental development is characterized by dissynchrony (imbalance, disharmoniousness) in terms of the formation of these Parties. That is, a child who has a high intelligence may differ emotional instability, self-esteem instability, etc. An unfavorable features can add sharp differences in relation to themselves and other neuroticism. Children may be concerned, anxiety in connection with their dissimbers to peers. At times in gifted schoolchildren there are increased silence or, on the contrary, an increased need for a constant statement and defending his opinion.


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