College of england 4 letters. Secondary education in UK schools and colleges

The UK has a well-developed college system. Students can get basic education in their specialty and start working or continue their studies at the university. At the same time, English colleges offer programs of various orientations. This can be business, computer, information and engineering technology, as well as secretarial work, design, tourism and hotel management and a number of other specializations.

Going to study at British colleges, children from Moscow and other cities of Russia have the opportunity to choose not only the direction of study, but also the type of housing. As a rule, they are offered to settle in a residence or stay with a host family.

Colleges in the UK are:

Guaranteed enrollment for 1-2 courses of the university. At the same time, there is no need to pass additional exams and re-prepare a package of documents. University enrollment takes place by transfer based on college performance. More than 90% of students successfully transfer to university studies in this way. For example, Bellerbys Colleges in Cambridge, Oxford, London and Brighton serve as a starting point for admission to The university of Manchester, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, London School of Economics and many other prestigious universities in the country.

Large selection of programs. Training on them can last from several months to 3 years. Upon graduation from college, the graduate receives a certificate or diploma of the ordinary or advanced level. In addition, he is awarded a bachelor's degree. To obtain a certificate, it is enough to unlearn 32-52 weeks. During this time, students will receive the necessary minimum of knowledge, which will allow them to take a junior position in their chosen profession. It will take 3-4 years to get a bachelor's degree.

Colleges in England: selection criteria

College of England

The first letter "and"

Second letter "t"

Third letter "o"

The last beech letter "n"

The answer to the question "College of England", 4 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for Eton

University of England aristocrats

English. city \u200b\u200bon the thames

American industrialist, organizer of the Pugwash conferences

Windsor city vis-a-vis

College for children of English sirs

City glorious for college

English college

Definition of eton in dictionaries

Wikipedia Definition of a word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Eton, or Etonius, is the son of Amphiction. He had from the nymph Melanippe a son Beot, after whom Boeotia was named. Father of Chromia, wife of Endymion. Hence the temple of Athena Itonia in Boeotia. In another version of the lineage, Eaton is the son of Beota. Sons of Hippalkimus, Electrion, Archilicus, ...

encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998 The meaning of the word in the dictionary Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998
Eton (Eton) city in Great Britain (England), on the river. Thames. College (founded 1440).

Examples of the use of the word eton in literature.

Her son, arriving for Christmas vacations from Eaton, overeat and fell ill with fever, for which Mr. Pendennis treated him with great skill and care.

Mr Eton was a well-known adherent of Russian-American rapprochement, which he contributed to the arrangement of the Pugwash meetings.

Itonets - graduate Eaton, one of the nine oldest prestigious male privileged high schools.

Said that since he finished Eton, no one drew him a better image of the creator of the Empire.

As far as Hugh Beringar, at Shrewsbury Castle, this news reached its normal course, since Eton was one of those possessions that, among many other manors of the county, was seized from William Fitz-Alan due to the fact that this powerful aristocrat took the side of the empress in an armed struggle for the royal throne, put Shrewsbury under the banner of Matilda and then, after the siege by King Stephen and the fall city, fled.

England has the highest influx of foreign students. Statistics show that almost all colleges in the UK have an international student population. On average, each institution accepts within its walls listeners from 67 countries.

The most famous colleges in the country are attended by applicants from more than 140 countries. This brings significant dividends to the treasury of England, so each higher educational institution maximally adapted for students from other countries.

Another positive point is the flexibility of the education system. Secondary education in England is distinguished by the following features:

  1. Opportunity to teach
  2. An abundance of programs.
  3. A short study period - in just a year you can get a master's degree here, which is very important for both Russians and representatives of other countries.

This is why popular colleges seek HTS accreditation and license, otherwise they will not be able to accept foreign applicants. A license is issued every year, and if over the past period the institution violated agreements or rules, it may lose its status and the right to issue a visa to the UK for studying foreign students.

How UK colleges differ from universities

The main difference between institutions of both types is the number of students. Each university has a huge number of students. In addition, universities conduct scientific research and teach a large number of disciplines. But as always, there are exceptions to every rule - the universities of London: they are only called so, and in fact are colleges.

In life, the inhabitants of England themselves and the citizens of other states who have come from abroad and who have entered training call this type of educational institutions in England schools.

Education system in England

There are several types of schools in the UK:

  1. Day colleges. Similar institutions are located in Cambridge, London and others large cities country. Colleges set themselves the task of giving students the knowledge necessary for admission and further learning at any university. In addition to deep training in academic disciplines, the level of the English language is also being improved in the institutions, preparation for international exams, etc.
  2. Boarding colleges. This is the name of British establishments with a closed territory, usually located in the countryside or suburbs. They have everything that students need to study and live. Each institution has its own residences, laundries, canteens, a medical center, gyms and many other services and facilities. It also organizes leisure activities for students.
  3. International colleges in England. This is the name of a special type of educational institution in which, in addition to the English themselves, foreign students can also study. Basic curricula of English schools are used for teaching. One of the differences between such establishments is the almost complete absence extracurricular activities, freer discipline and democratic environment.
  4. Tutorial colleges are a separate group. This name is a kind of tutoring. Most often these are personal lessons with a student. Training takes place in the basic disciplines necessary for admission to a higher educational institution and further study in it. Particular attention is paid to the English language.

Importantly, every college treats students as adults. Moreover, no one is particularly looked after here - students have chosen their own path, and they are focused on achieving high results.

Watch the video: what is the difference between college and universities abroad.

Features of international colleges

In fact, international colleges are an alternative to traditional English schools, where they prepare children according to school courses and programs for further education. Therefore, the groups in such institutions are small, 6–7 people each, and mixed - children from 14 to 18 years old study in them.

The educational system in England is based on the basic rules:

  1. Strict discipline.
  2. Mandatory school uniform.
  3. On the unquestioning fulfillment of the requirements of teachers.

But in contrast to traditional schools, international colleges are more loyal to students: there is a more favorable relationship between the students themselves and between students and teachers. But this does not mean that sloppiness is welcomed here. Of course, no one will be punished for being late for dinner or lunch, but skipping classes is a serious violation.

Moreover, if a student does not systematically show up for classes, sanctions will follow immediately - he will be summoned to the director, and if absenteeism is repeated, he can be quickly expelled from college. They are also expelled from educational institutions for drunkenness, drug use, and staying in the same bedroom for boys and girls.

Educational institutions of an international format (Tutorial Colleges, Six-form Colleges) prepare students (including foreign ones) for the A-level / IB and GCSE exams.

Benefits of Studying in College

King's College Courtyard


The most famous and prestigious school in the world is Eton College. This is the oldest institution in the country: the date of its foundation is 1440. It was originally intended to prepare boys for admission to King's College. Teaching at the school, like in other institutions, is conducted in English. Additionally, students can study Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, French and arabic languages.

Eton College building in England

It is not for nothing that the British claim that Eton is a college of the aristocrats of England: not every resident of Great Britain can get here, but only those who occupy high positions and status in English society. And this is not surprising: children of all members of the ruling family study here. To enroll, an applicant must submit an application 2 years before the start of training.

  • Lack of a rich extracurricular program. Each self-respecting UK opens for students numerous sports and creative circles and studios, choirs and orchestras, drama workshops - international colleges focus almost exclusively on the study of students after grade 9 or after grade 11, focusing on the academic component of the course
  • Also, in boarding schools in England and the UK, traditionally much attention is paid to fostering etiquette and good manners, personal qualities - again, international colleges are primarily concerned with the progress of their wards. It is assumed that by the senior grades children have already learned how to behave and are ready to present themselves in society as a full-fledged harmonious personality.
  • Small study groups and classes - usually no more than 6 people, and individual lectures and seminars can be held in mini-groups of 2-3 people
  • Compared to British universities, obtaining a bachelor's or specialist's degree, a professional certificate in a college will cost about 1.5-2 times cheaper - the cost of training is much lower almost everywhere. At the same time, diplomas from good colleges are valued no less! Of course, the lower price is a significant plus for both Russian and foreign students.
  • All study programs are designed and updated in accordance with the modern requirements of society and employers - which means that graduates have the highest chances of successful employment.
  • Pronounced practice-orientedness. If you are preparing to enter a university, the lion's share of your study time will be occupied by academic and language training. If you get a degree - a lot of attention is paid to the practical application of knowledge, internships and industrial practice: thanks to this, college graduates quickly become in demand, qualified specialists
  • If necessary, you can transfer from program to program without passing a bunch of additional exams - it is usually enough to just confirm high level knowledge and English (for example, provide a report card and a language certificate /).

International colleges in the UK: core study programs

  • Intensive academic preparation (2-6 months): an excellent opportunity to deepen knowledge in priority disciplines (usually 1-3 subjects are chosen) before enrolling in the university
  • (8-9 months) - comprehensive pre-university program: subject training + intensive course of academic English
  • GCSE (usually 1 year): a program for completing an incomplete secondary education course, usually in Britain, schoolchildren complete it by the age of 15-16
  • A-level (usually a year and a half, sometimes two): the gold standard british education, which makes it possible to enter best universities planets without additional entrance exams and tests. In-depth, complicated study of 3-5 selected subjects almost at the university level
  • Certificate or Diploma (32-52 weeks): Basic or Advanced. Lets start labor activity right after graduation - this is very convenient for specialties that do not require deep theoretical knowledge (like medicine, law, architecture, etc.)
  • (3-4 years) - the first stage of higher vocational education, which makes it possible to work not only in junior positions (like a certificate or diploma), but also to qualify for rapid career growth.

How to choose the right international college in England and the UK?

In order to choose the right educational institution for high school students, there are several key principles and parameters - see the following list:

  • Decide on the most priority specialties that you plan to study at UK universities and high schools
  • View the ranking of British universities - for this, contact our experts, look at the indicators of The Times, The Daily Telegraph and other reputable commissions. Choose for yourself the ones that best suit your requirements and needs. Do not dwell solely on and: many specialized universities, corresponding to your chosen specialties, may be even more suitable. For example, if you are looking to pursue a career in business and management, look at and, as well as Manchester University of Science and Technology and the illustrious
  • Check - perhaps some of your chosen international colleges support partnership programs with British universities (most often such partnerships are found in business areas)
  • Perhaps the international colleges you have chosen are themselves entitled to teach students for undergraduate programs! Especially often such an opportunity is provided in finance, tourism and hotel business, international relations, information systems, economics, accounting, management, banking. Don't miss this opportunity! In addition, not only are often offered bachelor programs, but also professional courses and advanced training (for example, a designer, tour operator, make-up artist) - the training period for such will be 6-24 months
  • Decide which is a priority for you - a public or private college. Everything is simple here - the principle is the same as in boarding schools: private ones provide a richer and more diverse infrastructure, but state ones cost significantly less. In general, the educational level is high in both options.

We would advise you to pay attention to the following options - colleges that have long established themselves for Russian schoolchildren and foreign students:

  • Abbey College (for example) are the strongest international colleges in England and the United Kingdom, located in many cities in the United Kingdom. Intensive academic training and high professionalism of teachers help graduates easily enter even such elite educational citadels as Cambridge and Oxford
  • CATS College (for example) is a very extensive network of international colleges in Britain, included in the TOP-3 in terms of level educational programs for high school students. There are special programs to prepare for Oxbridge, as well as for medical faculties (traditionally, the latter has the highest competition for applicants)
  • Bellerbys College (for example) - colleges of this network are invariably included in the TOP-30 in the country, and graduates, accordingly, enter universities from the TOP-30 of the UK and the world
  • - a young London International College can be proud of its statistics: more than 90% of foreign graduates successfully enter british universities and higher schools... Special programs for admission to specialties with high competition: medicine, pharmaceuticals and veterinary medicine, dentistry.

UK College Rankings 2018 & 2019 - Top Institutions List

Ranking of the best UK colleges 2018

A / A *% Name Day / Board Boy / Girl Day GBP Board GBP
1 88.68 Both Co-ed 16,600 42,750
2 83.54 Both Co-ed 21,000 42,000
3 81.43 Both Co-ed 14,280 39,900
4 64% Both Co-ed 29,000 45,000
5 58.33 Both Co-ed 28,950 43,428
6 54.17 Both Co-ed 27,060 38,940
7 53.71 Both Co-ed 29,000
8 53.37 Both Co-ed 23,850 38,700
9 47.21 Both Co-ed 15,900 39,990
10 44.09 Both Co-ed 26,490 41,775
11 42.55 Both Co-ed 12,600 30,300
12 39.29 Both Co-ed 24,990 44,775
13 32.94 Day Co-ed 28,305
14 31.01 Both Co-ed 27,060 43,704
15 30.53 Both Co-ed 12,750
16 30.50 Both Co-ed 24,000 48,000
17 29.75 Both Co-ed 21,000 48,000
18 28.65 Both Co-ed 18,000 36,900
18 24.86 Both Co-ed 24,990 49,980
20 24.83 Both Co-ed 23,000 50,500
21 20.93 Day Co-ed 16,050
22 16.39 Both Co-ed

21 Best Colleges with a Residence in England 2019 according to Smapse Education

Ranking 2020: 33 Top Schools and Colleges in London and Suburbs


Along with universities, AcademConsult offers training services in colleges of England, where students can get basic higher education in various specialties. The UK is distinguished by an extensive system of colleges that provide higher education, obtaining a Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor's or Master's degrees, after which students can start working in their specialty.

Colleges are divided into public and private. Programs are developed in collaboration with industry and the public and meet modern requirements, which means colleges offer specialties that are in demand in the labor market. Certificates and diplomas issued by colleges are recognized on a par with university ones. Many of them have corresponding agreements with universities and issue diplomas from partner universities.

This way of getting higher education is becoming more common and popular among students who would like to pay less. After all, the cost of education in colleges is 1.5-2 times lower than in universities.

Circle of specialties, which UK colleges offer is very wide - these are programs in business, management, marketing, accounting, information technology, secretarial affairs, design, tourism and hotel management, media, computer and information technology, etc. The training has a pronounced practical focus.

College curricula can be calculated for different periods: from several months to three years. Depending on the length of study, you will receive a certificate or diploma - regular or advanced, bachelor's degree or even master's degree. The training period for obtaining a certificate is 32-52 weeks. During this time, students receive the necessary training to practice professional activities in junior positions. Diploma programs prepare qualified personnel to work in middle technical and management levels in such areas as electronics, industry, construction and architecture, business, etc. It takes 3-4 years to obtain a bachelor's degree.

Benefits of Studying in Colleges

Benefits of colleges also lies in the fact that their students have the opportunity to move from one program to another without exams. For example, you can enroll in a college language course, then transfer to a professional program leading to a certification. Those who wish to study further will have a program leading to a diploma and then a bachelor's degree. At the same time, it is possible to transfer to the second or even the third year of the partner university.

College can also be preparatory stage and an easier way to enroll in a prestigious university. Benefits of studying in colleges in England:

  • No need to take A-levels or IB exams. You don't have to pass exams or graduate high school in England to enter the first year of a ranking university. When enrolling, you must provide your current grades and later a certificate russian school and the results of the English language exam (IELTS).
  • Direct guaranteed admission to the 1st or 2nd year of the selected university in England. You don't have to surrender entrance exams and re-submit documents for admission to the next stage. Enrollment in the first or second year is carried out by direct translation based on the results of the academic performance of the first year. 90% of students successfully transfer to university studies. This is the highest among the programs for international students!
  • Opportunity to take an English course before starting an academic program if your English is not yet so good.
  • During your first year of college, you study english language + academic subjects in the chosen specialty and then go to the 1st or 2nd year of the university.
  • Choice of a program from hundreds of specialties. The presented colleges are among the largest universities in England, and you can find for yourself virtually any specialization, including business and economics, engineering and IT areas, humanitarian sciences, natural science faculties, medical, as well as creative specialties.
  • 3 dates of the beginning of study in England. You can start training in September / October, January / February or May / June.
  • Small group lessons.
Name Description Tuition fee / year
Kaplan Colleges College Location: biennium Brighton, Bristol, Glasgow, Liverpool, London, Nottingham, Sheffield

Kaplan International College works with a select group of leading UK universities to teach preparatory academic programsspecially designed for international students. After successful completion curriculum You are guaranteed admission to a partner university on preferential terms. You can also apply to other universities in the UK or another country.

12415 GBP for 3 semesters
Hove College Location: Hove

The College offers promising higher education courses in the UK, focusing on preparing students for a brilliant career in the fast-paced world of media graphics and the Internet.

Advanced Diploma Programs 2 Years: GBP 7,625 per year

Diploma programs 36 weeks: 8,475 GBP per course

Intensive Diploma Programs 18 weeks: GBP 7,900 per course

Certificate Programs: GBP 4,385 per course

State College Guildford College Location: Guildford

Guildford College is a leader in vocational education in England.

The college offers a wide range of vocational and technical majors.

On request