Geography teacher's creative report for 1 category. Geography teacher's analytical report



Geography teacher's analytical report

first qualification category

Vyrodova Nadezhda Ivanovna

by methodological theme:

« Development of creativity in geography lessons»

Criterion 1. Positive dynamics of educational achievements of students.

I organize the learning process so that the students awaken a motivational interest in knowledge, there was not only a stamping mastery of skills and abilities, but there was an incentive for initiative, independence in learning activities... Students can demonstrate, develop, and improve their abilities. The study of the educational material is based on creative and individual work with students.

As the student moves to a higher and higher quality level learning, - creative abilities and cognitive activity encourages the student to research, scientific and practical activities.

Geography is one of those subjects where the process of developing students' creativity and cognitive competence acquires the most vivid semantic shades. Undoubtedly, the strongest emphasis for the formation of the creative potential of students is formed at the initial stage of studying the subject (grades 6-7), since the perception of educational material goes through the “revitalization” of words, concepts, definitions of the given topic of the lesson. ...

I believe that it is impossible to achieve success in solving problems without enhancing cognitive activity, students' attention, the formation and development of sustainable cognitive competence to the material being studied.

The main goal of my work to ensure the assimilation by schoolchildren of the diversity of modern geographic space at its different levels through the development of creative abilities.

Based on the set goal, the following tasks were set:

Promote the development of students' thinking skills;

Teaching children to think creatively;

To develop in them the ability to work together with other people;

Create an atmosphere of partnership, joint search and creative problem solving in the classroom.

In my practice I use non-traditional approaches in teaching geography: explanation using poems, crosswords, entertaining material, non-traditional forms of teaching.

For example, I teach lessons in the formation of new knowledge in the form of lessons-lectures, seminars, lessons-expeditions (travel), lessons-research, training conferences (press conferences). In the lessons of teaching skills and abilities I use such non-traditional forms as lessons with role-playing games, and in lessons of repetition and generalization of knowledge, consolidation of skills - game forms: KVN, “What? Where? When? ”, Lessons-competitions, lessons-competitions. In the lessons of checking and taking into account knowledge and skills, I conduct quizzes, contests, geographical dictations, testing, protection of creative works. When studying new material I use ICT.

During its teaching activities I have achieved the following results:

Student progress has reached 100%.

Positive dynamics of the "quality of knowledge"

My students choose geography for final certification in the 9th grade, they take part in the Olympiads. Thanks to their knowledge of geography, they take prizes. Mostly, confirming their assessments.

Thus, unconventional technologies seem to me the most promising.

Criterion 2. Positive results of extracurricular activities in the subjects taught.

As a subject teacher, I use various forms of organizing extracurricular work in geography.

1. I use programs in my work elective courses and electives in geography

2. I spend subject weeks, a month of environmental knowledge in April.

Criterion 3. Use of modern educational technologies, including information and communication technologies, in the process of teaching the subject.

The main trends in the development of education in the world imply that the development of students becomes the main meaning of the learning process. Strengthening the practical orientation of the content of courses in the natural science cycle, reducing the share of reproductive activity, increasing the share of tasks involving the use of knowledge to explain the surrounding phenomena, these factors force me to apply such pedagogical technologies and educational and methodological kits that would meet the goals of forming key competencies of students.

1. Using the teaching materials.

In my work, I am guided by the following regulations:

Education Act.

The concept of modernization of Russian education.

Programs for educational institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Requirements for equipping the educational process in accordance with the content of academic subjects of the federal component of the state standard of general education.

School charter.

School development program.

Methodological support:

Ø Organize research and project activities for students;

In my work I use ICT, make presentations for lessons, use educational disks, videos. ...

All this allows to activate the cognitive interest of students, the level of their motivation for learning.

I post my methodological and didactic developments on the pages of the school website.

Advanced training courses for teachers of geography on the topic "The main directions of modernization of school geographic education: prospects for the transition to the second generation standard" at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Social and Pedagogical Technologies and Resources" of the Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny, 108 hours. Certificate No. 1706, issued on May 31, 2012. Refresher courses for teachers of geography on the topic "The use of digital educational resources when organizing research activities of students on ecology "in the municipal institution" Information and Methodological Center "of the Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny, 36 hours. Certificate No. 1181, issued on January 24, 2011. Advanced training courses for teachers of geography on the topic "The use of information technology by a teacher in subject activity" at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Social and Pedagogical Technologies and Resources" of the Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny, 108 hours. Certificate No. 6723, issued on November 28, 2011

The creative report of the teacher Osipova I.I.

MBOU OOSH number 1 named after M. A. Pogodin

Currently in Russia there is a formation new system education focused on entering the world educational space. This process: accompanied by significant changes in pedagogical theory and the practice of the educational process.

There is a change in the educational paradigm: a different content, different approaches, a different law, a different relationship, a different behavior, a different pedagogical mentality are proposed.

Traditional methods of information are oral and written speech, telephone and radio communications are giving way to computer teaching aids, the use of telecommunications networks on a global scale.

At present, the concept of pedagogical technology has become firmly established in the pedagogical lexicon. However, there are great discrepancies in its understanding and use.

So what is pedagogical technology?

    • Technology is a collection of techniques used in any business, skill, art (explanatory dictionary).

      Pedagogical technology - a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, methods, teaching methods, educational means; it is the organizational and methodological toolkit of the pedagogical process (B.T.Likhachev)

      Pedagogical technology is a meaningful technique for implementing the educational process (V.P. Bespalko).

      Pedagogical technology is a description of the process of achieving the planned learning outcomes (I.P. Volkov).

      Technology is an art, skill, skill, a set of processing methods, state changes (V.M.Shepel).

      Teaching technology is an integral part of the didactic system (M. Choshanov).

      Pedagogical technology is a well-thought-out model of joint pedagogical activity in the design, organization and conduct of the educational process with unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers (V.M. Monakhov)

      Pedagogical technology is a systematic method of creating, applying and defining the entire process of teaching and assimilating knowledge, taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction, which aims to optimize the forms of education (UNESCO)

      Pedagogical technology means a systemic set and procedure for the functioning of all personal, instrumental and methodological means used to achieve pedagogical goals (M.V. Klarin)

In this way, educational technology Is an ordered system of actions, the implementation of which leads to a guaranteed achievement of pedagogical goals.

Computer (new information) learning technologies

In practice, all technologies that use special technical information means (computers, audio, cinema, video) are called information technologies of teaching.

When computers began to be widely used in education, the term "new information technology of education" appeared. Generally speaking, any pedagogical technology is information technology, since the basis of the technological learning process is information and its movement (transformation). In my opinion, a better term for learning technologies that use a computer is computer technology.

Computer technologies develop the ideas of programmed learning, open up completely new, not yet investigated technological options for teaching, associated with the unique capabilities of modern computers and telecommunications. Computer (new information) teaching technologies are the processes of preparing and transmitting information to the student, the means of which is a computer.

Computer technology can be implemented in the following three ways:

I - as a "penetrating" technology (the use of computer learning on certain topics, sections for certain didactic tasks.

II - as the main, defining, most significant of the parts used in this technology.

III - as mono-technology (when all training, all control of the educational processor, including all types of diagnostics, monitoring, rely on the use of a computer).

I use the first option in geography lessons.

Technology classification parameters

By the level of application: general pedagogical.

On a philosophical basis: adaptive + scientist-technocratic.

According to the main factor of development: sociogenic + psychogenic.

According to the concept of assimilation: associative-reflex.

By orientation to personal structures: information + operating (ZUN + COURT).

By the nature of the content: penetrating, suitable for any content.

By the type of cognitive management: computer.

Organizational forms: individual + small group system.

Approach to the child: cooperation.

According to the prevailing method: informational + operational (ZUN + COURT), dialogical + programmed training.

In the direction of modernization: the effectiveness of organization and management.


Formation of skills to work with information, development of communication skills;

Personality training for the "information society";

Formation of research skills, the ability to make optimal decisions.

Conceptual provisions:

    Learning is a child's communication with a computer.

    The principle of adaptability: adaptation of the computer to the individual characteristics of the child.

    Dialogue nature of training.

    Controllability: the teacher can correct the learning process at any time.

    The interaction of a child with a computer can be carried out in all types: subject - object, subject - subject, object - object.

    The optimal combination of individual and group work.

    Maintaining the student's state of psychological comfort when communicating with the computer.

    Unlimited learning: the content, its interpretations and applications are as great as you like.

Computer technology is based on the use of a certain formalized model of content, which is represented by pedagogical software, recorded in the computer memory, and by the capabilities of a telecommunication network, as well as disks with programs.

The main feature of the factual side of the content of education is a multiple increase in "supporting information", the presence of a computer information environment, including at the modern level information bases, hypertext and multimedia (hypermedia), microworlds, imitation learning, electronic communications (networks), expert systems.

Database. Databases are understood as technologies for entering, organizing, storing and presenting information using computer technology. Databases can include in the composition of the information array various statistical, textual, graphic and illustrative information in an unlimited volume with its obligatory formalization (presentation, input and output to a computer in a certain form characteristic of a given system - format). For a number of traditional processed information, there are standard formats for its presentation, directions: bibliography, statistical data, abstracts, reviews, and others.

Databases are used in teaching to promptly present to the teacher and students the necessary information that is not included in textbooks and manuals, both directly in the didactic process, and in the free choice of information by the user himself (service mode).

Knowledge bases. Knowledge bases represent information Systemscontaining a closed, non-supplementary volume of information on a given topic, structured in such a way that each of its elements contains links to other logically related elements from their common set. Links to items not contained in this knowledge base are not permitted. This organization of information in the knowledge base allows the student to study it in the logic that is most preferable to him at the moment, since he can easily restructure the information at will when he gets acquainted with it. The usual bibliographic analogue of the knowledge base is encyclopedias and dictionaries, where articles contain links to other articles of the same publication. Software products that implement knowledge bases belong to the HIPERMEDIA class (super-environment), since they allow not only the user to freely choose the logic of acquaintance with information, but also make it possible to combine text-graphic information with sound, video and film fragments, animation. Computer equipment capable of operating in this mode is united by the integral term MULTIMEDIA (multivariate environment).

The multimedia hardware, along with the knowledge bases, made it possible to create and use in the educational process computer simulations, microworlds and, on their basis, didactic and developmental games that are of particular interest to children. ( example video Armenia, photo)

Computer testing of the student's level of learning and diagnosing the parameters of his psychophysical development is complemented by the use of expert systems - subsystems that carry out network assessment procedures and produce results with a certain degree of accuracy.

These software tools are used depending on the learning goals and situations: in some cases it is necessary to better understand the needs of the student; in others, the analysis of knowledge in the subject area is important; thirdly, taking into account the psychological principles of teaching can play a major role.

The richest possibilities for presenting information on a computer allow you to change and unlimitedly enrich the content of education, including integrated courses, acquaintance with the history and methodology of science, with the creative laboratories of great people, with the world level of science, technology, culture and social awareness.

(example disc 6 grade)

Features of the technique

Computer teaching aids are called interactive, they have the ability to "respond" to the actions of the student and teacher, "enter" into a dialogue with them, which is the main feature of computer teaching methods.

IN Variants I and II of computer technologies, the question of the relationship between a computer and elements of other technologies is very relevant.

The computer can be used in all the learning process: when explaining (introducing) new material, consolidating, repeating, monitoring ZUN. At the same time, for the child, he performs various functions: a teacher, a working tool, an object of training, a collaborating team, a leisure (play) environment.

As a teacher, the computer represents:

A source of educational information (partially or completely replacing the teacher and the book);

Visual aid (a qualitatively new level with multimedia and telecommunication capabilities);

Individual information space;

Training apparatus;

Diagnostic and control tool.

In the function of a working tool, the computer acts as:

Tool for preparing texts, storing them;

Text editor;

Plotter, graphic editor;

Computing machine of great potential (with the presentation of results in various forms);

Simulation tool.

The computer performs the function of the learning object when:

Programming, teaching the computer to the given processes;

Creation of software products;

Application of various information environments.

The collaborating team is recreated by a computer as a result of communication with a wide audience (computer networks), telecommunications on the Internet.

The leisure environment is organized using:

Game programs;

Computer games over the network;

Computer video.

The work of a teacher in computer technology includes the following functions.

    Organization of the educational process at the level of the class as a whole, the subject as a whole (schedule of the educational process, external diagnostics, final control).

    Organization of intra-class activation and coordination, placement of workplaces, instruction, management of the intra-class network, etc.).

    Individual observation of students, provision of individual assistance, individual "human" contact with the child. With the help of a computer, ideal individual learning options are achieved using visual and auditory imagery.

    Preparation of the components of the information environment (various types of educational demonstration equipment, software and systems, teaching and visual aids, etc.), their connection with the subject content of a particular training course.

Informatization of teaching requires from the teacher and students computer literacy, which can be considered as special part content of computer technology. The structure of the content of computer technology (computer literacy) includes:

Knowledge of basic concepts of computer science and computing technology;

Knowledge of the basic structure and functionality of computer technology;

Knowledge of modern operating systems and mastery of their basic commands;

Knowledge of modern software shells and general-purpose operating tools (Norton Commander, Windows and others) and mastery of their functions;

Possession of at least one text editor;

Initial understanding of algorithms, languages \u200b\u200band programming packages;

Initial experience in using utilitarian applications.

Completely unique opportunities for a child's dialogue with science and culture are presented by the World Wide Web - Internet:

    correspondence-conversation with peers from all parts of the world;

    attraction of scientific and cultural information from all banks, museums, repositories of the world;

    interactive communication, tracking events through international servers.

Computer technologies make it possible to successfully carry out work on projects. Method of projects in recent times is gaining in popularity. However, a project is often understood as any activity of students, the result of which is a particular product. The project method involves the use of a wide range of problematic, research search methods, focused on a real practical result, significant for the student, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the development of the problem in a holistic manner.

In general, when working on a project, the teacher performs the following functions:

Assists students in finding sources that can help them work on a project;

Itself is a source of information;

Coordinates the whole process;

Supports and encourages students;

Supports continuous feedbackto help students progress on the project.

An example of a social project "The Warmth of Your Hearts". (presentation)

Computer technologies make it possible to develop cognitive and communicative needs (requests) of students:

    The need (request) for knowledge:

World outlook (for the formation of your own worldview and worldview);

Indicative (for mastering the ways of activity, adaptation and self-realization);

Estimated (to develop their own judgments and assessments of certain events, phenomena, facts).

    The need (request) to master the methods of activity (skills: organizational and practical, intellectual, research, communication.

    The need (request) to establish certain relationships with other people about the material being studied (intellectual empathy)

Pupils of the 7th - 9th grades annually participate in school and city Olympiads in geography. In addition, high school students take an active part in the work of the school scientific society, the result of their activities is participation in the annual city scientific and practical conference "With a dream of the future", participation in city and regional competitions.

Creative report on teaching geography.

“None of the other items in this
degree does not need clarity
and amusement as geography, and in
at the same time, none of the items
represents a more favorable
fields for the use of visual and
entertaining ways of teaching,
like geography. "
N.N. Baransky

In the conditions of transformation of all aspects of the life of our society, when its ideology, value system, moral ideals change, the social role of the teacher grows and becomes more complicated, the requirements for his professional competence... Of particular importance are such qualities of a teacher as the ability to master new concepts of the subject, new pedagogical technologies, as well as a broad outlook in the field of the content of the subject and its teaching methods.
The introduction of information and communication technologies in education significantly accelerates the transfer of knowledge and the accumulated technological and social experience of mankind, not only from generation to generation, but also from one person to another. Modern ICT, improving the quality of training and education, allow a person to more successfully and quickly adapt to environment and ongoing social changes. This gives each person the opportunity to receive the necessary knowledge, both today and in the future post-industrial society. The active and effective implementation of these technologies in education is an important factor in creating an education system that meets the requirements of the IO and the process of reforming the traditional education system in the light of the requirements of modern society.

The introduction of information technology in the study of geography will allow:
1. To increase the educational and cognitive motivation of students.
2. Rationally organize the cognitive activity of students during the educational process.
3. Use ICT tools that allow you to individualize the educational process and turn to fundamentally new cognitive means.
4. To intensify the educational and cognitive activity of students.
5. Improve the quality of teaching geography.

It is impossible to imagine a truly educated, cultured person who does not know the basics of geography. Geography expands the general outlook of a person, educates him in the spirit of humanism and patriotism. The study of geography instills love for the Motherland, for native places, for nature, a benevolent attitude towards people, other countries and peoples.
One of the tasks school geography on the present stage is not only about giving students basic basic concepts, but also to teach to work competently with a variety of media.
Today, one of the areas of modernization of the geographic education system is the introduction of computer technologies and multimedia. This makes it possible to intensify the analytical activities of students, deepen the democratization of teaching methods, liberate creativity, stimulate and develop mental processes, thinking, perception, memory of schoolchildren.
The rapid development of new information technologies and their introduction in the past five years have left a certain imprint on the development of the personality of a modern child. A powerful stream of new information, advertising, the use of computer technology on television, the distribution of game consoles, electronic toys and computers are big influence on raising a child and his perception of the world around him. Therefore, it is necessary to teach each child in a short period of time to master, transform and use in practice huge amounts of information. It is very important to organize the learning process so that the child actively, with interest and enthusiasm works in the lesson, sees the fruits of his labor and can evaluate them.
A combination of traditional teaching methods and modern information technologies, including computer technologies, can help the teacher in solving this difficult task. After all, the use of a computer in the classroom allows you to make the learning process mobile, strictly differentiated and individual. Information and communication technologies - essential tool to activate and motivate the educational and cognitive activities of schoolchildren, contribute to the development of the personality of schoolchildren and provide quality education.
Having deeply studied methodological basis cognitive activity of students, I set myself the task of solving the problem of enhancing cognitive activity in geography lessons and increasing the motivation of students through the use of ICT. The reason for this was the observation of a general decline in the interest of schoolchildren in learning activities. the results of my own diagnostics of educational practice, which indicate that more than half of my students, schoolchildren of adolescence, have a neutral, and in some cases negative, cognitive interest in learning. Indicators of this are the lack of formation of skills to work with information posted in various sources; inability to organize independent activities for the implementation research works, express your thoughts clearly and analyze your own way of working with geographic data. As a result, children with reduced interest do not develop a holistic view of the world, the development of self-awareness and self-control is delayed, a habit of thoughtless, meaningless activity is formed, the habit of cheating, responding at a prompt, a cheat sheet.
The work on this problem prompted the search for such forms of teaching, methods and techniques that make it possible to increase the effectiveness of assimilation of geographical knowledge, help to recognize it in every student. individual characteristics and on this basis instill in him the desire for knowledge and creativity. I am convinced that this is possible only with a holistic approach to learning activities.
Having explored the methodological aspects of the problem posed, having studied and generalized the values \u200b\u200band findings in the advanced experience of teachers, I actively and purposefully directed my activities to the development and formation of the cognitive interests of students in geography lessons through the use of ICT, to the creation of a common system of educational and educational work.

One of the stages of my work was the creation of an information resource for the study of geography. ICT has always been an integral part of my pedagogical process in the “pre-computer era”. This is primarily due to the fact that the learning process is an informational process. But only with the advent of the possibility of using computers in educational process the term "information and communication technologies" itself has acquired a new meaning and sound, since it has become associated exclusively with the use of personal computers. Thus, the emergence of a computer in educational activities, was a catalyst of those trends that showed the informational essence of the learning process. The possibility of active use of computer technology appears more and more every year. On my assignment and with my help, students perform rather complex tasks for the design of research papers, drawing up brochures, travel presentations, slide projects. Now an information resource is being collected in the geography office, which the trainees prepare independently and make out in the form of presentations.
These works are successfully used at various stages of a geography lesson with the help of a computer in a geography classroom, when it is not possible to conduct a lesson in a computer class.

The main goal of my activity is to create an optimal learning system that allows you to create conditions for the formation and development of scientific knowledge, skills and abilities in a student that meet state requirements for the level of training of students in my subject, to create a holistic picture of the world around you on the basis of the knowledge gained. This is achievable if the students do not memorize the mechanically suggested knowledge, but deeply understand and perceive it. It is this deep, conscious assimilation of knowledge that I strive to achieve. In addition, my goal is to instill interest in the subject, the development of the student's personality, the education of mental independence.

Geography is one of those subjects where the process of developing students' creativity and cognitive competence acquires the most vivid semantic shades. Undoubtedly, the strongest emphasis for the formation of the creative potential of students and the development of cognitive competence I form at the initial stage of studying the subject (grades 6-7), since the perception of educational material goes through the “revitalization” of words, concepts, definitions of the given topic of the lesson, the creation of images of perceived lesson objects is included, there is an enrichment and improvement of new images, making the educational process more productive from topic to topic.

I believe that it is impossible to achieve success in solving the tasks assigned to the teacher, without enhancing cognitive activity, students' attention, the formation and development of sustainable cognitive competence to the material being studied.

I would like that, after graduating from school, the student would acquire not only theoretical knowledge, but understand the essence of natural phenomena, see behind them the physical processes that underlie them, could easily, using the knowledge gained, explain everything that happens around him ... But while the surrounding world and the knowledge of geography obtained at school overlap only partially, the desired flexibility of the mind and the degree of development of practical skills that would lead to the desired result are not achieved. One of my tasks is to minimize this contradiction.

I have at my disposal an office, the necessary furniture, a set of maps and tables, a certain set of laboratory and demonstration equipment, a collection of rocks and minerals. From teaching aids I use visual aids, pictures, maps, atlases, diagrams, didactic material, multilevel handouts, educational literature: textbooks, manuals, anthologies, dictionaries, fiction. I use all the equipment in the process of work, I have to do some myself, use toys and household items as demonstration equipment, but there are also positive aspects to this.

I am constantly working on the design of the office. There are various stands that are periodically updated. Pupils are provided with textbooks, moreover, due to the fact that the textbooks are bought by parents. I acquire tutorials, I subscribe to newspapers and magazines. I constantly replenish my methodical piggy bank with handouts, tests, tasks for control, verification and independent work, which I both acquire and compose myself. I am accumulating materials for olympiad tasks... I am working to improve my teaching skills. I take part in the work of the methodological association of teachers of the natural and mathematical cycle, I am its leader. I visit open lessons school and district teachers, I take on a lot of things. I give open lessons myself. I periodically go through retraining courses. The last courses I took in March 2014 on the topic "Designing geography lessons using geoinformation technologies, placing them in an information environment", which helped to find more effective means and methods of working with children in geography.

The school administration will create the necessary conditions for my activity to the best of its ability. Attending lessons give useful tips, recommendations.

By an educational process of high quality, I mean such teaching when the teacher clearly knows what exactly he wants to achieve from the student in one given lesson, during a quarter, a year and the whole course, and, cooperating with the student, respecting him as a person, applying various methods and means, as a result of his activities, from each student the maximum possible result.

To obtain such a result, I use the following teaching and education methods:

I strive to motivate the cognitive activity of the student, primarily by developing interest in the material taught.

I seek a conscious perception of knowledge.

I organize creative and independent work in the classroom.

I organize the work of a student with a student and a source of knowledge.

I strive to create a situation of success.

I build relationships with students based on respect for the individual on the one hand and exactingness on the other.

I regularly use repetition of what I have learned.

To motivate students' activities at the beginning of the study of each topic, I try to awaken cognitive interest by giving examples of how important this topic is in our modern life and how important it is for students to know for themselves what we will study in it, asking students questions about which they cannot answer, but which will interest them, for example, in grade 5 when studying the topic "Phenomena of Nature": "Why do sparks appear when you stroke a cat?", "What is and how is lightning formed?" Why is a desert forming on the west coast of South America in the temperate zone? and so on. In addition, I conduct all the experiments that are possible with the existing equipment. This really pushes up interest and helps to understand the topic under study.

An important task that I set myself is to develop the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, to stimulate their creative independence, since only through one's own activity can one cognize the world around and the phenomena in it. The use of ICT helps in this, I make presentations for lessons, I use educational disks, in which the curriculum consists of thematic lessons containing theoretical material, supplemented with maps and illustrations, animations, videos, diagrams and tables, interactive simulators and exercises. The school has a computer science room, interactive whiteboard, which allows the use of interactive equipment, Internet resources, interactive maps and video material, test simulators in a computer version. The use of test simulators in geography lessons creates positive motivation for children to learn, helps the student to assimilate a large amount of information, increase activity in the classroom, reduce the amount of literature used to prepare and reduce the time it takes to find the necessary information, and manage the cognitive activity of schoolchildren. By actively using test simulators in teaching geography, you can achieve high results of the quality of training in the subject.

In the process teaching practiceWhen organizing the preparation of students for EOUD in the subject of geography, working with students with different levels of training, I faced the main problem - how to make the lesson more interesting and increase the interest of children in the subject. After all, the social order involves providing each student with the opportunity to receive education in accordance with his inclinations and interests.

Thus, I became convinced that in the learning process there are contradictions between the orientation of the new content to the development of the creative abilities of students and the traditional methods and forms of education focused on the transfer of ready-made knowledge.

In a lesson with a problem statement, I offer children entertaining tasks. For example, when studying the topic "Wind" in grade 6, I suggest that children choose a place for the construction of a solid fuel boiler house, taking into account the wind rose in our area. I carry out a partial search and research method both when studying new material and for consolidation.

For example, when studying the topic "Placement of ferrous metallurgy enterprises" to facilitate the task, I give the following questions and tasks according to the table "Technical and economic indicators of large industrial enterprises". What is the number of employees, how much raw materials, fuel, water and so on does the enterprise need? Compare with other businesses. Make a conclusion. I think that problem learning really is an effective way to increase student interest in geography lessons, development of creativity. The older the students, the more difficult problems they solve, the higher their level of independence. In the classroom, I widely carry out interdisciplinary connections with other disciplines - with chemistry, biology, physics, history, and literature.

In the classroom, I give creative assignments: write an essay (for example, "The Journey of a Droplet of Water", "The Man-King of Nature?"), Compose a crossword puzzle, compose a fairy tale, syncwine. This, in addition to intellectual development, allows us to look at geography from a slightly different angle, to comprehend it in a new way.

The forms of lessons that I use are as follows: a lesson in studying and mastering new material, practical work, a lesson-game, KVN, a conference, a lesson in generalizing and consolidating knowledge. The main method I use in the lessons of studying and assimilating new material is explanatory and illustrative, I do it best, but due to the fact that the activity of students in such lessons is very limited, I use both partial search and search and research methods. For example, I teach lessons in the formation of new knowledge in the form of lessons-lectures, seminars, lessons-expeditions (travel), lessons-research, training conferences (press conferences). In the lessons of teaching skills and abilities I use such non-traditional forms as lessons with role play, and in the lessons of repetition and generalization of knowledge, consolidation of skills, I use games: KVN, “What? Where? When? ”, Lessons-competitions, lessons-competitions. In the lessons of checking and taking into account knowledge and skills, I conduct quizzes, contests, geographical dictations, testing, protection of creative works. When studying new material, I give preference to the use of ICT. Build all lessons using information Technology, impossible. The usual work lessons have their own specifics, the goals are different. But there are lessons where computer technology is needed. To date, I have developed lessons using presentations that I create myself or use those created by colleagues. I see the main goals of using computer technologies in my lessons: increasing motivation to study, deepening knowledge, developing the psychophysical qualities of students in the process of their practical activities in a gaming computer environment.

In the lessons I use both individual and group forms of activity.

I pay great attention in the lessons to the development of students' speech, the development of the ability to clearly formulate my thoughts, to state and substantiate my ideas.

I pay attention to working with the book, especially its types: short retelling text, highlighting the main idea, searching for an answer to the question posed, working on drawing, graphics. Working with a text is comprehending its content, finding the meanings of new words in the dictionary, answering questions suggested by the teacher, formulating your own questions, searching the literature for passages that are suitable to illustrate a particular natural phenomenon. Such activity allows students to form an idea of \u200b\u200ba holistic picture of the world. The set of facts stated in the texts has not only informational significance, but also prompts the classification of phenomena, the determination of their practical significance. Working with a literary text expands the vocabulary, contributes to the development of imagery of thinking, and increases the culture of speech.

I try to select interesting examples of illustrations from the surrounding nature, everyday life for all the material being studied, and make up tasks related to life.

Pay attention patriotic education, introducing students to the role of scientists in our country in the development of geographical knowledge. Educational work in the lesson I direct to the formation of a culture of communication, the ability to communicate in a group, in a team, ethical rules and norms, volitional qualities personality. Since I believe that the problem of teaching is not only what to teach in this lesson, but also that the students do not forget in six months what they studied, and this requires repetition. Therefore, in addition to repeating those questions that are directly related to the topic of this lesson, I strive to repeat all the material already studied. To do this, I use revision questions for the material of the geography course, starting from grade 6, they are numbered and distributed to the students. In almost every lesson, I devote some time to review: the students either ask questions to each other, or I ask them questions about the material covered. This prevents students from forgetting the material that they studied earlier and contributes to the conscious perception of new things. In addition, at the end of the topic, I conduct a generalizing lesson, where we recall everything that we have learned, highlight the main issues, discuss what exactly is important and interesting for each of them learned.

I always control how the material of this lesson has been learned with the help of various types of independent work, individual and group (including test), oral questioning, geographical dictations. Conducting this or that control, I not only fix the level of students' knowledge, but also research the results. This allows me to adjust further activities, plan work to eliminate knowledge gaps, individual work with students.

If necessary, I provide consultations to clarify the misunderstood topics. I give permission to retake the material within a certain period of time, thereby achieving a sufficiently high level of students' knowledge of geography.

Considering that the success of learning the material also depends on the emotions of children, on their personal attitude towards the teacher, I strive to put each student in a situation of success, using multilevel assignments, to evaluate a good answer not only by an assessment, but also to praise orally, and not only a strong student for an A , and given the individuality of each, for some result that is difficult to achieve for a given child. I believe that in no case should you offend the student, I make it clear that his negative result saddens me, I aim at the fact that, with diligence, the situation can be corrected. I strive to set a specific, achievable goal for the students at each lesson. The strength of my work, I think, is that I see the student as an equal employee, foster interest in my subject, rethink my experience in order to improve my activities.

I believe that the urgent task of development modern education is to create conditions for the development of an innovative educational space that can provide high level children's self-development, self-realization. To this end, I am working to identify talented students with high intellectual, creative, educational and cognitive potential. For myself, I highlight the principles of working with such students:

Maximum variety of personality development opportunities;

The growing role of extracurricular activities;

Individualization, differentiation of education;

Creation of conditions for independent work student.

In my lessons I use differentiated tasks of three different levels of difficulty. Moreover, I suggest that students choose the appropriate level themselves, thereby creating a positive attitude towards work, its successful implementation. The work on such differentiated tasks allows taking into account the peculiarities of perception, comprehension and memorization of the educational material of students of different psychophysiological groups and contributes to a better assimilation of the program, the development of children, the formation of the ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions - the ability to learn. As a rule, I use differentiated tasks during the lesson at the stage of primary consolidation when studying a new topic, or in the process of consolidating knowledge. The stage of consolidation is a predominantly independent activity of students, which in turn is the most important way of forming the creative individuality of students.

Based on the results of our own observations and using additional literature children draw up projects, write essays and messages, draw pictures. I try to encourage students to creatively search for options for solving educational problems, to express inferences, make assumptions and test them.

It should be emphasized that working with the individuality of each student puts me in a new position - to be both a teacher and a psychologist who knows how to carry out comprehensive pedagogical observation of each student in the process of his individual age development and personal formation. I involve all my students in creative work. Extracurricular work with students also gives positive results: the number of participants and prize-winners of the school and district subject Olympiad by geography. Basically, I achieve positive results in working with gifted children in the subject. My students take prizes at regional Olympiads in geography. (2010 - 1st place Zholudeva D, 2011 - 2nd place - Zholudeva D, 2014 - 2nd place Stepanets N) I use all my knowledge and experience to activate logical thinking students, I show a sincere interest in the success of the children and help them successfully implement their ideas. I involve gifted children in project activities. I am convinced that participation in competitions forms the skills that are necessary for the modern younger generation: the ability to creatively approach the solution of all kinds of problems, organize, and most importantly, successfully implement their activities.

In geography lessons with low-performing students, I use a personality-oriented approach, training in formation, taking into account the development of individual abilities and the level of formation of skills, are differentiated training tasks, practical work, differentiated tests, work of choice. I introduce new material gradually, using samples of knowledge and rules for performing educational activities. Weak students cannot immediately assimilate a large amount of new material and apply simultaneously old and new knowledge. Therefore, I practice additional classes for those who wish. At the end of each block, I organize a systematic test of knowledge and skills. Only knowledge of gaps makes it possible to provide urgent and the right help... To close knowledge gaps, it is necessary for all students to learn to seek the advice of a teacher immediately. Children are especially eager to go to classes with games. Such classes provide an opportunity to work at the subconscious level. When organizing homework for low-performing schoolchildren, tasks are selected to recognize and correct mistakes: detailed instructions are given on the procedure for performing homework, if necessary, consultation cards are offered, tasks are given to repeat the material that will be required to study new. The volume of homework is calculated so as not to overload schoolchildren.

From the very beginning of my teaching career I am engaged in self-education. Now I am in search of new forms, methods, methods of teaching and upbringing. I try to use non-traditional forms, ICT. This contributes to the activation of the mental activity of students, the development of their creative imagination.

Since 2012 I have been working on the topic of self-education "Using computer technologies as a means of increasing the effectiveness of a geography lesson." Developed a long-term plan for self-education. Prepared a report on the topic of self-education, which she presented at the school methodological association teachers in 2014. The report covers both theoretical and practical issues on the topic. Assignments and exercises of a different nature are proposed that I use in geography lessons. In 2014, I spoke at the district pedagogical readings with the report "Improving the quality and efficiency of geographic education". My work was included in the district collection of pedagogical readings on the dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience. Every year I spend subject weeks and extracurricular activities.

During the period from 2010 to 2014, I achieved the following results:

Student progress is consistently 100%.

Positive dynamics of the "quality of knowledge"

Academic year

Knowledge quality

Students constantly choose the geography for the final certification.

2014-2015 school year I am the class teacher of the 5th grade. The task of the class teacher is not only to teach, but also to educate. To awaken the soul of a child, to develop the creative abilities inherent in nature, to teach communication, orientation in various life situations, to foster an elementary culture of behavior, feelings of mercy and compassion, to instill the skills of a healthy lifestyle - these are the main tasks that I set myself as classroom teacher... For three quarters, I have held many interesting events. These are various games, contests, conversations, KVN and much more. I pay attention to working with parents. I hold parenting meetings of different content, visit difficult families, and do individual work. I study the composition of the family, material and living conditions, educational opportunities, psychological climate. My lessons and educational activities are always open to parents. From the first days of my stay at school, I find out the level of personal, moral-strong-willed and intellectual readiness children, looking for paths to their hearts, working on rallying the class as a team. On class hours I introduce you to my native village, the capital of our state, with symbols - these are important moments of civic education. I pay attention to the education of civil attitude towards the family. During class hours and after school hours, I conduct events that teach the rules of traffic rules, the ability to provide assistance in emergency situations, the rules of behavior on the street and at home, so that trouble does not happen.

A teacher, no matter how many years he has worked at school, must approach his work creatively. But each teacher has his own style, his own handwriting. I believe that, in general, performance in work depends on the teacher's personal qualities: on his skills, on erudition, on experience and individual abilities, and even on the emotional coloring of the lesson.