Meet a child from school looking for a job. Babysitter to meet the child from school

To pick up a child from a kindergarten or school, accompany them to circles or even take them home across Moscow - such services are in demand more and more. Who is better to hire, for what money and is it not easier to teach the student to use public transport - about this three discussions that we gleaned from the conference on nannies and governesses on

Theme: How much to pay an accompanying child?

Please tell me how much to pay an accompanying nanny for a child in my case? I need the child to be taken from school and taken home (by bus), fed (I cook the food) and waited for me from work. A 19-year-old girl student offers her services. How much would it be right to offer her for this? And in general, is it worth hiring an escort for the child? She lives in my house, two floors below.

I offered to take a 6-year-old child from the d / s for 150 rubles. in hour. The student responded, but asked for 200. As a result, they found it through friends for the desired amount. And before that, a girl who came to us at 24 years old worked for us. We still communicate, the child is always very happy to see her. In general, I treat the students well. It's easier for me to negotiate with a young person, it's easier to ask for something :-) Salary would be offered by the one that, in principle, I plan to pay for this work. I doubt that students today will agree to a low salary IMHO.
Panda Ribbon

Is she on daytime? What time should the child be picked up? Will be in time? RUB 100 / h
Katerina Matvevna

No, you shouldn't hire a 19-year-old girl, unless she already has her own child :)), which is unlikely.
IMHO, for young childless:
1) still the wind in the head;
2) there is no concept of responsibility for the child;
3) very eager to chat on the phone and text messages;
4) sudden absences from work without good reason are possible (simply because a friend called to the club, a beloved guy called, just reluctance).

My nanny worked for me for 3 summers. I took her at 21. Now, this summer did not work out - she herself has a baby.
A reliable and responsible person - he is like that at 18. Take it, your child will only be more fun!

It seems to me a good option with a girl next door.
Salary hourly from 150 rubles / hour now, but I think you can bargain for 100.

I join 100 p. in ch.
Hermione Granger

I would pay 100 rubles. in hour. Whether it is worth hiring a nanny to accompany you, I don't know, it depends on the girl. For example, I worked as a nanny from the age of 18, now my pupil is already entering the institute, everything was fine.
Kira pechenkina

Under such conditions, a sane student girl, IMHO, is ideal.

Theme: Z / n nanny ?!

The same nanny has been working for us for two and a half years. She is involved in accompanying the child from school and to classes. Last year I paid her 6.5 thousand. She worked 5 days a week. Of these, I took the child from school 3 times (10-15 minutes on foot), brought her home and left. And 2 times a week she took me to the music. school, waited and brought back (along with the road - a maximum of 2.5 hours). She believed that I pay little, but for some reason she did not leave.
This year until add. my middle son has grown up. He will also need to be taken to school in the evening (from 17-19), wait and bring him home. And it is possible that there will be another circle a couple of times a week.
Those. now it turns out that she will not have "free" days, like last year (when it was just necessary to bring the child to the house and leave).
Raised her salary to 10 thousand. But she is NOT enough! Or, he says, reduce the load, or raise the salary. She offered me an "option" - she takes away, and I take the children. Or vice versa. And I have a baby in my arms ...
I don’t understand - I really lagged behind life and prices, or is an accompanying nanny for 2 children with 3-4 hours of employment a day more expensive than 10 thousand?
I looked through the private advertisements "accompanying for the child" - no one writes the prices, neither the applicants, nor the employers. I don’t understand anything.

Enter the hourly rate, calculate at the rate of 150 rubles. in hour. If she does not suit her, look for another nanny, preferably from the people living in the neighborhood, you will find with this money.

Well, think for yourself: ten thousand a month divided by an average of 21 working days is 476 rubles. in a day. Divide ... even by 3 hours, it turns out about 160. This is not a lot with such a small daily employment.
Now nannies for a full day ask from 150 rubles per hour.

Listen, she still has a pension :) And many for a little more money sit for 8 hours at work and listen to "phi" from the authorities.
I don’t… I don’t understand that. It turns out that we ourselves are corrupting our nannies. I won't be surprised if in a couple of years they will receive 20 for the same job :(
The most that in a nanny to retrain? :))

I was looking for a nanny twice in six months - to pick up the child from the kindergarten for 2 hours in the evening + twice a week for circles at this time. For the first time in 6000 the phone was actually cut off. For the second time in 5000, there were about 10 candidates. I was looking for a method of pasting ads at the entrances of neighboring houses, then making inquiries from the neighbors about the selected ones. Both times I found amazing women, the first left for the summer cottage, unfortunately, that's why she was looking for the second. But we have all the places (house - garden - circles - nanny's house within a 5-minute walk). So I wouldn't pay 10.

Theme: Baby delivery

Tell me, how is it now paid in Moscow for the delivery of a 5th grade child from school home by metro if the school is far away?
I will have to bring a 10-year-old from the Kuntsevo area - Victory Park to Otradnoye every day from Monday to Friday. This will take place at 15.00, the time is strictly fixed, because you will have to take you immediately to the circle, from which you no longer need to pick up. Those. - only road: metro and minibus. I propose to pay for the metro and minibus. The journey itself takes about 1 hour 15 minutes, plus or minus. I'm going to offer this to our nanny in addition to her usual duties, but she will most likely disagree, since she has been working within the district for two years and took on these conditions. She will most likely continue to work as the main nanny. Therefore, I need payment options both for a permanent nanny (how much to offer to add to my own if she agrees to travel), and for a person who will only fulfill this duty.
If suddenly someone liked this work, write your suggestions to the mail. Options for sane compulsory students (for high school students, I'm afraid the time is too early) are also being considered.
Red Sun

Mine, though noticeably older, is a child-child and eerily naive, everything with my mother by the hand. But still in this academic year I am planning his independent trips as far as the Moscow Ring Road. Let's see what happens.

It's not even a matter of naivety. The fact is that she still looks like a child to strangers. A little girl alone in the subway is a kind of provocation.
Red Sun

Isn't it easier to teach yourself how to ride?

What does it mean to teach? She can. But I'm not ready to let one go on the subway yet. You never know what problems are possible.
Red Sun

So there is only one change on the metro? If he can, what are the problems? For some reason, many of the metro are afraid, at a parent meeting they tried to say to me: "How can you let me go on the metro!"
And you will get used to it in a week.

In my opinion, the metro is just the safest thing, only you need to teach basic rules, an algorithm of behavior.
a guest

Is it safe in the crowd?
Red Sun

Well, where is the crowd not at rush hour? I don't know, maybe. it's more difficult with girls, but I felt "normal" after a week. To become normal, you need to let go. You can watch from afar.

We have had crowds for a long time, and not at rush hour, but all day and night.

On "Arbatskaya" I did not notice crowds outside of rush hour.

And I just regularly visited there around 4 days last year. There are enough crowds there. Not a man to a man, of course, when already at 18-19 hours for 15 minutes you walk 20 steps in a dense crowd, but enough for a short child to be trampled.
Red Sun

I have been abnormal for a year now, when she returns from the circle 15 minutes on foot in the daytime. And the crowds at the central and circular transfer stations and not at rush hours now, alas.
Red Sun

It seems like a good transition to "Arbatskaya". I would be more worried about how the child will get to the metro. Maybe one that will take you from school to "Victory Park" and put you in the subway? Or still drive from the "Park" to "Arbatskaya" and transfer it to the carriage of the gray line? Although IMHO, and this will be a problem to find, and so to "Otradny" - IMHO is generally unrealistic.

Nothing is unreal. As soon as I find it, I'll be the first to inform you :)
Red Sun

So it seems to me that the subway, if not during rush hour, is normal.

When I feel "normal", I will not need delivery. But not yet. This option does not suit me yet. I am a restless mother. I'm scared for the child. I see enough dangers in the subway. And all this is completely unrelated to whether the child knows how to make transitions and whether he knows the safety rules. Can you guarantee that, say, the subway will not be closed at some point due to some kind of accident on the line and the child will not be in the crowd? I was almost crushed like that twice. Have you ever been hit like this? What they were doing? One thing is an adult who can be seen, another thing is a child 1 m 40 cm tall. Have you ever seen maniacs on the subway? Who rub, who stare? Have you ever got into the same carriage, say, with football fans or some skinheads? Have you ever encountered a company of aggressive teenagers or drunken men? Red Sun

Mom should be calm for the child and be confident in him - whether he is traveling alone on the metro with a change or is entrusted to a student or an accompanying grandmother. Anxious mom is another “invisible” and unconscious risk factor, and in this sense, the author of the last topic can be understood. As for the accompanying children on the trip, he must be sane and energetic, and it does not depend much on age. What it should not be - we will write next time.

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Work nanny escort from school, etc. on the site in Moscow, vacancies nanny escort from school, etc. from direct employers in Moscow. Vacancies in Moscow without work experience and highly paid with work experience. Vacancies nanny escort from school, etc. for women.

Need a nanny to take your child to school and pick him up? Please contact our recruiting agency. Specialists will quickly find the right specialist. The staff will have the necessary skills and ample free time. A professional won't let you down or make you leave work quickly.

Cost of babysitting services for a child

Of course, meeting and seeing off a child is easy, but only at first glance! It is very important for the nanny to make sure that your child is properly dressed (this is especially true for primary school students). The state of the portfolio and its filling should be monitored. It is important for the nanny to ensure the comfort of the road to or from the house (especially if educational institution is far away). It is great if the specialist has his own car.

Having trouble picking up your child from school and taking him or her to school? Do not worry! The nanny will perfectly cope with all tasks. She can meet the child both at a certain time and upon a call from your child or after your request. All responsibilities of the staff and the specifics of their work are agreed in advance. So when working as a nanny, there are no difficulties.

Call to clarify the details of the search and selection of personnel, the amount of remuneration.

Do you need an accompanying nanny for your child in Moscow? Our service will help you! We work without intermediaries and publish private ads about searching for babysitting services to accompany children from direct employers and nannies' resumes only after a thorough check. We have the largest database of resumes from individuals and recruitment agencies.

Find a nanny for your family among our candidates! Get to know her in absentia, through photographs and recommendations, find out all about her education and experience working with children, and invite for an interview. You can find a specialist depending on your requirements and financial capabilities: the cost of an accompanying nanny depends on the working conditions, experience, car availability and education.

Didn't find a suitable candidate? Submit a private announcement about looking for an escort nanny: responses from candidates will go to your email.

Our nannies will be able to:

  • come to you in any area of \u200b\u200bMoscow at the time you need or urgently;
  • ensure your child is safe, supervised and adhered to;
  • to provide accompaniment of the child in Moscow in kindergarten, school, circles and sections additional education;
  • take and pick up the child to the desired institution on foot, public transport or by your own car;
  • help travel to a clinic, hospital, or other location;
  • feed the child, take a walk with him and wait for your return;
  • accompany the child to an exhibition, theater, museum or circus.

Are you looking for a job as an accompanying nanny for a child without intermediaries? Submit your profile and photo on our website for free. After verification, your resume will be posted on our website, and you can find a job in a convenient area of \u200b\u200bMoscow and the Moscow region.

Every day we have dozens of new vacancies from individuals and recruitment agencies.

Accompanying nanny for the child

Moscow, Tulskaya

Age 42

Experience 1 year

Service price 200-250 rubles / hour

CV with 2020

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By the time the child reaches school age, in many families there is no need for a nanny, who must always be around.

School-age children are already independent enough to dress neatly, warm up their food, not be afraid to stay at home without their parents, and so on. However, they are not yet so adapted to the world around them that they can get to school or other places alone.

In the event that parents, due to their employment at work, cannot accompany the child to school, club or section themselves, a special nanny is hired to accompany the child in Moscow. She picks up the child from home, escorts him to his destination and meets after the end of classes.

A nanny is necessary to accompany the child to school if the school in Moscow is far from home, or if the child has to cross the road on the way to school.

Sometimes it makes sense to hire a nanny to accompany you even if your child is attending a nearby school just 5-10 minutes' walk from home. It depends on how comfortable and confident he feels on the street.

Selection cost for escort

Babysitting service

12 months contract (3 free replacements)

6 months contract (1 free replacement)

Perhaps the child trusts adults too much and can get into an unpleasant situation because of this. Or, conversely, the baby is afraid of everything unfamiliar and feels insecure outside the house or apartment. In any case, you need to be very attentive to his feelings during this period of transition from childhood to adolescence.

A nanny to accompany a child in Moscow will help solve both adaptation and safety issues. Parents do not have to constantly be nervous, wondering if the child got to school or not.

Before hiring a nanny to accompany a child, you should discuss in advance all routes, the exact start and end time of classes. The cost of babysitting services in Moscow for accompanying a child depends on the amount of working time involved, the remoteness of the school and development centers. Many nannies agree to accompany the child unscheduled if necessary. This is also negotiated individually and written in the work contract.

How to choose a nanny for escort in Moscow

Choosing a nanny to accompany a child is not an easy and responsible decision. The life and safety of your child will depend on her honesty, decency and qualifications. The selection of candidates for the vacancy "nanny to accompany a child in Moscow" is carried out in the strictest manner. All candidates are carefully screened.

An important condition for this is the ability of the future nanny for the child to navigate in Moscow. Many parents want the nanny not only to accompany the child to school or section and pick him up after the end of lessons and classes, but also try to teach him to understand public transport, memorize routes. Even such a trifle as the ability to ask for directions will definitely come in handy for a child in his adult life.

A good nanny should provide safety and at the same time teach the child independence.

An important criterion when choosing a nanny will be how quickly she knows how to establish contact with children. It is necessary for the student to trust his nanny.