Shamil Alyautdinov: biography. Shamil Alyautdinov: biography of a preacher

“When people hear numbers, most of them immediately perceive it as money. Perhaps 10 years ago, intersecting with people, I said not just thanks, but let the Almighty reward you a million times. But I developed and understood that talking like that meant being greedy, and I started talking billions of times. Someone even answered, why do I need so much money? But the last numbers also seemed to me limiting Divine grace and I began to speak trillion-fold. This figure corresponded to my state of mind and gradually came into use. When someone calls me, I say "The trillionaire is listening" ... "

Such an answer to the first question is a well-known Russian preacher, author of many popular books, seminars and presentations, imam-khatyb of the Moscow memorial mosque Shamil Alyautdinov began a meeting before the start in Kazan of the Trillionaire project, which includes eight seminars on Muslim coaching. An Islam-today correspondent attended a meeting with the "trillionaire", during which he explained why this book has the potential to be published in a multi-million circulation, why he ignores political issues and does not comment on the media, why people are in poverty ...

Trillionaire state of mind of "deaf and blind" Shamil Alyautdinov

“When familiar people call me, I say 'The trillionaire is listening', and this corresponds to the state of my soul, sounds natural, because I feel that way. Sometimes I just say "hello", - says Sh.Alyautdinov. - Here, of course, we are not talking about money, as some people tend to think.

This phrase formed the basis of the book "The Trillionaire Listens", and served as an impetus for the beginning of the letter, which begins like this: "Why don't you write an autobiography? ... I would love to see along with such books as" My Life. My achievements "G. Ford," To hell with everything! Take it and do it! " R. Branson, the book "The Trillionaire Listens" by Sh. Alyautdinov ". There is another letter in the book, which formed the very idea and purpose of the book - to draw a parallel between important life values \u200b\u200band modern scientific achievements.

“I have a selfish desire,” the author admits, “to remain deaf and blind during the seminars, that is, to be even more focused. Each seminar is a serious step in growth, it is a matter of concentration, something that I think a lot about and have been practicing for a long time. I see that in this life there are a lot of possibilities, and they are realizable, but this requires concentration, direction of mental energy. There is so much beauty around that you can't waste your life on trash, mine inner world resentful when you waste yourself on little things. "

"I am not compliant and I do not adjust"

It is not without talk in society that Alyautdinov, using management tools and Western sources of literature, is therefore trying to please a non-Muslim audience. There is an answer - the imam believes that people think in stereotypes, draw conclusions about other people and nations on the basis of very superficial information.

"By nature, I am not compliant and do not adjust," he notes. - If I had adjusted, I would have grown a beard long ago, I would not say the word "gentlemen", I would not do a lot of things. In some situation I cannot give in, but by the power of faith I try to make internal inhibition. More than two years ago, before switching to a bicycle, at a traffic light, as is often the case with drivers, there was a desire to prove that you have a more “charged car”. In such cases, I gladly pressed on the gas, overtook, then pressed the brake, showing that I was not going to organize Moscow races on Moscow streets. "

“I do not comment on anything, I don’t touch on political issues, I change phones”

When all over the world, including in Tatarstan, there were resonant events, Sh.Alyautdinov was not heard: he ignored political issues ...

“When I do something, I build my life, I focus on those things that I can influence,” continues the author of The Trillionaire. - And what about politicking, discussing something and someone, the political situation? If I were a political figure, and it would be in my power to influence this or that, then I would first of all prefer not to speak, but to influence it. "

The “Trillionaire” admits that he does only what brings the actual effect to life. “There are explosive topics - I don't use them, I like to explode the brain more , - reports Alyautdinov . - Therefore, I cannot be heard anywhere on the Internet. I usually do not comment on anything, I periodically change my phones, including. Using different topics to increase your popularity is also not in my rules. Initially, I did not go this way, it is absolutely not interesting to me, I try to talk about what I can influence positively. "

Political questions about the religious situation in Tatarstan were expected, but the author referred to the fact that his audience was not politicized. « I talked with deputies, businessmen, influential people and for the last 20 years I have not attended the vast majority of events and conferences, - he admitted. - I gave hundreds of interviews and saw what remains of my words. I know the backstage game, political cuisine. As a result, I try to distance myself from this as much as possible, because life is fleeting, and you can try to do what would be useful from the point of view of earthly happiness and eternal ”.

Alyautdinov is worried about the latest events in Tatarstan, he stands for the primacy of Tatarstan in the religious sphere, but notes that there are serious losses so far.

“I don’t want to go around the questions“ does Islam allow music ”and“ can you drink kefir ”

“From year to year I am asked the same questions,” the imam says. - I have already answered them and have written in books. I don't want to stay at this level, go around in circles around the same thing. The fate of people, tens of thousands of questions that passed through my head, made it clear that we need to go beyond questions about whether Islam allows music, whether it is possible to drink kefir. I want to close it there. "

The audience for new questions will also be different - wishing to rise to new level, therefore, the seminars were limited, including paid tickets, set certain boundaries. “I grow with you, I’m not interested in chatting, not interested in standing still,” he says. - More than once I was told that I broadcast to the brain, and if you listen to the sermons of my brother, then he is in the heart. Therefore, my audience is those who turn on the brains. "

Anyone who does not include these brains, that is, a person who just came from the street, according to him, will not understand, will say, they talk about money, "in fact, he is talking about money." “At the seminars I want to get as many people out of the beggarly dialogue of the soul as possible,” the author of the project hopes. “It’s not given to me, I don’t have opportunities, I’m so poor, squeezed - they don’t talk about it, but this poverty is in people. This should not be so, even if the believer has nothing, but if the heart is satisfied with the position, then he and the richest person are the same. "

"Moving to another country is a defeat for me, but I am not a lover of losing"

This question was born due to the fact that Sh. Alyautdinov in recent timesis known to have intensified the study of English language... But this, according to him, was before the heart surgery, after - all plans shifted, and seminars on Muslim coaching became a priority.

“If I get a visa, I will study the language in America, but my family is not going to stay there. If you listen to my speeches, you can understand that I am not so positive about America. For me, this move is even humiliating as for a Russian. Moving somewhere, especially to English-speaking countries, will be a kind of defeat, and I'm not a lover of losing. "

"I smelled death ..."

During the conference, Alyautdinov paid great attention to the recently undergone heart surgery.

“I smelled death. With every cell of my body and brain I felt that everything, I am dying. Four competent Moscow specialists made a fatal diagnosis, said that I had several hours to live and that they would hardly have time to bring me to the operating room. Friends were actively involved: they sent the results of the survey to Germany. There the professor said that there are several months left to live, with such a diagnosis people usually die. The operation is considered one of the most difficult, it lasted five hours. When the doctors put on masks, I prepared myself not to wake up. They open the chest, turn off the heart (this was done twice), turn on artificial circulation. But the operation was successful and gave me a lot of baggage life experience... Doctors said the cause was unknown. It means that the Almighty has defined this way, ”the Trillionaire excited his memory.

Despite the fact that the entrance to the seminars was paid, the preacher gathered full halls at the Grand Hotel Kazan. In an interview with the correspondent of "BUSINESS Online" Alyautdinov said that the idea of \u200b\u200btrainings was born to him after attending the speeches of the Canadian business trainer Robin Sharma.


Let's briefly talk about who he is Shamil Alyautdinov... He has roots in the Nizhny Novgorod region, was born in Moscow in 1974, a graduate of one of the most respected Islamic universities in the world - the Cairo "Al-Azhar". His name became widely known in 1997, when, at the age of 23, he became the imam of the Moscow Memorial Mosque at Poklonnaya Hill, built on the initiative of the Spiritual Directorate of Muslims of the European part of Russia (it is headed by a native of Kazan, Ravil Gainutdin). Shamil Alyautdinov quickly became popular in the Muslim environment due to the fact that he contrasted very favorably with the mullahs of the older generation, who did not have such a brilliant education and could not speak the same language with young people. Alyautdinov's career took off sharply - in 2002 he was appointed deputy mufti DUMER for religious issues, in 2005 - head of the scientific and theological council DUMER. Alyautdinov is the author of numerous articles and books on Islam, as well as the author and project manager of the popular website on the Runet. Against this background, the news that the imam was going to Kazan as a business coach was especially unexpected.

The start of Shamil Alyautdinov's training was preceded by a press conference. He explained why the name of the training includes the figure “trillion”. According to him, the explanation is in the book of the same name to the training - "The Trillionaire Listens." "The book draws analogies with Muslim values, the main emphasis is placed on the improvement of a believer," he said. The author notes that the "trillionaire" is about spiritual growth... When asked why the training is focused specifically on trillions, Alyautdinov said that when he was grateful to people for their words, deeds and actions, he used to say: "May the Almighty reward you a million times over." “I developed and felt some limitations. Then I began to speak a billion times, and then a trillion times. This figure came up the most "- explained the speaker.

When asked by journalists if he was trying to please non-Muslims by using time management techniques and Western technologies in his training, Alyautdinov replied that there was no such goal and it was not in his rules to adapt to someone.

In a conversation with a correspondent of "BUSINESS Online" the business preacher told how he came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bconducting trainings. “I held presentations of my books in different cities of Russia, where an audience of 300-800 people came. And they always asked the same questions. I saw how people's fates changed, and therefore I want to work with them to raise them to a new level.- he explained. - And paid trainings are only for my audience to come. For example, in Kazan we did not expect such a stir, so we had to conduct the training for two days "... When asked about the audience, the interlocutor replied that he focuses on young people from 23-25 \u200b\u200byears old.

The price for training in Kazan ranged from 1.1 thousand to 1.5 thousand rubles. The speaker notes that in Kazakhstan, for example, the price of training is 3 times more expensive than in Russia.


Alyautdinov told BUSINESS Online that he attended some trainings by famous coaches, for example, Robin Sharma (a Canadian writer, one of the most famous North America specialists in motivation, leadership - ed.). However, according to him, none of the trainings he attended gave him pleasure, unlike his own. Alyautdinov named the people who ask him questions, the Arab and Turkish world, Tracey, Kiyosaki as his mentors.

Asked by "BUSINESS Online" about whether there are similar seminars in Muslim countries, Alyautdinov said that he had not heard of such a thing and called his event unique. “I haven’t heard about such seminars in other countries. And the fact that the seminar is divided into eight topics is the thinking of a trillionaire; Trillionaire scenario; how to become successful when you have nothing; find yourself; an important lesson for tomorrow's trillionaires; lead yourself; happiness and Islam and a trillionaire woman, is a random number. This amount was just invented ", - said the interlocutor.

The logical question is why the lecturer himself is not a trillionaire. Alyautdinov says that he is rich spiritually. “You cannot become super rich after such a training. For me, this is only part of the activity, I have other areas of work that I have been doing for 10-15 years. As an imam, of course, my salary is small, but I have other resources and websites. Speaking of trillions, I do not focus more on the spiritual or material part. It is about the whole, a person just needs to see their capabilities ", - he shared with the correspondent of "BUSINESS Online".

The practical benefits of such training, he said, are obvious. “From my trainings like this, people bring out new views and opportunities. As for my readers and listeners of sermons, many write letters and say that their life has changed dramatically for the better., - he said. - Seminars are more systematic for work in this direction, here you can get a clearer guide to becoming oneself as a person using Muslim values \u200b\u200b".


The trainings themselves were held on Saturday and Sunday at the Grand Hotel Kazan. The hall was full on both days. There was an equal number of girls and boys aged 18-20 and above. According to Alyautdinov, 800 people attended the seminar in two days. The speaker built his speech in the form of a free monologue, based on key ideas. He began by highlighting the importance of his trainings: “After reading my books, some people even changed their attitude towards Islam. Leaving the seminar, crying ".

A significant part of Alyautdinov's training was based on stories from personal experience, life situations... However, like his press conference, in which he paid considerable attention to the recently transferred operation. “Once on the train, I crossed paths with one person, and then mentally I wanted to continue the dialogue with him. This is an example of how we mentally spend brain energy., - he said. - Scientists say that the brain works 24 hours a day, eating glucose. There are more than a trillion cells in the brain. From the point of view of variants of thoughts - we have one and a million ideas ".

One of the postulates of the speech was a phrase from the Koran "God gave you everything you asked for". “I know what and how people ask. Fear enslaves a person in different situations. See who you are chatting with. In a poor environment there are the words "poverty", "lack", in a criminal environment other words and internal dialogues ", - he said. According to the speaker, good advice - to sit in silence for at least an hour a day, and then fears and resentments will begin to creep out. Wherein external world a person is a reflection of the inner.

Another thought that the speaker tried to convey to the audience was the postulate "We are what we think". “When my brother asks me how I'm doing, I say - 7.5 trillion euros. I do not have a bank account, even the wallet was presented only yesterday. But it’s not always about money ”- he clarified.


In the first part of the training, other well-known truths were also voiced. For instance, "Life is a struggle, to one degree or another, for all of us"... The speaker noted that the feeling of sadness will not appear if you do not think about it. “You need to change the components inside yourself if you are in a bad mood. To become and remain happy, one must initially mentally draw a positive image. Believers, stay away from some of your thoughts, one verse says about possible sinful thoughts, ”he said. It is also necessary, according to him, to work with an inner peace. "A person should be ashamed if he litters his inner world with negative thoughts."

“It's very interesting what we think about the most. About myself, about the past, the future ... - specified Alyautdinov. - Each of us has a set of values, but we need a revision, we need to set more specific goals. There must be a process of paradigm change if a person wants to change ".

The speaker ended the first part of his speech with the question: “What does the trillionaire think most of all? About how to fully realize oneself in this fleeting stream of life. How to become happy in both worlds through everyday affairs and actions, how to live in the present. " As an example, he told about his children, he already inspires two senior schoolchildren that at 16 a full independent life begins with responsibility and support.

The correspondent of "BUSINESS Online", having talked during the break with the people who came to the training, found out that they are satisfied with the speaker's stories, and they are close to the ideas he was telling. In the second part of the training, Alyautdinov listed the principles that, apparently, were supposed to turn the thinking of the guests who came into the thinking of trillionaires. This is, for example, the idea that everything is possible in this life, and you just need to break the boundaries, determine the goals to which attention should be directed.


In his speech, the speaker repeatedly cited quotations taken from famous thinkers or from the Koran. For instance, “Thinking is what you create yourself” by James Borg. “This is what we watch, read, with whom we communicate. I can't understand people who watch programs about emergencies, read the tabloids "- explained Alyautdinov. As one of the examples for changing thinking, he cited the example of, among other things, the "switch" technique, when it is necessary to switch one's thoughts from negative to positive, and the change of habits occurs in 21 days.

Of other thoughts and ideas, the speaker advised to force yourself to concentrate on finding a solution, set clear goals (and always in writing), read what inspires new deeds in the morning and evening, communicate only with those who are positively disposed towards people, circumstances and life in the whole. The speaker also touched upon the topic of forgiveness. “Learn to forgive. Is it easy? No, it's really hard to forgive. So that there is nothing left, it is difficult. In everyday practice, it is useful to say “I forgive” many times, for example, two hundred times a day. We perceive the words that we speak ", - he said.

At the end of the training, the audience heard such advice as the need to write a script for their life, hang an illustration or quote on the bathroom mirror that inspires, pay attention to what we hear and read, because our psyche contains the experience we have accumulated. He also advised Alyautdinov to get rid of pessimism, to preserve positive experience.

The author, nevertheless, obviously himself understands that only with the help of such, far from original ideas, one cannot become a trillionaire. At the end of the training, he showed a number of pictures that would be desirable to use for visualization. A picture with an inscription "How much money is in the head - so much money in the wallet" he commented as follows: "This is a very simplistic approach and I don't really like it."

Photo and text: Elvira Vildanova

Shamil Alyautdinov is a Russian preacher of Islam. He has many followers in Kazakhstan. Shamil is a successful theologian and business coach who is very popular among the Islamic community of the post-Soviet countries. This story is about him.


Shamil Alyautdinov: biography of a preacher

Imam Shamil is a versatile and extraordinary person. He can be called a revolutionary in theology because he offers a new approach to the religious enlightenment of people. His field of activity is vast - from writing scientific papers on theology, conducting scientific and educational seminars before the implementation of author's Internet projects - and Trillionaire.

Shamil's philosophy is very popular. The circle of his followers is estimated at one million people. Religion is always orthodox, therefore it does not tolerate revolutionary changes. Many clergymen and preachers find it difficult to accept Alyautdinov's concept, so it is not surprising that they are wary of him, and sometimes they perceive his theories with hostility.

In 2013, he was refused an invitation by the SAM of Kazakhstan to conduct seminars. Later, in 2015–2017, the preacher visited Kazakhstan, held meetings in Almaty and Astana. He repeatedly spoke about his love for the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kazakhstanis, as evidenced by the 6th iPhone with the symbols of Kazakhstan. This series was released in 2014, but the imam still uses it out of respect for our country.

It is difficult to tell about Shamil Alyautdinov in a nutshell, but for the first acquaintance with this person we will confine ourselves to a kind of business card.

Shamil Rifat uly Alyautdinov is a Tatar by nationality. His ancestors lived in the Nizhny Novgorod region in the village. Chembiley. The future imam was born in Moscow in 1974. This event happened on January 20.

The preacher's secondary education is not mentioned in open sources. We dare to assume that it was common secondary school... But more must be said about the religious education of this person. It is known that as a young man, Shamil studied Islam in courses held in a Moscow mosque. They were semi-legal in nature, but they provided the listeners with basic knowledge.

In the early 1990s. Alyautdinov became one of the employees of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims, whose influence extended to the European part of Russia.

The further path of knowledge led Shamil to Egypt. Here for six years he studied at the International Islamic Academy, studied Islamic law at the Al-Azhar University. The future preacher graduated from the course in 1998, and a year before that he became the imam-khatib of the mosque on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow. In this position, he is still listed.

Alyautdinov is a supporter of the active enlightenment of Muslims. He formed a special educational approach to the interpretation of the canonical texts of the Koran, prophecies, and the writings of theologians of different times.

His theory originally combines quotes from the Quran with latest achievements in the field of neurobiology, psychology, sociology. This kind of synthesis of religion and science pursues one goal - to make a person happy, successful, wealthy spiritually and materially. Alyautdinov's philosophical system assumes spiritual, moral, physical development and education of a person.

One can relate differently to what the Russian imam preaches and how the sacred texts of the Koran are interpreted, but in many of his advice and recommendations common sense and purposefulness captivate. His system helps to correct relationships and communication with other people, to achieve mutual understanding, to form life goals and priorities.

His ethical system and the concept of business success are based on traditional religious moral norms, which in modern world either "forgotten" or "overwritten". They are formulated into affordable life success formulas. For example, Shamil Alyautdinov suggests:

  • be abstinent and patient;
  • strive to achieve as much as possible;
  • be grateful for the opportunities for personal growth that life provides;
  • be able to be happy in order to achieve success;
  • write your own life story, do not think in stereotypes and do not live by templates;
  • constantly develop memory and thinking - build neural pathways, etc.

These tips are recipes for every day for a person who seeks to find their purpose in life. They are simple but powerful. Perhaps that is why, for many, Shamil Alyautdinov became a guru of the philosophy of life, since he proposed a meaning-forming theory that helps to choose a certain strategy of behavior and guidelines for self-realization.

Despite the fact that Alyautdinov holds important posts - he heads one of the 4 Moscow mosques, is the deputy mufti of the SAM of the European part of the Russian Federation, and since 2005 has chaired the theological council of this organization - he works tirelessly as an educator:

  • conducts seminars and meetings;
  • created the internet project;
  • runs the online platform Trillionaire;
  • writes scientific and popular science works.

Shamil Alyautdinov's books are very popular. He is the author of over 20 bestsellers. The theologian spoke about the foundations and essence of Islam, the path of spiritual enlightenment of a person in the following works: “The Path to Faith and Perfection” (2001), “Cry of the Soul or Crisis of the Spirit” (2003), “Reality” (2005), “Islam and 624 Fates "(2006)," Everyone will see hell "(2008)," The world of the soul "(2009). The author raises questions of personality formation, upbringing and improvement, the religious system of views on representatives of different genders in the works "Men and Islam" (2010), "Women and Islam" (2011), "Gift to the Son ..." (2010) and "Gift to Daughter ... "(2010)," Children and Islam "(2011)," Family and Islam (2011), etc.

Family, children, relations between wife and husband are topical issues of the religious and ethical system of Shamil Alyautdinov. He knows about the problems that arise in the family and the upbringing of the younger generation, not by hearsay. The Imam is married and has five children - three sons and two daughters.

Shamil Alyautdinov: wife

In his work, Shamil is helped by his wife, Zilya Alyautdinova. She was born in Tatarstan in the city of Aznakaevo in 1978. At the age of 13, Zilya entered the Lyceum in the Turkish city of Izmir. Upon graduation in 1996, she returned to Russia.

For some time she worked as a translator, and in 1997 she entered the RUDN University. The girl studied geology and at the same time received a religious education in the courses of the DUM.

In her second year at university, Zilya married Shamil. The year of receiving the diploma - 2002 - was marked by the appearance of the first child in the family. During her marriage, the woman mastered two languages \u200b\u200b- English and French, completed an internship as an interpreter at Moscow State University.

In 2016, the Alyautdinov family already had five children aged from 3 to 13 years old. Zilya brings up the children herself, without the help of a nanny. She deals not only with their intellectual and spiritual development, but also physical.

Having vast experience in building family relationships and raising children, Zilya Alyautdinova gives lectures to Muslim women, shares the secrets of creating happy family.

The Alyautdinovs are an example of modern successful peoplewho were able to find a goal in their lives and build a system of communication with the world based on Islam. Shamil Alyautdinov is an innovative theologian who seeks to bring religion and its canons closer to modern man, to make Islam useful for self-improvement and self-realization.

Shamil Rifat uly Alyautdinov Islamic theologian Occupation:

Imam-khatyb of the Moscow Memorial Mosque

Date of Birth: Citizenship:


Children: Website:

Alyautdinov Shamil (Shamil-Khazrat) Rifatovich (tat. Shamil (Shamil khәzrәt) Rifat uly Alyautdinov) (born in 1974) - imam-khatib of the Moscow Memorial Mosque, Islamic theologian and preacher, author of numerous books on Islamic topics.


Shamil Rifatovich Alyautdinov was born in January 1974 in Moscow. A descendant of people from the village of Chembilyi, Krasnooktyabrsky District, Nizhny Novgorod Region. Tatar by nationality.

Since 1991 he has been officially working in the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the European part of Russia (DUMER).

From 1997 to the present, he is a preacher (imam-khatib) of the Moscow Memorial Mosque on Poklonnaya Gora, in 2002 he was appointed deputy mufti DUMER for religious issues, in 2005 - head of the scientific and theological council DUMER.

Author of numerous articles and books on Islam, written in an accessible and informative form. Among more than 20 books, some of which have become bestsellers. Author and project manager of the popular website in Runet.

Russian and foreign media often turn to Shamil Alyautdinov for expert opinion on contemporary Muslim and near-Muslim topics (he was interviewed more than 200 times, including such Russian television channels as Channel One, Russia, Ren TV, Mir, such radio channels as "Radio Rossii", "Vesti FM", "Russian News Service", "Echo of Moscow", "Radio Svoboda", such news print media as "The Economist", "Echo of Power", "Time. Kz photogallery "," Psychologies "," Metro "," Telecenter "," Novye Izvestia "," Big city"," Draw-Message ", etc.).

Religious activities

Shamil Alyautdinov is one of the most prominent representatives of the new wave of Islamic theologians and preachers in Russia. Shamil-khazrat's oral and written sermons operate at a qualitatively new level of enlightenment, to which most of all the traditional Islamic structures of Moscow openly fall short. He is the author of numerous articles and books on Islam, written in an accessible and informative form (mainly in the "question-answer" style, which is typical for theological works in the Arab tradition).


Author of numerous books on Islamic topics: "The Path to Faith and Perfection", "Answers to Your Questions about Islam", "From Topic to Topic", "Reality", "Islam 624", "He and She", "He and She 2 "," He and she 3 "," Different opinions ... Why? "," Cry of the soul or crisis of the spirit "," Fasting and Zakat "," Muslim prayer practice"," Muslim law 1-2 "," The world of the soul "," Otherworlds "," Everyone will see Hell "," Life on Mars, or You are not here "," The Holy Quran. Meanings ”(four-volume edition),“ Children and Islam ”,“ Men and Islam ”,“ Gift to the Son. Formulas for happiness. For children from 5 to 60 "," Gift of a daughter. Formulas for happiness. For children from 5 to 60 ", author and project manager of the popular Russian Internet site

The total circulation of Shamil Alyautdinov's books is over 250,000 copies.


  • Alexander Kolesnichenko "There is no such phenomenon - Islamic terrorism" // Novye Izvestia... - M., July 11, 2011. Archived from the original on September 13, 2012.


  • Imam-khatyb of the Moscow Memorial Mosque Alyautdinov Shamil


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Alyautdinov, Shamil Rifatovich" is in other dictionaries:

    Surname. Famous carriers: Alyautdinov, Ildar Rifatovich (b. 1978) chief imam of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, preacher (imam khatib) of the Moscow Memorial and Cathedral Mosques. Alyautdinov, Shamil Rifatovich (b. 1974) imam of a khatyb of Moscow ... ... Wikipedia


  • Shamil Alyautdinov and mass media. Visualization of the Best, Alyautdinov Shamil Rifatovich. Shamil Rifatovich Alyautdinov has been working in the SAM (Spiritual Directorates of Muslims) system since 1991 Russian Federation... From 1997 to the present, he is a preacher (imam-khatib) ...

The famous theologian, imam of the Moscow mosque on Poklonnaya Hill, Shamil Alyautdinov, met his wife 18 years ago. At that time, his wife, Zilya Alyautdinova, worked for the Muslim Woman magazine, which became the reason for their acquaintance. Now the couple has five children. The oldest of whom is 14 years old, and the youngest - 4. On April 23, the Alyautdinovs couple arrived in Bishkek with a one-day seminar on the topic "Financial success" and "Family happiness". The event was organized by the "Mol Bulak" microfinance organization. Ummah journalists attended this seminar and learned 20 basic tips from the Alyautdinov family.

1) Don't pounce on the marmalade. The rule of postponing pleasure until a later date.

Shamil Hazrat recalled an unusual experiment conducted at Stanford 40 years ago. It was attended by 600 children aged 4 years. The experimenter gave the child a piece of marmalade and, before leaving, said that if he did not eat it in 15 minutes, he would be given another one. Some children ate the marmalade right away, some only when the observer left the room, and some endured 15 minutes and received a reward. After this experiment, the lives of the children were monitored over the years. The results were amazing. The child who once did not eat marmalade, becoming an adult, has achieved success, and the one who succumbed to temptation has nothing to boast about in life now.

According to Shamil Hazrat, in life you need to show effort, patience and strict self-discipline in order to achieve your "marmalade". Especially now that there are so many temptations and distractions around.

2) Do not forget to have fun here and now, even if the best prospects await us in 10 years.

Although you need to put off the most important pleasure until later, you need to stay happy in the present. You need to enjoy the process, be grateful for all the opportunities, and most importantly, try to get into the image of the person you want to become. Your brain should have a clear model of your plans, goals, your life. If you build accurate models of the future, you will transform and it will be easier to implement your plans.

"If you are not happy now, you will never reach your goal," - concludes Shamil hazrat.

3) Write your life story, do not copy it from others.

In the block of "questions - answers" from one of the participants of the seminar came a question about whether she could make a nickname just to give birth to a child for herself. Shamil Hazrat did not even comment on this issue from the point of view of Sharia, but sighed sadly that this woman had such a scenario of life. According to him, society puts such pressure on women, imposing their ideas that they begin to involuntarily believe in them.

"You have already been gagged with the words" get married as soon as possible, give birth at least for yourself ", that you have already set boundaries for yourself, you put an end to your husband and wrote in your script" give birth for yourself ", - says the hazrat.

According to him, you need to write in your plans a detailed scenario of a happy family, all the qualities and characteristics of a future husband and, God willing, Allah will give it to you. You have to believe it. As proof, he told the story of one participant in his seminar, who built a happy family, although she already had time to doubt it.

More than 1000 people took part in the seminar

4) Constantly create new neural pathways.

According to Hazrat, creating new neural pathways is a very difficult, but necessary and important process. The brain will initially resist as it has to lay new paths and fight old ones. But then, once the creation process is complete, it becomes very easy. As an example, he spoke about his student yearswhen the first year at the department of "Sharia" was given to him very difficult. He came across incomprehensible terms, memorized definitions, constantly listened to discs in Arabic, but it seemed that he did not remember and did not understand anything. Shamil Hazrat even began to think that it was not his. But at that moment his grandmother called him and gave him moral support. And this little support gave him strength, confidence and he continued his studies. How surprised the Hazrat was when, after a while, the brain began to easily perceive absolutely all information.

5) Money is needed not for pleasure, but for reinvestment.

In the word reinvestment, Shamil Hazrat puts the meaning of exaggerating money, investing in himself and his loved ones, as well as investing in the next life. Shamil Hazrat noted that investing in yourself does not mean running away and spending money. This means investing wisely and getting the most out of what you have invested. As an example, he cited his sports activities. He said that when he signed up for an expensive fitness center, he visited this center 6 times a week and calculated so that each lesson would cost him the minimum amount.

You can invest in your next life through charity and helping those in need. Every year Shamil Alyautdinov directs 10 percent of his income for such purposes. Last year, he set his record of $ 100,000 for charity.

“It was over 10 percent of my income. And I spent much less on my family that year, ” - says Shamil khazrat.

6) don't tie money to your heart

Another point in matters of finance was the attitude to money as an opportunity, but not as a goal in life. According to the Hazrat, during crises and loss of money, it is necessary to listen to your heart and watch how it behaves: it is too nervous and worried, or it is indifferent and calm.

7) There is no concept of free time.

According to Shamil Alyautdinov, Muslims should not have free time. A person should always have priority plans and secondary ones. And as soon as a free window appears, in the form of weekends or holidays, it should be filled with secondary plans. You need to be able to twist everything around the implementation of your new story.

This is also stated in the hadith:

“Take advantage of five things before they are replaced by the other five: use youth before old age comes; use your health until the disease comes; use your free time before you get busy; use your wealth until the need arises; use your life before death overtakes you. "

8) Don't overpay!

According to Shamil Hazrat, a rich person buys a quality item and always at a discount. You must be able to bargain. Also, with a large purchase, you need to contact specialists who will tell you the real price and the real need for a particular thing. For example, when buying a car, many people spend money on unnecessary parts and accessories. Also, when making a purchase, you need to pay attention to how much the operation will cost. As an example, he talked about athletes who pump the body. It takes a lot of money to maintain such a body: permanent fitness rooms, cocktails, proteins and other vitamins. Shamil Hazrat advises asking yourself a question: "You need it? If you are not doing this professionally (that is, making an income), then do you need such a body, the main thing is that you have a healthy body. "

9) Explain the value of money to children

Children should be able to handle money from childhood. They must be able to conserve them and know their value. They shouldn't have a frivolous attitude. Shamil hazrat, when buying expensive clothes for children, reminds them that in order to have the opportunity to buy these clothes now, he started working 20 years ago. It is also necessary to shape their future in children, so that at the age of 16, they already have a goal and an understanding of how they will earn. Shamil Hazrat tells the children that he will invest in their education, but they should not count on buying a car or apartment.

"What I have concerns me and your mother,"- says the Hazrat to the children.

However, Shamil Alyautdinov reminds that children cannot be told "I do it for you"... We must remember that you are doing this for the sake of the Almighty, no one owes you anything.

If you do not know how to count money, then you will be helped to spend it on unnecessary things. Especially now, in the age of soap bubbles. The sales sphere is so developed, there are so many different offers and competition, that they can easily help you feel important and rich and get money out of you to buy completely unnecessary things.

According to Shamil Alyautdinov, another feature of spending money is that the more you lose, the lower your sensitivity to subsequent losses becomes.

“Buying now a thing several times more expensive than its price, the next purchase with a wound markup will seem simple to you”, - says Shamil khazrat.

Hazrat recalled that the Almighty condemns waste.

“O children of Adam [and Eve]! Eat, drink, and don’t waste. Indeed, the Most High does not like the wasteful. "

(Holy Quran, 7:31)


Secrets of family happiness from Zili Alyautdinova

1) Give information to the husband in portions, in small portions.

According to medical research, the structure of the brains of men and women has some differences. Women are more versatile and can easily switch from one activity to another, while for men it takes time to switch. Therefore, Zilya Alyautdinova advised not to attack her husband with a lot of information, but to tell him piece by piece so that he could digest it. Also, after returning from work, you need to give your husband time to enter the home atmosphere, so wives should not immediately pounce on their husbands with a bunch of questions and tasks.

2) 3, 7, 9 and 12 years - critical periods in children

In raising children, it is of great importance to understand the character of the child, his internal experiences and changes that occur not only with his body, but also with his thinking. Zilya khanum singled out four ages when a critical period is noticed in children - these are 3, 7, 9 and 12. At the age of 3, a child begins to be more or less independent, to actively explore the world, he forms his desire and opinion. At this time, the child may not obey the parents, hit other children. At the age of 7, the child goes to school and they begin to demand from him. This is also a lot of stress, since he does not understand why everyone wants something from him. At the age of 9, the child develops a social circle, spends more time outside the home and begins internal conflict... He sees that not everything that was told to him at home works on the street. That his friends are holding cigarettes about which my mother said it was harmful. He sees that the values \u200b\u200bof his religion and family are not of value to others. And the child starts to wonder "Are the parents right?" He begins to question the authority of the parents. And of course 12 years old, adolescence is the most difficult stage for all children. At this time, hormones begin to play, the opinions of friends and society begin to be more important than the opinions of parents.

During all these stages, it is very important to understand children, to be on the same wavelength with them, to build trusting relationships, to follow their circle of communication. Most importantly, you need to take responsibility for raising children on yourself, and not throw it on teachers, educators and relatives.

3) How to instill in children a love of religious practice?

In the spiritual upbringing of children, you must be patient, attentive and constant. First, it is imperative to gently remind them to perform namaz.

“As soon as the children come home from school, I tell them to wash away all the load, all the fatigue and do namaz. Every time I try to explain the value of namaz ”, - says Zilya khanum.

According to her, understanding the essence and value of namaz gives children new strength and energy to perform it.

Also, a Koran teacher comes to the Alyautdinovs' children once a week. Zilya khanum believes that children must be able to read the Koran and know at least a few suras by heart.

“Our goal is not to make everyone hafiz, but to have a part of the Koran live in children. First 2 suras, then 5, 10, etc. Also, children should know the meanings of the main arabic wordssuch as Ar-Rahman, Bismillahi Rahman and Rahim, etc. " - says Alyautdinova.

Thirdly, it is necessary that children communicate with Muslims and see the Muslim environment. Once a week on Saturdays, the children of the Alyautdinovs visit madrasahs, study and communicate with other Muslim children. They also try to send children to a Muslim children's camp in the summer.

“Last year, we sent the children to a Muslim camp in America. The children, firstly, practiced their English, and secondly, they were able to see that Islam is a world religion, ”says Zilya khanum.

Zilya Alyautdinova conducted an interactive seminar.

4) Books should be in an accessible place.

To instill in children a love of reading, the Alyautdinovs use a "cunning" method - they scatter books around the house.

“Books should be in an accessible place. Children must see them. We have books in the living room, in the nursery, and even in the kitchen, ” - says Zilya khanum.

5) don't give in to emotions

According to a wife and mother with 18 years of marriage experience, there are different situations in the family: disagreements, fatigue, frustration. At such moments, it is important not to succumb to emotions.

“When you are overcome with anger, remember the words of our Prophet (peace be upon him), who says that when one of you is angry, let him sit if he is standing. If his anger does not pass, then let him lie down. This hadith talks about how important it is to suppress your anger and distance yourself from the situation. " - shares the advice of Alyautdinova.

Zilya khanum herself, following this advice, in moments of anger tries to calm down, cool down and only after that calmly talk to her husband or children.

“When a misunderstanding arises in our family, we all sit down together, listen to the opinions of the children, my husband and me, and come to one decision. Also, when I disagree with something, I write letters to my husband ", - says Zilya khanum

6) How can you not go in for sports. I do not understand?!

This is exactly how Zilya Aliyeva is perplexed by the audience's questions about sports. She doesn't go to any gym, but tries to be in constant motion, do breathing exercises and stretching.

“You can always steal time. For example, we walk with the children while they play, I do stretching, or I play catch-up with them, ” - the speaker says.

Seminar participants actively answered the questions of Zili Alyautdinovs

7) respect your parents

The parents stand immediately after Allah. You should always keep close contact with your parents. It is very important to talk to them, to know what they think, what they had in childhood, what they want. Zilya khanum herself, although she lives in another city, often calls her parents and even writes letters with words of gratitude and love.

Alyautdinova notes that it is necessary to respect the spouse's parents to the same extent and to the same extent, who over time may become closer than their parents. If there are difficulties in the relationship with the mother-in-law, the bride needs to be flexible and show wisdom. Also, the husband and his diplomacy play a huge role in regulating the relationship between the mother-in-law and the bride.

“If you only knew what a powerful woman my mother is. The grace of the Almighty that I have a good relationship and with his wife and mother. The wife said what she went through. Her words are filled with meaning and life practice ”,

Shamil Hazrat is speaking. His wife immediately picks her up and says:

“And the husband's diplomacy is very important. Shamil Hazrat is such a diplomat. He maintains a good relationship with my mother and does not offend me. Therefore, husbands should work in this regard. "

8) Before the age of 18, have time to lay a strong foundation in children

Zilya khanum compared children to a drawn bow, about to shoot an arrow. A stretched bowstring is a time when it is necessary to lay a strong foundation in children, and a released arrow is adulthood a child who goes free swimming.

“You have to try to lay everything you want before the age of 18. After that, the child leaves for an independent adult life. He will take less advice from you. You can only support and help an adult child, but you can not bring up in any way ", - says Alyautdinova.

She sadly adds that the time when you can invest in a child is very short. Therefore, it is important to be in time.

9) Children need to repeat constantly and gently

The upbringing process is a very complex process. It is more art than science. There are no clear rules here. Although, there is one rule - you must constantly repeat. If in order to learn the multiplication table you need to strain your brains for a couple of months and then the table will be with you until the end of your life, then with the vaccination good habit or a good deed is much more complicated. For example, in order for a child to brush his teeth twice a day on his own without reminders, you need to tell him about it for almost 12 years. As early as one year old, you start brushing your teeth with him, teach him how to hold a toothbrush on his own, and then remind him to brush his teeth all the subsequent time. And even under such circumstances, a 12-year-old child manages to fall asleep without brushing his teeth.