What is the longest railway in the world? History, interesting facts. The longest railway in the world is the longest iron

For the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century, the most extended railway trouser was considered to be Transsib, which connects Moscow and the Far East with a finite station in Vladivostok. But after in 2014, the Chinese launched a "new silk path" from IU in Madrid with a length of 13052 km, the title "The longest railway in the world" changed its owner. In addition to Moscow - Vladivostok and IU - Madrid, the Top-10 rating includes other unique routes, which directly rail a few thousand kilometers.

10. Shanghai - Lhasa: 4373 km

A trip to the train from Shanghai to Lhasa is an incredible trip, which passes through 8 provinces of China and ends at Qinghai Tibetan Highlands. Pure travel time is 47 hours. Although formally, the trip takes 3 days, since the only train next to this route leaves from Shanghai at 20:10 local time and arrives in Lhasa on the 3rd day, at 19:20, bypassing 13 stations.

The Shanghai Railway - Lhasa is very popular with tourists, as the geography of the terrain is repeatedly changing during the trip. Especially impressive "mountain" journey, when the train, looping around the mountain, makes a rise, the degree of which is clearly visible to the naked eye.

9. Chicago - Los Angeles: 4390 km

As you know, the United States has the largest railway network in the world, the total length of which is 250 thousand km. At the same time, a weighty part of the track falls on a direct route from Chicago to the very heart of California - Los Angeles. For 65 hours of the track, the train crosses 7 states, making 40 stops.

The State Committee of Amtrak, which operates most of the special trains to the United States, is particularly related to passenger traffic. Many trains have a cozy atmosphere with a bias under ancient, and the stewards look like actors of old Hollywood films. In order for tourists to fully familiarize themselves with the landscapes of North America, following the Chicago - Los Angeles route, the company has developed unique wagons-living rooms with huge windows that occupy not only the walls, but also part of the ceiling.

8. Harbin - Haikou: 4458 km

Direct railway communication from the administrative center of Heilongjiang province, the city of Harbin, to the south of China, to the city of Khaikou (Hainan Island), appeared relatively recently. The first train on this route was launched at the end of June 2013. Almost 4.5 thousand km are overcome for 66 hours, taking into account the 52 stops.

The main reason for the opening of this branch is considered to be the compound of the Northern and Southern PRC parts. In addition, with the advent of the Harbin - Haikou railway, it became much easier to get to the island of Hainan, which in the tourist sphere is often called "Eastern Hawaii".

7. Toronto - Vancouver: 4466 km

Travel from Toronto to Vancouver by train Via Rail is an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with Canada. The route consisting of 66 stops passes through the snow-covered rocky mountains, the forest of the Canadian shield and other natural attractions.

Despite the fact that the trip lasts more than 3 days (86 hours), it is not necessary to miss passengers. Behind the train window, except for the unique landscape, you can see unique animals, including moose, deer and even bears. And intermediate stops in such cities as Winnipeg, Saskatun and Edmonton, allow you to touch a little to a multifaceted Canadian culture.

6. Urumchi - Guangzhou: 4684 km

Railway route Urumchi - Guangzhou is a kind of diagonal, which connects the North-West China Region with south-east. Three trains run on this railway: Z138 / Z135, T38 / T35, L908 / L905. The first of them is the entire distance, and this is 31 stations, passing for 49.5 hours. T-Class train is located on the way 55 hours, and L-class - 65 hours.

Since Guangzhou is considered a political, economic, educational, scientific and technical and cultural center of southern China, this railway is often used by tourists, businessmen and foreign politicians who want to save on airline tickets, preferred the cheapest type of transport.

5. Innin - Shanghai: 4742 km

The launch of the branch, which connects the important administrative assembly of North-West China - Inin, and the largest city in the world in the population - Shanghai occurred on December 10, 2014. Passenger trains in both directions crosses 7 provinces and stop at 32 stations. The largest among them are Nili, Kuytun, Jinghe, Saven, Turfan, Urumqi, Shanshan and Hami.

The total duration of the route is almost 56 hours. During this time, passengers manage to cross almost all China, and having enjoyed beautiful landscapes and familiarize themselves with the level of economic development of this country.

4. Lhasa - Guangzhou: 4980 km

The longest direct rail route inside China is Lhasa - Guangzhou, the length of which is equal to 5 thousand km. The travel time on the passenger train is 54.5 hours with stops in several large cities, such as Chenzhou, Lanzhou, Study and Xi'an. However, a significant part of the path runs through the open countryside and mountain landscapes.

This route runs the T264 train, the feature of which is a 24-hour restaurant with more than 100 dishes of Tibetan and Chinese cuisine. During the trip, the stewards constantly inform passengers about the approaching attractions, and they do it in three languages \u200b\u200b- English, Chinese and Tibetan.

3. Moscow - Beijing: 8984 km

There are already strong political, economic and cultural ties between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China, therefore it is not surprising that the capital of these states have direct railway communication. The East train, starting his way in Moscow and ending in Beijing, passes 9 thousand km (44 stations) in 145 hours of 37 minutes, that is, passengers spend on the road full of 6 days.

Most of the route train moves along the trans-Siberian highway, making a "turn" only in Chita to cross the Chinese border. The longest stop is carried out immediately before the border in the city of Zabaikalsk. At the same time, the time of parking (6 hours) is caused not so much by customs control as the replacement of the wheels, since the Russian track differs from Chinese other technical parameters.

2. Moscow - Vladivostok: 9289 km

The construction of the legendary Trans-Siberian Highway started in the distant 1891, and its result was the opportunity to follow exclusively on rails from the European part of Russia to the shores of the Pacific Ocean. The duration of the route is 178 hours or 7 days, during which time the train drives over 9 thousand km, stopping at intermediate stations 67 times.

For ordinary passengers, the journey from Moscow to Vladivostok is noteworthy the fact that the highway crosses several watch trains, captures the unique nature of Siberia and even makes a "visit" to the largest freshwater reservoir of the world - Lake Baikal. For freight traffic, there is also quite a lot of preferences, so the annual cargo traffic is equal to 100 million tons.

1. IU - Madrid: 13052 km

The relatively small city of Yu, located in the east of China, is known as one of the largest wholesale centers in the world. To accelerate the growth rates of the Chinese economy, it was decided to combine IU with Western Europe through the railway, which would significantly reduce the cost of delivery of goods. So in November 2014, the first train on the route IU - Madrid was launched, in 21 days crossed borders of 8 states - China, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, Belarus, Poland, Germany, France and Spain.

The highway herself received the patho name "New Silk Road", implying that it was on such a route for many centuries ago caravans moving with goods from Asia to Europe. 40 billion dollars were spent on the construction of the road, which once again proves the importance of the land communication between the West and East.

The appearance of railway transport at one time gave a powerful impetus to development: thanks to the laying of such paths, people got the opportunity to travel over long distances, spending at times less time.

In addition, the railway message made it possible to deliver large amounts of cargo in the most hard-to-reach points. Even after a century after the start of using the railway for passenger and freight transport, this type of transport still remains the main one. During this time, multi-kilometer parts of the paths were laid around the world, which and today it costs the transportation of goods and passengers. In order to be clear what kind of construction was received, we give a list of the most extended railways.

This first united Europe and Asia, the construction started back in 1981, its length amounted to 9288 km. Thanks to this transport "artery" today from Moscow in Vladivostok can be reached in just 6 days.

According to the total length of such paths, the US is an unconditional leader. There are both private and state railways in this country with different lengths. The longest among them is transcontinental, which was built in 1869. At the moment, this road is an integral part of the transcontinental network, the total length of which is 107 thousand km.

This road, which to this day is one of the main transport "arteries" of Canada, has a length of 4466 km. It is 66 stations on it, you can travel for 86 hours.

Another American railway giant, the length of which is 4390 km. The paths are laid through the territory of the seven US states, throughout the 40 stations are located. In order to drive the road from beginning to end, you will have to spend 67 hours.

PRC is one of the largest worldwide areas. To ensure transport links on this territory, railways are actively used. Lhasa-Guangzhou Road's length is 4980 km, it is one of the longest.

In order to drive it from start to the end, the passenger will need to spend 54 hours.

Road length - 4373 kilometers.

The train drives 8 Chinese provinces and 13 stations, all the time travel takes the total three days, but the train directly goes about 47 hours. The train stops in several cities where you can get out of the train and take a little stroll and look around. This is a very popular route among travelers who want to admire a variety of scenery outside the window during their trip and visit the small towns of China. Often this is the main reason for choosing such a route, as the difference in price with a plane from Shanghai in Lhasa is not very significant. It is important that in the corridor and in the coupe there are access to oxygen, and you can also ask for a special oxygen tube if you become bad from sharply changing heights.

9. Railway from Chicago to Los Angeles

Road length - 4390 kilometers.

Railways in the United States in the 20th century were a very popular view of the movement and trains of Americans were the most common type of transport. Subsequently, they gave way to cars and aircraft, but the extensive network of iron tract remained, so that the country can still go around the train. AMPTRAK government company is engaged in rail transportation in America. The longest American railway passes from Chicago to Los Angeles and for this you need to drive 4390 kilometers, spending 65 hours. For all time on the way, the train makes forty stops in seven states.

8. Railway from Harbin to Haikou

4458 kilometers.

The train leaves from the administrative center of the Chinese province of Heilongjiang in the north-east of the country, from the city of Harbin. This train arrives in the southern part of China to the city of Haikou, which is located on the island of Hainan, thanks to which it is now much easier to get to the island thanks to a permanent railway service between the North and South of the country. This road was put into operation in 2013, relatively recently, therefore it is considered a new expensive. The train makes 52 stops on your route and all together takes about 66 hours on the road.

7. Railway from Toronto to Vancouver

4466 kilometers.

Just a few kilometers longer than the Chinese route is the road by train from Toronto to Vancouver, thanks to which you can arrange a great journey through Canada, to get acquainted with the natural features of the country, see the snow-covered tops of the mountains and green untouched forests. Such a route will take 86 hours with all stops, but perhaps this is the only opportunity for a regular tourist to look at the variety of flora and fauna of Canada National Parks from the train window.

6. Railway from Urumchi to Guangzhou

4684 kilometers.

Another Chinese railway route in the list. This road passes as if a diagonal through the whole country, connecting the northwestern and southeast part of China. Before traveling on this route is a choice: there are three trains, three classes, each of which is different for the price and time of travel (50, 55 or 65 hours on the road.

5. Railway from Inina to Shanghai

4743 kilometers.

Another Chinese railway, which passes from Inin to Shanghai. This route was opened in 2014. During the trip, the passengers drive 7 provinces of China, stopping at 32 stations where you can go out and explore the small towns of the country. Together with all stops, such a journey will take about 56 hours on the way.

4. Railway from Lhasa to Guangzhou

4980 kilometers.

Perhaps this is the best choice of a route for real travelers who want to cover all China for one trip, since this route passes almost through the country and directly called it is extremely difficult. During the trip (54 hours) you will stop in several fairly large cities, and also see how they live in the rural provinces of China. In addition, in the train that runs on this route, you can try many interesting traditional dishes, and you will also be warned by speakerphone about various attractions that can be seen from the train window.

3. Railway from Moscow to Beijing

8984 kilometers.

International Railway, passing from the capital of Russia to the capital of China. Such a route will take you full six days, 137 hours, given more than forty stops on the way. Of course, this is a route for brave, however, it is thanks to him that he can see the cities of our country in which you would hardly visit under other circumstances. Most of the route will have to drive through the Trans-Siberian Highway.

2. Railway from Moscow to Vladivostok

9289 kilometers.

From school textbooks, we remember that the Moscow-Vladivostok road is the longest railway in the world and was built back at the end of the 19th century. However, she recently gave their championship to another route. The journey through the second duration of the road in the world takes 178 hours (approximately 7 days in the way).

1. Railway from IU to Madrid

13052 kilometers.

Truly striking imagination of the length of the road - 13 thousand kilometers through the whole mainland and 8 countries. This path was opened in 2014 and unofficially called "new silk paths." It has a special meaning for international trade, and to deliver goods from one end point to another can now be for 21 days.

The creation of the railway once became a serious breakthrough in the transport industry. Trains allowed to quickly get to cities and small settlements, with minimal cost to deliver cargo to different points. Railway and now did not lose the relevance. It is in demand among avid travelers and ordinary people.

New Silk Path

So called the railway, which connected Europe and Asia. The highway with a length of more than 13 thousand km crosses 8 states. The train rides from a small Chinese town to the Spanish capital - the city of Madrid. To drive from beginning to end, you need to stay on the way on the way.

Trans-Siberian Magistral

Transsib is the longest highway in Russia. This is the first railway, which connected Asia with Europe. It was built in the USSR. The path from the Russian capital in Vladivostok in 9288 km can be overcome in 6 days.

Moscow - Beijing

The length of the railway line, which connects the two capitals of the Great States, is more than 9 thousand km. Partially train travels on a trassist. Time on the way is 145 hours. Due to different sizes of a rut on the border, the train consists of 6 hours.

Transcontinental network

The United States of America can be called leaders for the construction of railways. In the state, this type of transport is well developed. There are also record holders. One of these record holders and can be called a transcontinental network that stretched across the country. The total length of roads included in its composition is 107 thousand km.

Chicago - Los Angeles

The longest expensive in the United States is considered the path that connects two American cities - Chicago and Los Angeles. The distance of 4.3 thousand km is overcame for 67 hours. At the same time, it stops at 40 stations.

Vancouver - Toronto

Not inferior to American roads and Canadian railway, which stretches from the west coast to the eastern part. The path whose length is almost 4.5 thousand km, the train overcomes in 86 hours. Stop composition makes at 66 stations.

Lhasa - Guangzhou

China is also included in the list of countries that can boast the longest railways. The path in almost 5 thousand km is passing for 54 hours. The main feature of the journey of this expensive is that many Chinese sights can be seen on the road.

Trans-Siberian Magistral

The longest railway in the world is our Trans-Siberian Railway Highway, which many refer to the Trans-Siberian Highway, but should not forget about its historical name - the Great Siberian Way.

This road, despite the fact that it began to be built back in 1891, very modern and upgraded. The highest point of this railway is an appleary pass, which is located at an altitude of 1019 meters above sea level, which is equipped with a complete electrification.

Road through Eurasia

Transsib stretched at 9288.2 kilometers. This road stretches through the entire Eurasia, passing through the largest exits to Europe (Moscow, Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, Novorossiysk), as well as covering the most significant points of Siberia and the Far East, which have access to Asia and the port cities of the Pacific Ocean. We note and pass through it through Yekaterinburg, which is an important link on the way from Europe to Asia and back.

The highway allows us to carry out transportation weighing up to 100 million tons per year.

From Moscow to Vladivostok

The beginning of this railway is considered to be the Yaroslavl station of Moscow, and the completion of the Vladivostok railway station, which is in the Golden Horn Bay, which is in the Japanese Sea. Along the way, 97 stopping points are located, and if you want to ride from one end to another, then you will need more than 8 days.

Railway network

However, despite the presence of the longest railway, our country is not a leader in terms of the total length of the railway network. In this quality, the United States of America is occupied by the first place in the world. They have a total length of railway highways of 223155 kilometers.