The force of the explosion of a nuclear bomb. "Tsar Bomba" and other famous nuclear explosions

On October 30, 1961, the USSR detonated the most powerful bomb in world history: a 58-megaton hydrogen bomb (Tsar Bomba) was detonated at a test site on Novaya Zemlya Island. Nikita Khrushchev joked that it was originally supposed to detonate a 100-megaton bomb, but the charge was reduced so as not to break all the glass in Moscow.

The AN602 explosion was classified as an ultra-high power low air explosion. The results were impressive:

  • The fireball of the explosion reached a radius of approximately 4.6 kilometers. In theory, it could grow to the surface of the earth, but this was prevented by the reflected shock wave, which crushed and threw the ball off the ground.
  • The light radiation could potentially cause third-degree burns up to 100 kilometers away.
  • Ionization of the atmosphere caused radio interference even hundreds of kilometers from the landfill for about 40 minutes
  • A perceptible seismic wave from the explosion circled the globe three times.
  • Witnesses felt the blow and were able to describe the explosion thousands of kilometers from its center.
  • The explosion mushroom cloud rose to a height of 67 kilometers; the diameter of its two-tiered "cap" reached (at the upper tier) 95 kilometers.
  • The sound wave generated by the explosion reached Dixon Island at a distance of about 800 kilometers. However, sources do not report any destruction or damage to structures even in the urban-type settlement of Amderma and the village of Belushya Guba located much closer (280 km) to the landfill.
  • The radioactive contamination of the experimental field with a radius of 2-3 km in the epicenter area was no more than 1 mR / h, the testers appeared at the epicenter site 2 hours after the explosion. Radioactive contamination posed practically no danger to test participants

All nuclear explosions produced by countries of the world in one video:

The creator of the atomic bomb Robert Oppenheimer on the day of the first test of his brainchild said: “If hundreds of thousands of suns rose in the sky at once, their light could be compared with the radiance emanating from the Supreme Lord ... I am Death, the great destroyer of worlds, bringing death to all living things ". These words were a quote from the Bhagavad Gita that the American physicist read in the original.

Photographers from Lookout Mountain stand waist-deep in the dust raised by the shock wave after the nuclear explosion (photo of 1953).

Challenge Name: Umbrella
Date: June 8, 1958

Power: 8 kilotons

An underwater nuclear explosion was carried out during Operation Hardtack. Decommissioned ships were used as targets.

Test name: Chama (as part of the Dominic project)
Date: October 18, 1962
Location: Johnston Island
Power: 1.59 megatons

Challenge Name: Oak
Date: June 28, 1958
Location: Enewetok Lagoon in the Pacific Ocean
Power: 8.9 megatons

Upshot Nothole Project, Annie Test. Date: March 17, 1953; project: Upshot-Nothol; test: Annie; Location: Nothole, Nevada Proving Ground, Sector 4; power: 16 kt. (Photo: Wikicommons)

Challenge Name: Castle Bravo
Date: March 1, 1954
Location: Bikini Atoll
Explosion type: surface
Power: 15 megatons

Castle Bravo's hydrogen bomb was the most powerful test ever conducted by the United States. The power of the explosion turned out to be much higher than the initial forecasts of 4-6 megatons.

Challenge Name: Castle Romeo
Date: March 26, 1954
Location: On a barge in Bravo Crater, Bikini Atoll
Explosion type: surface
Power: 11 megatons

The power of the explosion turned out to be 3 times higher than the initial forecasts. Romeo was the first test carried out on a barge.

Dominic Project, Aztec Challenge

Test Name: Priscilla (as part of the Plumbbob Test Series)
Date: 1957

Power: 37 kilotons

This is how the process of releasing a huge amount of radiant and thermal energy in an atomic explosion in the air over the desert looks like. Here you can still see military equipment, which in a moment will be destroyed by a shock wave, imprinted in the form of a crown, surrounding the epicenter of the explosion. It can be seen how the shock wave reflected from the earth's surface and is about to merge with the fireball.

Test Name: Grable (as part of Operation Upshot Nothole)
Date: May 25, 1953
Location: Nevada Nuclear Test Site
Power: 15 kilotons

At a test site in the Nevada desert, photographers of the Lookout Mountain Center in 1953 took a photograph of an unusual phenomenon (a ring of fire in a nuclear mushroom after the explosion of a shell from a nuclear cannon), the nature of which has long occupied the minds of scientists.

Project "Upshot-Nothol", test "Grable". As part of this test, an atomic bomb with a capacity of 15 kilotons was detonated, launched by a 280-mm atomic cannon. The test took place on May 25, 1953 at the Nevada test site. (Photo: National Nuclear Security Administration / Nevada Site Office)

A mushroom cloud formed as a result of the atomic explosion of the Truckee test conducted as part of Project Dominic.

Project "Buster", test "Dog".

Project "Dominic", test "Yeso". Test: Yeso; date: June 10, 1962; project: Dominik; location: 32 km south of Christmas Island; test type: B-52, atmospheric, height - 2.5 m; power: 3.0 mt; charge type: atomic. (Wikicommons)

Challenge Name: YESO
Date: June 10, 1962
Place: Christmas Island
Power: 3 megatons

Test "Licorn" in French Polynesia. Image # 1. (Pierre J./French Army)

Challenge Name: "Unicorn" (FR. Licorne)
Date: July 3, 1970
Location: atoll in French Polynesia
Power: 914 kilotons

Test "Licorn" in French Polynesia. Image number 2. (Photo: Pierre J./French Army)

Test "Licorn" in French Polynesia. Image number 3. (Photo: Pierre J./French Army)

In order to get good shots, entire teams of photographers often work on test sites. Photo: nuclear test explosion in the Nevada desert. On the right are rocket trails, with which scientists determine the characteristics of the shock wave.

Test "Licorn" in French Polynesia. Image number 4. (Photo: Pierre J./French Army)

Castle Project, Romeo Challenge. (Photo:

Project Hardteck, Umbrella test. Test: Umbrella; date: June 8, 1958; project: Hardtek I; place: lagoon of Enewetok Atoll; test type: underwater, depth 45 m; power: 8kt; charge type: atomic.

Project Redwing, Seminole Test. (Photo: Nuclear Weapons Archive)

Test "Riya". Atmospheric test of the atomic bomb in French Polynesia in August 1971. As part of this test, which took place on August 14, 1971, a thermonuclear warhead, codenamed "Riya", with a capacity of 1000 kt, was detonated. The explosion occurred on the territory of Mururoa Atoll. This picture was taken from a distance of 60 km from the zero mark. Photo: Pierre J.

A mushroom cloud from a nuclear explosion over Hiroshima (left) and Nagasaki (right). In the final stages of World War II, the United States launched 2 atomic attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The first explosion occurred on August 6, 1945, and the second on August 9, 1945. This was the only time that nuclear weapons were used for military purposes. By order of President Truman, on August 6, 1945, the US Army dropped the "Kid" nuclear bomb on Hiroshima, and on August 9, the "Fat Man" bomb dropped on Nagasaki followed. Within 2-4 months after the nuclear explosions in Hiroshima, between 90,000 and 166,000 people died, and in Nagasaki between 60,000 and 80,000. (Photo: Wikicommons)

Project "Upshot-Nothol". Proving ground in Nevada, March 17, 1953. The blast wave completely destroyed Building No. 1, located at a distance of 1.05 km from the zero mark. The time difference between the first and second pictures is 21/3 seconds. The camera was placed in a protective case with a wall thickness of 5 cm. The only light source in this case was a nuclear flash. (Photo: National Nuclear Security Administration / Nevada Site Office)

Project Ranger, 1951 The name of the trial is unknown. (Photo: National Nuclear Security Administration / Nevada Site Office)

Test "Trinity".

Trinity was the code name for the first nuclear test. The test was conducted by the United States Army on July 16, 1945, in an area approximately 56 kilometers southeast of Socorro, New Mexico, at the White Sands Missile Range. For the test, an implosive-type plutonium bomb, nicknamed "The Little Thing", was used. After detonation, an explosion thundered with a power equivalent to 20 kilotons of TNT. The date of this test is considered the beginning of the atomic era. (Photo: Wikicommons)

Challenge Name: Mike
Date: October 31, 1952
Location: Elugelab Island ("Flora"), Eneveith Atoll
Power: 10.4 megatons

The device detonated in Mike's test and called the "sausage" was the first real megaton-class "hydrogen" bomb. The mushroom cloud reached a height of 41 km with a diameter of 96 km.

Explosion of "MET", carried out as part of Operation Tipot. It is noteworthy that the "MET" explosion was comparable in power to the "Fat Man" plutonium bomb dropped on Nagasaki. April 15, 1955, 22 kt. (Wikimedia)

One of the most powerful thermonuclear hydrogen bomb explosions on the US account is Operation Castle Bravo. The charge capacity was 10 megatons. The explosion took place on March 1, 1954 at Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands. (Wikimedia)

Operation Castle Romeo is one of the most powerful thermonuclear bombs ever produced by the United States. Bikini Atoll, March 27, 1954, 11 megatons. (Wikimedia)

The Baker explosion shows a white surface of water disturbed by an air blast and the top of a hollow column of spray that formed a hemispherical Wilson cloud. In the background is the shore of Bikini Atoll, July 1946. (Wikimedia)

The explosion of the American thermonuclear (hydrogen) bomb "Mike" with a capacity of 10.4 megatons. November 1, 1952. (Wikimedia)

Operation Greenhouse is the fifth series of US nuclear tests and the second in 1951. The operation tested the design of nuclear charges using thermonuclear fusion to increase the energy yield. In addition, the impact of the explosion on structures, including residential buildings, factory buildings and bunkers, was investigated. The operation was carried out at the Pacific nuclear test site. All devices were detonated on high metal towers simulating an air explosion. Explosion "George", 225 kilotons, May 9, 1951. (Wikimedia)

A mushroom-like cloud, which has a water column instead of a dusty leg. A hole is visible on the right of the pillar: the battleship "Arkansas" covered the spray. Test "Baker", charge capacity - 23 kilotons in TNT equivalent, July 25, 1946. (Wikimedia)

200-meter cloud over Frenchman Flat after MET explosion during Operation Tipot, April 15, 1955, 22 kt. This shell had a rare uranium-233 core. (Wikimedia)

The crater was formed when a 100 kiloton blast wave was blown under 635 feet of desert on July 6, 1962, displacing 12 million tons of earth.

Time: 0s. Distance: 0m. Nuclear detonator explosion initiation.
Time: 0.0000001c. Distance: 0m Temperature: up to 100 million ° C. The beginning and course of nuclear and thermonuclear reactions in a charge. A nuclear detonator by its explosion creates conditions for the start of thermonuclear reactions: the zone of thermonuclear combustion passes by a shock wave in the charge substance at a speed of about 5000 km / s (106 - 107 m / s) About 90% of the neutrons released during the reactions are absorbed by the bomb substance, the remaining 10% are emitted out.

Time: 10-7s. Distance: 0m. Up to 80% or more of the energy of the reacting substance is transformed and released in the form of soft X-ray and hard UV radiation with enormous energy. The X-rays form a heat wave that heats up the bomb, escapes and begins to heat up the surrounding air.

Time:< 10−7c. Расстояние: 2м Temperature: 30 million ° C. The end of the reaction, the beginning of the scattering of the bomb. The bomb immediately disappears from view and a bright glowing sphere (fireball) appears in its place, masking the spread of the charge. The growth rate of the sphere in the first meters is close to the speed of light. The density of matter here in 0.01 sec falls to 1% of the density of the surrounding air; the temperature drops to 7-8 thousand ° C in 2.6 seconds, it holds for ~ 5 seconds and further decreases with the rise of the fiery sphere; the pressure drops after 2-3 seconds to slightly below atmospheric.

Time: 1.1x10-7s. Distance: 10m Temperature: 6 million ° C. The expansion of the visible sphere to ~ 10 m occurs due to the glow of ionized air under the X-ray radiation of nuclear reactions, and then through the radiation diffusion of the heated air itself. The energy of the radiation quanta leaving the thermonuclear charge is such that their free path before being captured by air particles is of the order of 10 m and is initially comparable to the size of a sphere; photons quickly run around the entire sphere, averaging its temperature and fly out of it at the speed of light, ionizing more and more layers of air, hence the same temperature and near-light growth rate. Further, from capture to capture, photons lose energy and their path length decreases, the growth of the sphere slows down.

Time: 1.4x10-7s. Distance: 16m Temperature: 4 million ° C. In general, from 10-7 to 0.08 seconds, the 1st phase of the sphere luminescence takes place with a rapid temperature drop and the output of ~ 1% of radiation energy, mostly in the form of UV rays and the brightest light radiation, which can damage the vision of a distant observer without formation skin burns. The illumination of the earth's surface at these moments at distances of up to tens of kilometers can be a hundred or more times greater than the sun.

Time: 1.7x10-7s. Distance: 21m Temperature: 3 million ° C. Bomb vapors in the form of clubs, dense clumps and plasma jets, like a piston, squeeze the air in front of themselves and form a shock wave inside the sphere - an internal shock that differs from an ordinary shock wave in non-adiabatic, almost isothermal properties and at the same pressures several times higher density: air directly radiates most of the energy through a sphere while transparent to emissions.
At the first tens of meters, the surrounding objects before the fire sphere attacked them, due to its too high speed, do not have time to react in any way - they practically do not even heat up, and once inside the sphere under the radiation flux they evaporate instantly.

Temperature: 2 million ° C. The speed is 1000 km / s. With an increase in the sphere and a drop in temperature, the energy and density of the photon flux decrease, and their path (on the order of a meter) is no longer enough for near-light speeds of expansion of the fire front. The heated volume of air began to expand and a stream of its particles was formed from the center of the explosion. The heat wave slows down at still air at the boundary of the sphere. The expanding heated air inside the sphere collides with motionless near its boundary and somewhere starting from 36-37 m a wave of increasing density appears - a future external air shock wave; before that, the wave did not have time to appear due to the enormous growth rate of the light sphere.

Time: 0.000001s. Distance: 34m Temperature: 2 million ° C. The internal shock and the vapor of the bomb are located in a layer of 8-12 m from the explosion site, the pressure peak is up to 17,000 MPa at a distance of 10.5 m, the density is ~ 4 times higher than the air density, the velocity is ~ 100 km / s. Hot air area: pressure at the boundary 2.500 MPa, inside the area up to 5000 MPa, particle velocity up to 16 km / s. The substance of the vapor of the bomb begins to lag behind the internal. a jump as more and more air in it is drawn into motion. Dense clumps and jets maintain their speed.

Time: 0.000034c. Distance: 42m Temperature: 1 million ° C. Conditions at the epicenter of the explosion of the first Soviet hydrogen bomb (400 kt at an altitude of 30 m), in which a crater of about 50 m in diameter and 8 m in depth was formed. At 15 m from the epicenter or 5-6 m from the base of the tower with a charge, there was a reinforced concrete bunker with walls 2 m thick. For placing scientific equipment on top, covered with a large embankment of earth 8 m thick was destroyed.

Temperature: 600 thousand ° C. From this moment, the nature of the shock wave ceases to depend on the initial conditions of a nuclear explosion and approaches the typical one for a strong explosion in air, i.e. such wave parameters could be observed in the explosion of a large mass of conventional explosives.

Time: 0.0036s. Distance: 60m Temperature: 600 thousand ° C. The internal jump, having passed the entire isothermal sphere, catches up and merges with the external one, increasing its density and forming the so-called. a strong jump is a single shock front. The density of matter in the sphere drops to 1/3 atmospheric.

Time: 0.014s. Distance: 110m Temperature: 400 thousand ° C. A similar shock wave at the epicenter of the explosion of the first Soviet atomic bomb with a capacity of 22 kt at a height of 30 m generated a seismic shear that destroyed an imitation of metro tunnels with various types of attachment at depths of 10 and 20 m 30 m, animals in tunnels at depths of 10, 20 and 30 m died ... An inconspicuous saucer-shaped depression about 100 m in diameter appeared on the surface. Similar conditions were at the epicenter of the Trinity 21 kt explosion at a height of 30 m, a crater 80 m in diameter and 2 m deep was formed.

Time: 0.004s. Distance: 135m
Temperature: 300 thousand ° C. The maximum height of an air explosion is 1 Mt for the formation of a noticeable crater in the ground. The front of the shock wave is bent by the blows of the bomb vapors:

Time: 0.007s. Distance: 190m Temperature: 200 thousand ° C. On a smooth and shiny front, beats. waves form large blisters and bright spots (the sphere seems to be boiling). The density of matter in an isothermal sphere with a diameter of ~ 150 m falls below 10% atmospheric.
Non-massive objects evaporate several meters before the arrival of fire. spheres ("Rope Tricks"); the human body from the side of the explosion will have time to charcoal, and completely evaporates already with the arrival of the shock wave.

Time: 0.01s. Distance: 214m Temperature: 200 thousand ° C. A similar air blast wave of the first Soviet atomic bomb at a distance of 60 m (52 \u200b\u200bm from the epicenter) destroyed the heads of the barrels leading in the imitation of metro tunnels under the epicenter (see above). Each head was a powerful reinforced concrete casemate covered with a small earth embankment. The fragments of the heads fell into the trunks, the latter then crushed by the seismic wave.

Time: 0.015s. Distance: 250m Temperature: 170 thousand ° C. The shock wave severely destroys the rocks. The speed of the shock wave is higher than the speed of sound in the metal: theoretical ultimate strength of the entrance door to the shelter; the tank is flattened and burned.

Time: 0.028s. Distance: 320m Temperature: 110 thousand ° C. The person is dispersed by the flow of plasma (the speed of the shock wave \u003d the speed of sound in the bones, the body collapses into dust and immediately burns up). Complete destruction of the toughest ground structures.

Time: 0.073s. Distance: 400m Temperature: 80 thousand ° C. Irregularities on the sphere disappear. The density of the substance drops in the center to almost 1%, and at the edge of the isotherms. sphere with a diameter of ~ 320 m to 2% atmospheric. At this distance, within 1.5 s, heating to 30,000 ° C and falling to 7000 ° C, ~ 5 s holding at ~ 6.500 ° C and decreasing temperature in 10-20 s as the fireball goes up.

Time: 0.079s. Distance: 435m Temperature: 110 thousand ° C. Complete destruction of highways with asphalt and concrete pavement Temperature minimum of shock wave radiation, end of the 1st glow phase. A metro-type shelter, lined with cast-iron tubing and monolithic reinforced concrete and buried 18 m, is calculated to withstand an explosion (40 kt) at an altitude of 30 m at a minimum distance of 150 m (shock wave pressure of about 5 MPa) without destruction, 38 kt RDS- 2 at a distance of 235 m (pressure ~ 1.5 MPa), received minor deformations, damage. At temperatures in the compression front below 80 thousand ° C, new NO2 molecules no longer appear, the nitrogen dioxide layer gradually disappears and ceases to screen the internal radiation. The impact sphere gradually becomes transparent, and through it, as through a darkened glass, clouds of bomb vapor and an isothermal sphere are visible for some time; in general, the fiery sphere is similar to fireworks. Then, as the transparency increases, the intensity of the radiation increases and the details, as it were, of the flaring up sphere, become invisible. The process resembles the end of the era of recombination and the birth of light in the Universe several hundred thousand years after the Big Bang.

Time: 0.1s. Distance: 530m Temperature: 70 thousand ° C. The separation and advance of the shock wave front from the boundary of the fiery sphere, its growth rate noticeably decreases. The second phase of the luminescence begins, less intense, but two orders of magnitude longer with the release of 99% of the explosion radiation energy, mainly in the visible and IR spectrum. At the first hundreds of meters, a person does not have time to see the explosion and dies without suffering (the time of a person's visual reaction is 0.1 - 0.3 s, the reaction time to a burn is 0.15 - 0.2 s).

Time: 0.15s. Distance: 580m Temperature: 65 thousand ° C. Radiation ~ 100,000 Gy. Charred bone fragments remain from a person (the speed of a shock wave is of the order of the speed of sound in soft tissues: a hydrodynamic shock that destroys cells and tissues passes through the body).

Time: 0.25s. Distance: 630m Temperature: 50 thousand ° C. Penetrating radiation ~ 40,000 Gy. A person turns into charred wreckage: a shock wave causes traumatic amputations, which came up after a fraction of a second. a sphere of fire charring the remains. Complete destruction of the tank. Complete destruction of underground cable lines, water pipes, gas pipelines, sewerage systems, inspection wells. Destruction of underground reinforced concrete pipes with a diameter of 1.5 m, with a wall thickness of 0.2 m. Destruction of the arched concrete dam of the hydroelectric power station. Severe destruction of long-term reinforced concrete forts. Minor damage to underground metro structures.

Time: 0.4s. Distance: 800m Temperature: 40 thousand ° C. Heating objects up to 3000 ° C. Penetrating radiation ~ 20,000 Gy. Complete destruction of all protective structures of civil defense (shelters) destruction of protective devices of entrances to the metro. Destruction of the gravitational concrete dam of the hydroelectric power station pillboxes become unusable at distances of 250 m.

Time: 0.73s. Distance: 1200m Temperature: 17 thousand ° C. Radiation ~ 5000 Gy. At an explosion height of 1200 m, the heating of the surface air in the epicenter before the arrival of beats. waves up to 900 ° C. Human - 100% death from the shock wave. Destruction of shelters designed for 200 kPa (type A-III or class 3). Complete destruction of prefabricated reinforced concrete bunkers at a distance of 500 m under the conditions of a ground explosion. Complete destruction of railroad tracks. By this time, the maximum brightness of the second phase of the sphere's glow has released ~ 20% of the light energy

Time: 1.4s. Distance: 1600m Temperature: 12 thousand ° C. Heating objects up to 200 ° C. Radiation 500 Gy. Numerous 3-4 degree burns up to 60-90% of the body surface, severe radiation injury, combined with other injuries, mortality immediately or up to 100% on the first day. The tank is thrown ~ 10 m and damaged. Complete collapse of metal and reinforced concrete bridges with a span of 30 - 50 m.

Time: 1.6s. Distance: 1750m Temperature: 10 thousand ° C. Radiation approx. 70 gr. The crew of the tank dies within 2-3 weeks from extremely severe radiation sickness. Complete destruction of concrete, reinforced concrete monolithic (low-rise) and earthquake-resistant buildings of 0.2 MPa, built-in and detached shelters, designed for 100 kPa (type A-IV or class 4), shelters in the basements of multi-storey buildings.

Time: 1.9s. Distance: 1900m Temperature: 9 thousand ° C Dangerous damage to a person by a shock wave and rejection up to 300 m with an initial speed of up to 400 km / h, of which 100-150 m (0.3-0.5 paths) are free flight, and the rest of the distance is numerous ricochets about the ground. Radiation about 50 Gy is a fulminant form of radiation sickness [, 100% mortality within 6-9 days. Destruction of built-in shelters rated at 50 kPa. Severe destruction of earthquake-resistant buildings. Pressure 0.12 MPa and higher - the entire urban development is dense and discharged turns into solid rubble (individual rubble merges into one solid one), the height of the rubble can be 3-4 m.The fire sphere at this time reaches its maximum size (D ~ 2 km), crushed from below by a shock wave reflected from the ground and begins to rise; the isothermal sphere in it collapses, forming a fast ascending flow at the epicenter - the future leg of the fungus.

Time: 2.6s. Distance: 2200m Temperature: 7.5 thousand ° C. Severe damage to a person by a shock wave. Radiation ~ 10 Gy - extremely severe acute radiation sickness, according to the combination of injuries, 100% mortality within 1-2 weeks. Safe stay in a tank, in a fortified basement with reinforced reinforced concrete floors and in most shelters G. O. Destruction of trucks. 0.1 MPa is the design pressure of the shock wave for the design of structures and protective devices for underground structures of shallow metro lines.

Time: 3.8s. Distance: 2800m Temperature: 7.5 thousand ° C. Radiation 1 Gy - in peaceful conditions and timely treatment, non-hazardous radiation injury, but with the concomitant disaster of unsanitary conditions and severe physical and psychological stress, lack of medical care, food and normal rest, up to half of the victims die only from radiation and concomitant diseases, and by the amount of damage ( plus injuries and burns) much more. Pressure less than 0.1 MPa - urban areas with dense buildings turn into solid rubble. Complete destruction of basements without reinforcement of structures 0.075 MPa. Average destruction of earthquake-resistant buildings 0.08-0.12 MPa. Severe damage to prefabricated reinforced concrete bunkers. Detonation of pyrotechnics.

Time: 6c. Distance: 3600m Temperature: 4.5 thousand ° C. Average damage to a person by a shock wave. Radiation ~ 0.05 Gy - the dose is not dangerous. People and objects leave "shadows" on the asphalt. Complete destruction of administrative multi-storey frame (office) buildings (0.05-0.06 MPa), shelters of the simplest type; strong and complete destruction of massive industrial structures. Almost all city buildings were destroyed with the formation of local rubble (one house - one rubble). Complete destruction of cars, complete destruction of the forest. An electromagnetic pulse of ~ 3 kV / m affects insensitive electrical devices. The destruction is similar to an earthquake 10 points. The sphere moved into a fiery dome, like a bubble floating upward, dragging a column of smoke and dust from the earth's surface: a characteristic explosive mushroom grows with an initial vertical speed of up to 500 km / h. The wind speed near the surface to the epicenter is ~ 100 km / h.

Time: 10c. Distance: 6400m Temperature: 2 thousand ° C. The end of the effective time of the second luminescence phase, ~ 80% of the total energy of the light radiation was released. The remaining 20% \u200b\u200blight up harmlessly for about a minute with a continuous decrease in intensity, gradually getting lost in the clouds. Destruction of shelters of the simplest type (0.035-0.05 MPa). In the first kilometers, a person will not hear the roar of an explosion due to hearing damage from a shock wave. Rejection of a person by a shock wave of ~ 20 m with an initial speed of ~ 30 km / h. Complete destruction of high-rise brick houses, panel houses, severe destruction of warehouses, average destruction of frame office buildings. Destruction is similar to a magnitude 8 earthquake. Safe in almost any basement.
The glow of the fiery dome ceases to be dangerous, it turns into a fiery cloud, growing in volume with a rise; incandescent gases in the cloud begin to rotate in a toroidal vortex; hot explosion products are localized in the upper part of the cloud. The flow of dusty air in the column moves twice as fast as the rise of the "mushroom", overtakes the cloud, passes through, diverges and, as it were, winds around it, as if on a ring-shaped coil.

Time: 15c. Distance: 7500m... Light damage to a person by a shock wave. Third degree burns to exposed parts of the body. Complete destruction of wooden houses, severe destruction of brick multi-storey buildings 0.02-0.03 MPa, average destruction of brick warehouses, multi-storey reinforced concrete, panel houses; weak destruction of administrative buildings 0.02-0.03 MPa, massive industrial structures. Igniting cars. Destruction is similar to an earthquake of 6 points, hurricane 12 points. up to 39 m / s. The "mushroom" has grown up to 3 km above the center of the explosion (the true height of the mushroom is higher by the height of the warhead explosion, by about 1.5 km), it has a "skirt" of condensation of water vapor in a stream of warm air, fanned by a cloud into the cold upper layers atmosphere.

Time: 35c. Distance: 14km. Second degree burns. Paper, dark tarpaulin ignites. A zone of continuous fires, in areas of dense combustible buildings, a fire storm, tornado is possible (Hiroshima, "Operation Gomorrah"). Weak destruction of panel buildings. Disabling aircraft and missiles. The destruction is similar to an earthquake of 4-5 points, a storm of 9-11 points V \u003d 21 - 28.5 m / s. The "mushroom" has grown to ~ 5 km; the fiery cloud is shining ever fainter.

Time: 1min. Distance: 22km. First degree burns - death is possible in beachwear. Destruction of reinforced glazing. Uprooting large trees. Zone of separate fires. "Mushroom" has risen to 7.5 km, the cloud ceases to emit light and now has a reddish tint due to nitrogen oxides contained in it, which will sharply stand out among other clouds.

Time: 1.5 min. Distance: 35km... The maximum radius of destruction of unprotected sensitive electrical equipment by an electromagnetic pulse. Almost all the usual ones are broken and part of the reinforced glass in the windows is actually a frosty winter, plus the possibility of cuts by flying fragments. "Mushroom" climbed to 10 km, ascent speed ~ 220 km / h. Above the tropopause, the cloud develops mainly in width.
Time: 4min. Distance: 85km. The flash is like a large unnaturally bright Sun near the horizon, it can cause a burn of the retina of the eyes, a rush of heat to the face. The shock wave that came up after 4 minutes can still knock a person down and break individual glass in the windows. "Mushroom" climbed over 16 km, ascent speed ~ 140 km / h

Time: 8min. Distance: 145km. The flash is not visible beyond the horizon, but a strong glow and a fiery cloud are visible. The total height of the "mushroom" is up to 24 km, the cloud is 9 km high and 20-30 km in diameter, with its wide part it "rests" on the tropopause. The mushroom cloud has grown to its maximum size and is observed for about an hour or more until it blows away by the winds and mixes with ordinary cloudiness. Within 10-20 hours, precipitation with relatively large particles falls out of the cloud, forming a near radioactive trace.

Time: 5.5-13 hours Distance: 300-500 km. The far border of the zone of moderate infection (zone A). The radiation level at the outer border of the zone is 0.08 Gy / h; the total radiation dose is 0.4-4 Gy.

Time: ~ 10 months. The effective half-time of the settling of radioactive substances for the lower layers of the tropical stratosphere (up to 21 km), the fallout also occurs mainly in the middle latitudes in the same hemisphere where the explosion was made.

Monument to the first test of the Trinity atomic bomb. This monument was erected at the White Sands proving ground in 1965, 20 years after the Trinity test. The memorial plaque of the monument reads: "At this place on July 16, 1945, the world's first atomic bomb test took place." Another plaque, installed below, indicates that the site has received the status of a National Historic Landmark. (Photo: Wikicommons)

The main damaging factors of a nuclear explosion are a shock wave (for the formation of which 50% of the explosion energy is spent), light radiation (35%), penetrating radiation (5%) and radioactive contamination (10%). An electromagnetic pulse and secondary damaging factors are also distinguished.

Shock wave - the main factor of destructive and damaging effect, is a zone of compressed air, which is formed by the instantaneous expansion of gases in the center of the explosion and spreads with great speed in all directions, causing destruction of buildings, structures and damage to people. The radius of the shock wave depends on the power and type of explosion, as well as the nature of the terrain. The shock wave consists of a shock front, compression and rarefaction zones.

The force of the shock wave depends on the excess pressure at its front, which is measured by the number of kilogram-forces falling on a square centimeter of the surface (kgf / cm 2), or in pascals (Pa): 1 Pa \u003d 0.00001 kgf / cm 2, 1 kgf / cm 2 \u003d 100 kPa (kilopascal).

With the explosions of 13 kiloton bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the radius of action was approximately the following figures: a zone of continuous destruction and destruction within a radius of 800 - 900 m (overpressure over 1 kg / cm 2) - destruction of all buildings and structures and almost 100% loss of life; a zone of severe destruction and severe and medium injuries to people within a radius of up to 2-2.5 km (overpressure 0.3-1 kg / cm 2); zone of weak destruction and weak and accidental injuries of people within a radius of 3-4 km (overpressure 0.04-0.2 kg / cm 2).

It is also necessary to take into account the "throwing" effect of the shock wave and the formation of secondary projectiles in the form of flying debris of buildings (bricks, boards, glass, etc.), which injure people.

Under the action of a shock wave on an openly located personnel at an overpressure of more than 1 kg / cm 2 (100 kPa), extremely severe, fatal injuries (bone fractures, hemorrhages, bleeding from the nose, ears, contusion, pulmonary barotrauma, ruptures of hollow organs, wounds) secondary shells, prolonged crush syndrome under the ruins, etc.), with a pressure at the front of 0.5-0.9 kg / cm 2 - severe injuries; 0.4-0.5 kg / cm 2 - moderate; 0.2-0.3 kg / cm 2 - light lesions. However, even with an overpressure of 0.2-0.3 kg / cm2, even severe injuries are possible under the action of the high-speed pressure and the propelling action of the shock wave, if the person did not have time to hide and is thrown by the wave for several meters or gets injured from secondary shells.

During ground and especially underground nuclear explosions, strong vibrations (shaking) of the earth are observed, which can be conditionally compared with an earthquake of up to 5-7 points.

The means of protection against the shock wave are various types of shelters and shelters, as well as the folds of the terrain, since the front of the shock wave after reflection from the ground passes parallel to the surface and in the depressions the pressure is much lower.

Trenches, trenches, and shelters reduce blast losses by 3 to 10 times.

The radius of action of the shock wave of more powerful nuclear weapons (more than 20,000 tons of TNT equivalent) is equal to the cubic root of the ratio of TNT equivalents multiplied by the radius of action of a 20-kiloton bomb. For example, with an increase in the explosion power by 1000 times, the radius of action increases by 10 times (Table 10).

Light emission... A powerful stream of light and thermal (infrared) rays of high temperature emanates from a fireball with an extremely high temperature for 10-20 s. Near the fireball, everything (even minerals and metals) melts, turns into a gaseous state and rises with a mushroom cloud. The radius of action of light radiation depends on the power and type of explosion (the largest in an air explosion) and the transparency of the atmosphere (rain, fog, snow sharply reduce the effect due to the absorption of light rays).

Table 9

Approximate radius of action of a shock wave and light radiation (km)


Explosion power

Zone of complete destruction and death of unprotected people (Rf-100 kPa)

Zone of severe destruction, severe and moderate trauma (Rf-30-90 kPa)

Zone of medium and weak destruction, medium and light trauma (Rf-10-30 kPa)

III degree

II degree

I degree

Note. Рф - excess pressure at the front of the shock wave. The numerator contains data for air explosions, in the denominator - for ground explosions. 100 kPa \u003d 1 kg / cm 2 (1 atm.).

Light radiation causes the ignition of combustible substances and massive fires, and in humans and animals, body burns of varying severity. In the city of Hiroshima, about 60 thousand buildings burned down and about 82% of the affected people had body burns.

The degree of damaging effect is determined by the light pulse, that is, the amount of energy falling on 1 m 2 of the surface of the illuminated body, and is measured in kilojoules per 1 m 2. A light pulse of 100-200 kJ / m 2 (2-5 cal / cm 2) causes a burn of the 1st degree, 200-400 kJ / m 2 (5-10 cal / cm 2) - II, more than 400 kJ / m 2 ( over 10 cal / cm 2) - III degree (100 kJ / m 2).

The degree of damage to materials by light radiation depends on the degree of their heating, which in turn depends on a number of factors: the value of the light pulse, material properties, heat absorption coefficient, humidity, material flammability, etc. Dark materials absorb more light energy than light ones ... For example, black cloth absorbs 99% of incident light energy, khaki material absorbs 60%, white cloth 25%.

In addition, the light pulse causes blinding of people, especially at night when the pupil is dilated. Blindness is often temporary due to depletion of visual purpura (rhodopsin). But at close range, there may be retinal burns and more persistent blinding. Therefore, you cannot look at the flash of light, you must immediately close your eyes. Currently, there are protective photochromic goggles that lose transparency from light radiation and protect the eyes.

Penetrating radiation. At the moment of the explosion, for about 15-20 s, due to nuclear and thermonuclear reactions, a very powerful stream of ionizing radiation is emitted: gamma rays, neutrons, alpha and beta particles. But only gamma rays and neutron flux are related to penetrating radiation, since alpha and beta particles have a short range in the air and do not have penetrating ability.

The radius of action of penetrating radiation during air explosions of a 20-kiloton bomb is approximately expressed in the following figures: up to 800 m - 100% mortality (dose up to 10,000 R); 1.2 km - 75% mortality (dose up to 1000 R); 2 km - radiation sickness of the I-II degree (dose 50-200 R). In the case of explosions of thermonuclear megaton ammunition, fatal injuries can be within a radius of up to 3-4 km due to the large size of the fireball at the moment of the explosion, while the neutron flux is of great importance.

The total doses of gamma and neutron irradiation of unprotected people in the nuclear focus can be determined from the graphs (Fig. 43).

Penetrating radiation is especially strongly manifested during the explosions of neutron bombs. In the explosion of a neutron bomb with a capacity of 1,000 tons of TNT equivalent, when the shock wave and light radiation strike within a radius of 130-150 m, the total gamma-neutron radiation is equal to: within a radius of 1 km - up to 30 Gy (3000 rad), 1.2 km -8.5 Gy; 1.6 km - 4 Gr, up to 2 km -0.75-1 Gr.

Figure: 43. The total dose of penetrating radiation in nuclear explosions.

Various shelters and structures can serve as a means of protection against penetrating radiation. Moreover, gamma rays are more strongly absorbed and retained by heavy materials with a high density, and neutrons are better absorbed by light substances. To calculate the required thickness of protective materials, the concept of a layer of half attenuation is introduced, that is, the thickness of the material, which reduces radiation by 2 times (Table 11).

Table 11

Half attenuation layer (K \u200b\u200b0.5). cm

To calculate the protective power of shelters, use the formula K z \u003d 2 S / K 0.5

where: К з - the protection factor of the shelter, S - the thickness of the protective layer, К 0,5 - the half-attenuation layer. It follows from this formula that 2 layers of half attenuation reduce radiation by 4 times, 3 layers by 8 times, etc.

For example, a shelter with an earthen floor covering 112 cm thick reduces gamma radiation 256 times:

K z \u003d 2 112/14 \u003d 2 8 \u003d 256 (times).

In field shelters, it is required that the gamma radiation protection factor is 250-1000, that is, an earthen floor with a thickness of 112-140 cm is required.

Radioactive contamination of the area... No less dangerous damaging factor of nuclear weapons is the radioactive contamination of the area. The peculiarity of this factor lies in the fact that very large territories are exposed to radioactive contamination, and in addition, its effect lasts for a long time (weeks, months and even years).

So with a test explosion made by the United States on March 1, 1954 in the South Pacific in the area of \u200b\u200babout. Bikini (10-megaton bomb), radioactive contamination was noted at a distance of up to 600 km. At the same time, the inhabitants of the Marshall Islands (267 people), located at a distance of 200 to 540 km, and 23 Japanese fishermen on a fishing vessel, located at a distance of 160 km from the center of the explosion, were struck.

The sources of radioactive contamination are radioactive isotopes (fragments) formed during nuclear fission, induced radioactivity and the remnants of the unreacted part of the nuclear charge.

Radioactive isotopes of uranium and plutonium fission are the main and most dangerous source of contamination. In a chain reaction of fission of uranium or plutonium, their nuclei are divided into two parts with the formation of various radioactive isotopes. These isotopes subsequently undergo an average of three radioactive decays with the emission of beta particles and gamma rays, after which they turn into non-radioactive substances (barium and lead). Thus, in the mushroom cloud there are about 200 radioactive isotopes of 35 elements of the middle part of the periodic table - from zinc to gadolinium.

The most common isotopes among fission fragments are isotopes of yttrium, tellurium, molybdenum, iodine, xenon, barium, lanthanum, strontium, cesium, zirconium, etc. These isotopes in a fireball and a mushroom cloud, as it were, envelop dust particles rising from the ground in a radioactive shell , causing the entire mushroom cloud to become radioactive. Where radioactive dust settles, the area and all objects are contaminated with radioactive substances (contaminated products of a nuclear explosion, UNE).

Induced radioactivity occurs under the action of a neutron flux. Neutrons are able to interact with the nuclei of various elements (air, soil and other objects), as a result of which many elements become radioactive and begin to emit beta particles and gamma rays. For example, sodium, when capturing a neutron, turns into a radioactive isotope:

11 23 Na + n 1 → 11 24 Na,

which undergoes beta decay with gamma radiation and has a half-life of 14.9 hours: 11 24 Na - 12 24 Mg + ß - + γ.

Of the radioactive isotopes formed during neutron irradiation of the soil, the most important are manganese-52, silicon-31, sodium-24, calcium-45.

However, the induced radioactivity plays a relatively small role, since it occupies a small area (depending on the explosion power within a radius of a maximum of 2-3 km), and isotopes with predominantly short half-lives are formed.

But the induced radioactivity of the soil elements in the mushroom cloud is of great importance in thermonuclear explosions and explosions of neutron bombs, since thermonuclear fusion reactions are accompanied by the emission of a large number of fast neutrons.

The unreacted part of the nuclear charge is the unseparated uranium or plutonium atoms. The fact is that the usefulness of a nuclear charge is very low (about 10%), the rest of the uranium and plutonium atoms do not have time to undergo fission, the force of the explosion sprays the unreacted part into tiny particles and settles in the form of precipitates from the mushroom cloud. However, this unreacted part of the nuclear charge plays a minor role. This is due to the fact that uranium and plutonium have very long half-lives, in addition, they emit alpha particles and are dangerous only when ingested. So, the most dangerous are radioactive fragments from the fission of uranium and plutonium. The total gamma activity of these isotopes is extremely high: 1 min after the explosion of a 20-kiloton bomb, it is 8.2 10 11 Ci.

In air nuclear explosions, radioactive contamination of the terrain in the explosion zone is of no practical importance. This is explained by the fact that the luminous zone does not touch the ground, therefore, a relatively small, thin mushroom cloud is formed, consisting of very fine radioactive dust, which rises up and infects the atmosphere and stratosphere. The subsidence of radioactive substances occurs over large areas for several years (mainly strontium and cesium). The contamination of the area is observed only within a radius of 800-3000 m mainly due to the induced radioactivity, which quickly (after 2-5 hours) practically disappears.

With ground and low air explosions, radioactive contamination of the area will be the most severe, since the fireball touches the ground. A massive mushroom cloud is formed, containing a large amount of radioactive dust, which is carried by the wind and settles along the path of the cloud, creating a radioactive trace of the cloud in the form of a strip of land contaminated with radioactive fallout. Some of the largest particles settle around the stem of the mushroom cloud.

In underground nuclear explosions, very intense contamination is observed near the center of the explosion, part of the radioactive dust was also carried by the wind and settles along the path of the cloud, but the area of \u200b\u200bthe contaminated area is smaller than in a ground explosion of the same power.

During underwater explosions, a very strong radioactive contamination of the reservoir is observed near the explosion. In addition, radioactive rains fall along the path of the cloud movement at considerable distances. At the same time, there is also a strong induced, radioactivity of sea water containing a lot of sodium.

The intensity of radioactive contamination of an area is measured by two methods: the level of radiation in X-rays per hour (R / h) and the dose of radiation in grays (rad) for a certain period of time, which can be received by personnel in the contaminated area.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe center of a nuclear explosion, the contaminated territory has the shape of a circle somewhat elongated in the direction of the wind movement. The trail of radioactive fallout along the path of the cloud is usually in the form of an ellipse, the axis of which is directed towards the direction of the wind. The width of the trace of radioactive fallout is 5-10 times less than the length of the trace (ellipse).

In a ground explosion of a 10-megaton thermonuclear bomb, the contamination zone with a radiation level of 100 R / h has a length of 325 km and a width of up to 50 km, and a zone with a radiation level of 0.5 R / h has a length of more than 1000 km. Hence, it is clear what vast territories can be contaminated with radioactive fallout.

The beginning of the fallout of radioactive fallout depends on the wind speed and can be determined by the formula: t 0 \u003d R / v, where t 0 is the beginning of the fallout, R is the distance from the center of the explosion in kilometers, v is the wind speed in kilometers per hour.

The radiation level in the contaminated area is constantly decreasing due to the conversion of short-lived isotopes into non-radioactive stable substances.

This decrease occurs according to the rule: with a sevenfold increase in the time elapsed after the explosion, the radiation level is reduced by 10 times. For example: if after 1 hour the radiation level is 1000 R / h, then after 7 hours - 100 R / h, after 49 hours - 10 R / h, after 343 hours (2 weeks) - 1 R / h.

The radiation level decreases especially quickly in the first hours and days after the explosion, and then substances with a long half-life remain and the decrease in the radiation level occurs very slowly.

The irradiation dose (gamma rays) of unprotected personnel in the contaminated area depends on the level of radiation, the time spent in the contaminated area, and the rate at which the radiation level drops.

You can calculate the dose of radiation for the period until the complete decay of radioactive substances.

Radioactive fallout contaminates the area unevenly. The highest levels of radiation near the center of the explosion and the axis of the ellipse, at a distance from the center of the explosion and from the axis of the wake, the radiation levels will be lower. In accordance with this, the radioactive fallout trace is usually divided into 4 zones (see p. 251).

The means of protection against radiation sickness in the contaminated area are shelters, shelters, buildings, structures, military equipment, etc., which weaken the radiation, and with appropriate sealing (closing doors, windows, etc.) prevent the penetration of radioactive dust.

In the absence of shelters, it is necessary to leave the zones of strong and dangerous infection as soon as possible, that is, to limit the time of exposure of people. The most probable ways of hazardous impact of radioactive substances of a nuclear explosion on people are general external gamma irradiation and contamination of the skin. Internal irradiation is not essential in the damaging effect.

Note. It should be added that in Europe there are more than 200 nuclear reactors, the destruction of which can lead to a very strong contamination of vast areas of the territory with radioactive fallout for a long time. An example of this is the release of radioactive substances during an accident at a nuclear reactor in Chernobyl.

Nuclear winter... Soviet and American scientists have calculated that a world nuclear missile war can lead to drastic environmental changes around the globe. As a result of hundreds and thousands of nuclear explosions, millions of tons of smoke and dust will be lifted into the air to a height of 10-15 km, the sun's rays will not pass, a nuclear night will come, and then a nuclear winter for several years, plants will die, famine may occur, that's all. covered with snow. In addition, the land will be covered with long-lived radioactive fallout. Up to 1 billion people can die in the fire of a nuclear war, up to 2 billion in a nuclear winter (Yu. M. Svirezhev, A. A. Baev, and others).

Electromagnetic pulse and secondary damage factors... In nuclear explosions, due to the ionization of air and the movement of electrons at high speeds, electromagnetic fields arise, creating pulsed electric discharges and currents. An electromagnetic pulse generated in the atmosphere, like lightning, can induce strong currents in antennas, cables, power lines, wires, etc. Induced currents lead to the switching off of automatic switches, can cause insulation damage, burnout of radio equipment and electrical devices and electric shock to people current. The radius of action of an electromagnetic pulse with air explosions with a power of 1 megaton is considered equal to 32 km, with an explosion with a power of 10 megatons - up to 115 km.

Secondary factors of damage include fires and explosions in chemical and oil refineries, which can lead to mass poisoning of people with carbon monoxide or other toxic substances. The destruction of dams and hydraulic structures creates the danger of inundation zones in settlements. To protect against secondary damage factors, engineering and technical measures must be taken to protect these structures.

It is necessary to know well what dangers nuclear missiles pose, and to be able to properly organize the protection of troops and the population.

In a ground-based nuclear explosion, a funnel is formed on the surface of the earth, the size of which depends on the power of the explosion and the type of soil.

The diameter of the funnel formed in dry sandy and clayey soils can be determined by the formula:

Where D is the diameter of the funnel, m;
q is the power of the explosion, kT.

The program takes only 8 bytes. Therefore, we will write it in one line, without addresses:
3; F 1 / x; ↔; F x y; 3; 8; ×; C / P.

Operating procedure:

  1. Enter the explosion power in kT;
  2. Press V / O, S / P;
  3. Read the diameter of the funnel in meters in RX.

For example, for a bomb with a TNT equivalent of 1MT, the diameter of the funnel will be 380 m.The depth of the funnel will be approximately 40-60 m.

The inverse problem is solved just as simply by a program seven bytes long:
3; 8; ÷; IN; F x 2; ×; C / P.

Operating procedure:

  1. Enter the diameter of the funnel in meters;
  2. Press V / O, S / P;
  3. Calculate the explosion power in kT.

The focus of nuclear destruction is characterized by:
a) mass destruction of people and animals;
b) destruction and damage of ground buildings and structures;
c) partial destruction, damage or blockage of protective structures of GO;
d) the emergence of separate, continuous and massive fires;
e) the formation of continuous and partial blockages of streets, driveways, intra-quarter sections;
f) the occurrence of massive accidents in the utility networks;
g) the formation of areas and bands of radioactive contamination of the terrain during a ground explosion.

The radius of damage by a shock wave, light radiation and penetrating radiation from a ground explosion is somewhat smaller than with an air explosion. A characteristic feature of a ground explosion is a strong radioactive contamination of the area both in the area of \u200b\u200bthe explosion and in the direction of movement of the radioactive cloud.

As shown by theoretical studies, the radii of the zones of destruction and damage by a shock wave of nuclear and thermonuclear explosions of various power are proportional to the cube root of the ratio of TNT equivalents. Therefore, for an approximate comparison of the radii of the zones affected by the shock wave of nuclear explosions of different power, one can use the formula:

where R1 and R1 are the radius of the affected areas, km; q1 and q2 - TNT equivalent, MT.

Let's compose a program for calculating the affected areas based on the data in the table.

x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9
0x P0 3 F 1 / x F x y P4 IP1 × IP4 IP2
1x × IP4 IP3 × IP0 C / P BP 00

Before starting, the values \u200b\u200bR1 \u003d 3.65 should be entered into the memory registers; R2 \u003d 7.5; R3 \u003d 14.

To calculate, enter the TNT equivalent in MT into register X and press S / P. After the end of the calculation, in RT - the radius of the zone of total destruction in km, in RZ and RY, respectively, the radii of the zones of strong and weak destruction in km, in RX - the initial value of TNT equivalent in MT.


  1. Egorov P.T., Shlyakhov I.A., Alabin N.I. Civil defense. Ed. 2nd. Textbook. - M .: Higher school, 1970, 544 p., Ill.

What is the maximum warning radius of an atomic bomb?

  1. 3rd world war on the doorstep of our house and is it going
  2. 20 kilotons - zone of destruction and significant impacts - no more than 4 km. The acting factor increases as the cube root of the power. This means that if you need to cover a radius of 40 km (Moscow), you need a charge 1000 times larger - 20 megatons. And then, if you jump over the Kremlin, beyond the third ring, almost no one will suffer.

  3. Everything was bigger there:
    Vysoat "mushroom" - 64 km.

    But then they wanted to blow up not 50 MT, but all 100 MT ... I'm afraid to imagine what it would be ...
  4. What were the consequences of the nuclear explosion in Nagasaki (21 kilotons in TNT equivalent):

    Within a radius of 1 km from the epicenter: almost all people and animals died instantly as a result of the blast wave and high temperature. Wooden structures, houses and other buildings were turned to powder.

    Within a radius of 2 km from the epicenter: some people and animals died immediately, and most suffered from injuries of varying severity due to the shock wave and high temperature. About 80% of timber structures, houses and other buildings were destroyed, and fires spreading from other areas burned most of the ruins. The concrete and iron pillars remained intact. The plants were partially charred and died.

    Between 3 km and 4 km: some people and animals were injured of varying severity from flying debris, and others were burned by heat rays. Dark colored objects tend to catch fire. Most of the houses and other buildings were partially destroyed, and some buildings and wooden poles burned down. The remaining telephone poles made of wood were charred on the side facing the epicenter.

    Between 4 km and 8 km: some people and animals received injuries of varying severity from flying shrapnel, and their houses were partially destroyed and damaged.

    Within a radius of 15 km: the shock wave from the explosion was clearly felt. Windows were broken, doors and paper partitions were broken.

    Found near epicenter: bones of a human hand frozen in a melted piece of glass

    The result of the explosion of the nuclear device "Ivan" (58 megatons):

    - The explosion mushroom has risen to a height of 64 km.
    - The radius of the explosion fireball was approximately 4.5 kilometers.
    “The radiation could cause third-degree burns up to a hundred kilometers away.
    - The shock wave generated by the explosion circled the globe three times.
    “Ionization of the atmosphere caused radio interference even hundreds of kilometers from the landfill within one hour.
    “The witnesses felt the blow and were able to describe the explosion at a distance of thousands of kilometers from its center. Also, the shock wave reached Dixon Island, where it knocked out windows in houses.

  5. Many 🙂
  6. with the explosion of a nucleus, all the electra comes out .... but if there is a receiving tube system that starts the electronics, then it will be normal) the most important thing is that the electronics that are there must be turned off!
  7. The maximum radius of destruction of an atomic and even more so a nuclear bomb is very difficult to determine unequivocally. In total, a nuclear bomb has several damaging factors:
    Penetrating radiation is a flux of hard gamma radiation. Its radius is very large - from kilometers to several tens of kilometers. Within a radius of several kilometers, all living things receive the strongest dose of radiation.
    Shock wave - the radius of damage from half a kilometer (zone of continuous destruction), and ending in kilometers (stkla fly out) and up to thousands of kilometers (explosion sound). In rare cases (50MT bomb "Kuzkina's mother" Khrushchev), the shock wave goes around the globe…. 3 times. Although at such distances it does not cause destruction.
    Residual radiation - the radius depends on the direction and strength of the wind. Simply put, this is the area from which radioactive rain (snow, dust, fog) will fall - the remains of a mushroom cloud.
    EMP is an electromagnetic pulse. Burns all electronics. The radius is tens of kilometers.
    Light radiation is a strong stream of light that burns everything that falls on. The affected area depends on the strength of the explosion and the weather. Usually several tens of kilometers - within the line of sight. And even at a great distance it can burn the retina of the eye. For example, in Hiroshima, the bark of trees was charred at a distance of 9 km. In the city itself, bottles were floating and people were instantly burnt. And there the power of the explosion was only 12-16 kilotons (16,000 tons) in TNT.
    During the legendary explosion of "Ivan" 50 MT (50,000,000 tons of TNT. Eq.) Stones evaporated.
    Everything was bigger there:
    Vysoat "mushroom" - 64 km.
    The radius of the "core" (temperature over a million grasses) is 4.5 km.
    Shock damage - 400 km. from the center.
    Light impulse (impact) - 270 km.
    From the island over which the charge was blown up, a smooth "licked" stone "roller" remained.
    It was the most stylish man-made explosion.
    But then they wanted to blow up not 50 MT, but all 100 MT .... I'm afraid to imagine what would have happened ...

    So the radius is always huge, but highly dependent on power.

  8. And what damaging factor are you interested in? An atomic bomb is both light / heat radiation that ignites everything around, and an electromagnetic pulse of enormous strength, and a blast wave of colossal power, and, finally, radiation.

    If you can hide from light / heat radiation even 50 meters from an explosion behind a stone wall, then from a blast wave (if the explosion was, for example, in an open field) - even 10 kilometers will not save much ...

    In general, it all depends on the power of the bomb charge, how it was detonated (underground explosion, overhead, air, underwater) ... But the terrain is of prime importance.

  9. Lesions are of different types: heat, radiation (alpha, beta, gamma radiation, and other ranges), electromagnetic, light, shock wave. Each type has its own hitting radius. In addition, nuclear warheads differ greatly in power. Therefore, an unambiguous answer cannot be given
  10. 10km
  11. It depends on how many kilotons you can add to infinity
  12. 21 kilotons in waste equivalent were dumped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 1 kiloton is 1000 ton was spent. 1 kiloton hits 300 to 500 meters in a radius, fireball up to 200 meters maximum. There are 3 kiloton shells, they wanted to be used even in Soviet times. On the tank Narcissus. The radius of the defeat of 100% of the effect is 350 meters. 550 ct. This is 165 km of damage in a radius.

What is the range of an atomic and hydrogen bomb? and got the best answer

Answer from Razor [newbie]
The maximum radius of destruction of an atomic and even more so a nuclear bomb is very difficult to determine unequivocally. In total, a nuclear bomb has several damaging factors:
Penetrating radiation is a flux of hard gamma radiation. Its radius is very large - from kilometers to several tens of kilometers. Within a radius of several kilometers, all living things receive the strongest dose of radiation.
Shock wave - the radius of damage from half a kilometer (zone of continuous destruction), and ending in kilometers (glasses fly out) and up to thousands of kilometers (explosion sound). In rare cases (50MT bomb "Kuzkina's mother" Khrushchev), the shock wave goes around the globe .... 3 times. Although at such distances it does not cause destruction.
Residual radiation - the radius depends on the direction and strength of the wind. Simply put, this is the area from which radioactive rain (snow, dust, fog) will fall - the remains of a mushroom cloud.
EMP is an electromagnetic pulse. Burns all electronics. The radius is tens of kilometers.
Light radiation is a strong stream of light that burns everything that falls on. The affected area depends on the strength of the explosion and the weather. Usually several tens of kilometers - within the line of sight. And even at a great distance it can burn the retina of the eye. For example, in Hiroshima, the bark of trees was charred at a distance of 9 km. In the city itself, bottles were floating and people were instantly burnt. And there the power of the explosion was only 12-16 kilotons (16,000 tons) in TNT.
During the legendary explosion of "Ivan" 50 MT (50,000,000 tons of TNT. Eq.) Stones evaporated.
Everything was bigger there:
Vysoat "mushroom" - 64 km.
The radius of the "core" (temperature over a million grasses) is 4.5 km.
Shock damage - 400 km. from the center.
Light impulse (impact) - 270 km.
From the island over which the charge was blown up, a smooth "licked" stone "roller" remained.
It was the most stylish man-made explosion.
But then they wanted to blow up not 50 MT, but all 100 MT ... I'm afraid to imagine what it would be ...
So the radius is always huge, but highly dependent on power.

Answer from Boy bezpravil ....[newbie]
1 kiloton affects from 200 meters to a maximum of 500 meters. In the 1st kiloton, there are 1000 tons of TNT equivalent. 1 Megaton 10,000 TNT equivalent. The radius of the 1st Megaton is from 1 km, the average explosion of an extra-large 2 km in the radius of the defeat. Topol-M has a capacity of 550 Kt. This is 0.55 Mt. The radius of the defeat is 165 km. Taking into account all the interference. Super-large explosion 550 Kt 275 km in the radius of destruction. If 300 Mt. That is an ultra-small explosion of 200 km, complete destruction with no chance of life for anyone. Destruction 100% super-large explosion up to 1000 km in the radius of destruction. This is the maximum. I do not agree with the fact that 50 Megatons affects up to 400 km, a maximum of 100 km if an extra-large explosion was used.

Answer from Alexey Kasyanov[guru]
duc depends on power