Grodno Agrarian University Higher School of Management. Russian universities



FULL NAME. lecturer: candidate historical sciences, associate professor of the department social sciencesStetskevich Pyotr Tadeushevich.

1. Study of the main events of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War, the life of the population in the occupied territories and in the Soviet rear, the contribution of Belarusians to the defeat of the Nazi invaders, the influence of military events on the fate of the peoples of the USSR and Europe.

2. Formation of civic and patriotic qualities, responsibility for the future of their country and the world community.

3. Acquisition and development of skills and abilities by students:

- conducting a discussion;

- historical analysis;

- work with historical documents, scientific and journalistic literature.

Prerequisites: story.

USSR and countries of the world on the eve and at the beginning of World War II.

The beginning of World War II and events in Belarus. The occupation of the European countries by the fascist bloc in 1939-1941. USSR on the eve of the Great Patriotic War.

Fight against German aggression.

The beginning of the Great Patriotic War. German fascist occupation regime. Partisan and underground fighting in the occupied territory of Belarus

Defeat of the fascist bloc. The end of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War.

The collapse of the offensive strategy of the German Wehrmacht. Liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders. The end of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War.

1. Great Patriotic War Soviet people (in the context of World War II): textbook / A.A. Kovalenya [and others]. - Minsk: BSU, 2004 .-- 279 p.

2. Belarus at the reptile Other Susvetnayvayny Vyalikai Aichynnaivains (spring 1939 - autumn 1945) // GistoryaBelarusi: At 2 pm –Minsk, 2003.– Part 2. –S. 217-279.

3. In the years of severe trials // The latest history of the Fatherland. XX century: Textbook for university students: In 2 t. –M., 1998. –T. 2. –C. 129-233.

Language of instruction: Russian, Belarusian.

History of world culture

Name of the specialized module of the student's choice:

"History of World Culture".

FULL NAME. lecturer: Candidate of Culturology, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Sciences, Ph.

The history of world culture is a branch of socio-humanitarian knowledge that explores the essence and evolution of the world cultural process, analyzes cultural macrodynamics in the context of certain historical epochs, identifies the main trends and general patterns development of culture. This discipline examines various cultural styles, forms, ideals, values, seeks to reveal the peculiarities of the work of outstanding cultural figures. It reflects the study of the culture of the past and the present from the standpoint of multidimensionality, understanding the culture of the individual and interpersonal relations in the context of a variety of interests and cultural pluralism; analysis of the problems of correlation of traditions and innovations, national and universal in culture. The content of the course guides students on the comprehension of universal human cultural values \u200b\u200band their correlation with the values \u200b\u200bof the Belarusian national culture.

The main topics of the course:

Theoretical models of the typology of culture;

Primitive culture;

Culture of ancient civilizations (IV millennium-VI centuries BC);

Traditional cultures of the East;

Ancient culture;

Culture of the European Middle Ages;

Renaissance culture;

European culture of the modern era;

20th century culture;

Belarusian culture in the context of world culture

The training course "History of World Culture" forms a detailed understanding of the essence, structure, types of culture, laws among students historical development world and Belarusian national culture, the functioning of culture in society and the role of the individual in socio-cultural processes. The history of world culture allows students to gain systematized knowledge of the basic cultural eras and their achievements, about the personalities of world and national culture, about the national and cultural values \u200b\u200bof Belarus and ways of protecting them.

This discipline helps to master the practical skills of a person's cultural self-identification, intercultural communication and dialogue, cultural tolerance, allows to apply the knowledge gained in order to predict sociocultural processes and their regulation, in solving problems of personal choice and behavior in modern society. The study of the proposed course is aimed at expanding the general cultural horizons of students and the formation of the value core of their worldview, the characteristics of which largely determine the effectiveness professional activity in the field of management.


Psychology of interpersonal relationships

Name of the specialized module of the student's choice:Psychology of interpersonal relationships

FULL NAME. lecturer: professor Karpuk Vladimir Vladimirovich

Objectives of the specialized module of the student's choice: To develop the psychological culture of students. To form systematized theoretical knowledge regarding the structure of the communication process, conditions and patterns of constructive communication and the variety of approaches to the study of interpersonal relations. Learn to analyze various interpersonal relationships.

Prerequisites: Psychology

The psychology of interpersonal relations is a section of social psychology that examines the patterns of communication and interaction; the connection between interpersonal and social relations is revealed, and communication is considered as their real manifestation. The structure and functions of communication, its mechanisms are investigated.

The main topics of the psychology of interpersonal relations:

Communication structure and functions;

Interpersonal perception and understanding;

Personality features affecting the formation of interpersonal relationships;

Development of interpersonal relationships and the formation of character traits;

Empathy as a mechanism for the development of interpersonal relationships;

The phenomenon of trust-distrust in interpersonal relationships;

The phenomena of interpersonal attractiveness and psychological compatibility;

Effective communication and hearing rules;

Prevention and resolution of conflict relationships;

Psychological analysis of jealousy;

Psychological analysis of envy;

Psychological analysis of friendship;

Psychological analysis of love;

Premarital, extramarital and family relationships;

Kunitsyna V.N., Kazarinova N.V., Pogolsha V.M. Interpersonal communication. - SPb .: Peter, 2003.

Myers D. Social Psychology... - SPb .: Peter, 1999.

Melibrude E. I-You-We. Psychological opportunities to improve communication. - M .: Progress, 1986.

Ilyin E.P. Emotions and feelings. - SPb: Peter, 2001.

Teaching Methods:Problematic presentation, partial search and research methods, psychological training, brainstorming, discussion, round table, etc.

Language of instruction: Russian, Belarusian.

Ethics, aesthetics

Name of the specialized module of the student's choice: Ethics and aesthetics

FULL NAME. lecturer: Malinovskaya T.I.

Objectives of the specialized module of the student's choice: introducing students to the world cultural and philosophical experience of understanding ethical and aesthetic categories in order to improve the ethical and aesthetic level of students' culture

Prerequisites: Philosophy

Ethics as a science. History of ethical teachings. Morality as a subject of ethics. The concept of the ideal in ethics. Good and evil. The problem of happiness and the meaning of life. Freedom and responsibility, duty and conscience. Etiquette. Environmental guidelines for ethics. Bioethics. Cloning, organ transplantation and surrogacy are an attempt at moral reflection. Computer ethics. The problem of the death penalty. Abortion as moral problem... The problem of euthanasia.

Aesthetics as a science. History of aesthetics. Categories of aesthetics:

beautiful and ugly, sublime and base, tragic and comic. Aesthetics as a theory of art. Types of art: literature, music, cinema, theater, art, choreography, sculpture.

Guseinov A.A., Apresyan R.G. Ethics: A Textbook. M .: Gardariki, 1998

Zelenkova I.L. Ethics: Textbook / I.L. Zelenkova. - M .: TetraSystems, 2008

V. V. Bychkov Aesthetics: Textbook / V.V. Bychkov. - M .: Gardariki, 2004

Teaching methods: The method of problem statement, heuristic conversation and communication technologies based on active forms and teaching methods (discussion, debate-dialogue, educational debate, round table, etc.)

Language of instruction: Russian


Economic sociology

Name of the specialized module of the student's choice: Economic sociology

FULL NAME. lecturer professor: Candidate of Philosophy Yanchelovskaya Svetlana Mikhailovna.

Objectives of the specialized module for the student's choice: To form systematized theoretical knowledge regarding the fundamental laws and social mechanisms that regulate economic relations and determine the type of economic behavior social actors; deep understanding of the essence of socio-economic processes at the macro- and microeconomic levels. Master the practical skills of applying basic sociological methods to analyze specific socio-economic situations; to form the ability to make optimal management decisions of economic problems with the help of social technologies; use the capabilities of the human factor in managing the economy.

Prerequisites: Sociology

Content of a specialized module of the student's choice: Economic sociology is a branch of socio-humanitarian knowledge that studies the sociological laws of existence economic sphere society. She considers the development of the economy as a social process, driven by the activity of social subjects functioning in it - various interests, behavior, interaction of individuals, social groups, communities, institutions, layers of society. Economic sociology reveals the mechanisms that give rise to the relationship between two spheres of public life - economic and social, and, accordingly, the interaction of economic and social processes. The achievements of this science make it possible to use the specific features of social mechanisms to regulate the course of economic processes.

The main topics of economic sociology:

Social mechanisms of economic development;

Social factors that determine the economic activity and behavior of individuals, social groups, communities and strata that influence the development of the economic sphere of society;

Economic activity and its motivation, especially the motivation of various forms of socio-economic behavior of individuals and social communities;

The influence of the economic system on the socio-economic structure of society;

Influence of social relations and various forms of organization labor activity on the efficiency of social labor;

The interaction of social and economic factors that determine the emergence and development of socio-economic processes (economic boom or decline, crises) at a certain historical stage and in certain economic conditions;

Social and economic efficiency of management decisions.

Radaev, V.V. Economic sociology / V.V. Radaev. - M., 2000.

Sokolova, G.N. Economic sociology. Textbook for universities / G.N. Sokolova. - Minsk, 2010.

Sillaste, G. Fundamentals of Economic Sociology / G. Sillaste. - M., 2001.

Teaching Methods:

Language of instruction: Russian.

Conditions (requirements):

Sociology of personality

Name of the specialized module of the student's choice: Sociology of personality

FULL NAME. lecturer professor: Candidate of Philosophy Yanchelovskaya Svetlana Mikhailovna

Objectives of the specialized module of the student's choice: To form systematized theoretical knowledge regarding the variety of approaches to understanding the personality in various sociological directions; to represent a person as a social essence of a person in the aggregate of its social characteristics, through the mechanism of its interaction with social groups, communities and society as a whole. Master the practical skills of applying sociological knowledge in the search for options for the personal structure of life in various social conditions; in solving problems of personal choice and behavior in modern society; in overcoming the spiritual crisis of modern civilization.

Prerequisites: Sociology

Content of a specialized module of the student's choice: Sociology of personality is a branch of socio-humanitarian knowledge that explores the socio-cultural conditioning of the human essence. Considering various concepts of understanding personality, sociology of personality seeks to identify general sociological patterns of formation, development, personality activity, relations between a personality and various social groups, communities, society as a whole. It reflects the role of individual, group and social consciousness in the existence of an individual, a form of realization of personal characteristics in social behavior, the influence of social macro and micro conditions on them.

The main topics of the sociology of personality:

Personality like social essence a person and as an element of a social system; individual level of self-organization and structuring of society;

Basic concepts and theories of personality; sociological methodology and methods of studying personality as a social element;

Personality structure; her social status and social roles;

The main social types personality;

Social activity as the main characteristic of a person; features of social activity, behavior and activity of the individual in modern society;

Social mechanisms of interaction of individuals in various social communities; methods and strategies of individual-supraindividual relationships in society;

Mechanisms and problems of the formation, development and socialization of the personality; sociocultural conditioning of the processes of socialization and social adaptation of the individual; the relationship between personality development and the main stages of the evolution of society;

Social values \u200b\u200bof the individual; problems of forming a harmoniously developed personality.

Berger, P., Berger, B., Collins, R. Personality-oriented sociology / P. Berger, B. Berger, R. Collins. - M., 2004.

Smirnov, P.I. Sociology of personality / P.I.Smirnov. - SPb., 2001.

Hwell, L., Ziegler, D. Theories of personality / L. Hwell, D. Ziegler. - SPb., 1997.

Teaching Methods: Comparative, problematic, dialogue-heuristic, visual, method of forming the personal significance of knowledge.

Language of instruction: Russian.

Conditions (requirements): Possession computer program PowerPoint.

License series AA No. 002040, reg. No. 2031 dated 06/18/2009
Certificate of state accreditation series AA No. 001993, reg. No. 1954 dated May 25, 2009

The date of foundation is considered December 3, 1865, when an order was issued to open the Petrovskaya Agricultural and Forestry Academy. During this time, "Timiryazevka" has become the cradle of progressive scientific schools and directions, scientists and teachers of which made the glory of domestic agricultural science and higher agricultural education.

Russian state agricultural university - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev (RGAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev) is a world-famous higher educational institution in Russia.

Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazeva is a leading educational, scientific, methodological and consulting center of the agricultural education system in Russia, carrying out innovative activities in order to promote: - efficient production of high-quality, competitive products of the agro-industrial complex; - creating a favorable living environment for the population; - sustainable development of rural areas.

RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazeva is a single educational-scientific-production complex, which unites:

  • 10 faculties
  • 74 departments
  • branch in the city of Kaluga
  • Institute of Continuing Professional Education " graduate School management of the agro-industrial complex "
  • Graduate School of Agribusiness (MBA)
  • Postgraduate and doctoral studies
  • Personnel training center for information and consulting services of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation
  • Central science Library named after N.I. Zheleznov
  • Linguistic education Centre
  • Educational and methodological center "Audit"
  • experimental bases in different climatic zones of Russia
  • Field Experimental Station and Selection Station named after N.N. Timofeeva
  • House of Culture and Sports and Recreation Complex
  • 10 museums
  • various centers, complexes, departments, laboratories, studios and other divisions.

More than 10,000 students study at the university in 24 specialty programs, 11 bachelor's programs, 7 master's programs (22 programs).

University students study and master progressive waste-free, resource-saving and environmental technologies; economics, organization and management of production, accounting and finance in market conditions; fundamentals of foreign economic activity of enterprises, marketing and agribusiness with extensive use of economic and mathematical methods and computer technology.

In the last thirty years alone, Timiryazevka has trained more than 35 thousand agronomists, economists, soil scientists, agrochemists, fruit growers, zoo engineers and more than 7000 teachers for secondary agricultural educational institutions... More than 2700 candidates and doctoral theses... Thousands have been trained here foreign citizens from the countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, America.

Educational units

  • Faculties
    • Agronomic
    • Zooengineering
    • Horticulture and landscape architecture
    • Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
    • Humanitarian and pedagogical
    • Technological
    • Accounting and financial
    • Economic
    • Part-time, part-time and distance learning
    • Faculty of pre-university training
  • Kaluga branch
  • Dean's office for work with foreign students
  • Institute of Continuing Professional Education "Higher School of Agro-Industrial Complex Management"
  • Graduate School of Agribusiness (MBA)
  • Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies
  • Linguistic educational center "Lingua"
  • Educational and methodological center for training, certification and retraining of auditors and professional accountants (UMC "Audit")

UO "Grodno State Agrarian University" began to implement educational activities in 1951. (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated January 17, 1951, No. 145 "On the organization of an agricultural institute in Grodno, Belarusian SSR").

The institute established the following faculties: plant protection, economic, veterinary medicine, accounting, pre-university training and career guidance, advanced training and retraining of personnel in the agro-industrial complex.

On June 30, 2000, the institute was transformed into an agricultural university. In December 2005, the first graduation from the Graduate School of Management took place, where students received a second higher education.

Currently, more than 340 teachers work at 32 departments of the university. More than 50% of the teaching staff have a doctorate or candidate of science degree. The university has about 8,000 students. Opportunities have been created for continuous learning, obtaining in parallel a second higher education... To train highly qualified scientific personnel, there is a master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies. The Council for the Defense of Candidate and Doctoral Theses is working successfully.

The University carries out training at 8 faculties in 11 specialties of agricultural, engineering-technological and economic profile. Advanced teaching methods and technologies are used. Joint educational and research activities are carried out with specialists from the countries of near and far abroad, where scientists and students of our university have unique opportunity exchange of experience and scientific information. The geography of universities and research centers with which the university maintains contacts is quite extensive: England, Germany, Denmark, Holland, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Finland, Switzerland, etc. Senior students industrial practice are held in the best farms of the republic and in 8 European countries.

The university has its own publishing and printing department, which produces textbooks, educational and teaching aids, workbooks.

The university has created conditions for improving sports skills. During their studies, 43 students fulfilled the standard "Master of Sports of the USSR", 5 - "Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus". Among the graduates were world, European, USSR, RB champions. The university publishes the UNIagro newspaper every month.

Priority area educational work university is the formation of civic maturity, social optimism among students, the ability to give a balanced and objective assessment of the surrounding reality, allowing every young person to feel socially, morally, politically and legally protected, and at the same time, determining the conscious and active fulfillment of his civic duties, duty to the state, society, people, observance and respect for the laws of the Republic of Belarus.

The main goal of ideological, ideological and educational work is to instill in young people the fundamental values, ideas, beliefs that reflect the essence of the Belarusian statehood and contribute to the formation of an active, civic and personal position in the process of their education.

For 55 years, about 22 thousand highly qualified specialists have graduated, who successfully work at many agricultural enterprises, in scientific research institutes Ministry of Agriculture and Labor of the Republic of Belarus, in the bodies government controlled... 8 graduates were awarded the high title of Hero of Socialist Labor, 3 are Heroes of the Republic of Belarus, 43 were awarded the title "Honored Worker agriculture RB ". Over the past years, more than 44 thousand agricultural specialists have improved their qualifications at the FPK. Many rural workers graduated from the correspondence faculty without interrupting their work.

Over the years of its existence, the university has had a huge positive impact on the development of education, science and culture of the region, its socio-economic state.
The fact that the Grodno region has been a recognized leader in the field of agricultural production for many years is also a merit of the scientists of our university. All conditions for the disclosure of the creative potential and natural talents of the individual have been created at the GGAU.
We invite young people who want to gain deep knowledge and high professional training.

Pestis Vitold Kazimirovich, rector, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor

Pestis Vitold Kazimirovich,
doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
First Vice-Rector:
Duduk Alexander Alexandrovich,
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs:
Sviridov Alexander Viktorovich,
candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Vice-rector for scientific work:
Tarasenko Sergey Anatolievich,
candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor


Agronomy Faculty

Faculty of Plant Protection

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Biotechnology Faculty

Engineering and Technology Faculty

Faculty of Economics

Faculty of Accounting

Distance learning

Advanced training faculty

Graduate School of Management

Faculty of pre-university training

University Chairs

Department of Social Sciences

Department of Finance and Analysis in Agroindustrial Complex

Department of accounting and control in the agro-industrial complex

Department of Technical Mechanics and Materials Science

Department of technology for storage and processing of animal raw materials

Department of Storage Technology and Processing of Plant Raw Materials

Department of Chemistry

Department of Economic Theory

Department of Informatics and Economic and Mathematical Modeling in Agroindustrial Complex

Department of Economics of Agroindustrial Complex

Department of organization of production in the agro-industrial complex

Department technical support production and processing of livestock products

Department of Genetics and Breeding of Agricultural Animals

Department of Private Animal Science

Department of feeding agricultural animals

Department of Microbiology and Epizootology

Department of Pharmacology and Physiology

Department of Animal Hygiene

Department of Obstetrics and Therapy

Department of Animal Anatomy

Department of belarusian and zamezhnye moў

Department of Physics, Agrometeorology and Radiology

Department of Entomology and Biological Plant Protection

Department of Phytopathology and Chemical Plant Protection

Department of Plant Production

Department of horticulture and meadow farming

Department of Agrochemistry, Soil Science and Agricultural Ecology

Department of Botany and Plant Physiology

Department of General Agriculture

Department of Physical Education and Sports

Department of mechanization of agricultural production

Selection committee:

The address:

tereshkova st., 28, office 46 (2nd floor), 230008, Grodno, Republic of Belarus


ed. 4 to the stop "Agrarian University",

ed. 17, 26, trolley 11, 7 to the stop "street Tereshkova"


375 152 77-20-73,

375 152 60-48-74

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Working hours:

mon - Sat: from 9-00 to 18-00 lunch 12-30 - 13-30, Sunday is a day off

UO "Grodno State Agrarian University" informs about the features of the 2017 admission campaign

In 2017 at daytime form training admission of applicants will be carried out based on the results of entrance examinations in the form of centralized testing or oral examinations at the university for the faculties of agrobiological profile: agronomic, biotechnological, plant protection, veterinary medicine, economic (specialty "Economics and organization of production in the branches of the agro-industrial complex").

    entrance examinations in specialties of agrobiological profile - chemistry and biology;

    in the specialty "Economics and organization of production in the branches of the agro-industrial complex" - mathematics and foreign language.


Entrance tests

Agrochemistry and soil science

Plant protection and quarantine

Veterinary medicine



Biology - CT or entrance exams (orally) at the university
Chemistry - CT or entrance examinations (oral) at the university

Economics and organization of production in the branches of the agro-industrial complex

Mathematics - CT or entrance examinations (oral) at the university
Foreign language - CT or entrance examinations (oral) at the university

Accounting, analysis and audit

Finance and credit


VU certificates:
Russian (Belarusian) language
Foreign language, Mathematics

Grain storage and processing technology

Technology of bakery, pasta, confectionery production and food concentrates

Milk and dairy products technology

Technology of meat and meat products

VU certificates:
Russian (Belarusian) language

ATTENTION! The university conducts short courses for examinations.

The University has comfortable dormitories for nonresident students.

Dormitory phones of GGAU:

head hostel N 1

+375 152 74-59-58 Tarima Raisa Mikhailovna

head dormitory N 2

+375 152 72-05-74 Borodavko Tamara Vladimirovna

head dormitory N 3

+375 152 77-03-13 Girdzievskaya Elena Cheslavovna

head dormitory N 4

+375 152 72-28-93 Lutsevich Galina Petrovna

head dormitory N 5

+375 152 74-59-56 Matsuka Lilia Edwardovna

head dormitory N 6

+375 152 76-76-41 Goilik Ivan Kazimirovich

dormitory commandant 6

+375 152 76-77-42 Sysko Irina Valerievna

head hostel N 7

+375 152 70-54-21 Korsakova Cheslava Iosifovna

commandant of dormitory No. 7

+375 152 70-54-19 Palchevskaya Olga Nikolaevna

Faculty of pre-university training and career guidance

D. Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 145 "On the organization of an agricultural institute in Grodno, Belorussian SSR." In the same year, 175 students were admitted to the first year of the agronomic and zootechnical faculties, and 25 to the second year. 24 teachers worked at the institute, 7 of them had a Ph.D. degree.

Notable faculty and alumni

  • Baum, Vladimir Aleksandrovich (b. August 6, 1922, BSSR) - from 1950 to 1954 - worker, mechanic, chairman of the head committee of the Grodno building materials combine. From 1954 to 1990 - chairman of the collective farm named after the XXII Party Congress of the Ivye region (now the Baum SPK), Hero of Socialist Labor (1966).
  • Dubko, Alexander Iosifovich (1938 - 2001) - Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR (1975-1985), member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1980-1990), Chairman of the Grodno Regional Council of People's Deputies (1990-1994), Chairman of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee (1994- 2001). Hero of Socialist Labor (1982), Hero of Belarus (posthumously) - (2001).