Dow work plan for the year according to the federal government. annual dhow plan


Head Head of MDOU TsRR-

MU "Department of Education" kindergarten No. 61 "Dream"

Voskresensk _________M.I.Schetinina

I.T. Written

Head of preschool department

education ___________ N.K. Evseeva


for the 2018-2019 academic year




  1. Creation of conditions for an educational and recreational space that ensures the education of a culture of health that contributes to the formation of the need and motivation to preserve and strengthen the health of children.
  2. Increasing the efficiency of working with children on the development of speech, the development of communication skills, interaction with others through the improvement of the professional skills of teachers (the choice of optimal forms, means, methods, technologies).
  3. Raise professional competence teachers in creating conditions for the personal and intellectual development of preschoolers through games of logical and mathematical content.



the date of the


Completion mark

Installation teachers' council .

"Strategy for the development of the educational system of preschool educational institutions for the 2018-2019 academic year"

1. Analysis of work for the summer-health period.
2. Acquaintance of the teaching staff with the annual plan of the MDOU for the 2018-2019 academic year.

3. Approval of the list of programs and technologies used in the work kindergarten.
4. Mesh approval educational activities and plans for circle work with children, topics for parent meetings, topics project activities.
5. Preparing groups for the new academic year. The results of the contest "The Best Ecological Corner of the Preschool Educational Establishment".

head M.I.


Development of pedagogical competence in the theory and practice of preschool children's health care.

1. Modern approaches to the organization of physical culture and health work in preschool educational institutions - (information message).

2. The results of the frontal control "The effectiveness of the work of preschool educational institutions in the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children preschool age through the integration of all activities”.

3. Formation of healthy lifestyle habits in children using health-saving technologies (report from work experience).

4. An integrated approach to work with the family on the formation of a culture of health (report from work experience).

5. Formation of ideas about healthy lifestyle among preschoolers in the process of role-playing game (report from work experience).

6.Presentation of projects

Where do vitamins live? »

October 2018

Speech development of preschoolers: problems and solutions

1. The formation of coherent speech in children through effective methods and receptions- (information message).

2. Results of thematic control

Speech development of preschoolers in a preschool educational institution.

3. Didactic games in the correction of word formation - (information message).

4. Prevention of violations of sound pronunciation - guidelines speech pathologist teacher.

5. Modern technologies in the development of speech etiquette by older preschoolers (information message).

6. The main stages of the fascinating learning of poems - a master class.

senior teacher E.V. Azhnova

"Development of intellectual abilities of preschoolers through games of logical and mathematical content"

1. "Intellectual development of preschool children" - (information message).

2. "The use of Gyenesh blocks and Kuizener sticks for the development of intellectual abilities of preschool children" - a master class for teachers.

3. "Educational games of Voskobovich" - message - presentation.

4. "Didactic games as a means of developing the intellectual and creative abilities of children" - (message from work experience).

March 2019

senior educator

E.V. Azhnova

Final teacher's council.

1. Report of the senior educator on the work done for the year.

2. Report on the implementation of the RIP-2017 project.

3. Reports of group educators on the work done for the year.

4. Report of the leaders of the circles.

5. Analysis of physical culture and health-improving work for the year.

6. Report on the summary of work experience

7. Completion of groups in the summer recreational period.

8. Approval of the work plan for the summer-health period.


M.I. Shchetinina


"Organization of health corners in the preschool educational institution group"

September 2018


Grashchenkova O.A.

"Designing interaction with parents of pupils with a special level of physical and mental health in promoting a healthy lifestyle"

October 2018

teacher Bulygina T.V.

“Games are dramatizations as a means speech development children »

November 2018


Andreeva T.G.

"New speech therapy technologies"

November 2018

teacher - speech therapist Fedotova N.V.

“The role of sensorimotor skills as a condition for successful mental development children with disabilities"

teacher-defectologist Logunova T.V.

"Intellectual development of preschool children through learning to play chess".

January 2019


Zakeyeva E.I.

System of work with parents according to traffic rules

March 2019


Pronina M.A.

"Organization of outdoor and sports games on the site of the preschool educational institution in the summer"

instructor for physical culture Filippov E.O.

"Safe Summer"

Deputy Head of Security E.V. Shcherbakova


Seminar - workshop “Professional burnout of teachers. Symptoms. Prevention".

October 2018

Deputy Head for VMR Zvereva L.A.

senior educator

E.V. Azhnova,

psychologist Saprykina A.A.

Seminar - workshop "Puppet theater: a puppet in the hands of an adult, a puppet in the hands of a child."

December 2018

Deputy Head for VMR Zvereva L.A.

senior teacher E.V. Azhnova

"Intellectual development of preschool children through teaching Lego-construction".

February 2019

Deputy Head for VMR Zvereva L.A.

teacher Garmash L.N.

"On the Threshold of Summer"

deputy Head of VMR Zvereva L.A.

senior teacher Azhnova E.V.



Open views

"Music and the Sea"- educational activities for artistic and aesthetic development

September 2018

music director Medvedeva A.V.

"Exercise and get healthy" - watching morning exercises in the senior group

teacher Kulikova E.A.

Organization of a walk in the younger group

November 2018


Zaitseva M. B.

"We Learn Poetry"- educational activities on speech development in the senior group

December 2018

teacher Petukhova Yu.S.

Organization of educational activities on speech development for young children

January 2019

educator of the younger group Nikishina I.V.;

teacher of the middle group Urmeeva L.P.

Organization of educational activities for the intellectual development of preschool children in sensitive moments in preparatory groups

educators of preparatory groups

Pankina N.A.;

Artemova I.V.;

Bereza N.I.

Open views pedagogical activity in a group with children with disabilities

April 2019

teacher Ospennikova T.E.;

Bulygina T.V.

Project activity

"Where do vitamins live?"

"Christmas tree decoration"

"Good deeds" - for children of senior preschool age

September October

April May

age group educators

Implementation of the project “On the Road of Kindness” as part of the work of the Regional Innovation Platform (according to the project plan)

During the school year

deputy Head of VMR Zvereva L.A.

senior teacher Azhnova E.V. tutors Ospennikova T.E.;

Bulygina T.V.;

Zakeyeva E.I.

Bereza N.I. teacher - speech therapist Fedotova N.V.;

teacher-defectologist Logunova T.V.;

musical guides Vorobieva N.A.

instr. in physical culture Filippov E.O.


Front control

"The effectiveness of the work of preschool educational institutions in the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children through the integration of all types of activities"

Purpose: To study the state, effectiveness of the work of the teaching staff to improve the forms physical development and strengthening the health of preschool children, the introduction of modern health-saving technologies.

October 2018

Deputy head of VMR

Zvereva L.A.

senior teacher E.V. Azhnova

Thematic control

Speech development of preschoolers in a preschool educational institution

Target: to determine the effectiveness of educational and educational work in preschool educational institutions for the development of speech by means of a comprehensive examination of educational educational process and subsequent pedagogical analysis; find out the reasons and factors that determine the quality pedagogical work on the development of children's speech.

Deputy head of VMR

Zvereva L.A.

senior teacher E.V. Azhnova

Thematic control

"The effectiveness of the work of the preschool educational institution on the intellectual development of preschoolers."

Target: study of the state of upbringing and educational work on the intellectual development of children of preschool age.

Deputy head of VMR

Zvereva L.A.

senior teacher E.V. Azhnova


Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials"Autumn Symphony"

September October

Deputy head of VMR

Zvereva L.A.



"Christmas decoration of the kindergarten"

senior teacher E.V. Azhnova,

Deputy head of VMR

Zvereva L.A.


Exhibition of drawings and crafts

"Mom, my sunshine!"

March 2019

senior teacher E.V. Azhnova,

Deputy head of VMR

Zvereva L.A.


Exhibition of drawings and crafts

"Easter Rainbow"

March-April 2019

senior teacher E.V. Azhnova,

Deputy head of VMR

Zvereva L.A.


Exhibition of drawings and crafts of military equipment

"Tanks are going to the parade"

senior teacher E.V. Azhnova,

Deputy head of VMR

Zvereva L.A.


Group competition

"Our group is the best"

senior teacher E.V. Azhnova,

Deputy head of VMR

Zvereva L.A.



Open Day

“Our kindergarten welcomes kids!”

Target: Formation of a positive image of the kindergarten. Establishing partnerships with families of pupils.


Head M.I.Schetinina

Deputy head of VMR

Zvereva L.A.

senior teacher E.V. Azhnova

Reminders for parents

"Your baby came to kindergarten"

Target: Help for parents

adaptation of children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

November 2018

senior educator E.V. Azhnova, teacher-psychologist

Saprykina A.A.

Reminder for parents"Child on the streets of the city"

Target: Informing parents about the measures of safe behavior of the child on the streets of the city.

November December

Deputy head of VMR

Zvereva L.A.

senior teacher E.V. Azhnova,


craft competition"Workshop of Santa Claus"

Target: Involvement of parents in work preschool. Association of teachers of parents and children in a common creative work.

December 2018

senior teacher E.V. Azhnova,

Deputy head of VMR

Zvereva L.A.


Conference"At the school threshold"

Target: Organization of the joint work of the kindergarten, family and school to form the child's readiness for school and his successful adaptation to schooling.

Head M.I.Schetinina

Deputy head of VMR

Zvereva L.A.

Sports and military reenactment"We are the great-grandchildren of the glorious Victory"

Target: Involvement of parents in the work of a preschool institution. Education of moral and patriotic qualities in preschoolers through the connection of generations.

Deputy head of VMR

Zvereva L.A.

educator E.V. Azhnova,


Hotline operation


Target: Identification of requests, interests and wishes of parents in the organization of educational and educational services in a preschool educational institution

during a year

Head M.I. Shchetinina, Deputy head of VMR

Zvereva L.A.

senior teacher E.V. Azhnova


Leila Strakashina
Annual plan of preschool educational institution





1.1. Meetings of self-government bodies

1.1.1. Pedagogical Council

1.1.2. Public Council

1.1.3. The meeting of the labor collective

1.1.4. Trade union meeting

1.2. Personnel management

1.2.1. Training teaching staff

1.2.2. Certification of teaching staff.

1.2.4. Meeting with the head of the preschool educational institution


2.1. Pedagogical Council

2.2. Workshop

2.3. Consultations

2.4. Working with young professionals

2.5. Reviews, competitions

2.6. Innovation activity:

2.6.1. Self-education of teachers

2.6.2. Dissemination (message to the audience) excellence in teaching

2.7.Organization of the work of the methodological office


3.1. Entertaining and leisure activities for children.

3.2. Exhibitions.


4.1.1 Information and reference stands

4.1.2. parent meetings

4.1.3. Seminars

4.1.4. Consultations

4.2. Joint activities of the educational institution and parents

4.3. Social interaction

Fifth section. CONTROL

5.1. Integrated control

5.2. Thematic control


5.1. Ensuring labor protection and life safety of children and employees

5.2. Strengthening the material and technical base.

Annual plan MKDOU"Zaoksky kindergarten No. 3 of the combined type" compiled in accordance with

federal law "On education in Russian Federation» (dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ)

Federal State educational standard preschool education(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 3013 No. 1155)

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation of the preschool educational institution (SanPiN 2.4.1. 3049-13).

Exemplary general education program "Birth to School" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

GOAL OF THE WORK: Ensuring effective interaction of all participants in the educational process - teachers, parents, children for the versatile development of the personality of a preschooler, maintaining and strengthening his physical and emotional health.


1. Protecting the life and health of children

2. Create conditions in the preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, with the action plan of the preschool educational institution, with the aim of ensuring equal opportunities for every child in obtaining a quality pre-school education.

3. Organize work in the preschool educational institution to create an optimal subject-spatial environment.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development of younger preschoolers through teaching drawing

5. Formation in older preschoolers of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

6. Continue work on the development of all components of oral speech children: grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech - dialogic and monologic forms; vocabulary formation, education of sound culture of speech.

7. Continue joint work kindergarten and family for design and creative activities;

8. To carry out the relationship of the entire teaching staff in the educational space of a preschool institution.


1.1. Meeting of self-government bodies

1.1.1. Pedagogical advice


Subject: "Priority directions of the educational policy of the preschool educational institution for the 2017 - 2018 academic year"

Subject: “Self-assessment of the teacher. Its influence on the psychological and pedagogical process"

Subject: “Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers. Drawing training»

Subject: "Formation of healthy lifestyle habits in preschoolers"


1.1.2. Public Council

Community council meeting. Acquaintance with the normative documents regulating the work of the Public Council. Statement plan work for the academic year.

Registration of documentation of the Public Council of a preschool institution.

Public report of the head of the educational institution on the activities of the kindergarten for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Creation of conditions for maintaining health in a preschool institution pupils:

Organization and quality control of hot meals;

questioning employees of the institution on improving working conditions in kindergarten;

Holiday Teacher's Day.

Preparing the kindergarten building for winter

Organization of the participation of pupils belonging to the categories of children with disabilities, with handicapped health, left without care in various competitive events at the district level, as well as at the level of a preschool institution.

Assistance in the preparation and holding of New Year's morning performances.

Analysis of the software and methodological equipment of a preschool institution, the formation of an order for the 2018-2019 academic year.

Organization of participation of parents in the design of winter areas.

Report of the head of the kindergarten on economic and financial activities for the first half of the year.

Control of the sanitary condition of group premises.

Participation in the development of local acts, educational program preschool institution.

On the state of work with children belonging to the categories of children with disabilities, with disabilities, left without care.

Organization of work of the parent community with families from "at-risk groups"

Organization and holding of the Open Doors Day.

Consideration of candidates from among the employees of the institution for rewarding for success in work.

On the organization of cosmetic repairs in group rooms and on walking areas in the summer.

Organization of events within the framework of the month "And the saved world remembers".

Organization of summer holidays.

Preschool preparation for the new school year (redecorating).

Consideration of criteria and indicators for evaluating the performance of teachers.

Analysis and compilation plan work for the next academic year.

Organization and holding of graduation matinees, celebrations, dedicated to the Day child protection.

1.1.3. Meetings of the labor collective

Session number 1. Prospects for the development of preschool educational institutions in the new academic year.

Target: coordination of actions to improve the conditions of the educational process.

1. Results of work for the summer recreational period.

2. The main directions of the educational work of the preschool educational institution for the new academic year.

3. Adoption of local acts of the DOW.

3. Ensuring labor protection and life safety of children and employees of preschool educational institutions

Session No. 2. The results of the implementation of the collective agreement between the administration and the labor collective.

Target: coordination of actions, development of uniform requirements and improvement of conditions for the implementation of the activities of the preschool educational institution.

1. On the implementation of regulatory indicators and the results of the financial and economic activities of the preschool educational institution for the year;

2. On the implementation of the Collective Agreement between the administration and the workforce of the preschool educational institution

3. On the implementation of the agreement on labor protection. OT engineer's report.

4. Consideration and introduction of amendments and additions to local acts DOW:

Regulations on the procedure and conditions for incentive payments to employees of preschool educational institutions;

Internal labor regulations;

work schedules;

vacation schedules;

Agreement on OT for the new year.

Session number 3. On the preparation of the preschool educational institution for the spring-summer period, the new academic year.

Target: compliance with the requirements of legislative and regulatory acts, safety regulations.

1. About preparation for summer health work

2. On the state of labor protection for the 1st half of 2018

3. Ensuring labor protection and life safety of children and employees of preschool educational institutions.

4. About preparation for the new academic year, about carrying out repair work.

1.1.4. Trade union meetings

Election of the chairman of the trade union organization

Statement plan the work of the trade union organization

Report of the Chairman of the PC on the current work

The results of the PC for the academic year

1.2. Personnel management

1.2.1. Training teaching staff

Drawing up a schedule of advanced training for teaching staff

Passing advanced training courses for management staff.

Submission of applications for advanced training of teaching staff to the Department of Education

Independent completion of advanced training courses by pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions

Certification of teaching staff

Consultation on clarification of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2014 N 276

"On the procedure for attestation of teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions"

Self-analysis of pedagogical activity over the past 5 years

Monitoring the activities of certified teachers.

Portfolio discussion.

Presentation of work experience of certified teachers.

Publication of materials on the Internet.

1.2.3. Nursing Assistant School

"The appearance of employees as one of the means of aesthetic education of preschoolers."

"Rules of conduct for Dow employees in the group"

"Organization of regime moments in different age groups"

"Assisting the teacher in preparing for the lesson"

"The formation of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers is the concern of the entire staff of the preschool educational institution"

"Organization of work in the summer"

1.2.3. Meetings with the manager

Discussion and approval monthly work plan.

2. Organization of control activities (familiarization with the control schedule)

3. Strengthening safety measures for all participants in the educational process (familiarization with orders on health and safety for the new academic year.

1. Discussion and approval monthly work plan.

4. Preparation for the autumn holidays.

5. Preparing preschool for winter (warming of premises, cleaning of the territory).

6. Organization of work to protect the rights of pupils in the preschool educational institution and the family. Working with socially disadvantaged families.

1. Discussion and approval monthly work plan.

3. Analysis of the incidence for the month.

1. Discussion and approval monthly work plan.

2. The effectiveness of control activities

3. Morbidity analysis.

4. Preparing for the New Year holidays:

Pedagogical work, music design. halls, groups, corridors

Approval of scenarios and schedules of matinees;

Ensuring safety during the conduct.

1. Approval monthly work plan.

2. The effectiveness of control activities.

3. Analysis of the incidence of children and employees of preschool educational institutions over the past year.

4. Preparation for the meeting of the labor collective.

5. Organization of work to ensure the safety of all participants in the educational process, OT.

1. Approval monthly work plan.

2. The effectiveness of control activities.

3. Morbidity analysis.

5. Dow interaction with society, "disorganized" children of the neighborhood, "unfavorable" families.

1. Approval monthly work plan.

2. The effectiveness of control activities.

3. Morbidity analysis.

5. Holding "Safety Month".

1. Approval monthly work plan.

2. The effectiveness of control activities.

3. Analysis of incidence for the 1st quarter.

4. The results of an in-depth medical examination, the readiness of graduates of the preparatory group for schooling.

5. Organizing a subbotnik for landscaping.

6. Approval plan repair work in the preschool.

1. Approval monthly work plan.

2. The effectiveness of control activities.

3. Preparation for the release of children to school.

4. Morbidity analysis.

6. About preparation for summer health work.

7. The effectiveness of the work of self-government bodies in preschool educational institutions.

8. Organization of work on the safety of all participants in the educational process for the summer recreational period.


Purpose of implementation work block: improving the work of the institution as a whole, the teaching staff, working with parents, identifying the level of implementation per annum and other dominant tasks of the activities of the preschool educational institution; improvement and development taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards, obtaining positive results of work through pedagogical activities.

2.2. Seminars, workshops


Learning to diagnose

Stages of learning to draw younger preschoolers

Algorithm for developing projects in a preschool educational institution

Games that heal

Music in a child's life


Increasing the environmental competence of teachers

Music in a child's life

2.3 Consultations

For educators:

- « Sanitary requirements to the pedagogical process"

For educators of senior and preparatory groups:

- "Distribution study load during the day"

- "The problem of giftedness in modern pedagogy"


- "General diagnosis and identification of children with prerequisites for giftedness"

For educators:

Advanced pedagogical technologies.

The value of the artistic and aesthetic development of a preschooler.

For junior teachers groups:

Methods and techniques for teaching drawing to younger preschoolers.

Surprise and playful moments. Their meaning.

For teacher assistants:

- "When the infection is in the group"

For educators

Methods of influence of the educator, stimulating children to creativity

For music directors:

Modern technologies in the work of a music director.

For educators of correctional groups:

The role of the fairy tale in speech therapy work with kids

For educators:

Prevention of postural disorders in preschoolers

Safety rules for preparing and holding New Year's parties

For primary and secondary teachers groups:

Who is he "problem" child? How to be with him?

For senior teachers groups:

Visual modeling as a means of developing coherent monologue speech of a preschooler.

For teacher assistants:

Organization of duty in senior groups

For educators:

Tips for organizing self-education

Formation of healthy lifestyle habits in preschoolers

Overview of Partial Programs

Forms and methods of work on the formation of healthy lifestyle habits in older preschoolers

Portrait of a future first grader

Organization of summer health work

For teacher assistants:

Features of work in the summer recreational period

2.4 Working with young professionals


1. Studying the legal bases:

federal law "On Education".

federal law "On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child of the Russian Federation".

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Model regulation on a preschool educational institution

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations for preschool educational institutions.

2. Assistance in organizing quality work with documentation:

The structure of the prospective planning

The structure of the calendar planning

The structure of the complex - thematic planning


2. Organization of work on the adaptation of the child.


1. Organization and conduct of a walk.

2. Formation of knowledge about sensory standards in early childhood.


Drawing up a summary of the organization and conduct didactic game on sensory education.


1. Organization of GCD

2. Interaction of teachers, parents and pupils through the project method.


Drawing up a summary of the project


1. The value of fine motor skills in the development of a child's speech

2. Organization of leisure and entertainment in groups.


Making a summary of entertainment in your group.


1. The importance of the regime for the successful development of the child

2. Development of graphic skills.


1. The safety and health of our children

2. Children's rights


Compilation of a card index of health-saving technologies


1. We develop by playing

2. Beauty is what a person creates.


1. How to work during the summer wellness period

2. How to write a report on the work for the academic year.

2.5 Reviews, competitions

1. For teachers:

Competition of projects for educators of junior and middle groups on the use of natural material.

2. Children's drawing competition "Colors of Autumn".

3. Project competition for educators of early age groups "Adaptation of the child in preschool"

4. View "Setting Up Groups for New Year's Eve"

5. Craft competition "Winter's Tale" for teachers of all groups.

6. Children's drawing competition "Sorceress - Winter"

7. Look "Music corner in the group"

2.6. Innovation activity

1. Familiarization of teachers with the latest pedagogical and psychological literature

2. The study of the generalized pedagogical experience of the teacher Strakhova T. M. on sensory education of preschoolers

3. The study of the generalized pedagogical experience of the work of educators Vinogradova O. A. and Pridorogina S. A. to familiarize preschoolers with the nature of their native land.

4. The study of the generalized pedagogical experience of the work of the educator L. V. Strakashina. "Patriotic education of older preschoolers"

5. Games with massage.

2.7. Project activity

1. Development plan project activities of the preschool educational institution

2. Submission of projects by groups

3. "Gold autumn"

4. "Sorceress - Winter"

5. "Spring is red"

6. "Summer"

2.8. Organization of the work of the methodological office

1. Selection and systematization of materials in the methodical office.

2. Replenishment of the bank of pedagogical information.

3. Drawing up a passport of the methodical office.

4. Replenishment of the bank of pedagogical developments of teachers of preschool educational institutions.

5. Compilation of a data bank of teachers of preschool educational institutions.

6. Working with a creative group.

7. Production of manuals and materials in mathematics.

8. Creation of a card index of EORs.

9. Reporting.


3.1. Entertaining and leisure activities

1. Knowledge Day

2. Music festival

3. Sports festival

4. "Autumn"

5. Harvest Festival

6. New Year's parties

7. "Christmas", "Kolyada".

8. Defender of the Fatherland Day

9. Winter sports festival

11. Cosmonautics Day

12. Victory Day

13. Graduation parties

3.2. Exhibitions

1. Photo exhibition "Summer"

2. Exhibition of crafts from natural materials and vegetables "Gifts of Autumn"

3. Exhibition of children's creativity "Gold autumn"

4. Promotion "Bird Dining"

5. Exhibition of group newspapers "Daddy Can"

7. Exhibition of children's works of artistic and productive activity "Space"

8. Exhibition of drawings for the Victory Day "Victory May".


Purpose of implementation work block: providing parents with practical assistance in improving the effectiveness of the upbringing, education and development of children

4.1. Pedagogical education of parents

4.1.1. Information and reference stands:

1. "In the garden - the garden"

2. "What do cartoons teach"

3. "Moral education of a preschooler"

4. "About the future student"

4.1.2. parent meetings

1. "Parent - customer, sponsor, partner?"

2. "Six Steps to Baby Health"

3. "Know, understand and respect the individual"

4. "Special Child"

4.1.3. Consultations

1. Formation of the legal competence of parents with children of preschool age.

2. Formation of the worldview of the child.

3. Mathematics is interesting.

4. Development of fine motor skills.

4.2. Cooperative activity

1. Photo exhibition "Summer"

2. Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials

3. Joint preparation of groups for winter.

3. Promotion "Bird Dining"

4. Exhibition "Christmas story"

5. Parent involvement in entertainment "Christmas", "Kolyada".

6. Day of open doors.

7. Questionnaire "Study of satisfaction of families with preschool services"

8. Promotion "Green Blooming Plot"

9. Hike "Camping"


Purpose of implementation work block: strengthening and improving relationships with society, establishing creative contacts that increase the effectiveness of the activities of preschool educational institutions

Education department of the administration of the Moscow Region Zaoksky district, methodological service.

1. Participation in regional competitions, exhibitions.

2. Attending consultations, seminars.

3. Exchange of experienced materials.

4. Providing preschool education regulatory documents and methodological literature.

5. Course preparation of teachers. During a year


1. Joint meetings on morbidity

2. Organization of regular examinations of children


3. Control over vaccination work. During a year

1. Organization of control over compliance with sanitary rules and regulations.

2. Training of employees of preschool educational institutions.

3. Disinfection and deratization of preschool educational institutions.

4. Medical examinations of the preschool educational institution.

5. Chamber processing P/B

1. Training of employees of preschool educational institutions. Attendance at reporting concerts and performances.

2. Organization of joint holidays.

3. Visiting entertainment programs, exhibitions.

4. Excursions, targeted walks. During a year

DDT "Rainbow"

1. Participation in competitions, thematic exhibitions and other events.

2. Sharing best practices. During a year


1. Joint teachers' councils.

2. Attending lessons and classes

3. Excursions

4. Organization of joint entertainment events.

Children's Library

1. Joint events and holidays

2. Use of the literary fund

3. Organization of excursions Throughout the year


1. Joint meetings

2. Dealing with difficult families Throughout the year

1. Joint preventive measures (classes, entertainment, consultations, visual information)

Fire Department

1. Organization of trainings for the evacuation of children

2. Employee training

3. Control of fire fighting equipment

4. Excursions of children in R / C

5. Work with parents on fire prevention.

preschool district

1. Joint events.

2. Sharing best practices

3. Participation in the RMO


Purpose of implementation work block: improving the work of the institution as a whole, identifying the level of implementation per annum and other dominant tasks of the activities of the preschool educational institution

operational control

1. Planning educational activities

2. Diagnostics

3. Group documentation

1. Organization of the subject-developing environment of the group

2. Visibility of the preschool educational institution

3. Compliance with the regime

1. Catering in groups

2. Organization of work on life safety

3. Use of TCO and ICT

1. Sanitary condition of preschool educational institution

2. Observations in nature

3. A safe environment in the preparation and holding of New Year's morning performances.

1. Organization of leisure activities on vacation days.

2. Labor education

1. Organization of walks

2. environmental education on walks

3. Compliance with the motor mode

1. Organization of work on aesthetic education

2. Aesthetics of life

3. Organization of work on familiarization with fiction

1. Management of role-playing games

2. Organization of 2 halves of the day

3. Organization of theatrical games

1. Organization of a zone of musical activity

2. Diagnostics

3. Preparation for the summer health season.

Thematic control

1. Teaching drawing to younger preschoolers

2 youngest "A"

2 youngest "B"

2. Formation of a healthy lifestyle in older preschoolers

preparatory "A"

preparatory "B"

Integrated control

2 junior group "IN"


Purpose of implementation work block: improvement of psychological and pedagogical work by means of ICT.

1 Implementation of modern communication technologies into the practice of the preschool educational institution.

2 Creation of presentations of cognitive and other nature, selection of musical works by age.

Annual plan 2014-2015 academic year

1. Information section.

1.1. General information about preschool educational institution.

Full title:

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 18 "Ladushki".


MADOU "Kindergarten "Ladushki"

Legal address:

462630, Orenburg region, Gai city, st. Youth 71 "b". Tel.: 4-06-40


Municipal formation of the city of Guy, Orenburg region.
It has been operating since 1977.

1. License Series A No. 305792. Registration No. 736-8 dated 22
March 2012
2. Certificate of state accreditation dated 09.01.2008.
to 08.01.2013 Registration No. 3838TIN No. 5604008234

Amount of children:

217 people

Number of groups:

11 groups
I junior group - "Karapuziki" - children from 1.5 to 3 years;
I junior group - "Swallows" - children from 1.5 to 3 years;
II junior group - "Bees" - children from 3 to 4 years old;
II junior group - "Fidgets" - children from 3 to 4 years old;
middle group- "Dreamers" - children from 4 to 5 years old;
The middle group - "Fairy Tale" - children from 4 to 5 years old;
Senior group- "Rainbow" - children from 5 to 6 years old;
Senior group - "Asterisks" - children from 5 to 6 years old;
Senior group - "Smeshariki" - children from 5 to 6 years old;
preparatory group- "Gnomes" children from 6 to 7 years old;
Preparatory group - "Berries" - children from 6 to 7 years old.

1.2. Staffing.

The number of employees:

DOE administration:

Head of DOE: Borodina Larisa Yurievna Education - VP
Teaching experience - 20 years.
In this position - 01.02m.
Senior teacher: Machulina Tatyana Nikolaevna Education - VP
Teaching experience - 19 years.
In this position - 05.05m.

Specialists of MADOU No. 18:

Educational psychologist: Komarova M.P. Education - VP
Teaching experience - 43 years
In this position - 2 years

Teacher speech therapist: Karimova S.R. Education - VP
Pedagogical experience – 25 years
In this position - 25 years
Highest qualification category

Instructor for
physical culture:
Shelkova I.A. Education - SP
Teaching experience - 14 years
In this position - 14 years
I qualification category

Music directors: Kozhukhova A.N. Education - SP

Teaching experience - 41 years
In this position - 36 years
Zaitseva N.V. Education - VP
Teaching experience - 19 years
In this position - 19 years
Highest qualification category
Semina V.G. Education - VP
Teaching experience - 11 years
In this position - 4 years
I qualification category

1.3. Characteristics of the teaching staff.

The kindergarten has 28 teachers aged 20 to 60
Educational qualification:
Education Number of teachers Percentage
Higher 12 40%
Secondary specialized, pedagogical 18 60%
Of them are trained
in absentia to university 4 13.3%
By work experience:
Up to 5 years 10 34.4%
From 5 to 10 years 4 13.7%
From 10 to 20 years 6 20.6%
over 20 years 9 31.3%
According to the age:
Length of service Number of teachers Percentage
Under 25 1 3.4%
From 25 to 30 years old 4 13.7%
30 to 40 years old 13 44.8%
40 to 50 years 3 10.3%
50 and above 8 27.8%
By qualification:
Qualification category Number of teachers Percentage
Higher 4 13.3%
First 18 60%
Uncategorized 8 26.6%

1.4.Improving the qualifications of teaching staff.

No. Full name teacher Position Name of courses Terms
1. Borodina L.Yu. Head Problem GEF DO March-April
2. Machulina T.N. Senior educator Problem GEF DO September
3. Kovalchuk E.V. Educator CBC IPK PPRO September
4. Volynkina V.V. Educator CBC IPK PPRO September
5. Chursina N.A. Educator CBC IPK PPRO September
6. Semna V.G. Musical director of KBK IPK PPRO March-April

1.5. Certification of teaching staff.

№ Surname, name, patronymic Position Category for which the teacher applies Terms
1. Komarova M.P. Teacher-psychologist First qualification category II half of November
2. Tretyakova O.P. Educator Highest qualification category I half of December
3. Kobylyanskaya T.L. Educator Highest qualification category II half of March

1.6. Education in universities in secondary specialized institutions.

No. Full name Position Course Name of the university (secondary special education head)
1. Valitskaya T.V. Educator II SAEI SPO "Pedagogical College" Orsk
2. Glushchenko I.A. Educator I Academy VEGU INSATO
3. Volynkina V.V. Educator I Academy VEGU INSATO
4. Kichigina N.A. Educator I Academy VEGU INSATO
5. Chakheeva N.N. Junior educator of the 1st State Autonomous Educational Institution "Pedagogical College", Orsk
6. Khokhlacheva G.E. Junior educator I Academy VEGU INSATO

2. The problem of GOO:

Introduction of GEF DO to preschool educational institutions city ​​of Gaya, problems and prospects.

Main stream:

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in the educational process in order to update the system of preschool education and achieve the optimal development of a preschool child.

1. Providing methodological and resource support to preschool teachers in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

2. Creation of a psychologically comfortable subject-developing and speech environment - as one of the main conditions for the full-fledged general and speech development of preschoolers.

3. Activation of the work of teachers and parents on the use of design technology in order to improve the quality of work on moral and patriotic education preschoolers in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard.



The work plan for the academic year is a mandatory documentation of a preschool educational institution. It defines directions, tasks and a system of measures for solving problems in a particular academic year.

Exist primary requirements to the technical and content design of this document: title page, the content of sections, pagination, etc. The text can be illustrated with diagrams and tables. If necessary, thematic annexes are drawn up to the annual plan.

In the practice of managing a preschool educational institution, there is still some formalism at the planning stage, and overcoming this formalism is an important factor in improving the efficiency of managerial work in general. If we consider planning not only as a paper document, but also as a management decision, then we can say that planning is the main principle of effective management of a preschool educational institution. Any planned task serves as a kind of starting "point of reference" in determining the effectiveness of labor.

At present, the preschool educational institution is subject to certain requirements:

    fulfillment of the state order-task,

    improving the quality of various services, including educational,

    interaction with various organizations and structures to achieve the goals and objectives.

A number of mandatory documents constitute the regulatory framework for the activities of each preschool educational institution. From this point of view, the development and implementation of the plan are the two main stages of the management cycle.

Determining the main activities, activities, specific performers and deadlines - this is the essence of planning.

Purpose of planning- development of unity of actions of administrative and pedagogical teams. The ability to clearly formulate the goals and objectives facing the team on the basis of a deep analysis of the level of achievements over the past academic year requires special knowledge and skills from leaders. At present, a system of plans has been formed in the nomenclature of cases: a charter, a development program, an educational program, and a work plan for the academic year. Documentation requirements DOE assumes that each teacher, leader and specialist has individual plans.

The main, targeted solution for the entire staff of the preschool educational institution is the work plan for the year and the educational program, and the development program of the preschool educational institution is the long-term plan of action.

Three important documents of the preschool educational institution (the development program of the preschool educational institution, the educational program, the annual work plan) define a number of key goals and objectives for the entire teaching staff. These documents are interconnected by goals, objectives and even major events.

Speaking about the work plan for the academic year, we know that there is a certain cyclicity that reflects the main stages and activities of the teaching staff.

Beginning of the school year- this is an adaptation period in the life of children, both newly enrolled and returning to kindergarten after a summer vacation with their parents. These are contests for readiness for the new academic year of the entire preschool educational institution and each age group. The beginning of the school year is methodical interviews with teachers in order to reveal knowledge about the age characteristics of the children of the group with whom they will work. This is a discussion of the organization of flexible modes, forms and content of work.

Academic year is a system of successive events: teachers' councils, consultations, holding "open days", organizing holidays, winter holidays and much more.

End of the school year- this is summing up and monitoring, drawing up a "portfolio of graduates" and preparing the institution for summer health work.

This regulation simplifies the planning of the work of the preschool educational institution, since a number of issues are cyclical and repeat from year to year.

The annual work plan can be considered as a tool for the operational management of a preschool educational institution.

The annual plan is a specification of the tasks and activities outlined in the development program and the educational program.

In the annual work plan of the DOE defined:

    specific measures to resolve problems in the educational process,

    a system of methodological support for educators in their professional growth,

    the formation of the experience of teachers,

    introduction of innovations in order to improve the quality of preschool education.

The annual plan is the focus of the team on the main tasks of a particular academic year.

Main goals planning are as follows:

    in enforcement government agencies on issues of education, development and emotional well-being of children of early and preschool age;

    in isolating the main, key issues in the activities of the teaching staff;

    in determining specific activities, the timing of their

    execution and responsible executors;

    in the education of responsibility and discipline among team members.

I would like to point out another problem related to planning. The formal requirement of individual governing bodies of the need to take into account the recommendations and plans of these management structures when drawing up the PEI work plan for the year is known. However, experience shows that it is almost impossible to coordinate and coordinate the activities of the teaching staff with the plans developed by the governing bodies, since planning "from above" practically does not take into account the real needs and capabilities of performers "from below". In addition, the plans of higher structures, as a rule, are drawn up for the calendar year, and planning for the academic year is carried out in the preschool educational institution. Sometimes already in May, when accepting a preschool educational institution, they demand a plan for the next academic year, although the month of May in the preschool educational institution is the most eventful and it is in May that active work is being done to write it.

In the methodological literature, another reason for formalism in drawing up a plan is often mentioned, which subsequently leads to formalism in its implementation. This is the congestion of the plan with activities and voluminous text plans without a clear structure.

Optimality, as a condition of necessity and sufficiency, is an important principle of effective planning.


From the book by K.Yu. Belaya “Technology for compiling an annual work plan for a preschool educational institution”

The form of writing an annual plan may be different. But in whatever form the annual plan is written, its first part is the “analysis of the work for the past academic year”. We draw attention to the importance of this section, since only a deep and comprehensive analysis can be a good basis for setting annual goals and subsequent planning.

The main sections of the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution

1 section. Analysis of work for the past academic year.

This section can be formatted in text and illustrated with diagrams with brief conclusions. We offer 6 sections of the analytical report on the results of the academic year, corresponding to the six blocks of the first version of the annual plan presented by us.

1.1. Ensuring health and a healthy lifestyle. In this section, it is necessary to briefly present: the state of health of pupils; morbidity of children and employees during the year, comparative figures by days of operation, summary data on health groups for the organization of special treatment and preventive work; the results of the organization of physical culture and health work, hardening, the organization of rational nutrition, etc. Further, general conclusions are given (revealed trends in the level of health and a healthy lifestyle), reserves for planning activities for the new academic year are determined.

1.2. The results of the implementation of the educational program of the preschool educational institution in the following areas: social-personal, artistic-aesthetic, cognitive-speech and physical development of children. This is an assessment of the intermediate results of the development of the Program in each age group in areas and educational areas.

1.3. The level of development of the integrative qualities of graduates of preschool educational institutions is analyzed (assessment of the final results of mastering the Program in the preparatory group for school), the readiness of the children of the preparatory group to study at school; academic performance of former kindergarten graduates who have now completed grades 1-3. The following are general conclusions and reserves for improving the effectiveness of work in this section.

1.4. The results of improving the professional skills of teachers are analyzed, their certification and advanced training; applications of teachers for methodological assistance for the next year (according to the map of pedagogical skills); systems of methodical work in the preschool educational institution. The scientific and methodological support of the educational process is analyzed.

1.5. General conclusions, identified trends and work planning reserves with personnel, equipping the methodological office for the next academic year.

1.6. The system of interaction with the parents of pupils is analyzed (according to the results of a survey of parents); implementation of plans for joint work of the preschool educational institution and the school; results of work with other organizations. General conclusions.

1.7. The results of administrative and economic work are analyzed and the logistical and medical and social conditions of the children's stay in the preschool educational institution are assessed.

1.8. For a compensating and combined type of preschool educational institution, one more section is included - analysis of the results of corrective work.

Section 2 of the annual plan. Improving qualifications and professional skills.

In this section, a personnel management system is planned:

    training in advanced training courses (for different categories of teachers, taking into account a differentiated approach);

    preparation for certification and certification;

    visits by teachers during the intercourse period of methodological associations, conferences, round tables, etc., in order to improve professional skills;

    self-education of teachers.

3 section of the annual plan. Organizational and pedagogical work.

The system of methodological support for teachers, using a variety of forms of methodological work.

The work of creative groups.

Preparation and holding of pedagogical councils.

Study, generalization, implementation, dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience.

Participation in competitions and reviews.

Equipment and replenishment of methodical cabinet materials.

The second and third sections of the annual plan can be combined: "Scientific, methodological and staffing of the educational process."

4 section of the annual plan. Internal monitoring system.

This section is related to the control and diagnostic function in the management of a preschool educational institution and is presented as an internal monitoring system. Here, types and forms of control are planned (operational, thematic, DRC, etc.). Every year it is planned to organize summarizing the final and intermediate results of the development of preschoolers, in which all members of the teaching staff take part.

    In the preparatory group for school are summed up final results development by children of the main general educational program of preschool education.

    In all age groups kindergarten - intermediate results development of the main general educational program by pupils in all areas of development.

Section 5 of the annual plan. Interaction in work with family, school and other organizations.

In this section, work is planned to improve the pedagogical competence of parents (parent-teacher meetings, seminars, trainings, workshops, round tables, etc.).

Joint creativity of children, parents and teachers.

Creation of a data bank on the families of pupils.

Events are planned on issues of continuity in work with the school and organizations with which contracts have been concluded.

Section 6 of the annual plan. Administrative and economic work.

All work is planned to strengthen the material, technical and financial base of the preschool educational institution: repair, equipment and replenishment of subject environments, etc.


Under this name, a review of the system and songs was held at the preschool educational institution. dedicated to the Victory Day in WWII. The event was aimed at educating the foundations of patriotism, love for the Motherland and respect for the defenders of the Fatherland. Dressed in the symbolic uniform of different branches of the military, the guys solemnly marched into the hall, minting a step. They showed their skills in the clarity of the execution of commands, the performance of chants, the expressiveness of the execution of marching songs. The jury came to the conclusion that a worthy replacement is growing in the preschool educational institution and the borders of Russia will be reliably protected. All six teams received awards and thunderous applause. (30.05.19. Markaryan L.V.)


Spring in Rus' begins with the farewell to winter, which means from Maslenitsa week. In our preschool educational institution, the celebration of Maslenitsa is a good tradition. This is the most cheerful, noisy and favorite holiday, illuminated by the expectation of close warmth. Winter resisted and sent a blizzard to the guys. Understandably, her reign is over. However, no one was afraid: they sang, danced and played.
Let's spend the winter together
We lead a friendly round dance.
No one stands still
After all, spring is about to come (03/07/19. Markaryan L.V.).

Hiking is fun, Hiking is great!

More like nature
Romance is calling!
"And who is this
And where does she live?
Hooray! Pupils of 6-7 years old went on an ecological trip to a forest glade (Ilyina U.V.). Learned how to sort waste. The forest owner - Misha, had his paw cured, and as a token of gratitude, he played outdoor games with the children (11.09.18)

Our news

Today, the action "Plant a tree" started in the kindergarten, in which children and parents of the 8th group took part after the graduation party. Trees were planted on the territory of the kindergarten: lilac, small linden, maple, mountain ash.
Don't be sad, goodbye
Smile goodbye.
You loved us all very much
And carefully raised.
And as a gift to you from us
We plant trees for you (Terentyeva E.V.).

Today, an open city kaleidoscope was held as part of the ORC pedagogical practices "Modern forms and methods of working with preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standards. One of the conditions for ensuring the quality of preschool education is the introduction of effective pedagogical practices. cognitive activity children, realize the personal and professional growth of teachers, improve the pedagogical culture of parents. Shared their work experience: Ilyicheva I.Yu, "Quest" Courtesy Island ", Revina N.V., Historical tour" Ancient Rus'", Makhmudova Yu.A., workshop "Didactic and communicative games for the formation of the legal culture of children." Reviews: interesting, informative, original.

Dear employees!
April 18, 2019 at 13.15 will be held General meeting workers.
1. Report on FCD for 2018 Petrakova M.K.
2.Report on the expenditure of funds from the Social / Insurance Fund. Romantseva E.V.
3.Report on the implementation of the Col.contract. Khmeleva G.Yu.
4. Adoption of the rules of internal labor contracts. Khmeleva G.Yu.
5. Acceptance of the Number of the contract. Khmeleva G.Yu.
6. Elections of the commission for conducting collective negotiations. Khmeleva G.Yu.
7. Elections representative. work body. Khmeleva G.Yu.
8. Elections of the commission on payments. stimulus. character. Khmeleva G.Yu.
9. Definition of the total number. Management advice. Khmeleva G.Yu.
10. Election of delegates to the Conference.
11. Acquaintance with the Regulations.