The result will be reflected in the officer's career. The association will be headed by major general alexander peryazev major general alexander peryazev biography

The first in Russian army the commander of the troops of the district, who answered questions in real time via the Internet, was the commander of the troops of the Siberian Military District, Army General Nikolai Makarov. His online conference was organized by the joint press center of the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper and the Siberian Military District in Novosibirsk with the support of the ITAR-TASS-Siberia regional center and lasted about an hour.
A significant number of questions were received in advance. However, they continued to come to the pre-specified email address after the end of the Internet conference. Today our newspaper provides readers with an opportunity to get acquainted with the most pressing questions addressed to General of the Army N. Makarov, and with his answers.

“Dear Nikolai Yegorovich, what are the prospects for the development of the Yurga garrison? When the personnel
Will the 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade finally switch to a contract? Will there be a school, a kindergarten, dwelling houses for officers in the military town? Will the garrison create jobs for the townspeople? "
Raisa Danilova, journalist.

Dear Raisa! The garrison in the city of Yurga, where the motorized rifle brigade of the Siberian Military District is located, is considered promising. Already in 2006, the brigade switched to a contract manning method. The average monthly salary of soldiers and sergeants under the contract is from 8 to 10 thousand rubles, over the next three years it will grow by 67.5%. Under this reorganization, the social and domestic sphere is actively developing. Already this year, for example, dormitories are being built (it is planned to build seven dormitories by 2007), as well as an educational building, a bath and laundry plant, and five other objects. Naturally, the number of jobs for civilian personnel will grow significantly. A 60-apartment building will be built in 2006 and 100 housing certificates received to resettle those who have lost contact with the army. Now we are solving the issue of the possible joint construction of the school, kindergarten.

“I'm not sure that this question of mine will reach the commander, but I still want to find out: have you done the renovation in the barracks and the cafeteria in Novosibirsk in the 17th town for show? With plastic windows, each costing at least 10 thousand? How much money was spent on it, and what's the point? To report to the authorities? "

I have already touched on this topic, I will explain in more detail. You can go in two ways in the arrangement of troops. The first is to endlessly, scattering resources, patching numerous holes in the military housing and communal services, which is not much different from the civilian. The overall situation does not ultimately improve. But there is another path - the one we have chosen. Concentrate funds and comprehensively reconstruct and repair entire garrisons: barracks, canteens, training buildings, clubs, roofs, communications - everything that the garrison has, while supplying it with a new training base, furniture, and equipment. It is expensive, but it will last for a long time and, most importantly, it provides a new qualitative level of solving a large complex of problems: the educational process, the moral and psychological well-being of people, their physical health, military discipline and, ultimately, in general life military units.
There are already several such modern garrisons in the Siberian Military District, incl. will be in Novosibirsk. They are primarily for units of constant combat readiness, and not for show. At the same time, I would like to emphasize that budget money for these purposes is one item of expenditure, and, for example, the construction of housing for military personnel is another. That is, you cannot subtract somewhere, save money, but add somewhere.

“I am Russian, I live in Kazakhstan. I want to move to Russia, enroll as a contract soldier in Aleysk in order to earn money and obtain citizenship. I was in Barnaul, I came to the military registration and enlistment office, and they told me: “Documents for the residents of Kazakhstan must be processed through Moscow”. How long will it take, will the challenge reach me? Can't you simplify it? "
Alexander, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan.

Selection and admission to military service by contract foreign citizens is carried out in two stages: the first stage is the selection of candidates in the military commissariats of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The second stage is the reception of candidates who arrived from military commissariats in military units.
The basis for the selection of citizens as candidates for admission to military service under the contract are their applications to the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and documents confirming the legality of their stay in the territory of the Russian Federation (a mark of registration at the place of stay in the migration card).
Complete list required documents can be found in the military commissariat of the subject of the Russian Federation closest to you. The final decision on the selection of candidates for military service under the contract is made by the Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate General Staff Of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Moscow. It communicates its decision through the district headquarters to the military commissariat of the subject of the Russian Federation. This can take two to three months.

“Hello, Nikolai Egorovich. How many "alternatives" from the Siberian Military District are currently performing civil service? And in which enterprises do they work? "
Ivan Vorontsov, IRA "Baikal News Service".

The number of those wishing to do alternative service for last years slowly decreasing. The main reasons for the loss of its authority are the AGS term (42 months) and the extraterritorial principle of its passage. The low level of wages (no more than 1,500 rubles) also affects. In the Siberian Military District, during the current autumn conscription, 28 people applied for ACS. To date, 11 applications have been submitted for the 2006 spring appeal.
The Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Spetsstroy, Roshydromet and a number of other ministries and departments expressed the greatest interest in accepting recruits for alternative civilian service. For the Siberian Military District in the current and next year, a list has been approved, in which there are more than 20 enterprises and institutions throughout the country.
I can also inform you that the State Duma of the Russian Federation is currently considering in the first reading a proposal on the possibility of passing the AGS at the place of residence.

"Ends autumn call... If possible, tell me, where will the guys from the Krasnoyarsk Territory serve? "
Voronov, conscript.

Traditionally, the Siberian Military District has fewer problems with conscription than, for example, in the western regions of the country. Siberians and Transbaikalians understand the importance and necessity of military service for the country, and many thanks to the parents of those soldiers and sergeants who serve in the Siberian Military District, for raising their children. The overwhelming majority of them honestly and conscientiously fulfill their military duty.
20% of conscripts from the Krasnoyarsk Territory serve in the Siberian Military District, 25 people in Moscow, in the presidential regiment, 20% in the internal troops, 9% in the navy, 4% in the Strategic Missile Forces, 3% in the Airborne Forces, 9% in the troops special purpose... There are also other duty stations.

"What is the average salary of contractors, how are they provided with housing?"
Stepanov, Krasnoyarsk.

Until 2007, five formations and military units of constant combat readiness were transferred to contract service in the Siberian Military District: in Aleisk, Altai Territory - motorized rifle unit, in Kyakhta of the Republic of Buryatia - a tank unit, in Yurga, Kemerovo Region - a motorized rifle unit, in Ulan-Ude - an airborne unit. This year, three military units will switch to the contract principle of manning. This process is now at its final stage. The officers have already been selected, and contract sergeants have been trained in training centers. The selection of contractors and the delivery of priority social and domestic facilities, primarily housing, are nearing completion. The total staffing level of units passing to the contract in 2005, as of mid-November, is 97%.
The average monthly allowance of contract servicemen, depending on the military rank, position held, length of service in the Siberian region, ranges from 7 to 9 thousand rubles, in the Trans-Baikal region - from 8 to 12 thousand rubles.
For more information on contract military service, contact the military commissariat at your place of residence.

“My cousin is a deeply religious person, he knows prayers, observes fasting, and attends church. In the spring he will be drafted into the army. Maybe he will not serve in Siberia, but somewhere else, but explain how the commanders generally relate to believing soldiers, maybe it would be better for him to hide his faith? And is there an opportunity in the army to observe fasting, to confess? "
Yours faithfully Natalia Voropaeva, student, Omsk.

Dear Natalia! Brother has nothing to fear. The Siberian Military District actively and at all levels cooperates on issues of spiritual education with the Russian Orthodox Church, we also interact with other confessions. We recommend that the commanders of military units treat the religion of servicemen carefully and with understanding, and provide them with an opportunity for religious rituals. In many military garrisons there are churches and chapels, military units are not closed for visiting by clergy.

“Comrade General of the Army, in Novosibirsk at a press conference in January 2005 you said that the situation with clothing provision would improve. How are things going with compensation for things that were not issued, what was actually issued in 2005 and what will be new in 2006? "
Peretrukhin, Bratsk.

A positive trend prevails in the clothing provision of servicemen of all categories: if in 2004 the average provision was 20%, then in 2005 it was 67%. The debt for clothing property not issued according to the supply standards until January 1, 2003 was fully repaid. As of November 10, 2005, the debt to those transferred to the reserve was fully repaid, including those under orders of execution.
The outstanding debt for 2003-2004 is 26 million 456 thousand 225 rubles, that is, 41% by the beginning of 2005. The Russian government has not yet made a decision to repay the remaining debt in 2006.

“The officer’s wife is addressing you. Why are no uniforms provided for Siberia and warm ankle boots are not issued? In winter, when you go to the landfill, you don't wear felt boots? I buy warm winter boots for my husband in the store. At current prices - 2 thousand rubles, this is one fifth of the monthly allowance. The same goes for winter gloves, which are also decent. It turns out that the family budget additionally co-finances the budget of the Ministry of Defense. And this is with a purely symbolic salary of her husband ... Maybe, instead of at least one planned exercise, spend money on the purchase of warm boots for officers? "
Valentina Semenova, Kemerovo region.

Dear Valentina, the norms for the supply of clothing items are not provided for boots with high ankle boots with fur to provide servicemen.
It is allowed to issue winter chrome ankle boots instead of chrome low boots 1 pair for 3 years. Provided for issuance for temporary use or at the expense of the cost of items put to the issuance of boots. Leather or woolen gloves for officers and warrant officers in accordance with this regulation are issued only for a fee. We are obliged to observe this order.

“How did the young lieutenants, graduates of military schools in 2005, take root in the district? How are they arranged? Which of the lieutenants has already managed to prove themselves in the exercises, the final test? Graduates of which specific schools have shown themselves to be the best in terms of professional training? How many young officers have already quit and why? "
Corr. "Red Star".

Special attention is paid to young officers in the district. Their arrival, deployment and commissioning are under the constant supervision of me personally and the military council. Systemic and multifaceted activities have been planned, which will ultimately make it possible to obtain a good professional officer and create the most acceptable conditions for service and life for him and his family. In 2005, about 700 graduates of military schools arrived in the troops of the district, all of whom were appointed to positions in specific military units. 214 arrived lieutenants have families, including 32 children. All graduates received lifting allowances, provided with housing (service apartments - 160, dormitories - 521, housing rent - 10). They were granted interest-free loans.
During the gathering with graduates of military schools, the pupils of the Far Eastern, Novosibirsk and Chelyabinsk VVKU, Omsk TII proved to be good. Lieutenants A.V. Voronkov distinguished themselves especially. - commander of a motorized rifle platoon (graduate of the DVVKU) and A.A. Karakazyan - Commander of the security platoon (graduate of NVVKU).
During the final check in 2005, officers of the 212nd District Training Center, Lieutenants N.B. Afinogenov, D.A. Kornev, A.B. Lavrov, showed themselves to be positive. and many others.
Let me note that not a single graduate of 2004 and 2005 was dismissed from military service ahead of schedule.
A good help for young officers will be an increase in their salaries by 67% in the next 3 years and the implementation of an accumulative mortgage program for providing apartments.

You can't get a job in a company with a decent salary without patronage, everywhere you need recommendations, connections ... To grow in a position, you also need the patronage of your superiors. And in the army, can a "outbred" lieutenant who does not have a father or father-in-law with the rank of colonel or general make a career? Or is the ceiling for him the commander of a motorized rifle battalion in the Daurian steppes? Convince me that this is not the case. Do you have a reserve for nomination, who is included in it, by what criteria do you select? "
Sergey, student.

“How many people have you personally removed from office in the past three years? For what?"
Without a signature.

I think these issues can be combined. For the Siberian Military District, given the conditions of service in it, protectionism, nepotism, and other unreasonable privileges are not typical. Adapters in Siberia and Transbaikalia simply do not survive, they initially look for "warmer" places.
In our country, “just” a lieutenant can become not only a battalion commander, but also a division commander. The main thing is professionalism and appropriate education. Over the past three years, the Siberian Military District has sent about 120 people annually to study at military academies, more than half of them return with a higher military education and with a further prospect of growth. For example, in 1997 after graduating from the Military Academy. M.V. Frunze, Major Alexander Vasilyevich Peryazev, born in 1965, arrived in the district, who in 7 years in the district went through the service path from chief of staff of a regiment to chief of staff tank division... In 2004, he was appointed military commandant of the Shatoy region of the Chechen Republic and this year he became a general. Lieutenant Colonel Gurulev Andrey Viktorovich 1966 graduated from the Combined Arms Academy in 2000. He came to us as chief of staff of a regiment, now he is chief of staff of a division and is planned to be appointed commander of a division. Lieutenant Colonel Kuzmenko Andrey Vladimirovich b. 1972 after graduation general military school in Omsk in 1994 he served in Transbaikalia. Passed command positions from the commander of a reconnaissance platoon in the Daurian steppes to the position of commander of a motorized rifle battalion. He entered the Combined Arms Academy and after graduation in 2003 returned to the Siberian Military District as Chief of Staff motorized rifle regiment constant readiness. Since February of this year, he has been in command of the regiment.
The reserve for filling senior positions in the Siberian Military District is determined annually, it includes professionally trained officers with an appropriate level of education, decisions on which were made by the attestation commissions of units. For 2006, 90 officers were included in the reserve nomenclature for assigning commanders. This reserve is approved by me.
In 2004, 87 officers were included in the reserve for promotion to higher positions in 2005. Appointed to senior positions 54.
The personnel situation in the Siberian Military District has changed a lot in recent years. The commander, a "strong business executive" who can only "survive", is being replaced by professional commanders who are ready to purposefully and systematically train their subordinates in modern combat, possessing commander's will, modern military thinking and command style. For those who do not fit into this category, organizational decisions have to be made. This applies not only to officers of the military level, but also to those who hold general positions.

"Nikolai Yegorovich, what can be expected in the Siberian Military District from the accumulative-mortgage system for providing servicemen with housing and who can become a participant in this program?"
Officers of the 212th Training Center, Chita.

“Comrade commander, how will the mortgage affect us? We are graduates of the military school this year, but so far no one has talked to us on this topic, we serve in the village of Yasnaya. "
Without a signature.

Actually, we are still at the initial stage of the implementation of the accumulative and mortgage system for providing housing in the district. As you know, there was a rather long path of formation legislative framework of this system, this process continues today. According to some estimates, out of 19 required documents, 9 have now been adopted. Currently, the district has received the first documents and explanations on the accumulative mortgage system, a commission for its implementation has been created, working meetings have been held, explanatory work is being established on the ground, which significantly intensified in November. The issue was considered at a meeting of the military council of the Siberian Military District.
This is a new case, people are still wary of the program. Humanly, this is quite understandable. In practical terms, work is now underway to compile lists of program participants, as of November 20, more than 500 out of 700 possible participants were included in the lists.
Everyone who is included in the program will receive the first 37 thousand rubles this year. The annual fee will be indexed.
According to calculations, each soldier in 17 years will have funds to buy housing in 54 square meters. meters. If a person has 27 years of service (including school), then this is, as a rule, a major or a lieutenant colonel with a family of three or four people. He will save up for an apartment up to 73 sq. meters. A colonel with 32 years of service will earn an apartment of about 93 sq. meters. Prior to that, while the officer is serving, he is provided with office living space. Or he rents an apartment, receiving compensation for this (in cities and regional centers - 1,200 rubles, in other settlements - 900 rubles). If the family consists of 4 or more people, then the amount of compensation for sublease increases by 50%. For example, in Chita, the amount of compensation for a family of 4 is 1,800 rubles. Of course, this amount is inadequate to the actual rental price.
The accumulative-mortgage system necessarily involves officers and warrant officers who signed their first military service contracts after January 1, 2005, and officers called up or voluntarily enlisted from the reserve also after January 1, 2005, as well as warrant officers who have three years of service. from January 1, 2005.
Contract soldiers and sergeants can participate in this program - those who signed a second contract no earlier than January 1, 2005.
At present, the accumulative mortgage system is practically the only form of providing housing for graduates of military educational institutions in 2005. For each graduate who joined the NIS, a personal account is opened, on which an amount is accrued annually, approximately equivalent to the cost of three square meters of housing. Using these funds and having received a loan, after three years of service, you can buy an apartment under a mortgage scheme. In fact, you will receive this apartment on credit, and the state is the guarantor of its repayment.
Considering the above, you need to submit a report on your desire to participate in the NIS in the shortest possible time to the name of the commander of the military unit where you are doing military service.
The fact that you were not discussed in Yasnaya about the procedure for participating in the NIS is a flaw in the command. The division commander is told this. In the near future, information and explanatory work will be carried out in the garrison on the procedure for the participation of military personnel in the accumulative mortgage system and methods of their housing provision. Note that new system does not cancel old ways of obtaining housing, including under the SHS program (for example, the district will receive about 700 certificates by the end of this year alone).
A certain amount of housing, however small, we will receive through our own construction and equity participation. Many receive apartments through the redistribution of housing.
In general, housing is an acute problem for the district. It is constantly in the center of our attention, for its implementation we use everything possible ways and reserves.

“How many officers and generals who fought in“ hot spots ”serve in the district? And how many of them are apartmentless? They say that all the benefits for such people have been canceled. When my husband was sent to Chechnya, they promised that they would give him an apartment without waiting in line and be promoted. Thank God, he returned alive and without injuries. The position was indeed promoted, but just as we rented an apartment for 5 thousand rubles a month, we continue to rent. I don’t give my last name - they will think that this is how I “knock out” the apartment, but I would like to hear a clear answer - is there at least a perspective?
S.K., Novosibirsk region, Berdsk.

- From the Siberian Military District, in the North Caucasus alone, over 30 thousand servicemen participated in both military campaigns, incl. several thousand officers. Many are participants in peacekeeping operations, there are also those who carried out combat missions in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, many of those who have visited the "hot spots" have not yet received apartments, with the exception of the families of the victims, they are always out of turn for us. As for the rest, I would like to note that the documents of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in force today do not provide for their right to provide housing in an extraordinary and priority manner. The solution of their housing issue should be carried out in accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 80 of 15.02.2000, according to the sequence.

“I know from myself that housing for officers is difficult. I have two children. The family has a three-room apartment, but the queue for expansion in our country, in Novosibirsk, as in other large garrisons, is huge. So let me be given benefits for the construction of my house, a land plot. Or why should the Ministry of Defense not give servicemen who want to build an apartment, a house, an interest-free loan, and deduct the money received from the loan from their monetary allowance? So the incentive will appear to serve longer, and not to look for a place in security structures. For young officers, the mortgage is valid, but for us, who served in the army for 10-15 years, but do not have decent housing, this is impossible. Why?"
Major Vladislav Vorobyov, Novosibirsk region.

Currently, the provision of free financial aid for the construction (purchase) of living space is not made, since clause 7 of Art. 15 of the Federal Law "On the Status of Servicemen" and Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 150 of April 21, 1997, which provided for the institution of subsidies in the form of gratuitous financial assistance for the purchase of housing or its construction, were declared invalid.
This form of solving the housing issue of military personnel did not prove to be the best, since with insufficient budgetary funding, as well as due to the large number of discretionary ("discretionary") powers of the command, it was not available to a wide range of military personnel.
One of the ways to solve the housing issue of military personnel at the place of service is currently the acquisition of residential space by the district by involving objects and land plots unused in the interests of the district in investment activities. For example, in the Novosibirsk garrison, as a result of these activities, it is planned to receive 20 apartments by the end of 2005, the SHS program remains in effect, and there is a positive trend in the redistribution of housing.

“Comrade General of the Army! Is it possible to privatize the housing stock in the Zeleny microdistrict of Irkutsk? If so, since when? "
Military pensioners: Major Burenkov and Fedulov, Warrant Officer Ryabokov.

According to the list of closed military settlements of the Siberian Military District with housing stock, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.06.2000, No. 752-r, taking into account the changes and additions provided for by the orders of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02.08.2001, No. 1035-r, of 09.07.2002 No. 940-r and from 21.03.2003, No. 365-r, a military town in the microdistrict. Green (city Irkutsk-78) is closed.
In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On the privatization of housing stock in the territory of the Russian Federation" dated 04.06.1991, the privatization of residential premises in the houses of closed military towns is not provided.

“When will the transfer of residential buildings and infrastructure to municipal ownership be completed in the Siberian Military District? How many objects have already been transferred in recent years, how many are to be transferred? What difficulties and difficulties does this process cause? How much money did the military budget save by transferring housing to municipal ownership? Has the service provided to those living in these houses improved or remained at the same level? "
Valentin Pavlov, corr. ITAR-TASS, Altai Territory.

In the period from 1998 to November 23, 2005, 1,411 residential buildings were subject to transfer to municipal ownership. To date, we have received 29 orders from the Government of the Russian Federation for the transfer of 847 residential buildings. Fulfilled 19 orders received in 2004 for the transfer of 476 residential buildings, in connection with which the military budget saved about 1 billion 190 million rubles. 10 orders of the Government of the Russian Federation received in 2005 for the transfer of 371 residential buildings are in the implementation stage. For the remaining 564 residential buildings, packages of documents were sent to Moscow to receive orders from the Russian Government for their transfer to municipal ownership, which is planned to be completed in 2006.
I note that the transfer process due to a number of circumstances (including the possibility of ambiguous interpretation of a number of legal acts, bureaucratic difficulties, financing problems, and sometimes subjective approaches local authorities to the interpretation of the process of transferring housing) is quite difficult.

“Dear Nikolai Egorovich! I am Svetlana Nikolaevna Shishkina. My husband is serving in Chita. Currently, our family lives in a two-room apartment (total area - 50.8 square meters, living area - 31.8 square meters). We have four minor children aged from nine to one and a half years old: two girls and two boys.
By social norms our apartment does not correspond to the number of residents. In addition, circumstances are developing so that the issue of granting us guardianship over the seven-month-old Prokopyev Dmitry, born in 2005, is being resolved.
My husband, Major Shishkin, has been on the waiting list for housing improvement since 2001. In addition, large families, of which, I am sure, there are not so many in our city, have the right to receive early housing ... "

Dear Svetlana Nikolaevna! In accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 80 of 15.02.00, the living space supplied to the distribution from their own construction is distributed among the military units for which housing construction was carried out, in proportion to the number of military personnel in need of housing (improvement of housing conditions) ...
When allocating a military unit in which your husband is serving, apartments in the specified building, your housing issue should be decided by the housing commission of this unit in order of priority. According to the automated registration, you are on the waiting list for the improvement of living conditions from 01.04.2003.
Currently, in the Chita garrison, more than 1,000 families of homeless servicemen are queuing up for housing, including 50 families with a family of 5 people.
The new house on Batareynaya Street in Chita will be finally distributed by the garrison housing commission in early December of this year. In 2006 it is planned to build a 90-apartment building in Chita.

“How long does it take for me, a graduate of the faculty of the leading medical staff of the Military Medical Academy, to serve in the Siberian Military District in order to get housing from the Ministry of Defense, and not rent it? I have 14 years of service in calendar terms (of which more than 9 years in the Siberian Military District (ZabVO), in preferential terms - 19.5 years. I have been registered for housing in the Chita KECh district since 1999. Part of it does not have its own housing stock. the queue number in the Chita KECh district is impossible, since the lists are drawn up in parts. "
Head of the bacteriological department of the 1027th Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Siberian Military District, Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service Olga V. Podkorytova.

Dear Olga Viktorovna! Due to the lack of sufficient funding, housing in Chita has not been built since 1999, as a result of which the garrison has an extremely acute problem with the provision of housing for military personnel. Currently, in the Chita garrison, more than 1,000 families of homeless servicemen are queuing up for housing, of which more than 300 have a length of service of 14 years.
Funds for the construction of housing in Chita were allocated to the Okrug only in 2005. A 76-apartment residential building under construction with these funds will only partially defuse the housing problem in the garrison. There are no other sources of living space in the garrison. The living space in the said house will be distributed by the garrison housing commission between the military units in proportion to the number of servicemen in need of housing, as provided for by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 80 dated February 15, 00. When the 1027th TsGSEN allocates apartments in this house, your housing issue should be resolved according to the order.
According to the automated registration of servicemen in need of housing, you are standing in line to receive living space at the place of service in the 1027th Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service from 03/15/2000 with a family of one person; among the apartmentless servicemen of the 1027th TsGSEN, your queue number is the first.

“Comrade General of the Army! I have been in the queue of those in need of living space since April 26, 2000, as of July 1, 2005, the length of service in preferential terms is 15 years. A veteran of military operations, participated in the counter-terrorist operation in the Chechen Republic in December 2000 - January 2001. Wife, Chernogaeva Lidia Vladimirovna, military
an employee, senior editor of the 3rd department, has been in the first place in the same line since May 28, 1994, length of service at a preferential rate as of July 1, 2005 - 16.5 years. We have two children. Can you clarify my question? "
Head of the 2nd Division, Lieutenant Colonel D. CHERNOGAEV.

I have already said that the problem of housing for the Siberian Military District in general, and for Chita in particular, is extremely acute ... According to the automated registration of servicemen in need of housing, you are standing in line to receive living space at the place of service in a military unit with a family of 4 people. Your queue number is third, and your wife's number is first. When allocating a military unit of apartments, your housing issue will be decided according to the priority.

“Comrade commander, explain to me, a lieutenant colonel who has served in the army for more than 20 years, why, while serving in Barnaul, in the military registration and enlistment office, I receive at best 12 thousand rubles a month, and an ordinary contract soldier in Kyakhta (Buryatia) - 11.5 thousand rubles? Is there any justice in this? Have you reported to the Minister of Defense on this issue? I don’t want to give my surname, so that they would not be accused of “sticking out”. but the problem does exist ... How will it be solved?

There is such a problem, the command of the district sees it and brings it to the attention of the leadership of the Armed Forces. In a sense, it is a growing pain, the practical transfer of a number of military units to military service under contract is the first thing. However, it is also obvious that those who serve in the troops of constant combat readiness, where the rhythm of combat training and all life is immeasurably more intense than, for example, in the military registration and enlistment office, should also have a greater salary. This is a modern, differentiated approach to the assessment of military labor.
One can argue about this, and it is fair to talk about a common problem the adequacy of the pay of servicemen to their work, but the direction, I think, was chosen correctly: where the workload is greater and the tasks are more complex, the pay is higher.

“I work for an ordinary commercial firm, not very well-promoted, but not the poorest either. I don’t go to duty and guard, I don’t go to training grounds. My work is hard, I get tired, sometimes even on Saturdays, and on Sundays I have to finish something, but I also get exactly twice as much as my military husband. A friend at the market sells - in winter, however, it is cold near the containers - and she earns more than my husband a month ... Maybe the commander of the troops explain why this is so? And when this changes - well, he cannot, a normal man should not receive less than his wife, it hurts his pride, offends!
Tatiana, Barnaul.

Dear Tatyana, I somewhat agree with you - not everyone in society and in government structures realizes the complexity and special importance of military labor, its intensity and simply the physical stress that military personnel bear. At the same time, in recent years, the situation around the Armed Forces has become more and more consistent, although not as quickly as we would like, the situation is stabilizing. The best was the provision, financing, the outflow of young officers from the army decreased, housing programs began to work more actively, it was announced that the salaries of all servicemen would increase by 67.5% in the next three years. The outlook is encouraging.

“Comrade commander, according to the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 190 dated May 20, 2005, the family of military personnel, where there are children attending kindergarten, are paid 80% of the cost of the kindergarten. In Chita, financiers refuse to pay this compensation. Why?"

The issue requires consideration on a case-by-case basis. The fact is that the order you are talking about defines compensation only for state kindergartens; if the kindergarten has a different status, then the family is not eligible for the benefit.

“I think the commander will not answer these questions. They are: why are they not letting conscripts go on leave and leave? Don't you think that there is too much drill training in the army and it (together with household work) makes up 95% of the service? There is no sense in such an army (except for serving generals and other senior officers). Generally very sorry for the soldiers. I served in 1989-1991 and it was the same! Nothing changed!!! They, like my call, are always hungry, dirty, tortured, apparently, the food is not very good, right? You probably like to command disenfranchised boys? "
Without a signature.

“This unsigned letter is not true. Holidays for soldiers and sergeants are provided, drill training is not dominant, the number of classes is determined by the schedule, its share in educational process small. Much more, due to the improvement in the general situation, there were exercises, field exercises, and live firings. For example, more than 130 tactical exercises have been conducted at the military level alone this year. To improve the conditions of service in the district, a special program has been implemented for more than two years, military camps are gradually being improved according to European standards, work is underway to reconstruct canteens. In the Siberian Military District, there are no footwear, naked and hungry soldiers, and the rarest facts of misuse of servicemen receive a harsh assessment, up to the dismissal of those who committed illegal actions. If the author has specific facts, please contact me personally, and we will objectively understand everything.
Naturally, there are problems in the life of the district, but this is the result of the failure of specific commanders in specific areas, and not some kind of system, as the author of the letter believes. Moreover, many conscripts, when they come to serve in the Siberian Military District, receive better food, medical care, leisure and physical development than they had before the service. Only this year they have corrected their the physical state over 1,000 young soldiers who were underweight at the time of the call.
“What books the commander reads (if he reads), what films he watches (if he watches). What did you like, what did you dislike? "
Ironic Skeptic.

Books - without irony - I read, naturally, more on special military topics. I love historical fiction... Whenever possible, even while on business trips, I visit museums, premieres of performances, exhibitions, concerts, watch films, as part of my official duties and just in the interests of communication, I constantly meet with people of creative work. I like the objectivity in works, the diversity of genres and art forms, I do not like the lack of spirituality and permissiveness under the guise of imaginary innovation and freedom of expression. Not very pleasant is the constant set of "creative beau monde", which is presented to us from year to year by domestic television.
* * *
Summing up, General of the Army Nikolai Makarov commented on the experiment under the code name "Siberian Military District on line":
“For the first time, we held a kind of“ correspondence press conference ”using the Internet to communicate with our interlocutors in real time. This form of dialogue allows you to summarize, systematize and answer a much larger number of questions than a regular press conference. For us, this is still an experiment. How much he succeeded is to be judged by those who asked the questions, followed the answers. Judging by the fact that more than 60 questions were received, the conference aroused great interest. I think that this form of communication, with all its pros and cons, has a future.

As it became known to "Kommersant", in the 20th
of the Guards Combined Arms Army (headquarters in Voronezh), the third commander is changing in a year and a half. Following his predecessor Sergei Kuzovlev, Major General Yevgeny Nikiforov left the association and with a promotion returned to the 58th Army (headquarters in Vladikavkaz). His place will be taken by the commander of the 68th Army Corps of the Eastern Military District, Major General Alexander Peryazev, who previously led the combat training of the Ground Forces.

Two sources in the Ministry of Defense, including the headquarters of the 20th Army, told Kommersant about the appointment of Alexander Peryazev to Voronezh. According to them, now he is already in charge of the association in the status of acting, but has not yet been presented to the personnel. And the former commander of the formation, Evgeny Nikiforov, recently officially led the 58th Army of the Southern Military District.

Both commanders of the 20th Army, who had been replaced in a year and a half, came from the 58th and returned to it. Major General Kuzovlev, who previously held the post of chief of staff of the Southern Military District, was transferred to Voronezh in July 2015 - almost immediately after the redeployment of the 20th Army from the Nizhny Novgorod region. In August 2016, he returned to the 58th Army as commander. He himself, in an interview with Kommersant, assessed the transfer as a promotion: “This is an appointment to the largest, most powerful and one of the most efficient armies.” The commander of the 20th Army was replaced by a former colleague of Major General Kuzovlev, deputy commander of the 58th Army, Major General Yevgeny Nikiforov. During the ritual of transferring the standard, he called the formation of two divisions within the army as one of the main tasks in his new position.

This task is already in progress. In Valuyki, Belgorod Oblast and Boguchar, Voronezh Oblast, the formation of the 3rd motorized rifle division (based on the 23rd and 9th motorized rifle brigades) has actually been completed. In addition, a number of formations and units of direct army subordination are located and formed in Voronezh and the Voronezh region. In parallel, since the beginning of the redeployment of the army, military camps are being built in Boguchar, Valuyki and Klintsy of the Bryansk region, where the 28th separate Simferopol motorized rifle brigade (previously located in Yekaterinburg) is now located. There are also active formations in the 20th Army in the Kursk region (in particular, the 448th missile and 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigades), and the redeployment to the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2010-2014 did not affect it.

For Major General Periazev, the new appointment can be regarded as a promotion. Units of the 68th Army Corps are located on the territory of one constituent entity of the Russian Federation (Sakhalin Oblast) and are inferior in total number to the 20th Army, and their weapons are less diverse - in the corps, for example, there are no separate air defense units. The association includes the 18th machine-gun and artillery division in the Kuril Islands, as well as the 39th separate motorized rifle brigade, the 137th separate battalion control (analogue in the 20th army - the 9th control brigade), the 312th separate jet division and the 676th separate engineering battalion on Sakhalin.

A significant part of Alexander Peryazev's service in the rank of a senior officer is associated precisely with The Far East: from 2010 to 2013, he was responsible for the combat training, first of the Far Eastern, and then the Eastern military district. In October 2013, Major General Peryazev was appointed head of the combat training directorate of the Ground Forces. In this position, he took an active part in the all-army competitions "Tank Biathlon", where he became the chief judge, and "Suvorov Onslaught". At the same time, when adding new elements of the competition, in particular the throw-march on the "Suvorov Onslaught", the general preferred to run part of the distance himself in order to personally assess its complexity. Kommersant's interlocutors at the Defense Ministry assessed the officer's leadership style as tough. The commander’s reception room did not answer Kommersant’s calls yesterday.

Oleg Mukhin

Alexander Peryazev / personal file

Alexander Peryazev was born on December 26, 1965 in the village of Klyuchi, Tyumensky District, Altai Territory. In 1983 he entered the Kiev Higher Combined Arms Command School. After graduation, he served in the Siberian Military District in positions from the commander of a reconnaissance platoon to the commander of a motorized rifle battalion. In 1997 he graduated from the Frunze Military Academy and then served in the Ground Forces in the Siberian, North Caucasian military districts and the Transcaucasus as chief of staff of a motorized rifle regiment, deputy commander of a motorized rifle regiment, commander of a training regiment, chief of staff of a commander of a tank division, commander of a motorized rifle brigade, commander military base... Also in the mid-2000s, he was the military commandant of the Shatoy region of the Chechen Republic. In 2010 he graduated from the military academy of the General Staff. From 2010 to 2011, he was the head of the combat training department of the Far Eastern Military District, from 2011 to 2013, he was the head of the military training department of the Eastern Military District. Participant in hostilities, awarded with orders and medals.

On October 1, a control check for the 2018 academic year began in the Armed Forces.

Craftsmanship is forged at the training ground. Photo by Olga BALASHOVA.

What will the designations checking, taking into account the analysis of the actions of the troops, pay special attention to during the recently completed Vostok-2018 maneuvers? Will the military units involved in these maneuvers be checked? What are the peculiarities of checking military formations applying for the rank of "shock"?
These and other questions are answered by the Acting Chief of the Main Directorate of Combat Training Armed Forces Russian Federation Major General Alexander PERYAZEV.

Major General Alexander PERYAZEV.

- Alexander Vasilievich, what are the terms of the control check for 2018 academic year and the procedure for its implementation?
- In the Armed Forces, the summer training period of the 2018 academic year ended, during which the troops achieved certain results. In order to know the real situation in the Armed Forces and to determine their combat readiness, they are checked twice a year.
The control check is carried out from October 1 to October 31, 2018 in two stages in accordance with the plans of the main commands of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the commands of the military districts, the Northern Fleet and the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
- Who is involved in the audit as auditees? Will the formations and military units that took part in the maneuvers of the Vostok-2018 troops be checked? Which military formations are not planned to be checked during the ongoing control check?
- Basically, troops and forces are checked by the commissions of military districts, which include officials branches of the armed forces and services in the areas of professional activity.
Formations and military units that took part in the Vostok-2018 maneuvers will not be subject to verification by the decision of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
They were evaluated according to the results of practical actions, but they will be used for control exercises in the main subjects of training for commanders of formations.
The exception will be those formations and military units that were subjected to inspections this year.
- What will be the participation of the central bodies of military command in checking troops (forces)?
- As a rule, the central bodies of military command do not independently check the troops, but participate in the complex commissions of the RF Ministry of Defense. In October current year The complex commissions of the Ministry of Defense will check the troops (forces) under the leadership of the commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces and the commanders of the branches of the Armed Forces, in which representatives of the central bodies of military command will also take part.
- Will your subordinates participate in the audit as inspectors?
- The officers of the Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Armed Forces will also take part in checking the troops as part of the complex commissions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, where they will assess the level of training of the checked formations, military units and subunits on issues of combat training.
- As you know, the analysis of the actions of the headquarters and troops of the Eastern and Central Military Districts and the Northern Fleet during the maneuvers of the Vostok-2018 troops continues. Surely in the Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the first results of this analysis have already appeared in the part concerning the designation troops. With this in mind, what should the inspectors pay close attention to when checking troops?
- This year, the main and most ambitious training event for the Armed Forces was the Vostok-2018 troop maneuvers, in which three operational and strategic formations took part. The formations and military units of these formations were involved in practical actions to confirm the decisions taken at the headquarters as designation troops, where they showed high level training and good field, air and sea training.
The preliminary results of practical actions of troops during maneuvers by the Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Armed Forces have been analyzed, and in the future their results will be communicated to the troops (forces).

This year, over 500 military formations apply for the right to be called shock troops

During the control check, first of all, attention will be paid to the implementation of combat training programs, vocational training officers and staffs, since only a highly trained professional is an officer, the commander can make the most expedient, balanced, well-considered and correct decisions.
Secondly, on the training and coherence of subunits, military units and formations. This determines their ability to perform various combat or combat training missions in any situation and, in general, their combat effectiveness, which guarantees the military security of our state.
- As you know, shock military formations have appeared in our Armed Forces. Who will evaluate them during the ongoing audit? How many are there now in the RF Armed Forces? How many formations, military units and subunits claim to be shock troops?
- By the decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation since last year in the Armed Forces, to increase the competitiveness among formations, military units and subunits, as well as the prestige of service in a certain military collective, competitions are held annually for the right to be the best and to be called shock ones. The very name "striker" suggests that this unit should be an order of magnitude higher in all respects: the level of training of servicemen, staffing levels, the state of equipment and weapons, and the moral and psychological state in comparison with the same units. They have their distinctive features (pennant and the right to wear the "shock" badge by servicemen).
Special attention is paid to strike units, and increased requirements are imposed on them. To meet this title, they need to maintain this level (status) throughout the year, confirm it during various checks.
In 2017, more than 230 units became shock troops. This year, over 500 military formations apply for the right to be called shock troops.
The check of the strike units will be carried out after the check check of the troops by the complex commission of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation under the leadership of the Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Armed Forces.
- Is he improving in recent times method of checking troops? Will any new methodological methods of verification be tested in the course of this check?
- Combat training, like other areas of military activity, is progressively developing. Taking into account the development of theory and practice, new approaches to the training of troops are being developed, the forms, methods and methods of their training are changing.
This control check will be no exception.
Along with checking the individual skills of officers, warrant officers, sergeants and soldiers, their professional training and coherence in the composition of the command body (headquarters), subunit, military unit and formation will be checked. Staff training and tactical briefings will be held with command and control bodies, and with subunits - complex tactical and fire exercises, tactical and fire firing exercises, tactical and special tactical classes in combination with other training subjects.
- Have the criteria for evaluating the inspected servicemen and military units and subunits changed compared to last year? If so, what exactly?
- In general, the criteria for assessing military personnel and units have not changed, but special attention will be paid to the knowledge and application of the experience of modern armed conflicts, including the experience of fighting in Syria. At present, in the course of exercises of various levels and scales, this experience is being successfully introduced into the training of troops and has already had its positive results, which are being transformed into new ways of performing tasks.
- Will the results that their subordinates show during the control check for the 2018 academic year affect the service prospects of the commanders of subunits and military units?
- The career of an officer, commander is primarily influenced by final result his activities to train subordinate units, military units and formations.
According to the results of the training of units that have achieved high indicators, including in combat training, officers confidently move up the career ladder, they are appointed to higher positions, they are assigned ahead of schedule military ranks or they are sent to higher military educational institutions - service academies or the Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.