Research on functional literacy. "Formation of functional literacy of students in the context of International Studies Timss and Pirls


Nazira Diusheeva

ph.D., prof. Department of education and psychology ISU them. K. Tynystanov,

Kyrgyzstan , Karakol

Meder Kubatbekov

graduate student of the Department of education and psychology KSU them I. Arabaev,

Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek


The article actualizes the problem of the formation of functional literacy in future teachers, clarifies its content, describes the structure and suggests approaches to the formulation of learning outcomes that characterize functional literacy.


The article actualizes the problem of the formation of functional literacy of future teachers, clarifies its content, structure, and suggests approaches to the formulation of learning outcomes that characterize the functional literacy.

Keywords:functional literacy, competence, learning outcomes.

Keywords: functional literacy, competence, learning outcomes.

In the pedagogical science of the last decade, a direction is being formed, the object of which is competence-oriented learning, which is characterized by integration into the world educational space; fundamentalism and practice-oriented education; changing the knowledge paradigm to a personality-oriented one; continuity of education, that is, education throughout life; health-preserving nature of education; subject-subject position of the participants in the educational process.

In the regulatory educational documents of the state and strategic importance of the CIS countries, the formation of functional literacy is positioned as one of the main and leading tasks of competence-based learning.

To determine the content and structure of the future teacher's functional literacy, the mutual correspondence of such concepts as "competence" and "functional literacy" was determined.

The concept of "competence" in the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova is interpreted as "knowledge, awareness, authority in some area." The most common interpretation is presented by A.G. Bermus: competence is a person's possession of competence, which includes his personal attitude towards her and the subject of activity. V.A. Slastenin offers the following interpretation: "... the teacher's professional competence is determined by the unity of his methodological, special and psychological and pedagogical training." We were particularly interested in the interpretation of the concept of “competence” proposed by G.K. Selevko, according to which it is broader than the concepts of "knowledge", "skills", "skills", in addition, it includes not only the knowledge component, but also the operational-technological, motivational-ethical, social and behavioral components. A.V. Khutorskiy is similar in opinion with some of the authors of the above definitions, "competence is the possession, possession of a person of the appropriate competence, including his personal attitude towards her and the subject."

An analysis of the definition of “competence” showed that there is a slight scatter of opinions, but in general, this conceptual series has its own similarities and minor differences, this allows us to clarify the interpretation in the following statement: competence is a person's possession of a certain competence, which makes it possible to make judgments in a certain area and make decisions appropriate to a specific situation.

Analysis of the concept of "functional literacy" by using the citation method allowed us to come to the conclusion that the formation of functional literacy is provided with the help of external conditions and internal needs of the student himself. The personal qualities of the future teacher are formed in the conditions of study at the university, including the personality of the teachers themselves. Another important condition for the formation of functional literacy is the system of relations of a future teacher to himself as to a professional.

Table 1.

Citation of the concept "Functional literacy"



Functional literacy is a way of social orientation of a person, integrating the connection between education and multifaceted human activity.

O. Brand. Functional literacy in industrialized countries // Perspectives. - 1988, No. 2.

Functional literacy is the level of education that is a necessary component of modern vocational education, representing a set of subject, interdisciplinary, integrative knowledge, abilities, skills and methods of solving functional problems that are used by students in the process of activities related to the process of perception, transformation of information, solving typical educational and professional tasks, as well as problems of interaction with society.

P.I. Frolov. Formation of functional literacy as the basis for the development of educational and cognitive competence of students of a technical university in the process of studying the humanities. - Omsk, 2008.

Functional literacy is the ability to use reading and writing skills in conditions of interaction with society, that is, this is the level of literacy that makes it possible for an individual to fully function in a social environment (UNESCO)

A.A. Veryaev, M.N. Nechupaeva, G.V. Tatarnikov. Functional literacy of students: representations, critical analysis, measurement. - S. 15.

Functional literacy is the ability of a person to freely use these skills to extract information from a real text - to understand it, compress it, transform it.

A.A. Leontiev. From the psychology of reading to the psychology of teaching reading // Materials of the V-th international scientific-practical conference in 2 hours - Part I ed. Usacheva - M., 2002.

Functional literacy is the use of reading and writing skills in everyday life... In other words, this is the level of a person's literacy, which determines his activities using the printed word in everyday life.

O.V. Babushkina. Formation of functional literacy of students of basic school: theory and practice of international studies // electronic periodical "Continuity in education". - No. 10. - 2016:

Internal and external in unity determine the position of a specialist in his professional activity and in relationships with other people.

In the concept of functional literacy of a future teacher, we introduce such a level of education, which is characterized by the ability to solve standard life tasks in various spheres of life, including professional ones, to enter into relations with the external environment, function and adapt to it as quickly as possible. Therefore, clarifying this concept, we believe that functional literacy is a combination of professional and communicative knowledge, skills, skills of self-educational activity, abilities of possession information technology and personal qualities of a specialist that will allow him to achieve professional results in professional activity.

There are three levels of development of functional literacy of specialists, including teachers: personal, personal and professional, and professional and technological.

The personal level of functional literacy is manifested in the suitability of a particular person to perform any type of activity. It is associated with an optimistic way of thinking, positive thinking, which assumes that the world is arranged according to the laws of harmony, that there are more good people than bad people, there is always good in every person. Optimism strategy opens up new horizons, reserves and opportunities in professional activity. Another important personal quality of a teacher is the ability to adequately assess their activities and exercise self-control, taking responsibility for their actions and deeds on themselves, and not looking for the reason in other people and situations. The personal component of the FG is a system of stable personal characteristics and the style of pedagogical activity.

Personal and professional level - suitability for performing pedagogical activities. It is an activity for the implementation of the educational process. Professional development is a natural form of self-realization of the teacher's personality, the ability to establish interaction between all subjects of education, to ensure the development, education and training of students.

The professional and technological level is a fairly complete mastery of knowledge, skills, modern educational and information technologies in the chosen type of activity aimed at the development of students.

With regard to the current social situation and cultural sphere the following main features of the functional literacy of a future teacher can be distinguished: readiness for continuous education, mastery of modern information and educational technologies; the ability to independently solve a significant part of the problems that arise in the professional sphere, to protect their rights and orientate themselves in their duties; willingness to live in modern world, orientation in his problems, values, moral norms, orientation in the possibilities for satisfying and developing his spiritual needs; orientation in the scientific understanding of the world; possessing critical and creative thinking; the ability to communicate in various environments, possession of a bright, convincing and competent speech.

Next, we will demonstrate the process of modeling the functional literacy of a future teacher, which is interpreted as the study of any phenomena, processes or systems of objects by constructing and studying their models.

The formulation of functional literacy indicators is based on the Benjamin Bloom Concept. Its peculiarity is that through the passage of 6 levels of the thought process, the corresponding knowledge, skills, abilities and abilities are formed, the content of which is presented in the form of active verbs. Bloom's taxonomy is not just a classification scheme. It is an attempt to organize various thought processes as a hierarchy. In this hierarchy, each level depends on the student's ability to work at that level or levels below it. Below is a table that “offers” a ready-made list of verbs that can be used in formulating learning outcomes for each level of the thought process.

Table 2.

Cognitive learning outcomes

Knowledge - the ability to reproduce or remember facts, without necessarily understanding them.

Systematize, collect, define, describe, reproduce, list, analyze, establish, categorize, remember, name, arrange, outline, present, refer to, remember, recognize, fix, tell, relate, repeat, reproduce, show, formulate, tabulate, to report

Understanding - ability to understand and interpret

assimilated information.

Link, change, clarify, classify, build, compare, transform, decipher, hold, describe, distinguish, recognize, discuss, evaluate, explain, express, summarize, summarize, identify, illustrate, indicate, conclude, interpret, systematize , state in your own words, predict, recognize, describe, reformulate, review (critically), choose, decide, translate.

Application - ability to use learned

material in new situations.

Apply, evaluate, calculate, change, choose, complete, calculate, build, demonstrate, develop, disclose, stage, use, research, experiment, search, illustrate, interpret, manipulate, modify, exploit, organize, practice, predict , prepare, create, correlate, plan, select, show, outline, decide, transmit, use

Analysis - ability to break information into


Analyze, evaluate, systematize, break down, calculate, categorize, classify, compare, relate, contrast, criticize, discuss, deduce, distinguish, highlight, subdivide, investigate, conduct an experiment, define, illustrate, conclude, verify, collect information, arrange, depict schematically, mark, consider, correlate, highlight, subdivide, check.

Synthesis - the ability to connect parts into a whole.

Argument, systematize, collect, classify, assemble, compile, compose, build, create, design, develop, develop, establish, explain, formulate, generalize, generate, integrate, invent, do, manage, change, organize, produce, plan, prepare, propose, alter, reconstruct, correlate, reorganize, revise, rewrite, adjust, generalize.

Assessment - the ability to judge the value of a material for a given specific purpose.

Evaluate, establish, argue, evaluate, attach value, choose, compare, conclude, contrast, convince, criticize, make a decision, defend, distinguish, explain, form an opinion, rank, interpret, judge, prove, define, predict, consider, recommend, correlate, solve (the problem).

Structuring functional literacy, we have defined its criteria and indicators. The criteria are expressed in the features of functional literacy in the formulation of competencies. Indicators - in characteristics of signs of functional literacy, that is, in the formulations of expected learning outcomes that the student will demonstrate upon completion of the training module.

Table 3.



The ability to solve problems in the process of cognitive activity.

  • knows how to solve problems in the process of cognitive activity;
  • classifies constructive and destructive ways of solving problems in the process of cognitive activity;
  • reasonably predicts the consequences of destructive ways of solving problems in the process of cognitive activity.

Self-education ability

  • knows ways and conditions conducive to self-education;
  • demonstrates schematically / cluster system of self-education processes;
  • designs the processes of self-education and interprets them reasonably;
  • reasonably assesses the level of self-education.

Ability for constructive interpersonal communication.

  • lists and interprets the signs of constructive interpersonal communication;
  • predicts the importance of constructive interpersonal communication for the main types of activity (learning, work, communication);
  • demonstrates a commitment to constructive interpersonal communication
  • reasonably evaluates the process of destructive interpersonal communication.

The ability to self-organize and manage time in the process of cognitive activity.

  • characterizes the processes of self-organization and describes the rules of the process of cognitive activity;
  • generalizes the signs of self-organization and time management in the process of cognitive activity;
  • gives a reasoned assessment of the processes of self-organization and time management of classmates, fellow students, friends, relatives

Conflict prevention and prevention skill.

  • classifies conflicts;
  • lists ways to resolve and prevent conflicts;
  • reasonably evaluates the consequences of conflicts.

Skill in ICT (information and communication technologies).

  • chooses adequate information and communication technologies for self-education processes;
  • demonstrates ICT skills through presentation;
  • reasonably lists and interprets signs of high, medium and low levels of ICT proficiency.

The capacity for introspection.

  • lists the signs of meaningful and constructive introspection;
  • demonstrates, through graphic organizers, an algorithm for introspection and summarizing the results of this process;
  • reasonably evaluates the process of introspection, listing the features that determine its trajectory.

Thus, the formation of functional literacy is an important process that contributes to the professional and personal development of the future teacher. It is impossible to assess the competencies, but it is possible to assess the learning outcomes that characterize these competencies, since they are expressed in the form of active verbs and are formulated according to the levels of the thought process of Benjamin Bloom's Concept. These formulations can serve as a basis for setting goals in the pedagogical process.

List of references:

  1. Bermus A.G. Problems and prospects for the implementation of the competence-based approach in education // Internet magazine "Eidos". - 2005. - http: // - [Electronic resource] - Access mode: www. еidos. ru / journal / 2005/0910 - 12.htm (Date of access: 11.12.16).
  2. Large encyclopedic Dictionary [Text]: In 2 volumes / Ch. ed. A.M. Prokhorov. - M .: Sov. encycl., 1991.
  3. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language [Teskt] - M .: Russian language, 1981. - 816 p.
  4. V.A. Slastenin Pedagogy [Text] / V.А. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev and A.I. Mishchenko, E.N. Shiyanov. - M .: School-Press, 2000 .-- 512 p.
  5. Selevko G.K. Encyclopedia educational technologies [Teskt]: In 2 volumes - M .: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2006. - 816 p.
  6. Khutorskiy A.V. Key competencies as a component of the personality-oriented paradigm [Text] // Nar. arr-e. - 2003. - No. 2. - P. 60.

Bekturganova Saule Duisenbekovna

One of the most important tasks modern school - the formation of functionally competent people. What is functional literacy? Functional literacy is the ability of a person to enter into a relationship with the external environment, quickly adapt and function in it. The foundations of functional literacy are laid in primary school, where there is intensive training in various types of speech activity - writing and reading, speaking and listening.

Today, teaching reading and writing in school cannot be limited to academic goals, but must include functional and operational goals related to daily life and work. The new state curriculum focuses teachers on developing students' functional literacy. When teaching the Russian language, the emphasis is on textual studies, the communicative approach is updated and the peculiarities of the multicultural environment are taken into account.

In the program for the subject cycle "Language and Literature" in the section "Linguistic and Literary Competence" at different stages of training, skills and abilities are duplicated, without which it is impossible today to cope with solving vital problems:

  1. meaningfully read and perceive by ear, as well as produce texts of different types (informational and applied nature, literary texts);
  2. be able to extract information from different sources;
  3. learn to find and critically evaluate information;
  4. be able to use sources and refer to them;
  5. be able to read tables, diagrams, diagrams, conventions and be able to use them when preparing your own texts;
  6. realize different strategies reading when working with text.

The school must teach its students to apply the knowledge gained in everyday life.

Productive techniques for working with text.

In today's environment, there are many methods and techniques for working with text.

For example, when developing the ability to set a goal for oneself, students, under the guidance of a teacher, acquire the experience of goal-setting in the classroom. Then their motivation is organized, familiarity with the concept of the goal of activity and the goal-setting algorithm. Further, students begin to independently apply the studied method of setting an educational goal in subject lessons and during extracurricular activities, reflect on your experience, based on an agreed common way, clarify and correct your actions, exercise self-control. Here, in fact, functional literacy is formed in students, the required skill is worked out, consolidated, after which the level of formation of this IUD is controlled by the teacher.

For example, I begin to introduce the method of discussions, debates into the practice of working with 5th grade students. In older adolescence, the proposed method is most interesting, since it contributes to the formation of skills to come into contact with any type of interlocutor and maintain contact in communication, observing the rules and regulations, listen to the interlocutor, stimulate the interlocutor to continue communication, and change speech behavior, if necessary.

This method allows students to freely express their thoughts, their opinions, points of view, as well as to connect with life. In the lessons I also use the project method, defense of presentations, creating and demonstrating computer presentations that help to overcome difficulties associated with personal experiences, feelings awkwardness, insecurity. An individual form of work in the classroom using the techniques "Fishbone" (fishbone), "Insert", "Three-part diary", "Evaluation window", "Sinkwine" helps students to interpret, systematize, critically evaluate, analyze information from the perspective of the problem being solved, do reasoned conclusions.

I also use the following tasks in my lessons for the development of functional literacy of students:

Tasks for the level "Analysis":

  1. Work on the text "Who to be friends with?"
  • Do you think you should try to see only the bad or only the good in a person? Why?
  • Why does Aliya know well with whom she needs to be friends?
  1. Drawing up a plan for the presentation of "Tireless Disney"
  2. Draw such a table in your notebook, fill it in and analyze it.

I know I want to know I studied
The ending is
The basis is
The root is
Suffix is
The prefix is

  1. Role-reading dialogue
  2. Find an extra word game:

Garden, summer, mountain, water
Plant, fly, mountain, water
Soot, summer, burn, driver
Landing, summer, mountainous, waterfall

6. Game "Find common ground"

bird life beast

Quests for the "Synthesis" level:

  1. Working with the text "Multiple words".
    -Guess which definition fits the pictures on page 26
  2. Creative work. Compose text from these words and select parts of words:
    Start a new academic year. In, school, start, classes. We, study, history, Russian language, geography, botany. On, lessons, we, read, write, draw, sing. After, lessons, play, do, homework, assignments.
  1. Make a crossword puzzle or rebuses with words of the same root
  2. Make a Venn diagram.


Tasks for the "Assessment" level:

  1. Competition for the best reader (poem "After the Summer")
  2. (text about Mowgli)
    - Can a person learn to speak if he was not brought up with people?
  3. Reading the text "When is the best time to teach the lessons?"
    Express your opinion in the form of reasoning.

The answer can start like this:

A) -I believe that lessons should be taught late at night, because ... ..

B) - I think that the lessons should be learned after a short rest during the day, because ... ..

  1. Development of speech. As you understand the expression: "Labor is the root of our whole life." Prove your opinion.
  2. Complete the creative assignment. Insert related words into sentences.
    Not far from us ………… .house. Tomorrow ……… ..the walls will be erected. Trucks are approaching the ………. Site. Home …… .. for the holiday - Republic Day.

    This year the story “The Smell of Wormwood” by SainMuratbekov took part in the action “One Country - One Book”. In extracurricular activities, I developed the following tasks:

Multilevel assignments based on bloom's taxonomy in the process of studying S. Muratbekov's story "The Smell of Wormwood".

Level 1: "Knowledge"

  1. Name the author of the novel The Smell of Wormwood.
  2. Tell us at what time the events take place in this story?
  3. Name the main character of the story "The Smell of Wormwood".
  4. How did Ayan end up in the aul?

Level 2: "Understanding"

  1. What influence do Ayan's fairy tales have on the kids?
  2. State the theme and idea of \u200b\u200bthe story.
  3. How is Ayan different from the village boys?
  4. What is the sequence of all events in the story?

Level 3: "Application"

  1. What allows Ayan to be strong?
  2. What were the hardships of the war?
  3. How would you feel if you were Ayan?
  4. Write a story about your classmates. What place would you take in this fairy tale?

Level 4: "Analysis"

  1. What kind of relationship did Ayan have with the other boys?
  2. Did Ayan have friends?
  3. Why did Ayan start telling fairy tales?
  4. Divide the text into semantic parts and head each of them.

Level 5: "Synthesis"

  1. Why is the story called "The Smell of Wormwood"?
  2. Suggest your version of the ending of the story.
  3. Imagine Ayan's father returning from the war. How will the boy's life change?
  4. How do you envision Ayan and the narrator meeting?

Level 6: "Assessment"

  1. Suggest a cover for this book.
  2. Do you condone the author for the unfinished work?
  3. Make an annotation for the work.
  4. Create an ad for this story.
  5. Write a screenplay based on this story.

In the 10th grade at the lesson of literature based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" I use the following types of tasks:

  1. Select the quote you like from the speech of the heroes of the story and write a small reasoning to it, using the MTP and MTP. (The assignment refers to synthesis, it requires critical assessment from students. The reader should understand the quote in detail and interpret it, not forgetting that already creates her own text by becoming a writer.)
  2. Write "Three-part diary" Eugene - Tatiana - student comments.
  3. "Evaluation window": characterization of heroes: Did you understand the work? What is it about? What character traits are close to you? What actions of heroes would you never do? Why? Using such assignments, I think that students will better understand this work and will be able to apply what they have learned in their own lives.

Having listened to lectures on the development of students' functional literacy in reading and understanding the text and worked them out in practice, I think that many teachers changed their views on working with texts, learned how to correctly select texts and assignments for them, which will contribute to the development of ZUN in students, and which they can use and apply in practice, in life. Now I understand that this work is not carried out so well, or better to say correctly. We worked more one-sidedly: read the text, retell it, answer simple questions. Now I understand that not only teachers and philologists should develop reading literacy among students, but other colleagues should also develop functional literacy in students. After all, the main task of the school is to strive to prepare a student, a person capable of being successful in a constantly changing world.

My thoughts on improving this process:

  1. Conduct weekly vocabulary practical work on the study of individual spelling in Russian, which cause difficulties for poor students.
  2. Diversify the structure of reading literary works through creative comprehension - dialogues, essay reasoning, role play.
  3. Verbal perception of written speech, through the design of stands (writing an article, abstract).
  4. To develop tasks for texts for reading literacy: analytical, informational, positional, interpretive. Use Bloom's taxonomy.
  5. To use more interactive teaching methods in their practice.
  6. Choose the right text material so that it carries an educational character, a connection with life.

1. Justification of the project.

Modern processes of development of Kazakhstan put forward a number of new requirements and tasks to the sphere of education of the republic. One of the most important tasks of a modern school is the education and training of functionally literate people. In this regard, a high level of formation of functional literacy among students implies the ability to function effectively in society, the ability to self-determination, self-improvement, and self-realization. Consequently, society needs a person who is functionally competent, able to work for a result, capable of certain socially significant achievements.

Functional literacy as a learning outcome is developed through each school subject. Instruments for the development of functional literacy of schoolchildren, as well as for checking their formation, are tasks of a creative nature (tasks of a research, entertaining nature, tasks with economic, historical content, practice-oriented tasks, etc.) Only through reading does a student acquire the ability to engage in his own learning ( academic mobility), build constructive relationships with people, collaborate and work in a group.

Consequently, teachers are entrusted with a great responsibility for the upbringing, teaching, development of our students who are able to enter into relations with the external environment and adapt and function in it as quickly as possible.

Our teachers provide strong subject knowledge, but they are not always able to teach how to apply it in real life situations. Because of this, students do not have a sufficient ability to understand and comprehend problems in the real world.

In this regard, the problem of introducing functional literacy of students arises.

2. Goals and objectives of the project.

The goal of the project is to ensure the development of students' abilities for cognition, creative use of the acquired knowledge in any educational and life situation, readiness for self-development and self-government through the development of functional literacy.

1. Study of domestic and international practice of the development of functional literacy of schoolchildren.

2. Determination of mechanisms for the implementation of a system of measures to develop the functional literacy of schoolchildren.

3. Ensuring the modernization of the content of education: standards, curricula and programs.

4. Development of educational and methodological support of the educational process.

5. Development of a system for assessing and monitoring the quality of education of schoolchildren.

3. Problems and solutions.

Functional literacy is a characteristic that is given to a person who has passed a certain stage of education. At the same time, education is viewed as a field of activity and a means of ensuring a certain level of literacy.

The formation of functional literacy is influenced by many social factors and modern social trends: supertechnologization of production and humanitarian processes, globalization of development processes, professionalization and systematization of activities, the formation of market social relations, etc.

Functional literacy is a meta-subject phenomenon, and therefore it is formed in the study of all school disciplines and therefore has various forms of manifestation.

According to V.N. Maksimov, "interdisciplinary skills are" the student's ability to establish and learn connections in the process of transferring and generalizing knowledge and skills from related subjects. "

Hence, the requirements for the competence of the teacher follow, if he sets the task of forming the functional literacy of students:

    the teacher himself must possess the competencies that constitute functional literacy. Only then will the teacher be able to purposefully use assignments on functional literacy in the educational process and even more so independently develop such assignments;

    the teacher should act as an organizer (or coordinator) of the productive activities of students. And this requires pedagogical competence, as well as the requirements determine the content of teacher training, including advanced training of teachers of subjects of the natural science cycle.

Difficulties associated with the organization and content of the process of forming students' functional literacy are associated with the fact that:

    the concept of functional literacy itself is not fully defined, changes in the understanding and content of the concept at the present stage of the development of education are not taken into account;

    as a result, functional literacy is not formed in school practice as an integral system, as a rule, general educational institutions work on the formation of general educational skills (technological component), but without relying on the subject experience of students, which does not contribute to the development of personality traits necessary for a modern student to be successful functioning and adaptation in society (personal component);

    due attention is not paid to the formation of new components of functional literacy of students: communicative, computer, environmental, economic, legal, etc .;

    insufficient level of professional competence many teachers who remain adherents of the traditional approach to teaching and, therefore, cannot effectively solve the problem of the formation of functional literacy at the present stage.

This study is driven by the need to resolve the following contradictions:

    between the need for the development of functional literacy of students as a condition for their successful socialization and adaptation in society and the lack of teachers' readiness to solve this problem;

    between the urgent need to improve the professional competence of teachers in the development of functional literacy of students and the insufficient development of this problem in pedagogical theory and practice.

In this regard, the following technologies are relevant in the educational process: developing education; problem learning; multilevel teaching; project teaching method; use of game methods in teaching: role-playing, business and other types of educational games; learning in collaboration (team, group work); information and communication technologies; critical thinking.

In this case, the key educational component becomes educational and cognitive competence. According to Khutorsky Andrey Viktorovich , educational and cognitive competencies are a set of student competencies in the field of independent cognitive activity, including elements of logical, methodological, general educational activity correlated with real cognizable objects.

This includes ways of organizing - goal setting, planning, analysis, reflection, self-esteem.

In relation to the studied objects, the student masters creative skills: obtaining knowledge directly from the surrounding reality, mastering the techniques of educational and cognitive problems, actions in non-standard situations.

Examples of formulations of educational and cognitive competencies in an activity form:

Set a goal and organize its achievement, be able to explain your goal;

Organize planning, analysis, reflection, self-assessment of their educational and cognitive activities;

Ask questions about the observed facts, look for the causes of phenomena, indicate your understanding or misunderstanding in relation to the problem under study;

work with instructions, use elements of probabilistic and statistical methods of cognition, describe results, formulate conclusions;

Speak orally and in writing about the results of their research using computer tools and technologies (text and graphic editors, presentations);

Have experience in perceiving a picture of the world.

Determining the content of the educational and cognitive competence of schoolchildren provides for the disclosure of the essence of educational and cognitive activity, in the implementation of which this competence is actually manifested.

Functional literacy is defined as a student's self-governing activity in solving personally significant and socially relevant real cognitive problems, accompanied by the mastery of the knowledge and skills necessary for their resolution in obtaining, processing and applying information.

4.Methodological basis of the project

For the formation of educational and cognitive competencies, modern technologies for organizing the educational process are needed: technology of problem and project training; development of critical thinking.

For example measures,one of the task modules can be called "How to find out? ». The tasks included here correspond to the first of the competencies related to the methods of scientific knowledge, that is, the methods of obtaining scientific knowledge. In these tasks, the student may be asked to find ways to establish some facts, determine (measure) a physical quantity, test hypotheses; outline a research plan for the proposed problem.

Try to explain » correspond to a group of tasks that form the ability to explain and describe phenomena, predict changes or the course of processes (the second of the competencies). These skills are based not only on a certain amount of scientific knowledge, but also on the ability to operate with models of phenomena, in the language of which, as a rule, an explanation or description is given.

The tasks "Make a conclusion" corresponds to the third competence and includes tasks that form the ability to draw conclusions based on the available data. This data can be presented in the form of an array of numbers, pictures, graphs, diagrams, diagrams, verbal descriptions. The analysis of this data, their structuring, generalization allow to come to conclusions in a logical way, consisting in the detection of some patterns, tendencies, estimates, and so on.

Therefore, a system that stimulates educational and cognitive activity, develops flexibility and non-standard thinking, must meet the following requirements : arouse interest in activities for their solution; build on the knowledge and experience of students; to promote the development of mental mechanisms underlying creative abilities (attention, memory, thinking, imagination); be built on an interdisciplinary (integrated) basis; be aimed at mastering generalized methods of cognitive activity; take into account the levels of development of creativity.

5. Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of training.

With the introduction of this training system, it will be necessary to move away from the standard assessment method (5-point scale). Since students themselves will find ways to solve the assigned tasks, they simply cannot be assessed according to the outdated system in the modern world. Level-based assessment would be much more expedient.

The characteristics of level indicators of students' functional literacy are:

1) goal setting:
the student's awareness of the need and ability for self-realization;

the emergence of educational and cognitive interest;

mastery of techniques independent work;

comprehension of terms, concepts, general educational abilities and skills;

2) planning:
the ability to navigate in the conditions of the task;

highlighting the search algorithm for the necessary information;

3) decision-making:
selection of the best option for solving the task;

analysis of activity plans;

4) performance:
ability to work with text, drawings, diagrams and graphics.

5) evaluation of results which passes according to the criteria: cannot be acceptable, acceptable, highly acceptable and most effective.

6.Expected Results.

At the initial stage of using the technology, it will take some additional time compared to the informational presentation of “ready” knowledge. But this will fully pay off with the formation of functional literacy, indicating mental development child. This will manifest itself in the ability to see the structure of the material being studied, to pose problems and solve them, quickly separating the main from the secondary, to freely go beyond what has been learned, while identifying various ways to solve the problem, will help the student to successfully cope with educational work without experiencing overload.

When switching to this training project, we will be able to reach a highly productive formula of education in all disciplines "MASTERING \u003d ASSIGNMENT + APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE IN PRACTICE", necessary for the full functioning of a person in modern society


This project is tied to the skill of the teacher. First of all, you need the desire of a teacher who has functional literacy, pedagogical methods, is fair and consistent in his actions, and knows how to interest children.

Information Support: informing teachers, students, their parents, Internet resources, creating a single site for the exchange of experience among teachers

Motivational support: conducting motivational work among teachers, students, parents on the need to work in this direction.

Tatiana Grigorievna Kiseleva
"Formation of functional literacy of students in the context of International Studies Timss and Pirls"

Report on the topic: "Scientific - didactic foundations teacher activities primary grades by the formation of functional literacy of students in the context of International Studies Timss and Pirls»

The entire educational system of our Republic is on the verge of transition to 12-year education. This will allow integrating the education system of our country into the global educational space. For this purpose, in June 2012 No. 832 by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan the National Action Plan for Development functional literacy schoolchildren for 2012-2016, which includes a set of measures for the substantive, educational, methodological, material and technical support of the development process functional literacy of schoolchildren.

In this regard, the lessons and extracurricular activities taught by primary school teachers must also have points of contact with life.

The requirements of the standard are such that along with the traditional concept « literacy» , the concept appeared « functional literacy» .

What is « functional literacy» ? Functional literacy - the ability of a person to enter into a relationship with the external environment and adapt as quickly as possible and function in it... Unlike elementary literacy as the ability of a person to read, understand, compose simple short texts and carry out the simplest arithmetic operations, functional literacy there is an atomic level of knowledge, skills and abilities that provides a normal functioning personality in the system of social relations, which is considered the minimum necessary for the implementation of the individual's life in a specific cultural environment.

About existence functional literacy we learnonly when faced with her absence. Therefore, we have to talk not so much about functional literacyhow much about functional illiteracy, which is one of the determining factors that hinder the development of social relations.

Functionally competent personality is a person who is oriented in the world and acts in accordance with social values, expectations and interests.

Key features functionally competent person: he is an independent person, knowing and able to live among people, possessing certain qualities, key competencies. (Study Search Think Collaborate Get down to business.)

The process by means of primary school subjects, based on subject knowledge, skills and abilities, is carried out on the basis of building thinking skills.

At the initial stage of training, the main thing is to develop the ability of each child to think with the help of such logical methods as analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, inference, systematization, serialization, denial, limitation. Formation of functional literacy in the lessons in elementary school, tasks corresponding to the level of logical techniques will help.

Table 1.

Logic techniques Examples of tasks

1st level - knowledge Make a list, highlight, tell, show, name

2nd level - understanding Describe explain, identify signs, formulate differently

3.level - use Apply, illustrate, solve

4.level - analysis Analyze, check, experiment, organize, compare, identify differences

5.level - synthesis Create, come up with a design, develop, make a plan (retelling)

6.level - evaluation Present arguments, defend a point of view, prove, predict

The highest level is grade. The primary school teacher is facing colossal tasks: develop the child. What does it mean to develop thinking? From visual-effective translate to abstract logical: develop speech, analytical and synthetic abilities, develop memory and attention, develop fantasy and imagination, spatial perception, develop motor function, ability control your movements, as well as fine motor skills, since the development of the hand leads to the development of the frontal lobe of the brain, which is responsible for mental activity. It is very important to develop communication skills, ability to communicate, skill control emotionsmanage your behavior.

When building functional literacy it is important to rememberthat concept functional literacy is based on one of the most famous international assessment studies -« International program assessment of educational achievements of 15-year-olds pupils(PISA) ", which assesses the ability of adolescents to use the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in school to solve a wide range of life tasks in various spheres of human activity, as well as in interpersonal communication and social relations, and TIMSS(evaluation of mathematical and natural science literacy of students in grades 4 and 8).

Prospects for Kazakhstan's participation in international comparative assessment research fixed in the State program development of education for 2011-2020 - a basic document that defines the political and conceptual framework for the development of education in the country in the long term. In particular, it is planned that Kazakhstan will participate (along with the already known PISA and TIMSS) such international studies, as: "Studying the quality of reading and understanding the text" (PIRLScomparing the level and quality of reading, understanding of the text learners primary school in the countries of the world).

Three areas are assessed during testing functional literacy: reading literacy, mathematical and natural science, literacy.

Basic skill functional literacy is the reader's literacy... In modern society, the ability to work with information(read first) becomes a prerequisite for success.

The development of reading awareness must be given the utmost attention, especially in the first stage of education. Conscious reading is the basis of personality self-development - competently the reading person understands the text, reflects on its content, easily expresses his thoughts, communicates freely. Deficiencies in reading also lead to deficiencies in intellectual development, which is understandable. In high school, the volume of information, and you need not only to read and memorize a lot, but, mainly, to analyze, generalize, draw conclusions. With an undeveloped reading skill, this turns out to be impossible. Conscious reading creates the basis not only for success in the lessons of the Russian language and literature, but is also a guarantee of success in any subject area, the basis for the development of key competencies.

Results of Kazakhstan's participation in PISA and TIMSS showthat educators general education schools republics provide strong subject knowledge, but do not teach how to apply it in real life situations. The majority of school graduates are not ready to freely use the knowledge and skills acquired at school in their everyday life. All methods used by the teacher should be aimed at the development of cognitive, mental activity, which in turn is aimed at working out, enriching the knowledge of everyone student, its development functional literacy.

Ways to improve functional literacy of students in the Russian language.

The academic subject "Russian language" is focused on mastering functional literacy learners, but at the same time, the guys master the skill of organizing their workplace (and is fixed on other subjects); the skill of working with a textbook, with a dictionary; time distribution skill; the skill of checking the work of a friend; the skill of finding an error; the skill of verbal assessment of the quality of work.

Most children in primary grades it is common to make mistakes when using new spelling or grammar rules... These are temporary errors. As the material passed through is consolidated, they are overcome.

So that u pupils there was a need for knowledge of the rule. Familiarity with the rule is well done in situations of spelling difficulty. At this stage, the creative mastery and development of the thinking ability of children takes place. This is what problem learning involves.

The entire spelling system is based on problematic methods.

It is important to organize the work so that each student feels responsible for their knowledge every day.

How to ensure that the student skillfully not only memorizes the rule, but also sees spelling.

Spelling letter.


Commented letter.

Dictation letter with preliminary preparation.

A letter from memory.

Creative work.

Selective write-off.

To arouse interest in the lesson, I use verse spelling exercises.

Vocabulary work

Work on bugs

They can successfully apply their knowledge to others. lessons: reading, history, natural history, mathematics.

The academic subject "Literary reading" provides for mastering students with fluent reading skills, acquaintance with the works of children's literature and the formation skills in working with text, as well as the ability to find the right book in the library, on the store counter (in the lesson we create the cover of the studied work); the ability to choose a work on a given topic (to participate in the reading competition); the ability to evaluate the work of a friend (at the competition jury - all students); ability to listen and hear, express your attitude to what you read, to what you hear

The subject "Mathematics" involves formation arithmetic calculating skills, familiarization with the basics of geometry; formation the skill of self-recognition of the location of objects on the plane and the designation of this location by language means: below, above, between, near, behind, closer, further; practical ability to navigate in time, the ability to solve problems, the plot of which is related to life situations. The greatest effect can be achieved as a result of the use of various forms of work on the task:

1. Work on a solved problem.

2. Solving problems in different ways. Little attention is paid to solving problems in different ways, mainly due to lack of time. But this skill testifies to a sufficiently high mathematical development. In addition, the habit of finding another solution will play a big role in the future.

3. Correctly organized way of analyzing the problem - from question or from data to question.

4. Representation of the situation described in the problem (draw a "picture")... The teacher draws the attention of children to details that must be presented, and which can be omitted. Mental participation in this situation. Splitting the problem text into semantic parts. Modeling the situation using a drawing, picture.

5. Self-compilation of tasks learners.

6. Solving problems with missing data.

7. Change the question of the problem.

8. Drawing up various expressions according to the task data and explaining what this or that expression means. Select those expressions that are the answer to the problem question.

9. Explanation of the finished solution to the problem.

10. Using the technique of comparing problems and their solutions.

11. Writing two solutions on the board - one correct and one incorrect.

12. Changing the condition of the problem so that the problem is solved by another action.

13. Finish solving the problem.

14. What question and what action is superfluous in solving the problem (or, conversely, restore the missed question and action in the task).

15. Drawing up a similar task with modified data.

16. Solving inverse problems.

The development of logical thinking in children is one of the important tasks of primary education. The ability to think logically, to make inferences without visual support, to compare judgments according to certain rules is a necessary condition for the successful assimilation of educational material. The main work for the development of logical thinking should be carried out with a task. Indeed, in any task there are great opportunities for the development of logical thinking. Non-standard logic problems are a great tool for this development. Systematic use in mathematics lessons and non-standard problems, expands the mathematical horizons junior schoolchildren and allows you to more confidently navigate the simplest laws of the surrounding reality and more actively use mathematical knowledge in everyday life.

The academic subject "The World Around" is integrated and consists of modules of natural science and social and humanitarian orientation, and also provides for the study of the basics of life safety. In the lesson, we practice the skill of marking events in time with language means: first, then, earlier, later, before, at the same time. We consolidate the child's recognition of health as overriding value human life, the ability to take care of their physical health and comply with the rules of life safety. Children have the opportunity to prepare their own material on a given topic, as well as their questions and tasks, which they do with great pleasure.

The subject "Technology" provides for mastering learners self-service skills, skills of manual technologies for processing various materials; the development of individual and creative personality traits necessary for knowing oneself as a person, one's capabilities, and awareness of one's own dignity. As part of extracurricular activities, we stage small scenes

So the model formation and development of functional literacy can be thought of as a fruit tree. As any tree needs care, watering, warmth, light, so a small person who comes to a teacher for a lesson needs knowledge, skills and abilities. Watering this tree with planned, well-thought-out, well-coordinated work, using modern pedagogical technologies, the tree will immediately give fruits - wonderful, admirable, apples (key competencies, that is, educated, successful, strong, capable of self-development, people.

Tree - functionally competent person

Water - educational technologies

Apples - key competencies

Leica is a teacher (in order to water, it must constantly replenish, that is, engage in self-education).

As without watering the tree will wither, so without literate competent work of a teacher is impossible to form, achieve development functional literacy of primary schoolchildren.

BBK 60.521.2

A. A. Veryaev, M. N. Nechunaeva, G. V. Tatarnikova Functional literacy of students: representations, critical analysis, measurement

A. A. Veryaev, M. N. Nechunaeva, G. V. Tatarnikova Functional Literacy of Students:

Representations, Critical Analysis, Measurement

The ideas about the functional literacy of students, which became popular after the participation of Russia in the international PISA testing, are analyzed. It is shown that functional literacy reflects utilitarian ideas about adaptation to social conditions and cannot be considered as one of the main target settings of education. The results of measuring the functional literacy of 9th grade students of gymnasium No. 42 in Barnaul are given. It is concluded that the natural science direction of education in comparison with the humanitarian one has a more favorable effect on the test results within the framework of assignments proposed by international organizations.

Key words: literacy, functional literacy, student testing.

DOI 10.14258 / izvasu (2013) 2.2-01

This work analyzes ideas of functional literacy of the students which become popular after participation of Russia in the PISA international testing. It is shown that functional literacy reflects utilitarian ideas about adaptation to social conditions and can’t be considered as one of the main purposes of training. The study presents the results of determination of functional literacy of pupils from the 9th classes in gymnasium No 42 in Barnaul. It is shown that the natural-science direction of training has more beneficial impact on results of testing within the tasks offered by the international organizations, than humanitarian.

Key words: literacy, functional literacy, testing of pupils.

At present, in the pedagogical literature, words are often said that the school must prepare the graduate for life in a dynamic, changing, information-rich world. To characterize such a world, societies use the terms "post-industrial society" or "information society". To characterize the qualities of the personality of a school graduate who successfully navigates the information society, a number of concepts are used that have different semantic content, different meanings, and various shades. These concepts in one way or another reflect the goals of the school. Here are some of them that have begun to be used in recent years: "competent graduate" (while competence is often specified - competent in the field of communication, information and communication technologies, social relations, etc.), "functionally competent graduate", sometimes they just talk about a literate, educated graduate.

In this article, we will be primarily interested in ideas about the functional literacy of students, the ways of its formation, assessment, and all this in the context of the real state of development of functional literacy of students from gymnasium No. 42 in Barnaul.

The following facts indicate the relevance of this goal. In domestic normative documents, functional literacy of students is mentioned in the following decrees that determine the activities of the school.

The Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary (Complete) General Education (Grades 10-11) (approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 413 dated April 17, 2012) states: 1) within the framework of teaching physics (basic level), it is necessary to achieve that students form - Equality of ideas about the role and place of physics in the modern scientific picture of the world; understanding physical entity phenomena observed in the Universe; understanding the role of physics in the formation of horizons and functional literacy for solving practical problems; 2) within the framework of teaching chemistry (basic level), it is necessary to achieve the formation of ideas about the place of chemistry in the modern scientific picture of the world; understanding the role of chemistry in the formation of horizons and functional literacy for solving practical problems; 3) within the framework of teaching biology (basic level), it is necessary to achieve the formation of ideas about the role and place of biology in the modern scientific picture of the world; by-

understanding the role of biology in the formation of outlook and functional literacy for solving practical problems.

In addition, functional literacy is mentioned in the draft Concept for the development of multicultural education in the Russian Federation. It emphasizes that only functional literacy (knowledge of modern technology, languages, etc.) allows a modern person to master the social and natural environment, actively work in an intensive economy and post-industrial civilization, and become a citizen of the world in a broad sense. It should be noted that the concept of functional literacy is more associated with the natural science component of education and began to be widely used in domestic pedagogical science and practice in connection with the discussion of the results of the international testing of schoolchildren PISA, in which Russia began to participate.

Thus, the question of the functional literacy of students, which is not of an academic nature, is relevant for the modern school. Establishing the relevance of the formation of functional literacy among students requires an analysis of ideas about this concept.

Note that in the pedagogical literature there is a relatively small range of opinions and ideas about functional literacy. By the way, this contrasts sharply with the ideas about competencies and competencies that figure in the psychological and pedagogical literature (mainly devoted to high school), there is an even greater contrast with the ideas about the information culture of schoolchildren and students.

Let's go back to the concept of functional literacy. Almost all researchers adhere to the definitions that are found in documents reflecting Russia's participation in the international program for assessing educational achievements of students PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) in the field of functional literacy of 15-year-old students. Information about the PISA study can be obtained from the OECD website (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Russia participated in the PISA survey in 2000, 2003, 2009. We will not dwell in detail on the results of Russian schoolchildren, they are sufficiently covered in the literature. The results are not encouraging, and it was they who ultimately initiated the real study of 9th grade students.

Many teachers state that foreign ideas about functional literacy are quite strongly correlated with some ideas about competencies that appear in domestic

literature and school practice. We do not share this opinion.

Let's dwell on some of the features of PISA testing. 15-year-old schoolchildren participate in the international PISA testing. The PISA documents make clear reasons why 15-year-olds are tested in all countries participating in the program. This is due to the fact that in many countries compulsory schooling is completed by this age and curricula in different countries have much in common. It is at this stage of education that it is important to determine the state of those knowledge and skills that may be useful to students in the future, as well as to assess the ability of students to independently acquire the knowledge necessary for successful adaptation in the modern world. Test material for research is prepared by a consortium of leading international scientific organizations, with the participation of national centers from the OECD: The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) - leader and coordinator of the work, Netherlands National Institute for Educational Measurement, CITO), US Educational Testing Service (ETS), National Institute for Educational Research (NIER) in Japan, USG Agency for Various Surveys (WESTAT).

It is no coincidence that we have provided a fairly solid list of organizations that participated in the preparation of test tasks. This fact indicates the following. If a school or university pedagogical community is preparing to conduct a detailed study of the formation of functional literacy of pupils or students throughout the years of study, this will require the development of its own test material, which, in turn, involves the implementation of the following theoretical works:

1) more fundamental than it is the case, the study of ideas about functional literacy;

2) a detailed analysis of functional literacy with the compilation of a codifier of learning outcomes, with the projection of these results on school and university subjects;

3) elucidation of the stages in the formation of certain components of functional literacy.

It should be noted in passing that primary school students in Russia participated in another project - “Studying the quality of reading and understanding of the text” PIRLS-2006. It tested only one component of functional literacy - reading literacy.

Altai Territory also participated in this testing. Russian schoolchildren showed very nice results , which contrasts sharply with the results of the RSA study. Thus, the problem for domestic pedagogy is currently the answer to the following question: why primary school students in international tests to check the quality of reading show very good results, and 15-year-old students are already in the second half of the list of countries that participated in the RSA test ?

It is not possible to give an unambiguous answer to the question. There can be many answers and reasons. In particular, we see subject-centrism as a possible reason, the introduction after elementary school of subject teaching by various teachers and the weakening of inter-subject connections as a result. In addition, on one of the components of functional literacy - reading literacy - the middle link of the national school systematically works to a lesser extent than in the primary one. There is indeed a problem, but its discussion takes us away from the purpose of this article.

At the same time, it should be noted that the issues of functional literacy for gymnasium No. 42 in Barnaul should be dealt with very seriously with a certain amount of skepticism, since there are quite serious critical remarks about the utilitarian goals formulated in the language of functional literacy. Below are some of the critics' arguments. On our own behalf, we add that the functional literacy of pupils from gymnasium No. 42 should be a side effect complementing the traditional school goals, and the general approach to the implementation of educational activities in the gymnasium, formed over decades, should not be radically changed, it should be supplemented with some elements that improve the formation of functional literacy. Some recommendations in this regard are made at the end of the article.

The results of international testing P ^ A show that education in Russia is simply different, different from that in many Western countries. Let's go back to the concept of functional literacy. We use partially the materials of M.A.Kholodnaya.

The term "literacy" was coined in 1957 by UNESCO. At the same time, the concepts of "minimum literacy" and "functional literacy" were also introduced. Minimum literacy reflects the ability to read and write simple messages, functional literacy - the ability to use reading and writing skills in the context of interaction with society (open a bank account, fill out a form when checking into a hotel, read

instructions for the purchased device, write a statement of claim to the court, etc.), that is, this is the level of literacy that makes possible the full-fledged activity of an individual in a social environment (highlighted by us. - Author's note). The social environment of people, including partly of schoolchildren, is different. The orientation towards adaptability to the social environment can take a domestic school far: instead of providing all students with equal opportunities to use the “social lift,” it (that is, the school) will cultivate and generate social disunity and inequality.

As noted by M.A. Cold, distinctive features of functional literacy: 1) focus on solving everyday problems; 2) is a situational characteristic of the personality, since it reveals itself in specific social circumstances;

3) is associated with the solution of standard, stereotyped tasks; 4) it is always some elementary (basic) level of reading and writing skills; 5) is used as an assessment primarily of the adult population; 6) makes sense mainly in the context of the problem of finding ways to accelerate the elimination of illiteracy.

A. A. Leontyev in one of his works gave the following definition of functional literacy: “If formal literacy is the mastery of the skills and abilities of reading techniques, then functional literacy is the ability of a person to freely use these skills to extract information from a real text - to understand it , compression, transformation ". According to A. A. Leontyev, the problem of functional illiteracy is not a pedagogical problem, but a social one. We believe that the main task of the school is to teach graduates to generate their own meaningful texts, and not only to instill the ability to read and interpret others.

However, over time, amazing metamorphoses began to occur with the term "functional literacy". Many researchers have begun to attribute traits and characteristics to functional literacy that make it synonymous with core competencies. From our point of view, this does not need to be done, it is necessary to clearly separate the level characteristics of a person's education or, more generally, the level characteristics of the formation of his culture: "awareness", "literacy", "competence", "culture".

Since at this stage of the discussion of ideas about functional literacy we already meet with the problematic nature of the situation, it makes sense to navigate the ideas about functional literacy in the official UNESCO materials and descriptions of the functional literacy of the organizers of the RSA test.

The following definitions can be found on the official websites of the OECD.

Functional literacy is a range of skills and abilities - cognitive, emotional and behavioral - that enable people to:

Live and work as a human person;

Develop your potential;

Make important and informed decisions;

To function effectively in society in the context of the environment and the wider community (local - local, national, global) in order to improve the quality of their life and society.

Three types of literacy were tested in the PISA study: reading literacy, math literacy, and science literacy.

Reading literacy in the study was understood as a person's ability to comprehend written texts, use their content to achieve their own goals, develop knowledge and opportunities, for active participation in society.

In the PISA study, the following definition of the concept of "mathematical literacy" was adopted: it is the ability of a person to define and understand the role of mathematics in the world in which he lives, to express well-founded mathematical judgments and to use mathematics in such a way as to satisfy the needs inherent in creative , interested and thinking citizen.

Science literacy in research was understood as the ability of students to use scientific knowledge to select in real life situations those problems that can be studied and solved using scientific methods, to draw conclusions based on observations and experiments necessary to understand the world around them. and those changes that human activity makes to it, as well as for making appropriate decisions.

Unlike literacy as a stable personality trait, functional literacy is a situational characteristic of the same personality. Functional literacy finds itself in a concrete, static situation.

From the above definitions of functional literacy, it follows that in fact the adaptive characteristics of a person, his ability to adapt to the environment, are actually tested in tests, and in no case are his creative abilities to change and modify this environment. The problem, from our point of view, is to "make friends" the functional literacy of students and creativity.

As we said, the PISA study is conducted in three areas: "reading literacy", "mathematical literacy" and "science literacy". The written form of control (tests) is used. Testing of functional literacy was also organized in gymnasium No. 42 in Barnaul. The student had two lessons to complete the test. The tests included tasks with ready-made answers, from which one must choose the correct one, as well as tasks to which the student must give his own short or complete reasoned answer. Some tasks consist of several questions of varying difficulty that relate to the same life situation.

Testing in the gymnasium was carried out twice: at the beginning of the school year and at the end (06.10.2011 - the first test; 21.04.2012 - the second test). Both tests were based on materials that were officially used in the PISA tests, but were partially reduced due to the fact that testing in the gymnasium took less time than in the real PISA test (120 minutes instead of 180). Thus, we were and are interested in the in-school results of the formation of functional literacy, and we are not in a position to compare the gymnasium results with Russian or world results, and this was not part of our task.

Here are the results of processing tests - the average score for the classes. The maximum number of points a student could score in the first test is 23, in the second - 26. The results look like this:

9 "a" class: average score \u003d 12.86 - for test 1; 19.16 - for test 2;

9 "b" class: average score \u003d 12.72 - for test 1; 19.46 - for test 2;

9 "e" class: average score \u003d 17.06 - for test 1; 23.51 - for test 2.

The tasks in the tests were fragmented by the test developers into parts. The tasks in the test were graded with points from 1 to 3, depending on the difficulty. The keys used for the evaluation were created by the test developers.

Grade results for school educators are not unexpected. Grade 9 "e" is a class of physics and mathematics profile, it shows better results in traditional "knowledge" assessment. It was important for us to see how functional literacy changes during the school year.

A statistical analysis of the above figures shows that during the school year, students are presented with such material and in such a form that this naturally affects the growth of their functional literacy. The difference in indicators at the beginning of the school year and at the end is significant with a 95% reliability for all classes.

1. Strengthening interdepartmental interaction, holding joint seminars, discussions; organization of network interactions between teachers, work according to the principle "Learn from each other".

2. The use of tasks, the formulations of which are created not by subject language, but by everyday or natural science. The practice of using tasks with an excess and a lack of information is desirable. When solving problems, you can practice going beyond the problem situations by expanding the systems described in the problems.

3. The use in the educational process not only of standard and traditional information teaching aids (textbook, problem book, workbook, thematic resources from the Internet), but also other information streams, television materials, the Internet, etc.

4. More attention in the educational process should be paid to the formation of metasubject knowledge and skills (hypothesis, goal setting, the ability to generalize, analyze, predict, etc.). This means the strengthening of such activity, which is supra-subject, in which the lexicon of philosophy, semiotics, systemology, informatics is used.

Bibliographic list

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3. Kholodnaya M. A. Priorities of modern school education: the ability to adapt to social

mind or intellectual development and education? // Materials of the IV All-Russian Congress of Educational Psychologists in Russia "Psychology and modern russian education"(December 8-12, 2008, Moscow). - M., 2008.

4. Leontiev AA From the psychology of reading to the psychology of teaching reading // Materials of the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference (March 26-28, 2001): in 2 hours - Part 1 / ed. I. V. Usacheva. - M., 2002.