Advanced training for designer engineer. Improving engineer qualifications

Training on the engineer-designer can only go to the university. This specialty requires higher education. Where are the designer engineer in Moscow and Russia? Let's find out!

The profession of engineer-designer is in demand in the labor market, is popular and applicable in all industries. Designer engineers can work on factories, in industry, in design bureaus, in designer companies.

The most popular specializations of engineer engineer are instrument making, operation and testing of aviation and space Technology, Information systems and technologies.

Work in such industries is interesting, related to new research and implementation of them into production. To purchase a profession of engineer-designer, it is necessary to undergo training in the university.

Training engineers-designers

In Russia a lot technical universitiesproducing engineers-designers. But before going to study, it is advisable to get acquainted with future professionAs far as it is in demand in the labor market, what kind of salary from specialists, where you can buy it and how much training is. After all, the designer engineer gets an education in a certain narrow direction.

Therefore, in order to purchase the chosen profession, it is necessary to enter a certain educational institution.

For example, road-road technical University Prepares specialists in terrestrial transport and technological means.

And the Aviation Institute is preparing specialists in the design and production of rocket and space complexes. Training on the engineer-designer at this university costs about 60 thousand rubles a year, but there is a small number of budget places. Therefore, having excellent knowledge in physics, higher Mathematics, engineering schedule, you can try to get education for free.

Where do designer engineers teach?

In any region, you can choose a university where designer engineers are engaged. The most famous:

  • Samara State Technical University produces specialists in the field of mechanical engineering. Training on the engineer-designer costs more than 60 thousand, but there are 20 budget places.
  • Novosibirsk State Technical University has the Faculty of Design and Technical Support of Machine Building Production. Graduates are assisted in employment, 50 budget places are allocated, and paid training costs more than 80 thousand rubles per year.
  • Tomsky politechnical University Trains engineers-designers in the field of mechanical engineering and robotics.
  • State architectural university of Construction Prepares specialists in the field of construction, operation, restoration of technical coverage of roads, bridges and tunnels.

We also have technical universities in Voronezh, in Omsk, in Orenburg, in Rostov-on-Don.

Where are the designer engineer in Moscow?

There are many universities in Moscow, where they are engaged in the designer engineer.

  • The most prestigious, this is the Moscow State Technical University of the Bauman. Training on the engineer-designer here is very expensive and costs more than 200 thousand rubles a year. But there are many budget places, the truth is 6 people in place, so get budget place very difficult.
  • Also in demand, training on the engineer-designer to RUDN; Moscow aviation Institute (MAI); Russian state University Oil and gas them. Gubkin. These universities are preparing narrow-controlled specialists in the field of aircraft manufacturing or manufacturing equipment for the oil industry.
  • The National Research Moscow State University of Construction University is very popular, where they are engaged in the designer engineer in the field of design, construction and new technologies in this industry. University has been popular because of the opportunity to get a job with high salaryBecause the construction is always considered in demand and highly paid direction.

University, where designer engineers teach easily, you just need to know our desires, your own opportunities and really appreciate your knowledge.

It is difficult to study this profession, the requirements are high, and most often after the 1st, the 2nd course of studying about half of the students are deducted. Cool with the load is not all.

After graduating from the university, not everyone remains to work with a degree, because young professionals receive a small salary, and advanced training is possible only after many years of conscientious work.

Therefore, choosing educational institutions, you need to be prepared for the following:

  • training on the engineer-designer will cost from 60 to 200 thousand rubles per year;
  • you can enter the university, having good training on higher mathematics, physics, engineering schedule;
  • the most complex will be the first 2 courses of study;
  • choosing a specialization, it is necessary to focus on employment and salary in this industry;

If you evaluate these items, then learning will bring the desired result.

Advanced training for a designer engineer is not only a career opportunity, but also a salary opportunity. Where to pass them? What do you teach on the advanced training courses of the designer? Let's find out!

The work of the designer engineer is associated with new technologies, with new discoveries and should always be with advanced views and knowledge. Therefore, engineers-designers pass advanced training courses, training seminars, retraining.

Most often, the training courses for engineers - designers send employees directly from the place of work, specifically selecting the necessary directions in learning. But the design engineers themselves can pass or retraining to find more prestigious work.

Advanced Design Engineer

Designers engineers should undergo mandatory advanced training courses every 5 years.

The constant improvement of the processes of production, the development of new products, innovative implementation requires specialists to be prepared theoretically and practically.

After passing courses, an appropriate document confirming advanced training is issued.

Where to go through advanced training courses engineer-designer?

Constructors engineering courses are held by many educational institutions. Such courses are charged chargeable and can last from 1 to 5 days and cost from 30 to 55 thousand.

If an enterprise sends to improve the skills of a specialist, then it pays training. If the designer engineer passes an increase on his initiative, then you will have to pay.

Educational institutions conducted by advanced training courses Many: Unicos LLC; Russian School of Management, TsNTI "Progress" - Here are just some.

For example, CNTI "Progress" conducts advanced training on a variety of programs. Designer engineers can acquire knowledge of design, familiarize themselves with industrial design. Here you can also increase the knowledge of modeling, familiarize yourself with the new copyright protection regulations.

An important feature for designers is the ability to share experiences with leading technicians - practitioners, as well as colleagues from different regions.

Many courses are remotely held. In this case, it must be borne in mind that for a certain amount will be issued a certificate of courses, and knowledge will have to be obtained. Such courses are suitable if you need to provide a document on advanced training, and not to learn new technologies.

Enhancing engineer-designer category

Courses to enhance the category of industrial design engineers pass from 3 to 6 months. During this time, students study new industrial processes, get acquainted with professional standards and instructions for the development and design of drawings and documentation.

Study of new methods for carrying out technical calculations when designing, applying information technologies, Design preparation of production and many other directions are studied by increasing the category.

Such training costs from 20-25 thousand and after the end of the courses is given a diploma diploma and the category of engineer-designer is increasing.

Advanced training courses for engineers-designers of primary categories

University graduates start labor activity Designer engineer without a category or maximum, 3rd categories. This post is low-paid, salaries from a specialist without a small category, from 20 to 30 thousand rubles.

After 3 years it is possible to increase the 2nd category, and after 3 years of work, you can increase the category by 1st.

The salary level increases with each increase in the category. Here in such cases there are courses to improve their knowledge, the study of new directions, new technologies, introducing new information systems.

Sometimes it is necessary to change the specialization or expand their knowledge and authority, to study a new direction in production, to make modeling, using computer technologies and new programs, then there is also a need to take courses for advanced training and enhance the category of engineer-designer.

No matter what a goal is, the engineer's design profession requires constant knowledge updating, because any technologies are constantly improved, standards are updated, innovative technologies are being introduced, new production processes are being developed.

Therefore, each specialist should be ready for constant self-improvement, to be aware of all new developments, share experiences with leading experts, to study the newest inventions and use them in developments.

In short, receiving new knowledge and advanced training engineer is needed as air, although it requires time for training. But the cost pays for themselves with an increase in the category, and therefore income.

The advanced training program forms an integrated idea of \u200b\u200beffective production management and considers all key issues: from the project to develop new products before debugging business processes. The lecturers of the Russian School of Management will explain how to improve the quality and attractiveness of the product whether it is possible to reduce losses based on "leaning production", how to control the execution of plans and graphs, why there is a refusal of individual process operations. In addition to the theory, practical classes on which students will learn to measure the performance of the process in terms of quality, develop corrective actions and measures to change the operations of the process to reduce the risk of reasons for failures. Included in the price Learning process For whom this course is:

A comprehensive study of the production process makes it possible to allocate problem and promising "points", opportunities for the implementation of hidden potential. Therefore, for highly qualified specialists, full and well-structured learning is important, i.e. The designer must be able to put accurate goals, manage the product creation process and provide its quality. RSO programs give listeners such an opportunity. The audiences do not need to independently determine the spheres in which the designer must improve their qualifications: the courses in Rshu are a ready-made set of techniques and practical tools that makes it to cover the entire sphere.

Advantages of designs for designers
Our seminars are competently structured, provide information in an affordable form. To improve the qualifications of designers, it is important to understand how to apply techniques in your work. In class, students learn to formulate and extend real problems and solve them, pushing out the specific situation. After courses for engineers-designers, the audience will be able to:

  • comprehensively manage product development and life cycle;
  • evaluate the economic efficiency of their decisions;
  • support document flow, including electronic.

The designer is key in creating competitive products. And if the company has a wonderful product, then the success is almost secured. Each industry has a lot of secrets and technical features in its products. But besides this specific, there are a number of general competencies that the skillful designer must have: management of the development and introduction of new products in production, strategic management of the product life cycle, an analysis of economic consequences technical solutions And, in fact, the solution of technical problems (Problem Solving), engineering creativity, rationalization and even invention. This course is intended for designers, designers and developers of manufacturing companies, engineering personnel, technical directors and other participants innovative process manufacturing company.

Deploy the program to collapse the program

Project development of a new product. Improving product quality and processes optimization

  • New Product Development Project
  • The main parameters of the value of the product and their assessment
  • Search for ways to increase product attractiveness
  • Search for directions for the development of new products and non-traditional sales tracks
  • Formation of a unique trading offer (ITP)
  • Methods for generating new ideas
  • Improving product quality
  • Two ways to improve product quality
  • Analysis of deficiencies and setting quality improvement tasks
  • Setting tasks to improve product functionality
  • Optimization of production processes
  • Methods for analyzing costs and setting problems for its reduction
  • Methods for analyzing and solving a production problem
  • Technologies for solving non-standard tasks - from brainstorming to TRIZ
  • Examples of analysis and solutions of real production problems
  • Product Life Cycle
  • Evolution of development technical Systems and setting up the tasks of modernization
  • Trends of the development of modern products. Post-industrial economy

Preventing product development (16: 30-19: 30)

  • The model of leaving the development of new products: 13 principles
  • Product development and evaluation methods:
    • Market analysis
    • Studying customer needs
    • Functional and cost analysis
    • Cost of life cycle
    • Parallel design
    • Agile-design
    • Planning experiments
  • Application of information systems in design
  • Self-assessment of product development system
  • Workshop on the development of new products

Methods to reduce cost and costs. Reduction of losses in production

  • Reducing losses based on "lean production"
  • Methods for reducing the cost of raw materials and materials. Procurement and reserves management
  • Optimization of labor costs. Methods of reducing staff
  • Approaches to optimizing the number of personnel in crisis expectations
  • Integrated Management System based on TQM and LEAN PRODUCTION
  • Increase the efficiency of assets
  • Methods of management TIR

Planning and control of production

  • Definition of the optimal model of the enterprise and the choice of production strategy
  • Planning and Production Management Schemes
  • The structure of the manufacturing enterprise
  • Operational manufacturing planning
  • Control of the execution of plans and graphs of production
  • Dispatch control over production
  • Automation of production planning processes

Business Processes: Diagnostics and Setup

  • Introduction to a process approach that meets the ISO 9001 standard
  • Consumer-oriented processes (COP - Customer Oriented Process)
  • Practice: Customer-oriented Identification (COP - Customer Oriented Process). Figure "Octopus"
  • Quality Management System Processes
  • Process performance
  • Practice: Measuring the performance of the process in terms of quality
  • Practice: Diagram "Turtle"
  • Risk-oriented thinking in the process approach (ISO 9001, p. 6.1)
  • Functions of individual operations, their failures and consequences
  • Practice: Operation → Operation function → Operation failure → Consequences
  • Causes of refusal of individual process operations
  • Practice: Determination of the reasons for the refusal of individual process operations
  • Practice: Determination of a priority risk for the reasons for the refusal of individual process operations
  • Practice: Development of measures to change the operations of the process to reduce the priority risk of reasons for failures
  • Appendix Christmas story about the risks of the process manufacturing stools

The practice of introducing a process approach and international standards

  • Practice: Analysis of the main terminology of ISO 9000 in the field of corrective actions
  • Operating strategy "Solving Process Problems". Cycle of Deming PDCA and the Cycle of Ford "8D"
  • Practice: Development of corrective actions (PDCA cycle)
  • Practice: Analysis of the field of forces (factors) of driving and restraining the implementation of the problem of solving problems
  • Practice: Selection of an operating strategy process
  • The sequence of the implementation of the quality management system that meets the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015
  • Appendix 1 Measuring Process Performance
  • Appendix 2 Documentation of processes. A brief overview of the methods of standardization (regulatory) of processes

Engineer is a very complex and demanded profession, which requires long and intensive learning in the highest educational institutions. Not everyone may become an engineer. The position of engineer provides permanent calculations, calculations, work on the drawings. And also, it requires constant updating knowledge. Now, when technical progress moves very quickly, large-scale scientific developmentIt is very important to follow the innovations in order to introduce them to work, improving the quality of production.

From the person himself, who decided to become an engineer, requires such qualities as the ability to analytically and logically, responsibility, punctuality, attentiveness, the ability to respond quickly and make sure solutions.

At any time a good engineer for gold weight. Many who of them after completing their career goes to work as a teacher in universities, teaching new, even the best, young engineers. Some experts who gave all their lives to this case make their own methodical manuals For universities, on which not one generation of engineers is studying.

Engineers' training courses

Most often, refresher courses for engineers are sent from work. But there are those who go to such courses on their own call of the heart, seeking to get new knowledge. Cost of courses and their duration depends on technical Direction Specialist, intensity of training, the volume of the material under study, and the city in which these courses act. As a rule, in major cities Courses are a bit more expensive.

Engineers must pass courses every five years, it is definitely. The training program usually includes such disciplines as the basics of labor protection, work with the team, the development of new production products, manufacturing economy, improvement of processes in production, the latest innovative implementation, repair and technical services.

Engineers are one of the most sought-after professions, which requires a diligent learning in universities. Work engineer provides permanent knowledge updates. Every 5 years, engineers should undergo advanced training. Improving the qualifications of the main engineers should only carry out those training centers that have everything required documents, act legally.

How to get a qualification certificate?

For certification required:

1. Fill out the application form indicating the requisites of the organization;
2. Email an application with copies of diplomas of all employees who will be trained in our institute;
3. Get a bill from us for payment and compiled Agreement;
4. Pay short-term courses;
5. Get a document

When designing at the same time
from 5 sets of CPC!

Why choose us?

Terms of registration - 2 business days. (acceleration possible)

Certificate validity period - 5 years

Form of study: remote.

Training prices:

72 hours - 3490
104 hours - 3790
150 hours - 3950

Our licenses

Name of an additional professional educational programProgram codeClockNote price
1. Engineering surveys for construction (by type of engineering surveys)I-01.72 3490
2. Engineering surveys for the design and construction of specially dangerous, technically complex and unique objectsI-01/1 (O)104 3790
3. Engineering activities, including especially dangerous, technically complex and unique objectsI-01/2 (O)104 3790
4. Organization and management of engineering surveys, including especially dangerous, technically complex and unique objectsI-01/3 (O)104 3790
5. Engineering research activities for the construction of buildings and structures, including at the use of atomic energyI-01/1 (a)150 3950
6. Works in engineering and geodesic surveysI-02.72 3490
7. Engineering and geodesic surveys, topographic activities, including especially dangerous, technically complex and unique objectsI-02/1 (O)104 3790
8. Engineering and geodesic surveys, including especially dangerous, technically complex and unique objectsI-02/2 (O)104 3790
9. Works in the composition of engineering and geological surveysAnd-03.72 3490
10. Engineering and geological surveys, including especially dangerous, technically complex and unique objectsI-03 / (O)104 3790
11. The primer testing laboratory for engineering and geological surveys: organization of activity, Test Methods, Modern EquipmentI-03/172 3490
12. Mining mining, search and exploration of mineralsAnd-03/272 3490
13. Survey of the state of soils of the foundation of buildings and structuresI-03/372 3490
14. Works in engineering and hydrometeorological surveysAnd-04.72 3490
15. Works in engineering and ecological surveysAnd-0572 3490
16. Engineering and environmental surveys, including especially dangerous, technically complex and unique objectsAnd-05/1 (o)104 3790
17. Works in engineering and geotechnical surveysI-06.72 3490
18. Engineering and geotechnical surveys, including especially dangerous, technically complex and unique objectsI-06/1 (O)104 3790

Improving the qualifications of engineers is carried out in our company best specialists. Each our specialist has extensive experience and high qualifications. We propose to go through the advanced training of engineers in the company GK "Yurgongress" at the lowest prices in Russian Federation. The issue of training its employees appears in each company. The desire to bring something new and get new customers and profits appears in each company. You can bring this desire to life only after learning your specialists. Improving engineers' qualifications we will spend on high levelAs a result, you will receive highly qualified specialists who will bring your company positive feedback, which in turn will lead you new customers.

Improving engineers' qualifications is what we know best.

Group of Companies "YURKONGRESS" Qualitatively and on time organizes an increase in the qualifications of engineers (remotely). We work throughout the Russian Federation. Improving engineers' qualifications at the highest level at low price.

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