Aviabshire for the first time can sentence to a real term. Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Kravchenko: the one with whom you can go to the intelligence Yevgeny Petrukhin Hero

Vladimir Yakovlevich Petrukhin is a famous domestic scientist. Specializes in history and archeology. He has the title of Doctor historical sciences. He teaches at the Department of Russia's history during the Middle Ages and early New Time in the historical and archival institute of the Russian State Humanitarian University.

Biography scientist

Vladimir Yakovlevich Petruhin was born in the Moscow region, in the city of Pushkino, in 1950. The secondary education received at school number 1 in the same small town with a population of only 100 thousand people.

Still in school, he was interested in history and especially archaeology. At the age of 12, it becomes a member of the young archaeologist club who works in Moscow at the metropolitan history museum and reconstruction created at the very end of the XIX century.

Petrukhin School Vladimir Yakovlevich finishes with a silver medal. Children's passion determined him future profession. Per higher education He goes to the Historical Faculty of Moscow State University.

After university

MSU Petrukhin Vladimir Yakovlevich graduated in 1972. Got a specialty historian with knowledge foreign language And the right to teach at school. But the young man had other plans.

He comes by graduate student at the Department of Archeology MSU. By that time, the ancient artifacts of medieval Russia interest him more and more. At the department he works under Professor Daniel Antonovich Avedusina, the author is the bestinvolved textbooks on archeology, which were used in all universities of the country.

Aduusina Vladimir Yakovlevich Petrukhin protects the candidate dissertation. The theme of its research is the funeral rites in the pagan scandinavia. He receives a scientist degree of candidate of historical sciences.

Work on archeology

In 1975, Vladimir Yakovlevich Petrukhin heads the editors of archeology and ethnography in the Publishing House "Soviet Encyclopedia", which was engaged in the release of the famous "big soviet encyclopedia"and the preparation of industry and thematic dictionaries and encyclopedia. Petrukhin oversees the work associated with the history of ancient and medieval Russia and Scandinavia.

In 1991, he becomes a professor of the Higher Humanitarian School named after Dubnova, who at that time be called "Jewish University in Moscow". Semen Dubnov, whose name is wearing an educational institution, - one of the founders a lot of attention was paid to the study of this people and Petrukhin Vladimir Yakovlevich. Jewish history is one of his spheres of interest.

At the same time, he comes to work at the Slavovsky Institute Russian Academy science Works in it so far.


In 1994, Petrukhin receives the title of Doctor of Historical Sciences. The dissertation is protecting at the Institute of Slavyanology and Balkanistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The topic of its research is the problem of the ethnocultural history of the Slavic peoples in Russia in the IX - XI centuries.

In parallel, becomes a member of the Academic Council of the Center scientific worknikov and teachers of Judaiki "SEPER". This is an organization created specifically to conduct scientific research in the field of Judaiki, as well as teach all sorts of Jewish disciplines in the highest educational institutions. Actively promotes such subjects and Petrukhin Vladimir Yakovlevich. The nationality of the scientist largely determines its interests and work.

Since 1997, Petrukhin also teaches at the Department of History of Russia in the historical and archival institute of the RGU. In 2004, his merit evaluates the Ministry of Education Russian Federation. He is assigned a scientific degree of professor the history of the ancient world and middle ages.

Awards and Prize

For his scientific career, Petrukhin has repeatedly received various awards and premiums. So, in 1996 he received a diploma of the Open Society Foundation. This is an interstate public charitable organization founded by Philanthropes George Soros. The merits of Petrukhin were assessed in the competition "New Books on Social and humanitarian sciences for schools. "One of his main works at that time was the monograph" The beginning of the ethnocultural history of Russia IX-XI centuries ", on the basis of which he defended his doctoral dissertation.

In 2010, Petrukhin received a medal of the Slavic Fund for the contribution and development of the heritage of the founders slavic writing Cyril and Methodius.

In 2015, he became a laureate of the Academician Prize for work on medieval Russia. The period under study - the IX-X century, from the arrival of the Varyagov to the choice of faith.

Scientific activity

Today in russian science Petrukhin is one of the largest specialists in archeology and historical anthropology of ancient and medieval Russia. Peoples, the study of which he is engaged in the first place, these are Slavs, Khazars and Scandinavians.

Also in its studies, the beginning of the ethnocultural history of Russia and the study of the ethnographic features of the peoples living in Northern and Eastern Europe. These include Slavs, Jews and Finno-Ugry.

The main feature of his scientific works is an integrated approach to the illuminated problem. Petrukhin Vladimir Yakovlevich, the books of which today are studied by all the connoisseurs of history and archeology of ancient Russia, strictly relies in their works on all well-known and affordable sources.

A vivid example of such a job is his monograph "The beginning of the ethnocultural history of Russia of the 9th centuries," seeing the light in 1995. In that scientific labor He creates a fresh concept of the history of ancient Russia, the emphasis in which makes primarily on geopolitical and ethnocultural issues. Such an approach was previously not applied by researchers.

Publications in scientific journals

Petrukhin is a very prolific scientist. It enters the editorial board of a dozen scientific and specialized journals, regularly performs on their pages with their articles and research.

You can get acquainted with the works of Petrukhin in the "Herald of the Jewish University", "Slavyandy", "Living Starne", Almanahs "Parallels", "Khazar Almanac".

The scientist is part of organizational committees of Russian and international conferences on archeology, Russian and Khazar history. Takes regular participation in meetings devoted to the ethnography of Eastern European peoples.

"Khazar project"

Vladimir Petrukhin is an active participant in the majority of the largest domestic and international projects on archeology, history and ethnography.

In particular, one of the largest is the "Khazar project". Its main purpose is to protect and study monuments of Khazar history and culture, the study of artifacts remaining from Jewish history. The project is cultivated in the highest humanitarian school and the Russian Jewish Congress.

In the same school, the scientist teaches the history of Russia in ancient times and in the Middle Ages, reads a course on introducing into archeology. In Moscow state University At the Institute of Asian and Africa, he reads the course of lectures "Khazars and the initial history of Jews in Eastern Europe."

In Russian state humanitarian University Petrukhin reads a course of lectures on the initial history of Russia. Also teaches special courses for students on religious antiquities, the history of the ancient Slavs. Annually under his leadership hosts field archaeological studies in different parts of Russia, Europe and Asia.

Scientific publications

Vladimir Petrukhin is the author of more than 500 scientific papers. They are published since 1973 to the present day. Also, his Peru owns a number of scientific and popular books that are interesting not only to narrow specialists, but a wide circle of readers.

Among them is the book "Rus in the Middle Ages." Petrukhin Vladimir Yakovlevich released it together with Leonid Belyaev, a famous Russian archaeologist studying the ancient Moscow, medieval Europe and the East. This is a book for a wide range of readers, telling about the history of Russia in the Middle Ages. It covers the era of ancient Russia from x to the XIII century and Moscow Russia until the XVII century.

Scandinavian myths

Another scientific and popular book is the "Myths of Ancient Scandinavia." Petrukhin Vladimir Yakovlevich released her in 2012 in the AST Publishing House.

In her popular form, it is told about the picture of the world, which the Scandinavian pagans were represented. It appears for us in the original sources - " Elder Edde", Sagas, myths and epic of the Scandinavian people.

In his work, Petrukhin focuses on the study and analysis of the monuments of ancient visual artsAs well as religious cult, discoveries made by archaeologists in recent decades.

Vladimir Petrukhin carefully examines the culture of the German people in the era of the great resettlement of peoples, as well as Scandinavians during the times of Vikings. Then, according to the author, their culture was closely related to the culture of Slavs who lived in Russia. That is why much attention in the book is paid to comparison and comparing the myths of Scandinavians and the ancient Slavic peoples. Petrukhin finds a lot in them.

"Slavic antiquities"

One of the main works of Petrukhin is the scientific encyclopedia "Slavic antiquities: ethnolinguistic dictionary." 5 volumes of this work saw the light from 1995 to 2012. The encyclopedia came out under the general editorial board of Philology Nikita Ilyich Tolstoy. Petrukhin was one of the most active authors.

This edition is in detail the topic of Slavistics, Slavic Culture and Mythology.

This dictionary faces a peculiar result of the study of Slavic culture, language, folklore and mythology over the past one and a half century. It was originally assumed that it would be exclusively scientific fiction, but it turned out to be an interesting and wide range of readers.

From this encyclopedia we can find out the features of the spiritual life of Slavic peoples. Separate articles are devoted to their ideas about the world order, natural forces and phenomena, holy of that time, place in the world of sorcerers, witches and other unclean power.

In all its glory appears Ancient Russia. Petrukhin Vladimir Yakovlevich pays special attention to rites, holidays, customs and family text, which was adopted in the families of the ancient Slavs.

Petrukhin and Zadornov

Themes that Vladimir Petrukhin raises in their works, in lately Extremely popular in Russian society. Actively discussed not only by scientists, but even pop artists.

Famous Satir Mikhail Zadornov recently pays a lot of attention to Slavic history. Even self calls for an unacademic researcher of the history of Slavs. At the same time, the scientific community refers to its conclusions is skeptical and non-serious.

For example, in 2012, Zadornov released the film "Rurik. Lost". Professional historians criticized the picture for pseudoscience and populism. In the film Zadornov adheres to Antinormmann ideas, many considered it to amateur. Among them was an ardent adherent of the Norman theory - Petrukhin Vladimir Yakovlevich. Zadornov was criticized them.

Film "Viking"

Commitment to the Norman theory manifested itself when working on the film "Viking" The main historical consultant of the picture - Petrukhin Vladimir Yakovlevich. "Viking" - a film about the history of Russia in the X century. The basis of the events described in the "Tale of Bygone Years", in particular, the coming to power of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich.

The film was released on the screens of Russian cinemas on the eve of 2017 new. It became the main film in the long New Year holidays. At the box office, the picture collected more than one and a half billion rubles. At a budget of one billion 250 million, this can be considered a certain success.

In addition to Petrukhin, the creators of the painting advised the specialist in Russian anthroponymics and Linguist Fyodor Borisovich Asspensky, a major researcher of Slavs.

In total, about three thousand people were involved in the project. Works began in 2008.

To give the maximum historical accuracy, the shooting was held in the Crimea, in the Tagansk reservoir, in the Genoese fortress, in the village of School in Simferopol district, in Bakhchisarai and the Cape Fiolent in Sevastopol.

For the film was even built a special film park in the red cave area in the Crimea. According to the creators, these landscapes met as much as the events described in the picture.

PeTRUHIN Nikolay Dmitrievich - Arrows 384th separate battalion Marine Infantry of the Odessa Naval Base Black Sea Fleet, rosphlotts.

Born 18 (31) March 1908 in the city of Moscow in the family of the worker. Russian. He graduated from 7 classes. Served as an urgent service in the Red Army. Worked on oilfrisms.

IN Navy Fleet Since 1941. In 1941, it was called up from the reserve, served in parts of the coastal defense of the Poti Naval Base of the Black Sea Fleet. Candidate of the CPSU member since 1943.

In April 1943, Petrukhin's Red Flotheets was sent to the generated 384th separate marine patrol battalion of the Black Sea Fleet.

In the autumn of 1943, he participated in landing operations in the city of Azov coast: Mariupol, Osipenko (now Berdyansk). Then there were battles at the Kinburn Spit, the liberation of the villages of the Kherson region Aleksandrovka, the Bogoyavlensky (now Oktyabrsky) and a wide beam.

In the second half of March 1944, the troops of the 28th army began fighting for the liberation of the city of Nikolaev. To facilitate the frontal blow of the coming, it was decided to plant the landing in the port of Nikolaev. From the composition of the 384th separate marine battalion allocated a group of paratroopers under the command of Senior Lieutenant Konstantin Olshansky. She entered her 55 sailors, 2 televisers from the headquarters of the army and 10 saphers. The conductor went to the local fisherman of Andreev. One of the paratroopers was a sailor Petrukhin.

Two days the detachment led the bloody fights, beat 18 of the enemy's fierce attacks, destroying up to 700 soldiers and officers of the enemy. During the last attack, fascists applied tank flamers and poisoning substances. But nothing could break the resistance of paratroopers, force them to fold their weapons. They performed a combat challenge with honor.

March 28, 1944 soviet troops Released Nikolaev. When the coming broke into the port, they appeared the picture of the participation here: the burnt buildings destroyed by the shells, more than 700 corpses of fascist soldiers and officers were lying around, silently chaded the fius. From the ruins of the port of the port, 6 surviving, barely kept paratroopers, were sent to the hospital 2 more than 2 years. In the ruins, the office found four more living paratroopers who died from wounds on the same day. The heroic fell all officers, all the elders, sergeants and many redflowers. Heroic died and reddot N.D. Petrukhin.

The message about their feat was separated throughout the army, throughout the country. The Supreme Commander ordered all members of the landing in the Hero's rank Soviet Union.

W.kasem Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated April 20, 1945 for the exemplary execution of combat missions of the command at the front of the fight against German invaders and the redhead and heroism of the Red Flot Petrukhin Nikolay Dmitrievich The title Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded (posthumously).

Awarded the Order of Lenin (04/20/1945, posthumously).

The name of the city is named after their name, the People's Museum of the Martial Glory of Seafarers-paratroopers was opened. In Nikolaev in the square named after 68 paratroopers, a monument was established. In the village of Oktyabrskiy on the shore of Bugsky Liman, from where the paratroopers went to the task, a memorial granite block was installed with a commemorative inscription.

A paratrooper from among 68 heroes.

On the night of March 26, 1944 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Bogoyavlensky (now the village of Oktyabrsky), the detachment was plunged into 7 boats and passed 15 kilometers up the southern Bugu, both shores of whose hands were in the hands of enemies. At dawn, he landed at the port of Nikolaev. The detachment was tasked: hidden landing in the rear, break the communications, sow panic, disrupt the hijacking of the civilian population on March 26, to strike in German defense from the rear and promote the upcoming Soviet units in the liberation of the city.

Silently removing 3 enemy sentries, the paratroopers took a circular defense in the two-story building of the Elevator's office (44 paratroopers), which is east of the office with a wooden house (10 paratroopers) and a stone cement barn (9 paratroopers). One sailor settled in a small shed. Armed with a anti-tank gun and a machine gun in 30-meters south-east of the office, lay on the railway embankment before the fence 4 more sailors. The main support point turned the building of the elevator office. In the walls of the buildings, paratroopers struck braces, doors and windows laid brick, sandboxes. Sailor Petrukhin took a position on the 2nd floor of the office.

At dawn, the Nazis discovered paratroopers and 2 attacks took one after another. They were scored paratroopers who were in the adjacent buildings. The fighters of the office on the battle have not yet entered. In the 3rd attack already participated already the battalion of the Nazis. All groups entered the battle. Petorukhin launched his rifle, aptive once of the fascists. Hitler's chains melted in their eyes.

Having adjusted to the port area to the shelf of infantry with tanks, mortars and artillery, the Nazis in the middle of the day took another attempt to break the resistance of the landing. The fascists began to methodically firing from guns and mortars buildings, where paratroopers were cast. They received bruises from the collapsing walls, but continued to fire on the upcoming enemy. Under the cover of artillery, the Nazis fell from three sides. They went to the office. The first chain followed the second. When the Nazis approached, they hit all our machine gunners. Gitlerians fell. Live hidden behind the corpses, joined back. Attack again choles.

Before the 5th attack, the fascists pulled the six-nominal mortars and applied thermal shells. They set fire to the wooden house, where 10 paratroopers fought, and cement barn shed. Until the end of the first day of defense, the paratroopers shot down 3 more attacks of drunk, distraught Nazis. The buildings were subjected to a bombing of small bombs from the air, shelling several tanks. In the cement barn killed 2 sailors. There were losses and in other points of defense - at the end of the day from several tank shots, a burning wooden house was collapsed, burrs under the ruins of 4 sailors and 5 sapins. There was no loss office in the building, but many were injured, including the sailor Petrukhin.

On the morning of March 27, 1944, another opponent battalion came to the port, accompanied by several tanks, guns and six-solid mortars. In the focus, they beat the straight entry on bastions of paratroopers, watered the ruined walls from flamethroughs. From the direct hit of the artillery projectile on pieces, 2 soldiers-Radrutes died, received a radistian dedication with a radist. Communication with "Big Earth" was lost. The commander and chief of the headquarters of the landing station with the package was sent through the exponent's front line, the foreman of the 1st article Lisitsyna, who, having exploded on Mine and having lost his feet feet, after all, put to his own and conveyed.

There are losses in the office of the office. Heroic killed Senior Sailor Shatyrev, rushing with a bunch of a grenade under the fascist tank. During the 11th attack by a fragment of the enemy miner, a machine gunner sailor Fadeev was fighting. Skvortsov and Sanitatechenko machine gun killed.

The Nazis tried many times to make their way to the main group of our landing, but the enemy could not pass through small "garrisons", located in thirty-fifty meters around the office. When the fence at the railway embankment killed 2 paratroopers, in 2 others, having injured, moved to the office, writing the fence, the Germans rushed towards the office. The paratroopers met the enemy fire. Petrukhin, taking the machine gun of the deceased Sanitar, beat on the fascists who crawl due to the railway branch.

Fascists strengthened artillery and mortar fire. The enemy shot through the windows and trolms. The rooms were unbearable hot. It seemed that the fascists set themselves the task - to compose from the ground a two-story building, burn his defenders. Sailors teared from a caustic, suffocating smoke. They had to not only fight back from the enemy, but also to fight the fire, which arose then in one, then in another room. People drank from bullets, fragments of shells and mines, from stones, then the business bouncing from the walls. And no matter how hard it is, no one has thought about the surrender of the enemy. Marine paratroopers stood to death.

By the afternoon of March 27, almost all the survivors were injured. Before the beginning of the 16th attack, the Nazis held another powerful artillery shelling of the port buildings. A staircase between the 1st and 2nd floors of the office was destroyed. The paratroopers remained in battle were separated. Died and received deaths of several paratroopers, including the latheant

Ptuhin Evgeny Savvich. Lieutenant General Aviation (1940). Russian. Member of WCP (b) since 1918

Born in March 1902 (in documents - 1900) in Yalta. From employees. From 1905 he lived in Moscow. Graduated primary school. From twelve years he began working - a porter at the station, a boy-core in the editorial office of the newspaper, a telephonist student.

In the Red Army voluntarily since February 1918, the participant of the Civil War. He fought against Denikintsev, Vrangelaev and Poles. During the war, he held positions: Krasnoarmeyman of the airfield guard, Assistant of Motorist Tverskaya (then the 3rd Moscow) aircroup. From November 1918 - Motorist of the 1st Artillery Aviation Detachment. In May 1920, the detachment joined the central airgroup and was sent to the front of the fight against Poland. It was contused.

After the Civil War in responsible positions in the RPC Air Force. After graduating from 1922 by the class of Motorists, Egoryevsky Aviation School, worked as a senior motorist in the 2nd separate fighter squadron (chips). Then he studied at the Egoryev theoretical aircraft at the Pilot rate. After graduating from her in December 1923, he was sent to Lipetsk Flight and Practical School. From May to November 1924 - Cadet Serpukhov higher School Air shooting and bombing, at the end of which awarded the title "Military pilot of the Red Army". From December 1924 - the pilot, the senior pilot of the 2nd (from 1925 - 7th) of a separate fighter aircraft personnel. From 1925 - a link commander, from April 1929 - the commander of the detachment of the same squadron. In 1929 he graduated from the advanced courses of the RKKA Air Force Military Academy name prof. N. E. Zhukovsky. From December 1929 - and. D. Commander of the 15th Separate Fighter Avia Squadrille. From October 1930 - the commander and military commander of the same squadron of the Bryansk airbject. Then he commanded the 17th fighter aircraft. From January 1934 - commander and military commissar of the 450th mixed airbject (Smolensk). From August 1935 - the commander and military commissar of the 453rd mixed (then reformed in the 142nd fighter) airbject (Bobruisk). From May 1937 to January 1938, he was located in republican Spain as a senior military adviser to aviation (I changed Ya. V. Smeshekivich). He had a pseudonym "General Jose". Commed by a fighter group of Republican Air Force. From the memories of Lieutenant General Aviation A. F. Semenova: "Analyzing combat activities soviet pilots In Spain, I can not not emphasize the big role that E. S. Ptuhin and F. A. Agaltsov played in the leadership (Assistant E. S. Ptukhin on the political part, Regiment Commissioner, the future Marshal Aviation. - Aut.). Evgeny Savich Ptuhin possessed an extraordinary talent of the aviation chief. He in his own way, as we say now, in Ptuhinsky, developed, prepared and successfully carried out quite significant in the then-scale aircraft. Combat tasks Distened with the close interaction of various types of aviation, often with increasing strength of strikes, especially during the fight against opponent aircraft. The latter were effectively destroyed not only in the air, but also on airfields. "

Upon returning from Spain received extraordinary military rank "Comkor" (in Spain leaving a commander). Since March 1938 - Commander of the Air Force of the Leningrad Military District. In 1939 he graduated from the advanced courses of the Air Force under the National Age Academy of the Prof. N. E. Zhukovsky. During the war with Finland in 1939-1940. Commanded the Air Force of the 7th Army, then the Air Force of the North-West Front. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 21, 1940 for the skillful leadership of the actions of aviation, which had fallen a big damage to the enemy at the breakthrough of Mannerheim's line, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. From May 1940 - the commander of the Air Force of the Kiev Special Military District (Coo). From the attestation on Lieutenant-General Aviation E. S. Ptukhin, signed by the commander of the cowboy by the Army General of the Army, G. K. Zhukov in November 1940: "Special preparation as the commander of the COVO Air Force. Organize and carry out the operation of the Air Force, as shown in fact, may well. There is a lot of worries about the preparation of the theater of hostilities in aviation attitude. Volve, disciplined and demanding commander. " From January 1941 - Deputy Chief, in February - March 1941 - Head of the Main Directorate of the Air Defense of the Red Army. Since April 1941, on the previous position of the commander of the Kiev Special Military District. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War - Commander of the Air Force Southwestern front.

He was awarded two orders of Lenin (1937,1940), the orders of the Red Banner (1938) and the Red Star (1936).

June 24, 1941 from office was removed. Arrested on June 27, 1941 by a special meeting at the NKVD of the USSR on February 13, 1942 on charges of participating in a military conspiracy, the permit in subordinate air services was sentenced to shooting. The sentence was carried out on February 23, 1942 by the definition of the military collegium of October 6, 1954 rehabilitated.

Cherishev N.S., Cershev Yu.N. The shooting elite of the Red Army (commander of the 1st and 2nd ranks, commercials, comes and them are equal). 1937-1941. Biographical Dictionary. M., 2012, p. 432-434.

Ptuhin Evgeny Savvich (1902-1942).

Military pilot and warlord, Hero of the Soviet Union (03/21/1940), Lieutenant General Aviation.

Born on March 3, 1902 in the city of Yalta in the family of a postage yammer. In some sources, the year of birth is indicated as 1900. This is probably due to the fact that the fifteen-year-old E.V.PTUHIN, recording the volunteer in the Red Army added two years to his age.
From 1905 he lived with his family in Moscow. He graduated from primary school, but was forced to interrupt their studies due to the serious material situation of the family. From the age of 13 worked as a porter at the station, writing in the editorial office of the newspaper, a student of the telegraphist.
Since 1918 in the Red Army, volunteer.
From March 1918 in the ranks of the WCP (b).
Participant of the Civil War. He was a cadet of machine-gun courses, the redarmese of the airfield protection of the Tver AirGurroup.
From November 1918 - Motorist of the 1st Aviation Artillery Detachment. Fought in the southern, southwestern and West Fronts. against the armies of Denikin and Pilsudsky.
In 1922 he graduated from the School of Motorists in Yegoryevsk, served as a senior motorist of the 1st Aviation Squadron.
In 1923 he graduated from Egoryev's theoretical school of pilots, sent to a Lipetsk flight and practical school, after its disbandment in May 1924 - to the Borisoglebsk school of pilots.
After Borisoglebsk, until December 1924 he studied in Serpukhov in the Higher Military Aviation School of Aerial Shooting and Bombing.
From December 1924 served as a pilot in the 2nd separate fighter squadron (afterwards - 7th separate fighter squadron. F.E. Derzhinsky) in Moscow.
Since 1925, he was already a commander of this squadron.
From 1927 - the commander of the aircroke in Vitebsk.
In 1929 he graduated from the commissioning courses at the Air Force Academy.
Since 1929 - Commander-Commissioner of the 15th Separate Fighter Aviation Squadron in the Bryansk airbody.
From May 1934 - commander of the 450th mixed airbject (Smolensk).
Since July 1935, the commander of the 142nd Fighter Aviabritis in Bobruisk. With the introduction of personal military ranks, the order of the People's Commissar of the Defense of the USSR No. 2488 dated November 28, 1935, Evgeny Savvich Ptukhin was assigned to the personal military rank "Combrigs".

From the mid-1930s, the country's industry has begun to produce construction aircraft more perfect for that time. Soviet aviation acquired the importance of an operational-strategic factor and became one of the main species Armed Forces countries. Then it was also set and the task of mastering this new technique as soon as possible. For large successes in combat training and mastering the new technique, the commander of the team E.S.ptukhin on May 25, 1936 was awarded the Order of the Red Star. In the same year, according to the results of the circumferential maneuvers, the orders of the defense addict was awarded a passenger car M-1.

From May 15, 1937 to February 25, 1938 participated in Civil War In Spain, was the commander of the 26th Fighter Group, then the main adviser commander of the Republican Air Force. He had a pseudonym "General Hose". On the fighter I-16 participated in air battles, took part in the Bruneta operation. E.S.Ptukhin is one of the developers of the strike plan for the airfield of Frankist Aviation Garapininylos (10 km from the city of Zaragoza), which was successfully implemented on October 15, 1937 with large losses for the enemy. The innovation in the tactics of impact was that it was the first, massive raid of fighters at the opponent's airfield. The use of fighters was not explained by the lack of bombers who also indirectly participated in this operation: they applied a distracting blow to secondary objects. Later, this tactic of fighter aviation was widespread in other military conflicts.

Since 1938 - Commander of the Air Force of the Leningrad Military District.
October 7, 1938 approved by a member of the Military Council under the People's Commissioner of the Defense of the USSR.
As the head of the Air Force of the North-Western Front, participated in the Winter War.

On March 21, 1940, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Evgeny Savvich Ptukhin was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the "Golden Star" medal.

In January 1941, he was appointed head of the Main Department of the FMA of the Red Army.
In the spring of 1941, he was appointed commander of the Air Force of the Kiev Special Military District.

The position of the commander of the Air Force of the South-Western Front participated in the Great Patriotic War from June 22, 1941. In the first hours of the war, the Aviation was almost completely destroyed by Aviation, and most of its own - on airfields ... Among other major military leaders, on June 24, he was arrested. According to the sentence of the Military Tribunal, on February 13, 1942, he was convicted and a week, February 23 was shot. Buried in Moscow on Novodevichy Cemetery. October 6, 1954 was posthumously rehabilitated.

-Medal "Golden Star" Hero of the Soviet Union No. 244;
- Lenin's order;
- The very combat red banner;
- a red star;
-Medal "XX years of the worker-peasant Red Army."

List of sources:
The site "Heroes of the country." Ptuhin Evgeny Savvich.
V.V. Gagin. Air war In Spain (1936-1939).
S.I.shkharev. Chatos go to the attack.

A real time limit for hooliganism on board: after tightening the law on transport of transport in Russia, for the first time, the sentence was made by the Aviabashir. By decision of the Khimkinsky Horses for half a year, Evgeny Petrukhin will go to the colony-settlement. The story with it is typical: the man drank tightly, began to threaten the crew, at a height of ten thousand meters demanded: "Stop, I will go!"

This story happened in May. 10 thousand meters above the Earth. Flight Tel Aviv-Moscow. The passenger requires open the door and release it to smoke. At the request to take its place and not violate the law Evgeny Petrukhin continues to argue.

The law in April of this year tightened The State Duma. For hooliganism on any type of transport now faces criminal liability. As it turned out, a restless passenger with each word and the action in the flight approached him to court and real term. Ultimately, by arrival in Moscow, a police detained a police. And four months later, the court ruled, sentenced Israel's citizen to six months of imprisonment. In short, according to the new law - "first went."

"He behaved extremely aggressively, insulted passengers, threatened the crew. And most importantly - he tried to open the door and smoke, being at an altitude of several thousand meters. We will continue to fix such facts and stop them, and the materials to send to law enforcement agencies to make procedural decisions, "the deputy reported general Director According to the Rights and Property Affairs of Aeroflot Airlines, Vladimir Alexandrov.

In the airline, they say that it is not fixed annually less than thousands Cases with aircraft. But before the drunken trunks, fines were prescribed, more often than the minimum - several thousand rubles. Now - criminal liability. The maximum deprivation period is up to five years.

"If you have previously, it was possible to count that a decent decent criminal will receive if he committed a serious crime on board the aircraft, now it is criminalized and relatively painless from the point of view of damage to the health and life of a person's Activities. In fact, this leads to the fact that there is a barrier in the legislative level at the legislative level, "said Oleg Panteleev Oleg Panteleev.

The first loud case - in 2013. Aviabashire Sergey Kabalov shouted that he served in special forces, owns techniques, eventually pounced with his fists at the steward. Then he threatened to catch a plane. As a result, he spent on this year and eight months in the colony. The court removed the accusation in an attempt to hijacking and softened the punishment. But such a partial experience on others did not significantly affect. After Kabalov, of course, there were other robs. Like different, as well as their threats.

Requires to smoke, the young man also shouted, threatened. So one of the passengers could not stand and hit him in the face. Perhaps this is precisely this technique, not quite humane, but, as it turned out, an effective passenger saved a young man from criminal liability - he immediately sat down in his place, calmed down and fell asleep.

Experts say that, of course, fighting airdrobes are difficult, and so right away they will not disappear anywhere. But it is precisely such real terms of punishment that we will probably hear now more often, let not immediately, but over time they will make "between the first and second", at least, think about the consequences.