Oprichnik Club: To be Russian means to be a Warrior! VK community statistics "Russian means a warrior ★★" Russian means a warrior in contact.

If a Russian soldier suspects that a superior order is harming Russia, he will not carry it out, even if he is threatened with death. A Russian warrior will never shoot at a defenseless person or pursue patriots, because this is the lot of cop dogs, who hound whoever the owners order. Therefore, in order to be a Russian warrior, it is necessary to know who is the enemy of Russia, who hates the Church of God, who is the God-fighter, who harms the Russian people and how.

You are the warriors of Russia! You are the defenders of Russia! Russia is the Church of God. You are the defenders of the Church of God. God does not need your help. God Himself is capable and sufficient to defend His Church. But God gave you the honor to defend the Church of God from enemies. The enemy of Russia is the enemy of the Church and the enemy of God. The warrior of Russia is a warrior of the Church, a warrior of God.

A Russian soldier is an officer, or a soldier, not the same as a soldier of another country. Those warriors stand up for the protection of the interests of any people, they do not care which order they will carry out, the main thing is that they will be paid to carry out the order. And to perish for such soldiers means to lose everything, to lose everything.

The Russian soldier carries out the orders of Russia, stands for the interests of the Church of God, obeys only the will of God. The Russian soldier stands for justice, for the truth, and will never obediently obey, slavishly, orders that are incorrect, not corresponding to justice, going against the truth and his honor, the honor of the Russian soldier. For a Russian soldier is a general, an officer, a soldier - not someone's slave, but a free one - a child of Russia, a child of the Church, a child of God.

External enemies are preparing aggression, the destruction of the people. Internal enemies commit this destruction. Therefore, there is corruption of children, juvenile aggression, crippling of children's health by specially designed school programs, undermining the economy, spiritual mortification of the Church (deviation from dogmas, ecumenism, summit ...), the collapse of the army, etc.

The Russian warrior is not afraid of death, for he is a Christian. He knows that he is a warrior and is ready to lay down his earthly, temporary life for his people, his Motherland. For the Russian soldier is a Christian, for whom "Life is Christ, and death is gain." The Russian warrior protects his life, because he knows that the heart of Russia is behind him, behind him is a defenseless people who rely on him, pray for him ... behind him are children, girls, mom, dad. And that is why the Russian warrior would not stick his head wherever, if only where he would not substitute his chest. For he has a duty to his people. And if he does not lie for his people, who will fulfill his duty? Who will protect his people for him?

The Russian soldier protects his life for his people and does not dispose of it as he pleases. The Russian warrior always remains a warrior, if he does not have the opportunity to fight the external enemy of the people, he will fight the internal one: with perverts, with perverts of children, with murderers, with robbers, criminals, with kidnappers of children.

The Russian soldier is still on his feet, will fight, and will never actually go to the state, retire, not put a bullet in his forehead ... He is a warrior and must fight and die in battle for the people, for the Church, for God's glory. The Russian soldier, both on the bunk and in prison, is a warrior and will fight spiritually, prayer for the people, like Ilya Muromets, held the sword in his hands as much as he could, and then went to the monastery and fought spiritually there.

Remember the warrior of Russia who you are! Improve your martial arts as much as you can, as much as you can. May your hand be strong, your eye is sharp, your mind is clear, enlightened by God. Do not waste yourself on smoking, alcohol, drugs, fornication. You have no right! You are Russian, warrior! Improve yourself spiritually, for you are a Russian, be proud that you are a Russian warrior! You are a brother to the Angelic host, you are a co-worker with Christ! You are Russian! All Russians are warriors.

If you behave in a Christian chaste manner, honestly, as in the eyes of God, if your speech-treatment with the brethren is friendly, amiable, clean from jokes, from deceit, from "looseness", from lies, from profanity, irritability, authority, cowardice and other dirt, but sincere, but simple - Russian, then the God of Russians will help you.

How many companies and subdivisions there were that had the goal of defending Russia, but allowed themselves to behave "not in Russian", and used foul language and "swore", often drank and fell into fornication, and behaved not modestly, not in a Christian way, and few of them performed tasks, those who did, either died accidentally stupidly by mistake, or were saddened that their work by that time no longer mattered decisive for Russia. This is what happens and awaits those who do not want to be Russian.

Warrior of Russia! Become a Christian! And you will become Russian. The Russian warrior is not victorious and glorious. A Christian is not one who only gets baptized, just as a warrior is not one who only puts on a uniform. A Christian is one who lives like a Christian. Russian is one who is Christian. A Russian warrior is one who lives in Russian, in Christianity.

Warrior! If you want to be invincible and glorious and always complete successfully assigned tasks, be Russian! Russian warrior, officers and soldiers! The enemy has captured the very heart of Russia ... Wolves, predators operate in the Church ... Where are you? Children, old men and wives to go out to abuse ?! Russia is looking forward to you!

Priest A.

The Oprichnik Club, hereinafter simply ORGANIZATION, is a public non-profit organization that aims to create and implement programs, slogans and ideas that contribute to the revival and preservation of the Russian people, its customs and mentality, as well as helping its members to achieve social, charitable , cultural, educational, scientific, sports and other purposes.

The ORGANIZATION believes that the revival of the Russian people and the Russian state is impossible without moral and physical cleansing of the people, education of all Russian people, taking into account the military, cultural and religious traditions of our people. Therefore, one of the goals of the ORGANIZATION is the creation of a network of military-patriotic clubs and units engaged in military-sports training of young people and the promotion of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle in Russia and abroad, in countries that are in the zone of interests of the Russian people.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe Club lies in its motto: to be Russian means to be a Warrior! The ORGANIZATION, its members and candidates for membership in their social activities proceed from the fact that they are descendants of the great Russian people, who gave the world many famous scientists, artists, writers, musicians, travelers, warriors and saints. And they consider it necessary, for every Russian, to correspond to this spiritually and physically: stop watching TV, drinking, smoking, giving up other drugs imposed on us by the modern consumer society; do physical education, observe a healthy lifestyle, study the history of their people and native land, help family and friends, protect the weak, be fair and honest. Always remember that you are Russian, and Russian means a Warrior!

Any capable person who has reached the age of 21 can become a member of the Club; sharing the position of the ORGANIZATION and its Idea, expressed in the specified slogan; passed the probationary period and paid the entrance fee. A capable person under the age of 21, or who has not passed the probationary period, but who wishes to become a member of the ORGANIZATION in the future, is considered a candidate for membership in the ORGANIZATION.

To achieve these goals, the Club organizes and conducts training in knife and hand-to-hand combat, conducts exercises in shooting tactics with the organization of practical shooting at a shooting range or in a shooting range. To improve the level of training, seminars are organized with the appropriate specialists. Organizes and conducts other events, including cultural and tourism, in the framework of the implementation of these goals. The Club is financed through voluntary donations and contributions from Club members.

RUSSIAN - MEANS A WARRIOR !!? "The opinion of one of the Blackwater employees about the combat capability of different countries, including Russia. Blackwater is an American security company (private military company), founded in 1997. Also, according to some reports, it provides military support in the current Ukrainian 1. African tribes. It’s not even interesting to fight them. They shoot randomly, they don’t know about aimed shooting. They often shoot into the ground under their feet. It’s a habit to hit their own. Scatter to the sides, after several victims or a shot from a tank. Rating. - meat. 2. African regulars. They differ from their wild counterparts only in the presence of uniform and modest aiming skills. They are combat-ready against savages, but a collision with a more skillful enemy, even Arabs, leads them to panic and flight. They do not know how to act in harmony with armored vehicles. in principle. Rating - meat in a package. 3. Arabs. Mercenaries, rebels, many regulars ... The concepts of tactics and strategy for them are as distant as prela Samantha Fox to the average homosexual from the banks of the Seine. Their war is to shoot boxes of ammunition towards the enemy, while calling to the bar and periodically blowing themselves up with everything that comes to hand. However, the latter does not apply to regulars, they are relatively silent and disciplined, they know how to use grenades. Cowards, but not alarmists. Rating is a convenient target. 4. American regulars. How many films have been made about the invincible American army ... There is only one BUT. Yankees absolutely do not know how to fight without artillery preparation, tanks and air strikes. If the territory has not been burned out to the state of a deserted desert, the soldiers will not go there. And if they go, they don't come back. They shoot very well, they are perfectly coordinated, but they are shy in front of any resistance. Then they become easy prey. Losses are going through hard, up to a complete loss of combat effectiveness. Underpants. Rating - biting dogs. 5. American mercenaries. Not bad fighters. They know how to act both as a team and alone, excellent shooters. There are desperate individuals that are sometimes difficult to cope with. But they have a very weak spot - morality. And lack of motivation other than money. The corpse does not need money, so most of them do not go where it is very hot. And in every possible way they avoid the first line of fire. Dogs of war, if you judge. 6. Asians. I haven’t come across regulars. Mercenaries are capable of delivering excruciating headaches to any enemy. If they act as a group. What is in their head is not clear, but they are capable of any recklessness. They shoot well, often act from an ambush, into which the enemy falls according to a cunning plan. Asians do not care about technical support, aircraft and projectiles. They don't care if they have bullets or not. The main thing is the presence of brothers. But alone, they, alas, become useless. Rating - the army of the emperor. 7. Caucasians and Afghans. Strong warriors. Great arrows. They are hardy and brave. They know how to act in groups, alone, motivated and insidious. They act competently in battle, know tactics and strategy. They are not afraid of equipment and air strikes, they effectively operate from ambushes. They have only one weak point - they are unable to fight to the last breath, a rare fighter is able to sacrifice himself for the sake of common victory. Unless he is a martyr, but that's a completely different story ... Rating - real Fighters. 8. Russians. To oppose a platoon of Russian mercenaries is a fierce, bloody pi *** They fight to the end, to the last bullet, and when they run out of ammunition, they use everything that is at hand. Mortally wounded a Russian? Do not touch him, most likely before his death - he clamped a grenade without a pin. Russians are resourceful and intuitive. And ... they don't care. Has the plane arrived? Anyway, they'll shoot you down with a sapper shovel. Tank? It doesn't matter if your arms aren't broken. Fighters who have never held an SVD, at a critical moment, are able to hit from it at the limit of range. And all the same, that it was the last cartridge, they will beat the enemy with the rifle itself. Tactics and strategy? Easy! Any composition, from an army to a half-dead cripple, holding an enemy company alone ... Russians, even mercenaries, are not capable of retreating. And if they retreat, be sure they are just running after the bullets. All of the above applies to the army, who are more or less fired upon. However, for this, in most cases, a single clash is sufficient ... Rating - Warriors! "

Scared death.

Those same "bloody" NKVD officers who showed themselves in the first days of the war so that the ground burned under the feet of the enemy.
There were two of them. A pair of border guards from the Brest border detachment gave battle to a column of German motorcyclists. They were wounded, seized and put in a line for execution. But the preparation was delayed due to the fact that the shot behaved calmly and even arrogantly. They laughed at the Germans, mocked and joked. The young German officer who gave the order also got it.
After it was all over, he wrote in his diary that evening:

These Russian soldiers were not at all afraid of us. This was not bravado and feigned courage. It even seemed to me for a second that I was standing in their place. Disgusting sensation. They left with a smile on their lips, and I am ready to swear that not only me, but also my soldiers got goose bumps and an unpleasant chill at the moment when their bodies touched the ground. They were absolutely sure that they would be avenged and we would lose the war.

It was June 1941.

453 79 7 ER 3.8052

Found a Hero of the military conflict (08.08.08) with Georgia.

He turns out to be alive, but his name is generally different!

In foreign media, this story was called:

"Three hundred is not necessary, one is enough."

It was about a Russian soldier who single-handedly deployed a whole column of Georgian military during the conflict between South Ossetia and Georgia ...

According to journalists, this guy's name was Bato Dashidorzhiev. In addition, it was only reported that he died a few days after this incident during the fighting. There was no more information about the man, only really strong photos. Aldar Damdinov, representing the interests of the Republic of Buryatia in the lower house of the Russian parliament, together with his associates, decided to find the hero's relatives in order to provide the necessary assistance and perpetuate his memory. To their surprise, the inquiries gave nothing, no information. And only after a long period of time, it was still possible to find out the name of the fighter who actually stood alone in the middle of the road with a machine gun against the Georgian column. As it turned out, it was not Bato Dashidorzhiev, but Ibrashev Tasbolat Abatovich, then serving in a hot spot under a contract. On that day, August 8, 2008, he was in the Chechen city of Shali as part of the 70th motorized rifle regiment. The company commander, senior lieutenant Dychkovsky, ordered to advance to the Georgian border to help the peacekeeping forces. Having spent the night waiting for the regrouping enemy forces, which never appeared, the company stood at the city of Gori. “A few days after our stop, Colonel Shtondenko arrived,” Tasbolat told the correspondent who came to him. - He ordered to call a machine gunner to him, along with an assistant and a shooter. At that moment I was the only machine gunner at the checkpoint. Accordingly, the choice fell on me. The four of us moved forward along the road, and there we met with the columns of the Georgian military. The colonel was not taken aback and immediately went to talk to them, ordering me to stand and not retreat under any circumstances. At this time, two of my comrades took up combat positions at the roadside behind the boulders. The whole world knows what happened next.
The whole world saw how a column of heavily armed Georgians left one soldier. After the end of the contract, Ibrashev went home and did not even know that foreign journalists had already released the viral video "Three hundred is not necessary, one is enough." Bato Dashidorzhiev was considered the hero of the video. Tasbolat saw the video in 11-12 and recognized himself on it, was insanely surprised that he was called by an unknown name and, in addition, the dead. Ibrashev tried to say that he was alive and well. But they didn’t believe him. Once Bato Dashidorzhiev was told, it means he shouldn't attribute other people's exploits to himself. As a result, Tasbolat did not begin to prove anything to anyone, although even his colleagues insisted that he not stop. And then representatives of the State Duma deputy came to him, because this story haunted the inhabitants of Russia for many years.

147 16 3 ER 1.1720

A soldier with a grenade in his leg, Khankala, 1999. Operation to extract a grenade by military surgeons. Video recording of Alexander Sladkov.

In Khankala, at the beginning of the second Chechen campaign. They brought the soldier to the medbat, with a grenade in his leg: a VOG flew into his leg, there, inside, in the meat, a detonator flew off the grenade, the Soldier was conscious. The battalion commander, Tolik Kalmykov, and the surgeons decided to get it.
They took the wounded "out into nature" so that if he exploded, he would not sprinkle fragments of bodies on the sterile operating tent. Surgeons: Igor Pesikin, Yura Sikorsky, anesthesiologist Marat Kurmanseitov, but I remember the operating nurse only by her nickname - "Bow". They covered the wounded with armor plates, put him to sleep, put on body armor, and, cutting his thigh, took out a grenade. Igor Pisikin took it out, and then he put his hand into the wound, like into a pocket, groped and pulled out the detonator, risking being left without an arm, for a surgeon this is a goodbye profession! Yes, and everyone could die there if the FOG worked. The doctors were a meter away from the grenade. Video recording of Alexander Sladkov.
There are many such options, with a grenade in the body. But! So that there was an opportunity to shoot the extraction operation in such detail !? This is a unique case. Unique work of reporters. By the way, our cell was there alone. Apart from us, Vesti, there was no one else. Usually, the military, either hide such stories from reporters, or we, having accidentally found out, having seen, we hear the usual "No"! Everything should be as it should, as planned and as prepared. But this impromptu is both a feat in the frame and our history. By the way, Pesikin, Kurmanseitov, Sikorsky are still operating, experienced luminaries, with a light hand! But where "Bow" - I do not know.
Py.Sy. Shot grenade launcher VOG-25 (Index GRAU - 7P17) - fragmentation ammunition for grenade launchers GP-25 "Koster", GP-30 "Obuvka", GP-34, RG-6 "Gnome" and combining a grenade and propellant charge in the case.

10 2 0 ER 0.0847

You, don't throw a stone here ... You, throw it there!

"The Turkish military is there, and the Russian military here"

Interesting news came in the form of two videos from Syria. They clearly show how, after a short conversation with a serviceman, the local Kurdish population let the vehicles of the Russian military police pass and began throwing stones at the Turkish armored vehicles, realizing that "the Turkish military is there, and the Russian military here."

Previously, protesters attacked all cars indiscriminately, which caused mocking comments from a number of media outlets. There were shots of how the Kurds even use a sledgehammer, striking at the equipment of the Russian military police. Now the Kurdish aggression of the population has become more targeted.

Based on materials from https://topwar.ru/news/

8 2 0 ER 0.0707

I'll tell you a story that a veteran told me. A real warrior, not a staff one, with the right awards.
After May 1945, when Berlin was taken by storm by our troops. The Soviet, and then the American troops (who divided the spheres of influence and the city itself) had a huge amount of worries. One of them is the prisoners. They quickly found employment and, under guard, they cleared the rubble and did other hard work. At the same time, the special services were working with rakes, weeding Nazi criminals hiding among the gray mass of Wehrmacht soldiers.

"There was enough work for both interrogators and Srsh employees. They ate, drank and slept here."

The participants in the "Hitler Youth" brought a particular headache. Teenagers from 12 to 16 years old were massively called up by the Third Reich to fight the "Red Menace". The propaganda worked to its fullest and brainwashed the Germans as it should, and they were not against it. Their dream of rich estates in the east, vast estates and free workers did not go into cognitive dissonance with the Fuhrer's delusional ideas.

The kids were pumped up to capacity with "wonderful" ideas, seasoned with hatred of everything non-German and rifles, machine guns and faust cartridges were put into their hands.

The Soviets should wash themselves in blood and, considering losses unacceptable, show us their backs!

The result is known to us. How many of our soldiers died at the hands of these wolf cubs can not be counted, and often our kindness and decency were to blame for this. They are children.

So a large group of prisoners of the Hitler Youth was at first on the "American" part of Berlin, and there they, frightened at first, felt very at ease and comfortable. They were not even sent to work. It was hard, there was a lot of responsibility; in general, they sat under lock and key and spat through their teeth. Among them were real scoundrels who had already received military awards from their deceased "state". It got to the point that the youngsters began to scatter.

In general, for some reason, all this big top was handed over to the Soviet side and several hundred underdogs ended up under the protection of our soldiers. So the cubs began to pump rights and go on hunger strikes, refusing to go to work and pretending to be sick. All this was done in a showy manner with giggles, bullying, the use of insults, etc. and so on. At first, our men laughed at the mustache - well, what to take from youngsters. Then, after tin pots were thrown at our soldiers (you see, they didn't like the food), the head of the temporary camp decided to go to the commandant. However, old, hardened soldiers stopped him.

Why make a noise? Now we'll have a smoke and decide everything ourselves.

And they decided. Several hundred wolf cubs became like silk when, after another incident, a long line from the DP was given over their heads (so that the stone chips flew to the sides), kicked out for hard work and left without food for a day. Cuffs, podzhopniki and suppression of any boorish behavior quickly established discipline and reminded the youngsters that they were not in a pioneer camp, but prisoners of war, and their fate had not yet been decided. There was no torture. After a couple of days, everyone realized that the rules must be followed and then everything will be fine.
After that, not a single attack on the guards was noted in our country, which the Americans, who lost several dozen people because of this, could not boast.