Unified State Exam in Russian: detailed analysis of assignments with specialists. Ege in Russian

Guide for preparing for the exam

Reference information for all tasks: 1 - 26. If you don’t know something, don’t remember, don’t understand, you are here. Simple, accessible, many examples.

Collection of training tests: 1 - 24

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"Unified State Exam Navigator"

Interactive preparation course for the exam in the Russian language. 26 sections. Individual statistics of achievements. Variants are formed for each personally at new visits. Fully complies with the new USE format.

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Who are interested in training options Unified State Exam in Russian with answers and comments? Our new series "Unified State Examination Answer" is for you.

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Helpful information

The word USE has a fascinating effect on people. The majority, long before the exam, begins to regard it as a fatal milestone: terrible and inevitable. One gets the impression that the will and mind of people are paralyzed at the same time ... Distinct images of a conveyor belt, a meat grinder or a stream carrying the unfortunate people into an unknown direction emerge ... What is the consequence of such an attitude to the upcoming test? Passivity, indifference or, on the contrary, feverish activity, senseless fuss, excessive nervous tension. Get reliable information about the upcoming exam.

Useless information

Even during difficult or serious work, you can find a reason to joke. A rubric for those who want to relax a little

Self-defense. If you need an appeal

It is better not to tune in to the appeal. There is such life pattern: often people are attracted to situations about which they think too much. The situation for filing an appeal is not the most pleasant one. I wish you could avoid it. But if an appeal is imminent, then it's best to know how to file it.
Therefore, I consider it important to talk about this topic as well.

UMK line M. M. Razumovskaya. Russian language (5-9)

UMK line V.V. Babaitseva. Russian language (10-11) (in-depth)

Line of UMK Kudryavtseva. Russian language (10-11)

Line of UMK Pakhnova. Russian language (10-11) (B)

Unified State Exam in Russian: detailed analysis of assignments with specialists

The exam in Russian is one of the mandatory ones final exams items. USE results in the Russian language will be required for admission to universities for each area of \u200b\u200btraining (specialty). Today we will consider in detail one of the options for the examination task.

New materials on the Unified State Exam are available for review at the link:

Below is a breakdown of the 2017 assignments.

The examination work takes 3.5 hours (210 minutes).

Minimum score in Russian:

  • to obtain a certificate - 24 points;
  • for admission to a university - 36 points.

The structure of the examination paper:

Each version of the examination paper consists of two parts and includes 25 tasks, differing in form and level of difficulty.

Part 1 contains 24 tasks with a short answer. IN examination paper the following types of tasks with a short answer are proposed:

  • open-type tasks to record an independently formulated correct answer;
  • assignments to choose and record one correct answer from the proposed list of answers.

Part 2 contains 1 open-ended task with a detailed answer (essay), which tests the ability to create your own utterance based on the text read.

Our experts:

Sosnina Irina Vasilievna, teacher of Russian language and literature, laureate of the Moscow Grant competition in the field of science and technology in education.
She was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science, work experience - 34 years.

Ryabtseva Elena Aleksandrovna, teacher of the highest category, teaches in high school. Labor Veteran, Winner of the Best Teachers Competition Russian Federation within the framework of the Priority National Project "Education". Twice Laureate of the Moscow Grant competition in the field of science and technology in education. Teaching experience - 46 years.

Part 1

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) L.N. Gumilyov, studying the features of the historical development of the peoples of Eurasia, noticed to the fact that rapid social change on the continent associated with cycles of solar activity , which are described quite fully by astronomers. (2) Following the experts in the field of natural science, the scientist suggested that this connection is natural . (3)<…> he put forward and developed the hypothesis that a sharp increase in solar activity favors that that on Earth in large quantities "passionaries" are born - people increased activity contributing to social change and guiding the historical movement of peoples.

1. Indicate two sentences in which the MAIN information contained in the text is correctly conveyed. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The main discovery of L.N. Gumilyov was that he was the first to see the connection between active members of society - "passionaries" - and a number of historical events in Eurasia.

2) L.N. Gumilyov drew attention to the fact that social changes and the strengthening of ethnic processes on Earth are somehow connected with the cosmic energy of the galaxy.

3) L.N. Gumilev, putting forward a hypothesis about "passionaries", explained the connection between the cycles of solar activity with the intensification of socio-historical processes on Earth.

4) The peoples of Eurasia, according to L.N. Gumilyov, owe their historical development primarily the cycles of solar activity, which are described in sufficient detail by astronomers.

5) Studying the features of the historical development of Eurasia, L.N. Gumilev put forward a hypothesis about "passionaries", according to which there is a relationship between the cycles of activity of the Sun and socio-historical processes on Earth.

Answer: 3 5

Algorithm for the task:

1. Highlight in each sentence the keywords that are important for understanding the issue that is raised in this text.

2. Determine the causal relationship between the sentences in the text.

3. Reduce the text by deleting secondary information (various kinds of explanations, details, descriptions of minor facts, comments, lexical repetitions).

4. Convey in one sentence the main information contained in the text.

5. Correlate your version of text compression (your proposal that conveys its main idea) with the answer options.

Try to retell the text concisely:

Let's compare the retelling with the options:

  1. in the first version, the emphasis is placed on the connection between active members of society - "passionaries" - and a number of historical events in Eurasia;
  2. in the second version there is extra information that social changes and intensification of ethnic processes on Earth are associated with the cosmic energy of the galaxy;
  3. in the third version, a hypothesis of "passionaries" is put forward, the connection between the cycles of solar activity and the intensification of socio-historical processes on Earth is explained, this is true;
  4. in the fourth version, erroneous information is given that the peoples of Eurasia owe their historical development primarily to the cycles of solar activity, which are described in sufficient detail by astronomers;
  5. in the fifth version, the hypothesis of "passionaries" is correctly explained, according to which there is a relationship between the cycles of solar activity and socio-historical processes on Earth.

Correct answer options - 3 5

2. Which of the following words or word combinations should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write this word (combination of words).


Answer: 5

Algorithm for the task:

To correctly determine the word (combination of words) necessary for a given context:

1) Carefully read the test and understand the logic of the author's reasoning.

2) Determine what logical link in the author's reasoning is a sentence with a gap:

Does not indicate the reason for the described phenomena (therefore, it is impossible to insert BECAUSE );

It is not an introductory phrase and does not indicate the mention of anything, (therefore, it is impossible to choose BETWEEN );

It is used for opposition, emphasizing a contradiction (therefore, in the place of a gap, it is impossible to insert HOWEVER, BUT, BUT );

Used to indicate of particular importance of the next phrase (therefore, in the place of the pass, by the meaning, you need to choose MOREOVER );

3) Perform the substitution, and then re-read the resulting version again and make sure that you correctly established a logical correspondence between the sentence with the gap and the one that precedes it.

3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meanings of the word DEVELOP. Determine in what sense this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

To develop, - call, - call, owls.

1) Strengthen, give something. strengthen, get stronger. R. interest in music.

2) Bring to a certain degree of spiritual maturity, consciousness, culture. R. child. Reading developed it.

3) Distribute, expand, deepen the content or application of something... R. idea. R. argumentation.

4) Do something. in wide dimensions, with all the energy to unfold something. R. agitation. R. activity.

Answer: 3.

Algorithm for the task:

1. Read the assignment carefully.

2. Find the indicated sentence.

3. Include each of the suggested lexical definitions to replace the word given for analysis.

4. Determine whether or not the sentence lost or did not lose its semantic integrity during the linguistic experiment:

If the sentence has not lost its semantic integrity, the answer is correct;

If the meaning of the sentence has changed, the answer is incorrect.

Word To develop, - call, - call, owls. used in the meaning of spreading, expanding, deepening the content or application of something.

R. idea. R. argumentation.

4. In what word was the mistake in stressing: WRONG highlighted letter for stressed vowel sound? Write this word down.




Answer: vulgarize

Algorithm for the task:

It must be remembered: the mobility of the Russian stress creates objective difficulties in completing this task, so pay attention to the recommendations and repeat the words from the link.

1. In verbs of the past tense female the stress, as a rule, falls on the ending A: took, took, took, took, took, poured in, rushed in, took, recreated,, drove, chased, got, got, got, waited, waited, took, locked, locked, called, lied, nasled, nazal, lil, lied narwhal, startedA, doused, hugged, overtook, tore offA, departed, gaveA, recalledA, recalledAs, pouredA, calledA, pouredA, understoodA, arrivedA, toreA, removedA, createdA, rippedA, removedA


The exception is the feminine past tense verbs with the prefix YOU-, which pulls the stress on itself: i left, I called ;

For the verbs put, sneak, send, send, send, the stress in the feminine form of the past tense does NOT fall on the ending A, but remains based on: klAla, hid, sent, sent, sent.

5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is INCORRECT. Correct the lexical error by matching a paronym to the selected word. Write down the chosen word.

The jury delivered a Criminal verdict in the case.

Experiments have shown that when lightning strikes soil containing silicates and ORGANIC carbon, a ball of silicon and silicon carbide fibers is formed.

“He was a very HIDDEN man who knew how to keep silent,” the writer's contemporaries recalled.

Within the Soviets, instead of democracy, the Bolsheviks' DICTAT was established.

I am ready to forgive even cruelty if I see compassion COMING FROM whoever talks about it.

Answer: secretive.

Paronyms are words of the same root, belonging to the same part of speech, similar in sound, but having different lexical meanings: addressee - addressee; ignorant - ignorant; put on - put on, etc.

Members of paronymic couples

They have different lexical meanings;

Combine with different words.

ACCUSED- participle from Ch. to blame, whoever is found guilty.
Examples of usage: accused of theft, accused of lying, accused of embezzling money, accused of a crime, innocently accused, charged in a murder case.

ACCUSIVE- containing an accusation.
Examples of usage: indictment, conviction, indictment, indictment.

ORGANIC... 1. (special) Belonging to vegetable or animal worldrelated to living organisms.

2. Concerning internal structure a person, his body, his organs.

3. Concerning the very essence of something, root.

4. (trans.) Inherent in someone.

ORGANIC... Deeply rooted in a personal or social organism, inherent in someone, something, not accidental, naturally arising from something; holistic, inseparable.

SECRETIVE... Not inclined to share his thoughts, feelings, intentions with others, unrepentant. Synonym: closed. Antonyms: frank, sincere. Secretive: ~ th man; ~ th person; ~ th creature; ~ th people; ~ th character.

HIDDEN... Secret, not revealed explicitly. Antonym: explicit. Hidden: ~ th meaning, hint; ~ th enmity, irony, pain; ~ oh excitement, observation; ~ th power; ~ th temperament; ~ new opportunities, reserves, thoughts, intrigues; ~ th enemy.

DICTATION(ped.). Written work, which consists in recording the dictated text.
cool, control, visual, difficult, easy dictation

DICTATES- a requirement, an indication dictated by one strong side and imposed for unconditional fulfillment on the other, weak side.
Roman diktat;

INITIAL- initial.
starting point, level of knowledge

OUTGOING- term of document flow.
Examples: outgoing number, document

The correct answer is “ SECRETIVE”, Not inclined to share his thoughts, experiences with others.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

Erase off the board

sing RING

in HALF HALF meters

two pairs SOCKS

not PRONYING not a word

Answer: letting

Algorithm for the task:

To complete this task, you need a good knowledge of theory.

1. Formation and use of the nominative and genitive cases plural nouns (For most of the masculine nouns, in the initial form ending in a solid consonant ( orange, tomato, fly agaric, computer, sock ), the ending -OV in genitive plural: oranges, tomatoes, fly agarics, computers, socks etc).

2. The use of numbers one and a half, one and a half hundred ( Numerals one and a half and one and a half hundred in all indirect cases, except for the accusative, have the form one and a half, one and a half hundred ).

3. Formation and use of degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs

Comparison of adjectives and adverbs



Superlative degree



-EE, -E, -SHE
















Comparative degree of adverb

Excellent adverbial degree


-EE, -E, -SHE








Pronoun ALL +

simple form comparative




The comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs differ from each other in terms of syntactic functions in a sentence: comparative the adjective acts as a predicate of a personal sentence, a definition and, very rarely, a subject; the comparative degree of the adverb - in the role of circumstance.

The error was made in the word “ uttering". This is a participle formed from a perfect verb. Perfect participles are formed by attaching a suffix -in- to the stems of the vowel infinitive: push - pushing, come - stepping on, see - having looked.

We also bring to your attention the working program for the teaching materials of Gusarova I.V. (basic and advanced levels) for grades 10-11.

From the fifth grade, you can already take the work program for the teaching materials of R.I. Albetkova in Russian literature.

7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they are allowed: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) incorrect use of the case form of the noun

with the pretext

B) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial turnover

C) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

D) incorrect construction of a sentence with indirect speech

E) violation in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members


1) In 1915, Charlie Chaplin participated in the Charlie Chaplin lookalike competition in San Francisco, but he not only did not win, but did not even make it to the final.

2) The student told his teacher that I had not yet prepared for the answer.

3) In Nekrasov's poem “ Railway»Presents a picture of folk life.

4) Looking back, it seemed to me that the dog was still following me, but no one was there.

5) Many years ago here, in the very center of the village, there was a wooden church, and everyone who saw it admired the grace of the building.

6) From June 1, commuter trains will depart according to the summer schedule.

7) The beast carefully made its way along the road leading to the village and along which it walked more than once.

8) A detachment of rescuers moved out to meet the group of tourists.

9) All parcels sent abroad undergo strict epidemiological control.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


A.8. Errors associated with the incorrect use of the APPROXIMATE FORM of the name Noun WITH A PRESENTATION.

B.4. Errors in the construction of sentences with DIRECT SPEEDS.

A sentence in which the action expressed by the predicate verb and the action expressed by the verb are performed by different persons is grammatically incorrect.

AT 5. Errors associated with disruption of communication between the SUBJECT and the TOLD.

In complex sentences built according to the model “ THOSE WHO ... », « ALL WHO ... », With the subject TE, the predicate verb is put in the singular, and with the subject TE (ALL), the predicate verbs are used in the plural.

D.2. Errors in constructing sentences with INDIRECT SPEECH.

It is unacceptable to use the personal pronoun "I" when translating direct speech into indirect speech in the subordinate part: pronouns and verbs in the first person should be replaced with pronouns and verbs in the third person.

D 7. Errors in the construction of sentences with HOMOGENEOUS MEMBERS.

The error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members (sentence 7) is that in a row homogeneous members different syntactic constructions are included. You need: either two participial turns, or two homogeneous subordinate clauses.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.

note ... adorable

suburban (station)




Answer: hug

Algorithm for the task:

1) Pick up test words to every word, remembering that among them there may be vocabulary words, an unstressed vowel in the root of which requires memorization.

If you find words that have a verifiable vowel in the root, or dictionary words, you can cross them out, as they will not be the correct answer.

2) Carefully read all the words and find among them a word with an alternating vowel at the root:



1. Checked unstressed vowels at the root of the word

(in an unstressed position at the root of the word, the same vowel is written as under stress in the same root words or forms of this word: noteworthy - to notice; to save - carelessly; analogous - analogy).

2. Alternating vowels at the root of the word (Hug-Hug).

9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

ave ... a miracle, ave ... wrong (interpret)

pr..mazh (glue), pr..dead

not .. bendable, .. give

wha ... mel, inter..gaming

under..white, oh...

Answer: die-hard, pass

To complete the task correctly, you need to know the following spelling rules:

Spelling of unchangeable prefixes: (always written the same way. You need to know them "by sight": in-, in-, vzo-, you-, before-, for-, is-, on-, over-, need-, not-, under-, o-, about-, about-, over-, on , under-, under-, pra-, pre-, pro, raz-, s-, co- ... In the word "miss" (glue), write the prefix PRO-, and in the word "great-grandfather" - PRA-)

Spelling changeable prefixes ending in -3 and -FROM (the prefix is \u200b\u200bwritten with the letter З, if the root begins with a vowel or voiced consonant, and with the letter C, if the root begins with a voiceless consonant (k, p, s, t - a word for memorizing "KaPusta": without- / without-, voz- / vos- (vz- / vs-), from- / is-, low- / nis-, ra- / races, rose- / ros-, via / overs (via / chres) ;

Spelling prefixes PRE- and PRI- : (so as not to be mistaken in writing the prefix PRI- or PRE- in a word, you should know their meaning. These prefixes are considered semantic, that is, the choice in their writing is based on the meaning of the prefixes, which they bring into the lexical meaning of the word. So the root of the word "quirk" is morpheme -MIRACLE-: Quirk-Wonderful-Miracles. ... The semantics (meaning) of the prefix PRI- in the word is unclear, so we remember the spelling of this prefix in this word. And in the word "misinterpret" the choice of the prefix depends on the lexical meaning of the word. Words with prefixes PRE- / PRI-, which are pronounced the same, but have different lexical meanings that determine the choice of the prefix: in this case - "false, distorted", so we choose the prefix PRE-);

Spelling And, s after prefixes (if the prefix ends in a consonant, then ANDroot changes to S: a game- draw , known - unknown , history - prehistory .

But, after the prefixes of inter-, super- and foreign language prefixes des-, counter-, post-, sub-, super-, trans-, pan- And it does not change: super-refined, inter-institutional, disinfection, counter-game, post-impressionism, trans-Indian, pan-Islamism.

Excl .: collect);

Spelling dividing lines Band Bcharacters (separating Bwritten only after prefixes with a consonant before letters e, e, y, i, denoting two sounds (sound [th '] appears): entrance, overeat. Inside the word, before the letters e, e, i, y, i(not after the prefix!): curtain, serious, nightingale, blizzard, peasant, clerk (cf. clerk), etc. write b).

The words "unbending" and "pass" are missing the prefix FROM-... There is no prefix З-. The C- prefix does not change. Formally, the prefix C- is used in combinations sat, c, cd, c, c, c, c.

10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the pass.


suede .. out


thoughtful .. out

Answer: Thoughtful

This is an adjective, the spelling is in the suffix. Adjective suffixes -LIV-, -CHIV- are always written with the letter I.

Have adjective suffixes -A LION-,-CHEV-can not be.

Algorithm of reasoning:

1) Determine in which part of the word the letter is missing: in the ending or in the suffix.

2) If the vowel is missing in the ending, then use the indefinite form of the verb to set its conjugation:

Vowels are written in the personal endings of the first conjugation of verbs E, U ;

Vowels are written in the personal endings of the second conjugation verbs I, A (Z) .

3) If the vowel is missing in the suffix, then analyze the nature of the spelling:

Omitted vowel in participle suffixes uch, yusch, asch, yasch, im, eat (ohm) .

Missing vowel before participle suffix lw, nn.

4) Spelling of participle suffixes uch, yusch, asch, yasch, im, eat (ohm) depends on the conjugation of the original verb:

Suffixes are written in participles formed from verbs of I conjugation uzh, yusch, eat (ohm) ;

Suffixes are written in participles formed from verbs of II conjugation asch, yasch, im.

5) Spelling a vowel before participle suffixes lice and nn depends on the yat - yat or it - it the indefinite form of the original verb ends:

If the original verb ends in at or yat, then before nn in the passive participles of the past tense, the vowel a (i) is preserved;

If the original verb ends in go or eat then before nn only written e ;

Before the suffix lice keeps the same vowel as before the ending be in an indefinite form.

Help: Put the verb in 3rd person plural. (WHAT DO THEY? WHAT DO THEY?) -ut-yut - verb 1 conjugation - the letter should be written in the endings E ,

Ending - at-yat - verb 2 conjugation - the letter should be written in the endings AND .

11. Write down the word in which the letter Y is written at the place of the pass.


(they) are offended ...

(patients) get well ...


(they) visit ...

Answer: Offended

This is a verb derived from a verb "OFFENSE"related to the second conjugation. See table:

Conjugation of verbs

II conjugation

I conjugation


1) All verbs in –it,

besides shave and lay .

2) and 11 more verbs:

Drive, hold,

breathe, offend.

Hear, see, hate.

And depend and endure.

And also watch, twirl .

Will you remember, friends,

them on -E- cannot be conjugated.

1) all other verbs, except for multi-conjugated;

2) plus verbs shave and lay

to want,



12. Identify a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE.

Expand the parentheses and write out this word.

We lived poorly, constantly (NOT) GATHERED, exchanged for food the things that we brought with us.

My trained glance determined that the area was (NOT) HUMAN BEING, but I nevertheless decided to look for at least some signs of a human presence.

It is still far (NOT) CLEAR whether such an assessment criterion is applicable to everyone and equally.

The zoo accepts (NOT) SOLD OUT for the New Year fruit, which will be enjoyed by elephants, kangaroos, bears and artiodactyls.

She is an amazing Russian actress, he is a (NOT) KNOWN brilliant teacher, and both are true ministers of the theater.

Answer: They were malnourished, because.:

NEDO-- a complex prefix indicating incompleteness, lack of action or quality, for example, underfilled, underreleased, underdeveloped ... It consists of two independently used elements: prefixes before- , denoting the achievement of the goal, bringing the action to the end ( eat up, get there, finish reading, live ), and particles not-, which denies that "before" means ( not eat enough, not get there …).

Verbs with NEDO- Incompleteness of the action, manifested in the absence of a sufficient norm, is associated in verbs

1) with a lack of quantity of something ( underfill, underweight, underfill, underfill ),

2) with a lack of the length of something in time ( underexposure, undernose, undersleep, undercooked ),

3) with an insufficient degree of intensity of action ( overlook, overlook, overheard, overlook ).

The most numerous is the first group of verbs. Among the verbs with NEDO- there are those without NOTnot used (n to help, misunderstand, underutilize, underestimate dislike, overheard, bewildered, missed ... ) Verbs harass, understand, use, re-evaluate, love, hear, understand, count ... missing in the language.

It should be remembered that the rules of writing NOT from in different parts speeches can be grouped as follows:


If the word without NOT is not used: resent, indignant, indignant, fiction

If there is an opposition with the union a is not true, but a lie

If can be replaced with synonyms without NOT: narrow - narrow

If with the word with NOT there are words far away, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all beautiful

There is NO preposition between NOT and the pronoun: No one, no one

With verbs and participles: did not know, not knowing

With prefixes not + before

not completely done
do not watch the film, do not take it home
She did not finish and fell silent.

Short participles: not_ closed

Pronouns HAVE a preposition

With no one, no one

Exceptions: not in measure, not in an example, not for good, not for haste, not to taste, not within your power, not to your liking, not from your hand, etc .; b) neither give nor take, neither me nor here nor there, nor dawn, not for anything

not about anything, not a bottom, not a tire, not a sniff of tobacco, not a penny, etc.

not one (nobody) - not one (many), not once (never) - more than once (often).

13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are writtenLITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

Investigating evidence (BECAUSE OF is preceded by the announcement of the documents formulating the charge, and ALSO) discussion of the order of examination of evidence.

Nihilistic philosophy does not allow any (TOP) PERSONAL values \u200b\u200bon which a person could rely, WHAT (WOULD) justify their existence.

(FIRST OF ALL , everything should be fair, so you need to divide the loot (EQUALLY .

(DESPITE to the hostility of critics, Turgenev was extremely popular among Russian readers: his novels were very famous even ( AT FIRST XX century.

The theater was (WHITE) STONE building with a high porch and TABLE (SAME) high oak doors.

Answer: Overpersonalso that

Adjective " SUPERFACE »Is written together, because

The first part of the complex adjective " ABOVE »Introduces the value of the excess of the usual measure, limit;

The word " TO »Is a union, it can be replaced by a synonym.

Algorithm of reasoning:

1) Read the sentence, think about its meaning.

2) Determine which part of speech the selected word belongs to.

Alliances so that, too, also, but, moreover, and, so, therefore are written together; they can be replaced with synonyms for the same part of speech.

Words of other parts of speech similar to these unions in sound whatever, the same, the same, for that, with what, and so, from that are written separately. They consist of two components: one of them (however, would) can either be removed from the sentence, or rearranged in another place; another component ( what, what, so, what ) replace with other words.

Derivative prepositions are written together: CONSEQUENCE = due to , IN SEE = due to , ABOUT = about , WELCOME = to , DESPITE = in spite of .

Derivative prepositions are written separately: DURING = CONTINUED, IN CONTRAST, FINALLY , FOR .

For continuous, hyphenated, or split adverbs, apply the appropriate rules.

Derivative prepositions - in the course E : There was no news for a year. (time value)

Nouns with prepositions - in the flow AND (what?) rivers. She spoke for an hour. AND(what?) series. Unlike E from others (used with from). Follow E \u003d because of

Nouns with prepositions - go up (refer to the verb),

Climb to the top of the mountain.

Gerunds with negation

Despite the rain, we left the city (although it was raining). Despite the bad weather, we went hiking.

14. Indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) are written НН.

Otherwise, (1) young officers in the regiment were spoiled (2) with a gentle attitude towards them during the training period and completely (3) knew nothing about the truth of (4) the life of ordinary soldiers.

Answer: 1,3,4.

The word "appointed" is a passive past participle should be written NN

1. The word "spoiled" is a short form (except for the masculine form) of an adjective with a qualitative meaning that coincides in form with the passive past participles of the perfective verbs, written with nn

2. The word "True" - NN - since it is formed at the junction of the stem ending in the letter H, and suffix H

Algorithm of reasoning:

1 Determine to which part of speech a word with a missing letter belongs;

2.Apply the spelling rule H and NN in the suffix of this part of speech.

Noun: НН

1. If the root of a word ends in H and the suffix starts with H: raspberry(raspberry)

2.If n. derived from adj. having NN, or from the participle: soreness (painful), spoiled (spoiled)

3. Remember: dowry

1. In words derived from n. That have suffixes -in -, - an-, -yan- : peat bog (from noun peat)

2. In words derived from adj. with one H : apprentice (from adj. scientist), martyr, hard worker

3. In words: purple (crimson), hemp (hemp), dumpling (boiled), smoked meats (smoked), bone (bone), tricky (tricky), carnival (buttered), fescue (oat), hotel (living room), wood (wood), cleverness (clever), great martyr


1.noun -H + -H -: pocket

2. -HE N- , -ENN- : commission, cranberry! windless

3.exceptions with -JANN-: GLASS, TIN, WOODEN

Junnats (young naturalists)

4. -IN- : goose , an exception WINDY (day, person)

5. -AN- (-YAN-) : leather Remember: young; crimson, ruddy, zealous, drunk, spicy (historical suf. - YAN- ); mutton, pork, blue, green, single, vigorous .

The same number of short adjectives is written n, how many and in full

foggy distance - foggy distance, windy girl - windy girl



1. There is a prefix: sifted flour (except for the not-)

But: wholemeal flour

1. There is a prefix not-: whole flour

2. No ¬, but there is ZS: sifted flour

3. No ¬:seeded flour

4.has a suffix -ova - / - eva-: pickles

Exceptions: forged, chewed, pecked (-ov-, -ev- are part of the root)

5. Formed from a non-prefixed perfective verb:

Solved problem (decide - what to do?) But: a wounded fighter wounded in the leg! Wounded, the soldier remained in the ranks.

The women immediately hung up the clothes. (Suffering, since they retain the verb meaning, indicate a temporary state, and not a permanent sign-quality)., Calm

An exception: wounded, windy

6. These same words in their direct meaning will be participles: named play, finished work.

7. When a participle changes into an adjective name, it is possible to change the lexical meaning of the word: smart child, uninvited guest, named brother, planted father, dowry, Forgiveness Sunday, a goner.

Exceptions: cutesy, desired, unheard of, unseen, sacred, unexpected, unexpected, inadvertent, made, slow, not asleep, boastful, hammered.

8. The spelling does not change in the composition of complex words: gold-woven, broken-broken, The word all as a whole has the meaning of an addendum. ( high degree quality), and not the meaning of "adj. + participle ".

9. Brief participles:the girl is spoiled


Short adjective

The girl is well-bred (herself - a short appendix). Can be replaced with a full adjective: educated.

Short participle

The girl was brought up in an orphanage (by whom?) - a short reason .. Replaced by the verb: the girl was brought up.

Înatural ? cr. with

The matter has been considered (what is it?) From all sides. Considered - predicate.

15. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) His relatives and colleagues and numerous friends came to congratulate the hero of the day.

2) The romantic hero finds an equal beginning only in communication with the elements: with the world of the ocean or the sea of \u200b\u200bmountains or coastal rocks.

3) In an excerpt from Bunin's Antonov Apples, one feels not so much the author's desire to be a landowner as the desire to be free from petty matters.

4) The constant movement of striving for other limits is the essence of creative life, and Pasternak wrote about this in one of his poems.

5) In the morning, the east lit up with a blush and small clouds turned into a delicate color.

Answer: 2.3

2-sentence - repeating union ORwith homogeneous members.

3rd third sentence - union " as much as», Which expresses the constraint matching; the same as “ not to the same extent ... as". A punctuation mark is placed between the parts of the sentence (before the second part of the union).

Algorithm of reasoning:

1. Find homogeneous terms in the sentence.

2. Determine which unions connect them:

If it is a single connecting or dividing union (and, or, or, yes (\u003d and) , no comma is placed before it;

If it is a double union ( both ... and; not so much ... how much; not only but; although ... but ), a comma is placed only before the second part of the double conjunction;

· If these are repeated unions, then a comma is placed only in front of those of them that are between homogeneous members;

· Before adversary unions between homogeneous members, a comma is always put.

3. Check if the sentence contains homogeneous members connected in pairs. Remember: if homogeneous members in a sentence are connected in pairs, then a comma is placed between paired groups and only one.

16. Arrange all punctuation marks. Indicate the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

Mathematics (1) originated in Ancient Greece (2) has two “parents” - logic and geometry, therefore (3) without understanding (4) the nature of “parents” (5) its essence cannot be understood.

Answer: a) 1,2- participle, standing after the defined word, b)3,4- verbal participle (single)

Algorithm of reasoning:

The participial phrase answers questions which one? what? what? what kind?;

The participle answers questions what having done? what doing? And denotes an additional action with a verb - predicate; adverbial turnover answers questions as? when? why?

* the setting of punctuation marks in the participial turnover depends on its location in relation to the noun being defined;

* the adverbial turnover is always highlighted in the letter with commas;

* homogeneous definitions and circumstances, expressed by participial and adverbial phrases and connected by a single union And, are not separated by a comma.

Algorithm of reasoning:

1) Find participles and adverbs in the sentence, correctly defining their boundaries. Always separated by commas.

2) Determine what position in the sentence is occupied by the participle ( BEFORE-not separated by commas. AFTER the word being defined - highlighted

3) Check if there are homogeneous members in the sentence with the conjunction And, expressed by participial or participial phrases. A comma is not placed before the union And.

Difficult cases of punctuation in participial and adverbial verses.


Participial turnover.

Stands out participial turnover, which has the meaning of a cause or concession: Associated with the great poet by heartfelt friendship, Zhukovsky was very upset by his death (he was worried because he was bound by friendship - the meaning of the reason).

Do not stand out single adverbs following the predicate, if they are the circumstances of the course of action, as well as those close in function to adverbs: He walked with a limp. Reading while lying down is harmful.

Not separated by commas homogeneous participial and adverbial expressions connected by a single connecting or dividing union: The disinterestedness of Pletnev, who worked for the greatness of Russian literature and understood the uniqueness of Pushkin's phenomenon, is striking. They walked, cautiously looking around and not saying a word.

Expressions with words are not highlighted STARTING FROM, STARTING FROM (they can be omitted without prejudice to the meaning): Let's start work BEGINNING From next week. Phraseological units, which include verbal adverbs, are not distinguished: They listened to his story WITH BREATHING.

17. Arrange any missing punctuation marks. Indicate the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentences should be a comma (s).

Winds (1) winds (2) about snow (3) winds (4)

Notice my past life.

I want to be a bright youth

Or a flower from a meadow border.

I (5) would like (6) under horse snoring

Cuddle with a nearby bush.

Raise f (7) you (8) moon paws (9)

My sadness in a bucket of heaven.

(S. Yesenin)

Answer: 1,2,4 is an appeal

8.9 is an appeal

Remember: introductory words can be removed from the sentence without changing the main idea syntactic construction. Use the technique of excluding highlighted words.

Algorithm of reasoning:

1) Check if the highlighted words are introductory.

· Introductory words can be removed from the sentence or replaced with synonymous introductory words; they are separated by commas.

· Members of a sentence that are homonymous with introductory words cannot be removed without changing the meaning of the syntactic construction; they are not separated by commas.

Remember that words are not introductory and are not separated by commas: as if, as if, perhaps, for the most part, as if, literally, in addition, after all, in the end, it seems, it is unlikely, all the same, after all, even, precisely, sometimes, as if, moreover, only, meanwhile, for sure, extremely rare, I suppose, certainly, definitely, partly, at least, truly, still, therefore, just, albeit decisively, nevertheless, only, ostensibly.

18. Arrange all punctuation marks. Indicate the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

Chekhov seemed unable to keep the pattern of life in focus for a long time (1) the essence (2) of which (3) his genius grabbed everywhere (4) so \u200b\u200bhe became a master of short stories.

Answer: 1,4- clauses are separated

Algorithm of reasoning:

1. Find the grammatical foundations of the sentence.

2. Determine the boundaries of the main and subordinate parts.

3. Read the sentence, observing the selected signs. This will help to determine the incorrectly found solution, or, conversely, to confirm the correct choice.

Remember! As a rule, complex sentences are presented in this task. with clauses, in them union word which stands not at the beginning of the subordinate clause, but in the middle of it, therefore no comma is placed before the union word. (1.Exclude the numbers around the word "which"

4.Attention to the union And). Determine what it connects: parts complex sentence - comma, homogeneous members of the sentence - no comma.

19. Arrange all punctuation marks. Indicate the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

How pleasant it is to look at a ship with white sails from afar (1) and (2) when you get into this web of tackles (3) from which (4) there is no passage (5) and you see everything from the inside (6), you immediately recognize the superiority of the steamer over the sailing ship.

Answer: put commas

3-clause ended, new begins

5-between parts of a complex sentence

6-ended clause

Algorithm of reasoning:

1. Indicate the grammatical foundations in the sentence.

2. Determine the boundaries of simple sentences within a complex syntactic structure.

3. See how these parts are related.

4. Find out if the sentence is present union And , and if present in the sentence, define what it connects:

· if a homogeneous membersthen there is a comma in front of it not put;

· if a parts of a complex sentencethen in front of him comma is put.

5. Find 2 unions side by side: what if, what when, and if, and though, but when, what if, and when:

A comma between unions is NOT put if the words go further in the sentence then, so, but

A comma between unions is put, if not THAT SO BUT

Read the text and complete assignments 20-24.

(1) The sky was clouded with evil clouds, the rain sadly pounded on the glass and made the soul sad. (2) In a thoughtful pose, with an unbuttoned waistcoat and putting his hands in his pockets, stood at the window and looked at the gloomy street, the owner of the city pawnshop Polycarp Semyonovich Iudin.

(3) “What is our life? - he reasoned in unison with the crying sky. - (4) What is she? (5) A book of some kind with a mass of pages on which more suffering and sorrow is written than joy ... (6) What was it given to us? (7) After all, God, good and almighty, did not create the world for sorrow! (8) And it turns out the other way around. (9) There are more tears than laughter ... "

(10) Judah took his right hand out of his pocket and scratched the back of his head.

(11) “Well,” he continued thoughtfully, “in terms of the universe, obviously, there was no poverty, venality and shame, but in reality they are. (12) Humanity itself created them. (13) It itself gave rise to this scourge. (14) And for what, one wonders, for what? "

(15) He took out left hand and mournfully ran it over his face.

(16) “But how easy it would be to help human grief: it would be worth only to move a finger. (17 Here, for example, there is a rich funeral procession. (18) A gear of horses in black blankets carries a magnificent coffin, and from behind it rides almost on a verst of carriages. (19) Torchbearers are importantly performing with lanterns. (20) Cardboard coats of arms hang on horses: an important person is buried, the dignitary must have died. (21) Has he done at least one good deed in his entire life? Did you warm up the poor man? (23) Of course not ... tinsel! "

- (24) What do you want, Semyon Ivanovich?

- (25) But I find it difficult to evaluate the suit. (26) In my opinion, more than six rubles cannot be given for it. (27) And she asks for seven; says the kids are sick, they need to be treated.

- (28) And six rubles will be too much. (29) Do not give more than five, otherwise we will burn out like that. (30) Only you will take a good look, if there are any holes and if there are any spots left ... (31) “Nda, so this is life that makes you think about human nature. (32) Behind the rich hearse, a carriage stretches, on which a pine coffin has been piled. (33) Behind her, only one old woman weaves, splashing in the mud. (34) This old woman, perhaps, is laying her breadwinner in the grave ... (35) And ask, will the lady who sits in the carriage give her even a penny? (36) Of course, he won't, although maybe he will express his condolences ... (37) What else is there? "

- (38) The old woman brought a fur coat ... how much to give?

- (39) Rabbit fur ... (40) Nothing, strong, it costs five rubles. (41) Give three rubles, and interest, of course, forward ... (42) “Where, in fact, are people, where are their hearts? (43) The poor die, but the rich don't care ... "

(44) Judah pressed his forehead to the cold glass and thought. (45) Large, shiny, crocodile tears appeared in his eyes.

(according to A.P. Chekhov *)

* Alexander Pavlovich Chekhov (1855-1913) - Russian writer, prose writer, publicist, older brother of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

20. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Enter the answer numbers.

1) Polycarp Semyonovich Judin - one of the ordinary employees of the city pawnshop.

2) A woman who handed over a suit to a pawnshop had children sick.

3) In the city pawnshop of Judah, interest is taken forward.

4) The owner of the city pawnshop worries about the fate of the people, so he is ready to do charity work.

5) One old woman went to a pawnshop to hand over a hare coat, as she was very poor and needed money for a funeral.

To complete the task, use the following algorithm:

Read the text carefully

Find in it confirmation or refutation of this or that statement

Choose the correct answers

Let's see how this algorithm can be applied to accomplish this task.

    The first answer is unfaithfulsince Polykarp Semyonovich Iudin is the owner of the city pawnshop (proposal number 2)

    Claim stated in the fourth answer, exactly the opposite of what the author says in the text itself. So the given answer wrong.

    In the fifth option the answer contains only part of the correct information (the old woman was poor), but she did not need the money for the funeral

    So the answer is # 5 too incorrect.

    Statement # 2 is true: “He says the kids are sick, they need to be treated” (sentence 27). it rightanswer.

    Statement No. 3 is correct: "Give me three rubles, and interest, of course, go ahead ..." (proposal No. 41). rightanswer.

Therefore, the correct answer is 2.3

21. Which of the following statements are true? Enter the answer numbers.

1) Proposition 2 contains a description.

2) Sentences 11-14 are narrative.

3) Proposition 23 contains an answer to the question formulated

in sentences 21-22.

4) Proposals 34-36 present the reasoning

5) Sentence 45 explains the reason for what is said in sentence 44.

Algorithm for the task:

    Read the suggested passages carefully;

    Remember what the description shows, describes.

Varieties of description:

1) a description of an object, a person (its characteristics)

2) description of the place

3) description of the state of the environment

4) a description of the state of the person (person)

5) description of actions

The narration tells about the actions, deeds of the hero. We can trace the sequence of events that follow each other (was, is, will be).

Reasoning is built according to the scheme: thesis, proof, conclusion.

Attention! There is not always a pronounced thesis in a passage. But if there is an explanation, discussion of an event, phenomenon, then this reasoning, not narration... The presence of rhetorical questions and rhetorical exclamations, introductory words will tell you that this is reasoning.

Determine what type of speech each fragment belongs to

Let's try to apply this algorithm.

1) Proposition 2 contains a description.

"In a thoughtful pose, with an unbuttoned waistcoat and with his hands in his pockets, stood at the window and looked at the gloomy street, the owner of the city pawnshop Polycarp Semyonovich Iudin."

The fragment describes the posture, clothing. We "see" this hero.

So this correct answer

2) Sentences 11-14 are narrative.

(11) “Well,” he continued thoughtfully, “in terms of the universe, obviously, there was no poverty, venality and shame, but in reality they are. (12) Humanity itself created them. (13) It itself gave rise to this scourge. (14) And for what, one wonders, for what? "

This answer incorrect... In this passage, the hero talks about the universe, poverty, humanity. It contains an introductory word, a rhetorical question. So uh then reasoning.

3) Proposition 23 answers the question posed in Proposals 21-22.

(21) Has he done at least one good deed throughout his life? (22) Did you warm the poor man? (23) Of course not ... tinsel! " Question, question-answer. it correct answer.

4) Proposals 34-36 present reasoning.

(34) This old woman, perhaps, is laying her breadwinner in the grave ... (35) And ask, will the lady who sits in the carriage give her even a penny? (36) Of course, he won't, although, maybe, he will express his condolences ...

This is the correct answer. The hero talks about kindness, condolences. We see in this fragment introductory words, a rhetorical question.

5) Sentence 45 explains the reason for what is said in sentence 44.

(44) Judah pressed his forehead to the cold glass and thought. (45) Large, shiny, crocodile tears appeared in his eyes.

A series of actions: pressed his forehead, thought, tears came out. So this answer incorrect, this is narration.

Therefore, the correct answer is: 134

22. From sentences 39–45 write out antonyms (antonymic pair).

Algorithm for the task:

1. Remember what antonyms are.

Antonyms are words that belong to the same part of speech, differ in spelling and sound and mean exactly opposite concepts.

Do not forget about the contextual antonyms, which are the individual stylistic use of one or another word ... In general use, these words do not stand in antonymic relations to each other. So, in the context of A. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" the words "wave" and "stone", "poetry" and "prose", "ice" and "flame" are antonyms ..

3. Determine the specified lexical unit

4. Choose the correct answer

(43) The poor die, but the rich don't care ... "

These are nouns with the opposite lexical meaning.

Therefore, we write out: poor, rich

23. Among sentences 15–23, find the one (s) that (s) is connected (s) with the previous one using a compositional conjunction and a personal pronoun. Write the number (s) of this offer (s).

Algorithm of reasoning:

Remember what unions are (compositional and subordinate)

1. Find a compositional union

2. Remember the categories of pronouns

3. Find a personal pronoun

4. See which sentence contains both a compositional union and a personal pronoun

Writing unions

Connecting and, yes (\u003d and), no, no, too, also

Adversaries but, but, yes (\u003d but), but, however, the same

Dividing or, either, this, or ... or, not that ... not that

Personal pronouns (initial form)

Unit h / pl h.

he, she, it / they

Case forms

He she it

Him, her, him

Him, her, him

Him, her, him

Im, her, im

About him, about her, about him

Attention! Case forms of personal pronouns HER, HIS, THEM match possessive pronouns HER, HIS, THEM.How to tell?

On the initial form and question:

saw (who?) her, him, them .

Initial form: she, he, it, they.

Hence, this is a personal pronoun.

Her, him, them books (R. p.).

Initial form: her, him, them books.

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{!LANG-7e40bee9e7fab27d1f55cfa04621b4a2!}{!LANG-b935735ec4b0a074438cbabf5b0e1481!} {!LANG-59426f22685b2cc3ec61cce5ebea157c!}{!LANG-ff082ff1d4473aca191cf382692a6f38!} {!LANG-3e50a99e2cffa056811fd74da16474ee!}{!LANG-e032ddc9ea2e040061ab87af15de369e!}







{!LANG-e74f576e5ce4e00922c453e27f05cc5a!}{!LANG-026936db604e19b59cd861267a877364!} {!LANG-9f89788b9cae448d07d9f5c769d9fdf6!}».

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{!LANG-cc0dadaa6da33c5837f6624f33e05d65!} {!LANG-096353c965d2428cf48a892884cdcae9!}{!LANG-8fbd9098f05b49437fd57f477b6faa80!} {!LANG-c3895e0c08928c715404519eccabfb51!}{!LANG-7f94003990a40531fe147d7110725d5b!}

{!LANG-cbeeda52930bf47f155ae26ab6121497!} {!LANG-704e08fa3828d811097d0ebc25ce760f!}{!LANG-6cd98dd56773be4fa280700c8905eff4!} {!LANG-fc3cfddb879f95e91f63b7223c5e03f4!}{!LANG-2ecb131852eb784dd2c5e2505588edd0!}

{!LANG-c8abe21623fa9ef9d460df3f799b981c!}{!LANG-38100074348426d0e982580afc9400f5!} {!LANG-bc3a66159e99a5b8f404cc2d5ada7f1b!}{!LANG-124c48774b86f849018364c9b9cff341!}

{!LANG-e0f3b374a5e174f6ca5195c763a0fd49!}{!LANG-1789ba5d2b3246e59a6d5af78c44e4c1!} {!LANG-79ee4309cd943b7a926f1103cc6fdf5d!}{!LANG-70e5f88d7826adea3dac01dab66db857!}

{!LANG-e379b0d0c1e6a689997445776fd1bb84!}{!LANG-82a1f92a94b32e80e877453ac2179135!} {!LANG-e4bbb36bf3da5ee7b24b2f3a7d27e993!}{!LANG-80fe5b690e9b1fdfed61ec7cf81e79b2!}

{!LANG-6a88a94dac10540a4f7d54036fd28567!}{!LANG-135a3d56748448b0671423b548685b17!} {!LANG-9ebf02cd2d6b77a3f135079cd2f66bd1!} {!LANG-6f11188947be281d333f4c69df2a65a6!}{!LANG-45e53d0638debb96421e0a5c5e4dea62!}

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{!LANG-ae101286ecb40cdb7034d295d0ad9eb0!} {!LANG-351e077b65900b5f2f3a476c961ce6be!}{!LANG-e03a8bbe688f0ab1027d664a2f0b0ca4!} {!LANG-b6df0146969ebd279553f3c78e2ed186!}{!LANG-b83e5425fcf00be8ca8d19197c32b9e3!}

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{!LANG-42ba171e5455e6fa6d3e3b270e920def!} {!LANG-8a5ca247d7492bc4412ca1a21c526a2d!} {!LANG-fd39195149485a3ccba11acbe84eccd6!} (1) {!LANG-fa7bdd840bf402221932197035625ab0!} (2) {!LANG-7162605f34f4412add7855ed28474f0a!} {!LANG-10ec3239747badf515a93664e5903216!}{!LANG-4fb3a91a89328ce272d28a2ff4fb2a30!} {!LANG-4cc8ef54b817ecea38e938d4e794f7d7!}{!LANG-c159bfc6ea482139bdbfbfcc6d9ce1fc!}


{!LANG-fbfbb1a63eed3944a903a3061ebfe8b7!} {!LANG-4390f8cf5e93e5bf9c6c33d7e5d00854!} (4) {!LANG-af4aa00a780c5bf89f95d4d69e9a13e7!} {!LANG-756cedd23e7ad0e4fc051ec985a1514c!} {!LANG-294569083a9e2f89b320906083e66b7c!}. (1,2,3,4)



{!LANG-cbeeda52930bf47f155ae26ab6121497!} {!LANG-8fdc012cf1d1b893159d036d7419618b!}{!LANG-c03b33d0eb7c6b3fc052df4e570406d1!}

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{!LANG-cbeeda52930bf47f155ae26ab6121497!} {!LANG-fcaa71bde4254670b79fb0bcdf4cea9f!}{!LANG-298736ac5e1220f3ad3537b30668253e!} {!LANG-2106af0137af17e637de01dc55e5a331!}{!LANG-5fb18b227e69d40de931673d15e8c634!}

{!LANG-3d73a98f5c95709ff0466f5f966e5642!}{!LANG-adfe7f35408a24e4210a73f766ba1986!} {!LANG-3954d67d2bfd24428c1c846df3dcaa75!}{!LANG-234d4e665f77c518e70e55d04675960a!} {!LANG-95673eaa3321a870755046493a90d559!}{!LANG-bc5fbeb73c2696b30098c577747a9291!}

{!LANG-f903ac0123b05c4a81805ed7d2e98fcc!}{!LANG-72109ad5733f3033d835201193d7be6d!} {!LANG-3279d32aa3a849a50c42017820e5a35b!}{!LANG-e88daf2829cac4881c57208364ef1537!}

{!LANG-0b675071e625e57f44c51603c0a181dc!} {!LANG-3952241515edf59abe441e262e1a3db6!}{!LANG-e8893069ef6c9a496bd89161fc7ac11e!}

« {!LANG-5d4bcd3ddf583fcbb92e678a41938894!}{!LANG-f59963223839bf98e8210db9609ef214!} {!LANG-508149cada6568d64d95d4681409b9dc!}{!LANG-74d5c3ee832ae0471e2bdb77010b67b6!}
