Director of the ermine. Educational center "Gornostay": school in school

The 2013-2014 academic year began long before September 1. In connection with the reorganization, two general educational institutions, gymnasium No. 6 "Ermine" and school No. 163 with in-depth study of subjects of the KHEC became a single Educational Center. In the summer, there was a global renovation in the building of the former school No. 163 and the “great migration of peoples”: the elementary school of the gymnasium moved to an adjacent building, and teachers and middle and senior students occupied the former classrooms of the elementary school.

Now the building of the former school No. 163 is called the Junior School. Children from 1 to 5 grade study in it. There are 37 classes in total, a little over a thousand students. A little over a year has passed. The time has come to take stock of the first results and outline plans for the future.

First, a little help. The Department of Primary Education is the largest structural unit in the Educational Center: 30 primary school teachers (class teachers). Of these, 22 teachers have the highest category. Which speaks about the great experience and high professionalism of our teachers. In the Junior School there is a speech therapist and a psychologist, a teacher-organizer, a DJ. We have teachers of additional education and subject teachers who have their own specialized classrooms: foreign language, music, fine arts, technology, theater, computer science, two dance classes, music rooms. We have a library, an assembly hall, a dental office, a museum of the history of the "Shch" microdistrict, two sports halls (large and small), in the courtyard of the school there is a pool in which the third hour of physical education is held, our own ski base, a very cozy canteen that feeds in just one break, up to 250 children.

We believe that the infrastructure of our Junior School is unique, because we have every opportunity to create a comfortable educational space that will provide all the conditions for the development of junior schoolchildren.

In order for the "new" school to accept its little students in all its glory, the teachers together with their parents tried to dress it up by September 1. In the offices and recreations there were colorful balloons, flowers cut out of paper and cardboard, leaves, funny little people, garlands of letters and numbers. A joint action just before the start of the school year helped active parents from different classes to get to know each other, develop their own style in design, prepare materials for decoration, because each recreation and each transition was decorated in its own way.

We have already carried out such actions in the new composition twice: "Father Frost's Workshop" and "Olympics - 2014". In order for a good festive mood to visit us as early as possible, by December 10, our school was already decorated as a New Year's fairy tale. Teachers together with students created their own festive masterpieces, and parents helped to decorate offices and recreation.

Much attention was paid to the holding of the Winter Olympics in the past academic year. In the Junior School, next to each classroom, there is a board "My successes" on which the letters and diplomas of our students flaunt. But during promotions and holidays, these boards turn into art-decorated or informational stands. So, during the Olympics, the stands displayed various information about winter sports, about the symbols of the Olympics, about famous Soviet and Russian athletes, medal tables and much more. It was impossible at this time to quickly go through the floors of the Junior School. The gaze stopped at each stand, I wanted to read and learn as much as possible. With the experience of holding such an action, our teachers performed at the Regional stage of the XII International Fair of Social and Pedagogical Innovations (15.02.2014). They presented a collective project "From school victories to Olympic peaks", which aroused great interest of the audience.

In elementary school, grades 7-8 are paralleled. And this, in turn, created certain difficulties. First of all, we were faced with the problem of how to spend holidays and various events with so many children. We have a large assembly hall, but it cannot accommodate more than one parallel. So they carried out various events 4 times: intellectual games, "Merry starts", holidays of the end of the year. And the events at which a large number of parents are present ("Initiation into the gymnasium students" and "Graduation in grade 4") had to be held in two shifts: 3-4 grades.

In addition to school-wide activities, each class has its own internal ones. Each class teacher has a whole kaleidoscope of class holidays. At the moment, primary school teachers are preparing a special issue of our school newspaper "Ermine", in which they will tell about themselves and their students in a fascinating way, present their work experience and describe the holidays, the most interesting excursions, and nature trips.

We share our experience through publications. Twelve primary school teachers took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Personality, Family and Society: Issues of Pedagogy and Psychology”. Their articles on project activities were published in the conference proceedings. Our teachers share their thoughts with the local community through articles in the regional newspaper Navigator, the city newspaper Pedagogichesky Vestnik, and as part of the Open Lesson Festival of Pedagogical Ideas.

We not only teach, but also learn. In the past academic year, 17 primary school teachers took advanced training courses organized on the basis of our Junior School. During the academic year, thematic seminars were held at our department, at which primary school teachers shared their experience in conducting lessons and extracurricular activities. The topics of the seminars were different: "Project activities in educational institutions: searches and solutions", "Modern lesson in elementary school from the standpoint of the formation of UUD", "Formation of UUD in the lessons of the Russian language and mathematics", "Development of a work program on the example of the academic subject" The world around "(1-4 class) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO".

Within the framework of city seminars and the methodological theme of the Educational Center, primary school teachers participated in the Fair of Projects, poster presentations, gave open lessons on the topic "Project Activity".

In the new academic year, our teachers prepared and conducted a regional seminar on the topic "Conducting the final control of primary school graduates in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the LEO in pilot educational organizations in 2014" and a regional scientific and practical seminar "Opportunities of a modern educational lesson in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard". Both seminars were highly appreciated by the participants.

At the city competition of innovative projects "Innovations in education" in the nomination "Socialization and development of the personality of a schoolchild" was presented a project of the field shift for future first-graders and their parents "On the threshold of school life." The project was awarded a Letter of Appreciation.

It is interesting that we host all-Russian and international competitions. As a rule, whole classes participate in "Russian Bear", "Kangaroo", "British Bulldog", "Lukomorye". To organize objectivity in the conduct of competitions, we divide the class teams into two parts. For example, students sitting in the first option remain in their office with their teacher, while the second option moves to another office. And we sit in the offices so that the options have different tasks: 1st grade with 3rd, 2nd grade - with 4th. If the first graders do not participate, we involve students of the 5th grade: the 2nd - from the 4th, the 3rd - from the 5th. Everyone has a book with them. If the student finished answering the questions of the competition ahead of time, he hands over the answer form to the teacher, sits down and reads the book, without disturbing the rest of the participants in the competition.

In the next academic year, we are going to revive the subject weeks, as is done in the High School, which will take place at the time when this or that subject competition is taking place. We really hope that holding subject weeks will help us in the preparation of works and projects for a scientific and practical conference of younger students. In December, we have planned a "scientific" fair or the school stage of the NPK. There is a desire to do this in the form of a scientific holiday and protection of works in sections.

The school stage of the Olympiad for junior schoolchildren was held in 2 rounds, in which 660 fourth-graders took part. All interested primary school graduates took part in the first round. Moreover, everyone had the opportunity to take part in any number of Olympiads. 3 students from the class with the highest number of points passed to the second round. 26 students were sent to the district stage. Among them: winners (1-3 place) - 6, prize-winners - 1.

Three pupils were sent to the city stage of the Olympiad for junior schoolchildren, two of whom took 1st and 2nd places in mathematics.

We have achieved high results in educational and educational work due to the fact that we try to work as a team: the administration of the Center, teachers, parents, students. Great like-minded people and helpers are our parents. For constructive communication with parents at the beginning of the school year, we hold school-wide meetings on parallels, at which the administration talks about plans, parents can ask any question about the organization of the educational process. Then a parenting conference is held, at which new members are elected to the Governing Board and instructions are collected from parents of junior, middle and senior level. For faster and more useful communication with parents, a school-wide group “Nasha Nachaloka” was created in the “” system, on the forums of which parents can ask a question or voice their problem.

Many more good and interesting things have happened over the past academic year in our Junior School. There are even more plans that we would like to implement in the next academic year. We are interested in everything, we are developing and open to communication.

Graduated from school 163 in 2009. I am glad that there are not so many teachers left from the past teaching staff of our school, although of those that have remained, the best can be counted on one hand: Tatiana Vasilievna Arisova, Olga Vladimirovna Sinichkina - gave them happy dancing years in this school; Klishina Galina Anatolyevna - French; ...

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Graduated from school 163 in 2009. I am glad that there are not so many teachers left from the past teaching staff of our school, although of those that have remained, the best can be counted on one hand: Tatiana Vasilievna Arisova, Olga Vladimirovna Sinichkina - gave them happy dancing years in this school; Klishina Galina Anatolyevna - French; Gontareva Valeria Viktorovna - MHC and painting (graphics) are the warmest memories of high school, she instills love for art and she lives by it, many thanks to her. Also in high school I, one might say, lived with Bekesheva Aelita Stanislavovna, she is a mathematics teacher from God. After 10 years of useless schooling, she brought me to the level of FMS students in a year. And, of course, a low bow to Aldekova Raushana Aldekovna: I have always been on you with the Russian language, although I twice wrote the Unified State Exam for a high score, but I never learned to write without mistakes in my life. At the same time, Raushana Aldekovna showed that learning Russian can be interesting. If she had taught me Russian since grade 5, I would definitely not have any difficulties in grammar now.

My older brother graduated from ermine in 2003, was grateful to the school for the in-depth study of the English language.

For the rest, I do not understand the current excitement among parents about the child's admission to this OC. Two ordinary schools were combined into one and called a buzzword. The management is the same, half of the ped composition is the same as 10 years ago. And in some places and 20. I have nothing to thank my school for, rather, on the contrary, I bypass it and school years (especially senior classes) are remembered in a negative way. Heaps of money spent on tutoring in key subjects. You sit on mathematics and correct the teacher's mistakes in solving problems from part C. I did not understand at all why I was wasting time on going to school. And some of these teachers are still working there.

Now my goddaughter is studying in Ermine, and, unfortunately, she did not get to any of the above teachers from God. I listen to her stories about studying at school and understand that nothing has changed. In fact, if your child did not get to good teachers, then consider that they sent him to a regular comprehensive school. This seems to be normal, but if you want a higher level of education, then it is better to look for another school.

I am very sorry for the opportunities missed during school time. A good teacher knows how to interest in a subject, a bad one will discourage the desire to learn. After 10 years, I was able to look differently at education and go to a second degree. Step over aversion to the learning process. And in my head it does not fit, how could such interesting subjects be SO boring to teach ??? Biology, geography, history, chemistry, and even literature - there are so many interesting topics that you yourself have to study at a conscious age. I read Anna Karenina in one breath. Where was our literature teacher with an exciting story about the main characters? Two phrases were enough for me to motivate my friend to read this book. I don’t believe that children are stupid, lazy. I am sure that there are teachers who are irresponsible in the educational process, unable to interest the student. And if your child came home with a bad mark - do not rush to accuse him of mediocrity.

I graduated from school 163, I am familiar with school 204 (it is the 6th gymnasium, it is the Ermine) and under no circumstances will I send my children to Ermine.

The question of the merger of gymnasium No. 6 "Gornostay" with secondary school No. 163 in the Soviet district and the creation of an educational center on this basis gives rise to a variety of rumors. To get official information first-hand and find out what to expect from this alliance, we turned to the Main Department of Education of the City Hall and talked with the head of the General Education Department Marina FOMICHEVA and the deputy. Head of the Main Department of Education Elena VASILIEVA.

Marina Valerievna, now there is a lot of talk about the merger of gymnasium No. 6 and school No. 163. How can you comment on this decision?

Indeed, a decision is being considered to merge these two institutions and create an educational center on the basis of Gymnasium No. 6 "Ermine". This will allow more students to receive high-quality specialized education, actively participate in the implementation of the Gifted Children program, organize a single educational space for additional education: chess, ski training, dance, theater, vocal studios, karate section, sports games.

The united teaching staff will continue to work within the internship platform of the regional project "Model of Education Quality Management".

Gymnasium No. 6 is a status institution that twice became the winner of the priority national project "Education", the winner of the city competition "School of the Year". All gymnasium classrooms are beautifully renovated, equipped and equipped.

Comprehensive school № 163 with in-depth study of subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle has extensive experience in the development of artistic and creative orientation. The merger of the two institutions will make it possible to continue work in this direction in an organized educational center.

In addition, the schools are built side by side, which allows the block of the primary school and 5th grade to be located in a separate building of school No. 163, and in the building of gymnasium No. 6 - middle and senior classes, which will be a good solution for everyone.

Elena Nikolaevna, a question for you. What is an educational center in general? What does the transition from gymnasium and school to this innovation entail?

Such a complex or center is a synthesis of preschool and general secondary education programs, and then either secondary vocational or higher education. All these steps must be integrated and united by a common program. And the centers are being created exactly in that place and on the bases of those educational institutions where there is a vision and understanding of building an educational trajectory.

Why did the Gornostay gymnasium and school No. 163 become the first in our city? Because they have a well-built interaction with higher education and secondary vocational education. In the future, when the center is created, the time will come to include preschool education, which is very important for the development of the child, into the program. But this is a matter of the future, for now we are entering this system step by step.

- Does the creation of such centers require binding to joint territories?

It is not at all necessary that these educational institutions are geographically close. It is important that they are included in a single educational program. Such centers, as they develop, can be both a single legal entity - both in our case with a gymnasium and a school in the Soviet District, and an educational association consisting of several legal entities.

If we talk about the history of the development of such a movement in our country, then Moscow and St. Petersburg have been working in this direction for a long time. It is not the first year that some of the Siberian regions, such as the Krasnoyarsk and Altai Territories, and the Kemerovo Region, have been moving in the same direction. The time has come for Novosibirsk, one of the largest cities in Russia, to follow this path. We have potential, we have a desire. If we are solving the issue of identifying and supporting talented and gifted children, then by creating such centers, we will enable more children to study in advanced programs.

- Will there be additional education presented there?

Required. After all, the plus of the center being created is also that a secondary school with excellent traditions and in-depth study of subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle - school №163 - is joining it. Everything related to the segment of additional education will be fully preserved. The task of the center (we talked about this both with the heads of schools and with the heads of educational authorities) is to preserve all the best and, multiplying it, without sweeping away anything, move on. Taking into account the fact that from 2014 everyone will be obliged to switch to the federal state educational standard, the potential that has been accumulated in 163 schools will be an invaluable find for the center. According to the Law "On Education", additional classes are a continuation of the main general education programs. But now all this will be implemented on the basis of one institution. The same teachers with their many years of experience will work in the center; all the material resources that the two schools still have will remain in it.

- Are there any plans to create similar centers in Novosibirsk? If so, in what time frame and how many will there be?

All proposals coming from the districts are considered. The creation of new centers should be not just a formal union of schools, but an ideologically structured and well-grounded project - both economically and substantively.

The creation of an educational center, which we are currently working on, is, in fact, a pilot project. The process is difficult, after all, it is about 2.5 thousand students and a fairly large number of teachers, but we hope that the project will be successful, because everything that was previously associated with the Gornostay gymnasium was held at the highest level and was always adequately implemented ...

As a new institution, the educational center based on "Ermine" will begin its work on September 1, 2013.

Interviewed by Olga Strikun

In the photo from the website of the City Council of Deputies:

irina Putintseva, director of gymnasium No. 6 "Ermine", with her students

Date of entry of the operator into the register: 08.04.2010

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 224

Operator name: Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk "Gymnasium No. 6" Ermine "

Operator location address: 630117, Novosibirsk, st. Vyazemskaya, 4

Personal data processing start date: 01.10.1993

Subjects of the Russian Federation on whose territory personal data is processed: Novosibirsk region

Purpose of processing personal data: Implementation of educational activities of the MAOU OC "Gornostay". Staffing for the activities of the MAOU OC "Gornostay".

Description of the measures provided for in Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: A responsible official has been appointed for organizing the processing of personal data at the MAOU OC "Gornostay". Internal documents have been developed that regulate the processing of personal data and access to information about personal data. Order dated December 29, 2012 No. 176 / OS "On the regulation of the procedure for processing personal data", Regulation "On the procedure for processing and protecting personal data", approved by the director of the MAOU OC "Gornostay" dated December 29, 2012. Job descriptions, The list of officials who have the right to access information about personal data, approved by the director of the MAOU OTs "Gornostay" on December 29, 2012. Internal control over the compliance of personal data processing with the Federal Law "On Personal Data" and the regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it, requirements for the protection of personal data, the operator's policy regarding the processing of personal data, local acts of the operator is carried out. Periodically, the employees of the institution who directly process personal data are familiarized with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data, including requirements for the protection of personal data, documents defining the institution's policy regarding the processing of personal data, local acts on the processing of personal data. Provided unlimited access to the document defining the operator's policy regarding the processing of personal data.

Categories of personal data: surname, name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, property status, profession, income, Passport data: series, number, date of issue, organization that issued the passport, address by place of registration, address at the place of actual residence, data of the child's birth certificate, TIN, series and number of the state pension insurance certificate, data of the compulsory medical insurance policy, data on education: series and number, date of issue, name of the educational institution, qualification according to the document , information on attestation, information on professional development, information on retraining, information on awards, incentives, contact information (home phone number, work phone number, mobile phone number, e-mail), medical certificate data, information on military registration , place of work of parents (legal representatives of students), data of labor books: series, number, information on seniority, information on previous jobs.

Categories of subjects whose personal data are processed: Employees of the institution who are in labor (contractual) relations with the MAOU OTs "Gornostay". Students of MAOU OTs "Gornostay" and their parents (or legal representatives of students), relations with whom are carried out in order to fulfill the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation".

List of actions with personal data: Collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction.

Personal data processing: mixed, with transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, with transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for the processing of personal data: The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data", the Federal Law of 28.03.1998 No. 53-FZ "On Military Duty and military service ", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 27.11.2006 No. 719" On approval of the Regulations on military registration ", Federal Law of 27.07.2006 No. 149-FZ" On information, information technology and information protection ", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.11. 2012 No. 1119 "On approval of requirements for the protection of personal data when processing them in personal data information systems", Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2008 No. 687 "On approval of the Regulation on the specifics of processing personal data without the use of automation tools", Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04.16.2003 No. 225 "On work books", Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 10.10.2003 No. 69 "On approval of the instruction instructions for filling out work books ", Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ" On Education in the Russian Federation ", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 30, 2013 No. 1014" On Approval of the Procedure for Organizing and Implementing Educational Activities for Basic General Education Programs - Educational Programs preschool education ", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 30.08.2013 No. 1015" On approval of the Procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education ", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 29.08.2013 No. 1008" On approval of the Procedure for the organization and implementation of educational activities for additional general education programs ", the Charter of the MAOU OC" Gornostay "approved on 05/30/2016

Cross-border transmission availability: no

Database location details: Russia

Gymnasium №6, Ermine

Since 1998, the gymnasium has been operating according to the “Community-Active School” model. To implement the model, four programs have been developed:
"Democratizing School Management",
"Community-oriented education",
"A citizen is born at school"
“The school is the center of the local community”.
In May 2006, the gymnasium became one of the winners of the priority national project "Education".
The structure of the educational institution:
Stage 0 - preschool for children 4.5-5.5 years old
Stage 1 - 1-4 grades - primary general education
2 step - 5-9 cl. - basic general education
Stage 3 - 10-11 kl. - secondary (complete) general education, specialized education according to the individual curriculum of gymnasium students.
Additional educational services on a contractual basis:
- preschool gymnasium;
- center for preparing the exam;
- theater;
- additional educational services within the framework of a cross-cutting computer science program;
- ceramics;
- center for pedagogical support in mathematics and English;
- courses on information technology for members of the local community.

Where to go to study in Novosibirsk after school?


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