A new perspective on literacy. Assessment of the performance of tasks and the scales used

). It includes 30 countries, our country is not yet included. The unofficial name of this organization is the Council of the Richest Countries in the World. OECD countries account for about 60% of world GDP. So the OECD is a very authoritative organization.

PISA tests

The PISA test (Program for International Student Assessment), which is devoted to the study of the “competencies” of 15-year-old schoolchildren, is a little special among these studies.

PISA tests are conducted every 3 years, and then during the year the results are processed, analyzed and, as a rule, published in December. Therefore, the results of research, for example, PISA-2003 were published in December 2004, and the results of PISA-2006 - in December 2007.

The 2006 PISA survey involved about 400,000 students from 57 countries, representing a total of nearly 20 million 15-year-old students in these countries.

Russia took part in the tests PISA-2000, PISA-2003, PISA-2006.

In Russia, the PISA study is carried out by the Center for the Assessment of the Quality of Education of the Institute of Content and Teaching Methods Russian Academy Education (http://centeroko.ru) with the active participation of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, Federal Service on supervision in the field of education and science, educational authorities of 45 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and various regional organizations dealing with educational problems.

The specificity of PISA testing is that students are offered non-standard learning objectives, but problem situations that are close to real.

It should be emphasized that the PISA study is not aimed at determining the level of mastery of school programs, but at assessing the ability of students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired at school in life situations.

According to PISA experts, training in modern world should be based on basic knowledge in this discipline, but knowledge should be able to use in situations that will have to be encountered in life.

The PISA 2006 study related to the natural science literacy of students (for more details http://centeroko.ru, http://vio.fio.ru/vio_55/cd_site/Articles/art_3_8.htm), as well as in previous cycles of the program (PISA 2000 , 2003), reading literacy and mathematical literacy were assessed.

In Russia, the PISA study was conducted in 210 educational institutions from 45 regions and covered 6154 15-year-old students. This sample is considered representative. It included students of the main and high school who at the time of testing turned 15 years old, as well as 15-year-olds pupils and students educational institutions primary and secondary vocational education.

Looking ahead, we present the results for Russia, taking into account the errors of the statistical study.

Test type

Places occupied by Russia (from 57 countries)

Reading literacy

Mathematical literacy

Reading literacy

An unprepared reader may be confused about the title of this section (and indeed the title of the article!). Indeed, if a person is literate, then, of course, he can read! What kind of additional "reading literacy" can we talk about?

Let's introduce the concepts reading and literacy and consider their definitions. On the site National Institute Literacy (National Institute for Literacy) is given special attention http://www.nifl.gov/nifl/facts/reading_facts.html.

Under by reading is understood as a complex system for extracting information from printed material, which requires:

  • skills and knowledge to understand how speech sounds relate to printed;
  • the ability to decipher unfamiliar words;
  • ability to read fluently;
  • sufficient training and vocabulary for reading comprehension;
  • formation of an active position for understanding the meaning of what has been read;
  • development and support of motivation for reading.

Literacy is defined as the ability of an individual to read, write and speak for a qualified solution of professional, family and social problems.

But the new term for us, literacy in reading, implies the ability of an individual to understand, apply and critically comprehend (reflect) textual information in accordance with the existing goals of individual development, renewal and acquisition of new knowledge and for full participation in society. (http: //www.oecd center.hse.ru/newpub/education/ed_11.html)

In Russian-language literature, the preposition "in" has been reduced. The term “reading literacy” is often used as “reading literacy”, which may be incorrect, but, unfortunately, practically in general use. We will use both readings.

To assess the reading literacy of schoolchildren in the framework of PISA-2006, indicators developed for the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) are used, but with an integrated “active” component of PISA, which, in addition to understanding the text, provides for its interpretation based on existing ideas and experience. Students' reading literacy (within the framework of PISA 2006) was assessed on the basis of their ability to perceive and work with various text forms (for example, letterhead texts, lists, texts enclosed in diagrams and graphs) and various forms of text presentation (such as narration, argumentation and description), most often used in adulthood; based on the general competence of the student in reading, including the skills of situational isolation and use of texts. (http: // www. oecd center.hse.ru/newpub/education/ed_11.html )/

Definitions reading and reading literacy change in accordance with changes in society, economy and culture. The concept of lifelong learning has expanded the concept of reading literacy and the requirements for it.

Literacy is no longer seen as a skill acquired in childhood early years learning. We can say that reading literacy is understood as a constant ability to acquire and expand the set of knowledge, skills and strategies that a person uses in various life situations, living in society, communicating with their own kind.

PISA experts in the concept reading literacy invest the ability to acquire and develop knowledge and potential for life in society while reading texts.

Concept reading literacy implies an active "dialogue" role of the reader in gaining knowledge from texts. This is within the framework of the concept of the implementation of individual aspirations: from certain - getting an education or a job to more high goals associated with the enrichment and expansion of the spiritual life of the individual. Literacy endows the reader with a set of linguistic tools that are becoming more and more in demand in modern society, with its complex institutions, bureaucracy and complex legal structures.

Types of tests

The experts write about two types of texts used in the study. These are the so-called continuous texts ( Continuous texts ) ... Continuous texts are usually composed of sentences, which, in turn, are organized into paragraphs, chapters, sections.

Great importance is attached to another category of texts that are not continuous ( Non-continuous texts) ... These texts include diagrams and graphs, maps, tables, forms, applications, which are used for the purpose of systematization and more visual presentation of information, scientific argumentation. We come across such texts in magazines and newspapers, in various instructions. Schoolchildren were offered both types of tests. Two test examples are discussed below. At the end of the article, in the table of links, there are three links to files in the. pdf, in which a large number of tests are given (in English).

Overall results by country

Let's discuss the results of a number of countries that participated in the testing. Table 1 shows not only the places, but also the average scores scored by different countries.

The first place was taken by Korea, "overtaking" the closest "pursuer" by 9 points. Korea has increased its results by 6.6% compared to the results of previous studies conducted in 2003. The leader is clearly reliable and not accidental. Finland is in second place. Then comes Hong Kong and Canada. Next, with a small margin, there is a whole group of countries, (the last in this row is Switzerland), which have results above the OECD average.

Unfortunately, the OECD website does not provide data for the United States for this type of testing, that is, only 56 countries are represented in this test.

All countries where results are above average in OECD, highlighted in the table with yellow fill. Countries with an average score below the OECD average are highlighted in green. Non-OECD countries are marked in blue.

The middle of the table (no shading) shows several countries with an “OECD average”. This average score is close to 500. Japan was the closest to this indicator, scoring 498 points, so to speak - the most characteristic country of this study.

Table 1.







New Zealand











Great Britain

























In the table, Russia is highlighted in red, with 440 points occupying the range of 37-40 places. She is in the company of countries such as Chile (442 points), Israel and Thailand (439 and 417 points, respectively).

The worst result was shown by Kyrgyzstan, which scored only 285 points, which was only 51% of the result of the "leader" and took 56th, last place.

In the top five countries (Korea, Finland, Hong Kong, Canada, New Zealand), the gaps between the "winners" are significant and range from 6 to 11 points. Further, the gaps are reduced and are, as a rule, values ​​from 1 to 3 points (however, there are several gaps of 5 points).

The table shows that the value of each point is comparatively high. Therefore, the gap between Russia and the leader, amounting to 116 points, seems to be quite significant.

It is interesting that the countries that, in our view, are among the leaders in scientific and technological progress: Japan (498 points), Great Britain (495 points), Germany (495 points), France (488 points), are not leaders in reading literacy. At the same time, Italy, which would seem to be a very highly developed country in our understanding, scored 469 points, which, of course, is higher than that of Russia, but noticeably lower than the OECD average.

Please note that at the head of the table are countries that are leaders in technological rather than scientific progress, but even among them there are countries about whose leadership in progress we know little (perhaps this is our lack of awareness): New Zealand (521) , Ireland (517), Liechtenstein (510), Netherlands (507), Estonia (501).

By the way, all the Baltic post-Soviet countries - Estonia (501), Latvia (479), Lithuania (470) - showed better results than Russia (440), although it would seem that the starting conditions in 1991 should have been close.

Note that these countries are in the table above countries such as Italy (469), Spain (461), Greece (460), Israel (439).

From the results of the table it follows that adolescents in the Baltic countries are more adapted to life in the 21st century than in countries with much more long history"Market" social relations.

Perhaps this feature is explained by the fact that in countries with a high number of points, society is developing towards a more harmonious behavior of the individual in society.

That is, it can be assumed that reading literacy is associated with a person's ability to understand well the world around him, and this, in turn, will be associated with his ability to settle in society. Such an assumption could explain the indicated oddities in this table.

But, of course, it is not at all a fact that a person who knows how to connect various facts with each other will feel comfortable in society. Maybe just the opposite, since he will see unresolved issues.

To be confident in the conclusion about the harmonious adaptation of adolescents in countries with high scores for reading literacy, it would be necessary to obtain independent information. For example, the number of suicides and antisocial acts among adolescents and adults in the respective countries. But such an analysis is beyond the scope of our article.

The results of Table 1 are illustrated graphically by the following slide taken from http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd /60/1/39750491.ppt /

Chart 1.

The horizontal axis shows the values ​​of the points scored, and the vertical axis shows the place of the country among other participating countries. The width of the "block" in the diagram characterizes the reliable interval of results (associated with statistical errors in measurement and processing).

The slide shows only OECD countries. Therefore, the results of Russia are not indicated here. Using the data in the table, we have schematically shown the location of Russia in this diagram. It can be seen that Russia "leads the group of laggards."

Reading literacy levels

It is not only the total number of points scored by a country that matters, but also how this number is formed. Therefore, the creators of the PISA tests talk about the structure of reading literacy.

To assess the level of reading literacy, PISA experts introduce 5 levels of reading literacy by "sorting" the answers according to these levels. (Six levels were introduced in the assessment of natural science literacy).

Below will be presented color charts, the color code of which is presented in our table.


Description of the level

Color code

The student has demonstrated

Level 5

High reading literacy

Deep understanding of complex texts, reproduction, combination, analysis of information. Understanding the nuances of language and logic. Critical reproduction and assessment based on hypotheses based on specialized knowledge or unexpected concepts.

4th level

Increased reading literacy

Comprehension of long and complex texts. The meaning of individual parts, taking into account the whole. The text may contain ambiguous ideas, incorrectly and inconsistently formulated. Using formal knowledge, critical assessments.

Level 3

Average reading literacy

Recognition and establishment of relationships between separate parts of the text based on several ideas in the text, which may clearly contain conflicting information. Combining, comparing, detailed understanding of relationships, words and phrases based on everyday knowledge.

2nd level

Basic reading literacy

Understanding and highlighting one or more simple ideas in a text that may contain conflicting information. The ability to draw simple conclusions based on the establishment of comparisons and connections, based on personal experience and knowledge.

1st level

Below baseline

Ability to understand and highlight the main topic and purpose in a simple, consistent text, dealing with a familiar topic, based on everyday knowledge.

Below level 1

Significantly below baseline

Are unable to complete the items on the lightest PISA tests.

The results are graphically presented in the form of colored "bars".

These bars represent each reading literacy level as a colored area, the height of which corresponds to the percentage of students who achieve that reading literacy level.

The best results are in the dark green zone (level 5 literacy), the worst results are in the red and dark red zones (level 1 of competence and those who have not reached level 1). There are only 6 zones, although there are 5 levels of competence.

It should be noted separately that to assess reading literacy, in contrast to tests to determine natural science literacy, a different rating scale is introduced. The zero reference level is the ceiling of the second literacy level.

It is believed that students who find themselves above the ceiling of the 2nd zone (that is, in the light orange, yellow and green zones) are capable of independent life in the 21st century (with varying degrees of success), since they have the necessary skills to work with text for full functioning in society.

Students whose results are in the dark red zone will require additional attention upon graduation to adapt to community conditions.

Consider a chart illustrating the distribution of reading literacy across a number of countries in the study. In this chart, the horizontal axis represents the participating countries, and the vertical axis represents the percentage contribution of each literacy level. The ceiling of the second level of reading literacy is chosen as the zero point along the vertical axis.

Note that the OECD website contains results for all member countries. We will consider only the following groups of countries: leading countries; countries for which the overall score is close to the results of Russia; and countries are clear outsiders.

Chart 2.

The authors of the chart first aligned all countries (as already mentioned) to the ceiling of the base "orange" zone, and then ranked the countries by decreasing the position of the top edge of each "bar". Therefore, in the diagram, countries are not ordered according to their places in table 1.

From left to right, as a rule, the size of the "green" zones decreases and the size of the "red" zones grows.

As a rule, if some country has a large "green" zone, then the "red" zone is small and vice versa.

However, there are also exceptions, for example, Belgium, Germany.

We present these values ​​(in percent) in terms of literacy levels for the leading countries (Korea, Finland), Japan (close to the OECD average), Russia, as well as the outsider country of Kyrgyzstan.

Literacy Rate

OECD average

Korea (1st place)

Finland (2nd place)


In terms of high levels (4-5), Russia is very much behind Korea (10.7% in total versus 54.4%) - almost 5 times, and Russia's result is 3 times different from the OECD average.

At the base level (3rd) Russia (24.0%) is close to the OECD average (27.8%) and the leader (27.2%).

And, finally, for students who have mastered the basic level and below the basic level, Russia is in the lead (51.7%), but this leadership cannot please. The remaining 13.6% refer to potential socially and professionally difficult adapting schoolchildren.

Thus, in Korea, 21.7% of teenagers showed results of the 5th level, in Finland - only 16.7%, and in Russia - only 1.7%.

Japan's performance closely follows the OECD average.

The main contribution to the indicators of Russia comes from 1 - 3 levels, while Korea and Finland - from 3 - 5 levels.

Let's illustrate this table with bar graphs. Let us align these diagrams in the same way as in Diagram 1, that is, along the “ceiling” of the “base” (orange) zone. For comparison, we wanted to put data for Kyrgyzstan, but we were unable to do this, since most of the bar (~ 90%) is below the zero level.

Note that for natural science literacy, the alignment was carried out along the ceiling of the “red zone”, which had a very definite meaning: schoolchildren who fell into the red zone were considered poorly adapted to life in the society of the 21st century. But in case reading literacy PISA 2006 experts for some reason draw the border on basic level literacy (align with the ceiling of the orange zone).

Chart 3.

We see that in the upper levels (4-5) Russia "lags behind" the leaders - Korea and Finland, and quite significantly, at times. Shows similar results for level 3 and then Russian results at low levels, they begin to significantly exceed, and also at times.

If we consider separately high levels, middle and low, then the picture becomes more vivid, and somewhat even intriguing.

Generally speaking, one should expect that the results on the structure of natural science literacy and literacy in reading should be close to each other (that is, if a person analyzes texts well, then he owns his knowledge sufficiently to apply them to the analysis of these texts). Indeed, the table below compares the results of the OECD average for these two types of literacy. We get a good similarity of the results.

In the next two columns, for the leading countries in these two tests, we again get the similarity of the results. In other words, we can assume that if a person understands the read text, then he also successfully uses natural science knowledge.

Imagine our surprise when we found out that Russia is going some special way here too (the last two columns in the table)!

Namely, at the main level, Russia shows fairly similar results in natural science and reading literacy. But on the other two levels, the picture changes.

A mystery for us is - how did it happen that for "advanced" schoolchildren with a high level of literacy, natural science literacy was better than reading literacy? It seemed to us that it should be the other way around!

It turns out that

  • Natural science education (and “alignment” with everyday thinking) in Russia is better organized than the development of “everyday” thinking proper.
  • There is no transferability of thinking skills acquired in natural science teaching. In other words, in natural science teaching, the "knowledge" rather than "competence" approach prevails.

OECD average

(Reading literacy)

OECD average


(Science literacy)


(Reading literacy)

Science literacy

(Reading literacy)

High level (4, 5 and 6 levels).

Main level

Have not mastered the basic level (1 and below 1)

Naturally, there is a desire to see what kind of tests they are and to pass the test yourself. The Appendix contains two examples of tests, and one of the authors (YALI), a former physicist with more than 20 years of professional experience, author of monographs and articles, decided to see what could be the matter.

Let's say right away that he failed in the most shameful way.

Its explanation is interesting. Next - speech in the first person.

I believed that the tests were aimed at identifying competence thinking and a systematic approach, and therefore I decided: “Now I’ll show the class,” and began to carefully (emphasize - CAREFULLY) analyze the text. In the case of Example-1, where it is about the properties of shoes, and where the merits of soft shoes are carefully considered, I expected to find a material by which I would make (and how could it be otherwise!) detailed analysis for stiff shoes (see Example text). On this they caught me. It was necessary to answer in one phrase, and I was looking for materials for analysis ... It turned out to be wrong.

In the second example, it was necessary to compare two diagrams and give an answer. But I was sure that something was required analytical thinking! First of all, I thought about what caves can be in the desert? It turned out that the Sahara was a prosperous area in antiquity (http://egypt-info.ru/about/nature_geography/desertsofegypt.html) (knowledge, apparently, of the 6th grade).

Further, I noticed that in the text and in the diagram we are talking about two different factors- the water level in the lake and the depth of the lake. Ideas about the high level and depth of the lake - for me personally - are somewhat different things. What is depth? Is it measured as the thickness of the water layer or as the depth of the pit? When dry, the level decreases, but the depth remains unchanged. Are you talking about maximum depth or average? From what point of reference is the water level measured? How are they related to each other? Has the topography of the lake bottom changed over these thousands of years? What is the drying up period if the lake is still dry? In general, I gave up, as there was not enough data for me.

We can say that the excessive meticulousness of the approach let me down.

For the purity of the experiment, I offered these tests to the boys who were "at hand", however, 16-year-olds. They EASILY solved them (each solved it alone). When I began to ask the same question about the ratio of depth and height: “Were you not embarrassed that different parameters are being considered?”, The answer struck me: “I didn’t notice it”. To the question: “And what could be the“ drying out period ”here, when there was a LOT of water in the lake?

Looking ahead, I will say that the correct answer is after 1000 years falling level, and the picture shows decreasedepths. Of course, for water in a basin, these two parameters are unambiguously related. But is it legitimate to model Lake Chad in the form of a basin? - it turned out that it is not only possible, but also necessary.

Well, well - I said to myself - I can hardly confidently assert that these tests check READING LITERACY. Rather, this is some kind of test, sorry for the unscientific term, "read tenacity", the ability to snatch the desired phrase out of context, and not at all the ability to COMPARE different facts... I would not call the result obtained a confirmation of the competence thinking of these adolescents.

Roughly speaking, it is possible that the poor results of Russian adolescents in reading literacy are associated with the lack of "test training".

In addition, there may be a national style of writing, a national style of "reading literacy". Therefore, one cannot use the yardsticks of one style to approach the study of the degree of understanding of texts of another style.

In addition, the structure of synonymy in different languages and different countries- different.

So, for example, in the question of shoes, the literary translation of the phrase "stiff shoes impedes movement" should have sounded like "stiff, unbending shoes impede the movement of the foot."

V English text to describe stiff shoes, the term “rigid” is used, that is, not capable of changes. In the Russian language - the translation is "tough", although it reflects the meaning of the term, but still - the word is different. For example, a Russian person will say "tough pillow", "tough meat", and in English "Tough meat", but Rigid pillow.

We do not know exactly how the tests were translated into Russian.


The 2006 PISA reading literacy scores are puzzling. Although in terms of the points scored (440 points) it is qualitatively close to the results in natural science literacy (479 points), the structure of the results in reading literacy does not agree with that in natural science literacy. From general considerations, one would expect that natural science literacy to a certain extent depends on the ability to read and understand texts, plus the ability to use certain knowledge. And this, in turn, should have yielded worse results in natural science literacy than in reading literacy, especially at low levels! But somehow it turned out the other way around!

Accordingly, the question arises: so what measuresPISA (at least in Russia)?

True, in any case, neither the general place of Russia, nor the structure of results in reading literacy are encouraging.



Wellness for your runners

For 14 years, the Center for Sports Medicine in Lyon (France) has been studying injuries of novice athletes and professionals. The study found that The best way Is prevention ... and good footwear.

Blows, falls, injuries and grief ...

Eighteen percent of sports players between the ages of 8 and 12 already have a heel injury. The cartilage of a football player's ankle is not protected from blows, so 25% of professionals believe that these are their weak points.

Thin knee cartilage can also be damaged if precautions are not taken starting at the age of 10-12, eventually leading to arthritis. The thigh is in danger - if it is "overworked", then there is a risk of fractures from falls or collisions.

It has been observed that footballers who have played for over 10 years have bumps on their toes or heels. This defect is known as the foot of the footballer and is associated with boots that have overly flexible soles and the part that protects the ankles.

Protection, support, stabilization, absorption If the shoe is too stiff, it restricts movement; if it is too flexible, it increases the risk of injuries and sprains. Good athletic shoes must meet four criteria:

  • Should be provided external protection: Resistant to being hit by the ball or another player, insensitive to floor irregularities, and keeping feet warm and dry in cold and rainy weather.
  • Necessary support a leg, and especially the ankle joint, avoid sprains that can cause knee problems.
  • Shoes should also provide players sustainability so that they do not slip on wet or dry surfaces.
  • Finally, the shoes must absorb shocks associated with playing volleyball or basketball, when players are constantly bouncing. Dry feet Shoes must be able to evaporate sweat and moisture to prevent corns, cracks or athlete's foot (fungal infection). The ideal material for this is leather, which can be waterproof and won't absorb moisture when it rains.


According to the article, why shouldn't athletic shoes be too stiff?CORRECT ANSWER : Stiff shoes restrict movement.


DrawingA. Lake Chad: level change.

Chad level change in North Africa.

The lake disappeared completely about 20,000 years ago, during the last Ice Age. It reappeared about 11,000 years ago. Today its level is the same as 1000 years ago.

BC- to N.E .; AD- N.E.

DrawingB. Change in the structure of the fauna of the Sahara.

Change in the structure of the fauna in the Sahara Desert (ancient drawings or paintings found on the walls of caves).


To answer the question, you must use the information contained in these two figures.

The disappearance of rhinos (rhinoceros), hippopotamuses (hippopotamus) and bison (aurochs) in the Sahara happened:

A. At the beginning of the last Ice Age

C. In the middle of the period when Lake Chad had the most high level

C. After more than 1000 years of falling

D. At the beginning of a long drying period.


C. After more than 1000 years of decline.

Other examples of tests in large numbers

Naukeeva A.D.,

teacher of the Russian language and literature of the 1st category
Regional Kazakh specialized boarding school
complex for gifted children No. 11 named after S. Seifullin,

“Our path to the future is associated with the creation of new opportunities for unlocking the potential of Kazakhstanis. ... In secondary education, you need to improve general education schools to the level of teaching in Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools. School graduates should know Kazakh, Russian and english languages... The result of teaching schoolchildren should be their mastery of the skills of critical thinking, independent search and deep analysis of information. "

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev

Today, our education system is faced with the problem of increasing the competitiveness of education, its adaptation to the emerging realities of life, since in modern society a person lives and acts in conditions that require high professionalism and significant intellectual efforts to make correct decisions in various life situations. In recent decades, society has realized the importance of continuing education associated with the need for a person to change several types of activities during life. The ability to read can no longer be considered an ability acquired at an early age. school age, and boil down only to mastering the reading technique. Now it is a constantly evolving body of knowledge, skills and abilities, i.e. the quality of a person, which improves throughout his life in different situations of activity and communication.

Of particular interest are studies of international trends in assessing the quality of education, the study of monitoring systems for learning outcomes, primarily schoolchildren. One of the leading international organizations for monitoring the quality of education in the world is the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), among the priority educational projects which is the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment).

The research step by step expanded the concept of reading literacy, introducing into it such important features as the ability to understand “the linguistic forms of expression required by society,” “the use of written information” for the successful implementation of the goals set by a person, etc. These features took them beyond literal understanding. reading process and set new tasks for researchers.

What is reading literacy? Reading literacy is proposed to mean a person's ability to comprehend written texts and reflect on them, to use their content to achieve their own goals, develop knowledge and opportunities, for active participation in the life of society..

It seems that in this definition, each of the named signs of the concept is important. Word literacy implies success in students' mastering of reading as a means of implementing their future plans: continuing education, preparing for labor activity, participation in labor and social life.

The essence concepts make up signs: understanding,reflection and usage... They are interconnected and enrich each other. Reflection involves thinking about the content (or structure) of the text, transferring it to the sphere of personal consciousness. Only in this case can we talk about understanding text about the possibility use of a person of its content in different situations of activity and communication.

The words written text means printed, handwritten or displayed texts in which natural language is used. Such text may include visual images in the form of diagrams, pictures, maps, tables, graphs, although it excludes the use of films, television images, animation, pictures without words, which require a different perception strategy. Due to the inclusion of visual images, texts can be divided into solid (without such images) and non-continuous (with such images).

Kazakhstan first took part in the international program for assessing the knowledge and skills of students PISA in 2009, then in 2012. This 2015, Kazakh students will once again test for functional literacy in PISA exams with an emphasis on students' natural science literacy, which will include a block of reading literacy tasks. Kazakhstan's participation in international issresearch PISA is becoming a traditional monitoring of Kazastan education, which our students will face.

Therefore, Kazakhstan took a course on the development of functional reading literacy, mathematical literacy, natural science. This Government program development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020, the National Action Plan for 2012-2016 on the development of functional literacy of schoolchildren, etc. As a result, many teachers were able to study at level courses according to the "Program of advanced training courses teaching staff Republic of Kazakhstan". The refresher courses focus on teaching functional literacy.

I work as a teacher of Russian language and literature. I teach at the regional Kazakh specialized boarding school a complex for gifted children No. 11 named after S. Seifullin. Over the years of work, I have concluded that the development of children's communication skills through reading literacy, for whom Russian is not their native language, is a priority for me, as a teacher of the Russian language in a Kazakh school, and also that we live in a polylingual society, the ability to competently it is considered very important to express your thoughts. I thought a lot about why such a paradoxical situation is created: the exam in the Russian language passes perfectly (testing), and the graduate has poorly developed communication skills, reading literacy.

In my lessons, I develop reading literacy through the use of critical thinking techniques "Six Hats", Insert, syncwines, RAFT, Venn diagrams, reflection-essays, self-assessment, building mental maps, etc.

I will dwell on the development of reading literacy among 9th grade students, since I have been teaching with them for more than a year, I know their age characteristics, their potential. It is very important for me that this year they will take the state exam of the basic school in the Russian language. The oral exam, in the form of tickets, implies reading, speaking and writing.

The goals of standard programs in Russian language and literature of 9th grade. is the formation and development of the ability of practical application of communicative competence in the main spheres of speech communication by appropriate linguistic means, as well as the development of analytical and creative abilities in the interpretation of a literary text; expression of an active personal position in relation to the spiritual values ​​of the art of the word. This, in turn, contributes to the implementation of "... the ability of an individual on the basis of knowledge, skills and abilities to function normally in the system of social relations, to adapt as quickly as possible in a specific cultural environment."

How to organize teaching functional reading literacy in the classroom? First, you need to change the approach to building lessons, namely the position of the teacher. His position is secondary: to guide, help, correct. Learning to conduct in an interactive mode on the principle of "student - student", which implies dialogical learning. This is work in pairs, micro groups.

The positive influence of dialogical teaching on student learning has been proven by many prominent researchers. So, Cambridge professor Robin Alexander concluded that Through dialogue, teachers can bring out the “common sense” of students on a daily basis, interact with their ideas, and help them overcome misunderstandings. ... In dialogue, students (as well as teachers) are equal partners, making every effort to obtain an agreed result and experiencing and developing the process of joint acquisition of knowledge. "

Tasks for the performance of mainly search, research, creative nature, problematic explanation of a new topic, the creation of mini-projects. Obtain the necessary information from textbooks, additional literature, dictionaries, Internet resources, i.e. different sources. Perform work in workbooks, flipcharts, creating posters, on interactive whiteboard... Here I will note that the Activstudio program, in my opinion, is somewhat outdated, since it assumes work for only one student - one pen. Another thing is the Padlet virtual whiteboard, which allows the whole class to simulate a virtual wall in real time at the same time, showing the results of their work on it, while being available for reading, correcting, and exchanging information.

We are language teachers mainly work with solid texts. The tasks in the textbooks of the Russian language and literature are also aimed at this. In my lessons, I achieve complete understanding the text that is provided for in reading literacy. This is familiarity with the text, its comprehension: I propose to indicate the topic, idea, title the text, find keywords and phrases. Title the text so that the title reflects its main idea. At the same time, students learn to exclude unnecessary things and choose the basic, necessary. This task is not easy, the pupils work out the primary skills for its implementation through the game "The fourth extra", when a set of 4 words is given, three of which are similar in meaning, common morphological features, etc.

Then I propose to formulate a thesis that expresses the general meaning of the text or to find a sentence in the text that contains the main idea of ​​the author; to determine the type of text and style of speech, while substantiating your answer, to prove the point of view on the basis of examples-signs of belonging to a particular type, style, found in the text. All this contributes to the development of reading literacy.

When studying styles of speech, types of text, I offer several texts united by one topic, genre, type: narration, description, reasoning. Students need to determine what unites these texts, how they differ. Similar, but easier tasks are selective dictations, selective cheating, tasks for writing out sentences of a certain type. For example, when studying the topic "BSP with explanations, additions, reasons" I suggest the students the following task: to write off sentences, distributing them into groups: 1) a simple sentence with homogeneous members, 2) BSP. Explain colon stop. They differ from the tasks in the PISA tests in that the tasks are of a grammatical nature, which require specific knowledge of the rules of the Russian language. Without knowledge of the rules, it is impossible to fulfill them, i.e. general educational skills students are trained within the boundaries academic subjects... The PISA question-and-answer tasks introduce learners into a social and privacy, who are waiting for them outside the school, and they need reading to solve public and private problems, little attention is paid to grammar than in those tasks that are given in our textbooks. After all, we provide for the development of competent oral and written speech... The texts on which we work are mainly fiction, addressed to the conscience and morality of everyone.

So, in literature lessons in 9th grade. studied works of Old Russian literature ("The Tale of Igor's Campaign"), 18th century writers M.V. Lomonosov "Ode on the day of her Majesty Empress Elizabeth Petrovna's accession to the All-Russian throne, 1747", N.M. Karamzin " Poor Lisa", Classic works of art"Gypsies", " Captain's daughter"A.S. Pushkin," Mtsyri "M.Yu. Lermontov," Overcoat "N.V. Gogol," Russian women "N.А. Nekrasov are far from the reality into which the tasks are introduced by the questions in the PISA study. The PISA tests contained texts called "Police Scientific Weapons", consisting of a journal article on the use of genetic analysis for crime investigations, and three short scientific articles explaining the article, describing in a figurative form the essence of DNA and its recognition in the laboratory. ... Assignments-questions are aimed, as we have in the study of classical literature, at the discovery of information in texts, its interpretation. It turns out that there is only one approach to reading literacy tasks, but the content of the texts is different.

The tasks on reading literacy, what we have, what in the study are similar: to determine about what problems ..., what event ..., what changes ... what made the hero ... , to questions with a limited answer or with an open short answer, that is, knowledge of the content). However, it cannot be said that the study did not contain texts of fiction and journalistic works (story, fable, advertising leaflet, popular science article, fragments from a novel, etc.), of course they were. When reading texts of fiction for the development of reading literacy in students, I practice the method of critical thinking "Insert", the purpose of which is to teach to highlight the main thing, to facilitate the exchange of views on new information in the group.

For example, when studying the topic "Compound sentences", I invited the students to study it on their own. The study of a new topic was carried out according to the "535" method. Pupils in a group (group of 5 people) read independently for 5 minutes new material from a textbook, Internet resources, discussed the rules read, found and wrote out three key ideas on a flipchart. Then they orally presented their mini-project for a set time, that is, a speech of no more than 2-3 minutes, where the listeners evaluated their oral answers, and corrected their speech errors along the way. This assignment aims to assess ability to find information in the text... A task of this type for students is not new, the skills of performing this kind of exercises are found in grammar, for example, to determine the number of numerals in the text, “how many the total quantitative, ordinal, collective? "," find synonyms, antonyms, homonyms. " These tasks include the questions “Do you share the opinion of the author? Give reasons for your answer "or Do you agree that ... Give reasons for your answer."

For rate skills interpret the text, develop its conceptual meaning students are invited to compare and contrast the information contained in the text with information from other sources or personal experience, find arguments in it in support of the theses put forward, draw conclusions from the formulated premises, according to the content of the text, draw a conclusion about the intention of the author or the main idea of ​​the text, find arguments confirming opinions, statements, explain the title of the text.

An example of an assignment for comparison, I will give from my lesson when studying the topic "SSP with connecting unions" using the technique of critical thinking "Six hats". I suggested to the students to analyze information from textbooks, information resources on the topic "SSP with connecting unions" and from watching a video parable on the topic "Individual approach" and build a logical connection between the lexical and grammatical topics. Observation showed: students, through exchange of views, discussions, clarifying questions, listening carefully to each other, conducted complex situational, comparative, comparative analyzes in team activities (microgroups of 3 students). And in literature lessons, most of all, students show skills comparative analysis poetry and prose, literary characters, heroes of romanticism and realism, bring out the similarities and differences.

For rate , that is, it implies a sufficiently high level of mental abilities, moral and aesthetic development of students. A test of skills such as distinguishing between objective and subjective information, linking text information with facts / events of reality, and arguing one's point of view is carried out. Such an assignment in my lessons is writing a review, annotations. Since I work in a school for gifted children, completing such an assignment does not present any particular difficulty for my students. They can write a review, an annotation on the text, on the read work of fiction both in the school curriculum and in extracurricular reading, or a watched feature film staged on the work under study.

I practice the primary skills for the successful writing of a review, annotation, in each lesson at the stages of challenge and reflection, when I ask them to independently formulate the goal of the lesson on questions using keywords, for example, when studying the topic "SSP with adversary conjunctions", I asked the students to answer questions “What do we learn? What can we learn? How are we going to work? What will we get as a result? " and the keywords "SSP ..., speech ..., group ..., performance ..., respect ..., fairness ...", by the end of the lesson at the reflection stage, for the same questions, but with verbs in the past tense, I invite students to write a reflection-essay. I leave the keywords to help and unchanged, it is easier for the students to complete the assignment, and at the same time they practice the skills to conduct a conversation without losing the thread of the topic of conversation.

Tasks for practicing skills reflections on the content of the text in literature lessons I use questions that require formulation and argumentation own opinion, give reasons in defense of your point of view, prove your answer, substantiate your point of view; answer the questions “What associations does the name of the main character evoke in you?”, “Express your attitude to the position of the author / hero”, “How does the author relate to his hero? What is the author's position in relation to the main character? Justify your opinion ”,“ What surprised you the most in this passage? Why? ”,“ Do you think the topic “ little man"In our days", "What shortcomings of public life the author ridicules in the work", that is, the method of critical thinking "Questions of a high order", "Bloom's Chamomile". In Russian lessons - texts with errors, where students are offered the game "Proofreader"; tasks for the reconstruction of sentences or text; explain the meaning of phraseological units, proverbs, aphorisms, come up with a situation in which they would be used.

For rate reflections on the form of text presentation it is important that the reader, completing the assignments, evaluate not only the content of the text, but also its form, and in general - the skill of its execution. Here, the development of skills is assumed: to detect irony, humor, various shades of meaning expressed by a word. This aspect of understanding the text implies a sufficient development of critical thinking and the independence of aesthetic judgments. To complete such tasks, the student had to possess knowledge about the structure of the text, the peculiarities of the genre, the ability to detect irony, humor, shades of thought expressed in words in the text, to detect the ability to hear the author's voice and to distinguish the author's assessments of the depicted.

In literature lessons I use the following tasks. “Does the author / character have a sense of humor? Give examples from the text ”,“ Why do you think the author abandoned the optimistic ending? Come up with your own version of the ending of the work "," What romantic and realistic features are combined in the works of the author? " or find epithets, metaphor, personification, comparison, hyperbole, alliteration in a poem, that is, tropes, stylistic figures.

To summarize the given examples of assignments from my work experience, I, as every language teacher, do only part of what is inherent in the PISA exams. Applying the tasks on reading literacy, I noticed that students study with great interest, it is easier to overcome communication barriers in communication. If a weak student finds it difficult to do something, then he can turn to a strong one for help without hesitation. Strong gifted students are more active in making contact, helping the weak. Analyzing the activity of students in my lessons, their answers, ways of solving tasks by them, I came to the conclusion that functional literacy of reading really broadens the horizons, forms a worldview, interest in conscious learning, and creates motivation for completing more complex tasks.


  1. AOO "Nazarbayev Intellectual schools". (2012) A teacher's guide. Second (main level).
  2. Kasparzhak A.G., Mitrofanov K.G., Polivanova K.N. et al. A new look at literacy. Newspaper "September 1" "Russian language" №15 / 2005
  3. International PISA program. Examples of assignments in reading, mathematics, science. Compiled by: G.S. Kovaleva, Ph.D., K.A. Krasnovsky, Ph.D. et al. IOSO, RAO, 2003.
  4. The main results of the international study educational achievement 15-year-old students of PISA-2012. A. Kultumanova, G. Berdibaeva, B. Kartpaev, I. Imanbek, K. Sharbanova, M. Rakhimova, Zh. Zhumabaev, Z. Pirnepesova, B. Okenova, A. Uvalieva. Astana: NTsOSO, 2013.
  5. Internet resources. The article "Brief information about international study PISA ". http://goo.kz/content/view/44/4416.
  6. Internet resources. Article "Formation of functional literacy of students is the guarantee of their happy future"



Branch of JSC "National Center for Advanced Studies" Orleu "Institute for Advanced Studies of Teachers in the West Kazakhstan region

Department innovative technologies and methods of teaching natural science (humanitarian) disciplines


Reading literacy as a component of functional literacy


FULL NAME. teachers; school name; district

1.Kitarova Laila Tolybaevna

Tasmola secondary school, Chingirlau district


FULL NAME. project manager, position

Z.Zh. Moldagalieva, Head of the Department of Innovative Technologies and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences

(humanitarian) disciplines



Uralsk, 2014

Introduction ..................................................................................................

Main part

1. Mastering functional literacy ...............................

2. Types of texts and how to use them in study assignments

3. Relevance of the topic................................................ ......................

4. The system of work on the formation of functional literacy ............................................ ......................................

Conclusion................................................. ..............................................


Appendix ……………………………………………………………


Objective of the project: to form functional literacy of students


  1. Help students acquire functional literacy.
  2. Help learners to master mindful reading as a thinking tool.
  3. To promote the development of students' speech activity as a condition for the formation of communication skills.

Research methods:search and research, analytical, practical.

Practical application area:use the materials in the lessons of the Russian language and literature, in extracurricular activities, in extracurricular activities.


Functional literacy- the ability of a person to enter into relations with the external environment and adapt and function in it as quickly as possible. In contrast to elementary literacy as the ability of a person to read, understand, compose simple short texts and carry out the simplest arithmetic operations, functional literacy is an atomic level of knowledge, skills and abilities that ensures the normal functioning of a person in the system of social relations, which is considered the minimum necessary for the life of a person in a specific cultural environment.

Literacy is defined as the ability of an individual to read, write and speak to accomplish professional, family, and community problems, and this is emphasized on the National Institute for Literacy website. Term"Reading literacy"implies the ability of an individual to understand, apply and critically interpret (reflect) textual information in accordance with the existing goals of individual development, renewal and acquisition of new knowledge and for full participation in society.

In Russian-language literature, the preposition "in" has been reduced. The term “reading literacy” is often used as “reading literacy”. We will use both readings.

Students' reading literacy (within the framework of PISA 2006) was assessed on the basis of their ability to perceive and work with various text forms (for example, letterhead texts, lists, texts enclosed in diagrams and graphs) and various forms of text presentation (such as narration, argumentation and description), most often used in adulthood; based on the general competence of the student in reading, including the skills of situational isolation and use of texts.

PISA experts in the conceptreading literacyinvest the ability to acquire and develop knowledge and potential for life in society while reading texts.

In the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation
N. A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan The strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" dated 12/14/2012 says: "Our main goal is social security and the well-being of our citizens. This is the best guarantee of stability in society. There is a growing demand in our society for a renewed and more effective social policy, able to cope with the challenges of the time ”. Further, the President, defining knowledge and professional skills as« key benchmarks modern system education ", stresses: “ Our citizens must be ready to constantly master the skills of working with the most advanced equipment and the most modern production. It is also necessary to pay great attention to the functional literacy of our children, in general, of the entire younger generation. It is important that our children are adapted to modern life "

A basic school graduate must be distinguished by responsibility and initiative, productivity and efficiency, adaptability to dynamically changing conditions, the ability to make multiple choices, he must have functional literacy, the foundation of which is laid in the process of learning at school.

II Main part

1. Mastering functional literacy.

Functional literacy refers to the student's ability to freely use reading and writing skills in order to obtain information from the text (understanding, compression, transformation, etc.) and in order to convey such information in real communication. Functional literacy is the ability to use different types of reading: studying, viewing, introductory, moving from one system of reading and understanding techniques to another one that is adequate for a given purpose of reading and understanding and for a given type of text (reading flexibility);
2. Teaching full-fledged and correct reading activity:
Expansion of the active and passive vocabulary of students, a more complete mastery of the grammatical structure of the native and non-native languages, mastery of the system of stylistic and functional varieties of speech in relation to the active and passive vocabulary;
Mastering productive skills and abilities of various types of oral and written speech;
Mastering spelling and punctuation;
Mastering the skills and abilities of understanding and analyzing texts different types, orientation in the text, among which the most important is the ability to adequately perceive a literary text;
Acquisition and systematization of linguistic, primarily grammatical knowledge about the language, in order to provide orientation in the language system, necessary for the formation of speech skills and abilities, to ensure arbitrariness, intention and awareness speech activity in native and non-native languages;

2. Relevance of experience.
The relevance of work experience lies in resolving the contradiction between the inability to put the student in an active position of independent

literacy acquisition traditional program and the need for a transition to an independent student's activity based on the formation of the need for creativity and the development of creative abilities.
The developmental program is aimed at the transition from activities in a learning situation to activities in a life situation. Within the subject, students acquire functional literacy, i.e. fluently use reading and writing skills to receive and transmit information in real communication.
The change in the educational paradigm has also changed the content and approaches to learning. The most important component pedagogical process becomes a personality-oriented interaction of the teacher with students. In the psychological and pedagogical terms, there is a transition from learning as a function of memorization to learning as a process mental development allowing to use the learned, from external motivation to internal moral-volitional regulation (G.K. Selevko).
The work uses individual and differentiated forms of work, the predominant method is cognitive, through independent work. At the same time, there was a dialogue between the teacher and the student, the child's position was active and proactive, and the teacher's credo was “I am next to you”. In such conditions, an internal systematic motivation for mastering the functional literacy necessary for every student was constantly formed.

3. Types of texts and how to use them in educational assignments

Development of general educational skills- the way to a functionally competent person

Organizational skills

  • Define a goal
  • Draw up an action plan
  • Implement the plan
  • Correlate the result with the goal and evaluate it

Intellectual skills

  • Navigate the knowledge system
  • Be able to do preliminary selection information
  • Get new knowledge
  • Be able to process information
  • Be able to transform information

Communication skills

  • Communicate your position to others
  • Understand other positions
  • Negotiating with people to do something together

Assessment skills

  • Assess life situations in terms of norms and values
  • Explain your grades
  • Self-determination in the value system
  • Act and act in accordance with this value system and be responsible for your actions

In PISA documents, texts are characterized by:

  1. by structure ( solid / discontinuous),
  2. according to the situation (context) of the use or functioning of this text:
  • for personal purposes,
  • for public purposes,
  • for work purposes,
  • for education.

In addition, there are indications of the genre variety of texts, as well as a typology that combines the traditional for our schooldivision of texts into

  • description,
  • narration,
  • reasoning

AND division based on target setting:

  • explanation,
  • argumentation,
  • instruction.

The main areas of functioning of texts and their genre:

  • Mass media (popular science texts, texts with socially significant topics, advertising);
  • household or everyday life (services, shopping, travel, health);
  • business, or official;
  • aesthetic, or artistic;
  • educational.

A similar list based on our textbooks consists of two main points: educational and artistic. The use of texts from everyday, business spheres of communication and to texts from the media is assumed when studying functional styles in the course of the Russian language. In addition, you can find

non-educational texts in social studies, history, law courses, but their function is significantly different from the function of similar texts in the considered PISA materials.

The main differences can be summarized as follows:

Texts in PISA assignments

Texts in educational literature

1.The texts are groupedaround the person,that is, the starting point is the idea of ​​what texts and in what situations a modern person encounters, what communicative, organizational, information tasks he has to decide. In other words, the starting point is the idea of ​​the text environment of a modern person belonging to a certain culture, and, accordingly, the idea offunctional literacy.

1. Texts are grouped around the subject, around the concept of the authors of the textbook, at best, around the problem. The texts drawn from other spheres illustrate the statements, the train of thought of the authors of the textbook.

2. The attracted texts "pull along" the situation of their functioning:

The tasks that are set in relation to these texts are similar to the real tasks that arise in the life situations of meeting with such a text.

Happens, if I may say so,"Fitting" of various communicative roles.

The attracted texts "break away" from the situation in which they arise, and become material for the formulation and solution of other tasks that are not characteristic of them (The simplest example: insert missing letters in a fictional excerpt). Indirect evidence of such a separation and the use of non-educational texts as material for "reasoning about" is the mass practice of teaching literature, in which it is possible not to read the work itself, but to be successful in this subject.

The communicative role of the student remains unchanged.

A schoolchild most often deals with logically built, consistent, " smoothed "Educational texts, from which" unnecessary "information is excluded. Such a text is specially "adapted" for the learning situation.

The texts included in the PISA assignments are not texts specially created for educational purposes (so-called educational), but texts taken from "real life", from other spheres.

This difference is of a fundamental nature, since even with a common theme, we are dealing with completely different "text devices" and attitudes towards the addressee.

Reading in real practice is always built into more complex activities. The need to refer to the written text each time is dictated by different goals, which, in turn, requires the use of different strategies reading, performing a different set of actions, in addition to the general technical basis- transcripts of written signs. When analyzing PISA materials, common types tasks.

Types of Reading Literacy Challenges

The selection was based on:

  • reading purposes and
  • their respective reader actions

(in this case, the student).

Analytical (construction) tasks

The basis of the task is a certain information field (a set of facts, more or less ordered), which is specified as text (hypertext).

This can be verbal text, graph, diagram, drawing, etc.

The essential isincomplete, non-exhaustivedescription / presentation of the situation,mosaic, fragmentedwith information redundancy(noise).

The specificity of questions to the texts lies in the fact that they set a certain angle for considering the presented facts, require them




detecting missing elements to restore a complete information picture.

That is, the question requires a restructuring of the given information field.

Thus, tasks of this type require a certainreading strategies:

  • first a cursory acquaintance with all the information presented in the texts (in the process of this acquaintance, the general topic is determined, the information value of each fragment, the specifics of the information contained in it, etc.),
  • then already targeted, possibly repeated, return to texts, analysis of the information contained in them for a specific purpose.

Basic skills required to solve such problems:

  • extract comparable information from the text;
  • critically evaluate the information presented;
  • select the necessary information to advance a hypothesis, formulate evidence;

Connect the disparateInformational tasks

  • facts into a single information picture.

Tasks of this type are aimed at finding information in the text. A request for certain information arises in a specific situation:

  • need to know how to install computer program,
  • when to plant a given plant variety,
  • when and from which station does the train leave,
  • what are the consequences of violation of the rule, etc.

This type of task is characterized by search engine reading strategy. Finding accurate information can be part of both the analytical task and the interpretation task.

The main skills required when solving such problems:

  • formulate a request for information;
  • navigate the structure (device) of various kinds of texts.

Problems of this type are mainly based on business texts ( instruction, memo, announcement, contract etc.)

Interpretation tasks

In problems of this type, the concept of information noise does not work. Everything that is in the text is significant for the reconstruction of the author's intention, the semantic plan of the text. In tasks, as a rule, are used literary texts.

Interpretive tasks are aimed at retaining and correlating two planes of the text:

  • factual(event) and
  • semantic (symbolic ), because it is the semantic plan that makes the text artistic.

This explains the attention to seemingly insignificant details of the text (from the point of view of the events described).

Positional tasks

Tasks of this type involve:

2) determination of one's own position, its argumentation.

The text contains material for the reconstruction of the author's position. There are cases when the position is deliberately veiled ("noisy").

One of the important skills required to solve such problems is the ability to separatefactualcomponent of the text frominterpretive.

Problem options:

  • the text contains several positions, one of which is the position of the author;
  • the text contains several positions, while the author's position is not presented

Description of the task(profile)

When developing tasks for reading literacy, the following characteristics are taken into account:

Task type.

Characteristics of the text:

  • by belonging to the speech sphere:

* artistic,

* scientific,

* business,

* social and journalistic,

* household;

  • by homogeneity / heterogeneity: solid / not solid(including graphs, tables, charts, diagrams, maps, etc.);
  • on the basis of "one / many":simple - compound(hypertext).

Skills included in the concept of "reading literacy".

Each task is characterized in terms of the skills that are required to complete it.

The difficulty level of each task is determined on two scales:

* Basic Learning Skills and Skills

4. The system of work in the lessons of the Russian language on the formation of functional literacy.

In 5th and 6th grades, it is important to teach children flexible reading. Tasks for exercises by degree of difficulty may be different:
- determine the number of parts in the text; put a question to each part, draw up a plan;
- read, define the main idea of ​​the text, relate to the topic;
- extract from the text new information and formulate it main idea.
The speech mechanism develops on the following exercises:
- mechanism of equivalent substitutions;
- memory mechanism;
- text compression mechanism;
- the mechanism of foresight, prediction.
The task of developing the speech mechanism can be realized by completing tasks for free dictations and presentations of literary texts (detailed and concise retelling), composing an oral story in an artistic style according to these key words and phrases. Essays-narratives, essays-reasoning, a written answer to a question on the studied topic, I use to develop written educational and scientific speech, essays-descriptions (miniatures) by reference words, editing a literary text - to develop written colloquial speech with elements of artistic and modern artistic speech.
In the 7th grade, work on mastering functional literacy continues: texts of different types and styles are studied, special attention is paid to texts of journalistic style. Exercise tasks become more difficult:
- as you read, underline the words indicating that the text belongs to a certain style;
- prepare an oral story about the texts of any style according to the plan.
What style will your story be? ;
- write out words and sentences from a fragment of a newspaper article that indicate belonging to the journalistic style;
- state the text of the journalistic style in detail;
- define the type and style of the texts.
In the 7-8th grades, tasks for the formation of functional literacy involve the preparation of messages in an educational and scientific style about spelling contacts, using a plan and a table (7-8kl.), Determining the topic, type and style of speech of the text by the title and given beginning ( 8kl.).
Thus, for several years, purposeful work has been carried out to form students' linguistic, linguistic and communicative

competence. An important part of the work on the text is the definition of linguistic means that ensure the coherence of the text. Each proposed text contained test tasks by the definition of the style and type of speech, the type of connection (chain, parallel, mixed) between sentences, means of expressing interphrase connections in the text. Students identified:
words of one thematic group;
cognate words;
lexical repetition;
synonyms, antonyms;
pronoun substitution;
a set of tense forms of the verb;
introductory words; ⎫
interrogative and incomplete sentences;
adverbs, service parts of speech.
Working with the class, taking into account the psychophysiological properties of the students, I aim the children at the conscious mastering of the material, I create a situation of success for everyone. This is possible with thoughtful metering of the material, taking into account the capabilities of each of the groups of children, for example: for the 1st group - a concise presentation, for the 2nd - a detailed presentation, for the 3rd - a concise or detailed presentation with an element of reasoning. I try to evaluate the work in such a way that the evaluation is stimulating. I provide a free choice of tasks.
Preparing for the Olympiad, students can put their knowledge into practice, because it was necessary to write a detailed presentation of the first text, complete test tasks, independently analyze the second text and compare it with the text of the presentation, write a small essay-reasoning based on the 1st and 2nd texts.
The complex use of the text in Russian lessons makes it possible to use the same material, effectively using the time,

consider the issues of morphology, syntax, spelling and development of speech, which provides systematic repetition, connection with the studied material in literature lessons.Most children in primary grades it is common to make mistakes when using new spelling or grammar rules. These are temporary errors. As the studied material is consolidated, they are overcome. The Russian language is considered the most difficult subject. This discipline, which requires a lot of work, both from the teacher and from the student. Teaching the Russian language should be based on 3 pillars: my main attention, as a teacher, should be focused on the formation of spelling literacy of students. Because I believe that the literacy level of students is one of the most acute problems in education.

I consider one of the first directions in my work in teaching the Russian language to develop strong skills of competent writing. And since any skill, including spelling, is formed in activity and is the result of repeated actions, in the methodology of teaching spelling I pay serious attention to studying the patterns of such activities, as well as finding ways and means to increase the effectiveness of teaching spelling, taking into account these patterns.

So that students need to know the rule. Familiarity with the rule is well done in situations of spelling difficulty. At this stage, the creative mastery and development of the thinking ability of children takes place. This is what problem learning involves.

The whole system spelling works is based on problematic methods.

It is important to organize the work so that each student feels responsible for their knowledge every day.

How to ensure that the student skillfully not only memorizes the rule, but also sees the spelling.

Have to build practical work so that they can "surprise" the children. The child should be surprised that:

  • that he sees the spelling;
  • he can write correctly;
  • all this gives good results;
  • he likes to work,
  • the lessons of the Russian language are interesting.

Exercises for developing spelling vigilance according to the degree of complexity and independence, depending on what I pay attention to, I have arranged in a certain sequence:

Graphic highlighting orthograms. (Underline)

Purpose: developing spelling vigilance.

Cheating. This type of cheating presupposes greater student independence. They do not hear the word from the teacher, but find it in the book and read it themselves. In the process of cheating, children develop visual and auditory memory, attention, comparison, independence, self-control, and positive emotions are brought up.

Commented letter. Students not only pronounce words and sentences, but also justify the spelling with rules, selection test words... It is very important here that everyone works with the commentator, keeping up with and not getting ahead of ourselves. First, I ask the strong students to comment, then gradually all the others are included.

Dictation letter with preliminary preparation. First, together with the students, we analyze the spelling of those words that need to be checked. Then the children write the given sentence or text under dictation.

Dictation letter. I start this type of work as follows: first, I dictate the words as they are written. For attention and phonemicity, I play the game "Echo". I read the word, children repeat it syllables or in a whisper, but so that I can hear. If someone copied it incorrectly, then I suggest repeating this word to everyone again, then to one student (the one who made a mistake). Children correct the mistake and then write the word down syllables. Thus, attention to the word increases, auditory memory, phonemic hearing, and intuitive writing develop.

A letter from memory.

This type of writing develops memory, thinking, speech, attention. Diligence, accuracy, discipline, and self-control are brought up. Valuable because it requires thorough preparation from students.

Creative work. Children love this kind of work very much. Practice shows that the ability of children to dictate to themselves by syllables helps them get rid of mistakes. Children often ask how to write a particular word. This is an indicator of a thoughtful attitude towards work.

For example, "unstressed vowels", "paired consonants at the end of a word", etc. Therefore, when we start working on the rule, together with the children we highlight the essential, distinctive signs of spelling and learn to find spelling according to these characteristics. I will give examples of exercises aimed at practicing these skills:

  1. Read the rule. What vowels do you need to check? Why?
  2. Read the rule. What consonants do you need to check? When (in what cases) should a paired voiced and voiceless consonant be checked? Why?

Students should learn how to use the algorithm for solving a spelling problem:

  1. determine the place where the spelling problem arose;
  2. which group of rules this spelling belongs to;
  3. what part of the word is the spelling;
  4. establish which letter needs to be checked: vowel or consonant;
  5. determine the stress in the word;
  6. define a checkable or unverifiable spelling;
  7. write the word according to the rule.

I will give several types of exercises for the development of spelling vigilance.

  • Read the proverb: Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is sheaves. Determine in which words the vowels should be checked or memorized.

How to do it? Write down the sentence and highlight the spelling.

  • How many vowels you need to check in the words of the coast, cold.

When studying the topic "Unpronounceable consonants", I suggest that children write five words with an unpronounceable consonant from memory and be sure to emphasize them. If a student, having written a word, misses an unpronounceable consonant, he will have nothing to emphasize. After the students have written 5 words from memory, I open the board with 10 words in this topic... Children write off those words that they do not have, emphasizing unpronounceable consonants. I use this exercise to study any topic.

The game "Lights" develops spelling literacy well. I write sentences and words on the board. I propose to children to "light" the lights under the studied spelling. First, we light the lights on the board, then the students write down the sentences. The spelling of each spelling is explained as you work on the board.

When performing a dictation, in the process of writing, I allow you to underline doubtful letters.

The value of this approach: the child, without fear of a low literacy score, will not resort to gimmicks.

To arouse interest in the lesson, I use verse spelling exercises.

For instance,:

Names, surnames, letter starts

Nicknames, cities - Important words:

All with a capital letter Ivanova Anna,

Always written. Innokentievka, Moscow.

Families of words live on Earth.

By the root you learn about a close relationship.

No need to break their similarities, my friend.

And misspelled twin roots!

Combinations of zhi -shi only with the letter "and" write!

I write the combination chu - schu with the letter "y".

I was convinced that the use of such rhyming exercises in combination with the tasks of the textbook contributes to a more successful mastering of spelling skills by children.

For four years junior schoolchildren must learn a sufficient number of words in which there is an unverifiable spelling. It is especially difficult for students who have poorly developed visual memory to assimilate such words. I will give a few examples that help children to better remember unverifiable spellings, that is, vocabulary words. At each lesson, I do vocabulary work. Each child has notebooks - dictionaries. In them, the guys write down a new word, highlight the spelling, spend phonetic analysis, we highlight the strong and weak positions, define the spelling, make up sentences.

I post it in a cool dictionary, but I cover the spellings that are written larger and highlighted in red with strips of paper for better fixation. These types of tasks can be done when studying vocabulary words.

1. Recording words for dictation. I dictate words, the students write them down, then check them against the dictionary by opening strips of paper.

2. I propose to write out from the dictionary words with unverifiable unstressed vowels according to the options (1c - with vowel a, 2b - with vowel o).

3. Write out the words that answer the questions who? (what?).

4. Write out words with two syllables (three syllables).

5. Write out the words on the topic "Animals", "School supplies" and so on.

6. Selective dictation. I read the text, the children should write down vocabulary word that met.

7. Answer questions. Who lives in the forest? Who keeps the classroom clean? What vegetables grow in the garden? Etc.

8. To solve the riddle:

No arms, no legs, but he can draw. (freezing)

Liquid, not water, white, not snow. (Milk)

All students complete the proposed tasks with interest.

9. The guys are very fond of the game "Find an extra word". For example, I suggest the following to students vocabulary dictation: Village, notebook, Saturday, Moscow, vegetable garden, pencil, black, forty. Children call "extra" words:

* Moscow - as this word is spelled with a capital letter;

* Saturday - since this word is spelling a double consonant at the root of the word;

* a notebook - for spelling a paired consonant at the root of a word; there are more letters in this word than sounds;

* forty - answers the question who? The rest of the question what? (except for the word black);

* black - this word answers the question what? It is an adjective, other nouns;

* pencil - consists of four syllables, the rest of two or three.

Children love this kind of work. Here, attention, ingenuity, the ability to find distinctive features, to group words according to the types of spelling develops.

Such history reference allows not only to better remember the spelling of the word, but also to broaden the horizons of students. Using different types of work on vocabulary words gives positive results.

An important place in teaching spelling is given to working on errors, which is not only a means of fixing spellings, but also a means of preventing errors. Systematic and purposeful work on mistakes fosters spelling vigilance in children, a responsible attitude to writing, and the desire to formulate their thoughts competently. The purpose of such work is to explain the spelling errors, to consolidate the skills correct spelling words, give instructions for students to work on their own mistakes. Correction of errors is of no small importance for organizing work on errors.

Work on misspellings I start by reproducing the students' knowledge according to certain spelling rules, which they made mistakes. First, I give examples of explaining mistakes, strengthen spelling skills, and also prepare students for independent work over the bugs. I group all errors by types of spelling rules and carry out purposeful work to correct them. Such work allows me to clearly see which spelling rule a particular student needs to work on; I conduct individual work, using various types of exercises to work out the necessary rules. Correction of errors gives positive results.

Such a system of work gives good result... The main achievement, which is that children go to grade 5 literate. They can successfully apply their knowledge in other lessons: reading, history, natural history, mathematics.

So, I work on the development of spelling vigilance throughout the course. primary school... Systematic work on the word contributes to the development of the mental activity of students - it teaches them to perform a number of mental operations: observation, comparison, comparison, establishing similarities and differences. And this, in turn, leads to the effectiveness of mastering the rules of spelling, instills interest and desire to solve spelling problems, develops the spelling vigilance of students

The textbook contains a system of exercises aimed at developing oral and written speech. Oral: colloquial, educational, scientific, artistic.

Written: colloquial, colloquial with elements of artistic, educational, scientific, artistic. The following types of tasks are aimed at the development of oral speech: ask questions to the text, orally draw up a story plan on a grammatical topic, orally retell the educational and scientific text; prepare an oral detailed response, an oral message to linguistic theme; give the wording.
The development of oral literary speech is carried out in the course of completing tasks for the presentation of a literary text, compiling a text using basic phrases.
Such types of exercises and tasks as the presentation of the educational and scientific text and the written answer on the studied topic, essay-narrative "What I know ..." are aimed at the development of written educational and scientific speech; essays-reasoning about the beauty of the Russian language. In addition, many tasks are offered to create your own texts: "My favorite season" - an essay using adjectives; “My Favorite Animal” is a narrative composition. One of the most important conditions for the formation of functional literacy is the development of all types of speech activity: speaking, listening, reading, writing. The textbook contains tasks for teaching the reading of fictional and educational-scientific texts: preliminary or selective reading of the text, analysis of the expressive role of various parts of speech in a fictional text.
The studying reading of the educational and scientific text is accompanied by the following tasks: read, determine the number of parts, pose a question for each part, draw up a plan, isolate new information from the text, and formulate the main idea of ​​the test.

When reading the text, speech mechanisms are turned on: the mechanism of equivalent replacements, the mechanism of memory, text compression, the mechanism of prediction. An example is an exercise with the following task: “You are going to read the educational and scientific text about morphological features verb. What information do you think will be in it? Read the text to yourself. Compare your assumptions with the content of the text. "
Separately, it must be said that in the 5th grade, much attention is paid to the stylistic varieties of speech. Students learned colloquial, scientific and art styles speech. In this regard, they got acquainted with stylistically neutral and colloquial words. They themselves compiled and selected synonyms from stylistically neutral and colloquial synonyms, a dictionary of stylistic synonyms.
By the end of the 7th grade, children master such concepts as dialogue, monologue, text, text structure, paragraph, paragraph functions, word coloring (neutral and stylistically colored words, bookish and colloquial), speech styles (colloquial, artistic, scientific); know how to read educational-scientific and literary texts by studying reading, master certain methods of introductory reading, educational-scientific text, highlight key words in the educational and scientific text, draw up a plan.
In a literary text, they determine the topic, the main idea, retell the text in detail and concisely, understand the main differences between description texts, narratives, write elementary texts of these types, determine the style of the text, set out the literary and educational-scientific text in writing; try to use in their own written speech the studied features of the parts of speech (synonymy, polysemy, antonymy); consistently develop the thought in the essay in accordance with the theme and concept, make paragraph indents; heading the text using different types of headings.

III Conclusion

Research on the formation of reading skills confirmed the assumptions that the development of reading skills will be effective if the text is selected and the reading is understood. to create a “situation of success”, to carry out exercises on the expressiveness of reading in the system, starting with the simplest ones and gradually complicating them. A basic school graduate must have a lifelong aspiration for self-education, possess the latest technology, be able to accept independent decisions, adapt in the social and future professional sphere, solve problems and work in a team, be prepared for stressful situations and be able to quickly get out of them.

The increased demands for the quality of the educational process require the teacher to use new approaches, forms and methods of work. In this regard, improving the creative potential of teachers by teaching them methods and strategies of working with children that ensure the comprehensive development and self-realization of students is becoming an urgent issue.

Thus, the formation of functional literacy of students at the present stage of development school education and the planned transition to 12-year education depends on updating the content of education itself, creating curricula,
textbooks, revision of programs for advanced training and retraining of teachers, the ability of students to apply the knowledge gained in practice, as well as ensuring adequate material, technical, psychological and technological conditions for teaching students.

The solution to this problem is the key to the success of all professional activity teachers and achieving the result of the educational process.

Every student - talented, and the task of the school and teachertimely recognize the characteristics of the student and provide him with pedagogical support in the development of his abilities.

List of sources used

1. Khutorskoy A. Key competencies as a component of personality-oriented education // Public education, 2003
2. Buneev R.N. Russian language: textbook for grade 5 of basic school [Text] / R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, L.Yu. Komissarova, I.V. Tecucheva; ed. A.A. Leontieva. - M .: Balass 2000.
3.Voiteleva T.M. Theory and methods of teaching the Russian language. - M .: Bustard. 2006 year
4. Zhanpeisova U.A. "Russian speech": a methodological guide for grade 7
Almaty "Atamura" 2012.
5.G. A. Badambaeva Tyulebaeva M.A. "Russian speech": a methodological guide for grade 8. Almaty "Mektep" 2012
6. Zhanpeisova U.A. Kozhakeeva Sh.T. "Russian speech": a methodological guide for grade 5 Almaty "Atamura" 2010
7.g. "Russian language in schools and universities of Kazakhstan" 2009


8. Message from N.A. Nazarbayev "Social modernization of Kazakhstan: Twenty steps to the society of Universal Labor"


Task text

Milk is a real miracle of nature. The healing power of milk has been known since ancient times and in all corners of our planet. In most countries of the world, it is customary to use cow's milk for food, and where no cows are bred or the weather conditions are harsh, reindeer, goat's milk, and also kumis (mare's milk) are used for food. Milk is the basis of a huge amount of dairy, lactic acid and milk-containing food products: cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir, ice cream, milkshakes, baby formulas. Milk is the only food product in nature that contains everything necessary for human nutrition; it is not for nothing that it is called a universal food. Milk is especially useful for children, because it is rich in calcium and phosphorus, which are good for bone growth, as well as vitamin A, which is good for eyesight. In past centuries, milk was actively used as a medicine for tuberculosis, since milk proteins are able to kill harmful bacteria. Even today, workers in hazardous workshops are entitled to free milk.

1. Underline the title that best reflects the content of the text. How would you title this text? Write your name on the last line.


Useful properties of milk.

Milk is the most ancient human food.

Milk is a real miracle of nature.

2. Compare the left and right rows of the table. Put an = sign between them if the left and right lines say the same thing, but in different ways.

since ancient times

from time immemorial

consists entirely of milk


useful for health


many decades

since ancient times

contains some milk


3. Explain briefly why people do not eat kumis and reindeer milk?

4. Using the text and the table, output short definition, What meansdairy products.

Dairy products -

5. Based on the text, explain in your own words what it meansuniversal food.

6. Explain why milk is especially good for young children.

Stages of the control work:

Students reading the text and completing assignments (sheet 1) - 40 min.

Handing over a sheet with completed assignments to the teacher

Filling out the questionnaire (sheet 2) - 5 min.

Evaluation of results:



Exercise 1


Assignment 3

Assignment 4


Assignment 6


number of points

Ability to highlight the main thing in the text

Ability to compare concepts; vocabulary

Ability to navigate the text, reason; logic, evidence

Ability to reason, draw conclusions, highlight the necessary information

Ability to reason, draw conclusions, highlight the necessary information; terminological literacy

Ability to transform text according to the specified parameters, build a coherent statement; logic of reasoning

1 - 2 b.

1 - 2 - 3 b.

1 - 2 - 3 b.

1 - 2 - 3 b.

1 - 2 - 3 b.

1 - 2 - 3 b.

0 - 17 pts.

Total number of points

I haven't written in the club for a very long time. I missed the forum. I sincerely congratulate all the participants and participants of the club, their children and the beloved company "Clever" on the past holidays. Let 2018 leave vivid, exciting memories so that there is something to write about when summing up the results of the year.
I have been hatching the idea of ​​this post for a long time. I would like to write about our reading lessons with Kostya. Who might be interested in this post? It's great if your child loves to read so much that, as it happens with my friend, you have to take away the book, otherwise the child simply risks ruining his eyesight, reading all day long. In our case, things are a little different. Kostya understands and realizes the importance of reading, but we do not strive to read a lot. Therefore, thinking about how to instill in Kostya an interest in reading, I was in constant creative search. Several steps in this direction helped me. I can say that we have achieved certain results in this direction, which I would like to tell you about.

Kostya has a textbook by L.A. Efrosinina at school (school of the 21st century). I have very conflicting feelings about this tutorial. On the one hand, the selection of texts and poems itself is not bad. A decent notebook for work, but all the time I have a feeling that there is absolutely no inner core in the textbook. Well, we talked about Pushkin, then about Tolstoy, then about Nekrasov. Everything is somehow strange.
I began to analyze the available textbooks. I was interested in the textbooks on literature by Sviridova. Sviridova uses a historical and natural science approach. Pupils fly into the depths of centuries and step by step go through the path of cognition of humanity. In literary works they find different ways vision of the world. Sviridova has an interesting concept: she divorces the concepts of myth and fairy tale, shows how, for example, the concept of "creation of the world from an egg" is reflected both in myths and in fairy tales. But still, in my opinion, it is difficult for an elementary school. Children who are afraid of long texts without pictures will have difficulty. Therefore, Kostya and I began to work with the Buneevs' textbook.
Oh, how much criticism was poured on the forums on E.V. Buneeva, but the selection of texts and excellent, methodically impeccably verified lesson notes speak for themselves. I just fell in love with the textbooks on the Buneev literature. Therefore, I adopted these textbooks and began to study them at home with Kostya.
Why the Buneevs' textbook is good:
1) ready-made lesson scripts are posted on the Internet.
2) these textbooks are connected by the main character who accompanies the students all year round. This makes it possible to stage a play at home. Kostya and I play these characters, he is used to them, he is waiting to meet them and new works;
3) the texts themselves are very interesting and just invite to creativity. For each piece, it is proposed to perform creative work. Here, the art sheets of "Clever Girl" are of great help to me. We do not have time for fundamental work, but with the help of magic art sheets (which will be discussed in more detail later), we revive part of the plot;
4) the authors of the textbook constantly talk with their reader, invite him to think and show the world of literature from different angles;
5) the Buneevs have a lot of non-classical, non-programmed poems, which I really like. Yunna Moritz, Julius Kim, Vladimir Vysotsky ... As a child, I always wondered why Kaverin or Jules Verne were not read at school. The Buneevs' textbook contains brilliant developments of lessons on these works and many other exciting works;
6) the Buneevs 'textbook pays great attention to retelling, and the technique used by the authors is close to the “storytelling” method, which I got acquainted with after reading Aidan Chambers' book “Tell. We read, think, discuss. " We will talk about it in the next post. What could be worse than listening to repeated retelling of the text read. Children often do not understand at all why they need to retell the text. With the Buneevs, this takes on an exciting form. “Imagine that you are a storyteller. How they looked in Russia, what they wore, how they said. Tell a story to your classmates, younger brothers, etc. ”. Kostya was happy to retell fairy tales, bringing into them a lot of his own reasoning, depending on who was his target group of listeners.
7) and, perhaps, the most important: the Buneevs are the authors of the entire cycle of works - from grades 1 to 11. And this is already a claim to a well-thought-out concept.

Looking for creative ideas