What is Tajikistan famous for. Geological structure and minerals

- state in the southeast Central Asia... In the north it borders with Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, in the east - with China, in the south - with Afghanistan in the west - with Uzbekistan.

Tajikistan means "country of Tajiks".

General information about Tajikistan

Official name: Republic of Tajikistan (Chumhuria Tochikiston)

Capital: Dushanbe

The area of \u200b\u200bthe land: 143.1 thousand sq. km

Total population: 7.5 million people

Administrative division: Tajikistan includes the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, 3 regions, 45 districts (including 8 districts of republican subordination).

Form of government: Republic.

Head of State: President elected for a term of 5 years.

Population composition: 62% are Tajiks, 24% are Uzbeks, 3.5% are Russians.

Official language: Tajik. The Russian language is the language of international communication.

Religion: 85% of the inhabitants (Tajiks, Uzbeks, etc.) belong to Sunni Muslims, adhering to the Hanafi persuasion. 5% are Shia Muslims. A small percentage of residents are non-Muslims, most of them are Orthodox Christians, as well as representatives of other Christian denominations.

Internet domain: .tj

Mains voltage: ~ 220 V, 50 Hz

Country dialing code: +992

Country barcode: 488


The climate of Tajikistan is sharply continental, dry, with significant fluctuations in temperature and precipitation depending on the absolute height of the area. In the low-mountain south-western part of the country, the average January temperature is about. + 2 ° С, and in July - about 30 ° С. In the valleys in the north of the country, temperatures are lower. In the mountains, both winter and summer are colder; in the highlands, the average January and February temperatures are from –26 ° to –14 ° С, and the average July temperatures are from 4 ° to 15 ° С.

Most of the country is in arid or semi-arid conditions. The average annual precipitation ranges from 70 mm in the Eastern Pamirs to 1600 mm on the southern slopes of the Gissar ridge. The maximum precipitation occurs in winter and spring; it rarely rains in summer and autumn.


The Republic of Tajikistan is a state in the southeast of Central Asia, far from the seas and oceans, bordered by Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, China and Afghanistan. It is a typically mountainous country with heights from 300 to 7495 m., 93% of the country's territory is occupied by mountains belonging to the highest mountain systems in the world - Tien Shan, Gissar-Alai and Pamir (in the east of the country, with the highest peaks Somoniyon (7495 m), Communism (7 495 m) and Lenin (7134 m).

There are more than a thousand mountain glaciers on the territory of the country, the largest is the mountain-valley Fedchenko glacier, about 77 km long. The country is located in a seismic zone, earthquakes occur constantly, weak tremors are recorded in an amount of up to 5-6 per day. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 143.1 thousand square meters. km. (the smallest republic of Central Asia).

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

Mainly herbaceous and shrub vegetation is widespread from the valley bottoms to the snow line. The foothills are occupied by deserts and dry steppes, which above are replaced by juniper forests, pistachio thickets (in the south) and sparse (park) walnut forests, which occupy very small areas.

The river valleys are associated with tugai vegetation, which includes poplar, maple, ash, birch and willow. Even higher tiers of mountains are occupied by subalpine tall-grass and alpine low-grass steppe meadows. In the eastern part of the Pamirs, there are areas devoid of vegetation, the so-called. high mountain deserts.

Animal world

Wild fauna is diverse. In deserts and steppes, mammals are found - gazelle, wolf, hyena, porcupine, tolai hare; from birds - bustard; from numerous reptiles - lizards, turtles, snakes, including cobra and efa. Scorpions and spiders are numerous. Tugai are characterized by wild boar, jackal, Bukhara deer, Turkestan rat, pheasant and waterfowl - ducks and geese.

Mammals are widespread in the mountains - the brown bear, mountain rams (urial and argali), mountain goat (kiik), gazelle, snow leopard, etc. birds - golden eagle, mountain turkey (ular), mountain partridge (partridge), griffon vulture, etc. Trout, various carp (carp, bream, asp, marinka) and other fish are found in the reservoirs.


Tajikistan is one of the most ancient states in the world. The territory of modern Tajikistan was inhabited even before the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. Sogdians and Bactrians, who created their famous ancient states - Sogdiana and Bactria. In the VI century. BC. this territory was captured by the Achaemenid Persian state, but already in the IV century. BC e. the Achaemenid empire fell under the blows of the troops of Alexander the Great, who seized (with great difficulty) Sogdiana and Bactria.

In the 1st century. n. e. here a new powerful state was formed - the Kushan Empire, and after its collapse in the III century. AD Sogdiana and Bactria for a short period came under the rule of the Sassanid Empire. After its fall, the country's territory many times "passed from hand to hand" of many powerful empires - from the Samanid dynasty (875-999) and the Mongol empire of Timur (Tamerlane), to the Bukhara Khan and Russian Empire.

The ancient cities of Penjikent (known since the 6th century), Khujand, Ura-Tyube (and still famous for the products of local craftsmen), Isfara, Kanibadam and others are located on the territory of modern Tajikistan. Architectural monuments of the cities of neighboring Uzbekistan ( Samarkand, Bukhara, etc.), with which Tajikistan was a single state for a long time. In Tajikistan itself, it is worth noting such monuments as the Gissar fortress, the Khoja Mashhad mausoleum, Ajina-Tepe with the remains of Buddhist monasteries of the 7th-8th centuries.

Banks and currency

Tajik somoni (international designation - TJS), equal to 100 dirams. Used banknotes: 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 somoni, as well as 1, 5, 20 and 50 dirams. Coins: 1, 3 and 5 somoni, as well as 5, 10, 20, 25 and 50 dirams. Until 2000, the Tajik ruble operated in the country.

Currency exchange can be made at the airport or in hotels, in most banks in Dushanbe or Khujand (outside of them, many banks may not even have currency exchange departments, so you should worry about this in advance), or in exchange offices, which are available in large numbers in all cities country.

The use of credit cards and travelers checks is almost impossible, with the exception of international hotels and large shopping centers, some of which are located in Dushanbe. In many private stores and markets, you can pay in Russian rubles or US dollars, but there is a high probability of a serious overpayment. There are ATMs in Dushanbe and Khujand, but their number is limited.

Useful information for tourists

Tajikistan is the center of international mountain tourism and mountaineering. The safest way to make a trip is to use the services of a reliable agency and guide, having your own equipment, since it is quite difficult to get equipment in Tajikistan itself.

In the mountains there are many so-called “shelters” and farms on mountain routes, isolated from the surrounding world, they work as primitive boarding houses. You will be offered a place under the roof, a sheepskin blanket and hot "sher tea" - tea with goat milk, salt and butter. To avoid the discomfort that the owner has just slaughtered his last chicken for you, you need to have a supply of food with you in order to settle accounts with the owner, since there are no shops in the Pamirs and money also has a low price, only barter is used here.

The best trekking season is from June to September, although you have to be prepared for bad weather at any time.

The official name is the Republic of Tajikistan. Located in the southeast of Central Asia. Area - 143,100 km2, population 6463.8 thousand people. (2002). The state language is Tajik. The capital is Dushanbe (0.6 million people, 2002). National holiday - Independence Day on September 9 (1991). The monetary unit is somoni.

Member of the CIS (since 1991), OSCE (since 1992), UN (since 1992), CAC (since 1998), etc.

Sights of Tajikistan

Geography of Tajikistan

It is located between 68 ° and 74 ° E and 41 ° and 37 ° North. In the west and north it borders with Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. In the south and east with Afghanistan and China.

Mountains occupy 93% of the territory. Western Tien Shan Kuramin ridge, the highest peak Boboiob (3768 m). Ridge Mogoltau (1623 m). Fergana Basin (altitude ranges from 320 to 800-1000 m). To the west of the basin is the Golodnaya Steppe plain.

Gissar-Alai includes Turkestan, Zaravshan, Gissar, Karategin, Alai ranges. It is limited by valleys: from the north - Fergana, from the south - Gissar, the valley of the Surkhob and Alay rivers.

The largest ridges of the Tajik depression are Vakhsh, Dzhilantau, Surkhkau, Sarsarak, Tereklitau, Karatau, Aktau, Rangantau, Babatag, etc. Between the ridges are the Gissar, Nizhnevakhsh, Nizhnekaferniganskaya, Parkharskaya, Kulyabskaya, Yavanskaya.

The core of the Pamir mountain system is the ridge of the Academy of Sciences (5757 m). The lowest pass is Kamaloyak (4340 m). The highest peak Ismoili Somoni (former peak of Communism, 7495 m).

Rivers (km): Amu Darya-Pyanj (921), Zaravshan (877), Barteng-Murghab-Oksu (528), Vakhsh (524), Karnifigan (387).

Lakes (km2): Karakul (380), Sarez (79.6), Zorkul (38.9), Yashilkul (38).

There are over 5 thousand plant species in Tajikistan. Herbaceous and semi-shrub vegetation prevails. The plains are dominated by desert vegetation. Almost half of the mountain forests are juniper forests. The humid southern slopes of the Gissar ridge and the western part of the Peter I ridge and the southwestern Tien Shan are occupied by walnut forests, Turkestan maple, plane trees. In the foothills, there is a xerophilous small forest of pistachio, almond, and purple. In the alpine zone, meadows, meadow steppes and deserted steppes are widespread. In the east, there are teresken and wormwood deserts and cushion beds.

Typical inhabitants of the plains of the lower high-mountain belt: reptiles - gray monitor lizard, cobra, sandy Efa, steppe boa, turtle; of birds - crested lark, saxaul sparrow, steppe kestrel, beauty bustard, vulture; from rodents - porcupine, ground squirrels, gerbils, jerboas, hamsters. On open plains gazelle is found, in the foothills - horned goat, leopard. In tugai - Bukhara deer, jungle cat, jackal, leopard, badger, wild boar. In the highlands - Siberian goat, argali, snow leopard; from birds - Himalayan and Tibetan ular, saja, chukar, snow vulture, golden eagle, vulture.

Deposits of antimony, mercury, arsenic, boron, piezoquartz, rock crystal, optical fluorite, Icelandic spar, lapis lazuli, noble spinelli, gold (in placers), tungsten ores were found in the Pamirs and Gissar-Alai; in the Kuramin zone - polymetallic ores, rare metals, piezo-optical raw materials, uranium, scheelite, fossil coals; in the Tajik and Fergana depressions - oil, gas, coal, oil shale, rock salt, building materials.

The climate is continental. On the plains and foothills, the average January temperature is from +2 to -2 ° С. The average July temperature exceeds + 31 ° С.

Population of Tajikistan

The average population density is 44.6 people. per 1 km2. More than 85% of the population lives in the Gissar and Vakhsh valleys and the Khojent region (35% of the territory). The share of the urban population living here reaches 95%. In total, in cities in the 1990s. lived at least 35% of the population, in rural areas, respectively, 65%.

Representatives of more than 80 nationalities live in Tajikistan, incl. Tajiks - 80%, Uzbeks - 15.3%, Russians - 1.1%, Tatars - 0.3%. Tajiks also live in Uzbekistan - approx. 4% of the population, in northeastern Afghanistan - St. 3.5 million people; Tajiks also live in the border regions of Kyrgyzstan, in southeastern Kazakhstan and in the Iranian province of Khorasan. Languages: Tajik, Russian as the language of interethnic communication. The overwhelming majority of Tajiks are Sunni Muslims. In Gorno-Badakhshan, the Shiite sect of the Ismailis is most widespread. Russians living in Tajikistan are Orthodox Christians.

History of Tajikistan

On the territory of Tajikistan in the 1st half. 1st millennium BC there was a state of Bactria. It was ruled by the Persian Achaemenids, A. Macedonian. In the 9-10th centuries. AD Tajikistan was part of the Samanid State when the process of the formation of the Tajik nation was completed. In the 2nd floor. 19th century the territories of Tajikistan were annexed to Russia (in 1895 a Russian-English agreement defined the border with Afghanistan along the Pyanj River). In March 1917, the Turkestan General Government was abolished. In 1918 northern Tajikistan became part of the Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and southern Tajikistan became part of the Bukhara Emirate. Since 1924 the Tajik Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was a part of the Uzbek SSR. Since 1929 - the Tajik SSR as part of the USSR.

In 1991-93, an acute political conflict broke out in Tajikistan on the basis of regional clan contradictions, which led to a civil war. The lengthy inter-Tajik negotiations under the auspices of the UN, begun in April 1994, ended with the signing on June 27, 1997 in Moscow by President E. Rakhmonov and the leader of the United Tajik Opposition (UTO) A. Nuri of an agreement on the establishment of peace and national accord in Tajikistan. Within the framework of the agreement, the Commission for National Reconciliation was created and is functioning, the main task of which is the formation of a coalition government and the holding of general parliamentary elections. In November 1998, an anti-government rebellion was suppressed in the north of the country.

State structure and political system of Tajikistan

Tajikistan is a republic. Administratively and territorially, it is divided into Sughd, Khatlon regions, Gorno-Badakhshan autonomous region and regions of republican subordination. The capital and the adjacent 8 districts form a separate administrative-territorial unit.

Large cities: Dushanbe, Kulyab, Kurgan-Tyube, Garm, Murgab, Khorog.

The head of state and executive branch is the president. E.Sh. Rakhmonov was elected on November 6, 1994, on November 6, 1999, re-elected for 7 years in accordance with the amendments made to the Constitution following a referendum on September 26, 1999, in the summer of 2003 E. Sh. Rakhmonov's powers were extended until 2020.

The government issues decrees and orders, the implementation of which is mandatory on the territory of Tajikistan. The government resigns to the newly elected president.

Prime Minister - A. Akilov.

Legislative power - parliament - Majlisi-Oli. His term of office is 5 years. In 1999, the unicameral parliament was transformed into a bicameral one: Majlisi Namoyandagon (House of Representatives) and Majlisi Milli (National Assembly).

Majlisi Namoyandagon consists of 63 deputies, of whom 41 are elected by secret ballot in single-mandate constituencies, and 22 are from political parties and movements. A citizen of at least 25 years of age can be elected a deputy. In February 2000 elections were held, the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan (PDPT) won 34 seats in the lower chamber, the communists - 13, the Islamists - 2, independent deputies - 14. The chairman of the chamber - S.Kh. Khairulloyev.

Majlisi Milli is formed by local authorities (25 people). In addition, 8 deputies are appointed by the president. The members of the chamber are also, at their request, former heads of state. In March 2000, elections were held in 5 constituencies formed in the main regions of the country. Most of the deputies were representatives of the ruling PDPT. Chairman of the Chamber M.U. Ubaidulloyev (the current mayor of Dushanbe; according to the Constitution, became the second person in the state).

Local government consists of representative and executive bodies. They ensure the implementation of the Constitution, laws and statutes. The body of local representative power in regions, cities and districts is the Majlis of People's Deputies, which is headed by a chairman. Deputies of local Majlises are elected for a term of 5 years. This body approves the local budget and a report on its implementation, determines the ways of socio-economic development of the territory, local taxes and payments in accordance with the law, determines the methods of management and ownership of communal property, etc.

Local executive power is exercised by the president's representative - the chairman of the region, city and district. The chairman is responsible to the higher executive body and the corresponding Majlis of people's deputies. The self-governing body in the settlement and village is the jamoat.

Main political parties: People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan, Communist Party, Islamic Revival Party of Tajikistan, Democratic Party of Tajikistan, Party of Popular Unity, Party of Political and Economic Renewal, etc.

The development of the situation in Tajikistan is determined by the course of implementation of the agreement on the establishment of peace and national accord. The compromise found by the government side and the UTO made it possible to stop the civil war. The military formations of the UTO were disbanded, some of them joined the power structures of the government. A referendum was held, at which amendments and additions to the Constitution were adopted.

The transitional period defined by the 1997 agreement ended with the holding of parliamentary elections on the basis of a new version of the Constitution.

The UN Security Council decision terminated the mandate of the UN Observer Mission in Tajikistan. To promote post-conflict development in Tajikistan, the UN Office began to work in Dushanbe to provide political support for the activities of the UN system in the interests of implementing programs for the country's socio-economic reconstruction.

With the completion of the inter-Tajik settlement process, the foreign policy of Tajikistan is aimed at creating conditions favorable for the restoration of the national economy destroyed during the civil war, strengthening the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country.

Relations with The Russian Federation and other CIS states. Dushanbe is a supporter of strengthening integration processes in the political, military, economic and other areas. Tajikistan joined the Customs Union (since October 2000 - the Eurasian Economic Community), signed all multilateral agreements concluded within the CIS. Tajikistan stands for stepping up collective efforts in the fight against international terrorism and drug trafficking. Central Asian countries, first of all Uzbekistan, occupy an important place in foreign policy. Tajikistan is a member of the CAC. Great importance is attached to issues of strengthening regional security.

Tajikistan participates in the development of the Treaty on a nuclear-free zone in Central Asia. Tajikistan seeks to develop relations with the Islamic world, first of all with Iran. Tajikistan has consistently advocated a political settlement of the Afghan conflict through negotiations and the creation of a broadly representative government, participated in the work of the “group of neighbors and friends of Afghanistan” (“Six plus two”).

Since the fall of 2001, ties with the United States and Western European states have revived. Dushanbe pays significant attention to the issues of interaction with the UN, advocates strengthening its stabilizing role. At the 54th session of the UN General Assembly, Tajikistan put forward a proposal to declare 2003 International year fresh water. Tajikistan is interested in continuing and expanding contacts with the OSCE, stands for its greater involvement in the provision of economic and environmental assistance in the post-conflict period, strengthening regional security.

The armed forces of Tajikistan, according to local estimates, number approx. 20 thousand people: government army - approx. 12 thousand, integrated GRU units - 8 thousand. According to information International Institute strategic studies (London), the size of the army of Tajikistan - 6 thousand people.

Economy of Tajikistan

Tajikistan's GDP (in current prices) in 2002 - 3.3 billion somoni, 109.1% of 2001. In January-September 2002, profit amounted to 61.1 million somoni, state budget revenues, including bank loans, 369.4, expenses 345 , 6, excess of income over expenses 23.8.

The economically active population (2002) is 1.9 million people. 1.3 million people were employed outside the public sector in 2001. (72%). 10-20% of employees are concentrated in industry. Official unemployment is 48.1 thousand people, 2.7% of the economically active population (2002). Women among job seekers accounted for 51-56%, young people (under 30) - more than 40%.

The main industries are: electric power, mining, non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, metalworking, construction materials, chemical, cotton, silk, clothing, carpet weaving, food processing.

There are 6 hydroelectric power plants, the most powerful of which is Nurekskaya, as well as a number of large thermal power plants. Due to its own energy base, 50% of the country's needs are met. The main branch of the fuel industry is coal.

The volume of industrial production in 2002 - 2226 million somoni (in current prices), 108.2% by 2001. Machine-building is developing at an outstripping pace compared to industry as a whole in 2002.

The production of consumer goods in 2002 (in constant prices) amounted to 103% against 2001, incl. food products - 102%, alcoholic beverages - 125%, non-manufacturing goods - 107%, of which in light industry - 109%, goods of cultural, household and economic value - 100%.

In 2002, there was an increase in production compared to 2001: whole milk products by 26%, vegetable oil by 18%.

The volume of investments in fixed assets in construction in 2002 amounted to 158 million somoni.

The main agricultural product is cotton. In 2002, more than 400 thousand tons were harvested. There is a cotton exchange in Tajikistan. Futures transactions are becoming more widespread. The largest investors are the Swiss firm Paul Reinhard and the sales department of the Swiss bank Credit Swiss First Boston. The following industrial crops are cultivated: tobacco, sesame, oilseed flax and geranium. Wheat and other cereals, potatoes, fruits, grapes, vegetables and melons are grown.

Gross harvest of major agricultural crops (2002): grain crops (weight after processing) 0.7 million tons, 140% by 2001; potatoes 0.4 million tons, 112% by 2001; vegetables 0.5 million tons, 119% by 2001. The gross harvest of fruit and berry crops decreased by 3%.

Meat and dairy cattle breeding and meat and wool sheep breeding are developing. Sericulture is developing with the help of foreign investors. Production of the main types of products (2002): livestock and poultry (for slaughter) 67 thousand tons (109% to 2001); milk 412 thousand tons (108%); eggs - 6 million (110%).

In 2002, transportation of goods in general amounted to 20.2 million tons (99.6% by 2001), the turnover of transport enterprises was 1.3 billion ton-kilometers.

The share of vehicles accounts for approx. 90% of total passenger traffic and over 87% of domestic freight traffic (2001). Cargo transported by 11% more, cargo turnover increased by 16%, passenger turnover increased by 25%. Public road network approx. 13 thousand km The two most important roads - "Dushanbe - Aini" and "Kalaikhumb - Khorog" are open for transport for only 6 months. per year due to climatic conditions.

Air transport transported 297.6 thousand passengers and 1807 thousand tons of cargo, cargo turnover increased by 13%, passenger turnover increased by 46% (2002).

The total length of railway lines is 490 km, most of them are located in the south of the country. In 2002, 339.9 thousand people were transported. and 8642.4 thousand tons of cargo; the total volume of freight traffic decreased by 8%, freight turnover decreased by 13%, passenger traffic increased by 25%.

The total capacity of local telephone exchanges is 250 thousand numbers, served by 80 urban and rural exchanges. The density of telecommunication services is 4.1 telephones per 100 people. In the future, connection to the trans-Asian-European cable (the Tajik TAE line is 86 km, from Dushanbe to the Uzbek border in the west) will allow the republic to become one of the transit telecommunication centers between the West and the East.

Retail turnover through all sales channels (in current prices): total 1,001.3 million somoni, per capita 115.1 million somoni (2002).

Paid services through all sales channels (at current prices): total 499.2 million somoni, per capita 77.2 million somoni (2002).

In 2002 budget revenues were 396.4 million somoni (17% of GDP), including tax revenues 343.3 million somoni (15.8%), their share in the total volume of budget revenues was 92.9%. Basic direct taxes: on profit 4.8% to the total amount of budget revenues and 0.8% to GDP; personal income tax - 7.4% and 1.3%, respectively. The main indirect taxes: value added - 33.2% to the total amount of budget revenues and 5.6% to GDP; excise taxes - 5.5 and 0.9%, respectively. The share of basic taxes in the total amount of state budget revenues is 50.9%. Non-tax revenues amounted to less than 1/7 of the total volume of state budget revenues, compared with the same period in 2001, increased by 30.2% (due to an increase in revenues from fines and sanctions). State budget expenditures 345.6 million somoni (15.9% of GDP). A significant share is taken by spending on the social sphere (28%) and the economy (18.5%). Budget surplus of 23.8 million somoni (1.1% of GDP).

Nominal wages (including accrued but unpaid amounts) averaged 34 somoni in 2002 (compared to 2001, an increase of 36%). Real wages increased by 24% on average. The minimum wage was revised 1 time in 2002 (the current minimum is 8% of the average nominal wage). In 2002, the minimum old-age pension was increased 2.5 times and amounted to 5 somoni ($ 1.7). Consumer prices in 2002 increased by 10% compared to 2001. The ratio of price growth to growth in average per capita money income (early 2002) is 0.94%, with an increase in average monthly wages of 0.81%, and an increase in pensions of 0.59%.

Export-import operations in Tajikistan are carried out by 750 subjects of foreign economic activity. Partners - 66 countries of the world, of which 11 are CIS countries. In 2002, the foreign trade turnover, including electricity and natural gas, amounted to USD 1,073.6 million, which is 4.7% more than in the corresponding period of 2001, or USD 47.9 million. Exported goods for 534.1 million US dollars, which is 9.1% more than in the same period in 2001.

There were imported goods for 539.5 million US dollars, which is 0.6%, or 3.2 million US dollars, more than the level of the corresponding period of 2001. The CIS countries account for 51.8% of foreign trade turnover, and non-CIS countries 48.2%. In exports, the advantage belongs to non-CIS countries, their share is 72.4%, in imports a significant share is taken by the CIS countries - 75.7%.

The share of electricity in foreign trade turnover is 10.2%, its export is 2999.3 million kWh, imports are 3490.2 million kWh (2002).

Natural gas imports 343.1 million m3, for USD 16.2 million. This is 18.9%, or $ 3.8 million, below the same indicators in 2001.

Aluminum accounts for 55% of exports, 226.2 thousand tons were exported in the amount of USD 293.9 million; main buyers: Netherlands, Turkey (2002).

Exports of cotton fiber 14.1% of foreign trade turnover, 85.1 thousand tons in the amount of 75.2 million US dollars. Deliveries increased to the CIS countries by 1.4%, and to non-CIS countries by 69.1%.

Science and culture of Tajikistan

The number of daytime general education schools is 3.7 thousand, of which 59 are gymnasiums, 60 are lyceums. There are 50 secondary specialized educational institutions and 33 universities in Tajikistan.

In April 1999, the Association for the Development of Science and Education was established on the basis and on the initiative of the 8 largest higher educational institutions in the country. In December 1999, the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan joined it as an honorary member of the association.

The Association is the first and only national, non-governmental organization in the republic, which sets itself the following goals: promoting the development and implementation of new information technologies in the middle and higher education in the republic; development scientific research how in high schooland in scientific research institutions of Tajikistan, the organization of effective information support scientific activities; assistance in the implementation in universities and secondary education of international educational standards, organization of international exchange of experience in this area; participation in the development of models and teaching methods in the context of the use of new information technologies, including distance learning; assistance in the creation of electronic libraries.

Tajik culture developed on the basis of the traditions of the Persian-speaking world. The founder of national literature, Rudaki, improved the language, first using it in secular poetry, laid the foundations for a number of literary genres.

Ferdowsi created the heroic epic Shahnameh. The crown of the romantic Tajik poem was "Khamsa" ("The Five") by Nizami, "Bustan" and "Gulistan" by Saadi. Hafiz was the master of the gazelle.

A prominent figure in Tajik literature of the 20th century. There was a writer Sadriddin Aini (1878-1954). The works written by him and literary research influenced the development of the Tajik literary language.

The largest library is the State Library. Ferdowsi, which houses a large collection of medieval manuscripts.


Tajikistan borders with Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan in the west and north. China is the eastern neighbor. And in the south, the state border separates Tajikistan and Afghanistan. It should be noted that the country is landlocked.

The official language in the country is Tajik. It is interesting that until October 2009 in Tajikistan the Russian language also had the status of the state language. However, for political reasons, in 2011 he was returned to the status of "language of interethnic communication."

Today, the economy of Tajikistan is supported by mining, metallurgical, chemical, construction, textile and food industry... Large deposits of silver, gold, iron, lead, table salt and other minerals were found on the territory of the country. True, their extraction is complicated by weak infrastructure due to the prevailing mountainous relief on the territory of the republic.

Climate and weather

The climate of Tajikistan is sharply continental and dry. A feature of the local weather is a pronounced altitudinal zonality. The subtropical climate prevails in the low valleys. The middle tiers of the mountains have moderately warm weather. And in the highlands of Tajikistan, a cold climate prevails. At the same time, in summer, the average daily temperature in the valleys reaches + 30 ° C. In winter, the thermometer drops to 0 ° C. Interestingly, in the highlands during this period, frosts down to –27 ° C are often observed. And in the Pamirs, the air temperature was -50 ° C. In summer, the air in the mountains warms up to only +15 ° C. It is worth noting that during the period from October to May, storms rage on the territory of Tajikistan, and in summer sandstorms often occur on the plains, the duration of which is sometimes more than a week.

The amount of rainfall also depends on the terrain. In low valleys, the amount of precipitation does not exceed 70 mm, in the Eastern Pamirs - 1600 mm. And in the highlands, rains are considered to be quite frequent. The maximum amount of precipitation occurs at the end of winter and spring.

The most successful time for tourists to visit Tajikistan is spring (March - May). At this time, the lowlands turn into a huge floral carpet. The period from July to September is considered favorable for climbing the Pamirs. It is better to carry out hiking around the country in September, since at this time an optimal climatic environment is formed on the territory of Tajikistan, favorable for a comfortable adaptation of a person.


The nature of Tajikistan will appeal to all lovers of mountain landscapes. About 93% of the country's territory is occupied by majestic mountains belonging to the highest systems of the world - Tien Shan, Pamir and Gissar-Alai. The territory of Tajikistan has more than 1000 mountain glaciers, the largest of which is the Fedchenko glacier.

The uniqueness of the mountain landscape of Tajikistan is given by green alpine meadows and the purest rivers flowing through them. In summer, the meadows of Tajikistan are covered with blooming wild irises, poppies and edelweiss. The Tien Shan forests are composed of juniper, spruce and laurel. They are inhabited by mountain wolves, lynxes, wild boars, bears, snow leopards. Small marmots living in meadows make excellent prey for lamb eagles.


Tajikistan is known all over the world for its numerous attractions ancient culture and history. One of the most outstanding cultural monuments is the city of Penjikent, which was the center of one Sogdian principality. Here archaeologists have found numerous remains of residential buildings, a necropolis, a palace with wall paintings. Today a museum has been established on the site of the ancient city.

A large number of attractions are located in the capital of Tajikistan, Dushanbe. The summer residence of the Hissar beys and the mausoleum of Yakub Charkha, a famous mystic of the Middle Ages, are especially attractive. Also in the capital of the state there are many museums and theaters, including the Drama Theater. A. Lakhuti, Opera and Ballet Theater. Aini, Russian Drama Theater. V. Mayakovsky.

There is a monument to Ismoil Somoni on Ozodi Square. It is also worth highlighting the monument to Abuali ibn Sina.

You can get acquainted with the culture of Tajikistan in the Museum of Ethnography. There is a stunning display of Tajik carpets, pottery, jewelry and other items.

Many historians consider modern Khujand to be the famous Alexandria Extreme, built by Alexander the Great. From those times, only the remains of ancient structures remained. The Muslihiddin mausoleum and the old fortress in the city center are also of historical value in Khujand.

Near the city of Kurgan-Tyube are the remains of a Buddhist monastery of the 7th – 8th centuries AD.

The amazing Childukhtaron valley ("the valley of forty girls") attracts special attention. According to legend, forty huge boulders located in the valley are forty pretty girls. In order not to become concubines of cruel invaders, they prayed to Allah to turn them into silent stones. Every spring believers in the legend locals decorate blocks with fresh flowers and bright ribbons.

The main attraction of Tajikistan is its unique nature. Many travelers come to this stunning country to see firsthand the beauty of the majestic Pamir mountains.


Residents of Tajikistan are proud of their cuisine. The culinary traditions of Tajiks were formed over many centuries. The semi-nomadic lifestyle of the local population presupposes an abundance of flour dishes and meat. For the preparation of meat dishes, lamb, goat and horse meat are used. Tajiks do not use pork. The most common meat treats in Tajik cuisine are cabbage rolls, kabob, kebabs and roasts. Tajik shish kebab is made from lamb, less often from beef. Its peculiarity is that the shish kebab is necessarily prepared on fat tail fat. Tajik roast is called "kaurdak". It is prepared from fatty lamb with the addition of fresh tomatoes, potatoes, onions and spices.

Pilaf occupies a special place in Tajik culture. Locals call it “ugro-pilaf”. It is not prepared from rice, as is customary, but with the addition of unleavened dough noodles, which are fried in the oven and pounded to the size of rice grains.

Besides pilaf, Tajiks are very fond of porridge with meat. Most dishes in Tajik cuisine are seasoned with onions, herbs, spices and milk.

The locals are very fond of flour dishes. For their preparation, yeast or unleavened dough is used. The most common dishes are various flatbreads, lagman, sambusa, ugro and brushwood. It should be noted that Tajiks have a very specific sweet table. They consume sweets, fruits and drinks up to three times with meals. They are served before, during and after meals. Tajikistan's national pastries (brushwood, halva, puff pastries) are very popular not only among local residents, but also among foreign guests.

Green tea is considered the most favorite drink in Tajikistan. Interestingly, Tajiks prefer to drink green tea mainly in summer, while in winter they choose regular black tea. Shirchay - tea with milk is very popular on the territory of Tajikistan. This drink is filled with salt and butter. Of course, not every foreigner dares to try such a treat. By the way, locals drink tea without sugar.

Food prices in Tajik restaurants are quite reasonable. So, for a dinner in a middle-class establishment, you will have to pay only $ 6. And lunch in a chic restaurant will cost about $ 10-15.


The tourist infrastructure of Tajikistan is poor. Most of the country's hotels were built during the Soviet era. Modern hotels, including the Hyatt Regency Dushanbe, are located in the capital of Tajikistan, Dushanbe. Such hotels are designed for distinguished guests. On the territory of such hotels there are modern restaurants, fitness centers, gyms, bars and other entertainment facilities. The cost of living in such hotels significantly exceeds $ 100 per day.

In addition to expensive apartments in large cities, you can stay in guest houses and hotels of the Bed & Breakfast format. Prices for single rooms in such establishments do not exceed $ 50 per day. When traveling to the mountainous regions of the Republic of Tajikistan, you can spend the night at one of the many tourist centers. In the villages of the Pamirs, locals often let travelers stay for the night for free. True, the usual amenities for tourists are absent in the villages. And in winter, electricity is often cut off here. It should be noted that there is one drawback in cheap hotels and hotels - frequent interruptions in cold water. AND hot water and not at all.

Before planning a trip to Tajikistan, it is necessary to take care of the place of residence in advance, since the number of hotels in the country is small, and the rooms in them are often occupied.

Entertainment and recreation

Beautiful Tajikistan offers its foreign guests a huge selection of entertainment. All over the world this country is known as one of the largest centers world mountaineering. Hundreds of thousands of people come here every year to conquer the mountain peaks of the Pamirs and Tien Shan.

Tracking is very popular in Tajikistan. Many tourists are attracted by unforgettable walks through picturesque, inaccessible terrain. Admirers of rafting also visit Tajikistan. On the territory of the country there is a huge number of mountain stormy rivers, rafting along which will provide you with a portion of adrenaline.

Very popular with foreign tourists exciting excursions on unique monuments of antiquity, many of which are more than 2,500 years old.

IN recent times a huge number of ecotourists come to Tajikistan who prefer to visit the magnificent nature reserves of the country. The most exciting will be an excursion to the Khorog botanical garden. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is located at an altitude of more than 2300 m above sea level. The Tajik National Park and the Ramit Reserve are very popular with foreigners. They preserved natural conditions habitat of many rare animals, for example, the snow leopard, argali and ibex.

Mountain rivers of Tajikistan attract fishing enthusiasts from all over the world. Trout and catfish are considered the main trophies here.

Residents of Tajikistan are very fond of various holidays. The main holiday is Navruz - New Year, which is celebrated on the day of the vernal equinox (according to the ancient Persian calendar). In addition, Memorial Day (February 12), Independence Day (September 9) and other public holidays are widely celebrated. As in any Muslim country, religious holidays such as Ramadan, Eid al-Azha and Eid al-Fitr are celebrated on a particular scale in Tajikistan.


A truly eastern country, Tajikistan is famous for its unique bazaars, where you can buy many excellent goods at a very low price. The main tradition of any oriental bazaar is bargaining. This process is especially revered by the locals. By the way, those foreigners who start bargaining receive substantial discounts.

The most common souvenirs from Tajikistan are skullcaps, shawls, scarves, various textiles, and embroidery. Items of national clothing are especially popular - warm cotton robes, embroidered belts, dresses and trousers. Many tourists purchase unique carpets embroidered with silk threads. Unique Tajik leather shoes are also in great demand among foreigners. One of the many tourist symbols of the republic is considered to be very warm mittens, scarves and socks made of Pamir yak wool.

Women will certainly love the traditional multi-tiered jewelry with national motives: necklaces, earrings and bracelets. Every foreigner strives to purchase famous ceramic products with the symbols of Tajikistan and traditional figurines.


Tajikistan has a fairly developed transport system, represented by rail, road and air transport. It should be noted that more than 90% of transportation in the country is by road. The road network of Tajikistan is unevenly distributed throughout the country. The quality of the road surface largely depends on geographic factors and on the number of residents living in the area. The best roads are in the north of Tajikistan. The mountainous relief of the southern part of the country does not allow for a decent coverage. Some highways of the country are allowed to be used only in the summer.

Getting around Tajikistan is best done by buses and fixed-route taxis that regularly run between major cities of the country. It should be noted that the car rental system in Tajikistan is not yet developed, but you can use the taxi services. One day of using a car with a personal driver will cost you $ 50.

Rail transport has not received proper development due to the difficult mountainous terrain. The length of the railway in the country is only 490 kilometers. Interestingly, most of the road is in the southern part of the country. It should be noted that most of the international traffic is carried out by rail.

The lack of direct access to the sea in Tajikistan made it important to have a developed air communication in the country. Today, international and domestic flights are operated by the state-owned airline Tajikistan Airlines. It should be noted that due to unfavorable conditions in winter, a lot of flights are canceled.


Communication in Tajikistan is poorly developed. According to statistics, the country ranks last among the CIS countries in terms of the number of phones per 100 people (approximately 3.8). You can use international communication services only in large cities by contacting the post office. In addition, you can call abroad from expensive hotels and hotels. The cost of such a call to Asia and the USA is about $ 1 per minute. Calls to the CIS countries are also possible for a lower cost - about $ 0.3.

On the other hand, cellular communication has received intensive development, the services of which are provided in the country by six mobile operators at once: Babilon-M, Tojfon, Indigo, Indigo-Sоncom, TK Mobile and MLT. Most of them support roaming of large world companies. It should be noted that the cost of cellular calls is quite expensive. Connection alone will cost from $ 12 to $ 35. In this case, the cost of one minute of conversation reaches $ 0.4.

Recently, network technologies have become very popular in Tajikistan. About ten providers provide Internet services. It should be noted that not the whole country has the opportunity to join the worldwide network. Only 12 major cities can provide you with Internet access. In the capital of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, there are about 50 Internet cafes. The cost of one hour of work in such a cafe is about $ 1. In large hotels in Dushanbe, you can also find Wi-Fi connection. It is worth noting that the government recently decided to block about 130 websites, which, according to officials, contain insults at high-ranking officials. The list also includes social networks popular all over the world.


Tajikistan is considered one of the safest countries in Central Asia. True, foreign tourists will not hurt to follow some simple rules. Do not walk alone in the dark. This warning is especially relevant outside the capital, Dushanbe. At this time, foreigners become an easy target for nimble swindlers and robbers. It should be noted that serious offenses against foreign citizens on the territory of Tajikistan was not registered. However, you should not carry with you on excursions large sums of money and jewelry, which can attract the attention of clever pickpockets.

The sanitary situation in Tajikistan leaves much to be desired. The semi-nomadic lifestyle leaves its mark. Experts strongly recommend using only boiled, or better bottled water. Washing vegetables and fruits, as well as brushing your teeth, is also worth it with water from a bottle, since the country has a high incidence of cholera, diphtheria, hepatitis E and A. In the south of the country there is a small risk of malaria and wave-like fever. Therefore, all tourists entering the country are required to carry out the necessary preventive vaccinations.


Despite the studies conducted in 2007 by the World Bank experts, who recognized Tajikistan as an economically unfavorable country, in recent years, business has begun to develop at a rapid pace. Tajikistan is one of the countries the former USSR, which has untouched natural resources, which opens up huge prospects for foreign investment.

The parliament of the republic has revised a number of legislative projects in favor of simplified documenting of companies and enterprises. Many types of industry can be developed in Tajikistan, from the textile industry to the mining industry.

The untouched nature of Tajikistan attracts numerous ecotourists from all over the world. Such interest in the country's natural resources requires the development of tourism infrastructure. This is another area for foreign investment, which will bring huge profits to its owners.

The property

Today in Tajikistan there is a significant decrease in demand in the real estate market. This is primarily due to staff drain, Chinese expansion and a low level of diversification. Often, housing is purchased only for subsequent sale at a higher price.

As in neighboring countries, in Tajikistan there are no special restrictions on the sale of real estate to foreign citizens. However, for foreigners to purchase land plots for the construction of houses, it will take significant funds and time to document the purchase.

Most of the offers for rental housing are concentrated in the capital of Tajikistan and the largest cities of the country. To rent a small apartment (up to 100 m2) per month you will need about $ 500, in the capital you will have to pay up to $ 850 for the same apartment.

To buy an apartment in large cities, it is worth preparing about $ 50,000-60,000. When purchasing housing in the suburbs, you can pay half the amount. Country cottages and houses have become very popular in the real estate market. Mansions near Dushanbe received special attention. The cost of cottages in the metropolitan area often reaches $ 140,000.

For a safe travel in Tajikistan, it is necessary to strictly follow several completely simple rules... First, since the times of the Soviet Union, there has been a requirement for mandatory registration of foreign tourists at the place of residence. Its cost is approximately $ 15. If this requirement is not met when leaving the country, strict border guards may not allow you on your return flight.

Secondly, in Tajikistan, in bazaars and shops, purchases are paid in somoni. It is better to exchange foreign currency at state exchange offices or banks.

Thirdly, the Muslim country of Tajikistan requires the implementation of certain rules of conduct in a religious society. So, you should not express your feelings towards another person in public. Clothes of foreigners should comply with the requirements of local canons as much as possible (T-shirts should cover the elbows, and trousers should cover the knees).

When buying souvenirs, remember that the customs regulations of Tajikistan prohibit the export of food products, gold, minerals and precious stones abroad without a permit. The export of national currency is also prohibited, and foreign money can be exported in an amount not exceeding $ 5,000.

Visa information

Citizens of Russia and the CIS do not need a special entry visa to visit Tajikistan. To cross the border without hindrance, it will be enough to present a valid foreign passport. Everything required documents issued directly at the airport. Mandatory registration of foreign citizens at the place of temporary stay is enshrined in the legislation of Tajikistan. Such registration can be done within three days after entering the country. For tourists staying in hotels, this service is provided by the hotel administration.

Details about the rules of entry and movement within the country can be found at the Embassy of Tajikistan in Moscow, located at: 123001, Moscow, per. Granatny, 13.


The national culture has deep roots. Tajiks consider themselves bearers and keepers of a millennial tradition associated with the culture of the entire Persian-speaking area. The state emphasizes its continuity with the early medieval state formations, primarily the Samanid state with the capital in Bukhara. It is believed that the Tajik ethnos was formed during this period. In 1999, the 1100th anniversary of the Samanid state was solemnly celebrated in the republic. The name of the patron saint of sciences and arts Shah Ismoil Somoni is surrounded by special honor. The highest peak is named after him (the former peak of Communism, 7495 m.).

The heyday of the classical Persian-Tajik culture, primarily literature (Rudaki, Ferdowsi, Saadi, etc.), fell on the end of the 1st - 2nd millennium AD. A qualitatively new stage began at the end of the 19th century. after the incorporation of the Tajik regions into the Russian Empire, especially from the 1920s, when the Sovietization of culture began, accompanied by the widespread spread of literacy in Russian and Tajik (graphics - based on the Russian alphabet) languages.

A prominent place in the formation of the modern literary language belongs to the famous writer Sadriddin Aini (1878–1954), the poets A. Lakhuti (1887–1957) and M. Tursunzade (1911–1977) are also considered classics of literature. The name of the historian-orientalist and statesman B. Gafurov.

In the mid-1980s, there were over 1,600 libraries in the country, including a number of large public libraries in Dushanbe and other urban centers. Today there are 180 public libraries in the capital city. The most famous is the Firdousi State Library, which houses a large collection of medieval oriental manuscripts.

Among two dozen museums, the most famous are the Historical and Ethnographic Museums of the Academy of Sciences located in Dushanbe. There are local history museums in Khujand and other regional centers.

Theatrical art developed during the Soviet era (since 1929). 10 theaters of drama and comedy have appeared, including the Tajik Drama Theater, the Russian Drama Theater, 4 children's theaters, the S. Aini Opera and Ballet Theater. Recently, festivals of theatrical and folk art... 14 theater groups took part in the celebrations on the occasion of the 1100th anniversary of the Samanid state and the 8th anniversary of independence in 1999. November 7 is declared the Day of Tajik Theater.

In 1930, a republican film studio was founded and film production began. In the mid-1980s, the Tajikfilm studio produced 7-8 feature films and up to 30 documentaries annually. Since independence, the film industry has been going through a deep crisis. Video rental is expanding.

The main holiday is Navruz - the celebration of the New Year, which is celebrated, according to the ancient Persian calendar, on the day of the vernal equinox. After the proclamation of independence, two new holidays were established in Tajikistan: Independence Day (September 9) and Remembrance Day (February 12) - in memory of those killed during the armed clashes in Dushanbe in February 1990.


The history of Tajikistan is a series of ups and downs, enslavements and liberation wars. It is known from the history of Tajikistan that the first mentions of the ancestors of Tajiks date back to the beginning of the 1st millennium BC, when, on the territory of the modern state, there were the most ancient slave states: Bactria, Sogd and Khorezm, the main economic activity of which was irrigation agriculture. In the 6-4 centuries. Bactria was ruled by the Iranian Achaemenids, Alexander the Great. From the 3rd century BC e. the territory of present-day Tajikistan was part of the Greco-Bactrian, and then the Kushan kingdoms, was subjected to the invasions of the Hephthalites and Turks.

By the beginning of the 8th-9th centuries. can be attributed to the formation of the Tajik people. The origin of the name "Tajik" refers to the time of the Arab conquest (8c), and denoting a crowned, or a man of a noble family. In the 13th century, the territory of Tajikistan was conquered by the Mongols. In the 16th century it was conquered by the Uzbeks and became part of the Bukhara Khanate.

In 1868, the history of Tajikistan merged with the history of Russia - the northern part of the country was annexed to Russia, and the southern part, the Bukhara Khanate, remained in vassal dependence on Russia. Joining Russia was of great progressive importance. In addition, it saved Tajikistan from the threat of conquest from the British interventionists and put an end to feudal troubles. In the northern regions of Tajikistan, which were part of Turkestan, Soviet power was established in November 1917. In early September 1920, the power of the Emir of Bukhara was overthrown and the Bukhara People's Soviet Republic was formed. On October 14, 1924, as a result of the national-territorial delimitation of Central Asia, the Tajik ASSR was formed as part of the Uzbek SSR. On December 5, 1229, the Tajik ASSR was transformed into a union republic. During the years of Soviet power, Tajikistan has achieved unprecedented success in all sectors of the economy, industry and agriculture have developed greatly. The basis of the energy power of the republic is a cascade of unique hydroelectric power plants - Nurek, Golovnaya, Rogun, Baypazinskaya.

After the collapse of the USSR, a new political and economic period began for Tajikistan. The former union republics became independent states.

However, the independence of Tajikistan, this happened on September 9, 1991, was marked by the beginning of a civil war that left deep scars in the hearts and souls of thousands of people. The fratricidal war ended at the famous XVI session of the Supreme Council, held in November 1992 in the ancient city of Khujand. At this meeting, a regulation was created on national army, approved state symbols: the flag of the Republic of Tajikistan has three colors: green, red and white. The green strip is the valleys, there are very few of them in the republic - 7% of the territory. The white stripe is the color of the main wealth of the republic - cotton, as well as the color of snow and ice in the high mountains. Red is the color of the unity of the republic and brotherhood with other peoples of the world.

The sovereign Tajik state builds its activities on the basis of the Constitution adopted in a popular referendum. Now Tajikistan is a full member of the United Nations Organization and is recognized by 117 countries of the world.


The majority of the population (72%) is made up of rural residents living in more than 3 thousand villages. Rural life standards differ from urban ones for the worse - as a rule, there are no sewage systems, not everyone can use clean drinking water, in many areas there is a shortage of doctors and medical staff. Even large villages do not always have libraries and cultural institutions.

Among the traditional social institutions, it is necessary to note the assemblies of elders that unite neighbors (mashvarat), men's assemblies (jamomad) and, especially, the patrilineal clan group Avlod. According to some data, more than 12 thousand of such consanguineous groups cover 40-50% of the population, in some areas 75-80% of residents consider themselves members of avlods. The basic unit of Tajik society (as well as other sedentary societies) is a large family, consisting of parents, unmarried daughters, married sons, their wives and children. In common use, such a family usually has a house, land and livestock. The more wealthy a family is, the larger it is. The tradition of having many children is strong, the average number of children, especially in rural areas, is 4–5. Polygamy is illegal and not practiced, in part for economic reasons. Marriages are contracted at an early age. Almost all women get married. Divorces are rare, most often in Dushanbe. The position of women in public and industrial and business life is subtle, they rarely hold positions of responsibility in government agencies and private organizations. They are most strongly quantitatively represented in science, medicine and pedagogy. The labor of women and children is widely used in agriculture.


Tajikistan is an agro-industrial country, one of the poorest countries in the world, despite its considerable economic potential. The International Monetary Fund estimates that 63% of the population lives on less than $ 2 (purchasing power parity) a day. The prolonged war, the associated destruction and human losses led to a sharp decline in the economy (GDP in 1995 was only 41% of 1991). In recent years of peace, the economy and living standards have improved significantly.

Agriculture accounts for 30.8% of GDP, industry - 29.1%, service sector - 40.1%.

The state sector remains the main sector of the economy. The state controls most of the large industrial enterprises.

The country's economy is heavily dependent on the funds earned by labor emigrants. The number of Tajik citizens engaged in labor activity in Russia, has 1 million people. In 2005, they officially transferred to their homeland, according to the International Monetary Fund, $ 247 million.The real volume of money transferred, according to the EBRD, is about $ 1 billion (that is, half of the country's GDP), with over 90% of the funds being transferred from Russia. This money, however, is not invested, but spent on current consumption. A certain share of the economy, most likely, is occupied by the trade and transshipment of heroin from neighboring Afghanistan, according to experts, at 100-120 tons per year.

Aluminum exports, which account for half of export earnings, brought in only $ 550 million in 2005. In second place is the export of cotton.

In October 2004, a long-term cooperation agreement was signed between the government of the Republic of Tajikistan and OJSC Russian Aluminum (Rusal), according to which President Emomali Rakhmonov promised to sell the Tajik Aluminum Plant (TadAZ) to Rusal, and Rusal was to build Rogun HPP. This agreement, however, has not been implemented.

An optoelectronic unit of the space control system of the Russian space forces is located in the city of Nurek hydroelectric power plant builders.

Imports amount to $ 3,751.1 million (2007):
Ferrous metals, light industry products, automobiles, agricultural machinery, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment.

Exports amount to $ 3500.2 million:
Aluminum, lead, zinc, rare earth metals, vanadium, uranium oxide), light industry products (cotton and silk fabrics), cotton, agricultural products (vegetables and fruits). (uranium) - (ruby).


According to the Constitution, adopted by referendum in November 1994, the Republic of Tajikistan is "a sovereign, democratic, legal, secular and unitary state." The highest authority is the parliament, the Majlisi Oli (Supreme Assembly), which combines legislative, administrative and control functions in its activities. The head of state and executive power (government) is the president. He is also the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, as well as "the guarantor of the Constitution and laws, human rights and freedoms, national independence, unity and territorial continuity and longevity of the state, etc." The government consists of the Prime Minister, his deputies, ministers and chairmen of state committees.

Citizens of the former Soviet Union can enter the country without a long tedious visa application, it is enough to have an internal passport. It is worth remembering that it is prohibited by law to bring into the country amounts over five thousand dollars, and amounts over five hundred dollars must be included in the declaration upon arrival. It is also prohibited to export or import Tajik somoni into the country. Jewelry can be taken out of the country only if you have a document and a receipt confirming the purchase made in Tajikistan.

Currency exchange

The official currency is Tajik Somoni. The approximate ratio to the Russian ruble is one to eight, that is, one somoni is equal to eight rubles. With the dollar, the proportion is mirrored: one dollar totals almost eight somoni. American dollars, euros and Russian rubles can be exchanged at exchange offices, but not by hand. Trying to exchange currency on the street at a better rate, the likelihood of stumbling upon scammers and being deceived is too high. There are not many ATMs in the country, so it is better to give preference to cash over debit and credit cards. They are accepted only in the largest hotels and restaurants.

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Climate and weather in Tajikistan

Tajikistan has a harsh continental climate with frequent droughts. In the lowlands, subtropics reign, in the middle of the mountains the climate is moderately warm, and cold begins on the tops of the rutting heights.

The average summer temperature ranges from twenty to thirty degrees Celsius, in winter the optimum temperature is zero degrees. At the highest points of Tajikistan, the temperature in winter often drops to minus thirty, and in the Pamirs, sometimes to minus fifty. In summer, the temperature in these areas, as a rule, does not exceed plus fifteen degrees. From mid-autumn to spring, storms are common here, and sandstorms occur in summer on the flat parts of the country, lasting up to a week.

Mountaineers choose the second half of the summer to travel to the mountains, as this period is considered the most favorable and safe. From the very beginning of spring, valleys begin to bloom in the southern parts of Tajikistan, turning into long picturesque landscapes with a wide range of colors.

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Cities and regions

The division of the territory of the state of Tajikistan into parts occurs with the help of the official laws of the republic, adopted on November 4, 1995. As a result of this law, Tajikistan was divided into the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, as well as such administrative units as viloyat, shahr, nokhiya, shahrak, chamoati dehot, deha (in decreasing order of importance).

However, the guests of the country will be more interested in the cities of Tajikistan that are significant from a tourist point of view:

What to see

Over its centuries-old history, Tajikistan was ruled by representatives different cultures, and after each of them there are many buildings that have become the cultural heritage of the country. In addition to man-made sights, the republic is proud of its extraordinary multifaceted nature. Lakes, mountains, thermal springs - it is difficult to visit everything in one trip. Trade routes connecting the West with the East and stretching for thousands of kilometers left a big mark.

In addition to Dushanbe, cities rich in attractions include:

  • Khujand, a city - a fortress, built at the beginning of our millennium. The Khujand fortress has survived to this day and attracts tourists from all countries of the former USSR. In addition to it, the city has a large mosque and a monument to Kamol Khujandi. More: sights of Khujand.
  • Penjikent, whose age is more than five thousand years, invites tourists to visit the remains of the ancient village of Kainar, as well as the Rudaki mausoleum. More details: sights of Penjikent.
  • Istaravshan has recently celebrated its 2500th anniversary. This is a real city - a museum. There are dozens of large ancient mosques, as well as the mausoleums of Khazrati Shokh, Khudoer Balami and Chor-Gumbaz. More: sights of Istaravshan.
  • Hissar. People settled in the territory of modern Gissar about forty thousand years ago. Until today, a unique reserve with the Hissar fortress at the head has been preserved in it. More: sights of Gissar.
  • Kulob witnessed the emergence of the Great Silk Road, and to this day remains one of the most important political, trade and cultural centers Tajikistan. Guests of the city willingly go to the city history museum. More: sights of Kulob.
  • Kurgan-Tyube appeared already in our millennium, however exact date his appearance is unknown. Not far from it is a unique landmark - the Buddhist monastery Ajina Tepe. More: sights of Kurgan-Tyube.
  • Khorog. Due to its subtropical climate, Khorog is green and cool, which is its undoubted advantage. It is proud of its unique botanical garden and Kofir-Kala fortress. More: Khorog sights.

Travel along the Pamir Highway, which is more than seven hundred kilometers long, is popular with tourists. This road borders Afghanistan and China and is one of the longest paved roads in the world. Traveling along the Pamir Highway will become one of the most fascinating and picturesque journeys in the life of even experienced tourists, but do not forget about the dangers. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the road has not been properly maintained and over time has simply fallen apart. Road petrol stations are extremely rare, and you can't even dream of car services, so before sending you should make sure that the car is in good working order, stock up on gasoline, oil, water and provisions.

In the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region there is a unique natural spring - the hot mineral spring Garmchashna. The health resort of the same name is located not far from it. According to ancient legends, the water from there has healing properties, several thousand years ago pilgrims went to this source, considering it a saint.

The world organization United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has included several protected areas of Tajikistan in the list of World Heritage Sites: the Garmchashna spring, Lake Zorkul, Fan Mountains and several reserves.

On the Pamir mountain, the pearl of Tajikistan, traces of ancient peoples' residence appear before tourists. At different heights of the mountain there are several settlements with a thousand-year history and rock paintings, fortresses and the ancient city of Bazar-Dara. Ore was mined in this city in the tenth century. About one and a half thousand people lived in Bazar-Dar, after themselves they left several houses, a temple, a bathhouse and several other buildings. The Yamchun fortress was one of the first to be built in the Pamirs; it was created to control the movement of merchants and defend against raids by robbers about three thousand years ago. Kaakha became the second fortress; it was built in the fourth century AD and looks like Yamchun.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the Sarez Lake located in the Pamirs. It was born not so long ago - at the beginning of the twentieth century, after powerful earthquake... The length of the lake is nearly sixty kilometers, and the depth reaches five hundred meters. The lake with extraordinarily beautiful landscapes is both one of the most beautiful sights and a serious danger for the country. The fact is that with the destruction of the dam that appeared after the earthquake, most of Tajikistan will be flooded, and with it the territories of several neighboring states. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the world community drew attention to this problem, but it has not yet been resolved, since there is no funds in the budget of Tajikistan to strengthen the dam.

Sights of the cities of Tajikistan


Museums and galleries


Parks and recreation areas


Wellness holiday

Getting around the country

Most popular by public transport are minibuses that can accommodate four to twelve people. As in most countries of the former Soviet Union, the driver waits for the vehicle to be full, and if the passenger is allowed funds, he may not wait and pay for all available seats, then the minibus will go faster. Also, the largest cities in Tajikistan have a bus service.

The system of railway traffic in the republic is poorly developed, trains run only in the directions Dushanbe - Khujand and Kurgan-Tyube - Khujand, crossing Uzbekistan.

Domestic flights are operated by Tajikistan Airlines and Somoni Air and fly between the largest cities. However, this type of travel cannot be called the most reliable, since due to the climatic features of the area, flights are often canceled and delayed, most often in winter.

Car rental as such does not yet exist in Tajikistan, but private taxis are widespread. Drivers are usually accommodating and agree to take tourists to any destination for reasonable money. The average cost of a car with a driver is fifty US dollars for a whole day. To protect yourself, it is better to ask for help from the employees of hotels and bus stations, they often cooperate with private individuals and will be able to advise a trusted driver. Before setting off, it is worth evaluating the capabilities of the car in order to avoid unwanted breakdowns on the road.

Tajikistan cuisine

In Tajikistan, as in the rest of the East, life is hard to imagine without pilaf. It has been cooked for hundreds of years, and during this time more than four hundred variants of its preparation have been invented. It is cooked in an oven, over direct fire or charcoal, rice is replaced with chopped noodles, and the range of spices is innumerable.

Nourishing cereals are also prepared on the basis of rice. They taste like pilaf, but more water is added to them, so that the rice does not crumble, but sticks together. Tajiks prefer meat of lamb, goat or horse meat, beef is less common. Islamic laws do not allow them to eat pig meat.

Popular meat dishes also include kebabs, which are common throughout Central Asia. Even kebabs made from vegetables are usually poured with fat to improve taste and more satiety.

A distinctive feature of oriental dishes is their abundant sprinkling of spices and herbs. In ancient times, this was done not so much for taste as for disinfecting food from microbes. Nowadays, condiments are an integral part of Tajik culture. More than a hundred different aromatic spices from plant and herb seeds can be purchased in local markets.

Any meal is impossible without the local fermented milk drink Ayran, made from katyk with the addition of water. Kumis and many other milk-based drinks are also common. Every Tajik housewife knows how to perfectly prepare refreshing green tea.

There is also a great variety of soups. They are made from rice, noodles, potatoes, always with the addition of sheep and horse meat, seasoned with various herbs.

For dessert, the locals prepare triangular sambus pies from unleavened dough. They can be either sweet or stuffed with meat.

Souvenirs in Tajikistan

The main achievements of the Tajik industry can be safely attributed to embroidery and fabrics. National clothing items will be an excellent souvenir. The famous robes embroidered with colored threads are famous for their unique properties - they are not hot in summer and warm in cold weather.

Men's ethnic outfits are embroidered with different colors and patterns depending on the area and consist of:

  • a shirt that looks like a tunic,
  • pants - harem pants,
  • long robe,
  • a wide belt, more like a scarf,
  • skullcaps
  • soft leather boots.

The women's toilet is more modest, they have long wore tunic-like dresses, different depending on the area of \u200b\u200bresidence, and wide trousers to the calves. On their heads, they most often wear a scarf, as the laws of Islam command, or skullcaps. National leather footwear is famous for its comfort and durability. Boots, sandals or galoshes that are worn separately or worn over boots and are designed specifically for mountain climbing.

In Tajikistan, many carpets, bed linen and tablecloths are made, sewn from silk or "floss". They are distinguished by high quality handmade and beautiful variegated colors. The patterns are usually different geometric figures, so they were made before the beginning of our era.

Women will appreciate the jewelry with unpretentious ethnic patterns. Women have worn bracelets, necklaces, earrings and rings here for many centuries, with the help of them the wealth and social position of women in society were indicated.

Local craftsmen sculpt ceramic pots by hand or using a machine, in which the local food is especially delicious. Woolen products are made from the wool of the yaks living on the Pamir Mountain: socks, scarves, hats and mittens.


Despite the fears of tourists, Tajikistan is considered a fairly safe country to stay. However, visitors to Tajikistan should remember a few simple rules of behavior on the streets, as in most other countries, especially those in which Islam is the current religion.

  • after sunset, it is better not to walk on the streets alone, especially if not in the capital and not on tourist routes;
  • it is not recommended to have large amounts of cash with you, you should not wear large expensive jewelry, so as not to attract the attention of intruders;
  • in no case should water be drunk from the tap, it can be used only after boiling or bought in bottles in stores. As in most eastern countries, the water filtration system in cities is questionable, and cholera epidemics periodically occur in the country. Fruits and vegetables also need to be rinsed with treated water, and in cafes and restaurants, ask them not to add ice to drinks;
  • Islam is a conservative and strict religion, therefore Muslims pay great attention to appearance... Guests of Tajikistan, especially women, should remember this and, if possible, wear closed clothes, girls should abandon tight-fitting and short skirts and shorts, not open their shoulders and décolleté. Not so long ago, the country's authorities at the legislative level obliged young girls to wear closed clothes on the territory of schools and universities. There are no such strict requirements for men, however, they need to remember the local rules regarding appearance.

Capital of Tajikistan... Dushanbe.

Tajikistan Square... 143100 km2.

Population of Tajikistan... 6600 thousand people

Location of Tajikistan... Tajikistan is a state in the southeast of Central Asia. In the north, it borders with and, in the east - with, in the south - with in the west - with Uzbekistan.

Administrative division of Tajikistan... Tajikistan includes the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, 3 regions, 45 districts (including 8 districts of republican subordination).

Form of government of Tajikistan... Republic.

Head of State of Tajikistan... President elected for a term of 5 years.

Supreme legislative body of Tajikistan... Mejlis (parliament), with a term of office of 4 years.

Supreme executive body of Tajikistan... Government.

Major cities of Tajikistan... Khujand, Kurgan-Tyube.

State language of Tajikistan... Tajik.

Religion of Tajikistan... The majority of the population is of the Sunni and Shiite faith.

Ethnic composition of Tajikistan... 62% - Tajiks, 24% -, 3.5% - Russians.

Currency of Tajikistan... Somoni \u003d 100 tanga.

Fauna of Tajikistan... The fauna is quite rich: the snow leopard, several species of mountain goats live here, in the Tigrovaya Balka reserve there are 22 species of lizards, including the steppe agama, gray monitor lizard, skink gecko, and rare species of snakes. Among mammals, and there are 84 species of them, one can distinguish the wolf, jackal, jungle cat, porcupine, Bukhara deer.

Rivers and lakes of Tajikistan... The largest rivers in the country are the Zeravshan, Amu Darya and its tributaries Vakhsh, Pyanj and Kofarnikhon. A large lake is Karakul.

Sights of Tajikistan... The mountains of Tajikistan are a picturesque place, combining in its landscape the highest mountain ranges, grassy and. Among the monuments, it should be noted numerous mosques, mausoleums, medieval citadels, museum-reserves, the remains of Buddhist monasteries, an ancient settlement of the Sogdian city of the V-VIII centuries. and etc.

Useful information for tourists

Tajikistan is the center of international mountain tourism and mountaineering. The safest way to make a trip is to use the services of a reliable agency and guide, having your own equipment, since it is quite difficult to get equipment in Tajikistan itself. In the mountains there are many so-called “shelters” and farms on mountain routes, isolated from the surrounding world; they work as primitive boarding houses. You will be offered a place under the roof, a sheepskin blanket and hot "sher tea" - tea with goat milk, salt and butter. To avoid the discomfort that the owner has just slaughtered his last chicken for you, you need to have a supply of food with you so that they can settle accounts with the owner, since there are no stores and money also has a low price, only barter is used here. The best trekking season is from June to September, although you have to be prepared for a bad one at any time.