Spring conscription is underway. Spring appeal and autumn appeal

As is known, autumn call 2019 starts in October, so men between 18 and 27 may soon receive a summons to appear at the recruiting office. What a conscript needs to be able to and know, what to expect from the draft board, how to get a deferment? Answers to these and many other questions can be found in this article.

Service life in the army in 2019-2020

Before each new call-up, there are many rumors that the term of service in the army will be extended to 1 year 8 months, and sometimes up to two years. But you definitely shouldn't believe the rumors. It is best to trust the current legislation, which states that the 2019 conscripts will have to repay their debt to the Motherland for twelve months.

When does the fall 2019 draft start?

In 2019, autumn conscription begins in October, with the exception of the High North, where conscription will begin on November 1st.

In view of this, any conscript has protection from the military registration and enlistment office until October 1. When you receive a summons on an unspecified date, you should not be intimidated, most likely, the recruiting officers simply want to clarify some data that is missing.

When does the autumn call end?

Important! They can call the medical board and call for service directly during this period of time. Cases of violation of the draft procedure by the commission are extremely rare, but nevertheless, if the deadlines are violated, the conscript has the right to challenge this in court, which, according to the law, will be on his side in such a situation.

How many recruits will leave to serve in the fall

The number of conscripts depends on the draft plan, which is personally approved by the President Russian Federation... Taking into account these figures, the military registration and enlistment offices draw up lists of conscripts, according to which summons are sent out after a while.

If we look at the statistics, we can note that the number of conscripts is decreasing every year. Last year, more than 623,000 people received subpoenas, 75% of whom received an adjournment. That is, only 152,000 people were drafted. For comparison, in 2009 the conscription gathered 300,000 servicemen, and in 2011 - 218,000. For the past several years this number has hovered around 150,000, therefore, this year it will remain unchanged.

This begs the question: why the number of conscripts has halved compared to 2009? There are several reasons for this. The fact is that now most of the recruits are children of the 90s. During that harsh time, very few families risked having a second child, since it was very difficult to support even one. In simple words this can be characterized by demographic failure. Another positive reason is the development of contract service. Today, recruits face a difficult choice: to serve a year of military service for free, or two years under a contract, receiving considerable cash support.

Exceptions to the timing of the autumn draft

The Autumn Call does not start on October 1st for everyone. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for exceptions in the terms of the autumn conscription for the following groups:

  • residents of the Far North. The beginning of the call for men in this region begins a month later - on the first of November;
  • villagers. In connection with the collection and sowing of the crop, the military registration and enlistment office may slightly delay the appeal of this population group. However, for this you need to have documents confirming the fact of such work. This can be a work book, an employment contract, and the like;
  • young teachers are completely exempt from the autumn draft due to the beginning school year... But this postponement is temporary, and during the spring call they will still have to repay their debt to the Motherland.

Innovations in the army in 2019

There are absolutely no innovations officially provided this year. But not everyone knows about the innovations that were introduced in last years... Those who think that servicemen are still wrapping footcloths on their feet are deeply mistaken.

More recently, soldiers have been officially allowed to use mobile phones on weekends and sometimes more often.

In recent years, servicemen have been given a new form of uniform, which is popularly called "office".

Among other innovations, it is worth noting that each fighter is fully provided with bath accessories, which are issued along with a travel bag - a men's cosmetic bag.

Autumn appeal 2019 for university graduates

For those who have recently graduated from a higher education institution and received a diploma, russian army offers special conditions - contract service. Instead of a year of military service, it is proposed to serve two, but for special conditionswhich have a number of positive factors. The most significant of them is good (in relation to urgent service) cash support. Also, contracted employees have the right to live outside the military unit, that is, leave it after 17:00 and return back at 6:00, with the exception of days when they are wearing outfits.

Recently, scientific companies have been introduced on the territory of Russia. Today there are only 12 of them, and 600 soldiers from all over the country are serving there. In other words, only 0.2% of recruits have a chance to get into such a unit, and the competition reaches 25 people per place. The conditions of service in such units are much better than in ordinary ones, so those who really consider themselves worthy to serve in a scientific company should certainly try to pass the selection.

Activities of the territorial conscription commission

The territorial commission accepts personal information about the conscript provided by him, as well as the medical commission. Analyzing these data, a decision is made on granting a deferral, transferring a conscript to an alternative civilian service, or on the unsuitability of a person for military service.

It will be useful for everyone to study the specifics of the work of the draft board, since everything that concerns the draft depends on its decision. In case of any illegal actions, the decision of the commission can be easily appealed to higher authorities.

Future conscripts, of course, should delve into the study of the legislation in advance with regard to conscription, so that their rights are not infringed.

IN recent times there are many scammers who offer to help evade the service for money. You should definitely not give in to temptation, since in most cases it is illegal, and you can not only lose money, but also get a more severe punishment, up to a prison term. It is not for nothing that they say that military service makes a man out of a boy, so evading the draft is most often unjustified. Happy service!

Activities that provide for the recruitment of young men for military service are held under the auspices of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, but at their core they have a regulatory document approved by the meeting State Duma... This document is called the law on military service and has remained relevant for 20 years. The call itself is held strictly according to a certain algorithm, taking into account the adopted changes that are annually introduced to the specified law. 2018 was no exception, but every year future conscripts continue to receive questions related to the organization of draft events.

The law on military service itself was signed back in 1998. It includes articles defining the order of conscription and service, the rights and obligations of conscripts, the organization of alternative service. A more detailed mechanism for replenishing the ranks of the aircraft should be considered separately.

The beginning of the draft campaign

The conscription period, that is, the time during which the military conscription commission works, covers all seasons of the year, but is divided into two parts and lasts for several months. The Federal Law No. 53 determines that the first period begins on April 1, therefore it is called the spring period. The second one starts in the fall, October 1.

Despite the fact that the terms during which conscription activities are carried out are well defined, and the dates of the beginning and end of the campaigns are known, the replenishment of the ranks of the armed forces in Russia begins only after the corresponding Presidential Decree.

The decree is signed a few days before the start of the call. In 2018, it was published at the end of March. His text contains an order to the departments of the Ministry of Defense and to the executive authorities in the regions. Tasks are set to ensure the conduct of conscription events, as well as to transfer servicemen to the reserve. And already on the basis of this decree, the Ministry of Defense forms working orders for the structural units of the military commissariat.

Dates, spring and autumn

The draft campaign in 2018 will be held in two stages:

  1. Spring appeal 2018 in terms of its timing is no different from its counterpart of the previous year. It will start on April 1 and will last 106 days. This means that the end date is in the summer month. Despite the fact that conscripts will be taken into the army until July 15, the name of this process is primarily associated with the time of its beginning, not the end.
  2. It should be noted that the duration of the autumn conscription is somewhat shorter, since it lasts only 92 days. A break in the work of the military commission makes it possible to prepare the effective conduct of conscription events, so the recruitment of citizens for service outside the established time limits is not carried out. So, the autumn draft 2018 will start from October 1 and runs until December 31. A summons proposing to appear at the military registration and enlistment office in January or March is considered illegal, except for the purpose of verifying the data.

There is another interesting point. Recently leaked information that the Department of Defense is planning to make some changes to the rules for conscription. The Ministry of Defense will provide an opportunity to slightly reduce the service life, as well as allow recruits to re-undergo a medical examination.

The military department plans to divide all conscripts into two categories:

  1. The first will be recruits who are not there military ranks, and in stock.
  2. The second will include those who have already received the rank of soldiers who are no longer listed in the reserve.

Conscription carried out twice a year on the basis of Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.
The terms of spring conscription and autumn conscription are approved in article 25 of the Federal Law "On conscription and military service."

Service life in 2020.

In 2020, the deadline military service for citizens doing military service by conscription is 12 months;
(According to subparagraph "d" of paragraph 1 of article 38 of the Federal Law of the OVOiVS)

The nuance of the spring call and the autumn call.

Conscription events can only be held in the number of the spring call and the number of the autumn call.
Thus, it is prohibited to carry out conscription activities against a conscript in violation of the period of the spring conscription or the period of the autumn conscription in accordance with Article 25 of the Federal Law on Military and Military Affairs.
A medical examination in violation of the terms of the spring and autumn conscription is illegal. The results of such a medical examination should be appealed in court.

If an employee of the military registration and enlistment office hands over a summons to the medical board with a date of appearance that does not correspond to the spring or autumn call-up, then the requirement to come on the specified day for passing the medical board is illegal. Such a summons must be appealed to a higher authority or in court.

The timing of the spring call

Spring appeal starts on April 1 and ends on July 15.

With the exception of:
... In the regions of the Far North, the spring conscription is carried out from May 1 to July 15.
... Pedagogical workers educational institutions are called up from May 1 to July 15 (regardless of place of residence).
... For citizens living in rural areas and at the same time engaged in sowing harvesting, there is no spring draft.

service: Postponement
legal aid to conscripts

Dates of the autumn call.

Autumn call starts on October 1 and ends on December 31.

With the exception of:
... In the regions of the Far North, the autumn conscription is carried out from November 1 to December 31.
... There is no autumn draft for teachers of educational institutions.
... For citizens living in rural areas and at the same time engaged in sowing harvesting work, the autumn call is carried out from October 15 to December 31.

Article 25 of the Federal Law "On conscription and military service"
Terms of conscription of citizens for military service
1. The conscription for military service of citizens who are not in the reserve is carried out twice a year from April 1 to July 15 and from October 1 to December 31 on the basis of decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, with the following exceptions:
a) citizens living in certain areas of the Far North or in certain localities equated to the regions of the Far North are called up for military service from May 1 to July 15 or from November 1 to December 31. The list of the indicated regions and localities, as well as the terms of conscription for military service of citizens living in these regions and localities, are determined The General Staff The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
b) citizens living in rural areas and directly involved in sowing and harvesting works are called up for military service from October 15 to December 31;
c) citizens who are educators educational institutions are called up for military service from May 1 to July 15.

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On our website you can find out everything about the spring conscription, get up-to-date information about conscription and military service, and also ask another user a question in the comments.

The spring conscription lasts from March to July. The work of medical commissions at military enlistment offices begins on March 1 and continues until July 15. In March, university graduates pass the commission, since April all the others go.

A few tips for recruits. It has long been known that the only doctor who considers the patient to be completely healthy works in the military registration and enlistment office. That is why graduates should go through an independent medical examination before starting a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office and, if there are medical indications for a postponement, stock up on relevant documents.

When conscripted into military service, conscripts may be granted a deferment or exemption from conscription. The postponement is given for a certain period, after which the young man will have to serve, and release is the final decision when a person is recognized by doctors as unfit or partially fit for service.

A deferment is provided to young people to graduate from a secondary educational institution, a secondary specialized educational institution, if they have not previously received a certificate of complete secondary general education (11 classes), a diploma of a higher educational institution of state accreditation, etc.

When does the spring call start: read the details below

The spring appeal begins in the month of February, when graduates of higher educational institutions receive subpoenas. From March 1, medical commissions at military registration and enlistment offices begin to work, at the same time former students undergo medical examination. Other conscripts will come later, from April 1. The conscripts living in the Far North regions and teachers are called up even later, the military registration and enlistment offices will send them summons for the period from May 1 to July 15. For villagers who are directly involved in spring field work, conscription for military service in the spring and summer period is not provided.

The spring call, like the autumn call, is a cause for concern for a large number of young men and their parents. In order to better prepare for the draft, it is recommended that you first find out what deferrals or exemptions from service may be suitable for this conscript. For these purposes, you can take a closer look at the legal acts on military service. They list all applicable deferrals and exemptions.

If there are medical contraindications, you should undergo a preliminary independent medical examination, take copies of the conclusion with you to the medical examination and insist that the members of the commission familiarize themselves with them.

Summer conscription - what to expect, how to prepare

On the Internet, "there is a place to be" a message that a representative of the Ministry of Defense said that they are preparing to amend the draft law. Now the terms of the spring conscription into the army will last until August 31 and will become spring-summer. The reason for this decision was the desire to increase the service life directly in the unit. Earlier, conscripts spent 6 months in the training unit and only half a year in the ranks. Now, by increasing the terms of conscription and reducing the number of conscripts in the spring, the training units will train soldiers in three months, increasing the number of classes and material studied. Thus, the time of this service will last 9 months, which will undoubtedly yield positive results in the quality of training for the defenders of the homeland.

However, despite such statements, the terms of the conscription order did not change. The call will last, as always, from March 1 to July 15. Perhaps the change in terms will occur next year, and perhaps there will be no changes. Time will tell whether there will be a summer draft in the army in Russia, but for now the recruits should prepare for a visit to the military registration and enlistment office.

Article content:

According to tradition, a military conscription should be held annually not only in the fall, but also in the spring. Moreover, the names fully reflect the timing of the massive military conscription.

Terms of military conscription in the Russian Federation in 2018

The draft commissions, as before, must begin their activities on time, which are determined at the legislative level, but with certain nuances.

The term is determined by the current laws of the Russian Federation. It is noted that the beginning falls on April 1st. Despite the fact that this date was originally associated with humor and fun, April Fool's Day, the recruits and their close relatives perceive the day differently. On April 1, an order should be started for further conscription into the army, and the primary task is to fully check the state of health, the deviations of which can be recorded unexpectedly for the person himself.

When does the spring draft end in 2018?

The duration is still 3.5 months. Thus, the spring call starts on April 1st and ends on July 15th.

Graduates of higher educational institutions who successfully defended thesisget a respite until August 31st. Despite this, all alumni receive a summons at the beginning of the summer.

Service life of conscripts

Many guys have heard about the increase in military service in the army. This, no doubt, led to serious concern. However, it turned out that such news, regularly appearing in the media, is a common fiction. Fortunately, as before, the service life will be exactly one year - 12 months.

Are there any innovations?

There are three main innovations that make army service easier:

  1. Now each conscript (travel bag) receives a special kit with personal hygiene products, thanks to which maximum help is guaranteed regarding things that need to be taken with you to the army. In addition, the bag contributes to an initial increase in the comfort of guys who must serve the good of their homeland.
  2. Recruitment to scientific companies will continue. However, to enter the research companies, you need to go through a special competition, because the number of places is limited.
  3. Another innovation is a nap, which is mandatory for all military personnel. Daytime sleep allows all guys in the army to maintain good health and optimal performance and endurance.

Are the call times always the same?

There are exceptions to the timing, but they are determined at the legislative level:

  • citizens living in the northern regions of Russia. In this case, shortened draft terms are assumed. The legislation provides for a shift in the start date of conscription by a whole month;
  • employees of the educational sector, regardless of profession and position. In this case, the period of conscription is valid from May 1 to July 15;
  • villagers and workers agriculture are not participants in the spring call. For them, only the autumn call is assigned.

Such exceptions apply at the legislative level.

What's included in the Spring Call?

The concept of calling plays an important role. Every conscript should know what is included in the spring draft. It is imperative to know all the important steps:

  1. On initial stage a medical examination is carried out at the military registration and enlistment office to confirm good health.
  2. Then a mandatory meeting of the district conscription commission is expected. A documentary decision on conscription is made based on the results of a medical examination. The guy may be sent to the service, released from military duties or called for a second medical examination due to temporary health problems. In case of a positive decision, a combat agenda will be provided, allowing to carry out army service for the benefit of the homeland.
  3. In many situations, a summons to the army is issued immediately after the medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office. In this case, the guy should be recognized as fit for military service for health reasons. In this situation, the decision of the draft board is drawn up "retroactively", but this implies a violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. However, in recent years, violations of the law have been widespread.
  4. The terms of conscription can be changed, which also implies a direct violation of the rights of conscripts. If the events are held outside the deadlines, a direct violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation is assumed. Moreover, the results of such events cannot have legal force, therefore, on their basis, the guy cannot be recognized as fit for military service.

The Spring Call can only be held on time and on the basis of current legislation.