Psychological aspects of stress. Stress: Psychological aspects -

Introduction ............................................................ ... ......... 3

1. The concept of stress ............. ....................................... ... ... ..4

1.1. Stress stress ............ ... ... ........................................ ..ten

1.2. Causes and signs of stressful state .... ... ... 10

2.Adaptation to stress ................................................... ..14

3. Stress in the life of a person ...............................................20

Conclusion .................................................................. .22.

References ...................................................... ... 23

Appendix 1 ............................................................ .24

Appendix 2 ............................................................ .26

Appendix 3 ............................................................ .27


The purpose of our exchange rate work is to study the impact of stress on human life.

  • reveal theoretical aspects of stress problem;
  • determine and analyze the level of stress in several groups of people according to the hypothesis extended;
  • determine the level of stress resistance.

In our study, we put forward the assumption that adolescents are more affected by stress compared to older people and have less stress resistance.

Research objects - two groups of subjects: group No. 1 - young men and girls aged 15 to 20 years; Group number 2 are men and women aged from 30 to 40 years.

The subject of research is stress resistance.

Research methods: theoretical - study of the allocated issues in studies of domestic and foreign scientists; Practical - Test of the University of Boston, test for the self-assessment of the person's stress resistance.

Stress is an ordinary and common phenomenon. We are all at times experiencing it - maybe, as a sensation of emptiness in the depths of the stomach, when we get up, seeming in class, or as an increased irritability or insomnia during the examination session. Minor stresses are inevitable and harmless. It is excessive stress that creates problems for individuals and organizations. Stress is an integral part of human existence, zero stress is impossible.

Stress is inherently another type of emotional state, this condition is characterized by increased physical and mental activity. At the same time, one of the main characteristics of stress is its extreme instability. Under favorable conditions, this state can be transformed into an optimal condition, in the case of unfavorable - into the state of nervous - emotional tensions, which is characterized by a decrease in the performance and efficiency of the operation of systems and organs, the depletion of energy resources.

Most often, stress is defined as excessive psychological or physiological stress. Studies show that physiological signs of stress include ulcers, migraine, hypertension, back pain, arthritis, asthma and heart pain. Psychological manifestations include irritability, loss of appetite, depression and reduced interest in interpersonal relationships, etc.

1. The concept of stress.

The problem of the emergence of stress in humans, its flows and consequences attracts the attention of specialists from various fields of science, from doctors to sociologists and psychologists. In recent years, the number of publications on the applied aspects of studying stress affecting a variety of parties to human life has increased significantly. At the same time, not only conceptual, but even terminological unity is not achieved. This led to the expansion of the conceptual apparatus when the term "stress" began to understand a very wide range of phenomena, which is particularly clearly traced on the example of psychological stress.

One of the most common types of affects in our days is stress. In modern life, stress plays a significant role. They affect human behavior, its workability, health, relationship with others and in the family. Stress is a state of excessively strong and long psychological stress, which occurs in a person when its nervous system receives emotional overload. The most widely used definition is the following: "Stress - a non-specific response of the body to the externally imposed and internal requirements." Stress is present in the life of every person, since the presence of stress impulses in all spheres of human life and activity is undoubtedly.

Any event, fact or message can be stressor. The stressors can be a wide variety of factors: microbes and viruses, various poisons, high or low ambient temperature, injury, etc. But it turns out that any emotional factors can be the same stressors, i.e. Factors affecting the emotional sphere of man. It's all that can weighing us, misfortune, a rude word, undeserved insult, a sudden obstacle to our actions or aspirations. At the same time, this or that situation will appear with the cause of stress or not, it depends not only on the situation itself, but also from personality, its experience, expectations, self-confidence, etc. Of course, the assessment of the threat, waiting for the dangerous consequences, which the situation contains in itself is especially important.

So, the very emergence and experience of stress depends not so much from objective, how many of the subjective factors, on the characteristics of the person himself: assessing the situation, comparing their forces and abilities with what is required from it, etc.

Stressful situations arise both at home and at work. From the point of view of management, organizational factors that cause stress in workplaces are of the greatest interest. Knowledge of these factors and pay special attention to prevent many stressful situations and increase the efficiency of management work, as well as achieve the objectives of the organization with minimal psychological and physiological losses of personnel. After all, it is stress that causes many diseases, which means that the human health is tangible, while health is one of the conditions for success in any activity. Therefore, personality factors causing stress are also considered. In addition to the reasons for the appearance of stress, the stressful state of the body is analyzed - stress voltage, its main features and causes.

Translated from English stress is pressure, pressure, voltage, and Distress - Mountain, misfortune, malaise, need. According to G. Selre, stress is nonspecific (i.e. the same on various influences) The response of the body on any demand presented it, who helps him adapt to the difficulty, cope with it. Any surprise that violates the usual life of life may be the cause of stress. At the same time, as noted by G. Selre, it does not matter, the situation with which we encountered is pleasant or unpleasant. It is only the intensity of the need for restructuring or adaptation. As an example, the scientist leads an increasing situation: the mother, which was reported to the death in the battle of her sole son, is experiencing a terrible spiritual shock. If many years later it turns out that the message was false and the Son will suddenly enter the room as a whole and unharmed, it will feel the strongest joy.

The multidimensity of the phenomenon of stress in humans is so great that it was necessary to implement the development of a whole typology of its manifestations. Currently, it is customary to share stress into two main types: systemic (physiological) and mental. As a person is a social being and a mental sphere plays a leading role in the activities of its integrated systems, then most often it is mental stress that turns out to be the most significant for the regulation process.

The specific results of two events - grief and joy are completely different, even opposite, but their stressful action is a non-specific requirement of adaptation to a new situation - may be the same.

It should be noted that not all impact causes stress. Weak exposure do not lead to stress, it occurs only when the effect of the stressor exceeds the usual adaptive features of the individual. In stressful impacts, certain hormones begin to stand out in the blood. Under their influence the mode of operation of organs and organism systems changes. For example, the heart rhythm is increased, blood clotting increases, the protective properties of the body are changed.

The essence of the stress reaction lies in the "preparatory" excitation and activation of the body necessary for the readiness for physical tension. Consequently, we have the right to believe that stress is always preceded by a significant waste of the body's energy resources, and then accompanied by it, which in itself can lead to the depletion of functional reserves. In this case, stress cannot be considered as a negative phenomenon, since only due to it is possible adaptation.

Stress, which affects the body's positive effects, was named G. Selre Estrass. With eusstruss, the cognitive processes and processes of self-consciousness, reflection of reality, memory occurs. Excessively strong impacts and the requirements of the situation may be accompanied by the emergence of a distress, worsening the condition and behavior of a person. Distress, arising in the working environment tends to spread and no time. Such a accumulated consequence is difficult to compensate for the leisure hours, you need to compensate for operations. The most common and complete is the classification of life stress, one of the options of which is proposed by P. T. Wong and is shown in Fig. 1, Appendix 1.

In the inner square, the very essence of our existence, which is called "I am strength", "mental force", mental energy, or internal resources. This is what allows the individual to overcome the crisis of life, which determines the intensity of resistance to stress. The decline in the resource helps to increase vulnerabilities to different, associated with stress, disorders, such as anxiety, fear, despair, depression.

Next area - intrapersonal stress. Most of our requirements for the outside world and its impact on us are associated with this type of stress. This area is like a centrifugal force that affects all areas of our lives. If we are not in the world with themselves, our inner confusion, the experience is manifested in negative, impacts on the outside world and violates interpersonal relationships. This category of stress includes events such as unfulfilled expectations, unrealized needs, meaninglessness and the aimless of the actions, painful memories, inadequacy of evaluation of events, etc.

The area of \u200b\u200binterpersonal stress interacts with certain areas of life. Since each person has to constantly solve a variety of social issues in its activities, the interaction with other persons and its assessment has a significant impact on our perception, experience, attitudes towards events and are the problems of relations between people.

Personal stress is related to what makes an individual and what happens to him when he does not fulfill, violates certain prescribed social roles, such as the role of parent, husband, serving, etc. It is manifested in connection with such phenomena as a violation of health , bad habits, sexual difficulties, boredom, aging, retirement.

Family stress includes all difficulties in maintaining a family and relationships in it - work on the house, marital problems, conflicts between generations, life with youth disease and death in the family, alcoholism, divorce, etc.

The work stress is usually associated with a heavy workload, the absence of self-control over the result of the work, role uncertainty and role conflict. Poor security of work, unfair labor assessments, violation of its organization can become a source of stress.

Public stress refers to problems that experience are experiencing large groups of people - for example, economic recession, poverty, bankruptcy, racial stress and discrimination.

Environmental stress is determined by the impact of extreme environmental conditions, the expectation of such an impact or its consequences - air and water pollution, severe weather conditions, ill neighboring neighbors, a hill, high noise level, etc.

Financial stress does not require clarification. Impossibility to pay bills, not providing costs of income, difficulties in obtaining debt, inconsistency in the level of wage results, the emergence of additional and financially unsecured expenses, these and other circumstances may cause stress.

Internalism stress deserves detailed consideration not only because not enough attention was paid to him, but also due to the fact that it can be processed into various life events and influence the characteristics of the attitude towards them and the behavior of the individual.

1.1. Stress stress.

Famous foreign psychologist, Hans Selre - the founder of Western teaching on stress and nervous disorders, determined the following stages of stress as the process:

  • The phase of anxiety is the mobilization of the body's protective forces, which increases its stability. In this case, the body functions with a large voltage. However, at this stage, it still copes with the load with the help of superficial, or functional, mobilization of reserves, without deep structural rearrangements. Most people by the end of the first phase marks some increase in decompatibility.
  • Phase resistance (stabilization), or as efficient adaptation. At this stage, the balance of the body's adaptation reserves is noted. All parameters derived from equilibrium in the first phase are fixed at the new level. It provides a little different response to the body to affect environmental factors. But if stress continues long or influencing stressors are extremely intense, the third phase inevitably comes.
  • Phase of exhaustion - Since the functional reserves are exhausted at the first and second stages, structural restructuring occurs in the body, but when there are not enough for normal functioning, and further adaptation to the changed environment and activities is carried out at the expense of irrepustible energy resources of the body, which sooner or later ends depletion.

1.2. Causes and signs of stressful state.

As mentioned above, the stress for a person is a very multilateral phenomenon, in connection with this, stress was divided into two main types: systemic (physiological) and mental.

Systemic or biological stress can be called stressful situations to which cooling and overheating include the lack of oxygen in the inhaled air, hypoglycemia, diseases, operations, wounds, noise effects, sudden fright, anxiety, pain and anger, strong physical and neuropsychiatric loads, Including extraordinary work, for example, in France "popular" suicide enjoyed in the workplace: at the power station in Shinone, where the focus on the result occupies the first place. Two workers who committed to themselves were employees who performed extremely responsible work on controlling The operation of the reactor and the management of the entire power plant. In this sense, France put a gloomy record: it ranks first in the list of countries, where the number of suicides among man of working age is growing since 1975 and in 2000 reached 11 thousand people per year, or "more than 1 person per hour"; Moreover, as anxiously, the sociologists of Christian Bodlo and Roars the mistake in their recently published study, "always and everywhere at the heart of Suicide is a deep disorder between the requirements of the environment and the aspirations of the individual."

These statistics show that every day 2 people die as a result of industrial accidents, 8 - from the consequences of working with asbestos, about 2.5 million people are subjected to various carcinogenic substances ... Millions of people are constantly at the limit that morally And physically can make a person.

Mental stress, in turn, some authors were conventionally divided into two large groups: information and emotional. Information stress arises in situations of significant information overloads when a person does not cope with the task of processing incoming information and does not have time to make the right decisions in the required pace, especially with high responsibility for the consequences of the decisions made. The occurrence of emotional stress or emotional tensions Most authors are associated with situations of threats, danger, insults, etc. From this point of view, it is customary to distinguish three forms of emotional stress: impulsive, brake, generalized. With emotional stress, certain changes in the mental sphere are noted, including changes in mental processes, emotional shifts, transformation of the motivational structure of activities, violations of motor and speech behavior. Physiologically emotional tension is expressed as amended in the endocrine system of the body. For example, in experimental studies in patients clinics, it was found that people constantly in nervous voltage are harder to carry viral infections. In such cases, the help of a qualified psychologist is necessary.

The main features of mental stress:

  • stress - the condition of the body - its emergence involves the interaction between the body and the medium;
  • stress is more intense than the usual motivational; It requires a threat perception for its occurrence;
  • the phenomena of stress take place when normal adaptive reactions are insufficient.

It should be emphasized that such a division of stress on informational and emotional is very conditional. This classification comes from the main characteristics of the reasons for stress. In practice, it is very rare to divide informational and emotional stressors and determine which of the stressors are leading. Most often in the stressful situation, informational and emotional stressors are inseparable, since the formation of feelings is always associated with obtaining information. Very often, as a result of an erroneous assessment of the situation in humans, a feeling of resentment or anger arises. In turn, the so-called informational stress is always accompanied by high emotional excitation and certain feelings. However, the feelings arising from this may also meet in other situations that are not related to the processing of information. In most works, mental and emotional types of stress are identified.

Mental stress can be described as a state of the body that occurs during the interaction of an individual with an external environment, accompanied by significant emotional stress under conditions when a normal adaptive reaction is insufficient.

As the main condition for the occurrence of stress, many authors indicate the presence of a threat. But it is indisputable that the emergence and course of stress primarily depends on the individual characteristics of a person. People react to identical loads in different ways. According to D. Rotter classification, people are divided into externals (who seen the cause of everything that happens with them in external circumstances and impacts) and interns (inclined to take responsibility for what is happening in their lives, confident and counting on themselves). The internets are more resistant to stress, but with such a stressful effect, when the internet loses faith in itself, it can manifest the properties of the external, and it becomes even more protection than the exteronal, which turned out to be a similar critical situation.

People with low self-esteem and high personality anxiety are less resistant to stress. It is very important how a person perceives himself in the critical situation: as a sacrifice or as an individual who can actively influence the problem. People who are inclined to perceive themselves as a sacrifice are more susceptible to the effects of the Disteres, an active acting person is experiencing less stress than passive. At the same time, stress factors can be both psychosocial and physical.

2. Adaptation to stress.

Adaptation is a dynamic process due to which mobile systems of living organisms, despite the variability of the conditions, support the stability necessary for the existence, development and continuation of the genus. It is the mechanism of adaptation, developed as a result of a long evolution, ensures the possibility of the body's existence in ever-changing environments.

Thanks to the process of adaptation, maintaining homeostasis is achieved when the body interacts with the outside world is achieved. In this regard, adaptation processes include not only the optimization of the functioning of the body, but also maintaining a balance in the system "body environment". The adaptation process is realized whenever significant changes arise in the "organism environment" system, and ensures the formation of a new homeostatic state, which allows you to achieve the maximum efficiency of physiological functions and behavioral reactions. Since the body and medium are not in static, but in dynamic equilibrium, their relations are constantly changing, and therefore, the adaptation process is also constantly being carried out.

The above applies equally to the animals, and to a person. However, the essential difference of a person is that a decisive role in the process of maintaining adequate relationships in the "individual environment" system, during which all system parameters may vary, mental adaptation plays.

Mental adaptation is considered as a result of the activities of a holistic self-governing system (at the level of "operational peace"), under this case, at the same time its systemic organization. But with this consideration, the picture remains not complete. It is necessary to include the concept of need for the wording. The maximum possible satisfaction of current needs is, thus, an important criterion for the effectiveness of the adaptation process. Therefore, mental adaptation can be defined as the process of establishing the optimal compliance of the individual and the environment during the implementation of the person inherent in the human activity, which (process) allows an individual to satisfy current needs and implement the relevant significant goals, providing at the same time compliance with the maximum human activity, its behavior, environmental requirements.

Mental adaptation is a solid process, which, along with itself, mental adaptation (that is, maintaining mental homeostasis), includes two more aspects:

  • optimization of the constant impact of an individual with a surroundings;
  • establishing adequate conformity between mental and physiological characteristics.

Since stress arose mainly from the perception of the threat, its occurrence in a certain situation may arise on subjective reasons associated with the peculiarities of a given person.

In general, since individuals are not similar to each other, a lot depends on the personality factor. For example, in the human environment system, the level of emotional tension increases as the differences between the conditions increase in which the mechanisms of the subject are formed, and the newly created. Thus, those or other conditions cause emotional stress not by virtue of their absolute stiffness, but as a result of the inconsistency of these conditions of the emotional mechanism of the individual.

With any violation of the balance of the "man-environment", the lack of mental or physical resources of the individual to meet current needs or mismatch of the system itself is an alarm source. Anxiety denoted as

- feeling of an indefinite threat;

- a sense of diffuse fear and anxious expectation;

- indefinite anxiety

it is the most highly active mechanism of mental stress. This implies from the already mentioned sensation of the threat, which is the central anxiety element and causes its biological significance as a signal of such a dysfunction and danger.

Anxiety can play a protective and motivational role comparable to the role of pain. With the emergence of anxiety, the increase in behavioral activity is binding, changing the nature of the behavior or the inclusion of intraxicihic adaptation mechanisms. But anxiety can not only stimulate activity, but also contribute to the destruction of insufficiently adaptive behavioral stereotypes, replacing them more adequate forms of behavior.

Unlike the alarm pain is a danger signal that has not yet been implemented. The prediction of this situation is probabilistic, and ultimately depends on the characteristics of the individual. In this case, the personal factor plays a often crucial role, and in this case the intensity of the alarm reflects the individual characteristics of the subject rather than the real significance of the threat.

Anxiety, intensity and duration inadequate situations, prevents the formation of adaptation behavior, leads to a violation of behavioral integration and universal disorganization of human psyche. Thus, anxiety underlies the basis of any changes in mental state and behavior due to mental stress.

Professor Berezin defined an alarming row, which represents a significant element of the process of mental adaptation:

1. The feeling of internal tension - does not have a pronounced threat of a threat, serves only by the signal of its approximation, creating painful spiritual discomfort;

2. Hyperestsemic reactions - anxiety increases, previously neutral incentives acquire a negative color, irritability increases;

3. Alarm itself is the central element of the series under consideration. Manifested by a feeling of an indefinite threat. A characteristic feature: the inability to determine the nature of the threat, to predict the time of its occurrence. Often there is inadequate logical processing, as a result of which, due to the lack of facts, the wrong conclusion is issued;

4. Fear - anxiety specified on a specific object. Although the objects with which the alarm binds may not be its reason, the subject has an idea that the alarm can be eliminated with certain actions;

5. A feeling of inevitability of the impending catastrophe - the increase in the intensity of anxiety disorders leads the subject to the submission of the impossibility of preventing the upcoming event;

6. Anxious-childish excitement - the disorganization caused by the alarm reaches the maximum, and the possibility of targeted activities disappears.

In case of paroxysmal anxiety, all these phenomena can be observed for one paroxism, in the other cases, their shift occurs gradually.

By the way, already mentioned Selman nominated a very interesting hypothesis that aging is the result of all stresses that the organism was subjected during his life. It corresponds to the "phase of depletion" of the general adaptation syndrome, which in some sense is an accelerated version of normal aging. Any stress, especially caused by fruitless effort, leaves out of irreversible chemical changes after itself; Their accumulation causes signs of aging in the tissues. Especially heavy consequences causes the defeat of cerebral and nerve cells. But successful activity, whatever she leaves, leaves less the consequences of aging, therefore, says Selle, you can live happily and happily if you choose a suitable job for myself and successfully copes with it.

Anxiety strengthening leads to an increase in the intensity of the action of two interrelated adaptation mechanisms, which are shown below:

1) Allopsis mechanism - acts when there is a modification of behavioral activity. Method of action: Changing a situation or departure from it.

2) the intraxicheskic mechanism - provides reduction of anxiety due to reorientation of the personality.

There are several types of protection that are used by an intraxichic mechanism of mental adaptation:

1) an obstacle to awareness of the factors causing alarm;

2) fixing anxiety on certain incentives;

3) Reduced the level of motivation, i.e. depreciation of source needs;

4) Conceptualization.

Anxiety, despite the abundance of various semantic formulations, is a single phenomenon and serves as a bond mechanism of emotional stress. With any violation of balance in the system of the "man-environment" system, it activates adaptation mechanisms, and at the same time, with significant intensity, it is based on the development of adaptation violations. An increase in the level of anxiety determines the inclusion or enhancement of the mechanisms of intrapsihic adaptation. These mechanisms can contribute to effective mental adaptation, providing anxiety reduction, and if they are inadequate, they are reflected in the type of adaptation violations that correspond to the nature of the border psychopathological phenomena.

The organization of emotional stress involves the difficulty of implementing the motivation, the blockade of motivated behavior, i.e. frustration. The combination of frustration, anxiety, as well as their relationship with allopsis and intraxichesky adaptations and is the main body of stress.

The effectiveness of mental adaptation is really dependent on the organization of microsococial interaction. In conflict situations in the family or production sector, difficulties in building informal communication, the disorder of mechanical adaptation was noted much more often than with effective social cooperation. Also, the analysis of the factors of a certain environment or environment is directly related to the adaptation, the assessment of personal qualities of others as the factors of attracting in the overwhelming majority were combined with effective mental adaptation, and the assessment of the same qualities as the factors of repulsive - with its disorders.

But not only the analysis of environmental factors determines the level of adaptation and emotional tension. It is also necessary to take into account the individual qualities, the state of the immediate environment and the characteristics of the group in which the micro-social interaction is carried out.

Effective mental adaptation is one of the prerequisites for successful professional activities.

In professional management activities, stressful situations can be created by the dynamicity of events, the need to quickly make a decision, mismatch between individual peculiarities, rhythm and nature of activity. The factors contributing to the emergence of emotional stress in these situations may be insufficient information, its inconsistency, excessive variety or monotony, assessment of work as exceeding the possibility of an individual in terms of volume or the degree of complexity, contradictory or uncertain requirements, critical circumstances or risk when making a decision.

Important factors that improve mental adaptation in professional groups are social cohesion, the ability to build interpersonal relationships, the possibility of open communication.

3. Stress in human life.

Two groups of 10 people participated in our study for a comparative description and analysis of the effect of stress on the life of the respondents depending on their age and gender: Group No. 1 - from 15 to 20 years; Group number 2 - from 30 to 40 years.

Each group consisted of 50% of men and 50% of women.

To determine the stress level, a test developed by researchers of the University of Boston (Appendix 2) were used.

Testing has shown that, as expected, the level of stress in group No. 1 is significantly higher than in Group No. 2, which is clearly visible on Chart 1, Appendix 1.

From a physiological point of view, this is due to the fact that in Group No. 2, time for work and recreation is more competent; Food and sleep is more organized than in group number 1.

Representatives of both groups have a large number of familiar and friends, lead a fairly active lifestyle, but adolescents are less confident. They lack attention and support. So, for example, on the third question of the questionnaire "Do you constantly feel the love of others and give your love in return?" All 100% of the representatives of the group number 2 chose the answers "yes" or "rather, yes, which is not", while in Group No. 1, these answers were chosen for themselves 60% of respondents.

Also an increased level of stress in Group No. 1 is explained by the fact that they are less discovered in the expression of negative feelings and emotions and tend to keep a lot in themselves.

It is also interesting to distribute stress within each group (chart 2, Annex 1). In the course of the study, it became known that the most susceptible to the influence of the girl's stress from 15 to 20 years. What exactly they are so worried about the second dough - on the self-assessment of the person's stress resistance (see Appendix 3).

From Graph 3, Appendix 1 shows that the stress resistance above average is observed in men (indicators 1.2 and 2.2). This is due to the fact that men are generally better to endure criticism, they are less worried about the quality of their work and are not afraid to lose it, as a whole, assesses themselves as sufficiently strong, adapted to life capable of self-expression.

Unlike them, women often think that they are underestimated in the team, much more men are worried about the quality of their work, it is worse to endure criticism and more emotionally and painfully worry any trouble. And in relation to two groups of age groups of women, all of the above most acutely expressed in the girls of the younger group, as well as, in their case, complemented by fear, not to enter the institute and lack of time and the possibility of implementing their potential.

It is noteworthy that from all 4 groups only men after 30 expressed satisfaction with the receiving income. The young men spoke more detained, and in women the age did not affect the opinion - 9 out of 10 women were unhappy with their incomes.

In general, it turned out that in group number 2 there is a normal level of stress characteristic of a person leading an active lifestyle; Stresses have a considerable impact on the life of Group No. 1, especially on its female halves.

So, stress is the overall non-specific reaction of the body in response to any external influence or internal experiences.

In fact, stress is the normal reaction of the body. Our life is impossible without stress, because the personality development of each person is only due to them.


So, the hypothesis put forward at the beginning of the study is confirmed. Teens are really more susceptible to stress. The results of our study are confirmed by sociologists, which, according to the results of a public opinion survey, found out that the most happy age in the human life comes between 35 and 45 years. It is at this age that people get sufficient independence and independence, to this age they occupy their niche, both in professional activities and in family life, because it is a strong family who contributes to the confidence of a person in itself.

The reasons that cause stress are primarily in the changes that occur in the life of each person and that we cannot control or change or change.

A person feels stress when his capabilities do not correspond to the situation in which he was. Stressful situations can be anyhow - it all depends on the individual reaction to stress.

When in the consciousness of a person, this effect is destructive nature, its performance is significantly reduced, health deteriorates, the likelihood of making erroneous decisions is increasing, conflict situations are provoked, etc.

Stressful situations often arise in the life of any person. We can influence some of them by changing the situation for the better, at some - no. Therefore, it is very important if possible to objectively evaluate reality and act where necessary and possibly, and where our actions are useless, just take it as a given.

The founder of the teachings on stress Hans Selre wrote: "We should not be afraid of stress. It does not happen only in the dead. Stress must be controlled. Controlled stress carries the fragrance and taste of life! "

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Content. Introduction ................................................... ....................... 3 1. The concept of stress ...................... ...................................... 4 1.1. Stress stress ................................................ .........

The emergence of stress in a certain situation may arise on subjective reasons associated with the peculiarities of a given personality.

In general, since individuals are not similar to each other, a lot depends on the personality factor. For example, in the human environment system, the level of emotional tension increases as the differences between the conditions increase in which the mechanisms of the subject are formed, and the newly created. Thus, those or other conditions cause emotional stress not by virtue of their absolute stiffness, but as a result of the inconsistency of these conditions of the emotional mechanism of the individual.

With any violation of the balance of the "man-environment", the lack of mental or physical resources of the individual to meet current needs or mismatch of the system itself is an alarm source. Anxiety, designated as:

Feeling of an indefinite threat;

Feeling of diffuse fear and alarming expectation;

Uncertain concern

it is the most highly active mechanism of mental stress. This follows from the already mentioned sensation of the threat, which, in turn, is a central anxiety element and causes its biological significance as a signal of such a dysfoliation and danger.

Anxiety can play a protective and motivational role comparable to the role of pain. With the emergence of anxiety, the increase in behavioral activity is binding, changing the nature of the behavior or the inclusion of intraxicihic adaptation mechanisms. But anxiety can not only stimulate activity, but also contribute to the destruction of insufficiently adaptive behavioral stereotypes, replacing them more adequate forms of behavior.

Unlike the alarm pain is a danger signal that has not yet been implemented. The prediction of this situation is probabilistic, and ultimately depends on the characteristics of the individual. In this case, the personal factor plays a often crucial role, and in this case the intensity of the alarm reflects the individual characteristics of the subject rather than the real significance of the threat.

Anxiety, intensity and duration inadequate situations, prevents the formation of adaptation behavior, leads to a violation of behavioral integration and universal disorganization of human psyche. Thus, anxiety underlies the basis of any changes in mental state and behavior due to mental stress.

Professor Berezin defined an alarming row, which represents a significant element of the process of mental adaptation:

1) the feeling of internal tension - does not have a pronounced shade of the threat, serves as a signal of its approximation, creating painful spiritual discomfort;

2) hyperestsemical reactions - anxiety increases, previously neutral incentives acquire a negative color, irritability increases;

3) Associate itself - the central element of the series under consideration. Manifested by a feeling of an indefinite threat. A characteristic feature: the inability to determine the nature of the threat, to predict the time of its occurrence. Often there is inadequate logical processing, as a result of which, due to the lack of facts, the wrong conclusion is issued;

4) Fear is anxiety specified on a specific object. Although the objects with which the anxiety binds may not be its reason, the subject is an idea that the alarm can be eliminated with certain actions;

5) the feeling of the inevitability of the impending catastrophe, the increase in the intensity of anxiety disorders leads the subject to the submission of the impossibility of preventing the upcoming event;

6) Anxious and childish excitement - the disorganization caused by the alarm reaches the maximum, and the possibility of targeted activities disappears.

Anxiety, despite the abundance of various semantic formulations, is a single phenomenon and serves as a bond mechanism of emotional stress. With any violation of balance in the system of "man-environment" system, it activates adaptation mechanisms, and at the same time, with significant intensity, it is based on the development of adaptation violations. An increase in the level of anxiety determines the inclusion or enhancement of the mechanisms of intrapsihic adaptation. These mechanisms can contribute to effective mental adaptation, providing anxiety reduction, and if they are inadequate, they are reflected in the type of adaptation violations that correspond to the nature of the border psychopathological phenomena.

The effectiveness of mental adaptation is really dependent on the organization of microsococial interaction. In conflict situations in the family or production sector, difficulties in building informal communication, the disorder of mechanical adaptation was noted much more often than with effective social cooperation. Also, the analysis of the factors of a certain environment or environment is directly related to the adaptation, the assessment of personal qualities of others as the factors of attracting in the overwhelming majority were combined with effective mental adaptation, and the assessment of the same qualities as the factors of repulsive - with its disorders.

But not only the analysis of environmental factors determines the level of adaptation and emotional tension. It is also necessary to take into account the individual qualities, the state of the immediate environment and the characteristics of the group in which the micro-social interaction is carried out.

With any violation of the balance of the "man-environment", the lack of mental or physical resources of the individual to meet current needs or mismatch of the system itself is an alarm source. Anxiety, designated as:

Anxiety can play a protective and motivational role comparable to the role of pain. With the emergence of anxiety, the increase in behavioral activity is binding, changing the nature of the behavior or the inclusion of intraxicihic adaptation mechanisms. But anxiety can not only stimulate activity, but also contribute to the destruction of insufficiently adaptive behavioral stereotypes, replacing them more adequate forms of behavior.

Unlike the alarm pain is a danger signal that has not yet been implemented. The prediction of this situation is probabilistic, and ultimately depends on the characteristics of the individual. In this case, the personal factor plays a often crucial role, and in this case the intensity of the alarm reflects the individual characteristics of the subject rather than the real significance of the threat.

Professor Berezin defined an alarming row, which represents a significant element of the process of mental adaptation:

1) the feeling of internal tension - does not have a pronounced shade of the threat, serves as a signal of its approximation, creating painful spiritual discomfort;

3) Associate itself - the central element of the series under consideration. Manifested by a feeling of an indefinite threat. A characteristic feature: the inability to determine the nature of the threat, to predict the time of its occurrence. Often there is inadequate logical processing, as a result of which, due to the lack of facts, the wrong conclusion is issued;

4) Fear is anxiety specified on a specific object. Although the objects with which the anxiety binds may not be its reason, the subject is an idea that the alarm can be eliminated with certain actions;

5) the feeling of the inevitability of the impending catastrophe, the increase in the intensity of anxiety disorders leads the subject to the submission of the impossibility of preventing the upcoming event;

This is a relatively lightweight method to cope with increasing feelings of anger, rage and anger in the case when affectively charged reactions cannot be directed to a partner or a group of partners who caused these feelings, or due to the well-known subject of their own weakness and the impossibility of defending themselves, or by existing.

In my work, I talked about the existence of the law of attraction. I told how our thoughts strongly affect our lives! She told and showed how to control thoughts with emotions. Revealed the mechanism of work of the law of attraction. The examples showed how to use the law of attraction for financial well-being, for confusing.

Phenomena, which are called protection, have many useful features. They appear as a healthy, creative adaptation and continue to act throughout life. In cases where their action is aimed at protecting its own "I" from any threat, to avoid conflict situations, they can be considered as "protection", and.

3.2 .

The emergence of stress in a certain situation may arise on subjective reasons associated with the peculiarities of a given personality.

In general, since individuals are not similar to each other, a lot depends on the personality factor. For example, in the human environment system, the level of emotional tension increases as the differences between the conditions increase in which the mechanisms of the subject are formed, and the newly created. Thus, those or other conditions cause emotional stress not by virtue of their absolute stiffness, but as a result of the inconsistency of these conditions of the emotional mechanism of the individual.

Feeling of an indefinite threat;

Feeling of diffuse fear and alarming expectation;

it is the most highly active mechanism of mental stress. This follows from the already mentioned sensation of the threat, which, in turn, is a central anxiety element and causes its biological significance as a signal of such a dysfoliation and danger.

Anxiety, intensity and duration inadequate situations, prevents the formation of adaptation behavior, leads to a violation of behavioral integration and universal disorganization of human psyche. Thus, anxiety underlies the basis of any changes in mental state and behavior due to mental stress.

2) hyperestsemical reactions - anxiety increases, previously neutral incentives acquire a negative color, irritability increases;

6) Anxious and childish excitement - the disorganization caused by the alarm reaches the maximum, and the possibility of targeted activities disappears.

Anxiety, despite the abundance of various semantic formulations, is a single phenomenon and serves as a bond mechanism of emotional stress. With any violation of balance in the system of "man-environment" system, it activates adaptation mechanisms, and at the same time, with significant intensity, it is based on the development of adaptation violations. An increase in the level of anxiety determines the inclusion or enhancement of the mechanisms of intrapsihic adaptation. These mechanisms can contribute to effective mental adaptation, providing anxiety reduction, and if they are inadequate, they are reflected in the type of adaptation violations that correspond to the nature of the border psychopathological phenomena.

The effectiveness of mental adaptation is really dependent on the organization of microsococial interaction. In conflict situations in the family or production sector, difficulties in building informal communication, the disorder of mechanical adaptation was noted much more often than with effective social cooperation. Also, the analysis of the factors of a certain environment or environment is directly related to the adaptation, the assessment of personal qualities of others as the factors of attracting in the overwhelming majority were combined with effective mental adaptation, and the assessment of the same qualities as the factors of repulsive - with its disorders.

But not only the analysis of environmental factors determines the level of adaptation and emotional tension. It is also necessary to take into account the individual qualities, the state of the immediate environment and the characteristics of the group in which the micro-social interaction is carried out.

The phenomenon of stress was opened by the Canadian physiologist G. Selre in 1936 to denote the non-specific reaction of the body ("general adaptation syndrome") in response to any adverse effect.

Initially, Selre paid focus on the biological and physiological aspects of the problem of stress. The traditional was the understanding of stress as a physiological reaction of endocrine glands controlled by the pituitary gland, on the action of various negative factors.

Hans Selre, the founder of Western teaching on stress and nervous disorders, determined the following stages of stress as a process:

1. Direct reaction to the impact (alarm stage);

2. The most effective adaptation (resistance stage);

3. Violation of the adaptation process (exposure stage).

In a broad sense, these stages are characteristic of any adaptation process.

The first stage is a stage of anxiety (within 48 hours after the start of exposure), during which the body resistance decreases ("shock phase"), and then protective mechanisms include, the body's adaptation resources are mobilized. At this stage, a person is in a state of tension and alertness. Physically, a person feels very good, dwells in a raised mood. However, in this phase, there are often diseases that relate to the category of so-called "psychosomatic". With a great power of exposure, the alarm reaction may end the death of the body. But if the body transfers this stage of the syndrome, then the second stage comes.

The second stage is the stage of resistance, or resistance (begins 48 hours after the damaging action), when the body functioning is achieved by the voltage of the systems to the new conditions. At this stage, balanced spending of adaptation capabilities is carried out. A person develops optimal energy, adapting to changing circumstances. He, as it were, "worked" and is ready for more or less long-term effort to overcome difficulties. If the damaging effect was not so strong, G. Selre notes, then the resistance of the body increases, and in a later period of the second stage, the form and functions of the organs are practically returned to the norm. But if the action of the damaging agent continues further, then after this stage, the body loses its resistance, which leads to the third stage.

The third stage is the exposure stage in which the inconsistency of protective mechanisms is revealed and the violation of the consistency of life functions is increasing. At the stage of depletion, the energy is exhausted, physiological and psychological protection are broken. A person has no more opportunity to defend themselves. Unlike the first stage, when the stressful condition of the body leads to the disclosure of adaptation reserves and resources, the state of the third stage is more like a "help call", which can only come from outside - or in the form of support, or in the form of elimination of the stressor. In the absence of "help" occurs the death of the body.

Mental manifestations of the syndrome described by the city of Selre, the name "Emotional stress" was assigned. The content of this term includes primary emotional mental reactions arising from critical psychological impacts, and emotional-psychological syndromes generated by injuries, and affective reactions in stress, and physiological mechanisms underlying them.

For the city of Selre, there are two types of stress: Estrass and Distress. Eustess mobilizes, activates the internal reserves of a person, improves the flow of mental and physiological functions. Distress is a destructive process, disorganizing behavior.

Psychological stress has a special meaning for a person, since many events lead to stress in humans not because of their objective features, but because a particular person perceives the event as a source of stress. This implies an important principle of overcoming psychological stresses: it is easier to change the representation of a person about the world than the world itself.

What could be the source of stress:

* Injury or crisis situation

* Small daily troubles

* Conflicts or communication with unpleasant people

* Obstacles that do not give you the opportunity to achieve your goals

* Feeling of constant pressure

* Sultious dreams or too high requirements

* Constant accusation, ukore himself in the fact that you have not achieved something or missed something

* Accusation of yourself in all the bad things that happened, even if it happened not in your fault

* Strong positive emotions

* Quarrels with people and especially with relatives (also to stress can be given to a quarrel in the family)

* Moving from one country to another

* Older people and children

* People with understated self-esteem

* People abusing alcohol

* People, with genetic location for stress

Psychological aspects of stress

Psychological reaction of a person for stress

On the experiences associated with the psychological aspect of stress, it is not always said simply "I stress". Much more often describe this condition due to emotions such as: anger, rage, anxiety, wine, shame, jealousy. Thus, the experience associated with stress is undoubtedly an emotional experience. Most psychologists share emotional experiences into two types: pleasant, or positive emotions and unpleasant, or negative emotions.

The study of psychological reactions to stress is devoted to a large number of studies, although many of them do not have this specific name. You should specify several clearly defined areas in which research was conducted. When studying animal researchers, behavioral components of emotions were interested, (especially negative, such as fear), the impact on the behavior of punishment and behavior in conflict situations. In studies conducted on people, interest was concentrated on clinical, industrial and military situations. When studying clinical situations, the focus was on the etiology of nerve disorders and preceding changes in mental state. When considering production or military situations, interest was also focused on the study of the state of the individual, its activities were studied in more detail in extreme conditions. The main problem in the understanding of human psychological reactions to stress concerns his ability to cope with the stressful situation. As a result of all these studies, several different models were developed to explain the psychological reactions to stress, each of which more or less corresponds to its specific conditions, but only partially adequate as a general model. None of the existing models can provide a complete explanation of stress. The experience of stress in humans is considered as a reason that causes a violation of psychological equilibrium, which leads to mechanisms aimed at the weakening of this violation. These are mechanisms for overcoming stress that are part of behavior. If a normal overcoming response does not succeed in weakening or overcoming stress, this can lead to disorganization of behavior. If the duration and stress stability is stronger, it can lead to a collapse of behavior. The concept of overcoming many is obliged by the works of Lazarus, "overcoming," he writes, "it's best to consider a form of solving a problem, the purpose of which is the well-being of a person, while a person is not entirely clear what to do." This especially relates to difficult situations that are perceived as stressful. By overcoming a person makes an attempt to master the situation. According to Lazarus, overcoming includes two processes, one is the direct motor reaction, and the other is temporary relief.

The direct motor reaction relates to real behavior aimed at changing human relationships with the environment. It has forms in the form: Preparation for protection against harmful effects, aggression, avoidance and passivity. Under the concept of "avoidance", Lazarus implies the removal of itself from a really existing danger or threat. Preparing for protection against harmful effects is the form of true behavior of avoidance, in which a person can take certain actions in relation to danger. The student reactions on the exams are a good example of preparing for protection against harmful effects. As exams usually correspond to a clearly established form, students have months to prepare for them. As the danger approaches (failure in exams with all the consequences arising from here), an increasing number of students begins to engage intensively, constantly increasing the time of classes and the depth of study of the material. Aggression, apparently, often accompanies stress, but does not always have an adequate and, therefore, an effective form of overcoming. It is expressed in the identity attack on the source of problems, which can be perceived or as a specific person, a group of people, or organization. Destruction or at least partial defeat of the source causing a problem can save a person from danger or reduce experiences related to stress. A person can attack his wife, whereas the true source of his problems is his immediate boss at work. However, his wife can be a more vulnerable goal with a smaller ability to counter. In order for such an indirect attack to become an effective form of overcoming, a person must perceive his wife as a source of harm in its stressful situation. If it is obvious that this is an incorrect perception, then in the future there may be a sense of guilt, which will further strengthen the experience of stress. The dispute between the neighbors, which led to the verbal insults of each other in an obvious outbreak of rage, accompanied by the corresponding pose and swinging his hands. This event can be analyzed as follows: The goal is a specific individual, the nature of aggression - verbal insults with the appropriate behavior, emotion - anger. Such behavior can resolve the dispute from the position of the strongest and eliminate the source of stress or increase respect for himself (in connection with the victory) and thereby weaken the experience of stress.

The flight is the third form of the immediate motor reaction, just as anger is often designated as an emotional correlate of aggression, and fear is associated with the concept of flight. Cases when soldiers run from the battlefield or desert, can serve as an example of flight from fear. Lazarus considers aggression and escape as a reaction to stress. The fourth form is passivity. This is a fading as a direct reaction to the impact of stress. Passivity can also be considered as a long-term reaction to chronic stress experience. This can be associated with depression and a feeling of hopelessness. Depression is a common clinical reaction to a long-term impact of strong chronic stress. This is one of the forms of relative passivity expressed, obviously, in the emergency slowdensing and lethargy of reactions to any stimuli [Cyt.6; p.103] "Some situations causing may not leave any hope that we can ease stress or eliminate valid harm. It is probably due to the lack of, any obvious ways to overcome, a person will not develop his desire to cope with difficulties and will completely lose the ability to do this, "Lazarus considers - passivity can be the result of an explicit hopeless situation."

"Not yet decided," Coke believes - what kind of hopelessness is the absence of the possibility of overcoming or one of the forms of overcoming stress, a parallel reaction of fading or, possibly, death simulation. "

Overcoming can be expressed not in the form of a direct motor reaction, but in the form of temporary relief. Temporary relief is expressed in mitigating suffering related to the experience of stress, and in reducing psycho-physiological influences. Temporary relief can be achieved in several ways. According to Lazarus, two, symptomatic and intrapsychic. The first method includes the use of alcohol, tranquilizers and sedatives, muscle relaxation training and other methods aimed at improving the physical condition of a person. The intrapsychological method of temporary relief is considered in terms of cognitive protection mechanisms. The description of these mechanisms is largely due to the development of psychoanalysis. Freud used the expression "Protective Mechanisms" to designate an unconscious psychological mechanism, with which a person can mislead himself regarding the presence of a threat or external danger. The meaning of this "protection" is that the perception of the threat of danger is reduced, and not the threat itself. The intraxichesk temporary relief in Lazarus is considered from the point of view of these mechanisms, and are called: identification, movement, suppression, denial, reaction formation, projection and intellectualization. The movement of aggressiveness can be observed, for example, when a person holds back its aggressive behavior aimed at a stronger enemy, and exhibits aggression towards another less strong. (In the case when the husband exists aggression to his wife, although the boss is to blame). When negative, a person overcomes the threat or danger, simply denying that it exists. The negation is usually considered closely associated with the suppression that the suppression involves the denial of the internal threatening pulses. For denial to be effective, it may be necessary to create complex cognitive mechanisms for the perception of information making a false denial. For example, a doctor who informs the patient with a heavy heart attack, about the severity and seriousness of his illness, from the point of negation can be discredited in the eyes of the patient, and the doctor's information will not be taken. Intellectualization is a way of protection in which a person can respond to a threatening situation impassively, assessing it analytically as an object for improvement or an interesting phenomenon. Professional - a doctor, psychologist or nurse for this reason do not like to treat those who are emotionally close. In such a situation, it is difficult to maintain inconsistency.

In the period from 1971 to 1977, in the laboratory of clinical studies of stress in Stockholm Levi and Kogan developed a view of Sellega for stress and developed a theoretical model for describing psychological factors as intermediaries in the emergence of physical illness.

Their main hypothesis is that psychosocial situations may cause a number of such disorders. The Levi and Kogan suggest that in most cases the changes in the conditions of existence cause a physiological stress reaction that prepares a person to actively physically counter the stressor. Levi and Kogan represent this process on the diagram in the form of a flowchart. External influences defined as psychosocial incentives are intertwined with genetic factors and with environmental influence. These individual factors of Levi and Kogan are called a "psychobiological program." Together, psychosocial incentives and a psychobiological program determine the response to stress, which, in turn, can cause a preceding condition, and then the disease itself.

More studies of V. Kennon (1927-1929) showed that the body seeks to ensure the constancy of its internal environment, the constancy of the levels of operation of its systems, when new conditions arise, there is a restructuring, which is restored by the transformation chain, but on a different level. New conditions can be determined not only by physical irritants, but also psychological techniques.

According to Schmidt, a few moments are drawn in the scheme:

· In itself, psychological stress leads to symptoms of tension, it has an adaptive character and can be advisable. Macrons can impede anxiety, which cause muscles, changing the skill developed. This determines preventive measures in this period: reduction of anxiety and prevention of changes in muscle tone;

· Only at the subsequent stages, namely, from the appearance of disintegration, negative symptoms are revealed, in which mental disorders are always noted;

· Development of negative symptoms has a certain translation. Between the normal adaptation reaction of the voltage and the formation of neurosis or pronounced psychosomatic diseases, intermediate, temporal states of functional disorders (including mental) are found;

As the role of mental stress is strengthened, it is not doubtful that in studies it is necessary to combine the methods of medical, psychosociological, clinical, for mental stress - this is a complex problem.

Psychological aspects of stress

Chapter 1. Scientific explanation of stress with. 3.

Chapter 2. Psychological reaction of a person for stress with. nine

Chapter 3. Adaptation of a person to stressful situations with. 20-23.

Before sit down and write this work, I thought for a long time, what I know about stress.

I. Borodin believes that "stress is the engine of progress, there is an assumption that our monkey-like ancestors lived in the upper tar of the rainforest and almost did not have enemies. But the forests began to give way to Savannah, and the Presenter had to face many dangers. And stress was at every step. " "And to survive - the scientist says - future people went along the way to create a nonspecific device - they acquired intellect." "Alas - notes Borodin - the addition of stress is only intensified. Animals react only to immediate danger, they are unable to predict. And the person adds the fun to the momentary stress ". [Cyt.12; p.8]

this is a prompting or forcing force.

this is an effort or high energy cost.

this is the forces affecting the body.

The main scientific approaches to the problem of determining stress were discussed by different authors, such as Lazarus, Anklee and Trumbell, Levin and Scotch, Coke and others. The first approach treats stress as a dependent variable, determining it as an answer of the body to a disturbing or harmful environment (see Fig. 1). The second approach interprets stress from the point of view of stimulating the effects of this disturbing or harmful environment and thus usually considers stress by an independent variable (see Fig. 2). The third approach considers stress as a response to the absence of "compliance" between the person and the environment. In this form, stress is studied in terms of the impact of the preceding factors and their consequences. With all three approaches, the word "environment" is used in the broadest sense and refers to both the inner and to the external world of the person, to its physical and psychosocial surround.

1.1 Common Adaptation Selle Syndrome

Special attention to stress manifested after the work of Hans Selre. Selle was most interested in the physiological mechanism of stress. And this led to the close association between the model based on the responses of the body.

About a circling medium personality

With tymul reaction

Figure 1. Stress model based on reactions. Selle. [taken from 6; p.18]

Environmental personality

Figure 2. Laman stress model. [taken from 6; p.17]

In the concept of sellers about stress there are three main provisions. In the first, he believes that the physiological response to stress does not depend on the nature of the stressor, as well as on the type of animal. Secondly, this protective reaction with the continuing or repeating action of the stressor passes through three certain stages, which he called the "general adaptation syndrome". Third that a protective reaction, if it is strong and long, can go into a disease, the so-called "adaptation disease". The disease will be the price that the body will pay for the struggle with the factors causing stress. Impact (stressors) can be the most different, but regardless of its same type of changes providing a device. The leading link in this chain of adaptation delegel is an endocrine-humoral system. The total adaptation syndrome has (for deck) three stages (see Fig.3):

Reaction Stage Resistance Stage of Exhalation

Figure 3. General adaptation Selle syndrome. [taken from 6; p.20]

Mason data (1971) suggest that some harmful physical conditions do not cause a general adaptation syndrome. The author meant physical exertion, starvation and heat. [Cyt.6; p.21]

"Important issues in determining stimuli-based stress is the following: What conditions can be taken for stress and what are their general characteristics? The same questions have to answer and with regard to the stress reaction, when the definition of stress is used, based on response, "T. Cox notes.

1.2 Model of transactional analysis T. Coke.

Coke and his colleagues believe that stress can be most accurately described as part of a complex and dynamic system of interaction between human and the environment (see Fig.4). [Cyt.6; p.32] In this system, you can define five stages. The first stage is represented by the source of the requirements for man, and is part of its surrounding environment. A person has psychological and physiological needs, their satisfaction is important for him, and it determines his behavior. These needs are combined into a general internal requirement. Awareness by a person of this requirement and his own ability to cope with them make up the second stage. If the situation requires too much from a person, and it does not imagine the limits of its capabilities, it will work without being exposed to stress, until it becomes clear that he is not able to cope with such a situation. Then he will understand that there is no equilibrium between the requirement and the possibility of equilibrium, and fall into a state of stress. Psychophysiological changes can be considered as the third stage of this model and are a reaction to stress. Response reactions to stress are sometimes considered the final link of the stressful process, they should be considered as affordable ways to cope with the stressful situation; The fourth stage, most important, which is often ignored, concerns the consequences of the response of countering stress. The fifth stage is feedback, which is noted in all other stress stages and which is effective in forming the outcome of each of these stages. [Cyt.6; p.33]

V. A. Bodrov, summarizing the basic knowledge of stress, gives the following definition: psychological stress it is considered as the functional state of the body and psyche, which is characterized by significant violations of the biochemical, physiological, mental status of a person and its behavior as a result of the impact of extreme factors of psychogenic nature (threat, danger, complexity or harm of living and activities).

Cognitive stress theory, developed by R. Lazarus and his colleagues, the main focus makes a psychological assessment of the threat and its adverse effects. The threat is considered as a psychological factor and reflects the state of waiting for the subject of the harmful, unwanted influence of external conditions and incentives of a certain species.

According to Lazarus, intermediate variables with a psychological nature are included between the impact stressor and the response of the organism. The main value is the factor of the threat assessment, i.e. Anticipating the man of possible dangerous consequences of the situation on him.

Mental processes associated with the assessment of the threat occur due to the analysis by a person a certain situation and the attitude towards it. They have a complex character consisting not only of perceptual functions, but also from memory processes, ability to abstract thinking, elements of past experience, learning outcomes, etc.

Special attention in its research Lazarus will assign assessment and overcoming processes (Coping) stress, which are important in the interaction of a person with the environment. According to R. Lazarus, psychological stress differs from all other types of stress by the presence in the structure of the development of this state of mediating variable - the threat of some future collision of a person with some dangerous situation for him. Symbols of traumatic future impact are estimated by a combination of cognitive processes.

Stress begins when a person feel that the situation (real or imaginary) is a certain physical or mental danger (primary assessment) for him and when it understands that it will not be able to effectively respond to this situation (secondary assessment). Stress may stop if a person changes the importance of an event to a level when it will no longer represent danger for it, and also if a person uses any method of overcoming (relief) to eliminate the sense of danger.

R. Lazarus proposed to distinguish between three types of stressful ratings. The first type is a traumatic loss, loss of someone or anything that has a lot of personal significance (death, long-term separation, loss of work, loss of health, etc.). The second type is an assessment of the threat when the situation requires large binding abilities from a person than it has. Third Type - Assessment of the complexity of the task (problems), CE liability and potential risks of the situation.

Each stressful situation causes a comprehensive assessment, which includes the processes of coordination and adaptation of a person with stressors, which continue until the control of them with the help of focusing impacts or so far stress does not block its action. According to the principles of feedback, the relationship between the focusing effect and the subject, which receives information about the effect of these effects and the significance of the event itself. While there is a feedback, a person constantly overestimates the situation, if possible, regulating the binding strategies and the significance of the event.

Author information theory of emotions P. V. Simonov believes that the strength and polarity of emotions depends on the presence or absence of a person's awareness. "Emotion arises with the lack of information necessary to achieve the goal. Requesting, compensating for this deficiency, it provides continuation of actions, contributes to the search for new information and thereby increases the reliability of the living system."

It was noted that the implementation of even a very difficult, but familiar stereotype of actions is not accompanied by the emotional tension of man. It does not appear and with some change in the system of external signals that do not affect changes in the dynamic stereotype. But as soon as the conventional signals begin to demand a change in the body of established actions, signs of emotions begin to appear.

P. V. Simonov comes to the conclusion that with a certain already established stereotype, a person has full information on how and what to do, while in its destruction and creating a new information deficit arise, the need to search for the organization of new activities Satisfying your needs. Emotions appear if the needs of the need does not occur and the actions performed do not lead to the achievement of the desired goal.

P. V. Simonov considers the scheme for the dynamics of emotions in the range from calm and comfortable to the state of deep depression. This makes it possible to trace an emotional change depending on the growing needs and information deficit, as well as its connection with the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic departments of the autonomic nervous system.

In the absence of information deficit and satisfying all the needs, a person is experiencing a comfortable, calm condition and non-vulnerable. At this point, the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems are "normal". Such relaxation is associated with the primary (preventive) braking process in the nervous system.

With an increase in the tension associated with the advent of the needs and a minor number of information deficit, the overall condition of the person begins to change. Initially, when the tension is still slightly, the emotions of joy, pleasure, confidence appears in their abilities. A person is experiencing increasing arousal and, accordingly, changes occur in the sympathetic system - an increase in activity, and its decline in parasympathetic.

With an even greater increase in tension and, finally, the achievement of its maximum value occurs, the maximum excitation occurs, at which the maximum values \u200b\u200bare achieved in the operation of the sympathetic system and the minimum - in parasympathetic. At this time, a person is experiencing such emotions as active fear, rage, disgust. With such an excitation, preventive braking is reduced to zero and begins to appear to appear inhibition, which increases as a person transitions to the next stage.

The last interval of the scheme ends with a condition in which the maximum lack of needs or the maximum deficit of information is observed. There is an increase in the proceedable braking, accompanied by a decrease in the operation of the sympathetic nervous system to the minimum value and the maximum value in the work of parasympathetic departments. A person is experiencing the states of shock, grief, depression, stupor, frenzy, prostration (corresponds to the "stage of depletion" in the city of Selre).

A modern person is less and less faced with natural biological stressors that require immediate action, and more and more is the pressure of psychological factors caused by civilization, which it cannot respond by conventional methods inherent in nature. Nevertheless, the stress of modern life, being psychosocial in essence, is implemented through well-defined biological mechanisms affecting the unchanged biological essence of a person. Thust to understand the role of stress in aging and diseases, it is important to consider the nature of stress as a complex biological phenomenon.

In the realization of various phases of stress reaction in the body, many regulatory systems are involved - the central nervous system, the vegetative nervous system and the neuro-endocrine regulation system. Within the framework of the stress reaction (especially with long-term, chronic, negative signals of the social environment), a hypothalamic-pituitary-corticoid axis (GGCO) belongs a special role.

The hypothalamic zone of the brain is the main regulator of metabolic processes, saturated with accumulations of neurosecrete cells. As part of the limbic system, the hypothalamus is closely interacting with the prefrontal brain bark, a limbic system, sensory information centers and stem structures, thereby participating in the integration of emotional reactions, the scope of decision-making and neuro-endocrine regulation of metabolism and various types of behavior. Neurons of the hypothalamus not only have extensive incoming and outgoing connections within the brain structures, but also are a collector of information about all internal processes in the body through receptors to hormones, metabolites and other physiologically active molecules.

Under the influence of external negative stimuli (that is, stressful signals) or internal experiences (that is, emotional reactions that are associated, for example, with frustration or expectation of an unpleasant event), mediated by the above-mentioned brain structures, the next chain of events is launched:

activation (most likely, as a consequence of an incoming neural electrical signal) of the C-FOS protoncogencogen, encoded by the FOS genome (from among immediate early genes, which are transcriptional factors);

c-FOS protooncogencogen activates the expression of the CRH gene;

the CRH gene activates the secretion of polypeptide hypothalamus hypothalmus cells, known as corticotropine-release hormone (CRG, CRH) or corticoliberine;

The CRG through the intercellular spaces migrates to the front pituitary, where it stimulates the products with melanotrofas cells of Popionelanocortin (PM) - a large polypeptide, which is a predecessor of a number of regulators: adreno-cortico-trop hormone (ACTH), endorphine, lipotropins and melanotrophins (a certain role in the regulation of emissions ACTH also play hormones of the rear lobe of the pituitary gland - oxytocin and arginine-vasopressin, especially in chronic stress) [Increasing the concentration of ACTH in blood under the feedback mechanism through the hypothalamus receptors inhibits the further synthesis of the KRG];

ACTG through the appropriate receptors of adrenal cortex cells induces an increase in blood cortisol level (and on the principle of negative feedback inhibits the secretion of the KRG);

free cortisol (an increase in cortisol concentration is hazardous for the body, so in first its excess amounts are binding to serum proteins) easily penetrates through plasma membranes and barriers and binds to a specific receptor protein, which is represented in all types of tissues and cells, including nervous fabric;

a receptor protein complex (which is a transcription factor) activates a number of genes, which, in turn, stimulate the formation of new proteins of enzymes, bioregulators and modulators of various organism systems, including the immune system; Significant metabolic restructuring occur in various tissues, especially in muscles, adipose tissue, bones and in the liver:

    ■ increase blood glucose levels (against the background of enhancing glukegenesis) and a decrease in the intensity of its utilization of tissues (cortisol insulin antagonist);
    ■ enhancing lipolyase and proteolysis (increasing the free pool of fatty acids and amino acids);
    ■ Suppression of the ability of immune cells to respond to various chemical signals (suppression of inflammatory reaction);
    [in the long run] decrease in the level of collagen in the skin, disruption of metabolism in muscles and, especially in bone tissue (osteoporosis);

    cortisol has several very important points of application directly in the brain (the structure of the limbic system):

    ■ Hippocampus: in physiological conditions in this structure, cortisol, the potentiation effects of catecholamines, ensures memorization of emotionally important information, including the events that should be avoided; Cell elements of the hippocampus in the process of forming of memory are used glutamanthergic mechanisms associated with over-excitation, as a result of which themselves are easily damaged during stress, hypoxia and neuroinoxications; Numerous experimental studies and neurovalization data in humans show that under conditions of chronic stress, elevated cortisol concentrations have a direct neurotoxic effect on the neurons of the hippocampus; As a result, due to the death of neurons, the volume of the hippocampus decreases, and this causes cognitive violations, in particular the weakening of autobiographical memory, because of which the individual is believed to lose the ability to generate successful strategies of cooping with distressed situations; Thus, the cortisol, which, at the normative stress level, ensures the formation of behavioral reactions responsible for the ability to avoid danger or successfully cope with them, in chronic or severe damaging stress (distress) impair functioning and weakens adaptability to life difficulties;
    ■ Amigdala (Almond): Serves the role of an emotion regulator as alertness, fear, anxiety, rage, aggression; By virtue of this, Amigdala participates in the implementation of behavioral reactions associated with response to the danger, social dominance, or vice versa, the subordination, which is associated with the manifestation (or suppression) of aggression; With regulatory signals of the environment, these reactions perform important social functions, supporting the status of an individual and providing social functioning, but in chronic stress, the amygdala hyperactivation generates constant alarm, panic attacks and contributes to the development of depression;

it should be borne in mind that the Hippocker, Amigdala, and other structure of the limbic system, as well as the front cortex, have neural projections in the hypothalamus and participate in the "launch" of GGO in stressful situations of the "psychological" nature (related to experiences due to social Interactions, not with a direct physical threat);

in the stress reaction, the corticoliberine (corticotropin-release-minion [KRG]) contributes its contribution, which not only stimulates the EUTG emission in the hypothalamus - pituitary system, but also is synthesized in various brain departments - the Core, Amigdale and the trunk; Neurons of different structures producing corticoliberin have connections with the hypothaminus paraventricular core (the main source of the KRG) and stem formations (which are the main sources of norepinephrine and serotonin and have projections in the prefrontal bark):

    1 - blue spot (Locus coeruleus): a component of a reticular formation containing the neurons rich adrenaline and participating in a physical reaction to voltage and anxiety;
    2 - nuclei of the seam (Nuclei Raphes): Participate in maintaining circadian rhythms;
by virtue of this, the CRG in stress stimulates neuro-endocrine reactions through GGO, emotional reactions of fear and anxiety through amygdala, cognitive and behavioral reactions of voltage through cortical neurons and vegetative reactions through stem structures; It also contributes to the development of sleep violations and depression, affecting the serotonin system.

All listed mechanisms are largely explained why chronic or severe damaging stress (distress) is accompanied by anxiety, voltage, depressed mood, that is, the most important prerequisites for depression (the most common consequences of chronic stress). Usually these changes are transient and in most cases are replaced by the restoration of the sustainable mood. At the same time, some individuals (approximately 10% of the female part of the population and 3% men's), the result of stress becomes clinical depression, about the same number of persons after severe traumatic events develop post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), a significant number of persons with The time develops various addictions. Thus, the negative impact of stress covers large contingents, but mental health disorders are formed only in the most vulnerable part of the population. Also, chronic stress leads the body to a particular chronic disease, affecting the endocrine system, cardiovascular system, renal fabric, liver, muscle or bone skeleton. In other words, chronic or severe damaging stress gradually destroys physical health, affecting the likelihood of malignant tumors.

In recent years, a lot of evidence has been submitted to experimental models and on clinical material (with very good coherence of manifestations in rodents, primates and people) that various stressful situations and negative life events of the early development period cause long-term anatomical and functional disorders in various brain structures. At the same time, special attention was paid to the time factor - the period during which the damaging stress effect was applied. Based on this significant array of information, generalized relatively recently in a number of reviews, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Prenatal negative impacts possess the strongest damaging effect. If the mother during pregnancy experienced strong stress, intensive alarm or depression, or received glucocorticoids, it could lead to a decrease in the weight and sizes of the body of the fetus at birth, a decrease in the size of the hippocampus, cellular disorders in the brain. In the subsequent history of life, numerous mental health disorders, including depression, addiction, disturbing disorders, asocial manifestations, hyperactivity syndrome and attention deficiency can occur with a high probability. All this is associated with multiple disorders of cellular mechanisms in the brain and the preferably lesion of hippocampus, dopaminergic structures of the mesolimbic system and amygdala.

Early postnatal stress is associated primarily with dysfunctional mother-child relationships, violations of the mechanisms of attachment of the child to the mother. Numerous observations of rodents and primates convincingly showed that the lack of maternal heat and care leads to negative programming of the GGO brain, and the hypothalamic region is actively involved in this process. As a result, along with impaired affective sphere and behavioral disorders, metabolic dysfunction, diabetes, violations of food behavior (anorexia or bulimia) can appear. One of the features of stress in this period of life is the formation of not only readiness to continuously increase the activity of GGO, but also the opposite phenomenon - hypocorticosis (that is, a consistently low level of cortisol), the signs of which may be an "inhibited child" syndrome, depression and obesity ( Apparently, hypocorticosis is caused by the hyperactivity of the feedback mechanism due to the increased sensitivity of the central receptors to the cortisol).

Stress in the adolescence has its own characteristics. It is in this period that all psychopathology and behavioral disorders caused by hormonal negative environmental programming, which took place in the prenatal and early pedestal development period, are most pronounced. These disorders arise in response to a stressful episode in the life of a teenager, while the high reactivity of GGOs and conjugate systems is accompanied by such individuals with changes in the structures of the frontal cortex, a decrease in the size of the belt is stung, as well as a decrease in the size of the hippocampus. As a result, symptoms are shifted towards personal disorders, asocialism, conflict, violations of the skills to overcome the vital difficulties and inclination to self-injunations (suicidality).

It should be noted that negative trends in victims of early injury are observed up to mature and late age, and not limited to the period of mature. In the elderly, this is manifested in braking neurogenesis (due to stem cell elements) in the hippocampus and early weakening of cognitive functions. Thus, the stress of early life periods is responsible for violations of memory in the elderly. Perhaps it is in connection with this a general somatic health and high muscle activity after 45 years associated with more efficient products of stem cells, prevents this.