Test which is more important in life. The most important test

If your inner world Until now, it's a mystery for you, I propose to pass a short test and finally decide on life priorities. Answer honestly and don't look at the results in advance. Did you agree?

Ready to start? Let's go then!

Imagine this: You stayed at home all alone, and suddenly AT THE SAME TIME:

1. The phone rings.

2. A child is crying in the room.

3. It has started raining outside, and your laundry is drying there.

4. Someone knocks on the door.

5. You forgot to turn off the tap in the bathroom, and water flows to the ground.

What business will you take up in the first place? Which problem will you solve next, and what will you leave for later? Arrange things in order: from the most important to the least important to You.

What does the test mean?

Each of these points is responsible for certain facets of your life.

1. Phone is study, work, career.

2. Child - relatives, family hearth.

3. Lingerie is love.

4. The guest is friends.

5. Tap - health, money, well-being.

Interestingly, in what order did you arrange the described processes?

In life and understand what to do, congratulations: you have embarked on the path of finding the main harmony in your life - harmony with yourself.

This path is always accompanied by difficulties and experiences: is it too late, will it work out?

We hope that Life Reactor will help you dispel your doubts and achieve your goal.

5+ ways to find yourself and your calling

The theme of the search for one's own essence now and then pops up in the works of world culture, and in the most different ones.

Analyze your immediate environment.

Of course, you are very fond of all these people - otherwise why are you friends with them or work with them?

But step back for an hour from attachments and look at everyone from the outside. Would you like to add or remove someone from your social circle?

Giorgio Armani may not have become a famous designer

Imagine your ideal environment: what kind of people make it up?

Perhaps you would like to hang out in a glamorous get-together or be a regular at scientific conferences, be surrounded by businessmen or hang out with simple, handy and hardworking farmers?

These ideas will help you understand what qualities you want to see in the people around you.

This means what qualities should be developed in oneself. This is an important part of finding yourself in life and figuring out what to do.

The simplest test that you can take is completely free and without registration, because all you need for it is yourself, a little free time and perseverance.

One day from a new life

Imagine your ideal day: from start to finish, in great detail, from breakfast to the last thought before bed.

Imagine everything - your moods, what you would do, where you would spend your time. Don't try to be realistic.

According to the terms of the problem, you have all the means, skills and talents in order to live the perfect day.

When you have presented everything inside and out (and, of course, have written it down), divide the new sheet of paper into three columns.

In the first, write down those fantasies that you just need - real "blue dreams" that you embodied in your ideal day. In the second - something that is not so important, but rather strongly desired.

The third column contains all the things that you added just “to be”, but in fact could do without them.

Study the resulting table carefully.

You yourself have written tips for yourself - all that remains is to figure out how to bring such an ideal to life.

Tip: separate the details. If you imagine that on a perfect day you went to buy a car that you have dreamed of for a long time, then think - does the thing bring you real pleasure or the fact of purchase itself? This is a crucial difference, which is not at all obvious at first glance.

This test for how to find themselves in life and understand what to do, is well suited with their rich and detailed imaginative thinking.

But for those who are used to thinking more globally, the following exercise is suitable.

A new life ... and not necessarily one!

Take your favorite number to ten and come up with the same number of your ideal lives.

This time you have the same "starting conditions" as in real life, and the same means - but thousands of new possible roads.

Knowing that you have more than one life, you can devote each of them to something one: family, career, science, travel ...

Go into the details and think carefully about what you would do along each path.

Now arrange them according to their attractiveness.

The first will show your main one, the rest can be attached as a hobby or extraneous interests.

Tip: remember that it is not at all necessary to decide and dwell on one thing - you just need to correctly distribute all the desired options.

It's never too late to find yourself

Life priorities - elephants on which the world rests

In search of an answer to the question of how to find yourself in life, to understand what is worth doing, pay attention to the following test, which is equally well suited for men and women.

Imagine that you are alone in your apartment with a small child who suddenly starts crying.

Outside the window, meanwhile, a heavy rain begins, and you have freshly washed clothes hung behind the balcony.

The characteristic splash of water in the kitchen reminds you that you haven't turned on the tap, and the water from the sink is about to pour onto the floor, pouring over the neighbors.

And, as luck would have it, at the same moment there is a knock on the door and the ringing of the city phone.

Which problem do you solve first - calm the child down, take off the laundry, turn on the tap, open the door or answer the call?

See what life priorities lie behind each of the options:

  1. The child symbolizes the family
  2. Lingerie means your priority is love, romance and sex.
  3. The crane is financial matters
  4. For those who choose the door, friends are the main thing in life
  5. If you reach for your phone, your priority is work.

It's so easy to determine what to focus your aspirations around.

After all, if your occupation does not serve as the main priority, you will not find happiness, namely, happiness is the main aspiration of every person.

We hope our tips have helped you figure out how to find yourself in life and understand what to do.

Finally, we bring to your attention a video on this topic:

I believe that we all came into this world for something and that we all have some meaning in it. I sincerely believe that we are all gifted with unique and unique talents. The realization of our talents is much more important than we ourselves imagine.

First, I'll tell my story

Last year I was knocked off my feet by the number of things to do because I was chasing my dream of money and "success." I didn't even remember why I needed it. Luckily I met Jim (name has been changed). Jim has achieved the monetary success that I have so longed for. He was financially independent, he successfully managed several projects, he owned properties in many countries, he could afford all the luxuries that money can buy.

He was able to achieve all this through hard work, constancy and responsibility! But Jim was not happy. He had no free time to enjoy his wealth. He wanted to have a family. He wanted peace. He wanted to live his life ... but he couldn't afford it. He had too many responsibilities, failing which he would lose a lot. He had a lot to defend. Jim spent years building his castle and now that the construction has been completed, he spends all of his time to ensure that the castle does not collapse under the influence of external factors.

Meeting Jim opened my eyes to my life and made me change it. His words brought me to my senses. It suddenly became clear to me that “I don’t want to spend the next 10 years of my life chasing money, in order to later find my emotional, mental and spiritual development at the same level at which it was at the beginning of the chase”. The brakes screeched, my chase stalled and then put aside. I spent the next two months reassessing my life goals.

Questions came to my mind: What am I chasing? Why am I doing this? What is my true goal? What am I here for?

Reading E-Myth: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work by Michael Gerber, I found myself crying. In that chapter, the author asked readers to do visualization exercises. By following his instructions, you are clearly drawing the day of your funeral in your mind. What kind of eulogy do you want for yourself? What will be your lifetime achievements? What will matter the most to you at the end of your life? Is this what you are doing now?

I began to write. I started making a list of what really mattered to me. I wrote down everything I wanted to do. I thought about my priorities again. For myself, I decided that all the steps I take should lead to the achievement of a goal that corresponds to my personal values \u200b\u200band is what I really want from life. With the emergence of each new opportunity, I must determine whether this opportunity is suitable for achieving my ultimate goal. No matter how much money it brings me new opportunityif it goes against my life goals, I will not use it. I formulated my goal as follows:

Inspire, encourage and motivate people to live happier and more meaningful lives.

Here are some tasks that are of particular importance to me:

  • For me, harmony with myself, self-realization and a feeling of happiness are of great importance;
  • The greatest value for me are serious relationships with people, the ability to build real relationships at a deep level;
  • I will be financially independent and will be in control of my time and location. I want to work only on those projects and implement only those ideas that I like. My financial situation will not conflict with my values \u200b\u200band life goals;
  • I will travel and live in different parts of the world. After getting acquainted with all kinds of cultures, I will document them in photographs and share my impressions with others;
  • I will buy my mom in Vancouver a house with a pool in the yard. This is her dream and I want to make it come true;
  • Family is important to me. I want to have a strong and loving relationship with my husband.
  • I try to live every day as full of life as if it were my last day.

15 questions to help you realize your life goals.

A list of these questions can help you understand your goals in life. They are designed to help you mentally formulate the tasks you need to accomplish in your life.

Uncomplicated instructions:

  • Take a few sheets of writing paper;
  • Find a place where no one will bother you. Disconnect your mobile phone;
  • Write down the answers to all questions. Write down the first thing that comes to mind. Write without making edits. Answer all questions. It is more important to write down all the answers rather than just thinking them over;
  • Write quickly. Give yourself no more than 60 seconds for each question. And it's better if it takes you less than 30 seconds;
  • Be honest. Nobody is going to read this. It is very important to write without editing;
  • Enjoy what you are doing and smile at this time.

15 questions:

  1. What makes you smile? (Occupation, people, events, hobbies, projects, etc.)
  2. What have you enjoyed doing in the past? What do you enjoy doing now?
  3. Doing what kind of work can you lose track of time?
  4. What makes you proud of yourself?
  5. Who is your greatest inspiration? (Anyone you know or don't know personally. Your family members, friends, writers, artists, politicians, etc.). What qualities of each of your inspirers serve as examples for you?
  6. What are you particularly good at? (Your skills, abilities and talents).
  7. What kind of help do people usually ask you for?
  8. If you had to teach something, what would you teach?
  9. What would you regret in your life? (Imperfect actions, absence of something).
  10. Imagine that you are already 90 years old. You sit in a rocking chair on the porch of your house and bask in the gentle rays of spring. You are happy and relaxed, you are content with the wonderful life that has been given to you. You remember your whole life, think about what you have achieved during this life and what you had. You are going through all the relationships in your memory. What matters most to you? Make a list.
  11. What are your true values? Pick 3-6 words in descending order of importance.
  12. What are your highest values?
    Achievements friendship Quality of work
    Adventures Helpfulness Personal growth
    beauty Health A game
    To be the best Honesty Productivity
    Challenge Independence Initiative
    Convenience Inner calm Relations
    Courage Directness Reliability
    Creation Intelligence Respect
    Curiosity Close relations Safety
    Education Fun Spirituality
    The trust Leadership Success
    Environment Study Freedom in time
    Family Love Diversity
    Financial independence Interest
    Healthy lifestyle Passion
    Other values \u200b\u200bnot on the list
  13. What difficulties, difficulties and adversities did you have to overcome or what do you have to overcome at the moment? How do you do it?
  14. What ideas do you really believe in? What attracts you to them?
  15. If you had to perform in front of a lot of people, what would your performance be about? Who would these people be?
  16. You have talents, preferences, and values. How could you use what has been given to you to serve, help, and make a personal contribution? (People, living things, ideas, organizations, environment, world, etc.).

Your destiny in this world

"You change when you write down your goals and revise them, because for this you have to carefully, deeply reflect on what is really important to you and adjust your behavior to your beliefs." - Stephen Covey "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

You can understand your purpose by answering 3 questions:

  • What do I want to do?
  • Who do I want to help?
  • What will be the result? What will I create?

Steps to Determining Your Purpose:

  1. Quickly answer the 15 questions above.
  2. List the words that characterize you. For example: education, achieving excellence, trust, inspiration, improvement, help, giving, leadership, inspiration, possession, motivation, nurturing, organization, promotion, travel, growth, participation, satisfaction, understanding, teaching, creativity, etc.
  3. Based on your 15 answers, list everyone and everyone who you can help and what. For example: people, living beings, organizations, ideas, groups, environment etc.
  4. Define your ultimate goal. What benefit will those who got to the answer to the question above benefit from what you do?
  5. Formulate steps 2-4 in one or 2-3 sentences.

What's your goal? What is your mission? Where are your aspirations directed? Share your thoughts in the comments to the article.

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What makes you wake up in the morning and start getting busy with tasks? What motivates you to overcome obstacles and? Why do you glow with happiness and your eyes start to shine? Many people can easily answer these and other similar questions, and start a conversation about their goals, dreams, plans for life and what they want to achieve. But, at the same time, there will be people who will intensely think about the answer, but will not be able to say anything. The difference between these categories of people is that some are clearly aware of their purpose and have specific life goals, while others seem to strive for something, however, the meaning of their life, and what they want to achieve, look rather vague even for themselves.

Here we are not talking about such "goals" as earning money to provide yourself and your loved ones with everything you need, covering mandatory monthly expenses, new home appliances, etc. These are all essential needs of almost every person; his so-called vital necessity; those without which his life and everyday life will not satisfy even the most minimal requirements. Here we are talking about something more global; the fundamental direction of all actions taken in life; about what makes you grow, develop, work, work and achieve, regardless of any obstacles, and do it with pleasure, enthusiasm and inspiration. We're talking about specific life goals.

A little about the lack of a life purpose

The desire to find your destiny and life purpose is inherent, perhaps, to all people. But often, under the influence of all sorts of factors and circumstances, such as, for example, upbringing, the worldview of parents, the influence of the environment, imposed beliefs and ideals, the promotion of a certain lifestyle, way of thinking and everything that you need to have and want to have, lead to that people just lose themselves in all this. They seem to fall asleep, their whole life becomes unconscious and mechanistic, and their thinking becomes stereotyped and standardized. As a result, all questions concerning the meaning of life lose their relevance, fade into the background or are discarded altogether as unnecessary.

If a person is still worried similar topics, and he has not completely lost his individuality, selfhood and the feeling that you need to strive for something or at least seek it, the answers to the above questions are often found with difficulty, which often noticeably darkens existence, creates a feeling of purposelessness of being, becomes the reason apathetic or depressive conditions.

Lack of a life purpose has an extremely negative effect on a person's life. This is the inability to fully reveal your personal and creative potential, and the duality of thinking and behavior, and the loss of interest in activities and in life in general, and there are countless real happy moments on one hand. This topic can be disassembled endlessly, but it is not this that is important at all, but what is needed, and most importantly, you can come to an understanding of your true purpose and the definition of specific life goals.

Why do you need to look for your life purpose?

The question of finding a life purpose, just like the previous one, is very voluminous and multifaceted. But, despite this, he is always viewed exclusively in a positive way. When a person has a clear life goal, he lives with an understanding of what his time is invested in, that he is on the way to realizing what he wants, and this path is the right one. The goal fills his entire existence with meaning, which means that there is a place for harmony and happiness in life. With a goal, a person specifically knows in which direction to move. Make any choice in everyday life it becomes easier, it becomes much easier to separate the important from the unimportant and discard the latter without regret. Always present, there is no need to force yourself to anything. And if efforts are made to correct and correct their behavior, then this is training that allows you to become stronger, and certainly not violence against yourself, as happens when you do everything with clenched teeth.

The life purpose is something that fills both the person himself and his life. This is what allows a person to walk through life with a firm and confident gait with his head held high, even in the most difficult moments. And this is what allows him to come to the meaning of his existence and see even the most familiar life in a completely new perspective, as well as change it.

But reasoning is reasoning. They are, of course, good, but they can remain just theory. And this, unfortunately, is the worst thing that can happen to a person seeking his destiny. To avoid this, you should use several recommendations that not only contribute to the transition from thoughts to actions, but also greatly simplify the search for your purpose and goals to which you can safely devote your life.

How to realize your purpose and find life goals?

Without lengthy introductions, let's go straight to the consideration of these recommendations.

  • Start by analyzing your interests and hobbies. Take this matter consciously and seriously. Determine what is most interesting for you: what kind of literature do you prefer to read? Are you interested in documentary filmmaking and if so, which one? What do you like to learn more and more about? It is likely that the answers to these questions will set the right direction for future searches. If it seems to you that you do not have any special interests, you will have to make an effort to still find them. The work of your whole life is 90% related to your interests.
  • Analyze your free time activities: what do you do, what do you enjoy doing, what do you want to do when you think about your free time? What would you do if this time increased? Surely your leisure time, if it is, of course, not "stupid" or idle chatter on social networks, may be associated with your subconscious aspirations, talents, dispositions and goals. If you managed to find something like that, then think about whether there is an opportunity to somehow develop it and derive practical benefit from this lesson?
  • Try to observe yourself, namely: observe what you notice around you. For example, you can often pay attention to appearance other people or their health, or you can pinpoint the exact cause of the car breakdown. Perhaps with a keen eye you notice flaws in construction or repairs made in someone else's house. And what if you, without having the appropriate education, easily find various mistakes in the texts and know how to write and express your thoughts correctly, although you have never learned this? After observing yourself, most likely you will find something in which you, without deep knowledge, can be a specialist. What are your current activities? Develop this thought further.
  • Make a list of 50 wishes. Include whatever comes to mind in it. Sounds simple? Surprisingly, many people, after listing such as: house, apartment, car, renovation, vacation, wedding, child, salary increase, new phone, new furniture, and something in the same spirit, are confused. As a result, at most it turns out to write 20-25 wishes. If you have the same situation, do not despair and write further - this will activate your creativity and the work of your subconscious. If you have easily written 50 wishes, increase the list to 100. It is the last and most “difficult” wishes that will reflect your global goals and life aspirations to a greater extent.
  • Watch your states. In everyday life, from time to time, a person is "covered" by waves of seemingly unreasonable inspiration and enthusiasm. Track these moments in your life and try to understand the reasons for their occurrence: some thoughts, actions, people. In many spiritual practices, inspiration is considered a sign that you are on the right track. Look for such signs constantly - they will be able to lead you to the desired "road".
  • Practice meditation. Is one of the most powerful spiritual practices. During meditation, the chaotic running of thoughts calms down, a feeling of calmness, well-being and inner silence appears, which is the best fit for connecting with the subconscious. And, as you know, the subconscious knows and can do everything. As you practice, ask yourself questions without trying to answer, using your rational mind. Answers may come even after meditation - it may be an insight, a thought or image that has come from somewhere in your head, a sensation in your body, a meeting with a person, or a book that "accidentally" fell under your feet. Strive for self-knowledge.
  • your future. Choose a place that is quiet and calm, free of distractions for at least 30 minutes. Disconnect phones, Skype, ICQ, Internet and more. Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes, relax. Try not to be distracted by extraneous thoughts. Now begin to imagine your life in all details, for example, in 5 years: where are you, where do you live, what kind of people are next to you, what are you wearing, what surrounds you at this moment, what do you have? Strive to keep your thoughts calm. You do not need to impose something on yourself and think in patterns. Just surrender to the stream of your thoughts - where will it take you? The sharper and clearer the picture, the closer you will be to finding a way to achieve its materialization. Do this procedure at least once every two days and over time you will begin to understand what you want and what you really need.

What more can be said? In fact, I would very much like to continue to develop this topic and bring more and more new ways to find your destiny and life goals. A whole book could have been written. But for obvious reasons, this is not possible in this article. So it remains only to summarize: the process of finding a life purpose and your destiny is entirely up to you. To find the answers to the questions that bother you, you must find yourself, and this is a difficult, long-lasting process, but very interesting and exciting. As already mentioned, strive for self-knowledge, engage in spiritual practices, read and watch cognitive television programs, be alone with yourself, listen to your inner voice, etc. You can combine all this, or you can do it separately.

And always remember that our only real enemies are despair, laziness and unwillingness to see beyond our own nose. Believe in yourself and your strengths, as well as that your life goals already very close to you!

You can comprehensively study this issue, it is better to understand yourself and use the knowledge gained for the purposes of self-development on the course. Join us!

Probably, all people periodically ask the question: "Where am I going, and what do I want to see at the end of the path?" But not many can give a clear answer to this, and meanwhile, a global goal will help in difficult times not to give up, not get lost in life and always know what you really want. There is one way, simple and difficult at the same time, with which you can find your goal and not doubt that it is real.

Old age and experience lead at the same time

By the last hour when destined

To understand after long worries and torments,

That in life we \u200b\u200bwandered along the path of delusion.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Schopenhauer describes an eerie perspective, but it becomes much more real if you don't know where you are going in life at all. There are small goals: to buy a house, start a family, earn the respect of colleagues at work, get high positionbut big is not.

Someone will say that she is not needed at all, that without knowing where you are going, you will definitely not be mistaken with the road, and this is to some extent true.

But what will this road be - a bright and joyful path or a thorny valley with “worries and hardships”? When a person feels good, he does not think about the meaning and purpose, the most trash begins when he feels bad, bored, sad. Then you need some sense or purpose, you need to find it in order to keep moving. And it's good if a ready-made target becomes such a beacon, so as not to rush in the darkness of your fears and corrals.

It seems to be very difficult, especially when I have never thought about it. All sorts of imposed values \u200b\u200bcreep into my head, and the only reaction to them is: “This garbage cannot be my global goal. In fact, she doesn't mean anything to me at all. "

In order to find a goal that really means something, you don't have to go to the oracle or live in a monastery for five years. The method will take from 20 minutes to an hour, but before you start, you need to understand a few points:

Get ready to take everything

For many, when the word "goal" is associated with material goods or some kind of huge achievement. Accept the thought that this may not be the case. Accepting the possibility that your goal will sound and look quite prosaic and not sublime from the outside means sacrificing megalomania for a happy life.

In addition, your goal does not necessarily lie in a familiar area, where you have been looking for your destination since your student or even school years. Just be prepared for the fact that it may turn out to be something completely unfamiliar to you.

Only what is good

The only criterion for a real goal is that it brings pleasure. A person seeks to constantly receive pleasure, moreover, you can get it from anything - from a job well done, from the process of this work, from communication, knowledge.

You can call your global goal a global source of pleasure that will last a lifetime. So you can check your goal after searching: if you are not getting high from it, then this is definitely not it.

The way itself

As promised, the method is simple:

  1. Retire
  2. You write on the sheet "My purpose in life"
  3. Turn off thoughts
  4. You start to write down everything that comes to mind

The bottom line is that when the real goal is on the sheet in front of you, there will be a violent emotional reaction from it, which can end in tears.

Why turn off thoughts?

Because over the years of your life, many ideas have accumulated in your head about why you need to live and what to strive for. First of all, they will be on your sheet, and in order not to confuse, watch the emotional state. If the target is emotionless, it certainly isn't.

For some people, it may take 20 minutes, others will sit for an hour, everything is individual here. The main thing is not to give up. After the first 100 responses that do not evoke any emotions, you may think that this is stupid and not worth wasting your time on. If you overcome this feeling, you will learn something valuable, isn't it worth spending an extra half hour for this?

Even while writing, several options may appear that cause you an emotional uplift, but not strong. Mark such answers, perhaps they are part of a global goal, and it will be easier for you to find it by them.

Hope you can do it.