The problem of speech underdevelopment in children. Theoretical approaches to understanding the problem of teaching children with general speech underdevelopment

Features of the personal development of children with OHP

Personal problems of children with OHP

The psychological assistance service operates in speech therapy gardens since 1994. Against the background of an in-depth study of speech and non-speech processes on the part of speech therapists, it should be noted that the work of a psychologist is of particular importance in the prevention and correction of personal development disorders.

In this case, personal development means the ability to live among people, communicate with them, the ability to express oneself, one's individual characteristics and at the same time understand another.

The personal development of a child can be roughly divided into three components:

  1. Moral development (sympathy, kindness, willingness and ability to provide support, respect for the interests and opinions of others, knowledge of the moral norms adopted in society, attitude towards them and the ability to follow them).
  2. Emotional development (This is a very important component for the development of a child, since without it, no communication and interaction with the outside world will be effective. The child must be able to: firstly, understand the emotional state of another, and secondly, recognize his own emotions, be able to express and control them).
  3. The development of communication skills (the ability to communicate constructively, feel inner psychological confidence, the ability to trust the world, get joy from communication and interaction with others. With the development of communication skills, the child also forms a personal culture, a sense of his own individuality and at the same time a sense of empathy - understanding how another person feels yourself in a particular situation, the ability to empathize with him and the ability to provide help or support).

Speaking about the developmental features of children with OHP, the following problems of personal development should be noted.

1. Violations in social adaptation and interaction with the social environment, since speech disorders affect the nature of the child's relationship with others and the formation of his self-esteem. Self-esteem in children with OHP is usually underestimated, which is reflected in the manifestation of anxiety and aggressiveness of varying severity, and relationships with others are limited.

2. As for the issue of the communicative sphere, the development of these functions is significantly disrupted due to the lack of formation of the means of communication. Children are often not interested in contact, do not know how to navigate in communication situations, negotiate, show negativism and rejection, which can be expressed both in the manifestation of aggressiveness and in the child's isolation, his isolation from the world.

3. Children with OHP, as a rule, have a meager palette of emotions, have difficulty in expressing them with facial expressions, gestures, intonation, while they are characterized by sharp emotional outbursts, which are very difficult for them to cope with. It is difficult for children to understand both the mood and nature of musical works, fairy-tale characters, and the emotional state of the people around them.

4. At the same time, moral norms are not formed in children, there are difficulties in assessing actions, the ability to distinguish good from bad, to adequately respond to the external situation. Help is needed in the development of attitudes towards people, attitudes towards work, to strong-willed and moral qualities (brave - cowardly, honest - lying, generous - greedy), towards animals, towards nature.

Depending on the level of communication disorders and the degree of the child's experience of a speech defect, children with OHP can be divided into three groups:

1. Children who do not demonstrate the experience of a speech defect and do not show difficulties in making contact with others (both adults and peers), widely using non-verbal means of communication. In other words, they themselves are trying to adapt socially.

2. Children demonstratingmoderate experiencing a speech defect and having certain difficulties in establishing contact with others. They usually do not strive for communication, they try to answer questions in monosyllables, avoid situations that require the use of speech. The game uses non-verbal means of communication.

3. Children who are acutely experiencing a speech defect. They are characterized by speech negativism, which is expressed in the refusal to communicate, isolation, aggressiveness, and low self-esteem. Such children, as a rule, avoid communication with adults and peers, eschew collective games, in the classroom they come into verbal contact only after prolonged stimulation.

Psychocorrectional classes (trainings), aimed at helping children with OHP in solving these problems, are held both in a subgroup and in an individual form.

Implemented tasks:

Practicing communication skills, developing cooperation skills.

Development of mutual empathy (ability to empathize).

Decrease in psycho-emotional stress, correction of anxiety.

Correction of aggressive and other negative manifestations that impede communication.

Creation of a positive emotional background in the group.

Development in children of the ability to regulate their emotional states.

Work on body plastic, on the coordination of movements and the development of toctile perception.

General principles of training work:

The principle of trust (An adult must create a relaxed atmosphere so that the child is not afraid that his actions will be negatively evaluated. It is necessary to have a friendly disposition towards the child without censure and remarks, which will allow him to reveal his inner world, teach him to share problems, feelings, emotions and overcome that which hinders his constructive communication with the world).

The principle of creative activity (the communication situation must be organized so as to enable children to fantasize, understand and try different ways of behavior, express different emotions, try on different roles, experiment).

The principle of the research position (In the process of work, children should try to find an acceptable solution themselves, offer their own options for behavior in the proposed situation).

The principle of partnership communication (Working in a group, children learn to hear, recognize the existence of a different opinion, take into account the interests of another, work together, resolve conflicts, cooperate, develop a sense of "We").

The principle of objectification (In the course of the training work, the behavior of children is gradually transferred from an impulsive to a conscious level. For this, it is very important feedback, when each participant can express his attitude to what is happening, feelings of emotion and listen to another, and then, based on the knowledge gained, summarize and consciously change the behavior).

Each lesson consists of

The introductory stage (rallying the group, liberating the participants, establishing trusting relationships and removing negative moods)

Correctional stage (the main content of the work according to the plan)

Relaxation stage (removal of muscle clamps, development of imagination, development of a sense of one's own body, reduction of psycho-emotional stress and anxiety).

The final stage (summing up, consolidating the acquired skills, getting feedback)

Classes are held at least 2 times a week and last from 15 to 30 minutes. The content and organizational forms of classes are determined by the stage of work and the psychological mood of the group. The effectiveness of the acquisition of skills by children is determined by the possibility of their transfer into everyday life, and therefore psychocorrectional work to overcome personal problems in children with OHP should be carried out in close relationship between the psychologist and the speech therapist, educators and the child's parents.


1.3 General speech underdevelopment and its causes

The psychological and pedagogical approach to the analysis of speech disorders is a priority area of \u200b\u200bnational speech therapy. Within the framework of this direction, the development of language in children with speech disorders is analyzed. Conducted in the 60s. (R.E. Levina with co-workers) linguistic analysis of speech disorders in children suffering from various forms of speech pathology, made it possible to single out general speech underdevelopment and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. ...

General speech underdevelopment (OHP) is characterized by a violation of the formation of all components of the speech system in children: phonetic, phonemic and lexical-grammatical.

Children with OHP have a pathological course speech development... The main signs of OHP in preschool age are late onset of speech development, a slower pace of speech development, a limited vocabulary not appropriate for age, a violation of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, a violation of sound pronunciation and phonemic perception. At the same time, children have a preservation of hearing and a satisfactory understanding of addressed speech available for a certain age. The speech of children with OHP can be at different levels of development. Based on the correctional tasks, R.E. Levina used a systematic approach to the analysis of speech disorders and conventionally designated three levels of OHP, each with specific difficulties in the development of speech.

The first level is the lowest. Children do not know the common means of communication. In their speech, children use babbling words and onomatopoeia, as well as a small number of nouns and verbs that are significantly distorted in sound terms ("cook" - doll). With one and the same babbling word or sound combination, a child can designate several different concepts, replace them with the names of actions and the names of objects ("BBC" - a car, plane, ride).

Children's statements can be accompanied by active gestures and facial expressions. In speech, sentences of one or two words predominate. There are no grammatical connections in these sentences. The speech of children can be understood only in specific situations of communication with loved ones. The understanding of speech by children is limited to some extent. The sound side of speech is sharply impaired. The number of defective sounds exceeds the number of correctly pronounced ones. Correctly pronounced sounds are unstable and can be distorted and replaced in speech. To a greater extent, the pronunciation of consonants is impaired; vowels can remain relatively preserved. Phonemic perception is grossly impaired. Children can confuse words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning (milk is a hammer). Before three years these children are practically speechless. Spontaneous development of full speech is not possible for them. Overcoming speech underdevelopment requires systematic work with a speech therapist. Children with the first level of speech development should be trained in a special preschool... Compensation for a speech defect is limited, so such children in the future need long-term education in special schools for children with severe speech impairments.

The second level - children have the beginnings of common speech. The understanding of everyday speech is well developed. Children communicate more actively using speech. Along with gestures, sound complexes and babbling words, they use common words that denote objects, actions and signs, although their active vocabulary is sharply limited. Children use simple sentences of two or three words with the beginnings of grammatical construction. At the same time, gross errors are noted in the use of grammatical forms ("playing cookie" - playing with a doll). Sound production is significantly impaired. This manifests itself in substitutions, distortions and omissions of a number of consonants. The syllable structure of the word is violated. As a rule, children reduce the number of sounds and syllables, their permutations are noted (“teviks” - snowmen). During the examination, a violation of phonemic perception is noted.

Children with the second level of speech development need special speech therapy for a long time, both in preschool and school age. Speech defect compensation is limited. However, depending on the degree of this compensation, children may be sent both to a general education school and to a school for children with severe speech impairments. When entering a general education school, they must receive systematic speech therapy assistance, since mastering writing and reading is difficult for these children.

Children with the second and third levels of speech development make up the main contingent of special speech therapy groups.

Children with the III level use detailed phrasal speech, do not hesitate to name objects, actions, signs of objects that are well known to them in everyday life. They can tell about their family, make a short story based on a picture. At the same time, they have shortcomings in all aspects of the speech system, both lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic. Their speech is characterized by inaccurate use of words. In free expressions, children use little adjectives and adverbs, they do not use generalizing words and words with a figurative meaning, they hardly form new words with the help of prefixes and suffixes, they mistakenly use conjunctions and prepositions, they make mistakes in agreeing a noun with an adjective in gender, number and case ...

Children with general underdevelopment of the III level of speech development, subject to systematic speech therapy assistance, are ready to enter a general education school, although some experience certain difficulties in learning. These difficulties are mainly associated with insufficient vocabulary, errors in the grammatical construction of coherent utterances, insufficient formation of phonemic perception, and a violation of sound pronunciation. Monologue speech develops poorly in such children. They mainly use a dialogical form of communication. In general, the readiness for schooling in such children is low. IN primary grades they have significant difficulties in mastering writing and reading, there are often specific violations of writing and reading.

In some of these children, speech underdevelopment can be expressed indistinctly. It is characterized by the fact that the violation of all levels of the language system is manifested in an insignificant degree. Sound production may not be impaired, but (blurred), or suffer in relation to two to five sounds.

Phonemic perception is not accurate enough. Phonemic synthesis and analysis lag behind the norm in development. In oral statements, such children admit confusion of words for acoustic similarity and meaning. Contextual monologue speech is situational and everyday in nature. Such children, as a rule, go to general education school, although their academic performance is low. They experience certain difficulties in conveying the content of educational material; specific writing and reading errors are often noted. These children also need systematic speech therapy assistance.

In addition, children with general speech underdevelopment are characterized by a low level of attention and memory development, some specific features of their thinking are observed. Subsequently, all the shortcomings of the speech of children have a negative impact on the mastery of the processes of reading and writing.

Thus, the general underdevelopment of speech is a systemic violation of the assimilation of all levels of the language, requiring long-term and systematic speech therapy. In order to positively influence the high-quality and timely speech development of preschoolers, to provide qualified assistance, to prevent possible deviations in the development of their speech as much as possible, it is necessary to understand their causes, which sharply reduce the level of speech development of children.

The reasons can be divided into three groups: 1st - related to the health of children; 2nd - pedagogical reasons; 3rd - social reasons. Such a division is very conditional, since all the reasons are closely interconnected.

Children's health. The modern generation is in poor health. Most children attending educational institutions, belong to the II health group. There are very few children of the I health group in kindergartens; children of the III and even IV health groups are increasingly common. According to the leading neuropathologist of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences I.S. Skvortsov, currently about 70% of newborns are diagnosed with various perinatal brain lesions. Such deviations affect the subsequent development and learning of the child at the slightest adverse environmental influences.

Speech centers are the latest formation of the human brain (from the point of view of the evolution of the brain), which means that they are the youngest. This makes them the most vulnerable compared to other centers. And at the slightest unfavorable conditions for the development of the body, speech centers are one of the first to fail. That is why a child's speech is a kind of "litmus test" that demonstrates the level of general development.

Pedagogical reasons. This group of reasons is quite large and dynamic (that is, over time, some pedagogical reasons may disappear, but others come to replace them).

First, it is the late diagnosis of speech development in children. As a rule, speech therapists carefully study a child's speech only at the age of five. There is an explanation for this. It is by the age of five that speech becomes established, which means that the child correctly pronounces all the sounds of his native language; owns vocabulary; owns the initial forms of coherent speech, allowing him to freely come into contact with people. With this approach, it turns out that specialists and teachers "sit and wait" while nature does its job in the child's speech development. And then a check is carried out on how well nature has coped with the task set before it. Today it is already known that by the age of five, most children do not have a speech norm. Speech therapists are literally attacked by speech problems of older preschoolers. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics much earlier.

Secondly, a feature of the modern situation is the earlier (from about 4-5 years old) mastering by children of such a form of written speech as reading. At the same time, speech development is often replaced by direct, special teaching to read, and the tasks of forming oral speech go out of the control and attention of adults. In this case, written speech falls on an unprepared verbal ground and subsequently often leads to disorders of reading and writing (dyslexia and dysgraphia), to subsequent illiteracy. It is possible to prepare a child well for school, to lay a solid foundation for teaching literacy only in the process of serious work on the development of oral speech of preschoolers. The preparation process for teaching literacy should be considered not as a separate independent methodology, but as an integral part of the child's speech development system.

Social reasons. In our society, indifference to the native (Russian) language is growing. Many preschool teachers are familiar with the situation when parents, bringing their toddler to kindergarten, do not care at all about how to teach their child to speak their native language correctly and beautifully. Most parents are satisfied and happy if they study a foreign language in kindergarten. This does not take into account that almost all languages \u200b\u200bof the world come into conflict with each other in a number of characteristics. We can say that admiration for foreign languages \u200b\u200bis ripening in society, and for some reason its no less beautiful is not appreciated. Based on the foregoing, one should take into account the reasons and pay attention to the quality and effectiveness of work on the development of speech of preschoolers, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child as much as possible.

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For the first time, the theoretical substantiation of the general underdevelopment of speech was formulated as a result of numerous studies of various forms of speech pathology in preschool children conducted by R.E. Levina, N.G. Nikashina, G.A. Kashe, L.F. Spirova, G.I. Zharenkova and other researchers. As a result of the activities of these researchers, the concept of general speech underdevelopment was formulated. It refers to various complex speech disorders in which children have impaired formation of all components of the speech system related to its sound and semantic system, related to its sound and semantic side, with normal hearing and intelligence.

According to G.E. Levina, T.B. Filicheva, E.M. Mastyukova, in the speech of children with general speech underdevelopment, all three components of the language (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar) are violated. The above mentioned researchers noted that preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment of the III level understand the meaning of many words; the volume of their passive vocabulary is close to normal. However, the use of words in expressive speech and vocabulary actualization causes great difficulties.

In 1969, under the leadership of R.E. Levina developed a periodization of the general underdevelopment of speech: from the complete absence of speech means of communication to expanded forms of coherent speech with elements of phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical underdevelopment. On the basis of a step-by-step structural-dynamic study of anomalous speech development, specific patterns have been revealed that determine the transition from a low level to a higher one.

Each level is characterized by a certain ratio of the primary defect and secondary deviations that delay the formation of speech pathologies that depend on it. The transition from one level to another is determined by the emergence of new linguistic possibilities, an increase in speech activity, a change in the motivational basis of speech and its subject-semantic content, and the mobilization of a compensatory background.

The first level of speech development is characterized by the fact that speech means of communication are extremely limited. The active vocabulary of children consists of a small number of indistinct everyday words, onomatopoeia and sound complexes. Children use the same complex to denote objects, actions, qualities, intonation and gestures, indicating the difference in meanings. Babble formations, depending on the situation, can be regarded as one-word sentences. There is almost no differentiated designation of objects and actions. The names of actions are replaced by the names of objects, and vice versa, the polysemy of the words used is characteristic.

A small vocabulary reflects directly perceived objects and phenomena. The passive vocabulary of children is broader than the active one. However, the study of G.I. Zharenkova (1967) shows the limitedness of the impressive side of speech of children with a low level of speech development. The understanding of the meanings of grammatical changes in the word is absent or only in its infancy. When perceiving addressed speech, the lexical meaning is dominant. The sound side of speech is characterized by phonetic uncertainty; unstable phonetic design is different. Pronunciation of sounds is diffuse due to unstable articulation and low possibilities of their auditory recognition. The number of defective sounds can be much larger than correctly pronounced. In pronunciation, there are oppositions only of vowels - consonants, oral - nasal, some explosive - fricatives. Phonemic development is in its infancy.

The task of isolating individual sounds for a child with babbling speech is incomprehensible and impracticable in motivational and cognitive terms. A distinctive feature of speech development at this level is the limited ability to perceive and reproduce the syllabic structure of a word.

The second level of speech development, according to R.E. Levina, is characterized by increased speech activity of the child. Communication is carried out through the use of a constant, although still distorted and limited stock of common words. The names of objects, actions, individual signs are differentiated. At this level, it is possible to use pronouns, and sometimes unions, simple prepositions in elementary meanings. Speech failure is clearly manifested in all components. Children use only simple sentences consisting of 2-3, rarely 4 words. Vocabulary lags far behind the age norm. The limited possibilities of using a subject dictionary, a dictionary of actions, signs are noted. Children do not know the names of the color of the object, its shape, size, replace words with similar ones.

Gross errors in the use of grammatical constructions are noted: mixing of case forms; often the use of nouns in the nominative case, and verbs in the infinitive or the third person singular and plural present tense; in the use of the number and gender of verbs, when changing nouns in numbers; lack of agreement of adjectives with nouns, numerals with nouns. Children experience many difficulties when using the proposed designs. Understanding of addressed speech at the second level develops significantly due to the difference in some grammatical forms, children can be guided by morphological elements that acquire a meaningful meaning for them. Difficulties remain in understanding the forms of the number and gender of adjectives. The meanings of prepositions differ only in a familiar situation. The assimilation of grammatical patterns to a large extent refers to those words that early entered the active speech of children. Difficulties in mastering the sound-syllable structure also remain typical. Often, with the correct reproduction of the contour of words, sound filling is disturbed: permutation of syllables, sounds, replacement and use of syllables. Polysyllabic words are reduced. Children show insufficient phonemic perception, their unpreparedness for mastering sound analysis and synthesis. The pronunciation of soft and hard sounds, hissing, whistling, affricate, voiced and deaf sounds is impaired. There is a dissociation between the ability to pronounce sounds correctly in an isolated position and their use in spontaneous speech.

The third level of speech development is characterized by the presence of a detailed pre-phase speech with elements of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. Characteristic is the undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds (mainly sibilant, hissing, affricates and sonors), when one sound replaces simultaneously two or more sounds of a given or similar phonetic group. Unstable substitutions are noted when the sound in different words pronounced differently: mixing sounds, when the child in isolation pronounces certain sounds correctly, and in words and sentences they complement. Correctly repeating three or four-syllable words after the speech therapist, children often distort them in speech, reducing the number of syllables. A lot of errors are observed in the transmission of sound filling of words: permutations and replacements of sounds and syllables, contractions when consonants in a word meet. Against the background of relatively detailed speech, there is an inaccurate use of many lexical meanings. The active vocabulary is dominated by nouns and verbs. There are not enough words denoting qualities, signs, states, objects and actions. The inability to use word formation methods creates difficulties in using word variants, children do not always manage to select one-root words, the formation of new words using the name of a part of an object with the name of a whole object, the right word to another, similar in meaning. Significant differences between children with normal and impaired speech development are observed when updating the predicative dictionary (verbs, adjectives). In free expressions, simple common sentences prevail, almost never used complex structures... Agrammatism is noted: errors in the coordination of numerals with nouns, adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case. T.B. Filicheva says that in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment of the III level, difficulties in the name of many adjectives used in the speech of their normally developing peers are revealed.

The disorder in the formation of vocabulary in these children is expressed both in ignorance of many words and in the difficulties of finding a passive dictionary. N.S. Zhukova highlighted that a characteristic feature of the vocabulary of children with general speech underdevelopment of level III is the inaccuracy of the use of words. In some cases, children use words in an overly broad sense, in others, a too narrow understanding of the meaning of the word is manifested, which is still situational. Violations of vocabulary actualization in children with general speech underdevelopment of the III level are also manifested in distortions of the sound structure of the word. In violation of the development of vocabulary, a later formation of lexical consistency is observed. Organization of semantic fields, the qualitative originality of these processes.

Violations in the formation of vocabulary in children of this category are manifested in the limited vocabulary, a sharp discrepancy in the volume of active and passive vocabulary, insignificant use of words, multiple verbal paraphasias, incomplete semantic fields, difficulty in updating the vocabulary.

S.N. Shakovskaya, E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filichev, they say that children with general speech underdevelopment should be distinguished from children with a similar symptomatic picture - a temporary delay in speech development. One of the ways to differentiate is to study the history and analysis of the child's speech skills. In most cases, there is no history of deep disorders of the central nervous system. Most often, the presence of superficial birth trauma, long-term somatic diseases in early childhood is noted.

Unfavorable effects of the speech environment, miscalculations of upbringing, lack of communication can also be attributed to factors that inhibit the normal course of speech development. In these cases, attention is drawn primarily to the reversible dynamics of speech impairment.

T.B. Filicheva notes that in children with delayed speech development, the nature of speech errors is less specific than in children with general speech underdevelopment. Errors such as mixing the productive and unproductive plural forms, unification of the genitive plural endings prevail. In these children, the volume of speech skills lags behind the norm, they are characterized by errors inherent in younger children. Despite certain deviations from age standards (especially in the field of phonetics), the speech of children with general speech underdevelopment provides its communicative function, and in some cases is a fairly complete regulator of behavior. They have more pronounced tendencies towards spontaneous development, towards the transfer of developed speech skills in conditions of free communication, which makes it possible to compensate for speech insufficiency before entering school.

Also, in these studies, it was highlighted that one of the diagnostic signs can serve as a dissociation between speech and mental development. This is manifested in the fact that the mental development of children with general speech underdevelopment, as a rule, proceeds more safely than the development of speech, while they are distinguished by their criticality to speech deficiency. Primary speech pathology inhibits the formation of potential intact mental abilities, interfering with the normal functioning of speech intelligence. However, as the formation of verbal speech and the elimination of the actual speech difficulties, their intellectual development approaches the norm. It should be borne in mind that children with general speech underdevelopment in ordinary classes develop an understanding of everyday colloquial speech, an interest in play and objective activity, an emotionally selective attitude towards the world around them.

Recently, a number of scientists such as T.B. Filicheva, N.S. Zhukova, M.A. Povalyaeva, note that defective speech activity leaves an imprint on the formation of sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional spheres in children. Insufficient stability of attention, limited possibilities of its distribution, with relatively preserved semantic, logical memory, children have reduced verbal memory, and the productivity of memorization suffers. They forget complex instructions, elements and sequence of the task.

In the weakest children, low recall activity can be combined with disabilities development cognitive activities... EAT. Mastyukova, notes that the connection between speech disorders and other aspects of mental development determines the specific features of thinking. Possessing in general full-fledged prerequisites for mastering mental operations that are accessible to their age, children lag behind in the development of verbal-logical thinking, without special training they hardly master analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization.

According to E.M. Mastyukova, along with general somatic weakness, is also characterized by some lag in the development of the motor sphere, which is characterized by poor coordination of movements, uncertainty in the performance of metered movements, a decrease in speed and dexterity of performance.

The greatest difficulties are revealed when performing movements according to verbal instructions. Children with general speech underdevelopment lag behind normally developing peers in reproducing a motor task in terms of spatio-temporal parameters, violate the sequence of action elements, and omit its components.

IS HE. Bot notes that insufficient coordination of the fingers of the hand, underdevelopment of fine motor skills are often found in children with general underdevelopment of speech. Slowness, "fixation" on one pose is found. A correct assessment of non-speech processes is necessary to identify the patterns of atypical development of children with general speech underdevelopment and at the same time to determine their compensatory background.

Thus, the analysis of psychological and pedagogical research indicates that the concept of "general speech underdevelopment" suggests the presence of symptoms of the unformedness of all components of the speech system. In modern speech therapy, the concept of "general speech underdevelopment" is applied to such a form of speech pathology in children with normal hearing and primary preserved intelligence, in which the formation of all components of the speech system is impaired, i.e. there is a late appearance of speech, a depleted vocabulary, agrammatism, pronunciation defects and phoneme formation. The characteristic features of the vocabulary of children with general speech underdevelopment are: the poverty of the vocabulary, mainly its everyday level, the narrowness of the vocabulary, the limited amount of understanding of words (passive vocabulary), and inability to use it.

Lyubov Filimonova
The problem of speech development in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment.

The problem of speech development in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment.

As you know, speech is a complex functional system, the components of which change depending on the goals and motives of the activity, on the situation, on the ability to set communication tasks and build a communication program. Diverse and changing manifestations speech underdevelopment create additional difficulties in child development in general: in development cognitive processes, behavior, emotional sphere.

As the statistics of modern years show, a very large number children-first graders have serious violations speech development. The problem of speech development in older preschool children with general speech underdevelopment of various genesis has repeatedly been the subject of special study. Question speech development of children - one of the most important and at the same time difficult in the theory and practice of speech therapy, pedagogy and psychology.

Speech is one of the main regulatory systems that provide active forms vital functions of the organism. Especially important from this point of view is the senior preschool age, in which the foundations of the personality are formed, stable mechanisms of response to various influences are formed. At present, society is ready for open recognition of the uniqueness of each person, regardless of the state of his somatic and mental health. More and more attention is paid to children with special needs, the issues of the most harmonious integration of such children and their families into public life. The intelligent function makes it possible to carry out the main purpose speeches when interacting with other people - to be an instrument of thinking, to subdue and permeate all types and forms of thinking.

Speech, as a complex multi-level system, performs a number of functions:

Children's communicative function speeches associated with the use speeches as a means of communication, control of the behavior of other people and self-regulation;

Children's semantic function speeches associated with the definition of the meaning of words and the acquisition of generalized meanings by words;

Cognitive function speeches.

Features: speech development in young children in the psychological and pedagogical aspect are deeply and comprehensively studied by many authors (Levina R.E., Kashe G.A., Filicheva T.B., Tumanova T.V., Chirkina G.V., Semenovich A.V., Gvozdev A . N. and others).

R.E. Levina identifies five stages that a child goes through in the process of mastering speech:

At the first stage, the child completely lacks distinction of sounds, as well as understanding speeches and own active speech;

At the second stage, there is a distinction between the most contrasting, sounding distant phonemes (speech sounds) ... The child's pronunciation is incorrect, distorted;

At the third stage, decisive shifts take place. The child recognizes incorrectly pronounced words and is able to notice the difference between correct and incorrect pronunciation;

At the fourth stage, the child's active speech reaches almost complete correctness;

At the fifth stage, the process of phonemic development... The child hears and speaks correctly.

Speech development the child is subject to certain patterns. In childhood the development of speech goes along two lines: understanding is improving speeches adults and the child's own active speech is formed.

The ability to relate words to the objects and actions indicated by them does not come to the child immediately. The situation is understood first, not a specific object or action. Then passive speech begins violently to develop and in development ahead of active speech. Stock passive speeches affects the enrichment of the active vocabulary. First of all, the child understands the words-instructions, then he begins to understand the words-names, later the understanding of instructions and instructions comes, finally, the understanding of stories, that is, understanding the context speeches.

Violation speeches - a fairly common phenomenon among children... The causes of these violations are very diverse. The most complex are organic disorders and to a lesser extent functional. Against this background, in most cases, children present in varying degrees of violation of sound pronunciation, phonemic processes. Etiology of disorders speeches may be different and, accordingly, the structure of anomalous phenomena will be different.

Under general speech underdevelopment in children with normal hearing and initially preserved intelligence understand the complex form speech pathology, in which there is a violation of the formation of all components speech system.

Underdevelopment of speech means reduces the level of communication, contributes to the emergence psychological characteristics (isolation, timidity, indecision); generates specific features in common and speech behavior(limited contact, delayed engagement in a communication situation, inability to maintain a conversation, listen attentively to a sounding speech, leads to a decrease in mental activity.

The most common disorder in children 5-6 and 6-7 years old are various defects in pronunciation of sounds.

Most common violations preschool speech, and also (if they are not eliminated in time, then in the elementary school age it:

Violation of the pronunciation of certain sounds, or phonetic speech underdevelopment - the child has impaired pronunciation of certain sounds, for example, the throat pronunciation of the sound "r", or the double-lipped pronunciation of the sound "l" (while it sounds like the sound "y")... Replacing one sound with another (for example, "w" on "s") does not apply here.

Phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment(FFNR) - a child may experience both a violation of the pronunciation of one group of sounds (for example, hissing "w", "g", and several groups at once (for example, sibilant "s", "z", "c", hissing "w", " w "and sonorous sounds" l "," l "," r "," pb ").

Lexico-grammatical speech underdevelopment... The child pronounces all sounds correctly and distinguishes them by ear. However, he has lexical and grammatical difficulties such as: small vocabulary; difficulty in knowing generalizing words; violation of the agreement of words in a sentence; difficulties in word formation, etc.

In general speech underdevelopment in a childare usually available listed violation in the complex (violation of pronunciation of sounds violation of phonemic (speech) hearing impairment of the syllable structure of the word small vocabulary grammatical difficulties difficulties coherent speeches). OHR affects all parties child speech, but to varying degrees, something can be violated more, something less, and something in general can be slightly violated.

Despite the constant interest of researchers in problems optimization to overcome speech underdevelopment, at present there is no holistic understanding of the laws governing the formation of communication skills in this category children and the possibilities of their targeted development... Along with the priority importance of considering the theoretical aspects of this problems there is a practical need to define the content of remedial education aimed at development communication skills and preschool children with general speech underdevelopment.

Timely identification children with OHR - one of the prerequisites for the early correction of this violation and, as a consequence, prevention of violations in the future.