English level for university admission. What level of English do you need to pass the exam?

Already in 2020, the USE in English will become a mandatory exam among Russian schoolchildren. So we decided to interview the director USE courses and OGE Lancman School - Mikhail Lantsman. He told us about his relationship with USE system, about the difficulties faced by schoolchildren and gave advice on how to properly prepare for the exam in English, in order to eventually get the coveted 100 points.

“We miss a lot in life simply because we are afraid of the level of our requests. Decide firmly for yourself that no other option than the 100 points you need will do.

Tell me a little about yourself

My name is Mikhail Lanzman, Director of the Unified State Examination and OGE courses Lancman School.

I studied at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University and from the first year I was engaged in tutoring in mathematics. My brother was also a tutor, and rather quickly we organized a small tutoring center where, since 2008, we have been preparing high school students for state exams, including telling how to prepare for the Unified State Examination in English.

What exams, apart from the compulsory ones (Russian and Mathematics), do schoolchildren prepare most often for?

The most popular elective subject has long been the social studies exam. More than half of the graduates pass it. This is due to the fact that this particular subject is asked in all economic universities, where the majority of applicants enter, according to statistics for 2017 of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

The next most popular subjects are physics and history. Physics is required for admission to most technical universities, and history - for many humanitarian faculties. Next comes English, biology, chemistry and computer science.

What level of English is required to pass the exam with a good score?

Not lower than B1 - Intermediate.

“The idea of ​​the exam is very correct. The knowledge of schoolchildren should really be assessed according to a single system.”

How to start preparing for the exam in English?

Preparation for the Unified State Examination in English - oral part

Try to talk as much as possible and whenever possible. As a rule, on the oral part, students have several problems:

  • student forgets all grammar while speaking
  • falls into a stupor and forgets the words
  • builds sentences poorly and confuses constructions

There are two reasons for this - excitement and the language barrier. Fighting anxiety is very difficult, but it is possible to “speak” your English: read more, watch movies with subtitles, travel to English speaking countries. Preparing for the exam in English is a labor-intensive, but interesting and informative process. Do not be afraid to communicate with native speakers: this way you will achieve fluency faster.

And of course, it will never be superfluous to insure yourself and remember a few formulaic phrases that will help you not to go astray:

To describe a photo:
I've chosen picture #1…
While traveling I always take lots of photos and today I’m going to tell you about one of them…
Look at this photo…
In the photo you can see

To compare photos:
Both of the photos are related to… (work)
In both of them there are some people who are …
However, the photos have certain differences too.

“Only those students who want to pass the exam well take part in additional courses.”

How do you feel about the USE system in general?

The idea of ​​the exam is very correct. The knowledge of schoolchildren should really be assessed according to a single system. Universities should also accept applicants in a transparent and understandable way, so that everyone has equal conditions at the first stages of education. But the implementation of this idea turned out to be not entirely successful.

Why do you consider the implementation of the USE unsuccessful? What would you change?

Firstly, for many years there was a problem with the "drain" of tasks on the Internet or to third parties, who made very good money on this.

In addition, the tests in some subjects were not very correct - you could just guess the answer. Some tasks turned out to be so ambiguous that, for example, preparing for the exam in English caused controversy even among teachers. However, all these shortcomings are gradually eliminated.

At the moment, the main problem, in addition to the qualitative preparation of kim (tasks) for individual subjects, I see psychological aspect. Many students are not ready for this level of stress: the media, metal detectors and cameras only add to the excitement and do not help solve the problem. I think that the organizers of testing should consider not only academic, but also psychological preparation for schoolchildren.

How to start preparing for exams?

Answer yourself two questions: “Which university and which faculty do I want to enter?”. Unfortunately, most high school students cannot give a clear answer. But it also depends on the set of additional exams. It often happens that in the middle school year the student changes the subject because he understands that he wants to be not an economist, but a writer, for example. It turns out that an unconscious choice takes half a year of diligent preparation.

This does not mean that you immediately choose your destiny and one specific profession. It can be a whole area with many professions. It is important to at least choose a direction close to you.

There is also another way - you can get a quality education, and then choose from a wide range of professions. So it was with me. Mekhmat graduates become just about anything: someone goes to work in banks and insurance companies, someone goes into programming. I myself went to work in the field of education, but this is my own business, that is, I am more of an entrepreneur. We were not taught this.

Fundamental education is necessary first of all in order to form the habit of learning. And this skill is much more important than practical skills.

At what level do you need to speak English? Who needs it and why?

What does language proficiency say at one of these levels, and who even invented them? Where to go to study?

How to link language proficiency levels with the international certification system?

What are language certificates and where can I get them?

This year, my colleague decided to enter a master's program in finance. Like all perfectionists, he made life as difficult as possible for himself: a serious university and a course taught in English were chosen for admission.

The problem was that the university website clearly stated “TOEFL and professional interview”, and my colleague spoke English, according to my estimates, at the level of “Landon from the capital city of Great Britain”.

To determine the level, a teacher from a popular language school was invited, who, after two hours of testing and interviews, pronounced a verdict "confident Intermediate". At this point, I was very surprised and once again plunged into reflections on how deeply foreign languages ​​​​penetrate our lives, and not only now, and not only English. And how important it is to master at least it ... At what level do you need to master it? What are these levels and what does language proficiency say at each of them? And how to link the levels of language proficiency with the international certification system?


We measure the immeasurable. How can the degree of language proficiency be assessed? By the number of words? Of course, this is an important criterion. But Lev Shcherba and his "gloky kuzdra" almost a century ago proved to the whole world that the main thing in a language is grammar. It is the backbone and the foundation of the foundations. But to have a conversation, read a book, and watch a movie, the basics are not enough. If you do not know the vocabulary, the meaning of what is happening will still elude you. That is again vocabulary?

In fact, both are important, as well as knowledge of the history, culture and modern realities of the country whose language you are studying - this is what your competencies are made up of.

Each of us has heard something about the levels of language proficiency. For example, in English one of the initial levels is Elementary, in Hebrew the levels of study are called by the letters of the Hebrew alphabet (alef, bet, gimel, etc.), and in Polish they correspond to the common European classification (from A0 to C2).

In addition to the system of division into levels for each individual language, there is also a common European classification. It does not describe the amount of grammatical knowledge, but what knowledge and skills a person has, how well he reads, perceives speech by ear and speaks. It is impossible to formulate assessment criteria common to all languages, such as “he knows this from grammar, but knows how to handle vocabulary like this.” Although European languages ​​are close to each other, they have their own characteristics: the presence / absence of genders, cases and articles, the number of tenses, etc. On the other hand, the existing similarities are enough to create a common assessment system for the whole of Europe.


Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment(Common European Framework of Reference, CEFR) - a system of levels of foreign language proficiency used in the European Union. The relevant directive was developed by the Council of Europe as the main part of the Language Learning for European Citizenship project between 1989 and 1996. The main goal of the CEFR system is to provide an assessment and teaching method applicable to all European languages. In November 2001, a resolution of the Council of the European Union recommended that the CEFR be used to establish national language proficiency assessment systems.

To date, this classification offers us three levels, each of which has two sublevels:

Beginner (A1)

In the classroom. The student understands and uses phrases and expressions necessary to perform specific tasks. (Remember, in foreign lessons: "Sit down, open your textbooks"? That's it.) He can introduce himself and introduce another person, tell and answer simple questions about his family, home. Can maintain a simple dialogue - provided that the interlocutor speaks slowly, clearly and repeats three times.

In life. Yes, this is the level Where are you from and London is the capital city of Great Britain. If in a foreign country you can call yourself by name, tell the cafe that you want tea, poke your finger on the menu, ordering “this”, and ask a passerby where the Tower is, this is the level of survival. “To tickets to dublin,” so to speak.

Below average (A2)

In the classroom. The student understands individual sentences and frequency expressions related to the main areas of life (information about himself and family members, shopping in a store, general information about work), and can also talk about it and keep up the conversation on everyday topics.

In life. At this level, you can already answer the standard question of the seller in the store (Do you need a package?), withdraw money from an ATM if there is no menu on your mother tongue, clearly tell the seller in the market how many kilograms of peaches you need, instead of expressively gesturing, you can navigate the city, rent a bike and much more.

Free dialogue about Nietzsche is still very far away, but, as you have noticed, the key word in defining this level is the main ones. From now on, your knowledge will be enough to survive in a strange city.

Medium (B1)

In the classroom. The student understands the essence of the messages clearly articulated on the literary language. Topics of messages: everything that surrounds a person during work, study, leisure, etc. Being in the country of the studied language, he is able to communicate in most standard life situations. Can compose a simple message on an unfamiliar topic, describe impressions, talk about some events and plans for the future, justify his opinion on any issue.

In life. The name of this level - self-sufficient possession - suggests that you will be able to be in a foreign country and act on your own in most situations. Here we mean not only and not so much shops (this is the previous level), but also going to the bank, to the post office, going to the hospital, communicating with colleagues at work, teachers at school, if your child is studying there. Having visited a performance in a foreign language, you are unlikely to be able to fully appreciate the acting skills and talent of the director, but you will already be able to tell your colleagues exactly where you went, what the play was about and whether you liked it.

Above average (B2)

In the classroom. The student understands the general content of complex texts on abstract and concrete topics, including highly specialized texts. He speaks quickly and spontaneously enough to communicate with native speakers effortlessly.

In life. In fact, this is already the level of language that most people use in everyday life. After all, we do not discuss string theory with colleagues at lunch or the peculiarities of the architecture of Versailles. But we often discuss new films or popular books. And the most wonderful thing is that now they will become available to you: you do not need to look for films and publications adapted to your level - you can handle many works, and not only modern ones, yourself. But before reading special literature or fully understanding the terminology of the series "Doctor House", of course, is still far away.

Advanced (C1)

In the classroom. The student understands voluminous complex texts on various topics, recognizes metaphors, hidden meanings. Can speak spontaneously, at a fast pace, without choosing words. Uses language effectively to communicate in professional activity. Knows all ways of creating texts on difficult topics (detailed descriptions, complex grammatical constructions, special vocabulary, etc.).

In life. At this level, you can participate in seminars, watch films and read books without restrictions, communicate with native speakers as freely as with your compatriots.

Professional (С2)

In the classroom. The student understands and can compose almost any written or oral communication.

In life. You can write a dissertation, give a lecture and participate, along with native speakers, in discussions on any general or professional topic.


The classification of English proficiency levels is somewhat different. It is not always clear what English course teachers mean when they promise you to achieve the Advanced level from scratch in a year, and what the employer wants if they indicate the Upper-Intermediate level in the vacancy announcement. To clarify, let's compare the levels of proficiency in European languages ​​and English (see table).


Yes, this level is not indicated in our table. This is the beginning of beginnings. There is no question of any language proficiency at this stage, but this is the foundation on which the house will be built - your proficiency in the language. And how strong this foundation will be, depends on how beautiful, large and reliable this house will turn out to be.

Knowledge and skills at Beginner level. At this level you will start by learning the alphabet, phonetics in English, numerals and basic

grammar features: three simple tenses, direct word order in sentences, absence of cases and genders.

Pay special attention to phonetics, try to understand the difference between intonation in interrogative and declarative sentences.

Practice your pronunciation. When you learn the language well, a terrible accent will not only spoil the impression, but also make it difficult to communicate. Then it will be much more difficult to fix it.

Training period. It usually takes about four months of group training to acquire such a wealth of knowledge. Working with a tutor, this result can be achieved much faster.

What is the result. If an Englishman turns to you on the street with a request to help him find an embassy, ​​you will be upset, because you will still make out the word "embassy", and he will pronounce everything else in such a way that you are unlikely to recognize him as an Englishman at all.


This level corresponds to level A1 in the European classification and is called the level of survival. This means that if you get lost in a foreign country, you can ask and then follow the instructions to find the way (suddenly the phone with the navigator runs out of power), you will be able to check into a hotel, buy food not only in the supermarket, but also in the market, where you will have to deal with the seller albeit in a short, but quite lively dialogue. In general, from now on you will not be lost.

Knowledge and skills at the Elementary level. If you have reached this level, you already know much more.

Our recommendations. Do not try to jump over grammar in pursuit of vocabulary - it only seems simple at first, in fact, with an increase in the level of complexity, many nuances appear. If you do not pay attention to them, it will be difficult to eradicate errors in speech later.

Learn the numerals and how to form them to full automatism.

Write down the names of the objects that surround you in the dictionary and memorize them. So you can ask the hotel for a pen or a needle and thread, offer a guest a glass of water, buy an avocado at the market not “this is it”.

Training period: 6-9 months depending on the intensity of the classes and your abilities.

What is the result. Now our Englishman has a real chance to get to the embassy.


This is the "preliminary level". That is, you somehow climbed onto the porch. Now stand in front of the threshold, and your the main task- get over it. This is true in any language, not just English. At this level it suddenly becomes really difficult. A lot of new vocabulary appears, the amount of grammar knowledge that the teacher diligently puts into your head increases many times over. New information sweeps over you like a wave. But if you swim out now, you are almost guaranteed to learn this language.

Knowledge and skills at the Pre-Intermediate level. At this level, the list of your knowledge and skills is significantly replenished.

In fact, we can say that language proficiency begins at this level. You will not only survive in an unfamiliar city and be able to make friends, but also begin to independently improve your level of knowledge of the language. An understanding of what vocabulary is missing in the first place will begin to come to you, you will clearly see your weaknesses and will already know what needs to be done to tighten them.

In addition, here we can already talk about the use of the language in the work. A secretary who speaks English at the Pre-Intermediate level may not be able to call the hotel to clarify the details of the reservation, but he will definitely be able to write a letter there. He will also be able to write a message about the meeting, receive guests and start small talk with them, which is so popular in the English environment.

Our recommendations. Never give up! You can do it. If you realize that some topic is not given to you, do not be too lazy to deal with it - by contacting a teacher, or on your own, or with the help of many Internet resources. Without any tests, you will suddenly discover how much you already know and how much you already get. At this moment, you can safely step through the threshold - go to the next level.

Training period: six to nine months. And here it is better not to rush.

What is the result. Our Englishman is guaranteed to get to the embassy thanks to your recommendations. You, too, will be extremely pleased with yourself.


This is the first self-sufficient level. Congratulations if you speak the language at this level. This means you are logged in. new world where you will find many amazing discoveries. Now the boundaries for you are a convention. You can make friends from all over the world, read the news on the Internet, understand jokes in English, comment on photos of friends from the United States on Facebook, chat with friends from China and Peru while watching the World Cup. You have found a voice.

Knowledge and skills at the Intermediate level. In addition to those listed at the previous levels, you know and are able to:

The Intermediate level is not in vain required by many employers. In fact, this is the level of free communication in the office (unless, of course, you are in the habit of discussing the principle of operation of the power steering over coffee). This is the level of working with documents and maintaining a free conversation on general and general professional topics.

Yes, until it Fluency. You still pick up words in your mind, use a dictionary when reading books - in a word, until you can "think in a language." And no, it won't get any easier. But you will be really interested. You won't be able to stop anymore.

Our recommendations. At this level, you can increase the stock of professional vocabulary. A solid vocabulary on the topic of discussion automatically and very noticeably increases your level of language proficiency in the eyes of the interlocutor. If you have a place to apply knowledge (work, study, hobby), do not neglect this opportunity. Remember also that language is alive, it is constantly evolving.

Read not only adapted classics, but also books contemporary authors in English, watch videos on topics that interest you, listen to songs.

Training period: 6-9 months.

What is the result. Perhaps you have half an hour - why not see this nice English gentleman to the embassy.

Upper Intermediate

This is the first level of language proficiency, sufficient for trouble-free living in another country. You can chat with your neighbors, go to a party, and even to the theater. Not to mention work. Most professionals who receive job offers in another country speak the language at least at this level.

Knowledge and skills at the Upper-Intermediate level. So what do you know and can do:

In fact, B2 is already free possession. No, of course there are limits. It is unlikely that you can do House Doctor or The Big Bang Theory - they have a lot of special vocabulary, and even puns. But after watching a classic performance, you will not only understand what it is about, but you will also be able to enjoy the performance of the actors.

You will stop listening to half of your favorite songs because you will realize what nonsense there is in the lyrics. Your world will become much bigger, not to mention the fact that with such a level there is a chance to go to work abroad and enter a foreign university.

Read as many literary texts as possible to make your speech rich and imaginative. This will also help you make fewer mistakes in writing - constantly meeting a word in a text, we remember how it is spelled.

Spend a holiday in the country of the language you are learning and speak as much as possible there. It is best to take some kind of intensive language course, for example in Malta. But this is a very costly undertaking. On the other hand, it is in such places that you can make useful business contacts. So consider spending on such a trip as an investment in a happy future.

Training period depends on so many factors: your efforts and abilities, as well as how intensively you study and how good your teacher is. You can take a year.

What is the result. While walking with the Englishman to the embassy, ​​we chatted casually and even giggled a couple of times.


This is the level of fluency in English. Above it is only the carrier level. That is, around you, when you master the language at this level, there will be almost no one who knows the language better. Indeed, 80% of your communication in English is not with native speakers, but with those who, like you, have learned it. As a rule, graduates of the philological faculty with a degree in English speak the language at this level. What does freehold mean? The fact that you can talk about any topic, even if you have little knowledge of the subject. Yes, like in Russian. Having reached this level, you can get one of the certificates: CAE (Certificate in Advanced English), IELTS - for 7-7.5 points, TOEFL - for 96-109 points.

Knowledge and skills at Advanced level

Congratulations, you have gained freedom! For everyday life and office work, this level is quite enough. You will clearly explain to your boss why you need a pay rise, and to your English husband why you think he does not love you.

Our recommendations. Having reached this level, you not only speak the language, you can think in it. Even if for some reason you will not use it for a long time, then in a short time you will completely restore all knowledge on your own.

What is the result. You had a pleasant time walking the Englishman to the embassy and chatting with him on the way. And they didn’t even notice that he was lisping.


This is the level of an educated native speaker. Educated is the key word. That is, this is a person who graduated from the university and has a bachelor's degree. The level of proficiency is close to the level of language proficiency of a native speaker. As a rule, only people who graduated from the university in the country of the language being studied know it this way (and even then not always).

Proficiency level knowledge and skills. If you know the language so well, it means that you can take part in scientific conferences, write scientific papers, you can get a scientific degree in the country of the language being studied.

Yes, this is exactly the level of "Doctor House" and "The Big Bang Theory". This is the level at which you will not have any difficulties in communication: you will equally well understand a grandmother from Brooklyn, and a professor from the University of Massachusetts, and an Englishman who, on the way to the embassy, ​​will tell you why he considers insolvent

big bang theory. Knowing the language at this level, you can get a certificate CPE, IELTS (8-9 points), TOEFL (110-120 points).

Job prospects. As you can see, if you write “fluency” on your resume, then the employer will decide that you have at least an Upper-Intermediate level. The funny thing is that your level may be lower, but he will not notice it, because most often the employer needs an employee with English at the level of “Good afternoon. Do you want tea or coffee?”, but at the same time, in the requirements for the applicant, he writes “fluency”.

Fluency in the language is required when working as an expat or in a foreign company. Or if you are entrusted with the duties of not only a personal assistant, but also an interpreter. In all other cases

for the quality performance of their duties and a comfortable stay in the office of the Intermediate level is quite enough.

It is also very important to remember that even if you know English at the Upper-Intermediate (B2) level and above, then when preparing for negotiations, a speech, a conversation on a specialized topic, you need to compile a glossary.

Maybe you've ever noticed that some interpreters don't translate some phrases during negotiations. Most often, these are irresponsible translators who were too lazy to prepare and learn new vocabulary. They just don't understand what is at stake.

But some mining engineer at the same negotiations, who is only familiar with present simple, might be more useful. professional translator. Because he works with technology, knows all the words, draws a diagram on a piece of paper with a pencil - and now everyone understands each other. And if they have AutoCAD, they don’t need a translator, or even Present Simple: they will understand each other perfectly.


What certificates are we talking about here all the time? This refers to official documents confirming your knowledge of the English language.

CAE(Certificate in advanced English) is an English language exam developed and administered by ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) University of Cambridge.

Developed and first introduced in 1991. The certificate corresponds to level C1 of the Common European Classification of Languages. The validity period of the certificate is not limited. Needed for admission to universities where education is taught in English, and employment.

Where to get a certificate: in Moscow, the CAE exam is taken by Education First Moscow, Language Link, BKC-IH, Center for Language Studies. Accepted by others educational organizations but they only work with their students. A complete list of centers where you can take the exam is available at: www.cambridgeenglish.org/find-a-centre/find-an-exam-centre.

CPE(Certificate of Proficiency in English) is an English language exam developed and administered by the ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) division of the University of Cambridge. The certificate corresponds to level C2 of the Common European Classification of Languages ​​and confirms highest level English proficiency. The validity period of the certificate is not limited.

Where to get a certificate: Moscow Institute offers to take courses and pass an exam foreign languages: www.mosinyaz.com.

Testing and exam preparation centers in other cities of Russia and the world can be found at: www.cambridgeenglish.org/find-a-centre/find-an-exam-centre.

IELTS(International English Language Testing System) - an international testing system to determine the level of knowledge in the field of English. The system is good in that it tests knowledge in four aspects: reading, writing, listening, speaking. Needed for admission to universities in the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland. And also for those who plan to leave for one of these countries for permanent residence.

See www.ielts.org/book-a-test/find-atest-location for where to get certified.

TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language, Test for knowledge of English as a foreign language) - a standardized test for knowledge of English (in its North American version), the delivery of which is required for non-English-speaking foreigners when entering universities in the USA and Canada, as well as Europe and Asia . Test results are also accepted in a number of other English-speaking and non-English-speaking countries for admission to English-medium universities. In addition, the test results can be claimed when recruiting to foreign companies. The test results are stored in the company's database for 2 years, after which they are deleted.

The certificate also assesses language proficiency in four aspects.

Where to get a certificate: www.ets.org/bin/getprogram.cgi?test=TOEFL.


This is the most main question. Of course, if you have graduated from the English department of the philological faculty, it is not in front of you. In all other cases, you will have to make this difficult choice.

Tutor. Courses or tutor? I'm for the tutor. And for classes in a group of two people. Three is a lot, but one is expensive and not as effective.

Why individual training? Because in this case, the teacher sees all your strengths and weaknesses, he does not have the task of bringing the course to an “acceptable” level for the exam and forget about the group, he has the task of really teaching you the language, because then, thanks to word of mouth, he will have more students and, consequently, earnings.

In addition, the specifics of the profession of a tutor is that every minute of his working time is paid. And when a person works in such conditions, he cannot afford to hack.

Working in pairs is better because it disciplines. You can cancel a lesson due to bad weather or an attack of laziness - you pay the tutor where he goes. But to disrupt the lesson, which is planned for two, conscience will not allow.

Where to find and how to choose a tutor? First of all, on the recommendation of friends whose successes inspire you.

If there are no such acquaintances, you need to find courses with a solid educational institution: university, institute, consulate. They try to take good teachers there - they keep the brand. And teachers go there because they see such courses as a free advertising platform for recruiting individual students. You can go there to the level you need, and there you will already agree with the teacher. By the way, now language schools often present on their websites Teaching Staff, and you can search the Internet for expert reviews.

language schools. If you decide to take courses at a language school, choose accredited centers where you can take an exam for one of the certificates. As a rule, such schools have a good level of teaching, there are various exchange programs, study abroad, teachers in them are native speakers.

Skype. Another option is to learn English via Skype. Why not?

You can do this at work, if conditions allow, and at home. Of the international well-established schools, we advise you to pay attention to Glasha: www.glasha.biz.

Courses of study abroad.

If you have the opportunity (financial) and knowledge of the language is not lower than the Intermediate level, then you can choose language courses abroad. For example, here: www.staracademy.ru. Yes, there is training in Australia. There are also summer camps for adults. In Malta. And in Ireland. And in many other places. It's expensive, but very effective.


Learn grammar. Reading adapted literature is boring. Helpful but unbearable. Learning grammar is a nightmare. But grammar in language is like formulas in mathematics. Learned them - you can move on and take new heights. No - it will only get worse further, and with each step there is less and less chance of reaching the top.

Use all available resources. In the pursuit of knowledge, all means are good: interactive Internet resources, comics, video games, tabloid literature, beauty blogs - anything.

The more interesting the topic is for you, the easier it will be for you to learn. Also, try to find or organize a conversation club (you can even create a group in WhatsApp) and discuss topics that concern you there. No, not what books you liked from the ones you read this year, but what qualities infuriate you in your partner, for which you are still offended by your mother and when the stadium on Krestovsky Island is finally completed. When a person is interested in a subject, he will find a way to say it.

Read books. Starting from the Intermediate level, you can safely read:

Books by Sophie Kinsella;

Her own works under the name of Madeleine Wickham;

Series about Bridget Jones;

Jane Austen;

Somerset Maugham.

Choose books by modern authors, where there is no twisted detective story, complex allegory, excessive philosophizing, a large amount of special vocabulary. You need a simple narrative text: she wanted to marry him, and he wanted to become an astronaut. And so three hundred pages. You will get used to modern British / American / other English, willy-nilly learn new words and at the same time you will not get confused in the twists and turns of the plot and the high feelings of the main character.

Watch movies and series:

Any action movies, especially those with subtitles - there are few dialogues, the video sequence is beautiful;

Comedies in the spirit of "Home Alone", "We are the Millers", "Beethoven" - no reasoning about Nietzsche's philosophy, a simple and understandable plot, a lot of everyday vocabulary;

Melodramas of the "Eat, Pray, Love" format;

The series "Sex in big city”,“ Friends ”,“ The Simpsons ”, etc.

Learning a language is a long and difficult journey. And he's also very interesting. In addition to knowing the language, you will get a nice bonus - you will begin to understand how native speakers think. And it will open up a different world for you. And if you lack motivation, just remember that you have no choice. Modern man must know English. And point.

Or in courses, you will definitely come across the concept of “English language levels” or “English language proficiency levels”, as well as such incomprehensible designations as A1, B2, and more understandable Beginner, Intermediate and so on. From this article, you will learn what these formulations mean and what levels of knowledge of the language distinguish, as well as how to determine your level of english.

The levels of English are designed so that language learners can be divided into groups with approximately similar knowledge and skills in reading, writing, speaking and writing, as well as to simplify testing procedures, examinations, for various purposes related to emigration, study abroad and employment. This classification helps in recruiting students into a group and preparing teaching aids, methods, language teaching programs.

Of course, there is no clear boundary between the levels, this division is rather conditional, necessary not so much for students as for teachers. In total, there are 6 levels of language proficiency, there are two types of division:

  • Levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2,
  • Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, Advanced, Proficiency levels.

In fact, these are just two different names for the same thing. These 6 levels are divided into three groups.

Table: English language proficiency levels

The classification was developed in the late eighties - early nineties of the last century, it is fully called the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (abbr. CERF).

English levels: detailed description

Beginner level (A1)

At this level you can:

  • Understand and use familiar everyday expressions and simple phrases aimed at solving specific problems.
  • Introduce yourself, introduce other people, ask simple personal questions, such as “Where do you live?”, “Where are you from?”, be able to answer such questions.
  • Maintain a simple conversation if the other person speaks slowly, clearly, and helps you.

Many who studied English at school speak the language at about the Beginner level. From vocabulary only elementary mother, father, help me, my name is, London is the capital. You can understand well-known words and expressions by ear if they speak very clearly and without an accent, as in audio lessons for a textbook. You understand texts like the “Exit” sign, and in a conversation with the help of gestures, using individual words, you can express the simplest thoughts.

Elementary level (A2)

At this level you can:

  • Understand common expressions common topics, such as: family, shopping, work, etc.
  • Talk about simple everyday topics, expressing yourself simple phrases.
  • Tell in simple terms about yourself, describe simple situations.

If at school you had 4 or 5 in English, but after some time did not use English, then most likely you speak the language at the Elementary level. TV shows in English will not be understood, except perhaps for individual words, but the interlocutor, if he speaks clearly, in simple phrases of 2-3 words, in general, you will understand. You can also incoherently and with long pauses for reflection tell the simplest information about yourself, say that the sky is blue and the weather is clear, express a simple wish, make an order at McDonald's.

Beginner - Elementary levels can be called "survival level", Survival English. It is enough to "survive" during a trip to a country where the main language is English.

Intermediate level (B1)

At this level you can:

  • Understand the general meaning of distinct speech on general, familiar topics related to everyday life(work, study, etc.)
  • Cope with the most typical situations on a trip, travel (at the airport, in a hotel, etc.)
  • Write simple connected text on topics that are common or familiar to you personally.
  • Retell events, describe hopes, dreams, ambitions, be able to briefly talk about plans and explain your point of view.

Vocabulary and knowledge of grammar is enough to write simple essays about yourself, describe cases from life, write a letter to a friend. But in most cases, oral speech lags behind written speech, you confuse tenses, think over a phrase, pause to pick up a preposition (to or for?), but you can more or less communicate, especially if there is no shyness or fear of making a mistake.

It is much more difficult to understand the interlocutor, and if it is a native speaker, and even with fast speech and a bizarre accent, then it is almost impossible. However, simple, clear speech is understood well, provided that the words and expressions are familiar. You generally understand if the text is not very complex, and with some difficulty understand the general meaning without subtitles.

Level Upper Intermediate (B2)

At this level you can:

  • Understand the general meaning of complex text on concrete and abstract topics, including technical (specialized) topics in your profile.
  • Speak quickly enough so that communication with a native speaker occurs without long pauses.
  • Compose clear, detailed text on various topics, explain the point of view, give arguments for and against various points of view on the topic.

Upper Intermediate is already a good, sound, confident command of the language. If you are talking on a well-known topic with a person whose pronunciation you understand well, then the conversation will go quickly, easily, naturally. An outside observer will say that you are fluent in English. However, you can be confused by words and expressions related to topics that are poorly understood by you, all sorts of jokes, sarcasm, allusions, slang.

You are asked to answer 36 questions to test listening, writing, speaking and grammar.

It is noteworthy that to test listening comprehension, phrases like “London is the capital” recorded by the speaker are not used, but short excerpts from films (Puzzle English specializes in learning English from films and TV shows). In English-language films, the speech of the characters is close to how people speak in real life, so the test may seem harsh.

Chandler from Friends doesn't have the best pronunciation.

To check the letter, you need to translate several phrases from English into Russian and from Russian into English. The program provides several translation options for each phrase. To test knowledge of grammar, a completely ordinary test is used, where you need to choose one option from several proposed ones.

But you are probably wondering how the program can test the skill of speaking? Of course, an online English proficiency test will not test your speech as a person, but the test developers came up with an original solution. In the task, you need to listen to a phrase from the movie and choose a cue that is suitable for continuing the dialogue.

Talking is not enough, you also need to understand the interlocutor!

The ability to speak English consists of two skills: to understand the speech of the interlocutor by ear and to express one's thoughts. This task, albeit in a simplified form, tests how you cope with both tasks.

At the end of the test, you will be shown a complete list of questions with the correct answers, you will find out where you made mistakes. And of course, you will see a chart showing your level on a scale from Beginner to Upper Intermediate.

2. Test to determine the level of English with a teacher

To get a professional, “live” (not automated, as in tests) assessment of the level of English, you need English teacher who will test you with assignments and an interview in English.

This consultation is free of charge. Firstly, there may be a language school in your city that offers free language testing and even a trial lesson. Now this is a common practice.

In short, I signed up for a trial test lesson, got in touch on Skype at the appointed time, and the teacher Alexandra and I held a lesson, during which she “tortured” me in every possible way with various tasks. All communication was in English.

My trial lesson on SkyEng. Checking grammar knowledge.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher explained to me in detail in which direction I should develop my English, what problems I had, and a little later she sent a letter with a detailed description of the level of language skills (with grades on a 5-point scale) and methodological recommendations.

This method took some time: three days passed from the application to the lesson, and the lesson itself lasted about 40 minutes. But it is much more interesting than any online test.

Friends! I get asked a lot, but I don't do tutoring right now. If you need a teacher, I recommend this wonderful site . Here you will find a teacher, native speaker😛 or non-native speaker, for every occasion and pocket😄 I myself have taken more than 100 classes there, I recommend you try it too!


It is held several times a year in universities in Germany and in accredited centers around the world. Developed on behalf of DAAD, the German Academic Exchange Service. Tests the ability to understand teachers in lectures, communicate with other students, read science articles, write abstracts. The cost of testing varies, on average it is 130 €. The validity period of the certificate is not limited.


The exam is held at universities in Germany. Most of them offer DSH preparation courses. Like TestDaF, the exam is focused on testing readiness for studying at universities, so special emphasis is placed on the scientific vocabulary. In many universities in Germany, this exam is free of charge, some charge a fee of about 100 €. DSH is taken at the university in which they plan to enter. It may be valid at other universities, but this is up to them.

The main difference between TestDaF and DSH is that the first exam is standardized and therefore accepted in universities throughout Germany. TestDaF can be taken in Russia, DSH - only in Germany.

French proficiency exams

The CIEP International Center for Educational Research organizes and administers two French language tests, the results of which are required for admission to French-language programs in the vast majority of cases.


There are various versions of this test. For admission to the first year of the university, you need to take the TCF-DAP. Also, its results are required for admission to architectural universities. For admission to other levels of study, TCF-TP results are required. The test can be passed with additional options - expression écrite (writing) or expression orale (oral speech). Whether these options are necessary, you need to check with the chosen university. The exam is taken in accredited centers around the world. The cost of passing the test is 5000 rubles. The issued certificate is valid for two years.


The DELF diploma certifies knowledge of French at a basic or advanced level. The DALF diploma confirms fluency in the language and knowledge of the socio-cultural environment of France. The requirements of universities for applicants indicate which level is considered to be passing (DELF B1, DELF B2, DALF C1). You can take the test in accredited centers, the cost of passing varies from 1800 to 6000 rubles. The diploma has no expiration date.

Both exams are standardized and accepted for admission to francophone programs around the world. TCF results, like most international tests, are only valid for two years. When passing DELF / DALF, a diploma is issued that has no expiration date.

Spanish Proficiency Exam


The certificate is issued by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. The examinations are organized by the Instituto Cervantes. Testing is carried out in accredited centers. The cost depends on the level and ranges from 2,500 to 5,200 rubles. The validity period of the certificate is not limited.

Chinese Proficiency Exam


Chinese analogue of TOEFL. Held in accredited centers around the world. The exam is divided into six levels, each of which is tested separately. Written and oral part must be submitted separately. The cost depends on the chosen level and ranges from 1000 to 1500 for each of the two parts. The certificate is valid for two years.

If you are preparing for English language exams, please contact the IQ Consultancy Language Centre. We prepare for IELTS, TOEFL, GMAT, SAT, SSAT, CAE, CPE. 92% of our students pass the exam with the score they planned or get an even better score.

IQ Consultancy is an accredited admission and preparation center for TOEFL IBT® in St. Petersburg.

If you are interested in education abroad, please contact IQ Consultancy. We will help you choose a university, prepare for admission, collect Required documents and successfully complete the enrollment process.

If you are faced with the need to pass an international test that will determine your level of English proficiency, then you are planning to move abroad in the near future in order to continue your education or employment. Prestigious universities and employers put forward quite high requirements for candidates, among which there are also minimum scores received for a particular language test.

In addition, if you just want to move to live in another country, you will also need to pass one of the international exams that will determine your level of English proficiency. It is impossible to fail some tests, in any case you will get at least some score, some have a “Fail” rating in the exam results assessment system - not passed.

Of course, it is better to score the maximum number of points. But you need to remember that your result will depend not only on the level of English, but also on the preparation for the exam format. Each of the language tests has its own characteristics, in addition, a certain amount of time is allocated for the task, which you may not have enough if you do not calculate in advance how many minutes you will allocate to which task.

There are a huge number of tests to determine the level of English proficiency. You just need to choose the one that is right for you.

Types of international exams in English

All tests for determining the level of English are designed for those who study the language as a foreign language and are not native speakers. As a rule, the choice of test will depend on the choice of the country in which you want to study or work.

The most popular international exams:, and Cambridge tests.

TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication)

An exam to determine your level of business English. TOEIC Certificate is valid for two years, so it is better to take the test on the eve of your official employment or admission to a foreign university.

TOEFL or IELTS: which one to choose?

About the exam and its American colleague we have already told. We just want to once again draw your attention to the fact that the choice of exam will depend on the country: in the USA and Canada, TOEFL results are recognized, in the UK and Australia, IELTS or Cambridge exams are preferred.

The IELTS certificate, like the TOEFL certificate, is valid for 2 years from the date of receipt of the test results. This is where Cambridge University exams differ from IELTS and TOEFL as they do not have a time limit.

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Cambridge Language Tests

Name of the exam What level is it for?
  1. (Preliminary English Test) - confirms language proficiency at a basic level
  2. (First Certificate in English)
  3. (Certificate of Advanced English)
  4. (Certificate of Proficiency in English)
  5. (Business English Certificate)
  6. TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test)
  7. (International Legal English Certificate)
  8. (International Certificate in Financial English)
  1. For Intermediate level
  2. For the Upper-Intermediate level
  3. For advanced level
  4. For Proficiency level
  5. Business English exam at Intermediate – Upper-Intermediate level
  6. English language teacher exam, for at least Upper-Intermediate level
  7. Legal English Proficiency Test for Upper-Intermediate – Advanced
  8. Financial English exam for Upper-Intermediate – Advanced levels

Every year more than 2 million people take the Cambridge language exams.

There are also special Cambridge exams for children and teenagers: Cambridge Young Learners Exams. They are designed for different ages and language levels: Starters, Movers and Flyers. The main purpose of these tests is to prepare young candidates for the future Cambridge exams for adults.

Each exam has its own characteristics, and yet there are some common features that all English tests have:

  • Firstly, all these exams are designed for those who study English as a foreign language
  • Secondly, test results are recognized educational institutions English-speaking countries and companies-employers
  • Third after passing the test, you will receive an international certificate
  • Fourth x, you can take each of these exams only on the basis of the official test center for taking international tests
  • Fifth, exams test all your language skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening

Which exam to choose?

There is also a classification that helps to simplify the process of choosing the type of international exam. A number of tests measure general English, some tests measure your level of academic English, and there are exams that test your level of business English only.

General English Exams

For exams that test the proficiency in general English, we include and. The Key English Test tests the development of elementary language skills. The grade for the exam is set based on the percentages earned. If you score less than 65%, you will receive a "Fail" grade - not passed.

Preliminary English Test is a preparatory exam that is usually taken by those who want to participate in the Work and Travel or Work and Study programs. The test is evaluated in the same way as KET. Only if you score 65-69% will you receive a certificate "passed to level A2".

Professional and Academic English Exams

These exams include a number of Cambridge tests: FCE, CAE, CPE, as well as IELTS and TOEFL. These exams test English proficiency at the academic level and you can use the results for admission to higher education institutions.

Business English Exams

In addition to the exam, which we have already mentioned, there is another exam to test business English proficiency - BULATS, whose name stands for Business Language Testing Service. This exam is multilingual, that is, it can assess the level of proficiency not only in English, but also in German, Spanish or French. The minimum level of English proficiency to pass this exam must be at least Intermediate. Business exams also include specialized tests ILEC and ICFE.

We wish you success in preparing and passing international language exams!