Man as social and natural. Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution

Now we consolidate what we have learned! Let's solve the written task of the field S.

C6. Name at least three features of the human body that form the biological basis of human activity as a social being. Give examples of the implementation of each of the features.

So, we reason. We know the properties of the organism common to animals and humans. (mammal, viviparity) and unique (developed brain, upright posture, developed hand). What are they asking us about? Those that are prerequisites for social activities(work, communication, play, creativity). These are unique features, therefore, as abstract thinking, for example, allows creation (masterpieces of art).
Now we give examples, and specifics are not required here on the formulation of the task, it is enough to explain each feature:

  1. Abstract thinking allows a person to create an architectural design for a house.
  2. Articulate speech allows contact during the construction of this house in the brigade.
  3. The special structure of the hand allows a person to perform labor.

Now let's analyze a few more tasks. different types on this topic. We remind you that in our group we regularly solve issues of different types and levels of difficulty. Here is an example of our analysis of the assignment on the topic "Natural and Social in Man".

We see that the majority of the subscribers to the site and the group, having looked at the topic, realized that this is a distinctive feature, and an animal cannot be a person. Consciousness is the awareness of the results and consequences of one's own actions, close to a concept. Use natural objects - for example, take a stick and knock a banana from a tree. Both man and monkey, for example, are capable of this. The correct answer is thus 1.

Another example of assigning part A on the topic under discussion:

Most choose correctly option 4. The goal is achievement (reliable information is almost synonymous). Any activity (characteristic of a person's activity) ... option 1 is not correct. Also like option 3. A person for any kind of his own activity uses tools (whether a shovel, devices, it does not matter).

Now let's turn to the more complex tasks of Part C, which must be completed after analyzing EVERY topic studied. C5 and assignments are the perfect way to reinforce your knowledge.

Let's build a plan like this (C8): "Natural and Social in Human Activity".

First of all, let's define the structure of our plan. It is 4 (!!!) compound, this is extremely rare. We need to highlight: 1. 2. the natural component of the activity 3. the social component of the activity 4. the relationship between the natural and the social in activity (this is not directly given here, but it is implied).

C8.You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic"Natural and Social in Human Activity". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1. The concept of "activity"

2. Natural in human activity:

- instinct

- striving for self-preservation

- striving for procreation

Remember that we are not disclosing the first point, there is no need to give a concept. Why did you start with activities? it key concept presented plan theme. Further, we thought what brings a person closer to an animal? And they opened point 2. Next:

3. Social in human activity:

- work and communication

- satisfaction of prestigious needs

- consumption of spiritual values

We walked over the needs above the existential ones, paraphrased a little. Now the most important thing is the relationship. Besides, without this item we are. in fact, we will not reveal the plan, it will hedge us (they demand 3 - write 4!). It is possible not very stretched specifics:

4. The relationship between the social and the spiritual in human activity:

- suppression of natural needs by social

- "humanization" of natural needs

- the creation of culture as opposed to nature.

Here's our plan in full:

1. The concept of "activity"

2. Natural in human activity:

- instinct

- striving for self-preservation

- striving for procreation

3. Social in human activity:

- work and communication

- satisfaction of prestigious needs

- consumption of spiritual values

4. The relationship between the social and the spiritual in human activity:

- suppression of natural needs by social

- "humanization" of natural needs

- the creation of culture as opposed to nature.

So, we read the theory, watch the video, analyze the assignments, try to do one more difficult written assignment on our own:

C5.What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept "Transformative activities"? Drawing on the knowledge of a social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the types of human activities, and one sentence revealing the connection between thinking and action.

Waiting for your answers in the comments or in the group

Man as a subject of knowledge is comparable to the world in its versatility. In his being, he embodies all the best sides of the world. This feature of a person was expressed in his definition by the representative of the Italian humanism Pico the case of Mirandola. "Man is a microcosm," he says at the dispute "On the Dignity of Man", "uniting in himself all three parts of the cosmos: the earthly, heavenly and divine worlds - supra-star." Numerous attempts to define a person were reduced to highlighting some feature that distinguishes a person from other creatures. "Man," wrote the German philosopher of the 18th century I. Herder, "is at the highest stage of development because a person walks straight - there is no other reason." The complexity of human nature cannot be captured by any definition. This diversity can find a more adequate reflection in terms corresponding to the scale of the human world. These are the concepts of "being", "essence", "existence", "human nature", etc.

The question of the nature of man, his origin, purpose, life and work, place in the world around him is the most significant in the system of knowledge about society. A person is studied by various sciences: sociology, psychology, physiology, pedagogy and many others. There is also a special section of philosophical knowledge - anthropology, engaged in the study of the human phenomenon.

In the history of human thought, there have been many answers to the question: Who is man and why did he come to this world. Man is complex and contradictory. He coexists both high inspirational impulses, prompting him to create masterpieces of art, to commit moral deeds, and base passions, vices, pushing to monstrous crimes. The writer Maxim Gorky stated: "Man - it sounds proudly." It is far from always possible to agree with this statement. Sometimes people commit such monstrous acts that one involuntarily wonders how deep a person can fall, how low, rude, cruel, inhuman he can be, and his sin involuntarily reflects on many, many other people. But is it possible to apply the judgments "good" or "bad" in relation to the nature of man as such?

The question of the origin of the human race - anthropogenesis and, the formation of human society - sociogenesis is difficult and debatable until our time. Scientists emphasize that the emergence of man, his isolation from the animal world, is as great a leap in evolution as the emergence of the living from the inanimate. The prehistory of mankind to this day remains largely a mystery. One thing is clear that anthroposociogenesis is a long stage in which several stages can be distinguished.

Marxist scientists are supporters of the so-called labor hypothesis, claiming that the main role in human evolution was played by labor, which determined the emergence and development of rational thinking, articulate speech, and social relations. However, let us emphasize the idea that labor itself, in turn, evolves in interaction with the development of society, consciousness, moral norms.

One of the key questions social knowledge is the question of "human nature", that is, certain permanent qualities of any human person. Using this concept, scientists emphasize the fundamental difference between humans and animals. American sociologist John Dewey believes that all the variety of meanings of the concept of "human nature" can be reduced to four: 1) human nature is an innate biopsychic constitution inherent in man as a species; 2) human nature is what determines the eternal and unchanging aspirations and desires of people; 3) human nature is devoid of innate motivations and aspirations, this is just a specific way of reacting to external world, a way of perceiving the world; 4) human nature is not innate, on the contrary, it manifests itself in the fact that a person is able to independently create cultural values, moral ideals, norms.

Some scientists understand human nature as a complex of basic abilities that provide a person with the satisfaction of his biological needs and adaptation to the environment. What influences human nature: heredity, environment, society?

All life in the animal kingdom is determined and controlled by instincts. Always in the same unchanging way, beavers build their dams, swallows build their nests, squirrels prepare food for the winter. This is a manifestation of instinct - a certain innate way of reaction inherent in all biological species.

But a person knows hundreds of ways, how to build a home, and to meet the needs for food, security, etc. Consequently, a person becomes a person not so much by birth, as it becomes in the course of socialization, that is, the process of mastering the methods of activity, rules and norms developed by society, mastering culture.

Experience shows that only in society can a person find his human essence. If he is formed outside of society, for example, among animals, he becomes a beast.

Man is fundamentally different from animals in his intelligence, which allows restraining and controlling bodily drives and instincts. Thanks to reason, he comprehends the laws of the universe, discovers sciences, transforms nature and creates new environment habitat. In addition, only a person has faith in supernatural forces, the distinction between good and evil, awareness of the finiteness of his existence in the world, his mortality, the memory of the past, and not only his own, but also of other people, faith in the future. A person has a rich emotional world. He can cry and laugh, love and hate, sympathize with someone else's misfortune and, on the contrary, show callousness and cruelty, give assessments and make judgments about certain phenomena, create new things that have no analogues in nature, create.

Many thinkers of different eras noted such a specific feature of the human being as incompleteness, openness. Man by nature is not endowed with instincts that ensure survival. He does not have terrible claws, fangs, inconspicuous coloration, which helps animals to avoid danger. As a biological being, man is weaker than many animals, and nevertheless, thanks to his mind, he became the most powerful force on earth.

Russian philosopher B.V. Markov emphasizes that human nature is not something given, but is built in each culture in its own way.

“Awareness of the duality of one's nature is a fundamental property of man. On the one hand, like any animal, it obeys the physical and biological conditions of survival, but on the other hand, it is determined social norms, possesses the consciousness of freedom and strives to fulfill the spiritual ideals of goodness, justice, beauty and truth ...

People are not born, but become, but what a person is and who he should become - each historical era solves this riddle in its own way. Therefore, there is no reason to talk about innate aggressiveness or, on the contrary, solidarity, since the natural inclinations that each person has are successfully suppressed or intensified by society. People literally have to learn everything themselves, and everything they can do is a product of cultural development, upbringing and education. People are not born, but become ”.

J.P. Sartre wrote: "The essence of man does not precede his existence, he projects himself and is doomed to freedom and responsibility, which he can no longer shift onto God."

According to B.G. Ananyev, the unity of the biological and the social in man is manifested in the unity of such characteristics as the individual, personality, subject and individuality.

The bearer of the biological in a person is mainly the individual. Man as an individual is a set of genetically determined properties, the development of which is the biological maturity of a person.

The social is represented in a person through the personality and the subject of activity. At the same time, we are not talking about the opposition of biological and social, because it is in the process of interaction with society that an individual acquires certain properties, qualities, that is, socializes. On the other hand, a person can become both a person and a subject of activity only in the presence of certain qualities set by nature.

Each person goes through their own life pathinteracting with other people, his social maturity is formed. Russian psychologist V.A. Averin defines personality as a set of social relations: economic, political, legal.

Averin emphasizes that a person is not only an individual and personality, but also a bearer of consciousness, a subject of activity, producing material and spiritual values.

The basis of a person's objective activity is labor, and therefore he acts as a subject of labor. The basis of the theoretical or cognitive activities constitute the processes of cognition and therefore a person appears as a subject of cognition. Communication is at the heart of communicative activity, which also allows us to consider a person as a subject of communication. The result of the implementation of various types of human activity as a subject is the achievement of mental maturity.

Thus, each person appears in the form of integrity - as an individual, personality and subject, conditioned by the unity of the biological and the social.

It is obvious that all people differ in appearance, abilities, character, interests, style of behavior. Therefore, another person is added to the characteristic - individuality. In science, individuality is understood as a unique combination in a person of his features and qualities, both given from nature and acquired during his life in society. Man as an individual, personality and subject of activity can be attributed to certain groups, types. But as an individual he is unique, has only one inherent properties. Each of us is an individual. It is as an individuality that a person achieves his goals in life, realizes his needs and interests.

Human being

Human being is the most general category of philosophical anthropology. It reflects all the manifestations of a person, his individual and generic characteristics. By its universality and methodological potential, human being is comparable to the world's being. Human being is a fragment and the highest level of the world, it is the being of the world. But while the being of man, both individual and generic, is limited in time and space, inevitably turns into non-being, the existence of the world is eternal in time and infinite in space. The world was yesterday, is today and will be tomorrow. Knowing this fact is a source of optimism and confidence in the future. A huge variety of finite, transient types of being cannot exhaust the infinity of the world's being. At the same time, the world needs human being as its own the highest manifestation... Although a person's existence is temporary and transient, in his person the world gains consciousness and takes its development into its own hands. Without man, the world would be incomplete, limited and meaningless. The meaning of human existence is in giving meaning to the existence of the world.

With the transition of an individual person into non-being, the world is comprehended by another person, in the existence of subsequent generations. In the endless change of generations, in the transfer of a person's existence to other cosmic objects, is the guarantee of the immortality of mankind, the meaning of human life as a representative of the genus.

Being the highest stage of the world being, the human being is characterized by qualitatively new ones in comparison with the natural features of the ascending world. The differentiation of human existence into separate forms opens the way to the knowledge of those qualitative features of a person, which, growing out of natural forms, qualitatively surpass them in many parameters, introducing new colors into the multicolored picture of the world. Within the framework of the topic of the course "Man and his needs", the identification of the types of human existence will play the role of an initial methodological principle for the implementation of the classification of needs, their mutual influence and transformation. Scientists distinguish three types of human being: biological, social and human being as a spiritual phenomenon. The definition of the essence of man follows from the understanding of the connection and subordination of these three types.

The tradition that has developed in our literature allows us to use the expression “the problem of the biological and the social” in a very broad and, unfortunately, rather vague sense. Therefore, clarification of the aspects of the relationship between biological and social is an urgent methodological and scientific research task. Its solution is complicated by the lack of sufficiently strict grounds for classification, the qualitative diversity of what is customarily attributed to the biological or social elements of reality, the complexity of the connections of these elements.

In accordance with Karl Marx's characterization of the essence of man as a set of social relations, he appears to be a social being. At the same time, man is a part of nature. From this point of view, people belong to the highest mammals, forming a special kind of Homo sapiens, and, therefore, a person turns out to be a biological being.

Like any biological species, Homo sapiens is characterized by a certain set of species characteristics. Each of these traits in different representatives of the species can vary within fairly wide limits, which is normal in itself. Statistical methods allow us to identify the most probable, widespread meanings of each species trait. Social processes can also influence the manifestation of many biological parameters of a species. For example, the average "normal" life span of a person, according to modern science, is 80-90 years, if he does not suffer from hereditary diseases and does not become a victim of causes of death external to his body, such as infectious diseases or diseases, caused by an abnormal state of the environment, accidents, etc. This is the biological constant of the species, which, however, changes under the influence of social laws. As a result, the real (as opposed to "normal") average life expectancy increased from 20-22 years in antiquity to about 30 years in the 18th century, 56 years in Western Europe by the beginning of the XX century and 75-77 years - in the most developed countries at the end of the XX century.

The duration of childhood, adulthood and old age of a person is biologically determined; the age at which women can give birth to children is set (on average, 15-49 years); the ratio of births of one child, twins, triplets, etc. is determined. The sequence of such processes in the development of the human body is biologically programmed, such as the ability to assimilate various types of food, to master the language at an early age, the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics and much more. According to some reports, it is inherited, that is, biologically determined, and giftedness different people in various activities (music, mathematics, etc.).

Like other biological species, the species Homo sapiens has stable variations (varieties), which are denoted when it comes to humans, most often by the concept of race. Racial differentiation of people is associated with the fact that groups inhabiting different regions of the planet have adapted to the specific features of their habitat, and this was expressed in the appearance of specific anatomical, physiological and biological characteristics. But, referring to a single biological species Homo sapiens, a representative of any race has such biological parameters inherent in this species that allow him to successfully participate in any of the spheres of human society.

If we talk about human prehistory, then the species Homo sapiens is the last stage in the development of the genus Homo known today. In the past, our predecessors were other species of this genus (such as Homo habilis - capable man; Homo erectus - upright man, etc.), science does not yet give an unambiguous genealogy of our species.

Biologically, each of the human individuals who have ever lived or are living now is unique, the only one, because the set of genes received by them from their parents is unique (with the exception of identical twins inheriting an identical genotype). This uniqueness is enhanced by the interaction of social and biological factors in the process individual development person, because each individual has a unique life experience (even identical twins become somewhat different from each other as they grow up).

The uniqueness of each person is a fact of paramount philosophical and worldview importance. Recognition of the infinite diversity of the human race, and, consequently, the infinite variety of abilities and gifts that people can possess, is one of the fundamental principles of humanism. During the time of Stalin's personality cult in our country, as is known, the statement was in use: "There are no irreplaceable people." It was used to justify attitudes towards to an individual as a "screw" of a huge machine to justify the violation of human rights and dignity. Recognition of the uniqueness and intrinsic value of each human being is directly opposite to such an understanding of a person and such an inhuman practice.

The examples cited indicate the difficulty, if not the impossibility of unambiguously deciphering the phrase "the ratio of biological and social." Obviously, only a specific subject and purpose of the study can set the boundaries of its exact values. To prevent semantic confusion, one should first of all distinguish between the concrete scientific and philosophical aspects of the problem of biological and social.

The clearest examples of the concrete scientific aspect are given by those disciplines that deal with border problems lying at the junction of the social and natural sciences, and especially those whose subject is formed by the overlap and interaction of the social and natural spheres. These are many branches of geography, medicine, agricultural sciences, etc. About a number of branches of knowledge we can say that a certain cut of the ratio of biological and social is their specific subject. To the traditional sciences of this kind - psychology, human genetics, anthropology - today you can add ergonomics and human ecology, or medical ecology.

Biological and social forms the movements of matter "coexist" in the evolutionary picture of the world: in the course of the progressive development of matter on the basis of its biological form, a qualitatively new phenomenon arises - society. Therefore, the interaction of the laws of these levels of reality creates a complex set of problems concerning the role and place of each of them in various spheres of the social. As a result, a rich epistemological ground for metaphysical and idealistic errors is formed, which are reinforced and consolidated by class interests and are included in ideological circulation. The most common of these errors is associated with such a reduction (reduction) of the social to the biological, which leads to the substitution of the first for the second. It is it that often lies at the basis of the non-historical approach to man and social reality in general characteristic of bourgeois philosophy.

Today anyone who comes forward with the thesis about the biological superiority of one race over another will be appreciated by public opinion, at least as a reactionary, and we consider categorical rejection of this thesis to be natural for every sane person. Yet such a view of things is a historical conquest of mankind, and a comparatively recent conquest. Even in the last century, the belief in the superiority of the "white race" over all others was widespread, and ideas that today we assess as racist were expressed in one form or another not by outright reactionaries, but by people of quite progressive views. Thus, the German biologist E. Haeckel, a zealous propagandist of Charles Darwin's teachings, wrote in 1904: “Although significant differences in mental life and cultural situation between the superior and inferior races of humans, in general, are well known, however, their relative life value is usually misunderstood. What lifts humans so high above animals ... is culture and the higher development of the mind that makes humans capable of culture. For the most part, however, this is characteristic only of the higher races of people, while the lower races have little or no abilities developed ... Therefore, their individual vital significance must be assessed in completely different ways. " Note that many of these views could quite peacefully coexist with feelings of compassion and pity in relation to people of the "lower", that is, deprived by the very nature of races, even with an interest in their exotic customs and customs.

Another example of how the perception of biologically determined differences between people can sometimes change quickly and dramatically in history is the social relationship between men and women. The difference between the two sexes, one of the most fundamental biological differences between people, is reflected in various forms in social relations and in the culture of society. For many centuries, this difference has been comprehended by people through the prism of the categories of "higher" (to which the masculine principle was attributed) and "lower" (feminine). According to historical standards, the struggle for the equality of women began quite recently - only 100 - 150 years ago. And although today there are still many unresolved problems in this area, and the movement of women for their rights sometimes acquires exotic and even extremist forms in Western countries, one cannot fail to notice how much more active and multifaceted the participation of women in the life of modern society has become. Anyway, now in public opinion the understanding that the difference between the sexes should be understood not in terms of their opposition as supposedly "higher" and "lower", but in terms of their complementarity and one of the important sources of the diversity of human nature - the diversity that ensures its wealth is being increasingly asserted.

The human problem is one of the main in philosophy... Of great importance for understanding the essence of man, the ways of his development, is the clarification of the question of his origin.
The theory of human origin, the essence of which is to study the process of its origin and development, is called anthropogenesis (from gr. Anthropos - man and genesis - origin).
There are several approaches to solving the issue of human origins:

  • Religious theory (divine; theological). Implies the divine origin of man. The soul is the source of the human in man.
  • Paleovisite theory... The essence of the theory is that man is an extraterrestrial being, aliens from outer space, having visited the Earth, left human beings on it.
  • Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution (materialistic). Man is a biological species, his origin is natural, natural. Genetically related to higher mammals. This theory belongs to materialistic theories (natural science).
  • The natural science theory of F. Engels (materialistic). Friedrich Engels declares that the main reason for the appearance of man (more precisely, his evolution) is labor. Under the influence of labor, a person formed consciousness, as well as language and creativity.

Thus, only assumptions can be made about the reasons that determined the formation of a person proper.

The influence on his psychophysical state of the energy of space, electromagnetic waves, radiation and other influences is enormous.

Man is the highest stage in the development of living organisms on Earth. Biologically, humans belong to mammalian hominids, humanoid creatures that appeared about 550 thousand years ago.

Man is essentially a biosocial being. He is part of nature and at the same time is inextricably linked with society. The biological and social in man are fused together, and only in such a unity does he exist.

The biological nature of man - this is its natural prerequisite, a condition of existence, and sociality is the essence of man.

  1. Man is a biological being. Man belongs to the highest mammals, forming a special kind of Homo sapiens. The biological nature of man is manifested in his anatomy, physiology: he has a circulatory, muscular, nervous and other systems. Him biological properties are not rigidly programmed, which makes it possible to adapt to different conditions of existence
  2. Man is a social being. It is inextricably linked with society. A person becomes a person only by entering into social relations, into communication with others. The social essence of a person is manifested through such properties as the ability and readiness for socially useful work, consciousness and reason, freedom and responsibility, etc.

The absolutization of one of the aspects of human essence leads to biologization or sociologization.

The main differences between humans and animals:

  • Man possesses thinking and articulate speech. Only a person can reflect on his past, critically assessing it, and think about the future, making plans. Some species of monkeys also have communication capabilities, but only a person is able to transmit objective information about the world around to other people. Other ways of reflecting the surrounding reality can be added to speech, for example, music, painting, sculpture, etc.
  • A person is capable of conscious purposeful creative activity:

- models his behavior and can choose different social roles;

- has a predictive ability, i.e. the ability to foresee the consequences of their actions, the nature and direction of the development of natural processes;

- expresses the value attitude towards reality.

The animal in its behavior is subject to instinct, its actions are initially programmed. It does not separate itself from nature.

  • In the course of his activity, a person transforms the surrounding reality, creates the material and spiritual benefits and values \u200b\u200bhe needs. Carrying out practically transforming activity, a person creates a "second nature" - culture. Animals, on the other hand, adapt to their environment, which determines their way of life. They cannot make fundamental changes in the conditions of their existence.
  • A person is able to manufacture tools of labor and use them as a means of producing material goods. In other words, a person can make tools using previously made tools.
  • Man reproduces not only his biological, but also social essence and therefore must satisfy not only his material, but also spiritual needs. The satisfaction of spiritual needs is associated with the formation of the inner (spiritual) world of a person.

Thus, a person is a unique being ( open to the world, unique, spiritually unfinished); a universal being (capable of any kind of activity); an integral being (integrates (unites) the physical, mental and spiritual principles).

Man, society is part of the material world. As part of a whole, nature and society have some general features, but at the same time they differ from each other. Let's try to figure this out: what is common and what are the differences between nature and society.

First, let's give a definition of what "nature" is

Definition of nature

Nature in a broad sense Is the whole Universe. Of course, in the course of social studies, we study the features not of this Universe, but of that part of it where man lives.

Nature in the narrow sense of e - the human environment in which he lives, the biosphere.


  • Natural environment - that is, the natural conditions of human life.
  • Artificial environment - that is, created by people, its culture

(material and spiritual), this environment is also called second nature .

Similarities and differences between nature and society

  • are systems
  • are dynamic systems
It can develop independently of a person. Nature existed when man was not yet on Earth. It is closely related to nature, cannot exist without it.
It develops according to laws independent of the will and desire of people. It develops according to the laws created by the society itself, under the influence of the activities of people.
Not able to create culture. Creates culture.

Nature and society interact with each other, and in two aspects: positive and negative.

The interaction of society and nature

Positive influence
1. Is the environment where the person lives.

2. Nature is the source of the means of life (heat, food, clothing, etc.)

3.Source of capital goods

(metal, coal, oil, etc.)

4.Nature stimulates the development of society: mastering nature, society improves, develops

(call-response theory Toynbee).

1 environmental protection natural environment - preservation from pollution, depletion, destruction of nature.

2. Ensuring environmental safety - the protection of individuals, enterprises, territory, region, etc. from threats arising from anthropogenic human activities and natural Disasters ecological character.


energy-saving technologies, treatment facilities, etc.

4. Protection of the animal and flora (" Red Book")

Negative influence
1. The ability of natural and geographical conditions to accelerate or slow down the pace of social development.

2. The ability to have a negative impact on human health (meteorological dependence, etc.)

3. The destructive effect of cataclysms (earthquakes, floods, drought)

1.Depletion of subsoil

2.Pollution of the Earth, especially water bodies, the atmosphere with industrial waste

3. Destruction of flora and fauna, deforestation

4.Application of atomic energy for both military and peaceful purposes, ground and underground nuclear explosions

The influence of man on nature is unity of creation and destruction .


Biosphere- the earthly shell, engulfed in life.

Noosphere- the sphere of reason, the area of \u200b\u200bexistence of intelligent beings.

Ecumene- a part of the globe inhabited by man (from the Greek. I inhabit, I inhabit).

Legal protection of nature


  1. UN... World Charter for the Protection of Nature (1982).
  2. UNESCO... The program "Man and the Biosphere". 1970.
  3. Roman club... International public organization, established in 1968. Includes about 100 scientists, public figures, fund managers.

goal : a study of human development in the era of scientific and technological revolution. They are in favor of easing international tension.

  1. « Greenpeace". Non-governmental organization.

goal : ensuring the environmental safety of mankind. It includes more than a hundred states. Created in 1971, Russia entered in 1989.

  1. The IAEA- International Atomic Energy Agency.

goal : to ensure nuclear safety and environmental protection.

  1. WHO- World Health Organization. One of the tasks is the fight against air pollution.
  1. At the state level:

1.The Constitution of the Russian Federation... Articles 42.58 (see the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

2.Law “ On environmental protection", 2002.

  1. Water Code. 1995

4. Forest Code. 1997 and others.

Prepared by: Melnikova Vera Aleksandrovna