What do you mean you are an introvert or an extrovert. Loneliness or noisy company? Or how to define introvert or extrovert

Suvorova Nadezhda

You drew attention to the fact that some people are happy to make contact, are easy-going, open to new ideas and accomplishments. And others, on the contrary, lead a secluded life, rarely share emotions, them.

Who are introverts and extroverts? These are personality psychotypes that Carl Gustav Jung first spoke about. Thanks to him, a theory appeared about psychotypes of personality that are opposite to each other: extroverts and introverts. Through numerous observations and experiments, Jung divided people into two categories: introverts and extroverts..

Carl Jung believed that extroverts or introverts are born, not become during life. Modern psychologists also agree with this.

How to determine what kind of person: introvert or extrovert?

So, you set out to find out, introvert and extrovert - what are they? Which personality type am I? According to the characteristic features of a person, it is quite possible to determine the type of person's personality, since there are tests on the Internet and psychological literature to determine the psychotype. There are not many questions in them, they do not require knowledge of this science. Respond to statements by agreeing or refuting. Then, based on the data received, calculate the number of points and see the answer.

How do you know if you are an introvert or an extrovert - without tests? Think how do you behave in unexpected situations or when you are faced with a difficult task. If you take action right away, whether you have a plan or not, then you are an extrovert. If you start the process with thought and choosing a solution, then an introvert.

But it is also worth knowing that division into extrovert-introvert is very arbitrary... You can be a highly extrovert or introvert with the visual characteristics of an extrovert. To try to find out who you are by psychotype, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the features of each of them. This will help solve the problems that you face in life and do not know what to do with them.

What does the personality type depend on?

As noted above, psychotype is given to us from birth... If there are only introverts in the family, then the child will inherit the personality traits of the parents. But there is a theory that says that over time, an introvert acquires the traits of an extrovert and vice versa.

Introverts are rather reserved individuals

This is due to the fact that some living conditions dictate to us the norms of behavior. For example, a person who is sociable in life finds a job at home. Gradually, he gets used to a measured and unhurried lifestyle and finds positive aspects in this.

The question is also interesting, who are more introverts or extroverts? It is unlikely that at least someone will be able to give you an answer to this question, because: firstly, as mentioned above, the division into introverts is sometimes very conditional; second, what is the likelihood of a "census" of the entire globe?

Who is an extrovert?

This personality type prefers to be a leader and draw attention to himself... By evoking emotions in others, and not always positive, he receives energy. Such people are rarely found alone, but sometimes they also need solitude. Knowing who an extrovert is, you can easily find a common language with him.

Characteristics of an extrovert:

Interested in the outer, not the inner world.
He is sociable, impulsive, even quick-tempered.
Constantly draws attention to itself.
Good speaker and leader.
Loves noisy companies.
Takes on a lot of things at the same time, but does not complete it.
He has many friends and acquaintances.

The extrovert does not like when he is bored, so he amuses everyone around him.

Speaking about extroverts, I would like to add that they can. They can be easily misled by showing sympathy. Since extroverts need the most out of those around them, they go to great lengths to achieve this.

Most such people are very superficial, they are not interested in the essence of the matter, but the only important thing is the process where they can show their leadership and public speaking qualities. Of course, this does not apply to all representatives of the psychotype, but many of them.

Who is an introvert?

To understand who an introvert is, you need to familiarize yourself with his personality traits and understand where he gets his strength from.

The main features of an introvert:

It receives energy from the inner world, feeding on the experienced emotions and impressions.
Feels bad in a big company, does not like loud noise. An introvert feels like there is too much going on around.
Is different .
More often than not, an introvert chooses a creative profession.
Feels bad in the center of attention, he is more comfortable in the role of an observer.
The imagination is well developed.
An introvert does not like collective activities and team games, his performance increases when he depends on himself.

An introvert's circle of friends is limited to one or two, and he has no shortage of communication.

These character traits do not mean that an introvert is completely unsociable and wild. Such personalities are very cultured and balanced, they have a creative and entrepreneurial streak, they can be quite talkative if the conversation touches on a related topic.

Types of extroverts and introverts

Dividing people into two psychological camps would be illogical, because each is a unique personality with its own set of qualities. therefore psychologists have identified the types of extroverts and introvertsto make it easier to navigate in them.

Types of extroverts:

Ethical-sensory... A very emotional and open type. Sincerely expresses sympathy and dislike, he can easily insult or take offense himself. At the same time, he is very worried about failures and criticism. Often puts things off until the last moment.
Intuitive-ethical... A person with artistic ability and leadership qualities. Doesn't control people, but directs them in the right direction to unleash potential opportunities. Likes to flirt, but often does not allow the development of further relationships. Has a narrow circle of close people and is monogamous in love.
Logic-touch... A goal-oriented personality type who loves to achieve their goals, sometimes in non-standard ways. He has a good sense of humor, has a positive attitude towards people, but always fiercely defends his point of view. He plans actions in advance and does not waste his time on trifles.
Intuitive logical... Emotional type. He does not like to obey and accept someone else's opinion. But friendly and helpful. He tries to bring maximum comfort and freedom into his life.
Sensory-logical... The motto is “Strength is the main thing in the world”. At the same time, victory is even more important. It has an excellent taste. Good organizer. Communicates easily and closely. Traditional in terms of the choice of strategies (in work, personal life). Characterized by a change of mood up to rudeness.
Logical-intuitive... He tries to spend his time efficiently. Energetic and cold-blooded. Good organizer and forecaster. Difficult to cope with everyday life. Likes to travel and overcome obstacles. He is open in communication, does not like rumors.
Sensory-ethical... He tends to manipulate people in order to gain fame and power. Purposeful. He takes care of loved ones and his home, loves to cook. Divides people into "us" and "strangers". Does not think through the problem in detail, which, combined with increased energy, leads to inaccuracies, poorly performed work.
Ethical-intuitive... They love emotions and drama, without which life is meaningless. Possesses bright intuition and artistic vision. Has a changeable character, reaching the level of tyranny in relations with relatives. Does his job carefully.

Ethical-sensory extrovert is a very emotional and open personality type

Types of introverts:

Ethical-sensory... Morality and ethics for him are extremely important things. Emotional, but does not give them a way out. Accurate in the highest degree, it is always surrounded by cleanliness and order. Intuition is not developed. Distrustful. Works conscientiously, but not efficiently.
Intuitive-ethical... Dreamer, likes to fantasize. Works according to the mood. He sees right through people. Does not show initiative, is easily led. Not able to lead a life, a household.
Logic-touch... Life is a system with its own rules that must be followed. Loves collecting. Persevering in his work, he starts with the main thing, "retouching" the little things at the end. Purposeful and demanding of himself and other people. Feels his needs, intuition is not developed at the same time.
Intuitive logical... The goal in life is to find your place. A critic and a skeptic by nature. Intuition is well developed. Emotionally unstable: unexpected breakdowns for oneself and others may occur. He is open in communication with friends and family, can be harsh and offend, although he tries to be polite. Loves coziness and comfort.
Sensory-logical... This type tries not to show his emotions. Strives for harmony in all areas of life. He is scrupulous and meticulous in his work. The intuition of this type is poorly developed, the information received is always double-checked, not trusting the sources.
Logical-intuitive... Delves into the essence of things as deeply as possible. It has analytical warehouse mind. Meticulous, accurate, punctual. Intuition is well developed. Loves intellectual communication and keeps his distance.
Sensory-ethical... In this type of life, comfort and pleasure are important. Avoids negativity. Sociable, good referee in disputes. He quickly gets carried away and also quickly switches to a new business, so he does his work poorly. The future is not important, only the present matters.
Ethical-intuitive... Respects traditions, values \u200b\u200bmoral standards and harmony in relationships. Extremely emotional. Differs in good intuition, which is why he is careful. Does not tolerate violence in any form. Doesn't know how to conduct everyday life.

Sensory-logical introvert tries not to show their emotions

If you treat with understanding the characteristics of each personality type, then you can correct the shortcomings and develop advantages.

Why know your psychotype?

So why know your psychotype and how to use it? Having analyzed the advantages and disadvantages that are characteristic of you, you will avoid mistakes, achieve results and choose a path through life, in which you will become as useful as possible. It's so great to find a job you love, surround yourself with loyal people and engage in a hobby that brings joy.

Basic knowledge in psychology will help you better find a common language with others. By observing people, you will understand what type of personality they belong to.

How to communicate with extroverts?

Compliment and praise him in public.
Listen to the end.
Extroverts love surprises.
Don't belittle his dignity.
Talk and show that he likes you.

How to communicate with introverts?

Don't disturb your personal space.
Take your time.
Do not compromise or force.
Don't interrupt when he speaks.
Respect the right to be alone.
Communicate with him in private.

The main rule in friendship and communication with both personality types is not to try to remake them.

No person will like it if they start to pressure him.

Introvert and extrovert careers

Most of our time is taken up by work. Therefore, it is important to find a place where you can express yourself, feel comfort and demand. To find out which professions are right for you, refer to the recommendations of psychologists, which will reveal a lot of new and interesting things.

Knowing your psychotype, you can choose an effective and interesting job

What professions are suitable for extroverts?

Teacher or educator.
Leader or assistant.
Recruiting specialist.
Guide, tour guide.
Toastmaster, host, artist.

What professions are suitable for introverts?

Accountant, financier.
Writer, scientist.
IT specialist.
Artist, photographer.
Veterinarian, trainer, plant breeder.

This is not a complete list of professions. But he will help you navigate the choice. Be based not only on it, but also on personal preference. After all, not every extrovert has artistic ability, and an introvert has artistic ability.

Personal life of extroverts and introverts

As you may have guessed, choosing a soul mate should also be based on the psychotype of the personality. Moreover, this happens in most cases unconsciously, our subconscious mind tells what to pay attention to and what is better to avoid.

Introverts in love, as in life, are calm and reasonable. They prefer a peaceful pastime (candlelit dinner, watching a movie at home). But if an introvert is in love, then he is able to accomplish a feat. It takes a lot of effort to win over an introvert.but they will pay off. You will get a loyal and loving person.

Extroverts, despite their love for noisy companies, prefer to spend time with their loved ones alone. They are loyal, but sometimes they make you jealous. This happens not because the extrovert craves new adventures, but because of the need for attention, including the opposite sex.

Psychologists consider the ideal couples to be unions of extroverts and introverts.

For many women an introverted husband is ideal, because he loves to listen... What girl doesn't like to talk? If there is a quarrel between you, then you should not put pressure on your introverted partner, he needs time to think and decide what to do next.

If you have chosen an extrovert as your spouse, then you will not get bored with him. Such people love to lead an active lifestyle and will accustom you to it. Do not think that you cannot rely on an extrovert: he values \u200b\u200brelationships, like an introvert, and does not choose the first person he meets, appreciates sincerity, simplicity and kind disposition in people.


Many people wonder who I am and why am I here? Psychology can help provide an answer to this question, although, of course, not accurate. In any case, the choice is always yours. To live life easier and feel happy, it is important to study yourself, to know what type of person you belong to. Even such seemingly trifles can make your life easier and fill it with new colors: it will be easier for you to decide on the choice of work, partner, hobby.

January 26, 2014 11:51 am

And these are not just big words - we are really all different and completely unique. But still there is something that unites us. We can talk about the similarity of temperament traits, characteristics of the emotional sphere, the level of intelligence or attitude to the surrounding reality. This allows psychologists to group people according to the characteristics of their mental activity. Extroverts and introverts are two such large groups. Can absolutely any person be attributed to one of these groups? What are the differences between the extraverted and introverted personality types?

Being a social being, a person, from the moment of his birth to a ripe old age, experiences in communication with his own kind. - this is one of the most difficult trials for a person, and any hardships and hardships are easier to bear if close relatives, friends, ready to support and help people are nearby. Everyone has a need for social contacts, but it manifests itself in different ways, and the level of this need is different.

The most striking desire to interact with other people is noticeable in extroverts, they are literally focused on society. No wonder the very term "extrovert" is associated with the Latin prefix extra - "outside". For the first time this concept, like the term introvert, was proposed by K. Jung in his book "Psychological Types". To date, a huge number of psychological studies have been carried out, confirming the theory of C. Jung and complementing the characteristics of these types.

  • Extroverts are always in the midst of people, they draw energy from the crowd and readily throw it back in the form of sociability, demonstrativeness and desire for popularity. Best Job for an extrovert - in a team, and the best rest is in a noisy, cheerful company.
  • When faced with problems, the extrovert immediately runs for help and support from friends, and he usually has a lot of them. But he also willingly and often noisily shares any of his success with others. Therefore, often the extrovert is "too much" - he is tired of his assertiveness, excessive sociability, talkativeness and heightened emotionality. In addition, these people are often intrusive or aggressive, and they have serious problems with a sense of tact.
  • A large number of people around the extrovert do not just like it, it excites him, acts intoxicating. Therefore, once in the spotlight, the extrovert completely loses the brakes, which he already has not very good.

People of this type absorb the world with all their senses, they grab onto a lot of things, get carried away with a bunch of different things, but rarely know something deeply and thoroughly.

Summarizing all of the above, the following personality traits inherent in extroverts can be distinguished:

  • social orientation;
  • sociability and sociability to obsession;
  • openness and interest in people;
  • activity and assertiveness;
  • increased excitability, especially among people;
  • a tendency to dominate and often to aggression.

However, these traits in people manifest themselves in different ways, so in psychology it is customary to talk about the level of extraversion. There are also special tests that allow you to determine the severity of these personality characteristics. That is, some are more extroverted, and some less. The same applies to another type of personality - the introvert.

Introverts - who are they?

As the name suggests, introverts are inward-facing, focused on their own the inner world and they are in no hurry to open their souls to the first comer and to the second too. Unlike open, outgoing, and hyperactive extroverts, introverts are withdrawn, self-absorbed, and appear to be slow-witted.

But it is not so. It's just that introverted individuals spend their energy sparingly and within themselves, and do not throw it out like extroverts.

  • They are characterized by immersion in their thoughts and feelings.
  • Very often these are people of a creative mind, although their isolation and unsociability do not allow them to openly demonstrate the results of their work, they do not like to brag and avoid any publicity.
  • Introverts are less visible than extroverts, but no less, and often significantly more productive than people with an extroverted personality type, who do not so much do, but demonstrate achieved results.

Introverts are called reclusive hermits. This is also not entirely true. Of course, the crowd, the noisy crowd and the hustle and bustle of the people arouses their rejection, and often frightens them. But the only friend, the closest person, the introvert will always be faithful, although he will not shout about this loyalty at every step.

An introvert is unobtrusive, he prefers to cope with his troubles and problems on his own, but will not refuse to help his neighbor. True, he tries to avoid too persistent and obsessive types, their pressure forces him to withdraw into himself, to hide in his shell. This often leads others to view the introvert as a callous, selfish egoist. Among this type, such people are also found - if a person is only interested in his own, it is difficult to love other people.

Summing up the analysis of the characteristics of an introvert, we can distinguish a number of inherent traits:

  • calmness and equanimity;
  • isolation and lack of communication;
  • laconic, inexpressive facial expressions and gestures;
  • lack of communication and unwillingness to work in a team;
  • a low level of emotionality or experiencing emotions within yourself;
  • a tendency to think;
  • things and theories interest him more than living people;
  • he is never bored by himself.

However, in their pure form, these two types are quite rare. Therefore, they are so noticeable that no testing is needed to determine who is in front of you - an introvert or an extrovert. But there is also a third type.


If we translate this term from Latin, then the ambivert will be something like “two-sided” or “shape-shifter”. Sometimes this type includes people with mild extrovert and introvetric traits. This is not entirely correct - the characteristic features of both types are manifested quite clearly.

In one situation, an ambivert may behave like an introvert, in another, like an extrovert. This is a kind of chameleon with a changing type of behavior, emotionality and sociability. Despite such fickleness (or perhaps because of it), people of this type get along well and adapt in any social environment or alone.

In a pleasant company and in the mood, ambiverts can be sociable, incendiary, and cheerful. However, even in solitude, they will always find a business for themselves. They love to engage in self-education and creativity and are not alien to the public demonstration of their talents.

Ambivert is:

  • a successful writer organizing a presentation of his book and surrounded by a crowd of fans;
  • a scientist giving a brilliant report on the results of many years of research;
  • a teacher who lectures emotionally and artistically and demonstrates deep knowledge in various fields of science.

Yes, an ambivert is able to enjoy success and willingly works in a team, but he never rushes to lead it, and success is his personal achievement. A person of this type can become the "soul" of the party (or can just sit in a corner as an observer), but will never initiate it. Different people representatives of this type are perceived in completely different ways, sometimes it seems that we are talking about completely different personalities.

Thus, the following personal characteristics are inherent in the ambivert:

  • versatility, complexity of personality;
  • quick transitions from activity to brooding passivity;
  • equally comfortable perception of the crowd and loneliness;
  • flexibility of mind and behavior;
  • the ability to adapt to changing conditions.

That is, the ambivert, although it combines the features of an introvert and an extrovert, is not something in between. These people do not fit the definition of "average" at all; most likely, they are really bilateral, more precisely, even multilateral.

Reasons for type differences

Each of the described psychological types (especially for extroverts and introverts) has not only positive, but also negative sides that we would like to get rid of. For example, the gloominess, isolation and selfishness of introverts and excessive sociability, obsession and aggressiveness of extroverts. How are these types formed? Or is upbringing to blame for everything, and with the right approach, ambiverts can be raised from all children?

Even K. Jung wrote that the traits of introverts and extroverts are innate. Later, psychophysiologists and psychologists proved that the characteristics of the behavior of these types are associated with the originality of the higher nervous activity, primarily with such an indicator as the ratio of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system.

  • Extroverts have strong and stable processes of excitation of nerve cells. This allows them to maintain high activity and emotionality for a long time. To feed your nervous system they need a constant influx of information from the outside, primarily emotional and sensual.
  • Introverts have more pronounced inhibition processes. The suppression of arousal leads to lethargy, detachment, coldness. An excess of external information that their brains are unable to quickly process causes irritation and fatigue.
  • But in ambiverts, the processes of excitation and inhibition are not only equally strong, but also in balance. And thanks to the mobile nervous system high level excitement can quickly be replaced by equally strong inhibition.

The strength of arousal and the speed of the course of nervous processes affect both the speed of reactions, and the level of sociability, and the brightness of emotions. That is, correct upbringing can smooth out the extreme manifestations of types that interfere with living in society, but it is impossible to completely "re-educate" an introvert and an extrovert. And it is undesirable, since this can lead to disruption of the psyche.

Yes, the grounds for the formation of these mental types are of an innate neurophysiological nature, but if you have found the features of an extrovert or an introvert in yourself, then there is nothing terrible or unpleasant in this - the world is rich in its diversity. Success in our lives, as well as happiness, is available to both introverts and extroverts. Only they go to them in different ways.

According to their desire to communicate and be in society, people are divided into two large groups:. The reason for this difference lies in the organization of the nervous system and energy potential. Extraversion and introversion refer to the innate qualities of a person that cannot be changed in any way, but can be slightly corrected with the help of upbringing or self-education.

Who is an extrovert?

Psychologists, answering the question of what an extrovert means, pay main attention to a person's inner need to interact with people around him. From the point of view of psychology, an extrovert is a person aimed at communication and various contacts with other people. It is very important for him to have in his environment people with whom he can share his experiences and spend his free time. Such a person cannot work alone, because he needs the constant presence of other people. It is important for him to consult with someone, discuss his plans, talk about what is happening. However, this does not mean at all that he needs someone's advice or cannot decide for himself how to live on. For an extrovert, the result of communication is not as important as the process itself.

In esotericism, there is a slightly different understanding of what an extrovert means. According to this science, a person generates energy for life or during sleep, or receives it in the process of communicating with other people. Introverts generate enough energy during the night so they don't need to be fed during the day. Introverts are great at being alone, whether at work or on vacation. Extroverts, in contrast to introverts, do not generate the necessary amount of energy during sleep, so they tend to get it from the outside. It turns out that from the point of view of esotericism, an extrovert is a person who receives most of the necessary energy from interacting with other people.

How to understand - an extrovert or an introvert?

A person is an extrovert if he has the following characteristics:

  1. Likes to work in a team. Moreover, sometimes it may seem that he is not very worried about what is happening around. However, for an extrovert, the main thing is that there are people around with whom he, if desired, could contact.
  2. Finds any opportunity for communication, easily enters into contacts with strangers.
  3. Becomes lethargic and passive with prolonged periods.
  4. Loves to perform in public, loves noisy parties, discos, holidays.
  5. Feels comfortable in a crowd.
  6. The extrovert always has many acquaintances.
  7. It receives energy not only from positive communication, but also from negative communication. Therefore, it can mobilize in difficult situations and solve the arisen problems.
  8. Share their experiences with others.
  9. The reaction of the extrovert can always determine how he is feeling.
  10. Since the internal self-esteem of extroverts is difficult, it is very important for them what others think of them.

Can an extrovert and an introvert be friends?

Since an extrovert is by nature very sociable, he can find common language with almost anyone, including introverts. These two personality types can have full and rich communication. An extrovert will be happy to share his experiences and impressions with an introvert, and an introvert will be happy to listen. However, since the extrovert is not capable long time maintain friendly relations with one person, and the introvert is quickly satiated with communication, long-term contacts between them are rare. Friendship between an extrovert and an introvert is possible only if they take into account the characteristics of each other.

Hello, Pavel Yamb is with you again!

Tell me, do you know who you are: an extrovert or an introvert?

Why do you need to know this? Well, at least in order to decide what kind of activity is best for you. Because many want to sing, but not everyone is given it. And when a person still sings, not understanding his real capabilities, it is funny and pitiful to listen to. We can say for sure: success is unlikely to await such "singers", except as clowns.

So, let's do what suits us. Or at least know what character traits you need to work with.

Back to basics

Now you can find many different tests that allow you to determine what type of personality you belong to.

In fact, such psychological concepts as extraversion and introversion in the generally accepted variation have become simplified: the extrovert is sociable and active, the introvert is withdrawn and brooding. However, things are not so simple. Returning the lost meaning, these two personality types predominantly manifest themselves as follows:

Extrovert Introvert
In communication:
easily finds a common language with others;

loves noisy events;

tries to occupy a leading position;

interested in the life of celebrities;

knows many anecdotes;

Depends on someone else's opinion.




prefers quiet places;

observes more than attracts attention;

May have his own view of things, sometimes going against the generally accepted.

In emotions:




controls emotions;


In the attitude:

recognizes socially accepted trends;

He actively promotes what he believes in.


interested in spiritual matters and practices;

Does not impose his views on others.

By occupation, he chooses areas:
social; practical.scientific; technical;

It should be noted that not all of the listed characteristics are characteristic of every extrovert or introvert, moreover, each of them has its own scale of manifestation. Depending on the upbringing, an extrovert can be both pleasant and unbearable.

The same is true for the introvert. However, it is possible to generalize a single characteristic of these psychotypes as follows: a person who wants to communicate and is focused on socially accepted norms is an extrovert. A person who carefully chooses friends and for whom his inner feeling is more important than external values \u200b\u200bis an introvert.

Manifestation at different age stages

Interestingly, the prevailing tendency is not something permanent. In childhood, even introverts show more extroverted traits: the child learns, absorbs the experience, so communication is a natural need.

External or internal orientation begins to appear more pronounced in adolescence, although the need for communication and recognition from others is still great.

Youth is also the age when communication is natural and necessary: \u200b\u200bduring this period of life, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a family is especially relevant.

So the final formation of the psychotype occurs by the age of 30-40. Introverts breathe a sigh of relief that they no longer have to spend more time with companies than they want. And extroverts continue to enjoy being together.

Interaction with each other

Communication between extroverts and introverts develops ... well, in different ways, in general. Again, this depends on the upbringing. But also from many other things, of course.

Extroverts who are predominantly in the company of other extroverts will not understand the reserved nature of an introvert. "Still waters run deep" - this perfectly reflects the opinion of an extrovert about introverts. Not expressing himself explicitly means incomprehensible. Incomprehensible means dubious or even dangerous.

But introverts are enraged by extroverts if they also communicate mainly with people of their own psychotype. A person who is not inclined to express his emotions loudly and publicly will be very uncomfortable being next to a raging extrovert.

Although these types are complementary and counterbalancing to each other. If there are both in the family, then such communication is good for everyone: introverts calm the noisy and emotional nature of extroverts, and the latter, in turn, pull introverts out of a quiet corner where they tend to huddle.

The truth that is in the middle

It must be said that both introverts and extroverts have their own weaknesses. Introverts from time to time suffer from an excess of communication - but where in our world can we get away from it? Extroverts, on the other hand, suffer from a lack of communication. For them, loneliness and silence are the most unpleasant state. Probably, an extrovert Robinson, who found himself on a desert island, would have started talking with parrots faster than an introverted Robinson. But the fact remains: they both prefer to stay in their half of the field.

But an ambivert is such a happy person who feels comfortable both alone and in a noisy company. It is he who is able to direct and balance not only himself, but others as well. If there is such a person in the team, then he will certainly enjoy authority. It is he who will be contacted to resolve any disputes and misunderstandings. However, people who are clearly between one and another psychotype practically do not exist. All the same, they will at least slightly, but gravitate towards either extroverts or introverts.

Know yourself

Well, after reading this article, you have probably already determined which type you are.

If everything suits you - no problem, you are a happy person, whose inclinations meet the world around you and the needs. But what to do if not everything in life suits you and you need to adapt to uncomfortable life tasks?

Here I will console you: extroverts do not always need constant communication, and introverts do not always need to be alone. Very often, deeper into the psychotype, we are pushed by an elementary inability to behave. And if you master the skills of communication or learn to occupy yourself without communication, then such a pastime may not be so unpleasant.

Sometimes it is very helpful to expand your boundaries by immersing yourself in an unfamiliar atmosphere. So we can better understand other people, and we will learn a lot of interesting things about ourselves. So, determining the psychotype is only the first step. Next: to master something new - this will allow you to expand your own capabilities. This is exactly what those who succeed do. And we all want to be successful, right?

So I wish you pleasant communication and comfortable loneliness!

But if you think that introverts cannot become leaders, then watch this video:

Such concepts as introvert and extrovert have already densely entered human life. Only the lazy does not know who they are. We are talking about the multidirectionality of energy, which in one case goes from the inside to the outside, and in the second - from the outside to the inside.

All people are different. For a better understanding of them, everyone wants to quickly give a classification. By quickly determining what type of people a person belongs to, it becomes easier for the rest. However, the site of psychotherapeutic help, the site warns psychology lovers that it is impossible to judge everyone unambiguously. In every person you can find qualities that should not be inherent in him. So in an introvert there will definitely be something from an extrovert, and in an extrovert from an introvert.

All people are different in their set of qualities. However, nevertheless, certain features of one direction or another can be traced. This is why it is easy to establish who is introvert and who is extrovert.

Introvert and extrovert - who are they?

Let's start by defining terms like introvert and extrovert. Who is it? These concepts mean types of individuals that are opposite to each other:

  1. An introvert is a person who is directed towards himself, inside himself.
  2. An extrovert is a type of person who seeks to interact with other people, to society.

There is also a third type of person - ambivert, who combines the qualities of an introvert and an extrovert.

It is very easy to define the two types of people under consideration, since they characterize two opposite behaviors:

  • The extrovert constantly strives to communicate with others. He attracts attention because he cannot live without him. That is why he is happy to participate in all events where he can actively communicate with people, demonstrate himself. An extrovert needs people not only to fuel his energy, but also to receive their help. You can call them somewhat helpless without the efforts of others.
  • Introverts prefer to spend time alone. They are more immersed in their own worries, feelings, reflections and fantasies. If they go out into society, they take the position of observers. They are more interested in observing other people without taking part in activities. The introvert prefers to rely on his own strength. He works well alone, uses his full potential, does not wait for help from others (sometimes he even refuses it).

The question may arise about how extroverts and are formed. The basic structure of the central nervous system remains here, with which a person is born. Already initially, a person is inclined to develop introverted or extraverted qualities. However, as life progresses, everything can change. Depending on upbringing, environment, life circumstances, a person is formed as an introvert or extrovert.

In physics, all processes are based on energy. A person is also an energy-consuming person who needs to recuperate. The extrovert expends energy by channeling it into external world... The introvert accumulates energy, spending it mainly on himself. How do these people replenish their energy reserves?

  1. An extrovert feels energized and energized when interacting with people. He participates in some activities, gives his energy to others, in the same way he takes it back and forth. To some extent, extroverts can be called energy vampires who recuperate themselves by exhausting those around them.
  2. An introvert can get energy from a normal dream or reading a book. He does not need people, he is recovering away from them. It can be called a good source of energy intake. Only the people around him can take away the energy that he has accumulated so much.

Speaking about energy vampires represented by extroverts, it should be noted that not all of them are:

  • Some really get a boost when someone is threatened, blackmailed, hurt, etc.
  • Others, on the contrary, are charged when they help someone, bring goodness.

The two types of personalities are easily recognized by their behavior. Undoubtedly, extroverts will be the life of the party, and introverts will seem withdrawn. In this case, extroverts can be the most unfaithful partners, while introverts become ideal family men.

In any firm, you can find both an introvert and an extrovert. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. A good leader should recognize who his employees are so that they can be placed in positions where their merits will help in solving work issues, and their weaknesses will not be a hindrance.

  • A positive quality of an introvert at work is taking on sole responsibility, as he gravitates towards individual work. If the manager has any questions, the introvert will be fully responsible for all the work done, since he understands his own responsibility.
  • A positive quality of an extrovert at work is the ability and easy establishment of new contacts. He is not afraid to communicate with unfamiliar people who can occupy both high and insignificant posts. It is good to send them to negotiations and interviews, because they are happy to contact others, know their business and love it.

Remember that extroverts love attention to themselves, so they like public speaking or negotiations with a lot of people. If at the same time the extrovert is given the right to vote, then they will definitely use it.

  • Respectively, negative quality an introvert is the inability to establish contacts with others (manager and colleagues). They can be inconspicuous employees and black sheep who quietly do their job. You cannot give them a task that will include communication with other people - they will not cope with it.
  • A negative quality of an extrovert will be his inability to notice changes in the interlocutor's mood, as well as to control his own behavior. His activity can cover the disadvantage that a change in mood leads to a decrease in performance. An extrovert will not stop communicating with a client just because he feels bad. On the contrary, he will communicate as it is convenient for him, in order to simultaneously receive energy from the client (energy vampirism).

Since both types have difficulties due to the existing flaws, recommendations are given:

  1. Introverts are advised to communicate with people as often as possible, showing patience with them and doing everything to get positive emotions from them.
  2. Extroverts are encouraged to show more empathy for others, notice their reactions, and regulate their own behavior. You should also restrain personal emotions and be a little calm.

Ambivert is a person who combines both types of personalities. On the one hand, he may be lonely, but in a circle individuals become sociable. On the one hand, he can calmly perform in front of the public, but experience difficulties in establishing new contacts.

How can you tell if you are an introvert or an extrovert?

There are special tests that help determine whether a person is an extrovert or an introvert. Typical questions are asked here that clearly indicate how "social" or "lonely" a person is in their preferences. If you enjoy working in a team, then you show the quality of an extrovert. If you prefer privacy to a noisy party, then you are an introvert.

It is easy to recognize a person by their behavior. You can pay attention to how a person behaves in a team. The extrovert will communicate with everyone, joke, humor, get into someone else's conversation, etc. He will be interested in all the ideas and impressions that others have. An introvert, on the contrary, will try to retire, be in a corner, or communicate with only one interlocutor, often with someone whom he already knows well.

An introvert can be well recognized by his calmness, prudence and poise. He will never act without meaning. He needs goals and a plan of action to understand what to do and why to do it. They are indecisive and slow.

  • Introverted women are loyal wives, great housewives and great mothers.
  • Introverted men are faithful husbands and henpecked wives who are manipulative.

Extroverts are determined, courageous, direct. They want recognition everywhere. They do not care about actions and results, as much as the approval of others. At the same time, they never get tired of communication, since they receive energy from it. The extrovert is easy-going and proactive. The lust for power can make him arrogant and selfish. He can go over the heads, being confident in his actions.

In love, an extrovert always takes power. If he meets with the same extrovert, then during a quarrel, everyone will defend their innocence.

There are no pure extroverts and introverts. In every person there are qualities inherent in the opposite type. In love:

  1. Strong couples are extroverts with introverts, where one can amuse, and the other can calm down in time.
  2. Boring couples are introverts where no one is proactive and self-absorbed.
  3. Conflicting couples are extroverts, where no one gives in and considers himself the most right (which gives energy).

How can an introvert become an extrovert?

Since introverts are considered less useful and meaningful to society, many of them soon begin to desire to become extroverts. Is it possible? Everything's possible. You just need to understand whether it is necessary. You can remain introverted and use your strengths to the fullest. And if a person wants to change, then he should make an effort.

You cannot change your attitudes and beliefs. Only at the level of actions can an introvert become an extrovert. The actions will be awkward and ridiculous at first. But then they will become natural.

How to Become an Extrovert?

  1. Start traveling, visiting and being interested in new places.
  2. Find new situations for yourself where a person can express himself, be active
  3. Strive for new acquaintances, slowly communicate with unfamiliar people, and develop communication skills.
  4. Do something on a weekly basis that was previously forbidden, but I really wanted to do it.

After exerting effort, you need to rest. This should be done in a convenient way for yourself.


It is a mistake to think that introverts are worse than extroverts. It's just that the qualities of introverts are not always appreciated by society. Also, one should not judge unambiguously about people, since there are no “pure” extroverts and introverts. Understanding these characteristics and a clear vision of others will ultimately achieve greater success than simply dividing into those who are worse or better.