Analytical information on the results of checking the documents of educators. Analytical reference on the verification of documentation in the DMC

Analytical reference

based on the results of document checks

teachers MDOU "Day nursery garden №316 of the city of Donetsk"

goal : identification of the state of the current documentation of teachers as the main form of organization of educational educational process in MDOU.

Timing: 09/04/2017 to 09/08/2017

Commission composition : Head - L.G. Tymoshenko

senior educator - E.A. Tsvetkova

Questions to be monitored:

    the level of compliance of document management with regulatory requirements,

    compliance of the planning content with the age and individual characteristics of children,

    reasons for the positive and negative aspects of planning the educational process.

Control methods: subject-objective - analysis of documentation, questioning; subject-subjective - reflective conversation, a method of critical analysis of situations.

Verification results.

The upbringing and educational process in the MDOU "Nursery-kindergarten No. 316 of the city of Donetsk" is carried out in accordance with the State Educational Institution of Education, the Standard Educational Program preschool education "From birth to school", the Charter of the institution, copyright programs for preschool educational institutions and teaching aids recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR from 08/14/2017. No. 825.

Educators maintain documentation in age groups in accordance with the nomenclature for office work. All magazines are numbered, stitched, sealed, and have a corresponding number. Every day, the report card of children in groups is filled in, logs for examining children for scabies and head lice, a notebook for site inspection, a notebook for early child care, a shift transfer notebook. In nursery groups, notebooks for early admission of children are kept.

Teachers-speech therapists have drawn up a package of documents in accordance with the requirements for working with children-speech pathologists.

Documentation of narrow specialists - physical education instructor Golda N.G., music directors Azarova V.V., Rumyantseva L.F., teacher-psychologist Ovsyannikova Ya.M. meets the requirements.

All pedagogues' documentation is well-maintained and accurate.

The personal files of the pupils are kept by business man N.I. Klochan.

Planning of the educational and educational process in age groups groups of MDOU carried out on the basis of the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR for the technology of developing long-term and calendar planning, taking into account the age characteristics and individual capabilities of children preschool age... Teachers are given the opportunity to vary, supplement, change the forms of work with pupils at different regime moments, while adhering to general rules drafting

calendar plan. The forms of planning the educational process were approved at the teachers' council No. 4 of August 31, 2017: 5 groups according to the regime of the day, 7 groups according to the block-thematic principle. In the long-term plan of work, educators cover the main blocks: health-improving work, play activities, work with parents. Caregivers of elders and preparatory groups № 3, 6, 7, 11, introduce the section "Elementary Experimentation" in the long-term plan, and educators of other groups - in the calendar. All plans were timely approved as of 01.09.2017.

Due attention is paid to individual work in the daily routine. In speech therapy and orthopedic groups, correctional and developmental work is planned to prevent violations of ODA and speech in children.

GCD for each age group was also approved by the teachers' council.

The planning of educators of groups No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12 meets the requirements for high level... Educators with little experience of work are experiencing difficulties in planning issues; group Gladushko I.V., Voloshina T.G., Koloda N.D., Chaikovskaya A.G. - not covered all areas of development during the day, difficulties in determining the goals and objectives of the GCD. Gladushko I.V.

The teachers pay due attention to the issues of moral and patriotic education, the formation of interest in nature, the surrounding and social world.

In work with parents, mainly traditional forms: consultations, conversations, parent meetings are scheduled until 09/20/2017

In September 2017. MDOU teachers monitor the development of the program by children based on diagnostics individual development preschool children. Individual development cards are drawn up in accordance with the proposed methodological recommendations.

Along with the positive, one can also note the lack of planning -project activities are episodic.


    The general state of maintaining the current documentation of teachers of MDOU

rated as satisfactory.

    The documentation in the groups meets the regulatory requirements, which is an indicator of the effectiveness of the work of teachers.

    Violations revealed during the check are mainly due to the insufficient pedagogical competence of educators and a speech therapist teacher in the field of planning in connection with little work experience.


1) pay due attention project activities children in MDOU.

Term: permanently

Responsible: teachers

2. For educators with little work experience, review the planning of the educational process, taking into account the correctness of prescribing the goals of the GCD, tasks in educational areas of development.

Term: permanently

Resp .: Gladushko I.V.,

Voloshina I.V., Koloda N.D.

Tchaikovskaya A.G.

3. Pay attention to accurate documentation.

Term: permanently

Responsible person: Gladushko I.V.

4. To activate the pedagogical educational potential of parents through innovative forms of activity.

Term: permanently

Responsible: educators

Commission members:

Head of L. G. Timoshenko

Senior educator E.A. Tsvetkova

Acquainted: L.G. Gladushko

T.V. Voloshina

N. D. Deck

T.M. Voloshina

Analytical information on the results of operational control "Organization of a walk in a preschool educational institution"

This material will be interesting and useful for senior educators and methodologists of the preschool educational institution. This is an example of compiling an analytical report.

Analytical reference
based on the results of operational control
"Organization of a walk in a preschool educational institution"

In accordance with annual plan work of MADOU in the period from 24.11 to 05.12. In 2014, operational control was carried out.
The purpose of the check: Improving the effectiveness of the educational process by organizing a walk. Compliance by educators with the regimen of physical activity of children in the fresh air.
Questions for analysis:
1. Planning a walk
2. Formation of self-service skills in children.
3. Availability of portable material for the season;
4. Organization of the motor regime of children during a walk;
5. Organization of gaming activities
6. Organization of observation of nature and weather conditions;
7. Organization of labor activity of children for a walk;
The audit revealed:
- The walking mode is observed and implemented by teachers in accordance with the daily routine of each age group and weather conditions.
- All educators are conscientious about planning walks. The plans include all kinds of children's walking activities. All groups have files of walks and observations in nature.
- Children of all groups have developed self-service skills according to their age.
- All groups have a sufficient amount of reference material for the seasons.
- Educators will organize labor activity... In the warm season, garbage collection on the verandas, in the winter, helping the teacher in removing snow and building snow towns.
- Buildings made of snow have appeared on the sites of the groups, work is underway to equip ice slides.
- Group teachers organize feeding of wintering birds.
- The motor regime during the walk is generally observed. Based on weather conditions, teachers organize active and sedentary games. Nevertheless, it was noted that in groups No. 9, 4, 5,13, \u200b\u200bthe organization of the motor regime requires more thorough training of the teacher.
- Requires special attention of all teachers to conduct didactic games and role-playing games. It was not possible to see the role-playing games and individual work with children organized by the teachers.
- Little attention is paid to the formation in children of ideas about the usefulness and expediency of physical activity, to attract the attention of parents to this issue.
Disadvantages in organizing walks:
- There is no system in the sequence of organizing a walk, the structure of a walk is not always observed.
- The duration of physical activity in the fresh air does not meet the SanPin standards, because:
1) in all groups except No. 10 there is no walk in the afternoon;
2) teachers do not conduct physical education on the street;
3) there are no sports activities.
Recommendations and suggestions:
1. For educators of all groups, to ensure optimal physical activity of children in the fresh air, organize walks in the afternoon.
Terms: constantly, in accordance with weather conditions

2. For educators of all age groups to conduct didactic games in accordance with thematic planning.
Timing: constantly
Responsible: group educators
3. Teachers should carefully organize the labor activity of children for a walk.
Timing: constantly
Responsible: group educators
4. All teachers should pay more attention to the formation in children of ideas about the usefulness and expediency of physical activity, to draw parents' attention to this issue.
Timing: constantly
Responsible: teachers of MADOU
5. For teachers of groups No. 9, 4, 5.13 to diversify the motor regime during a walk, to carry out active and sedentary games based on the age characteristics of children.
Timeline: until the end school year
Responsible: teachers of groups No. 9, 4, 5.13
6. Educators of all age groups to guide the independent activities of children during a walk, to organize role-playing games using attributes and portable material.
Timing: constantly
Responsible: educators MADOU

Appendix 1.

Memo for teachers
"Conditions for the correct organization of the walk"

1. Compliance with the walking time to the group regime.
2. Planning a walk: theme and basic observation techniques, outdoor games, individual work with children, work assignments, organization of free activities for children.
3. Organization of dressing and undressing children.
4. The level of self-service skills development in children corresponds to this age group.
5. Compliance with the motor regime of children during a walk.
6. Outdoor games and their number correspond to the age of the children.
7. Variety and a sufficient amount of external material.
8. Organization of observation: the topic of observation corresponds to the age of children, the teacher uses various methods and techniques, the content aspect of observation is aimed at developing the cognitive activity of children.
9. The use of educational and didactic games by the teacher during joint and individual work with children.
10. Leadership by a teacher of independent activities of children during a walk (organization of role-playing games).

KSU "Secondary School No. 13"

Mini-center "Buldirshin"

Analytical reference

based on the results of operational control

"Checking the maintenance of the current documentation of the teacher"

In accordance with the annual control plan at the preschool educational institution for the 2015-2016 academic year, the operational control plan for September 2015, in the period from 09/07 to 09/11/2015, the methodologist of the DMC conducted an audit.

The purpose of the check: to identify the state of the current documentation of the educator as the main form of organizing the educational process in a preschool educational institution.

Terms of verification: from 07.09. until 09/11/2015.

In the period from 07.09. Until 09/11/2015, control was carried out to maintain the current documentation of educators in groups:

"Rayons" - educator,

"Fidgets" - educators,

The following objects were included in the scope of control:

Availability of documents for the admission of children, the presence of a cyclogram for September, availability, availability of technological maps of the OUD.

The results of the control revealed:

Group no.

Control date

Objects of control

The presence of documents of children in the "Ray" group.

Children's documents are in satisfactory condition.

D. Sabenina does not have a residence permit, R. Kabdualiev does not have a certificate from her parents' place of work.

Bring the missing documents to the parents of the children.

The presence of documents of children in the group "Fidgets".

The check showed that 3 children have no documents, only a statement. Some children do not have certificates from their parents' place of work, there are no registration certificates.

By the end of the month, bring the children's documents in order.

The presence of a cyclogram for September in the "Rays" group

No comments.

Cyclogram availability for September in the Fidgets group.

The cyclogram of the OUD and operating moments for September is in good condition, corresponds to curriculum.

No comments.

Availability of scheduling in the "Rays" group.

No comments.

Availability of scheduling in the "Fidgets" group.

The scheduling of the EAL is aligned with the programs, curriculum and class schedule.

Recheck dates, check with cyclogram.

Availability of technological charts of the OUD in the "Rays" group.

No comments.

Availability of technological maps of the OUD in the group "Fidgets".

Technological maps for September 10 are available, correspond to the programs, curriculum and class schedule.

Recheck the dates, check the timetable and the cyclogram.

The general state of maintaining the current documentation of the teacher was assessed as satisfactory. Violations identified in the course of operational control are mainly due to insufficient pedagogical competence in the field of planning of EPOs in connection with the transition of the preschool educational institution from 01.09.2015 to new program "Pre-school preparation of children."

1.To bring the children's documents in order, bring the missing documents to the children's parents.

2. The dates in the tables of cyclograms, schedules and technological maps should be the same, in accordance with the topic of the EAL.

determine the level of compliance of the documents drawn up by teachers of the institution in accordance with federal state educational standards, compliance of the planning content with the program tasks of the age group and the adapted educational program of preschool education of preschool educational institutions.



Analytical reference

based on the results of checking the current documentation of the teachers of MBDOU kindergarten No.

Objectives: to determine the level of compliance of the documents drawn up by the teachers of the institution in accordance with federal state educational standards, the compliance of the planning content with the program objectives of the age group and the adapted educational program of preschool education of the preschool educational institution.

The composition of the commission: head of MBDOU kindergarten № -

Deputy Head for OIA -

Questions to be monitored: Study and analysis of the teacher's documentation Audited: educator -

The main forms and methods of control: Analysis of the planning of the educational process.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten № carries out educational activities on the adapted educational program preschool education preschool education (AOP) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education is developed on the basis of.

an approximate educational program of preschool education "Childhood" T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, O.V. Solntseva.

Educational activities are built in accordance with educational areas and features of educational activities different types and cultural practices: "social and communicative development", " cognitive development"," Artistic and aesthetic development "," speech development"And" physical development ". The solution of program, educational tasks is provided not only within the framework of the GCD, but also regime moments - both the joint activity of an adult and children, and in the independent activity of a preschooler.

Test results:

The teacher full name carries out teaching activities in accordance with the Charter of the preschool educational institution, adapted by the educational program of preschool education of the institution. The upbringing and educational process is built on the basis of the adapted educational program of preschool education of the preschool educational institution. The contingent of pupils, their age and individual characteristics, and the social order of their parents are taken into account. The teacher maintains the "Educator's folder", which reflects the main blocks of the educational process. This is the social passport of the group, work with parents, long-term planning, daily planning educational work, and a notebook of mutual work with a speech therapist. The planning of the educational process is carried out taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education. Long-term planning is carried out through the forms of educational activity (regime, joint activity, independent activity, joint activity with the family).

When organizing the educational process, the educator ensures the unity of educational, developmental and teaching goals and objectives, avoiding overloading children, on the necessary and accessible visual material... The construction of the educational process is carried out on a complex-thematic principle, taking into account integration educational areas, which makes it possible to achieve this goal. The construction of the entire educational process is based on lexical topics, which gives great opportunities for the development of children. Topics help you organize information in an optimal way. Thanks to the thematic principle of building the educational process, the educator introduces regional and cultural components. The teacher purposefully uses an integrative approach when organizing the educational process.

In the group, full name created the conditions for improving personality-oriented interaction, organized a subject-development environment. The equipment is located by sectors (development centers). Zones are highlighted, which allows children to unite in subgroups according to common interests: design, drawing, manual labor, theatrical and play activities, experimentation. The presence of a variety of material that activates cognitive activity: educational games, technical devices and toys, models, items for experimental search work - magnets, magnifying glasses, springs, scales, beakers, etc. a large selection of natural materials for study, experimentation, collection.There is methodical literature by sections of the educational process. Educatorimplements educational areas, implements a system of work on the development of role-playing games, fostering a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities, fostering gender, family and citizenship in children, acquaintance with the world and nature.

A long-term, calendar plan is kept in the system. Study load corresponds to the norm. Motor load is observed. The plan reflects individual work with children. IN scheduling the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard are reflected, all types of children's activities that affect all areas of the child's development are covered, all forms of the educational process are covered (directly educational activities, independent activity and individual work with children, work with parents). Also, the teacher plans individual activities (according to the recommendations of specialists), interaction with parents. Full name has developed a plan of work with parents for the academic year, consultations, parent-teacher meetings, questionnaires, a plan of joint events.

At the beginning and at the end of the school year, the educator monitors the achievement by children of the planned results of mastering the content of educational areas of the adapted educational program of preschool education in accordance with the program and technological complex, noting the levels of their development in the main areas of development in accordance with the requirements of the model educational program of preschool education "Childhood", there is toolkit declared by the software technological complex. Taking into account the examination of children, the teacher fills out an individual route for each child, outlines an individual corrective work, sets additional tasks, plans a differentiated approach to teaching children of their age group.

Conclusions: the documentation drawn up by the teacher's full name meets the regulatory requirements, the nomenclature of preschool affairs educational institutionadapted educational preschool program, and partial programs, work program teachers who are used in the educational process in this group, which is an indicator of the quality and effectiveness of the teacher's work and has a positive effect on the creation of an educational environment in the institution as a whole.

Commission members:

Head of MBDOU _____________

Kindergarten No.

Deputy head _____________