The script of the literary composition for May 9. Literary living room dedicated to Victory Day

Event progress

The melody "Farewell of the Slav" sounds

Host: Good afternoon, dear viewers! Today, on the eve of the Victory Day celebrations, we remember those who fought, who wrote about the war, who died in the name of peace and freedom.

Host: Although more than half a century has passed since the Victory Day, but time has no power over the memory of people of different generations. The feat of the soldiers and the feat of the working people who forged victory in the rear will never fade. Remain in the ranks and poems of that time, and works, and songs that inspired the soul of a soldier during the war years. And it could not be otherwise. Literature is not only a mirror of life, it is life itself.
So let's touch our hearts today to the exploits of our soldiers!

Presenter: The lightest, most summer day of the year,

Longest day of the twenty-second.

Children slept, apples ripened in the garden ...

We remember, we remember it again!

Host: We remember this night and at this hour

The explosion that the sun extinguished in a pitch rumble,

Through inept bandages oozing,

The blood of the people turned red that June.

2 SLIDE CLICK Did you promise us to die, Motherland?

CLICK Leading Life promised, love promised, Motherland!

CLICK Host Are children born for death, Motherland?

CLICK Host Did you want our death, Motherland?

CLICK The presenter Tycho said: "Get up to the rescue ... Motherland"

Participants enter the stage. They stand with their backs to the audience, remaining invisible until the first words. In words, they alternately unfold with lit candles.


1. I wanted to live, study, a little more and I would become a doctor ...

2. There was no primary school teacher in our village, and I dreamed of becoming one ...

3. I was preparing to become a father. “There will be a son,” I said to Svetlana, and she laughed and answered: “Aha, son with pigtails” ...

4. I was building a house. Its own, solid, log, with patterned shutters, with windows overlooking the river ...

- We who died on the battlefields ...

- We, tortured in concentration camps ...

- We, who died in the occupation ...

- We who died of hunger ...

They did not study and were not finished. We didn’t hear the long-awaited words: “Mom, Dad”.

The reason for this was ... WAR! And it began like this ...

Ved .: This day began not with a quiet dawn, but with the roar of bombs, the whistle of bullets and the grinding of steel. June 22, 1941. War. On this day, the writers of Moscow gathered, as if on a military alert, for a rally.

Presenter: The war rushed over the ground

It was like fire on the ground

Soaked the earth with blood,

And molten metal

Spilled three meters.

Host: Our mothers cry, and our peers are silently sad.

We didn’t know love, we didn’t taste the happiness of crafts,

We got the hard fate of soldiers for a long time.

Sasha and Vika come out.

Melody "Where the Motherland Begins"

The girl reads a verse. "Goodbye, boys" B. Okudzhava

Oh, war, what have you done, mean:
our courtyards became quiet,
our boys raised their heads -
they have matured for the time being,
barely looming on the doorstep
and they left, after the soldier - the soldier ...
Goodbye boys!
try to go back.
No, don't hide you, be high
spare no bullets or grenades
and do not spare yourself,
And still
try to go back.

Ah, war, what did you mean, you mean:
instead of weddings - parting and smoke,
our girls dresses are white
gave them to their sisters.
Boots - well, where can you go from them?
Yes, green wings epaulettes ...
Don't give a damn about gossips, girls.
We'll settle scores with them later.
Let them talk that you have nothing to believe in,
that you are going to war at random ...
Goodbye girls!
try to go back.

The guy reads a verse. "Wait for me" K. Simonov)

Wait for me and I will come back.
Just wait really hard
Wait for the sadness
Yellow rains
Wait for the snow to sweep
Wait when it's hot
Wait when others are not expected
Forgetting yesterday.
Wait when from distant places
Letters will not come
Wait until you get bored
To everyone who is waiting together.

Wait for me and I will come back,
Do not wish good
To everyone who knows by heart
It's time to forget.
Let the son and mother believe
That there is no me
Let friends get tired of waiting
Sit by the fire
Drink bitter wine
In commemoration of the soul ...
Wait. And with them at the same time
Don't rush to drink.

Wait for me and I will come back,
To spite all deaths.
Who did not wait for me, let him
He will say: - Lucky. -
Do not understand those who did not wait for them,
As among the fire
By their expectation
You saved me.
How I survived, we will know
Only you and me, -
You just knew how to wait
Like no one else.

Host: The Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany was sacred, liberating, nationwide. The victory was brought closer not only by men. Delicate, fragile girls and women also took on the brunt of the war. Women knew how not only to wait, but also to stand at the bench, raise children, and fight.

6 SLIDE Host: They say: “The war does not have a woman’s face,” but women went to the front. They helped the wounded, brought shells, they were snipers, pilots ... They were soldiers. Veronika Tushnova became a nurse CLICK

Their word was also a weapon. Anna Akhmatova CLICK, Olga Berggolts CLICK... They knew their poems, waited ...
(Reading by heart the poem by O. Berggolts "I have never been a hero"

I've never been a hero.
She did not yearn for fame or reward.
Breathing in one breath with Leningrad,
i was not a hero, but I lived.

And I do not boast that in the days of the blockade
did not change the joy of the earth,
that, like dew, this joy shone,
sullenly illumined by the war.

And if I can be proud of anything,
then, like all my friends around,
i am proud that I can still work,
without folding your weakened hands.
I am proud that these days, more than ever,
we knew the inspiration of labor.

In the mud, in the darkness, in hunger, in sorrow,
where death, like a shadow, trailed at his heels,
we used to be so happy
breathed such stormy freedom,
that the grandchildren would envy us.

Oh yes, we discovered terrible happiness, -
not yet praised with dignity,
when they shared the last crust,
with the last pinch of tobacco
when they had midnight conversations
by the poor and smoky fire,
how will we live when victory comes,
appreciating our whole life in a new way.

And you, my friend, even in the years of peace,
how will you remember the midday of your life
house on Krasnykh Komandirov Avenue,
where the fire smoldered and blew from the window.
You will straighten up again, as you are today, young.
Rejoicing, crying, the heart will call

Long live, may reign always
simple human joy,
the basis of defense and labor,
immortality and power of Leningrad.
Long live the harsh and calm,
looking death right in the face,
choking ring
as a man,
as a Worker,
like a Warrior.

My sister, comrade, friend and brother:
after all, it is we, baptized by the blockade.
We are collectively called Leningrad;
and the globe is proud of Leningrad.

We are living a double life now:
in a ring and cold, in hunger, in sorrow
we breathe tomorrow -
happy, generous day.
We have already conquered this day-

And whether it will be night, morning or evening,
but on this day we'll get up and go
warrior-army towards
in his liberated city.
We'll go out without flowers
in dented helmets,
in heavy quilted jackets,
in frozen half masks,

as equals - welcoming the troops.
And, spreading his xiphoid wings,
bronze glory will rise above us,
holding a wreath in charred hands.

Leading: 6 SLIDE Yulia Vladimirovna Drunina. A girl from an intelligent Moscow teaching family, she wrote poetry since childhood.

Slide (photo, words)

The student comes out (Julia Drunina):

At the age of 17, I volunteered for the front right from school, worked as a nurse in a hospital. Then he became a medical instructor in an infantry battalion. She fought in the infantry, in the artillery. She was wounded and awarded the medal "For Courage" and the Order of the Red Banner. In 1944, I was demobilized for disability after another shell shock.

Although I have been writing since childhood, I felt like a poet in 1944. The first collection of poems was published in 1945 in the Znamya magazine, of course, the poems were about the war.

(Poem by Yu Drunina "I Didn't Cry")

Ah, Lidochki, Nastenka, Tanya,
Radiance of trusting eyes!
Where from in the hours of testing
What if the strength comes from you?

I want so much happiness and peace!
But if ... we are not the first time ...
The commander's widow fell
To his field tablet.

I fell down, bit my lip,
But you can't cry - guys ...
- What is your name? Maybe Russia?
- I am Lida. So they call me.

Through difficult tears, sternly
Full of love and anger
Widows smile to the widow
Great holy war ...

(The poem "Zinka" by Y. Drunina is recited by heart by roles)

2 girls

In memory of fellow soldier - Hero of the Soviet Union Zina Samsonova.

1. We lay down by the broken spruce,

We are waiting for when it starts to brighten.

It's warmer under the greatcoat

On chilled, damp ground.

You know, Yulka, I'm against sadness,

But today it doesn't count.

Somewhere in the apple backwoods

Mom, my mom lives.

Do you have friends, darling,

I only have one.

Spring is raging beyond the threshold.

It seems old: every bush

A restless daughter is waiting.

You know, Yulka, I'm against sadness,

But today she doesn't count ...

We barely got warm

Suddenly an unexpected order: "Forward!"

Again next to me in a damp overcoat

The light-haired soldier walks.

2.It got bitter every day,

They walked without rallies and banners.

Surrounded by Orsha

Our battered battalion.

Zinka led us to the attack,

We made our way through black rye

On funnels and gullies,

Through mortal lines

We didn't expect posthumous glory

We wanted to live with glory.

Why in bloody bandages

Is the light-haired soldier lying?

Her body with her greatcoat

I covered, clenching my teeth,

Belarusian winds sang

About Ryazan wilderness gardens.

3. - You know, Zinka, I am against sadness,

But today it doesn't count.

Somewhere in the apple backwoods

Mom, your mom lives.

I have friends, darling

She had you alone.

Smells in the hut of sourdough and smoke,

Spring is raging beyond the threshold.

And the old lady in the colorful dress

I lit a candle near the icon.

I don't know how to write to her,

So that she does not wait for you ...

Host: It's not a woman's business to kill, but then, in 1941, very young girls went to the front, by hook or by crook besieging the military enlistment offices, adding a year or two to themselves, rushing to the front line. Boris Lvovich Vasiliev wrote about such girls 8 SLIDE

Student comes out (B. Vasiliev):

I was born in Smolensk into a family of military personnel. He was not going to be a military man, he dreamed of becoming a historian, but the war crossed everything out. On July 8, 1941, I, a ninth-grader volunteer, arrived at the front as part of a fighter battalion. He took part in the battles for his native Smolensk, near Vyazma. After the war, he began to professionally study literature. The stories "Encounter Battle", "Tomorrow Was the War" were written, and the first story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" immediately received recognition from readers.

Scene from the novel by B. Vasiliev "The Dawns Here Are Quiet".

Kiryanova spoke briefly: she said two times "I listen" and five times she assented. Sergeant Major:

Build people.

Completed, Comrade Chief.

Build, there is nothing to say. One has hair, like a mane, to the waist, the other has some papers in his head. Warriors! Scale the forest with such, catch the Germans with machine guns! And they, by the way, have some birthmarks, sample 1891 fraction of the 30th year ...

At ease!

Zhenya, Galya, Liza ... The foreman frowned:

Wait, Osyanina! We are going to fish for the Germans - not fish. So that at least they knew how to shoot, or something ...

They know how.

Vaskov wanted to give up, but caught himself:

Yes, here's another. Maybe someone knows German?

I know.

What am I? What am I? It is necessary to report!

Fighter Gurvich.

Oh-ho-ho! How do they say - hands up?

Hyundai hoh.

Exactly, - the foreman waved his hand. - Come on, Gurvich ...

These five lined up. Serious, like children, but there seems to be no fear yet.

We go for two days, so we must count. Take dry rations, cartridges ... five clips each. Refuel ... Well, eat, then, is dense. Shoe like a human being, put yourself in order, get ready. For everything - forty minutes.

The rest of the time the foreman devoted to a small lecture, which, in his opinion, introduced the fighters to the course of the matter:

Do not be afraid of the enemy. He is walking along our rear, which means he is afraid himself. But don't let him get close, because the enemy is still a healthy man and is armed specially for close combat. If it really happens that he is next to him, then you better hide. Just don’t run, God forbid: it’s a pleasure to hit someone running from a machine gun. Walk only in twos. Do not lag behind and do not talk on the way. If the road comes across, how should you proceed?

We know, - said the redhead. “One is on the right, the other is on the left.

Secretly, - said Fedot Evgrafych. - The order of movement will be as follows: in front - a head patrol as part of a junior sergeant with a soldier. Then a hundred meters away - the main core: I ... - he looked around his squad, - with an interpreter. The last pair is a hundred meters behind us. Walk, of course, not close, but at a distance of visibility. If an enemy is detected or something incomprehensible ... Who can scream like an animal or like a bird there?

They giggled, fools ...

I'm asking seriously! In the forest, you cannot give signals with your voice: the German also has ears. They fell silent.

I can, - Gurvich said timidly. - According to the donkey: and-a, and-a!

Donkeys are not found here, - the foreman remarked with displeasure. - Okay, let's quack study. Like ducks.

He showed it, and they laughed. What they suddenly became amused, Vaskov did not understand, but he himself could not help smiling.

Host: Yuri Vasilievich Bondarev. In June 1941, Yura Bondarev was a little over 17 years old. Like all peers, he was eager to go to the front.

Slide (photo)

A student comes out (Yu. Bondarev):

I completed a crash course at an artillery school and already in 1942 fought at Stalingrad.

The novel Hot Snow, written in 1969, is just about these events: about the battles on the outskirts of Stalingrad artillery battery. Based on this novel, a feature film was shot under the same name. In 1945, after another wound, I was demobilized. In my book Moments, I wrote: “The war has already become history. But is it? For me, one thing is clear: the main participants in history are people and time. Not forgetting time means not forgetting people, not forgetting people - it means not forgetting time. To be historical is to be modern. "

(Watching an excerpt from the movie "Battalions Ask for Fire")

Host: Viktor Petrovich Astafiev is a Siberian. Orphanage. In 1942 he volunteered for the front.

Slide (photo)

Pupil (Astafiev):

I fought in the artillery, was a signalman, a driver, an artillery reconnaissance officer. Participated in battles on Kursk Bulge, liberated Ukraine, Poland, was seriously wounded, shell-shocked, demobilized in 1945. I always felt guilty towards those who did not live, did not love. He told his truth about the war in the stories: "The Merry Soldier", "So I Want to Live", in the terrible monumental novel "Cursed and Killed".

Host: V.P. Astafyev wrote not about the immortal nation-victor, but about an "ordinary" man in war, who retains kindness and love in himself in the hellish conditions of the monstrous, incinerating element of war.

Host: They are. Young soldiers, carried on their shoulders the main hardships of the war. Such as the simple Russian soldier Vasily Terkin - the hero of Tvardovsky's poem.

(Vasily Terkin enters the stage)

Terkin: Here I came from the station

To his native village council.

I came, and here is a party.

No partying? Okay. not,

I'm on another collective farm, and on the third

All the districts in sight

Somewhere in this world

I'll get to the party.

Host: And love in war? In war, feelings were even sharper, more piercing, because the soldier never knew how long his happiness would last.

Host: I don't know which outpost

Suddenly I will be silent in tomorrow's battle,

Dying, I will remember again

The girl I love

The one that did not have time to kiss.

Host: Many modern poets write about war. Among them is Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky. He was a child when the war began. He grew up in a military family, and therefore knew a lot about the war. Vysotsky carried the theme of war throughout his life.

Host: Vladimir Vysotsky himself explained it this way: “... why do I have a lot of war songs? Why do I turn to so often military theme? .. First of all, we must not forget about it. War will always excite - it's like this a great victorythat covered our land for four years. Secondly, I have a military family ... "

Host: “Vysotsky's songs about the war are, first of all, songs of very real people ... Strong, tired, courageous, kind. Such people can be entrusted with their own lives and the Motherland. Such will not fail. This is how the most significant, the highest concepts pass from parents to children ... ”(R. Rozhdestvensky)

Ved. CLICK Vsevolod Bagritsky - died at the age of 19 near Leningrad, writing down the story of a political instructor.

CLICK Pavel Kogan - died at 23 near Novorossiysk, heading a reconnaissance group.

CLICK Nikolai Mayorov - killed in a battle in the Smolensk region at the age of 23

CLICK Mikhail Kulchitsky - died at 23 at Stalingrad.

CLICK Semyon Gudzenko - died of wounds.

Host: Human memory. Time has no power over her. And no matter how many years and decades have passed, the people of the Earth will return to our Victory again and again.


(The song "Cranes" sounds, slides of the heroes of the Soviet Union of the Mishkinsky region)

Host: We remember you, soldiers

Even if not all names are known,

But the wars of that cruel clamor

Will not stop at all times.

Host: Having drunk the cup of suffering all the way down,

You passed away young

But in our memory at all times

Stay alive forever.

Host: No, time has no power over us

He cannot kill our grief.

We wash your ashes with tears

Learning to be grateful.

Host: Literature about the war is a tribute to the memory of the feat of the Russian people, the feat of the Russian soldier. We must pass on this baton of memory to the next generations.

(The poem is read by a 3rd grade student "I draw people")

I paint people

I paint the grass

I paint everything

What's around in reality.

I paint at home

And gardens on the moon.

I paint everything

What will I see in a dream.

I do not want to paint

Explosions from bombs.

Don't cry

Nobody in my picture.

We will not let our planet be offended.

"Yes!"- blooming gardens

“No!” - we say to the war.

Final song "Hello, world" (music by L. Quint, lyrics by V. Kostrov)

Literary-musical composition script

"And tomorrow there was a war ..."


Participants of the scene "Brother and Sister"

Participants of the scene "PHOTO"


The whole globe under our feet.

I live. I breathe. I sing.

But in my memory is always with me

Those killed in action.

Let me not name all the names,

There are no blood relatives.

Is this why I live

That they died?

(S.P. Shchipachev)

A minute of silence. Metronome.

Young man:

Or maybe there was no war ...

And people dreamed all this:

Wasted land

Executions and concentration camps,

Khatyn and mass graves?


Or maybe there was no war

And the children did not sleep at the machines,

And women in ruined villages

Did not suffocate in the fields,

Laying your shoulder on the chilly wind?

(A. Rosenbaum)

Young man:

Or maybe there was no war?

And "Schmeiser" is a children's toy.

Diary of blood-soaked wounds

Was not written by Anne Frank,

Berlin did not hear the thunder of the cannons?

(A. Rosenbaum)


Or maybe there was no war

And the world invented it for itself?

“But why old people.

So they cry in May from longing? "

One night I thought.

(A. Rosenbaum)


... Or maybe there was no war.

And people dreamed all this? ..

(A. Rosenbaum)

Young man:

Then they did not know yet

Walking from school evenings,

That tomorrow will be the first day of war

And it will end only at 45, in May


Characters: Natka. Andrei. Natka's younger brother.

Andrei. - So that is all! School is behind. A carefree childhood is behind!

Yes! Ahead is the road to a happy future !!!

Natka. - What will you do in this happy future?

I want to become a teacher! Geography teacher! I will show my students our country, so great, so beautiful, so wonderful !!!

Andrei. - Mother comes tired from work, I want to make her work easier. My dream is to come up with a machine that would free the hands of a person in factories and factories and would do any work by itself.

You know, Natka, only 3-4 years will pass, and we will become completely different. We will be able to prove the greatness of our country by our very real deeds. Our parents, teachers, classmates will be proud of us ...

(Natka's younger brother appears)

Natka, Natka !!!

Fought in the yard again?

Aha! Only I didn't cry!

I will grow up and learn to be a sailor.

I already swam in the bath!

God, what an arrow!

My strength is no more!

Natka, when will I grow up?

Grow up, eat cutlets!

Natka, shall we buy a live horse?

A horse? But why is this being done?

Natka, will they accept me as a pilot?

Accept where will they go?

You are from everyone, Satan,

You can shake your soul out!

Natka, it's true that there will be a war.

And I won't have time to grow up?

There is a message from the Soviet Information Bureau about the beginning of the war

Song. "June 22, exactly at 4 o'clock" (music by E. Petersburgsky)

June 22nd,

At exactly four o'clock.

Kiev was bombed, we were told

That the war has begun.

The war began at dawn

To kill more people.

Parents slept, their children slept

When they began to bomb Kiev.


Forties, fatal.

Lead, powder ...

War walks across Russia

And we are so young !!!

"PHOTO": characters: Girl. Andrei. Nata. Irina. Lara.

Girl. On the wall, the photo is gathering dust.

And every day at dawn

I look at young faces ...

We lived in the same yard

Studied at one tenth,

Always like one family.

We were like that once ...

And in the center, imagine me

(sits on a chair) (foxtrot in the background)

Andrey was our support.

(Andrei comes out, stands behind the back of the chair)

He defended our entire class

Loved to argue

And he played the guitar.

Natka is the soul of the company ...

(Nata appears, stands next to Andrey, they smile at each other)

And in school affairs a master.

It used to be that on dates

I didn't have time in any way.

They were called "groom" and "bride".

They weren't embarrassed, no.

Love - everyone knows this -

Knows no barriers and years.

Lara and Irina are friends ...

(Holding hands, Lara and Irina appear. One stands next to Nata, the other near a chair)

Together, everywhere and always.

Cheerful two giggles

And do not spill water.

And this is our athlete Kolya!

(Kolya crouches near a chair, in front of Andrey. It turns out a "photograph")

Kolay is proud of the house!

All thoughts of football

Well, study - later.

(Music sounds loudly. Freeze frame "photography" comes to life, the guys take turns to come to the fore and pronounce the text)

Andrei. That's how we lived then.

The exams were coming to an end

Kolya. The girls sewed dresses

So that everyone is to face.

Nata. The prom was funny then!

Dancing and a night without sleep.

(Foxtrot sounds loud and cuts off abruptly)

Lara. We managed to finish school

When the war started.

(The march sounds loud, then it gets quieter)

Irina. (Against the background of music)

We stood stunned

And they could not move ...

Girl. And as if spellbound

Weaved our hands

(Everyone on stage joins hands)

Andrei. We did not sleep all night until morning,

Staring into the horizon.

Girl. And the lips themselves whispered ...

All. To the front! To the front! To the front!

(March sounds loudly, then becomes background)

Kolya. And the war scattered us!

(The line breaks up amicably; everyone changes places at the same time, only the girl remains in place - in the center)

All on different fronts!

Girl. Who was there knows a lot

It fell to us.

The bitterness of smoky dawns

Absorbed in each of us ...

(Music breaks off. Pause.)

Not! I don’t want about it!

There will be a story about the future!

(A foxtrot sounds. From different ends of the stage Andrei and Nata walk towards each other, meet in the proscenium to the left of the girl.)

Nata. How long have we been about each other

They did not know: how, what and where ...

Andrei.To the long songs of the blizzard

I was thinking about you

We met in 1943

As you can see - forever! (Hugs Nata by the shoulders)

Nata. Happiest couple in the world

It was never!

(Lara and Irina enter the stage, stand to the right of the girl)

Irina. We were nurses in the company ...

Lara. And even though they burned in hell.

To this terrible job

We got used to battles, on the go.

Irina. And after the victory song

Realized a dream:

We studied, worked together ...

Lara and Irina. Graduated from the medical institute!

Kolya. (Stands next to Lara and Irina)

Endless distances burned

And the heart flew at a gallop!

We trampled on fascist helmets.

Not a soccer ball!

After the war, playing out of town,

I've always been accurate

And I dedicated every goal

The girls of the tenth "A".

Girl. Believe me, that's how it was!

And everyone was happy!

And the birds swam across the sky

And the stars were bathed in dew!

I know. All so it was used

(Foxtrot sounds loudly, ends abruptly)

If not for the war ...

Larka was the first to die.

She lies under Lvov.

(Lara goes deep into the stage, stands with her back to the audience)

Irina with Natka a little later ...

(Irina and Natka stand next to Lara.)

Then the guys were gone ...

I don't even know god

Where do they all lie ...

(The girl goes to the left half of the proscenium so as not to obstruct the guys who are standing with their backs to the audience)

On the wall, the photo is gathering dust.

And every day at dawn

I look at young faces ...

We lived in the same yard.

This is how we were once -

The last tenth grade ...

Forgive me guys

I live alone ... for you

The song "For that guy" is played

The guys stand without moving, then quickly go in different directions.


1. On the first day of the war, they were 17 - 20 years old. Of every 100 children of this age who went to the front, 97 did not return. 97 out of 100!

Here it is, the war!

2 war is 900 days and nights besieged Leningrad... This is 125 grams of bread per day. These are tons of bombs and shells falling on civilians.

3. War is 20 hours at the bench a day. This is a crop grown on sweat-salty soil. These are bloody calluses on the palms of boys and girls like you.

3. War - this is 1725 destroyed and burned cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages and villages in our country.

4. War is 32 thousand blown up factories and 65 thousand kilometers of railways.

5. War is 27 million dead

6. No, the exploits of the soldiers are not forgotten,

Their military work and courage are praised.

And may we honor many different dates,

There is no grander than Victory Day!

7. We need peace to build cities,

Plant trees and work in the field.

All people of goodwill want him,

We need peace forever, forever!

Closing song "Do the Russians Want War" (music: E. Kolmanovsky, lyrics: E. Yevtushenko)

Literary and musical composition "Our most important holiday is Victory Day." Scenario Primary School

Sibileva Olga Nikolaevna, primary school teacher of the Chuevo-Podgorny branch of the MBOU Moiseevo-Alabushskaya school of the Uvarovsky district of the Tambov region
Description: the event is dedicated to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War and is intended for children 7-10 years old. This development can be used by primary school teachers, counselors and organizers extracurricular activities... Such a scenario requires preliminary preparation, since younger students still have little understanding of the Second World War. In addition, you can and should use a presentation and a projector: they will help to brightly and clearly illustrate the pages of the history of our country.
Purpose: the formation of patriotic feelings through the historical and
the heroic past of our Motherland during the Great Patriotic War

expand and deepen children's understanding of the Great Patriotic War;
foster respect for the heroic past of the country;
to form a positive assessment of such moral qualities as self-sacrifice, heroism, patriotism;
to form in students a sense of pride in the heroic past of their homeland;
to develop citizenship and national identity of students.
Registration: the hall is decorated with flowers, colorful balloons, drawings for Victory Day, wall newspapers with stories about fellow countrymen and relatives who fought during the Second World War; in the center - St. George's ribbon with the inscription "May 9 - Victory Day"
Equipment: computer (laptop), projector, presentation on the theme of the event, recordings of songs "Holy War" (music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach), "Victory Day" (music by David Tukhmanov, lyrics by V. Kharitonov) , minuses to the songs "Little Blue Modest Handkerchief" (music by G. Petersburg, lyrics by Y. Galitsky), "Do the Russians Want Wars" (music by E. Kolmanovsky, lyrics by E. Yevtushenko), "Cranes" (music by Yana Frenkel, lyrics by R. Gamzatov), \u200b\u200b"Immortal Regiment" (author - Vl. Slepak).
Preliminary preparation:
1. Conduct a cycle class hoursintroducing junior schoolchildren with the history of our country during the Second World War.
1. If possible, go on excursions to local museums.
2. Design wall newspapers in which to place stories about veterans.
3. Write essays "War in the history of my family"
4. Conduct a drawing competition by May 9th.
5. Learn songs, poems.
6. Decorate the hall by decorating it with posters and flowers.

Event progress

Lead 1. Today we have an unusual day - we are on the verge of the greatest holiday - Victory Day over Nazi Germany. For 73 years our country has not seen the horrors of war. For 73 years, our country did not flinch from the explosions of shells, but in this bright strip of peaceful life there were and still are black years of war in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Syria, where our guys died and are dying.

(slide "Our most important holiday is Victory Day")

Lead 2. We were born in peacetime, so we never heard the howling of sirens announcing the alarm, did not see houses destroyed by bombs, we don’t know what a ration of Leningrad bread is. It is difficult for us to understand that it is possible to simply shoot or burn dozens or even hundreds of people at once. Movies tell us about all this and works of art... For us, war is already history.

Lead 1. For four long years, 1418 days, the bloodiest and most terrible war in the history of mankind was waged on our land. On June 22, 1941, at 3 hours 15 minutes in the morning, German troops crossed the border of the Soviet Union.
This is how the Great Patriotic War began.

The song of V. Lebedev-Kumach "The Holy War" is played (verse 1)

(slide "The Motherland Calls")

Lead 2. Each German officer had a little book with him containing "12 commandments in dealing with Russians", which, in particular, said: "You must realize that you are a representative of great Germany. In the interests of the German people, you must use the cruellest and most ruthless measures. Kill every Russian. Do not stop if you have an old person, a woman, a boy or a girl in front of you. "

Lead 2. The Nazis turned our cities and villages into ruins, mocked the civilian population, our prisoners of war, carried out medical experiments on Soviet people, starved them, and burned them in crematoria.

(slide "Shots of the times of the war")

Lead 1. These ominous deeds of the Nazis provoked powerful resistance from our people. The whole country has become a single military camp. In order not to end up in fascist slavery, for the sake of saving the Motherland, our people entered into a fierce battle with enemies.
Both old and young went to the front.
568 people went to the front from our village, 316 did not return from the war.

Dance to the melody "Little Blue Modest Handkerchief"

4 students come out.

Reader 1
And from sea to sea
The Russian regiments stood up.
We got up with the Russians united
Belarusians, Latvians,
People of free Ukraine,
Both Armenians and Georgians,
Moldovans, Chuvash -
All Soviet peoples
Against a common enemy
All who love freedom
And Russia is expensive!

Reader 2
Days passed and weeks
The war was not the first year.
Proved itself in practice
Our heroic people.

Reader 3
You won't even tell in a fairy tale
Not with words, not with a pen,
How helmets flew from enemies
Near Moscow and near Orel.
S.V. Mikhalkov. We said no to the fascists (true story for children)

Reader 4
Tankers went to the enemy -
For the Motherland!
Ships went into battle -
For the Motherland!
Airplanes soared into the sky -
For the Motherland!
S. Baruzdin. A soldier walked down the street

Lead 2. The road to Victory was difficult and long. Fierce battles were fought near Moscow and Leningrad, near Brest and Stalingrad, in the Caucasus and near Kursk, Odessa, Sevastopol and Kiev.
In the war, people not only fought, they continued to live in the war ... They remembered their home, their mother, wrote letters ...

(slide "In minutes of respite")

Scene "Dugout"

Reader 5
Hello mother!
I miss you! I want to snuggle
and laugh.
I want to eat ... homemade cabbage soup,
drive pigeons across the rooftops!
... how is dad at the hospital?
Tomorrow I'm on the reconnaissance
behind enemy lines.
Do not be afraid.
I'm not scared at all.
I love your eyes...
Remember the warm
sweater ... blue?
You please
darn ...
Mother! I'll be back,
and you and me
let's go for a walk around Leningrad again.

All by cars! To battle!
Natalie Talisman. Field mail, May 1944 ... excerpt from my uncle's letter.

Lead 1. A month later, this soldier was killed at the front in one of the battles. And he was only 19 years old. This letter was passed on by his own friends, fellow soldiers.

Lead 2. People died, but they believed in Victory and brought it closer, mastering new military professions. Rocketeers, signalmen, aviators, tankers - not all to list.

(slide "Photos of soldiers")

Reader 6

The sun is shining, the waves are splashing
Lighthouses lit up
Day and night stand guard
Chernomorets sailors.

The dance "Yablochko" (music by R. Glier) is being performed.

Reader 7
And to become a soldier
There's a lot to learn
Be agile and skillful
Very dexterous, strong, courageous.

The poem "Spore" is staged in costumes.

Once (there was this in the Enskoy unit)
We met at the training ground
Heavy tank
And their fighting brother -
Soldier machine gun.
They agreed and started a dispute:
Who is more important at the front these days?
The rocket modestly declared: “Friends!
I'm not going to praise myself,
However, the light interprets about me:
"There is no weapon stronger than a rocket!"
- Yes it is, -
Tank noticed with a bass, -
But about me
And about my armor
It was not for nothing that they composed songs during the war.
Even now, I will tell you without embellishment,
At the front, he would be more important than you.
- You are strong, brothers, I am glad of this, -
Automaton said with a smile, -
But suddenly, imagine, melee will break out
Anyone would have appreciated me then!
Perhaps this dispute would have continued
And still,
When would not come to our heroes
Excellent soldier - Mikhail Cherkashin.
He listened to the heated skirmish
And shook his head: “I am sorry that often
You cannot understand a simple truth.
Here you spoke of your strength,
And then they forgot
That all of you - this must be firmly remembered -
Powerless without a skilled soldier. "

Lead 1. A song was going along with the soldiers along the road of war. The song saw off the military trains, visited the wounded in hospitals, was with the soldiers on the front line, in the difficult days of attacks and retreats, warmed the soul in rare moments of calm. The song supported the spirit of the fighter, his great faith in victory.

Reader 8
I would start my story with a song
With that simple, intimate song
That, as a symbol of joy, rushed
Over Warsaw, Budapest, Vienna ...
On foot and in a truck
On a hot day and winter powder
We wore it in a duffel bag
The lightest precious burden ...
In the hour of calm, you will sit down, you will sing,
And the soldiers will pull up cheerfully.

The song "Three Tankmen" is sung by boys (remade for children

Lead 2... While the front was living with the idea of \u200b\u200bquickly expelling the fascists from their native land, the rear was guided by the state slogan "Everything for the front" and the unabated thought "It is even more difficult at the front."
And this sleepless front needed a lot: weapons, ammunition, medicines, clothing, food. The country worked with inhuman tension. Of course, men, specialists who were given armor, worked at aviation, tank and other defense factories. But most of the men in the city, and especially in the village, replaced their wives, sisters, and daughters.

(slide "Women in the rear during the Second World War")

And I would also like to note that their fate was even more terrible: they were waiting ... They were waiting for their relatives and people close to their hearts. They spent 4 whole years in anxiety ... The next poem is dedicated to them - strong and courageous.

Reader 9
She turned gray in separation
During the years of the great war.
Her patient hands
Baptized by fire and labor.
In those years, she had a hard time:
The whole family left to fight,
And at home she -
And a soldier
And also a soldier's mother.
But she endured troubles,
Without frowning high eyebrows,
She plowed and mowed
For my husband,
For the eldest son,
For his younger sons.
And I believed over and over again
What I will find in each envelope
Her mother's word
Her innermost:
"I'm waiting!"
I knew those cool years
That every line of the letter
Russia wrote with her,
Russia, Russia itself!
N. Starshinova "Soldier's Mother".

Lead 1. Women also took part in battles. They threw themselves bravely under bullets during bombing and shelling. The Sisters of Mercy carried the wounded soldiers out of the battlefield. Women served as scouts, military translators, radio operators, went to partisan detachments. They fought shoulder to shoulder along with the men, recapturing every inch of land.

(slide "Women at the front during the Second World War")

Reader 10 (girl in a headscarf with a red trust, with a bag)
Cannons rumble, bullets whistle.
A soldier was wounded by a shell fragment.
Sister whispers:
"Come on, I will support you,
I will bandage your wound! "
I forgot everything: weakness and fear,
She carried him out of the fight in her arms.
How much love and warmth was in her!
The sister saved many from death.

The song "Do the Russians Want War" is being performed (girls are singing)

Lead 2. Not only adults, but also children stood up to defend the Fatherland. Many of them had signs of military valor, orders and medals. 20 thousand received a medal "For the Defense of Moscow", 15 thousand 249 - "For the Defense of Leningrad." Children looked after the wounded in hospitals, collected scrap metal, money for the defense fund, sent thousands of parcels to the front with warm socks, lovingly embroidered handkerchiefs, tobacco pouches.

(slide "Children during the Second World War")

Lead 1. During the war, children participated in the construction of defense lines, were connected partisan units, scouts in military units. Some of them, along with adults, were awarded the title - Hero of the Soviet Union. We talked about them in detail on our class hours.

(slide "Pioneer Heroes")

Lead 2. The Great Patriotic War lasted four and a half years. Our soldiers fought bravely in battles. More than 12 million of them were awarded orders and medals, and 11603 soldiers were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union!
Two heroes soviet Union - Boldyrev A.I. and Bukhnin F.P. were born in our small homeland. They returned alive from the battlefields and continued to work for the good of the Fatherland. Thanks to A.I. Boldyrev in the city of Uvarovo now houses a war memorial, which is so loved by the residents of Uvarov and the Uvarovsky district.

(slide "Heroes-fellow countrymen")

Boldyrev A.I.

Opening of the memorial complex in Uvarovo, 1980. The right to light the Eternal Flame was given to AI Boldyrev.

Bukhnin F.P. with spouse

Lead 1. There is no family in Russia that was bypassed by the war. Therefore, on this day, every family remembers both those who remained on the battlefields and those who, after the war, established a peaceful life.

Children go out one by one and briefly talk about their relatives who fought during the Second World War.

Lead 2. 27 million died in the Great Patriotic War. Let each of you feel the stern eyes of the fallen, the purity of their hearts, feel the responsibility to the memory of these people, the greatness of their feat.
Just imagine - if a minute of silence is declared for each of the 27 million in the country, the country will be silent ... 51 years!
Many of the soldiers do not even have graves, and if they do, then they are fraternal ones.

(slide "Inscription on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier")

Let us honor the memory of those who did not return from the Great Patriotic War with a minute of silence.

The song "Cranes" is being performed

Lead 1. But these sacrifices were not in vain, the fascists were defeated. May 9, 1945 Berlin, the last stronghold of fascism, fell. The whole sky exploded with fireworks of the long-awaited victory.

(slide "Salute")

The script of the literary and musical composition for May 9 "Faithful sons of the Fatherland!", For performers from grade 4 to grade 11 with a detailed description of the production.

Literary - musical composition

"Faithful sons of the Fatherland!"

Developed by: Alieva Elena Anatolievna, primary school teacher,

the first qualification category MBOU "Tuchkovskaya secondary school No. 1"

Ruzsky district of the Moscow region.

Eight readers in military uniform. The four first reciters stand in the middle on the first line and symmetrically on the second. From the 5th to the 8th, the readers are on the third line along the edges, two people each. The whole composition is read against the background of music.

Musical introduction. "Holy War" (minus).

Reader 1... The warrior is entrusted with the most sacred thing that we have - the fighting efficiency of the Fatherland. History remembers many examples when the soldiers gave themselves without a trace in the name of the Motherland, went, if necessary, to death. The people of the world pay tribute to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War who liberated our Motherland and the countries of Europe from fascism. Living memory about the immortal feat of the rank and file during the war to bring to us the poems of poets.

Reader 2.Whirlwinds of fire whistled,

The sunset was painted with blood,

And the rank and file rose

Behind the row - a row,

Behind the row - a row ...

Reader 3... Keeping alignment with the banner

On his commander,

They walked boldly into the flames

And they came out of it.

Reader 4.The battles thundered like thunderstorms,

And they went to death without further ado

Great Private Sailors,

Immortal Private Smirnov.

Reader 1Enemy malice broke into dust

About their will and perseverance.

I met all of Europe after

Their liberators.

Music "Victory Day" (minus)

Reader 2.And they walked with a sovereign step,

We walked with a firm step of the guards,

Those are happy that over the Reichstag

The Victory Banner was raised.

Reader 3... And they brought home Victory,

Having pleased the Motherland-mother,

So that her, like a baton,

To transfer to the grown-up sons.

Their sons today are on their own

Reader 4.In the high rank of a soldier,

Keeping alignment with the banner

Stand in the ranks

Behind the row - a row ...

Rebuild: The first four reciters line up on the third line. The rest go to the first line.

Background music: Schumann. "Dreams".
Reader 5.

At present, in the ranks of the defenders of the Motherland are the sons and grandchildren of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. They did not pass the severe trials that befell their fathers and grandfathers, but they faithfully keep the heroic traditions of our army. Everyone who wears an army and naval uniform, everyone who wore it and will wear it, everyone who is now called and will be called the armed defender of the Russian land - let us be imbued with a single sense of responsibility for this great symbolism, which united Victory Day on the forty-fifth and birthday armies on the ground where the main resources of Victory were forged. “In the minds of everyone there should be: reviving the Russian army - We are reviving Great Russia, ”General, Vice-President of Russia Alexander Rutskoi said in one of his speeches.

Reader 6.

With heads drooping
Over the dead fathers
We got up.

Over the legend
Their gravestones
We got up.

To them, as if we are mentally,
We are quiet and not lofty
We say:

Reader 7.

"The leaves of your tree,
And not his gray shadow -
This is us!

The battles of the past are not reflections,
And the legitimate offspring -
This is us!

Between the years the intermediaries
The heirs of your glory -
This is us!

Continuation of the story
Your honor and conscience -
This is us!

Reader 8.

Faithfulness to your guises
Faithfulness to your customs -
We store!

Faithfulness to your courage
And great friendship -
We store!

Faithfulness to your soulfulness
And the saint of your loyalty -
We store!

Having grown up themselves,
We swear to you in the springs,
By the light of my own eyes.

And fire over blizzards
With bread and cradles -
All: Be worthy of you! "
Rasul Gamzatov

Music. Victory Day (Minus)

It turns outreader 9 in the image of "Motherland".

Reader 9.







Music. Schumann "Dreams".





Metronome. A minute of silence.

Music. "Victory Day". Bow. With a turn over the left shoulder, the reciters leave the stage.

The following poems were used in the development:

V.Kostko. Poems about the privates.

R. Gamzatov. Oath of sons.

S. Mityaev "Faithful Sons of the Fatherland" in E. Aliyeva's processing.

O. Mityaev. "Didn't meet the mother of the long-awaited son ....".

Music used in the development:

A. Alexandrov. "Holy war".

R. Schumann "Dreams".

D. Tukhmanov "Victory Day".

Introductory speech of the teacher. Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to see you as spectators of the literary drawing room on the theme: "Only valor lives immortally" dedicated to Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Scene: a table covered with a tablecloth; a girl is writing a letter at the table. Melody of the song "Little blue, modest handkerchief". Verse 1.

Lead 1: Russian soldiers ... And how many of them were very young, they went to war from school, from student dormitories in June 1941, but not everyone was destined to return in the victorious 45th.

Lead 2: Scene of the farewell of a boy and a girl (girl and boy come out)


And now at 17 years old

I joined the soldiers' ranks.

All overcoats have a gray color, All have one cut.

All fellow soldiers

Both in the company and in the regiment-

Gas mask yes machine gun

Yes, a flask on the side ..



I'll wait.

So wait for the memory to even die out,

So that the day becomes impassable

























Lead 1: {!LANG-f4bae84ed4b140baf76320680b555ba4!}

Lead 2 {!LANG-d16016089920571bbd7873a26b5c5e56!}

{!LANG-e54402f94e7b7a3473f9b26b08eff1f9!} : {!LANG-605457631550ce7f1f5242a98c84fc9d!}

{!LANG-eefafe9bf803256ccb010b5d231e225d!} {!LANG-da8392fa0248eb63922fd16322354036!}

































{!LANG-e54402f94e7b7a3473f9b26b08eff1f9!} {!LANG-25f504ef7be898bfba5782fbea36256e!} {!LANG-40a144264167b109b3e386971cdf31a4!}{!LANG-cdecda430129fe3aaa7743932b061c8c!}

Lead 2 {!LANG-2b1d398c1269f557e3261075b286660a!}

Lead 1: {!LANG-8d8d1247446a073386d2c75cd3d1d44b!}





Lead 2: {!LANG-47375daddf80489c175323020dd2f09c!}





Lead 1: {!LANG-6c469cd98045915e7c53fba854efd524!}


Lead 1: {!LANG-73aa361e4dca90383ed339743dc59e8c!}

Lead 2 {!LANG-5e5aa24fb46b7d2c8857ee26d69338ad!}

Lead 1: {!LANG-35f66a2fa8258161f91a42e98468d048!}

Lead 2: {!LANG-1ce7b67d114e8b83709fcc5a1e3f84cb!}

Lead 1: {!LANG-704b24da1b04ef2ee53c4f1a5d327bf7!}

Lead 2 {!LANG-f8d8920d150568c800b5be91fdba45e8!}

Lead 1: {!LANG-d8574d359c5463d1147b673c913755c6!}

. {!LANG-e65cdeccf1633d8c1957525fba225afc!}


Lead 2 {!LANG-c5623f680f9436f40957b9694cdbb42d!}






















Lead 1: {!LANG-6824f8cae8d6205288f7f14c41300d7a!}

Lead 2: {!LANG-0c56b22f20fc71deace681ddc5dfa861!}


Lead 1:: {!LANG-b6508101fb375506e50b2d24dcdb9250!}

« {!LANG-682158a9a6cefb528cef8a24694146af!}


We are waiting for when it starts to brighten.

It's warmer under the greatcoat

On chilled, damp ground.


But today it doesn't count.


Mom, my mom lives.


I only have one.

Spring is raging beyond the threshold.

It seems old: every bush


You know, Yulka, I'm against sadness,

But today it doesn't count.

We barely got warm


Again next to me in a damp overcoat

The light-haired soldier walks.



Surrounded by Orsha

Our battered battalion.


We made our way through black rye

On funnels and gullies,

Through mortal lines

We didn't expect posthumous glory


Why in bloody bandages


Her body with her greatcoat



About Ryazan wilderness gardens.


But today it doesn't count.


Mom, your mom lives.


She had you alone.

Smells in the hut of sourdough and smoke,

Spring is raging beyond the threshold.

And the old lady in the colorful dress


I don't know how to write to her,


Lead 1: {!LANG-89859ad5fe32837e8245b4520093a779!}





























































Lead 2. {!LANG-cb589f4a2a069586d1d03408a69492fd!}


{!LANG-494166f5614b4045723e79c6b813e7d6!} {!LANG-0fcbe392636d659993e3a0b39422edff!}{!LANG-fe961563872611c6893ededffce2d466!}




Lead 1: {!LANG-2d292e6bfe19e69cf03c66dfa6c9b6e1!}

Lead 2 {!LANG-ba1c0a9b74a34fdf60b028c7cf662ef2!}


















Lead 1: {!LANG-f573ae692abe90416620bb51b8aaa502!}

Lead 2: {!LANG-979320b2e57636e81bbbf7de91ab9a0a!}

{!LANG-39510f58b09a7555d403fa517eab4dea!} {!LANG-152565afbaebea526144e6d12ea5ffac!}