Particles. Writing-reasoning on a linguistic topic in gia I hardly ever see the river

Getting to the beginning of this path is not difficult. From Ryazan it runs along the narrow-gauge railway, from Moscow to Spas-Kle-piki, an intercity bus will take four hours to reach. You won't have to puff under your backpacks for a long time either. You will walk a hundred steps along the sleepers of the narrow-gauge railway between the squat station barns, where it smells of fresh shavings and tar, to the bridge, wooden, dried by the hot sun and very clean, and then you will see her, this path. A narrow, modestly meandering river between flooded meadows with a short name - Pra.

It flows from a system of lakes, among which the main one is Lake Velikoe, its name only fits into geographic maps... And even then not at all. The lakes are fed by the water of the countless bogs of Meshchera, which is why the water of the Pra River, as Paustovsky noted, has the color of strong tea. At the same time, it remains surprisingly clean and transparent. And there is no greater pleasure than on a hot July day to plunge headlong into this water and, arms outstretched, swim with the current for a long time, feeling the fearful jolts of curious fish. Or drink tea boiled in a pot over the fire. Instead of brewing, you can pour in a handful of meadow flowers, and the tea will turn out to be fragrant, tasty and, it has been proven, healing. I love this "tea". It seems to me that it, like ginseng root, helps against all diseases and prolongs life.

For the first time to get acquainted with this river, I, and my whole family, was forced to purchase a kayak. It was bought for the guys, so that there was something to have fun on the day off. But the children grew up, and the geography of travel expanded. Starting with the study of the Klyazma river near Moscow, we wanted to see Istra and Protva, and then dreamed of a river along which one could swim and swim, live in a tent and forests, and so test and prepare ourselves for long trips.

"You won't find a better Pra!" - the familiar doctor told me. It turned out that the doctor was an inveterate kayaker himself, walked along this river with his daughters and his wife and was very pleased with the journey. Attracted what to hide, and the cheapness of the road. At that time, a bus ticket to Spas-Klepikov cost three rubles!

Pra is not very deep - you can wade it anywhere. It begins, as I said, from flooded meadows, where herds of cows graze among the thick grass under the supervision of shepherds. The river meanders along the green plain, from time to time slips past high sandy hills overgrown with pine forests. Kayaking is a pleasure. You row without straining. You put down the oar, and the banks continue to swim back: the river helps. But it is a pity to part with the meadows, and here we make the first parking lot.

We set up a tent, collect dry wood for a fire, go to the nearest villages, where we stock up on the road with bread, eggs, cucumbers and potatoes. We are trying to catch a rudd, which the local fishermen catch perfectly, but does not want to get hooked with us. We watch the flight of marsh harriers, and at night we listen to the eerie cries of eared owls. All this is a great joy for us, residents of big cities, who for many months have to "admire" only the gray walls of stone buildings.

Imperceptibly, the river is being drawn deeper and deeper into the forests. Villages disappear, the river runs as if downhill and runs into a high sandy steep coast, entirely dotted with holes - swallow's nests, and slender ship pines with golden trunks rise above the cliff.

Pine forests are the most important attraction of the Meshchera forests. Dry air, filled with the smell of resin, in one day can cure an uncomfortable cough for two months. (Also tested on the eldest son.) This is where forest life begins. We eat raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, collect huge porcini mushrooms, make delicious roast from them on a fire. And we swim, we swim ...

However, on the second day I want to continue swimming. Falcons fly in the sky on pointed wings, and bright purple-orange kingfishers fly low over the water from shore to shore. It took a lot of work for me to look out for a snag where the birds sat down to hunt for fish. Moreover, I had to sit in an ambush of grass and branches for several hours to film them. But luck brings joy to everyone and drives you further, towards new discoveries.

Thunderstorms on Prey - colorful, impressive and unpredictable. Sometimes the sky turns blue over the forest for a long time and darkly, emphasizing the whiteness of the sand spits. But that's where it all ends. And sometimes an almost black cloud will close the firmament in a few minutes and hit with such rain and thunder, and even hail, that once again you will praise the quickness of the guys who managed to put up the tent. Once, instead of rain, lead clouds brought a hurricane wind. He broke several gnarled pines on the beach and a tent pole. And it was scary at that moment. It seemed that the whirlwind is capable of ripping off and carrying away not only the tent, but also us with it. However, just as suddenly as it began, the hurricane wilted, there was silence, as if there was nothing.

Once, waiting for a thunderstorm in a kayak, under the leaves of a young birch tree, we saw a banner on a pole on the other bank and argued about what might be written there. Usually, menacing warnings are written on such shields - do not burn fires, do not enter the territory of a hunting farm, and the like.

“I have seen many picturesque and wilderness places in Russia, but I’ll hardly ever see a river more virgin and mysterious than Pra”. The words of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky were blackened on the light sheet of the shield. And I immediately remembered why many things in these places seemed familiar to me, as if I had already been here more than once.

In Spas-Klepiky, an old Russian town that stands at the source of the Pra, a monument to Sergei Yesenin was erected. The poet spent several years in this town, studying at a church school, wrote the first, now well-known poems: “The scarlet light of dawn was woven on the lake. The wood grouses are crying in the woods ... ”Remember? But Pru was really glorified by another singer of Russian nature - Paustovsky.

Having traveled a lot around the country in pursuit of exotic things, having visited the mountains, in the sands of the desert, on the shores of the seas, the writer met Meshchera in his mature years and fell in love with her forever. “In the Meshchera region,” he wrote, “there are no special beauties and riches, except for forests, meadows and clear air. But nevertheless, this region has great attractive power. He is very modest - just like Levitan's paintings. But in him, like these paintings, all the charm and all the diversity of Russian nature, imperceptible at first glance, is contained. "

Paustovsky visited Pre in 1948. A difficult war ended, people wanted to believe that peace had come forever and there would certainly be a bright and calm life ahead. Paustovsky published his stories in newspapers and magazines. They were read as news sent to people by Mother Nature herself, as an invitation to visit these places. Konstantin Georgievich described the Pra river in the story "Cordon 273", and hundreds of people, if not thousands, passed and swam along it. And to this day, kayaks float and float along the river all summer. And the banners already warn that it is better to make fires in specially designated places, that it is not necessary to litter the banks with bottles and cans, that it is necessary to protect and preserve nature.

In two kilometers from the coast there was once a cordon of forester Zheltov, described in the story. A path led to him from the river. With one of my sons, I went in search of him. In the forest there appeared in many cases not trails, but crushed timber roads. We also met two powerful "Urals" with trailers, heavily dragging along the road "packages" from the trunks of ship pines.

Yes, mature forest must be cut down on time, valuable wood should not be allowed to rot on the root, but what we saw in the clearings could not be called wild negligence. Heaps of abandoned dry wood were visible everywhere. Nobody thought to take them out in time, remove them. But in the hot weather here, it's like gunpowder. A spark is enough to tackle a forest fire. We never found the cordon. In a clearing thickly overgrown with willow tea, they saw traces of a burnt down dwelling, they decided that this was all that remained of Zheltov's house. The very shore, as Paustovsky, the forester of this forest, said, wrote on boards so that they would not dare to throw the cigarette butts, but it turned out that this forest must be protected not only from fire ...

We noticed traces of reckless felling on the other side, but Pra still has not lost its charm. In many places, she still seemed mysterious and mysterious to us. The guys were especially delighted when they first saw the golden head of a snake swimming across the river, a handsome kite frozen on a dried oak tree, a buzzard soaring in the sky.

Behind the village of Dyulino, to which some swim in three and some in five days, the landscape changes. Instead of dry pine groves, where the ground is ankle-deep with pine needles and cones, where there is a lot of dry wood for a fire, moist oak-aspen forests begin. There are a lot of black currants here, but horror, how many mosquitoes. Collecting berries and mushrooms is sheer torture. Better to sunbathe on blown sand spits, fish and swim. The black roots of fallen trunks stick out from the river here and there. It is necessary to look at both, but still we proportioned the canvas bottom of the kayak.

Some animal, like a devil, as if on purpose, made a fuss in the dried grass behind us. I jumped out onto a snag, and we turned around and rushed to film it. And then we heard a characteristic crackling, the water in the kayak began to rush rapidly. Forgetting that there are no depths in the river higher than the neck, thinking first of all about how to save the camera and film, I ordered to jump and swim to get to the shore.

Then they laughed, but the order was carried out: they sailed. And Vova lost his boot in the water, which is why he had to throw out the second one. I managed to bring the kayak to the shore, throw away my things, my bag with a camera, but the bag slipped and fell into the water near the shore ...

Pra has taught us a good lesson. We did not take rubber glue on the road, and if it were not for the tourists who camped two kilometers away, we would have had to get out of the Meshchera forests on foot. But the glue was found, and we swam further, however, now we could no longer take pictures. And as if on purpose, the foxes ran out to the shore, the falcon family calmly watched us from the dried birches. There were herds of horses grazing on the shore without a shepherd, herds of cows with empty tin cans with nails hanging from their necks instead of bells. At first, not seeing the cows, we could not understand for a long time where such strange music was coming from.

Once we went into the real forest village of Yuvino. A dense forest covered the huts, they were not visible from the river. A narrow path led to them from the shore. After wandering around a deserted street in search of a store, which, as it soon turned out, was empty, and therefore it was closed, we got into conversation with an elderly man who was sitting on a log by the gate of his house. We learned that once twenty-four Yuvino huts were filled with families of collective farmers. But then the village was brought up to the category of unpromising ones, the division for the collective farm became unprofitable, and now only four huts live indigenous old people. The rest - drove to the cities. And this uncle himself also works in Ryazan, he comes here in the summer, as if to a dacha. There are many berries and mushrooms here. Some whites are dried up to six kilograms for winter. And now summer residents live here. They come from Moscow in the summer. Some rich man recently bought his last vacant house - former club... And in winter the village is empty. All old women strive to move to the children in the city. If something happens, you don't get out, you get sick - you won't find a doctor ... While we were talking, a car with the sign "Bread" drove up, people began to converge, and the driver, according to the list, began to give everyone "a loaf of bread." Our three noses did not rely on loaves.

The further route passed along the borders of the Oksky reserve. At night in these places one can hear the beavers that have gone out for a walk, splashing their tails on the water ...

In Brykin Bor, the central estate of the reserve, there is a museum, you can see the enclosures where birds of prey, rare breeds of cranes, bison, wild boars and sika deer are kept. For many kayakers, swimming ends here. But we didn’t want to part with Pry. We passed it all, flowing with its waters into the Oka, and for several days sailed along the Oka to Lashma. But that was a different voyage. Although the Oka was good, we still remember sailing along the Pre, as the most amazing and beautiful river.

Since then we have been to Pre more than once, these places have become dear to us and always desired. They were worried about imminent trouble when they learned from the newspapers that our river is threatened with pollution. The Norilsk people decided not only to settle on its banks themselves, but also to breed horses and set up pig farms. How many indignant letters came to the newspapers then, they defended the river, agreed to build pigsties somewhere on the banks of the Oka. But more and more people appear on the banks of the Pra, who want to settle here, to get real benefits.

There was once an idea to turn the whole Meschera into a national park - they thought about it back in the forties. Then the war got in the way. Later they wanted to make the entire Pra area a national park. The last time I spoke with the director of the Oksky Nature Reserve in Brykin Bor was two years ago. National park gathered to create already on the pieces of land scattered along the coast of Pra. But this, of course, is not an option. And therefore, it is still anxious for the fate of the river. Will Pra remain as crystal clear, will the ship's groves and oak groves along its banks survive?

Valery Orlov

"Country Russia" - Geographical position... Traditions and customs of the country. Cities of Russia. Cities. ? Monuments of Russia. Moscow. Moscow Tomsk St. Petersburg. Traditions and customs. Monuments of Russia. For the most part, the Slavs took their name from the place of settlement. The goal is to form citizenship and responsibility, a desire to be useful to your country.

"Lesson on the history of Russia" - Russia. Round I. Lesson is a game. Ancient Russia... II round. Lesson on the history of Russia. the Russian Empire... III round. “To know history means to be a kind owner and defender of your state” AN Tolstoy.

"Russia at the turn of the century" - M.M. Speransky. Author of projects of state reorganization (introduction of civil and political rights). Opening of universities in Kazan, Dorpat, Kharkov. Alexander I. The beginning of the reign. Destruction of the Secret Chancery. Most of the cities were small. Russian names and uniforms were returned to the army.

"Borders of Russia" - Geopolitical. Inland waters. Economic. Contact: Integration Connectors "transparent". Safe. From the Barents Sea to the Baltic Sea. Mongolia. Air space over the open sea. DPR. Sea 38.8 thousand km. Ancient border post. Barencevo sea. Lithuania. Russia. Poland. Belarus.

"Russia in the 18th century" - Russian radicals: NI Novikov, AN Radishchev. Think, speculate ... Conclusion. Social thought in Russia: main directions. Find a synonym for rationalism. Enlightenment in Russia in the 18th century. A.N. Radishchev. The idea " Great Russia»In the XVIII century was presented: The struggle of ideas in the XVIII century. Why in the XVIII century. liberalism has not become widespread in Russia?

"Heroes of Russia" - Had four degrees. In October 1941. volunteered for partisan detachment... Epic heroes. 3. Heroic dates. one). 1941 - 1945. Fleet. five. Great commander, without which it is difficult to imagine Victory. 1. Awards. 2.A movie hero. How? 2. The first Moscow prince who led the struggle against the Tatars.

Practical lesson on writing an essay-reasoning on a linguistic topic: "The role of adjectives in the text."

The type of reasoning is reasoning-thinking.

(1) I have seen many picturesque and wilderness places in Russia, but I’ll hardly ever see a river more virgin and mysterious than Pra.

(2) Pine dry forests on its banks interspersed with centuries-old oak groves, thickets of willow, alder and aspen. (3) Ship pines, blown down by the wind, lay like copper cast bridges over its brown, but crystal clear water ...

(4) But the most amazing thing about these places was the air. (5) There was complete and perfect purity in him.

(6) And in the middle of the day both the river and the forests played with many sunspots - gold, blue, green and rainbow. (7) Streams of light alternately faded, then flared up and turned the thickets into a living, stirring world of foliage. (8) The eye rested from the contemplation of the powerful and varied green color ...

(K. Paustovsky)

1. We will determine what kind of reasoning we will use when writing an essay. To do this, once again carefully read the title of the topic. It does not indicate the thesis that needs to be proved. Hence, in this case we will write reasoning-reflection.

2. Let's remember what an adjective is, and write down the definition on the draft: “An adjective is a part of speech that denotes the features of an object and answers which questions? whose?"

3. Recall what is called a subject in grammar. Let's write a definition: “A subject in grammar is everything that you can ask who is it? what is it? ”The part of speech that denotes an object is called a noun.

4. Let's remember what a feature of an object is. Let's write down the answer on the draft: “The attribute of an object is the properties (strong), belonging (fox), quantity (three years old), etc., which characterize the given object.

5. Let's make a conclusion for ourselves and write it down:

“The adjective is closely related to the noun. A noun names an object, and an adjective names its properties. "

Obviously, one of the roles of the adjective is to name the properties of an object - this is the first thesis that we will prove.

However, as you know, the adjective plays other roles, for example, it decorates our speech - this is the second thesis; is a means of artistic expression - the third thesis.

6. Recall language means formulation of reasoning-reflection.

So, the main part of our work has already been indicated.

7. Let's start writing the introduction. It should lead the reader to the issue at hand.

People live among objects and phenomena of life, which are given names using such a part of speech as a noun. However, having seen an object, a person not only seeks to name it, but also to evaluate, to determine its quality side. To do this, he uses adjectives and with their help denotes a feature of an object. Let's try to figure out what the attribute of an object is.

8. From the introduction, you need to go to the main part. To do this, we will find in the text and write out on a draft all the adjectives: picturesque, deaf, virgin, mysterious, pine, dry, etc. Let's choose a sentence that we will use as an example to prove the first thesis. Let's start writing the main part of the essay.

Let us turn to the text and re-read the second sentence: “Pine dry forests on its banks were interspersed with centuries-old oak groves, with thickets of willow, alder and aspen”. The adjectives “pine” and “oak” indicate which trees grow on the banks of the Pra River, and the adjectives “dry” and “age-old”, in our opinion, emphasize that they are many years old. So, with the help of adjectives, the writer gave us a description of the properties of forests and groves. This means that the feature of an object is its distinctive properties.

Using the second sentence of the text as an example, in the course of reflection we proved the first thesis: An adjective denotes the properties of an object. "

9. Let's proceed to the proof of the second thesis.

Our reflections helped to prove the second thesis: "Adjectives adorn our speech."

10. Let's move on to the proof of the third thesis.

In addition, in this text (as in many others works of art talented authors), the adjective becomes a means of artistic expression. So, K. Paustovsky, using the adjectives "deaf", "virgin" (sentence 1) and "mighty" (sentence 8), not only names the properties of objects, but also gives them an artistic, figurative definition. These epithets, in our opinion, make the description more clear and tangible.

We have proved the third thesis: "Adjectives are a means of artistic expression."

11. Let's move on to generalization. To connect arguments with the conclusion, you can use the following phrases and speech patterns: thus, it turns out that ..., therefore, etc.

12. Let's put all the sketches together. We get the following essay-reasoning on a linguistic topic:

People live among objects and phenomena of life, which are given names using such a part of speech as a noun. However, having seen an object, a person not only seeks to name it, but also to evaluate, to determine its quality side. To do this, he uses adjectives and with their help denotes a feature of an object. Let's try to figure out what the attribute of an object is.

Let us turn to the text and re-read the second sentence: “Pine dry forests on its banks were interspersed with centuries-old oak groves, with thickets of willow, alder and aspen”. The adjectives “pine” and “oak” indicate which trees grow on the banks of the Pra River, and the adjectives “dry” and “age-old”, in our opinion, emphasize that they are many years old. So, with the help of adjectives, the writer gave us a description of the properties of forests and groves. This means that the feature of an object is its distinctive properties.

But are adjectives only needed to denote the properties of objects? Of course not! Let's try to remove all adjectives in the sixth sentence and write it down. Here's what we get: "And in the middle of the day, both the river and the forests played with many spots." Boring and inexpressive! This suggests that adjectives are needed in order to make our speech brighter, more expressive and saturated.

But are adjectives only needed to denote the properties of objects? Of course not! Let's try to remove all adjectives in the sixth sentence and write it down. Here's what we get: "And in the middle of the day, both the river and the forests played with many spots." Boring and inexpressive! This suggests that adjectives are needed in order to make our speech brighter, more expressive and saturated.

In addition, in this text (as in many other works of art by talented authors) the adjective becomes a means of artistic expression. So, K. Paustovsky, using the adjectives "deaf", "virgin" (sentence 1) and "mighty" (sentence 8), not only names the properties of objects, but also gives them an artistic, figurative definition. These epithets, in our opinion, make the description more clear and tangible.

Thus, the adjective plays a large role in the text. First, it denotes the attributes of objects. Secondly, adjectives decorate our speech. And, finally, they can be a means of artistic expression in the text - epithets.

See also →

I have seen a lot of picturesque (painting) and wilderness places in Russia, but it is unlikely that someday (then, either, do not forget a dash) I will see a river more virgin (virginity) and mysterious (mystery) than Pra.? (I don't quite understand what a river) :))

Pine dry forests on its banks moved (move, well, like cha, shcha with a) with centuries-old oak groves (cha, shcha), with thickets of willow, alder, aspen. The ship's pines, blown down by the wind, lay like copper cast bridges over its brown but crystal clear water.

The thickets (dew-O; rast-a, highlight the root of the dew) of heather and lingonberry approached the water itself (water plural), mixing up with thickets of pink chastuha and telores.

The river went through bizarre bends, its dry backwaters were lost (loss) in the gloom of warmed up (there is no such thing as a prefix) forests. Over the running water, sparkling dragonflies flew incessantly from shore to shore, and huge hawks soared above.

(K. Paustovsky)

1. Write down, insert the missing letters, explain their spelling graphically.

2. Determine the style and type of speech.
Type: Description
Style: artistic

3. How are the sentences in the text related? How are paragraphs of text related?

4. Determine the theme and idea of \u200b\u200bthe text.
The mysterious river Prague?

5. Write down key words (phrases) that reflect the topic, idea of \u200b\u200bthe text.
Sparkling dragonflies, bizarre bends, huge hawks, ship pines, age-old oak groves ...

6. Find artistic visual media language. What is their role in the text?
Ship pines lay like cast bridges (comparison)
Pine forests moved (impersonation)
Backwaters were lost (impersonation)
Means of expressiveness give the speech brightness, enhance its emotional impact, attract the attention of the reader and listener to the statement.

5. Title the text.
The most picturesque and remote place in Russia.

6. Write down the word combinations "adj + noun". Determine the gender, number, case of adjectives.
Picturesque wilderness places (R.p, plural)
Virgin mysterious river (vp, singular, f)
Pine dry forests (i.p., pl.)
Dude, there is sooo much to write out here))) come on yourself :)

7. Form these adjectives a comparative simple and compound degree, and then a simple and compound superlative degree:

More picturesque, more picturesque
Most picturesque, most picturesque

Deaf, deaf
The deafest, the deafest

Freakier, more freaky
More transparent, more transparent
The most transparent

8. From the adjectives specified in task 7, form a short form.
Picturesque, deaf, bizarre, transparent.

8. Determine the categories of adjectives throughout the text.

7. Spend phonetic analysis words: her, dry.
Her - a word of 2 syllables: E-yo. The stress falls on the letter ё.
Word transcription: [y'iy'o]

[and] - vowel, unstressed
ё - [th ’] - consonant, unpaired voiced, sonorous, unpaired soft
[o] - vowel, stressed

The word has 2 letters and 4 sounds.

dry - a word of 3 syllables: su-hi-e. The stress falls on the 3rd syllable.
Word transcription: [sukh'iy'e]

s - [s] - consonant, paired voiceless, paired solid
y - [y] - vowel, unstressed
х - [х ’] - consonant, unpaired voiceless, paired soft
and - [and] - vowel, unstressed
e - [th ’] - consonant, unpaired voiced, sonorous, unpaired soft
[e] - vowel, stressed

The word has 5 letters and 6 sounds.

8. Execute morpheme parsing words: thickets
Yami ending

Alive, pis-root
But perhaps now the root of Painting is already (just say a little, look in the dictionary)

messed up.
Yva, l-suffix

9. Parsing:
Pine dry forests on its banks moved with age-old oak groves, thickets of willow, alder, aspen.

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Preparing for the exam 13 task Continuous, separate, hyphenated spelling words

Fused and separate spelling derivative prepositions Remember: together and separately due to, like, like, in view of, about, in the middle, over, instead of, towards, in spite of, despite, despite, along with, following during, in continuation, in contrast to, in the form, at the expense, throughout, in effect, to the extent, to the extent, in conclusion, in order to avoid, in modification, in execution, in connection with

Distinguish prepositions from independent parts speech: an excuse for independent parts of speech to talk about a trip (\u003d o) to transfer to a bank account (noun) to be absent due to illness (\u003d because of) keep in mind (noun) despite fatigue despite looking in the eyes (deer.) \u003d not looking to engage in the course of the year turning in the river (n.)

preposition independent parts of speech As a result of the hurricane, two people died. \u003d because of In the investigation and in the case, new circumstances emerged. WHAT? A noun with a preposition She looked sadly after the train. He followed his father in deep snow, trail after trail. WHAT? Noun A dog ran out to meet us. Sorry, I'm in a hurry to meet. WHERE? Noun with a preposition

Fusion spelling of unions ALSO, ALSO, BUT IT IS LITTELY SEPARATE UNIONS can be replaced with other synonymous unions, SAME, you can't remove it. And the Sister is in college. My friend is also in college (\u003d and my friend is in college). The brother ALSO studies here (\u003d and the brother studies here). Asked the SAME as yesterday (asked what?) \u003d Same as yesterday; same). He studies as well as his sister. AS? (\u003d he studies as well as his sister).

MISCELLANEOUSLY SEPARATE UNIONS can be replaced with other synonymous unions, SAME, it WOULD not be removed. You should not ask a question to the union, you can remove or rearrange it in another place, insert a word between them. You can ask a question TO know, you need to learn learn). I want you to know. WHAT could I do? (\u003d What could I do? Or: What could I do? (Would be removed)

LITTLE SEPARATE UNIONS can be replaced with other synonymous unions, SAME, it WOULD not be removed. You can’t ask the question SAME, you can remove or rearrange it to another place, insert a word between them. but cozy). Take WHAT you can handle. FOR WHAT? (\u003d take on something you can handle).

UNION ANOTHER PART OF SPEECH She felt happy because everyone around her was smiling. (\u003d because) From that house you can go through the yard and take a shortcut. FROM WHAT? pronoun that with a preposition

Distinguish adverbs from similar-sounding words adverb another part of speech I got sick, so I did not come. (why?) Traffic is closed on this bridge. (what?) This pronoun with the preposition The boat came close to the shore. (how?) The shovel smashed hard into the dense soil. (which one?) This is an adjective with a preposition

adverb another part of speech A pie with cottage cheese and half with raspberry jam stood on the table. AS? I couldn't even count on half of the pie, because my mother gave everything to the neighbors. FOR WHAT? This noun Prokhor returned in time. AS? During the lesson Sidorov fell asleep. This noun

adverb is another part of speech This is often the case. AS? For frequent shifts, the teacher should be commended. FOR WHAT? I first learned this adjective with the preposition About Pushkin in early childhood. WHEN? Small children entered the first ranks. WHAT KIND? This numeral

adverb is another part of speech At first the children were shy, but then they got used to it. WHEN? Only two months have passed since the beginning of the year. WHY? This is a noun with a preposition First, let me introduce myself. WHEN? At the beginning of autumn, my grandmother came to visit us. (you can insert the word: at the very beginning) This is a noun with a preposition

adverb the other part of speech This incident completely unsettled me. AS? We were moved to the end of the line. (at the very end) This is a noun with a preposition Sister dressed quite like summer. AS? We walked through the summer forest until evening. WHAT? Adjective

adverb another part of speech Brother wanted to live in a new way. AS? From Monday, trains run on a new schedule. WHAT? This adjective He is unrestrained: he always chops from the shoulder. AS? A large, bright parrot flew off the trainer's shoulder. WHY? Noun with a preposition

adverb another part of speech Hearing the mother's remark, the baby immediately stopped being naughty. WHEN? That hour will remain in my memory. WHAT? Pronoun to indicate. The teacher read the text, then the class began to write the presentation. WHEN? \u003d then the pharmacy was behind that building. WHAT? Pointer location

adverb is another part of speech Why are you lying to your parents? WHY? \u003d why, why did I come back for? I forgot! Oh yes, for the money! WHAT FOR? Pronoun

They are written with a hyphen: Pronouns and adverbs with the prefix CFE and the suffixes THAT, EITHER, ANYTHING: here and there, somehow, something something, somewhere, from somewhere ever, someone, somewhere anything, something Written separately: as if

Written with a hyphen: Adverbs that have the prefixes PO-, B-, VO- and the suffixes OMU, HIM, THEIR, YH in-our, first, in-spring

Hyphenated adjectives 1. If formed from the phrase long-awaited (wait a long time) agricultural ( agriculture) 1. If it denotes a color bright blue, with a light blue 2. If the first part of an adjective is an adverb in O, E above, frozen 2. If it is a repetition of words or words of the same root strong-strong smart-excellent 3. If formed from a compound noun hyphenated Southwest (southwest) 4. If formed from equivalent words carrot-apple (carrot and apple)

Task 13 Unified State Exam 1) Define a sentence in which both selected words are written together. Open the brackets and write out these two words. Sometimes you will sit down at the edge of the forest and fall in love with ANY (ANYTHING) simple flower, (IN) KIND of field forget-me-not. BRIGHT (GOLD) maple leaves, lazily swaying and waddling from SIDE (ON) SIDE, slowly fly off the branches. Clear and (ON) SPRING warm weather, which has settled (B) DURING the last week, could not interfere with the trip. The sounds of music rushed (FROM) UP, (FROM) THERE, where there was a huge instrument with large and small, thick and thin pipes. When Lenya regretted a hundred times that he had succumbed to my persuasion (ON) ACCOUNT of travel to India, a bus FINALLY (THAT) came for us.

2) Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are written together. Expand the parentheses and write out these two words SINCE (LIE) WHERE (ANYTHING) you can meet a waking person at such an early hour. (FROM) RARE (CFU) WHERE the red-bellied bullfinch chilik sadly. In the evening, snow suddenly fell thickly and (B) FOLLOW THAT (THAT) flashed in the sky. (B) DURING the several years that Catherine spent in Smolny, she (LITTLE) MAKED a nest here, reflecting her image. Mental activity, (AT) LOOK at the complexity of the problem, has been investigated (ON) MUCH less.

3) Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are written together. Open the brackets and write these two words. Lightning killed some of the branches facing the east, but FOR (THAT) the rest of the branches (ON) STILL bloomed and bore fruit. Tula gingerbread is tasty, tasty: (C) TOP is crust, (C) BOTTOM is crust, and sweetness in the middle. During the dictation, I (S) BOKU looked at my neighbor's notebook and was horrified, BECAUSE (THAT) was in each phrase by mistake. They turned (B) THE SIDE and walked along the mown field, sometimes straight, then taking (ON) the RIGHT. The first starlings arrived and HERE (SAME), (NOT) LOOKING at fatigue after a long flight, began a lively work.

4) Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are written together. Open the brackets and write out these two words. Forest (IN) CIRCLE (HOW) WERE quieted down and stood waiting for something. (IN) IN THE AUTUMN forest (ON) A strange girl was walking towards me. I (SAME) wanted to get home as soon as possible, (FOR) I quickened my pace. (B) FOR THE WEEK (TO) AMONG our yard there was a stormy work on the repair of the gate. (BECAUSE), as my father was worried, it became clear that he was SO (SAME), like me, not indifferent to the fate of Galina Petrovna.

5) Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are written together. Open the brackets and write out these two words. The festival was (IN) A KIND of tournament, in which the poets of Moscow had to cross spears on one side, and St. Petersburg on the other. (The boys rushed to run (B) LOSS, and they (B) FOLLOWED screams and laughter for a long time. She folded up the bundles and (B) DURING the day dragged ONE (FOR) OTHERS to a new home. I will see a river more mysterious than Pra. ”The sea was whispering (ON) STILL with the shore, and the wind (SAME) carried its whisper across the steppe.

6) Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are hyphenated. Open the brackets and write these two words IN THE DARK (GRAY) sky (CF) WHERE the stars are flashing. Sofya Lvovna (ON) SOON, (KOE) HOW she combed her hair. The coachmen whistled (ON) STEPNOMY, the well-fed triplets rushed (B) DOWNLOAD. AS (SAME) powerfully as (B) UP, eucalyptus grow in thickness. The days are still (FOR) AUTUMN affectionate, FOR (THAT) the nights are already cold.

7) Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are hyphenated. Open the brackets and write out these two words While I was thinking about the fate of Angara, (ON) MOTHER, who nurtured me as a child (HALF) THOUSAND kilometers from here, the sun went down. In winter, everything glitters, fun AS (THAT), freely - you can fly from the mountain (V) MIG on skis. WHY (THAT) the sun could not warm me, the fire from the fire THAT (SAME) did not heat, but only burned. By mid-October, the fields are LITTLE (LOW) yellow, only the rye planted before winter is (ON) STILL green. Although we leave our native places, EVERYTHING (SO) we (S) NOVA return to them.

8) Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are hyphenated. Open the brackets and write out these two words. In the heat, all living things are hiding WHERE (THAT) and are afraid to raise their head, so that they don't burn their hair and burn their nose. Pavel recognized the very first (ON) CHILDREN'S naive buildings in the park: a monk's hut, a gazebo (IN) VIEW of a tower. Everything was good and HOW (THAT) especially, not ALWAYS understandable and close. Among the shrubs, you can still see (CFU) ANY representatives of the flora, for example, wild rose, lemongrass, and SO (SAME) viburnum. Now between the small surviving islands of forest on the slopes of the hill RARE (RARE), but EVERYTHING (SAME), juniper bushes grow.

9) Define a sentence in which both selected words are written together. Open the brackets and write out these two words (BY) THIS sign and (BY) THAT, as the lower part of the trunk was burnt, I figured out the origin of the pit. At the foot of the spruce, translucent (ON) THROUGH, fragile, tender, (FROM) INSIDE, lilies of the valley will light up. The girls (SAME) unceremoniously looked at him (IN) FOR some time. (C) AT THE TOP of the mountains, it was clearly visible where (ON) the coniferous forests are green. Slightly perceptible, (ON) EVENING fragrant smoke pulled from WHERE (THAT) in the cooling air.

10) Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are hyphenated. Open the brackets and write out these two words. The Mouse silently and quickly emerged (FROM) UNDER the awning and disappeared into (SEMI) DARKNESS. Between two rows of hedges (CFU) WHERE looked through (FROM) UNDER the snow the track of an abandoned road. Those who have visited Kizhi at least once, hardly (LI) were able to remain indifferent and EVER (OR) forget what they saw there. I can't say WHAT (WOULD) I was scared, but the coming thunderstorm gave rise to in me WHAT (THAT) vague anxiety

11) Define a sentence in which both selected words are written together. Open the brackets and write out these two words (C) AT THE TOP Japan looked small, FOR (THAT) the sea was a lot. There is NO (OR) reason for the failure of this student. In the spring the linden turns green, and as BUD (THAT) asks THAT (WOULD) and all the trees turn green with it. (B) CONTINUATION of the road we crossed the river twice (B) FORD. It is joyful when one and the same (SAME) omen remains in the forests YEAR (FOR) YEAR.

12) Define a sentence in which both selected words are written together. Open the brackets and write out these two words (ON) ON TOP of the opposite bank (B) TIGHT to the very cliff the old forest was approaching. (B) OTHERWISE, (B) I SEE a lack of time, let's not deviate from the subject of the lecture. (FROM) UNDER the bird cherry bush a brown bird fluttered, in which I recognized THAT (HOUR) a nightingale. (C) OUTSIDE bushes were planted along the wall, SO (WHAT) it was impossible to look inside. Near the house in front of the beds of a small, FOR (TO) (ON) RARE of a carefully cultivated vegetable garden was a man.

13) Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are written together. Expand the brackets and write out these two words. (B) FOR THE WEEK, the soldiers (ON) ALONE made their way across the front line. (B) VIEW of thick fog, all flights were canceled, and passengers had to (B) WAIT FOR two days for flight weather. ON (THIS) answer of the politician, it became clear that he didn’t understand correctly the question asked to him. Our planet is slightly flattened (B) NEAR the poles (B) A CONSEQUENCE of rotation around its axis. Mom was always (LIKE) surprised by everything WHAT (WOULD) I tell.

14) Define a sentence in which both selected words are written together. Open the brackets and write these two words In the spring, even though it can be dirty, FOR (THAT) the sun is so cheerful, (AND) SO amazing when the trees are bursting with tender greenery. (NOT) LOOKING at how we felt the evening approaching, EVERYTHING (SO) darkness took us by surprise. The river ran towards the hill (FROM) FAR, rested against it with its strong streams and turned (IN) RIGHT. (ON) MORNING the frost subsided a little and SO (SAME), as the day before, the sun came out. Alekhin lived (IN) NIZU, in two rooms, where clerks lived WHEN (THAT).

15) Define a sentence in which both selected words are written together. Open the brackets and write these two words (IN) SOON a passerby appeared at the end of the street FROM (FOR) the corner. WHAT (WERE) is said about political considerations, (NOT) WHAT high words here can not serve as an excuse. (B) THE CONTINUATION of all my illness, I felt as if (AS) I was chained with countless chains to some blank wall. This confidence arose in me (B) A CONSEQUENCE of endless travels and various works that I have already tried (NOT) LOOKING at my twenty-five years. We had to give up (FROM) WHAT was planned FOR (HOW MUCH) our plans changed.

16) Define a sentence in which both selected words are written together. Open the brackets and write out these two words. I AM (SAME) will have to tell him SOMETHING (ANYTHING) special. (AND) SO, in spite of our efforts, everything remained (ON) AS IS. (B) CONSEQUENCE OF WHAT (THAT) delay in the path the horses fell behind, and we went ahead. From here there was a view of the river bend with a rapids roll (ON) in the MIDDLE and a high arch of the bridge (B) DALI. (FROM) THE BEGINNING of September, the air begins (TO) A LITTLE chill.

17) Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are written together. Open the brackets and write out these two words Sergey (NOT) ONCE helped me out in difficult situations, (BY) THIS I know that you can rely on him. Indoor flowers had to be looked after (ON) DIFFERENTLY - depending on the season, as well as the state of the plant. (TO) IN THE BEGINNING it seemed that the wind was weakening, but (IN) SOON a real hurricane began. (SO) HOW a person behaves in an argument, you can say a lot about him, (SO) HOW many character traits appear in acute situations. WHAT (WOULD) get acquainted with the schools of Europe, L.N. Tolstoy leaves (FOR) THE BORDER.

18) Define a sentence in which both selected words are written together. Open the brackets and write out these two words. Snow melts in Norilsk only (B) IN THE BEGINNING of June, and at the end of September it falls (B) NEW. The mouse silently and quickly emerged (FROM) UNDER the awning and disappeared into the (SEMI) DARKNESS. (B) SOON our patience ran out, and, (NOT) LOOKING at the bad weather, we decided to go back to the sea. From each push, the boat fell (ON) BOK, and (ON) THIS had to constantly scoop out the water. At the same dacha, countless treasures (IN) the VIEW of diamonds, and SO (SAME) gold money of the royal minting were discovered.

19) Define a sentence in which both selected words are written together. Open the brackets and write out these two words. Oaks grew (ON) Farther from the coast, and their leaf sounded completely (ON) DIFFERENT. But the employee EVERYTHING (TAKI) is not devoted to everything (IN) the VIEW of his youth. The newcomers shouted like this, BUD (THAT) kilometers between them and (FROM) THAT, whether they shout this distance, their life depends. The dusty air of the room was BUD (TO) sawed from above (BEFORE) BOTTOM by an oblique ray of the sun. (B) FOR some time (B) Loud screams were heard following the runner.

20) Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are written together. Expand the brackets and write out these two words. (C) THE CONSEQUENCES we have repeatedly recalled how, (NOT) LOOKING at the strict prohibition of parents, we went to an abandoned park. (FROM) THE BEGINNING of the evening, everything was quiet, (FOR) THEN, the sound of a car engine was heard in the distance. (FROM) WHAT was planned, we had to abandon BY (HOW MUCH) our plans changed. (B) FORCE the difficulties that arose (DURING) DURING the preparation of the play, the premiere had to be postponed. They (HOW) WERE conspired - they said the same (SAME).

21) Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are written SEPARATE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words. (WHAT) WOULD I tell you more, (WHAT) WOULD you forgive me? The fog stretched out (IN) LOOK at the tablecloths, (IN) CONSEQUENCE of which we lost them. (B) IN CONNECTION with the change in the schedule and (B) VIEW of bad weather, we postponed the trip. I had (IN) SEE (SAME) as you.

22) Determine a sentence in which both highlighted words are written LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words. DURING the whole journey, I thought about what happened, and SO (SAME) about the person in whose hands my fate was. From the ship I saw (B) IN FRONT of the island, (B) IN THE MIDDLE of which the rocks rose. Tourists (ON) THE END overcame another obstacle, however (B) BEFORE them there was a new obstacle. Whatever she does, everything comes out beautifully for her, (FOR) THIS, her opinion was listened to.

23) In which row are all words written THROUGH A DEPHIS? the (same), (by) alone, (half) of an apple (by) over the coast, (Russian) English, (city) port (because), (light) golden, where (or) (press) secretary, (all ) equals, (total) just

24) Determine the sentences in which the selected words are written LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write these words out. (IN) CONCLUSIONS of the article there were tables. (NOT) LOOKING at fatigue, we quickly reached the river. Some kind of bird (ON) fluttered from under my feet, LIKE a quail. The border guards peered (B) A TRACE left in the fresh snow.

25) Identify sentences in which both highlighted words are written SEPARATE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words. But SO (SAME), like hundreds of years ago, fishermen go to sea for herring. I had to be (WITH) THAT when he began to write his first novel. For some reason, I felt sad, maybe (FROM) the fact that it was very quiet in the house. The idea, AS (SAME) like lightning, arises in a person's mind, saturated with thoughts. LIKE I would like to return to that distant, forgotten by all town. What for the first time makes a person pick up a pen, WHAT (WOULD) not release it for the rest of his life? Snow flies off from the wind and (FROM) THAT squirrels jump on the branches. WHAT (WOULD) you wish so original?

26) Indicate all sentences in which the highlighted word is spelled LITTLE. The raindrops were (IN) the FORM of silver beads. (B) FOR several minutes the sky was covered with clouds. On the horizon there were slanting dark stripes across the sky, (HOW) IT WAS it raining. New model was made (ON) LIKE a cube.

27) Determine the sentence in which the highlighted word (s) is spelled (- utsya) CONFINEDLY. Expand the parentheses and write out the word (s). It is necessary that (WOULD) you get up (BEFORE). What did you mean? (FOR) WHAT was happening, everyone watched without breathing. (AND) SO, we started on foot.

28) In which sentence are the two selected words written separately? The officers LIKE (SAME), as usual, lived (ON) TWO in open dilapidated houses. At the foot of the spruce, translucent (ON) THROUGH, fragile, tender, (FROM) INSIDE, lilies of the valley will light up. (B) CONSEQUENCES I took it out of the suitcase and showed a gold medallion (B) I SEE a heart. On the way, every now and then you look around: what kind of supply will not catch up, WHAT (WOULD) ask the owner to put things in, and go next to the cart yourself.

29) Indicate all sentences in which the highlighted word is written LITTLE. It seemed (LIKE) it was dusk. Oatmeal boasted, BUD (TO) with cow butter was born. There was another road to the gatehouse, I knew it THAT (SAME). The room was quiet, in the house THAT (SAME) did not start movement.

30) In which row are both words written LITTELY? (c) during the year, (ancient) Russian language (c) a consequence of frosts, (not) (c) simple (actually) Russian vocabulary, (gender) of the city (despite) failure, keep (in) mind the rule

31) In which sentence are both selected words written separately? I had (IN) SEE (SAME) as you. (ON) IN WINTER, the brooding forest AS (WOULD) lurk in alarm. WHAT (WOULD) tell you more, THAT (WOULD) you forgive me. AS (SAME) powerfully as (B) UP, eucalyptus grow in thickness.

30) Indicate all sentences in which the selected words are written LITTLE. Our expedition in the morning set off (IN) THE DEPTH of the cave We slowly moved forward, (NOT) LOOKING at the heavy snowfall. Our friends liked the rest TO (SAME). At first we walked quickly, (FOR) THEN we slowed down.

31) Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words. (B) DALI something flashed, but (ON) it was SO unclear that it was impossible to see what it was. (C) RIGHT from us winds a clearly visible, but EVERYTHING (SAME) path that has not been used for a long time. (AT) IN THE BEGINNING of spring, this tree is white and fluffy, BUD (THAT) a cloud that descended to the ground. In this house, the writer lived (FOR) a DUTY, if he did not leave (FOR) THE BORDER or to the south. The intoxicating smell of lindens rushes along the river: like a BUD (THAT) WHERE (THAT) lime forests bloomed hundreds of kilometers away.

32) In which row are all words written LITTELY? (blue) green, (light) haired, (quickly) soluble twenty) (two) years old, (eastern) European shepherd dog, (above) named (ancient) Egyptian, (hot) lowering, (atomic) molecular (West) Sakhalin mountains , (drought) resistant, (gamma) rays

33) In which sentence are both selected words written together? Whatever happens to me, I will LIKE books just like before. Many, (NOT) LOOKING at difficulties, firmly believe in their destiny, SO (THAT) life for them is not aimless wandering through the sea of \u200b\u200bvanity. (AT) THE BEGINNING of the novel it was difficult to judge the merits of the manuscript, but (IN) THE CONSEQUENCES of the author was a success. WHAT (WOULD) not be left behind and not lost, I (THAT) HOUR rushed to catch up with my group.

34) In which sentence are the two selected words written separately? (FROM) BEGINNING, we climbed (ON) TOP of the gilded dome of the cathedral. (B) FOR an hour the sound AS (BUT) was approaching us. Somewhere (IN) DALI, at the very horizon, (AT) MEETING the sun, a leaden cloud was moving. (ON) THE WINTER PARK (THAT) the guys in tracksuits were running.

35) Determine the sentences in which both selected words are written LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words. The road, as well as the stretched wires, went beyond the horizon. The breeze THAT (SAME) subsided. It's hard to even imagine WHAT (WOULD) happen to me if the train was late. You need to read books, THAT (WOULD) enrich your knowledge. The song over the house ceased, FOR (THAT) over the pond the nightingale started its own. The old man spoke in a very drawn-out manner, the sound of his voice SO amazed me. The hare flashed by and hid behind (THAT) a tree. The young man disappeared outside the door as suddenly as he had appeared.

36) In which sentence are both highlighted words written with a hyphen? The girl was sitting at the window, sewing ANYTHING (ANYTHING) and (FROM) RARE looked at her brother. A fibrous fog was spreading across the swamp, through the dead silence a LITTLE (LITTLE) whisper swept through the dead silence. Wandering through the night forest, even for a habitual hunter, is always AS (THAT) creepy, (BEYOND) that dead silence covers you. (B) DALI thundered the first thunderclap, as BUD (THEN) it rolled under the ground.