“Psychological comfort in the classroom as a condition for the development of the child's personality. Psychological comfort at school, teachers' council Scientific articles psychological comfort in the learning process

Municipal educational institution "Inshinsky basic comprehensive school" Approved by the Director of the school __________ E.A. Shelobanova Report on the topic: "Psychological comfort at school is an important condition for the effectiveness of training and education." teacher of fine arts Vasilyeva Olga Sergeevna Prepared

2015 academic year The theme of the teachers' council: "Psychological comfort at school is an important condition for the effectiveness of training and education." The tasks of the teachers' council (Slide 2) 1. Analyze the state of the psychological climate in the school and identify the conditions and factors that stimulate the creation of a comfortable environment in the school and prevent it. 2. To form the motivation of the teaching staff to create a comfortable environment in the classroom. I would like to start my report with an epigraph, the author of which is Vladimir Abramovich Karakovsky, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, the founder of the humanistic educational system of the modern mass school, (slide 3) I read. . . Of all the indicators for evaluating a school, the main one should be considered the well-being of a person in it. A school is good if it is good for every child and adult. V.A. Karakovsky “School is a second home”, how often do we hear these words. However, taking these words as an axiom, we sometimes do not think about how to build life at school so that it really becomes a second home for everyone who has stepped over its threshold. (slide 4) School ... For a teacher, it is a temple of knowledge. For the student - a house of communication with peers and adults. School is a place where it should always be interesting and exciting.    School is a very important period in the life of every person. After all, school is not only study, but a world of communication, joys, experiences, ups and downs; the world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music; world of fantasy, creativity.

To make the school years a golden time in the life of every child is the duty of every teacher. Most children come to school with a clear desire to learn. All students are spontaneous, curious, open, trusting. They are sure that the school will teach them everything, they are waiting for a new interesting life. But often the child quickly realizes that studying is hard work, and it does not always bring joy. And then the desire of the child goes out, and sometimes disappears altogether. And how important it is to kindle the interest in the school, with which children come, into the unquenchable fire of knowledge. We all have a desire for comfort, for nothing to overshadow our life and work. I suggest thinking about how our children feel at school. The presence or absence of psychological comfort affects the state of the student's psyche, his desire to learn, and, as a result, his academic performance. Comprehensive school should form an integral system of universal knowledge, skills, as well as the experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students, initiative, independence, tolerance, and the ability to successfully socialize in society. The psychological climate - this is how you can determine an important factor that distinguishes good school: everyone should be comfortable here, you will not want to compare such a school with any other, nor strive to quickly change your place of study (if we talk about students) or work. Psychological comfort at school is the most important condition for the effectiveness of training and education, self-development and self-realization of everyone who crosses the threshold of an educational institution. Creating an atmosphere of cooperation, co-creation in an educational institution, building the foundations necessary for the community of adults and children is not an easy task, feasible only for a team of caring and creative teachers who know the laws of psychology and want to teach children to use them in their lives. The success of his education depends on how comfortable the child feels at school. In creating comfortable conditions, a significant role belongs to the personality of the teacher, the style of his relationship with students. This factor is especially significant at the initial stage of education, when the state of the class depends primarily on the teacher. How to create in educational institution atmosphere of comfort and goodwill? How to teach to live in harmony with oneself, while being a member of a large team? Where to start the difficult work, the purpose of which is to create psychological comfort at school?

Without psychological comfort in the educational environment, it will not be possible to form creative person capable of self-improvement. I believe that in order to create a psychological climate, methods are needed that reflect respect for the human dignity of the child, so that the student feels calm and confident. In working with children, it is necessary to have a situation of success that builds self-confidence in the child. (Slide 5) I read Each parable has a meaning. And this one, which we will read, too. But, after reading it, think, and your life and your path they are in whose hands. In yours or not? “EVERYTHING IS IN YOUR HANDS…” (Eastern parable) A long time ago, a Master lived in an ancient city, surrounded by his disciples. The most capable of them once thought: "Is there a question that our Master could not answer?" He went to a flowering meadow, caught the most beautiful butterfly and hid it between his palms. Butterfly paws clung to his hands, and the student was ticklish. Smiling, he approached the Master and asked: - Tell me, which butterfly is in my hands: alive or dead? And he himself thinks: “If the living one says, I will kill her, if the dead one says, I will let her out.” He firmly held the butterfly in his closed palms and was ready at any moment to squeeze them for the sake of his truth. Without looking at the student's hands, the Master replied: - Everything is in your hands. The parable "Everything is in your hands ..." reveals a very deep meaning. The life of not only a small butterfly depends on each person, but also their own fate and the state of affairs in the Universe. It is in our hands to create an atmosphere in the school in which children will feel “at home”, an atmosphere of psychological comfort, an atmosphere of love and acceptance of students. The teachers of our school try to create a positive emotional tone, an atmosphere of benevolence that allows you to remove adversity that destroys the health of children - these are approvals, a kind, affectionate tone, praise). It is important to support the student in time, praise, encourage the desire to become better. I consider praise to be the leading form of stimulating student activity. But

it must be reasonable and not excessive. It is worth noting that frequent praise encourages one child to further work, another blinds. His emotions are so strong that attention is scattered, performance is reduced. It is better to praise such a student at the end of the lesson, and at the lesson to create conditions for calm, even work. At the end of the lesson, it is necessary to encourage each student: some for fast, correct and accurate work throughout the lesson, others for working better today than yesterday, third for helping a friend, etc. At the initial stage of training, one should not skimp on praise, approval, support. And then the children will go to school with a desire, share their joys and sorrows with the teacher and with friends, they will have a desire to help each other, learn to sympathize and empathize. And only thanks to a positive emotional climate we will be able to form cognitive activity in children, help them master the skills and abilities in various activities. Coming to us to study, children should feel happy. A happy child is easier to teach and educate. It is important for a child to study successfully, to feel smart, quick-witted, quick-witted. After all, success is a source of joy that inspires new success. The key to a successful student should be a teacher who carries a life-affirming beginning, confidence, joy and happiness. Sensitive, attentive and receptive to the interests of schoolchildren, open to everything new, teachers are a key feature of the school of the future. Psychological comfort at school is an important condition for the effectiveness of training and education. (Slide 6) What associations do you have when you hear the word "comfort?" Beauty Organic C O M Mum FORT Fantasy Recreation Joy Warmth What is comfort? Let's turn to explanatory dictionaries.

(Slide7) I read Comfort borrowed from of English language, where comfort is "support, strengthening" (" Etymological dictionary”, N. M. Shansky). Comfort conditions of life, stay, environment, providing convenience, tranquility and coziness. (" Dictionary Russian language”, S. I. Ozhegov). Psychological comfort is a living condition in which a person feels calm, there is no need to defend himself. In developing learning systems, the principle of psychological comfort at school is the leading one. It involves the removal (if possible) of all stress-forming factors educational process, creating an atmosphere at school and in the classroom that uninhibits children and in which they feel “at home”. You and I all know that no amount of academic success will be beneficial if it is based on fear of adults, suppression of the child's personality. The highest art of the teacher in cooperation with the children is not to suppress their activity, not to distort the emotional tone, to preserve their self-respect and self-esteem, to stimulate their creative activity with the maximum demands on them. As the poet Boris Slutsky wrote: (Slide 8) The thing that pokes, talks, bugs will not teach me anything ... However, psychological comfort is necessary not only for the development of the child and the assimilation of knowledge. Depends on physical state children. Adaptation to specific conditions, to a specific educational and social environment, creating an atmosphere of goodwill can relieve tension and neuroses that destroy children's health. (Slide 9) Factors that shape health

If we consider the factors that shape human health, we will see that heredity determines 1520%, health, medicine and ecology - 1015% each, and environment- 5055%. What is included in the concept of "environment"? First of all, it is society (friends, school, etc.). Children and teachers are at school from morning to evening. And most of the time is taken up with lessons. Therefore, it is very important to what extent the school as an “environment” provides the child and the teacher with a comfortable state. It is impossible to allow complexes, self-doubt in children. The school should not be divided into "good" and "bad", "smart" and "stupid". Every child should feel the teacher's faith in their own strength. The situation of success (I can!) Forms a child's self-confidence, teaches them to overcome difficulties, helps to realize their progress. (Slide 10) Criteria effective in terms of maintaining the health of schoolchildren Lack of fatigue in children and teachers Positive emotional mood Satisfaction with the work done Desire to continue working Creating a situation of success as one of the factors for ensuring psychological comfort at school.      The task of the teacher is to organize a certain system of measures to create psychological comfort at school. We will try to develop such a system of measures today. (Slide 11) I read At present, scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology, teachers of practice speak and write about the humanization of education, about an individual approach to the student in the process of education and upbringing, about attention to each child, about creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort at school.

      This is declared in the RF Law “On Education”. The presence or absence of psychological comfort has an impact on the state of the student's psyche, his desire to learn, and, as a result, on his academic performance (or) psychological violence against the personality of the student”. Article 32.3 "The educational institution is responsible for the quality of education of its graduates." The presence or absence of psychological comfort affects the state of the student's psyche, his desire to learn, and, as a result, his academic performance. (Slide 12) read In the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 28.2 states: “States Parties shall take all necessary measures to ensure that school discipline is maintained in a manner that respects the human dignity of the child and in accordance with this Convention.” In the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education for the Period up to 2010, clause 2.1 states: “The availability of quality education means state guarantees: education in conditions that guarantee the protection of the rights of the individual student in the educational process, his psychological and physical safety.” In addition, paragraph 2.2 notes: “The school should form an integral system of universal knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as the experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students”, “initiative, independence, tolerance, ability to successfully socialize in society.” Psychological safety educational process- this is the state of protection of the student from threats to his dignity, mental well-being, positive worldview and self-attitude. Obviously, psychological safety is the most important condition for the full development of the child, the preservation and strengthening of his psychological health. Psychological health, in turn, is the basis of the viability of a child who, in the process of childhood and adolescence, has to solve by no means simple tasks of his life: to master his own body and his own behavior, learn to live, work, learn and take responsibility for himself and others,

master the system of scientific knowledge and social skills, develop their abilities and build the image of "I". This means that a modern school should seriously and truly become not only a place where children are taught, but also a space for their full maturation, a breeding ground for the formation of successful, happy and healthy people. This is possible only in an atmosphere of spiritual comfort and a favorable socio-psychological climate in an educational institution. And for this, the school must be a territory of unconditional psychological safety. (Slide 13) I read Psychological comfort is necessary for: Successful development Successful assimilation of knowledge Favorable physical condition Favorable emotional state (Slide 14) psychological comfort. Naturally, there are various situations that interfere with Reading. What interferes with psychological comfort? For students (according to psychological diagnostics), such “interfering” factors are: self-doubt; increased fatigue; slow pace of activity; increased need for attention; increased motor activity; difficulty switching from one activity to another.

For teachers (according to statistics), the factors of discomfort are: physical and psychological stress of work; constant evaluation by various people; high level responsibility; tendency of aggressive attitude on the part of parents and students; different styles of teaching staff management. (slide 15) Generally speaking, analyzing the potential "critical points", we can distinguish several groups of factors that make up the student's environment. These are: Groups of factors that make up the student's environment: psychological and pedagogical factors (the personality of the teacher, the complexity of the curriculum, the child's ability to learn this program); social (status in the class, relationships with other students outside the class, etc.); physical (school space, including the environment, lighting, daily routine, quality of nutrition, etc.) (Slide 16) Referring to the works of modern psychologists and physiologists, we can identify the so-called school risk factors that, according to researchers, remain stable and insurmountable for many decades in all schools of the world: Risk factors ∙ inconsistency of methods and technologies with the age and individual abilities of the child;

Stress tactics of pedagogical influences; ∙ irrational organization of the educational process, especially the mode of movement, rest, nutrition; ∙ the maximum stress of the child's mental strength in the classroom and in the process of doing homework; ∙ exhausting, yanking nervous system children mental, emotional and physical overload; ∙ pedagogical and parental "psychosis" excellent grades; ∙ formalism of program knowledge; ∙ nervousness of the school environment, in which haste and tension reign; ∙ distrust of the child, his desire to learn, his individuality. According to a survey of students in many schools, only 58% of students feel comfortable in school, 28% are in conflict with teachers. What is the situation in our school? A survey was conducted. Based on the results of a survey of students in grades 5–9. 100% of students noted that they feel comfortable in our school. And this pleases us. In the pedagogical literature, the characteristics of the psychological climate are most fully given. Under the psychological climate of A.S. Makarenko understood: "style" and "tone", emphasizing the major as the main feature of the normal tone of the class team. Concretizing the major tone, he singled out the following features:  Friendly unity in the “teacher-student” system. In internal relations, pupils can be criticized and punished; outside these special forms of influence, it is necessary to give due to each pupil, to protect him, not to cause him any grief, not to disgrace him;

    Manifestation of inner, confident calmness, constant cheerfulness, readiness for action. The presence of self-esteem in each student; Security for all class members. No student should feel isolated and defenseless; Reasonable and useful activity of everyone in the lesson; The ability to be restrained in movements, words. However, very often our tone of communication with children, the manner of teaching causes schoolchildren neither confident calmness and readiness for action, but a feeling of anxiety. Studies have shown that the position of the teacher at school, the style of his behavior and communication seriously affect the favorable climate, the attitude of students to learning. The word of the teacher is of particular importance. More A.S. Makarenko said to address teachers: "... You need to be able to say so that they (students) in your word feel your will, your culture, your personality." At the same time, he noted that this should be learned. Indeed, mastering the culture of the word is an integral component of the teacher's training, his professional development. (slide 17) I read A favorable psychological climate at school is one of the indicators of the success of education and upbringing: the charge of positive emotions received by schoolchildren and the teacher himself determines the positive impact of school on health. A favorable climate in the school depends on many, many factors. It is important for the teacher to remember that the psychological climate in the school begins to be created outside the classroom. The relationship between the teacher and the students is the most important condition for the psychological atmosphere in the school. How a teacher treats work, how he talks with children, with parents, other teachers, whether he is happy with the success of children and how he rejoices, how he expresses his emotional feelings, how he owns them all this and much more has an impact on the teacher's students and on them attitude towards him. In order to ensure the comfort of learning, one should not forget about the individually personal approach in the educational process. Those.

strive to ensure the existence of such a regime at school, when the child is given feasible intellectual and physical activity, when the pupil does not withdraw into himself, but strives to communicate with peers, with people around him. Based on the capabilities of the children's team, the content of education, curricula, programs, activities, methodological support for lessons, a reasonable alternation of educational activities and rest, the creation of a system for educating and developing children's creative abilities should be determined. The low psychological comfort of students in the classroom affects the index of the quality of learning in the subject. The higher the level of general educational skills of students, the easier it is for them to learn and teach, the less negative emotions students have, and hence high degree comfort. After all, each of us strives to improve his knowledge in the area that he is interested in and needs, based on his personal or professional needs. So schoolchildren, for the most part, strive to better master the subject, the significance of which for themselves they understand well, or the teacher has formed a steady interest in this subject. One of the important conditions affecting the success of the educational process is the expressed motivation for obtaining knowledge in the subject. A study of this problem among high school students showed that: 83% of students do not understand at all why they study certain subjects, because "They are not needed for future profession, nor for practical life. The leaders here were: Chemistry - 35%, Physics 20%. 55% of students believe that only some subjects will be especially useful for them in their later life:  Physics - 4% allows them to fulfill their creative needs, to invent;  English - 5% expands the possibilities of communication;  History 7% allows you to know the history of your country, broadens your horizons;  Geography - 3% allows you to know the world. Graduates put the Russian language in the 1st place in terms of importance for their future life - 33%; 2nd place - Biology - 18%; 3rd place - Social Studies 15%;  Russian language - 18% for building relationships;  Social science - 18% for knowledge of their rights, economy, participation in the political life of the country;

All items included in academic plan graduates were distributed according to the degree of importance for their future lives. The following picture emerged: The top five in terms of importance of subjects that are of the greatest importance for the future life of schoolchildren included: Russian language - 97% Algebra - 78% Social studies - 54%. English - 45% History - 43% Second most important subjects: Geography - 57% Literature - 54% Informatics - 50% Geometry - 40% Biology 36% Technology - 33% Chemistry - 54% Physics - 50% Physical education - 45% Thus, a stable cognitive interest, as one of the criteria for a comfortable educational environment, among school graduates is formed only in some subjects. These are the subjects that most of the students called interesting and useful, namely: social science and biology. The study showed that the stable motivation of the respondents to study the majority of academic subjects has not been formed. Therefore, the school is faced with the task of forming and developing positive motivation among schoolchildren for learning activities in order to increase the effectiveness of the educational process, form the success of schoolchildren, and hence create psychological comfort for students in the classroom. Thus, in order to improve the success of student learning, a modern teacher needs to know: how the student feels in the lesson; how he perceives the teacher; how he sees the attitude towards himself, what he feels and what he thinks about. In this connection, it is important for the teacher to trace the dynamics of relations in the teacher-student system, to predict the behavior and development of the student's personality.

Problem "In the absence of a favorable psychological climate, the school will not be able to solve the tasks." (Slide 18) What can be done in a school environment to maintain psychological comfort? Be sure to take into account the physiological emotional and personal characteristics of children; create situations of success in the classroom; choose the most appropriate communication style. Teachers and psychologists identify a number of factors contributing to a favorable psychological climate: (Slide 19) Factors contributing to a favorable psychological climate:    A teacher should enter a general educational institution with a good cheerful mood and be able to set himself up for a cheerful parallel with children. In general, a teacher should have an inherent desire and desire to communicate with children, to communicate in a benevolent manner. Any emotional state, including negative ones, can be expressed in a delicate way. The teacher must be well aware of the age-related psychological characteristics of students, as well as develop pedagogical observation in himself in order to flexibly and adequately respond to a particular situation in the school.

There is a special technology of communication, the techniques of which are convincingly demonstrated by the American psychologist D. Carnegie. (Slide 20) I read Special communication technology 1. SMILE! A smile enriches those who receive it and does not impoverish those who give it! 2. Remember that for a person the sound of his name is the most important sound in human speech. Address the other person by name as often as possible. 3. Let's be clear and sincere in acknowledging the good in others. 4. Be cordial in your approval and generous in praise, and people will cherish your words, remember them throughout their lives. 5. The desire to understand another person breeds cooperation.

Summing up the above, I would like to announce 12 commandments, the implementation of which will have a positive effect on improving the comfort of the educational environment: (Slide 21) I read the Commandments of the teacher - Respect children! Protect them with love and truth. - Do no harm! Look for the good in children. – Notice and mark the slightest success of the student. From constant failure, children become embittered. Don't attribute success to yourself, but blame the student. - I made a mistake - sorry, but make mistakes less often. Be generous, be forgiving. - In the classroom, create a situation of success. - Do not shout, do not insult the student under any circumstances. - Praise in the presence of the team, and farewell in private. – Only by bringing a child closer to you can you influence the development of his spiritual world. - Do not look in the face of parents for a means of reprisal for your own helplessness in communicating with children. - Evaluate the act, not the person.

- Let the child feel that you sympathize with him, believe in him, have a good opinion of him, despite his oversight. The profession of a teacher does not tolerate a template, lagging behind the requirements of the time. A person who has devoted his life to her must possess all the qualities that he wants to cultivate in his pupils. A new man can only be brought up by a new man. A teacher in our society is a person from the future, who came to children in order to inspire them with a dream of the future, to teach them to assert the ideals of the future in the present. Used literature: 1. "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language", Ozhegov S.I. 2. Kuznetsova, L.V. The situation of success in the lesson / L.V. Kuznetsova, // 3. Korenevskaya, V.A. Is everyone comfortable at school? methodical elementary school. - 2003. - No. 4. allowance./ V.A. Korenevskaya, - Kemerovo: ed. region IUU, 1999. - p.112. Decision: 1. At meetings methodical associations discuss the problem of multi-level education, determine the possibility, methods and techniques for its implementation. (Responsible: leaders of the School of International Relations.) 2. Class leader to conduct interviews, questionnaires, trainings with a group of students who are poorly performing and miss classes. 3. Take the following commandments as the basis of the teacher's behavior and attitude towards the student: - Respect children! Protect them with love and truth. - Do no harm! Look for the good in children. – Notice and mark the slightest success of the student. From constant failure, children become embittered. Don't attribute success to yourself, but blame the student.

- I made a mistake - sorry, but make mistakes less often. Be generous, be forgiving. - In the classroom, create a situation of success. - Do not shout, do not insult the student under any circumstances. - Praise in the presence of the team, and farewell in private. – Only by bringing a child closer to you can you influence the development of his spiritual world. - Do not look in the face of parents for a means of reprisal for your own helplessness in communicating with children. - Evaluate the act, not the person. - Let the child feel that you sympathize with him, believe in him, have a good opinion of him, despite his oversight. 5. In order to prevent conflict situations caused by a mark being set by a teacher, each teacher should comment on the mark being set, use the technique of self-assessment by students of their work, and involve students in evaluating the response of classmates. 6. At the beginning school year to acquaint students and their parents (at the parent meeting) with the norms for marking and the system for monitoring students' knowledge in each subject.

Pedagogical Council: "Pedagogical comfort in the classroom as a condition for the development of the student's personality."

GOAL: analyze the state of the psychological climate in the classroom and identify the conditions and factors that stimulate the creation of a comfortable environment and prevent it:


To form the motivation of the teaching staff to create a comfortable environment in the classroom;

Develop a plan for the activities of the teaching staff to create a psychological climate favorable for the development of the student's personality in the classroom;

To develop the "Golden Rules of the School Teacher" as the basis for the psychological and pedagogical support of the lesson.


Questioning of students in grades 7-11;

Drawing up a program of observations, attending lessons;

Analysis of materials, identification of trends.

Form of conduct: productive game.

Six groups will work during the teachers' council.

1. Psychological attitude: "Everything is in your hands."

“There was a wise man who knew everything. One man wanted to prove that a wise man is not so wise. Clutching a butterfly in his hands, he asked: “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands, dead or alive?” And he himself thinks: “If the living one says, I will kill her, if the dead one says, I will let her out.” The sage, thinking, replied: "Everything is in your hands."

It is in our hands to create such an “environment” at school so that each student would feel as comfortable as possible.

2. Theoretical input

Currently, scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology, practicing teachers speak and write about the humanization of education, about an individual approach to the student in the process of education and upbringing, about attention to each child, about creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort at school.

This is declared in the law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

Article 56.3 says “on the termination of an employment contract with a teacher in the event of the use, including a single one, of methods of education associated with physical and (or) psychological violence against the personality of the student.”

Art. 32.3 "an educational institution is responsible for the quality of education of its graduates." The presence or absence of psychological comfort affects the state of the student's psyche, his desire to learn, and, as a result, his academic performance.

In the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 28.2 states: "States Parties shall take all necessary measures to ensure that school discipline is maintained in a manner consistent with respect for the human dignity of the child, in accordance with this Convention."

In the Modernization Concept Russian education until 2010, clause 2.1 indicates:

“the availability of quality education means state guarantees: education in conditions that guarantee the protection of the rights of the individual student in the educational process, his psychological and physical safety.” In addition, paragraph 2.2 notes: “A general education school should form an integral system of universal knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students” i.e. competencies. ... "initiative, independence, tolerance, the ability to successfully socialize in society."

Such a personality can be formed in conditions such psychological space, where a child from the first grade given the opportunity express one's "I"; make choices in accordance with their value orientations; where encouraged generating ideas, putting forward various kinds of initiatives, making interesting proposals; where develops willingness and ability to take responsibility; where conditions are created for self-affirmation of the child, taking into account the strengths of his personality; where formed look at another person. as an absolute value.

The main criterion such a psychological space is safe environment,

an atmosphere of psychological comfort, which is at the same time:




And in the conditions more adaptive school because in this atmosphere barriers disappear, psychological defenses are removed, and energy is spent not on anxiety or struggle, but on learning activities, for the production of ideas, for creativity.

3. The concept of "psychological comfort"

From the point of view of pedagogy, comfort acts as a qualitative characteristic of two leading areas:

organization of the intraschool environment;

features of the organization of educational activities of the student.

Comfortable intra-school environment - the internal space of the school, a system of its conditions that allow maintaining the psychophysical health of students, contributing to their optimal involvement in educational activities, successful self-realization. Comfort allows you to maximize the health of the child, contributes to adequate behavior and successful activities. Supports a positive emotional background, forms a stable experience of pleasure from being at school. The structural components of general comfort at school are:



psychological (socio-communicative).

Physical comfort the student is characterized by the correspondence between his bodily, somatic needs and the subject-spatial conditions of the intra-school environment. First of all, these are the needs for a special thermal and light regime, the “microclimatic” features of the premises - humidity, ventilation, etc. The characteristics of our society for a certain category of schoolchildren determine the need for food and water as an important factor in physical comfort. This category also includes the mode of operation of the school: duration training sessions, duration of breaks, “physical culture minutes”, optimal scheduling of lessons, etc. These are all the conditions on which human life is based and which must be taken into account when organizing a favorable intra-school environment.

Intelligent comfort speaks of the satisfaction of a person with the processes of his mental activity and its results. in the learning process is satisfaction

need for information. In the classroom, intellectual comfort is achieved by changing activities, individual support for individual children. Maintaining interest in a subject is an extremely important type of motivation development necessary for the intellectual development of a person. The situation of intellectual success- this is a set of pedagogical conditions that ensure the self-realization of the child in any type of activity (study, social activity, work, sports, artistic creativity.) This contributes to the formation of a positive and at the same time adequate self-esteem of the student.

source social and communicative comfort First of all, the organizational and communicative conditions of the intra-school environment come forward, i.e. organization of interpersonal interactions of subjects of the educational process. (student - student, student - teacher, student - parent. teacher - parent, teacher - teacher, etc.) The interaction of all participants in the educational process within the school creates a special environment. way of life school life, a tradition in which interaction is built on the basis of achieving trust, understanding, a comfortable state of both children and adults.

A child becomes happy when he feels sincere love for himself, which reduces anxiety and gives the child a sense of security. At the same time, the relationship between a teacher and students is characterized by such qualities as trust, respect, exactingness, a sense of proportion, justice, kindness.

In general, the state of comfort brings with it a sense of satisfaction with one's own activity, positive motives for its continuation, which in turn leads to individual development personality of each student.

Comfort- (from English comfort)

"support, strengthening"

Etymological Dictionary N.M. Shansky

Comfort- these are the conditions of life, stay; an environment that provides comfort, tranquility and coziness

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegov

Psychological comfort-

living conditions in which the child feels calm, there is no need to defend himself.

Task: I. What associations do you have when you hear the word "comfort"?

4. Analysis of the state of the psychological climate in the classroom (according to the results of the survey)

Task III. Determine the negative and positive meaning of the "psychological climate" associations in the lesson:

Task: IV. Modeling the personality of the "Ideal" teacher:

Task: V. Decision of pedagogical situations

Discuss the pedagogical situation in the group.

Identify solutions: a) contributing to the creation of "psychological comfort";

b) not contributing to it.


Pedagogical situations:

2. The whole class solidarily refuses to do homework. which you ask. Your actions?

3. Entering the classroom. You found the following inscription on the blackboard: "We do not want to learn from you." Your actions?

4. The excited parents of a student came to you, who said at home that he no longer wants to study with you. What is your reaction?

5. In a fit of anger, one of the students in the lesson said: “My

Mom said that you do not know the subject and you have a low mental level. What are your actions?

6. At the lesson, the student expressed his dissatisfaction with the grade given by the teacher in a sharp form. What is your reaction?

Task: VI. Development of the "Golden Rules of Psychological Comfort in the Lesson"

Techniques for creating psychological comfort (according to D. Carnegie)

SMILE! A smile enriches those who receive it and does not impoverish those who give it!

Remember that for a person the sound of his name is the most important sound in human speech. Address the other person by name as often as possible.

Be able to clearly and sincerely recognize the good in others.

Be cordial in your approval and generous in your praise, and people will cherish your words, remember them throughout their lives.

The desire to understand another person breeds cooperation.

Genuinely take an interest in people.

Be a good listener, talk about what the interlocutor is interested in, inspire him to realize his importance

Golden rules of psychological comfort in the classroom (summary)

Study is a mountain peak,

The road is difficult in the forest,

Easy for those who are very strong

And the "weak" hides in a hole.

And our goal is to remove fatigue.

And the fear that haunts them.

To make learning fun

May success come to everyone!

We have discussed this topic

And the conclusion entered the rule,

For the teacher to be omnipotent,

I found my own approach to everyone!

Peace, only peace!

Benevolent demand!

Always be ready for class!

Only humor. A smile can help us!

Laziness, anger, irritability - no!


PS: “Dedicated to our teachers…”

Natalya Mikhailovna: Wonderful teacher and class leader. Our second mother! We love you!!!

Lyudmila Konstantinovna: Thank you very much! You made people out of us, our class is the most friendly only thanks to you. I would like to say a lot of kind words to you. For 7 years you have become a real second mother to us.

Elena Sergeevna: You are our very first and the best teacher! We will never forget you!

Valentina Gennadievna: history would be without you boring and uninteresting. The coolest teacher, for every grade she will find her own joke!

Olga Nikolaevna: to me will be missed your films and an aquarium at my desk. Thank you!

Tamara Valentinovna: Thank you so much! She is a strict, critical person, but when she sometimes says so, she will say that it’s just stop respecting yourself or don't start thinking

Lyudmila Nikolaevna: This man is simply amazing! Demanding woman, nose great sense of humor... RESPECT:

Elena Petrovna: My favorite subject in biology - internal structure human body! Thank you1 We are with you expanded your horizons!

Albina Alexandrovna: Thank you for being one of those who couldn't hold a needle made craftswomen!

Sergei Ignatievich: It is impossible to say about this teacher without emotions, you just SUPER! Thanks that chased me to stadiums and sorry me for arguing with you...

Galina Yurievna: How difficult it was to master the computer, but with you everything is on the shoulder! Thank you!

Irina Yuryevna: I love my English teacher! I thank her very much that in addition to the lessons she helps us with participation in remote contests and earn very good places there!

Andrey Borisovich: Many thanks to my teacher!

He taught me a lot, told a lot about the army and military equipment and most importantly, he helped me make a choice my profession...

Marina Valerievna: Thank you! Thanks to you I feel more confident, thanks to your studies, I know myself better, and in general - better I started living with myself...

Lyudmila Petrovna: Thank you for the tips! After all, each of your jokes was a hint so that we would pay more attention to it! You taught us through great patience love school or at least treats her with respect. Thank you!

VI.Reflection "Everything is in your hands"

Circle on a piece of paper left hand. Each finger-

this is a position on which you need to express your opinion.

Big- For me it was important and interesting ...

Pointing- I received specific information on this issue ...

Average- it was hard for me...

Nameless- my assessment of the psychological atmosphere

Little finger- it wasn't enough for me...




negative meaning

positive meaning


Mountain peak



On the waves under sail

Forest Road

Identify 10 personal qualities of the "ideal" teacher:

1. The student disrupts the lesson. To your demand to leave the class, he replied: “Go away from here yourself!” How to prevent it?

If such a situation happened, what would be your reaction?

Principles of psychological comfort

(humanist psychologist Carl Rogers)

1. From the very beginning and throughout the educational process, the teacher must demonstrate to the children his full confidence in them;

2. He should help students in formulating the goals and objectives facing both groups and each student individually;

3. He must always proceed from the fact that students have intrinsic motivation to teaching;

4. It should act for students as a source of diverse experience, which you can always turn to for help when faced with difficulties in solving a particular problem;

5. It is important that he act in this role for each student;

6. He must develop the ability to feel the emotional mood of the group and accept it;

7. He must be an active participant in group interaction;

8. He must openly express his feelings to the group;

9. He should strive to achieve empathy, allowing him to understand the feelings and experiences of each student;

10. Finally, he must know himself well.

Psychological comfort at school as a condition for the development of the personality of students. Analysis of the psychological comfort of students at school.

There was a wise man who knew everything. One person wanted to prove that the sage does not know everything. Clutching the butterfly in his hands, he asked: “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive?” And he himself thinks: “If the living one says, I will kill her, if the dead one says, I will let her out.” The sage, after thinking, replied: "Everything is in your hands."

It is in our hands to create an atmosphere in the school in which children will feel “at home”, an atmosphere of psychological comfort, an atmosphere of love and acceptance of students.

Psychological comfort at school is an important condition for the effectiveness of training and education.

What is comfort?

Comfort - borrowed from English, where comfort is “support, strengthening” (“Etymological Dictionary”, N. M. Shansky).

Comfort - conditions of life, stay, environment, providing convenience, tranquility and coziness. (“Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language”, S.I. Ozhegov).

Psychological comfort is the living conditions under which a person feels calm, there is no need to defend himself.

In innovative educational systems, the principle of psychological comfort is the leading one. It involves the removal (if possible) of all stress-forming factors of the educational process, the creation of an atmosphere at school and in the classroom that unchains children and in which they feel “at home”.

No amount of academic success will be of any use if it is "involved" in the fear of adults, the suppression of the child's personality. As the poet Boris Slutsky wrote:

won't teach me anything

That which pokes, stammers, bugs...

However, psychological comfort is necessary not only for the development of the child and the assimilation of knowledge. It depends on the physical condition of the children. Adaptation to specific conditions, to a specific educational and social environment, creating an atmosphere of goodwill can relieve tension and neuroses that destroy children's health.

If we consider the factors that shape human health, we will see that heredity determines 15-20%, health, medicine and ecology - 10-15% each, and the environment - 50-55%. What is included in the concept of "environment"? First of all, it is society (friends, school, etc.). Children and teachers are at school from morning to evening. And most of the time is taken up with lessons. Therefore, it is very important to what extent the lesson as an “environment” provides the child and the teacher with a comfortable state.

There are several groups of factors that make up the student's environment. It:

Psychological and pedagogical factors (teacher personality, complexity curriculum the ability of the child to learn this program);

Social (status in the class, relationships with other students outside the class, etc.);

Physical (school space, including environment, lighting, daily routine, food quality, etc.)

The task of the teacher is to organize a certain system of measures to create psychological comfort in the classroom.

Currently, scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology, practicing teachers speak and write about the humanization of education, about an individual approach to the student in the process of education and upbringing, about attention to each child, about creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort at school.

This is declared in the RF Law “On Education”. The presence or absence of psychological comfort affects the state of the student's psyche, his desire to learn, and, as a result, his academic performance.

In the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 28.2 states: “States Parties shall take all necessary measures to ensure that school discipline is maintained in a manner consistent with the human dignity of the child and in accordance with this Convention.”

Criteria of psychological space

    Safe environment;

    The atmosphere of psychological comfort, which is both developing and psycho-corrective, because barriers disappear in this atmosphere, psychological protection, energy is spent not on anxiety or struggle, but on educational activities, on the production of ideas, on creativity.

Psychological safety is the most important condition for the full development of the child, the preservation and strengthening of his psychological health. modern school should seriously and truly become not only a place where children are taught, but also a space for their full-fledged growing up, a breeding ground for the formation of successful, happy and healthy people. This is possible only in an atmosphere of spiritual comfort and a favorable socio-psychological climate in an educational institution. And for this, the lesson as an educational space must be a territory of unconditional psychological safety.

Factors that interfere with the psychological comfort of students:

lack of self-esteem


slow pace of activity

increased need for attention

increased physical activity

difficulty switching from one activity to another.

For teachers (according to statistics), the factors of discomfort are:

physical and psychological stress of labor

constant evaluation by different people

high level of responsibility

a tendency for aggressive attitudes on the part of parents and students

different styles of teaching staff management.

Studies have shown that the position of the teacher in the lesson, the style of his behavior and communication seriously affect the climate of the lesson, the attitude of students to learning. The word of the teacher is of particular importance. More A.S. Makarenko said to address teachers: "... You need to be able to say so that they (students) in your word feel your will, your culture, your personality." At the same time, he noted that this should be learned. Indeed, mastering the culture of the word is an integral component of teacher training and his professional development.

A favorable climate in the classroom depends on many factors.

It is important for the teacher to remember that the psychological climate in the classroom begins to be created outside the classroom. The relationship between the teacher and the students is the most important condition for the psychological atmosphere of the lesson. How a teacher treats work, how he talks with children, with parents, other teachers, whether he rejoices in the success of children and how he rejoices, how he expresses his emotional feelings, how he owns them - all this and much more influences the teacher on students and on their attitude towards him.

Criteria for the psychological comfort of the lesson:

    Lack of fatigue in children and teachers

    Positive emotional attitude

    Job satisfaction

    Willingness to keep working

    Creating a situation of success as one of the factors for ensuring psychological comfort in the classroom.

What can be done in a school lesson to maintain psychological comfort?

Be sure to take into account the physiological emotional and personal characteristics of children, create situations of success in the classroom, choose the most appropriate style of communication.

    The teacher should enter the class with a good cheerful attitude and be able to set himself up for a cheerful parallel with the children. In general, a teacher should have an inherent desire and desire to communicate with children, to communicate in a benevolent manner.

    Any emotional state, including negative ones, can be expressed in a delicate way.

    The teacher should be well aware of the age-related psychological characteristics of students, as well as develop pedagogical observation in himself in order to flexibly and adequately respond to a particular situation in the lesson.

One of the most "explosive" stages of the lesson is the regulation and correction of students' behavior, the assessment of their knowledge.

    Training and education should be built without punishment and shouting (V.S. Sukhomlinsky.)

    Come to the office a little before the call. Make sure everything is ready for the lesson. Strive for an organized start to the lesson.

    Start the lesson vigorously. Don't ask questions about someone who didn't do their homework. Lead the lesson in such a way that each student is busy from the beginning to the end.

    Use a specially designed didactic material, use multi-level tasks that allow the student to choose the type and form of the material (verbal, graphic, symbolic).

    Engage students in the content of the material, control the pace of the lesson, help the "weak" to believe their strength.

    Motivate knowledge assessments: the student should know what else to work on. This will teach disciplined work.

    End the lesson with a general assessment of the work of the class and individual students. Let everyone experience a sense of satisfaction from the results of labor in the lesson. Try to notice the positive in the work of undisciplined guys, but do it not too often.

    End the lesson with a bell. Remind the attendant of his duties. Refrain from overreacting.

    Seek help from the students themselves. Violators that the class does not support are easier to deal with.

Commandments of the teacher

Respect children! Protect them with love and truth.

Do no harm! Look for the good in children.

Notice and mark the slightest success of the student. From constant failure, children become embittered.

Do not attribute success to yourself, but blame the student.

If you made a mistake - apologize, but make mistakes less often. Be generous, be forgiving.

In the classroom, create a situation of success.

Do not shout, do not insult the student under any circumstances.

Praise in the presence of the team, and farewell in private.

Only by bringing a child closer to you can you influence the development of his spiritual world.

Do not look in the face of parents for a means of reprisal for your own helplessness in communicating with children.

Evaluate the act, not the person.

Let the child feel that you sympathize with him, believe in him, have a good opinion of him, despite his oversight.

1 slide Psychological comfort at school is an important condition
the effectiveness of training and education.
2 slide
Tasks of the teachers' council:
1. Analyze the state of the psychological climate in the classroom and identify the conditions and factors that stimulate the creation of a comfortable environment in the classroom and prevent it (preliminary survey of students)
2. To form the motivation of the teaching staff to create a comfortable environment in the classroom.
3. Develop the "Teacher's Commandments" as the basis for the psychological and pedagogical support of the lesson.
The form of the teachers' council is a productive game.
“There was a wise man who knew everything. One person wanted to prove that the sage does not know everything. Clutching the butterfly in his hands, he asked: “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive?” And he himself thinks: “If the living one says, I will kill her, if the dead one says, I will let her out.” The sage, after thinking, replied: "Everything is in your hands."
It is in our hands to create an atmosphere in the school in which children will feel “at home”, an atmosphere of psychological comfort, an atmosphere of love and acceptance of students.
Psychological comfort at school is an important condition for the effectiveness of training and education.
Entry into the topic (method "Associations")
3 slide
What associations do you have when you hear the word "comfort?"
(Words must begin with the letters of the given word.)
Slide 4 What is comfort?
Comfort - borrowed from English, where comfort is “support, strengthening” (“Etymological Dictionary”, N. M. Shansky).
Comfort - conditions of life, stay, environment, providing convenience, tranquility and coziness. (“Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language”, S.I. Ozhegov).
Psychological comfort is the living conditions under which a person feels calm, there is no need to defend himself.
Slide 5 If we consider the factors that shape human health, we will see that heredity determines 15-20%, health, medicine and ecology - 10-15% each, and the environment - 50-55%. What is included in the concept of "environment"? First of all, it is society (friends, school, etc.). Children and teachers are at school from morning to evening. And most of the time is taken up with lessons. Therefore, it is very important to what extent the lesson as an “environment” provides the child and the teacher with a comfortable state.
slide 6
The psychological safety of the educational process is the state of protection of the student from threats to his dignity, mental well-being, positive worldview and self-attitude.
A favorable climate in the classroom depends on many, many factors.
It is important for the teacher to remember that the psychological climate in the classroom begins to be created outside the classroom. The relationship between the teacher and the students is the most important condition for the psychological atmosphere of the lesson. How a teacher treats work, how he talks with children, with parents, other teachers, whether he rejoices in the success of children and how he rejoices, how he expresses his emotional feelings, how he owns them - all this and much more affects the teacher and students and their attitude towards him.

Slide 7
Slide 8 What interferes with psychological comfort? For students and teachers - self-doubt increased fatigue slowness of the pace of activity increased need for attention increased motor activity difficulties in switching from one activity to another - physical and psychological stress of work constant assessment by various people high level of responsibility lei and students - different styles of teacher management
slide 9.
By using class teachers monitoring of psychological comfort in our school was carried out. The SURVEY involved 254 middle and senior students. Which is 47.4% of the total number of students in the school.
Let's look at the survey results in diagrams.

Favorable level:
Permissible level:
Unfavorable level:

Favorable level:
allowable level:
bad level:
Slide 11. Causes of psychological discomfort:
Overload of learning activities;
poor relationships with peers;
period of teenage crisis;
excessive criticism;
inattention of teachers and parents to the experiences of children;
One of the main causes of psychological discomfort can be conflicts.
Slide 12. What is conflict?
“Conflict is the fear of at least one side that its interests are violated, infringed, ignored by the other side” William Lincoln
"From love to hate is one step, from hate to love - kilometers of steps."
“Every case in our country must go through five stages: hype, confusion, the search for the guilty, the punishment of the innocent and the rewarding of the innocent.” Parkinson's idea
Slide 13. Feelings that a person experiences during a conflict:
Slide 14. Causes of conflicts.
1. STUDENT-STUDENT: struggle for authority
deceit, gossip
hostility towards the teacher's favorite students
personal dislike for a person
affection without reciprocity
fight for a girl (boy)
slide 15.
lack of unity in the demands of teachers
excessive demands on the student
inconsistency of the teacher's demands
non-compliance by the teacher
the student feels underestimated
the teacher cannot accept the shortcomings of the student
personal qualities of the teacher or student (irritability, helplessness, rudeness)
slide 16.
Ways out of conflicts.
To exit conflict situation can:
Give vent to your feelings by warning others about it;
Find an authoritative third person who will help you sort out the conflict;
Put yourself in the place of another person;
Realize the right to the existence of a different point of view;
Be firm when talking about an issue and soft with people.
Let's look at how you can improve the psychological climate in the classroom and school.
Organization of common collective affairs, joint experiences: collective congratulations, expression of sincere sympathy in the days of failure;
Joint trips, excursions.
A sure signal of your goodwill is a kind smile, friendliness.
Consider individual characteristics student, his condition at the moment.
Know how to listen to the student, especially in moments of tense, nervous state.
Don't rule out the possibility that you might be wrong.
slide 17.
The climate is called favorable if the class is dominated by an atmosphere of goodwill, care for everyone, trust and exactingness; if students are ready to work, show creativity and achieve high quality, working without control and bearing responsibility for the cause; if everyone in the class is protected, feels involved in everything that happens and actively enters into communication. In this case, the leader is not a source of threat, the attitude towards him is established as a member of the team, he is recognized as having the right to make decisions that are significant for the class.
Each child in a classroom with a favorable climate is self-confident, because he feels accepted, knows his own merits, is free to express himself. own opinion. The prevailing mood can be defined by the musical term "major".
In a class with a favorable climate, relations are such that, having made a mistake, a person does not cease to feel accepted, significant for others. Pupils are not afraid to prove themselves, they are not afraid to ask a question to the teacher, they are not afraid to be ridiculed in case of a mistake, in such a team a value attitude to business, truth, and man is formed.