Social behavior of an adult. Internal regulation of social behavior of the subject

) The study of which etologists are engaged, zoopsychologists, etc. Specialists.
Social behavior In animals, Nicholas Tinbergen (N.tinbergen) defines as interaction between individuals of the same species, specifically emphasizing that not any group activity will be social. So, for example, the flight of animals from a forest fire is not a "social behavior", this reaction caused by the instinct of self-preservation.
The biological value of the social behavior of animals is that it allows you to solve adaptive tasks that are unbearable for separate individuals.


Bioocial ecology is a scientific discipline engaged in the study of the biological foundations of the social behavior of living organisms, including a person.

The concept approved that economic factors are decisive with the explanation of social behavior, is the concept of economic determinism (eng. Economic Determinism)

see also


  • Fet A. I. Instinct and social behavior. / 2nd ed. - m .: "Owl", 2008.
  • Fernham Adrian, Heyven Patrick "Personality and social behavior"



  • Belyaev V. A. The worldview and social behavior of the modern ruling elite of Tatarstan // Social Sciences and modernity. - 2007. - № 3. - P. 150-157

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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    Animals, public behavior of animals, a set of ethologic mechanisms regulating spatially demographic characteristics of a group of individuals (Dema), which determine the behavioral structure specific for each type ... ... ... Ecological Dictionary

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    Social behavior - - - 1. Any behavior of an individual on which the presence, opinions, emotions, installations and actions of other people are affected; 2. Behavior, an individual affecting the opinion, feelings, actions of other people; 3. Behavior, assimilated as a result of ... encyclopedic Dictionary Psychology and pedagogy

    Social behavior - 1. Free meaning. Any behavior of an individual with social components. That is, the behavior on which the presence, installation or actions of others affects the presence, installation or action; behavior that affects the presence, installation or action of others; or … Explanatory dictionary of psychology

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  • Social world of man. Materials of the All-Russian Conference Man and Peace: Social behavior of the person in a changing world, the basis of the publication includes the materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference `Man and World: Social behavior of the person in a changing world` 15 - 16 January 2007 ... Category: Miscellaneous Series: Social Language Publisher: Ergo., Manufacturer: Ergo.,
  • Social world of man. Materials of the All-Russian Conference "Man and Peace: social behavior of the person in a changing world", the basis of the publication includes the materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Man and World: Social behavior of the person in a changing world" 15 - 16 January 2007 ... Category: Social Psychology Series: Social Language Publisher:

P. man (behavior), which is formed, develops and manifests itself in conditions of public life, and therefore is socially conditioned. P. As such is a combination of externally observed actions and actions of individual individuals and their groups, their own orientation and consistency, one way or another affecting the interests of other people, social groups, social communities or the whole society. In P. social qualities of a person, the features of its education, cultural level, temperament, character, its needs, beliefs, views, tastes, is formed and its attitude to the surrounding natural and social reality is being implemented, to other people and to themselves.

Sociology explores and interprets P. primarily in terms of activities, communication, remuneration, values \u200b\u200band needs. A person is experiencing a need for communication and joint activities with other people, he wants to be loved, respected, fairly assessed and rewarded for his actions. In its P., people interact with each other, they evaluate each other and strive to influence their partners to communicate.

Microsociology is looking for causes and establishes the peculiarities of human P. in the interaction between the person and other people primarily in small groups - a family, a labor collective, a group of peers, etc. Macrosociology explores P. mainly in the processes of interaction between large-scale social communities - ethnic groups, nations, states, social institutions, etc. However, in a particular social context of interaction, the elements of both of these levels of sociological analysis P. are often combined. So, for example, everyday P. and the interaction between family members is carried out at the micro level. At the same time, the family as a specific social community is a social institution studied at the macro level, since it is associated with the system of social interactions between classes and layers of society, with the labor market, with a social policy system, with education, health, culture.

As part of the microsociological and psychological analysis of P., the biggest fame acquired a bicheviorist approach (the largest representatives of E. Torndayk, D. Watson, K. Leshli, B. Skinner, etc.). Its source prerequisite is the recognition of the mutual influence of P. (Behaviour - P.) of a person and events taking place in his environment, the relationship of actions with what is happening before and after them, as well as the influence on P. unforeseen circumstances. It is widely used by the concept of probability to describe the relationship between the studied P. and its prerequisites and consequences. It is believed that P. is based on three different forms of human reaction to the environment. These are: 1) emotional, or affective, felt feelings and emotions; 2) competent, or cognitive, knowledgeable on knowledge and reflection; 3) Direct open response by the mechanism: stimulus - reaction.

Knowledge of the features of the action of each link of this three-component structure, according to B. Skinner, makes it possible to make P. man predictable, since it is these links that are social and psychological mechanisms of the influence of the social environment on behavioral acts. It is this approach that he writes, it makes it possible to understand that "the person is responsible for His P. not only in the sense that it can be convicted or punished if it behaves bad, but also in the sense that she can Trust and admire its achievements. " With this approach, the decisive "election role of the environment in the design and maintenance of P. Individual is revealed, and this makes it possible to simulate P. person under certain conditions, i.e. develop and apply behavioral technology in practice."

In the theoretical part of the behavior studies, P. focuses on the recognition that external variables, i.e. Behavioral reactions, determined and controlled by the influence of social environment, have priority over intracertarity processes - thoughts, feelings and affects. Behaeviorists pay priority to determine the personality resources and its environment, which are able to achieve the desired results. The analysis is concentrated on specific species of P. in a real life environment - in the family, in class, metro wagon, train coupe, etc. - and its functions organically related to environment factors, which are studied by changes observed before and after the implementation of the action. In his applied spectrum, behavior studies have established itself in the development of methods of management of P. students in the class, improving the abilities of individuals lagging behind in development, as well as in the treatment of attacks of depression, anxiety, anger and other behaviorists believe that symbolic processes - imitation, indirect assimilation And anticipation of the consequences - are the essential components of the social learning process.

Much attention to the study of P.S. It is paid to the sociological theory of exchange, one of the main authors of which is an American sociologist and social psychologist J. Homans. The initial unit of sociological analysis of Homans considers "Elementary Social P.", i.e. Direct exchange of behavioral acts between two, three, etc. Individuals. Describing social P. as a universal exchange, it formulates the four principles of mixing interaction. The first one says: the more often a certain type of P. is more rewarded, the more accurate and more often it is repeated by individuals - whether it is in business, sports or fishing. According to the second principle, if the remuneration for certain types of P. depends on some conditions, a person seeks to recreate these conditions. In accordance with the third principle, when the remuneration for a certain P. Veliko, a person is ready to spend more efforts for its receipt. And finally, the fourth principle approves: when the needs of a person are close to saturation, it is less willing to make efforts to satisfy them.

Thus, in the Hamanov concept P.S. And the interaction of individuals appears as a system of exchanges of behavioral acts, through which "they authorize each other, i.e. one rewards or punishes the actions of another." Such a system is truly often implemented in the interactions of people with each other, in particular, in the field of business. But in general, P. people are more multifaceted than the theory of exchange involves. In area research activities, artistic creativity, in the relationship of friendship, love, etc. P. people do not boil down to equilibrate costs and remuneration, because all this and much more in human life has no value, determined by the exchange of goods and services to other goods and services.

Significant contribution to the sociological study of P. People made the theory of symbolic interaction, developed mainly in the works of American sociologists Ch. Kuli and J. Mid.

C. Kuli introduced the distinction of primary groups into sociology (this term itself was introduced into the sociology of them) and secondary public institutions. The primary groups (family, the company of peers, the neighborhood, the local community), considered it, are the main social cells in which the formation of the personality occurs, its socialization, and P. individuals are characterized by close intimate, personal, informal bonds and interactions. "Primary groups - he noted, - primary in the sense that they give the part of the earliest and most complete experience of social unity, as well as in the sense that they do not change to the same extent as more complex relationships, but form relatively The unchanged source from which these last is constantly born. " Kuli offered a specific term "mirror me", according to which in the process of P., especially in collaboration with others, people look at themselves as it were from the side, through the eyes of another person, i.e. "Look at yourself in the mirror." In behavioral acts, people serve each other peculiar mirrors, so our idea of \u200b\u200bitself depends largely on our relations with other individuals.

J. Foreign Ministry advanced offered by C. Kuli behavioral analysis of social interaction much further. He denied that P. people is a passive reaction to remuneration and punishment, and considered human actions as PS, based on communication. According to him, a person reacts not only to the actions of other people, but also on their intentions. He solve the value of the act of another person before answering it. But to do this, the Foreign Ministry says, it is necessary to put himself at the place of the interlocutor or partner, "take the role of another". When we attach the value to something, it becomes a symbol, i.e. The concept, assessment, action or subject in our interaction with other people symbolize or express the meaning of another action, another subject or concept. Raised hand can symbolize a greeting, a request to stop the car or the intention to strike another person. Only understood the meaning of this gesture, its meaning, we can respond correctly on it: to shake the hand to another person, stop the car, evade the blow from the blow or put an opposite strike.

So that our P. becomes an adequate situation, we must acquire certain skills and skills, first of all learn to understand and use symbols. Based on this, the Foreign Ministry identified two main components of behavioral interaction in people in the process of their socialization: the mind (opinion) and I myself. To become yourself, i.e. socialize as individuals, and learn to interact with other people correctly, we must learn to understand the symbols and be able to use the symbols in our P. through the long experience of observing the reaction of others on what we do, we get not only the concept that we are We present, but we get the ability to put yourself in place of another.

The Foreign Ministry noted that while children are not able to "take the role of another", they cannot take effectively participation in most games. To learn how to play the ball, for example, in football, the child should put himself "in all the roles involved in the game, and make their actions in harmony with others." When you pass by a football field, where little children play, please note that they try to crowind around the ball. Each child seeks to get the ball and no one wants to transfer it to another or get a transmission. Children need time to learn how to take the role of another - to understand that when Tom gets the ball, I will accept the transfer, and George will move on the other side of the field, and I handed it the ball, etc., that only in this case it will turn out true the game. Consequently, every child participating in the game should know what is going to do any other player to fulfill its own role. He must take all these roles. The game itself is organized so that the "installation of one individual called the corresponding settings of the other".

According to the concept of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we develop ourselves and our P. through interaction with others, but we will not turn into skillful in the interaction, until they do not develop themselves. From the process of interaction with each other, we turn to the models of multiple interactions with certain groups of people. Thanks to this, each of us adapts to his actions, its P. to the expectations and actions of other people in accordance with their values \u200b\u200bfor us. Based on the fact that P. person in cooperation with other people is a continuous dialogue, in the course of which people are observed, comprehended by understanding the symbols of each other's intention, one of the students and followers of J. Mid - Bloomer called in 1969 the sociological concept P. Symbolic interactionism.

Serious attention sociological analysis P.S. P. Sorokin, T. Parsons, R. Merton, R. Duddorf and other famous sociologists. P. Sorokin, in particular, compared human society with a worried sea in which separate people, like waves, their P. act on the environment of themselves, exchange ideas with them, artistic images, volitional impulses, etc. It is impossible to imagine everyday P. people, he considered, without mutual exchange of feelings. P. each of us is a continuous process of interaction between us and other people on the basis of friendship, love, compassion, hostility, hatred, etc. Without this, there are no P. in commerce, nor in the economic, nor in scientific, nor in a charitable, nor in which other field of activity.

T. Parsons explored P. people as the interaction of social entities related to the "system of mutual expectations" in the sense that their actions are focused on certain partner expectations. As a result of social interaction, Parsons emphasized, the specific structure of "MUST DISPOSITATIONS (Actor) and others included in the social interaction system with it". At P. Man has a formative interaction not only the system of expectations of its partners in interaction, but also the norms, cultural values \u200b\u200bthat dominate society. It is the "most common cultural samples", protruding in the form of ideals, values, etc., give, according to Parsons, coherence to P. regulations attributed to role-playing statuses, more precisely, "types of roles in the social system." If we take into account this principal thesis, it will become clear why Parsons preferred the term "action" of the term "P.": after all, it was as a social theorist, first of all, "not the physical event of behavior by itself, but its sample, meaning-and-containing products ( Physical, cultural, etc.), from ordinary tools to works of art, as well as mechanisms and processes that control this sample. "

If you move on from these typical samples to a more specific level of sociological analysis, then two main components are distinguished in the Parsons concept. This is, firstly, the behavioral acts performed by a person in a certain situation when interacting with other people, and, secondly, a situation environment in which P. and from which it depends. If we talk about the first of them, the most essential parties are a biological organism, acting as biological characteristics that make up the species difference of Homo Sapiens, as well as cultural systems in which a person turns on and thanks to which he acquires social experience and implements it in its P. It is a cultural system that creates institutionalized samples of P., thereby giving the criterion for the correctness or incorrectness of certain actions of the individual. Under this point of view, the Parsons is analyzed by the development trends of youth subculture, in accordance with the requirements of which the values \u200b\u200band norms that dominate in society are not more clear signs of proper P. young people or lose their significance for them. The central place in the regulation of P. Young in such a social situation is already playing not a family or school, but a group of peers. Youth subcultures, according to Parsons, perform, at the same time positive and destructive functions. On the one hand, they leave the traditional values, taking away the youth from the family and adults, and on the other hand, are a means of transformation of old value systems, the approval of new values \u200b\u200bthat provide individual support in its P. and interact with peers during a long time - from the moment "Drops" from the family of parents and before creating their own. The interconnection of these two functions generates internal (between different youth groups) and external (with an adult social environment) conflicts in the youth environment.

So, already in the concept of T. Parsons, great attention is paid to clarifying the importance of "role-playing statuses" in P. individuals. However, more detailed the importance of the social role as the normatively approved method of P., compulsory for the individual and becoming the decisive characteristic of his personality, was investigated in the so-called role theory developed by R. Linton, A. Radcliffra Brown and other sociologists. According to Linton, the concept of a role belongs to such situations of social interaction, when regular and for a long time reproduce certain stereotypes of social P. Each specific individual can act in cooperation with other individuals in a variety of roles. For example, the same person can be simultaneously the Governor of Texas, a member of the Republican Party, the father of the family, a golf player, etc., performing different roles in various situations. Therefore, a social role, taken separately, there is only a separate component of a holistic P. person. The totality of such roles acts as a dynamic aspect of social status, i.e. The position occupied by the Individual in the social structure of society. Society through the regulatory system currently imposes individuals of certain social roles, but their adoption, execution, or the rejection will largely depend on his personal choice, from the social position, and this contradictory interaction (norms of society and personal orientations) always imposes an imprint on the real P. man.

And Parsonovsky theory of social action, and role theory come close to the problem of normativeness and abnormality (antinormativity) P.S. And in the first, and in the second case, P. is considered mainly as regulatoryly regulated on the basis of generally accepted norms P. However, cases of cases where certain individuals in their P. consciously or unconsciously shy away from the norms prescribed by society, they ignore them or deliberately violate them. Those types of P., which correspond to the norms generally accepted in society, are usually characterized as "normal", the same, which in one way or another differ with them, are called deviating (from norms) or deviant P.. Under the latter is understood not only an offense, but also any P., violating the rules and norms dominant in this society. The deviation is extremely multiple. Its various manifestations include alcoholism, and drug addiction, prostitution, and racket, and corruption, and counterfeit banknotes, and treason, and murder, and suicide, and much, much more. Is it possible to assume that the whole of this extensive and multipoint area of \u200b\u200bsocial P. is there something in common? Yes, it is possible that they have the fact that all these and many other forms of P. are deviated from the norms adopted in society, violate these norms or simply reject them. In this and their abnormality is manifested or anti-physative.

So, the deviant P. is determined by the correspondence or inconsistency of certain actions with social standards and expectations. However, the criteria for the definition of P. as deviant are ambiguous and often cause disagreements and disputes. There is a rather difficult problem regarding what is considered to be deviant P., and the boundary between the norm and the deviation from it can be quite blurred, moving in one, then in the other direction, depending on the position of the one who gives an assessment of this or another behavioral act. From the point of view of religion or morality, the deviant act is the personification of evil, from the point of view of medicine - a disease, and from the point of view of law - violation of the law, lawlessness.

Both the norms themselves and P., deviating from them, are not homogeneous, but significantly differ in their social significance. If moral norms are violated that exist in the society of customs, traditions, the rules of the hostel, then these violations are called asocial P. (antisocial actions). For these forms P. is characterized by a small degree of public danger, which is advisable to call public harm. If not only moral, but also legal norms are violated, then we are dealing with illegal P., which includes hooliganism, embezzlement and other crimes.

Depending, firstly, on the degree of damage to the interests of the personality, the social group, society as a whole, and, secondly, on the type of violated norms, the following main types of deviating P. can distinguish

1. Destructive P., damage to only the very personality and not corresponding to the generally accepted socio-moral standards, is the accumulation, conformism, masochism, etc.

2. Asocial P., damage to personality and social communities (family, company of friends, neighbors, etc.) and manifested in alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, etc.

3. The unlawful P., which represents a violation of both moral and legal norms and expressing in robbeles, murders and other crimes.

Developing the main provisions of the sociological theory of Anomy, R. Moton emphasized that the main reason for the deviationing P. is the conflict between the culture system, cultural goals, dictated by society, on the one hand, and socially approved means of their achievement. In his opinion, modern American society at a huge scale gives rise to people of the most different social situation, such a contradiction between the aspirations of the dominant culture of the aspirations and legally achievable is that this leads to a sharp decrease in the effectiveness of social norms and institutions regulating P. people, and in the final The account is to negate the authority of the norms and to all sorts of deviations from them.

Since people are creatures social, most important in their livelihoods have various types of collective P. The most serious attention is paid to the sociological analysis of collective P., such well-known sociologists, such as E. Durkheim, M. Weber, K. Marx, T. Parsons, Bloomer and etc.

K. Marx, in particular, emphasized that "one of natural conditions production (i.e., activities aimed at the production of necessary subjects) for a live individual is its belonging to any naturally established team: tribes, etc. His own productive existence is possible only under this condition. "Only in the collective P., he considered a language as a means of communication between people, the individuality of each of the members of the team is also formed. Moreover, it was approved by K. Marx," Only in the Team Individual Receives funds giving him the opportunity to comprehensively develop their departments, and, therefore, only in the team is possible personal freedom. "

T. Parsons, giving great importance to individual P. personality, nevertheless emphasized that this P. consists not only of reactions to certain incentives of the social situation, but also from the aggregate of a certain P. other individuals included in the system of some collective organization. Therefore, "individuals carry out sociable important functions in the team as its members." And hence it implies that "the functioning of a collective organization is associated primarily - with the real achievement of goals in the interests of the social system." The embodiment in individual P. its interests and needs, the personality in the social system is included in the complex and multifaceted network of collective P. and "produces some services in some context of a collective organization. As a result of a long evolutionary process in modern societies, these services are institutionalized mainly in The form of a professional role within the specifics of the functioning team or a bureaucratic organization. "

Summarizing numerous and varied sociological research Collective P., Bloomer found it necessary to even allocate the study of this phenomenon in a separate section of sociology. Such a high status of this phenomenon in his opinion should be appreciated because "the collective behavior researcher seeks to understand the conditions for the occurrence of a new social system, since its appearance is equivalent to the emergence of new forms of collective behavior."

From the point of view of this approach, "almost any group activity," said G. Bloomer, - can mention as collective behavior. Group activity means that individuals act together in a certain way that there is a certain division of labor between them and that there is a certain mutual adaptation of various Lines of individual behavior. In this sense, group activity is a collective business. " Noting the extremely widespread prevalence of various forms of collective P., he claims that when a sociologist is studying customs, legends, gaming traditions, organs, institutions and social organization, it deals with social rules and social determinants, through which collective P. is organized especially importance According to the city of Bloomer (and here it quite agrees with K. Marx), they have social movements that should be considered as "collective enterprises aimed at establishing a new building life." Destering the various types of social movements, including religious, reformist, nationalist, revolutionary, he especially emphasizes that "when studying collective behavior, we concern the process of building a social system." These features are determined by the role of various types of collective P. in the formation of society, in the emergence of a new social system, therefore, more highly developed social systems.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Annotation: The purpose of the lecture: to reveal the key factors of social behavior and activities, contradictions in social behavior, the category of social character and its pathology, types and types of deviating personality behavior.

Social interaction (interaction) is consumed from individual acts called social actions and includes statuses, roles, social relations, symbols and meanings. It is not by chance that it is precisely actions that behavior as the most objective fact is the core of the attention of modern sociology. It is impossible to understand what society, social groups, personality, social interactions, without analyzing how those or other people behave; Whole social groups and even society as a whole in a particular situation .. The problem of social behavior was the core of the theories of many classics of sociology - M. Deber, P.Sorokina, E. Fromma, T. Parsons, P.Mepton and others.

Social Action, Social Activities, Social Behavior as Sociology

Social action is an elementary unit of social life of society. Social activities make up social interactions, they constitute the basis of social activities and social behavior of the subjects of the Company. This concept introduced into the sociology of M. Deber. At the same time, the adjective "social" has a deep meaning. In itself, the action is an act committed by a person with respect to anything. The Social Action is an act committed by the personality, firstly, in relation to another personality, community of people, society as a whole, secondly, aimed at the response of others (ie, there is no social action without interaction), third , conscious, motivated by the very personality. According to M. Deber, the action committed against non-social facilities (nature, knowledge, ideas, technicians, etc.), as well as the action unconscious, accomplished by the power of habits or emotions, cannot be called social. M. Deber proposed four ideal types of social action - affective (perhaps due to the emotional state of personality and distinguished by minimal meaning), the traditional (committed in virtue of the habit of behaving within the framework of the enshrined form of the tradition of cultural samples and practically not requiring rational understanding), value-rational (Performed due to the impressions of any meaning in the form of a debt - religious, moral, aesthetic, political, etc.), the descriptive (committed meaning not only by the very action, but also its results). The basis of this typology of M. Deber is the degree of rationality (intelligence, meaningfulness, calculating) of social action. The most fully rational is the last type of social about action. The history of the West is described by M. Deber, as the process of deploying the degree of rationality of social action. In real social actions, M. Deber noted, you can meet the components of all four ideal types, but according to the degree of prevalence of one or another type, you can judge the nature of the social behavior of people.

The ideas of M. Deber subsequently found development in the concept of social action of the American sociologist T. Parsons. If Weber, the reason for behavior lies in internal motivation, that is, in the very person, Parsons substantiated the presence of 4 factors. This is a biological organism, social systems, culture and personality itself. The body is a source of biological energy, natural needs. Social system - interacting individuals, groups of people who have identified the system of social expectations. Socium through expectations dictates how the person should act. Culture is a system of ideal samples, symbols, traditions and value standards. Personality is a leader who has domestic needs, desires and goals.

Social action is the basis and social behavior, and social activities. What is the difference between these concepts?

So what is social behavior? First, it is not separate, but a lot of social actions organized into a single whole. Secondly, the social behavior of "Wovers" is not uniform, but heterogeneous, sometimes even opposite social activities. Thirdly, if the social action is performed "here and now", i.e. It has its borders in space and time, the social behavior is deployed in time and space, i.e. It remains such for a certain period of human life and in various situations. Fourth, social behavior includes not only social action, but also inaction (for example, the negligent behavior of the person). And finally, fifth, the main function of social behavior is the personality adaptation to the social environment. The personality adapts to nature (the body), social systems and culture to their social behavior, adapts to them their abilities, needs, interests. Socio-cultural adaptation can be active and passive, creative and destructive aggressive and tolerant, etc. Thus, social behavior is a system of social actions and inactions aimed at ensuring the adaptation of the individual to social systems, nature and culture.

In contrast to social behavior, social activities do not include inaction. But the main difference is that social activities are a system of social actions aimed at adapting the identity of social systems and cultures to their own needs, abilities, interests. In other words, the fundamental difference between social behavior and social activities is that the first is the process of adapting itself, and the second is the process of adapting to itself. For example, when we are talking about the labor behavior, we mean, as it builds its actions, according to our own ideas about how to work, in accordance with the expectations of colleagues and leadership, with the labor standards and values \u200b\u200bof the organization and society. Labor activity is a targeted change in the subject of labor, while the purpose of labor is subject to the abilities, the needs of the interests of the employee. You can also distinguish between political behavior and political activities, moral behavior and moral activity, etc. It should be recalled that the labor, political, moral, aesthetic and other forms of behavior, as well as the corresponding forms of activity, are in a strict sense social and only if they are focused on another person or community of people.

So, consider the main factors of the mechanism of social, behavior. Only at first glance it may seem that the only author of social behavior is the personality itself ("as I want, I behave" - \u200b\u200bthis is the scope of the demonstrative position of adolescents seeking self-affirmation).

The social behavior of the personality has four author, the personality itself, social systems (society, macro- and microbroup, which includes a person or seeks to enter), culture. How do these four factors determine social behavior?

Naturally physical - basis for individually personal. The biological component (organism) provides the energy basis for behavior. Social behavior in accordance with the internal nature and laws of biology, in accordance with the physical and natural essence of the individual - this vital behavior

Personality builds his behavior, consistent with a certain meaning. The personal meaning invested in the behavior ("Why", "why", "as") is determined by the system of social qualities of personality, emotions, desires, abilities, needs, value orientations, motivation and social attitudes. So, the means of ensuring the social behavior of the individual is a personal meaning, and the very model of social behavior determined by personal meaning can be called emotional behavior

Social systems - family, friends, organizations, class, ethnic, professional community, etc., determine social behavior, prescribing any model of action in accordance with the social status of the person. In the small group, such behavior models such as leader, outsider, favorite, animator, authority, scape guide and others are prescribed. In the family - the models of behavior of the father, mother, son, daughters, sisters, brother, etc. In the organization - model of behavior of a specialist, manager, subordinate, colleagues and others. There are also class, professional (doctor, teachers, engineer, miner, chauffeur), ethnic (Russian, Ukrainian, Frenchman, Norwegian, Georgian, Englishman, Indian), demographic (men, women, young man, elderly, child), territorial (Citizen, Selinina), etc.,

Such prescriptions are the requirements for personality behavior in accordance with its social statuses in sociology are called, social expectations, and the very model of behavior that meets social expectations is a social role.

Culture as a system of social norms and values \u200b\u200bdetermines the social behavior of the person, establishing a certain framework for the prohibited, permitted and encouraged by giving acts of social significance. The means of ensuring the conformity of the personality behavior adopted in one or another society, the samples and values \u200b\u200bof actions are social control. With the help of social control, the identity of culture occurs and is transmitted from generation to generation a cultural tradition. Model of social behavior, relevant to the norms and values \u200b\u200bof society, can be called traditional (value-normative) behavior.

So, personality has to build their own behavior, focusing at the same time on the vital, and emotional, traditional, and role-playing models of behavior.

The actual behavior of the person in one degree or another may correspond and do not correspond to model forms. That part of the actual behavior, which coincides with the social role of the individual, is called role-playing behavior. Is it possible, by quoting W. Stepher "The whole world theater, and all people in it - both men, women, - actors", all the actual behavior of the person name Rolev? It should be noted that the origin of the word "personality" (from the word "Lychin", i.e. mask; Latin "Person" has a similar origin), as if adds arguments in favor of this judgment. At the same time, common sense does not allow you to consider yourself and other hypocrites deprived of our own "I". In life, you have to meet with the most different options for the role of the role of personality - from a meaningless, deprived of personal beginning to fully refuse to follow in their behavior of social expectations.

Inside the role of personality, both consensus and dissonance and even conflict can exist. The fact is that the social statuses of personality are diverse (especially in modern societies), therefore, various role behaviors are required from personalities that may be incompatible. In classic xIX literature Century (Balzac, L. Tolstoy, Chekhov and others) describe the so-called role conflicts confrontation in the actual behavior of the personality of incompatible social roles.

The actual behavior of the person may also correspond to one degree or another and do not meet the personal meaning. It can be completely meaningless (affective, i.e. depends on the emotional impulse) or motivated, filled with meaning, relevant ideals, beliefs, personal principles. The choice of behavior variant depends on the degree of social maturity of the personality, on the level of development of its abilities and needs (first, all, the need for "I" and the ability to independent self-actualization), interests, value orientations, motives, social attitudes.

The actual behavior of the person in one degree or another may correspond and do not correspond to the value regulatory model behavior. That behavior that is placed within the limits of this model is called regulatory. If the behavior of the person goes beyond the value regulatory model, it is called deviating (deviant) behavior. The regulatory behavior of the person, in turn, can also be twofold. Culture determines the behavior of the individual as external (external social control), with the help of various sanctions and incentives forcing the individual to follow the samples of behavior and internal (self-control), acting in the form of value orientations, motives and installations of the individual. Accordingly, in the regulatory behavior of the individual, the adapted and interiorized forms will highlight. In the adapted form of behavior, there is a discrepancy with the meaning of the person, in an interior form, this discrepancy is overcome (in other words, the personality behaves as accepted, not only because it is so accepted, but also because he considers it a personal meaning).

The American sociologist R. Merton allocated five types of behavior - personality adaptation. The basis of this typology is the identity attitude in their behavior (adopted and approved in society goals (what should personality should seek what to recognize as a value) and means (how to achieve these goals, what rules, the norms should adhere to). For Convenience typology will be submitted in the form of a table, denoting the adoption of various elements of culture (-) the rejection of those or other elements of culture.

P / P. Forms of social adaptation Attitude to
Goals (values) Means (standards)
1. Conformism + +
2. Innovation + -
3. Ritualism - +
4. Retretism - -
5. Misty +- +-

Conformism - type, behavior characterized by the full adoption of the personality of culture, i.e. Norms and values. In psychological literature, the negative interpretation of conformism as an agreement is often found in the absence own opinion etc. It is unlikely that such an approach is productive. Conformism is the lack of inculcuting in the behavior of the personal start and cultural tradition. This type of behavior is not an adapted (adapted), but an interior type of personality behavior, it represents the completed result of the socialization of the individual. Innovative behavior is a form of disagreement of an ambitious type of behavior: personality, sharing the values \u200b\u200bof society, chooses other samples of behavior that do not fit into the framework of the social norms adopted, consequently, is the form of deviant behavior. Ritualism is a regulatory adapted type of social behavior, it meets social norms, but does not accept social values. Retretmism and the rebellion are a complete gap in the behavior of the personality with the culture of society, the rebellion is also characterized by a person's desire to approve new norms and values, i.e. new culture.

Thus, two (conformism and ritualism) of the first (conformism and ritualism) are regulated, and three others (innovation, retretism, rebellion) - deviant forms of behavior. It should be emphasized that all forms of behavior can not be proclaimed as "good" or "bad." It all depends on what these norms and values \u200b\u200bthemselves are.

In modern complex society, contradictions in the social behavior of the person are inevitable.

There are no such contradictions in the archaic society. First, the personality does not distinguish itself as an individuality from its social environment - kind, family. Therefore, social roles and personal meaning in behavior are fledged, inseparable. Secondly, the personality in his behavior is fully followed by the adopted standards and values, the cultural tradition replaces the personal meaning of its behavior. The one who ignores social norms and values \u200b\u200bturns into a burden, i.e. It turns out outside the social system - the genus and tribe. Thirdly, there are no discrepancies between social expectations for the behavior of the personality of the kind and the norms and values \u200b\u200bof this society. Therefore, in the archaic society, the social behavior of the person is completely conform.

In the pre-industrial (traditional) type of society, there is also no special problem of social behavior of the person. Although the changes, in contrast to the archaic society, occur, but they wear such a slow character that it becomes noticeable in life not one, but several generations: certain discrepancies between personal meaning, social expectations and social control are so insignificant that the identity without much difficulty agrees their In the framework of holistic social behavior.

The industrial and passing period of the formation of post-industrial societies are dynamic in nature, significant changes occur in the life of one generation. This leads to the exacerbation of a number of contradictions in the social behavior of the person.

First, in modern societies, socialization of the individual represents a continuous life process. The personality turns out to be as a result of social displacements in a variety of cultural media class, professional, demographic, territorial, organizational, which requires the assimilation of new standards and values. With the massiveness of the Company due to social communications, the socialization of the individual is aimed at the cultural tradition of not only "their", but also "strangers", reference groups (to which the person does not belong, but takes their norms and values). From here there are situations when the person does not see a personal meaning in behavior, which prescribes culture through social control, considers such behavior as archaic, ritualist. Very often, individuals have to not coordinate the discrepancy between personal meaning and social control, but to carry out a difficult selection of behavior option - innovative, ritualist, retretist or rebellious.

Secondly, in modern societies, social processes proceed much faster than the modernization of the culture of society. Social groups (formal and informal organizations, new settlements, professional community, etc.) are formed much faster than new norms and values. The resulting distance in the pace of social and cultural modernization of society determines the contrast between the social expectations and the cultural framework of social behavior. In other words, her social environment - family, friends, colleagues, executives, etc. - Not always and not in everything stacked in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe permitted and meaningful. As a result of the person, again, it is very often difficult to make a difficult choice - or play social roles to justify social expectations, or follow the cultural tradition, behaving within the concepts of proper, decency, etiquette, etc., or find any compromise.

Thirdly, in modern societies, social quality of personality does not always correspond to its social status. In other words, the position of the personality in society and social groups is not yet another characteristic of the needs, abilities, interests, value orientation, motives, social attitudes of the person. Social status of the individual is changing much faster than the person itself. Therefore, the prescribed personality social roles in accordance with its social status may be fully or partially deprived of personal sense, i.e. meaningless. The structure of social systems is also changing faster than the person incorporated into them. Therefore, the person who occupies the same social status may be presented for a certain time interval completely different, and sometimes the opposite requirements for its social behavior. Again, the person finds itself in a selection situation - or to play senseless, "other people's" social roles, or refuse to play these roles, trying to follow our own principles, beliefs, or try to rationalize social roles, making them illusory sense or rethinking them from the point of view of their own abilities and needs.

In critical, extreme situations, the indicated elections of the personality of social behavior serve as a source of social and intrapersonal conflicts. The personality can ignore its social environment, behaving demonstratively, rejecting social roles, thereby causing the opposition of others. Mass character can be purchased in society and various forms of positive and negative deviant behavior. The reason for the intrapersonal conflict is the contamination of personal meaning and social role that has not found its permission. The classic example of such a conflict is the image of Anna Karenina in the novel L. Tolstoy, which burst between the requirement to play the role of spouses, therefore, to remain mother for her son, and the meaninglessness of this role. External and internal conflicts in this case led: to a tragic outcome. Today, so-called syndromes are widely known - Vietnamese, Afghan, Chechen - personal consequences of these wars. But any war causes such syndromes. If the individuals have to perform orders (i.e., play the role of a soldier, commander, etc.), in which it does not see the meaning that go far beyond the limits of generally accepted norms and values \u200b\u200b("War I will write out"), then it subsequently leads To the crisis of personality, depersonalization. The consequences of such syndromes are ambiguous. Some painfully worry this conflict, leaving, closing and self-reserving from society. Others begin to play other senseless social roles, sometimes quite aggressive. Third trying to drown out intrapersonal conflict with various "social preparations" - alcohol and drugs.

The intrapersonal crisis is due not only to extreme situations, but also by modern mass processes. It is not by chance that the writers first, and then sociologists noted the growth of the senses of loneliness, meaninglessness and hopelessness of the person as its social contacts and social statuses increase.

The formation of social behavior of the individual in modern society is also an internally controversial process, passing a number of crisis stages. In children of the most youngest ages (up to 5 years), social behavior is determined by the social expectations of parents, which largely coincide with the cultural tradition. Later, children appear "the right" behavior - "so it is possible and so impossible", while discovering the inconsistency of the actual behavior of parents and others adopted and frequently declared adult standards and values. Teenage age is a period of simultaneously and finding the personal meaning of social behavior, and following the social expectations of those groups in which the person is integrated - friends, companies, reference groups. Hence the disharmonious behavior, due to the desire for self-affirmation, then meaningless adoption of various social roles.

Socionics opened the phenomenon of the integral type of community, which can be diagnosed, fixing the typical facts of social behavior. . In sociology there is a concept of social character. The behavior interpretation of the character is reduced directly to the description of the typical features of the behavior itself, in other psychological schools (Neophreedist, humanistic and other), under nature, the properties of the personality appear in behavior are understood. "A person can be economical," writes E.Fromm, "because it requires his financial situation; or it can be thrifty, because it has a stoken character that encourages savings for the savings whatever respectively to the real necessity. For the same There may be different characters in behavior. "

The concept of "character" in sociological science is used in some specific form. First, we are talking about the nature of the person, due to non-individual properties - with temperament, body structure, etc., and sociocultural conditions for the formation of a person. Secondly, we are talking about the nature of the person not as a separate individual, but as a certain social type, modal (most common in one or another society) personality. "The fact that most members of some social class or culture have the similarities of significant elements of character, and that we can talk about the" social character ", representing the essence of the character's warehouse, common to most members of this culture, indicates the degree of participation in the formation of the nature of social and cultural Models "(E.Fromm). Thirdly, we are talking about Xapactual inherent in the whole social communities, groups and layers, and not just personalities representing them. So, we can talk about the national, class, professional, urban, rural, regional, youth, female and male, etc. Character. Social research is a subject of social psychology and sociology.

Attempts of social typology were taken by E. Fromome and D.Rismen. E.Fromm allocates two types of social character - fruitful and non-road-resistant orientations. He determines the fruitfulness as a person inherent opportunities inherent in him, the use of its abilities. Accordingly, the fruitful orientation of a social character is distinguished by the creative orientation of the person. The trigger orientation is characterized by the consumer orientation of a social character. E.Fromma has such types of non-trick orientation: a receptive orientation (the behavior is directed to the consumption of external benefits - to be loved, but not to love, perceive some ideas, but not to create them, etc.), exploitative orientation (unlike recipe orientation, behavior is aimed at consumption of benefits received not in the form of a gift, but with the help of strength or tricks), the mining orientation (behavior aimed at ensuring as much as possible to give as little as possible), the market orientation that has developed as Dominant only in the modern era.

The last type of social character deserves more detailed consideration. "Insofar as modern man Perceives himself both as a seller, and as a product for sale in the market, its self-esteem depends on the conditions, it is not limited to him. If he "succeeds" - it is valuable if not - it is deprived of value ... With a market orientation, a person faces his own forces, as with a commodity, alienated from him. As a result, his sense of identity becomes the same unstable, as well as self-esteem; The final replica in all the roles possible here: "I - what ignite". Thips of a non-trusted social nature gradually replaced each other (recipe orientation - in a processing society, exploitative and compliant orientation - in modern society).

According to the sociologist D. Risman, the evolution of the social character of Western European type is as follows:

  • orientation for the tradition;
  • orientation on yourself;
  • orientation to another.

Orientation for tradition - This is a type of social behavior determined mainly by culture.

Orientation on yourself - orientation on their identity, internal motives, desires, goals (personal meaning). It was the orientation for himself at the cost of an enterprising and rational individual.

Orientation to another - The type of social behavior determined by society, social systems in which the person is included. Here, the social environment and the social environment of the person is primary - the aggregate of its communications, fashion, functions in social organizations. Social roles caused by social expectations are determining in the modern Western character.

As usual, D. Risman missed the fourth orientation - as a social character - orientation in nature. Environmental, vital personality over time in developed countries will be released. Living in harmony with nature, oriented primarily on the organic, biophysical, the vital factor personality will come to replace the orientation on social systems and social expectations.

In the works of M. Deber, E. Frochma, D.Risman reveals the evolution of social Xapaktepa Western European type, which does not mean that this typology can be used in the analysis of social behavior and the social nature of other civilizations, including the Russian. Japanese character, for example, completely differently combines the orientation of the native and orientation on the other, these two components are not excluded, but, on the contrary, they assume each other

The specificity of the Russian (Russian) character is mixedness of all three orientations. The orientation on the tradition, on itself and the society is not excluded, and coexist with each other. Mixed society naturally generates a mixed personality (it is about the nature of a large group of people - nation).

There are differences in the social character not only between different stages of development and civilizational types of society, but. And between different layers and groups within society. Marginal layers of society (today they are called "new" - "new Russians", "new poor", "new middle layer", etc., acquired a new social status, but not working out its subculture and only experiencing the process of secondary socialization) Most of all are oriented towards themselves and on others, while the "old" layers are more than "new", committed to cultural tradition.

As mentioned above, social crisis Societies manifests itself in the crisis of personality and its social behavior. The crisis of social behavior (syndromes, deletion) is manifested in the fact that it becomes unpredictable, "shaggy" between the search for personal meaning, cultural samples and social roles. In psychology, there is a concept of "character accentuation", denoting the jams of the nature between the norm and pathology. The so-called difficult character is formed most often in adolescence. This happens not only with individual, but also with a social character. Social accentuation can manifest itself in different ways - in the forms of increased irritability and apathy, extreme variability of mood, highlightedness, closetness, unjustified cruelty, mindless subordination to any authorities, etc., characterizing non-individual personalities, and a significant part of the population. Not by chance during periods of deep shocks, social conflicts and crises typical manifestations in social behavior are vandalism, aggressiveness, inhuman deeds. The "old" thief authorities themselves are affected by lawlessness today, unmotivated cruelty from "new" criminal elements.

A deformed social character does not go with the crisis, it turns into a persistent component of the mentality of the people, transmitting from generation to generation. It becomes one of the most important factors determining the features of the economic system, and the form of a political regime, and the spiritual warehouse of society.

So, the Category Social Behavior allows you to make an analysis of society not only in statics, but also in dynamics. Social action undoubtedly is one of the first-term surgeon of social life. The mobility of the social structure gives social roles that are performed in the process of interaction of individuals. Social roles can be assimilated only in the process of behavior and activity, therefore, social actions are the basis for the formation and development of the personality, progressive transformation of a social character.

Brief results:

  1. Social action - a first-turn of social life, the basis of social interaction.
  2. Social behavior is a system of social actions and inactions aimed at adapting the person to society, culture and nature.
  3. Social activity is a system of social actions aimed at adapting the identity of society, culture and nature to their own needs, abilities, interests.
  4. R. Merton allocated 5 types of behavior - personality adaptation. Two of them are conformism and ritualism - are regulatory. Three others are innovation, retretism, rebellion - deviant forms of behavior.
  5. T. Parson developed the theory of four behavior factors: the body, personality, social systems, culture.
  6. In modern society, the process of social modernization is ahead of the process of cultural modernization in speed, which is the main reason for the contradictions in the behavior of the person.
  7. D.Risman showed the evolution of Western European nature - the orientation for the tradition, the orientation of themselves, orientation on others. The social character of other societies has its own specifics. In addition, the task of the survival of mankind leads to the formation of a new type of social character - orientation on nature.

Set for practice


  1. What is the difference between people's interaction from interaction between other living beings?
  2. Who of the founders of sociology substantiated that social action has two mandatory features: conscious motivation and orientation on others (waiting)?
  3. Why M. Deber traditional and affective action did not attract social action?.
  4. What is understood under role-playing behavior?
  5. What is understood by vital behavior?
  6. What is understood by the "cultural" (traditional) behavior?
  7. What is understood under emotional behavior?
  8. Why innovative behavior in the era innovative technologies And the innovative economy qualifies as deviating behavior?
  9. Have or be - How can I answer to E.Fromm's dilemma? Is it possible to consider these two orientations as social types?

Topics for coursework, abstracts, essays:

  1. Social actions and interaction
  2. Social behavior and socialization of personality
  3. Contradictions of social identification
  4. Socially oriented behavior and traditional culture.
  5. Forms of deviations in sociocultural behavior
  6. Sociotypes and Social Character
  7. Theory of Social Action M. Deber
  8. Theory of Social Action Y.Habermas
  9. Specificity of Russian Social Character
  10. Fashion as a manifestation of orientation on social systems

Lecture 9.

FROM Oral behavior

Concept "Behavior" came to sociology from psychology.Term " behavior "has a somewhat different meaning than traditionally fand L. osof concepts "Action"and "Activities". If under D.eyesia is understoodrationally substantiated act, having a clear goal, strategy, specific conscious methods and means, then behavior- it's just reaction of the living beingon external and internalchanges. Such a reaction maybe to be conscious and unconscious. For example, purely emotional reactions- Laughter, cry - also behavior.

Social Behavior -this is a combination of human penetrationc. essees relatedfrom satisfaction of physical socials sweat r fucities and occurring b by p node of the surrounding reactionsocial environment.Social subject Behavior there may be an individual or group.

If you find out what factorsdetermined the behavior of an individual in a particular social situation, can will understand why one person falling into Extreme conditions leads herself courageously and maintains composure, and the other loses control over himself and gives away with a common panic; why one joins the aggressive crowd,eased their deeply charged destructive instincts, the other infear hiding at home, closing windows and doors, and the third,risk own life, trying to come to help someone.

Abstracting from purely psychologicalfactors and attracting sociological conceptscan conclude that behaviorindividual is determined primarily by socialization. That minimum is instincts who have a person as a biological creature are the same for all people.Behavioral differences depend preferably from the proceedingssocialization qualities and to some extent- from congenital and acquired psychologicalindividual features.

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In addition, the social behavior of individualsregulatedsocial structure, in particular the role structure of society. Socially regulatory behavior- it is a behavior that fully compliesstatus expectations. Thanks to existencestatus expectations Society in advance with sufficient probability can predict the actions of the individual, and the Individual itself- coordinate their behavior with adopted society perfectsample or model. Social behavior corresponding tostatus expectations, american sociologist R.Linton determinesas a social role. Such interpretation of social behavior is closest tofunctionalism as explains the behavior as a phenomenon determined by the social structure. R.Merton, as part of this direction, introduced the category "Role Complex", whichinterpreted as a system of role expectations,defined this status and the concept of "role conflict",those. the conflict arising when the role expectations occupied by the subject of statuses are incompatible and ne. Can be realized in a single socially acceptable behavior.

Functionalistunderstanding social behavior was subjected to acute criticism from primarily representatives of social behaviorism who tried to conduct a study of behavioral processes on the basis of achievements modern psychology. Psychological moments reallymissed out from the sight of the role interpretation of behavior, as evidenced by the fact that, for example, N. Cameron tried to justify the roledeterminismmental disorders: he believed that mental illness - This is the result of the wrong execution by the individual of its social roles and its inability to fulfill them asneed to society.

Now human behavior is investigated by a number of directions.psychology; contributed to its contributionbeheviorism, psychoanalysis, cognitive psychology, etc. The term "behavior"- One of the key in existential philosophy, reflecting the attitude of a person to the world. Methodologicalcapabilities this concept is due to the fact that it allows you to revealunconscious sustainable identity structures or human existence in the world. Among the psychological concepts of human behavior that big influence On sociology and social psychology, first of all, the psychoanalytic directions, presented by Z. Freud, K. Jung, A.Adler.

According to the ideas of the F R E Y D A, the behavior of the individualforming as a result of a layer the interaction of three levels of his personality. Lowerlevel form unconscious impulses and impulses thatdefined congenitalbiological needs and complexesformedunder the influence of the individual history of the subject. This Freud layer calls it (ID) to show itseparateness from conscious I am an individual forming the second level of his psyche. Conscious I include rationalgoaling and responsibility foryour actions. You are SHESH the level isOver-i - what we would call the resultsocialization; this is a totalityinteriorizedindividual social norms andvalues providing internal pressure on it in order to displace from consciousnessunwanted for society (forbidden) impulses and attraction andHe. give them to be realized.

According to Freud, inpersonal any person stops struggle it and Reconciliationpsyche and leading to neurosis. Individual behaviorwhole due to this struggle and completely explains it, since it represents only its symbolic reflection. Such symbols can beimages dreams, etc., reservations,obsessive states and fears.

YU NG has expanded and modified Freud's teachings, including in the sphere of unconscious, along with individual complexes and entrepreneurs"Ko L. a lesive unconscious "-the level of common for all people and peoples of key images- Archetypes. In archetypes the archaic fears and value ideas are recorded, whose interactiondetermines behavior and world care personality.Archetypical imagesappear in basic narratives historicallyconcrete societies ( folk fairy tales and legendsmythology, Epos). Socio-regulatingthe role of such narches intraditions and these generals very great. They contain perfect behaviors,forming role-playing expectations. For example, male warrior mustbehave like ahill or Hector, wife - like Penelope and etc. Regular recitation(ritual playback)archetypical narches constantly remind members of society these ideal modelsbehavior.

And d l e r put the basis for your psychoanalyticconcepts the unconscious will of the individual to power, which,no. his opinion isbP about the expensive personality structure and determines behavior. Especially strongshe in humans, by virtue of certain

the reasons for the incompleteness sufferers. Compensating your inferiority, they are able to achieve large heights. Further cleavage of psychoanalyticdirections led to a number of schools indisciplinarythe border position between psychology, social philosophy, sociology. For us, the mostinteresting Creativity E. Fromma.

F r o m m knows as a representativeneofreedism in psychology and Frankfurt schools in sociology. More precisely, its position can be defined asfreedomarsm, because along with the influence of Freud he experiencedHe. Less strong influence of the social philosophy of Marx. Differenceneofreedism from orthodox Freuddism is that, strictly speaking,neofreedism - this is rather sociology, whereas Freudism is definitely a clean psychology. If Freud explains the behavior of the individual with complexes and impulses, hidden in the individual unconscious, shorter, internalbiopsychicfactors then forFrochma I. freedomarxismin general, the behavior of the individualdetermined by surroundingsocial medium. This is its similarity with Marxist theory,explained the social behavior of individuals ultimately their class origin. Top N.e less from it seeks to find in social processes the place of psychological in his own sense of the word. Following the Freudian tradition, he turns to the unconscious and introduces the term "social unconscious", implying mental experience under it, common to all members of this society, butHe falling HA the level of consciousness from most of them because heobtained special social softwarehis nature with a mechanism belonging to an individual, but society. Thanks to this mechanismostressing society retains stability. The mechanism of social displacement includes language, the logic of ordinarythinking system of social prohibitions and taboos. Language and thinking structures carry the imprint of the society formed andrepresent it is an instrument of social pressure on the psyche of the individual. Remember"Novoyaz" from novel antiutopia dg. Orwell "1984". Coat, anti-nesthetic,reliable cuts and abbreviations are actively urged the consciousness of people who use them. And unless N.e. began to one degree or another the property insoviet societymonstrous logic of type formulas: "Dictatorship of the proletariat- SAMIA democraticform of power. "

However, the main component of the social mechanismdisplacement - this is a social taboo acting by type.freuds with COI censorship. With the help of "social filter" into consciousnessand ND Ivid HE It is allowed in the social experience of individuals thatthreatens preservation existing societyif it is conscious. Society manipulates consciousnesshis members, introducing an ideological ideology in it cliche, which are because of frequentused P fucking become inaccessible critical analysis,unti in Aya defined informationexercising direct pressure and insizing fear of social isolation. Therefore, from consciousnessiS to puffing all that contradicts sociallyapproved ideologicalcliche.

Such tabooideologies logic and linguisticexpP P names form, according toFermo in man, what he isawn " social character" People, belonging to the same society, they carry in addition to their will print "General incubator». So, we unmistakably find out on the streetforeigners, yes, if I hear their speech, - on the behavior of Yu, external the appearance, attitude towards each other. These are people from anothersocieties and, when it is alien to them, the mass medium, they are sharp inare encountered of it thankssimilarity to each other. Social character -this is educated by societyand unconscious Individualstyle of Conduct - from social tohousehold. For example, the Soviet and former Soviet person is distinguishedcollectivism and responsiveness, social passivity andundepairsubmissions before the power personified in the face"In about waiting", developed fear to beHE is like everyone else. According to a number of modern Russian sociologists,frommovskaya methodology of the Concept of Social Charactertaper to be used to analyze processes,taking place in modern Russian society, in particularincreasing mutual alienation citizens and state. "

Main criticsFroch was directed againstmodern he is a capitalist society, but he has a lot of attentiongave and a description of a social charactergenerated by tota-litar societies. Like Fr.yeid he developed a program ininstalling undistortedsocial indiimi behavior

dove through awareness of what was supplanted fromconsuming

1 See: Kravchenko C. A., Mnatsakanyan m. O., Pokrovsky N.E. Sociology: paradigms and topics. 2nd ed. M., 1998. P. 138.

. "Turning unconsciousconsciousness, - writes from, - we are therefore converting a simpleuniversalityhuman in life the reality of such universality. It's nothing but practicalimplementation of humanism "1.De Depression process - liberation of socially oppressed consciousness- lies in the elimination of fear before the awareness of the forbidden, and the development of the ability to critical thinking, inhumanization of social life in general.

Another interpretation offers behaviorism (B.Skinner, d g. Homans), considering behavior as a system of reactions to various incentives. Concept with k and n e r and essentiallyis biologicsince it is completelyremoved differences between human behavior andanimal. Skinnerit highlights three types of behavior: definitely reflex, conditionally reflex andoperant. If the first two types of reactions are caused by exposurerelevantincentives, then operant reactions, active and arbitrary, represent the form of adaptation of the body tooKR Uzhyu medium. The body is like a sample and error methodlooking for the most acceptable way to adapt. In case of good luck, the find is fixed in the form of a stable reaction. In this way,g l avnn the factor in the formation of behavior is reinforcement, andresearch turns into "guidance on

well, zh uu reaction \u003e\u003e.

In the concept of Skinner man appears as a creature, the whole innera life which comes down to reactions to external circumstances. Changereinforcements mechanically cause changes in behavior. Thinking, Higher Mental Functions of Human, Culture, Moral, Arttreated as complex reinforcement systemdesigned call certain behavioral reactions. Hence the conclusion aboutfeatures manipulating gtovationpeople through carefully developed "technology of behavior". This termSkinner enters for notationceased manipulativecontrol of some groups of people over others. Such control is related to the establishmentoptimal for certain social goals of the reinforcement mode.

Ideas of biheviorism in sociology developedJ. Baldwin and d g. Homans. Baldine concept based on the concept of reinforcement borrowed frompsychologicalbeheviorism.

Fromm E. Psychoanalysis and Zen Buddism. 1960. R. 107.

Reinforcement in the Social Sense- This is a reward,value which is determined by subjective needs.For example, for hungry man food stands likereinforcement, but if a person is fed, she reinforcedHe is.

Efficiency of remuneration depends on the degreedeferre (deprivation of something that is what the individual is experiencingpermanent need) for this individual. As far as subjectdefented in any respect, so his behaviorcases from this reinforcement. FromhE deprivation depend so called generalized reinforces(for example, money),existing at all, without exception individuals, due to the fact that they are concentrating access to many typesreinforcements.

RECREATERS we are divided into positive and negative. PositiverECREATERS - that's all that is perceivedsubject as a remune of waiting. If the experience of some contact withsurrounding the medium brought a remuneration is greatprobability the fact that the subject will strive to repeat this experience. Negativepoppers are factors determining the behavior of h Eres refusal from some experience. For example, if I refuse yourself in some kind of pleasure and save money on it, but insubsequent i benefit from such savings, then this experiencecan serge negativereinforcing and I will always do that.

Act punishment is opposite to reinforcement. Experience, B.sizing the desire is moreHe repeat - this is the point. Punishment can also be positive,implemented using an incentive of suppression, such as a strike, or notgatin which affects behavior through deprivation of somethingvaluable for example, the child's deprivation is sweet at lunch- Typical negative punishment.

Explanation of the formationopportal reactions are more complex. Unambiguity is characteristic of the reactions of the simplestlevel For example, a child crying, demanding the attention of parents, pfather that parents are always suitable for it in suchcases. Reactionsadults He. So unequivocal. So, man,selling newspapers in wagons electrics, farHe in every car finds buyer, but he knows from experience that it is possible to find a buyer in the end, and it makes it move fromvagon. in the car. The same probabilistic nature tooklast desithpaying wages onsome Russian enterprises, however, people continue to go to work, hoping to getwages.

In the middle of the twentieth century Homan developed bihevioristconcept of exchange.Polemiziruya with representatives of many areas of sociology,Homans defended the opinion that a sociological explanationbehavior like the interpretation of historical facts, must be based on psychologicalexplanation. Homansthis motivates that behavior is always individually, and sociology operates with categories,application by wea to groups and societies.

According to Homan, studying behavioral reactions, followsabstractfrom what the nature of the factors caused by the data of the reaction: whether they are caused by the impact of the environmental medium or the impact of other people. Socialbehavior - this is just an exchange of some socialvalue activities between people.Homans believes that social behavior is quitemO J. it is interpretedvia behavioral paradigmSkinner if you add it to a submission of mutual characterstimulation in the relationship of me x do people. The relationship between individuals is alwaysrepresentmutually beneficial exchange of activities, services, in short, mutual use of reinforcements.

Theory sharing briefly formulatedHoman in several postulates: the postulate of success (with the greatest probabilityreproducethose actions that most often meet social approval); postulate stimulus (similar incentives associated withremunerationwith a high degree of probability cause similar behavior); the postulate of values \u200b\u200b(the probability of reproduction of action depends on how valuableremitted man result. of thisactions); postulate, deferre - suggestions(the person's act was rewarded regularly, the less he appreciates the subsequent remuneration); Double postulate aggression- Approval (lack of life created remunerationor unexpected punishment doesl Probable aggressive behavior, andneo J. shaded rewardor absence expected punishleads to increased valuerewardact and increases the likelihood of its playback).

VA next conceptsthe theories of the exchange are the price and benefit of behavior. Under price behaviorHomans understands whatcome goes away individual one or another- Negative consequences, caused by past actions. Speaking everyday, this is the payroll for the past. The benefit in social exchange occursthen, when quality and sizeremuneration exceed the price in which this act costs.

Thus, theory exchange depicts socialbehavior man as a rational search for benefits. This conceptlooks like simplified and not surprisingly shecaused criticism by the most different sociological directions.Special acutely half amemissed S.Homan Parsons,guidelined fundamental difference of behavior mechanisms people from animals.Parsons criticized Homans for the inability of ittheory give an explanation of social facts based onpsychological mechanisms.

Homans himself critically treated K.functionalism, considering the disadvantage of the concept Durkheim is impossibleclearly identified mechanism of causal relationshipbetween the individual level,which Homans i believed a purely psychological, and the level of social facts. He insisted on legitimacyexplanations social behavior based on individualsiology.

An attempt to a peculiar synthesis of social behaviorism andsociologist another exchange theory was taken (I. . B l and y. Realizing the limited purelybichyviorist Ingerporationsocial behavior, he set a goal to find withspending a transition from the level of psychology to explain on this based on existencesocial structures as inexplicable topsychology special reality. ConceptBlau presents with both enriched the theory of exchange in whichfour are fusedsequential stagestransition from individual exchange for social structures: 1)interpersonal exchange;2) Stage authority and status differentiation;3) Legitimation Stage and organization; 4) the stage of the opposition and change.

Blau shows that, starting from the level of me individual exchangesuch an exchange of He is always able to to be equal. In Techcases when individuals can notsuggest to each other sufficient rewards formed between social relationstrue to decay and attempts are being made to strengthenrecruitment "Communications in other ways: throughstanding, through the search another sourceremuneration through subordination of oneselfpartner no exchange in order generalizedloan. This P Creature the method consists of B.transition to step status Differentiation,when a group of persons capable of giving the requiredwITH A TRAINING, IN THE STATUS the relation becomes moreprivilegedcompared to others. Furtherlegitimization is carried outand consolidation of the situation and allocationopposite group. Analyzing complex social structuresBlau it goes beyond the paradigm of biheviorism. Itclaims that the complex structures of society are organized aroundsocially values \u200b\u200band norms that serve as ifthrough the link between individuals in the process of social exchange. Blahyear old n.e. Only exchange of remuneration between individuals, but also the exchange between an individual andgroup As an exampleBlau considers the phenomenon of organized charity. In his opinion, charity as social Institute distinguishes from easy helprich in Dividapoor that organized charity is socially oriented behavior. It is based on the desire of a rich individual to comply with the standards.ensured class and share its social values.Through norms and values \u200b\u200bestablishes the exchange ratebetween sacrificing individual and social groupwhich it is with due.

Blau allocate four categories of social values, on the basis of which it is possible to exchange:particularistianvalues \u200b\u200bunifying individuals on the groundinterpersonal relationship universalistvalues \u200b\u200bacting as if by the measure of their assessment of individual merit;legitimate authority - Value systems, providing power and privileges of somecategories people compared to all others; Opposition prices- ideas about the need for socialamendments allowing opposition to exist at the level of social facts, and not only at the levelmy personal relationship of individual oppositionists.

Thus, the theory of exchangeBlau represents compromissed solution combining the theory elementsHoman

sociologist in the interpretation of the exchange of rewards.

Symbolic approach inracticismto the study of social behavior is represented by the role conceptg. Mida what reminds O.functionalistapproach. Foreign Ministry

From R. Linton and R. Moton, considers role-playingbehavior as the activity of individuals,interactivewith each other freely accepted and played roles, androlevoy the interaction of individuals demands from them the ability puts itself in place of another, evaluate oneself from the position of the other.

P.Singelmani tried to implement the synthesis of the theory of exchange and symbolicinracticism,which, unlikefunktsandonalismhas a number of intersection points with socialbihevior.zMOMand sharing theories. Both of these concepts make focus onactiveinteraction of individuals and consider theirthinginmicrosociologicalrakource. Relationsmezhindividualexchange required according toSingelmanskillspostiniTyourself in the position of the other in order to better understand his requests and desires, so there are grounds for the merger of bothdirectedn.j. in one. However, socialbehevioristsrechange to K.appearancethis theory is critical.


1. What is the difference between contentconcepts"Social Action" and "socystybehavior"?

2. Do you think that representatives of social behavior are right that human behavior in society can be managed or not? D.olmdoes society manage the behavior of their members? Does it have to do this? Justify your answer.

3. Word and justify your attitude towards the theory of exchange.

4. What is taboo? Is the taboo, say, a ban for strangers to enter the territory of the military unit? Justify the answer.

5. How do you feel aboutsocialprohibitions? D.olznais there any prohibitions in perfect society or better to cancel them?

6. D.aitethe fact that same-sex marriage unions legalized in some Western countries? Is this a progressive step? Argument your opinion.

7. What do you think is caused by aggressive social behavior, such as extremism of different directions?

The concept of "behavior" came to sociology from psychology. The meaning of the term "behavior" is different, differing from the meaning of such traditionally philosophical concepts as action and activities. If the action is understood as a rationally sound act, having a clear goal, a strategy that is acting with the involvement of specific conscious methods and funds, then behavior is just a reaction of a living being for external and internal changes. Such a reaction can be conscious and unconscious. So, purely emotional reactions - laughter, crying are also behavior.

Social Behavior - This is a combination of human behavioral processes related to the satisfaction of the physical and social needs and arising as a response to the surrounding social environment. The subject of social behavior can be an individual or group.

If you abstract from purely psychological factors and arguing at the social level, the behavior of the individual is determined primarily by socialization. The minimum of congenital instincts, which has a person as a biological creature, is the same for all people. Behavioral differences depend on the qualities acquired in the process and to some extent - from congenital and acquired psychological individual characteristics.

In addition, the social behavior of individuals is governed by the social structure, in particular the role structure of society.

Social norm of behavior - It is a behavior that fully complies with status expectations. Due to the existence of status expectations, the Company in advance with a sufficient probability can predict the actions of the individual, and the individual himself - to coordinate its behavior with the adopted society, or the model. Social behavior corresponding to status expectations, the American sociologist R. Linton defines how Social role. Such an interpretation of social behavior is closest to the functionalism, since it explains the behavior as a phenomenon determined by the social structure. R. Moton introduced the category of the "role-playing complex" - the system of role expectations determined by this status, as well as the concept of role conflict that occurs when the role-playing expectations occupied by the subject of statuses are incompatible and cannot be realized in some united socially acceptable behavior.

The functionalist understanding of social behavior was subjected to fierce criticism from primarily representatives of social behavior, who believed that it was necessary to build a study of behavioral processes on the basis of the achievements of modern psychology. Aside psychological moments Really overlooked by the role-playing interpretation of the command, follows from the fact that N. Cameron will try to substantiate the idea of \u200b\u200brole determination of mental disorders, believing that the mental illness is the wrong execution of their social roles and the result of the patient's inability to fulfill them as it is necessary to society. Behaeviorists argued that during E. Durkheim, the success of psychology was insignificant and therefore the functional expired paradigm answered the requirements of time, but in the XX century, when psychology reached a high level of development, it is impossible to ignore its data, considering human behavior.

Forms of social human behavior

People behave in different ways in a particular social situation, in one or another social environment. For example, some participants in the demonstration are peacefully marked by the declared route, others strive to organize riots, the third provoke mass collisions. These various actions of actors of social interaction can be defined as social behavior. Hence, Social behavior - This Form and method of manifestation of social actors of their preferences and installations, opportunities and abilities in social action or interaction. Therefore, social behavior can be viewed as a qualitative characteristic of social action and interaction.

In sociology, social behavior is interpreted as: about the behavior, expressed in the aggregate of the actions and actions of an individual or group in society and is depends on socio-economic factors and dominant norms; about the external manifestation of activities, the form of turning activities into real actions against socially significant objects; On the adaptation of a person to the social conditions of its existence.

To achieve life goals and when implementing individual tasks, a person can use two types of social behavior - natural and ritual, differences between which are of fundamental nature.

"Natural" behavior, individually significant and egocentric, is always aimed at achieving individual goals and adequately to these goals. Therefore, an individual is not worth the question of compliance with the goals and means of social behavior: the goal may and should be achieved by any means. "Natural" behavior of an individual is not regulated by the individual, therefore it is usually immoral or "unceremoniously". Such social behavior is "natural", natural, since it has been drawn to the provision of organic needs. In society "Natural" egocentric behavior "prohibited", so it is always based on social conventions and mutual concessions from all individuals.

Ritual behavior ("Ceremony") - individually-unnatural behavior; Thanks to this behavior, society exists and reproduces. The ritual in the entire variety of forms - from the etiquette to the ceremony - so deeply permeates the entire social life that people do not notice that they live in the field of ritual interactions. Ritual social behavior is a means of ensuring the stability of the social system, and the individual, which implements various forms of such behavior, is involved in ensuring the social sustainability of social structures and interactions. Thanks to the ritual behavior, a person reaches social well-being, constantly making it in the inviolability of its social status and preserving the usual set of social roles.

The company is interested in the fact that the social behavior of individuals is ritual in nature, but society cannot cancel the "natural" egocentric social behavior, which, being adequate for the purposes and unintelligible in the means, is always more profitable for the individual, rather than "ritual" behavior. Therefore, society seeks to transform the form of "natural" social behavior in various forms of ritual social behavior, including through socialization mechanisms using social support, control and punishment.

To preserve and maintain public relations and ultimately for human survival as Homo Sapiens (a person reasonable), such forms of social behavior are directed as:

  • cooperative behavior, including all forms of altruistic behavior - help each other during natural cataclysms and technological disasters, helping small children and elderly, assistance to subsequent generations through the transfer of knowledge and experience;
  • parent behavior is the behavior of parents in relation to the offspring.

Aggressive behavior is represented in all its manifestations, both group and individual - ranging from the verbal insults of another person and ending with mass exterminions during wars.

Concepts of human behavior

Human behavior is investigated by many areas of psychology - in behaviorism, psychoanalysis, cognitive psychology, etc. The term "behavior" is one of the key in existential philosophy and is applied in the study of the human attitude to the world. The methodological capabilities of this concept are due to the fact that it allows you to identify the unconscious sustainable structures of the individual or the existence of a person in the world. Among the psychological concepts of human behavior, which had a great influence on sociology and social psychology, first all the psychoanalytic directions, developed 3. Freud, K. G. Yung, A. Adler.

Presentations of Freud. Based on the fact that the behavior of the individual is formed as a result of the complex interaction of the levels of his personality. Such levels of Freud allocates three: the lower level form unconscious impulses and motives determined by congenital biological needs and complexes formed under the influence of the individual history of the subject. This level of Freud calls it (ID) to show its separateness from a consciously an individual forming the second level of his psyche. Consciously, I include rational goaling and responsibility for your actions. The highest level is over-I - what we would be called the result of socialization. This is a combination of social norms interiorized by an individual and values \u200b\u200bthat have internal pressure on it in order to displace unwanted impulses to society (forbidden) impulses and attractions and not give them to be realized. According to Freud, the personality of any person is the incessant struggle it is also over-I, loosening the psyche and leading to neurosis. Individual behavior is entirely due to this struggle and completely explains it, since it represents only its symbolic reflection. Such symbols can be images of dreams, also the reservations, obsessive states and fears.

Concept K. G. Jung Expands and modifies Freud's teachings, including in the sphere of unconscious not only individual complexes and attractions, but also a collective unconscious - the level of common for all people and peoples of key images - archetypes. Archetypes recorded archaic fears and value ideas, the interaction of which determines the behavior and the globility of the individual. Archetypical images appear in basic narratives - folk tales and legends, mythology, epic - historically specific societies. The socio-regulatory role of such narches in traditional societies is very large. They contain ideal behaviors that form role-playing expectations. For example, a man-warrior must behave like ahill or Hector, a wife - like Penelope, etc. Regular recovery (ritual reproduction) archetyatic narratives constantly remind members of society. These ideal behaviors.

Psychoanalytic Adlera Concept It is based on the unconscious will to power, which, in his opinion, is a congenital personality structure and determines the behavior. It is especially strong for those who, by virtue of certain reasons, suffers from the complex of inferiority. In the desire to compensate their inferiority, they are able to achieve great success.

Further splitting of the psychoanalytic direction led to the emergence of a multitude of schools, in a disciplinary relation to the border position between psychology, social philosophy, sociology. Let us dwell on the work of E. Fromma in detail.

Frox position - Representative of Neofreedism in and - more precisely, it is possible to determine as Freilarsism, because along with the influence of Freud, he experienced no less severe influence of the social philosophy of Marx. The originality of Neofreedism compared to orthodox Freudism is due to the fact that, strictly speaking, Neofreedism is rather sociology, while Freud is definitely a clean psychologist. If Freud explains the behavior of the individual with complexes and pulses, hidden in an individual unconscious, shorter, internal biopsychiatric factors, then for Frochma and Freilarxyism as a whole, the behavior of the individual is determined by the surrounding social environment. This similarity with Marx, explaining the social behavior of individuals in the final score of their class origin. Nevertheless, ferry seeks to find a psychological place in social processes. According to the Freudist tradition, turning to the unconscious, he introduces the term "social unconscious", implying iodine of a mental experience, common to all members of this society, but most of them do not fall into the level of consciousness, because it is supplanted by a special social mechanism in its nature, belonging not to the individual, but society. Thanks to this mechanism of displacement, the Company retains a stable existence. The social displacement mechanism includes language, the logic of ordinary thinking, the system of social prohibitions and taboos. The structure of the language and thinking is formed under the influence of society and advocate the instrument of social pressure on the psyche of the individual. For example, coarse, anti-ethietary, ridiculous abbreviations and abbreviations "Novoyaz" from Orwellovskaya Antiutopia are actively urged the consciousness of people who use them. In one degree or another the property of everyone in the Soviet society became the monstrous logic of the formula type: "The dictatorship of the proletariat is the most democratic form of power."

The main component of the mechanism of social displacement is social taboos acting as Freud censorship. That in the social experience of individuals, which threatens the preservation of an existing society, if it is conscious, it is not allowed to consciousness with the help of a "social filter". The society manipulates the consciousness of its members, introducing ideological clichés, which because of frequent use become inaccessible to critical analysis, hiding certain information, providing direct pressure and causing fear of social isolation. Therefore, everything that contradicts the socio-approved ideological cliché is excluded from consciousness.

Such taboo, ideologies, logical and linguistic experiments form, by ferry, the "social character" of a person. People belonging to the same society, in addition to their will, as it were, the seal of the "common incubator". For example, we are unmistakably find out on foreigners Street, even if you do not hear about speech, - on behavior, appearance, attitude to each other; These are people from another society, and, falling into an alien mass medium, they are dramatically distinguished from it due to the similarity of each other. Social character - This is a brought up with a society and an unknowable style of behavior - from social to domestic. For example, the Soviet and former Soviet person is distinguished by collectivism and responsiveness, social passivity and undemanding, humility to the authorities personified in the face of the "leader", a developed fear of becoming not like everyone, gullibility.

Froms sent his criticism against the modern capitalist society, although much attention was paid to the description of a social character generated by totalitarian societies. Like Freud, he developed a program for the restoration of undistuable social behavior of individuals by means of awareness that was supplanted. "Turning unconscious into consciousness, we thus turn the simple concept of human adolescent into the vital reality of such universality. It is nothing more than the practical implementation of humanism. " The process of derepression - the liberation of socially oppressed consciousness is to eliminate fear before the awareness of the forbidden, development of the ability to critical thinking, humanization of social life in general.

A different interpretation offers behaviorism (B. Skinner, J. Homans), considering the behavior as a system of reactions to various incentives.

Skinner concept In fact, it is biology, since it completely removed the differences between the behavior of a person and an animal. Skinner highlights three types of behavior: unconditionally reflex, conditionally reflex and operant. The first two types of reactions are caused by the effect of appropriate incentives, and the operant reactions are the form of an organism adaptation to the environment. They are active and arbitrary. The body, as it were, the method of trial and error, finds the most acceptable way of adaptation, and in the case of good luck, the find is fixed as a stable reaction. Thus, the main factor in the formation of behavior is reinforcement, and the learning becomes "guidance to the desired reaction."

In the concept of Skinner, a person appears as a creature, the entire inner life of which is reduced to reactions to external circumstances. Reinforcements change mechanically cause behavior changes. Thinking, the highest mental functions of a person, all culture, morality, art turn into a complex system of reinforcements, designed to cause certain behavioral reactions. It follows the conclusion about the possibility of manipulating the behavior of people through carefully developed "technology of behavior". This term Skinner denotes a targeted manipulation control of some groups of people over others associated with the establishment of a reinforcement mode for certain social purposes.


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