What does the word similar mean. The meaning of the word is similar in a large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Definition of the word is similar

What does the word "similar" mean?

    The word similar means literally similar, the same, the same, repeating,

    One word expresses the similarity of the above-designated object with what is mentioned last.

    Identity of signs.

    The adverb similarly came from the Greek word analogos, which is translated into Russian as corresponding. If you try to find synonyms for the word similarly, you get something like this: the same, like, it seems, suitable.

    The lexical meaning of the adverb is similarly beyond doubt and inconsistency.

    Similarly- means similarly, similarly, almost identically, similarly, similarly, in the same manner.

    The only thing that can be added is the special use of this adverb in some cases. The context sometimes shows us what the person used in the same way as the affirmative particle. Like yes, I agree, mutually, and so on. In these cases, the semantics of the word is somewhat transformed, starting to denote an expression of agreement and reciprocity.

    For example, dialogue:

    I like you.


    I love you!


    Yes, what did you do the same thing?! It annoys me!


    As I understand this word: it is almost a synonym for phrases in the same way, in the same way, in the same way, etc.

    The word is used in the same way various occasions, that is, this word has various uses.

    For example a sentence:

    Rats are caught with bait. Mice are caught in the same way.

    It can be replaced with:

    Mice are caught in the same way.

    The word is similarly related to the words analogue and analogy, from which it derives.

    Even among the people, there was a certain tradition to replace replicas with this word, and you are the same, and you are the same.

    For example someone says:

    You're a fool!

    And the second answers him Similarly, which is equivalent to the replica You too.

    This word means that any phenomenon in relation to which it is applied is similar and similar in some way to the one with which it is compared.

    For example, it can be two situations, one of which will be similar to the other, and it will say that they are similar and similar.

    Likewise means in the same way, in the same way, exactly the same, exactly the same, exactly the same. For example, an employee asks: How do I do this job? And the boss replies to such an employee: Do the work according to the model.

    According to this site: what-means.rf (explanatory dictionary of Efremov T.F.), the word similarly has the following interpretation:

    The word similarly in Russian has the following synonyms:

    like, alike, like, akin to, akin to, similar, similar

    This word is very often used, since it means that if a person says something and you understand that you did the same, or if you want to choose what he wants, then you will say the word in the same way. This will mean that you agree with him and take what he does or do the same as he does. Or you can confirm his thoughts.

    This term comes from the Greek word analogy, which in translation is proportion, correspondence. Similarly, it is something made according to the model, likeness of something else. In Russian, it corresponds in the same way, similarly. In logic, it is analogous - this is when, based on the external similarity of one property of different objects or concepts, a conclusion is made about the similarity of other properties.

    The word ANALOGICAL is an adverb, meaning similarity with someone, something, or some pattern, scheme.

    Synonyms are the same, in the same way, in a similar way.

    This adverb can be used in the sentence: The doctor prescribed similar drugs expensive. That is, each drug has cheaper analogues.

    In the same way as it was done the first time - this is the meaning.

    The Greek adjective analogos, which means corresponding, gave life to many related words in the Russian language: analogue, analogy, analogous, analogous, analogize and, finally, likewise.

    The meaning of the adverb is similarly not far removed from the meaning of its progenitor. This word means that something is identical, similar, proportionate, corresponding to something.

    This problem is solved similarly to the first one.

    We will do the same as the first time.

    The silhouette of this model is made similarly to the sample.

similarly similar similarly, similarly, in the image and likeness, similarly, close, so and, (such, similar, the same) the same (in the manner, manner, way, order), akin, well, in t (ak) ohm (same ) spirit, it seems, in the same line, in the same manner

Dictionary of Russian synonyms.

Similarly unchangeable looks like this

Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Context 5.0 - Informatics. 2012.

Similarly adv., number of synonyms: 23 similarly (1) close (70) in the same spirit (10) in the same spirit (13) in the same spirit (15) in the same line (12) in the same manner (12) according to image and likeness (14) according to the model (3) like (20) similarly (12) similar (66) symmetrical (5) similar (15) similar (19) similar (7) the same (25) the same (1 ) in the same way (12) in the same manner (12) in the same way (13) in the same order (12) in the same way (3)

ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013.

similarly this:

likewise likewise nar., use comp. often 1. Word likewise often replaces the expressions "in the same way" and "in the same way."

Petrov was deprived of the award. The same was done with his partner.

2. When you want to say that you agree with the interlocutor and think or act in life the same way as he does, you can say Likewise!

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003.


This term has other meanings, see Analogy (meanings).

Analogy(ancient Greek ἀναλογία - proportion, correspondence, proportionality) - similarity, equality of relations; the similarity of objects, phenomena, processes, quantities, etc. in any properties, as well as knowledge by comparison, for example:

Models of analogy

Analogy model (Latin modus - sample, copy, image) is an objective, mathematical or abstract system that imitates or reflects the principles of internal organization, functioning, features of the object under study (original), the direct study of which, for various reasons, is impossible or complicated. In the process of cognitive thinking, the “model of analogy” performs a variety of functions for a concise explanation (description in the image of analogy) of a work, theory, teaching, hypothesis, interpretation, and so on. Models are widely used in mathematics, logic, structural linguistics, physics, for modeling the human community, history, analytics and other fields of knowledge. The conclusions behind the "model of analogy" are hypothetical - the truth or fallacy of which, in the future, is discovered (confirmed or refuted) during verification (tests).

  • Analogy in philosophy- a conclusion in which, from the external similarity of objects for some signs, a conclusion is made about the possibility of their similarity in other signs. For example, the concept of "similarly" is used in inference by analogy, the knowledge gained when considering an object (object, model) is transferred to another, less accessible for research (contemplation, dialogue).
  • analogy in quantum physics - found wide application, with its help extensive abstract theories-analogies were built - models designed to better understand the nature of things, hidden from human vision. The model replaces this object, giving general idea about it, or in the process of targeted study of the original, in order to obtain new information about him. These models were used to describe the atom, or atomic structure.
  • Analogy in mathematics:
    • “Perhaps there are no discoveries in either elementary or higher mathematics, or even, perhaps, in any other field that could be done without analogy. George Poya.
    • “A mathematician is one who knows how to find analogies between statements, a better mathematician is one who establishes analogies of proofs, a stronger mathematician is one who notices analogies of theories; but one can also imagine someone who sees analogies between analogies. Stefan Banach.
  • Analogy in biology- the similarity of any structures or functions that do not have a common origin, the concept is the opposite of homology.
  • Analogy in theology(analogy of being, analogy of being, lat. analogia entis) - one of the basic principles of Catholic scholasticism, substantiates the possibility of knowing the existence of God from the existence of the world he created.
  • Analogy in linguistics- assimilation of one unit of language to another in some respect.

What does the word "similar" mean?

What is the meaning of this word?

Z v e n k a

The lexical meaning of the adverb "similarly" does not give rise to doubts and inconsistencies.

Similarly- means, "similarly, similarly, almost identically, similarly, similarly, in the same manner."

The only thing that can be added is the special use of this adverb in some cases. The context sometimes shows us that a person has used "similarly" as an affirmative particle. Like "yes, I agree, mutually" and so on. In these cases, the semantics of the word is somewhat transformed, starting to denote an expression of agreement and reciprocity.

For example, dialogue:

I like you.


I love you!


Yes, what did you do the same thing?! It annoys me!


The Greek adjective "analogos", which means "corresponding" gave life to many related words of the Russian language: analogue, analogy, analogous, analogous, analogize and, finally, likewise.

The meaning of the adverb "similarly" is not far removed from the meaning of its progenitor. This word means that something is identical, similar, proportionate, corresponding to something.

This problem is solved similarly to the first one.

We will do the same as the first time.

The silhouette of this model is made similarly to the sample.


Similarly means "in the same way", "exactly the same", "completely similar, completely identical". For example, an employee asks: How do I do this job? And the boss replies to such an employee: Do the work according to the model.

As I understand this word: it is almost a synonym for the phrases "in the same way", "in the same way", "in the same way", etc.

The word "similar" is used in different cases, that is, this word has different uses.

For example a sentence:

"Rats are caught with bait. Mice are caught in the same way."

It can be replaced with:

Mice are caught in the same way.

The word "analogous" is related to the words "analogue" and "analogy", from which it comes.

Even among the people, there was a certain tradition to replace with this word the replicas "and you are the same", "and the same to you."

For example someone says:

"You're a fool!"

And the second answers him "Similarly", which is tantamount to the replica "You too."

Rienne di farane

This term comes from the Greek word analogy, which in translation is proportion, correspondence. Similarly, it is something made according to the model, likeness of something else. In Russian, it corresponds to "the same, like". In logic, it is similar - this is when, by the external similarity of one property of different objects or concepts, a conclusion is made about the similarity of other properties.


This word is very often used, since it means that if a person says something and you understand that you did the same, or you want to choose what he wants, then you will say the word "similarly". This will mean that you agree with him and take what he does or do the same as he does. Or you can confirm his thoughts.


The word "ANALOGICAL" is an adverb, meaning similarity with someone, something, or some pattern, scheme.

Synonyms are the same, in the same way, in a similar way.

This adverb can be used in the sentence: "The doctor prescribed similar drugs expensive." That is, each drug has cheaper analogues.


This word means that any phenomenon in relation to which it is applied is similar and similar in some way to the one with which it is compared.

For example, it can be two situations, one of which will be similar to the other, and it will say that they are similar and similar.

Help to

The adverb "similarly" comes from the Greek word "analogos", which translates into Russian as "corresponding". If you try to find synonyms for the word "similar", you get something like this: the same, like, it seems, suitable.


The word "analogous" means literally "similar", "same", "same", "repeating",

One word expresses the similarity of the above-designated object with what is mentioned last.

Identity of signs.

How to understand "similar"?

Ludmila shepeleva

Likewise - not quite the same, but similar.
Analogy (other Greek ἀναλογία - correspondence, similarity) - similarity, equality of relations; the similarity of objects, phenomena, processes, quantities ..., in any properties,
An analogy in philosophy is a conclusion in which, from the external similarity of objects for some signs, a conclusion is made about the possibility of their similarity in other signs. For example, the concept of "similar" - is used when inferring by analogy, the knowledge gained when considering an object (object, model) is transferred to another, less accessible for research (contemplation, dialogue)
. Analogy in biology is the similarity of any structures or functions that do not have a common origin, the concept is the opposite of homology.
Analogy in linguistics is the likening of one unit of language to another in some respect.

Similar, similar, in the image and likeness, like, close, so and, (such, similar, the same) the same (image, manner, Makar, order), akin, well, in that (ak) th (same) spirit , it seems, in the same line, in the same manner Dictionary of Russian synonyms. similarly... ... Synonym dictionary

likewise- adverb Does not require punctuation marks. Similarly, a campaign that cleverly reveals product features and can generate high engagement does not guarantee high adoption. V. Pelevin, Generation "P". There is nothing surprising if ... ... Punctuation Dictionary

adv. qualities. the situation Based on the similarity with someone or something, on the model of someone or something, according to some formula or scheme. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

likewise- see similar; adv… Dictionary of many expressions

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similarly designed- analogues / chno ofo / rmlenny ... merged. Apart. Through a hyphen.

ENTEROLOBIUM CYCLOCARPUM GRISEB. FROM TROP. AMER. AND WEST INDIAN. USE SIMILARLY. KORA PL. INSTEAD OF SOAP (MANSFELD- see 397. Tree. E. cyclocarpum Griseb. from the trails. Amer. and West Indies. Use similarly. Kora sq. instead of soap (Mansfeld 1959) ... Plant Directory

Similar to HSDPA, High Speed ​​Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA) technology is a mobile communication standard that allows you to speed up data transfer from W CDMA ... ... Wikipedia


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