Kuban State University . Kuban State University  Branch of FGBOU VPO Kuban State University

In the south of Russia one of the best institutions of higher education operates - Kuban state University (KubSU). It is a university with rich experience in personnel training, excellent material and technical base, and solid scientific potential. And it's not just words. Several years ago, the university was awarded the European quality gold medal. She confirmed that the university has really achieved high results in its activities.

How it all started

KubSU today is an educational organization in Krasnodar, where more than 29 thousand people study. And the history of this university began with the opening of a small educational institution in 1920 - the Institute of Public Education. It was created to train teachers.

The Institute of Public Education is not the only name that the Kuban State University (KubSU) had in the past. Renamed several times:

  • in 1924 the university became a higher pedagogical institute;
  • in 1931 - Pedagogical Agronomic Institute;
  • in 1933 - by the State Teachers' and Pedagogical Institute;
  • at the end of the 40s - by the State Pedagogical Institute;
  • in 1970 - a state university.

Educational institution ratings

Each year in the history of Kuban State University is a step forward. During the period of its existence, KubSU turned from a small university of pedagogical profile into a large classical higher educational institution, became a scientific and educational complex recognized in the country and in the world. Such a high status of the university is confirmed by the ratings.

One of the rankings, indicating the achievements of the university and the provision of quality education, was compiled in 2009. The ReitOR agency has assessed a huge number of educational institutions in Russia and other countries. In our country, the university entered the top ten, and among world universities it took 314 place.

In 2014, KubSU entered another rating of higher educational institutions in Russia and the CIS countries. It was compiled by the Expert Ra rating agency. During the assessment, he was included in the list of the best educational organizations. He was assigned a rating class "E", which indicated a sufficient level of training of graduates.

The first feature of KubSU: pre-university training

An important feature of the Kuban State University (KubSU) is the implementation of pre-university training. A specially created structural subdivision - Institute of General additional education and test technologies. It was opened at the university in order to help applicants in preparing for exams, to develop their creative abilities. The Institute of General Further Education and Test Technologies unites more than 20 small subdivisions. Each of them is responsible for the implementation of specific general educational, general development programs.

It is important to note that at the university, pre-university training is offered not only in the form of courses, which may seem boring for many applicants. An example of an unusual form of education is associated with the organization of summer vacations for children. In the summer of 2016, university teachers went to a camp in which they thought of an interesting and informative pastime for schoolchildren. Sports and creative contests were offered to children. In addition, schoolchildren were taught according to general developmental programs of a profile orientation and according to programs providing in-depth study of school subjects.

The second feature of the university: the availability of open source programs

Many applicants, entering the Kuban State University (KubSU), think that only higher education programs are offered here. vocational education... This opinion is erroneous. KubSU is additionally engaged in the training of mid-level personnel for different areas modern life, which means that the university has a variety of secondary vocational education programs.

The specialties offered are related to tourism, restaurant business, design, advertising, pharmacy, economics and law. Among all the programs, it is especially worth highlighting "Beekeeping". This is a unique specialty, because only Kuban State University offers it in the region. Other educational institutions do not provide such training.

Subdivisions in the structure of KubSU

Students about studying at KubSU

People express different opinions about studying at the Kuban State University. There are those students who write positive reviews. In them, students point to such merits educational organization, as a highly qualified teaching staff, the presence of a rich library with a huge number of books and magazines.

Some students speak negatively about the university. Bad reviews about the Kuban State University (KubSU) are forced to leave them by corruption. Those who complain about the financial interest of teachers argue that students with a low level of knowledge pay university staff, and in return receive good grades.

Students' opinions about extracurricular life at the university

KubSU students say that the university offers interesting options for spending time in their free time. The educational institution has 7 creative collectives-clubs. There is also a chess club. In it, students are preparing for all-Russian and international competitions, individual championships.

In the Kuban State University, according to students, there is everything you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. The university has created a training complex, equipped a new football field with artificial turf and a mini-football field. Those wishing to go in for swimming are offered a swimming pool, on the basis of which the AquaCub sports and recreation complex has been created.

In conclusion, it should be noted that Kuban State University is sometimes confused with another university - the Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism. These are completely different educational institutions. KubSU does not specialize in the production of personnel for a specific field. The university graduates specialists for different spheres of life, from economists and managers to teachers and designers.

Year of foundation

Astapov, Mikhail Borisovich

Legal address

Coordinates: 45 ° 01′10 ″ s. sh. 39 ° 01'51 ″ in. etc. /  45.019444 ° N sh. 39.030833 ° E etc. (G) (O) (I)45.019444 , 39.030833

Multilevel education

(KubSU) is one of the largest universities of classical university education in Russia, a scientific center, a particularly valuable object of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation. It harmoniously combines natural science and humanitarian specialties, of which there are 74 today. The university has licenses to train bachelors in 51 areas and masters in 34 areas. The number of specialties offered by the Kuban State University is growing from year to year: since 1995, from 2 to 5 new areas of study are introduced annually.

Kuban State University develops postgraduate education: postgraduate studies of the university offer 60 specialties for training, doctoral studies - 18. Defense qualification works for the degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences are held in 15 dissertation councils of the university, 13 of which are doctoral. The Institute for Retraining and Advanced Studies offers training programs for specialists who have higher education... The Institute has 6 educational centers and 3 faculties of advanced training.

Kuban State University not only provides the region's staffing needs for highly qualified specialists, but also prepares graduates for work abroad. During the year, lecturers from the USA, Germany, Great Britain, Austria, Greece, France give lectures at the Kuban State University. Students study by exchange and undergo internships at universities in Europe and America. The first double degree agreement is also being implemented: students faculty of Economics KubSU and the students of the Higher Technical and Economic School in Berlin will receive a diploma that is equally recognized in Russia and Germany.

More than three hundred students from the countries of America, Asia and Europe study at the university every year. Of all the universities in the Southern Federal District, only Kuban State University trains students from countries such as the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, Austria. In total, the university has trained over 1000 foreign graduates.

Kuban State University is a partner of Oleg Deripaska's charitable foundation Volnoe Delo.

Vladimir Andreevich Babeshko
Rector of KubSU from 1982 to 2008

In January 2006, the rector of the university, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. A. Babeshko was elected an honorary senator of the Higher Technical and Economic School in Berlin. The title of honorary professor of KubSU is held by famous scientists, political and public figures: ex-prime minister Russian Federation, President of the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Academician E.M. Primakov, Deputy State Duma Russian academician M. Ch. Zalikhanov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Germany to Russia in 2002-2005 Hans Friedrich von Ploetz, Rector of the Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov Academician V. A. Sadovnichy, Academicians G. I. Marchuk, B. F. Myasoedov, K. V. Frolov, writer V. I. Likhonosov, Professor at the University of Tennessee (USA) R. Williams, ex - President of the Association of Colleges of the Midwest (USA) E. Hayford.

Scientific research

Along the line scientific developments KubSU occupies a leading position in the Southern Federal District. A feature of the research activities of the Kuban State University is the promotion of fundamental science in applied research and the implementation of the results into practice. Recognition at home and abroad received achievements scientific school Rector of KubSU Academician V. A. Babeshko. In 2001, three representatives of this school were awarded the State Prize of Russia for the cycle of works "Dynamic contact problems of continuum mechanics".

Unique developments in the field of seismology made it possible to create a substantiated theory of forecasting seismicity and the origin of earthquakes, as well as to develop new effective methods for prospecting for minerals. The technologies of soil bioremediation developed at the Kuban University have found wide application, allowing to restore the microbial biodiversity of contaminated soils in a short time. Laser crystals based on rare earth elements produced at the university are purchased by companies from the USA, Japan, France, and Germany. Scientists are also working in the current field of nanotechnology, which will allow reaching a new level of miniaturization and high efficiency of telecommunication systems, computer technology, electrical and chemical micromotors, etc.

Kuban State University pays attention to the problems of the region: jointly with the SSC RAS, the program "Academic Applied Scientific Problems of the Krasnodar Territory" is being implemented; programs are being carried out on orders from the regional administration to assess the seismicity of the Krasnodar Territory and to reduce the risks from natural phenomena. KubSU is working to restore accurate data on the history of the Kuban in the period after the October Revolution. To this end, the university established close contacts with representatives of the Cossacks abroad, studies the literary heritage of that time, publishes materials that correctly reflect the course of history, while contributing to the revival of spirituality in the Kuban. University scientists conduct research in almost all significant areas of science. Technopark "University", presenting the scientific products of the university at many international and all-Russian exhibitions, received more than 70 medals of various values \u200b\u200band about 100 diplomas.

Kuban State University has numerous scientific and educational ties with universities and research centers around the world. More than 50 agreements have been concluded with universities in Europe, America and Asia. KubSU is a member of the European and Eurasian associations [ what?], cooperates with the Association of Colleges of the Midwest of the USA, international foundations IREX, ACIE, Fulbright, DAAD, EAD, etc. Kuban State University is the only Russian university elected a member of the Association of Institutes of Seismology of the USA (IRIS). In addition, KubSU is the base russian university on relations with scientific institutions countries of the Black Sea Economic Zone (BSEC).

Regional Networking Academy CISCO was opened on the basis of the Internet Center (KubSU)


  • Institute of Primary and Secondary Vocational Education KubSU (INSPO KubGU)
  • Mathematics and Computer Science
    • Mathematics (bachelor's degree)
    • Mathematics and Computer Science (BSc)
    • Dual profile pedagogical education "Informatics" and "Mathematics" (bachelor's degree)
    • Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics
  • Physical and technical
    • Physics (BSc)
    • Radiophysics (BSc)
    • Electronics and Nanoelectronics (BSc)
    • Biotechnical Systems and Technologies (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Radio Engineering (Bachelor's)
    • Infocommunication Technologies and Communication Systems (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Information Systems and Technologies (Bachelor's Degree)
  • Chemistry and high technology
    • Chemistry
    • Standardization and metrology
    • Product technology and catering
    • Technosphere safety
  • Biological
    • Biology (bachelor's degree)
    • Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture (BSc)
  • Geographical
    • Geography (bachelor's degree)
    • Cartography and Geoinformatics (BSc)
    • Ecology and Nature Management (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Service (bachelor's degree)
    • Tourism (bachelor's degree)
    • Hospitality (BSc)
  • Geological
    • Geology
    • Geological exploration technologies
  • Computer technology and applied mathematics
    • Fundamental informatics and information Technology (bachelor's degree)
    • Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (BSc)
    • Software and administration information systems (bachelor's degree)
    • Applied Informatics (BSc)
  • Economic
    • Management (bachelor's degree)
    • Economics (BSc)
    • Trade Business (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Innovation (bachelor's degree)
    • Business Informatics (BSc)
    • Systems Analysis and Management (BSc)
    • Quality Management (Bachelor's Degree)
  • Legal
    • Jurisprudence (bachelor's degree)
    • Law enforcement activity
  • Management and Psychology
    • Psychology (bachelor's degree)
    • Political Science (Bachelor's)
    • State and municipal government (bachelor's degree)
    • Human Resources Management (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Conflictology (bachelor's degree)
    • Social Work (BSc)
    • Organization of work with youth (bachelor's degree)
    • Documentation and Archival Science (Bachelor's Degree)
  • History, sociology and international relations
    • History (bachelor's degree)
    • Philosophy (BSc)
    • Sociology (bachelor's degree)
    • International Relations (Bachelor's)
    • Regional Studies (Bachelor's Degree)
    • Theology (bachelor's degree)
    • Religious Studies (BSc)
    • Oriental Studies, African Studies (BSc)
  • Philological
    • Philology (bachelor's degree)
    • Pedagogical Education (Bachelor's Degree)
  • Romano-Germanic Philology
    • Translation and translation studies (specialty)
    • Linguistics (BSc)
    • Fundamental and Applied Linguistics (BSc)
    • Philology (bachelor's degree)
  • Artistic-graphic
    • Teacher Education
  • Architecture and design
    • Architecture (Bachelor's)
    • Art of Costume and Textile (BSc)
    • Design (bachelor's degree)
  • Journalism
    • Journalism (BSc)
    • Publishing (BSc)
    • Advertising and Public Relations (BSc)
  • Pedagogy, Psychology and Communication Studies
    • Pedagogy (bachelor's degree)
    • Technological education (bachelor's degree)
    • Socio-economic education (bachelor's degree)

Famous graduates


see also


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Kuban State University" is in other dictionaries:

    Kuban State University - Krasnodar, st. Stavropol, 149. Psychology, social work, preschool pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methodology primary education, social pedagogy. (Bim Bad BM Pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary. M., 2002. With ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    - (KSUFKST) Founded 1969 ... Wikipedia

    - (Kuban State university of Technology, KubGTU). Founded in 1918 in Yekaterinodar, initially as the North Caucasian Polytechnic Institute. Many famous scientists stood at its origins: physicist, discoverer of electronic ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (KubGTU) Founded 1918 Rector ... Wikipedia

    - (KubSAU) Tradition motto. Fundamentality. Innovation Founded 1922 ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia also contains articles about other organizations with the abbreviation KSMU. Kuban State medical University (KubSMU) Founded 1920 Rector ... Wikipedia

I want to tell you about my experience of studying oriental studies at FISMO at KubSU. I entered there for a master's degree, and then there were two master's programs: oriental studies and history. Not knowing the situation at the faculty, I - alas! - chose oriental studies. The university itself is very good, I received my first education there, but their oriental studies, to put it mildly, surprised me. The biggest shock for me was the attitude of the teachers of oriental studies to teaching. Of course, I have heard that, for example, in commercial universities, teachers teach less well than in budgetary ones. But what I encountered with these orientalists - I did not know at all that this happens ... And even in a budgetary university! The contingent of students there was, to put it mildly, specific. Graduates of BA in Oriental Studies. Although usually in their Oriental studies groups most of the girls, but in my group there were only three girls, the rest of the guys, the male group. And the way they communicated with each other - I last encountered such a level of communication back in high school. main topic communication - computer games. Constant jokes, even when nothing funny. One half of the jokes are about homosexuality, the other half are about masturbation. And all this with the girls. I sat there, looked at my classmates and thought: what class am I in? In pairs, they systematically played cards under the tables. A small detail: until the very end of the magistracy, none of these young orientalists were not only married, but even engaged. They made a painful impression on me as people with no future. Of course, almost any group usually has one or two assholes, sometimes even three. But there the whole group was like a selection! One would think that I was just so “lucky” with my classmates, but I suppose there were other reasons. I always believed that nowhere and never students can relate to educational process more responsible than their teachers relate to him.Together with our orientalist group, a group of historians studied, where there were smart guys, educated, reasoning and behaving according to age, successful, well-prepared for adulthood , even if they found work outside their specialty, they achieved success there much faster. And our orientalists studied alongside them ... The contrast was too noticeable. A separate surprise was the demand for education. From our group, only one person had a job related to the specialty they received, with an excellent student, who was one of the best students in her bachelor's degree. Of the rest, someone installed heating systems, someone worked as a seller, someone had occasional part-time jobs. One student dropped everything after the first year and dropped out. And the most "successful" of our group now makes shawarma. Such brilliant prospects were opened to my classmates by the diploma of orientalist. From what they told me, I can conclude that there is almost no work in this specialty in Krasnodar. Translators from oriental languages \u200b\u200bare not in demand in such numbers. Some people tried to do tutoring, but there they are seriously competing with native speakers who have come to us, the same Chinese students, of whom we now have plenty. Therefore, there the demand for the services of our graduates is very small, the payment is also very small. Many graduates go to China after receiving a diploma, because closer to China, this diploma is rarely needed, but in China you can get a second education, which is relatively cheap there, so that with their education it would be possible to move on somewhere. In general, so that later your job search does not come as a surprise to you, before entering oriental studies, you should find graduates of this department on social networks and ask them about employment prospects (in addition, you can find enough of their reviews on different sites in Google). Or you can independently look up vacancies on job search sites. It should be said about the specialty of Oriental studies. It all started in 1992, when a non-state university InEP (Institute of Economics, Law and Humanities) was opened in Krasnodar. There was a faculty of oriental studies. These were the dashing 90s, a time of poverty, hunger, and gangsterism. Then many people learned languages \u200b\u200bjust to leave Russia, no matter where. Then InEP was popular. But time passed, life in Russia was getting better, the Russians wanted to live and work in their country. And the competition in InEP became less and less. In the end, it got to the point of being told that some language groups had only 4 people. In 2014, InEP was closed, and what was left of the Faculty of Oriental Studies was attached to FISMO KubSU, since the already enrolled and trained students could not simply be thrown out into the street. This specialty turned out to be a failure in the sense that its graduates defended too few Ph.D. theses, and without a sufficient number of teachers with advanced degrees, no faculty can pass state accreditation. Now Professor Smertin is over 70 there. Professor Achagu, when I was studying, could hardly walk, spoke with difficulty, but everyone kept him in the department due to the lack of professors. Oriental studies there crumbled right before my eyes: several teachers quit the department at once, and no one came to replace them ... Actually, the recruitment to the magistracy in oriental studies was stopped in 2018 precisely because of the lack of teachers. I think it is quite easy to conclude that this specialty will be finally closed there in the coming years. No, if you go there, then you will most likely be given a diploma. But I cannot exclude the possibility that in the first year you will learn the oriental language that you yourself choose, and in the last year - the one whose teachers will still remain at the department by that time. Or it may also happen that due to some emergency circumstances you will have to take an academic leave, and then you will simply have nowhere to leave the academy: the specialty is closed, the last students graduated, new courses are not recruited. So that such surprises do not happen, before entering it is best to clarify the prospects for the direction of oriental studies at FISMO with the dean of the faculty A.V. Vaschenko. He is open to communication, friendly to students, always ready to help and advise, if anything. ;