Hadi Atlasi: "There must be a leader, otherwise the Muslim community will split." Tatar intellectuals: Hadi Atlasi

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Chapter I. The main milestones in the life and work of X. Atlasi.

§ 1 Pages of biography.

§ 2 Pedagogical and socio-political activities.

Chapter II. Reflection of the history of the Tatar people in the works of H. Atlasi.

§ 1 Formation of the scientific concept of H. Atlasi.

§ 2 Problems of the history of Siberia.

§ 3 Kazan Khanate.

Dissertation introduction (part of the abstract) on the topic "Hadi Atlasi as a historian"

Formulation of the problem. Contemporary Russian society is going through a difficult process of rethinking its history. Against the background of these changes, the internal need of historical science itself is manifested to recreate the historical truth about the past of the peoples of Russia, including the Tatar people. Therefore, it is essential to appeal to the work of the glorious representatives of the Tatar historical school, who successfully developed the problems of their native land and played a significant role in the spiritual revival of their nation. Comprehension of the scientific heritage of thinkers of the past allows you to select valuable ideas that need to be further developed and used in practical activities! sti. In this regard, the undoubted scientific interest presents the study of the creative laboratory and the historical heritage of the prominent Tatar scientist and public figure Mukhammadhadi Miftahutdinovich Atl-lasov (1876-1938). The most significant pages of Russian history are reflected in his biography.

Relevance of the research topic. The dissertation research is devoted to the study of the life and creative activity of H. Atlasi - a famous historian, teacher and public figure. The need for a comprehensive study of H. Atlasi's work is due to the poor study of his historical heritage, the inadequacy of determining the specific contribution of the scientist to the formation of Tatar historical thought. His peculiar understanding and original coverage of the history of the Tatar people, determination of its place and role in the development of Eurasian civilization have not lost their significance at the present time. H. Atlasi's scientific works provide an opportunity to better understand the history and fate of the Tatars, contribute to a better understanding of the current state of society. Proceeding from this, the appeal to the scientific heritage of the historian is both timely and relevant.

Certain aspects of the scientist's work attracted the attention of historians. However, until now in the Tatar scientific thought there is no monographic study dedicated to H. Atlasi.

The degree of study of the problem. The historiography of the issue as a whole is very few. Chronologically, it can be classified as follows:

2) publications that date from the mid-1980s to the present day. During this period, the main historical works of H. Atlasi were republished. After a long oblivion, the process of gradual restoration of historical justice in relation to the scientist began. :

Researchers first started talking about the work of H. Atlasi after the publication of his main works in 1913. In the journalistic articles of various authors, mainly biographical information was given, an attempt was made to highlight the pedagogical, social and scientific activities of the historian. Among the first publications it should be noted in the Muslim calendar - "Zaman calendar" an article by an anonymous author, in which H. Atlasi was considered as one of the prominent figures of Jadidism.

In 1914, a long article was published in the Yulduz newspaper under the pseudonym Altai, in which the work Syuyunbike was characterized as a study vividly recreating the life of the famous statesman and a national heroine. 3

The historical works of H. Atlasi were considered at that time by the beginner, and later became the world famous Turkologist A.-Z. Validi.

1 Zaman calendar.-1913.-B.58

2 Most likely this is the pseudonym of G.B. Batgal.

His review was somewhat critical. He did not share the assessment of H. Atlasi regarding the reasons for the fall of the Kazan Khanate. According to A.-Z. Validi, the main reasons for the historical tragedy of the Kazan Tatars were objective. However, the reviewer generally praised the scientist's attempts to create a scientific history.

H. Atlasi's historical works attracted the attention of Russian orientalists. Academician V.V. Barthold in his review, written in 1916, explained that H. Atlasi objectively assessed the activities of Russian statesmen of the 15th-16th centuries, respectively, giving them a positive assessment. V.V. Barthold called H. Atlasi a Tatar patriot, since the scientist spoke with pain in his heart about the loss of statehood by the Tatars in the second half of the 16th century.5

In general, in the pre-revolutionary period, the assessment of H. Atlasi's creativity was in the nature of reviews and was not a thorough and comprehensive study of the historical works of the Tatar scientist.

In the Soviet period, at the beginning of the 1920s, H. Atlasi's study "Kazan Khanate" was republished, which was highly appreciated by historians. In his famous essays, Jamaletdin Validi wrote about Hadi Atlasi as a prominent scientist who devoted himself to the study of national history.6 The works of the scientist, primarily the Kazan Khanate, were highly appreciated by Gaziz Gubaidullin. According to G. Gubaidullin, the work is a serious scientific study, valuable and remarkable for the fact that Hadi Atlasi was the first among historians to widely attract new materials, for example, the khan's label Sahib-Girey. In general, G. Gubaidullin assessed the works of H. Atlasi as a new phenomenon in the Türko-Tatar historiography.

4 Validy A.-3. Seenbike // Sembike, - 1914, - No. 4, - B.7-11; - No. 5, - B.5-6

5 Notes of the Eastern Branch of the Russian Archaeological Society. - 1916.-T.2-3, issue Z-4.-P.421-422.

6 Validi J. Essays on the history of education and literature of the Tatars. - M.-P., 1923.- S. 146.

7 Gubaidullin G.S. The development of historical literature among the Türko-Tatar peoples // First All-Union Türkological Congress. - Baku, 1926.- p.48

Since the late 1920s, due to accusations of anti-Soviet activity, the work of H. Atlasi was undeservedly forgotten for a long time. In fact, it is these works of J. Validi and G. Gubaidullin that the historiography about H. Atlasi of the Soviet period is limited to.

A new stage in the study of H. Atlasi's creativity began only in the mid-80s. After many years of silence, in December 1986, a large article by prominent Tatar scientists-professors Ya.G. Abdullina, M.A. Usmanov and I.R. Tagirova.8 The publication was timed to coincide with the 110th anniversary of the birth of the Tatar historian. It covered the life of a scientist, analyzed the socio-political, pedagogical and scientific activities H. Atlasi, his creative heritage is worthy of appreciation. Famous Tatar scholars described it as a major historical figure... The article was the first important step to restore the good name and legacy of Hadi Atlasi.

Shortly thereafter, an article by the same authors was published in the Nauka newspaper (July 24, 1989), which was named The Truth About Hadi Atlasi. Later in 1995, the same article was included in the book by Y. G. Abdullin "Millat Yazmyshy" ("The Fate of the Nation"), 9

In the 1990s, in the study of H. Atlasi significant contribution introduced by Professor B; F. Sultanbekov. Using the rich archival material of the multivolume Atlasov Case, he recreated the tragic periods of the scientist's life.10 The works of BF Sultanbekov contain important information for studying the socio-political and historical views of H. Atlasi on topical issues of domestic and international life.

Of great importance for the study of the scientific works of Hadi Atlasi were

8 Abdullin Ya.G., Gosmanov M.A., Tairov I.R. Nadi Atlasi turenda // Kazan utlary.-1986.-№ 11.-B. 172176.:

9 Abdullin Ya.G., Gosmanov M.A., Tairov I.R. Sadi Atlasi - galim em demagat eshlekles // Abdullin Ya.G. Millet ulcers. - Kazan, 1999.-B.103-112.

10 Sultanbekov B.F. The Hadi Atlasov case in the context of the political atmosphere of the 1930s // His Same. Mirsaid Sultan-Galiev: Fates. People. Time. - Kazan, 1991.-P.72-100 Soltanbekov B.F. Sadi Atlasi kisete // His. Tarikh serlere achila.- Kazan, 1994.-B.13-23. doctor's work historical sciences S.Kh. Alishev, who at the beginning of the 90s headed a group of Tatar scientists to republish the works of the historian. S.Kh. Alishev wrote an introductory article to the collection of republished works of the scientist "History of Siberia", "Syuyunbike", "Kazan Khanate". 11 According to S.Kh. Alishev, these works for the first time at the scientific level highlighted the true history of the Tatar people ...

Peru, a prominent Tatar scientist, academician A.G. Karimullin, wrote the article "Ladi Atlasi Em Ansch" Seen-bike "se" ("Hadi Atlasi and his" Syuyunbike "), published in the newspaper" Sheri Kazan "(" City of Kazan ") in 1991. A.G. Karimullin thoroughly covered the scientific activities of H. Atlasi, noted a wide range of sources attracted by the scientist, including in foreign languages. The academician wrote that H. Atlasi's historical works are permeated with a deep feeling of love for his nation.

In the preface to the reprinted reprint of "Syuyunbike" (1992) Academician M.A.Usmanov noted that the work of H. Atlasi occupies a special place in Tatar science, since his works are distinguished by purposefulness and consistency.12 The strength of this work, according to the academician, is is the condemnation of the Tatar feudal lords for greed and insatiability in relation to power and wealth. M.A.Usmanov pointed out that H.Atlasi in his work made the most of the opportunities available at that time to attract source material for a more truthful presentation of the life story of Syuyunbike. ;

Professor of Kazan University A.L. Litvin in his publications, based on rich archival documents, highlighted recent years

13 life of a scientist, showed its tragic ending. Articles by A.L. Litvin ha

11 Alishev S.Kh. Tatars tarikhchysy adi Atlasi // Atlas II.Ceoep tarikhy. Seenbike. Kazan khanlygy.-Kazan, 1993.-B, 3-15.

12 Usmanov M.A. Avyr tarihnisch mozla kaytavazy. // Atlasov L. Seenbike.-Kazan, 1992.-B.64-71.

13 Litvin A.L. Milletcheler eshe // Kazan utlary.-1993.-№4; Its the same. Operation Nationalists // Ban on Life. - Kazan, 1993.-P.42-60 are characterized by the use of new sources, in particular, we are talking about the letter of H. Atlasi to Stalin. The article contains the last word of the scientist at the court session in 1938, after which H. Atlasi was shot. !

In connection with the 120th anniversary of Hadi Atlasi, the magazine "Kazan utlary" published the first article "Ut echengde kalgan kugerchen kebek" ("Like a dove caught in the fire"), the authors of which were S.Kh. Alishev, Doctor of Historical Sciences and Candidate of Historical Sciences RG Galliamov.14 In this article, the authors highly appreciated the journalism of H. Atlasi, in particular the historian's brochure: "Yatsa nizam ve golyamalarymyz" ("New law and our i ulema"). It also contains the text of this work in Russian with comments from the authors of the publication. Modern Tatar scientists believe that the work "Yatsa nizam ve golyamalarymyz" is relevant to this day, and many of the thoughts expressed in it are consonant with our reality15.

The jubilee conferences (1996, 2001), held in Bugulma and Kazan under the auspices of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, played a significant role in understanding the creative heritage of H. Atlasi. At one of these conferences, Academician I.R.Tagirov highly appreciated the activities of Hadi Atlasi as a historian. He emphasized the originality of H. Atlasi's views on the history of the Tatar people, called the scientist a true historian16.

Certain aspects of the creative activity of H. Atlasi are highlighted in the monograph by D.M. Usmanova "Muslim faction and the problems of" freedom of conscience "in the State Duma of Russia (1906-1917).” 17 The monograph contains materials on the activities of Muslim deputies of various convocations State Duma early XX century.

14 Alishev S.Kh., Gallyamov R.G. Ut echende kalgan kugerchen kebek // Kazan utlary.- 1996.- №12.-Б.157-158.

15 Ibid. |

16 Tagirov I.R. The land of Almetyevskaya is the birthplace of outstanding figures of Tatar culture // Materials of the scientific-practical conference. -Almetyevsk, 1999, November 23-25. - S.25-29

17 Usmanova D.M. Muslim faction and problems of "freedom of conscience" in the State Duma of Russia (1906-1917) .- Kazan, 1999.

The book contains a summary table of the members of the Muslim faction I-IV of the State Duma. The sixth number in this table is Atlasov Hadi Miftahutdinovich. 18

In the last decade of the XX century, the life and work of H. Atlasi were actively studied1 in the context of research on biographies outstanding people Almetyevsk region, where the scientist worked at one time. Detailed information about the prominent Tatar researcher should be included in the forthcoming "Almetyevsk encyclopedia". In particular, it will present interesting information about the activities of H. Atlasi in the State Duma.19;

Considering the Tatar historiography of the late XIX - early XX centuries, Professor R.U. Amirkhanov noted the oriental and Turkic studies

20 the direction of H. Atlasi's creativity.

In 1996, the public of the city of Bugulma created the H. Atlasi Foundation. This fund established a prize, which is awarded annually to those who have made the greatest contribution to the development of Tatar science and culture. Famous scientists and cultural figures have already become laureates of the H. Atlasi Prize: R. Fakhrutdinov (1996), M. Usmanov (1997), G. Dautov (1998), F. Idelle (1999), Z. Zainullin (2000), etc. ...

The author of the thesis does not support the point of view expressed by the Russian historian VV Trepavlov in his work "History of the Nogai Horde". V.V. Trepavlov, characterizing the works of Tatar enlighteners of the last quarter of the XIX - early XX century, including the works of H. Atlasi, pointed out that they “have no scientific value and serve as evidence of a certain (initial) stage in the formation of national histories. riography. ”21 In the stated position, in our opinion, traces

18 Usmanova D.M. Muslim faction and problems of "freedom of conscience" in the State Duma of Russia (1906-1917). -P.129.

19 Her. State Duma deputies from the south-eastern region of Tatarstan. // From the history of the Al-metyevsky region.-Almetyevsk, 1999.-Issue 1.-С. 183.

20 Amirkhanov R.U. Tatar historiography: oriental and turkological aspects. // Scientific Tatarstan.-2000.-№3.-P.70-74.

21 Trepavlov V.V. History of the Nogai Horde.- M., 2001.-P.9. There is a definite attempt to consider the historical science of the past from the point of view of the present day, the current state of science. Such an approach cannot but raise a well-founded objection.

Foreign historiography is also few in number, but it gave an objective assessment earlier than the domestic one. The biography of H. Atlasi was included in one of the encyclopedias published in 1970 in Turkey.22 It contains information that is not available in domestic publications. For example, it is said about the participation of H. Atlasi in 1920 in Baku in the Congress of Eastern Peoples, material is given about the work of the scientist on the work "Altyn Urda tarikhi" - "History of the Golden Horde". However, this encyclopedia contains certain inaccuracies. They concern the year of birth and death, the place of birth and death of the scientist. The publication, in particular, states: HADI ATLAS I (SIMBIR 1875-SOLOVKI 1940) - Hadi Atlasi (Simbir 1875-Solovki 1940).

Biographical information is available in the writings of a well-known scientist

23 hoturkologist Ahmet Temir, one of H. Atlasi's relatives.

In general, noting a certain degree of study of the biography of the thinker, it can be concluded that the work of Hadi Atlasi as a historian in Russian historiography has not yet been sufficiently considered. His historical views were not subjected to a holistic and systematic study. therefore this topic needs further development. The process of formation of the historical concept of H. Atlasi, his multifaceted scientific and social activities deserve close attention of scientists.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the historical works of H. Atlasi, to determine his place and role in the development of Tatar historical science. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set:

22 Ansiklopedik s6zlfik.-Ankara, 1970.-C.272.

23 Turk kulturu ara§tirmalan.-Ankara, 1993.-C.20-37.

1. Trace the main milestones in the life of Hadi Atlasi.

2. Consider the process of formation and development of H. Atlasi as a historian.

3. To highlight the views of the scientist on the early period of development of the Tatar people, the history of the Siberian Khanate and the Kazan Khanate.

4. Describe his pedagogical and socio-political activities:

The object of this research was the creative activity of H. Atlasi, a famous Tatar scientist of the late 19th - first third of the 20th centuries. His historical work became the subject of a dissertation study.

Chronological framework the works cover the period of the last third of the 19th century - the end of the 30s of the 20th century. At this time, the life activity of X: Atlasi, the formation and development of his historical views fell. ;

To write a dissertation, the author used the methods scientific researchused in modern historical science. Methodological framework This work was such principles as comprehensiveness, objectivity, historicism. They made it possible to consider historical phenomena in organic connection with the conditions that give rise to them, the mutual conditionality of historical events and facts. The dissertation research was carried out taking into account the unity of internal and external, objective and subjective factors in the development of the historical process.

Objectivity as a scientific principle presupposes a presentation of this or that event or phenomenon as close as possible to the historical truth. A prominent Tatar scientist of the early XX century R. Fakhretdin noted: “Since those who write history have friends and enemies, they can sometimes depict white as black, black as white. However, history itself has neither enemies nor friends. Before her, all peoples and states are equal. Her path consists of truth and she does not stray from it and therefore cannot look at people with different eyes. " The use of the principle of objectivity allowed the dissertation author to more clearly present the creative laboratory of Hadi Atlasi, analyze the formation and development of his historical views.

The dissertation candidate proceeded from the methodological position of H. Atlasi's contemporary - the famous Russian historian V.O. Klyuchevsky, according to which history acts not as a teacher, but as an overseer,

25 punishes for ignorance of the lessons of the development of society. It follows from this that one must not make mistakes that have taken place in the past, so as not to repeat such mistakes in the present and the future. The true spiritual and cultural revival of the people, which Tatar thinkers dreamed of in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, implied a new rise in national consciousness, and this is really impossible without taking into account the past, the characteristics of the present, and forecasting the future.

The works of famous scientists of the second half of the XX century S.Kh. Alishev, A.G. Mukhamadiev, I.R.Tagirov, M.A.Usmanov, R.G. Fakhrutdinov, A.Kh. Khalikov played an important role in understanding the place and role of of the Tatar people in the historical development of Eurasia. Thus, the research of I.R.Tagirov "The history of the national statehood of the Tartar people and Tatarstan" allowed the author of the dissertation to trace the evolution of the statehood of the Tatars at various stages of historical development. Another work of I.R.Tagirov "Essays on the history of Tatarstan and the Tatar people (XX century)" made it possible to better represent the historical era, which fell on the main part of H. Atlasi's work.

24 Fakhretdin R. Syngan kutseleme ve yangan yeregeme yuanich. // Gasirlar avazy.-Echo of centuries.-2001.-№3 / 4, -B.60.

23 Klyuchevsky V.O. Notebook with aphorisms. Aphorisms and thoughts about history. - M., 2001.-P.260

When working on the dissertation project, the monograph by MA Usmanov "Tatar sources of the 17th-18th centuries" was used.26 This publication helped the dissertation candidate to classify and characterize the sources associated with the scientific activities of X. Atlasi.

The following range of sources allows to reveal the set goal and objectives of the research:

3. Publications in the periodicals of his contemporaries about the life and work of the historian.

4. Memoirs of Hadi Atlasi's students.

5. Personal documents from the Atlasov family archive.

6. Materials of interviewing the descendants of H. Atlasi.

7. Historical works of contemporaries.

The main sources for writing the dissertation were the published works of H. Atlasi. Many of the historian's manuscripts were confiscated during the years of repression and were irretrievably lost. The bibliography of the scientist's scientific works contains more than 40 titles dating back to the period 1902-1924. These are three monographs, as well as a series of scientific and popular science articles. I

One of the earliest scientific researches of H. Atlasi "Tarikhi ta-bigy" ("Natural history", Kazan, 1902, 31 p.) Was published as school textbook... The publication considered the issues of the training course in natural geography. This book was published in the printing house of I.N. Kharitonov, i who made a significant contribution to the Tatar printing of the late 19th - early 20th centuries.

The scientist's brochure titled "Yatsa nizam ve golyamalarymyz" ("New law and our ulema") was published in Orenburg in 1906. It was directed against the conservative Muslim clergy, I

26 Usmanov M.A. Tatar historical sources HUP-HUSHv.-Kazan, 1976. opposed to new educational ideas in the field of national education. ^

H. Atlasi's works covered a wide range of problems of Tatar linguistics, history and public education. Publicistic articles, published in the magazines Maktep (School), Shura (Council), prevailed among them. Since 1909, H. Atlasi's publications began to dominate the historical theme. In this regard, it is necessary to highlight such articles of the scientist as "Urlar hakynda tarikhi maglumat" ("Historical light

27 28 denya about notch lines ")," Sarkyl sheere "(" City of Sarkel ")," Pro

9Q professor Katanov ile mosekhebe "(" Conversation with Professor Katanov "),

Bashkortlar hakynda berer sus "(" About the Bashkirs "). They revealed the views of the scientist on certain problems of the history of the Turks, including the Tatar people. The above articles, as well as other materials by Hadi Atlasi, have been published in numerous magazines and newspapers in Arabic script ^ Many of them are still not known to the general scientific community.

Historical works "Seber tarikhy" ("History of Siberia"), "Seenbike" ("Syuyunbike"), "Kazan khanlygy" ("Kazan Khanate") were published in 1911-1914 by the publishing house "Umid" of the Akhmadullin brothers and brought the author the greatest fame. At the beginning of the 20th century, this publishing house occupied an important place among the Kazan printing houses specializing in the publication of books in the Tatar language.31 The first study "History of Siberia" was published in 1911 and was never reprinted. The second of the major works "Syuyunbike" was published in 1914. In the first edition of the Magarif Printing Company, the year of issue was not indicated. In the 90s of the XX century, the book "Syuyunbike" was republished in Cyrillic. The monograph "Kazan khanlygy" was published in

27 Shura.-1909.-No.14.-B.432-434.

28 Ibid. -1911.-№9.-Б.273-275.

29 Ibid. -1911.-№23.-B.711-713.

30 Shura.-1913.-No.9.-B.261-263; No.10.-B.297-299.

31 Karimullin A.G. Tatar book of the early XX century.-Kazan, 1974.-p. 120.

1914, and was reprinted twice in 1920 and 1924. The last reprint of the three main works of H. Atlasi was carried out in 1993, which made it possible to return the fundamental works of the scientist to a wide range of modern readers who do not know Arabic graphics. The works of Hadi Atlasi were an important source for studying the history of the Tatar people, analyzing the worldview and views of the scientist.

In addition to monographs, the dissertation studies and analyzes his publicistic works, mainly of the pre-revolutionary period.

The second group of sources on the topic of scientific research consisted of archival materials. A number of important sources are kept in the funds of the National Archives of the Republic of Tatarstan. First of all, these are documents relating to the biography, political and social activities of the scientist.

The fund of the Kazan Spiritual Consistory (NA RT.F.4) contains information about the place and date of birth of the scientist, information about the parents of Hadi Atlasi.

F. Karimi's personal fund (NA RT.F. 1370) contains important historical information about the speeches of H. Atlasi in 1906 against the Russification policy of the Russian government, as well as his personal letters to F. Karimi.

The study of the fund of the Kazan Committee for Press Affairs (NA RT.F.420) made it possible to trace the publication time of the scientist's works, determine the circulation of publications and obtain information about the censors of his historical works.

Biographical data of Hadi Atlasi from 1903 to 1920 were preserved in the materials of the Chistopol Revolutionary Tribunal Foundation (NA RT. FR-779). Of particular interest are certificates that belonged to the chairman of the Almetyevsk village council, an employee of the agitation train “Krasny; Turkestan "N. Safargaliev, which gives a brief description of the educational and social activities of H. Atlasi.

Archival materials, as well as eyewitness memories, made it possible to recreate the historical truth about the scientist, to assess the actions and decisions that were made in the difficult years of the revolution and civil war... They refute the information contained in the book "City of Happy Destiny", published by the Tatar book publishing house in Kazan in 1981. The following lines could be read in it: “The Almetyevsk mullah Atlasov played a sinister role in this. According to his lists and instructions in the Almetyevsk and Kichuy volosts, Tatar teachers, activists of the Soviet power in the Tatar villages were almost completely exterminated ”32. The authors of the above publication insulted the people's memory of the outstanding son of the Tatar people, slandered H. Atlasi, attributed to him those actions that he did not actually perform.

In the 1st century BC. the famous Roman orator Cicero formulated the i main requirements for history: “Ne quid falsi audeat, ne quid veri nom audeat historia” 33 (“History should not lie, it should tell the truth”). In our opinion, the actions of people should be based on historical truth and justice, in this case the historical reality has been distorted. ;

The pedagogical activity of the historian in the city of Bugulma is evidenced by documents from the fund of the Bugulma cantonal department of public education (NART. FR-315).

Materials of a multivolume investigative case from the fund of the Central State Archive of Historical and Political Documentation of the Republic of Tatarstan (TsGA IPD RT. F.8233.D.2-9521) contain information about the tragic years of the scientist's life. Based on the interrogation protocols of H. Atlasi, one can show his political convictions, reflect the evolution

32 City of happy destiny. - Kazan, 1981.-P.78

33 Zelinsky F.F. The ancient world and us. - SPb., 1997, - P.86 17 tion of historical views. Undoubtedly, the study of these materials requires a critical approach. The confessions during the multi-day "conveyor" interrogations, which the NKVD officers forced out at H. Atlasi, were organized in advance in the form of theses-answers. At the same time, according to these materials, one can judge his position on issues of national policy, collectivization in agriculture, religion.

The participation of the thinker in the 2nd Muslim Congress of 1917 in the city of Kazan is evidenced by the protocols drawn up by the famous Tatar scientist, public figure - R. Fakhretdin. These documents are kept in the personal fund of the scientist (NA AS RB.F.7) in the scientific archive of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan. According to the fund, the works of H. Atlasi ("Bashkortlar hakynda berer suz", "Kazan khanlygy"), together with R. Fakhretdin's manuscripts, first came to the famous orientalist A. N. Samoilovich, then to the department of manuscripts of the Saltykov-Shchedrin public library. At present, these works are in the scientific archive of the Institute of Oriental Studies in St. Petersburg.

The third group consists of materials from periodicals in the Tatar and Russian languages \u200b\u200bof the first third of the XX century. They contain some information about the creative activity of H. Atlasi. The study of such periodicals as "Zaman Calendar", "Syuyumbike", "Shura", "Yulduz" made it possible to determine what resonance in scientific circles caused the historical works of the scientist. The social and political activities of Atlasi1 were investigated on the basis of materials from the newspapers Duma (St. Petersburg, 1907), Kazanskoe Slovo (Kazan, 1917), and Tormysh (Life) (Ufa, 1917-1918). j

The fourth group included memoirs of the former students of H. Atlasi - A. Kayumova, M. Rafikova-Mustafina, containing valuable material about the personality of Hadi Atlasi as a historian and teacher. For the pre-Soviet period of H. Atlasi's work, the study of political history was characteristic; the study of socio-economic factors remained outside the author's field of vision. From the memoirs of the thinker's students it is clear that the scientist in the Soviet period paid the most serious attention to the economy, the influence of the objective conditions of the development of the state on all aspects of the social and political life of the people. Unfortunately, the historical works of H. Atlasi, written in Soviet times, were not published, and the manuscripts were later lost. In this regard, it is rather difficult to trace the evolution of the scientist's creativity in full. The development of H. Atlasi's views can be judged on the basis of the memoirs of his students and the materials of the interrogations to which he was subjected in 1936-1938:

The fifth group of sources are documents of personal origin. The dissertation widely uses letters of the scientist to his relatives. About 16 letters have survived, which are currently stored in the city of Bugulma in the Atlasov family archive. It is clear from these letters that H. Atlasi wrote historical works during the Soviet era, which were lost and did not find their readers. The materials from the Atlasov family archive, including private correspondence, made it possible to feel the spirit of the times in which the thinker lived and worked. Information about the Solovetsky period of the researcher's life can be obtained from personal letters sent by H. Atlasi to his sister Halima.

The manuscript of the plan for educational and methodological work, which belonged to the scientist's pen, gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe teaching methodology of H. Atlasi, of some aspects of his pedagogical activity at school No. 12 in Kazan. This source is currently also kept in the Atlasov family archive. ;

The sixth group includes conversations with the son of an outstanding scientist - Ugyz Khadievich Atlasov, during which it was possible to clarify some facts of H. Atlasi's biography, his views on life, attitude to religion. In particular, it is interesting that the scientist was invited to work in the Eastern category of St. Petersburg University during the First World War.

To reveal the research topic, the works of other famous historians of the early XX century in the Tatar and Russian languages \u200b\u200bwere used. They make it possible to determine the real contribution of H. Atlasi to the development of national historical science. When working on the dissertation, the works of V.V. Bartold, M.G. Khudyakov were used. The merit of V.V. Bartold lies in the fact that he provided a wide panorama of the development of various Turkic ethnic groups, which made it possible to better represent the picture of the origin of the Tatars, the formation and development of the Turkic statehood.34

The history of the Kazan Khanate, written by M.G. Khudyakov, repressed in 1936, was a fundamental study that examined and analyzed various factorsconcerning the creation, existence and fall of the largest state

I 35 education of our ancestors. This study is interesting for comparing the historical concepts of two different historians who lived at the same historical time - H. Atlasi and M. G. Khudyakov.

To characterize the historical views of H. Atlasi, to compare his scientific work with the work of his contemporaries, the historical works of G. Akhmarov, R. Fakhretdin, G.-B. Battal, A.-Z. Validi, G.S. Gubaidullin and others were involved. Unlike V.V.Bartold and M.G. Khudyakov, they belonged to the Tatar historical school, based on the traditions of Muslim historical thought. It goes without saying that the approaches of these authors differed in many respects from those of Western European or Russian researchers. I

The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the proposed dissertation is the first attempt at a comprehensive study of the scientist's creative heritage. On the basis of numerous sources not previously introduced into scientific circulation, the author tried to highlight a little

34 Bartold V.V. Compositions. Works on the history and philology of the Turkic and Mongolian peoples, -M.D968.-T.5.

33 Khudyakov M.G. Essays on the history of the Kazan Khanate.-M., 1991. the studied sides of the creative and personal biography of H. Atlasi.

The practical significance of this work lies in the fact that the obtained results of the study can be used to study topical issues of the development of the Tatar people. It seems possible to use the provisions and conclusions contained in the works of H. Atlasi in the development of problems of history national-state construction, social thought of the Tatars.

The materials of the candidate's dissertation can be used to create popular essays dedicated to H. Atlasi, defining his place and role among prominent representatives of Tatar historical science. The materials of the author's research have significantly replenished the funds of the school museum in the city of Bugulma. The activities of this museum are dedicated to the life and work of its famous countryman.

Structure. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of used sources and literature.

Thesis conclusion on the topic "Domestic history", Mukhametdinova, Alsu Hannanovna

The main findings of the dissertation are as follows:

1. Life and 1 work of H. Atlasi fell on a stormy period of transformations in Russia. These transformations were characterized by modernization national economy, a significant rise in the economy, a significant increase in the spiritual needs of society, the accelerated development of culture and education. H. Atlasi's life coincided with the period of the national revival of the Tatar people. The growth of the economy, the strengthening of the political positions of the national bourgeoisie contributed to the rise in the field of national and historical self-consciousness of the Tatars. It was in these conditions that the creative activity of H. Atlasi flourished, who, along with S. Marjani, stood at the origins of the scientific history of the Tatar people. The pre-Soviet period is characterized as the most fruitful in the scientific work of H. Atlasi. His scientific activity was inextricably linked with his active work in the pedagogical and socio-political spheres.

2. In the system of scientific knowledge H.Atlasi assigned the primary role to history. In his opinion, the main and most important function of historical knowledge is its tremendous educational impact. The scientist emphasized that history should instill in a person a sense of national pride, unite the nation. Through history, every nation accumulates its own historical experience, using this experience for successful state building.

The significance of the historical works of H. Atlasi in the first third of the XX century was that they contributed to the development of more high level national identity of the Tatars. His works contributed to the expansion of the historical horizons of the people, introduced to the cultural values \u200b\u200bof both the West and the East.

3. The formation of H. Atlasi as a historian was determined by the level of development of the historical science of Russia at that time, the system of knowledge, the methods of scientific research that were used by Russian and foreign researchers. The most important achievement of the Tatar historical thought of that time was the accumulation of rich factual material. H. Atlasi's knowledge of the Arabic, Persian, Turkish languages \u200b\u200ballowed him to attract additional source material to develop new approaches to studying the issue of the origin of the Tatars, the place and role of the Tatar people among the Turkic peoples. He was the first Tatar historian to put into circulation a significant amount of materials extracted from Russian monuments of the 15th-16th centuries. The information obtained contributed to the improvement of the narrative method for characterizing the centuries-old history of various Turkic state formations. The result of the scientific research of H. Atlasi is the question of the multi-root origin of the Tatars.

4. In 1911-1914, H.Atlasi created the main works "Seber tarikhi", "Seenbike", "Kazan khanlygy", which have not lost their scientific significance at the present time. The value of the scientist's historical writings lies in the wide coverage of various sources, the conceptual presentation of the material. He managed to approach the study of the history of the Tatar people on the basis of those scientific approaches, which corresponded to the level of development of historical science at that time. According to the scientist, the history of the Tatars should be based on the common Turkic heritage in the person of those early Turkic states that arose and existed in Altai. 1

In the works of the scientist, an attempt is traced to systematize views on the origin of various Turkic peoples, including the Tatars, the desire to characterize certain stages in the development of national statehood. H. Atlasi, characterizing historical development Tatar people adhered to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe continuity of the Kazan Khanate from the Golden Horde. Among the Tatar states, the scientist considered the fate of the Kazan Khanate as key. The historian believed that the tragic fall of Kazan historically caused the death of other Tatar khanates. |

5. H. Atlasi considered the role of personality as the most important factor in the historical development. The scientist considered the history and fate of the Kazan Khanate, the Siberian Khanate from the point of view of significant influence on the events of certain politicians. In particular, highly assessing the importance of Syuyunbike's activities, H. Atlasi expressed regret that she and her associates had failed to prevent military actions of the Russian state against the Kazan Khanate, to avoid the fall of Kazan. H. Atlasi gave a high assessment to the Siberian Khan - Kuchum, considering him as true patriot their homeland. On the other hand, the thinker severely criticized that part of the Tatar society that conspired with Ivan IV and betrayed their national interests. As such historical figures, he called Shah-Ali, the murza of Ka-May.

6. During the Soviet period, H. Atlasi's work was less productive. This was due to objective circumstances: in 1920, 1929, 1936 he was repressed three times. The arrest of 1936 finally interrupted the scientific and pedagogical activities of the scientist. The totalitarian regime did not allow Hadi Atlasi to fully realize his creative potential. However, despite this, he managed to leave a significant mark I in the Tatar historical science. As a historian, H. Atlasi gained fame not only in the social and scientific circles of Russia, but also abroad, primarily in the Muslim world.


In the conclusion, the main conclusions are drawn on the tasks that were formulated in the introduction. Based on the study of H. Atlasi's creative heritage, the dissertation candidate considers him as a prominent scientist-historian who made a significant contribution to the development of Tatar scientific thought at the end of the 19th and the first third of the 20th centuries.

List of dissertation research literature candidate of Historical Sciences Mukhametdinova, Alsu Hannanovna, 2003

1. Sources 1. Works of H. Atlasi

2. Tabigy tarikhs. -Kazan, 1902.-31 b.

3. Yana nizam ve golyamalarymyz.- Orenburg, 1906.-14 b.

4. Urlar hakynda tarikhi maglumat. // Shura.-1909.-№14.-432-434 b.

5. Din saklau ve ana liyeket. // Shura.-1909.-№22.-691-692 b.

6. Bai em yarl teller, terekche yugalgan suzler. // Shura.-1910.-№7, -206-208 6. i

7. Yogyshly Renzhu ^ em Tatarlar. // Shura.-1910.-№16.-496-498 b.

8. Without em missionarylar. // Shura.-1910.- No. 17.-527-529 b.

9. Boryngy esh ve boryngy suzler. // Shura.-1910.-№18.-557-559 b.

10. Nadanlik ve anyts yimeshlere. // Shura.-1910.-№19.-604-605 b.

11. Ber Turk is bikechen uzenen, ugylyna eytken ugete. // Shura.-1910, -№22.-70-726.

12. Missionary maktavim. // Shura.-19 Y.-№22.-676-678 b.

13. Beznen tel. // Shura.-1910.-№22.-684-686 b .; No. 23.-711-712 b.

14. Beznetz terekky. // Shura.-1910.-№24.-745-748 b.

15. Sarkyl sheere. // Shura.-1910.-№9.-273-275 b.

16. Tenkyitke tenkyit. // Shura.-1910.-№15.-569-570 b.

17. Professor Katanov ile mosehebe. // Shura, -1910.-№23.-711-713 b.I

18. Seber tarikhy.-KazanD911.-177 b.

19. Achlyk ve meselmannar. // Shura.-1912.-№1.-15-18 b.

20. Beznen maktepleremez. //Mektep .-1913.-№4.-19-20 b.

21. America kitaphanelere. // Maktap-1913.-161-163 b.

22. Bashkalar nichek ukylar. // Maktep-1913.-№19.-123-124 b.

23. Ertkychlyk tugelme? // Maktep-1913.-№10, -157-160 b.

24. Maktaplaremezde igtikad Iem goilem hele kitaplary. // Maktep-1913.-№17.-222-224 b.

25. Erem akchalar. // MaktapL 913.-№20.-292-294 b.

26. Zemstvo ve beznetz maktepler. //Mektep .-1913.-№24.-361-363 b.I

27. Gymnasiums, shelters? // Аts.-1913.-№6.-104-106 б.I

28. Bashkortlar, hakynda berer sus. // Shura.-1913.-№ 9.-261-263 b .; -No 10.-297-299 b.

29. Who is Ghani Bai? // Sheref B. Ghani Bay.-Orenburg, 1913.-230-246 B.I

30. Seen-bike. Tarihi hikeya. -Kazan, 1914. -45 b.

31. Kazan khanlygy. -Kazan: Omet, 1914. -336 b. (Ikenche Basmasy.-Kazan: Magarif, 1920.-344 b.)

32. Igenchelek yam anyn terekkyyate. // Ioldyz, 1914, No. 1144.

33. Bashkort zhirlare. // Yoldyz, 1914, No. 1163.

34. Shibab khezrat by whom ?. // Merl ^ ani me ^ mugasy. (Collection dedicated to the 100th anniversary of S. Mardzhani.) - Kazan, 1915.

35. Seber tarikhi. Seenbike. Kazan khanlygy. -Kazan: Tatar, whale. nash., 1993.-447 6.

36. Yatsa nizam ve golyamalarybyz. // Kazan utlary.-1996.-№12.-158-159 b.2. Archival documents

37. National Archives of the Republic of Tatarstan (NA RT) i

38. F.4. / Kazan spiritual consistory /. Op. 177.D.Yu6.D.9222

39. F. 186./Documents from the personal archive of Gasprinskaya-Yusufbeyli Shafiki /. Op.1.D.9

40.F.199. / Kazan Provincial Gendarme Directorate / .Op.1.D.771.j

41. F.420. / Kazan Temporary Committee for Press Affairs / .Op.1.D.173. D-277 |

42. F.1370. / Fatih Karimi's personal fund /. 0p.1.D.5.0p.2.D.32.

43. FR-315. / Bugulma Canton Department of Public Education /. Op. 1, File 106. Op.2.D.85.

44. FR-779. / Chistopol revolutionary tribunal /. Op.Z.D.ZZ.D. 69.

45. FR-1988 / Bugulma City Council /. 0p.1.d. 20.

46. \u200b\u200bFR-2461. / Documents from the personal archive of Gayaz Iskhaki /. On. 1 .D.38.

47. Central State Archive of Historical and Political Documentation of the Republic of Tatarstan. (TsGA IPD RT)

48. F.8233. / State Security Committee / Op.1.D.2-9521.V.1-12 Scientific archive; Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan (NA AS RB)

49. F.7. / Riza Fakhretdin's personal fund / .Op. 1 .D.2

50. Materials from the Atlas family archive

51. Manuscript of the educational plan, compiled by H. Atlasi in 1935

52. Letters from H. Atlasi to sister Halima (1930-1933)

53. Letters of H. Atlasi to his family (1930, 1936).

54. Memories of Husnikomal Atlasova about Hadi Atlasi.

55. Memories of M. Rafikova-Mustafina about H. Atlasi.

56. Publications of contemporaries about H. Atlasiin in the Tatar language)

57. Altai. Seenbike // Yoldyz, 1914, No. 1236.

58. Validy E.-Z. Seenbike // Sembike.-1914.-№4.-7-116 .; No. 5.-5-6 b.

59. Zaman calendar.-1913.-B.58.

60. Kayumova E. Utken yullar, utken yellar. // Miras.-2000.-№6.-73-81.in Russian)

61. Bartold V.V. H. Atlasov "Kazan Khanate" .// Notes of the Eastern Branch of the Russian Archaeological Society. - 1916.-T.2-3, issue 3-4.-P.421-422.

62. Validi J. Essay on the history of education and literature of the Tatars. -M.-P., 1923.-P.144-147.

63. Gubaidullin G.S. The development of historical literature of the Turkic-Tatar peoples // First All-Union Turkological Congress:

64. Verbatim report.-Baku, 1926. -S. 39-49. j 4. Newspapers 1. (in Tatar) 41. Vakyt, 1906-1918.

66. Tormysh, 1917 (November) -1918 (January) 45. Yulduz, 1906-1918.i in Russian) 46. Kazan word, 1917.47. Kazan Telegraph, 1914. I

67. Kama-Volga speech, 1912,1914-1915.5. Magazines in Tatar) 51. Ac, 1912-1918.52. Makten, 1913-1914.53. Megallim, 1913-1914.I55. Ukytu ^ s, 1918.56. Shura, 1908-1917.i1. (In Russian)

68. Maksudi S. The Constitution of the Cultural and National Autonomy of the Tatar People. // Idel. - 1995. - No. 5,61.j

69. Materials and documents on the history of the social and political movement among the Tatars (1905-1917) / comp. Fakhrutdinov R.R./- Kazan, 1992.-128 s \\

70. Complete collection of platforms of all Russian political parties.-М.2001.-130 p. ji! in Tatar) I

71. Bethen Rusia Möselmannarynyts gomumi congresses. Lara's protocol.- Pg., 1917.-476 b. | i1.I. Literature in Russian)

72. Abdullin Ya.G. Tatar educational thought.-Kazan: Tat. book publishing house, 1976. -319 with J

74. Abulgazi Bahadur Khan. Genealogical tree of the Turks.-Kazan, 1906.-336 p.

75. Adji M. Europe, Turks, Great Steppe.-M. : Thought, 1998.-334 p.

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77. Amirkhanov R.U. 1 Tatar democratic press (1905-1907). -M.: 1. Science, 1988, - 190 pp. I

78. Amirkhanov R.U. Tatar historiography: oriental and turkological aspects. // Scientific Tatarstan.-2000.-№3.-P.70-74.

79. Amirkhanov R.U. Tatar pre-revolutionary press in context

80. East-West "" - Kazan: Tatars, book publishing house, 2002. -259 p.

81. Amirkhanov P.M. Tatar socio-philosophical thought of the Middle Ages.-Kazan, 1993.- 124 p.

82. Andrievich V.k! History of Siberia. SPb., 1889.-4.1.2. - 487 p.

83. Artamonov M.I. History of the Khazars. -L .: Publishing house of the State. Hermitage Museum, 1962, 523 p. |

84. Atlas of the history of Tatarstan and the Tatar people.-M .: DIK, 1999.-64 p.

85. Akhsanov K.G. Introduction to the history of the Turkic peoples.-Kazan: Izd-voi1. DAS ", 2001.-4 ^ 1. -56 p. 1.

86. Akhmarov G.N. Selected Works. -Kazan: Tatars, Prince. publishing house, 1998 238 p. |

87. Akhmarov T.HJ Historical and documentary collection.-Kazan: Heter, 2000.-383 p. "i

88. Babur Z.M. Babur-name. / Babur's notes / .- Tashkent, 1992. -529 s.

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95. Bakhtin A.G. The Russian state and the Kazan Khanate: interstate relations in the XV-XVI centuries: Author's abstract of doctoral studies in historical sciences-M., 2001. -43 s. I

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100. Velyaminov-Zernov V.V. Study about Kasimov kings and princes.-SPb., 1863.-T. 1.2.

101. Vernadsky G. Russian historiography. -M .: Agraf, 1998.-447 p.

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104. Gainetdinov RB Turkic-Tatar political emigration: early XX century 30s. -Naberezhnye Chelny: Kamsky Publishing House. house, 1997.-159s. |

105. Gallyamov P.P. Causes and consequences of the construction of the Zakamskaya zasechnaya line in 1652-1656 // From the history of the Almetyevsk region. -Almetyevsk, 1999.-4.1.-С.59-78.

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112. Gumilev JI.B. Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe. -M .: Rolf, 1998.-768 s.

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116. Daulet N. History of the national liberation struggle of the Turkic peoples of Russia. (1905-1917.) - Kazan: Milli Kitap, 1998. -52 p.j

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161. N.I. Kostomarov Historical monographs and research. -M., 1989.-S.5-118. |

162. Kulpin E. Socio-ecological crises of Eastern Europe in the fate of Kazan .; // Medieval Kazan: origin and development.i

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166. Litvin A.L. Operation Nationalists. // Forbid on life. -Kazan, 1993.-P.42-60. !

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169. Magomedov M.G. Formation of the Khazar Kaganate. -M., 1983.225 p.

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171. O.M. Medushevskaya. Source study. Theory, history and method.-M .: i1. Publishing house of the Russian State University for the Humanities, 1996.-79 pp. I

172. Mezhov V.V. Siberian; bibliography. -SPb., 1891-1892.-T.1-3.

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286. Encyclopedia of the Russian monarchy. Great Dukes. Kings i

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What is it, the Tatar intelligentsia of the pre-revolutionary period? What attention was paid to religious education at that time? Who initiated the creation of the institution of a single all-Russian mufti?

Back in 1876, Khadi Atlasi, a public figure, historian and teacher, was born in the village of Cheke, Buinsk uyezd, Kazan province. vivid example Tatar national intelligentsia. He is to become a prominent representative of the emerging Tatar historical science, who combined the traditions of Eastern and Western historical sciences in his work.

While studying at the Buino madrasah, Khadi Atlasi paid great attention to self-education, read a lot, studied various sciences, Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Russian and German.

Returning to his native Buinsk after finishing teaching courses in Seitovskaya Sloboda near Orenburg, the theologian becomes a teacher in a madrasah, where he launched active work to update the education system by introducing new teaching methods. Atlasi spoke about his reforms from the pages of newspapers, published popular science works. For example, "Gilme Hayat" (Science Astronomy) and "Tarikh Tabigiy" ("Natural Science History").

In August 2006, Hadi took part in the III All-Russian Muslim Congress, where the main topic for discussion was the issue of religious order. Then the Tatar theologian noted the need to create the institution of a single all-Russian mufti, citing as an example the words of Shigabutdin Mardzhani that there should be one leader, otherwise muslim community a split is inevitable.

After a successful exam for imam and mudarris, he was invited to the village of Almetyevo as an imam, where, along with the duties of a clergyman, he was engaged in teaching and research activities. In parallel with the appearance of publications under the authorship of Hadi Atlasi, his books "Akhyr zaman ishani" ("Ishan of the end of the world"), "Idel bue" ("Volga region"), "Maktab ham mulla" ("School and mullah" ).

Deservedly appreciating social activities theologian, in 1907 he was elected a deputy of the II State Duma, where he became one of the most active members of the Muslim Labor Party. One cannot fail to note the contribution of the theologian to the publication of the newspaper Duma, which became the organ of the Muslim labor faction of the Duma. The newspaper, like the Duma itself, did not last long.

A year later, Atlasi comes out with a sharp criticism of the national policy approved by the Minister of Education in 1906. The new program was about educating the people in the Orthodox spirit, about compulsory teaching of the Russian language, about replacing the Tatar alphabet with the Russian alphabet. The theologian expressed his point of view on this issue in his book-brochure “Yana nizam ve golemalarybyz” (“New rules and our intelligentsia”). The government brought the author to justice, which decided to imprison him for three months, removing the imam and mudarris from office and stripping him of his clergy. After the appointed time, Atlasi was taken under constant police surveillance.

After the past events, the theologian devoted all his time to scientific and creative work. It was then that he first turned to the history of the Tatar people. This involved interest led Atlasi to publish his first historical work, Seber tarikhy (History of Siberia) in 1911. Moreover, during the preparation, the author used not only Russian sources and literature, but also materials and works of Arab, Persian and Turkic authors.

Three years later, two more books were published - "Sөenbikk" ("Syuyumbike) and" Kazan tarikhi "(" History of Kazan "), which made it possible to eliminate the lack of history textbooks in the madrasah. The essay "Syuyumbike", as the name implies, is dedicated to the last queen of Kazan, Syuyumbika. The book begins with the author's version of the explanation of the origin of the name Syuyumbike and a description of her whole life: marriage with Dzhan-Gali (1533) and Safa-Girey (1536), the last years of his reign on the Kazan throne with his young son Utyamysh-Girey, separation from her son, tragedy last days her life.

Undoubtedly, the most important for us is his book about the Kazan Khanate ("Kazan Khanate"), which was published in 1914. The work includes the period from the founding of the city of Kazan to its fall - the conquest by the Russians in 1552.

All these three works by Khadi Atlasi ("History of Siberia", "Syuyumbike" and "Kazan Khanate") are the first studies in the Tatar language, most fully revealing the historical development of the Tatar people in the Middle Ages. Often these works were used as textbooks, while remaining popular among ordinary readers.

Atlasi lived and worked in a turbulent historical era. The contradictions of that time could not but affect his work and life path: more than once Khadi was under investigation. As a result of such close attention to it from the authorities, such a concept as "atlasism" appeared. In this case, Atlasov was accused of creating a counter-revolutionary organization to overthrow the Soviet regime, he was declared a Turkish spy, pan-Turkist, nationalist. The last words spoken by Hadi Atlasi at the trial: “I have never been a terrorist and a spy, no conspiracies and secret organizations did not organize. I am not a man of the present, but of the past. "

Ilmira Gafiyatullina, Kazan

(S. Alishev)


The events of 1905-1907 revealed new opportunities in the development of national cultures of the peoples of Russia. This is very clearly seen in the example of the spiritual culture of the Tatar people. This period became a kind of renaissance for him. It was at the beginning of the 20th century that the process of rethinking the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof society in the field of science, culture and education received rapid development and gave rise to a brilliant galaxy of Tatar intelligentsia.

Public figure, historian and educator Khadi Atlasi is a prominent representative of this cohort of national intelligentsia.

He was born in 1876 in the village of Cheke (St. Chekurskoe), Buinsky district (now Drozhzhanovsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan), Kazan province. He received his initial education in a village school from his father, then studied at the then famous Buinsky madrasah. Khadi worked hard on self-education, read a lot, studied various sciences, Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Russian and German. From the Buinsky madrasah, he left for the Seitovskaya Sloboda near Orenburg, where he graduated from teacher's courses. In 1898, H. Atlasi returned to Buinsk, became a teacher in a madrasah and launched an active work to update the education system, introducing new teaching methods. He also promotes his new ideas and thoughts on the pages of periodicals, writes popular science works aimed at disseminating scientific knowledge. He published the books "Gilme Hayat" (Science Astronomy) and "Tarikh Tabigiy" ("Natural Science History").

In the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims, he passed the exam for imam and mudarris, and in 1903 he was invited to this position in the village of Almetyevo, Bugulma district. Along with fulfilling the duties of imam, he was engaged in teaching and research work. In 1904-1908, a number of his articles appeared in periodicals. In the same years he published the books "Akhyr zaman ishany" ("Ishan of the end of the world"), "Idel bue" ("The Volga region"), "Maktab ham mulla" ("School and mullah"). In 1907, given his socially significant activities in the interests of the people, Hadi Atlasi was elected a deputy of the II State Duma. Here he becomes an active member of the Muslim Labor Party and takes part in the organization and publication of the newspaper "Duma" - the organ of the Muslim labor faction of the Duma, protecting the interests of peasant workers. However, the newspaper did not last long, the government closed it after six issues, and the Duma itself was dissolved. In 1905, the Russian government held a special meeting on the education of the non-Russian population of the eastern regions, the purpose of which was to slow down the development of national cultures and national identity. The issues of education in the Orthodox spirit, the compulsory teaching of the Russian language, the replacement of the Tatar alphabet with the Russian alphabet, etc. were considered. These rules were approved by the Minister of Education and published in 1906. Hadi Atlasi sharply criticized such a national policy, in 1908 he published a book-brochure "Yana nizam ve golemalarybyz" ("New rules and our intelligentsia"). The book was written sharply and boldly, and contained an exposure of the tsarist policy directed against non-Russian peoples. "Russification of peoples, national oppression, protection of the interests of only the ruling nation — this is the main policy of the government," the author wrote. The government put the author on trial, which decided to imprison him for three months, remove him from the post of imam and mudarris and deprive him of his clergy, and after jail take him under constant police surveillance.

But Hadi Atlasi does not lose heart, completely devotes himself to scientific, literary, journalistic and cultural and educational activities. He pays special attention to history, collects materials, intensively studies historical literature. In 1911-1914, his main historical works were published: "Seber tarikhy" ("History of Siberia"), "Kazan khanlygy" ("Kazan Khanate") and "Syuyun-bike". They spread very quickly among the population and found wide public acceptance. In 1913, Atlasi was unanimously elected a full member of the Society of Archeology, History and Ethnography at Kazan University.

During the First World War, the February and October revolutions and the first years of Soviet power, Hadi Atlasi lived with his family in the city of Bugulma, and all the time, whatever the government, he was engaged in public education. After the February revolution, he headed the department of public education of the zemstvo council of the Bugulma district, after October he was a member of the district council and its executive committee, with the White Czechs, again the head. Department of Public Education, under the Soviets and Kolchak is engaged in the same work, training teachers. When the Kolchakites retreated, he was also forced to leave Bugulma. He returned back, but various political forces did not allow him to work calmly. He leaves for Baku, where he works in the enlightenment commissariat of the Baku Council. And here the opponents did not leave him alone. There were reports in the newspapers about his counter-revolutionary activities, as if he were handing over teachers to the Kolchakites for execution. These accusations were false, and the Bugulma district court in 1920 refuted them as lacking any foundation and fully acquitted H. Atlasi.

From 1920 to 1929 he worked as a history teacher and german language in one of the schools of Bugulma. And in 1929 Atlasi was arrested and, without trial and evidence of guilt, was exiled to hard labor in Solovki. He was declared a "sultangaliev" and an enemy of the Soviet regime. With him were arrested the "sultan-Galievites" B. Urmanche, F. Mukhammedyarov, G. Galiev, H. Ba-tyrshin, S. Sunchaley and others. At hard labor, he met many famous representatives of the Tatar intelligentsia. In 1934, Hadi Atlasi returned to Bugulma and six months later with his family moved to Kazan. In 1936 he was arrested again.

The "Atlasovshchina" case was born. In this case, Atlasov was accused of creating a counter-revolutionary organization to overthrow the Soviet regime, he was declared a Turkish spy, pan-Turkist, nationalist, etc. 24 more people were assigned to the counter-revolutionary organization H. Atlasi. From August 1936 to May 1937 in the Kazan NKVD Kh. Atlasov was interrogated 16 times. On May 2, 1937, he "admitted" his guilt. A doctor's note appeared at the trial: "Neurosis and movements are weak, but fit." In the club them. Menzhinsky On October 23-28, 1937, the military tribunal of the Volga Military District at closed sessions considered the case of "Atlasovism". The last words of Kh. Atlasov at the trial: "I have never been a terrorist and a spy, I have never organized any conspiracies or secret organizations. I am not a man of the present, but of the past."

By the decision of the tribunal, out of 24 people were shot: H. Atlasov, K. K. Tuikin, F. K. Tuikin, B. F. Fattakhov, G. A. Al-tynbaev, K. L. Iskhakov, S. Sh. Urazmanov , 3. B. Fattakhov.

The spiritual heritage of H. Atlasi, primarily his historical works, still attracts the attention of scholars and readers. His first published book "Seber Tarihi" told about the history of Siberia. This research shows that he carefully studied the sources and special literature on the history of Siberia and the Siberian Khanate, used not only Russian sources and literature in Russian, but also the works of Turkic, Arab and Persian authors.

The essay "Syuyunbike" is named a historical story and is dedicated to the last queen of Kazan Syuyumbika. The book was published at the end of 1913. The author begins his book with an explanation of the origin of the name Syuyumbike and describes her entire life: the history of Syuyumbike's marriage with Jan-Gali (1533) and Safa-Girey (1536), the last years of his reign on the Kazan throne with his young son Utyamysh-Girey, separation from her son, the tragedy of the last days of her life.

The main historical work of H. Atlasi is undoubtedly the book about the Kazan Khanate ("Kazan Khanate"), which was published in 1914. The work includes the period from the founding of the city of Kazan to its fall - the conquest by the Russians in 1552.

The author studied in detail many facts and events from the history of the Kazan Khanate. He operates with rich factual material, especially his good knowledge of the works of Russian historians: Tatishchev, Karamzin, Solovyov, as well as Russian chronicles is striking. The historian, describing the history of the Kazan state in chronological order, tries to be objective, sometimes discusses with his predecessors-historians, criticizes individual authors, proving his innocence, sometimes agrees with their opinions. He paid special attention to the course of interstate relations between Moscow and Kazan, the fate of the Kazan khans. The merit of the author can be considered the reliability of the dates of the events that took place and the explanation of the meanings of certain terms and words.

In general, in the works of the historical cycle, Hadi Atlasi brings to mind the lack of unity among the Tatars, their disorganization and disunity. With his "revelatory" statements, he passionately calls for the unity of the people, for the struggle for the country's independence. It is no accident that the orientalist V. V. Bartold called him a "Tatar patriot", while pointing out the correctness and fairness of his judgments.

The beginning of the XX century became a turning point in the formation of the Tatar nation and the "golden" period in the accelerated development of national culture. The intellectual elite set the task of reforming the Tatar society, socio-philosophical, aesthetic, scientific thought and culture. During this period, there is an active activity of a new generation of European educated creative intelligentsia, showing an increased interest in national problems, the development of Tatar printing and periodicals, Jadid madrasahs with the introduction of secular sciences.

The unprecedented democratization of Russian society has brought new leaders to the political arena who have become the leaders of the nation. The children of clergy, entrepreneurs and other social groups - the Jadidists - radically changed their lives, led their co-religionists, actively using the printed word and promoting their views among the general population.

The life path of the main part of the Tatar intellectual elite of this period fits well into the scheme we have built, albeit simplified. With their socio-political, educational, pedagogical activities, they left a bright memory of themselves, their literary, journalistic and scientific heritage is in demand today. Khadi Miftahutdinovich Atlasi (1876 - 1938) became one of the prominent representatives of the new galaxy of national intelligentsia, which took responsibility for the future of its people.

Khadi Atlasi was born into the family of the imam of the village of Chaki, Buinsky district, Simbirsk province (modern Drozhzhanovsky district of Tatarstan). Like most of the children of the Muslim clergy, Khadi had to become the successor of his father's work and prepare himself for a spiritual career. After graduating from the parental mekteb, the young man continued his studies at the Buinsky madrasah. An important role in its formation was played by three-year courses for Mughallim in Sagitovskaya Sloboda near Orenburg.

In 1898 Atlasi became a teacher in the madrasah of the Tatar community in the district town of Buinsk. The young teacher began to update the educational process, he tried to make up for the lack of educational books with his aids (Science Astronomy, Natural History). The innovations introduced by the young teacher were received ambiguously by the adherents of traditionalism.

Becoming in 1903 the imam of the large village of Almetyevo (the modern city of Almetyevsk) of the Bugulma district of the Samara province, Atlasi remained faithful to his credo. He transformed the madrasah of his mahalla into a Jadid one, opened a school for girls, continued to write brochures on topical issues: on the relationship between the parish clergy and the community, on the mission entrusted to spiritual pastors, etc.

The revolutionary events were most directly reflected in the fate of the rural imam. A broadly educated intellectual who knows Russian, Arabic, Persian, Turkish, in 1907 he was elected a deputy of the II State Duma from the peasants of the Bugulma district. In St. Petersburg, he became one of the active publishers of the Duma, a newspaper of Muslim Trudovik deputies, which was soon closed by the government (only six issues were published). Life in the capital, parliamentary activities, acquaintance with Russian and Muslim public figures played a huge role in the formation of the scientist's personality. For the first time, he assessed the national question on the scale of the poly-confessional Eurasian empire, deeply realized the problems facing the Tatar nation, seriously thought about the role and place of the Turkic peoples in the past and present. The dissolution of the Second State Duma marked the beginning of reaction in Russia.

During this period, the issue of the prospects for the development of the national education system between traditionalists and Jadidists was actively discussed. The government sought to create barriers in the formation of a Tatar secular school, to establish administrative control over the national education system, which was fixed in the Regulations on March 31, 1906. Hadi Atlasi dedicated the brochure "Yaga nizam vә golmalarybyz" to the analysis of this document ("New rules and our ulema", 1906). The acute polemical character of the publication did not go unnoticed by the authorities. In 1909, the public figure was prosecuted, stripped of his clergy title, convicted and imprisoned for three months.

Coming out of the trust of the authorities and remaining under the secret surveillance of the police, Hadi Atlasi devoted himself entirely to creative and scientific activities. At a new stage life path he first turned to the study of the history of the Tatar people. The renewal of social and cultural life, an increase in national self-awareness aroused a keen interest in the past of the Tatar nation.

Meanwhile, at the beginning of the XX century. Tatar historiography was not better times... In Kazan, Gainetdin Akhmerov (1864 - 1911) continued the work of S. Marjani on writing national history. He published in 1909 "Bolgar tarikhy" ("History of Bulgars"), in 1910 "Kazan tarikhy" ("History of Kazan"). Akhmetzaki Validi declared himself as a specialist in Turkic-Tatar history in 1912, after moving to Kazan. A student at Kazan University (1911 - 1916), the future first Tatar professor-historian Gaziz Gubaidullin began his pen test with literary works. Rizaetdin Fakhretdin was passionate about research and editorial activity in Orenburg and did not communicate directly with the Society for History, Archeology and Ethnography. This society was an important moment in the activities of Khadi Atlasi and his role in the development of historical knowledge among the Tatars of the 20th century.

It seems that the decision to take up national history for him became a civic duty. "... As for our Turkic scientists, they never wrote, and even now they are silent, about the great deeds of glorious ancestors who played outstanding roles in world history. In everything we lag behind: how our wonderful nation did not receive many useful knowledge on culture, in the same way, due to our own sluggishness, useful and bright pages of history turned out to be forever lost for us, "the author stated with bitterness, summarizing the period of formation of historical knowledge among the Tatars until the beginning of the 20th century. The revival of the historical memory of the people contributes to the consolidation, strengthening of the spirit, forms national pride and dignity.

Who if not we? If not us, then who will write the true history of the Tatars? Hadi Atlasi considered it fundamentally important for researchers - representatives of the nation - to present and assess the events of national history. The distortions were too great and the traditions of tendentious coverage of the Tatar history by Russian historical science were too deep.

Realizing his plan, Khadi Atlasi published in 1911 his first scientific work on history - "Seber tarikhi" ("History of Siberia"). Three years later, the books "Sөenbikk" ("Syuyumbike") and "Kazan tarikhi" ("History of Kazan") appeared. His generalizing works filled the gap in the history textbooks in the madrasah. They have undoubtedly been carefully studied by Gabdulbariy Battal, Ahmetzakiy Validi and other representatives of the intellectual elite, whose works were published a little later.

Hadi Atlasi became a prominent representative of the emerging Tatar historical science, who synthesized the traditions of Eastern and Western historical sciences in his work.

In the formation of the Atlasi-researcher, who, according to the rules of that time, had to urgently pass an exam on knowledge of the Russian language and literacy in order to obtain a certificate of an imam, primary schoolwho subsequently did not have the opportunity to study in Russian secondary and higher educational institutions, an important role was played by his passion for work, an inexhaustible desire for self-education, the scientific environment of communication - cooperation with the Society of History, Archeology and History (Kazan), of which he was elected a full member in 1913.

In addition to his scientific activities, Khadi Atlasi appeared with publicistic articles in the newspapers Yoldyz (Zvezda, Kazan), Vakyt (Vremya, Orenburg), magazines Aң (Consciousness, Kazan), Shura ( "Council", Orenburg), "Mәktәp" ("School", Kazan) and others.

During the 1917 revolution, Hadi Atlasi was once again at the center of social and political events. He is a participant in the First and Second All-Russian Muslim Congresses. In the second of them, he was elected a member of the commission to develop regulations on cultural and national autonomy of Muslims of inner Russia and Siberia. The scientist becomes the head of the education department of the Bugulma zemstvo council. During the civil war, with the arrival of the whites in the city, he proved himself to be an active member of the self-government of the city of Bugulma. After leaving the city, he decided to move to the capital of Azerbaijan - Ganja. In 1920, the Soviet authorities arrested him for collaborating with the white movement. At the request of the government of the Tatar Republic, the historian was returned to his homeland, acquitted and released from prison in April 1921. In the 1920s. Khadi Atlasi resumed teaching at schools in Bugulma, der. Shugurovo, Zai-Karatay.

He always had his own position on issues of principle concerning the fate of the Tatar nation. In particular, Atlasi actively opposed the replacement of the Arabic alphabet by the Latin alphabet. Public activity of the teacher became a pretext for accusing him of "sultangalievism", arrest and exile in camps, in Solovki, from where he was able to return for health reasons in 1933 and resume his pedagogical activity as a teacher of the German language in Kazan.

Strong personalities with an active life position and their own views on events were dangerous for the Soviet regime. Like many of his contemporaries, Hadi Atlasi became an outcast of the totalitarian system. In 1936, a case was fabricated against him about counter-revolutionary, nationalist, insurgent and intelligence activities. The scientist died in Stalin's dungeons in 1938. He was rehabilitated posthumously.

The scientific heritage of the scientist in the first years of Soviet power turned out to be in demand when the rise of national culture was observed, there was faith in the bright future of the Tatar people: the book "Kazan khanlygy" ("Kazan Khanate") was reprinted twice, in 1920 and 1924.

In 1992, after a long period of oblivion, on a new wave of national upsurge following M. Khudyakov's book "Essays on the History of the Kazan Khanate", the Tatar reader got the opportunity to get acquainted with all three main historical works of Atlasi: "Seber tarikhy", "Sөenbikә" and "Kazan khanlygy", published under the editorship of Doctor of Historical Sciences S.Kh. Alishev.

Until the beginning of the 19th century. in Tatar historiography, the book "Seber Tarihi" remained the only monographic study devoted to this problem. We hope that the Russian translation of the work, offered to the attention of readers, will become the beginning of acquainting the Russian-speaking audience with the heritage of Tatar historians of the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries.

In the preface of the book "History of Siberia" the author very clearly formulated his concept of the role of historical knowledge in the formation and development of a nation: "Among the sciences that can make a person human in the true sense of the word, the first place, no doubt, should be given to history. a person who does not know anything about himself is just as deprived and deserving of regret is the one who does not know the past of his people. History is the only science that can awaken a sense of national dignity in a person ... History is the only science capable of uniting people .. . ".

What is the novelty of the historian's book?

Hadi Atlasi considers the history of the Siberian Tatars globally, as an integral part of the general Tatar history. In the medieval national statehood of the Tatars, he sees a direct continuity with the state formations of the ancient Turks. In these matters, he acts as a continuer of the traditions of Tatar historiography.

According to the scientific concept of Atlasi, the presence of statehood and the struggle for national statehood are the main criteria for the power of the people and the firmness of their spirit. It is not by chance that he was attracted by "the great deeds of glorious ancestors who played outstanding roles in world history": the periods of statehood of the ancient Turks and medieval Tatars. The next key moment in his assessment of the events of the past is the significance of the personality in history.

Hadi Atlasi brings to the readership his vision of historical events, reconstructed based on a critical analysis of a wide range of sources and literature. In addition to Russian sources, which the author mainly relies on in presenting the material, he operated with the Western and Eastern sources at his disposal. In particular, the author drew on the voluminous work of the Tatar scholar Murad Makki ar-Ramzi, hitherto unknown in Russian historiography, "Tul-fikyl-әkhbar vә tәlkikh-asar fi vakaig Kazan vә Bolgar vә muluk at-Tatars" ("Conscientious and reliable sources on the history of the and Tatar kings "), written in Arabic 8-1, as well as the works of Shigabutdin Mardzhani" Mөstafәdel-әkhbar fi әhvali Kazan vә Bolgar "(" Sources on the history of Kazan and Bulgar ") and Rizaetdin Fakhretdin" Asar ".

The author's critical approach to sources attracts attention. He gives a clear preference to the fundamental work of Gerard Friedrich Miller (1705 - 1783). For 10 years, the scientist collected data in Siberia for the first volume of the "History of Siberia" - the book "Descriptions of the Siberian kingdom and the affairs that took place in it from the beginning, and especially from the conquest of it by the Russian state, to this time" (1750), republished in 1787 The second volume was published in German in 1763. In his account of events, H. Atlasi relies on other sources only twice. The first time - to the work of Abul-gazi Bahadur-khan "The genealogical tree of the Turks", when he writes that the ancient Asian Scythia - Turan, Southern Siberia - are ancient Turkic lands, and does not agree that the first inhabitants of Siberia were the Chinese. The author makes one more conclusion, namely: the ancestors of the peoples known in Europe called the Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns, Avars, Polovtsians and Tatars are the ancient Turks. This issue remains controversial to this day. The second time he disagrees with the opinion of G.F.Miller and I.E. Fisher that Ermak drowned in the Valgai River during a sudden attack by the Tatars, giving preference to P.I.Nebolsin's work "The Conquest of Siberia" and the legend of the Siberian Tatars, that the conqueror was killed in the night battle.

It is no coincidence that his respectful attitude to the work of IE Fisher, to whom GF Miller handed over the chapters of his book to compose essays under the title " Siberian history from the very discovery of Siberia to the conquest of this land with Russian weapons "(1774).

The author comprehensively studied the Russian chronicles, the works of N.M. Karamzin and V.V. Radlov, V.N. Tatishchev, S.M. Soloviev, V.K.Andrievich and other famous historians. Obviously, the historical literature attracted by the scientist is not limited to the editions indicated in the note. It is significant that in the absence of information in more representative sources - the works of G.F. Miller and I.E. Fisher - the author turns to the works of N.M. Karamzin and S.M. Soloviev, seeing in them a certain tendentiousness in describing the events of the past. related to the conquest of Siberia, the characterization of the indigenous population and the actions of Khan Kuchum.

In general, his monographic research reflects the state of the level of knowledge of the source material and scientific knowledge about Siberia and the Turkic-Tatars. In particular, in his work, Hadi Atlasi relies on the established after the discovery of runic written monuments of the 16th - 8th centuries. the idea of \u200b\u200bscientists that the ancestral home of the Turkic peoples is Central Asia (Altai Mountains).

After acquainting the reader with the main versions of authoritative scientists regarding the origin of the word "Siberia", the author gives his hypothesis of the genesis of this term. Khadi Atlasi summarizes the activities of Genghis Khan, considering the state he created as a link between the ancient Turkic and medieval Turkic-Tatar statehood, and also does not disregard the history of the ancient Kyrgyz.

The main part of the work, which is generally compilation in nature, is devoted to the description of the Tyumen and Siberian khanates, the conquest of Siberia by Yermak, the Moscow state, the relationship between Yermak and the Cossacks with the Stroganovs, the Russian government.

The historian assesses the expansion of Russian expansion in Western Siberia in the context of the international position of medieval Tatar state formations: "The fall of Kazan meant the beginning of the end of the entire Tatar world." Russian historians of the XIX - early XX centuries. worked out an ideological rationale for expanding the boundaries of the state, highlighting something special in each particular case, but generally fit into the general outline of the "progressiveness of conquests." Due to the remoteness of the Siberian Khanate from the place of residence of the Orthodox population, the accusations of maintaining a large number of Russian prisoners or the devastating campaigns of the Tatars against Russian villages did not correspond to reality.

Without indulging in the analysis of these moments, the author follows the source material of G.F. Miller, considering the main driving force of the conquest Moscow government... Hadi Atlasi identifies the main stages in the spread of Russian domination in the region. The issues of the annexation of Ugra, the activities of the Stroganov salt producers, the campaigns of Yermak and the "second conquest" of Siberia with the establishment of fortresses are considered in sufficient detail.

It is especially necessary to say about the coverage of the genealogy, life of a prominent statesman, educator of Siberia, initiator of the spread of Islam in the region of Khan Kuchum. The period of power of the Siberian Khanate and the expansion of its territory is associated with Kuchum. It is no coincidence that Atlasi compares him to the Khan of the Golden Horde Uzbek, during whose reign Islam became the state religion of a multiethnic Eurasian state, and the country reached its peak. It seems that, having studied the tragic pages of the history of the fall of the Tatar states, the historian saw a real hero, worthy of imitation, precisely in Kuchum, who did not retreat from his life positions.

At the beginning of the 20th century, during the period of accelerated development of Tatar culture, the nation was in dire need of new leaders, selflessly devoted to the national idea as never before. The heroic and tragic fate of Kuchum, who stopped paying tribute to the Russian Tsar and strengthened his state, the Khan's firmness and steadfastness in the correctness of his actions, the refusal of the Russian Tsar's offer to surrender and live the rest of his life in luxury with the Tsar's mansions after numerous defeats and loss of military forces, arouses respect the author, which is involuntarily transmitted to the reader. Khadi Atlasi disagrees with Shigabutdin Mardzhani's assertion that "Kuchum sold his country to Russia," calling him incorrect, as well as the latter's assumption about the death of the Khan among the Bashkirs. The historian considers the last khan of Tatar Siberia to be a person who preferred death to captivity and fought for her idea to the last breath. In contrast to his subsequent works "Sөenbik" and "Kazan khanlygy", in which the idea of \u200b\u200beducation through historical events is an important component of the plots, in this book the author as a whole strictly adheres to the source material.

Atlasi, Hadi (1876-1938)

The events of 1905-1907 revealed new possibilities in the development of national cultures of the peoples of Russia. This is very clearly seen in the example of the spiritual culture of the Tatar people. This period became a kind of renaissance for him. It was at the beginning of the 20th century that the process of rethinking the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof society in the field of science, culture and education received rapid development and gave rise to a brilliant galaxy of Tatar intelligentsia.

Public figure, historian and educator Khadi Atlasi is a prominent representative of this cohort of national intelligentsia.

He was born in 1876 in the village of Cheke (St. Chekurskoe), Buinsky district (now Drozhzhanovsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan), Kazan province. He received his initial education in a village school from his father, then studied in the then famous Buinsky madrasah. Khadi worked hard on self-education, read a lot, studied various sciences, Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Russian and German. From the Buinsky madrasah, he left for the Seitovskaya Sloboda near Orenburg, where he graduated from teacher's courses. In 1898, H. Atlasi returned to Buinsk, became a teacher in a madrasah and launched an active work to update the education system, introducing new teaching methods. He also promotes his new ideas and thoughts on the pages of periodicals, writes popular science works aimed at disseminating scientific knowledge. He published the books "Gilme Hayat" ("Science Astronomy" and "Tarikh Tabigiy" ("Natural Science History".

In the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims, he passed the exam for imam and mudarris, and in 1903 he was invited to this position in the village of Almetyevo, Bugulma district. Along with fulfilling the duties of imam, he was engaged in teaching and research work. In 1904 1908, a number of his articles appeared in periodicals. In the same years he published books "Akhyr zaman ishany" ("Ishan of the end of the world", "Idel bue" ("Volga region", "Maktab ham mulla" ("School and mullah". In 1907, taking into account his socially significant activities in interests of the people, Hadi Atlasi was elected a deputy of the II State Duma, where he became an active member of the Muslim Labor Party and took part in organizing and publishing the newspaper Duma, the organ of the Muslim labor faction of the Duma, which protects the interests of peasant workers. issues closed it, and the Duma itself was dissolved.In 1905, on the education of the non-Russian population of the eastern regions, the Russian government held a special meeting, the purpose of which was to slow down the development of national cultures and national identity. Issues of education in the Orthodox spirit, and the compulsory teaching of Russian language, about replacing the Tatar alphabet with the Russian alphabet, etc. These rules were approved by the Minister ohm of education and published in 1906. Hadi Atlasi sharply criticized such a national policy, in 1908 he published a book-brochure "Yana nizam ve golemalarybyz" ("New rules and our intelligentsia." The book was written sharply and boldly, contained an exposure of the tsarist policy directed against non-Russian peoples. "Russification of peoples, national oppression, protection of the interests of only the ruling nation is the main policy of the government," the author wrote. The government brought the author to justice, which decided to imprison him for three months, removing the imam and mudarris from office and depriving him of his clerical title, after take prisons under constant police surveillance.

But Hadi Atlasi does not lose heart, completely devotes himself to scientific, literary, journalistic and cultural and educational activities. He pays special attention to history, collects materials, intensively studies historical literature. In 1911 1914, his main historical works were published: "Oeber tarikhy" ("History of Siberia", "Kazan khanlygy" ("Kazan Khanate" and "Syuyun-bike". They spread very quickly among the population and found wide public recognition. 1913 Atlasi was unanimously elected a full member of the Society of Archeology, History and Ethnography at Kazan University.

During the First World War, the February and October revolutions and the first years of Soviet power, Hadi Atlasi lived with his family in the city of Bugulma, and all the time, whatever the government, he was engaged in public education. After the February revolution, he headed the department of public education of the zemstvo council of the Bugulma district, after October he was a member of the district council and its executive committee, with the White Czechs again head. Department of Public Education, under the Soviets and Kolchak is engaged in the same work, training teachers. When the Kolchakites retreated, he was also forced to leave Bugulma. He returned back, but various political forces did not allow him to work calmly. He leaves for Baku, where he works in the enlightenment commissariat of the Baku Council. And here the opponents did not leave him alone. There were reports in the newspapers about his counter-revolutionary activities, as if he were handing over teachers to the Kolchakites for execution. These accusations were false, and the Bugulma district court in 1920 refuted them as lacking any foundation and fully acquitted H. Atlasi.

From 1920 to 1929 he worked as a teacher of history and German at one of the schools in Bugulma. And in 1929 Atlasi was arrested and, without trial and evidence of guilt, was exiled to hard labor in Solovki. He was declared a "sultangaliev" and an enemy of the Soviet regime. With him were arrested the "sultan-Galievites" B. Urmanche, F. Mukhammedyarov, G. Galiev, H. Ba-tyrshin, S. Sunchaley and others. At hard labor, he met many famous representatives of the Tatar intelligentsia. In 1934, Hadi Atlasi returned to Bugulma and six months later with his family moved to Kazan. In 1936 he was arrested again.

The "Atlasovshchina" case was born. In this case, Atlasov was accused of creating a counter-revolutionary organization to overthrow the Soviet regime, he was declared a Turkish spy, pan-Turkist, nationalist, etc. 24 more people were assigned to the counter-revolutionary organization H. Atlasi. From August 1936 to May 1937 in the Kazan NKVD Kh. Atlasov was interrogated 16 times. On May 2, 1937, he "admitted" his guilt. A doctor's note appeared at the trial: "Neurosis and movements are weak, but fit." In the club them. Menzhinsky 23 On October 28, 1937, the military tribunal of the Volga Military District considered the case of "Atlasovschina" in closed sessions. The last words of Kh. Atlasov at the trial: "I have never been a terrorist and a spy, I have never organized any conspiracies or secret organizations. I am not a man of the present, but of the past."

By the decision of the tribunal, out of 24 people were shot: H. Atlasov, K. K. Tuikin, F. K. Tuikin, B. F. Fattakhov, G. A. Al-tynbaev, K. L. Iskhakov, S. Sh. Urazmanov , 3. B. Fattakhov.

The spiritual heritage of H. Atlasi, primarily his historical works, still attracts the attention of scholars and readers. His first published book "Seber Tarihi" told about the history of Siberia. This research shows that he carefully studied the sources and special literature on the history of Siberia and the Siberian Khanate, used not only Russian sources and literature in Russian, but also the works of Turkic, Arab and Persian authors.

The essay "Syuyunbike" is named a historical story and is dedicated to the last queen of Kazan Syuyumbika. The book was published at the end of 1913. The author begins his book with an explanation of the origin of the name Syuyumbike and describes her entire life: the history of Syuyumbike's marriage with Jan-Gali (1533) and Safa-Girey (1536), the last years of his reign on the Kazan throne with his young son Utyamysh-Girey, separation from her son, the tragedy of the last days of her life.

The main historical work of H. Atlasi is undoubtedly a book about the Kazan Khanate ("Kazan Khanate", which was published in 1914. The work includes the period from the development of the city of Kazan until its fall by the Russian conquest in 1552.

The author studied in detail many facts and events from the history of the Kazan Khanate. He operates with rich factual material, especially his good knowledge of the works of Russian historians: Tatishchev, Karamzin, Solovyov, as well as Russian chronicles is striking. The historian, describing the history of the Kazan state in chronological order, tries to be objective, sometimes discusses with his predecessors-historians, criticizes individual authors, proving his innocence, sometimes agrees with their opinions. He paid special attention to the course of interstate relations between Moscow and Kazan, the fate of the Kazan khans. The merit of the author can be considered the reliability of the dates of the events that took place and the explanation of the meanings of certain terms and words.

In general, in the works of the historical cycle, Hadi Atlasi brings to mind the lack of unity among the Tatars, their disorganization and disunity. With his "revelatory" statements, he passionately calls for the unity of the people, for the struggle for the country's independence. It is no accident that the orientalist V. V. Bartold called him a "Tatar patriot", while pointing out the correctness and fairness of his judgments.

"History of Siberia", "Syuyunbike", "Kazan Khanate" are the first studies in the Tatar language, most fully revealing the historical development of the Tatar people in the Middle Ages. They give the reader a lot of valuable and useful information, therefore they were used in schools as textbooks, and were popular among ordinary readers.

Atlasi lived and worked in a turbulent historical era. Achievements, contradictions, tragedies of that time found a kind of refraction in his work and life. And today he remains for us an original researcher, a brilliant teacher, a public figure, just a person who honestly served his people.