After 9 to the psychologist. What subjects to take to a psychologist

Institutes, universities, universities in Moscow with a degree in Psychology

basic information

Normative terms of training from 2 years 5 months to 5 years

Graduation qualification psychologist

Cost of education from 15 000 semester

Specialty code "Psychology"

Forms of education full-time, part-time, distance

Arrival after 11 classes, college, institute, translation


Individual psychological counseling, counseling psychology, psychological support of the family and family counseling, clinical psychology and health psychology, practical psychology in the social sphere, psychology of the virtual environment, counseling psychology, clinical psychology and health psychology, practical psychology in the social sphere, psychology of the virtual environment, practical psychology in education, practical psychology in the organization, pedagogical activity in preschool institutions, pedagogical activity at the initial stage of education, support of children with developmental disabilities, psychology and social pedagogy, practical psychology, psychological counseling, psychology, social Psychology development of children.

List of educational institutions specializing in Psychology

Frequently asked questions on admission to the specialty Psychology

When can you apply for admission?

It all depends on the form and direction of training. Most institutes accept applicants throughout the year.

Can I apply for an abbreviated training program?

There is a possibility of individual training curriculum... It is calculated for each applicant individually.

Where to get a second degree in Psychology in Moscow?

Many institutes offer admission to the Department of Psychology. Make sure you have a government license and accreditation. Most of the institutes are presented on our website in the section Moscow institutes -

What does the cost of training depend on?

The cost of training at the institute depends on the choice of specialty and form of training. Full-time from 50,000 per semester, part-time from 25,000 per semester, distance from 15,000 per semester.

How to enter the institute for nonresident citizens?

Nonresident citizens enter the institute on a general basis, according to the rules and conditions of admission to each specific university.

How to enter an institute without the exam?

Sorry to receive higher education on the basis of 11 classes, it is necessary to provide the results of the USE in specialized subjects (Russian, mathematics, social studies, biology). Admission without the Unified State Exam is possible on the basis of a secondary vocational education and a higher education diploma. Students not planning passing the exam, use the program and enter the institute without the exam.

What subjects do you need to take for a psychologist upon admission after grades 9 and 11 + 5 best Moscow universities + salary range + 10 necessary qualities for success in the profession.

The profession of a psychologist attracts many young people.

Future soul healers vividly imagine how they sit in a cozy office with a leather sofa, and some pop diva comes to their reception to cry at the fate of the villain: they say that the rotation of the song on the radio was reduced, and the new video came out as a complete “bullshit” ”And the maid didn't dust the antique dresser well enough.

But in reality, everything turns out not so rosy: you have to deal with severe childhood traumas, and work with victims of violence or people prone to suicide.

Doesn't that scare you? Are you sure psychology is your calling? Then let's figure out what you need to take to a psychologist.

What subjects should be taken to a psychologist if the choice of profession is final and not subject to appeal?

After grade 11: forward and with a song!

If, after grade 11, you decided to become, if not the new Sigmund Freud, then at least the best private psychologist in the city, you need to know what subjects for the exam will have to be passed:

    russian language.

    But how are you going to "fill yourself with a nightingale" in front of a person, promising that everything will be fine with him, if you cannot correctly connect two words?


    No, you do not need to frown as if from a toothache. It is this subject that helps to develop logic and analytical thinking, and they are useful in the work of a psychologist;

    biology (profile subject).

    Without this knowledge, a brilliant career as a psychologist, honor and respect of colleagues will definitely not shine for you;

    social studies (at some universities).

But this list of what exams you need to pass as a psychologist is not "iron":

    many universities do not particularly muffle applicants with social studies, but without fail require passing the exam in biology;

    in some educational institutions you will be required to write an essay on a psychological topic and it must be something better than: "Vasya left the pregnant Masha and therefore he is a scoundrel, and Masha is a fine fellow."

    In any case, no matter what subjects you need to take to a psychologist, we advise you to read classics and popular science books, and not just instructions for a new smartphone;

    some universities may offer you an interview - do not immediately fall into a deep swoon! We are confident that when you talk to teachers, you will show yourself as an adequate, motivated and disposed person.

    In the end, you are going to study to be a psychologist, where you need to establish contact with people, and not an accountant. Consider this the first professional aptitude test.

  • if you graduated from school in a carefree youth, and decided to master the profession of a psychologist as a “man in his prime,” then you will first have to pass exams (USE) in the same subjects as school graduates;
  • anyway, should be clarified in admissions committee of the chosen university, which exams for a psychologist need to be passed with them.

After 9th grade: a little patience - and voila, you are a psychologist!

If you have decided from the 9th grade that light is not pleasant to you without psychology, you should be a little upset: you will not be able to enroll in a higher educational institution as a psychologist right away.

The best option is to study first as a nurse / nurse, and only then gnaw the granite of science at some cool university.

To become a student medical college (this will be your first step on the way to the profession of a psychologist), you need to pass in the form of a GIA (state final certification) such exams:

    russian language.

    And here you can't go anywhere without this object;


    Do not even try to tell the members of the certification committee that you are a typical "lyricist", not created to swarm in all these logarithms and integrals;

    We think that we will not open "America" \u200b\u200bfor you if we inform you that in many ways psychological attitude person depends on chemical reactions in his body.

    So do not quietly hate yourself if for complete happiness you need one large chocolate bar a day and cash;


"So that you live on one salary": is it worth it at all to find out what exams you need to take as a psychologist?

Before rushing to your favorite university to find out what needs to be passed to a psychologist, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the salary range:

    It all depends on your competence and experience. And if you are lucky enough to get a client of some rich metropolitan "little thing" that will tell on every corner what kind of "magician and sorcerer" you are, then consider that you have grabbed God by the beard;

What you need to take to a psychologist, and most importantly - where: 5 best Moscow universities for studying psychology

These universities are worth it to "get confused" and find out what exams you need to take for a psychologist, because they are famous for class teachers and high level learning:

Before rushing to your favorite university, in order to clarify what needs to be passed to a psychologist, it does not hurt to find out the amount of salary that you can count on after graduation:

    in Moscow the salary of a psychologist is from 20 to 70 thousand rubles a month.

    It all depends on your competence and experience. And if you are lucky enough to get some rich metropolitan "little thing" that will tell you on every corner what kind of "magician and sorcerer" you are, then consider that you have grabbed God by the beard;

    in other cities of Russia, a certified psychologist can count on 15-70 thousand rubles a month.

    And you are unlikely to see Tina Kandelaki or Anastasia Volochkova on the couch in your office.

When to know what needs to be passed to a psychologist - "it will not be enough": 10 most important qualities of a good specialist

Even if you have learned, like "Our Father", what subjects you need to take to a psychologist, you cannot do without these qualities:

    high emotional and general intelligence.

    How do you want? Which one of you is a psychologist, if in no time you can offend a person, and then also wonder why he does not answer your phone calls?

    the ability to patiently listen and hear a person.

    Believe me, it will be very useful to you when a client for the sixth time tells how his mother did not buy a red train for him in deep childhood, and from there - his aggression, greed and dislike for red;

    tolerance for someone else's lifestyle, opinion, behavior, etc.

    Do you just adore your mom? What about a man who hasn't visited his parents in a nursing home for several years? If you are a really good psychologist, and knowingly learned what exams you need to pass for him, then you will not "blurt out" anything offensive;

    the ability to calm and empathize.

    Agree, a person goes to a psychologist to talk heart to heart, and not "rub" about problems with his wife to the cactus on your table;

    “I myself am a practicing psychologist, and my husband is an Orthodox priest. And we often talk about how similar our professions are: both there and there you need to be able to imbue with the problem of a person.
    Often after a working day, we argue which of us had it harder and who should have milk (in our case - chocolate candy) "For harm", - says Maria from Tver.

  • tact.

    Hmm, well, we think that since you have passed all the exams for a psychologist, you probably will not interrupt the patient who is talking about so that you can call your friend Seryozha and invite him for a glass of beer after work;


    Since a person has reached a psychologist with his internal problems (and this does not happen often in Russia), it means that his business is really "seams" and he is ready to hear professional advice.

    You, in turn, must try to make this advice work for him. It is not good to listen to the patient's ear, thinking about the upcoming fishing trip.


    No, the amazing abilities of Dr. Lightman from The Theory of Lies are not required from a psychologist, but if the patient claims that he has calmed down, and he picks up the fifteenth paper napkin himself, it is unlikely that he is sincere with you;

    emotional stability and optimism.

    It is not so easy to remain “positive”, hearing about difficult emotional experiences and delving into other people's psychological “underwear”. Do you still want to know what subjects you need to take for a psychologist?

    confidence in your strength.

    Perhaps, without this quality, it’s not like not becoming a good psychologist, but simply a successful person;


    Especially when it comes to children: who in childhood would you listen to more willingly - a boring aunt muttering something under her breath or a young lady dressed up as a sorceress or your favorite Disney princess? The answer is obvious.

What does it take to become a psychologist?

Find out a simple secret on how to master the profession:

So find out what you need to take to a psychologist and successfully "shoot" in specialized subjects - just the first step on the way to the profession of your dreams. But, as an acquaintance of the author of the article often says: “If you are not even capable of this, then what are you generally capable of? This is your goal! "

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After leaving school, every young man and girl faces the question of choosing a profession. IN recent times the profession of a psychologist is becoming more and more popular. People take an active interest in psychology and use the services of psychologists. Psychologists work in kindergartens, schools, hospitals, welfare centers, hotlines and many other organizations.

Today, the profession of a psychologist is very necessary, so many school graduates choose this profession for themselves. And they have a question: what subjects do you need to take when entering an educational institution? Let's look at this issue, and also find out what the profession of a psychologist is and in which educational institutions it can be obtained.

What is a psychologist?

A psychologist is a person who specializes in the study inner peace a person, his psyche and personality. Psychologists do not work with mentally ill people, but with healthy people who have various difficulties - problems in the family, in relations with children, conflicts at work, dissatisfaction with oneself, age crises, etc.

There are different areas of psychology: family, children, clinical, legal, sports and others. Each area has its own specialist. There are also general psychologists who specialize in various problems. Some enterprises employ psychologists who help company employees and are also engaged in recruiting.

The profession of a psychologist in preschool and school educational institutions is in great demand. For the correct upbringing of children and building educational process a specialist of this profile is irreplaceable.

In addition to government agencies, there are private psychological centers where everyone can get qualified psychological help.

What subjects do you need to take for a psychologist?

School graduates who have chosen the path of psychology for themselves are interested in: in which educational institution can one get this specialty?

Many humanitarian institutions and universities provide an opportunity to get this specialty. Learn to clinical psychologist you can at the medical institute.

You can enter the university after the 11th grade of school. As a rule, after the 9th grade it is impossible to enter this specialty, but the applicant can graduate, for example, from medical school, and then go to study as a psychologist.

In order to be able to enroll, you must pass the exam in the following subjects:

  • russian language;
  • maths;
  • biology.

it common list, but it is best to clarify the list of subjects at the university, which the applicant is going to enter. Some educational institutions require passing an exam in natural history or additional dictations or essays.

First of all, you need to make a list of the most preferred universities, find out the conditions for admission, find out what departments there are in the educational institution, whether there are laboratories there, whether the university can graduate candidates and doctors of science. All this will help to form an impression of the institution of higher education. It doesn't hurt to get feedback from people who are already studying in it so you know in advance what to expect.

You can study to be a psychologist at full-time, evening and correspondence form learning. It is best for graduates of the school to choose full-time form. They do not work yet, so they can devote all their efforts to study. At first glance, it may seem that this specialty is very easy, but in fact there are many subtleties in it. Psychology is a deep and vast science, and in order to become a good specialist, it is necessary to study many subjects, read complex literature, perform control and laboratory work.

What qualities should a psychologist have?

In order to get an education, you need to make a lot of effort, but good academic performance is not the only factor that guarantees success in the chosen specialty. The candidate must have certain qualities that will help him in his professional activities.

Thus, we can conclude that the profession of a psychologist is very interesting and useful for society. Its representatives not only help others, but also constantly improve and develop themselves.

Career guidance is a crucial step for a student. After grades 9 and 11, students take exams and prepare for admission to universities. If a student has chosen the field of psychology for himself, then he has an idea about what subjects need to be taken after grade 11 in order to get to this faculty.

Features of the specialty

The profession of a psychologist has been in great demand over the past 10 years. At school, at an enterprise or in a large office, such a specialist provides irreplaceable assistance in building the right relationships in the team.

The Faculty of Psychology is the result of informed choice and long-term study. It is impossible to master a profession with high social responsibility in one day. Psychology training takes 5-6 years with the application of theoretical knowledge. The more a person learns, the easier it is for him to understand people and their behavior, knowing the psychotypes of the personality.

A psychologist studies human nature: he understands how actions lead to certain results. This is a specialist who can explain the nature of fear, find the root cause of a phobia or obsessive thoughts. If a person cannot understand what is happening to him, then the psychologist is an assistant, a guide to hidden thoughts and feelings.

Exam process

For admission to a university, a student takes compulsory and profile exams - these are assessment tests that will show how the student is ready to accept new knowledge. An important step for him is the choice of a profession, which requires a lot of strength and patience. Based on the results of these assessments, he is admitted to the chosen faculty or they give him recommendations on what subjects he needs to master before next year.

It is useless to pass additional exams without aspirations in further studies. Before passing the exams, you need to decide on educational institution and clarify the items that are required for delivery. You can apply to a psychologist after grade 9 or 11 with a certificate of secondary education.

List of school subjects

The subjects required for admission after grade 11 include the following disciplines:

  • maths;
  • russian language;
  • biology.

Preparation for final testing should be carried out in a comprehensive manner: you cannot focus on only one subject.

Russian language

Every student needs to take exams in the Russian language after school. Knowledge of the language will be useful to a psychologist who will work with people of different social status and education, and a theoretician who creates new methods in the future.

Delivered competent speech is an advantage of a psychologist... He must express himself freely, demonstrate professionalism: without such a basis as the Russian language, one cannot become a psychologist.

The second compulsory subject is mathematics. This is a discipline that is difficult for most students. Knowledge in the field of mathematics is useful for adults who are not directly related to calculations.

Mathematics develops logical thinking: it forms the correct perception of patterns in human life. It will not be possible to avoid testing in such a discipline: the knowledge gained at school will be useful in work.

Biology is a specialized subject. Without knowledge in the field of biology, it is impossible to define a disease and separate important physiological symptoms from contrived ones (signs of hypochondria are the desire to attract attention through contrived symptoms). The subject is surrendered after grades 9 and 11. This subject is compulsory in many schools. The profile discipline is also passed before entering the university.

Additional exams

As soon as a student decides to enter the Faculty of Psychology, he must use the knowledge gained at school for further learning... Before choosing profile subjectsfor which testing is carried out at school, future student considers them as an opportunity to demonstrate their own skills and abilities.

For most universities, along with biology, mathematics and the Russian language, it is recommended to take social studies - a discipline that shows how a student understands the world and perceives it. Worldview is the most important aspect for an applicant who is going to study to be a psychologist.

Important qualities for a student of psychology:

  • perseverance;
  • curiosity;
  • love of books;
  • curiosity.

The presence of such qualities in an applicant is an advantage during delivery entrance exams at the university. The student also provides certificates and awards that show his desire to be a well-rounded personality.

The prospective student may be offered an interview: this is a small conversation with teachers or curators, which will show the potential of the applicant. The student is notified of such an interview in advance.

Admission after grade 11

When the student decided to study as a psychologist after grade 11, he set himself a goal, for the sake of which the preparation for exams should be carried out. The better the applicant is ready for future difficulties, the easier the exams are for him. It is important that the student does not succumb to pressure or stress.

The current uSE system allows you to take the test only once: final exams at school serve as an assessment for the entrance test. The primary task of the student is to pass exams and prepare for additional interviews at the university.


Entrance exams are a responsible and exciting moment. Each student seeks to be realized, to find his place in life. The decision to study as a psychologist is based on the desire to devote time and energy to the profession.

The applicant needs to know in advance what disciplines are required to pass the chosen one educational institutionexcept for the required exams.

Colleges and Technical Schools of Psychology and Pedagogy in Moscow after 9, 11 grades, by transfer from another college. Terms and conditions for admission to colleges of pedagogy and psychology, days open doors, reviews of students and parents. Full-time, part-time, distance learning.

Psychology and Pedagogy education in Moscow

Anyone can enter the Moscow colleges of psychology and pedagogy and receive a specialty as a psychologist or teacher after grades 9 or 11. Secondary professional pedagogical education in colleges and technical schools in Moscow is rightfully considered the best. In the labor market, qualified psychologists and teachers are in high demand. Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy at the College - Quality, Availability, Success! Admission to a technical school or college of psychology is possible on the basis of grades 9 and 11. College graduates as part of the program continuing education, enter the institutes of psychology and pedagogy without entrance exams and uSE results.

Where to study to be a psychologist and teacher

Throughout Russia, there are a large number of colleges and technical schools where you can get a teacher education or become a psychologist. Moscow colleges of psychology and pedagogy rightfully occupy the first stage here. It is here that the prestige of the diploma, practical skills, qualified teaching staff and employment are qualitatively combined. If the question is relevant for you, where is it better to study as a psychologist, the answer is obvious - the Moscow College of Psychology and Pedagogy.

College after grade 9 or 11

Entering college after grade 9 is a great opportunity to get a psychology degree in a short time, find a job and use the acquired knowledge and skills in practice, increasing the work experience. Getting a higher pedagogical education and entering an institute after the 11th grade is becoming more difficult every year, and 11th grade graduates are increasingly choosing colleges and technical schools in Moscow. Independence from USE results, reduced training programs, employment opportunities are the main advantages of going to college after grade 11.

College or College

Technical school - implements educational programs middle vocational education basic level.

College - implements educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic and advanced levels

College of Psychology, as well as teacher training college gives the opportunity to get pedagogical education after the ninth, eleventh grade of school.

Classifier of specialties in the direction of psychology and pedagogy

(050705) Special preschool education

(050704) Preschool education

(44.02.05) Correctional pedagogy in primary education

(050710) Pedagogy of additional education

(050711) Social pedagogy