Bengal lights. Nosov Nikolay Nikolaevich

How much trouble Mishka and I had before the New Year! We have been preparing for the holiday for a long time: we glued paper chains on the Christmas tree, cut flags, made various Christmas tree decorations. Everything would be fine, but then Mishka took out a book “Entertaining Chemistry” somewhere and read in it how to make sparklers himself.

This was the beginning of the mess! For whole days he pounded sulfur and sugar in a mortar, made aluminum sawdust and set fire to the mixture for testing. There was smoke all over the house and smelled of suffocating gases. The neighbors were angry and no sparklers came out.

But Mishka was not discouraged. He even invited many guys from our class to his Christmas tree and bragged that he would have sparklers.

They know what! - he said. - They sparkle like silver, and scatter in all directions in fiery sprays. I say to Mishka:

What have you done? I called the guys, but there won't be any sparklers.

Why not? Will be! There is still a lot of time. I will have time to do everything.

On New Year's Eve, he comes to me and says:

Listen, it's time for us to go for the trees, otherwise we will be left for the holiday without trees.

It's late today, ”I replied. - We'll go tomorrow.

So after all, tomorrow we need to decorate the tree.

Nothing, I say. - It is necessary to decorate in the evening, and we will go in the afternoon, right after school.

Mishka and I have long ago decided to go to Gorelkino for the trees, where we lived with aunt Natasha in the country. Aunt Natasha's husband worked as a forester and even in the summer he told us to come to him in the forest for Christmas trees. I even begged my mother in advance to allow me to go to the forest.

The next day I come to Mishka after dinner, and he sits and pounds Bengal lights in a mortar.

What, - I say, - could not have done before? It's time to go, and you're messing around!

Yes, I did it before, but I probably put in a little sulfur. They hiss, smoke, and do not burn.

Come on, it won't work anyway.

No, now it will probably come out. You just need to put more sulfur. Give me an aluminum pan over there on the windowsill.

Where is the saucepan? It's just a frying pan, I say.

Frying pan? .. Eh, you! Yes, this is the former saucepan. Give it here.

I handed him the frying pan, and he began to scrape it around the edges with a file.

This means that the saucepan has turned into a frying pan? I ask.

Well, yes, - says Mishka. - I sawed it with a file, sawed, so it became a frying pan. Well, nothing, a frying pan is also needed on the farm.

What did mom tell you?

She didn't say anything. She hasn't seen it yet.

And when will he see?

Well ... he will see so he will see. When I grow up, I'll buy her a new pot.

It's a long time to wait until you grow up!

The bear scooped up the sawdust, poured the powder out of the mortar, poured glue, stirred it all, so that he got a dough like putty. From this putty he made long sausages, screwed them onto iron wires and laid them out on plywood to dry.

Well, - he says, - they will dry up - and they will be ready, only you need to hide it from Druzhka.

Why hide from him?


How - gobble up? Do dogs eat sparklers?

I do not know. Others, perhaps, do not eat, but the Friend does. Once I left them to dry, I go in - and he gnaws them. Probably thought it was candy.

Well, put them in the oven. It's warm there, and the friend will not get it.

You can't go into the stove either. Once I hid them in the oven, and my mother came and flooded them - and they burned down. I'd better put them on the closet, - says Mishka.

The bear climbed onto a chair and put the plywood on the cabinet.

You know what a Friend is, - says Mishka. - He always grabs my things! Remember, he pulled in my left boot, so we couldn't find him anywhere. Then I had to walk in felt boots for three days until I bought other boots. It's warm outside, and I walk in felt boots, as if I'm frostbitten! And then, when we bought other shoes, we threw this shoe, which was the only one left, because who needs it - one shoe! And when he was thrown away, he found the boot that was lost. It turned out - his friend dragged him into the kitchen under the stove. Well, we threw out this shoe too, because if the first had not been thrown away, then the second would not have been thrown away, and once the first thrown away, then the second was thrown away. So both were thrown away. I say:

Enough chatting! Get dressed soon, you have to go. The bear got dressed, we took an ax and rushed to the station. And then the train had just left, so we had to wait for another. Well, nothing, waited, let's go. We drove, drove, finally arrived. We got off in Gorelkin and went straight to the forester. He gave us a receipt for two trees, showed us the plot where it was allowed to cut, and we went into the forest. There are a lot of fir trees around, only Mishka did not like them all.

I’m such a person, ”he boasted,“ if I went to the forest, I’ll cut down the best Christmas tree, or it’s not worth going. We climbed into the thicket.

We need to cut it quickly, ”I say. - Soon it will begin to get dark.

Why chop when there is nothing to chop!

Why, - I say, - a good tree.

The bear examined the tree from all sides and says:

She is, of course, good, but not quite. To tell the truth, not at all good: scanty.

How is it - scanty?

Its top is short. I don’t need such a tree for nothing!

We found another tree.

And this one is lame, - says Mishka.

How - lame?

So, lame. See, her leg is curving at the bottom.

Which leg?

Well, the trunk.

Trunk! I would say so! We found another tree.

Bald, - says Mishka.

You yourself are bald! How can a tree be bald?

Of course, bald! You see how rare it is, everything shines through. One trunk is visible. It's just not a tree, but a stick!

And so all the time: now bald, then lame, then some other!

Well, - I say, - to listen to you - you can't cut down the tree until nightfall!

I found a suitable Christmas tree, cut it down and gave the ax to Mishka:

Ruby quickly, it's time for us to go home.

And he seemed to have undertaken to search the whole forest. I asked him and scolded him - nothing helped. Finally he found a tree to his liking, cut it down, and we went back to the station. We walked, walked, and the forest did not end.

Maybe we're going in the wrong direction? - says Mishka. We went the other way. They walked, they walked - all the forest and the forest! Here and the beginning to darken. We let’s turn one way and then the other. They got lost completely.

You see, - I say, - what have you done!

What have I done? It's not my fault that evening came so soon.

How many tree did you choose? How long did you spend at home? I’ll have to spend the night in the forest because of you!

What are you! - Mishka was frightened. - After all, the guys will come today. We must find a way.

Soon it was completely dark. The moon sparkled in the sky. Black tree trunks stood like giants around. We fancied wolves behind every tree. We stopped and were afraid to go forward.

Let's scream! - says Mishka. Here we both shout together:

"Hey!" - answered the echo.

Hey! Whoa! - we shouted again with all our strength. “Hey! Whoa! " echoes repeated.

Maybe we'd better not scream? - says Mishka.

More wolves will hear and come running.

There are probably no wolves here.

What if there is! Better let's go soon. I say:

Let's go straight, otherwise we won't get on the road.

We went again. The bear kept looking around and asked:

And what to do when wolves attack, if there is no gun?

Throw burning embers at them, I say.

And where to get them, these firebrands?

Make a fire - here's your firebrand.

Do you have any matches?

Can they climb a tree?

Yes wolves.

Wolves? No, they cannot.

Then, if wolves attack us, we will climb a tree and sit until morning.

What are you! Can't you sit in a tree until the morning!

Why don't you sit there?

You freeze and fall.

Why are you freezing? We're not cold.

We are not cold, because we are moving, but try to sit on a tree without moving - you will immediately freeze.

Why sit still? - says Mishka. - You can sit and kick your legs.

It will get tired - the whole night in the tree to kick your feet! We made our way through dense bushes, stumbled over tree stumps, drowned knee-deep in snow. It was getting harder and harder to walk.

We are very tired.

Let's throw the trees! I say.

It's a pity, - says Mishka. - The guys will come to me today. How can I be without a tree?

Here we ourselves, - I say, - get out! What else to think about the trees!

Wait, says Mishka. - One has to go forward and trample the road, then it will be easier for the other. We will change in turn.

We stopped and rested. Then Mishka went ahead, and I followed him. They walked, walked ... I stopped to shift the tree to my other shoulder. I wanted to go further, I see - there is no Mishka! Disappeared, as if he had sunk into the ground along with his tree.

And he doesn't answer.

Bear! Hey! Where have you gone?

No answer.

I went cautiously forward, I looked - and there was a cliff! I almost fell off a cliff. I see something dark moving below.

Hey! Is that you, Mishka?

I! I seem to have rolled down the mountain!

Why don't you answer? I'm screaming, screaming ...

You will answer here when I hurt my leg! I went down to him, and there is a road. The bear sits in the middle of the road and rubs his knee with his hands.

What's the matter?

A bruised knee. The leg, you know, turned up.

Painfully! I'll sit.

Well, let's sit, - I say. We sat down with him in the snow. We sat, sat, until we got cold. I say:

Here you can freeze! Maybe let's go along the road? She will take us somewhere: either to the station, or to the forester, or to some village. Do not freeze in the forest!

Mishka wanted to get up, but immediately gasped and sat down again.

I can't, - he says.

What to do now? Let me carry you in the back, I say.

Will you tell me?

Let's try.

The bear got up and began to climb onto my back. Groaned, groaned, climbed forcibly. Heavy! I bent three deaths.

Well, carry it! - says Mishka.

As soon as I walked a few steps, I slipped - and thump into the snow.

Ay! - shouted Mishka. - My leg hurts, and you throw me into the snow!

I’m not on purpose!

Wouldn't do it if you can't!

Woe to me with you! I say. - Either you fiddled with Bengal lights, then you chose the tree until dark, and now you are hurt ... You will disappear here with you!

You can not disappear! ..

How not to disappear?

Go alone. It's all my fault. I persuaded you to go for the trees.

Well, should I leave you?

So what then? I'll go alone. I'll sit, the leg will pass - I'll go.

Yah you! I'm not going anywhere without you. We arrived together, together and must return. We must come up with something.

What do you think of?

Maybe make a sled? We have an ax.

How can you make a sled out of an ax?

Yes, not from an ax, head! Cut down a tree, and from a tree - a sled.

There are no nails anyway.

We need to think about it, - I say.

And he began to think. And Mishka is sitting in the snow. I dragged a Christmas tree to him and said:

You'd better sit on the tree, or you'll catch a cold.

He sat down on the tree. Then a thought occurred to me.

Bear, - I say, - what if you were taken to the tree?

How - on the tree?

And like this: you sit, and I will drag by the trunk. Well, hold on!

I grabbed the tree by the trunk and pulled. That's how cleverly he came up with! The snow on the road is hard, rolled, the Christmas tree easily walks along it, and the Bear on it is like on a sled!

Great! I say. - Come on, hold the ax. I gave him the ax. The bear sat down more comfortably, and I took him along the road. Soon we got to the edge of the forest and immediately saw the lights.

Bear! - I say. - Station! The noise of the train was already heard from afar.

Hurry! - says Mishka. - We'll miss the train! I started with all my might. The bear shouts:

Press more! We’ll be late!

The train was already approaching the station. Then we arrived in time. We run up to the carriage. I hooked Mishka. The train started, I jumped on the step and dragged the tree behind me. Passengers in the carriage began to scold us for the fact that the tree is thorny.

Someone asked:

Where did you get such a peeled Christmas tree?

We began to tell what happened to us in the forest. Then everyone began to feel sorry for us. One aunt sat Mishka on a bench, took off his boots and examined his leg.

It's okay, ”she said. - Just a bruise.

And I thought that I broke my leg, so it hurt me, - says Mishka. Someone said:

Nothing, before the wedding will heal!

They all laughed. One aunt gave us a cake, and the other gave us sweets. We were delighted because we were very hungry.

What are we going to do now? I say. - We have one tree for two.

Give it to me for today, - says Mishka, - and that's the end of it.

How does it end? I dragged it through the whole forest and even carried you on it, and now I myself will be left without a tree?

So you just give it to me for today, and tomorrow I'll give it back to you.

Pretty, - I say, - business! All the guys are having a holiday, but I won't even have a Christmas tree!

Well, you understand, - says Mishka, - the guys will come to me today! What am I going to do without a tree?

Well, show them your sparklers. What, the guys have not seen the tree?

So the sparklers probably won't burn. I've done them twenty times already - nothing happens. One smoke, and more!

Maybe it will work out?

No, I will not even remember about it. Maybe the guys have already forgotten.

Well, no, you haven't forgotten! There was no need to brag in advance.

If I had a Christmas tree, - says Mishka, - I would write something about sparklers and somehow get out of it, but now I just don't know what to do.

No, - I say, - I can't give you the tree. I have never had it like that in a single year, so that there was no tree.

Well, be a friend, help out! You've helped me out more than once!

Well, do I always have to help you out?

- "Well, for the last time! I'll give you what you want for this. Take my skis, skates, magic lantern, album with stamps. You yourself know what I have. Choose whatever.

Okay, I said. - If so, give me your friend.

The bear pondered. He turned away and was silent for a long time. Then he looked at me - his eyes were sad - and said:

No, Dear friend, I can’t give it back.

Here you go! Said "whatever", and now ...

I forgot about Druzhka ... When I spoke, I thought about things. And my friend is not a thing, he is alive.

So what then? Simple dog! If only he was purebred.

It's not his fault that he is not purebred! He loves me anyway. When I am not at home, he thinks of me, and when I come, he rejoices and wags his tail ... No, let it be! Let the guys laugh at me, and I will not part with my friend, even if you gave me a whole mountain of gold!

Well, okay, - I say, - then take the tree for free.

Why free? Since I promised any thing, take any thing. Do you want me to give you a magic lantern with all the pictures? You really wanted to have a magic lantern.

No, I don't need a magic lantern. Take it like that.

After all, you worked so hard because of the tree - why give away for nothing?

Well, let! I need nothing.

Well, I don’t need it for nothing, ”says Mishka.

So it’s not entirely for nothing, ”I say. - Just like that, for the sake of friendship. Friendship is dearer than a magic lantern! Let this be our common Christmas tree.

While we were talking, the train approached the station. We didn't even notice how we got there. Mishka's leg stopped hurting at all. He only limped slightly when we got off the train.

First I ran home so that my mother would not worry, and then rushed to Mishka to decorate our common Christmas tree.

The Christmas tree was already standing in the middle of the room, and Mishka was gluing the tattered places with green paper. We had not finished decorating the tree yet, when the guys began to gather.

Why, you invited me to the tree, but you didn't even decorate it yourself! - they were offended.

We began to talk about our adventures, and Mishka even lied, as if wolves attacked us in the forest and we hid from them in a tree. The guys did not believe it and began to laugh at us. Mishka first assured them, and then waved his hand and began to laugh himself. Mishka's mom and dad went to celebrate the New Year at the neighbors, and for us, mom prepared a big round pie with jam and other various delicious things so that we could also have a good New Year.

We were left alone in the room. The guys were not ashamed of anyone and walked almost on their heads. I have never heard such a noise! And Mishka made the most noise. Well, I understood why he was so sold out. He tried so that one of the guys did not remember about the sparklers, and invented more and more new tricks.

Then we lit multi-colored electric bulbs on the tree, and then suddenly the clock began striking twelve o'clock.

Hurrah! - shouted Mishka. - Happy New Year!

Hurrah! - picked up the guys. - Happy New Year! Ur-ah! Mishka already believed that everything ended well, and shouted:

Now sit down at the table, guys, there will be tea and pie!

And where are the sparklers? someone shouted.

Bengal lights? - Mishka was confused. - They are not ready yet.

What are you, called to the tree, said that sparklers will be ... This is a deception!

Honestly, guys, there is no deception! There are sparklers, only they are still raw ...

Well, show me. Maybe they are already dry. Or maybe there are no sparklers?

The bear reluctantly climbed onto the closet and almost fell out of there along with the sausages. They have already dried up and turned into hard sticks.

Here you go! - the guys shouted. - Completely dry! What are you cheating!

It only seems so, - Mishka justified himself. - They need to dry for a long time. They will not burn.

But now we'll see! - the guys shouted. They grabbed all the sticks, bent the wires with hooks and hung them on the tree.

Wait, guys, - Mishka shouted, - we need to check first!

But nobody listened to him.

The guys took the matches and lit all the sparklers at once.

Then there was a hiss, as if the whole room was filled with snakes. The guys jumped to the sides. Suddenly the sparklers flashed, sparkled and scattered around in fiery spray. It was fireworks! No, what kind of fireworks is there - the northern lights! Eruption! The whole tree shone and sprinkled silver around. We stood spellbound and gazed.

Finally the lights went out, and the whole room was filled with some kind of acrid, suffocating smoke. The guys began to sneeze, cough, rub their eyes with their hands. We all rushed into the corridor in a crowd, but the smoke from the room poured down behind us. Then the guys began to grab their coats and hats and began to disperse.

Guys, what about tea and cake? - Bear tearfully. But no one paid any attention to him. The guys coughed, dressed and dispersed. The bear grabbed me, took off my hat and shouted:

Don't leave even though you! Stay at least for the sake of friendship! Let's drink tea and cake!

Mishka and I were left alone. The smoke cleared little by little, but it was still impossible to enter the room. Then Mishka gagged with a wet handkerchief, ran to the cake, grabbed it and dragged it into the kitchen.

The kettle was already boiling, and we began to drink tea and cake. The pie was delicious, with jam, but it was still soaked in the smoke from the sparklers. But that's okay. Mishka and I ate half the pie, and Druzhok ate the other half.

Abdrakhmanova Evgeniya Gennadievna

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school number 40"

Literary reading lesson

in 3rd grade

(Using the technology of the activity approach)

Topic: N. Nosov "Bengal Lights".

( by program "School of Russia")

Purpose:to acquaint children with N.Nosov's story "Bengal Lights"

Learning tasks:

subject: Expand horizons about the life and work of N. N. Nosov.

Teach conscious, thoughtful reading of literary works.

Answer questions about the content of the text.

interdisciplinary:create conditions for expressing opinions, for the development of speech, determine the educational tasks of the lesson, generalize the studied information in the form of syncwine;

personal :

to form cooperation skills, develop imagination, the ability to convey different intonations when reading.

Equipment: portrait of N. Nosov, exhibition of books by N. N. Nosov.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Checking homework.

- A game "Attentive reader"

The game is complicated by the fact that it is not the beginning of the sentence that is read, but

His final 2-3 words.

3. Mobilizing stage.

Formation by students of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

- Read the encrypted words, and you will find out the name of the author, whose work we will get acquainted with in the lesson. Repeating letters in the surname, first name, patronymic of the author are replaced by numbers. Guess what letters they are.

1IK2LAY (Nikolay

1IK2LAE3ICH Nikolaevich

12S23 Nosov)

Read the title of the story.


Formulate the topic of our lesson

Starting from the topic, let's set the goals of our lesson.

The reference words on the chalkboard will help you.

1. Expand horizons about ________ N.N._______.

2. Improve your _______, _______ and thoughtful reading skills.

3. Learn to convey different _______ when reading, respond to ... ..

4. Develop ______, ______, _______.

4. Conversation about the life and work of NN Nosov.

(Showing a portrait of N. Nosov by the teacher.)

In accordance with goal 1, we will talk about life and creativity

N.N. Nosova.

Name the years of your life. (1908 - 1976)

How old is he from the date of birth?

Looking at the portrait of N.N. Nosov, try to guess what he is

Was it a man? (Children's answers)

N.N. Nosov knew a lot, possessed naturally diverse

Talents, and he had to try a lot in life. He was about

What to tell people, so he wanted to become a writer.

What works are you already familiar with?

For whom did Nikolai Nosov first write fairy tales and stories?

For your little son. And then one of his stories, it was called

"Zateyniki", he took to the magazine "Murzilka". The story was printed. it

It was in 1938. This story was followed by others: “ Live

hat "," Cucumbers "," Dreamers "... (Display of books at the exhibition)

Who were the main characters in these stories? (Cute boys

Bear and Kolya.)

Besides funny stories, what else did N. Nosov write?

(Several stories about school life: "Merry Family" (1949),

"Kolya Sinitsyn's Diary", "Vitya Maleev at School at Home" (1952).

Later, these cheerful heroes were joined by another one, this time -


Name this hero? (Dunno.)

Dunno - and with him a whole horde of funny and noisy shorty friends - brought Nosov the greatest fame.

You, of course, guessed who will be the main characters of the story "Sparklers"? (Bear and Kolya)

And who is the main instigator of all adventures and pranks?

(Bear, an inveterate dreamer and great confusion)

I wonder what idea the Bear was obsessed with in the story "Sparklers"? Let's read and find out about it.

5. Reading the work.

(Teacher - students)

When reading, take a closer look at the main characters of the work.

6. Analysis of the work.

What idea was Bear obsessed with on New Year's Eve?

Has he achieved his goal?

What can you say about each of the heroes? What are the words from the text

Can you get help with this?

Bear Kolya

Calm inventor

The entertainer is quick-witted

Confused patient

Chatterbox in charge

A good friend loved to lie

Never lost heart

Good friend

Make a cinquain;

How did the other guys invited to the Christmas tree react to Mishka?

Why do you think?

And what about your attitude towards Mishka? Why do you like him? (With him not


Would you like these boys to study in your class?

If you look around, such inventors and dreamers in life

A lot.

7. Work in pairs.

Pick any passage and prepare to read it by role.


8. Competition for the best reading by roles.

Students themselves analyze, and the teacher summarizes and marks.

9. Reflection. Lesson summary

Do you think we have met the goals at the beginning of the lesson?

Choose and continue any offer

In today's lesson, I learned ...

In this lesson, I would compliment myself ...

After the lesson, I wanted to ...

What did you particularly like?

Who excelled in reading?

What other works did N. Nosov write besides stories?

For whom N. Nosov is one of the favorite writers.

Then head to the library and grab the Adventure

Dunno ”and collections of funny stories. In the next lesson, we

We will hold a competition for the most attentive and thoughtful reader

Works of N.N. Nosov.

10. Homework.

Create a crossword puzzle based on the story "Bengal Lights".

Bring N. Nosov's books.

Prepare for the competition for the most attentive reader of N. Nosov's works.

Nikolay N Nosov (read stories, fairy tales, for children)

Nosov's Story: Bengal Lights

How much trouble Mishka and I had before the New Year! We have been preparing for the holiday for a long time: we glued paper chains on the Christmas tree, cut flags, made various Christmas tree decorations. Everything would be fine, but then Mishka took out a book “Entertaining Chemistry” somewhere and read in it how to make sparklers himself.

This was the beginning of the mess! For whole days he pounded sulfur and sugar in a mortar, made aluminum sawdust and set fire to the mixture for testing. There was smoke all over the house and smelled of suffocating gases. The neighbors were angry and no sparklers came out.

But Mishka was not discouraged. He even invited many guys from our class to his Christmas tree and bragged that he would have sparklers.

- They know what! - he said. - They sparkle like silver, and scatter in all directions in fiery sprays.

I say to Mishka:

- What have you done? I called the guys, but there won't be any sparklers.

- Why not? Will be! There is still a lot of time. I will have time to do everything.

On New Year's Eve, he comes to me and says:

- Listen, it's time for us to go for the trees, otherwise we will stay for the holiday without trees.

“It's too late today,” I replied. “We'll go tomorrow.

- So after all, tomorrow we need to decorate the tree.

“Nothing,” I say. - It is necessary to decorate in the evening, and we will go in the afternoon, right after school.

Mishka and I have long ago decided to go to Gorelkino for the trees, where we lived with aunt Natasha in the country. Aunt Natasha's husband worked as a forester and even in the summer he told us to come to him in the forest for Christmas trees. I even begged my mother in advance to let me go to the forest.

The next day I come to Mishka after dinner, and he sits and pounds Bengal lights in a mortar.

- What you, - I say, - could not have done earlier? It's time to go, and you're messing around!

- Yes, I did it before, but I probably put in a little sulfur. They hiss, smoke, but do not burn.

- Come on, it won't work anyway.

- No, now it will probably come out. You just need to put more sulfur. Give me an aluminum pan over there on the windowsill.

Where is the saucepan? It's just a frying pan, I say.

- Frying pan? .. Eh, you! Yes, this is the former saucepan. Give it here.

I handed him the frying pan, and he began to scrape it around the edges with a file.

- This means that the saucepan has turned into a frying pan? I ask.

- Well, yes, - says Mishka. - I sawed it with a file, sawed, so it became a frying pan. Well, nothing, a frying pan is also needed on the farm.

- What did mom tell you?

- She didn't say anything. She hasn't seen it yet.

- And when will he see?

- Well ... he will see so he will see. When I grow up, I'll buy her a new pot.

- It's a long time to wait until you grow up!

- Nothing.

The bear scooped up the sawdust, poured the powder out of the mortar, poured glue, stirred it all, so that he got a dough like putty. From this putty he made long sausages, screwed them onto iron wires and laid them out on plywood to dry.

- Well, - he says, - they will dry out - and they will be ready, only we need to hide it from Druzhka.

- Why hide from him?

- Eats.

- How - gobble up? Do dogs eat sparklers?

- I do not know. Others, perhaps, do not eat, but the Friend does. Once I left them to dry, I go in - and he gnaws them. Probably thought it was candy.

- Well, hide them in the oven. It's warm there, and the friend will not get it.

You can't go into the stove either. Once I hid them in the oven, and my mother came and flooded them - and they burned down. I'd better put them on the closet, - says Mishka.

The bear climbed onto a chair and put the plywood on the cabinet.

- You know what a Friend, - says Mishka. - He always grabs my things! Remember, he pulled in my left boot, so we couldn't find him anywhere. Then I had to walk in felt boots for three days until I bought other boots. It's warm outside, and I walk in felt boots, as if I'm frostbitten! And then, when we bought other boots, we threw this boot, which was the only one left, because who needs it - one boot! And when he was thrown away, he found the boot that was lost. It turned out - his friend dragged him into the kitchen under the stove. Well, we threw out this shoe too, because if the first had not been thrown away, then the second would not have been thrown away, and once the first thrown away, then the second was thrown away. So both were thrown away.

I say:

- Enough for you to chat! Get dressed soon, you have to go.

The bear got dressed, we took an ax and rushed to the station. And then the train had just left, so we had to wait for another. Well, nothing, waited, let's go. We drove, drove, finally arrived. We got off in Gorelkin and went straight to the forester. He gave us a receipt for two trees, showed us the plot where it was allowed to cut, and we went into the forest. There are a lot of trees around, only Mishka did not like them all.

“I’m such a person,” he boasted, “if I went to the forest, then I’ll cut down the best Christmas tree, or it’s not worth going.

We climbed into the thicket.

“We must cut it quickly,” I say. - Soon it will begin to get dark.

- Well, chop when there is nothing to chop!

- Yes, - I say, - a good tree.

The bear examined the tree from all sides and says:

- She, of course, is good, but not quite. To tell the truth, not at all good: scanty.

- How is it - scanty?

- The top is short. I don’t need such a tree for nothing!

We found another tree.

“And this one is lame,” says Mishka.

- How - lame?

- So, lame. See, her leg is curving at the bottom.

- Which leg?

- Well, the trunk.

- Barrel! I would say so! We found another tree.

- Bald, - says Bear.

- You yourself are bald! How can a tree be bald?

Of course, bald! You see how rare it is, everything shines through. One trunk is visible. Just not a tree, but a stick!

And so all the time: now bald, then lame, then some other!

- Well, - I say, - to listen to you - you won't cut down the tree until nightfall!

I found a suitable Christmas tree, cut it down and gave the ax to Mishka:

- Ruby quickly, it's time for us to go home.

And it was as if he undertook to search the whole forest. I asked him and scolded him - nothing helped. Finally he found a tree to his liking, cut it down, and we went back to the station. We walked, walked, and the forest did not end.

- Maybe we're going in the wrong direction? - says Mishka.

We went the other way. They walked, walked - all the forest and the forest! Here and the beginning to darken. We let’s turn one way and then the other. They got lost completely.

- You see, - I say, - what have you done!

- What have I done? It's not my fault that evening came so soon.

- How many tree did you choose? How long did you spend at home? I’ll have to spend the night in the forest because of you!

- What are you! - Mishka was frightened. - After all, the guys will come today. We must find a way.

Soon it was completely dark. The moon sparkled in the sky. Black tree trunks stood like giants around. We fancied wolves behind every tree. We stopped and were afraid to go forward.

- Let's shout! - says Mishka. Here we both shout together:

"Hey!" - answered the echo.

- Hey! Whoa! - we shouted again with all our strength.

"Hey! Ou-oo! " Echoes repeated.

- Maybe we'd better not shout? - says Mishka.

- Why?

- More wolves will hear and come running.

“There are probably no wolves here.

- What if there is! Better let's go soon.

I say:

- Let's go straight, otherwise we will not get out on the road.

We went again. The bear kept looking around and asked:

- And what to do when wolves attack, if there is no gun?

“Throw burning embers at them,” I say.

- And where to get them, these embers?

- Make a fire - here's your firebrand.

- Do you have any matches?

- Can they climb a tree?

- Yes, wolves.

- Wolves? No, they cannot.

“Then, if wolves attack us, we will climb a tree and sit until morning.

- What are you! Can't you sit in a tree until the morning!

- Why don't you sit there?

- You will freeze and fall.

- Why will you freeze? We're not cold.

- We are not cold, because we are moving, but try to sit on a tree without moving - you will immediately freeze.

- Why sit still? - says Mishka. - You can sit and kick your legs.

- It'll get tired - the whole night on the tree kick your feet!

We made our way through dense bushes, stumbled over tree stumps, drowned knee-deep in snow. It was getting harder and harder to walk.

We are very tired.

- Let's throw the trees! I say.

- It's a pity, - says Mishka. - The guys will come to me today. How can I be without a tree?

- Here we ourselves, - I say, - get out! What else to think about the trees!

- Wait, - says Mishka. - One has to go forward and trample the road, then it will be easier for the other. We will change in turn.

We stopped and rested. Then Mishka went ahead, and I followed him. They walked, walked ... I stopped to shift the tree to my other shoulder. I wanted to go further, I see - there is no Mishka! Disappeared, as if he had sunk into the ground along with his tree.

- Bear!

And he doesn't answer.

- Bear! Hey! Where have you gone?

No answer.

I went cautiously forward, I looked - and there was a cliff! I almost fell off a cliff. I see something dark moving below.

- Hey! Is that you, Mishka?

- I! I seem to have rolled down the mountain!

- Why don't you answer? I'm screaming, screaming ...

- Answer here when I hurt my leg!

I went down to him, and there is a road. The bear sits in the middle of the road and rubs his knee with his hands.

- What's the matter?

- A bruised knee. The leg, you know, turned up.

- Painfully?

- Painfully! I'll sit.

“Well, let's sit,” I say.

We sat down with him in the snow. We sat, sat, until we got cold. I say:

- Here you can freeze! Maybe let's go along the road? She will take us somewhere: either to the station, or to the forester, or to some village. Do not freeze in the forest!

Mishka wanted to get up, but immediately gasped and sat down again.

“I can't,” he says.

- What to do now? Let me carry you in the back, I say.

- Yes, will you report?

- Let's try.

The bear got up and began to climb onto my back. Groaned, groaned, climbed forcibly. Heavy! I bent three deaths.

- Well, carry it! - says Mishka.

As soon as I walked a few steps, I slipped - and thump into the snow.

- Ay! - Mishka yelled. - My leg hurts, and you throw me into the snow!

“I’m not on purpose!

- I wouldn't do it if you can't!

- Woe to me with you! - I say. - Either you fiddled with the Bengal lights, then you chose the tree until dark, and now you are hurt ... You will disappear here with you!

- You can not disappear! ..

- How not to disappear?

- Go alone. It's all my fault. I persuaded you to go for the trees.

- Well, should I leave you?

- Well, what then? I'll go alone. I'll sit, the leg will pass - I'll go.

- Yah you! I'm not going anywhere without you. We arrived together, together and must return. We must come up with something.

- What do you think of?

- Maybe make a sled? We have an ax.

- How can you make a sledge out of an ax?

- All the same, there are no nails.

“We need to think about it,” I say.

And he began to think. And Mishka is sitting in the snow. I dragged a Christmas tree to him and said:

- You'd better sit on the tree, otherwise you'll catch a cold.

He sat down on the tree. Then a thought occurred to me.

- Bear, - I say, - what if you were taken to the tree?

- How - on the tree?

And like this: you sit, and I will drag by the trunk. Well, hold on!

I grabbed the tree by the trunk and pulled. That's how cleverly he came up with! The snow on the road is hard, rolled, the Christmas tree easily walks along it, and the Bear on it is like on a sled!

- Great! I say. - Come on, hold the ax.

I gave him the ax. The bear sat down more comfortably, and I took him along the road. Soon we got to the edge of the forest and immediately saw the lights.

- Bear! - I say. - Station!

The noise of the train could already be heard from afar.

- Hurry! - says Bear. - We'll be late for the train!

I started with all my might. The bear shouts:

- Press more! We’ll be late!

The train was already approaching the station. Then we arrived in time. We run up to the carriage. I hooked Mishka. The train started, I jumped on the step and dragged the tree behind me. Passengers in the carriage began to scold us for the fact that the tree is thorny. Someone asked:

- Where did you get such a peeled Christmas tree?

We began to tell what happened to us in the forest. Then everyone began to feel sorry for us. One aunt sat Mishka on a bench, shone a felt boot from him and examined his leg.

“It's okay,” she said. “It's just a bruise.

- And I thought I broke my leg, so it hurt me, - says Mishka.

Someone said:

- Nothing, before the wedding will heal!

They all laughed. One aunt gave us a cake, and the other gave us sweets. We were delighted because we were very hungry.

- What are we going to do now? - I say. - We have one tree for two.

- Give it to me for today, - says Mishka, - and that's the end of it.

- How is it - with the end? I dragged it through the whole forest, and even carried you on it, and now I myself will be left without a tree?

- So you just give it to me for today, and tomorrow I will return it back to you.

- Pretty, - I say, - business! All the guys have a holiday, but I won't even have a Christmas tree!

- Well, you understand, - says Mishka, - the guys will come to me today! What am I going to do without a tree?

- Well, show them your sparklers. What, the guys haven't seen the tree?

- So the sparklers probably won't burn. I've done them twenty times already - nothing happens. One smoke, and more!

Maybe it will work out?

- No, I will not even remember about it. Maybe the guys have already forgotten.

- Well, no, you haven't forgotten! There was no need to brag in advance.

“If I had a Christmas tree,” says Mishka, “I would write something about sparklers and somehow get out of it, but now I just don't know what to do.

- No, - I say, - I can't give you the tree. I have never had it like that in a single year, so that there was no Christmas tree.

- Well, be a friend, help me out! You've helped me out more than once!

- Well, I always have to help you out?

- Well, for the last time! I'll give you what you want for it. Take my skis, skates, magic lantern, stamp album. You yourself know what I have. Take whatever you want.

“Okay,” I said. “If so, give me your friend.

The bear pondered. He turned away and was silent for a long time. Then he looked at me - his eyes were sad - and said:

- No, Dear friend, I can’t give it back.

- Here you go! Said "whatever", and now ...

- I forgot about Druzhka ... When I spoke, I was thinking about things. And my friend is not a thing, he is alive.

- Well, what then? Simple dog! If only he was purebred.

- It's not his fault that he is not purebred! He loves me anyway. When I am not at home, he thinks of me, and when I come, he rejoices and wags his tail ... No, let it be! Let the guys laugh at me, and I will not part with my friend, even if you gave me a whole mountain of gold!

- Well, okay, - I say, - then take the tree for free.

- Why for nothing? Since I promised any thing, take any thing. Do you want me to give you a magic lantern with all the pictures? You really wanted to have a magic lantern.

“No, I don’t need a magic lantern. Take it like that.

- You worked so hard because of the tree - why give away for nothing?

- Well, let! I need nothing.

“Well, I don’t need it for nothing,” says Mishka.

“So it’s not entirely for nothing,” I say. - Just like that, for the sake of friendship. Friendship is dearer than a magic lantern! Let this be our common Christmas tree.

While we were talking, the train approached the station. We didn't even notice how we got there. Mishka's leg stopped hurting at all. He only limped slightly when we got off the train.

First I ran home so that my mother would not worry, and then rushed to Mishka to decorate our common Christmas tree.

The Christmas tree was already standing in the middle of the room, and Mishka was gluing the tattered places with green paper. We had not finished decorating the tree yet, when the guys began to gather.

- What are you, called to the tree, but you yourself did not even decorate it! - they were offended.

We began to talk about our adventures, and Mishka even lied, as if wolves attacked us in the forest and we hid from them in a tree. The guys did not believe it and began to laugh at us. Mishka first assured them, and then waved his hand and began to laugh himself. Mishka's mom and dad went to the neighbors to celebrate the New Year, and for us, mom prepared a big round pie with jam and other various delicious things so that we could also have a good New Year.

We were left alone in the room. The guys were not ashamed of anyone and almost walked on their heads. I have never heard such a noise! And Mishka made the most noise. Well, I understood why he was so sold out. He tried so that one of the guys did not remember about the sparklers, and invented more and more new tricks.

Then we lit multi-colored electric bulbs on the tree, and then suddenly the clock began striking twelve o'clock.

- Hurrah! - shouted Mshpka. - Happy New Year!

- Hurrah! - the guys picked up. - Happy New Year! Ur-ah!

Mishka already believed that everything ended well, and shouted:

- And now sit down at the table, guys, there will be tea and pie!

- And where are the sparklers? Someone shouted.

- Bengal lights? - Mishka was confused. - They are not ready yet.

- What are you, called to the tree, said that the sparklers will be ... This is a deception!

- Honestly, guys, there is no deception! There are sparklers, only they are still damp ...

- Come on, show me. Maybe they are already dry. Or maybe there are no sparklers?

The bear reluctantly climbed onto the closet and almost fell out of there along with the sausages. They have already dried up and turned into hard sticks.

- Here you go! - the guys shouted. - Completely dry! What are you cheating!

- It only seems so, - Mishka justified himself. - They have to dry for a long time. They will not burn.

- And now we'll see! - the guys shouted.

They grabbed all the sticks, bent the wires with hooks and hung them on the tree.

- Wait, guys, - Mishka shouted, - we need to check first!

But nobody listened to him.

The guys took the matches and lit all the sparklers at once.

Then there was a hiss, as if the whole room was filled with snakes. The guys jumped to the sides. Suddenly the sparklers flashed, sparkled and scattered around in fiery spray. It was fireworks! No, what kind of fireworks is there - the northern lights! Eruption! The whole tree shone and sprinkled silver around. We stood spellbound and gazed.

Finally the lights went out, and the whole room was filled with some kind of acrid, suffocating smoke. The guys began to sneeze, cough, rub their eyes with their hands. We all rushed into the corridor in a crowd, but the smoke from the room poured in behind us. Then the guys began to grab their coats and hats and began to disperse.

- Guys, what about tea and cake? - Teddy bear struggled.

But no one paid any attention to him. The guys coughed, dressed and dispersed. The bear grabbed me, took off my hat and shouted:

- Do not go even though you! Stay at least for the sake of friendship! Let's drink tea and cake!

Mishka and I were left alone. The smoke cleared little by little, but it was still impossible to enter the room. Then Mishka gagged with a wet handkerchief, ran to the cake, grabbed it and dragged it into the kitchen.

The kettle was already boiling, and we began to drink tea and cake. The pie was delicious, with jam, but it was still soaked in the smoke from the sparklers. But that's okay. Mishka and I ate half the pie, and Druzhok ate the other half.

You have read the online story of Nikolai N Nosov: Bengal Lights: a text from a book. All works (Nosov's stories for children, fairy tales) you can read in full, according to the content on the right.

Nosov writes for children. But adults also read it. He perfectly grasped the psychology of the "boy". No longer a child, but not yet a young man. Namely a boy. And all this is more interesting, more exciting than in many books about adults. Nikolai Nikolayevich Nosov devoted thirty years of his writing to children's literature. Nosov is an intelligent, thoughtful writer with humor, the author of truly classic books, fairy tales, stories, each of which shines like a bright pearl in the chest of our children's literature.

Classics of children's literature from the collection of works for reading (funny stories, fairy tales, humor) of the best, famous writers for children and school: .................

How much trouble Mishka and I had before the New Year! We have been preparing for the holiday for a long time: we glued paper chains on the Christmas tree, cut flags, made various Christmas tree decorations. Everything would be fine, but then Mishka took out a book “Entertaining Chemistry” somewhere and read in it how to make sparklers himself.

This was the beginning of the mess! For whole days he pounded sulfur and sugar in a mortar, made aluminum sawdust and set fire to the mixture for testing. There was smoke all over the house and smelled of suffocating gases. The neighbors were angry and no sparklers came out.

But Mishka was not discouraged. He even invited many guys from our class to his Christmas tree and bragged that he would have sparklers.

They know what! - he said. - They sparkle like silver, and scatter in all directions in fiery sprays.

I say to Mishka:

What have you done? I called the guys, but there won't be any sparklers.

Why not? Will be! There is still a lot of time. I will have time to do everything.

On New Year's Eve, he comes to me and says:

Listen, it's time for us to go for the trees, otherwise we will be left for the holiday without trees.

It's late today, ”I replied. - We'll go tomorrow.

So after all, tomorrow we need to decorate the tree.

Nothing, I say. - It is necessary to decorate in the evening, and we will go in the afternoon, right after school.

Mishka and I have long ago decided to go to Gorelkino for the trees, where we lived with aunt Natasha in the country. Aunt Natasha's husband worked as a forester and even in the summer he told us to come to him in the forest for Christmas trees. I even begged my mother in advance to allow me to go to the forest.

The next day I come to Mishka after dinner, and he sits and pounds Bengal lights in a mortar.

What, - I say, - could not have done before? It's time to go, and you're messing around!

Yes, I did it before, but I probably put in a little sulfur. They hiss, smoke, and do not burn.

Come on, it won't work anyway.

No, now it will probably come out. You just need to put more sulfur. Give me an aluminum pan over there on the windowsill.

Where is the saucepan? It's just a frying pan, I say.

Frying pan? .. Eh, you! Yes, this is the former saucepan. Give it here.

I handed him the frying pan, and he began to scrape it around the edges with a file.

This means that the saucepan has turned into a frying pan? I ask.

Well, yes, - says Mishka. - I sawed it with a file, sawed, so it became a frying pan. Well, nothing, a frying pan is also needed on the farm.

What did mom tell you?

She didn't say anything. She hasn't seen it yet.

And when will he see?

Well ... he will see so he will see. When I grow up, I'll buy her a new pot.

It's a long time to wait until you grow up! - I said.

The bear scooped up the sawdust, poured the powder out of the mortar, poured glue, stirred it all, so that he got a dough like putty. From this putty he made long sausages, screwed them onto iron wires and laid them out on plywood to dry.

Well, - he says, - they will dry up - and they will be ready, only you need to hide it from Druzhka.

Why hide from him?


How - gobble up? Do dogs eat sparklers?

I do not know. Others, perhaps, do not eat, but the Friend does. Once I left them to dry, I go in - and he gnaws them. Probably thought it was candy.

Well, put them in the oven. It's warm there, and the friend will not get it.

You can't go into the stove either. Once I hid them in the oven, and my mother came and flooded them - and they burned down. I'd better put them on the closet, - says Mishka.

The bear climbed onto a chair and put the plywood on the cabinet.

You know what a Friend is, - says Mishka. - He always grabs my things! Remember, he pulled in my left boot, so we couldn't find him anywhere. Then I had to walk in felt boots for three days until I bought other boots. It's warm outside, and I walk in felt boots, as if I'm frostbitten! And then, when we bought other boots, we threw this boot, which was the only one left, because who needs it - one boot! And when he was thrown away, he found the boot that was lost. It turned out - his friend dragged him into the kitchen under the stove. Well, we threw out this shoe too, because if the first had not been thrown away, then the second would not have been thrown away, and once the first thrown away, then the second was thrown away. So both were thrown away.

I say:

Enough chatting! Get dressed soon, you have to go. Bear got dressed, we took an ax and rushed to the station.

And then the train had just left, so we had to wait for another. Well, nothing, waited, let's go. We drove, drove, finally arrived. We got off in Gorelkin and went straight to the forester. He gave us a receipt for two trees, showed us the plot where it was allowed to cut, and we went into the forest. There are a lot of trees around, only Mishka did not like them all.

I’m such a person, ”he boasted,“ if I went to the forest, I’ll cut down the best Christmas tree, or it’s not worth going.

We climbed into the thicket.

We need to cut it quickly, ”I say. - Soon it will begin to get dark.

Why chop when there is nothing to chop!

Why, - I say, - a good tree.

The bear examined the tree from all sides and says:

She is, of course, good, but not quite. To tell the truth, not at all good: scanty.

How is it - scanty?

Its top is short. I don’t need such a tree for nothing!

We found another tree.

And this one is lame, - says Mishka.

How - lame?

So, lame. See, her leg is curving at the bottom.

Which leg?

Well, the trunk.

Trunk! I would say so! We found another tree.

Bald, - says Mishka.

You yourself are bald! How can a tree be bald?

Of course, bald! You see how rare it is, everything shines through. One trunk is visible. It's just not a tree, but a stick!

And so all the time: now bald, then lame, then some other!

Well, - I say, - to listen to you - you can't cut down the tree until nightfall!

I found a suitable Christmas tree, cut it down and gave the ax to Mishka:

Ruby quickly, it's time for us to go home.

And he seemed to have undertaken to search the whole forest. I asked him and scolded him - nothing helped. Finally he found a tree to his liking, cut it down, and we went back to the station. We walked, walked, and the forest did not end.

Maybe we're going in the wrong direction? - says Mishka. We went the other way. They walked, walked - all the forest and the forest!

Here and the beginning to darken. We let’s turn one way and then the other. Lost completely.

You see, - I say, - what have you done!

What have I done? It's not my fault that evening came so soon.

How many tree did you choose? How long did you spend at home? I’ll have to spend the night in the forest because of you!

What are you! - Mishka was frightened. - After all, the guys will come today. We must find a way.

Soon it was completely dark. The moon sparkled in the sky. Black tree trunks stood like giants around. We fancied wolves behind every tree. We stopped and were afraid to go forward.

Let's scream! - says Mishka. Here we both shout together:

"Hey!" - answered the echo.

Hey! Whoa! - we shouted again with all our strength. "Hey! Ay-oo! " echoes repeated.

Maybe we'd better not scream? - says Mishka.

More wolves will hear and come running.

There are probably no wolves here, - I answer.

What if there is! Better let's go soon.

I say:

Let's go straight, otherwise we won't get on the road.

We went again. The bear kept looking around and asked:

And what to do when wolves attack, if there is no gun?

Throw burning embers at them, I say.

And where to get them, these firebrands?

Make a fire - here's your firebrand.

Do you have any matches?

Can they climb a tree?

Yes wolves.

Wolves? No, they cannot.

Then, if wolves attack us, we will climb a tree and sit until morning.

What are you! Can't you sit in a tree until the morning!

Why don't you sit there?

You freeze and fall.

Why are you freezing? We're not cold.

We are not cold, because we are moving, but try to sit on a tree without moving - you will immediately freeze.

Why sit still? - says Mishka. - You can sit and kick your legs.

It will get tired - the whole night in the tree to kick your feet!

We made our way through dense bushes, stumbled over tree stumps, drowned knee-deep in snow. It was getting harder and harder to walk.

We are very tired.

Let's throw the trees! I say.

It's a pity, - says Mishka. - The guys will come to me today. How can I be without a tree?

Here we ourselves, - I say, - get out! What else to think about the trees!

Wait, says Mishka. - One has to go forward and trample the road, then it will be easier for the other. We will change in turn.

We stopped and rested. Then Mishka went ahead, and I followed him. They walked, walked ... I stopped to shift the tree to my other shoulder. I wanted to go further, I see - there is no Mishka! Disappeared, as if he had sunk into the ground along with his tree.

And he doesn't answer.

Bear! Hey! Where have you gone?

No answer.

I went cautiously forward, I looked - and there was a cliff! I almost fell off a cliff. I see something dark moving below.

Hey! Is that you, Mishka?

I! I seem to have rolled down the mountain!

Why don't you answer? I'm screaming, screaming ...

You will answer here when I hurt my leg!

I went down to him, and there is a road. The bear sits in the middle of the road and rubs his knee with his hands.

What's the matter?

A bruised knee. The leg, you know, turned up.

Painfully! I'll sit.

Well, let's sit, - I say.

We sat down with him in the snow. We sat, sat, until we got cold.

I say:

Here you can freeze! Maybe let's go along the road? She will take us somewhere: either to the station, or to the forester, or to some village. Do not freeze in the forest!

Mishka wanted to get up, but immediately gasped and sat down again.

I can't, - he says.

What to do now? Let me carry you in the back, I say.

Will you tell me?

Let's try.

The bear got up and began to climb onto my back. Groaned, groaned, climbed forcibly. Heavy! I bent three deaths.

Well, carry it! - says Mishka.

As soon as I walked a few steps, I slipped - and thump into the snow.

Ay! - shouted Mishka. - My leg hurts, and you throw me into the snow!

I’m not on purpose!

Wouldn't do it if you can't!

Woe to me with you! I say. - Either you fiddled with Bengal lights, then you chose the tree until dark, and now you are hurt ... You will disappear here with you!

You can not disappear! ..

How not to disappear?

Go alone. It's all my fault. I persuaded you to go for the trees.

Well, should I leave you?

So what then? I'll go alone. I'll sit, the leg will pass - I'll go.

Yah you! I'm not going anywhere without you. We arrived together, together and must return. We must come up with something.

What do you think of?

Maybe make a sled? We have an ax.

How can you make a sled out of an ax?

Yes, not from an ax, head! Cut down a tree, and from a tree - a sled.

There are no nails anyway.

We need to think about it, - I say.

And he began to think. And Mishka is sitting in the snow. I dragged a Christmas tree to him and said:

You'd better sit on the tree, or you'll catch a cold.

He sat down on the tree. Then a thought occurred to me.

Bear, - I say, - what if you were taken to the tree?

How - on the tree?

And like this: you sit, and I will drag by the trunk. Well, hold on!

I grabbed the tree by the trunk and pulled. That's how cleverly he came up with! The snow on the road is hard, rolled, the Christmas tree easily walks along it, and the Bear on it is like on a sled!

Great! I say. - Come on, hold the ax. I gave him the ax. The bear sat down more comfortably, and I took him along the road. Soon we got to the edge of the forest and immediately saw the lights.

Bear! - I say. - Station! The noise of the train was already heard from afar.

Hurry! - says Mishka. - We'll miss the train! I started with all my might.

The bear shouts:

Press more! We’ll be late!

The train was already approaching the station. Then we arrived in time. We run up to the carriage. I hooked Mishka. The train started, I jumped on the step and dragged the tree behind me. Passengers in the carriage began to scold us for the fact that the tree is thorny.

Someone asked:

Where did you get such a peeled Christmas tree?

We began to tell what happened to us in the forest. Then everyone began to feel sorry for us. One aunt sat Mishka on a bench, took off his boots and examined his leg.

It's okay, ”she said. - Just a bruise.

And I thought that I broke my leg, so it hurt me, - says Mishka.

Someone said:

Nothing, before the wedding will heal!

They all laughed. One aunt gave us a cake, and the other gave us sweets. We were delighted because we were very hungry.

What are we going to do now? I say. - We have one tree for two.

Give it to me for today, - says Mishka, - and that's the end of it.

How does it end? I dragged it through the whole forest and even carried you on it, and now I myself will be left without a tree?

So you just give it to me for today, and tomorrow I'll give it back to you.

Pretty, - I say, - business! All the guys are having a holiday, but I won't even have a Christmas tree!

Well, you understand, - says Mishka, - the guys will come to me today! What am I going to do without a tree?

Well, show them your sparklers. What, the guys have not seen the tree?

So the sparklers probably won't burn. I've done them twenty times already - nothing happens. One smoke, and more!

Maybe it will work out?

No, I will not even remember about it. Maybe the guys have already forgotten.

Well, no, you haven't forgotten! There was no need to brag in advance.

If I had a Christmas tree, - says Mishka, - I would write something about sparklers and somehow get out of it, but now I just don't know what to do.

No, - I say, - I can't give you the tree. I have never had it like that in a single year, so that there was no tree.

Well, be a friend, help out! You've helped me out more than once!

Well, do I always have to help you out?

Well, for the last time! I'll give you what you want for it. Take my skis, skates, magic lantern, stamp album. You yourself know what I have. Take whatever you want.

Okay, I said. - If so, give me your friend.

The bear pondered. He turned away and was silent for a long time. Then he looked at me - his eyes were sad - and said:

No, Dear friend, I can’t give it back.

Here you go! Said "whatever", and now ...

I forgot about Druzhka ... When I spoke, I was thinking about things. And my friend is not a thing, he is alive.

So what then? Simple dog! If only he was purebred.

It's not his fault that he is not purebred! He loves me anyway. When I am not at home, he thinks of me, and when I come, he rejoices and wags his tail ... No, let it be! Let the guys laugh at me, and I will not part with my friend, even if you gave me a whole mountain of gold!

Well, okay, - I say, - then take the tree for free.

Why free? Since I promised any thing, take any thing. Do you want me to give you a magic lantern with all the pictures? You really wanted to have a magic lantern.

No, I don't need a magic lantern. Take it like that.

After all, you worked so hard because of the tree - why give away for nothing?

Well, let! I need nothing.

Well, I don’t need it for nothing either.

So it’s not entirely for nothing, ”I say. - Just like that, for the sake of friendship. Friendship is dearer than a magic lantern! Let this be our common Christmas tree.

While we were talking, the train approached the station. We didn't even notice how we got there. Mishka's leg stopped hurting at all. He only limped slightly when we got off the train.

First I ran home so that my mother would not worry, and then rushed to Mishka to decorate our common Christmas tree.

The Christmas tree was already standing in the middle of the room, and Mishka was gluing the tattered places with green paper. We had not finished decorating the tree yet, when the guys began to gather.

Why, you invited me to the tree, but you didn't even decorate it yourself! - they were offended.

We began to talk about our adventures, and Mishka even lied, as if wolves attacked us in the forest and we hid from them in a tree. The guys did not believe it and began to laugh at us. Mishka first assured them, and then waved his hand and began to laugh himself.

Mishka's mom and dad went to the neighbors to celebrate the New Year, and for us, mom prepared a big round pie with jam and other various delicious things so that we could also have a good New Year.

We were left alone in the room. The guys were not ashamed of anyone and walked almost on their heads. I have never heard such a noise! And Mishka made the most noise. Well, I understood why he was so sold out. He tried so that one of the guys did not remember about the sparklers, and invented more and more new tricks.

Then we lit multi-colored electric bulbs on the tree, and then suddenly the clock began striking twelve o'clock.

Hurrah! - shouted Mishka. - Happy New Year!

Hurrah! - picked up the guys. - Happy New Year! Ur-ah! Mishka already believed that everything ended well, and shouted:

Now sit down at the table, guys, there will be tea and pie!

And where are the sparklers? someone shouted.

Bengal lights? - Mishka was confused. - They are not ready yet.

What are you, called to the tree, said that the sparklers will be ... This is a deception!

Honestly, no cheating! There are sparklers, only they are still damp ...

Well, show me. Maybe they are already dry. Or maybe there are no sparklers?

The bear reluctantly climbed onto the closet and almost fell out of there along with the sausages. They have already dried up and turned into hard sticks.

Here you go! - the guys shouted. - Completely dry! What are you cheating!

It only seems so, - Mishka justified himself. - They need to dry for a long time. They will not burn.

But now we'll see! - the guys shouted. They grabbed all the sticks, bent the wires with hooks and hung them on the tree.

Wait, guys, - Mishka shouted, - we need to check first!

But nobody listened to him.

The guys took the matches and lit all the sparklers at once. Then there was a hiss, as if the whole room was filled with snakes. The guys jumped to the sides. Suddenly the sparklers flashed, sparkled and scattered around in fiery spray. It was fireworks! No, what kind of fireworks is there - the northern lights! Eruption! The whole tree shone and sprinkled silver around. We stood spellbound and gazed.

Finally the lights went out, and the whole room was filled with some kind of acrid, suffocating smoke. The guys began to sneeze, cough, rub their eyes with their hands. We all rushed into the corridor in a crowd, but the smoke from the room poured down behind us. Then the guys began to grab their coats and hats and began to disperse.

Nikolai Nikolayevich Nosov, a writer and playwright, who wrote many children's stories, as well as everyone's favorite fairy tales "Dunno in a sunny city", "Dunno on the moon" and others, is known to many. He was born in 1908 in Kiev, in the family of a stage artist. The childhood of the future author of wonderful books was spent in Irpen, where he studied at the gymnasium. The family was in need, and to help, the boy from the age of fourteen had already worked: as a haymaker, and a newspaper merchant, and a digger.

After the 1917 revolution, the gymnasium was reorganized into a seven-year school. Nikolai finished it in 1924 and began to think about how to decide on his future profession.

Whatever the young man was fond of: chemistry, and was eager to study in an evening vocational school, preparing to enter a polytechnic university. However, he suddenly changed his mind. And Nikolai's choice was influenced by his admission to the Kiev Art Institute at the age of nineteen. Studying photography, cinematography, two years later transfer to the Institute of Cinematography in Moscow, working on animated, scientific and educational films as a director - all this is the creative path of a talented person who in the future was to become a professional writer.

The first children's stories came from the pen of Nikolai Nosov in 1938. After the Great Patriotic War, he became a recognized author of children's literature.

The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends

This is a well-known fairy tale, which appeared thanks to the intensive work of the author. A kind and cheerful story with its legendary heroes living in the flower city: Dunno, Znayka, Doctor Pilyulkin, mechanics Cinch and Shpuntik, musician and artist Tyubik and Tsvetik, culinary lovers Donut and Syrup, astronomer Steklyashkin. The rest of the characters, whose names speak for themselves, are also very entertaining: the twins Avoska and Neboska, Toropyzhka, Grumble.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a work came to Nikolai Nosov in 1952, when he talked to a young Ukrainian writer Bohdan Chaly, who at that time was the editor of the Ukrainian magazine Barvinok.

Nikolai Nosov's stories "Live Hat", "Gardener", "Cucumbers", "Patch", "Mishkina's Porridge" were first published in the magazine "Murzilka", and later included in the collection, published in 1945, which was called "Tuk-tuk- fat ". A year later, thanks to the joint work of the author and the publishing house "Detgiz", the collection "Steps" appeared.


This story, written by Nikolai Nosov in 1938, is still interesting to read not only for children, but also for adults. Now he is included in the school curriculum for the 2nd grade. After reading the summary, you can find out the reason for such popularity.

The story is written in the first person. “Valya and I are entertainers,” says the first lines. And immediately the interest arises: what will these lovely children come up with? It turns out that they read the well-known fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" and decided to make themselves a similar house. Everything would be fine, but Valya decided to play a trick on her friend and grabbed him by the leg. Impressed by the fairy tale, the boy thought that it was none other than ... a gray wolf. The harmless game became the cause of the fear of both children, because at first Valya was also frightened and did not admit anything. They didn't start such games anymore.

Living hat

Have you ever seen a live hat? Probably not, but the story of the same name is known to many former and current schoolchildren. After all, it is also in the textbooks.

Vovka and Vadik saw a stirring hat on the floor near the chest of drawers. What started here! The boys ran out of the room, closed the door behind them, just trembled with fear. They could not understand what was happening: why an ordinary hat was crawling on the floor. They beat her with a club, threw them with potatoes and, finally, their beloved kitten Vaska jumped out from under the hat. Of course, Vadik and Vova were surprised.

Mishkina porridge

This is what it means not to heed your parents' advice! My mother taught, leaving for the city and leaving the children on the farm, how to cook porridge. She showed everything: how much cereal to pour, and how to cook soup. But Misha imagined himself to be a cook and ignored everything.

And when my mother hit the road, the trouble began. At first it seemed that everything was fine. The boy poured cereal into the pan, added water and they sit, waiting for the porridge to cook.

And she suddenly "climbed" out of the pan. All the water has boiled away. And I was so thirsty that I had to go to the well. Misha drowned both the bucket and the kettle; the fish they had caught in the pond and tried to fry turned into coals. Friends went to bed hungry.

It's good that in the morning my neighbor, Aunt Natasha, helped out: she fed them pies with cabbage and gave them milk. In gratitude, the boys weeded out all the weeds in her garden. But this is much easier than cooking porridge.

Vitya Maleev at school and at home

The story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" was published thirty times (from 1951 to 1953) and translated into twenty-three languages. There is a 1978 edition with a circulation of five hundred thousand copies. In 1954, the film "Two Friends" was shot based on the story.

This is an interesting story about Vita Maleev and his friends: Vanya Pakhomov, Igor Grachev, Gleb Skameykin, Kostya Shishkin and others; about how the main character studied, about the failures and successes in the lessons of the Russian language and mathematics, about the attitude of the teacher Olga Nikolaevna towards him; about little sister Lika ...

This is a story about friendship and mutual understanding; about the pranks of schoolchildren. A kind, interesting piece that is easy to read. As if you yourself are among wonderful curious and active boys, who have a whole life ahead of them.

Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn

This is also a fascinating work - a story for children. Kolya Sinitsyn decided to keep a diary. At first, nothing seemed to happen, but then the memories of the events of the current days, of which one was more interesting than the other, began to lie in lines on paper.

And now Kolya writes about the proposal to breed bees with his entire link; about the work that was done when the hive was being built. And about how the bees were taken out, the main character of the work has many pages in his diary. After all, for the sake of this, friends went to the village of Shishigino and there, in nature, many adventures happened to them! The boys' dream of bees did come true, but not because they caught them in a trap, as they wanted at first, but thanks to the kind grandfather-beekeeper.

Alas, the boys, having arrived home, did not save the bees. This and much more is described on the following pages of Kolya's diary. You are interested? Then read the whole story.

Bengal lights

New Year is a special holiday, and even more so for children. The boys prepared hard for it: they made toy decorations for the Christmas tree, glued paper garlands. And everything would be great if Mishka hadn't taken out the book "Entertaining Chemistry" and decided to make sparklers on her recommendation. This is where the adventure began. At first, nothing worked, and Misha detained a friend when they decided to go into the forest for a tree. Further - more: finally choosing a suitable tree, the boys got lost in the forest. In addition, Misha fell and badly bruised his leg. It's good that a friend thought to take him to the station on a Christmas tree.

Everything ended well, and the sparklers in the midst of the holiday, which were met by the children themselves, without parents, "scattered around in fiery spray", only there was a lot of smoke. The guys dispersed in a hurry, no matter how they were persuaded. And Misha and a friend ate tea and cake.


This story, written in 1941, has another name, "Wonderful Trousers." One weighty phrase can be distinguished by the motto of the work: "The soldier himself must be able to do everything: put a patch and sew a button ..."

Bobka was very proud of his khaki soldier trousers, but once he tore them. No matter how I asked my mother to fix it, nothing worked. "Sash yourself," she said. And so, after the ridicule of his peers, the boy decided to take the needle in his hands. After a long hard work, he finally succeeded. Even friends praised it. And Bobka concluded that you need to learn everything yourself.

Cheerful family

Nikolai Nosov's children's cautionary tale about friendship will appeal to little readers who love nature. The main characters are Misha and Kolya. Whatever they were imagining: finally, they decided to make a small incubator for eggs. Well, it was painstaking work, the boys spent a lot of energy. And even at night they were on duty to keep the temperature for heating the eggs at exactly 39 degrees - not higher or lower. Because of this, studies were launched, but then they improved, thanks to classmates, who, having learned about the secret of two true friends, decided to willingly help them.

Have Kolya and Misha's efforts been crowned with success? Have the chicks hatched? Yes, but before that, the guys had to be pretty worried. But what a joy it was when finally a whole family of little yellow chickens was born.


This story is also about nature, and the main characters are the same Misha and Kolya who came to the village to visit Aunt Natasha. Expansion was in the village - if you want - swim in the river and catch fish, if you want - pick berries. But the most important miracle happened when the dog Dianka gave birth to puppies. The children played with these little dogs all day long, and when, at the urgent request of Aunt Natasha, they were given several, they only had one puppy, which was named Druzhok. And Misha decided to take him to the city without even asking his mother's permission. Well, the adventures were with the boys, while they were carrying the dog on the train in a suitcase. To drown out Druzhok's voice while he whined, the boys took turns reciting poetry. Passengers were amused then! And then, when the boys had to get off at the station, it turned out that they had not taken their suitcase, but the neighbors who were traveling with them in the carriage.

Fortunately, everything ended well. A new teacher, Nadezhda Viktorovna, came to the class where Kolya and Misha studied. It turned out that it was her suitcase that the boys took by mistake then. And the friend was found. He lived in this family, and was already used to new owners. It was a pity to leave the girl Lena with the dog, but nothing can be done. But the boys promised to give her a little puppy next year.


Kolya and Misha bought two toy telephones in the store. If you connect them with a wire, then you can talk to each other while in different apartments. This was an interesting activity for the boys. “The whole evening Mishka and I called each other and invented different tricks: we sang, shouted, growled, bellowed, even talked in a whisper - everything was heard,” the story says.