What is the conflict of mind and feelings. Internal conflict: feelings versus reason - composition

Yes, there is no conflict between reason and feelings.

The conflict is between opposing desires. For example, I want to meet a girl - and I want to avoid shame (she can refuse).

Feelings signal our needs.

In our example, a feeling of erotic arousal and a feeling of fear.

If I badly recognize the MIXTURE of my feelings and desires (and I don’t understand that it is ALWAYS a mixture!), Then I will THINK that I have ONE desire (need) - to get acquainted.

But when I move to the girl, my feelings will clearly show me that it is not, you are! - there is a desire (need) to avoid shame, and wow!

And then it seems that this is a dispute between reason and feelings.

No. This is a conflict of two needs, one of which was poorly understood.

Here everything is clearly divided into what is innate and what is acquired by us as an object in the process of education. Why do cats love to be stroked, is it not from the fact that they have a memory of communication with their mother-cat, who washed them with her tongue and surrounded them with warmth? Here is a child chasing pigeons, pulling a cat by the tail, pulling an older sister by the hair, etc. There are two explanations for the situation and two developments. Either the people around (according to the reasoning: "he is still small, does not understand anything"; or it is so convenient for me - "whatever the child is amused with, if only he does not cry and does not distract from communication with friends and guests") do not stop, do not interrupt the child , or suppress. If they condone and encourage, the child perceives that chasing and hurting another is associated with general fun and good attitude towards me, and the child's own positive emotions. Here the child is hurt, and the subject of upbringing (older sister, brother or parent), as it seems to him, being engaged in a more important matter, beats the "culprit" of the fall and injury in order to calm the person suffering from the injury. There is no time to realize - it is more important to calm down and distract from the pain - other consequences of such an educational influence: the child remembers (programmed) for the rest of his life that he needs to hit someone to make it easier for you. Including libido is formed mainly in the process of personality education.

Whatever happens to a person, in a person there is a comparison and comparison of what is observed and analyzed in reality with that mental image based on the associativity of thinking, the image that was formed in the process of education.

For example, a dislike for mathematics can form, although a person has long "forgotten" about this, when a mother or father told a 3-4 year old child, when he found them at an accounting count, that, they say, do not bother their son (dotsya) tiring, I'm tired / tired here. They gave, for example, abacus so that the child would not be distracted, and the child went to ride on large abacus with knuckles. I myself observed such an episode with friends.

I see it somewhat differently than Eugene (with all due respect to him). The conflict between mind and feelings is the opposition of two primary principles, two components of the dual universe - light and darkness, heaven and earth, spirituality and matter - where the first corresponds to reason, and the second to feelings. Let's consider the example of the same girl, but add for clarity the moment that we are already married and have children. Reason in this situation asserts that close communication with a beautiful girl is a harmful and destructive step, which, bringing short pleasure, will result in long-term problems. Reason can tell that such behavior has a destructive effect not only on my personal relationships and well-being, but also on society as a whole. Since a society where betrayal and debauchery flourish is much less stable and viable. All these are very compelling arguments to nip in the bud any possible communication with strangers. For reason.

But not for the senses. Instincts rule over feelings - our natural component, that which we have in common with any forest animal. Guided only by instincts, humanity would achieve absolutely nothing. People, like animals, would only consume food, copulate, fight each other, and try to survive. The development of humanity in general, and man in particular, begins where reason prevails over instinct, over feeling, turning it from a master into a servant. A society dominated by reason is developing. A society dominated by feelings is degrading. This does not mean that development implies dryness and insensitivity, since it is also not reasonable to completely reject what we feel, our animal nature. It is, and will be, regardless of our desires. It is reasonable to understand this, to accept it, and not to let her take over.

Everyone can explain the term "happiness" in their own way. But, excluding all subjective details and details, we can safely generalize and say that happiness is the very harmony between feelings and reason, which is so little in our life. The conflict of these two sides, thoughts and emotions, contributes to disharmony, anxiety, apathy and even bouts of depression, because a person has to make a choice, give up some part of himself, especially if his feelings as a result do not have a response in the heart of the very object of sympathy ... All this, of course, complicates and aggravates our already complex existence, but at the same time adds color to it, preventing a person from catching the very Onegin “blues”. It is no coincidence that so many writers and poets touch upon in their works the problem of human passions and how often they come into conflict with our very essence, with what constitutes human being.

When does a conflict arise between feelings and reason? Exactly at the moment when one becomes in opposition to the other, when harmony is lost, when that very pleasant totality and "cooperation" grow into rivalry, and the outcome of this is determined by the person behind which the given opposition is.

For example, in the novel by IS Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" we get acquainted with a vivid example of such a conflict. The main character, Evgeny Bazarov, lived a considerable part of his life in complete confidence: any feelings and human values, in particular love, art, faith, are just "tinsel" with which a person decorates his life, simple entertainment and a game that is not worth the candle ... In his reasoning, it would seem, there was no room for doubt: nihilism eventually became one with the personality of the hero, but only until the moment when the smart and proud Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, a woman who shook the whole philosophy of Eugene, appeared in his life. Previously unknown feelings and emotions began to excite Bazarov at a time when he began to closely communicate with Anna Sergeevna, and from that moment the mind ceased to have complete control over the fate of the hero and began to enter into confrontation with feelings, which could not but play its role in fate Eugene. The conflict between feelings and reason arose when complete confidence in the absence of love collided with sharply arisen emotions and formed a strong dissonance, the result of which was a broken fate. Eugene was able to fight this love and extinguish it for a while, even tried to establish the old way of life, but this conflict was not destined to subside completely, just as the relationship between Bazarov and Odintsova was not destined to take place.

The heroine of NS Leskov's novel "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District" turned out to be less resistant to the conflict of reason and feelings. Katerina Lvovna completely submitted to the wave of emotions that covered her after meeting with Sergei, at the moment when her husband was not around, and the heroine was left "alone". Then the same conflict arose, almost instantly and irrevocably spilled over to the side of feelings, and a woman, having a marriage with a wealthy merchant, commits many murders for the sake of new love, the most significant of which is the murder of her husband. Even being in custody, a woman tries to spend as much time as possible with her lover, and he, in turn, throughout the entire work only uses her feelings. Could the "merchant's wife" not bring everything to such a tragic outcome, could she cut all ties with Sergei from the very beginning in order to preserve her marriage and not destroy the old way of life? No, she did not have the harshness of reasoning that Evgeny Bazarov possessed, and therefore completely obeyed the dictates of feelings. However, this is just one example of a vivid conflict between emotions and reason, in which the former have such a strong influence on a person that they become the meaning of his life.

The opposition of thoughts and feelings arises, as a rule, at the most inopportune moment, and is a kind of point of no return for a person, because at the moment when emotions enter into an argument with the brain, a person's life changes irrevocably. And whichever side of the conflict ends up in an advantageous position, the outcome will be painful in any case.

"Sense and Sense"

Official comment:

The direction involves thinking about reason and feeling as the two most important components of a person's inner world, which affect his aspirations and actions. Reason and feeling can be considered both in harmonious unity and in a complex confrontation that constitutes the inner conflict of the personality. The topic of reason and feeling is interesting for writers of different cultures and eras: heroes of literary works often find themselves faced with a choice between the dictates of feeling and the prompting of reason.

Aphorisms and sayings of famous people:

There are senses that fill and darken the mind, and there is a mind that chills the movement of the senses. M.M. Prishvin

If feelings are not true, then our entire mind will be false. Lucretius

The feeling held captive by a gross practical need has only a limited meaning. Karl Marx

No imagination can come up with so many conflicting feelings that usually coexist in one human heart. F. La Rochefoucauld

Seeing and feeling is to be, to think, is to live. W. Shakespeare

The dialectical unity of reason and feeling is the central problem of many works of fiction in world and Russian literature. Writers, depicting the world of human intentions, passions, actions, judgments, in one way or another relate to these two categories. Human nature is arranged in such a way that the struggle between reason and feeling inevitably gives rise to an internal conflict of the personality, and therefore provides fertile ground for the work of writers - artists of human souls.

List of literature in the direction of "Sense and Sensibility"

    A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet"

    L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

    A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

    A.M. Bitter "At the bottom"

    A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

    F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

    I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

    A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

    Guy de Maupassant "Necklace"

    N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

    N.M. Karamzin "Poor Liza

    A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

MATERIALS to Literary Arguments.

( Introduction )

What is love? Each person will answer this question differently. For me, love is the desire to always be near, despite quarrels, problems, resentments and misunderstandings, the desire to find a compromise, the ability to forgive and support in a difficult situation. Great happiness if love is mutual. But in life there are situations when an unrequited feeling arises. Unrequited love brings great suffering to a person. But the worst thing is when an unrequited feeling becomes beyond the control of reason and leads to an irreparable tragedy.(69 words)


Love is an eternal theme of world fiction. Many authors describe this great feeling in their writing. And I would like to recall Kuprin's wonderful story "Garnet Bracelet". On the first pages of the work, the life of the Shein family is revealed to us. There is no more love in a married couple, and Vera Nikolaevna is disappointed in her marriage. She feels discouraged in her soul. We can only guess that she, like any woman, wants attention, affection, care. Unfortunately, the main character does not understand that all this is very close. A petty official, Georgy Zheltkov, has been loving Vera Nikolaevna for eight years with an unusually strong and sincere love. He loved her at first sight and was happy because God gave him this feeling. But the main character did not pay attention to the person of common origin. Vera Nikolaevna is getting married, and asks Zheltkov not to write to her again. We can only guess what difficulties this brought to our hero and marvel at his strength of mind. George did not have the opportunity to be close to Vera, to be loved by her, but he is happy, because she simply is, because Vera lives in this world. Zheltkov gives Vera Nikolaevna a pomegranate bracelet for her birthday. He does not expect Mrs. Sheina to wear the present. But George is warmed by the thought that his beloved will simply touch this decoration. This bracelet evokes a feeling of anxiety on Vera, the overflow of stones reminds her of drops of blood. Thus, the author lets us know that a reciprocal feeling towards Zheltkov begins to emerge in the main character. She worries about him, feels the approach of trouble. Vera raises the topic of love in a conversation with a friend of her parents, whom she considers to be a grandfather, and she begins to understand that Zheltkov's love is that very real and rare sincere love. But Vera's brother Nikolai Nikolaevich, indignant at the gift of George, intervenes and decides to talk to Zheltkov. The protagonist of the work understands that he cannot get away from his love. Neither departure nor prison will help him. But he feels that he is interfering with his beloved, Georgy worships Vera, he is ready to do everything for her well-being, but he cannot overcome his feelings, and Zheltkov decides to commit suicide. This is how strong unrequited love led to tragedy. And Vera, unfortunately, realized too late that a very rare and sincere love had passed by her. Nobody and nothing can fix the situation if the person is gone.(362 words)


Love is a great feeling, but it is very scary when it leads to tragedy. No matter how strong the feelings are, you cannot lose your mind. Life is the best that is bestowed on a person. The same can be said about love. And no matter what tests arise on our way, we must keep our feelings and mind in harmony.(51 words)

A. I. Kuprin story "Garnet Bracelet" "Sense and Sensibility"

(Argument 132)

The hero of Kuprin's story "Pomegranate Bracelet", Georgy Zheltkov, could not cope with his feelings. This man, seeing Vera Nikolaevna once, fell in love with her for life. George did not expect reciprocity from the married princess. He understood everything, but he could not help himself. Faith was the small meaning of Zheltkov's life, and he believed that God had rewarded him with such love. The hero showed his feelings only in letters, without showing himself to the princess's eyes. On the day of the angel of Faith, the fan presented his beloved with a garnet bracelet and attached a note in which he asked for forgiveness for the once disturbed. When the husband of the princess, together with her brother, sought out Zheltkov, he admitted the indecency of his behavior and explained that he sincerely loves Vera and only death can extinguish this feeling. Finally, the hero asked Vera's husband for permission to write her the last letter, and after the conversation he said goodbye to life.

A. I. Kuprin story "Garnet Bracelet" Love or Crazy? "Sense and Sense"

(Intro 72) Love is one of the warmest feelings that a person can experience. She is able to fill the heart with joy, inspire and give vitality to a lover, But, unfortunately, this feeling does not always make a person happy. Lack of reciprocity breaks people's hearts, condemns them to suffering, and then a person can lose his mind, turning the object of adoration into a kind of deity, whom he is ready to worship forever. We often hear that lovers are called crazy. But where is this fine line between lucid feeling and addiction?

(Argument 160) The work of AI Kuprin "Pomegranate Bracelet" also makes readers think about this question. The main character pursued his beloved for many years, and then committed suicide. What prompted him to these actions: love or madness? I believe that it was still a conscious feeling. Zheltkov fell in love with Vera. Seeing her just once. As a petty official, he was aware of social inequality with his beloved, and therefore did not even try to gain her favor. It was enough for him to admire the princess from the outside, without intruding into her life. Zheltkov shared his feelings with Vera in letters. The hero wrote to his beloved even after her marriage, although he admitted the indecency of his behavior. The spouse of the princess treated Grigory Stepanovich with understanding. Shein told his wife that Zheltkov loved her, and was not at all crazy. Of course, the hero showed weakness, deciding to commit suicide, but he came to this deliberately, concluding that only death could cut off his love. He knew that without Vera he would not be happy and, at the same time, did not want to interfere with her.

(Argument 184) N in the pages of world fiction, the problem of the influence of feelings and reason is raised very often. So, for example, in the novel - the epic of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy "War and Peace", two types of heroes appear: on the one hand, impetuous Natasha Rostova, sensitive Pierre Bezukhov, fearless Nikolai Rostov, on the other, the arrogant and calculating Helen Kuragina and her brother, callous Anatol. Many conflicts in the novel occur precisely because of the excess of feelings of the characters, the vicissitudes of which are very interesting to observe. A vivid example of how an impulse of feelings, thoughtlessness, ardor of character, impatient youth, influenced the fate of the heroes, is the case of Natasha, because for her, laughing and young, it was incredibly long to wait for the wedding with Andrei Bolkonsky, could she subdue her unexpectedly flared feelings for Anatol the voice of reason? Here we have a real drama of mind and feelings in the soul of the heroine, she faces a difficult choice: to leave the groom and leave with Anatole, or not to succumb to a momentary impulse and wait for Andrey. It was in favor of feelings that this difficult choice was made, only an accident prevented Natasha. We cannot judge a girl, knowing her impatient character and thirst for love. It was her feelings that dictated Natasha's impulse, after which she regretted her act when she analyzed it.

L. N Tolstoy novel "War and Peace" "Reason and Feeling"

(Argument 93) The main heroine of the novel - Leo Tolstoy's epic War and Peace, young Natasha Rostova, needed love. Being separated from her fiancé, Andrei Bolkonsky, the naive girl, in search of this feeling, trusted the insidious Anatol Kuragin, who did not even think to connect his life with Natasha. An attempt to escape with a man of ill fame is a risky act, which Natasha Rostova decided on, relying primarily on feelings. The sad result of this adventure is known to everyone: the engagement of Natasha and Andrei is terminated, the former lover is suffering, the reputation of the Rostov family has been shaken. If Natasha had thought about the possible consequences, she would not have found herself in such a position.

L. N Tolstoy novel "War and Peace" "Reason and Feeling"

(Argument 407) In the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy's War and Peace, the categories of reason and feeling are brought to the fore. They are expressed in two main characters: Andrei Bolkonsky and Natasha Rostova. A girl lives by feelings, a man by reason. Andrei is guided by patriotism, he feels responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland, for the fate of the Russian army and considers it necessary to be where it is especially difficult, where the fate of what is dear to him is being decided. Bolkonsky begins his military service with lower ranks among adjutants at Kutuzov's headquarters, Andrei is not looking for an easy career and awards. Everything in Natasha's life is based on feelings. The girl has a very light character, Natasha enjoys life. She illuminates and warms her loved ones and relatives like the sun. When we meet Andrei, we see in him a restless person, dissatisfied with his real life. The birth of a child and, at the same time, the death of his wife, before whom he felt guilty, in my opinion, exacerbated, so to speak, Bolkonsky's spiritual crisis. Natasha became the cause of Bolkonsky's spiritual revival. Love for the cheerful, poetic Natasha gives rise to dreams of family happiness in Andrey's soul. Natasha became a second, new life for him. She had something that was not in the prince, and she harmoniously complemented him. Next to Natasha Andrey felt revived and rejuvenated. All her lively emotions gave strength to him, and inspired him to new deeds and events. After confessing to Natasha, Andrey's ardor subsides. Now he feels responsible for Natasha. Andrey proposes to Natasha, but at the request of his father postpones the wedding for a year. Natasha and Andrey are very different people. She is young, inexperienced, gullible and spontaneous. He already has a whole life behind him, the death of his wife, his son, trials by difficult war times, a meeting with death. Therefore, Andrei cannot fully understand what Natasha feels, that waiting is very painful for her, she cannot restrain her feelings, her desire to love and be loved. This led to the fact that Natasha is cheating on Andrei, and they part. Bolkonsky goes to war and is mortally wounded. Experiencing tremendous suffering, realizing that he is dying, before the threshold of death, he experiences a feeling of universal love and forgiveness. At this tragic moment, another meeting between Prince Andrey and Natasha takes place. War and suffering made Natasha an adult, now she understands how cruel she treated Bolkonsky, betrayed such a wonderful person because of her childhood passion. Natasha kneels asks the prince for forgiveness. And he forgives her, he loves her again. He loves with an unearthly love, and this love brightens up his last days in this world. Only at that moment Andrey and Natasha were able to understand each other, acquired what they lacked so much. But it was too late.

(Argument 174) Speaking about real and sincere feelings, I would like to turn to the play "The Thunderstorm". In this work, A. N. Ostrovsky was able to convey the emotional torment of the main character with all the brightness of emotions. In the 19th century, a huge number of marriages were not made for love, parents tried to marry someone who is richer. The girls were forced to live with an unloved person all their lives. Katerina found herself in a similar situation, who was given to Tikhon Kabanov from a wealthy merchant family. Katya's husband was a pitiful sight. Irresponsible and childish, he was not capable of anything but drunkenness. Tikhon's mother, Martha Kabanova, embodied the ideas of petty tyranny and hypocrisy inherent in the entire "dark kingdom", so Katerina was constantly under pressure. The heroine strives for freedom, it was difficult for her in the conditions of slavish worship of false idols. The girl found solace in communication with Boris. His care, affection and sincerity helped the unfortunate heroine forget about the oppression from Kabanikha. Katerina realized that she was doing wrong and could not live with it, but her feelings turned out to be stronger, and she cheated on her husband. Tortured by remorse, the heroine repented before her husband, after which she threw herself into the river.

A. N. Ostrovsky play "Thunderstorm" "Mind and Feeling"

(Argument 246) Arguing about real and sincere feelings, I would like to turn to the work of A. N. Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm". The play is set in the fictional city of Kalinov on the banks of the Volga. The main characters in the play are Katerina and Kabanikha. In the nineteenth century, girls were not married for love, everyone wanted to give their daughter to a richer family. Katerina found herself in such a situation. She finds herself in the world of Kabanikha, where outdated patriarchal morality rules. Katerina, on the other hand, seeks to free herself from the shackles of compulsion and admiration. She is attracted by dream, spirituality, sincerity.The character of Katherine is a place where godly fear and sinful, illegal passions clash. Intellectually, the main character understands that she is a "husband's wife", but Katerina's soul requires love. main character falls in love with another man, although he tries to resist it. The heroine is given an alluring opportunity to commit this sin, having met with her lover, to overstep what is permitted, but only on condition that outsiders do not find out about it. Katerina takes the key to the gate in the Kabanovs' estate, which Varvara gives her, she accepts her sin, she takes up a protest, but dooms herself to death from the very beginning.For Katerina, the commandments of the church and the patriarchal world are of the greatest importance. She wants to be clean and flawless. After her fall, Katerina could not hide her guilt before her husband and people. She realizes her sin and at the same time wants to know the happiness of true love. She does not see herself forgiveness and the end of the torment of conscience, she considers her soul ruined. Feeling defeated Katerina's mind, she cheated on her husband, but the main character could not live with it, so she decides on an even more terrible sin from a religious point of view - suicide.

(Argument232) The plot of the play is the life of the inhabitants of the flophouse, people who have nothing: no money, no status, no social status, no simple bread. They do not see the meaning of their existence. But even in seemingly unbearable conditionstopics such as the question of truth and lies are raised ... Reflecting on thistheme , the author compares the central characters of the play. Satin and the wanderer Luke are heroes - antipodes. When the old man Luka appears in the shelter, he tries to inspire each of the residents. With all the sincerity of his feelings, he tries to inspire the unfortunate, not let them wither away. According to Luke, they could not be helped by telling the truth that nothing would change in their lives. Therefore, he lied to them, thinking that it would bring salvation for them. Will change their attitude to what is happening, give them hope. The hero from the bottom of his heart wanted to help the unfortunate, to instill hope in them. The hero from the bottom of his heart wanted to help the unfortunate, to make their life a little brighter. He did not think that a sweet lie is worse than a bitter truth. Satin was harsh. He relied only on his thoughts and looked at the situation soberly. “Luka’s fairy tales made him angry, because he was a realist and was not used to“ made-up happiness ”. This hero called people not to blind hope, but to fight for their rights. Gorky posed the question to his readers - which of them is more right? I think that it is impossible to give an exact answer to this question, because it is not for nothing that the author will leave it open. Everyone should decide for himself.

M. Gorky play "At the Bottom" "Mind and Feeling"

(Intro 62) Which is better - truth or compassion? It is impossible to unequivocally answer this question. If the question sounded which is better - true or false, my answer would be unambiguous. But the concepts of truth and compassion cannot be opposed to each other. You need to look for a fine line between them. There are situations when telling the bitter truth is the only right decision. But sometimes people need sweet lies, compassion to support, to lift their spirits.

(Argument 266) Fiction convinces me of the correctness of this point of view. Let us turn to M. Gorky's play At the Bottom. The action takes place in a shelter near the Kostylevs, in which people are completely different. Together they were brought together by their difficult fate. And in the lives of people who have lost everything, the elder Luke appears. He tells them what a wonderful life awaits them, how everything will change, if you just want it. The inhabitants of this shelter no longer hope to break out of the people; they have come to terms with the fact that their life is doomed, they will not get out of poverty. But Luke is by nature a kind person, feeling sorry for them gives hope. His comforting speeches affected each person differently. The two most prominent examples are Anna and Actor. Anna was seriously ill, she was dying. Luca calms her down, says that only good awaits her in the afterlife. The elder became the last family in her life, she asked to sit next to her and talk to her. Luke helped Anna with his compassion, he eased her last days of thirst, brought joy and hope to them. And Anna went to the next world with a calm soul. But with the Actor, compassion played a cruel joke. Luca told him about the hospital, where the body is rid of the effects of alcohol. The actor was very worried about the fact that his body was poisoned and was glad about Luka's stories, giving him hope for a better life. But when the Actor found out that such a hospital did not exist, he broke down. The man believed in a better future, and then he learned that his hopes were doomed. The actor could not cope with such a blow of fate and committed suicide. Chklovek is a man's friend. We must help each other, show compassion, compassion, but we must not harm this. Sweet lies can bring more trouble than hard truths.

(Argument 86) The opposite hero of Luke is Satin. The old man's stories irritated him, because he is a realist. He was used to the brutal reality. Satin is very harsh, he believes. That you need not blindly hope, but fight for your happiness. Did Satin somehow help his roommates with the truth? Did the flophouse need another reminder that their lives were at the bottom? I don't think so. Gorky posed a question to the readers - who is right, Luke or Satin? I think that it is impossible to give an exact answer to this question, because it was not for nothing that the author left it open in his work.

(Conclusion 70) Each person must choose his own path. But we must help each other. It is everyone's choice to tell the truth or show compassion. It is necessary to act depending on the situation. The main thing is not to harm your interference. After all, not only our life depends on us, but also the life of our environment. By our words, by our actions, we influence our loved ones and friends, so in each situation we should think about which is better - truth or compassion?

(Argument205) The crown of the work of the famous Russian writer AS Griboyedov is the play "Woe from Wit" It is in this work that the author touches on such important topics. As harm to honor and bureaucracy, the inhumanity of serfdom, issues of education and enlightenment, honesty in serving the fatherland and duty, the originality, nationality of Russian culture. The writer also denounces the vices of people, which to this day are in each of us. Using the example of the central characters of the play, Griboyedov makes us think: is it always worth acting according to the will of the heart, or is cold calculation still better? Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin is the personification of commercialism, sycophancy and lies. This character is not harmless at all. With his servility, he successfully makes his way into high society. His "talents" - "moderation and accuracy" - provide him with a pass to "high society." Molchalin is a staunch conservative who depends on the opinions of others and indulges "all people without exception." It would seem that this is the right choice, a cold mind and a tough calculation are better than the vague feelings of the heart, but the author makes fun of Alexei Stepanovich, showing the reader the insignificance of his existence. Mired in the world of hypocrisy and lies, Molchalin lost all light and sincere feelings, which led to the complete collapse of his sinister plans. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the great Russian writer wanted to convey to the hearts of readers that the most important thing is to remain yourself, act according to your conscience and listen to your heart.

A. S. Griboyedov play "Woe from Wit" "Reason and Feeling"

(Argument 345) Let us turn to the play by A. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". A young, brilliant mind and wit, Alexander Andreevich Chatsky, arrives at the mansion of the Moscow noble landowner Famusov. His heart burns with love for Sophia Famusova, it is for her sake that he returns to Moscow. In the recent past, Chatsky managed to recognize Sophia as an intelligent, outstanding, decisive girl and fell in love with her for these qualities. When he, having matured, gained intelligence, returns to his homeland, we understand that his feelings have not cooled. He is happy to see Sofia, who has become prettier during the time of separation, and is sincerely happy to meet. When the hero finds out that Sophia's chosen one is Molchalin, her father's secretary, he cannot believe it. The hero sees perfectly what Molchalin really is, he does not love Sophia. Molchalin wants to move up the career ladder using a girl. For this, he does not shun either hypocrisy or meanness. Chatsky's mind refuses to believe in Sophia's love for Molchalin, because he remembers her as a teenager, when love broke out between them, he thinks that over the years Sophia could not change. Chatsky cannot understand in any way that for three years, while he was gone, the Famus society left its ugly imprint on the girl. Sophia really went through a good school in her father's house, she learned to pretend, lie, dodge, but she does this not out of selfish interests, but trying to protect her love. We see that Sophia rejects Chatsky not only out of female pride, but also for the same reasons that Famus' Moscow does not accept him: his independent and mocking mind scares Sophia, he is from a different circle. Sophia is even ready to insidiously take revenge on an old close friend who is madly in love with her: she spreads a rumor about Chatsky's madness. The hero breaks not only the threads connecting him with the Famus society, he breaks off his relationship with Sophia, offended and humiliated by her choice to the core. Sophia blames herself for everything that happened. Her position seems hopeless, because, having rejected Molchalin, having lost her devoted friend Chatsky and left with an angry father, she is alone again. Sophia tried to live with a mind, perverted in the concept of Famus society, but she could not give up her feelings, this led to the heroine getting confused, Sophia lost her love, but not only the heroine suffered from this, Chatsky's heart was broken.

N. V. Gogol story "Taras Bulba"

After graduating from the Kiev Academy, two of his sons, Ostap and Andriy, come to the old Cossack colonel Taras Bulba. Two hefty

After a long journey, Sich meets Taras with his sons with his riotous life - a sign of the Zaporozhye will. Cossacks do not like to waste time on military exercises, collecting abusive experience only in the heat of battle. Ostap and Andriy rush with all the ardor of youths into this wild sea. But old Taras does not like an idle life - he does not want to prepare his sons for such an activity. Having met with all his companions, he still comes up with how to raise the Cossacks on a campaign so as not to waste Cossack prowess on incessant feasting and drunken fun. He persuades the Cossacks to re-elect the Koshevoy, who keeps peace with the enemies of the Cossacks. The new koshevoy, under the pressure of the most militant Cossacks, and above all Taras, decides to go to Poland in order to celebrate all the evil and shame of faith and Cossack glory.

Andrii realized that he was betraying his father, went on about his feelings. Feelings are stronger than reason

And soon the entire Polish south-west becomes the prey of fear running ahead of the ear: “Cossacks! The Cossacks showed up! " In one month the young Cossacks matured in the battles, and old Taras loves to see that both of his sons are among the first. The Cossack army is trying to take the city of Dubna, where there are many treasury and rich inhabitants, but they meet desperate resistance from the garrison and residents. The Cossacks are besieging the city and waiting for famine to begin. With nothing to do, the Zaporozhian Cossacks devastate the surroundings, burn out defenseless villages and unharvested grain. Young people, especially the sons of Taras, do not like this kind of life. Old Bulba calms them down, promising hot fights soon. On one of the dark nights, Andria is awakened from sleep by a strange creature that looks like a ghost. This is a Tatar woman, a servant of the very Polish woman with whom Andriy is in love. The Tatarka says in a whisper that the lady is in the city, she saw Andria from the city rampart and asks him to come to her or at least give a piece of bread for her dying mother. Andriy loads the bags with bread as much as he can carry, and the Tatar woman leads him to the city along the underground passage. Having met his beloved, he renounces his father and brother, comrades and homeland: “The homeland is what our soul is looking for, which is dearer to her than anything. You are my homeland. " Andrii stays with the little girl to protect her from her former comrades until her last breath.

The inner world of a person is filled with such components as mind and feeling. These are completely opposite concepts. Reason is the fruit of numerous analyzes and evaluative activities. Feeling is an instantaneous emotional reflection of reality. Are mind and feeling always in harmony with each other? Does a person often listen to the call of reason when he is overwhelmed with emotions? Or does he act as his heart longs for? Why is a person forced to make this most difficult choice? What is causing this struggle? Where will it lead? Is a person, guided by one thing, capable of reaching incredible heights, making a great discovery? Or will it lead to the collapse of the human soul, the destruction of the former foundation of life and the entire inner world of man? The great minds of humankind have been looking for answers to these questions for many years.

Let us turn to the works of world fiction in order to understand the reasons due to which there is a conflict between reason and feeling.

As an example, I would like to cite the work of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet". Here we can observe the inner struggle that took place in the soul of the protagonist - Zheltkov. He, a man of ordinary origin, is madly in love with Princess Sheina. But she is a married woman. Zheltkov understands that they can never be together, but his feelings have such a significant power over him that he writes letters to Sheina about his love. She rejects him and asks not to bother her anymore. Zheltkov realizes that life without his beloved is impossible, she has lost its meaning, so he decides to leave this world.

Here is an example of how a hero, finding himself in the center of the confrontation between reason and feelings, is unable to resist this struggle, he decides to die. After all, his heart wanted one thing, but his mind kept repeating something completely different.

As another example, I would like to cite the tragedy of William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet". The main characters belong to two warring families - the Montagues and the Capulet. Young people have strong feelings, they are madly in love with each other. However, life circumstances do not allow them to be together, everything is against the feelings of lovers. The voice of reason insists that they do not succumb to the outbreak of love. But emotions prevail over reason. Unfortunately, the fates of Romeo and Juliet are sad, they both die. This is how the life of people who prefer feelings can end tragically.

Conflicts in our lives occur very often. The struggle between reason and feeling is a serious confrontation. It arises when a person needs to make the right choice, to decide on something. A person must weigh all the pros and cons in order not to make a mistake when choosing. After all, the whole future life is curled from him.