Visual support methods. Methods of physical education Visualization method in physical education

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Indirect visualization helps the perception of the parameters of temporal, spatial and dynamic characteristics of the exercise technique. This is light or sound information that signals the speed, frequency, pace, rhythm of movements.

In recent years, so-called training cards have been widely used in the practice of physical education. They may contain information about the complexes of physical exercises for solving specific applied problems: posture formation, development of various groups of muscles, speed, endurance, muscle strength, flexibility, as well as leading physical exercises that facilitate the assimilation of complex motor actions.

The relationship of direct and mediated visibility. Direct contacts with reality play a primary role in the implementation of the principle of visibility. At the same time, mediated visibility should not be underestimated. Sometimes it turns out to be no less, and even more intelligible than direct perception. We are talking, in particular, about the explanation of the details and mechanisms of movements that are difficult to direct observation or generally hidden from it. It is no coincidence that cinema, video tape recorders and other technical means are being increasingly introduced into modern practice of physical education, with the help of which a clear idea of \u200b\u200bmovements is created,

Various forms of visualization are not only interconnected, but also, in their action, pass one into another. This is explained by the unity of the sensory and logical stages of cognition, and from a physiological point of view, by the unity of the first and second signaling systems of reality.

The word, therefore, can be considered as one of the important means of providing clarity. However, it should be borne in mind that in the process of physical education, a word only acquires the meaning of such a means when it finds concrete support in the motor experience of the students. If the word is not connected, at least in part, with representations, in particular motor representations, it “does not sound,” does not evoke a vivid image of movements, no matter what external figurative form the verbal explanation is clothed in. The role of the word as a factor of mediated visualization increases in the process of physical education along with the expansion of the motor experience of the students. The richer it is, the more opportunities there are for creating the necessary motor representations using a figurative word. This is one of the reasons for the unequal share of methods of using the word in the process of physical education of people of different age groups.

Visibility is important not only in itself, but also as a general condition for the implementation of the principles of training and education. The wide use of various forms of visualization increases interest in classes, facilitates understanding and performance of tasks, and contributes to the acquisition of solid knowledge, skills and abilities.

physical education school student learning

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In physical education, 2 groups of methods are used:

Specific - characteristic only for the process of physical education;

General pedagogical, which are applied in all cases of training and education.

To specific methods of physical education relate:

1) methods of strictly regulated exercise;

2) play method (use of exercises in a playful way);

3) competitive (use of exercises in a competitive form);

With the help of these methods, specific problems are solved related to teaching the technique of performing physical. exercises education nat. qualities.

General educational methods include into myself:

1) verbal methods;

2) methods of visual impact.

None of the methods can to be limited in the method of physical education as the best. Only the optimal combination of the named methods according to the method. The principles can ensure the successful implementation of a set of tasks of physical education.

In physical education, the methods of general pedagogy are widely used. The use of general pedagogical methods in physical education depends on the content of the educational material, didactic goals, functions, training of students, their age, personality traits and teacher training, the availability of a material and technical base, the possibilities of its use.

In physical education, the teacher realizes his general pedagogical and specific functions with the help of words: he sets tasks for students, manages their educational and practical activities in the classroom, communicates knowledge, evaluates the results of mastering educational materials, and has an educational influence on students.

In physical education, the following are applied verbal methods:

1. Didactic story is the presentation of educational material in a narrative form. Its purpose is to provide a general, fairly broad understanding of any motor action or integral motor activity. It is most widely used in the process of physical education of children of primary and secondary school age.

In primary school (grades 1-2), physical exercises are interesting if they are carried out in the form of "motor, didactic stories": individual actions - episodes are sequentially developed according to the teacher's story. These actions are explained by some general plot story, which children accompany with actions that are accessible to their imagination and motor experience. The older the students, the more widely description, explanation of teaching material and lecture are used instead of story.

2. Description -it is a way of creating an idea of \u200b\u200bthe action in students. The description provides for a clear, expressive, figurative disclosure of the signs and properties of objects, their size, location in space, forms, messages about the nature of the course of phenomena, events. With the help of the description, students are told mainly of factual material, it is said what to do, but it is not indicated why it is necessary to do so. It is used mainly in the creation of an initial presentation or in the study of relatively simple actions, when students can use their knowledge and motor experience.

3. Explanation. The method is a sequential, logical, logical presentation by the teacher of complex issues (rules, concepts, laws). The explanation is characterized by the proof of the statements, the argumentation of the provisions put forward, the strict logical sequence of the presentation of facts and messages. In physical education, explanation is used to familiarize students with what and how they should do when completing an assignment. When explaining, sports terminology is widely used, typical for this section of the program. For children of primary school age, the explanation should be imaginative, vivid comparison and concreteness.

4. Conversation -this is a question-and-answer form of mutual exchange of information between teacher and students.

5. Analysis -a form of conversation conducted by the teacher with the students after completing any motor task, participating in competitions, playing activities, etc., in which the analysis and assessment of the achieved result is carried out and the ways of further work to improve the achieved are outlined.

6. Lecture is a systematic, consistent coverage of a specific topic.

7. Coaching - accurate, specific presentation by the teacher of the task offered to the student.

8. Comments and remarks.The teacher, in the course of the assignment or immediately after it, in a short form assesses the quality of its implementation or indicates the mistakes made. Comments can be for all students, for one group, or for one student.

9. Orders, commands, instructions -basic means of operational management of students' activities in the classroom.

Under by ordermeans a verbal instruction of the teacher in the lesson, which does not have a specific form. Instructions are given for doing something (“try along the wall,” etc.), exercise, preparation of exercise sites, gym cleaning equipment, etc. The ordinances are mainly used in primary school.

Team has a specific form, an established procedure for filing and exact content, the command language is a special form of verbal influence on students in order to induce them to immediately unconditionally perform or terminate certain actions.

Indication represents verbal influences with the aim of making appropriate corrections in case of incorrect performance of motor actions (for example, "faster", "higher swing", etc.). Directions are most commonly used in primary school.

10. Counting- the main form of management of exercise performance.

Visual methods.In physical education, methods of providing visibility contribute to the visual, auditory and motor perception of the tasks performed by students.

These include:

- direct visibility method (showing exercises by the teacher or on his instructions by one of the students);

Methods of mediated visualization (demonstration of educational videos, cinematograms, motional actions, drawings, diagrams, etc.);

Methods of directed feeling of motor action;

Urgent information methods.

Direct visualization method.It is intended to create a correct understanding of the technique of performing a motor action (exercise) among students. The direct demonstration of movements by the teacher or one of the students should always be combined with the methods of using the word, which makes it possible to exclude blind, mechanical imitation. During the demonstration, it is necessary to provide comfortable conditions for observation: the optimal distance between the demonstrator and the student, the plane of the main movements, the repetition of the demonstration at different rates and in different planes, clearly reflecting the structure of the action.

Display requirements:

The show must be accompanied by an explanation;

Display must be accurate and exemplary;

An exercise can be shown to a student in the following cases: if the teacher cannot show for health reasons; if during the demonstration the teacher is forced to accept a position in which it is inconvenient to explain; when you need to convince students that the exercise can be done;

When showing, the teacher must choose the right place so that all students can see him, and he can control their implementation;

The display should be mirrored;

- “wrong display” is not required.

Methods of mediated visibility.They create additional opportunities for students' perception of motor actions using a subject image.

These include:

Demonstration of visual aids, educational videos and films;

Felt-tip pen drawings on a special board;

Student sketches;

The use of various dummies, etc.

Visual aids allow students to focus on static positions and sequential change of phases of movements.

Via video filmsthe demonstrated movement can be slowed down, stopped at any phase and commented, as well as repeated many times.

Drawings with a felt-tip pen on a special board are an operational method for demonstrating individual elements of physical exercise technique and tactical actions in game sports.

Sketches, performed by students in the form of figures, allow to graphically express their own understanding of the structure of motor actions.

Dummies (models of the human body) allow the teacher to demonstrate to students the features of the technique of motor action.

Methods of directed feeling of motional action.Aimed at organizing the perception of signals from working muscles, ligaments or individual parts of the body.

These include:

Guiding help of the teacher when performing a motor action (for example, holding the student's hand by the teacher when teaching the final effort in throwing the ball at a distance);

Exercise in slow motion;

Fixing the position of the body and its parts at certain moments of the motor action (for example, fixing the position of body links before performing the final effort in throwing);

The use of special training devices that allow you to feel the position of the body at different moments of the movement.

Urgent information methods... They are intended for the teacher and the student to receive urgent information with the help of various technical devices in order to correct them as necessary or to maintain the specified parameters (tempo, rhythm, effort, amplitude, etc.). So, at present, in physical education and sports, various training devices (bicycle ergometers, treadmills, rowing machine) are widely used, equipped with built-in computers that control the load regulation system. The computer shows the values \u200b\u200bof heart rate, speed, time, distance length, calorie consumption, etc. The load profile is graphically displayed on the display.

Methods of teaching motor actions(in general, in parts, associated impact) and their implementation in a physical education lesson. Methods for teaching motor actions belong to the methods of strictly regulated exercise.

The highly regulated exercise methods allow you to:

To carry out motor activity of students according to a firmly prescribed program (according to the selection of exercises, their ligaments, combinations, sequence of execution, etc.);

Strictly regulate the load in terms of volume and intensity, as well as manage its dynamics depending on the psychophysical state of the students and the tasks to be solved;

Precisely dose the rest intervals between load parts;

Selectively educate physical qualities;

Use physical exercises in classes with any age group;

Effectively master the technique of physical exercise, etc.

The methods of teaching motor actions include:

Holistic method;

Dismembered or in parts;

Conjugate impact.

Holistic method applies at any stage of training. Its essence lies in the fact that the technique of motor action is mastered from the very beginning in its integral structure without being divided into separate parts. The holistic method allows you to learn structurally simple movements (running, simple jumps, switchgear, etc.). Using a holistic method, it is possible to master individual details, elements or phases not in isolation, but in the general structure of the movement, by focusing the students' attention on the necessary parts of the technique.

The disadvantage of this method is that in uncontrolled phases or details of a motor action it is possible to fix mistakes in technique, therefore, when mastering exercises with a complex structure, its use is undesirable.

Dismembered method used in the initial stages of training. Provides for the dismemberment of the integral motor action into separate phases or elements with alternate learning and subsequent connection into a single whole.

Rules for applying this method:

1. learning to begin with a holistic fulfillment of a motor action, and then, if necessary, select from it elements that require more careful study;

2. to divide the exercises so that the selected elements are independent or less interconnected;

3. study the selected elements in a short time and combine them as soon as possible;

4. study the selected elements in different versions. Then the integral movement is constructed more easily.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is not always easy to combine the elements learned in isolation into a holistic motor action.

In the practice of physical education, the holistic and dismembered methods are often combined. First, they begin to learn the exercise holistically. Then they master the most difficult highlighted elements and finally return to the holistic implementation.

Conjugate method it is used to improve motional actions, to improve their qualitative basis, that is, effectiveness. Its essence lies in the fact that the technique of motor action is improved in conditions that require an increase in physical efforts. For example, an athlete in training throws a weighted spear or disc, jumps in length with a weighted belt, etc. In this case, the technique of movement and physical abilities are improved. When applying the conjugate method, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the technique of motor actions is not distorted and their integral structure is not disturbed.

Methods of training physical qualities.The methods of training physical qualities belong to the methods of strictly regulated exercise. Physical education methodsare various combinations of stress and rest. They are aimed at achieving and consolidating adaptive rearrangements in the body.

Uniform method is continuous muscular activity without a change in intensity.

Its varieties are:

a) uniform exercise (long running, swimming, skiing and other types of cyclic exercises);

b) standard in-line exercise (repeated continuous execution of gymnastic exercises).

Repeated method - this repeated exercise, when the same load is repeated many times. There can be different rest intervals between repetitions.

Variable method characterized by muscle activity carried out in a mode of varying intensity.

There are variations of this method:

a) alternating exercise in cyclic movements (alternating running, "fartlek", swimming and other types of movements with varying speed);

b) variable flow exercise - serial performance of a complex of gymnastic exercises, different in intensity of loads.

Interval method ... It is characterized by the presence of various rest intervals between loads.

Varieties of this method:

a) progressive exercise (for example, sequential single lifting of a barbell weighing 70-80-90-95 kg, and so on with full rest intervals between sets;

b) varying exercise with variable intervals of rest (for example, lifting a barbell, the weight of which changes in waves 60-70-80-70-80-90-50 kg, and the rest intervals range from 3 to 5 minutes);

c) top-down exercise (for example, running the segments in the following order - 800 + 400 + 200 + 100 m. with hard rest intervals between them).

Circular methodpit is a sequential execution of specially selected physical exercises that affect various muscle groups and functional systems by the type of continuous or interval work.

For each exercise, a place is determined - "station". The circle includes 8-10 "stations". On each of them, students perform one of the exercises and go through a circle from 1 to 3 times. This method is used to educate and improve physical qualities. . It is used in all grades, more often in the older ones. The shells are arranged in such a sequence that the physical load on the muscles of the arms and legs alternates.

The organization of this method boils down to the following:

In the gym, stations are equipped, i.e. places for the fulfillment of the corresponding motor actions;

At each station, students are given a specific task: exercise, dosage and guidelines for its implementation;

The tasks are performed in-line and alternately. In the first case, the student, having completed the task at the 1st station, goes to another; and in the second, the class is divided into groups according to the number of stations.

Work by station. Students are divided into groups, each begins work at its own station, the elders in the subgroups receive an assignment from the teacher in a training card. The task is performed for quality. After completing the task, the group moves to the next station. The quality of the department's work at each station is assessed. The whole circle is passed from 1 to 3 times without an interval or with a certain interval of rest between the "stations".

« Anthill». Various shells are installed in the hall and various tasks are planned. Participants perform them in any order, which projectile is free. The judges evaluate their work and give each token of a certain color, which corresponds to a certain number of points. After passing all the shells, the participants hand over the tokens to the panel of judges to count the points and determine the winners.

The essence game method in the fact that the motor activity of students is organized on the basis of the content, conditions and rules of the game.

Methodological features game method:

The game method provides a comprehensive, complex development of physical qualities and the improvement of motor skills and abilities, since during the game they are manifested in close interaction; if necessary, using the play method, you can selectively develop certain physical qualities;

The presence of elements of rivalry in the game requires significant physical efforts from students, which makes it an effective method of developing physical abilities;

A wide selection of various ways to achieve the goal, the improvisational nature of actions in the game contribute to the formation of students' independence, initiative, creativity, dedication and other valuable personal qualities;

Compliance with the conditions and rules of the game in conditions of confrontation allows the teacher to purposefully form students' moral qualities: a sense of mutual assistance and cooperation, conscious discipline, will and collectivism, etc .;

The factor of pleasure, emotionality and attractiveness inherent in the game method contributes to the formation of a stable positive interest and active motive in students for physical education.

The disadvantage of this method is its limited capabilities when learning new movements, as well as when dosing the load on the body.

Competitive method - this a way of doing exercises in the form of a competition. The essence of the method lies in the use of competitions as a means of increasing the level of preparedness of students. A prerequisite for the competitive method is the readiness of students to perform those exercises in which they must compete.

The competitive method is manifested:

In the form of official competitions at various levels (Olympic Games, World Championships, country and city championships, qualifying competitions, etc.);

As an element of the organization of the lesson, any physical culture and sports activity, including sports training.

The competitive method allows:

Stimulate the maximum manifestation of motor abilities and identify the level of their development;

Reveal and assess the quality of motor actions mastery;

Provide maximum physical activity;

Promote the education of strong-willed qualities.

Nikolaenya Elena Vladimirovna, teacher of the Russian language and literature of the State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 11 in Slutsk”, won in the nomination “Russian Language and Literature, Belarusian Language and Literature”.

Using principle of visibility in literature lessons

1 Principle and means of visualization in literature lessons

One of the main principles on which the study of literature is based is the principle of visibility, which is realized through the activation of the sensory-visual perception of schoolchildren, through the education of the culture of their mental work, through the development of such mental operations as comparison, juxtaposition, classification, identification.

By visibility, we mean, first of all, those means of concretizing and enriching knowledge about fiction that lie outside its texts and are predominantly either figurative or documentary in nature, that is, works of fine art, as well as gramophone records, footage, photography, etc. Immediate visibility includes objects that help to recreate the appearance of the era reflected in a literary work. But it can also be their image in paintings that can fulfill the function of a historical commentary on a work. Immediate visualization also includes illustrations, photographs, portraits of writers and poets, images of heroes or episodes of a work, testimonies of contemporaries of the period under study, publications of museum funds, etc.

Lessons that use different kinds of visual aids have undoubtedly greater results. However, the appeal to clarity is not an end in itself,but the active rational inclusion of visual assistants in the educational process.

The following types of visibility stand out:

Verbal clarity - the teacher's word, listening to sound recordings, expressive and creative reading or retelling.

Subject visibility used in the form of book exhibitions, reproductions, portraits, illustrations, photographs, sculptures, models, etc.

Graphic clarity - tables, diagrams, algorithms, lesson epigraph.

Synthetic visibility combines visual and auditory visualization: film fragments, dramatization, use of a multimedia installation or an interactive whiteboard.

According to the school curriculum, when studying literature, it is necessary to pay attention to such an important aspect of literary education and moral and aesthetic education as the use of works of related art forms in the lesson.

Works of related art forms that are used in literature lessons can be grouped as follows:


* portraits of writers (OAKiprensky "Portrait of A.S. Pushkin", K. Bryullov "Portrait of the fabulist I.A.Krylov", N.Ge "Portrait of Leo Tolstoy");

* works consonant with works of fiction (I. Levitan "Spring - Big Water", P. Fedotov "Breakfast of an Aristocrat", I. Kramskoy "Inspection of the Old House");

* canvases created on the basis of literary works (K. Vasiliev "Lament of Yaroslavna", Y. Neprintsev "Rest after the Battle", M. Vrubel "The Swan Princess", V. Serov cycle "Who Lives Well in Russia").

2.Musical works

* works in tune with works of fiction

(PI Tchaikovsky "The Seasons", Ludwig van Beethoven "Largo Appassionato ");

* works based on literary works (N. Rimsky - Korsakov "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", P. Tchaikovsky "Eugene Onegin", R. Shchedrin "The Seagull");

* works of a certain period corresponding to a similar topic under study (Russian folk songs, songs about the Great Patriotic War, songs about the Motherland, about mother, etc.).

3.Products Graphics (drawings by A.S. Pushkin).

4.Photographs or color illustrations of sculptural or architectural monuments.

5.Theater or cinema (performances "The Inspector General", "Aleko and Others"; S. Bondarchuk "War and Peace", V. Bortko "The Master and Margarita", S. Rostotsky "White Bim - Black Ear").

The use of works of related art forms has its own specifics. Students need to be prepared for such a difficult activity in the lesson, paying special attention to speech material. It is advisable for the teacher to use special vocabulary that will provide students with the opportunity to freely operate with art history terminology at the level of the school curriculum.

Acquaintance with works of related art forms not only enriches the vocabulary of students, but also expands their aesthetic ideas, forming an artistic taste.

2. Illustration as a means of clarity in literature lessons

The topic of generalization of the experience I have declared "Implementation of the principle of visibility in literature lessons" is quite voluminous, therefore, in my work I will confine myself to one, but very important aspect of it.

A special place in terms of the development of students' communicative abilities and their aesthetic education is occupied by such an element of clarity as illustration. The term itself comes from the Latin word "illustratio "- lighting, visual representation, that is," pictorial interpretation "of a literary or scientific work.

A child's first interest in a book arises most often due to illustration, because it opens the door for the young reader to the diverse world of literature. The older the student becomes, the more conscious and evaluative his attitude towards illustration becomes.

The illustration allows students to better imagine the author's intention, the historical era, the appearance of the characters. Pondering the meaning of the events depicted, realizing how the hero takes part in them, students gradually enter the inner world of the characters, begin to emotionally respond to their feelings, evaluate their moral qualities, learn to discover the author's presence and comprehend the artistic meaning of the work. Visual images of illustrations help students understand the meaning of many new words for them related to the historical life or area of \u200b\u200ba person's spiritual life.

The place of the illustration in the lesson, the time allotted for working with it, questions on analysis, speech material, methods of work and assignments - all this depends on the topic of the lesson, methodological task, the specifics of the work being studied, the nature of the selected illustration. It is important that the work with illustration was not a random methodical technique, but a systematic, thoughtful element of the lesson.

The illustration used in literature lessons can be roughly divided into two types:

1.Illustrations by professional artists

2.Child's drawing

In my work in the lesson using illustrations made by professional artists, I highlight the following stages:

* Story about the artist

The goal is to provide general information about the artist, the history of the painting, the place of the painting in his work and in the development of Russian painting in general. Effectively accompany your story with an extramural tour of historical places, through the stages of the author's life and work using the example of several illustrations.

* Examining illustrations

If there is such an opportunity, then first, as an assignment, invite students to choose from a number of illustrations the one that most closely matches the material under study and work with the one they like.

Silent, unhurried examination of the illustration is of great importance for the development of students' thinking, since it is associated with perception. Examination develops in students the ability to observe, to think figuratively, to perceive a work of painting in a holistic manner, adequate to the author's intention. This undifferentiated perception passes at the subconscious level, through feelings, so the teacher should not excessively interfere in this complex individual process. At this moment, the student's attitude to what he saw is determined, his personal understanding of the artistic image is formed.

* Illustration conversation

The goal is to help students understand the figurative language of art, develop the ability to analyze an illustration as a work of art in the unity of content and form, develop an adequate aesthetic assessment of a painting, stimulate the creative imagination of students, teach them to create an independent speech work using figuratively - expressive means of the Russian language, prompted pattern. The depth of perception of an illustration depends not only on the nature of the questions posed, but also on their sequence.

What questions should you start the conversation with? This is not an idle question. Given the emotional side of the impact of painting, one should go not from the content, but from the emotional impulse caused by the visual impression. Therefore, it is necessary to start with questions that reveal the emotional attitude of students to illustrations, their first, most vivid impression, for example:

Do you like this illustration?

What impression does the illustration make on you?

Why do you think the illustration evokes such a mood?

Did you feel a sense of joy (sadness) when looking at the drawing?

Did the artist manage to awaken admiration (disappointment) in you?

The teacher should analyze the illustration in the unity of content and means of artistic expression. This determines the nature of the questions, the main task of which is to help students understand the interdependence of content and means of expression, for example:

What about the composition of this illustration?

What is shown in the foreground (background)?

What is the main color?

What color shades does the artist use to convey the mood (state) of the hero?

What expressive or slightly noticeable details the artist conveys

The movement of life, its impetuosity?

Was that how you envisioned the image of the hero of the work?

What interior details (clothing) seemed strange to you?

Prove that this illustration belongs, for example, to a landscape genre.

The formation of students' own judgments and their aesthetic ideas is facilitated by questions to identify the author's position and personal attitude, which it is advisable to ask at the end of the conversation, for example:

How do you feel and what do you think about when you look at this illustration?

What is dear to the artist in the picture?

Do you think the character of the depicted would have changed if the author had used warmer (colder) tones?

How did the artist creatively rethink a piece of the work?

So, the success of an illustration conversation is predetermined by the formulation and sequence of questions that should be built depending on the students' art history knowledge, on the content and genre of illustration, on the goals and objectives of the lesson and, of course, on the mood in the class.

* Carrying out vocabulary and stylistic work

In the course of a conversation on illustration, the vocabulary of students is enriched, since the comprehension of its content is combined with the selection of vocabulary necessary to express thoughts and feelings. If the teacher skillfully organizes this type of work, helps in the selection of the necessary words, then a creative atmosphere is established in the class, the students seem to compete with each other in the selection of the necessary definitions. At the same time, it is important to direct the attention of students to the selection of such words and language means that characterize a specific, directly depicted object (character, phenomenon), so that students do not have discrepancies between words and realities, so that they develop the ability to express what is perceived by means of language adequately to the content of the illustration ...

During the conversation, students can write down words that are difficult in semantic and spelling terms. However, it is better to do this before or after the conversation, so as not to destroy the emotional mood and not to drag out the conversation.

* Generalization of what was said by illustration

You can complete the illustration work by offering students the following tasks:

Compose a coherent story based on illustration;

Sign the illustration with words from the text;

Find a piece of text and compare with the one shown in the picture;

Come up with a new title for the illustration;

Compare the image of the hero (episode) by different artists;

To offer, instead of literary themes, essays on the studied work, an essay on illustration (for older students).

The work with an illustration of a professional artist is not at all limited to the development of students' communication skills and their aesthetic taste. The development of a figurative vision of the world is facilitated, in particular, by creative homework: to illustrate an episode of the text, to depict one of the heroes, to make a landscape sketch, that is, child drawing (This type of work is especially valuable on parallels of grades 5 - 7).

Illustrating, a student interested in the success and recognition of his work will repeatedly re-read the text, remember everything that was discussed in the lesson in order to display not only the main thing, but also the details in the drawing. Evaluating the work, my children and I pay attention to the quality of the work and the author's position. It is very important and useful to disassemble even not quite accurate drawings, since in the process of an argument, students learn to prove their author's and aesthetic position.

Observing professional illustration or children's drawing, students receive not only literary, but also art history knowledge, form the ability to express and defend their point of view and

hone the skill of attentive and thoughtful reading.

List of sources used

1. Arsenovich, I.V. Individual, pair, group work: optimal combination / I.V. Arsenovich // Narodnaya asveta. – 2006. – № 9. - P. 12-16.

2. Buslakova, T.P. How to analyze a lyric work: a tutorial / T. P. Buslakov. - M., 2005. - 234 p.

3. Perception and study of works in their generic and genre specificity // Methods of teaching literature: in 2 hours / ed. O. Yu. Bogdanova, V. G. Marantzman. - M., 1994. - Ch. 2. - P. 23-42.

4. Demina, N.P. Literary work: theory and practice of analysis: teaching method. allowance / N.P. Demina, S.V. Karpushin, E.A. Mokhovikova. - Mn., 2010 .-- 123 p.

5. Komensky, Ya.A. Great didactics: Selected pedagogical works: in 2 volumes / Ya.A. Komsnsky. - M., 1982. -T. 1.– S. 384.

6. Medvedev, V.P. Study of lyrics at school / V.P. Medvedev. - M., 1985 .-- 111 p.

7. Rutskaya, A. V. Methods for laying out Belarusian literature / A. V. Rutskaya, M. U. Grynko. - Mn., 2010 .-- P. 59.

8. Internet resources

It has already been proven that a person remembers only 20% of what he hears and 30% of what he sees. But if vision and hearing are simultaneously involved in the perception of new information, the material is assimilated by 50%. Teachers have known about this for a long time. The first visual aids were created before our era and were used in the schools of Ancient Egypt, China, Rome, Greece. In the modern world, they do not lose their importance. On the contrary, with the development of technology, teachers have excellent opportunities to demonstrate to children those objects and phenomena that cannot be seen in real life.


Visibility is a term that has two meanings. In ordinary life, a word is understood as the ability of an object or phenomenon to be easily perceived with the help of senses or logic, its clarity and comprehensibility. In pedagogy, visibility is understood as a special teaching principle, which is based on the display of objects, phenomena, processes.

Sensory cognition helps the child form primary ideas about the world around him. Own sensations remain in memory and lead to the emergence of mental images that can be manipulated in the mind, compared, generalized, and the main signs highlighted.

Cognition process

A person cannot recreate in his imagination those objects that he did not perceive directly. Any fantasy involves operating with familiar elements that can be combined into bizarre configurations. Thus, there are two types of cognition:

  • directly sensory, when a person explores a real object with the help of his senses;
  • mediated, when an object or phenomenon cannot be seen or touched.

Visibility is a prerequisite for learning in both the first and second cases. In mediated cognition, the following are used as support:

  • devices that allow you to observe areas inaccessible to sensory perception;
  • photographs, audio recordings, films, with the help of which you can travel to the past or to another point in the world;
  • experiments demonstrating the effect of the phenomenon under study on other objects;
  • modeling, when real relationships are displayed using abstract symbols.

Concepts used

  1. A means of visualization is the ways in which the teacher demonstrates the object of knowledge to students. This includes observing nature, looking at pictures in a textbook, showing films or experiments, and even drawing spontaneously on a board.
  2. A visual aid is a narrower term, which means a planar or volumetric display of the objects under study, created for pedagogical purposes. These can be tables, diagrams, models, dummies, filmstrips, didactic cards, etc.
  3. The principle of visibility is understood as a special organization of the educational process, when concrete sensory objects serve as the basis for the formation of abstract ideas.

Functions performed

Visibility is a learning principle that allows you to:

  • to recreate the essence of the phenomenon and its relationship, proving theoretical provisions;
  • activate analyzers and mental processes associated with perception, thereby forming an empirical basis for subsequent analytical activity;
  • to increase interest in the studied material;
  • to form visual and auditory culture in children;
  • get feedback from students in the form of questions, on which the movement of their thoughts becomes clear.

Research history

Visualization has been used in teaching since ancient times, but its theoretical foundations began to be studied only in the 17th century. The Czech teacher YA Komensky considered sensory cognition to be the "golden rule" in teaching. The development of the mind is impossible without it, the child memorizes material without understanding it. It is very important to use different senses so that children perceive the world in all its diversity.

Pestalozzi attached great importance to clarity. In his opinion, in the classroom, children should perform a certain sequence of exercises for observing the surrounding objects and, on this basis, cognize reality. J. Rousseau suggested teaching a child in nature so that he could directly see the phenomena taking place in it.

Ushinsky gave a deep psychological foundation for visual methods. In his opinion, the manuals used are a means that activates the child's thinking and contributes to the formation of a sensory image. It is especially important to use visualization at the initial stages of learning, since thanks to this, children develop analytical abilities, oral speech improves, and the material is more strongly remembered.


The clarity that is used in teaching various subjects has its own characteristics. Nevertheless, there are generalized classifications in pedagogy.

So, Ilyina T.A. distinguishes the following types of visualization:

  • Natural objects that occur in objective reality (for example, living plants in the study of biology or a vase as a nature in a drawing lesson).
  • Experimental clarity (demonstration of experiments, conducting experiments).
  • Volumetric aids (models, dummies, geometric bodies, etc.).
  • Visual clarity (photographs, drawings).
  • Sound materials (audio recordings).
  • Symbolic and graphic objects (diagrams, posters, tables, maps, formulas, graphs).
  • Internal visualization (images that students should present based on vivid descriptions of the teacher or from their own experience).

In modern conditions, two more types of manuals can be distinguished: screen (filmstrips, films, educational cartoons) and computer. With their help, you can see processes in dynamics, receive information through two channels at once (visual and auditory). Computer technologies allow you to enter into a dialogue with the program, check how well the material is understood, get additional explanations if a student has difficulties.

Application Requirements

The principle of visibility has always been and will remain the leading one in pedagogy. In order for it to be useful to students, a number of requirements must be met:

  1. Everything that can be learned through sensory sensations should be provided to students for research using various analyzers (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell).
  2. The amount of benefits should not be excessive, otherwise children's attention will be distracted.
  3. The visualization used is designed to solve the tasks of the lesson, to help students identify the essential features of the object under study. It is a means, not an end.
  4. The manuals should be used not only as an illustration of the teacher's story, but also as a source of self-acquired knowledge. The creation of problematic situations is encouraged when students are involved in research activities, independently identify patterns.
  5. The older the children are, the more often symbolic clarity is used in the lessons.
  6. It is important to find the right time and place for the use of certain manuals, rationally combine visual and verbal methods.

Zankov's research

Psychologist L.V. Zankov considered it necessary to rely on the senses when building a learning system. In his opinion, this provides the necessary connection between theoretical knowledge and reality. He examined the use of visualization in the classroom and its combination with verbal teaching methods.

As a result, the following options were identified:

  • Students, under the guidance of a teacher, conduct observation and, on its basis, draw conclusions about the properties of objects and their relationships.
  • The teacher organizes observation, and then helps the children to independently comprehend those connections that cannot be seen or touched.
  • The teacher presents the material, confirming or illustrating his words with the help of visualization.
  • First, observation is carried out, and then the teacher summarizes the data obtained, explains the hidden causes of the phenomenon, draws conclusions.

Self-production of manuals

Many types of visualization - posters, drawings, handouts, charts, tables, slides, models, etc. can be made by the children themselves. Such work allows you to better assimilate the material, creatively rework it. Making visual aids can be homework or a research project.

Children first study the material, then transform it according to their own abilities. At this stage, you can make several sketches in order to choose the best one later. It is important to create an atmosphere of cooperation in the classroom, when all work is carried out at ease and you can turn to an adult for help at any time. Ready-made manuals are demonstrated and protected in front of the whole class, and then used in educational activities.

Visibility is the foundation for the formation of abstract thinking, but it must be treated consciously. Otherwise, you can lead your students aside, forgetting about the real goal and replacing it with a bright means.