Toeic how much valid test results. What is TOEIC Certificate? TOEFL tests language proficiency for university studies

Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) is a test of spoken English. It is specially designed to assess the ability of foreign employees to work and communicate in an international environment. TOEIC test is universal, it covers a large number of topics related to various fields professional activity... The authors of the test do not have serious requirements for knowledge of business terminology. - its main task is to determine the level of general communication skills of candidates.

Who needs to take the TOEIC and why?

TOEIC test is intended for those who plan to get a job in an international company. The exam results are recognized by both public and private institutions around the world. TOEIC is also taken for admission to academic English-language programs.

What are the features of the TOEIC exam?

The TOEIC test is considered the simplest standardized English test. It cannot be completely failed - the number of points that need to be collected depends only on the requirements of the employer.

Why is special preparation required to successfully pass the TOEIC?

TOEIC test is no different high level complexity, but, like any other test, has its own specifics. If you are not sure that you can cope with his tasks without preparation, you should take a trial test and, if necessary, special training with a teacher who will help consolidate your knowledge. Classes on preparatory courses practically guarantee a successful exam.

How long is the TOEIC certificate valid?

The TOEIC certificate is valid for 2 years.

You can retake the exam every 6 months.


(Test of English for International Communication)
(Test of English as a Foreign Language)
goal Assess English proficiency in a work environment Assess the level of English proficiency for training
Main application For companies

To make decisions about recruiting, promoting and developing employees abroad

To assess readiness to participate in technical training in English

To demonstrate success in corporate training

Entrance test

Final test and assessment of readiness for academic programs

Other applications For English-language programs and schools

Entrance test

Assessment of progress from the beginning of the course to its completion.

Assessment of the level of effectiveness of programs

For higher education institutions

To meet language requirements

For selection for scholarships and exchange programs

Who is taking the test? Employees of international companies

Job seekers for work abroad

Students in vocational schools, schools of commerce and business, and colleges

English-speaking business students

Students academic programs and schools in English

University and college students with language requirements

Exchange and fellowship candidates

Who accepts the certificate? Personnel training managers

Human Resources Managers



Programs and schools in English

English programs and schools

Admissions offices of colleges and universities

Exchange and fellowship managers

Language context Language used in the production environment Language used in an academic context
Grading scale in points Maximum overall score

Listening and Reading - 990 points

5 - 495 Listening Comprehension

5 - 495 Reading Comprehension.

Speaking and Writing - 200 (for each section)

Maximum overall score - 120 points

30 Listening Comprehension

30 Structure and Written Expression

30 Reading Comprehension

Duration 120 minutes (Listening and Reading)

80 minutes (Speaking and Writing)

210 - 270 minutes

There are different forms of exam:

TOEIC Listening & Reading Test

Checks the level of perception of information submitted in different formats

The test consists of 2 parts:

Listening Comprehension

You need to listen to the audio recording of the conversation and answer 100 questions regarding its content.

You are given 45 minutes to complete the section.

Reading Comprehension

You need to read several texts and then answer the questions.

This section also has 100 questions to answer, divided into three parts.

The tasks are given 75 minutes.

All TOEIC Listening & Reading Test assignments contain multiple choice questions. They take about two hours to complete.

Each section is evaluated separately - from 5 to 495 points. In total, in this way, you can score from 10 to 990 points.

In most cases, a score of 650 is considered successful and guarantees entry into the internship program. To be recruited abroad, you must score at least 800 points.

After passing the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test, you will receive a color certificate. The color of the certificate corresponds to the number of points you earned:

Orange - 10-215

Red - 220-465

Green - 470-725

Blue - 730-855

Gold - 860-990

TOEIC Speaking & Writing Test

The test appeared in 2006. It tests practical skills in using English in a work environment, but does not require knowledge of business terminology.

Speaking Test

Assesses pronunciation and lexicon... The sections are given 20 minutes.

Writing Test

Shows how competently and consistently the candidate can write. The section lasts 60 minutes.

Each section is assessed separately on a scale from 0 to 200 points. You can take the Speaking Test without taking the Writing Test. Depending on the number of points scored, you are assigned one of eight levels of language proficiency.

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Exam Description: Additional Information Register for this exam

The TOEIC Listening and Reading test is a valid assessment of English-language reading and listening skills for the workplace. Employers worldwide use the TOEIC test to determine who can communicate effectively in English across borders and cultures with coworkers and clients.

The TOEIC test is a two-hour, paper-and-pencil, multiple-choice test that consists of 200 questions divided into two separately-timed sections:

Section I: Listening: This section consists of 100 questions and is delivered by audiocassette. It is divided into four parts. Examinees listen to a variety of statements, questions, short conversations, and short talks recorded in English, then answer questions based on the listening segments. The Listening section takes approximately 45 minutes.

  • Part 1: Photographs 20 items (4-choice)
  • Part 2: Question-Response 30 items (3-choice)
  • Part 3: Short Conversations 30 items (4-choice)
  • Part 4: Short talks 20 items (4-choice)

Section II: Reading. The Reading section consists of 100 questions presented in written format in the test booklet... Examinees read a variety of materials and respond at their own pace to questions based on the item content. The Reading section lasts approximately 75 minutes.

  • Part 5: Incomplete Sentences 40 items (4-choice)
  • Part 6: Error Recognition 20 items (4-choice)
  • Part 7: Reading Comprehension 40 items (4-choice)

Examinees respond to test questions by marking one of the letters (A), (B), (C), or (D) with a pencil on a separate answer sheet. Although the actual testing time is approximately two hours, additional time is needed to allow examinees to complete the biographical questions on the answer sheet and to respond to a brief questionnaire about their educational and work history. Therefore, you should allow approximately 21/2 hours to take the test.

Lidia, 41, Auditor

Harold's main trump card is the ability to remove any language barriers with his personal charm. Yes, he's demanding. Yes, he can be scolded for unfulfilled homework... But all this is done with such gallantry that next time you don't want to let yourself down. A very intelligent young man with a large stock of practical knowledge. I fully share the positive feedback from previous students.

I was preparing for the TOEIC in a very limited time. A job abroad was offered literally suddenly, but a certificate was required to conclude an employment contract. We prepared for delivery at an accelerated pace in one month. The course really helped to make out all the details of the exam, to find out the pitfalls. The result is 388 points in your pocket and a job in the city of dreams. LEXICON Studios - prosperity and well-being!

Difference and similarities between TOEIC and TOEFL

TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) shares common roots and similarities with the more common TOEFL English proficiency test. TOEIC has the same developer - the American company ETS, as well as a general structure consisting of sections Listening (listening) and Reading (reading), Speaking (speech) and Writing (writing). Despite the similarities, TOEFL and TOEIC have different goals: the first test assesses the general academic knowledge of the examinee, and the second tests the proficiency of the language at the business level - the readiness of the attested to communicate in business. In addition, in TOEFL, all four sections go together, while TOEIC is divided into two independent exams - TOEIC Listening and Reading and TOEIC Speaking and Writing. In turn, TOEIC Listening and Reading is divided into old and new versions. Their difference is in a different number of questions, as well as in the absence of a task to correct errors in the new version.

Important about TOEIC test

Today, more than 14 thousand organizations in 150 countries of the world accept the TOEIC diploma as a certificate confirming the knowledge of English and the readiness of the candidate to hold a particular position. The TOEIC Listening and Reading levels differ in color and correspond to the score received on the test (maximum 990): orange (10-215), red (220-465), green (470-725), blue (730-855), gold ( 860-990). On the TOEIC Speaking and Writing test, assignments are graded on a scale from 0 to 200 per section (maximum 400 points per test).

While studying at LEXICON Studio, you can significantly improve your level of English proficiency through the unique methods and extensive experience of native teachers who have been professionally preparing for the TOEIC exam for many years. In the learning process, we do not force you to cram, but we offer tactics and algorithms for effective delivery!

TOEIC Listening and Reading

Section I: Listening

Listening, like Reading, is rated at a maximum of 495 points in TOEIC. This part of the exam takes 45 minutes and includes 100 questions in four blocks (parts): Photographs (choosing the appropriate sentence for the picture), Question Response (choosing the appropriate answer), Conversations (dialogues) and Short Talks (monologues). During the preparation for TOEIC, you will develop the skills of conducting telephone and video conversations in English, as well as learn to comprehend foreign speech faster and more fully.

Section II: Reading

The Reading section lasts 75 minutes, during which time the examinee needs to complete 100 tasks in three blocks (parts) - Incomplete Sentences (insert a word), Text Completion (end sentences) and Reading Comprehension (understand what he read). The number of tasks in each block varies, and in the old version of TOEIC Listening and Reading, instead of Text Completion, there is an Error Recognition block (error correction). In general, the Reading section assesses the examiner's ability to read and understand business letters, reports and other business correspondence, which is given the utmost attention in preparation.

TOEIC Speaking and Writing

Section I: Speaking

In 20 minutes, the attested is asked to answer 11 questions, which assess his ability to communicate competently and coherently in English. The complexity of this section is that the time for each answer is strictly limited, and therefore you need to select phrases and build sentences practically without hesitation. In the process of preparing for TOEIC in LEXICON Studio, you will learn to speak fluently on business topics, without being distracted by finding the right words and phrases.

Section II: Writing

The TOEIC Writing section is limited to 60 minutes, during which time the examinee must write one large 300-word essay, answer two letters, and describe five pictures. All of this is designed to assess the grammar and vocabulary of the candidate, and also tests his ability to coherently, logically and consistently express thoughts on paper. LEXICON Studio teachers will teach you how to write according to the TOEIC requirements in pure English, and not make a tracing-paper translation from Russian.

Who is this course not suitable for?

The TOEIC preparatory course is not intended for those with lower intermediate (B1) English proficiency. In case of insufficient proficiency, we recommend taking an individual course of General or Business English in order to gain a theoretical and practical knowledge for direct preparation for the exam. In addition, the course is not suitable for those who do not plan to work in an English-speaking company and communicate with colleagues, partners and clients in business English. In all other cases, the teachers of the LEXICON Studio are happy to invite you to study and are ready to prepare you for the most effective passing of the exam.

Sign up for a TOEIC preparation course at LEXICON Studio, and soon you will be able to take the test in Moscow and go to discover new horizons abroad.


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The Test of English for International Communication, or TOEIC, is a standardized test designed to test the English proficiency of individuals who are not a Native Speaker. TOEIC is required to apply for jobs in many international corporations.

This English proficiency test was developed by the American service ETS in 1979. Based on the exam results, one can judge with a high degree of confidence the level at which a person is able to communicate with his English-speaking colleagues and business partners.

The TOEIC certification system is considered the world's first in the business English segment. Testing has been conducted in 60 countries for 15 years. This certificate is needed to get a job at Hewlett Packard, Procter & Gamble, TengizChevroil, Coca-Cola and other well-known companies.

TOEIC exam structure

The exam includes two parts - oral and written. In each of them, you will have to answer 100 multiple-choice questions. The TOEIC English proficiency test lasts 2 hours. The maximum you can score is 950 points. 650 points are considered good result and is suitable for applying for a job as an intern. When applying for a permanent position in an English-speaking company, you must earn at least 800 points.

  1. Listening (45 minutes)

This part consists of 4 sections, during which the student is asked to listen to questions, statements and small dialogues in English, after which the proposed answer should be selected:

First part: 10 questions. It is necessary to determine what is shown in the photograph.

The second part of: 30 questions, three answers each.

The third part: Listening to short dialogues and answering a question. (30 questions in total)

Fourth part: Listening to stories and monologues, as well as answering questions (30 questions).

The questions are relatively simple. However, you need to answer them on time and constantly monitor the pace. In addition, with each new question, the task will become more difficult.

  1. Reading (75 minutes)

First part: Insert the correct grammatical or lexical form into sentences. (40 questions)

The second part of: The correct phrases and words must be inserted into the sentences. (12 questions)

The test results are evaluated as follows:

In addition, there is a special TOEIC test for English proficiency. The computer version of the exam determines how well the student is able to conduct presentations, conferences, make phone calls, etc. Online testing is an excellent simulator that allows you to accurately simulate the actual passing of the exam.

For candidates who are on intermediate level and below, a special TOEIC Bridge test has been developed. This testing is less common, since not all companies accept the certificate of its passing.

TOEIC defines your English competency and tests your communication skills in the business world. On testing, the student must prove that he is able to apply all the theoretical knowledge gained in practice. In accordance with the number of correct answers, you receive a certificate, which indicates your result.

The certificates differ in color depending on the points scored:

Cost and registration

Today, the TOEIC English language test can be taken almost all over the world in special accredited centers. Registration for testing is allowed remotely via the Internet. The cost of passing the exam is about $ 100-150.

TOEIC is a fairly common test, preparation for which is carried out in many training centers. In special courses, you can familiarize yourself with the features and structure of the exam, which provides you with significant benefits. Preparation for this exam usually takes 1–3 months (depending on the candidate's skills).