Interesting events from the life of Ivan Susanin. Interesting facts about Ivan Susanin

Of course, every inhabitant of our country heard about Ivan Susanin. And in terms of the number of jokes with Susanin, perhaps only Chapaev and Stirlitz can be compared. And who is Ivan Susanin really? Here are just a few stories, legends, myths about the fate of this amazing man.

According to the official version, Ivan Susanin, a village headman (and not a serf at all) from the Kostroma province, in 1613 led a Polish detachment looking for a new Tsar Mikhail Romanov into impenetrable swamps, where the conquerors died, and Susanin himself was brutally murdered.

To understand what the young king was doing in a remote village, let's go back to history. In 1605, Tsar Boris Godunov died, and the throne was taken by a series of one-day rulers, Fyodor Godunov, False Dmitry I, Vasily Shuisky ... a period of "troubled times" began in the country. After a famine, a series of uprisings and lost battles, a period called the Seven Boyars began, since everything ended in the country, even sovereigns. At this moment of crisis, the Zemsky Sobor (a meeting of representatives of cities) was convened and the first representative of the Romanov family, Mikhail Romanov, was elected to reign. Before that, the Romanovs, who were in disgrace at that time, lived in the patrimonial village of Domnino, where Ivan Susanin was the headman.

So why did the Poles need the Russian Tsar? It's simple - at the time Russian troops were bled dry by the war with the Commonwealth, and the young Russian tsar could become an excellent trump card in negotiations for surrender.

Since then, the Romanovs have glorified the patriot-peasant in every possible way, who saved the young Mikhail Romanov at the cost of his own life.

Nicholas I especially tried in the 19th century. It was during his reign that the main square of Kostroma was named Susaninskaya, on which a monument to the legendary hero was erected.

By the way, soon after the death of Susanin, his relatives reminded the king of their existence. The son-in-law of the hero Bogdan Sobinin turned to Tsar Mikhail with a request not to bypass the descendants of Susanin with royal mercy. In 1619, Sobinin received in his possession the village of Dominino in the Kostroma district. Mikhail freed him from all taxes: "For service to us and for blood, and for the patience of his father-in-law Ivan Susanin."

“By the grace of God, we, the great sovereign, king and Grand Duke Mikhailo Fedorovich, autocrat of all Russia, by our royal mercy, and on the advice and petition of our mother, the empress, the great old woman nun Marfa Ivanovna, granted Esma of the Kostroma district, our village of Domnina, the peasant Bogdashka Sobinin, for service to us and for blood, and for the patience of his father-in-law Ivan Susanin: how we, the great sovereign, tsar and grand duke Mikhailo Fedorovich of all Russia, were in Kostroma in the past 121 (that is, in 1613 from the birth of Christ!) and at that time came to the Kostroma district Polish and Lithuanian people, and his father-in-law, Bogdashkov, Ivan Susanin, in those days, Lithuanian people confiscated and tortured him with great, unreasonable tortures and tortured him where at that time we, the great sovereign, tsar and grand duke Mikhailo Fedorovich of all Russia were, and he Ivan, knowing about us, the great sovereign, where we were at that time, enduring unreasonable tortures from those Polish and Lithuanian people, did not say about us, the great sovereign, to those Polish and Lithuanian people where we were at that time, but Polish and Lithuanian people tortured him to death. And we, the great sovereign, the tsar and the great prince Mikhailo Fedorovich of all Russia, granted him, Bogdashka, for the service of his father-in-law Ivan Susanin to us and for the blood in the Kostroma district of our palace village of Domnina, half of the village of Derevnishch, on which he, Bogdashka, now lives, one and a half four of the land was ordered to be whitewashed from that semi-village, and one and a half four of the land was ordered to be whitewashed on him, on Bogdashka, and on his children, and on our grandchildren, and on our great-grandchildren, no taxes and feed, and carts, and all sorts of canteen and grain stocks , and in urban handicrafts, and in mostovshchina, and in others, they did not order any tax to imati from them; they ordered them to whitewash that half of the village in everything, both for their children and grandchildren, and for the whole family immobile. And there will be our village of Domnino in which the monastery will be in return, that half of the village of Derevnishch, one and a half four of the land in which the monastery with that village was not ordered to be given, they ordered, according to our royal salary, to own it, Bogdashka Sobinin, and his children, and grandchildren and unmoved into their generation forever. This is our royal charter in Moscow in the summer of 7128 (from the Nativity of Christ - 1619) November on the 30th day.

Interestingly, for another 200 years, the descendants of the hero were given letters of commendation confirming their benefits, following the model of the royal letter of 1619.

Little is known about the biography of Ivan Susanin himself. No one can even say how old the hero was at the time of his feat. As a rule, Susanin is portrayed as a kind of gray-haired old man, although there is evidence that Susanin's daughter Antonida was 16 years old at that time, and Ivan Osipovich himself, according to some historians, was 35-40 years old.

For many years, researchers have been interested in the question: where was the dead place where Susanin brought enemies, and was his grave preserved? Although, finding the grave of Susanin is an almost impossible task, because, according to legend, he died along with the Poles. Nevertheless, at the beginning of our century in the Kostroma region there were purposeful searches for the remains of the savior of the royal dynasty.

Historians, archaeologists, criminologists conducted a grandiose study: 360 remains were found and studied in the area of ​​​​the village of Isupovo, not the place of the supposed death of the national hero. Held comparative analysis DNA of Susanin's descendants with finds of the 17th century. It may seem surprising, but the members of this expedition are sure that Susanin was buried there. Forensic analysis of the remains of one of the men confirms this.

It is interesting that not only streets and squares in our country bear the name of Susanin. For example, in St. Petersburg named after legendary hero named store ... navigators.

The name of Ivan Susanin has been known to everyone since childhood. No wonder - after all, this is the first Russian partisan who gave his life for Mikhail Romanov and led the Poles into a swamp, where both they and he got lost. What interesting things are known about the life of this small but great man?

Surname mystery

The peasants were ordinary people Therefore, they did not have surnames for a long time. More precisely, they were given by the name of the father - hence the famous "Ivanovs", "Petrovs" and "Sidorovs" came from. The surname "Susanin" comes from a female name "Susanna", which in those days meant the illegitimacy of birth. If Ivan was born in a legal marriage, he would be Ivan Osipov, because in some sources his middle name is. However, it is impossible to say for sure about this, since this is inaccurate information.

Life for without-five-minutes of the king

According to Mikhail Glinka, composer and author of the opera Ivan Susanin: A Life for the Tsar, the feat of the Russian peasant is always called that way, although, in fact, in 1613 Mikhail Romanov was not yet king. Yes, he was a pretender to the throne, but he was crowned later.

family benefits

The only descendant of Susanin is called daughter of Antonida who married a peasant Bogdan Sobinin. The couple had two sons - Daniel And Konstantin. In 1619, Susanin's grandchildren and his son-in-law received benefits from royal family: for the feat accomplished by their ancestor, they were exempt from taxes. Bogdan was also given half of Domnino. The last of the preferential letters was issued in 1837. The fact that this document really exists casts doubt on skeptics: if there was no Susanin, why were such honors granted to a simple peasant? There is, however, evidence that the descendants of the peasant came to the king themselves, without providing, for obvious reasons, any facts that the heroic ancestor really existed.

Where did he die?

There is no specific knowledge about the place of Susanin's death. Historians only say that it happened in the forest thicket, where the partisans led the Poles and where they unsuccessfully tortured him, hoping to extort the truth. Most likely, the peasant was heading to the village of Isupovo - it was located on the opposite side from the place of hiding of the Romanovs. Archaeological excavations were carried out here in 2003 - among the 41 found crosses, only 1 was Orthodox. The latter was twisted, indicating contact with a cutting weapon.

Where is he buried?

Although according to legend, Susanin's body was thrown into the swamp, there is information that, having ascended the throne, Mikhail Romanov ordered him to be found and buried properly. The body was found and allegedly buried in Ipatiev Monastery- but this happened 6 years after his feat, so it is doubtful that after so much time they could have found him. Most likely, the body was found even earlier and buried in the Church of the Resurrection in Domnino, his native village. Unfortunately, the church has not survived to this day.

Long road to fame

Despite the fact that Susanin did indeed commit great feat(even though Romanov was not yet king), for a long time he was unknown to the general public. His fame was promoted by Catherine the Great, who visited Kostroma in 1767 and listened to the speech of the local bishop. Since then, the heroic peasant began to be talked about more often, and Sergei Glinka, the writer, finally clothed the feat in literature. It was thanks to him that all of Russia learned about the partisan. When Nicholas I was on the throne, the image of Susanin was used as example of self-sacrifice for the sake of autocracy- for the sake of the king, the only one capable of ruling a large country.

Another legend

The fame of Ivan Susanin and the reason why his descendants were granted royal privileges may be different. According to another, less popular legend, the partisan did not take the Poles to the swamp: he simply helped the future Tsar Michael hide in his house - so well that the Poles who burst in could not find him. The headman, again, was tortured, asking for information about the future king, but he did not surrender, for which he was killed. However, this version is less heroic, so it is not often remembered.


Members of the Romanov dynasty highly valued Susanin and made sure that his memory survived to this day. So, Nicholas I ordered to christen the main square of Kostroma Susaninskaya She bears this name to this day. There is also a monument to Ivan Susanin. And if we are used to such honors, then to the fact that the hero's name can become the name for a navigator store in St. Petersburg!

  • There is no information about when Susanin was born, therefore it is impossible to say how old he was when he died - most likely, no more than 40. Date of death, 1613 , is also inaccurate.
  • Born, most likely, Susanin in village(sometimes called "The Villages").
  • Susanin's position in Domnino was listed as "patrimonial elder". He served either with the Romanovs or with the Shestovs - sources differ on this.
  • There is no information about the partisan's wife, therefore, most likely, he was a widow.
  • In one version of the legend, Bogdan Sobinin, his son-in-law, helps Susanin. It is believed that this mistake was made by his great-great-grandson, Ivan Lukyanovich, when Empress Anna refused to give him benefits. Apparently, the presence of as many as two heroic ancestors is the best way to confirm the right to tax exemption!
  • There is no exact information in history whether Susanin died at the hands of the Poles. There were in the forests many robbers, so the Russians could just as well deal with him.
  • Mikhail Glinka was not the first to put Susanin's story to music. He was ahead of him Kavos, a composer with Italian roots: his opera was written 20 years before.
  • In the chronicle, dated 1612, there is a mention of another peasant who performed an identical feat. Probably, there were even more such stories, but information about this simply has not been preserved.
  • In the Soviet Union, the image of Susanin was not extolled, but on the contrary, persecuted. The national hero was considered henpecked by the royal crown, the monument was ordered to be demolished, and the square in Kostroma was renamed "Revolution Square". In 1967, the monument was restored to its original location, and the square returned to its old name.

M.I. Glinka opera "Ivan Susanin" (Life for the Tsar)

"A Life for the Tsar" or, as it is also called, "Ivan Susanin" deserves recognition as the first Russian national opera. She became the property of Russian art on a global scale, this is the first Russian opera that has received recognition throughout the world. Despite the fact that several operatic works were written before Ivan Susanin, they did not gain popularity. Perhaps because the composers who composed them were not such great artists as. The action of the opera revolves around the feat of Ivan Susanin, and the work received unexpected success because of the wonderful music, with the content of folk melodies, bright heroes and national costumes.

A summary of Glinka's opera "" and many interesting facts about this work, read on our page.



bass peasant peasant who led the Poles into the thicket of the forest
Antonida soprano Susanin's daughter, Sobinin's fiancee
Vania contralto Susanin's adopted child, who warned Minin's army of danger
Bogdan Sobinin tenor one of the Russian warriors and the fiance of Susanin's daughter
Sigismund III bass King of the Poles

Summary of "Ivan Susanin"

Not far from the Kostroma region, home, in the village of Domnino, young wars are returning, having defeated the Polish army that invaded the territory of Rus'. Joyful peasants arrange a solemn meeting. Antonida's fiancé, Bogdan Sobinin, was also among the participants defending the homeland. But Ivan Susanin, Antonida's father, says that the enemies retreated only for a while, and now it is necessary to prepare for the next battle. Susanin decided that there would be no wedding celebration while the Poles were trampling on their native lands. Sobinin finally arrives and brings good news: Minin, the legendary folk hero, has been placed at the head of the entire militia. All the people believe in him! Susanin, delighted with such news, allows his beloved to marry.

The Polish king Sigismund III organizes a ball where he treats his friends to a magnificent feast. The sea of ​​wine, beautiful music and dancing girls, occupying the attention of guests. Despite the fact that they have not yet won, the Polish gentry still rejoices at the success of the army in the Russian lands. Suddenly, a messenger appears with bad news: Minin has been put in charge of the militia, and he begins to fight against the Poles. The festivities cease, and the king tells his warriors that he needs a Russian leader, dead or alive.

Preparations are underway for the wedding ceremony of Susanin's daughter and militiaman Bogdan in the house of the bride's father. Susanin shares with his adopted son Vanya the news that Minin's camp is not far away, in the Ipatiev Church, and armed warriors join him. During the wedding celebration, the Poles enter the house and force Susanin to show them a secret place where Minin gathers like-minded people. Susanin pretends to be subordinate to them, and he himself comes up with a plan on how to save the leader with the Russian army. An idea quickly comes to him: he will lead the enemies into the forest, and they will definitely not be able to get out on their own. Meanwhile, Vanya runs to Minin to inform him that the enemies are not far away, and it is necessary to look for a new shelter to gather an army.

Sobinin, together with the detachment, runs in pursuit of the aliens. Russian warriors are ready to defeat the army of enemies, and they want to save Ivan Susanin. Minin and his people also go towards the Poles.

Already in the thicket, Ivan ceases to mislead the enemies and informs them that he has confused them, and now they will die here. He is ready to accept death, and begins to say goodbye to everything that is dear to him. The Poles in anger kill the Russian who confuses them. The wars led by Sobinin do not have time to save Ivan Susanin, but they won over the Poles. All the people sadly remember this brave feat.

In Moscow, in front of the Kremlin, on the square, there is a victorious celebration of the Russian army, which liberated the Motherland from the Poles. An orphaned family: son Vanya, daughter Antonida and her fiancé Sobinin are also on the square. The bell ringing and honoring the memory of Ivan Susanin begins.


Interesting Facts

  • It was the opera "A Life for the Tsar" that brought M.I. Glinka world fame. He became the first Russian composer who was able to reach such heights.
  • The original name of the opera was "Ivan Susanin", but a few days before the premiere, Mikhail Ivanovich renamed it. "Life for the Tsar" - such a new name was given to the work, its poet Nestor Kukolnik came up with. Interestingly, there was another version of the name - "Death for the Tsar."
  • During the premiere of the opera A Life for the Tsar, Tsar Nicholas I was present among the audience. After the performance, he presented Mikhail Ivanovich with a diamond ring, showing with this gesture that he was extremely pleased with the work.
  • There are two versions of the libretto for Glinka's musical drama. The first - Baron Yegor Rosen, the second - Sergei Gorodetsky, whose edition was used in the USSR.
  • The composer harmoniously combined European operatic and symphonic norms with Russian choral interpretations in his work.
  • Kapellmeister Caterino Cavos, who was the first composer to compose an opera on the high-profile events of 1612, recognized Glinka's version of the opera as better than his own. And even removed his production from the stage of the theater.
  • Despite such a stunning public reaction to the premiere of A Life for the Tsar, the second opera Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila" crashed. The emperor left the hall with emphasis, not having watched the performance to the end.
  • The idea of ​​using the story of Ivan Susanin for the opera belongs to Vasily Zhukovsky, a good friend of Mikhail Ivanovich. He also advised the composer to write about this feat of a Russian peasant.
  • Vladimir Lenin once said that in Russian literature, before the work of L. Tolstoy, a genuine peasant was not described anywhere. Musicologists say the same about Ivan Susanin, that before Glinka in Russian music one cannot find the image of a real peasant.
  • The opera A Life for the Tsar was so flawless for that time that even music critics could not find any flaws in it.
  • There was a post-revolutionary attempt to carry out a strange idea to replace the storyline of the opera with the Soviet realities of 1917. In the first edition, the time period was transferred from the 17th century to the era of the red and white revolution. Ivan Susanin appeared before the public as an advanced peasant who was with all his heart for the Soviet homeland. The adopted son Vanya became a member of the Komsomol. It is interesting that the Polish enemies survived, since military operations with Poland were going on at the end of the 10s. The anthem in the final "Glory, glory, you are my Rus'" turned into "Glory, glory, Soviet system." But this variation of the opera was not very popular with the audience, so this edition was not popular.
  • On the same day, at the same place, only with a difference of 6 years, two operas by M.I. Glinka. (Petersburg Bolshoi Theatre, operas A Life for the Tsar and Ruslan and Lyudmila on 11/27/1836 and 11/27/1842 according to the new time reckoning).

  • Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka had two favorite students, Osip Petrov and Anna Vorobyeva (who later became Petrova-Vorobyeva). The part of Susanin was composed under Osip, and the part of Vanya under Anna, which is why this role was written for a low rare female voice- contralto.
  • Glinka made an original wedding gift for his student Anna, he expanded the role of Susanin's adopted son, adding a big scene when Vanya runs up to the walls of the monastery to warn Minin of the danger. And the opera had already been written and rehearsed. Later, this scene became one of the most memorable.
  • A contemporary and acquaintance of Glinka, Prince Odoevsky, said that initially the composer wanted to write an oratorio, not an opera, for the storyline of Ivan Susanin.

Popular arias and numbers from the opera "Ivan Susanin"

Antonida's Cavatina and Rondo from act 1 "Oh, the field, you are my field" (listen)

Vanya's song from Act 3 "How Mother Was Killed..." (listen)

Antonida's romance from act 3 "My girlfriends do not grieve for this" (listen)

Susanin's scene with the Poles from act 3 "Great and holy is our native land" (listen)

Vanya's recitative and aria from act 4 "Poor horse" (listen)

Final chorus "Glory" (listen)


Domestic heroic-tragic work - such a characteristic was given to his opera by M.I. Glinka. The Russian people in this work is far from the last place, Glinka made this mass image active in the historical events of the mentioned opera. It is due to this decision that the performance turned out to be epic in scope, since it contains massive choral scenes. Individual heroes and their destinies are represented by an inextricable link with the fate of their homeland. Massive musical illustrations of the life of Russian people, their way of life, and the natural beauties of the motherland are perfectly intertwined in the work, revealing the many-sided characters of the characters.

Opera dramaturgy and musical numbers in the opera turned out to be authentic and innovative, which served as the beginning of the creation of a new opera genre - folk musical drama. Not all court society was able to accept and understand the image of the protagonist Ivan Susanin, and the music that personified him. The composer's idea was to combine Russian melody and songs with European harmonies and compositions. Not all musicians were able to perceive such a union at once, but no one denied the significance of this work.

History of creation

It is worth noting that the first written opera "Ivan Susanin" belongs to Katerin Kavos. The play premiered in 1815. The libretto was composed by Alexander Shakhovsky. The product turned out pen comedian » - This is a French style, where the musical and recitative part occupy the same number of places in the work. At the end of Kavos' version, Ivan Susanin remains alive.

In fact, there are many contradictions and confusion in the history of the creation of the opera Ivan Susanin. But judging by the facts, it turns out the following... When Mikhail Ivanovich traveled through the Italian and German cities, his thoughts were periodically occupied with the idea of ​​creating a musical work in which the national spirit would be present. It was these ideas that prompted the composer to start working on the opera. During a trip abroad and studying there, he said that everything that he composed for the Milan plays was alien to him, and he felt a certain insincerity in his Italian work. And all these thoughts and feelings inspired in him the idea that it was necessary to write Russian music.

Initially, when Glinka returned to Russia, he wanted to write an opera based on the work of Vasily Zhukovsky "Marina Grove", but rather quickly changed his mind, and in the end the opera "A Life for the Tsar" turned out. By the way, the idea of ​​a historical opera was thrown to Mikhail Ivanovich by Vasily Zhukovsky.

The creation of the work proceeded quickly. In just 1.5 years the opera was ready (1835-1836). A Life for the Tsar consists of four acts (or seven scenes) with a final epilogue. The libretto of that time was written by Baron Georgy Rosen, despite the fact that he had a poor command of Russian. Later, the version of the libretto written by S. Gorodetsky was used in productions. When the work was completed and rehearsed, Mikhail Ivanovich expressed a desire to dedicate the opera to Nicholas the First. This initiation went very well! Simultaneously with this event, the name was changed from Ivan Susanin to Life for the Tsar.


1836 - this year became significant for Russian vocal art. This year saw the first production of the opera A Life for the Tsar. On November 27 (according to the new calendar), Petersburg was able to appreciate the first Russian opera at the Bolshoi Theater of the city. The first performers were such opera singers as: Maria Stepanova, Lev Leonov, Osip Petrov and Anna Vorobieva, the first conductor was Katerino Cavos.

The revolution of 1917 passed, in the USSR the musical drama was not staged for a long time. They wanted to change the libretto, adjust it to the history of the revolution, but the success of this option did not comprehend. Subsequently, the poet Sergei Gorodetsky saved this sad situation by rewriting the libretto by Georgy Rosen in a "Soviet" way. In 1939, a new production took place, the conductor was Samuil Samosud, and the director was Boris Mordvinov.

Since 1945, an annual tradition has appeared at the Bolshoi Theater - the opera production "Ivan Susanin" opened the season very long time. The part of Ivan Susanin was performed by such great basses as: Maxim Mikhailov, Ivan Petrov, Alexander Vedernikov and Evgeny Nesterenko.
On Russian stages, the opera has been and is popular to this day. There were attempts to stage the opera according to the original libretto, but such productions did not take root.

The most famous production of "Ivan Susanin" abroad was at the La Scala Theater (Milan). Fyodor Chaliapin in the role of Ivan Susanin captivated Italian listeners.

Opera " Life for the king"- a truly great work that deserves all the praise and admiration mentioned about it. This is a humanistic, truly Russian and patriotic work. Glinka made Ivan Susanin very famous in our country, and, thanks to the opera, his image became immortal.

M.I. Glinka "Ivan Susanin" (Life for the Tsar)

Music section publications

Two operas by Mikhail Glinka in 10 facts

About the first works of Glinka opened new stage in the development of Russian musical theater. There were two compositions - "Ivan Susanin" ("Life for the Tsar") and "Ruslan and Lyudmila", and both of them predetermined the further path of the Russian national opera. We followed the fate of productions to the music of Mikhail Glinka and chose 10 little-known facts.

"Ivan Susanin" ("Life for the Tsar")

Ilya Repin. Portrait of Mikhail Glinka. 1887

Fedor Fedorovsky. Set design for the final scene of Mikhail Glinka's opera "Ivan Susanin". 1939

Set design for Mikhail Glinka's opera "Ivan Susanin". 1951. Illustration:

1. The idea to create an opera about the feat of Ivan Susanin was proposed to Glinka by his friend Vasily Zhukovsky: “... as if by magic action, the plan of the whole opera was suddenly created, and the idea of ​​contrasting Russian music with Polish music; finally, many topics and even details of the development - all this flashed in my head at once, ”the composer later recalled.

2. When working on an opera, there are certain canons: it is customary to write music, focusing on the word. However, Glinka acted the opposite, which created difficulties in creating poetic text libretto. Nestor Kukolnik, Vladimir Sologub, Prince Vladimir Odoevsky and Zhukovsky himself tried to keep up with Glinka's music. But for the most part, only Baron Georg von Rosen succeeded in this. Glinka most of all appreciated in him the ability to compose words for ready-made music: “Rosen had already prepared verses laid out in his pockets, and I had to say what kind, that is, size, I need and how many verses, he took out so many of each variety, as much as needed, and each variety from a special pocket. When the size and thought [did not] fit the music and [did not] agree with the course of the drama, then an unusual obstinacy appeared in my piit. He defended each of his verses with stoic heroism.

3. The audience did not appreciate Glinka's music and even called it "peasant", "coachman", "common people". In the opera A Life for the Tsar, the composer turns to the genre of Russian folk song, trying to show the national flavor. This was alien to court listeners, accustomed to numbers in the spirit of the Italian aria. But Nicholas I was very pleased with the opera and, as a token of his admiration, gave Glinka a diamond ring.

4. After the revolution of 1917, attempts were made to change the plot of the opera and transfer it to Soviet realities: “The first edition was to transfer the time of the action to the era of the Bolshevik revolution. In accordance with this, Ivan Susanin turned to the "chairman of the village council" - to the advanced peasant standing for the Soviet homeland. Vanya was converted to a Komsomol member. The Poles remained in place because at that time there was just a war with Poland, where Tukhachevsky advanced. The final anthem was paraphrased: "Glory, glory, Soviet system" (Leonid Sabaneev. "Memoirs of Russia").

Peter Williams. Set design for Dominino for Mikhail Glinka's opera Ivan Susanin. 1939. Illustration:

Drawing based on Mikhail Glinka's opera "Ivan Susanin". Illustration:

Fedor Fedorovsky. Set design for Mikhail Glinka's opera "Ivan Susanin". Theater named after Kirov. 1940. Illustration:

5. However, another production of the opera became famous - in 1939, it was based on the libretto of the poet Sergei Gorodetsky. His version of the libretto greatly changed the plot: new heroes "arrived" in the opera in the person of Minin and Pozharsky. King Sigismund sends a detachment to defeat the Russian militia. The army ends up near Kostroma, in the village where the peasant Ivan Susanin lives. The Poles demand that he show them the way to Minin's camp. The fact that Susanin saved Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, who was in a monastery near Kostroma, was not mentioned in the new version. Moreover, in the text of the libretto there was no mention of the king at all. By Stalin's decree, the opera became known as Ivan Susanin. With such a plot and title, the composition was performed on all the opera stages of the Soviet Union.

"Ruslan and Ludmila"

Nicholas Ge. "Ruslan and Ludmila". Second half of the 19th century

Ivan Bilibin. Chernomor Palace. Set design for Mikhail Glinka's opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila". 1900. Illustration:

Konstantin Somov. Lyudmila in the garden of Chernomor. On the plot of Alexander Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila". 1897. Illustration:

1. Alexander Pushkin knew about Glinka's intention to create an opera based on his poem and was even going to help him write the libretto, because he believed that the text of "Ruslan and Lyudmila" should be changed. But what kind of changes Pushkin wanted to make, Glinka did not find out. The sudden death of the poet prevented their cooperation. Work on the opera and libretto dragged on for five years.

2. Glinka excluded ironic and frivolous scenes, focusing on the national Russian character. He gave his creation the features of epic monumentality: contrasting in content paintings slowly replace each other.

3. Glinka came up with a new orchestral technique - imitation of the psaltery in the sound of the pizzicato harp and piano. Later, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov used it in the operas The Snow Maiden and

Ivan Bilibin. Gardens of Chernomor. Set design for Mikhail Glinka's opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila". 1913 Illustration:

5. Nicholas I defiantly left the premiere without listening to the end of the opera. And all because in the play he saw a mockery of himself. In act IV, Chernomor marches with his retinue to the sounds of a march performed by a brass military band on stage (everyone knew the emperor's love for military parades); then, in the castle of Chernomor, they dance a Caucasian dance - a lezginka (under the leadership of the emperor, Russia waged a protracted and far from always successful war in the Caucasus). Shortly after the premiere, the theater directorate "for the sake of economy" abandoned the military orchestra on stage, and this was the reason for the shortening of the march in subsequent productions.


There are such names that, it would seem, are on everyone's lips - at the same time, we know very little about a person and his life, with the exception of the name. These words can rightfully be attributed to the personality of Ivan Susanin. What do we know about him? What genuine interesting facts about the fate and feat of the national hero Ivan Susanin can we remember? It turns out that today a lot is already hidden from us in the mists of time - and, alas, almost no sources have been preserved.

  1. The feat of Ivan Susanin for a long time was voiced as "Life for the Tsar." But was Mikhail Romanov already elected to the kingdom when Susanin saved the young man from the hands of the Polish invaders? It is quite possible that not yet - Ivan Susanin led the Poles into the thicket either at the end of 1612, or at the beginning of 1613. If the first date is correct, it turns out that Mikhail remained only Mr. Susanin, but not the Autocrat of All Russia.
  2. The patronymic of Ivan Susanin was "assigned" in the 19th century - Osipovich. There are no reliable sources that would certify its authenticity. It is possible that historians and writers simply invented it.
  3. According to a number of surviving documents, Susanin was the headman of the Romanovs, in charge of their family village of Domnino.
  4. The reality of the feat of the Kostroma peasant, in which they began to doubt, is confirmed by the fact that Susanin's son-in-law Bogdan was granted a nominal letter from Tsar Mikhail himself, where it was said something like the following: “For blood, for patience, for our salvation, we grant Bogdashka and his family half of the village, freeing him from all tributes. If there were no feat, would a simple peasant (and, probably, a serf) be awarded such favors from the royal shoulder?
  5. Susanin was most likely a widower, since there is no mention of his wife anywhere. About his relatives, it is only known for certain that he had a daughter, Antonida, and therefore royal gratitude extended not to male offspring, which did not exist, but to the daughter and son-in-law of Susanin.
  6. It is still unknown where Ivan Susanin died. Some sources indicate a forest thicket. Others call the village Isupovo, a place near the church. According to the latest version, Ivan, leading the Poles away from the hiding place of the mother and son of the Romanovs, led them in the opposite direction and brought them to Isupov, where he revealed his plan to the enemies. His death turned out to be terrible and painful: the enraged Poles tortured him and then executed him.
  7. Little was known about Susanin's feat until the 18th century. Catherine the Great contributed to the widespread dissemination of information about this amazing person. Arriving once in Kostroma, she noted as a very talented speech of the Kostroma bishop Damaskin, who spoke about Susanin. Since that time, the name of a peasant who gave his life for the Tsar and the Fatherland began to sound more and more often in historical sources.
  8. We all know Mikhail Glinka's opera A Life for the Tsar. But it turns out that the first piece of music on this topic was written 20 years earlier - this is an opera by the composer of Italian origin Cavos.

Ivan Susanin was common man- a peasant, hardly close to the struggle for the throne and court intrigues. His feat was accomplished not out of ambitious motives, not with the aim of distinguishing, if not himself, then at least offspring, to raise his family to a higher rung of the social ladder. It was the self-sacrifice of a man who deliberately gave his life for the freedom of the Motherland, in order to drive away the hated invaders. A low bow from us, descendants, to the national hero Ivan Susanin, and may his memory be forever preserved for centuries.