What does technical education mean. What is secondary vocational education

  1. The procedure for admitting applicants.

Diploma of vocational education

The format of secondary vocational education diplomas periodically changes in accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science, while the level of protection against counterfeiting is constantly increasing.

Levels of vocational education: features, conditions of admission

Soviet-style diplomas are valid.

On forums dedicated to studies, one can often come across the question: What is secondary vocational education? " Essentially mean professional education (abbreviated SVE) is a "modernized" secondary specialized education that was part of the Soviet education system. With the collapse of the USSR, some of the technical schools were renamed into colleges, more than half of which were attached to various universities as structural units.

According to statistics, at least 20 million specialists officially employed in the Russian Federation received open source software. Approximately half of these professionals are employed in service and manufacturing. Another 50% are knowledge workers: middle level personnel of business structures, managers, personnel officers, accountants, auditors, etc.

The modern field of open source education is regulated by the new law on education, which entered into force on 01.09.2013. Separately, it should be noted that primary and secondary vocational education are not the same thing.

Persons with a level of education not lower than basic (9 grades of a general education school) or secondary general (11 grades) can be admitted to training in SVE programs. Programs of secondary vocational education, implemented on the basis of 9 grades, include the disciplines of secondary general education. The development of such programs is carried out in accordance with the FGOST requirements for secondary vocational and secondary general education and taking into account the professional profile for which students are trained.

Secondary vocational education can be obtained both in secondary specialized educational institutions (colleges) and at the first educational stage of universities.

Types of educational institutions where you can get open source software:

  1. Colleges.

    Secondary special education

    These are colleges that implement the basic programs of secondary vocational education at the levels of in-depth and basic training.

  2. Schools and technical schools. These are colleges in which training takes place in the basic programs of primary vocational education, as well as secondary vocational education, but only at the level of basic training.

Admission to budgetary training for open source programs is publicly available for all categories of citizens. However, there are such nuances:

  1. Entrance tests are conducted for applicants if the professions they plan to master require specialists to have certain psychological or physical qualities.
  2. Admission to training of citizens is carried out according to the results of their development of various disciplines general education program, if the number of applicants for admission exceeds the number available in the secondary school budget places in this direction. The level of knowledge of applicants is determined by the grades recorded in the education documents provided by them upon admission. Applicants with the highest grades and results of state exams receive budget places.

Additional rules for admission of applicants are annually developed and approved by each individual educational institution independently, but in in accordance with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation and FGOST.

  1. The procedure for admitting applicants.
  2. The procedure for admission to training on a paid basis.
  3. A list of specialties with an indication of the forms of training for which admission is conducted.
  4. Requirements for the level of education of applicants.
  5. A list of entrance examinations with an indication of the categories of applicants who need to pass these tests, and information on the forms of testing.
  6. Information on the procedure for receiving documents and applications for admission in electronic form. If such a possibility is excluded, this is also indicated.
  7. The procedure for admission for citizens with disabilities.
  1. The total number of places for each of the implemented educational programs, indicating the forms of education.
  2. The number of budget places with an indication of the forms of education.
  3. The number of budget-funded places in target areas, indicating the forms of education.
  4. The number of paid training places for each profile.
  5. Rules for consideration and submission of documents to challenge the results of entrance examinations.
  6. Complete information about the hostel (if available).
  7. A sample contract for applicants applying for tuition on a paid basis.

Diploma of vocational education

Modern rules for the issuance of diplomas and annexes to them:

So, the answer to the question: “What does secondary vocational education mean?” Is formulated as follows: “This means that a specialist has deep training in his profile and can occupy all the main mid-level positions in production, in private firms or in government organizations”.

For more than one decade in a row, it has been fashionable to enter universities after school. This is considered a prestigious privilege exclusively of excellent and good students. With the advent of the Unified State Exam, the opportunities for schoolchildren who successfully passed it have expanded, but their choice for admission still often falls on higher education. But recently, the situation has begun to change. Graduates and their parents began to understand that the job market is already "fed up" with lawyers and economists with higher educationthat the economy needs professionals in the blue-collar industries. Therefore, the flow of applicants rushed to secondary specialized educational institutions.

What is the difference between specialized secondary education and secondary vocational education?

To stop asking yourself once and for all what is the difference between vocational secondary education and secondary vocational education, you need to build an educational scheme that has been working in Russia for more than one year, although it undergoes some changes from time to time.

So, everyone is familiar with 9 classes - this is the main general education... If a student decides to complete 11 grades, he will receive a secondary general education. It is at this stage that a decision is made about where to go next - for a university diploma and get a higher education or choose a technical school or college. The Law "On Education" is allowed to receive secondary vocational education both on the basis of secondary general (11 classes) and on the basis of basic general education (9 classes). Moreover, the receipt of secondary vocational education after the end of 9 classes is carried out with the simultaneous receipt of secondary general education, taking into account the federal state educational standard within the educational program of secondary vocational education. Thus, while studying at a technical school, for example, you can take the Unified State Exam and get a certificate of secondary general education, by the way, absolutely free. Of course, it is difficult to overestimate such an advantage.

Secondary specialized and secondary vocational education, the difference between which is not made in the Law "On Education", is provided by various educational institutions. These include: colleges, lyceums, technical schools, schools (including medical, legal, veterinary and pedagogical). Article 68 of the aforementioned law states: “Secondary vocational education is aimed at solving the problems of intellectual, cultural and professional development person and has the goal of training qualified workers or employees and middle-level specialists in all the main areas of socially useful activities in accordance with the needs of society and the state, as well as meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education. "

Admission and training in institutions of secondary vocational education

All educational institutions accept applicants on a competitive basis.

What is the difference between secondary specialized and secondary vocational education?

The USE results, additional points - everything plays a role in admission. Some places, of course, are financed from the budget, but there are not enough places for everyone, so paid places are also provided.

Citizens with disabilities have the right to receive a distance specialized secondary education. This advantage is very important, because some students cannot attend classes and are ready to study only remotely.

Institutions of secondary specialized education provide an opportunity for their students to enter a university without passing the exam and immediately on the 3rd course. This is undoubtedly a "trump card" for those students who, for one reason or another, did not pass or did not pass the USE at school, but want to get a higher education.

Employment with secondary vocational education

Graduates of schools, colleges and technical schools find a job without much difficulty, because many employers are interested in specialists who no longer have just theoretical knowledge, but significant industrial practice. Professionals in blue-collar trades are especially appreciated. Income depends on the chosen specialization and the qualifications of the employee.

On forums devoted to studies, one can often come across the question: What is secondary vocational education? " In essence, secondary vocational education (abbreviated SVE) is a "modernized" secondary specialized education that was part of the Soviet education system. With the collapse of the USSR, some of the technical schools were renamed into colleges, more than half of which were attached to various universities as structural units.

According to statistics, at least 20 million specialists officially employed in the Russian Federation received open source software. Approximately half of these professionals are employed in service and manufacturing. Another 50% are knowledge workers: middle level personnel of business structures, managers, personnel officers, accountants, auditors, etc.

The modern field of open source education is regulated by the new law on education, which entered into force on 01.09.2013. Separately, it should be noted that primary and secondary vocational education are not the same thing.

The procedure for obtaining secondary vocational education

Persons with a level of education not lower than basic (9 grades of a general education school) or secondary general (11 grades) can be admitted to training in SVE programs. Programs of secondary vocational education, implemented on the basis of 9 grades, include the disciplines of secondary general education.

What is the difference between secondary specialized education and secondary vocational

The development of such programs is carried out in accordance with the FGOST requirements for secondary vocational and secondary general education and taking into account the professional profile for which students are trained.

Secondary vocational education can be obtained both in secondary specialized educational institutions (colleges) and at the first educational stage of universities.

Types of educational institutions where you can get open source software:

  1. Colleges. These are colleges that implement the basic programs of secondary vocational education at the levels of advanced and basic training.
  2. Schools and technical schools. These are colleges in which training takes place in the basic programs of primary vocational education, as well as secondary vocational education, but only at the level of basic training.

Admission to budgetary training for open source programs is publicly available for all categories of citizens. However, there are such nuances:

  1. Entrance tests are conducted for applicants if the professions they plan to master require specialists to have certain psychological or physical qualities.
  2. Admission to training of citizens is carried out on the basis of the results of their mastering various disciplines of the general education program, if the number of those wishing to enroll exceeds the number of budgetary places available in the secondary school in this area. The level of knowledge of applicants is determined by the grades recorded in the education documents provided by them upon admission. Applicants with the highest grades and results of state exams receive budget places.

Additional rules for admission of applicants are annually developed and approved by each individual educational institution independently, but in in accordance with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation and FGOST.

  1. The procedure for admitting applicants.
  2. The procedure for admission to training on a paid basis.
  3. A list of specialties with an indication of the forms of training for which admission is conducted.
  4. Requirements for the level of education of applicants.
  5. A list of entrance examinations with an indication of the categories of applicants who need to pass these tests, and information on the forms of testing.
  6. Information on the procedure for receiving documents and applications for admission in electronic form. If such a possibility is excluded, this is also indicated.
  7. The procedure for admission for citizens with disabilities.
  1. The total number of places for each of the implemented educational programs, indicating the forms of education.
  2. The number of budget places with an indication of the forms of education.
  3. The number of budget-funded places in target areas, indicating the forms of education.
  4. The number of paid training places for each profile.
  5. Rules for consideration and submission of documents to challenge the results of entrance examinations.
  6. Complete information about the hostel (if available).
  7. A sample contract for applicants applying for tuition on a paid basis.

Diploma of vocational education

The format of secondary vocational education diplomas periodically changes in accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science, while the level of protection against counterfeiting is constantly increasing. Soviet-style diplomas are valid.

Modern rules for the issuance of diplomas and annexes to them:

So, the answer to the question: “What does secondary vocational education mean?” Is formulated as follows: “This means that a specialist has deep training in his profile and can occupy all the main mid-level positions in production, in private firms or in government organizations”.

Please tell me what is the difference between specialized secondary and vocational education?

On March 6, 2018, the President of Russia V.V. In Yekaterinburg, Putin held a meeting on the development of the secondary vocational education system, at which the most important areas of modernization in this area were outlined.

The President believes that “the renewal of the entire education system, the introduction of advanced approaches to the training of workers, engineers is one of the key, basic ones for the technological, economic breakthrough of the country, improving the quality of life and real incomes of citizens”, and that it is necessary to do so that “all our personnel training system corresponded to, and better, set high world standards itself, took into account the global technological changes that are taking place in the world. "
At the meeting, the Head of State outlined the most important areas of the upcoming work in the development of the open source software system, in particular:
when modernizing the vocational education system, it is imperative to take into account the regional development strategy, investment projects that are planned for implementation in the regions and in the country as a whole;
predict the personnel needs of organizations in the social sphere, leading industries and enterprises, which “must determine the requirements for vocational education institutions, for the content and results of their work”;
the vocational education system should be flexible, provide for different forms and terms of training;
training should be conducted on the most advanced training and production base, for which it is necessary to create shared centerswhere the best equipment collected at one site is provided to everyone who is interested in a high result of their work;
-in a short time to form throughout the country advanced training centerson the basis of which students will be trained and teachers will be retrained, already working citizens will be able to improve their qualifications, acquire additional skills or receive a new specialty, and schoolchildren, within the framework of vocational guidance, can choose professions for themselves;
provide an objective, independent, transparent assessment of competencies. and that graduates of colleges and technical schools demonstrate their skills and abilities in practice, for example, in a demonstration exam.
colleges and technical schools must provide not only modern vocational training, but also to give “a strong and versatile education, including in the natural sciences and humanities, programming, foreign language», Flexible skills - the ability to work in a team, solve creative, non-standard tasks.
we must forever abandon the stereotype: I graduated from school, got a profession - and that's it; it is necessary to motivate young people, people of any age, for continuous improvement, constant study, and movement forward in the professional sense of the word.
It was also accepted that the WorkdSkills standard should be normatively fixed either at the ministry level or at the Government level.

P.S... By order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 3, 2018 No. 356-r of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, budget allocations in the amount of 1.48 billion rubles were allocated from the reserve fund of the Government in 2018 for the provision of grants in the form of subsidies to professional educational organizations for updating and modernizing the material and technical base ...

Verbatim report of the meeting on the development of the secondary vocational education system

Tags: ways of development of open source software meeting on open source software open source software -2018

eduinspectorEducation, Education Management

Distance learning technical education in Moscow. List of educational institutions in Moscow, where you can go distance learning in technical specialties and areas.

  • Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

    Updated: 20.01.2018 Views: 10,264

    Moscow State university of construction (NRU MGSU) - distance learning in state universitylocated in Moscow. The university conducts distance learning under higher education programs (bachelor's, master's). You can get a second higher education remotely.

  • Moscow Technological Institute

    Last updated: 10/28/2017 Views: 6673

    Moscow Technological Institute (MosTech (MTI)) - distance learning at an institute located in Moscow. The university conducts distance learning under higher education programs (bachelor's, master's), secondary vocational education.

    What you need to know about getting a secondary vocational education?

    You can get a second higher education remotely.

  • National Research University MPEI

    Updated: 07.07.2018Views: 6108

    National research university MEI (NRU MEI) - distance learning at a state university located in Moscow. The university conducts distance learning under higher education programs (bachelor's, master's), additional professional education, professional development, professional retraining... You can get a second higher education remotely.

  • State University "Dubna"

    Updated: 07.07.2018 Views: 4499

    State University "Dubna" (University "Dubna") - distance learning at a state university located in Moscow. The university conducts distance learning under higher education programs (bachelor's, master's). You can get a second higher education remotely.

  • Russian University of Transport

    Updated: 08/25/2018 Views: 4042

    Russian University of Transport (RUT (MIIT)) - distance learning at a state university located in Moscow. The university conducts distance learning according to programs of higher education (bachelor's, specialty, master's), secondary vocational education, additional vocational education, advanced training, professional retraining. You can get a second higher education remotely.

  • Russian University of Cooperation

    Updated: 01/27/2018 Views: 3180

    Russian University of Cooperation (RUK) - distance learning at a university located in Moscow. The university conducts distance learning under higher education programs (bachelor's, specialty, master's degree). You can get a second higher education remotely.

  • National Research University "MIET"

    Updated: 24.04.2017 Views: 2930

    National Research University "MIET" (MIET) - distance learning at a state university located in Moscow. The university conducts distance learning under higher education programs (bachelor's, master's). You can get a second higher education remotely.

  • Academy of the State Fire Service EMERCOM of Russia

    Updated: 21.04.2017 Views: 2595

    State Academy fire service EMERCOM of Russia (AGPS EMERCOM of Russia) - distance learning in state academylocated in Moscow. The university conducts distance learning under higher education programs (bachelor's, specialty, master's degree).

  • Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography

    Updated: 24.04.2017 Views: 2294

    Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) - distance learning at a state university located in Moscow. The university conducts distance learning under higher education programs (bachelor's degree, specialty). You can get a second higher education remotely.

  • Interregional Center for Continuing Professional Education

    Updated: 05/01/2017 Views: 2186

    Interregional Center for Continuing Professional Education (MCDPE) - distance learning at a training center located in Moscow. IN educational institution distance learning is carried out according to programs of additional professional education, advanced training, professional retraining.

  • Institute of vocational education

    Updated: 2018-04-28Views: 1970

    Institute of Professional Education (IPO) - distance learning at a training center located in Moscow. The educational institution conducts distance learning under the programs of additional professional education, advanced training, professional retraining.

  • Higher School of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics

    Updated: 08/25/2018 Views: 1200

    Graduate School of Business Informatics NRU “Higher School of Economics” (HSBI NRU HSE) - distance learning at a state university located in Moscow. The university conducts distance learning according to programs of additional professional education, advanced training, professional retraining.

  • The concepts of vocational education and technical education are often confused. However, they are not the same thing. The concept of secondary vocational education is associated with the type of educational institution and the type of education that it provides. And technical education is a kind of a number of specialties that can be obtained in a secondary vocational or higher educational institution.

    Secondary vocational education

    When, after graduating from 9 or a school student decides to enter a school, technical school, college - he chooses an institution of secondary vocational education. Such educational institutions train qualified employees and middle-level workers. Among schools and colleges, one can name educational institutions of various directions: medical, music, automobile, marine, art, pedagogical, legal, catering and many others.

    There are a lot of directions for training middle-level personnel: these are humanitarian, technical, natural science, and social. The duration of study in different institutions of secondary vocational education is also different. Some programs are designed for three academic years, some for four. The fact after which class the students come is also important. In the same college, students afterwards can study a four-year program, and after grade 11 - a two-year program.

    After graduating from a secondary vocational institution, its students receive a profession and can start working or go to study further - to a higher educational institution.

    Technical education

    Technical education is one of the forms of education associated with obtaining a technical specialty. This form of education helps prepare engineers, workers, foremen, technicians for industry, the automotive industry, construction, transport, forestry and agriculture.

    In the process of obtaining a profession, students of technical specialties study many disciplines related to understanding the physical, mathematical, chemical processes occurring in materials and machines, with complex calculations, calculations and drawings when reproducing mechanisms. They need all this knowledge for the further practical use of materials, machines, apparatus and automated control systems.

    You can get technical education in a number of educational institutions: colleges, universities. Depending on the type of educational institution, it will be either secondary vocational or higher.

    Long gone are the days when people without special training could be hired. In the modern labor market, only those people who have secondary or higher professional education are in demand.


    Getting a professional education always precedes at school. After the 9th graduate, he needs to make a choice: continue his studies at school or start receiving secondary specialized education on the basis of incomplete secondary education. If you make a choice in favor of professional training, then after the presentation of the certificate, go to submit documents or. Each educational institution has its own rules for admitting students, but everywhere you will need to pass entrance exams.

    After completing eleven classes, you can receive not only secondary, but also higher professional education. To apply to any educational institution, you will need a school certificate, passport, medical certificate, 3x4 photographs (usually 6 pieces) and certificates with uSE results... All these documents are submitted to admissions committee, the dates of entrance examinations are also assigned there.

    When you decide to get a professional education, try to think rationally for several years to come. Many young people are fascinated by the romanticism of any profession or are chasing fashion, and as a result, they cannot find a job after graduating from an educational institution. Read the research on which specialists are most in demand at the moment, what predictions about future demand are made by experts. Try to choose the profession for which you feel inclined. Objectively assess the level of your intelligence, interests and skills, think about where you can be most useful.

    Sometimes it happens that even after graduating from a university or college, a graduate feels that he is not sufficiently prepared for work. In many educational institutions, students are given a lot of theory, but the practical base suffers. Today there are many courses designed to improve vocational education. Some educational institutions provide distance learning for students using modern technologies... Having started to study remotely, you will be able to participate in online seminars, listen to lectures on the Internet and independently assimilate the material using electronic textbooks. This form of education is especially convenient when the educational institution is located in another city, and the student does not have the opportunity to move.

    training of engineers and technicians for industry, construction, transport, communications, agriculture and forestry. (Training of skilled workers for national economy is carried out in the system of vocational education (see. Vocational education).) Under the term "T. about." also understood as the totality of scientific, theoretical and practical knowledge and skills that allow those who have received this education to solve production, technical, economic, and other problems in their specialty. Along with the special, there are auxiliary and general T. o. Auxiliary T. o. aims to give university students and students of secondary specialized educational institutions the technical knowledge and skills necessary for the study and use of machines, mechanisms, apparatus, automated controls used in many areas of science, education, culture. To the auxiliary T. about. include technical and technological disciplines that are studied at geological, chemical, physical, biological, and other faculties of universities (See Universities) , at the agronomic and zooveterinary faculties of agricultural universities, medical, pedagogical and other institutes and secondary specialized educational institutions. The value of the auxiliary T. o. increases as various fields of science and culture are equipped with technical means (experimental research techniques, computer Engineering, technical teaching aids, apparatus and devices for diagnostics and treatment, etc.). General T. about. gives an average comprehensive school, laying the foundations of technical knowledge, skills and abilities in the process of labor, polytechnic education (see. Polytechnic education).

    Special T.o. system in the USSR includes industries: geological, mining, energy, metallurgical, machine-building, instrument-making, radio-electronic, forestry engineering, chemical-technological, technological (in the production of food products and consumer goods, as well as consumer services), construction, geodetic, hydrometeorological, transport and communications (on the content and development of the branches of transport, see special articles, for example, Mining Education, Transport Education, etc.).

    Specialists with higher T. o. are prepared in polytechnic and industrial institutes, industrial technical colleges (including technical colleges) , at the technical faculties of some universities, as well as in higher technical military educational institutions (see Higher educational institutions and articles on certain groups of technical colleges, for example Aviation institutes, Energy Institutes). The number of technical colleges in the USSR is about a course project) (for example, in engineering institutes, on the theory of machines and mechanisms; on machine parts, lifting machines and mechanisms). In the senior courses, 3-5 course projects are carried out in the specialty (in engineering, construction and architectural specialties - 6-9). Students undergo practical training in training workshops, training grounds, etc. and industrial practice (see Industrial practice) at enterprises. Getting higher T. about. ends with the preparation and defense of the thesis project (see the diploma project) (or the thesis (see the diploma project). Thesis) experimental). Graduates receive the qualification of an engineer of the relevant specialty, which is equivalent in scientific level to the qualification, which is assigned, for example, to graduates of higher technical educational institutions of the USA, Great Britain, Japan and other countries who have defended their thesis for the second professional academic degree - Master.

    Technicians are trained in secondary specialized educational institutions (see Secondary specialized educational institutions) in a wide range of specialties (but narrower than in technical colleges, profiles). Educational plans secondary technical educational institutions (technical schools) are designed for 3.5-4 years (for those who graduated from an 8-year school) and 2.5-3 years (for those who graduated high school). Technical schools based on an 8-year school provide not only special knowledge, but also general education. Particular importance is attached to industrial training (600-700 hours of study time), during which students receive qualifications in a working profession, as well as production work and industrial practice by specialty. As well as in technical colleges, secondary technical educational institutions have adopted a system of course design and, upon graduation, defense of a diploma project (see Specialized Secondary Education).

    To obtain T. o. without interruption from work, there are correspondence and evening technical colleges and technical schools, as well as faculties (departments) at daytime higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. Terms of study in evening and part-time systems T. o. at 6-12 month more than in the corresponding specialties of daytime departments. Many technical colleges have general technical faculties (1st-3rd courses), which provide students with general technical and general scientific training, which allows them to continue teaching in the future. in the chosen specialty. A systematic increase in the scientific level of training of specialists is ensured by the research work of the departments of universities, the introduction of research elements into laboratory works, coursework and graduation projects. To level up scientific research in technical colleges, problem laboratories and computing centers have been organized, in some - research institutes. To train engineers who know the fundamentals of technical sciences, along with deep mathematical, physical, and economic knowledge, the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology were created in the system of the Soviet higher education. , a number of engineering and mathematics departments in technical colleges, etc. Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in technical sciences are trained primarily in postgraduate studies at technical colleges and research institutes.

    In the context of the scientific and technological revolution, in connection with the rapid renewal and expansion of knowledge in TV. a system of advanced training (see Advanced training) and retraining of leading engineering and technical personnel and specialists is also included. In institutes for continuing education (see Institutes for continuing education) , in courses at enterprises, organizations and educational institutions, specialists with higher and secondary education study latest achievements science and technology, means of complex mechanization and automation of production processes, effective methods of scientific organization of production, labor and management. Higher educational institutions have created faculties for advanced training of specialists with higher education, and in a number of institutes (for example, in the Ural Polytechnic Institute, the Moscow Institute of Management, etc.) - faculties for training organizers of industry and construction. At Moscow State University, Moscow Aviation, Energy, Engineering Physics. institutes, MVTU im. N.E.Bauman, the Leningrad Technological Institute, the Novosibirsk University, etc., special faculties have been established to retrain engineers in new, promising areas of development of science and technology.

    Significant successes have been achieved by T. o. in other socialist countries, where the number of students and pupils receiving education is constantly growing and in some countries (for example, in Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria) up to 40-50% of the total number of students. Systems T. meet the requirements of the national economy and the national characteristics of the countries. In a number of countries (for example, in Poland, Hungary, SRR), two types of engineers are being trained: professional (training period 4 years) and masters (4-5 years). Professional engineers are trained mainly for practical work, master engineers - for research and development organizations. In NRB T. o. close in structure to the Soviet T. o. Largest centers T. about. in socialist countries: Warsaw and Poznan Polytechnic Institutes, Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy (Poland); Dresden and Magdeburg technical universities, Freiberg Mining Academy (GDR); Prague Polytechnic Institute, Higher Technical School in Kosice, Mining and Metallurgical School in Ostrava (Czechoslovakia); Budapest (Hungary), Sofia (NRB), Belgrade (SFRY) polytechnic institutes, etc.

    In the capitalist countries, higher education. is carried out in universities and specialized higher technical educational institutions, secondary - in university colleges and other secondary technical educational institutions for various purposes. In a number of countries, a specialist who has received a higher education degree is awarded an engineer diploma, which does not give him the right to conduct engineering work (to be the author of a project, etc.); he receives broad rights after the award of engineering qualifications by the relevant engineering societies; it is awarded on the basis of several years of practical experience and passing special exams (see Higher Education and the Education section in the country articles).

    Higher education. in the USA, as a rule, they receive in 2-3 stages: the first (4 years) covers the study of general scientific and special technical disciplines and ends with the awarding of the graduate of the Faculty of Engineering with a Bachelor's degree ; the second (about 1 year) - is aimed mainly at increasing the level of theoretical knowledge in the chosen specialization, developing the skills of independent research work and ends with the passing of exams or the defense of a thesis for a Master of Science degree. Introduced academic degree engineer (for example, at MIT (See MIT)) , which can be obtained by bachelors after completing an additional course of study (up to 2 years). Those who have received a master's degree often go to work in research and design organizations... In large firms, the third stage is organized. directly in production for persons with a bachelor's or master's degree. During this stage (up to 1 year), students study the technology, organization and management of production, as well as the specifics of the production of the company and the specific enterprise where they will work. The system of special schools and institutes is being improved, designed to improve the qualifications of specialists and implement the so-called. continued education of technical personnel. In many technical colleges and institutes in the UK, training is based on the so-called sandwich system, designed for 4-5 years and providing for alternation (after 3-6 month) theoretical studies with practical work in industry. In France, engineering and technical personnel are usually trained in universities and special institutes of various profiles ( higher schools mining, bridges and roads, air navigation, etc.). The course of study is 4-6 years, usually consists of 3 cycles, and during the second, the student takes exams for the degree of Licentiate and can receive the title of engineer, after the third - the degree of doctor of the 3rd cycle and, if he has the title of engineer, he can become an applicant for a doctor's degree -engineer. In Japan, T. o. carried out on the basis of institutes and sectoral technical institutes, as a rule, for 4 years. Those who graduate from the course receive a bachelor's degree, after additional (1-2 years) training - a master of science degree.

    The most important centers of the T.O .: in the USA - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge), Carnegie Institute of Technology (Pittsburgh), Brooklyn, Washington technological institutes, technical departments and colleges of Harvard, Columbia, California, Illinois, Stanford and other universities; in Great Britain - technical faculties and colleges of the universities of Cambridge, Birmingham, Manchester, Edinburgh, Leeds, Sheffield, etc .; in Germany - Mining Academy in Clausthal, higher technical schools in Aachen, Hamburg, Cologne, etc .; in France - higher technical schools and technological institutes in Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Strasbourg, institutes of metallurgy in Paris and Saint-Etienne, etc.

    In developing countries T. o. carried out in India - Bombay, Kharagpur, Kanpur and Madras Institute of Technology, Bengal College of Engineering, engineering colleges in Pune and Varanasi; in Burma - Rangoon Technological and Mandalay technical institutes; in Egypt - Cairo and Alexandria Universities, Et-Tabbin Metallurgical Institute; in Algeria - the National Polytechnic School, the Annab Mining and Metallurgical Institute, etc.

    In accordance with the needs of scientific and technological progress, in many countries, reforms are being developed and implemented in the technical system, aimed mainly at improving it qualitatively.

    Lit. see at Art. Higher education and articles on special industries. education.

    A.I.Bogomolov, A.A. Parkhomenko.

    Many of us often hear that a diploma from a higher educational institution is obligatory, that a vocational school will not become more prestigious from renaming it to a college, that only mediocrities and ignoramuses study in technical schools, that it is impossible to find a job if you have not studied at the institute.

    Where to get a specialty after school?

    Despite the complexity of teaching at school, innovations in the form of a Single State Exam and other innovations, stereotypes about obtaining special education do not change. Is this really the same? Let's try to figure it out.

    Is college the same school?

    What is such an education? How do I get it? What professions can you master? And is it worth it?

    Secondary vocational education is what a student can use to obtain a specialty after completing nine grades in educational institutions, technical schools or colleges, colleges or institutes that provide vocational education. This is the initial form before mastering vocational training. It can be obtained by studying on a budget or for money.

    You can apply according to the results of your certificate, or using entrance exams conducted by the SSUZ itself. Vocational education differs from the next two grades, tenth and eleventh at school, in that after training a diploma is issued and you receive a specialty. This can be a stepping stone after school before college.

    After all, when your peers graduate from school and receive a certificate, at the same time you can get a special education diploma and go to work, for example, as a nurse, locksmith or cook. After graduation educational institution you come out as a specialist in your field.

    A professional after college?

    Vocational education is another step in the opportunity to receive education after school, but deeper. It can be obtained from colleges and technical schools. Unlike secondary specialized education, vocational training provides more in-depth training and expanded knowledge.

    Becoming a professional in college can take two, three, or four years, depending on what grade you go to and what specialty you get. You can study both internally and in absentia, and even there is an evening form of training. But as a rule, after school, children choose their usual routine of classes. But there are also those who combine study and work and study at correspondence department... After graduation, you become a highly skilled worker.

    At this stage, there are two types of specialized educational institutions for secondary vocational education:

    • technical school (school) - a special institution performing basic professional educational programs secondary vocational type of basic training;
    • college - an educational institution that implements basic professional programs in basic and in-depth

    What is the difference between a technical school and a college?

    In general, nothing. A technical school is the same school, only the name sounds a little different.

    Average technical profession

    Technical education is primarily a list of specialties that can be obtained in the same colleges and secondary specialized educational institutions. For example, secondary technical education is the specialty of electrical engineering, engineer, builder, food technologist and many others. Here the guys get specialties:

    • engineering masters;
    • agriculture;
    • workers;
    • builders, and many other important specialists.

    During training, students study physics, chemistry and mathematics in depth. They work with drawings, machines and various devices. Technical education can be either secondary or higher.

    What is the correct spelling and sound of the name of secondary technical education as secondary technical, secondary technical, or secondary technical? Secondary technical is usually called the faculty of a technical school or college, and graduates of these institutions are already becoming average technical personnel. But with all this, in the column of education received from graduates, not secondary technical, but secondary technical is recorded.

    Is it worth it?

    Every teenager, approaching the ninth grade, already has an idea of \u200b\u200bwho he wants to become in the future. Sometimes, it is easier to leave school without completing two more classes in order to get a good profession and arrange your life after only a few years, bypassing the years of study at the institute. In addition, colleges often have a tenth and eleventh grade curriculum... That is, leaving school after the ninth and, entering the secondary school, you not only get a profession, but also finish the school curriculum.

    In addition, with the innovations of the Unified State Exam and a complex training program, some guys simply cannot go to college even after the eleventh grade. This is where secondary specialized, vocational and technical education comes to the rescue. Having received some knowledge at a school or technical school, a teenager will be able to continue on his way to college. Undoubtedly, schools, technical schools and colleges are useful educational institutions that help make students real specialists and professionals who can get a job in life.

    Each person sooner or later has to face the need to choose a profession. But sometimes it happens that a person does not want to go straight to university after school. Then his choice falls on getting some kind of professional education in technical schools or colleges. It is also possible that after the end of the nine grades, the teenager also wants to receive some kind of specialty. Then he goes to technical schools. Let's take a look at what secondary vocational education is.

    What is secondary vocational education?

    Vocational education is a type of it that implies advanced training of students, adapted to a specific profession. In Soviet times, technical schools were the main institution that provided the opportunity to receive secondary vocational education. Now, some of them have been renamed colleges.

    At the same time, both technical schools and colleges can belong to a certain university, which can be applied directly to the third year. Although this is not the case everywhere. But there are certain privileges. For example, more winning positions in the competition for admission. But this depends directly on the university to which the technical school belongs.

    How is it different from vocational school?

    Many are interested in how a secondary educational institution differs from a vocational school? In principle, now almost nothing is said about the latter. Some of the vocational schools were also renamed technical schools and colleges. In general, now there are almost no vocational schools left in the form in which we used to see them before. But there are colleges and technical schools that provide secondary technical education.

    Differences between open source software and NGOs

    Secondary technical education differs from primary education in many factors. Let's list only the main ones. First of all, open source software prepares mid-level specialists. They also provide a deeper study of issues related to obtaining a profession. This happens on the basis of complete secondary, basic education or after graduation from an NGO.

    Those people who have primary technical education receive secondary education on the basis of the existing one. The training program is shortened so that there are no repetitions, and new things are taught immediately. Thus, you can improve your qualifications. Also, the point that distinguishes secondary vocational technical education from NGOs is that the first can be obtained, including in a higher educational institution, and institutions that provide secondary education can, with a license, provide educational programs of an initial type.

    Examples of specialties characterizing secondary technical education

    In fact, if there is a desire to familiarize yourself and learn all the professions that are included in the class of secondary technical, it will still not work. In principle, secondary education can be obtained for a huge number of specialties, even those that many receive at universities. Naturally, the quality will be much worse. Still, there is a difference between secondary technical and higher education. Examples of specialties include: marketing, management, banking, electrical engineering, energy supply and a number of other specialties.

    And what about the correspondence education?

    Some believe that there will be problems with obtaining a distance education. But this is absolutely not the case. Students are provided with a wide opportunity to receive distance education. According to the standards of the system of secondary technical education, there is an opportunity to receive not only correspondence, in the classical sense of the word, education, but also distance learning, when training takes place via the Internet. There is one point to keep in mind.

    If a person wants to study by correspondence or distance learning, then he needs to finish school, and nothing else. So it's best to get a secondary technical education after school. At the same time, the effectiveness of training, despite what is said, is far from deteriorating. In particular, this happens because students need to do internships in enterprises related to their chosen profession.

    There, the skills and necessary practical knowledge are developed, which in the future will help to feel great when performing the assigned duties. You can get a secondary technical education by correspondence. But there will be no socialization. You can simply deprive yourself of communication with people. Think you need it?


    We figured out the main differences between vocational schools and colleges and technical schools. Many are interested in how long the training takes. Each institution is different. In some, you need to spend four years to master the specialty. In others, either the course is more intensive or the specialty is easier. Therefore, you can master the specialty in two years.

    But usually the average option is three years. Also, you should not go to secondary institutions if you want not to go to the army. Studying in colleges and technical schools does not exempt one from military duty. You need to think about whether it is worth going to get a secondary technical education. Similar majors can be obtained at universities. But it's up to you to decide.