Pass a psychological test to determine the psychotype. How to determine your psychotype and use the knowledge gained? How to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life

Why do people do certain things? What are they guided by when they say phrases that are not always clear or when they perform strange actions? Each person is individual, but everyone belongs to a certain psychotype.

According to the most striking character traits inherent at first glance to different people, psychologists combine them into several groups, which are called. There are many classifications of psychotypes, because each psychologist who studies them has his own criteria. Therefore, they are all rather arbitrary and subjective.

Psychotypes of people

For example, the German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard identified the following psychotypes:

1. Hypertensive

Here he included people who are energetic, proactive, talkative, optimistic, who cannot stand monotony and loneliness. These are people of action. On the one hand, they are a godsend for the employer and the soul of any company. But on the other hand, dealing with such people is not easy, because they are authoritarian, they put own opinion, do not recognize other people's rules, which is why they often enter into with those who disagree with them or try to put them in a framework.

2. Disty

People of this type are the opposite of the previous one. They are laconic, withdrawn, slow and passive. Big and noisy companies are not for them. They are selective in the choice of friends, so their social circle is rather small, but it includes people whom they trust and with whom they feel comfortable.

People of the dysthymic psychotype prefer to be led, but they do not blindly follow everyone who applies for the role. They obey only the one to whom they feel sympathy and trust.

Distributors avoid conflicts and even less are the initiators of them. They can be entrusted with painstaking work that requires perseverance and attentiveness - work that people of a hypertensive psychotype do not tolerate.

3. Cycloid

As the name suggests, the behavior of these people is cyclical and dependent on them. If it is bad, they are silent and withdrawn, like people of a dysthymic psychotype. If it is good, they are talkative and sociable, like a hyperactive.

4. Excitable

You cannot envy someone who lives in the neighborhood, works or is a relative of a person belonging to an excitable psychotype. At a time when he is calm, you can communicate with him, but this state of his is short-lived. He gets excited easily - and then watch out! He is annoyed by other people's children, animals, views, orders. It seems to him that he is ignored, not respected. And then he gives free rein to irritation and anger, grumbles, enters into conflicts, so they try to avoid him whenever possible.

5. Stuck

Suspicious, resentful, vindictive, conceited and incredible. Due to these qualities, people of this type are often the initiators of conflicts.

6. Pedantic

Bureaucrats are about people of this psychotype. They love order and accuracy in everything and sometimes they simply torment others with their demands. Employers treat them favorably, but the rest eschew them, considering them boring and annoying, preferring people brighter and more interesting.

7. Anxious

The name of this psychotype speaks for itself: these people are timid and lacking in initiative. In difficult situations, when making decisions, they need support and support. They are characterized by a minor, oppressive mood. They are often sad, depressed, melancholic. Discouragement, despondency is a usual state for them. In a team, they are often chosen as extreme - the so-called scapegoats.

8. Emotive

The name comes from the word emotional - emotional. People of this psychotype are impressionable, sensitive, kind-hearted, compassionate and responsive. Feelings and experiences take the main place in their life. They are efficient and very responsible.

9. Demonstrative

People of a demonstrative psychotype love to be in the spotlight and consider themselves the standard of behavior. They are sociable, but at the same time they love intrigue and gossip. Still would! After intriguing and pushing those around them with their foreheads, they themselves catch a fish in troubled water: they achieve what they want. Namely - leadership and power. They imitate vigorous activity more than they actually develop.

10. Exalted

These are people with vivid and sincere feelings and experiences. The simplest things and events evoke in them unrestrained delight, a violent emotional reaction. They often overestimate both their own appearance, abilities and capabilities, and the same qualities in other people.

But their enthusiasm and liveliness are easily replaced by despair, melancholy and despondency if something does not go the way they would like. What other people perceive as a slight disappointment becomes a disaster for people of an exalted psychotype.

A sharply changing mood - from violent delight to sudden depression - is the main sign of an exalted person. By the way, people of this type are often the owners of good taste, which make outstanding artists, designers, etc.

They are amorous, affectionate, compassionate and talkative. Due to imbalance, they are prone to alarmism.

11. Extroverted

People related to, are united by sociability and sociability. They have many friends and acquaintances, they are talkative, but they themselves know how to listen carefully. They avoid conflicts or play a passive role in them. They are executive, but somewhat frivolous and easily fall under the influence of others.

12. Introverted

Closed, reserved, they are prone to philosophizing and loneliness. They are principled and stubborn, insist on their own, even when they know they are wrong. They are credited with emotional coldness and lack of attachment to anyone.

Having familiarized yourself with each psychotype, you can define your own and correct some of your character traits that interfere with your work and personal life. It is worth noting that there is hardly any "pure" psychotype. Each person usually recognizes himself in two, three, or even more psychotypes.


Another curious division of people into psychotypes was proposed by the American psychologist Susan Dellinger. Psychogeometry is the name of its theory. What does geometry have to do with it? According to the theory of Susan Dellinger, each person is associated with a certain geometric figure. Of course, there is no "pure" psychotype here either, but there is a mixed one, in which one basic type prevails. So, these are circles, triangles, squares, rectangles and zigzags.

Circle people

These are people who are called the soul of the company: they are cheerful, sociable and. Not a single event, whether it be a corporate party, someone's birthday or an ordinary get-together, takes place without their active participation.

They are good psychologists, they are trusted, people come to them to "cry", get support and good advice. They don't have enough "live" communication, so they are regulars social networks, where they have many friends with whom they are in active correspondence.

Circle people love wildlife: they give birth to pets, which become almost full members of the family, plant flowers. And thanks to these hobbies, they find like-minded people and further expand their circle of acquaintances.

Among the shortcomings of people-circles can be attributed a dislike of order and some dependence on other people's opinions, as a result of which they often fall under outside influence.


It is the triangle people who most often occupy leadership positions in business, politics and other spheres of life, because they are quick and not afraid to take responsibility. They catch on the fly new information, know how to operate it and are able to simultaneously perform or control the execution of several tasks. It is impossible not to obey their orders: they give them quickly, clearly and competently.

It is not surprising that people-triangles give preference to expensive things that emphasize the status of their owner, be it clothes, a car, a smartphone, alcohol, etc.

These people do not tolerate objections, they are somewhat arbitrary and vain.


They are neat and pedants. They do not allow themselves to be slovenly in anything: their things do not scream about status, they can be unfashionable and inexpensive, but they are always in perfect order. The same can be said about their workplace: here everything always lies in its place. When buying a car or other necessary things, people-squares first of all proceed from considerations of practicality.

They make good administrators, accountants, business executives, officials. Numbers, documents, orders, instructions - that which makes others bored, their element, where they feel like a fish in water. They are efficient, reliable, calm and not prone to open expressions of emotion.


These are people with an unstable psyche. When everything goes the way they would like, they are overwhelmed with joy and love: “Life is good!”. But now the white stripe is replaced by a black one, and their mood changes dramatically. They do not know how to resist troubles and failures. They lose heart, and from cheerful optimists they instantly turn into gloomy pessimists and whiners. Theirs changes just as quickly: it takes off rapidly, then just as rapidly falls. Their mood can be judged by the state of their desktop: it is either in perfect order or in a blatant mess.

They are somewhat infantile, immature and lack firm convictions of their own. Their opinion fluctuates, like a weather vane in the wind, depending on. They tend to copy not only someone else's opinion, but also behavior, habits, preferences. For example, when buying a car, they are not guided by their own interests, but pay attention to what brand other people choose. In the same way, they copy someone else's style in clothing, manners, because due to being unable to define their own.

According to Susan Dellinger, all psychogeometric types in stress become like people-rectangles.

Zigzag people

Inventive, emotional, incendiary - this is how people of this psychotype can be characterized. Their behavior is non-standard and impossible to predict. They are unusual in everything: in the manner of speaking, dressing, decorating their home. Zigzag people tend to choose creative professions. They like to be different and attracted to them everyone's attention... These people are mostly windy and fickle.

A little humor

You can determine your psychotype by reading the description of each of them. But Susan Dellinger also suggests two joke tests.

In accordance with first need of the five above geometric shapes choose and draw three. The first, which a person will portray, will determine his main psychotype. The next two figures drawn by him will show additional character traits, because, as you know, people are not “pure” psychotypes, but mixed ones, with a predominance of one.

In second the test is asked to answer 5 questions and, depending on the answer, to determine your psychogeometric type. So, we get on the bus and:

  1. we quickly take up free places for ourselves and our companion, after which we continue a cheerful conversation, involving others in it;
  2. we choose a better place, then we go deep into our thoughts and stubbornly do not notice anyone until we reach our stop;
  3. looking for an empty seat. If we find, we sit down; if there is none, we calmly ride while standing;
  4. we feel uncomfortable because we would prefer a taxi;
  5. we stop near the driver without wanting to go to the middle of the bus. We willingly enter into conversation both with him and with the rest of the passengers.

In the first case, a man-circle got on the bus, in the second - a triangle, in the third - a square, in the fourth - a rectangle and in the fifth - a zigzag.

We are all different. Each of us has our own psychological characteristicsdetermining character traits, behavior, degree of susceptibility and suggestibility. Psychotypes of personality - a system of behavioral stereotypes and individual attitudes, which was created to explain the differences between people. That is, the personality psychotype unites people who are close in spirit, those who have the same energy sources, similar worldview and everyday lifestyle, as well as similar decision-making methods.

Having passed a simple test, any of us can determine our personality psychotype and learn more about it. Below we will give a test to determine it.

Below we present four parts of the test, in each of which you need to choose an option that is closer to you. Give preference to the one that is inherent in you everyday life... For each of the two options presented, write the percentage so that the sum is the standard 100%.

The above questions are aimed at finding out exactly your "path", ways of achieving goals, implementing plans, solving problems.

Choosing an answer and writing down the percentage, you can analyze your behavior at home, in the family, on vacation - in situations where you are free in your choice and decide everything yourself, without being tied to responsibilities, as is the case at work.

It is impossible to set the ratio of 50% and 50%, you need to make an advantage of at least 1% in one direction. That is, the 51% and 49% option will already work.

Do not be surprised, as the test at first glance may seem rather simple and elementary. Indeed, very often it turns out that the simpler the test, the more reliable its results. And this allows you to accurately determine and describe the psychological types of personality, finding among them your own and only your own.

In each of the four parts of paired statements, you must choose one. Give preference to the one that suits you best, even if the margin is small. Next, from the resulting letters, make up a formula to determine your type.

  • A - you easily get along with new people, make new acquaintances and are an open and talkative person;
  • B - in communication you are restrained and unhurried, you are wary of new people and acquaintances.

E or K:

  • E - you prefer the tested and the old to the unknown and the new, you are a pragmatist and a realist;
  • K - trust your intuition and prefer the new to the old.
  • M - for you, logic is more important than feelings, and you judge people without taking into account personal sympathies;
  • N - you trust your feelings and tend to make concessions for the sake of harmony in a relationship.
  • O - in work you are consistent, if you make decisions, then you don’t like to change them;
  • R - easily and simply adapt your decisions to the conditions and do not like formalism.

The test gives exact result... It is not difficult to determine the personality psychotype: it is enough to write down the resulting letters in a row in order and see the definition that the test gives.

Counting Results

AEMR Such a person is distinguished by a strong, strong-willed character, very energetic and active. He quickly understands the situation, knows how to manage people and makes important decisions correctly. To achieve his goal, he can work all night long and loves to act on a large scale, weighing and thinking everything in advance. In business, a person is practical, relies on reason and does not put sympathy above business. With indecisive and insecure people, he is rather cruel and even aggressive. He does not tolerate other people's mistakes and does not like pressure. In a relationship, he does not concede and tries to do everything in his own way.
AENR He is well versed in difficult situations and correctly draws conclusions, is distinguished by excellent diplomatic abilities, is confident in his own strength, decisive. Such a person knows perfectly well what he wants and knows how to get it. If he asks for advice, it is more formally, not listening to others. He easily enters into trust and knows how to create the atmosphere necessary for revelations. Appreciates warmth and comfort and loves to take care of loved ones. At work, it can be distracted by minor trifles and it is difficult to concentrate on something important. Doubts about choice and decision-making can hide, however, he thinks a lot and often worries. He does not like restrictions, he is suspicious of the new and needs time to assimilate and accept something unfamiliar.
VEMP Knows how to implement new ideas in life, do useful things and benefit from everything. He brings all unfinished business to its logical conclusion. Differs in discreet tenacity and can be modest. If such a person likes work, he will put his soul into it. In clothes he chooses harmony and moderation, appreciates friendship and devotion, does not impose his decisions on anyone. Often makes jokes and analyzes actions. In front of strangers, he does not like to show what he feels. He is fond of work that gives pleasure, and does everything without haste.
VENR Such a person has good taste and can appreciate the quality. He is respectful to people, attentive and courteous, knows how to relax and appreciate luxury. In any circumstances, does not lose a sense of proportion. It is difficult to cope with business activities and is not too dynamic. If you offend him, he can sharply answer, be indignant.
AEMO An assertive and active person, he can assess the right circumstances and make the only right decision. People and their actions are often assessed in terms of benefits and benefits. Prefers reliability and rationality. In tastes and habits, he is conservative, has a strict upbringing, when criticized, such a person can flare up.
AENO For many people, he is very friendly, optimistic and active. He cares for others, hears the advice of strangers, but relies on his own mind. He can accumulate negative emotions and if he is very offended, he will not be able to restrain himself and will throw everything out. If it does not splash out, then illness may occur.
VEMO Such a person is an excellent organizer and responsible performer who does not like irresponsibility and disorder. He chooses accuracy and specificity in everything, is efficient and demanding. If something is considered important, then a compromise may not be made. The opinions of others may not be properly respected.
VIENO He copes well with himself and knows how to give reasons even for performing uninteresting work. Obligatory, punctual and consistent. In a family, such a person remains faithful, can become the best family man. Injustice is painful and suffers because of it. If someone does not share his choice, then this can hurt him and hurt him greatly.
AKMR Developed intuition can help you make the right decision. He willingly advises other people, and does it from the heart. Work may take precedence over family and friendship. Does not tolerate monotony and strict rules. Doesn't know how to compromise and doesn't always follow how he looks in public.
AKMO Such a person stands out for activity and activity, is well versed in work issues and can take risks. Not everyone in his environment can withstand the tense rhythm and will take the same risk. The clothes are often careless, the humor is rude and tactless.
VKMO Differs in good analytical thinking, respects discipline and order, knows how to persuade and feel the time. Respects his character and treats other people's points of view with understanding. In a relationship, he can not always be flexible, he can leave the conversation if the topic is unpleasant to him.
WCMR At work, he is a thorough person, conscientious and executive. Knows how to correctly assess the degree of risk and gives excellent advice. He sees all the contradictions of the world and its imperfection, knows how to complete the work begun, is careful in new beginnings.
AKNR Emotional and friendly, he can approach almost anyone. Feels good people around, their strengths and weaknesses. Likes to maintain acquaintances, but often overloads himself with contacts, does not accept conventions and submission, does not always have time to do what was planned.
ACNO Such a person beautifully expresses and describes feelings, knows and understands others well and can draw a crowd with him. In work, he always allocates time correctly and does everything on time. He tries to understand each person and is based on morality. May have a heightened sense of responsibility and does not like to let others down. It happens that he over-dramatizes events and loses inner balance. In clothes, he can express himself, choosing extravagance or elements of negligence. Vulnerable and polite, such a person does not like disrespectful attitude and can remember offenses for a long time.
VKNO Understanding and tolerant, such a person is well versed in relationships and is often interested in philosophical problems. Responsive and attentive, accepts people with their merits and demerits, without trying to change or remake anyone. Punctual and always executive, he often leads a healthy lifestyle and adheres to the principles of humanism. Conflicts with others can be very serious because of impressionability and vulnerability. Loneliness is quite problematic.
HCNR A romantic and an optimist, a person of this type knows how to wait, respects other people's preferences and can find his own approach to each person. He tries to maintain partnerships with everyone, equal relations, respects strong people... In work, he shows excellent diplomatic abilities, dresses tastefully, demonstrates sophistication. Inner world such a person is contradictory, he is somewhat insecure in his own strengths and needs support.

Today I propose to determine your personality psychotype - to take a picture test for temperament. And read the psychotypes of people described by the Client on my assignment. Besides. I propose to jump into the last carriage of the flash mob and find out your scenario psychotype.

Personality test: temperament of people

I propose to go through the next and determine your own psychotype of your temperament. What kind of person are you according to Eysenck's psychodiagnostics?

4 personality temperaments:

  • Sanguine psychotype

  • Choleric psychotype

  • Melancholic psychotype

  • Phlegmatic psychotype

Depending on the properties of the central nervous system (excitability, inhibition, stability, flexibility, variability), 4 psychotypes of people, 4 temperaments are distinguished.

4 temperaments as reflections of the properties of the Central Nervous System

Temperament is given to people from birth and does not change with development and growth, since the central nervous system is also not changeable and is determined by genes.

Sanguinehow the psychotype is strong nervous system and balanced processes of excitement and inhibition, stable personality. with a calm temperament.

Choleric, as a psychotype, is distinguished by a strong and labile nervous system, with a rapid change in the processes of inhibition and excitation. Extrovert with a mobile temperament.

Melancholic, as a psychotype, is characterized by a weak and labile nervous system, with a predominance of excitation processes. with a mobile temperament.

Phlegmatic person, as a psychotype is distinguished by a strong nervous system and slow switching between the processes of excitation and inhibition, a stable personality. An introvert with a calm temperament.

Try to determine your temperament by the picture test and a short description.

Temperament Test: SURVEY

It’s very interesting what kind of temperament people who visit my blog have.

Psychotypes of personality: observations of my Client at work

Recently I gave my Client the task to become an "antopologist" in the tribe of his colleagues at work and to compose psychotypes: psychological portraits the personalities of the people with whom she spends a third of her time.

The client honorably completed the task and described the psychological portraits of people with whom she works very accurately and accurately.

Psychotypes of human personality: do you recognize yourself?

I give her descriptions without proofreading and changes, I am sure it will be useful and interesting for you to find out your friends and relatives among these psychotypes.

Hello, Alexander! I have described only the most bright personalitieswhich I believe deserve my and your attention. Of course, I missed most of the "individuals", since I can't say anything interesting about them, ordinary normal people.


About 38 years old, looks 5 years younger.

"Girl" - in every good sense of the word. She says about herself like this: "I am a woman to the brain of the guests."

Lives with a partner and two children.

I would call her "pretty fool." Reads glamorous glossy magazines. As far as financially possible (and these opportunities are very limited) he tries on everything for himself, for example: new fashionable evening makeup - for work, new fashionable dress - for work ... everything for work)).

He closely follows fashion, spending a considerable part of his income on clothes. In this connection, he does not set any serious goals in life. She dreams of joining the so-called "secular society" invented by her, but it does not work out.

Common topics of conversation are only fashion and beauty.

He wants a lot on the part of men, as a result of which he often forgets that he is in the service.

You should not be offended at her phrases and words, she says that she thinks, she can easily “blast stupidity”.

By the degree of prof. suitability - 6 points out of 10.

Prof. dangers - completely safe for the surrounding colleagues, since it is predictable; there is not enough brains for many popular solutions.


40-41 years old, not married (and never was), no children. Appearance (I will write it as it is) - for a rare amateur. Extremely complex personality. She is very pessimistic in life.

He takes offense at the mother that she loves her son (her younger brother) more.

Likes to flaunt all his illnesses, from a cold, etc. Probably wants to be pitied.

Man of moods. In a bad mood, he may not greet anyone, in particular, he has not greeted me for more than 5 years)))). I still don't know what offended such a person))

Perhaps the lack of proper upbringing affects (her mother has the same behavior).

According to colleagues, her favorite topics of conversation are diseases, health conditions, etc.

In a state of alcoholic intoxication, she is very liberated, sticks to other men))))

Usually outwardly calm, but the look ... says a lot.

He dresses strangely, and here it affects, not only a complete lack of taste in clothes ... there is something else ... inexplicable for an ordinary person.

... Perhaps there is a mental disorder - the diagnosis, the look is always as if frightened, the pupils are running.

Hardworking but dumb. She considers herself to be a "luminary of legal science", she is confident in her prof. uniqueness.

Prof. suitability - 3 points out of 10 (because hardworking)

Prof. danger - 0.


For about 50 years, occupies one of the leading positions. Competent specialist. He smokes tobacco (a lot), drinks strong coffee (a lot), works in an air-conditioned room with a freezer temperature (exaggerate), but damn it is cold there. Probably wants to stay longer (after all, frozen meat is stored longer хран).

And it would be all right, but there is one BUT - ... The green snake attacks him with periods. The opinion from the outside - there is a fault of the spouse who does not work, stays at home, does nothing and keeps him company. As a rule, wives struggle with such a problem (either all their lives or until the moment of divorce).

And so, a good person, with a sense of humor, has his own opinion on every issue. He would have a good wife

Prof. suitability - 10 out of 10 (if sober).


A very incomprehensible person for me. About 50 years old, married, 2 children. Silent, for the most part, and envious, but carefully tries to hide it. Also stingy (or has a heightened sense of frugality). Alcohol is also his problem, drunkenness (see me). But in this case, the spouse is fighting this garbage.

Yu has two extremes: they usually say this - either he drinks or is treated And he is not treated with pills, but seeks sooo strange methods: he rubs his palms for a long, long time, explaining this with some kind of healing magic))) drinking water will begin to hide in a dark place in cans (plastic), and then he began to put these bottles of water in black bags.

And recently I was told that I had read in a book that walking on sidewalks is harmful - the energy is bad there, you need to - on lawns and lawns)))))

He has no mistress (I think that due to stinginess, well, and a small income.), But he talks a lot about women and on topics with sexual connotations.

Yu has a harmful character, he may deliberately not report some news (about work), fundamentally something not to be done (what needs to be done), in general 

Has a hobby - electronics. And he also has a unique ability - for any situation that arises either at work or outside of work, he quotes phrases from Russian cinema (classics), for example, 12 chairs, etc. And always to the point and to the point (it turns out original)).

Y. is mostly lacking initiative, in terms of knowledge and skills, he began to catch up with me (although he has been working for almost 20 years, twice as long as me) - he slowly adopts experience, begins to think and delve more into it. He does not seek a promotion: I think he is lazy, but he envies everyone else in this.

He loves to joke, sometimes not entirely harmless. At the same time, he himself does not understand jokes, he can react nervously, even aggressively. Very touchy.

His bar as for a man (but this is my subjective opinion) is average, he lacks purposefulness, strength of character, generosity, inner strength, kindness and nobility.

One of his brothers is a successful businessman, relations with him are cool, but they communicate.

Prof. suitability - 7 out of 10 points.

Prof. danger - 5 out of 10 (talking about the weather, politics, about work, about love, and of course everything with sarcasm, sexual overtones and citing the classics of cinema !!).


Man, approx. 40 years old, married. She is not tall, suffers from a mental disorder (according to rumors of colleagues), as a result of which he periodically undergoes treatment with the appropriate doctor (he naturally thinks that it is confidential, but for some reason everyone knows about it). , is very interested in women, and everyone, likes to talk about it. Those who have been working with him for a long time do not take his conversations seriously.

Small dirty trickster, insincere, "slippery", dodgy.

He has a large car with a very recognizable and noticeable number - the Napoleon complex.


47 years old, holds one of the leading positions. A competent and intelligent specialist, purposeful, physically strong. Very responsible, serious, but with a good sense of humor. He goes in for sports, almost professionally, which he teaches his immediate environment to do. He devotes himself to any business and any emotion with full dedication. Very brave, noble, well-mannered, caring, kind. Can drink with or without reason, but not often, prefers French wines. A very open, not envious, not spiteful, self-sufficient and reliable person.

Conclusions.Here is such a colorful composition. I don’t know what about the table of types and types of these people, but I can say with confidence that this group of persons includes: alcoholics, athletes, persons with a mental disorder, ... and just a “girl”.

5 psychotypes of women in the Psychology of Destiny

I invite all women-visitors of this blog who are interested in finding their man, jump on the last car of the departing train and join the flash mob of scenario analyst Tatyana Evseyeva, and attend one of her last webinars dedicated to finding their one and only.

Go TEST on Scenario Psychotype and change Fate!

Make up your mind - there is not much time left before the training, and you will still have time to understand what is wrong with you and change everything. An unhappy and lonely life for a happy couple with a loved one.

News from the author of the blog of the psychologist of happiness

First news - I signed in as the author of the webinar "How to love yourself" in date-rendezvous "Along the waves of our life" , which will take place online from 4 to 14 August in the format of a series of webinars on self-development.

"Along the waves of our life" online rendezvous-date with oneself unique

If the event is interesting and you are bored now, join the number of participants and upgrade yourself in 4 topics: happiness, health, finance and spirituality. Meet me on August 7 at 15:00 for my webinar.

Second news - for those who like to hang out on Facebook. Just yesterday, my Now Happiness fan page attracted 6,000 fans.

If you want to join the celebration - follow the link under the video and get the opportunity to purchase interesting program and a video course on creating hand-drawn videos.

Answer one single question and get a discount!

I am sure that if you want to get a new tool for earning money as a video editor, you will respond to my call and use the chance.

Third news - for residents of Vladivostok. At the end of August (on the 20th), a qigong master from St. Petersburg, my colleague and friend, Tatyana Klimenko, will visit me.

She will bring and conduct a program on women's energy practices - if there is interest - join! You know my phone - call.

Write in the comments what interested you, ask questions and share your observations of interesting psychotypes of people that you met on your life path.

Read the best articles by a happiness psychologist on this topic!

  • Another online test from the psychologist of happiness. This is not Thomas's test for conflicting behavior... It is about the type of your behavior in a situation of conflict with a partner [...]

A person's psychotype does not just show the characteristics of his character and temperament. Psychotype can tell about a person's habits, preferences, thoughts and desires. If you want to know your psychotype, as well as the psychotype of your relatives and friends, take a short test that will help determine your psychotype. You can offer to pass the test to your friends, loved ones, employees. The definition of a psychotype is not only useful, but also very interesting.

A simple test to determine your psychotype.

So, let's try to figure out which psychotype you belong to. The test we offer will not take you much time, on the contrary, the test is very simple and so fun that it will definitely cheer you up. Imagine that you need to take a seat on the bus. There are only a few empty seats on the bus. What will you do?

and) You will get on the bus in a great mood, quickly take seats, as for yourself. so for your friend. All the way you laugh merrily, chatter incessantly and amuse everyone, without exception.

b) You get on the bus very quickly, and you only think about how to take the best place near the window. All the way you think about everything in the world, trying not to notice anyone or anything around.

in) You got on the bus and looked around. If you saw an empty seat, slowly walk up and sit down. If there is no free space, you are ready to stand.

d) You have to be persuaded to get on the bus, as you prefer a taxi. After you get on the bus, you feel a little distracted, not knowing what to do next.

e) You quickly got on the bus and chose not to take a seat, but to stand near the driver. Throughout the journey, you have fun chatting, both with the driver and with all the passengers with whom you have already met.

If you chose the answer a - your psychotype is a circle, if b - a triangle, c - a square, d - a rectangle, d - a zigzag.
Despite the fact that this test is, of course, playful, it clearly shows how this or that psychotype behaves in a particular situation. Now, let's try to figure out what character traits are characteristic of each of the psychotypes.

Psycho-type square. They are conservative people, very pedantic and accurate. In work they are responsible, disciplined, they quickly grasp everything. Analytical warehouse mind. Most often, people of this psychotype are found among accountants, administrators, officials. They achieve high positions in their careers. The only drawback of this psychotype is intrigue and psychological relationships.

Psychotype circle. Very sociable person. Always in the spotlight. Community service, important assignments and organizational issues - their "strong point". People of the “circle” psychotype are ready to support and listen to their interlocutor at any time. They are always optimistic and in a good mood. However, the “circle” psychotype has one significant drawback - they are very dependent on the opinions of others and are capable of getting into a bad company.

Psychotype triangle. Very calm personalities. Triangles always know their purpose. Triangles are great and loyal friends. At work, triangles are responsible and executive. Lack of the "triangle" psychotype is suspiciousness and excessive modesty.

Zigzag psychotype. Creative, original and creative people. Zigzag people are not the same as always, they are always in the spotlight, always visible and discussed. Such people are often envied, they have many ill-wishers. However, zigzags take leading positions, both in life and in a team.

Psychotype rectangle. The most complex and indefinite psychotype. people are hot-tempered and emotional. Often they take offense “just like that”, frown and fall into depression. However, meanwhile, the "rectangle" psychotype is very kind and sincere, like children.

Now, you can easily determine which psychotype you belong to. If you want to determine the psychotype of your friend or co-worker, invite him to draw one of the shapes you have suggested: a circle, rectangle, zigzag, triangle or square. You can determine the psychotype of a person based on the drawn figure.

“There is no“ I ”- there is nowhere for magic to come from.
Every master is an individual, every artisan is good
and rivets high-quality crafts to match the same as him "
Oleg Roy

When a person wants to achieve certain goals, he first of all looks for ways to achieve them. In order to be successful in everything, you first need to understand yourself. There is such a thing as "I-concept". What it is? This is the result of self-knowledge and self-improvement, a certain “set of rules”. A person will never begin to smoke if smoking does not fit into his self-concept "correct", that is, into his "I-concept". Determining the psychotype of a person is the best beginning on the path of self-knowledge.What is it and how to determine your psychotype?

What is a personality psychotype?

When you want to talk about a person, you first of all try to talk about his character. Much will become clear to your interlocutor from your story. A person with certain character traits behaves in different situations in a certain way. A person's psychotype is a personality trait that is used in her activities. To be successful, you need to be aware of your personal qualities and find practical applications for them. The psychotype of a person is manifested in how he relates to the surrounding reality and people.

Scientists became interested in the study of personality psychotypes even before the appearance of such a science as psychology. Numerology, palmistry, physiognomy are all attempts to find a certain classification of a person according to his personal qualities. Of great importance in determining the psychotype are accentuations, that is, the main personality traits that leave an imprint on all types of human activity.

How to determine the personality psychotype on your own?

There are many different classifications that allow you to determine the psychotype of a person. Among the most popular is the classification by the type of temperament. A description of this classification can be easily found in scientific and popular science literature. By answering the questions of simple psychological tests, you can interpret the results and get the information you need. To do this, it is not even necessary to turn to specialist psychologists. However, such tests give a fairly generalized concept of a person's personal qualities. There is another classification, having familiarized yourself with which, you can more accurately determine the main and additional personality traits. This classification is based on K. Leonhard's theory of accentuation and is the theoretical basis of many personality typologies. Having familiarized yourself with this theory, you can determine your psychotype yourself.

Psychotypes of people in accordance with the classification of Leonhard

  • Hyperthymic type

    These people are extremely active and sociable, talkative and emotional. In conversation, they actively use all possible "expressive means": gestures, facial expressions, pantomime. Often such people leave the original topic of discussion and start talking selflessly about something else, abstract. Among the traits that are positive for communication and working together with such people, it is worth noting their energy, initiative, thirst for activity and optimism. There is also a “reverse side of the coin”. Often such people become direct participants or instigators of conflicts that arise due to their somewhat frivolous attitude towards their duties. Such a person is frivolous, can commit "extravagant" acts. In addition, it is very difficult to drive such a person into any framework, to force them to follow certain rules, to perform monotonous activities. The most terrible enemy for people of the hyperthymic type is loneliness.

  • Distymous type

    These people are closed in themselves, lead an ascetic lifestyle, feel uncomfortable in a large and noisy company... They always stay away from conflicts and never become their instigators. They are few words and have a heightened sense of justice. Such people are followers, they have few friends, but if they are, they are ready to completely obey them. These people are excellent workers in a field that requires monotonous, routine work. These people will conscientiously fulfill their duties. People of the dysthymic type are distinguished by sluggishness, slowness and passivity.

  • Cycloid type

    In the life of these people, everything depends on their mood, and it changes with the speed of the wind. If they are in a good mood, they are sociable and emotional; if they are in a bad mood, they are withdrawn and irritable. These people, depending on their mood, can exhibit both hyperthymic and dysthymic traits.

  • Excitable type

    These people are gloomy, uncommunicative and withdrawn. Their reactions are slow, they are prone to rudeness and abuse. They often come into conflicts, even more often they become their main instigator. In a team, such people are usually disliked and shunned. In family relationships, they are arbitrary and domineering. In a calm emotional state, they are neat, love children and dogs, but when they are in a state of excitement, they are quick-tempered and poorly control their own outbursts of anger. You can never guess what to expect from such a person!

  • Stuck type

    These people are silent a lot, and they are doing the right thing! Because in communication they are terrible bores, inclined to read lectures. In a conflict, people of this psychotype are an active, provocative side. The worst boss ever! Such a person is used to making excessive demands on himself and others. He is used to achieving high performance in everything. At the same time, these are the very people who claim that they are not vindictive, but simply evil and have a good memory. Vindictive and distrustful, jealous and proud.

  • Pedantic type

    Bureaucrat and pedant. He willingly gives way to the leading position to others, prefers not to stick out. Plagues home claims to order in the house, in his world everything must have a certain place. It is good to have such a partner in business, but the relationship should not go beyond the working class. In business, such a person is a serious and reliable partner, but otherwise he is a formalist and a bore.

  • Anxious type

    These people are always in the minor key. They are not proactive, passive and uncommunicative. IN conflict situations looking for support and support. They are friendly, self-critical, but in a team they often act as "scapegoats" and "whipping boys".

  • Emotive type

    These are the people who today are associated with representatives of the "emo" youth subculture. They prefer to communicate in a narrow circle of "chosen ones" who understand each other "at a glance". People of this psychotype prefer to keep all emotions and resentments to themselves. They are able to sympathize with other people's grief, have a hypertrophied sense of responsibility and are very executive. Such people are overly sensitive and tearful, and this is rather a repulsive trait of their character.

  • Demo type

    These people are always in the spotlight. They crave leadership, praise, and power. Outwardly they are soft and sociable, but this is exactly the type of people who, without hesitation, "put a knife in the back." The greatest intriguers and collectors of "palace gossip". In their work, these people are attracted by their ability to make non-standard decisions, but they are characterized by selfishness, bragging and hypocrisy. And further! They are able to find 1000 ways and reasons to dodge work or persistently create the appearance of activity.

  • Exalted type

    These people are highly communicative and sociable. They are ardent debaters, but they will not enter into open conflict. They are very romantic natures who often fall in love, but quickly become indifferent to the subject of their passion. Despite this, they can be very attached to their family and close friends. These personalities are real altruists and are able to sympathize with someone else's misfortune. People of this psychotype are characterized by brightness and sincerity of feelings, they have an aesthetic taste, but are very susceptible to momentary impulses and tend to create panic "out of the blue."

  • Extroverted type

    People of this psychotype are characterized by the presence of a large number of people who surround them. They are ready to yield leadership and be in the shadow of someone else's glory, but at the same time they are talkative to the point of talkativeness. These people can listen carefully to the interlocutor, fulfill any requests and instructions. They are susceptible to someone else's influence, capable of frivolous and thoughtless actions, they love to go out and have fun in every possible way. It is among the people of this psychotype that there are many regulars at gambling houses.

  • Introverted type

    The complete opposite of the previous one. These are thinkers and philosophers. They are very withdrawn, rarely attend noisy gatherings. Such individuals will never come into conflict if you do not encroach on their personal space. They rarely get attached to people, are stubborn in their beliefs, have their own (often mistaken) point of view on everything and are ready to stubbornly defend it. Among the positive qualities are restraint and integrity.

How can the acquired knowledge be used in everyday life?

Having carefully studied the materials of this "research", you need to try to "identify yourself", that is, actually define your psychotype. When you decide on the choice, then it is worth doing some introspection. All areas of your activity should be analyzed. Think about your job. Never a man will creative personalityif he is a representative of the dysthymic psychotype and experiences the greatest pleasure from routine work, brought to automatism. You can also correct your circle of friends. If you are a leader by nature, then a person of the distymous type or an extrovert will be a great friend for you.

Having understood yourself and having analyzed the behavior of the people around you, you will be able to independently model the most comfortable situations and personal relationships for yourself. Work will bring you pleasure, people will cease to annoy you, and complete harmony with yourself will come. You just need to choose the right job and the right people! Remember that any classification is highly arbitrary and subjective.