Description of nature in English: in nature there are few sharp lines. Let's talk about nature in English? Words on the theme of nature plants

Nature ( nature) is the world that surrounds us. Nature includes everything that was not created by human hand: flora and fauna ( flora and fauna), rivers and seas ( rivers and seas), rocks and mountains ( rocks and mountains). Nature lives by its own laws laws/forces of nature), which we, the people, are not subject to. In this article, we have collected words and expressions to describe nature in English language.

The nature of the word nature

Word nature denotes not only the living world around us. Like the Russian word "nature", the English nature there are multiple meanings.

  • Nature in the meaning of the qualities of character inherent in man.

    It is not in his nature to tell a lie. “He doesn’t tend to lie.

  • Nature as a quality or feature of an object.

    The nature of this rock is not clear yet. – The nature of the origin of this stone is not yet clear.

Also with the word nature there are several fixed expressions.

  1. In the nature of things- in the nature of things, inevitably, naturally. We use this idiom when we want to say that things happen in their own way, without anyone's intervention.

    Every couple has problems. It's in the nature of things. Every couple has problems. It `s naturally.

  2. To be second nature to someone- to be habitual for someone. This expression applies to people. So we say when we want to emphasize the ability of a person in some business.

    Medicine is second nature to Bill. He is the best in the city. Medicine is Bill's second nature. He's the best in town.

  3. back to nature- back to nature. So they say about people who "heard the call of their ancestors." They abandon the newfangled gadgets and other benefits of civilization and return to the simple way of life that people lived in the past.

    I went back to nature when I lived with my grandmother in a small village. – I went back to nature when I lived with my grandmother in a small village.

Let's go back to the original meaning of the word nature and talk about the beauty of nature around us.

landscape. Describing the landscape in English

Most often we talk about the nature of our native land. You can start with short description terrain ( region) where you live. How rich is your region: high mountains ( high mountains), dense forests ( thick forests) or endless fields ( boundless fields)? Or maybe something else? In the table you will find useful words for describing the landscape in English.

Word Translation
mountain Mountain
peak Peak)
mountain range mountain range
Rock Rock, stone
Hill Hill
Canyon Canyon
cave Cave
Forest Forest
Valley Valley
field Field
Steppe Steppe
Meadow Meadow
plain Plain

Also, don't forget to use a few adjectives to add flavor to your story.

  • picturesque- picturesque.
  • Breathtaking- breathtaking.
  • Striking/stunning- fabulous.
  • thick/dense- dense (about the forest).
  • Thin- rare (about the forest).
  • Boundless- boundless.
  • Steep- abrupt, steep.
  • rising- towering.
  • Covered with flowers- covered with flowers.

Perhaps the most difficult part of nature stories is the beginning. When we are surrounded by beauties created by nature, we can get confused and not know where to start. Here are some helpful tips to avoid this:

  1. Choose 2-3 objects that are clearly visible and about which you can definitely say something.
  2. Start your story with the biggest and brightest object.
  3. Next, tell us about the features: color, shape, size of the object, emotions that it evokes in you.

Now we will look at an example of how to beautifully describe the area in English. Before us are mountains, a forest and a meadow. We will start with the description of the mountains, then we will move on to the description of the forest, and finally we will leave the meadow.

There is a picturesque landscape in front of us. We see high mountains of gray color. It might be summer as the peaks are not covered with snow and the trees are green.

In the middle we see a thick forest. It is everywhere. The cliffs and the part of the meadow are covered with trees. They are of different shades of green: dark green, bright green. The meadow is not covered with flowers but it is covered with bright yellow and green grass where you can lie and have a rest enjoying the sunlight.

rivers and seas. Rivers and seas

About 70% the globe covered with water. Every area has rivers rivers), seas ( seas), lakes ( lakes), oceans ( oceans), so it is very important to be able to talk about them. In the table, we present a set useful words to help you describe different types reservoirs ( water basins).

Word Translation
River River
Lake Lake
Stream Creek
waterfall Waterfall
Sea Sea
Ocean Ocean
Swamp Swamp
Wetlands marshland
high tide high tide
low tide Low tide
Current Flow
Flood Flood
Coast Sea shore)
bank River bank)

The river flows ( flow), can overflow the banks ( burst the bank), fall into the sea ( flow to the sea), or may dry out ( dry up). Here are some adjectives you can use when describing rivers:

  • Wide- wide.
  • Narrow- narrow.
  • deep- deep.
  • Shallow- shallow.
  • Still- calm.
  • Rippling- with ripples.
  • Rapid- fast.
  • Rough- stormy.

The picture shows a forest river. First of all, we will describe it. Then we can talk about what is around her.

It is a narrow rapid river that flows into the forest. It seems to be shallow, but it is rough as the current is strong. If you want to cross this river, you should be careful. The water is dark. There are green trees on both sides of the river. We can sit on a bank of the river and listen to the sound of water.

What else can you say about nature in English

Animals. Animals

Nature includes not only landscapes. A lot can be said about wildlife wildlife): which animals ( animals) and birds ( birds) live in the area, which plants ( plants), flowers ( flowers), berries ( berries) and mushrooms ( mushrooms) are growing. Tell me about medicinal herbs herbs) and weeds ( weeds).

  • And the article "" contains the most interesting expressions with representatives of the fauna.

weather. Weather

When talking about the nature of your native land, you can mention the climate of the region ( climate of the region), namely the weather ( weather). Here are the main words that will help you with this:

  • Warm- warm.
  • Hot- hot.
  • Cold- cold.
  • Boiling- sultry, very hot.
  • Freezing- icy, very cold.
  • Nasty- unfortunate.
  • windy- windy.
  • Humid- wet.
  • You will find more words to describe the weather in the article "".

Nature plays with violent colors and creates bizarre forms, so you need to know a lot of words and expressions in order to correctly describe it. To memorize words that describe nature, our list of words and a test will help you.

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Nature in English

Good day to all! Nature is a beautiful and wonderful world around us, with extraordinary landscapes that are difficult to describe. And yet we will try. So, we continue to study the principles of description in English, and today we will learn to describe the nature around us and natural phenomena. To do this, together with Martin Lerner and other amateur naturalists, we will go hiking in the mountains for a few days.

Description of nature in English: hiking in the mountains

We will also continue to learn how to describe the world around us in English, and at the same time we will repeat and learn a lot of new vocabulary. And in the course of this audio lesson, concretizing the description, we will consider the description of nature in the mountains using the example of a short conversation. This time, Martin Lerner goes to the mountains with a group of boys and girls, members of the nature lovers club. The journalist talks with naturalists about the beauty of nature and the landscapes surrounding them:

Martin: Can you describe what you like? Can you describe what you like?
Hannah:It's so peaceful and quiet. All you can hear are the small birds and the little animals on the ground. - Everything around (literally: it) - is so peaceful and quiet. All you can hear is little birds and little animals on the ground
Martin:Where are we going to hike today? Where are we going to hike today?
Hannah:look over there. Do you see that big white rock? There is some green grass on the hillside below. - Look over there. Do you see this big white rock? She has some green grass on the slope below.
Martin: Are there some yellow flowers too? “And also some yellow flowers?”
Hannah: Yes. That's where we're going for a picnic. - Yes. This is where we go for a picnic.

Remember also and review a very important lesson when traveling Location questions

Read carefully several times an excerpt from the dialogue between Martin Lerner and Hanna, a member of the nature lovers club. Practice your English reading skills, and then practice your American listening skills by listening to an audio recording of a conversation about nature and the sound of other vocabulary for describing people's physical characteristics:


The audio lesson will also help you practice pronunciation of English phrases to describe nature and weather phenomena. English pronunciation is very great importance when communicating with native speakers, so work out the articulation of American sounds well. It is for this purpose that the specialists of the Russian service of the radio "Voice of America" ​​have prepared a conversational audio course "So they say in America."

Description of nature in English

A convenient text table with the most commonly used English lexemes and expressions for describing nature with translation into Russian will help you memorize a lot of new vocabulary. Use the table to master this material as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Description of nature


We don't call ourselves adventurers We don't call ourselves adventurers
What do you call yourself? What do you call yourselves?
Where are you from?Where do you come from?


adventurer/adventurer adventurer
on the groundon the ground
slope of a mountain or hill hill side
road, pathtrail
hiking hiking
life in a tent, resting place, parking camping
adventurer's club adventurers club
yourself, yourself (1st person plural) ourselves
yourself, yourself (2nd person plural) yourselves
beloved, beloved favorite
magnificent, majestic majestic
national, nationwide national
open-air outdoor
sick sick
on open air outdoors
camp to camp
accommodateto hold

walk, roam

to hike

Put what you've learned into practice as you practice telling someone about a hike, a nature excursion, or just your favorite natural scenery in English. Use the vocabulary from the table also to describe the most beautiful natural monuments in the world.

Repeat all audio lessons of the course That's what they say in America

Be sure to do practical

The topic "Nature" in English is very extensive. It includes the names of celestial bodies, natural phenomena, words associated with the weather, the names of animals and much more. This collection contains about 40 common words on the theme "Nature", selected on the principle of "a little of everything". For example, there is no list of names of flowers and trees, but only the common names flower (flower) and tree (tree). For convenience, the words are divided into two groups.

Basic words on the topic "Nature" in English, part 1

nature [ˈneɪʧə] nature
north north
south south
west west
east East
sun Sun
moon moon
star star
sky sky
earth [ɜːθ] Earth
ground Earth
space space, space
air air
plant plant
tree tree
flower [ˈflaʊə] flower
domestic animals pet
wild animal wild animal
birds bird
poultry [ˈpəʊltri] Domestic bird


In the examples, not all possible meanings of words are given, but only one or two basic ones related to a given part of speech and topic. If you want to know more meanings and examples, use online dictionaries and translators.

  • nature- nature

Nature always wins. “Nature always wins.

  • north- north

The ships came from the north. The ships have arrived from the north.

  • south– south

We lived in the south of the country. We live in the south of the country.

  • west– west

wild west. - Wild West.

  • east- East

Go to the east. - Go east.

  • sun- Sun

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. - The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

  • moon- moon

The Moon goes around Earth. - The moon revolves around the earth.

  • star- star

I've never seen a falling star. “I have never seen a shooting star.

  • sky- sky

Birds fly high up in the sky. - Birds fly high in the sky.

  • earth- Earth

Note: the word "earth", like "earth" in Russian, can mean the surface of the earth, the earth as soil, the planet Earth.

The aliens came to Earth. - Aliens have arrived on Earth.

The earth has shaken. - The earth (surface) shook.

The earth is fertile here. - The land is fertile.

  • ground- Earth

Drop your shovel on the ground. - Throw the shovel on the ground.

  • space- space, space

There is not enough space in the building. – There is not enough space in the building.

Gagarin was the first human in the space. Gagarin was the first man in space.

  • air- air

fresh air. - Fresh air.

  • plant- plant

The plants need watering. - Plants need to be watered.

  • tree- tree

This is the oldest and tallest tree in the forest. This is the oldest and tallest tree in the forest.

  • flower- flower

Don't pick the flowers in the garden. Don't pick flowers in the garden.

  • domestic animals- pet

Farmers have many domestic animals. Farmers have many pets.

  • wild animal- wild animal

Tiger is a dangerous wild animal. The tiger is a dangerous wild animal.

  • birds- bird

Can you see the bird is the sky? Do you see a bird in the sky?

  • poultry- Domestic bird

Some poultry farmers keep ducks. - Some poultry farmers breed ducks.


  1. Don't confuse words birds And poultry. Geese, ducks and other poultry are poultry. Titmouse, sparrows, crows, etc. - birds.
  2. Earth is the name of the planet Earth. Ground- this is the ground under your feet: Drop it on the ground . - Throw it on earth. There is also a similar word soil- the soil.
  3. Words North, South, East, West, Sun, Moon, Earth are written with the, because they denote something unique, single.

Basic words on the topic "Nature" in English, part 2

pet pet (pet)
cat cat
dog dog
horse horse
chicken [ˈʧɪkɪn] chick, hen
mouse mouse
sea sea
seashore \ bank [ˈsiːʃɔː] shore
river [ˈrɪvə] river
snow snow
sand sand
rain rain
cold cold
heat heat
fire [ˈfaɪə] fire, fire
water [ˈwɔːtə] water
wind wind
storm storm
weather [ˈwɛðə] weather
weather forecast [ˈwɛðə ˈfɔːkɑːst] weather forecast


  • pet- pet (pet)

Cats and dogs are the most popular pets. – Cats and dogs are the most popular pets.

  • cat- cat

Grumpy cat - Grumpy cat

  • dog- dog

Do you know how to train dogs? - Do you know how to train dogs?

  • horse- horse

The poor knight could not afford a horse. The poor knight couldn't afford a horse.

  • chicken- chicken, hen

She is feeding the chicken. She is feeding the chicken.

  • mouse- mouse

My cat caught a mouse. My cat caught a mouse.

  • sea– sea

My brother is a sailor, he is out in the sea now. - My brother is a sailor, he is now at sea (on a voyage).

  • seashore \ bank- shore

We were walking along the seashore. - We walked along the seashore.

  • river– river

What is the name of this river? - What is the name of this river?

  • snow- snow

The snow is falling. - It's snowing.

  • sand- sand

The children play in the sand. The children are playing in the sand.

  • rain- rain

We had heavy rain all day. We've had torrential rain all day.

  • cold- cold

Come in, don't stand in the cold. Come in, don't stand in the cold.

  • heat- heat

The heat is killing. The heat is (now) deadly.

  • fire- fire, fire

Cats are afraid of fire. – Cats are afraid of fire.

The house was damaged in the fire. - The house was damaged by fire.

  • water– water

The water in the lake is polluted. - The water in the lake is polluted.

  • wind- wind

The wind is very strong. - The wind is very strong.

  • storm- storm

The storm is coming from the east. - A storm is approaching from the east.

  • weather– weather

The weather in the mountains can change very quickly. The weather in the mountains can change very quickly.

  • weather forecast- weather forecast

What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? - What's the forecast for tomorrow?


  1. Pet- this is not any pet, namely a pet, a pet. For example, this is the name of cats, dogs, hamsters, but not cows, goats, pigs.
  2. Mouse- one of the rare ones that form the form plural in a special way: mousemice.
  3. Shore or seashore- this is the seaside bank- River bank. There is also a similar word coast- coastline, coastline, coastline.

Friends! I don't do tutoring right now, but if you need a teacher, I recommend this wonderful site- there are native (and non-native) teachers there 👅 for all occasions and for every pocket 🙂 I myself went through more than 80 lessons with teachers that I found there!

We continue learning English and today we are waiting for the topic “Nature. Nature. People who live in the city have long lost the habit of such luxury as green grass, shady alleys, and fragrant flowers. By the way, I took this photo in, which are located behind a high brick wall, away from people. A place of rest - for those who appreciate beauty.

English words for beginners on the topic "Nature":

English words for beginners on the topic "Nature"

I. Nouns (nouns):

1. the sun - the sun
2. sunset - sunset
3. sunrise - dawn
4. the stars - stars
5. the moon - the moon
6. the sky (in the sky) - sky (in the sky)
7. cloud - cloud
8. ground (on the ground) - earth (on the ground)
9. road (along the road) - road (along the road)
10. river - river
11. bank - coast
12. lake - lake
13. sea - sea
14. beach - beach
15. seaside (at the seaside) - coast (on the coast)
16. ocean - ocean
17. water - water
18. air - air
19. wind - wind
20. hill - hill
21. mountain - mountain
22. stone
23. field
25. flower - flower
26. forest
27. garden - garden
28. tree - tree
29. plant
30. leaf - leaves - leaf (leaves)

II. Adjectives:

1. bright (brightly) - bright (bright)
2. cloudless - cloudless
3. cloudy - cloudy
4. strong - strong
5. deep - deep
6. high - high
7. thick - thick
8. big - big
9. small - small
10. quiet - quiet
11. fresh - fresh
12. different - different
13. beautiful - beautiful
14. wonderful - wonderful

Adjectives 1-17 are adjectives expressing fact(fact adjectives). Exist adjectives expressing opinion(opinion adjectives), for example, different, beautiful, etc.

III. Verbs (verbs):

1. shine - shine
2. rise - get up
3. set - sit down (about the sun)
4. be covered with - to be covered (with something)
5. be full of - to be full (of something)
6. be beautiful with - to be beautiful because of (something)
7. grow - grow
8. blow - blow
9. smell - smell
10. fall down - fall ( e.g. about leaves)

IV. Phrases with prepositions on the topic "Nature" (set-expressions):

1. by day - in the afternoon
2. at night - at night
3. in the sky - in the sky
4. at sunset - at sunset
5. at sunrise - at sunrise
6. on the ground - on the ground
7. in the field - in the field
8. at the seaside - on the coast
9. in the forest
10. in the tree - on a tree

Let's summarize. So you've learned English words for beginners on the topic “Nature. Nature", namely 30 nouns, 14 adjectives, 10 verbs and 10 phrases with prepositions. Now let's train and use them in practice: in exercises and descriptions of pictures. First, try to hear some words in song in English "When trees are green".

V. Song about nature in English "When trees are green"

When trees are green and forests are green
And grass is green and long
It is good to walk in the forest
And listen to little bird's song.

When trees are white and forests are white
Because they are covered with snow
It is good to be out of doors and play.
Oh, I love it so!

Weather, natural phenomena, flora and fauna. Learn to talk about the nature of your native places or the beauties of distant countries and you will become an interesting conversationalist!

In contact with



Weather and natural phenomena

Breeze light wind, breeze Climate climate
cloud cloud, cloud Dew dew
Drizzle light rain Earthquake earthquake
Flood flood Fog, mist fog
Frost freezing hail hail
Heat heat Hoarfrost, rime frost
Humidity humidity Hurricane Hurricane
Icicle icicle Indian summer Indian summer
Lightning lightning Pressure pressure
Puddle puddle Rain rain
Rainbow rainbow raindrop rain drop
Rainfall precipitation rainstorm rainstorm
shower shower Sleep slush
Snow snow snowfall snowfall
snowflake snowflake Storm storm, storm, storm
Sun Sun Sunshine sunlight
Temperature temperature Thaw thaw
Thunder thunder thunderstorm storm
Tornado tornado Tsunami tsunami
Weather weather Wind wind

Weather epithets

Bright bright, light Chilly cold, cool
Clear clear, cloudless Cloudless cloudless
cloudy cloudy Cold cold
dump wet, damp Drizzly drizzling
Dry dry Dull cloudy, gloomy
Foggy fog Freezing freezing
Hot hot Humid wet
Mild soft, moderate misty fog
rainy rainy Scorching scorching, sultry
Showery rainy, torrential snowy snow
Stormy stormy Stuffy suffocating, stuffy
Sunny solar Warm warm
Wet wet, wet windy windy
to blossom blossom to snow go (about snow)
to freeze freeze, freeze To hail to go (about the city)
To melt melt To pour pour (of rain)
to rain go (about rain) to shine shine, shine


beach beach Boulder boulder
Cape cape cliff rock
Coast coast Desert desert
Dirt, mud dirt dust dust
field field Glacier glacier
Grassland meadow, pasture Ground earth (solid surface)
Hill Hill Island island
land land; a country massif array (mountain, forest)
mountain mountain peak peak, pinnacle
Peninsula peninsula Prairie prairie
Ridge mountain range, ridge Rock, stone stone
Sand sand Shore shore
Silt silt soil the soil
Terrain terrain, relief Valley valley
Volcano volcano

water bodies

Flora and fauna

animal animal Beast beast
bird bird branch branch
Bush bush Conifer conifer tree
Evergreen evergreen Flower flower
Foliage foliage Forest forest
Gossamer autumn web Grass grass
insect insect Lair lair, lair
Leaf sheet Log log
Mammal mammal Meadow meadow
Mush room mushroom Nest nest
Organism organism Predator predator
root root Seed seed
tree tree Vine vine
Wild life wild nature

Atmosphere and space

And here is how one of the teachers from the site named Adam talks about natural phenomena (English speech; English subtitles are available):

Or maybe you know something else interesting about nature in English? Then share your knowledge in the comments!