General viktor dubynin biography. Army general dubynin viktor petrovich

Born in the village of Big Riga, Shumikhinsky district, Kurgan region. In the Soviet Army since 1961. Graduated from the Far Eastern Tank School in the city of Blagoveshchensk (Amur Region) (1964), Military academy Armored Forces named after R. Ya. Malinovsky (1978), the Military Academy of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces (1984).

Military service in the USSR

He commanded a tank platoon. From 1970 - commander of a tank company, from 1971 - commander of a tank battalion. Since 1975 - chief of staff of a tank regiment. Since 1976 - the commander of a tank regiment. 1979 to 1982 - commander tank division.

Afghan war

From 1984 - Deputy Commander, and from April 30, 1986 to June 1, 1987 - Commander of the 40th Combined Arms Army of the Turkestan Military District. The troops of this army made up the bulk of the Limited Contingent soviet troops in Afghanistan. As commander of the army, Dubynin planned and implemented the main combat operations Soviet troops. In the context of the partial withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, Dubynin revised the tactics of Soviet troops, moving from continuous hostilities throughout the country to consistent, carefully prepared military operations to destroy key strongholds of the Mujahideen. Each such operation caused significant damage to the enemy, for several months led to the termination or significant weakening partisan movement in the regions. He knew how to fight with "little blood". During the year of his command of the army, the number irrecoverable losses decreased by 2 times in comparison with 1984-1985.

Last years

Since June 1987 - Commander of the 7th Guards tank army in the Belarusian Military District (Borisov). Since May 1988 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the Kiev Military District. Since June 1989 - the commander of the Northern Group of Forces on the territory of Poland, in difficult conditions of the crisis of power in the USSR, he managed to carry out its organized withdrawal from Poland.

In August 1991 he supported the State Emergency Committee.

Presidential decree Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin No. 613 of June 10, 1992, Colonel General V. P. Dubynin was appointed Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Despite the relative youth for such a high post, Dubynin managed to prove himself a competent and principled leader. His merits include keeping the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin from a number of ill-considered decisions in the military sphere (some were implemented later), primarily in the field nuclear forces... Defense Minister P. S. Grachev was under the influence of Dubynin, treated him with respect and coordinated all his decisions with him (which he stopped doing under the latter's successor).

In the last months of his life, Dubynin was diagnosed with a rapidly developing cancer. On the proposal of P. S. Grachev, by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 5, 1992, V.P. Dubynin was awarded military rank army General. He became the third person in the Russian Federation to be awarded this military rank. The Minister of Defense personally came to the hospital to Dubynin and handed him new shoulder straps.

On November 22, 1992, General of the Army V.P. Dubynin died. Buried in Moscow at Novodevichy cemetery.


A museum of General of the Army Hero of the Russian Federation V.P. Dubynin has been opened in the village of Bolshaya Riga, Shumikhinsky District, Kurgan Region. By order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2003 No. 1350-r, the name of V.P. Dubynin was assigned to the Ryazan Military Automobile Institute, which from that time was called: "Ryazan Military Automobile Institute named after General of the Army V.P. Dubynin."


  • Hero of the Russian Federation (November 11, 2003) - for the shown personal courage and skillful leadership of the troops during the hostilities in Afghanistan (posthumously)
  • Order of the Red Banner
  • Order for Service to the Motherland in Armed Forces USSR "II degree
  • Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree

01.02.1943 - 22.11.1992
Hero of the Russian Federation

Duznin Viktor Petrovich - Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army.

Born on February 1, 1943 in the urban-type settlement Martyush, now the Kamensky District of the Sverdlovsk Region. Russian. His family was exiled to a settlement in Martyush in 1937. Only after the end of the Great Patriotic War they were able to return to their native village Bolshaya Riga, now in the Shumikha district of the Kurgan region. In 1961 he graduated from high school.

In the Armed Forces of the USSR since 1961. In 1964 he graduated from the Far Eastern Tank School in the city of Blagoveshchensk, Amur Region, in 1973 - the Marshal's Higher Officer Course "Shot" Soviet Union B.M.Shaposhnikov, in 1978 - the Military Academy of Armored Forces named after R.Ya. Malinovsky, in 1984 - the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR named after K.E. Voroshilov.

He commanded a training tank platoon of a training tank regiment of the guards training tank division of the Belarusian Military District, since 1970 - a commander of a training tank company. Since 1971 - commander of a tank battalion of the 32nd tank regiment of the 29th tank division. Since 1975 - Chief of Staff - Deputy Commander of the 93rd Guards Tank Regiment. Since 1976 - the commander of the 32nd tank regiment. 1979-1982 - Commander of the 8th Guards Tank Division.

Since 1984 - First Deputy Commander of the 32nd, then 40th Army. From April 30, 1986 to June 1, 1987 - Commander of the 40th Combined Arms Army of the Turkestan Military District. Army troops made up the bulk of the limited contingent of the grouping of Soviet troops in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. At the same time, since January 1987, he was an authorized representative of the USSR Government for the temporary stay of Soviet troops in Afghanistan.

As commander of the army, he planned and carried out the main combat operations of the Soviet troops. In the context of the partial withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, V.P. Dubynin revised the tactics of Soviet troops, moving from continuous hostilities throughout the country to successive carefully prepared combat operations to destroy key strongholds of the Mujahideen. Each such operation caused significant damage to the enemy, for several months led to the termination or significant weakening of the partisan movement in the regions. He knew how to fight with "little blood". During the year of his command of the army, the number of irrecoverable losses decreased by half in comparison with 1984-1985.

From June 1987 - Commander of the 7th Guards Tank Army in the Belarusian Military District (Borisov, Minsk Region). Since May 1988 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the Kiev Military District. Since June 1989 - the commander of the Northern Group of Forces on the territory of Poland, in difficult conditions of the crisis of power in the USSR, he managed to carry out its organized withdrawal from Poland.

After the collapse of the USSR, when the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were created in May 1992, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 613 of June 10, 1992, Colonel General V.P. Dubynin was appointed Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. In this high and responsible post, he, together with like-minded people, managed to clearly formulate and defend Russia's nuclear policy and strategy, justify the importance of financing development programs Navy, solve other important issues of the defense of Russia.

In the last months of his life, V.P. Dubynin was diagnosed with rapidly developing cancer. On the proposal of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation PS Grachev, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1176 of October 5, 1992, VP Dubynin was awarded the highest military rank "General of the Army". P.S.Grachev personally came to the hospital to V.P. Dubynin and handed him the shoulder straps of an army general.

Lived and worked in the hero city of Moscow. Died November 22, 1992. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.

Haveby the Kazak of the President of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2003 for the courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty to the General of the Army Dubynin Viktor Petrovich awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously). His family was awarded the special distinction of the Hero of the Russian Federation - the Gold Star medal (No. 803).

Major General (1982).
Lieutenant General (1987).
Colonel General (06/30/1990).
General of the Army (5.10.1992).

He was awarded the Orders of the Red Banner, the Red Star, "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" of the 2nd and 3rd degrees, medals, as well as orders and medals of foreign states.

Honorary Citizen of the Shumikhinsky District of the Kurgan Region (27.02.2009, posthumously).

A monument to the Hero is erected in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky. In the urban-type settlement Martyush, a street is named after him. A museum of General of the Army Hero of the Russian Federation V.P. Dubynin was opened in the village of Bolshaya Riga, Shumikhinsky District, Kurgan Region. By the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2003, his name was given to the Ryazan Military Automobile Institute.

Viktor Petrovich Dubynin, Soviet and Russian statesman and military leader, Chief of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR (June - December 1992), was born on February 1, 1943 in the village of Martyush - in a special settlement for dispossessed people (currently it is the largest satellite of the city of Kamensk-Uralsky) of the Kamensky district of the Sverdlovsk region, where his family was also exiled in the 1930s. Father Pyotr Sergeevich worked at a defense plant, mother Irina Ivanovna - in a bakery. In 1946, the parents returned to their homeland, to the village of Big Riga, Kurgan region. Six children were growing up in the family. Viti had three older brothers, a sister and a younger brother. From the age of eight, the boy went to study at the local village school. True, he was not among the excellent students, but he showed diligence, read a lot, especially books on military theme... From childhood he was accustomed to work: he helped his parents a lot around the house, in the summer months he worked on a collective farm. Fellow villagers still remember how fifth-grader Vitya Dubynin bought himself a school uniform with the money he earned.

After graduating from the tenth grade of Galkinskaya high school (in the neighboring village of Galkino) in 1964, the young man went to the city of Blagoveshchensk, Amur Region, to enter the Far Eastern Tank School. After successful delivery entrance exams he put on the cadet's shoulder straps. His old dream has come true: to devote himself to military service!

Victor completely plunged into cadet life. And most importantly, he realized that he was not mistaken in his choice future profession... TO training sessions he was conscientious, showing mostly good and excellent knowledge. The young man achieved particular success in the development of such as military topography, military engineering training, automotive training, driving a tank.

Today it is difficult to judge what life plans the cadet Viktor Dubynin had in those years. Of course, he knew perfectly well that a soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad. But at the same time, he hardly imagined that fate had prepared for him a brilliant officer career, a difficult but glorious path from an ordinary cadet to a major military leader. Moreover, according to his relatives, he was worried that the stigma “from a dispossessed family” could affect his future service.

In the certification of the graduate of the school Viktor Petrovich Dubynin for the assignment of the first officer rank, a high assessment was given for his mastering of the program material of the tank school, his commanding qualities, the ability to train personnel were noted. In particular, the document states: "Classes are conducted methodically correctly, intelligibly, at a good organizational level." Therefore, apparently, it was no coincidence that after graduating from college in 1964, a young lieutenant with a diploma of a mechanical technician was sent to one of the regiments of the Guards training tank division of the Belorussian Military District. There he received a training platoon for training tank crews, driver mechanics, and armored personnel carrier drivers.

From the first days of the officer's service, Lieutenant V. Dubynin showed a conscientious attitude to the performance of his official duties, improved his skills in working with subordinates. In February 1967 he was awarded the next military rank “senior lieutenant” ahead of schedule. In the same year, he married a local resident Lyudmila Gunina, and a year later their firstborn son Yuri was born.

For six years the officer commanded a platoon and another year - a training company, having gained experience and hardening, skills and abilities that will be very useful to him in the future.

In October 1971, Captain V. Dubynin was appointed commander of a tank battalion of the 32nd tank regiment of the 29th tank division. In the next certification of the officer, it was noted: "He pays a lot of attention to the education of personnel ... Tactically competent, he orients himself well on the ground, makes decisions quickly." In February 1973, he was awarded the military rank of Major for his distinction in service. In the same year he graduated from the Higher Officers' Course "Shot" in the profile of tank regiment commanders. “During the period of study at the courses, - indicated in the characteristics of the student, - Major V. Dubynin. has established himself as a disciplined and executive officer. He treated his studies conscientiously and worked on mastering the program material with full effort ... He firmly mastered the basics of modern combined arms combat. "

It is only natural that such a promising officer was expected by a quick promotion. In August 1975 he was appointed chief of staff - deputy commander of the 93rd tank regiment, then commander of the 32nd tank regiment, and later - deputy commander of the 29th division in the 5th Guards Tank Army. Moreover, from 1974 to 1978 he studied in absentia at the Military Academy of Armored Forces named after Marshal of the Soviet Union R.Ya. Malinovsky.

It should be noted that Viktor Petrovich could afford to devote a lot of time to service and study, without worrying about his "rear", which was reliably guarded by his wife Lyudmila Vasilievna. In 1978, they had another child in their family - daughter Tatyana.

At the end of 1979, Colonel V.P. Dubynin (this rank, like the previous one, he received ahead of schedule) was appointed commander of the 8th Guards Tank Division. Under his command, the unit successfully completed all the tasks assigned to it. So, at the Zapad-81 exercises, the actions of the division were personally noted for the better by the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union D.F. Ustinov. The division commander himself was characterized as "a disciplined, executive and hardworking officer ... demanding of himself and his subordinates." It was also emphasized that Colonel V.P. Dubynin "makes the right decisions in a difficult situation, does not lose his composure, is always tactful and self-possessed." In December 1982 he was awarded the military rank of Major General. In the same year, he entered the main faculty of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR and graduated with honors in 1984. Having fully mastered academic program, Major General Dubynin also acquired the skills of military scientific work.

Ahead opened up ample opportunities to prove themselves at the operational-strategic level of troop leadership. For some time Viktor Petrovich was the first deputy commander of the 32nd Army, and in September 1984 he was transferred to an equivalent position in the 40th Combined Arms Army of the Turkestan Military District.

As you know, the 40th Army was then part of the Limited Contingent of Soviet Forces in Afghanistan. The new deputy commander from the very first steps began to delve into the situation, study the theater of military operations, “the peculiarities of the mountain guerrilla warfare". Indeed, by that time, the Afghan mujahideen, previously scattered and weakly armed, now represented a rather impressive and organized force, which received external support from the enemies of the USSR. General V.P. Dubynin immediately drew attention to the casualties among the personnel and the need to take decisive measures to drastically reduce them. Having good operational training, being constantly in the thick of things, he organized the work so that each operation was carefully planned, possible risks were calculated, all available methods and means were used to avoid a direct threat to people. The future Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation P.S. Grachev, at that time commander of the 103rd airborne division wrote about him: “I worked practically around the clock. I slept for three or four hours, no more. No matter how you call him or stop by, he is always in his office - sitting over a huge map ... All his thoughts were about one thing: how best to carry out an operation, provide troops, lead a column ... He did not think about anything else, was not distracted by anything , I just wondered: how did the person stand? "

April 30, 1986 V.P. Dubynin took command of the 40th Army. At that time, there was a change in political leadership in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. And although the new leaders proclaimed a course of national reconciliation, full-scale fighting, in which the servicemen of the 40th Army had to take an active part.

Army General V.I. Varennikov, who in 1984-1989. led the Operational Group of the Ministry of Defense in Afghanistan, wrote about V.P. Dubynin: “I took office as if I had been in command of the army for a long time, - he knew everything. Dubynin is the standard of honesty and conscientiousness. Possessing outstanding organizational skills and an astute mind, as well as showing personally courage and bravery, he organized and successfully carried out very complex and responsible operations. It was a bright figure ... "

The commander reconsidered the tactics of his troops, moving from continuous hostilities throughout the country to consistent, carefully prepared operations, the purpose of which is to destroy key strongholds of the Mujahideen. For this, massive helicopter assault forces were effectively used, which made it possible to quickly deliver people and equipment to the desired high-altitude point, thereby effectively rejecting the slow advance of military columns along serpentine roads to the appropriate positions with the risk of being suddenly attacked and incurring significant losses.

High-precision weapons were used more often, among which corrected mines began to be widely used. These technologies made it possible to destroy the enemy, excluding direct contact with him.

Thanks to competently organized reconnaissance, including space, non-standard tactical actions, the army commander managed to halve the combat losses in his units.

Since January 1987, Viktor Petrovich Dubynin was the USSR Government's plenipotentiary for the temporary stay of Soviet troops in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. He managed to find a "common language" not only with Afghan politicians and authoritative elders, but also with militant field commanders. He often went to meetings with the leaders of the Afghan mujahideen in the hope of finding at least some common ground and trying to negotiate peacefully to avoid unnecessary losses.

In May 1987 V.P. Dubynin was awarded the rank of "Lieutenant General". The term of his business trip to Afghanistan, where his leadership skills were so brightly revealed, came to an end. In June he was appointed commander of the 7th Panzer Army in the Belarusian Military District. And a year later he was transferred as chief of staff - 1st deputy commander of the Kiev military district.

In July 1989, an order was issued by the Minister of Defense of the USSR on the appointment of Lieutenant General V.P. Dubynin as the commander of the Northern Group of Forces deployed in Poland. In August of the same year, by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, he was entrusted with the duties of the Commissioner of the Government of the USSR for the temporary stay of Soviet troops in People's Republic... In the difficult conditions of "perestroika", the crisis of power in the USSR, the commander managed to ensure an organized withdrawal of Soviet troops from Poland to the Tver region. In June 1990, Viktor Petrovich Dubynin was awarded the next military rank "Colonel General".

In May 1992, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree on the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The question arose of who would lead General base - the brain of the army. In this post, a person who was very competent in terms of strategy and enjoyed unquestionable authority in the Armed Forces was needed.

The top military-political leadership of the country, without much hesitation and thought, settled on the figure of V.P. Dubynin. He was known as a strong staff officer, an excellent organizer, an experienced combat general, a decent and humble person... After the collapse of the Union, in conditions of complete confusion, the ongoing redistribution of the army, an atmosphere of complete nihilism and talk about the abolition of the armed forces in connection with their further uselessness, only such a principled and honest person as V.P. Dubynin, with his vast experience, was able to start work practically from scratch. Viktor Petrovich accepted the offer to head the General Staff and very quickly became involved in its work. He had to solve in the shortest possible time a lot of problems associated with the withdrawal of half a million troops from abroad, when the units sometimes had to be deployed "in an open field", and the officers, completely confused, felt undeservedly humiliated and left without state support. He effectively dealt with issues of Russia's nuclear policy and strategy, substantiated the need for programs for the development of the army and navy, and resolved other important issues to strengthen the country's defense.

Russian Defense Minister General of the Army P.S. Grachev recalled: “We worked with him as a whole. We met every morning. I arrived at the ministry at eight, he was already there. I reported on the situation, we outlined tasks for the current day, discussed urgent matters, talked about plans. I honestly admit that his authority in the Armed Forces was higher than that of the minister. I was not upset, on the contrary, I was even proud: this is my deputy! "

By that time, Viktor Petrovich already knew about his serious illness. The difficult years of the Afghan mission, days and nights spent in the service to solve important problems, constant stress and lack of rest could not but affect the general's health. He was diagnosed with stomach cancer and the disease progressed rapidly despite treatment.

V.P. Dubynin headed the General Staff for no more than a year. By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 5, 1992, he was awarded the military rank of General of the Army. The Minister of Defense handed the general's tunic and new shoulder straps to Viktor Petrovich right in the hospital ward. Three days later, on November 22, 1992, he died. The funeral took place in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

The grave of General of the Army V.P. Dubynin at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.

Viktor Petrovich Dubynin lived for only 49 years. But it was a bright, eventful life of a man, a warrior, a patriot, who completely devoted himself to serving the Fatherland. He managed to do a lot, even more - did not have time.

The homeland highly appreciated his services. For his personal courage and skillful leadership of the troops during the hostilities in Afghanistan, on November 11, 2003, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously). During the life of V.P. Dubynin was awarded the Order of the Red Banner (1985), the Red Star (1990), "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 2nd 3rd degree, many medals. Of the foreign awards, he was awarded the order Red Banner of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (1986) and the medal "From the grateful Afghan people" (1988).

A street in the city of Kurgan is named after General Dubynin, and in the urban-type settlement Martyush there is Viktor Dubynin street. There is a monument to him in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky. In the village of Bolshaya Riga, Shumikhinsky district, Kurgan region, a museum of the famous compatriot has been opened.

Monument to General V.P. Dubynin in Kamensk-Uralsky

The Regional Public Fund named after Hero of Russia General of the Army V.P. Dubynin was registered in Moscow. "Center for social and legal support of military personnel, participants in hostilities and counter-terrorist operations."

The Foundation established the V.P. Dubynin, which is annually awarded to the best teachers and students of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Vladislav Plyaskin,
Senior Researcher, Research
institute military history Military academy
General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, Doctor historical sciences, Professor

(1992). Hero of the Russian Federation (11th of November , posthumously).

Victor Petrovich Dubynin
Date of Birth 1st of February (1943-02-01 )
Place of Birth town Martyush , Kamensky district , Sverdlovsk region , RSFSR , USSR
Date of death November 22 (1992-11-22 ) (49 years old)
Place of death Moscow , Russia
Affiliation USSR USSR
Russia Russia
Type of army tank forces ;
motorized rifle troops
Years of service -
Commanded 40th Army ;
Northern group of forces ;
General Staff of the RF Armed Forces
Battles / wars Afghan war
Awards and prizes
Victor Petrovich Dubynin at Wikimedia Commons



Victor Petrovich Dubynin was born 1st of February 1943 year in the village Martyush , Kamensky district , Sverdlovsk region ... The family of his parents was exiled there for a settlement in 1937. In 1946 or 1948, they were able to return to their native village of Big Riga Riga Village Council Galkinsky district Kurgan region (since February 1, 1963, the village in Shumikha district).

Assessing V.P.Dubynin's attitude to the soldier and his desire to minimize losses, the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation A. A. Kokoshin put General Dubynin on a par with such generals Great Patriotic War as Marshal of the Soviet Union K. K. Rokossovsky and army general I. E. Petrov.

Last years



Military ranks

A family

  • Grandfather - Sergei Dubynin, dispossessed in 1930
  • Father - Pyotr Sergeevich (died 1969), relocated in 1937 to the town Martyush , worked at a defense plant, returned to the village. Big Riga
  • Mother - Irina Ivanovna Legotina, worked in a bakery
  • Brother (from the 1st marriage of his father) - Leonid (born 1923), left for Volkhov
  • Brother (from the first marriage of his father) - Nikolay (born 1927), worked as a salesman in a store in the village. Big Riga
  • Sister (from the mother's 1st marriage) - Nina Mikhailovna (died November 22, 1994), married to a military pilot-officer Alexander Ivanovich Fartygin
  • Brother - Vladimir (1938 - November 22, 2003), worked in the village. Big Riga as a foreman, then as a foreman of a complex brigade, chairman of the village council, chairman of the general department
  • Brother - Yuri (b. 1949), disabled since childhood, mastered the sewing business
  • Wife - Lyudmila Vasilievna (born 1948).
    • Son - Yuri, graduated