I do not like physical education what to do. Deadly healthy lifestyle

Rosobrnadzor in 2018 will check the quality and safety of physical education lessons in Russian schools, said the head of the department Sergei Kravtsov last week. A large-scale check has been brewing for a long time: news reports are constantly full of messages about children injured in physical education. In just a year, more than 200 schoolchildren died during classes.

Scared by a deuce

211 deaths of children in physical education lessons were recorded in 2016, in October the Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva. In the same month, a third-grader from Krasnoyarsk died during a lesson: a 10-year-old boy became ill during


jogging. Both the school doctor and the ambulance doctors came to the rescue, but to save him.

Everything worked out in the Murmansk school, but in case of serious danger it could have ended tragically. The student fell from the Swedish wall, the teacher decided to conduct an examination. As the prosecutor's office found out, the medical worker was not present at that moment. The teachers did not see the damage and simply sent him home. As a result, the child has a closed shoulder fracture.

The most resonant case was the case that occurred in the Trans-Baikal school. At a physical education lesson at school no. 42 in Chita, a third-grader broke her spine: for a month the girl was confined to the bed, and for another six months she was not allowed to sit. It turned out that she was performing somersaults that were unbearable for herself, fearing to receive an unsatisfactory grade. Fizruk claimed to have acted.

Anna Kuznetsova, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, stood up for the child. “The teacher is primarily responsible for the child in the classroom,” said the Ombudsman. In physical education lessons, health, safety should be at the forefront, and certainly not grades, she emphasized: "If a child cannot perform an exercise, there is no need to force him, let alone intimidate with deuces." After this incident, the initiative group turned to the head of the Ministry of Education with a request for a grade in physical education: how can you generally assess the performance according to the physical data of a child?

Not on the shoulder

The standards established for physical education lessons do not correspond to the physical capabilities of modern Russian schoolchildren. This is the conclusion reached by specialists from the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Ministry of Health, who are among the children of the capital. About 87% of schoolchildren find it difficult to meet the standards, scientists found.

For example, more than half of junior and middle school students have difficulty pulling up, a third of students cannot do push-ups the set number of times. The more difficult it is to do, the less children and adolescents want to appear in physical education. “Only 13.5% of them miss lessons more than three times a month,” said Anna Sedova, a leading researcher at the research institute. The conclusions drawn from the survey of Moscow schoolchildren are also relevant for other regions, they are confident in the research institute.

The standards according to which schoolchildren are given fives are designed for children who fall into the main group for health reasons. If we take into account the data of Rospotrebnadzor, there are not so many of them. According to information for the fall, only 12% of the total number of children in Russia. Over the decade, schoolchildren have been diagnosed with twice as many chronic diseases: they are diagnosed in 60% of high school students.

The head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva, commenting on the case at the Chita school, emphasized that children are often injured in physical education lessons, including due to the fact that teachers do not know about their state of health. And getting medical records is impossible due to the provisions of the law on the protection of personal data. Since January 1, 2018, Russian schools have been working in a roundabout way to medical secrecy: in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health, they must receive all the necessary information about the state of health of students following a medical examination. The doctor collects a kind of medical record, defines a group for sports and sends all the prescriptions to the school doctor or nurse.

“The information will not go beyond medical staff,” the Ministry of Health emphasized. - For example, knowing that there is a child with a specific diagnosis, they can buy additional drugs in the first-aid kit. Or they won't give the medicine the child is allergic to. "

The effectiveness of this measure is controversial given that there are no health workers in most schools. The Research Institute of Hygiene and Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Ministry of Health calculated that the provision of medical workers in school and preschool institutions is 60%, nurses - 77%. At the same time, one specialist, most often working at several rates in different schools, is torn into several hundred children. In Yakutia, for example, one doctor treats 5,000 children. Medical workers often work in shifts in one or another school, which means that at the time of an emergency, it simply may not be out of place. Many specialists have left the "school medicine", including due to the fact that they did not receive additional payments that are received, for example, by employees of children's polyclinics.

State Duma deputies are now preparing a bill that will spell out the concept of "school medicine". Legislators, in particular, want to oblige parents to report health problems in their children and introduce first aid courses for teachers. The head of the parliamentary committee for health protection Dmitry Morozov, that one way or another, it is planned to prescribe in the document that medical workers should be both in schools and in kindergartens.

Voluntary healthy lifestyle

The sad statistics on the number of deaths and injuries in physical education classes create a vicious circle. On the one hand, classes are dangerous, and on the other, without physical activity, it will not be possible to improve the health of children. A school-age child needs to actively move for at least an hour a day, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Minimizing health risks is just one step. An equally important task is to ensure that children go to physical education with pleasure. Experts from the Research Institute of Hygiene noted that schoolchildren want variety in the classroom. Most of the respondents, for example, would like to spend more time on sports games.

The authorities are working to develop a program that allows the child to develop physical characteristics, not only squats, push-ups and running. An example is the "Sambo to School" project, within which the third hour of physical education in a number of schools was replaced by a lesson in this type of single combat. In seven years, the geography of the project has expanded from Moscow to about half of the Russian regions. According to the President of the All-Russian and European Sambo Federations Sergei Eliseev, 180 schools are participating in the project, almost 450 more have applied. In 2018, the federation plans to introduce sambo lessons in thousands more educational institutions.

The teachers were wary of the innovation: the physical education instructors are already afraid of injuries to their wards like fire, and in martial arts classes based on combat techniques from the folk types of wrestling of the republics of the USSR, the risks are even greater. However, the developers of the program reassured them: schoolchildren will be taught the principles of self-defense, and not forceful techniques. And if the child shows good results, he will be advised to practice SAMBO at a more advanced level separately. “We do not teach how to fight in physical education classes, we teach children to fall correctly, how to free themselves from capture, stop a bully in the street. Sambo is a kind that gives confidence in life, ”Elissev explained.

For those who do not want to go to SAMBO, other options may appear. Metropolitan authorities, for example, contemplated the development of school lessons for rock climbing, football and cycling. However, the Ministry of Education is wary of this diversity. “Today we have sambo, judo, golf and a lot of other things that are completely unnecessary within the framework of the lesson,” said the deputy head of the department Tatyana Sinyugina. Outside school hours - please, but during lessons - unacceptable. Sinyugina explained this position by the fact that in many regions such innovations play into the hands of influential sports organizations.

There is another reason - before providing diversity, at least a standard physical education set for schoolchildren needs to be normalized. In the meantime, he can only discourage the love of sports in children. This is the conclusion reached by the Olympic medalist in cross-country skiing Ivan Alypov, having watched the physical education lesson of Yekaterinburg schoolchildren. "How can you properly teach skiing in such conditions, on such a track and make the children like it?" - wrote the athlete on his Instagram, providing the post with a photo. And on it, schoolchildren are trying to master skiing in a city park, circling passers-by on the sidewalk barely covered with snow.

Scared by a deuce

211 deaths of children in physical education lessons were recorded in 2016, Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva said in October. In the same month, a third-grader from Krasnoyarsk died during a lesson: a 10-year-old boy fell ill while jogging. The school doctor and the ambulance doctors came to the rescue, but they could not save him.

Everything worked out in the Murmansk school, but in case of serious danger it could have ended tragically. The student fell from the Swedish wall, the teacher decided to conduct an examination. As the prosecutor's office found out, the medical worker was not present at that moment. The teachers did not see the damage and simply sent him home. As a result, it turned out that the child had a closed fracture of the shoulder.

The most resonant case was the case that occurred in the Trans-Baikal school. At a physical education lesson at school no. 42 in Chita, a third-grader broke her spine: for a month the girl was confined to the bed, and for another six months she was not allowed to sit.

It turned out that she was performing somersaults that were unbearable for herself, fearing to receive an unsatisfactory grade. The physical education instructor claimed that he acted "according to the curriculum."

Anna Kuznetsova, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, stood up for the child. “The teacher is primarily responsible for the child in the classroom,” said the Ombudsman. In physical education lessons, health, safety should be at the forefront, and certainly not grades, she emphasized: "If a child cannot perform an exercise, there is no need to force him, let alone intimidate with deuces." After this incident, the initiative group turned to the head of the Ministry of Education with a request to abolish the bad marks in physical education: how can one generally assess the performance according to the physical data of a child?

Not on the shoulder

The standards established for physical education lessons do not correspond to the physical capabilities of modern Russian schoolchildren. This conclusion was reached by specialists from the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Ministry of Health, who conducted a survey among the children of the capital. About 87% of schoolchildren find it difficult to meet the standards, scientists found.

For example, more than half of junior and middle school students have difficulty pulling up, a third of students cannot do push-ups the set number of times. The more difficult it is to do, the less children and adolescents want to appear in physical education. “Only 13.5% of them miss lessons more than three times a month,” said Anna Sedova, a leading researcher at the research institute. The conclusions drawn from the survey of Moscow schoolchildren are also relevant for other regions, they are confident in the research institute.

The standards according to which schoolchildren are given fives are designed for children who fall into the main group for health reasons.

If we take into account the data of Rospotrebnadzor, there are not so many of them. According to information for the fall, only 12% of the total number of children in Russia are absolutely healthy. Over the decade, schoolchildren have been diagnosed with twice as many chronic diseases: they are diagnosed in 60% of high school students.

The head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva, commenting on the case at the Chita school, emphasized that children are often injured in physical education lessons, including due to the fact that teachers do not know about their state of health. And getting medical records is impossible due to the provisions of the law on the protection of personal data.

Since January 1, 2018, Russian schools have, in a roundabout way, allowed medical secrecy: in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health, they must receive all the necessary information about the state of health of students following a medical examination. The doctor collects a kind of medical record, defines a group for sports and sends all the prescriptions to the school doctor or nurse.

The effectiveness of this measure is controversial given that there are no health workers in most schools. The Research Institute of Hygiene and Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Ministry of Health calculated that the provision of medical workers in school and preschool institutions is 60%, nurses - 77%.

At the same time, one specialist, most often working at several rates in different schools, is torn into several hundred children. In Yakutia, for example, one doctor deals with five thousand children. Medical workers often work in shifts in one or another school, which means that at the time of an emergency, it simply may not be out of place. Many specialists have left the "school medicine", including due to the fact that they did not receive additional payments that are received, for example, by employees of children's polyclinics.

State Duma deputies are now preparing a bill that will spell out the concept of "school medicine". Legislators, in particular, want to oblige parents to report health problems in their children and introduce first aid courses for teachers. The head of the parliamentary committee for health protection Dmitry Morozov emphasized that one way or another it is planned to prescribe in the document that medical workers should be both in schools and in kindergartens.

Voluntary healthy lifestyle

The sad statistics on the number of deaths and injuries in physical education classes create a vicious circle. On the one hand, classes are dangerous, and on the other, without physical activity, it will not be possible to improve the health of children. A school-age child needs to actively move for at least an hour a day, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Minimizing health risks is just one step. An equally important task is to ensure that children go to physical education with pleasure.

Experts from the Research Institute of Hygiene noted that schoolchildren want variety in the classroom. Most of the respondents, for example, would like to spend more time on sports games.

The authorities are working to develop a program that allows the child to develop physical characteristics, not only squats, push-ups and running. An example is the "Sambo to School" project, within which the third hour of physical education in a number of schools was replaced by a lesson in this type of single combat. In seven years, the geography of the project has expanded from Moscow to about half of the Russian regions. According to the President of the All-Russian and European Sambo Federations Sergei Eliseev, 180 schools are participating in the project, almost 450 more have applied. In 2018, the federation plans to introduce sambo lessons in thousands more educational institutions. The teachers were wary of the innovation: the physical education instructors are already afraid of injuries to their wards like fire, and in martial arts classes based on combat techniques from the folk types of wrestling of the republics of the USSR, the risks are even greater. However, the developers of the program reassured them: schoolchildren will be taught the principles of self-defense, and not forceful techniques. And if the child shows good results, he will be advised to practice SAMBO at a more advanced level separately.

In physical education lessons, we do not teach how to fight, we teach children to fall correctly, how to get free from the capture, stop a bully on the street. Sambo is a sport that gives confidence in life.

Sergey Eliseev
President of the All-Russian and European Sambo Federations

For those who do not want to go to SAMBO, other options may appear. Metropolitan authorities, for example, contemplated the development of school lessons for rock climbing, football and cycling.

However, the Ministry of Education is wary of this diversity. “Today we have sambo, judo, golf and a lot of other things that are completely unnecessary within the framework of the lesson,” said the deputy head of the department Tatyana Sinyugina. Outside school hours - please, but during lessons - unacceptable. Sinyugina explained this position by the fact that in many regions such innovations play into the hands of influential sports organizations.

There is another reason - before providing diversity, at least a standard physical education set for schoolchildren needs to be normalized. In the meantime, he can only discourage the love of sports in children. This is the conclusion reached by the Olympic medalist in cross-country skiing Ivan Alypov, having watched the physical education lesson of Yekaterinburg schoolchildren.

"How can you properly teach skiing in such conditions, on such a track and make the children like it?" - wrote the athlete on his Instagram, providing the post with a photo. And on it, schoolchildren are trying to master skiing in a city park, circling passers-by on the sidewalk barely covered with snow.

I frankly hated physical education at school and often skipped. The monotony of these lessons was disheartening, the endless surrender of the TRP standards that were subsequently unnecessary to anyone, annoyed classmates who succeeded, say, in volleyball and therefore considered it necessary to reproach me once again, who was far from being carried away by this game, for missed serves, inability to jump high, lack of reaction ...

After they call you a couple of times, albeit in the excitement of the game, somehow I don't want to go deep into this process again and ask for “compliments”. Moreover, adolescents perceive any criticism too sharply, and the insults spoken against them are remembered all their lives later.

Why am I saying all this? And besides, dear users, over the years that have passed since the time of my quite happy, in spite of everything, childhood in terms of physical education, nothing has changed! Schoolchildren also do not like this subject, trying by all means to "roll away" from it. Why?

With skis at rush hour

Let's ask ourselves a question: why do we need physical education lessons at school? If in order to achieve results and pass the "norms", then for this kind of activity there are sports schools and sections, sections of general physical development. And if for general physical fitness and health, why then all these goals, points, seconds? Not everyone has long legs to jump high and run fast, not everyone has an accurate eye to throw the ball into the basket, not everyone can climb a rope easily ...

Stretching, flexibility, coordination of movements, the ability to swim (not for seconds, but for yourself), play sports games (not for the result, but then you can play the ball with friends for your pleasure) or "sip iron" to increase tone and mood - that's what you need. And running around the hall for 45 minutes or cutting circles around the school stadium, endless relay races will discourage anyone.

Second aspect: equipping schools. Where are the large spacious halls, where are sports equipment, locker rooms with showers? I will never forget how in the school where my son studied, they ordered to bring ... skis to physical education lessons in winter. This school was considered to be of city-wide significance, children went there from all over the city. The lessons start at eight in the morning. Therefore, we had to go at rush hour. And then the child - with skis. Can you imagine a picture? The headmistress, who regularly collects voluntary-compulsory "contributions" from parents, reacted indifferently to complaints from parents and the demand to finally acquire the necessary sports equipment for the school. So this disgrace and lasted several seasons.

By the way, about winter lessons. How does it really look like? From the previous lesson, you trot to have time to change: a jacket, a hat-scarf, ski boots ... Usually it takes 10-15 minutes. After the lesson - also trot in order to catch the next lesson. Before that, again 10-15 minutes are spent on changing clothes. Yes, for another lesson, despite the frantic pace, you are still late and receive a comment from the teacher. And then you sit, sweating, still not retired from the ski race, trying to comprehend the essence of a physical problem or a chemical formula. This usually fails. A physics or chemistry lesson passes you by, and a physical training lesson, if you sum up with all the nuances listed, with all this running around and changing clothes, actually takes 25-30 minutes at best. And then what is the point in this kind of physical training? Just some kind of parody! Or a formality, another act "for the sake of a tick", of which there are many in our school.

An important detail: despite the fact that I hated physical education all ten of my school years, at the same time I enjoyed going to the rink in the evenings, voluntarily and persistently learning the basics of figure skating. Why? Yes, for a simple reason. This was not done out of domination, nor for some "TRP norms" and other boring obligations. And yet, which is very important, it brought me pleasure, which is not given to children by physical education lessons, even cry! But that's the trick. Physical education lessons should be fun! Then the healthy lifestyle, about which so much is being said now, will really take root in the immense latitudes of Mother Russia. In the meantime, children perceive physical education lessons as a heavy duty.

Punishment or Conscious Need?

So, the main thing that physical education lessons should instill in school is an interest in sports. But we are still not doing very well with the popularization of sports. Here beer is popularized with passion. And a healthy lifestyle is somewhere in tenth place. Often, the promotion of physical education is in the same bundle with some party (which gives an additional negative in a certain environment).

Many parents choose to give their child a physical education exemption so that they can take up languages \u200b\u200bor music. Unfortunately, in our city you rarely see a family going skiing to the forest or park on the weekend. Plus, the poor equipment of gyms, the lack of physical education teachers, especially young ones. An elderly physical education instructor, you must admit, cannot motivate to go in for sports as a young one - with a chic abs, pumped up muscles, always cheerful mood and blooming health.

Let's bring experts to the topic.

Inna Igorevna, parent: “Recently I learned that our physical trainers are trained according to outdated standards. Trainers are being trained instead of teachers. Hence, probably, the boringness in the classroom and the complete absence of creative pedagogical thought. It is necessary that the classes are conducted in a playful way! And the physical instructors insist on the mandatory fulfillment of the standards. "

Misha Maltsev, ninth grade student: “Our physical education teacher usually makes fun of children in front of the whole class for the fact that they cannot meet the standards. I don't know how anyone has it, but I have a lifelong aversion to physical education. "

Lera, an eleventh grade student: “I think it is the height of stupidity to run after a ball or just run from one corner of the gym to another. If I’m already all right with my figure, and I don’t apply for medals and cups, but I want to quietly enter the PR faculty, then why should I waste my time and sweat on physical training ?! It is an absolutely useless exercise, it gives absolutely nothing, with the same success they could have introduced the basics of milking cows into the compulsory program. "

Dmitry Semenov, Deputy Chairman of the Public Youth Chamber at the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region: “Children often skip physical education, as they perceive it as something optional. And one more psychological aspect: they are afraid that they will be laughed at if they do not cope with some task. This forms complexes, especially in adolescence.

I think that in order to interest schoolchildren in this subject, there should be such a program so that children can choose what to do in physical education. Tennis or basketball, or maybe aerobics? And, of course, for the formation of interest in this subject, sports equipment is needed in sufficient quantities and varied, spacious gyms with modern exercise equipment and showers. "

Alexander Popov, director of the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 31: “Physical education is an economic issue. Now, at the suggestion of the President of the country, they have introduced the third hour a week in physical education, so what? Is there an economic justification for this decision? The available rooms do not accommodate three physical training lessons. Schools are tormented as to how to fulfill this requirement, they turn to officials from pedagogy for help. And they answered: take additional halls for rent. And where to get the money?

And then, one more question on the merits: where to get personnel in sufficient numbers to provide an increased number of physical education lessons? In a word, this decision turned out to be ill-considered. As the wise Chernomyrdin said: "We wanted the best, but it turned out as always."

Gennady Uskov, chief specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Chelyabinsk region in physiotherapy exercises and sports medicine, master of sports of the USSR, doctor of medical sciences, professor: “Physical education is punitive in nature, is perceived by schoolchildren as a punishment. And you need to enjoy sports! As a result, children now have a low level of physical fitness. There are no special medical groups for weakened children, with deviations in health, they are generally excluded from the process. Meanwhile, it is necessary to form a conscious need for regular physical education! It is necessary to teach children to exercise on their own!

A low level of physical development, a sedentary lifestyle lead to physical inactivity. This affects health. Everyone is now talking about an increase in life expectancy. But with this approach to physical culture (and therefore health) that we have, we will not be able to achieve this for a long time.

And, of course, specialists in the field of physical education should be more prepared, master modern methods. And the classes themselves must be made more diverse.

I have visited the USA. So there are excellent training bases at every educational institution! Sports halls, swimming pool and almost golf courses. Moreover, the guys are engaged in fi-roi to choose from: if you want, go to sports dances, if you want to go to shaping, but if you have a desire, then go in for bodybuilding. The point, I repeat, is that playing sports should give the child joy! Then it will sink into his subconscious, and he will strive to receive this joy again. A. means he will not leave training in the future, throughout his life.

And so far our generations are getting worse, less and less developed physically. Boys cannot do 40 push-ups, as required in the army. And the girls have their own army - childbirth. They need to train their abdominals and legs to withstand the upcoming stress. But the guys themselves are weakened and, growing up, give birth to even weaker offspring. Children are born weaker and weaker!

We urgently need to change something in the presentation, presentation of such a subject as physical education. But this, of course, is not a short conversation ... "

So how can kids love exercise? What do you think about this problem?